Welcome, friends, to Sabbath School Study Hour. 00:00:35.36\00:00:38.07 And we're glad that you've tuned in today 00:00:38.07\00:00:39.83 to join us as we study God's Word. 00:00:39.83\00:00:42.04 We know that people from 00:00:42.04\00:00:43.30 all four corners of the earth are part of this class. 00:00:43.30\00:00:47.14 And we get our messages that come into 00:00:47.14\00:00:49.31 our Granite Bay Church website, 00:00:49.31\00:00:51.45 some to my personal Facebook site, 00:00:51.45\00:00:53.52 and we love to hear your responses 00:00:53.52\00:00:55.35 that you're participating in the Sabbath School Study. 00:00:55.35\00:00:58.45 And today we're going to be continuing in our study dealing 00:00:58.45\00:01:02.22 with the subject of stewardship. 00:01:02.22\00:01:04.53 And Pastor Ross today is going to be especially teaching 00:01:04.53\00:01:07.36 lesson number 11, and this is very important, 00:01:07.36\00:01:10.33 it's Debt: A Daily Decision. 00:01:10.33\00:01:13.34 And it may be some of you will have questions 00:01:13.34\00:01:16.24 regarding this very important subject 00:01:16.24\00:01:17.81 and if you send them to our Facebook site 00:01:17.81\00:01:20.48 or email them to the church here, 00:01:20.48\00:01:22.31 they'll be some that we'll try to gather those 00:01:22.31\00:01:24.68 and we'll see if we can incorporate 00:01:24.68\00:01:26.01 some of your questions into today's study. 00:01:26.01\00:01:29.02 But before we get into our study for today, 00:01:29.02\00:01:30.69 we like to invite our singers out, 00:01:30.69\00:01:32.45 we're going to be singing, 00:01:32.45\00:01:33.69 and I'll tell you more about the offer in just a little bit. 00:01:33.69\00:01:37.83 We are so excited to be singing with you like we do every week. 00:01:37.83\00:01:41.96 And we want you to join with us, 00:01:41.96\00:01:43.73 those of you here and those of you at home 00:01:43.73\00:01:45.83 as we sing a medley and some of our favorite songs. 00:01:45.83\00:01:48.77 All hail King Jesus 00:02:01.55\00:02:06.02 All hail Emmanuel 00:02:06.02\00:02:11.09 King of kings 00:02:11.09\00:02:13.43 Lord of lords 00:02:13.43\00:02:15.60 Bright Morning Star 00:02:15.60\00:02:19.93 And throughout eternity 00:02:19.93\00:02:24.37 I'll sing Your praises 00:02:24.37\00:02:28.88 And I'll reign with You 00:02:28.88\00:02:31.71 Throughout eternity 00:02:31.71\00:02:38.82 Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee 00:02:38.82\00:02:43.19 God of glory, Lord of love 00:02:43.19\00:02:47.50 Hearts unfold like flow'rs before Thee 00:02:47.50\00:02:51.77 Op'ning to the sun above 00:02:51.77\00:02:56.17 Melt the clouds of sin and sadness 00:02:56.17\00:03:00.44 Drive the dark of doubt away 00:03:00.44\00:03:04.78 Giver of immortal gladness 00:03:04.78\00:03:09.08 Fill us with the light of day 00:03:09.08\00:03:14.59 All Thy works with joy surround Thee 00:03:14.59\00:03:18.83 Earth and heav'n reflect Thy rays 00:03:18.83\00:03:22.96 Stars and angels sing around Thee 00:03:22.96\00:03:27.34 Center of unbroken praise 00:03:27.34\00:03:31.74 Field and forest, vale and mountain 00:03:31.74\00:03:36.04 Flow'ry meadow, flashing sea 00:03:36.04\00:03:40.18 Chanting bird and flowing fountain 00:03:40.18\00:03:44.59 Call us to rejoice in Thee 00:03:44.59\00:03:50.16 Majesty 00:03:50.16\00:03:53.50 Worship His majesty 00:03:53.50\00:03:58.10 Unto Jesus be all glory 00:03:58.10\00:04:02.74 Honor and praise 00:04:02.74\00:04:08.28 Majesty Kingdom authority 00:04:08.28\00:04:16.08 Flow from His throne 00:04:16.08\00:04:18.49 Unto His own His anthem raise 00:04:18.49\00:04:24.96 So exalt, lift up on high 00:04:24.96\00:04:29.20 The name of Jesus 00:04:29.20\00:04:34.04 Magnify, come glorify 00:04:34.04\00:04:38.17 Christ Jesus the King 00:04:38.17\00:04:44.15 Majesty 00:04:44.15\00:04:47.52 Worship His majesty 00:04:47.52\00:04:52.09 Jesus who died, now glorified 00:04:52.09\00:04:56.73 King of all kings 00:04:56.73\00:05:01.13 Jesus who died, now glorified 00:05:01.13\00:05:05.77 King of all kings 00:05:05.77\00:05:09.74 All hail King Jesus 00:05:09.74\00:05:14.44 All hail Emmanuel 00:05:14.44\00:05:19.68 King of kings 00:05:19.68\00:05:22.05 Lord of lords 00:05:22.05\00:05:24.35 Bright Morning Star 00:05:24.35\00:05:28.76 And throughout eternity 00:05:28.76\00:05:33.53 I'll sing Your praises 00:05:33.53\00:05:38.23 And I'll reign with You 00:05:38.23\00:05:41.20 Throughout eternity 00:05:41.20\00:05:47.71 And I'll reign with You 00:05:47.71\00:05:51.21 throughout eternity 00:05:51.21\00:05:59.09 Thank you so much for singing with us. 00:06:05.59\00:06:07.66 And I hope you were blessed and at this time Pastor Doug 00:06:07.66\00:06:11.43 is going to have our opening prayer. 00:06:11.43\00:06:13.64 Thank you to our singers. 00:06:13.64\00:06:15.44 And, again, I want to welcome any who may have just joined us 00:06:15.44\00:06:17.97 in the route, we're so glad that you are a part of 00:06:17.97\00:06:20.04 our Sabbath School Study Hour. 00:06:20.04\00:06:22.08 And we know that we have some of you 00:06:22.08\00:06:23.55 who are actually online members 00:06:23.55\00:06:25.11 from different parts of the world, 00:06:25.11\00:06:26.51 and we're glad that you're joining us today. 00:06:26.51\00:06:28.32 Now we have a free offer 00:06:28.32\00:06:29.45 and we hope you make the most of this. 00:06:29.45\00:06:31.42 Free offer, this is actually a book 00:06:31.42\00:06:33.36 that you could say I wrote with Pastor Joe Crews 00:06:33.36\00:06:36.12 because it is a combination of two of our messages 00:06:36.12\00:06:40.13 dealing with the subject of the flesh and the spirit. 00:06:40.13\00:06:43.16 It's a battle that I suspect everybody here 00:06:43.16\00:06:45.83 has known something about, 00:06:45.83\00:06:47.74 and you will be blessed by this. 00:06:47.74\00:06:49.80 And so, if you like a free copy of the book, 00:06:49.80\00:06:51.74 The Flesh and the Spirit, call the number 866-788-3966. 00:06:51.74\00:06:58.08 That's same as 866-Study-More, ask for offer number 792. 00:06:58.08\00:07:03.59 Call, we'll send you a copy, read it, 00:07:03.59\00:07:05.22 and share with your friends. 00:07:05.22\00:07:06.59 Before we begin our study, let's have a word of prayer. 00:07:06.59\00:07:10.09 Loving Lord, we just really pray 00:07:10.09\00:07:12.53 that the Holy Spirit will be present now. 00:07:12.53\00:07:14.73 We're going to be talking about a very practical subject 00:07:14.73\00:07:17.40 that we all deal with from day to day 00:07:17.40\00:07:19.90 many parables address the subject of debt, 00:07:19.90\00:07:22.90 help us know how to apply this to our lives 00:07:22.90\00:07:25.74 and that we might be faithful stewards. 00:07:25.74\00:07:27.94 Bless our teacher now, we pray in Jesus' name, amen. 00:07:27.94\00:07:33.11 Pastor Ross is going to be bringing us our lesson today. 00:07:33.11\00:07:35.98 Good morning, everyone. 00:07:40.32\00:07:42.66 Pastor Doug and I decided to exchange roles this morning. 00:07:42.66\00:07:46.49 He did the introduction and I'm teaching 00:07:46.49\00:07:48.33 or at least leading out in the lesson. 00:07:48.33\00:07:50.40 And, again, we want to remind those 00:07:50.40\00:07:51.70 who are joining us on Facebook, 00:07:51.70\00:07:53.00 we're going to try and take a few moments 00:07:53.00\00:07:54.74 near the end of our study this morning 00:07:54.74\00:07:57.11 to answer some of your questions 00:07:57.11\00:07:58.97 relating to the subject of debt. 00:07:58.97\00:08:00.41 I'm actually going to invite Pastor Doug 00:08:00.41\00:08:01.88 to come join me a little later 00:08:01.88\00:08:03.11 and we're going to try and look at 00:08:03.11\00:08:04.75 as many questions as we can on this important subject. 00:08:04.75\00:08:09.08 Now for those of you who don't have a copy of our lesson 00:08:09.08\00:08:11.92 quarterly dealing with stewardship, 00:08:11.92\00:08:14.02 I've been told that the lesson is available for free 00:08:14.02\00:08:17.49 to download at the following websites. 00:08:17.49\00:08:21.16 So those who are viewing online, 00:08:21.16\00:08:23.20 you can download it right now just study.aftv.org 00:08:23.20\00:08:29.07 Again, that's the website 00:08:29.07\00:08:30.21 if you want to download today's lesson. 00:08:30.21\00:08:32.24 And the title of our lesson number 11 00:08:32.24\00:08:34.84 is what we're looking at 00:08:34.84\00:08:36.81 is Debt: A Daily Decision. 00:08:36.81\00:08:40.92 Important subject that we're be looking at. 00:08:40.92\00:08:42.45 We have a memory text, 00:08:42.45\00:08:44.32 comes to us from Romans 13:7 and 8, 00:08:44.32\00:08:48.16 I'm going to read this right out of our lesson quarterly 00:08:48.16\00:08:51.26 that says, "Give to everyone what you owe them. 00:08:51.26\00:08:55.43 If you owe taxes, what must you do, 00:08:55.43\00:08:58.00 pay the taxes." 00:08:58.00\00:08:59.07 "If revenue, then revenue. If respect, then respect. 00:08:59.07\00:09:03.34 If honor, then honor." 00:09:03.34\00:09:06.07 Now here is the point I want us to take note of, 00:09:06.07\00:09:08.24 "Let no debt remain outstanding, 00:09:08.24\00:09:11.75 except continuing debt of love for one another, 00:09:11.75\00:09:15.32 for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law." 00:09:15.32\00:09:20.09 Now that last phrase 00:09:20.09\00:09:21.19 whoever loves others has fulfilled the law, 00:09:21.19\00:09:23.66 the Ten Commandments as you know are divided up 00:09:23.66\00:09:26.23 into two parts. 00:09:26.23\00:09:27.23 It's Ten Commandments, 00:09:27.23\00:09:28.30 but divided up roughly into two sections. 00:09:28.30\00:09:30.93 We have the first four of the Ten Commandments 00:09:30.93\00:09:32.97 that have to do with our relationship with God. 00:09:32.97\00:09:35.34 It defines for us what it is to love God. 00:09:35.34\00:09:38.21 The last six of the Ten Commandments 00:09:38.21\00:09:39.87 define for us 00:09:39.87\00:09:40.88 what it is to love our own neighbor as ourself. 00:09:40.88\00:09:44.31 And one of those commandments tells us 00:09:44.31\00:09:45.81 that we should not steal, meaning, 00:09:45.81\00:09:47.65 take something that does not belong to us. 00:09:47.65\00:09:50.75 There is another commandment in particular that deals with debt 00:09:50.75\00:09:55.02 and it's the Ten Commandment that talks about covetousness, 00:09:55.02\00:09:57.93 but we'll get to that a little later in our study today. 00:09:57.93\00:10:01.83 So this week we're going to be looking at 00:10:01.83\00:10:03.20 what the Bible has to say about debt. 00:10:03.20\00:10:05.90 I remember growing up, 00:10:05.90\00:10:07.57 often the families would get together, 00:10:07.57\00:10:09.74 my dad siblings and they would be talking, 00:10:09.74\00:10:11.97 and visiting, and we would be having a wonderful time, 00:10:11.97\00:10:13.84 but then someone would say, "I have to go to work." 00:10:13.84\00:10:16.85 And I remember little rhyme that often would be said 00:10:16.85\00:10:19.95 when it was time to go to work, 00:10:19.95\00:10:21.18 and it goes something like this, 00:10:21.18\00:10:22.42 "I owe, I owe, I owe so off to work I go." 00:10:22.42\00:10:26.65 Looks like you folks have heard that before. 00:10:26.65\00:10:29.02 You know, when you think about that, 00:10:29.02\00:10:30.16 that's probably true in a lot of situations, 00:10:30.16\00:10:32.83 in a lot of families here in America 00:10:32.83\00:10:35.23 and around the world 00:10:35.23\00:10:36.26 especially more developed countries where it seems, 00:10:36.26\00:10:39.63 we go to work to really pay off the credit card or at least try 00:10:39.63\00:10:43.10 and pay the interest on the credit card, right? 00:10:43.10\00:10:46.04 And so debt is a serious issue 00:10:46.04\00:10:48.74 that as Christians we need to talk about. 00:10:48.74\00:10:51.11 In our lesson we have the opening paragraph, it says, 00:10:51.11\00:10:53.28 "Sometimes you can be lucky enough to have someone 00:10:53.28\00:10:55.55 who is willing to lend you money. 00:10:55.55\00:10:57.69 Maybe that person does so with a pure motive 00:10:57.69\00:11:00.66 that is he or she 00:11:00.66\00:11:01.86 actually wants to help you out of a financial jam." 00:11:01.86\00:11:04.96 But in most cases people don't lend you money 00:11:04.96\00:11:09.70 out of the goodness of their heart, 00:11:09.70\00:11:11.90 they lend you money 00:11:11.90\00:11:13.00 because they want to earn 00:11:13.00\00:11:14.50 more of your money in return, isn't that correct? 00:11:14.50\00:11:18.27 Yes. 00:11:18.27\00:11:19.31 What's the word that we use 00:11:19.31\00:11:20.91 when it talks about people wanting to earn our money 00:11:20.91\00:11:24.11 by giving us money first? 00:11:24.11\00:11:26.31 We call that interest, right? 00:11:26.31\00:11:28.35 Seems like our society revolves around interest. 00:11:28.35\00:11:30.89 Well, here are some interesting facts about interest. 00:11:30.89\00:11:35.39 For example, if you were to take out a mortgage, 00:11:35.39\00:11:37.56 and we understand that there are situations 00:11:37.56\00:11:39.33 where we do need to take out a loan, 00:11:39.33\00:11:42.40 one in particular is buying a house. 00:11:42.40\00:11:44.90 There are probably some good reasons 00:11:44.90\00:11:46.80 to purchase a house instead of just keep renting a house. 00:11:46.80\00:11:50.11 But there is not too many people 00:11:50.11\00:11:51.17 that can come up with cash to buy a house. 00:11:51.17\00:11:54.81 But if you would look at the interest, 00:11:54.81\00:11:56.95 if you were to take out a mortgage for $200,000. 00:11:56.95\00:12:01.02 I pick that number because here in California 00:12:01.02\00:12:03.08 $200,000 for mortgage is, 00:12:03.08\00:12:05.92 well, I don't think you can buy a house in California. 00:12:05.92\00:12:07.86 At least not in this area for $200,000, isn't that correct? 00:12:07.86\00:12:11.23 In some areas it's even more, but so I pick $200,000 00:12:11.23\00:12:14.03 because it's easy to do the math. 00:12:14.03\00:12:15.76 And I said, you shopped around 00:12:15.76\00:12:17.17 and you were able to get a 30-year mortgage 00:12:17.17\00:12:19.67 at just a fantastic interest rate of 3.5%. 00:12:19.67\00:12:25.07 Can you still get mortgages at 3.5%? 00:12:25.07\00:12:28.08 I think it's beginning to go up now. 00:12:28.08\00:12:29.64 Anyway let's say you're able to lock in an interest at 3.5, 00:12:29.64\00:12:32.98 it's a 30-year loan on $200,000, 00:12:32.98\00:12:37.39 you'll end up paying an interest, 00:12:37.39\00:12:39.25 this is just the interest, 00:12:39.25\00:12:41.19 $123,312 00:12:41.19\00:12:45.86 that is 61% of the original amount 00:12:45.86\00:12:48.83 that you're asking for, 00:12:48.83\00:12:50.67 you have to add on to the top to pay the interest. 00:12:50.67\00:12:53.37 So on a $200,000 mortgage 00:12:53.37\00:12:56.60 you end up paying $323,312. 00:12:56.60\00:13:02.18 That's why people are so keen to give you a loan 00:13:02.18\00:13:05.41 'cause there is a lot of money involved. 00:13:05.41\00:13:07.82 Now typically here in North America 00:13:07.82\00:13:10.19 an average mortgage is 30 years, 00:13:10.19\00:13:13.15 and you want to try and do the best 00:13:13.15\00:13:14.69 you can to get the shortest term 00:13:14.69\00:13:17.06 for you mortgage 00:13:17.06\00:13:18.33 'cause you end up paying less interest, 00:13:18.33\00:13:20.10 although typically the monthly payments 00:13:20.10\00:13:21.76 then end up in higher. 00:13:21.76\00:13:23.43 But did you know that in the United States it is legal 00:13:23.43\00:13:26.23 for a bank to give you a 50-year mortgage? 00:13:26.23\00:13:30.64 That's a long mortgage, you don't want that. 00:13:30.64\00:13:33.27 However, if you're living in Japan, 00:13:33.27\00:13:36.08 things are so expensive over there 00:13:36.08\00:13:37.45 that in 2002 a law was passed 00:13:37.45\00:13:40.95 allowing a 100-year mortgage in Japan. 00:13:40.95\00:13:44.82 You could take out a loan for a 100 years on a house. 00:13:44.82\00:13:48.46 And in 2006 the United Kingdom adopted the same thing. 00:13:48.46\00:13:52.96 You could take out a 100-year mortgage. 00:13:52.96\00:13:54.76 In other words, 00:13:54.76\00:13:55.80 if your great grandfather at the end of World War I 00:13:55.80\00:13:59.53 in 1918 took out a 100-year mortgage on a house, 00:13:59.53\00:14:03.41 the good news is that you would be paying it off this year. 00:14:03.41\00:14:06.24 It will probably pass on from one generation to another, 00:14:06.24\00:14:08.98 but that's incredible a 100-year mortgage 00:14:08.98\00:14:11.85 and you can get it. 00:14:11.85\00:14:12.91 Now, of course, individuals are not the only ones 00:14:12.91\00:14:16.05 that end up taking out loans and getting into debt. 00:14:16.05\00:14:20.19 All right, countries have a reputation 00:14:20.19\00:14:22.46 of getting into debt. 00:14:22.46\00:14:23.93 And you probably heard a lot of discussion 00:14:23.93\00:14:25.53 recently about the US debt. 00:14:25.53\00:14:28.43 Currently it stands at $20.5 trillion, 00:14:28.43\00:14:34.04 that's a lot of money, 00:14:34.04\00:14:35.67 but it's kind of hard for us to wrap our minds 00:14:35.67\00:14:37.51 around $20.5 trillion. 00:14:37.51\00:14:39.34 If you took the US national debt 00:14:39.34\00:14:41.68 and you divided it up amongst 00:14:41.68\00:14:43.35 every person in the United States 00:14:43.35\00:14:45.28 that is husband, wife, man, woman, child, 00:14:45.28\00:14:48.25 everybody it divided all up 00:14:48.25\00:14:50.35 each person would be responsible, 00:14:50.35\00:14:52.79 if you want to pay the debt off, 00:14:52.79\00:14:54.86 each person will be responsible to come with $62,651. 00:14:54.86\00:15:01.43 That's if you take the national debt 00:15:01.43\00:15:02.90 and you divide it amongst every person 00:15:02.90\00:15:04.80 in the United States. 00:15:04.80\00:15:06.30 Well, I don't think we're going to be paying 00:15:06.30\00:15:07.47 that debt off anytime soon 00:15:07.47\00:15:08.94 if everybody has to come up with $62,000. 00:15:08.94\00:15:12.11 Now the annual interest that is paid on the US debt 00:15:12.11\00:15:15.74 is $310 billion, that's the interest. 00:15:15.74\00:15:21.48 Now how much is that? 00:15:21.48\00:15:23.69 Two years ago the federal income tax 00:15:23.69\00:15:26.65 received from the entire state of Texas 00:15:26.65\00:15:30.89 was about $300 billion. 00:15:30.89\00:15:34.36 In other words, all the money that came from Texas furnished 00:15:34.36\00:15:37.73 the debt for the US government, isn't that remarkable? 00:15:37.73\00:15:42.34 And that's just the interest. 00:15:42.34\00:15:43.44 So countries are in trouble 00:15:43.44\00:15:45.54 when it comes to borrowing money, 00:15:45.54\00:15:47.38 it's easy to keep raising the debts ceiling, 00:15:47.38\00:15:49.41 but are we ever going to be able to pay that off. 00:15:49.41\00:15:52.05 So Christians need to be aware of the trap of debt. 00:15:52.05\00:15:57.25 Now Sunday's lesson is entitled Borrowing and Spending. 00:15:57.25\00:16:01.72 And it opens up with a little story 00:16:01.72\00:16:03.36 about the Prophet Elisha. 00:16:03.36\00:16:05.09 And if you have your Bibles, you can turn to 2 Kings 6, 00:16:05.09\00:16:07.96 we have a story, we're going to look at 00:16:07.96\00:16:08.96 the first six verses here. 00:16:08.96\00:16:11.23 And it's emphasizing 00:16:11.23\00:16:12.37 the importance of taking seriously paying off our debts. 00:16:12.37\00:16:18.04 And verse 1, this is 2 Kings 6 beginning here in verse 1. 00:16:18.04\00:16:22.78 It says, "Now the sons of the prophets said to Elisha," 00:16:22.78\00:16:25.88 I was talking about the sons of the prophet 00:16:25.88\00:16:27.22 that's not all of Elisha's kids, 00:16:27.22\00:16:29.35 but there were the schools of the prophets 00:16:29.35\00:16:31.72 back in the days of Elijah and Elisha, 00:16:31.72\00:16:34.16 and they would travel from these different schools 00:16:34.16\00:16:36.19 where young men would come 00:16:36.19\00:16:37.36 and they would learn not only 00:16:37.36\00:16:39.86 what the Bible have to say back in those days, 00:16:39.86\00:16:42.33 they would focus on the Psalms, 00:16:42.33\00:16:44.27 they would focus on the first five books of Moses 00:16:44.27\00:16:47.47 that would talk about sacred history, 00:16:47.47\00:16:49.47 often they would learn some kind of a trade, 00:16:49.47\00:16:52.04 they call this the schools of the prophets. 00:16:52.04\00:16:54.48 And so in one of these schools the young men came to Elisha, 00:16:54.48\00:16:57.95 and this is what they said in verse 1, 00:16:57.95\00:17:00.28 "See, now the place where we dwell with you 00:17:00.28\00:17:03.05 is too small for us." 00:17:03.05\00:17:04.62 So they were all crowded into this little one room school 00:17:04.62\00:17:07.42 so to speak. 00:17:07.42\00:17:08.96 Verse 2, "Please let us go to the Jordan 00:17:08.96\00:17:11.06 and let every man take a beam from there, 00:17:11.06\00:17:13.40 and let us make there a place where we may dwell." 00:17:13.40\00:17:16.87 So they wanted to build a dormitory 00:17:16.87\00:17:19.10 where the young men could stay 00:17:19.10\00:17:20.57 and they wanted to go down to the Jordan River. 00:17:20.57\00:17:22.90 Why the Jordan? 00:17:22.90\00:17:23.97 Well, there were more trees down there, 00:17:23.97\00:17:25.84 and they could go, and they could cut down trees, 00:17:25.84\00:17:27.58 and they could build themselves a little place to stay. 00:17:27.58\00:17:30.45 Probably, it wasn't very far from where they were. 00:17:30.45\00:17:33.38 So the prophet said in verse 2, he said, "Well, go." 00:17:33.38\00:17:35.98 Sounds like a good idea. 00:17:35.98\00:17:37.05 Verse 3, "Then one said, 00:17:37.05\00:17:38.72 'Please, consent to go with your servants.' 00:17:38.72\00:17:40.96 And he said, 'I will.'" 00:17:40.96\00:17:42.29 It's always a good thing 00:17:42.29\00:17:43.36 when your students want the teacher 00:17:43.36\00:17:45.19 to go with them to do something. 00:17:45.19\00:17:47.50 They love Elisha, their prophet, 00:17:47.50\00:17:49.33 the one who is teaching them. 00:17:49.33\00:17:50.50 Verse 4, "So he went with them. 00:17:50.50\00:17:54.14 When they came to the Jordan, they cut down these trees." 00:17:54.14\00:17:56.74 Verse 5 says, "But one was cutting down a tree, 00:17:56.74\00:18:00.38 the iron axe head fell into the water, 00:18:00.38\00:18:03.91 and he cried out and he said, 'Alas, master! 00:18:03.91\00:18:06.25 For it was borrowed.'" 00:18:06.25\00:18:08.78 Now little bit of historical background during this time, 00:18:08.78\00:18:11.09 the time of Elijah and Elisha, 00:18:11.09\00:18:13.39 the arch enemy of Israel was the Assyriats. 00:18:13.39\00:18:16.79 And the Assyrians would come down in these raids 00:18:16.79\00:18:19.59 and they would take away the food, 00:18:19.59\00:18:21.80 during the harvest season, 00:18:21.80\00:18:24.20 they would sometimes take away the people, 00:18:24.20\00:18:25.87 you probably heard the story about little maid and Naaman, 00:18:25.87\00:18:29.17 he was Assyrian captain, 00:18:29.17\00:18:31.01 and they were at constant war or having these skirmishes, 00:18:31.01\00:18:35.08 these battles with the Assyrians. 00:18:35.08\00:18:37.11 And the Assyrians wanted to make sure 00:18:37.11\00:18:38.95 that the Israelites would not be in a position 00:18:38.95\00:18:40.92 to revolt again them 00:18:40.92\00:18:42.58 and so they took the iron available in Israel, 00:18:42.58\00:18:46.82 they took it away. 00:18:46.82\00:18:48.09 There were some iron available for farming equipment, 00:18:48.09\00:18:52.79 but they didn't want to have, of course, 00:18:52.79\00:18:54.00 any iron available for the Israelites 00:18:54.00\00:18:55.90 to make weapons of war 00:18:55.90\00:18:57.67 so it was very difficult to come across 00:18:57.67\00:18:59.53 something made from iron. 00:18:59.53\00:19:00.94 Axe head was allowed, 00:19:00.94\00:19:01.94 it was part of the farming equipment, 00:19:01.94\00:19:04.24 but it was very rare in this case. 00:19:04.24\00:19:06.37 The young man obviously couldn't afford his own axe, 00:19:06.37\00:19:08.54 so he went and he borrowed an axe from someone, 00:19:08.54\00:19:11.35 and while he was swinging away at this tree, 00:19:11.35\00:19:14.15 you know, this little nail 00:19:14.15\00:19:15.58 that you fasten on the top of the axe handle 00:19:15.58\00:19:17.92 that holds the head in place. 00:19:17.92\00:19:20.49 Somehow while he was chopping away at the tree, the axe, 00:19:20.49\00:19:23.12 that the little nail worked its way off. 00:19:23.12\00:19:24.83 And the next thing he knew 00:19:24.83\00:19:26.06 the axe had flew off the handle. 00:19:26.06\00:19:28.63 Now just as well it landed in the river 00:19:28.63\00:19:30.27 and didn't hit somebody else there, right? 00:19:30.27\00:19:32.20 That could have been terrible. 00:19:32.20\00:19:33.23 But anyway, this axe head flies off 00:19:33.23\00:19:35.40 and land somewhere in the river. 00:19:35.40\00:19:37.31 The Jordan River is not like a Montana River 00:19:37.31\00:19:40.44 that's clear and just bubbling along 00:19:40.44\00:19:42.44 and you can see the bottom of the river. 00:19:42.44\00:19:44.58 It was somewhat of a muddy river, 00:19:44.58\00:19:46.35 especially if it was rainy season 00:19:46.35\00:19:48.08 and there would be a lot of silt 00:19:48.08\00:19:49.62 that would wash down into the river 00:19:49.62\00:19:51.15 so you just look down and see. 00:19:51.15\00:19:52.85 There were places in the Jordan 00:19:52.85\00:19:54.19 where the river was very deep and it ran very quickly. 00:19:54.19\00:19:57.46 And presumably this was the situation. 00:19:57.46\00:19:59.63 And the young man cried out and says, 00:19:59.63\00:20:00.96 "The axe head has gone over there in the river, 00:20:00.96\00:20:02.46 it's over there somewhere, I wasn't quite looking, 00:20:02.46\00:20:04.23 but it's out there, and it's deep, 00:20:04.23\00:20:05.73 and we're never going to be able to find this axe head 00:20:05.73\00:20:08.17 in this fast flowing river." 00:20:08.17\00:20:10.44 So he asks the prophet, what do we do? 00:20:10.44\00:20:13.68 And so verse 6 says, 00:20:13.68\00:20:15.04 "Then the man of God said, 'Where did it fall?' 00:20:15.04\00:20:17.25 And he showed him the place somewhere out here. 00:20:17.25\00:20:19.75 So he cut down a stick and he threw into the river 00:20:19.75\00:20:22.85 and he made the axe head float." 00:20:22.85\00:20:25.89 Can you imagine that? 00:20:25.89\00:20:27.22 This big axe head suddenly 00:20:27.22\00:20:28.66 just bobbing to the surface of the water 00:20:28.66\00:20:31.16 like a stick or crock. 00:20:31.16\00:20:32.73 And all of them, 00:20:32.73\00:20:34.10 the young men are just standing and staring at this, 00:20:34.10\00:20:35.96 they've never seen something like this before. 00:20:35.96\00:20:38.27 And they stood there watching and finally the prophet said, 00:20:38.27\00:20:40.64 "Well, put out your hand and take it." 00:20:40.64\00:20:43.30 And so he did. 00:20:43.30\00:20:44.97 So here we see in this story a miracle performed 00:20:44.97\00:20:48.51 so that the young man could return the axe head, 00:20:48.51\00:20:51.58 sort of emphasizes the importance of paying back 00:20:51.58\00:20:54.55 that which we borrow. 00:20:54.55\00:20:56.65 It is a serious thing even in the eyes of God. 00:20:56.65\00:21:00.29 Now the verb to borrow means using something 00:21:00.29\00:21:02.92 that does not belong to you. 00:21:02.92\00:21:05.03 And, of course, you use it with their permission, 00:21:05.03\00:21:07.30 but whenever you borrow somebody else's stuff, 00:21:07.30\00:21:09.60 there is always a risk involved. 00:21:09.60\00:21:12.47 You take responsibility for the thing that you borrow. 00:21:12.47\00:21:16.30 And it's no different when it comes to borrowing money. 00:21:16.30\00:21:19.41 If you're taking money from somebody else, 00:21:19.41\00:21:21.01 there is a risk involved. 00:21:21.01\00:21:24.11 The only reason we borrow money from others is to spend it. 00:21:24.11\00:21:28.38 And the financial risk is presuming 00:21:28.38\00:21:30.72 that sometime in the future 00:21:30.72\00:21:32.55 we'll be in a better financial position 00:21:32.55\00:21:35.59 to pay off the money that we borrowed. 00:21:35.59\00:21:39.56 And most people think for some reason 00:21:39.56\00:21:41.53 that in 6 months or 12 months, 00:21:41.53\00:21:43.97 we're gonna be in a better financial situation 00:21:43.97\00:21:46.33 than we're now. 00:21:46.33\00:21:47.77 And so the tendency is to swipe the credit card thinking, 00:21:47.77\00:21:51.34 well, I can repay this in a few months, 00:21:51.34\00:21:54.88 but it doesn't always work out that way. 00:21:54.88\00:21:57.41 So borrowing money always involves some kind of a risk. 00:21:57.41\00:22:00.72 Now, we're going to have somebody read for us here 00:22:00.72\00:22:02.25 in just a minute, Psalms 37:21. 00:22:02.25\00:22:06.52 But just before we do that, while we get ready, 00:22:06.52\00:22:08.62 I'm going to read Ecclesiastes 5:5, 00:22:08.62\00:22:12.79 "Whether wise man tells us better not to vow, 00:22:12.79\00:22:15.60 than to vow and not pay," right? 00:22:15.60\00:22:19.23 If you're going into a loan 00:22:19.23\00:22:20.27 and you're going to make a promise 00:22:20.27\00:22:21.44 that you're going to pay back, whatever it is you borrow, 00:22:21.44\00:22:24.01 well, don't borrow the money 00:22:24.01\00:22:25.57 if you can't pay back the money. 00:22:25.57\00:22:27.21 Do you have any examples in the Bible of people 00:22:27.21\00:22:29.38 who made a vow 00:22:29.38\00:22:32.15 and they didn't follow through with the vow? 00:22:32.15\00:22:34.38 I think of two people 00:22:34.38\00:22:35.42 in the New Testament in particular. 00:22:35.42\00:22:37.65 Do the names Ananias and Sapphira ring a bell? 00:22:37.65\00:22:41.09 Now what was the situation there? 00:22:41.09\00:22:42.36 Well, the church was expanding its mission activity, 00:22:42.36\00:22:45.73 and people were moved upon by the Holy Spirit to sell 00:22:45.73\00:22:48.86 different things and contribute to this fund. 00:22:48.86\00:22:51.77 It wasn't so much a building fund, 00:22:51.77\00:22:53.57 it was an evangelism fund. 00:22:53.57\00:22:55.77 And so they would sell what they could 00:22:55.77\00:22:57.44 and they would bring it to the apostles 00:22:57.44\00:22:58.91 and laid at their feet and say use this 00:22:58.91\00:23:00.81 for the mission, the expansion of the church. 00:23:00.81\00:23:04.58 While there were two individuals 00:23:04.58\00:23:05.78 in the early Christian church, first century church, 00:23:05.78\00:23:08.28 Ananias and Sapphira, a married couple 00:23:08.28\00:23:10.45 and they got thinking about and they say, 00:23:10.45\00:23:11.79 "Well, we have this field that we haven't used for a while. 00:23:11.79\00:23:14.49 Why don't we put that on the market and sell the field, 00:23:14.49\00:23:16.96 and then we would be able to give the proceeds of the field 00:23:16.96\00:23:20.20 to this mission fund and bring it to the church." 00:23:20.20\00:23:23.13 Well, they put on the market 00:23:23.13\00:23:24.63 and they got a really good offer on the field. 00:23:24.63\00:23:28.30 And so they took the offer, 00:23:28.30\00:23:29.70 they bought the field 00:23:29.70\00:23:30.91 and then they started thinking about and said, 00:23:30.91\00:23:32.87 "You know what, I don't know 00:23:32.87\00:23:33.91 if you want to give all of this money. 00:23:33.91\00:23:37.45 It's pretty good, maybe should hang on to it, 00:23:37.45\00:23:39.11 maybe take a vacation, 00:23:39.11\00:23:40.15 we've been working hard for a long time." 00:23:40.15\00:23:42.85 And then they said, probably told the church, 00:23:42.85\00:23:44.75 "We're going to give all of the proceeds of the field 00:23:44.75\00:23:47.19 to this project. 00:23:47.19\00:23:48.86 We don't want to look bad and go to the church and say, 00:23:48.86\00:23:51.36 well, actually we decided to give 50%." 00:23:51.36\00:23:54.20 Let's just tell the church 00:23:54.20\00:23:55.46 that this all the money from the land. 00:23:55.46\00:23:57.73 You know, what happened. 00:23:57.73\00:23:59.13 Ananias came and he stood before Peter and Peter said, 00:23:59.13\00:24:01.44 "Is this all the money like you pledged to give." 00:24:01.44\00:24:04.57 And Ananias said, "Yeah, absolutely. 00:24:04.57\00:24:06.71 Yep, this is it." 00:24:06.71\00:24:08.28 Acts 5:4, then Peter answered and said, 00:24:08.28\00:24:11.61 "While it remained, was it not your own? 00:24:11.61\00:24:14.18 And after it was sold, was it not under your control?" 00:24:14.18\00:24:17.25 Meaning you could have changed your mind 00:24:17.25\00:24:18.55 even after you sold the field, but you lied. 00:24:18.55\00:24:22.72 And then he says, "You have conceived this in your heart, 00:24:22.72\00:24:25.86 you have not lied to man, but you have lied to God." 00:24:25.86\00:24:30.87 And immediately after that what happened to Ananias? 00:24:30.87\00:24:33.90 He fell down dead. 00:24:33.90\00:24:35.90 Unfortunately, the same fate happened to his wife. 00:24:35.90\00:24:38.07 Well, that's a very sobering lesson 00:24:38.07\00:24:39.61 taught to the early Christian church, 00:24:39.61\00:24:41.44 that God does take serious honesty. 00:24:41.44\00:24:44.81 And if we make a promise, if we make a vow, 00:24:44.81\00:24:47.08 it is important for us to see that through. 00:24:47.08\00:24:50.12 All right, I think somebody is going to read for us now, 00:24:50.12\00:24:54.16 Psalms 37:21. 00:24:54.16\00:24:58.06 "The wicked borrows and does not repay, 00:24:58.06\00:25:01.40 but the righteous shows mercy and gives." 00:25:01.40\00:25:05.17 So a characteristic of wickedness 00:25:05.17\00:25:07.04 is borrowing and then what? 00:25:07.04\00:25:09.17 Not repaying. 00:25:09.17\00:25:10.81 Of course, that's true even in today's society. 00:25:10.81\00:25:14.41 We live in a consumer culture today 00:25:14.41\00:25:16.61 where we are continually surrounded 00:25:16.61\00:25:18.65 by an endless supply of things 00:25:18.65\00:25:21.48 that we just must have, isn't that true? 00:25:21.48\00:25:25.15 Things that we didn't even know that we needed 00:25:25.15\00:25:27.79 until the advertising told us that we can't live without it. 00:25:27.79\00:25:32.06 And I think we're always coming up 00:25:32.06\00:25:33.43 with new ideas to tell people 00:25:33.43\00:25:35.43 why they need this fancy gadget, 00:25:35.43\00:25:37.83 or why they need to spend money on this or that. 00:25:37.83\00:25:40.97 This is kind of the way our society works. 00:25:40.97\00:25:43.04 Back in 2017 more than $150 billion 00:25:43.04\00:25:47.28 was spent in United States on telling people 00:25:47.28\00:25:50.35 why they have to buy their particular product. 00:25:50.35\00:25:52.75 More than $150 billion spent on advertising in the US. 00:25:52.75\00:25:57.92 And we've all seen different schemes 00:25:57.92\00:25:59.85 to try and get us to buy stuff. 00:25:59.85\00:26:02.76 One that seems to be pretty popular is no interest, 00:26:02.76\00:26:05.36 no payment for six months. 00:26:05.36\00:26:07.03 Boy, that sounds like a good deal, doesn't it? 00:26:07.03\00:26:09.23 You can just go pick up your couch 00:26:09.23\00:26:11.67 and you don't have to worry about paying 00:26:11.67\00:26:13.30 for the next six months, no interest. 00:26:13.30\00:26:15.77 And so you know what ends up happening? 00:26:15.77\00:26:17.61 You don't save up 00:26:17.61\00:26:19.54 what you should be paying during that six months. 00:26:19.54\00:26:22.01 And, by the way, at the end of that six months, 00:26:22.01\00:26:23.65 they tag on all the interest that you should have paid 00:26:23.65\00:26:25.95 on that first six months 00:26:25.95\00:26:27.18 and you have even a bigger bill, 00:26:27.18\00:26:28.52 so you got to be careful 00:26:28.52\00:26:29.92 with all of these different schemes, 00:26:29.92\00:26:31.85 but there are many out there. 00:26:31.85\00:26:33.56 Now, of course, there are some situations 00:26:33.56\00:26:35.19 where we do need to take out a loan, 00:26:35.19\00:26:37.26 I'm thinking about buying a house. 00:26:37.26\00:26:39.26 It does make sense to take out a loan 00:26:39.26\00:26:41.43 in some cases in buying a house. 00:26:41.43\00:26:43.73 Sometimes there is a school loan 00:26:43.73\00:26:45.57 that has to be taken out, 00:26:45.57\00:26:46.63 so that a person can finish up their education. 00:26:46.63\00:26:49.64 So we're not saying, don't ever take out a loan, 00:26:49.64\00:26:52.27 but what we're saying is be very cautious 00:26:52.27\00:26:54.68 when you take out a loan. 00:26:54.68\00:26:56.21 And make sure that you're not just borrowing 00:26:56.21\00:26:58.71 somebody else's money to take something 00:26:58.71\00:27:01.02 or get something that you don't really need. 00:27:01.02\00:27:04.55 You need to take that into consideration. 00:27:04.55\00:27:06.25 All right, why do people get into debt? 00:27:06.25\00:27:08.62 Well, there's four main reasons why people get into debt today. 00:27:08.62\00:27:12.83 The first is our consumer lifestyle. 00:27:12.83\00:27:15.30 We're offered with an endless variety of goods of things. 00:27:15.30\00:27:21.40 Now let's say, you wake up in the morning 00:27:21.40\00:27:22.87 and you're wanting to have breakfast 00:27:22.87\00:27:26.17 and get ready to go to work. 00:27:26.17\00:27:27.88 Well, first of all, you need to make a decision. 00:27:27.88\00:27:29.74 In the United States there are more than 00:27:29.74\00:27:31.45 a 100 different kinds of yogurt so you got to buy a yogurt, 00:27:31.45\00:27:35.72 you got to pick from a 100 different kinds. 00:27:35.72\00:27:38.29 And then you're going to have some cereal. 00:27:38.29\00:27:39.52 There are more than a 150 different kinds of cereal 00:27:39.52\00:27:43.73 available for purchase in the United States. 00:27:43.73\00:27:47.03 Well, after you get through eating your cereal, 00:27:47.03\00:27:48.70 you need to brush your teeth. 00:27:48.70\00:27:50.60 Guess how many different kinds of toothpastes are available. 00:27:50.60\00:27:54.44 More than 200 different types and flavors of toothpastes 00:27:54.44\00:27:58.31 are available in the United States. 00:27:58.31\00:28:00.74 So if you're like me, I'm somewhat curious, 00:28:00.74\00:28:02.88 well, what does this flavor tastes like in, 00:28:02.88\00:28:05.78 or what about that cereal, it seems to have, you know, 00:28:05.78\00:28:08.32 some more raisins in it. 00:28:08.32\00:28:09.85 So we're just bombarded 00:28:09.85\00:28:11.75 with an endless supply of stuff. 00:28:11.75\00:28:14.89 And everybody is trying to convince us 00:28:14.89\00:28:16.56 why we need to buy their stuff. 00:28:16.56\00:28:18.43 So number one, consumer lifestyle 00:28:18.43\00:28:20.63 is probably the main reason 00:28:20.63\00:28:22.16 why people go into debt, especially credit card debt. 00:28:22.16\00:28:26.43 The second reason why people go into debt 00:28:26.43\00:28:28.14 is because it's so easy to go into debt. 00:28:28.14\00:28:31.34 Each year American families are bombarded 00:28:31.34\00:28:33.48 by credit card applications. 00:28:33.48\00:28:35.41 On average each... 00:28:35.41\00:28:37.75 An average family in the United States 00:28:37.75\00:28:39.81 gets credit card application every two weeks. 00:28:39.81\00:28:44.89 Well, that's dependent upon your credit. 00:28:44.89\00:28:46.52 If you don't get any credit card applications, 00:28:46.52\00:28:48.99 you probably have other problems, right? 00:28:48.99\00:28:51.19 Your credit score is too low, 00:28:51.19\00:28:52.29 but typically most families every week or two 00:28:52.29\00:28:56.00 you get something in the mail 00:28:56.00\00:28:57.23 that's offering some fantastic deal 00:28:57.23\00:28:59.60 wanting you to take out a credit card. 00:28:59.60\00:29:01.77 Third reason why people end up going into debt 00:29:01.77\00:29:04.41 is because of a lack of a household budget, 00:29:04.41\00:29:07.28 it's one of the big ones here. 00:29:07.28\00:29:08.84 People overspend 00:29:08.84\00:29:09.91 because they don't really know 00:29:09.91\00:29:11.25 how much of their income actually goes to their bills. 00:29:11.25\00:29:16.28 We have an idea, we know how much the mortgage is, 00:29:16.28\00:29:18.45 we know what we have to pay on utilities. 00:29:18.45\00:29:20.39 We know roughly how much we have to put 00:29:20.39\00:29:22.36 in gas, in the car, 00:29:22.36\00:29:23.79 but if you actually sit down 00:29:23.79\00:29:25.29 and add it all up you might be surprised. 00:29:25.29\00:29:28.53 And so what a lot of people do is 00:29:28.53\00:29:29.93 they just look at their checking account, 00:29:29.93\00:29:31.83 and they keep spending and then suddenly 00:29:31.83\00:29:33.97 they realize before the pay period is up, 00:29:33.97\00:29:36.44 "Man, I've run out of money." 00:29:36.44\00:29:37.91 And so where did they go? 00:29:37.91\00:29:38.87 Well, they pull out the credit card, right? 00:29:38.87\00:29:41.44 You got to buy that after all. 00:29:41.44\00:29:42.51 So that's one of the big reasons 00:29:42.51\00:29:43.65 why people going to debt. 00:29:43.65\00:29:45.01 The fourth reason why people typically going to debt 00:29:45.01\00:29:47.42 is unexpected bills, 00:29:47.42\00:29:49.72 and there are three general categories. 00:29:49.72\00:29:52.42 The one is car repairs, 00:29:52.42\00:29:54.36 it seems like that always happens with me, right? 00:29:54.36\00:29:56.99 You least expect and something breaks down on the car, 00:29:56.99\00:29:59.16 and you have to have a car, and nowadays to fix your car, 00:29:59.16\00:30:02.23 you can't fix a car for 100 or 150 bucks it seems, 00:30:02.23\00:30:05.43 that gets really expensive 00:30:05.43\00:30:06.70 so those are unexpected bills that come along. 00:30:06.70\00:30:09.64 Medical expenses come from time to time, 00:30:09.64\00:30:12.57 and you got to pay your portion if you have an insurance, 00:30:12.57\00:30:16.04 and then household maintenance. 00:30:16.04\00:30:18.85 In the middle of winter suddenly your furnace goes out, 00:30:18.85\00:30:21.95 you've got to do something, right? 00:30:21.95\00:30:23.72 So we tend to go to the credit card 00:30:23.72\00:30:25.49 to pay off those things. 00:30:25.49\00:30:27.82 So those are some of the reasons 00:30:27.82\00:30:28.92 why people end up going into debt. 00:30:28.92\00:30:30.76 Now on Monday's lesson, 00:30:30.76\00:30:32.56 the title for Monday study 00:30:32.56\00:30:34.20 is Stewardship and Instant Gratification. 00:30:34.20\00:30:36.73 And here's the point in particular 00:30:36.73\00:30:38.53 that I think we as Christians need to take note of. 00:30:38.53\00:30:41.67 And we're going to have somebody read for us 00:30:41.67\00:30:42.97 Genesis 25:34 in just a minute. 00:30:42.97\00:30:47.54 But before you read that, let me read 1 John 2:16 and 17. 00:30:47.54\00:30:53.31 It says, "For all that is in the world, 00:30:53.31\00:30:55.52 the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, 00:30:55.52\00:30:57.75 and the pride of life, it is not of the Father, 00:30:57.75\00:31:01.09 but it is of the world. 00:31:01.09\00:31:02.79 And the world is passing away, and the lust thereof, 00:31:02.79\00:31:06.29 but he who does the will of God," does what? 00:31:06.29\00:31:09.73 "Abides forever." Right? 00:31:09.73\00:31:12.03 So everything that we see in the world 00:31:12.03\00:31:13.50 typically is from either the category 00:31:13.50\00:31:16.07 of the lust of the flesh, 00:31:16.07\00:31:17.17 the lust of the eyes, or the pride of life. 00:31:17.17\00:31:19.94 And it plays up on our desire for instant gratification, 00:31:19.94\00:31:23.65 we want it now. 00:31:23.65\00:31:25.95 Desires for instant gratification 00:31:25.95\00:31:27.98 can easily lead to covetousness. 00:31:27.98\00:31:31.72 Now when you think about the Ten Commandments 00:31:31.72\00:31:33.49 which one is covetousness, "Thou shall not covet." 00:31:33.49\00:31:36.32 That's number 10. 00:31:36.32\00:31:37.69 And if you really stop and think about it, 00:31:37.69\00:31:39.29 almost all of the other commandments, 00:31:39.29\00:31:42.76 in order to break any of the other commandments 00:31:42.76\00:31:44.53 you have to first break the 10th commandment 00:31:44.53\00:31:47.07 that says, "Thou shall not covet," 00:31:47.07\00:31:48.44 because really it begins in the mind, 00:31:48.44\00:31:50.87 it begins in the heart, 00:31:50.87\00:31:52.17 people wanting something that is not theirs. 00:31:52.17\00:31:55.74 When Eve was standing by the tree 00:31:55.74\00:31:56.85 of the knowledge of good and evil, 00:31:56.85\00:31:58.81 the Bible says that when she saw the fruit 00:31:58.81\00:32:01.52 and desires to make one wise, 00:32:01.52\00:32:03.92 she coveted the fruit, she wanted the fruit. 00:32:03.92\00:32:06.39 Now God had given to her and to Adam all the fruit 00:32:06.39\00:32:09.69 from all the other trees of the garden, 00:32:09.69\00:32:11.63 but the one that they were not to eat of, 00:32:11.63\00:32:14.30 that was the one that suddenly became 00:32:14.30\00:32:16.70 so attractive to them. 00:32:16.70\00:32:19.30 You might have plenty of things, 00:32:19.30\00:32:21.14 all of your needs, 00:32:21.14\00:32:22.54 but suddenly you're offered one thing 00:32:22.54\00:32:25.47 and suddenly that becomes more important 00:32:25.47\00:32:27.04 than all the stuff that you have, right? 00:32:27.04\00:32:29.04 Your car might be just fine driving along, 00:32:29.04\00:32:31.95 but suddenly you see an ad for a brand new car, 00:32:31.95\00:32:35.22 and suddenly your car is not that appealing anymore, right? 00:32:35.22\00:32:37.65 The new one seems so much better. 00:32:37.65\00:32:40.19 Covetousness often leads to instant gratification. 00:32:40.19\00:32:43.83 All right, let's read Genesis 25:34. 00:32:43.83\00:32:48.53 Genesis 25:34. 00:32:48.53\00:32:50.53 "Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils, 00:32:50.53\00:32:54.44 and he did eat and drink, and rose up, 00:32:54.44\00:32:58.04 and went his way, 00:32:58.04\00:33:00.61 thus Esau despised his birthright." 00:33:00.61\00:33:03.08 All right, I think we're all familiar 00:33:03.08\00:33:04.45 with the story of Jacob and Esau. 00:33:04.45\00:33:06.18 So Esau was coming back from the field 00:33:06.18\00:33:08.22 and he's just famished 00:33:08.22\00:33:09.85 and as he comes walking past the tent of Jacob, 00:33:09.85\00:33:12.72 he smells the smell of this lentil stew 00:33:12.72\00:33:16.16 that's been cooked. 00:33:16.16\00:33:17.56 And he is so hungry, he can't resist. 00:33:17.56\00:33:19.53 He says, "Man, I want to eat this stew." 00:33:19.53\00:33:21.40 Now, of course, Jacob he was somewhat cunning, 00:33:21.40\00:33:23.87 especially, if you read on, his name means deceiver, 00:33:23.87\00:33:26.23 and he has an opportunity. 00:33:26.23\00:33:28.20 He knew his brother. 00:33:28.20\00:33:29.37 He knew that his brother was somewhat impulsive, 00:33:29.37\00:33:32.31 and he said, "Well, I'll make a deal with you, 00:33:32.31\00:33:33.84 I'll give you some of my lentil stew here 00:33:33.84\00:33:35.91 if you give me your birthright." 00:33:35.91\00:33:38.08 Now, if Esau would have waited another 30 minutes, 00:33:38.08\00:33:42.22 probably he would have had plenty to eat 00:33:42.22\00:33:45.05 but he wanted it now. 00:33:45.05\00:33:47.79 And so what did he do? 00:33:47.79\00:33:48.96 He ended up selling the birthright 00:33:48.96\00:33:50.53 for a pot of lentils. 00:33:50.53\00:33:51.96 Now I like lentils, but, man, 00:33:51.96\00:33:53.43 that doesn't compared our birthright, right? 00:33:53.43\00:33:56.73 Esau controlled by his emotions 00:33:56.73\00:33:58.57 and feelings allowed the pressure 00:33:58.57\00:34:00.20 of the moment to overpower reasoning, 00:34:00.20\00:34:02.67 and he traded his birthright for some instant gratification. 00:34:02.67\00:34:06.04 How many of you are familiar with buyer's remorse? 00:34:06.04\00:34:10.01 I think we've all had buyer's remorse at one point 00:34:10.01\00:34:12.95 or another where we go out and we buy something. 00:34:12.95\00:34:15.85 "Oh, we just got to get it." 00:34:15.85\00:34:17.22 And we buy it and then after a while we think, 00:34:17.22\00:34:18.69 "Oh, man, I shouldn't have spent that money." 00:34:18.69\00:34:21.16 Especially if we spent it on a credit card, 00:34:21.16\00:34:22.86 now we have to pay it off. 00:34:22.86\00:34:24.93 Fortunately, you can take some stuff back here 00:34:24.93\00:34:27.13 at least in our society. 00:34:27.13\00:34:28.76 I always tell the kids, if they want something 00:34:28.76\00:34:31.50 and they're all excited about it, 00:34:31.50\00:34:32.73 and they've been able to earn the money to get it, 00:34:32.73\00:34:35.37 I always tell them, well, don't buy it for a few days, 00:34:35.37\00:34:38.44 just think about it, 00:34:38.44\00:34:39.67 and the desire to have it typically begins to wane 00:34:39.67\00:34:42.58 after a few days when they think about 00:34:42.58\00:34:44.05 what it's going to actually cost them. 00:34:44.05\00:34:46.15 So we don't want to just buy things 00:34:46.15\00:34:47.82 on the spur of the moment. 00:34:47.82\00:34:49.18 Exercising self-control is, of course, 00:34:49.18\00:34:51.69 a very important Christian principle. 00:34:51.69\00:34:54.99 Number of years ago, 00:34:54.99\00:34:56.26 they did a test at Stanford University, 00:34:56.26\00:34:58.43 it became known as the Marshmallow Test. 00:34:58.43\00:35:00.60 It became very famous, maybe you've heard of it. 00:35:00.60\00:35:03.00 And what they did was this. 00:35:03.00\00:35:04.03 This took place in the late 1960s, early 1970s, 00:35:04.03\00:35:08.07 and they got a group of four year old children 00:35:08.07\00:35:11.81 to come into a room, set them on a chair 00:35:11.81\00:35:14.18 and they placed one marshmallow on a table in front of them. 00:35:14.18\00:35:17.81 And they said to the kids, "You can eat the marshmallow 00:35:17.81\00:35:19.98 right now and that's it, then you go. 00:35:19.98\00:35:23.39 Or if you wait for 15 minutes, 00:35:23.39\00:35:26.86 we'll give you two marshmallows that you can eat." 00:35:26.86\00:35:30.56 Well, what do you suppose most of the kids did? 00:35:30.56\00:35:33.29 They just ate the marshmallow. They weren't going to wait. 00:35:33.29\00:35:36.03 But there were some four year olds 00:35:36.03\00:35:37.87 that thought about it long enough 00:35:37.87\00:35:39.30 and finally said, "Well, you know, 00:35:39.30\00:35:40.44 maybe I do want to wait, 00:35:40.44\00:35:41.60 maybe I do want two marshmallows 00:35:41.60\00:35:44.17 instead of one." 00:35:44.17\00:35:45.77 And some of the kids that decided to wait 00:35:45.77\00:35:48.08 would wait for 5-10 minutes 00:35:48.08\00:35:49.74 and then they just give in anyway 00:35:49.74\00:35:51.18 and they end up eating it, but there were a few kids, 00:35:51.18\00:35:54.38 four year olds who were actually 00:35:54.38\00:35:55.95 able to wait 15 minutes 00:35:55.95\00:35:58.12 and then they got the two marshmallows. 00:35:58.12\00:36:00.22 Well, one of the interesting things 00:36:00.22\00:36:01.56 that they noticed about those children 00:36:01.56\00:36:03.32 who were able to wait 15 minutes 00:36:03.32\00:36:05.39 and exercise self-control, 00:36:05.39\00:36:07.13 they noticed that there were three prominent categories 00:36:07.13\00:36:10.07 or characteristics or behaviors manifest 00:36:10.07\00:36:13.67 by those who were able to wait. 00:36:13.67\00:36:15.74 In some instances, 00:36:15.74\00:36:16.84 the children manifest all three behaviors. 00:36:16.84\00:36:19.77 In other cases, they manifested maybe two, 00:36:19.77\00:36:22.78 one or two of the behaviors. 00:36:22.78\00:36:24.08 But one of the things that they noticed is that 00:36:24.08\00:36:26.25 those who were able to wait for 15 minutes, 00:36:26.25\00:36:27.95 one of the first things they did 00:36:27.95\00:36:29.25 is they turned away from the marshmallow, 00:36:29.25\00:36:32.75 they wouldn't look at the marshmallow. 00:36:32.75\00:36:34.76 Some of the kids even pushed 00:36:34.76\00:36:35.99 the marshmallow to the edge of the table. 00:36:35.99\00:36:38.89 In some cases they would cover 00:36:38.89\00:36:40.33 the marshmallow with a piece of paper. 00:36:40.33\00:36:41.90 They didn't want to see it. 00:36:41.90\00:36:43.80 They turned away from the temptation. 00:36:43.80\00:36:46.37 The second thing that some of the kids did 00:36:46.37\00:36:48.60 was positive distraction. 00:36:48.60\00:36:51.24 Instead of thinking about the marshmallow, 00:36:51.24\00:36:53.04 they would think about something else, 00:36:53.04\00:36:54.84 they would just start to sing. 00:36:54.84\00:36:56.95 Or in some cases the children would get up 00:36:56.95\00:36:58.78 and they'd start walking around the room. 00:36:58.78\00:37:01.25 And some of the kids would crawl around 00:37:01.25\00:37:03.12 under the table, some of the kids 00:37:03.12\00:37:05.19 would turn their chair upside down 00:37:05.19\00:37:06.86 and put it by the door trying to peek out 00:37:06.86\00:37:08.56 of the little window to see what was happening outside, 00:37:08.56\00:37:11.66 but they got busy doing something else. 00:37:11.66\00:37:14.00 They didn't just stand there 00:37:14.00\00:37:15.20 or sit there staring at the marshmallow. 00:37:15.20\00:37:17.27 And the third behavior that they noticed, 00:37:17.27\00:37:18.83 a lot of the kids started to talk to themselves 00:37:18.83\00:37:21.20 throughout the 15 minutes and they would say, 00:37:21.20\00:37:23.61 "I'm not going to eat the marshmallow." 00:37:23.61\00:37:24.97 And they'd walk up and down, "No, I'm not." 00:37:24.97\00:37:27.01 Some of the kids even talk to the marshmallow 00:37:27.01\00:37:28.81 and said, "I'm not going to eat you now. 00:37:28.81\00:37:30.98 I'm going to wait a little while. 00:37:30.98\00:37:32.61 And then I'm going to eat you and your friend." 00:37:32.61\00:37:35.12 So they would talk out loud, sort of positive reinforcement. 00:37:35.12\00:37:39.25 Now, of course, I thought that was interesting, 00:37:39.25\00:37:41.02 we find these principles very true 00:37:41.02\00:37:43.19 when it comes to temptation. 00:37:43.19\00:37:45.29 When we are tempted, one of the first things 00:37:45.29\00:37:47.10 we need to do is to turn away from the temptation. 00:37:47.10\00:37:50.50 Zechariah 1:4 says, "Turn away from evil." 00:37:50.50\00:37:54.70 It's the first thing we have to do. 00:37:54.70\00:37:55.94 Secondly, we need positive distractions. 00:37:55.94\00:37:59.71 Romans 12:21 says, "Overcome evil with good." 00:37:59.71\00:38:05.15 And the third thing, we need to talk out loud. 00:38:05.15\00:38:08.05 What is it that we need to say? 00:38:08.05\00:38:09.52 Well, we need to quote scripture. 00:38:09.52\00:38:11.02 How did Jesus overcome temptation? 00:38:11.02\00:38:13.56 He said, "It is written," right? 00:38:13.56\00:38:15.32 "Man shall not live by bread alone." 00:38:15.32\00:38:17.16 And Psalms 34:1 says, 00:38:17.16\00:38:20.96 "His praise shall always be on my mouth." 00:38:20.96\00:38:23.67 Now, that was interesting as a result of this test, 00:38:23.67\00:38:26.37 but what these researchers did is they continued to follow 00:38:26.37\00:38:29.27 these children as they grew up. 00:38:29.27\00:38:31.54 They followed them for several decades 00:38:31.54\00:38:34.11 and what they found was even more remarkable. 00:38:34.11\00:38:37.88 Those kids who were able to wait 15 minutes, 00:38:37.88\00:38:40.52 who were able to exercise self-control, 00:38:40.52\00:38:42.92 they developed better emotional coping skills 00:38:42.92\00:38:47.32 with life situations than those who couldn't wait. 00:38:47.32\00:38:51.63 In addition to that, 00:38:51.63\00:38:53.16 they also had a higher SAT scores 00:38:53.16\00:38:57.23 than the kids that couldn't wait. 00:38:57.23\00:38:59.23 They ended up typically having higher levels of education, 00:38:59.23\00:39:04.11 they had lowered divorce rates, 00:39:04.11\00:39:07.28 and they had a much lower rate of addiction. 00:39:07.28\00:39:10.48 So exercising self-control is important, right? 00:39:10.48\00:39:14.62 And as a Christian, we need to have self-control. 00:39:14.62\00:39:19.09 Well, I see we have some questions 00:39:19.09\00:39:20.79 that's coming in through Facebook, 00:39:20.79\00:39:22.76 so I think well, we might pass to Doug, 00:39:22.76\00:39:24.43 we're going to pause right here. 00:39:24.43\00:39:25.69 There's a few more things 00:39:25.69\00:39:26.76 I want to share about our lesson 00:39:26.76\00:39:27.96 but let's see if we can take two or three of our questions 00:39:27.96\00:39:30.80 before we finish this up. 00:39:30.80\00:39:33.97 All right. Hello, Pastor Doug. 00:39:33.97\00:39:35.80 Hi, Pastor Ross. Welcome back. 00:39:35.80\00:39:37.34 I'm enjoying the lesson. 00:39:37.34\00:39:39.07 All right, well, the first question 00:39:39.07\00:39:40.14 that we have that's coming from Facebook, 00:39:40.14\00:39:41.64 "Is it a sin to have a credit card?" 00:39:41.64\00:39:44.68 It could be, depends on you. 00:39:44.68\00:39:48.52 You know, one of the things they say in debt counseling, 00:39:48.52\00:39:51.05 people who are deeply in debt through credit card debt, 00:39:51.05\00:39:53.15 they say step number one, take out your credit card, 00:39:53.15\00:39:55.62 step number two, get your scissors, 00:39:55.62\00:39:58.83 because if you really want to pay off 00:39:58.83\00:40:00.66 your credit card debt, 00:40:00.66\00:40:01.63 sometimes one of the most important things to do 00:40:01.63\00:40:03.80 is cut the card so you do not 00:40:03.80\00:40:05.73 then become tempted to make new debt. 00:40:05.73\00:40:08.97 Is it a sin to have a credit card? 00:40:08.97\00:40:10.24 No. 00:40:10.24\00:40:11.91 You know, Karen and I have credit cards 00:40:11.91\00:40:13.44 but we pay it off as soon as we get the bill, 00:40:13.44\00:40:16.48 and you can't travel these days, 00:40:16.48\00:40:19.51 you can't get a hotel, you can't get a rental car, 00:40:19.51\00:40:21.25 it's very hard if you don't have a credit card 00:40:21.25\00:40:22.72 to do a number of things, so it's a very practical tool. 00:40:22.72\00:40:25.85 But if you are deeply in debt 00:40:25.85\00:40:28.72 and you're trying to pay things off, 00:40:28.72\00:40:30.36 you may want to avoid that temptation. 00:40:30.36\00:40:32.63 Absolutely, yes, and you can get credit cards 00:40:32.63\00:40:34.96 where I guess they like credit cards 00:40:34.96\00:40:37.23 but you have to frontload the credit card... 00:40:37.23\00:40:39.53 So you have to make sure the money is there 00:40:39.53\00:40:40.84 before you spend it. That's a good point. 00:40:40.84\00:40:41.90 There are some credit cards you can actually have, 00:40:41.90\00:40:43.91 they're prepaid 00:40:43.91\00:40:44.94 and so they have a limit on them, 00:40:44.94\00:40:46.21 so you're not tempted to go beyond it 00:40:46.21\00:40:48.61 and pay this phenomenal interest. 00:40:48.61\00:40:50.35 The next question that we have is 00:40:50.35\00:40:51.41 "Should I pay off credit card debt 00:40:51.41\00:40:53.62 before I pay tithe? 00:40:53.62\00:40:57.05 Is tithe supposed to be the last fruits 00:40:57.05\00:40:59.65 or the first fruits? 00:40:59.65\00:41:02.19 Do you want the Lord to bless 00:41:02.19\00:41:03.73 what remain so you have more to pay off your credit card? 00:41:03.73\00:41:08.00 If you pay your tithe, He promises to bless 00:41:08.00\00:41:11.13 the remaining 90% so it goes farther. 00:41:11.13\00:41:13.60 If you wait and make tithe last, 00:41:13.60\00:41:16.07 the first 90% is cursed, 00:41:16.07\00:41:18.94 seems like the most economical thing to do 00:41:18.94\00:41:20.74 if you believe in God is put God first 00:41:20.74\00:41:23.48 as far as debt repayment. 00:41:23.48\00:41:25.65 And the next question that we have, it says, 00:41:25.65\00:41:27.82 "My adult son keeps getting into financial trouble 00:41:27.82\00:41:31.45 and we keep bailing him out." 00:41:31.45\00:41:34.29 I guess the question is 00:41:34.29\00:41:35.62 "When do we say enough is enough?" 00:41:35.62\00:41:37.86 Yesterday. 00:41:37.86\00:41:40.90 You know, sometimes you have to practice tough love 00:41:40.90\00:41:43.97 with somebody you care about, and if they're having problems 00:41:43.97\00:41:48.14 and they keep getting in deeper, 00:41:48.14\00:41:49.60 first of all, they're not going to learn 00:41:49.60\00:41:51.87 to wait for that second marshmallow 00:41:51.87\00:41:54.38 if you don't train them. 00:41:54.38\00:41:56.61 And so, if you keep getting them out of trouble, 00:41:56.61\00:41:59.35 they're not learning themselves that self-control 00:41:59.35\00:42:01.92 and discipline may need to deny themselves 00:42:01.92\00:42:05.25 and so, sometimes, yeah, it is tough. 00:42:05.25\00:42:07.79 Sometimes you need to say we're not going to bail you out 00:42:07.79\00:42:10.83 and, you know, if you've got a 40 year old son 00:42:10.83\00:42:13.23 and they're refusing to work 00:42:13.23\00:42:14.56 and they're living in your house, 00:42:14.56\00:42:15.76 you might lovingly say, 00:42:15.76\00:42:17.73 "Here's my final gift, it's a tent. 00:42:17.73\00:42:19.43 Go find a place to pitch it, but you can't stay here." 00:42:19.43\00:42:23.37 And so sometimes you help your kids 00:42:23.37\00:42:24.94 by not forever rescuing them. 00:42:24.94\00:42:27.21 All right, our final question and that's coming, it says, 00:42:27.21\00:42:29.24 "Will tithing put me more at risk of going into debt?" 00:42:29.24\00:42:34.72 Well, lets back to that question. 00:42:34.72\00:42:36.05 There's a promise that we have in Malachi 3, 00:42:36.05\00:42:40.02 God invites us to test Him. 00:42:40.02\00:42:42.79 I mean this is really, the Lord is saying, look, 00:42:42.79\00:42:44.86 "If you really want to find out 00:42:44.86\00:42:46.13 if I am real, prove me, test me. 00:42:46.13\00:42:49.13 Bring all the tithes into the warehouse 00:42:49.13\00:42:51.30 that there may be food in my house 00:42:51.30\00:42:52.93 and see if I do not open for you the windows of heaven 00:42:52.93\00:42:56.00 and pour out a blessing 00:42:56.00\00:42:57.77 that there will not be room enough to receive it." 00:42:57.77\00:42:59.81 And He says, "And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes." 00:42:59.81\00:43:04.18 They were an agricultural society 00:43:04.18\00:43:07.05 and they often had pests and locusts 00:43:07.05\00:43:08.95 and things that would eat up their crops 00:43:08.95\00:43:10.29 and they have a very small harvest. 00:43:10.29\00:43:12.22 And God said, "I'll make what you do have, 00:43:12.22\00:43:14.06 go much farther." 00:43:14.06\00:43:15.66 When God's people were going through the wilderness 00:43:15.66\00:43:17.49 and they were faithful in their tithes and offerings, 00:43:17.49\00:43:19.59 says, there's shoes did not wear out, 00:43:19.59\00:43:22.23 their clothes did not wear out. 00:43:22.23\00:43:23.77 God will bless you with one of those refrigerators 00:43:23.77\00:43:26.87 that goes for 40 years. 00:43:26.87\00:43:29.17 And so, yeah, I think that you'll be way further head 00:43:29.17\00:43:33.27 if you are faithful. 00:43:33.27\00:43:34.31 Was that the last question? 00:43:34.31\00:43:35.58 I think we have one more. 00:43:35.58\00:43:36.81 It says, "Will I gain personal benefit from tithing?" 00:43:36.81\00:43:41.58 Yeah, first of all, when people talk about tithing, 00:43:41.58\00:43:44.32 pastors have to guard against trying to make it sound like 00:43:44.32\00:43:46.76 you're prosperity preacher, "If you pay tithe, 00:43:46.76\00:43:48.89 God's going to give you more money." 00:43:48.89\00:43:51.19 Sometimes the way God blesses you may not be money 00:43:51.19\00:43:53.86 and you may not need more money. 00:43:53.86\00:43:56.36 When you seek first the kingdom of God, 00:43:56.36\00:43:58.93 He says everything you need will be added to you. 00:43:58.93\00:44:01.77 But some of the most important blessings are the joy 00:44:01.77\00:44:05.27 that comes from knowing I've got peace 00:44:05.27\00:44:07.34 because I'm doing what God wants me to do. 00:44:07.34\00:44:09.24 A lot of people get the blessing 00:44:09.24\00:44:10.95 of tithing immediately after they write the check 00:44:10.95\00:44:13.65 or they make that gift. 00:44:13.65\00:44:16.15 A lot of people do it online now 00:44:16.15\00:44:17.59 because they just have a piece in their heart, 00:44:17.59\00:44:19.59 I'm putting God first 00:44:19.59\00:44:21.66 and there's a real satisfaction. 00:44:21.66\00:44:23.12 And that's one blessing 00:44:23.12\00:44:24.19 and then the other blessings I mentioned, 00:44:24.19\00:44:25.86 He'll open the windows of heaven 00:44:25.86\00:44:27.60 and pour out such a blessing 00:44:27.60\00:44:29.16 that it will not all fit in your garage. 00:44:29.16\00:44:32.40 How many of you have that blessing 00:44:32.40\00:44:33.97 doesn't all fit in your garage? 00:44:33.97\00:44:35.10 Thank you. 00:44:35.10\00:44:36.50 All right, thank you, Pastor Doug 00:44:36.50\00:44:37.71 and thank you fans for sending in your Facebook questions. 00:44:37.71\00:44:40.18 Just in the last few minutes, I just want to summarize 00:44:40.18\00:44:42.64 some of the important points 00:44:42.64\00:44:43.95 that we looked at here in the lesson 00:44:43.95\00:44:45.48 and probably, the most important 00:44:45.48\00:44:46.95 is learning to live within your means. 00:44:46.95\00:44:49.48 Bible has something to say about that. 00:44:49.48\00:44:51.02 I'm going to have somebody read 1 Timothy 6:7 and 8, 00:44:51.02\00:44:54.29 so if you want to be ready. 00:44:54.29\00:44:55.72 But before you read that, let me read 00:44:55.72\00:44:57.29 what Jesus said in Matthew 6:31-33. 00:44:57.29\00:45:02.06 "Therefore Jesus said, 'Do not worry,' saying, 00:45:02.06\00:45:04.93 'What shall we eat? 00:45:04.93\00:45:06.70 What shall we drink? What shall we wear? 00:45:06.70\00:45:09.47 For after all these things the gentiles seek 00:45:09.47\00:45:11.91 for your heavenly Father knows 00:45:11.91\00:45:13.01 that you have need of all of these things,'" 00:45:13.01\00:45:15.61 but what are we to do first? 00:45:15.61\00:45:17.58 "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness 00:45:17.58\00:45:22.02 and all these things shall be added on to you." 00:45:22.02\00:45:24.59 Can you say amen to that? Amen. 00:45:24.59\00:45:25.99 Have you put God to the test and sort Him first, 00:45:25.99\00:45:29.32 and God has provided your needs. 00:45:29.32\00:45:30.69 He doesn't promise that 00:45:30.69\00:45:31.79 He's going to provide all your wants 00:45:31.79\00:45:33.16 but He's definitely going to provide your needs. 00:45:33.16\00:45:35.50 David said in Psalms 37:25, "I have been young, 00:45:35.50\00:45:38.80 and now I'm old, I have never seen 00:45:38.80\00:45:41.04 the righteous forsaken or they see begging for bread." 00:45:41.04\00:45:45.41 Okay, 1 Timothy 6:7 and 8. 00:45:45.41\00:45:48.28 "For we brought nothing into this world, 00:45:48.28\00:45:50.48 and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 00:45:50.48\00:45:53.38 And having food and clothing, 00:45:53.38\00:45:55.48 with these we shall be content." 00:45:55.48\00:45:58.45 All right, unfortunately though we're not often too content 00:45:58.45\00:46:01.96 just to have food and clothing, we want little bit more, right? 00:46:01.96\00:46:04.69 Included in that is, of course, housing. 00:46:04.69\00:46:06.53 God recognizes we need to have a shelter, 00:46:06.53\00:46:08.86 we need to live in a house. 00:46:08.86\00:46:10.30 God is very merciful and He's blessed 00:46:10.30\00:46:12.30 because I think most of us will acknowledge 00:46:12.30\00:46:14.50 that our homes are a lot more than just shelter, right? 00:46:14.50\00:46:17.87 So God is good. 00:46:17.87\00:46:18.94 He definitely takes care of us, 00:46:18.94\00:46:20.18 but probably one of the most important keys 00:46:20.18\00:46:22.98 to living within our means. 00:46:22.98\00:46:24.31 And by the way as a Christian that needs to be our priority. 00:46:24.31\00:46:27.55 Lord, give me the strength, give me the wisdom, 00:46:27.55\00:46:29.32 give me the self-control to live within my means. 00:46:29.32\00:46:32.85 Now, probably the most important tool to living 00:46:32.85\00:46:35.56 within your means is that of a simple budget. 00:46:35.56\00:46:38.06 I think every family needs to have a budget. 00:46:38.06\00:46:41.73 I'm just going to give you four quick tips, 00:46:41.73\00:46:43.57 now you might already have a budget 00:46:43.57\00:46:44.77 and that's great, but for those of you who don't, 00:46:44.77\00:46:47.37 let me give you four quick tips about having a budget. 00:46:47.37\00:46:50.11 First of all, four principles, number one, 00:46:50.11\00:46:53.14 give every dollar that you earn a specific use, 00:46:53.14\00:46:57.85 put all your money to use. 00:46:57.85\00:47:00.12 Every dollar can be divided up 00:47:00.12\00:47:01.78 into one of the following four categories, 00:47:01.78\00:47:04.12 your monthly expenses, those, of course, 00:47:04.12\00:47:06.29 are your bills, your debt payments, 00:47:06.29\00:47:09.92 your savings, or your investing, 00:47:09.92\00:47:13.29 or your giving, that of course 00:47:13.29\00:47:15.00 being your tithes and your offerings. 00:47:15.00\00:47:17.27 So you want to divide up all your income 00:47:17.27\00:47:19.20 into those four categories. 00:47:19.20\00:47:21.64 The next thing you need to do is keep tabs on every dollar. 00:47:21.64\00:47:25.34 So you assign a job for every dollar, 00:47:25.34\00:47:27.71 but then you need to make sure that 00:47:27.71\00:47:28.78 that dollar is doing that job, right? 00:47:28.78\00:47:31.08 So you need to keep tabs on your spending, 00:47:31.08\00:47:33.35 so track your spending 00:47:33.35\00:47:35.05 especially in those different categories. 00:47:35.05\00:47:36.82 Point number three, 00:47:36.82\00:47:38.29 don't rob from Peter to pay Paul. 00:47:38.29\00:47:41.86 What often happens is you see 00:47:41.86\00:47:43.29 some fantastic deal at the store 00:47:43.29\00:47:45.19 and you only have so much money allocated 00:47:45.19\00:47:47.86 to spend on whatever this particular item is 00:47:47.86\00:47:50.80 but this is such a sweet deal you just can't pass it by, 00:47:50.80\00:47:54.24 so what we typically do is we will borrow 00:47:54.24\00:47:56.20 from one of the other categories 00:47:56.20\00:47:58.47 of our income to get what we want 00:47:58.47\00:48:00.94 instead of waiting until we have enough money 00:48:00.94\00:48:03.24 in that particular fund to buy what we want. 00:48:03.24\00:48:05.91 You know what I'm talking about? 00:48:05.91\00:48:07.58 All right, so we want to try and avoid the habit 00:48:07.58\00:48:09.48 of just moving money from one fund to another. 00:48:09.48\00:48:12.49 And then the fourth thing 00:48:12.49\00:48:13.82 which we've mentioned little earlier 00:48:13.82\00:48:15.09 and I do this personally, I think this really helps 00:48:15.09\00:48:17.83 is frontload your credit cards. 00:48:17.83\00:48:19.93 There are value too, 00:48:19.93\00:48:21.26 there is value in using a credit card. 00:48:21.26\00:48:23.13 There's different perks that's available. 00:48:23.13\00:48:24.70 You can get points that will help with travel 00:48:24.70\00:48:27.14 and some of these other things, but what I typically do 00:48:27.14\00:48:29.67 is when I get my paycheck, 00:48:29.67\00:48:31.04 I'll divide it up into different categories 00:48:31.04\00:48:32.84 and I will prepay on a credit card 00:48:32.84\00:48:35.44 a certain amount of money 00:48:35.44\00:48:37.11 and it's actually you'll see it's a negative 00:48:37.11\00:48:39.78 and that's a good thing. 00:48:39.78\00:48:41.15 And then as you use the credit card, 00:48:41.15\00:48:43.12 I'll bring it back to zero. 00:48:43.12\00:48:45.12 And when the credit card hits zero, 00:48:45.12\00:48:46.82 then I have to put that credit card away 00:48:46.82\00:48:48.79 and I can't use it until payday, right, 00:48:48.79\00:48:51.59 that's the goal. 00:48:51.59\00:48:52.83 So you can avoid going into debt 00:48:52.83\00:48:55.16 by prepaying on your credit card 00:48:55.16\00:48:57.03 or a debit card and just use the money 00:48:57.03\00:48:59.17 that's already available. 00:48:59.17\00:49:00.50 So these are just some basic simple tools 00:49:00.50\00:49:02.80 that hopefully we can use. 00:49:02.80\00:49:04.31 You know, as Christians, we want to be faithful stewards 00:49:04.31\00:49:06.88 of the resources that God has given us. 00:49:06.88\00:49:08.98 Don't think of your income as your income, 00:49:08.98\00:49:11.68 think of it as a resource 00:49:11.68\00:49:13.28 that God has given to you to manage. 00:49:13.28\00:49:16.35 And by God's grace we want to manage it 00:49:16.35\00:49:18.22 to the very best of our ability. 00:49:18.22\00:49:20.69 Oh, we've got one more verse 00:49:20.69\00:49:21.72 that we're going to have it read 00:49:21.72\00:49:23.56 which I think summarizes 00:49:23.56\00:49:24.69 this whole subject of borrowing. 00:49:24.69\00:49:27.60 It's Proverbs 22:7, 00:49:27.60\00:49:30.83 and we'll have you read that now, 22:7. 00:49:30.83\00:49:33.34 "The rich rules over the poor, 00:49:33.34\00:49:35.94 and the borrower is servant to the lender." 00:49:35.94\00:49:39.34 Okay, there is the point. 00:49:39.34\00:49:40.81 The rich rule over the poor, and the one who borrows 00:49:40.81\00:49:43.88 is a servant to the one that lends. 00:49:43.88\00:49:47.12 How true that is. 00:49:47.12\00:49:48.75 I'd like to remind our friends who are joining us on Facebook 00:49:48.75\00:49:52.02 and internet and online members and those around the world, 00:49:52.02\00:49:54.92 we do have a free offer called the "Flesh and the Spirit" 00:49:54.92\00:49:57.76 that really talks about self-control 00:49:57.76\00:50:00.06 and how we can exercise that 00:50:00.06\00:50:01.40 very important principle in all areas of our life. 00:50:01.40\00:50:03.97 To receive it, give us a call on the resource phone line, 00:50:03.97\00:50:06.77 it's 866-788-3966 00:50:06.77\00:50:10.31 and you can ask for offer number 792. 00:50:10.31\00:50:13.74 Thank you again, friends, for joining us, 00:50:13.74\00:50:15.14 until next week, 00:50:15.14\00:50:16.68 we pray God's special blessing upon you. 00:50:16.68\00:50:18.78 Amazing Facts Changed Lives. 00:50:22.85\00:50:25.99 I met my ex-wife and her family were real big in the drugs 00:50:30.69\00:50:34.23 and they started out with them wanting me to go to the doctor 00:50:34.23\00:50:37.80 to help get them drugs. 00:50:37.80\00:50:39.43 And, you know, I'm noticing they're going to the doctor, 00:50:39.43\00:50:42.14 they're coming back with like 60 pills 00:50:42.14\00:50:43.97 and they're selling these pills for like 1000 bucks. 00:50:43.97\00:50:46.47 And I'm thinking, wow, this is a lot of money 00:50:46.47\00:50:49.61 I'm giving these people, 00:50:49.61\00:50:50.75 so I'm just going to start selling it myself, 00:50:50.75\00:50:52.95 but problem with that was that we had all this money 00:50:52.95\00:50:56.12 but we were absolutely miserable. 00:50:56.12\00:50:58.35 She would go out and sleep with other guys to get drugs 00:50:58.35\00:51:02.72 and that ended my marriage. 00:51:02.72\00:51:04.79 But during this time, 00:51:04.79\00:51:06.03 I have to get a job to be able to back up 00:51:06.03\00:51:08.13 to where I was at to open my shop again, 00:51:08.13\00:51:10.30 so I get a job at Food City. 00:51:10.30\00:51:12.50 And when I get this job at Food City, 00:51:12.50\00:51:14.44 there is my wife now Rebecca, she's a cashier there. 00:51:14.44\00:51:18.21 And when I walk in, she's the most beautiful girl 00:51:18.21\00:51:21.01 I've ever seen in my life. 00:51:21.01\00:51:22.38 I was like, "Man, I can never have the girl like that." 00:51:22.38\00:51:26.15 Wow, she's so beautiful, but as I'm working with her, 00:51:26.15\00:51:29.28 she's actually kind of mean to me. 00:51:29.28\00:51:32.19 And she's saying, "I don't want anything to do with you, 00:51:32.19\00:51:34.66 get away from me," stuff like that, 00:51:34.66\00:51:36.73 but, you know, I'll just keep being nice to her 00:51:36.73\00:51:38.83 and I keep trying to give her my phone number. 00:51:38.83\00:51:41.26 And it's around Christmas Eve, 00:51:41.26\00:51:43.60 we've just been dating for a little while 00:51:43.60\00:51:45.70 and moved in together. 00:51:45.70\00:51:46.87 My ex-wife shows up with my three children 00:51:46.87\00:51:49.90 that I had by her 00:51:49.90\00:51:51.41 and she's like here's your kids, 00:51:51.41\00:51:53.11 here's their birth certificates, 00:51:53.11\00:51:54.41 here's their self security cards, 00:51:54.41\00:51:55.98 I'm done, and we are starting a family 00:51:55.98\00:51:58.48 we have already have three kids. 00:51:58.48\00:52:00.95 During this time, we spent the next year watching nothing 00:52:00.95\00:52:04.19 but Amazing Facts on YouTube. 00:52:04.19\00:52:06.49 I didn't even know they even had a website at this time, 00:52:06.49\00:52:08.59 I just knew that this little guy 00:52:08.59\00:52:10.09 on YouTube was super smart, 00:52:10.09\00:52:12.16 was teaching Bible, and I wanted to follow him. 00:52:12.16\00:52:15.76 I wanted to be a Christian. 00:52:15.76\00:52:16.80 I gave my life to God now because of these truths 00:52:16.80\00:52:19.97 that I'm learning from Doug Batchelor. 00:52:19.97\00:52:22.24 Just because Doug told it didn't make me real sure about 00:52:22.24\00:52:25.04 going to this church, 00:52:25.04\00:52:26.71 I really didn't want anything to do with it 00:52:26.71\00:52:28.24 but I called the guy up and I'm telling him 00:52:28.24\00:52:30.65 and I'm not very nice about it actually, I'm telling him, 00:52:30.65\00:52:33.48 "Look, we were just thinking about coming to your church 00:52:33.48\00:52:36.45 and he's really nice and he's like, 00:52:36.45\00:52:38.05 "Well, you're more than welcome too, 00:52:38.05\00:52:39.65 we'd like to have you come." 00:52:39.65\00:52:41.49 And I'm like, "Well, hold on, 00:52:41.49\00:52:42.56 I'm going to lay down some ground rules." 00:52:42.56\00:52:44.83 I'm telling and I said, "Look here, 00:52:44.83\00:52:45.96 I'm covered in tattoos and I'm a tattoo artist." 00:52:45.96\00:52:48.96 And you don't say, "Well, you know... 00:52:48.96\00:52:51.13 Well, I didn't know all that don't come to my church." 00:52:51.13\00:52:53.03 He says, "You're more than welcome, 00:52:53.03\00:52:54.84 we would love to have you, please come." 00:52:54.84\00:52:58.91 He asked me what I want to do and I said, 00:52:58.91\00:53:00.54 "Well, I want to preach." 00:53:00.54\00:53:02.78 I said, "I have all these truths, 00:53:02.78\00:53:04.45 I have all this knowledge stuff I've never known before, 00:53:04.45\00:53:07.52 stuff if I had when I was younger 00:53:07.52\00:53:09.38 that would have been life changing to me. 00:53:09.38\00:53:12.22 I said, "I got to share this with the world." 00:53:12.22\00:53:14.89 I said, "I want to preach, I want to teach." 00:53:14.89\00:53:17.63 He gives me the books, I study that. 00:53:17.63\00:53:19.73 And now that I'm a Bible worker, 00:53:19.73\00:53:21.03 I'm able to go reach people 00:53:21.03\00:53:23.10 that most of the normal churches 00:53:23.10\00:53:25.17 wouldn't even bother to even speak to. 00:53:25.17\00:53:27.47 I'm able to go out and reach to people 00:53:27.47\00:53:29.50 and have lived the lifestyle that I've lived. 00:53:29.50\00:53:31.84 I'm able to let him know that, I'm like you, 00:53:31.84\00:53:35.41 I've been there, I've done there. 00:53:35.41\00:53:37.78 I want to show you what my life is like now, 00:53:37.78\00:53:40.25 I want to teach you this Bible, I'm going to show you 00:53:40.25\00:53:42.75 what Jesus can do for you, it's not too late. 00:53:42.75\00:53:46.35 Friends, are you afraid of heights? 00:54:09.38\00:54:11.01 If so, you might want to look away right now. 00:54:11.01\00:54:14.05 One of the most famous attractions 00:54:14.05\00:54:15.58 in the San Francisco Bay area 00:54:15.58\00:54:17.45 is the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. 00:54:17.45\00:54:20.22 While this world famous bridge was named 00:54:20.22\00:54:22.26 as one of the seven wonders of the modern world. 00:54:22.26\00:54:24.86 Few people know the story of the brave men 00:54:24.86\00:54:26.90 who were involved in its construction 00:54:26.90\00:54:28.76 and also known as the Half Way to Hell Club. 00:54:28.76\00:54:32.70 Designed by a group of visionary engineers 00:54:32.70\00:54:34.84 at 4,200 feet from end to end, 00:54:34.84\00:54:37.44 the Golden Gate Bridge was at one time 00:54:37.44\00:54:39.34 the longest suspension bridge in the world. 00:54:39.34\00:54:42.51 During its construction from 1933 to 1937, 00:54:42.51\00:54:46.35 the Golden Gate Bridge 00:54:46.35\00:54:47.65 had one of the best safety construction records 00:54:47.65\00:54:49.72 of any project during that time. 00:54:49.72\00:54:52.19 Keep in mind, they would factor in 00:54:52.19\00:54:54.02 and calculate that one man would die 00:54:54.02\00:54:56.29 for every million dollars that was spent. 00:54:56.29\00:54:58.23 So with a budget of $35 million, 00:54:58.23\00:55:00.96 they knew that loss of life would be unacceptable. 00:55:00.96\00:55:03.67 This is why the chief engineer Joseph B Strauss 00:55:03.67\00:55:06.74 was absolutely adamant 00:55:06.74\00:55:08.10 about using the most rigorous safety precautions 00:55:08.10\00:55:10.84 that it ever been used in Bridgeville. 00:55:10.84\00:55:13.24 He had a local manufacturer safety equipment, 00:55:13.24\00:55:15.88 designed special headgear 00:55:15.88\00:55:17.21 that he insisted be worn on every job. 00:55:17.21\00:55:19.51 This became the prototype for the modern hard hat 00:55:19.51\00:55:22.38 worn for the first time ever, 00:55:22.38\00:55:24.05 but the safety precautions went even farther. 00:55:24.05\00:55:26.69 Strauss provided a special hand 00:55:26.69\00:55:28.59 and face cream to protect their skin 00:55:28.59\00:55:30.43 from the cold biting wind 00:55:30.43\00:55:32.23 and glare free goggles to protect their eyes. 00:55:32.23\00:55:35.00 In addition, they also ate a special diet 00:55:35.00\00:55:37.40 to help ward off dizziness 00:55:37.40\00:55:39.20 when they were working at those epic heights. 00:55:39.20\00:55:41.37 But the most conspicuous safety precaution 00:55:41.37\00:55:43.94 was a gigantic net that was suspended from end to end 00:55:43.94\00:55:47.38 under the entire construction area 00:55:47.38\00:55:49.58 of the Golden Gate Bridge. 00:55:49.58\00:55:51.61 In fact, during construction, 00:55:51.61\00:55:53.92 this net saved the lives of 19 men 00:55:53.92\00:55:57.09 who later became known as the Half Way to Hell Club. 00:55:57.09\00:56:00.92 Now you need to keep in mind, these were some of the most 00:56:00.92\00:56:02.92 dangerous construction conditions you can imagine. 00:56:02.92\00:56:06.06 The wind was constantly blowing. 00:56:06.06\00:56:08.50 They were walking around on iron 00:56:08.50\00:56:10.37 that sometimes had ice from the freezing fog. 00:56:10.37\00:56:13.60 In places, they were over 700 feet 00:56:13.60\00:56:16.10 above the icy waters. 00:56:16.10\00:56:18.44 Yet, the men coming from all walks of life 00:56:18.44\00:56:20.64 were willing to take these risks 00:56:20.64\00:56:22.54 because it was during The Great Depression 00:56:22.54\00:56:24.71 and they would get paid up to $11 a day 00:56:24.71\00:56:27.42 which was a fortune back then. 00:56:27.42\00:56:29.88 One of the other benefits of the net 00:56:29.88\00:56:32.45 was they discovered that the men 00:56:32.45\00:56:33.89 were much more courageous 00:56:33.89\00:56:35.02 even though they were walking high 00:56:35.02\00:56:36.69 on those slippery surfaces because they knew 00:56:36.69\00:56:39.06 there was a mechanism to protect them 00:56:39.06\00:56:40.80 if they should fall, this gave them the confidence 00:56:40.80\00:56:43.40 and the courage to press on 00:56:43.40\00:56:45.17 and get the bridge built in record time. 00:56:45.17\00:56:47.54 You know, friends, as Christians 00:56:47.54\00:56:48.90 we have a great work to do. 00:56:48.90\00:56:50.54 The Bible tells us that we get to participate with Jesus 00:56:50.54\00:56:53.71 in building a bridge that connects heaven and earth, 00:56:53.71\00:56:57.01 and there are dangers along the way. 00:56:57.01\00:56:58.91 The devil would like to paralyze us with fear 00:56:58.91\00:57:01.52 that we might fall or make a mistake, 00:57:01.52\00:57:03.62 but we know that Jesus has provided 00:57:03.62\00:57:05.59 a safety net for us and we don't have to be afraid. 00:57:05.59\00:57:08.42 We can press on with confidence 00:57:08.42\00:57:10.23 because the promise is in the Book of Jude verse 24, 00:57:10.23\00:57:13.03 he is able to keep us from falling. 00:57:13.03\00:57:15.40 But sometimes we make mistakes, 00:57:15.40\00:57:17.40 still don't be discouraged, friends, 00:57:17.40\00:57:19.20 if you read in 1 John 2:1, 00:57:19.20\00:57:22.07 the Bible says, "If we fall, if we sin, 00:57:22.07\00:57:24.71 we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ. 00:57:24.71\00:57:27.54 So let's press on together 00:57:27.54\00:57:28.94 and build that bridge with Christ. 00:57:28.94\00:57:31.01 Can't get enough Amazing Facts Bible Study? 00:57:39.95\00:57:42.86 You don't have to wait until next week 00:57:42.86\00:57:44.63 to enjoy more truth-filled programming. 00:57:44.63\00:57:47.23 Visit the Amazing Facts media library at AFTV.org. 00:57:47.23\00:57:52.33 At AFTV.org, you can enjoy video and audio presentations 00:57:52.33\00:57:57.17 as well as printed material all free of charge, 00:57:57.17\00:58:00.44 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 00:58:00.44\00:58:03.04 right from your computer or mobile device. 00:58:03.04\00:58:05.51 Visit AFTV.org. 00:58:05.51\00:58:08.15