Sabbath School Study Hour

The Role of Stewardship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021810A

00:35 Hello, friends, we'd like to welcome all of you
00:37 to Sabbath School Study Hour, coming to here
00:39 from the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:41 We'd like to welcome our online members
00:43 and those who are joining us
00:44 on the various television networks.
00:47 Thank you for tuning in,
00:48 to be a part of our study time today.
00:51 Also to the members and the visitors
00:52 right here at the Granite Bay Church,
00:53 it's always good to see you, Sabbath after Sabbath,
00:56 gathering together to study God's Word.
00:58 We've been studying through our lesson quarterly
01:00 dealing with the subject of stewardship.
01:02 It's called "Stewardship, Motives of the Heart".
01:05 Today, we find ourselves on lesson number 10,
01:08 entitled the Role of Stewardship.
01:10 So that will be our theme for study this morning.
01:13 For those who are joining us online,
01:15 if you don't have a copy of today's lesson,
01:18 the Role of Stewardship,
01:19 you can download the lesson at the following website,
01:22 just,
01:27 at
01:29 You can download lesson number 10,
01:31 and you can study along with us.
01:33 We have a free offer,
01:34 a book entitled "Hidden Eyes and Closed Ears".
01:38 That is the free offer for today.
01:40 Just give us a call on our resource phone line.
01:43 That number is 866-788-3966,
01:47 and you can ask for offer number 726.
01:51 If you are outside of North America,
01:53 just go to the Amazing Facts website,
01:55 just,
01:57 and you can download the book for free,
01:59 and you can read it right there online.
02:01 But before we get to our study time,
02:03 as we normally do,
02:04 we like to lift our voices in song.
02:06 I'd like to invite our song leaders
02:07 to come join me this morning.
02:10 We are so glad that it's that time
02:12 where we get to sing together like we do every week.
02:15 So we are singing one song today
02:18 that ties in with our lesson.
02:21 It's in the stewardship section of the hymnal,
02:25 and it's found on the 636, God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending.
02:30 So pay attention as we sing 636.
02:33 We'll do all three stanzas.
04:37 I hope that is your prayer this week,
04:40 serving You by loving all.
04:43 At this time, Pastor Ross will have our opening part.
04:54 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer.
04:56 Dear Father in heaven, we thank You once again
04:58 that we have this opportunity to gather together
05:00 and open up Your Word and study this important theme,
05:03 talking about how we can be better stewards
05:05 of the things that You've given us.
05:07 So Father, we pray once again
05:08 for the Holy Spirit to be praised
05:10 and to guard our hearts and our minds
05:11 as we open up Your word,
05:13 for we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
05:16 Our lesson this morning is going to be brought to us
05:18 by our senior pastor here at the Granite Bay Church,
05:21 Pastor Doug.
05:22 Welcome, everybody.
05:24 I'm glad to see each of you here at the Granite Bay Church.
05:28 And want to remind you those who are watching,
05:30 we have a lot of friends who are watching online,
05:33 and sometimes we see
05:35 a few days after we've done Sabbath school,
05:37 there are literally thousands of people
05:39 that study with us online.
05:41 Some of them are...
05:42 Some of our digital disciples, our online members.
05:45 And we know there's people scattered around the country,
05:47 other parts of the world
05:49 that have no local church that they can attend.
05:52 And if you want to know what it means
05:53 to be one of our online members or digital disciples,
05:56 then just go to our website which is,
06:03 and we'll be happy to contact you
06:05 and give you more information on that.
06:08 We are in lesson number 10 in our quarterly
06:11 talking about stewardship.
06:13 That is a very broad and a comprehensive subject.
06:16 And the lesson today, in particular,
06:18 it's called the Role of Stewardship,
06:21 and we have a memory verse.
06:22 Memory verse is from 1 Thessalonians 4:7,
06:26 hearing your lesson that's from the NIV.
06:27 Now we're going to go ahead and look at this together,
06:29 you ready?
06:30 1 Thessalonians 4:7,
06:32 "For God did not called us to be impure,
06:36 but to live a holy life."
06:39 And so one of the aspects of stewardship is
06:43 we are to manage and be stewards
06:47 of our time in our lives for the purpose of holiness.
06:50 Stewardship is, like I said it's comprehensive,
06:53 it covers so many different things.
06:55 Matter of fact, right here in the beginning of the lesson,
06:59 I want to reiterate, if you have any questions,
07:02 you who are watching online in particular,
07:05 if you have any questions about the lesson today,
07:07 go ahead and send them via Facebook.
07:10 You can send them through
07:12 either the Amazing Facts Facebook,
07:13 Granite Bay Facebook, my Facebook page.
07:16 We have people in the back that are looking,
07:18 they're scanning at your texts and your posts,
07:21 and you can enter those in,
07:22 and about two-thirds of the way through the lesson,
07:25 I'm going to try and take some questions.
07:26 I think Pastor Ross said, if you had any Bible questions,
07:29 I think he meant questions about the lesson,
07:31 otherwise they could be all over the place.
07:33 So anything on stewardship, we welcome.
07:37 You know, Le Roy Froom, great author,
07:41 he wrote in his book,
07:43 Stewardship in Its Larger Aspects.
07:45 He said, "It is not a theory or a philosophy,
07:49 but a working program.
07:51 It is in verity the Christian law of living."
07:54 Stewardship, it's a Christian law of living.
07:56 "It's necessary to an adequate understanding of life,
08:00 and essential to a true, vital religious experience.
08:04 It's not simply a matter of mental assent,
08:07 but it's an act of the will
08:09 and a definite, decisive transition
08:11 touching the whole perimeter of life."
08:15 Stewardship affects where you park your car
08:19 when you go shopping.
08:22 You want to be a steward of your time,
08:24 so you try not to park too far away from the entrance.
08:28 Or if you want to be a steward of your car,
08:30 you don't park right where they put the shopping carts
08:35 because it could damage your car,
08:36 and that's bad stewardship.
08:38 Stewardship is reaching over,
08:41 and if you see the children
08:42 have dropped a wrapper in the church of something
08:47 that you pick it up
08:48 and throw it in the garbage can.
08:50 Stewardship is just realizing
08:53 that this is our Father's world,
08:56 that your body belongs to Him,
08:58 that we're to use our time and our means to glorify God,
09:02 that we have a mission and a message...
09:04 Lesson talks more about that but stewardship really,
09:06 it encompasses every aspect of your life,
09:10 the management of the life, and influence, and means
09:13 that God has given you.
09:16 As I've said before,
09:17 you're just here for a short time.
09:20 The longer you live, the shorter you realize it is.
09:24 And when you look back over your life, you'll realize,
09:27 "Did I spend my life the way God wanted me to?"
09:31 That's what stewardship is.
09:33 It's about spending, not just money, spending life.
09:36 And so we want to...
09:37 And we'll give an account to God, won't we?
09:41 You've got stewardship of your words.
09:42 We give an account to God for every word we speak.
09:45 Bible says, "You need to budget your words."
09:48 Did you know that?
09:49 Solomon said, "Let your words be few."
09:53 And a fool's voice is known by the multitude of words.
09:56 So I set myself up for failure when I stand here to teach
09:59 because you expect me to just keep on rambling
10:01 for the next 50 minutes.
10:05 So we're stewards of everything that we do.
10:09 And so we want to be faithful stewards.
10:12 All right, well, one of the first things
10:13 we're going to explore here in our first heading
10:15 is Christ as the center.
10:17 Keeping Christ as the center really gives you perspective
10:20 on what the stewardship means.
10:22 And someone, in a moment, is going to read for me
10:25 John 13:3,
10:27 I got a few verses before we get there.
10:29 And we're using in our lesson
10:31 the analogy of like a chariot wheel.
10:34 It doesn't have to be a chariot wheel,
10:36 you can call it a wagon wheel.
10:37 But the whole idea is that you've got the rim,
10:41 you've got all the spokes that go towards the center,
10:43 and then you got the hub and the axle
10:46 right there in the middle.
10:48 You'll see there's a lot of different spokes,
10:51 they all kind of go to a common end.
10:54 One of them is understanding the centrality of Christ
10:59 in everything in our religion in the Bible.
11:02 John 5:39,
11:05 Jesus said, "You search the scriptures,
11:08 for in them you think you have eternal life.
11:10 These are they that testify of Me."
11:14 So when you're reading the Bible,
11:15 the Bible is all about Jesus.
11:18 And, you know, being a steward helps,
11:21 it helps to realize that
11:23 in our lives it's all about Christ,
11:26 it's all about the scriptures and the messages,
11:28 all about Jesus.
11:29 "These are they that testify of Me."
11:32 In other verse on the similar theme.
11:34 Luke 24:27, "And beginning at Moses..."
11:38 This is on the road to Emmaus, He made this statement.
11:40 "Beginning at Moses and all the prophets,
11:43 he expounded unto them in all the scriptures,
11:47 the things concerning himself."
11:49 So everything in the Bible is about Jesus.
11:52 And part of our stewardship is as we share Christ with others,
11:56 what is to stay the hub of that doctrine.
12:01 You might have all these different doctrines,
12:03 they're like spokes,
12:04 but they all point to the center,
12:05 and what is the center?
12:06 Christ. It's Christ.
12:08 Jesus has to stay the center of your life.
12:10 You know, if you keep Christ at the center of your life,
12:13 chances are you're going to be a responsible steward
12:16 of your time, and your energy, and your means.
12:20 Now go ahead, please read for us, John 13:3.
12:23 John 13:3,
12:25 "Jesus, knowing that the Father
12:27 had given all things into His hands,
12:29 and that He had come from God, and was going to God."
12:33 Yeah, and then, of course, he goes on
12:35 and talks about the foot washing service,
12:36 but I want to emphasize the part that says,
12:39 "All things were given into His hands.
12:42 He came from God, He's going to God."
12:45 Every word in the Bible is about Him
12:47 in one way or the other.
12:49 That Christ really needs to stay the hub
12:51 and the center of our lives.
12:53 Look at Hebrews 10:7,
12:56 "Then I said, 'Behold, I come, in the volume of the book,
13:01 it is written of me to do your will, O God.'"
13:04 And so it's safe to say when you talk about the Bible,
13:07 and you've heard me say this many times.
13:13 You don't say, well, Exodus is about Moses,
13:16 and Genesis is about Abraham, and Judges is about Samson,
13:21 who we're talking about today.
13:24 Genesis is about Jesus, and Exodus is about Jesus,
13:27 and Numbers, and Deuteronomy, Leviticus,
13:29 I got that out of order, and Joshua, and Judges,
13:31 and 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings,
13:33 it's all about Jesus,
13:35 "In the volume of the book, it is written of Me."
13:38 Karen and I, sometimes we'll watch Christian programming.
13:42 And we are watching something last night in particular,
13:45 and they said, the pastor said,
13:48 "We're going to be looking at one of the Psalms."
13:52 And he said,
13:53 "I know some of you don't have an Old Testament.
13:54 All you have is your New Testaments,
13:56 but you can just listen.
13:58 And I thought,
13:59 "How sad that a pastor would even tolerate a church
14:04 only having a third of their Bible."
14:08 Because Jesus doesn't begin in the New Testament,
14:12 Jesus is all the way through the Bible.
14:15 Amen? Amen.
14:16 And so keeping that at the center
14:18 is I think a very important chord.
14:21 All right, you can read also, here's another great one,
14:25 I think we all know.
14:26 John 1:1-3, talking about the prominence,
14:31 and the priority, and the preeminence of Jesus.
14:35 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
14:38 and the Word was God.
14:40 He was in the beginning with God.
14:43 All things were made through Him,
14:45 and without Him,
14:46 nothing was made that was made."
14:49 So He made everything.
14:51 All things are made by Him.
14:53 He is the first and the last, the alpha and the omega,
14:57 and so it's just very clear
14:59 that the Bible is all about Jesus.
15:01 In Matthew 28, I like this one.
15:03 He says in verse 18,
15:06 "And Jesus came and He spoke, saying,
15:08 'All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.'"
15:14 So Christ is really everything.
15:16 Let me give you one more verse on that before we move on.
15:18 Colossians 1:16, you know, these words moved me,
15:22 and the power is in the Word.
15:23 And sometimes I find myself in the Sabbath school study,
15:26 I go, oh!
15:27 Oh! Oh! Here's a good one.
15:28 Here's another one, here's another one,
15:30 but I got to be careful as a pastor,
15:32 not just laying one scripture on top of another
15:34 because sometimes your eyes begin to glaze over
15:37 when I do that.
15:39 But these words move me 'cause that's where the power is.
15:42 It's in the Word, the proof is in the Scripture,
15:45 and so I said, "Oh, I can't leave that one out.
15:46 Oh! And that's another good one."
15:48 Colossians 1:16-18,
15:51 still talking about Christ being everything.
15:52 This one sums it up.
15:55 "For by Him, all things were created,
15:57 that are in heaven, and that are on earth,
16:00 visible and invisible,
16:02 whether they're thrones, or dominions,
16:04 or principalities..."
16:05 I'm going to pause there for a moment.
16:09 Principalities or powers,
16:10 where else do you find that word principalities and powers?
16:14 "We wrestle not against flesh and blood,
16:17 but against principalities and powers."
16:21 What is it talking about in Ephesians 6?
16:23 Who are we wrestling against?
16:26 The devil, fallen angels.
16:28 Who made them?
16:30 Oh, they weren't devils, but it says,
16:33 "He made all things including principalities and powers,
16:37 all things were created through Him and for Him."
16:41 And have you ever wondered what you're made for?
16:45 You're made for God.
16:49 "And He is before all things."
16:52 We're never hidden from His eyes.
16:54 "And in Him, all things consist."
16:56 Oh, wasn't for God,
16:57 we'd just sort of vaporize and disassemble.
17:01 "And He is the head of the body of the church,
17:04 who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead,
17:07 that in all things He may have the preeminence."
17:11 And so that's a pretty powerful scripture
17:13 that says that,
17:15 "The foundation for your stewardship in life
17:18 is understanding that God is all in all.
17:22 The foundation for faithful stewardship
17:24 is understanding that He owns everything,
17:27 that He made everything, that everything belongs to Him,
17:32 that everything will answer to Him,
17:34 that He has all authority."
17:36 And so when God says something meager,
17:39 like "Remember to be faithful with your tithe."
17:43 And we say, "Well, let me think about that."
17:46 What?
17:48 He's God.
17:50 He says He will supply all of our needs,
17:54 do we really believe,
17:56 and when you understand the prominence of God,
17:59 it helps make that I think, it puts it in perspective.
18:02 All right, now you probably would not normally suspect that
18:07 in a lesson dealing with stewardship,
18:11 we'd say, "Now let's talk about the sanctuary."
18:15 But you even learn about the stewardship principle
18:20 through the sanctuary doctrine.
18:21 That's our next section here.
18:22 Here's a quote from the book Evangelism,
18:26 "The correct understanding of the ministration of Christ
18:30 in the heavenly sanctuary
18:32 is the foundation of our faith."
18:36 Now what happened there in the sanctuary
18:38 actually teaches us about God,
18:41 teaches us about the plan of salvation,
18:42 and in connection with that,
18:44 it teaches us about stewardship.
18:47 The whole sanctuary dealt with bringing something to God.
18:51 You would walk through that door with an offering,
18:54 isn't that right?
18:56 And what happened is...
19:00 The sanctuary talks about separation,
19:04 it's got a border, there's one door,
19:07 we're on the outside, God's on the inside.
19:10 We're trying to get to where God is.
19:13 The sanctuary represents a journey.
19:16 And let's just say for instance that here you've got...
19:18 Just use your imagination, okay?
19:20 Here you've got the courtyard of the sanctuary,
19:23 at the other end,
19:24 the farthest you could go from the door
19:27 is the Holy of Holies.
19:29 God's there, you're on the outside, you're here.
19:31 There's one way to begin the journey,
19:32 you walk through the door.
19:33 Who is the door?
19:35 Jesus is the door.
19:37 And when you get to the door,
19:38 and you're coming with what when you first enter?
19:40 Enter His gates with Thanksgiving,
19:42 an offering of Thanksgiving, and you bring Him offering.
19:45 You don't come before the Lord without an offering.
19:46 Now the Bible says,
19:47 "You don't come before a king without an offering."
19:50 But we're really coming to make atonement
19:52 to prepare us to go into His presence
19:55 because our sins have separated.
19:56 The blood must be applied
19:58 before we can go into His presence.
20:00 So first thing you do as you come in,
20:01 first thing that there is an altar.
20:03 It's there to receive an offering,
20:06 a sacrifice for your sins.
20:09 Offering is made,
20:11 then after the offering, there's a laver.
20:12 And the laver's for cleansing.
20:14 Now isn't that interesting,
20:15 why doesn't it have the water first?
20:17 You think, "Well, first, you get clean,
20:20 then you make your offering."
20:22 Is that how it works?
20:25 Have you heard a parent say to their child,
20:27 "Will you get cleaned up, so you can take a bath?"
20:31 Doesn't that sound backwards?
20:33 You take a bath so you can get cleaned up.
20:36 So the real hard cleansing that prepares us for everything else
20:39 is the sacrifice of Jesus, it's the lamb.
20:41 The altar, first thing is the lamb.
20:43 Before the children of Israel went through the Red Sea,
20:47 what happened in Egypt?
20:49 Passover Lamb, right?
20:51 The lamb came before baptism, the cross comes before baptism,
20:56 and so then came to the water, there is the washing,
20:59 then they went into the holy place.
21:00 This is now...
21:01 They've entered a new dimension here.
21:03 First of all you're justified in the courtyard.
21:05 You're sanctified in the holy place.
21:08 You are glorified in the Holy of Holies.
21:12 But the whole journey, it begins with an offering.
21:15 And you bring your lamb, you come, and you're cleansed,
21:20 you go into the holy place,
21:21 and there's three things in there,
21:23 you got the lamb, you got the bread,
21:25 you got the altar of incense.
21:27 Those are the three disciplines of the Christian life.
21:31 Bread, it's Word of God.
21:34 The light is sharing your faith.
21:35 Let your light so shine.
21:38 And the incense is prayer.
21:40 The three disciplines that help you grow as a Christian
21:42 are there.
21:44 You read your Bible, you pray, and you share your faith.
21:49 If you're not doing any one of those three things,
21:51 you're probably stunted spiritually.
21:54 You need to be...
21:56 On our way to church this morning,
21:57 Karen and I saw a graph.
21:58 There's another Christian program on,
22:00 it said, "An increasing..."
22:01 No.
22:02 "A decreasing number to Barna study graph.
22:05 A decreasing number of American Christians
22:08 are reading their Bible."
22:10 And some say, "Oh, yeah, I read my Bible."
22:12 Then the question was, "Well, do you read it besides church?"
22:18 It's like 17% read their Bible outside of church in the week.
22:22 So it's just surprising.
22:25 You need,
22:26 if you're going to be sanctified
22:27 there in the holy place,
22:29 you need to read your Bible,
22:30 you need to have a regular prayer life,
22:32 and you need to be proactively sharing your faith
22:35 using your different gifts in some way.
22:37 Not all are evangelists or pastors,
22:38 you can give out literature, you can do something,
22:40 but we should be sharing our faith.
22:43 And then when sanctification is complete,
22:47 then you move into the presence of God.
22:51 Now when you look at the sanctuary,
22:52 how much of that is about Jesus?
22:54 All the spokes go back to the same hub.
22:57 Is that right?
23:00 Who is the door?
23:02 Jesus. Jesus.
23:03 Who is the high priest?
23:04 Jesus. Jesus.
23:06 Who is the lamb?
23:08 You all know your cue.
23:10 You're just supposed to say when I ask,
23:11 you say Jesus, right?
23:13 Who is the bread?
23:14 Jesus. Jesus.
23:16 Who is the light of the world?
23:18 Jesus. Jesus.
23:19 And in whose name do we pray?
23:21 Jesus. Jesus.
23:22 His incense is what makes our prayers acceptable.
23:26 I'm sure I've left things out.
23:28 Jesus said, His body is the temple.
23:30 So destroy this temple, I will raise it up,
23:32 and he spoke of His body.
23:33 So He's not just the door, He's the whole thing.
23:36 And so all of it is teaching us about Christ in some way.
23:39 And now this message,
23:41 we are stewards of that message.
23:43 And so we want to be faithful in sharing that with the world.
23:47 And now in just a moment,
23:48 someone's going to look up for me, Galatians 6:14.
23:51 You'll have that, Brian? Okay, hang on.
23:54 I want to read 1 John 2:1,
23:58 "My little children,
23:59 these things I've written to you that you may not sin.
24:02 And if any one sins,
24:04 we have an advocate with the Father,
24:06 Christ the righteous."
24:08 Now this is important, I won't rush past it.
24:14 Is it the desire of the apostle here,
24:16 and we are presuming the desire of God
24:18 that we may not sin?
24:21 When Jesus healed the woman that was caught in adultery,
24:25 He said, "Neither do I condemn,
24:27 you go and try to sin a little less."
24:31 Is that what He said?
24:32 No. No.
24:33 And then there was a man who Jesus healed,
24:36 and He said
24:40 "Go and sin no more unless the worst thing come upon you."
24:45 God's goal for us always is to run as far from sin as we can,
24:49 and yet I hear more and more pastors say,
24:51 "Just try not to sin too much."
24:53 Really, that's the message I'm hearing.
24:55 "We got God's grace, don't take sin too seriously."
24:58 And I understand where they're coming from.
25:00 There are so many people that are so guilty
25:02 because of their failures that they just gave up on God,
25:05 and saw this great emphasis
25:06 on the grace part of the message,
25:08 but it seems like the pendulum
25:10 has swung too far the other way now,
25:11 and folks are not being told about holiness
25:14 and believing that God gives you the power
25:16 to turn from sin.
25:18 And so here He said, "My little children,
25:21 I write these things that you do not sin,
25:22 but praise the Lord if we do sin,
25:24 if anyone sins,
25:26 we have an advocate with the Father."
25:29 So part of the sanctuary message is
25:30 when we do fall, we can bring our lamb, Jesus,
25:35 to the door of that.
25:36 Now how do we do that?
25:39 Is the church now the sanctuary?
25:43 Or do we come boldly before God's sanctuary now
25:46 through Christ, through faith in the heavenly temple?
25:49 We pray, and we see
25:50 that He ever lives to make intersession for us.
25:52 He's our high priest.
25:53 He spreads out His hands that are scarred,
25:56 and He pleads His own blood.
25:58 And so this is part of the gospel.
26:00 The sanctuary message
26:01 is a very important part of the gospel today
26:03 in helping people understand
26:05 that He is before the Father interceding.
26:07 Amen?
26:09 Okay, you're quiet group.
26:11 Revelation 14:7,
26:13 matter of fact, we've got this later in the...
26:17 I'll say here too.
26:18 Revelation 14:7,
26:20 "Saying with a loud voice, Fear God and give glory to Him,
26:23 for the hour of his judgment is come,"
26:25 part of the sanctuary message is that we're living in a time,
26:28 an awesome time of judgment
26:30 that begins at the house of God,
26:32 "and worship him who made the heaven, and the earth,
26:35 the sea, and the springs of water
26:37 are returning to the worship of God as our creator."
26:41 Go ahead and read for us, Galatians 6:14.
26:44 Now this is under the heading
26:45 of Christ centered doctrinal beliefs.
26:48 Okay, Brian?
26:49 "But God forbid that I should boast
26:51 accepting the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,
26:55 by whom the world has been crucified to me,
26:58 and I to the world."
27:00 What was the center of Paul's boasting?
27:03 And he's using that word sort of a...
27:05 In a little bit of an analogist way,
27:09 said, "The only thing that I have to boast about
27:11 is the Christ and the cross."
27:13 That is central.
27:15 Jesus said, John 14:6,
27:17 "I am the way, the truth, and the life,
27:21 no one comes to the Father, except through Me."
27:24 He is the door,
27:25 He is all in all as we've discovered.
27:28 And He says, "I am the truth."
27:30 So sad that Pilate there, Pontius Pilate,
27:33 he was standing in the presence of truth incarnate,
27:37 and he said, "What is truth?"
27:38 and then he turned and walked away,
27:40 he did not even wait for an answer.
27:41 How sad to be that close to the embodiment of truth,
27:46 and not listen to what He had to say.
27:49 But to be cynical about it, "Huh, what is truth?
27:51 Who knows what truth is?"
27:52 Truth was right there in front of him.
27:54 The greatest concentration of truth in the universe
27:56 was in front of him,
27:57 and he turned and walked away.
27:59 How many other people still do that?
28:03 How many people stay in a hotel room
28:04 with a Bible right there by their bedstead?
28:07 Thanks to Gideons, and they've never opened it up.
28:11 So close to truth.
28:14 Now, when we talk about the different doctrines
28:18 in the Bible,
28:19 and that you would present in an evangelistic meeting.
28:22 How was Jesus supposed fit into that?
28:25 For example, when we preach the doctrine,
28:29 well, you know, we're Seventh-day Adventists,
28:31 so we talk about the Sabbath.
28:33 People think about Baptists,
28:35 they think about baptism by immersion,
28:37 and then people think about Pentecostals,
28:41 they will typically think about speaking in tongues,
28:43 and there's a lot more doctrine to Seventh-day Adventism
28:46 than just the Sabbath,
28:47 but it's their sort of card of finding our name,
28:51 but should the Sabbath ever be preached
28:54 outside of the context of Jesus?
28:58 Or should...
28:59 How is Jesus connected with a Sabbath doctrine?
29:03 It talks about Him as our creator.
29:08 It talks about the rest that we have in Christ.
29:12 Now once we've got the spiritual rest,
29:13 do we still need physical rest once a week?
29:16 And once we understand that
29:18 we're to worship Him seven days a week,
29:20 do we no longer need weekly worship?
29:22 Corporate worship together?
29:24 No, of course, that's still there too.
29:26 When we talk about the doctrine of death,
29:29 how does Jesus fit in with that?
29:34 Well, it's true, in death He rested.
29:36 Is He also our resurrection?
29:38 Yeah.
29:39 Christ says that He is the resurrection
29:41 and the life.
29:42 What about the law?
29:44 If you're going to talk about the doctrine of the law of God,
29:47 people think, "Well, don't talk to me about the law,
29:48 talk to me about Jesus."
29:50 You ever heard that, something like that?
29:52 They think that talking about the law
29:53 is not talking about Jesus.
29:55 Jesus is the rock.
29:57 He is the law that is written in our hearts.
30:00 He said, "He that hears these words of Mine
30:01 is building on the rock."
30:04 And the law was written on a rock.
30:06 And the God... The New Covenant is what?
30:08 The law of God written on our heart
30:10 through love for Christ.
30:12 And so He is everything.
30:13 The health message.
30:15 People think, "Well, you know,
30:17 we'll talk about the clean and the unclean foods,
30:20 and just don't eat this,
30:22 and you can go ahead and eat that,
30:23 don't eat too much of this."
30:26 Should that be done outside of Christ?
30:29 Isn't He the great physician, first of all?
30:32 And Christ is our healer, and He fasted 40 days,
30:36 and we probably could live without pork.
30:39 You know what I mean?
30:41 So you just look at Christ,
30:42 and look at His life in self-denial.
30:44 And you think, you know,
30:46 it should always be done in the context of Jesus.
30:49 Now, I've got more in my lesson here,
30:50 but I see some questions on the screen.
30:54 Some people wrote questions,
30:55 it looks like a few of them are on the subject of stewardship.
30:59 So we're going to answer some of those, right?
31:01 Here's a questions that came in on Facebook,
31:04 it looks like it came in.
31:05 "Is sending my tithe
31:06 to a non-Christian humanitarian organization
31:10 equivalent to tithing?"
31:12 Well, I would say no. What do you say?
31:15 No, because it tells us that the tithe was set aside
31:19 for the proclamation of the gospel.
31:22 And while I might care about, you know, dogs and cats,
31:26 I would never send tithe money to the ASPCA
31:29 or an animal shelter,
31:31 and think that I was using that to proclaim the gospel.
31:33 You'd really have to sort of torture your logic to do that.
31:37 And so no, tithe is different,
31:40 but there are
31:41 number of good humanitarian organizations out there,
31:44 and I think Christians should sometimes think about
31:47 supporting those things.
31:48 I don't think Christians should be known as the people
31:49 that only give to the church,
31:51 they don't give to any worthy project.
31:54 We got a project here in town
31:56 where they help people get off the streets,
31:59 loaves and fishes.
32:01 And there's a couple of them
32:02 that help people struggling with drinking,
32:03 try and get off of it.
32:05 And that's a great, those are some great ministries.
32:06 They do it in the Christian context,
32:08 but that's not we use tithe for.
32:11 So there are some good humanitarian charities
32:13 out there,
32:15 and there's some charity out there,
32:16 they just go around
32:17 and people that are dying from waterborne disease,
32:19 they're drilling wells for them in these poor countries.
32:22 That's a great thing, providing clean water.
32:24 That's kind of Christian, isn't it?
32:26 But I don't want to use tithe for that.
32:28 See, that's what's different. Our next question.
32:30 "Isn't second tithe the same as stewardship
32:33 or is it different?"
32:35 Well, both, first and second tithe
32:37 are connected with stewardship.
32:39 The second tithe was different.
32:41 The second tithe is typically something that's mentioned
32:44 that was done connected with the feasts.
32:48 They might take another tenth with them.
32:51 They could use that along the way
32:52 to subsidize their travel to the feast,
32:55 they could give it to the poor, they could help buy provisions,
32:58 or by sacrifices that they might bring to the temple,
33:00 and this was a second tithe.
33:02 It was something separate from the first tithe
33:05 which is right off the top
33:06 that went towards the storehouse
33:08 and the priesthood.
33:09 We have some others that have come in.
33:11 "Wasn't the tithe done away with
33:14 like the feast days?"
33:15 No.
33:17 Keep in mind
33:18 that one of the ways you can draw a distinction
33:20 between the feast days and tithe is,
33:22 ask yourself did it exist before the Exodus,
33:26 do you find it in Genesis.
33:29 There were a number of annual Sabbaths
33:31 that came in the Book of Exodus connected with the...
33:37 They're written on paper,
33:38 and they were connected with the temple and its services,
33:42 these were nailed to the cross,
33:43 but the weekly Sabbath,
33:45 it goes all the way back to Genesis.
33:47 Matter of fact, goes back to before sin, doesn't it?
33:50 Do you find an example of the principle of tithe
33:53 in Genesis?
33:55 Yeah, it goes all the way back.
33:57 And so... and then does Jesus repeat it?
34:00 When He says in Matthew 23:23,
34:02 "You pay tithe of your mint, and your anise, and your cumin,
34:05 and you've omitted the weightier matters
34:06 of the law, justice, mercy, and faith.
34:09 these you ought to have done,"
34:10 notice the last part of this verse,
34:11 "and not leave the other undone."
34:14 He says, "You're meticulous in your tithe,
34:16 and that's good."
34:18 He says, "But don't neglect the most important things,
34:20 justice, mercy, faith.
34:23 These you ought to have done. Don't let the other be undone."
34:26 Christ could have said,
34:28 "Don't worry about tithe anymore,"
34:29 but He didn't.
34:31 And Paul said, "Those who preached the gospel
34:33 live of the gospel."
34:34 That's what tithe is all about.
34:35 The Levites, their fulltime job
34:37 was to go through the communities,
34:39 preach the gospel, they lived of the tithe.
34:41 Paul repeats that same principle
34:42 for New Testament Christians.
34:44 Most evangelical pastors still believe in tithe.
34:49 There are some that think it's part of the old law.
34:53 But, yeah, I think most do believe it.
34:55 Okay, I see another question.
34:58 "The only way I can afford to pay tithe
35:00 is by working on Saturday."
35:04 Sorry.
35:06 "What's more important,
35:07 paying tithe or not working on Saturday?"
35:11 I would disagree with your premise for your question
35:15 that the only way that you're going to be able
35:16 to afford to pay tithe is by working on Saturday.
35:19 How do you know that?
35:21 If you are paying your tithe first and not last,
35:26 God will supply your needs if you're faithful.
35:29 Doesn't mean you won't be tested,
35:31 but if you take up God on His challenge,
35:34 He says, "Prove me now."
35:35 I've never seen God fail.
35:36 If you think that you proved God
35:38 and He failed the test, let me know.
35:40 But God says, "Prove me," He is inviting us to test Him,
35:44 "and be faithful in this,
35:45 and see if I don't open for you the windows of heaven."
35:47 How many of you... All right, studio,
35:50 get ready for an audience shot.
35:52 Find some really happy-looking people
35:54 before you do.
35:56 And I want to ask this question,
35:58 how many of you can say you've proved God
36:00 on the tithe issue,
36:01 and He has come through for you?
36:03 Raise your hands.
36:04 Okay, there you got the testimony
36:05 of our Sabbath school class.
36:08 So try it, the jury is in that God is faithful.
36:11 Do we have another question?
36:13 Yup.
36:15 It said, "You mentioned that those on Social Security
36:18 didn't have to pay tithe."
36:21 No, I didn't say that.
36:24 I said that if when you, you know,
36:26 if you're giving out of your check,
36:28 Social Security every week
36:30 or every, you know, two weeks when you get your paycheck,
36:33 and you're paying tithe on your gross.
36:35 In theory, you have paid tithe
36:37 on some of your Social Security income.
36:40 But I would never even worry about that,
36:41 I just pay on your gross when you first get it in.
36:45 And it said, "Isn't not giving our tithe,
36:47 not trusting God to give to us?
36:49 Yeah, I think we should just...
36:51 You can never outgive God. Be faithful with your tithe.
36:54 All right, if you get some more questions in,
36:56 just pop them up on the screen,
36:57 I've got more lesson, I'm gonna go back to right now.
37:00 And we're talking about
37:01 Christ-centered doctrinal beliefs.
37:03 Ephesians 1:19, and it says,
37:07 "And what is the exceeding greatness
37:09 of His Power towards us who believe,
37:11 according to the working of His mighty power,
37:13 which He worked in Christ,
37:15 when He raised Him from the dead,
37:16 and seated Him at His right hand
37:18 in the heavenly places,
37:20 far above all principalities and powers,"
37:23 we talked about the principalities and powers,
37:26 "and might, and dominion, and that every name is named,
37:29 not only in this age, but in the age to come,
37:32 and He put all things under His feet,
37:34 and gave Him to be the head over all things
37:37 to the church, which is the body,
37:39 the fullness of Him who fills all in all."
37:42 Look at the great experlatives
37:43 that Paul is using to talk about Christ
37:45 is above everything
37:46 and everything is under His feet,
37:48 and He's all in all and overall.
37:50 Here we see the Son exalting the Father,
37:52 and the Father exalting the Son.
37:54 And if you look in 1 Corinthians 2:2,
37:58 Paul, he says, "For I am determined
38:00 not to know any thing among you,
38:03 except Jesus Christ and Him crucified."
38:06 So it's pretty clear that
38:07 the emphasis of the New Testament writers
38:09 was the centrality of Jesus in every doctrine.
38:12 Whatever it is you're going to teach on Amazing Facts,
38:15 teachers, evangelists,
38:16 we always tell them,
38:17 "Make sure you keep the Christ in the middle of it."
38:20 And one of the classes I teach for AFCOE
38:22 is that Christ in all the Bible.
38:24 It's one of my favorite themes
38:26 is whatever doctrine you're teaching,
38:28 whatever story you're teaching,
38:30 look for the gospel in that story
38:32 because I think you find it everywhere.
38:35 All right, the three angels' message,
38:37 our mission, here's where you talk about the wheel,
38:39 but this is where the wheel meets the road, so to speak.
38:41 How does the stewardship effect what we say?
38:44 In the book, Nine Testimonies to the Church,
38:49 page 19,
38:50 "In a special sense,
38:52 the Seventh-day Adventist have been set aside
38:55 in the world as watchmen and light bearers.
38:57 To them has been entrusted the last warning
39:01 for a perishing world.
39:02 On them is shining wonderful light
39:04 from the Word of God.
39:06 They've been given a work of the most solemn import,
39:09 the proclamation of the first, second,
39:11 and third angels' messages.
39:13 There is no other work
39:14 that is of so great and importance.
39:16 They are to allow nothing else to absorb their attention."
39:20 How many of you have been coming
39:21 to our midweek Bible study?
39:22 This will put you on the spot. Some of you.
39:25 Hasn't it been good?
39:27 We've been doing the three angels' message,
39:31 and I think last week, I talked about Babylon,
39:33 and how to come out.
39:35 And we posted that on Facebook,
39:37 and it's got like 80,000 hits on it.
39:40 So people out there are interested in that,
39:42 so out there, we got 80,000 people,
39:45 but in the room, we got 30,
39:48 we had 50 out of 500 members.
39:52 Guilt.
39:54 If you didn't pick up on that,
39:58 we're here, Tuesday, 7 o'clock, here for study,
40:00 we're going through the three angels' message,
40:02 and we're doing it thoroughly too.
40:03 I think we spent weeks just on verse 6,
40:06 and there's new things all the time.
40:09 What are those messages?
40:10 Let me read them to you real quick,
40:12 and this is Revelation 14:6-12,
40:14 she said this should be a priority.
40:16 This is what happens just before Jesus comes,
40:19 it tells in verse 14,
40:21 "I looked down on cloud one like the son of man."
40:24 And so actually it's a little later than that.
40:30 That's Jesus coming,
40:31 so the messages that go to world
40:32 before Christ comes,
40:34 "I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven,
40:36 having the everlasting gospel
40:38 to preach to those who dwell on the earth,
40:40 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people."
40:42 That's a global message.
40:44 "Saying with a loud voice,
40:45 Fear God, and give glory to him..."
40:47 That's a message of reverence for God,
40:49 we need to practice reverence.
40:52 "Give glory to Him
40:53 for the hour of His judgment is come.
40:55 Let people know that we're living in a time of judgment
40:58 prior to the second coming."
41:00 You know people think that's a difficult doctrine.
41:02 It's really a very simple doctrine.
41:04 How many of you know that when Jesus comes,
41:07 He's dispensing rewards when He comes, is that clear?
41:10 Behold he comes, my reward is with me,
41:12 to give to every man according as his work shall be,
41:14 okay.
41:15 So does it makes sense to you,
41:17 some investigation takes places before He comes.
41:20 That's called the pre-advent judgment.
41:22 It's an investigation that happens before He comes,
41:24 we're living in that time right now.
41:28 And it says,
41:29 "Judgment has come, worship Him who made..."
41:31 We're to worship the creator. It's a revival and worship.
41:34 "The heaven, and earth,
41:35 and the sea, and the springs of waters."
41:36 He is the creator,
41:37 you wouldn't have an evolution as to people were
41:40 understanding the three angels' message.
41:42 "And another angel followed, saying,
41:44 Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city,
41:46 because she's made all nations
41:47 drink the wine of the wrath of her fornication."
41:50 Go to Revelation 18 says,
41:51 "Babylon is fallen, is fallen, come out of her, my people,
41:54 or you'll receive of her plagues
41:55 and partaker of her sins."
41:56 And so it's an important message.
41:58 People need to know what is Babylon,
42:00 and how do people get out.
42:02 And then there, you've got the third angel.
42:05 "Follows with a loud voice saying,
42:06 'If anyone worships the beast and his image,
42:09 and receives his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
42:11 he himself will drink the wine of the wrath of God
42:14 that is poured out with full strength
42:16 into the cup of his indignation.'"
42:18 The most fearful warning in the entire Bible,
42:21 I challenge you to find a more fearful warning
42:23 than the one that says,
42:26 "They will drink the wine of the wrath of God
42:28 poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation
42:31 and tormented with fire and brimstone
42:33 in the presence of the holy angels,
42:35 and in the presence of the Lamb,
42:37 and the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever and ever,
42:39 and they have no rest, day or night,
42:42 who worship the beast and his image."
42:44 And yet you're going to hear people say,
42:45 "Ah, don't talk about the mark and the beast?"
42:48 Have you heard that?
42:50 Don't we have a message of warning?
42:52 The Bible says, "If you know the enemy is coming,
42:55 and you do not warn them, they're going to be destroyed,
42:57 but their blood, I'll require at your hands."
43:00 And so we have a message of warning in that third angel
43:03 to avoid the most fearful proclamation
43:07 in the entire Bible.
43:08 People say, "Oh, the Old Testament
43:09 is judgment and plagues,
43:11 New Testament is love."
43:12 This is New Testament,
43:14 tormented, fire and brimstone, present law.
43:17 We got to warn people, amen.
43:19 This is a message that goes to the world.
43:22 How that they need to avoid the beast and his image,
43:24 so don't ever fall for that mushy nonsense
43:27 you hear pastors say,
43:28 "We don't need to talk about the mark and the beast."
43:32 Jesus said to do it, so we're going to do it.
43:33 Amen?
43:36 And you know what?
43:38 Those pastors don't get baptisms.
43:41 When you preach the three angels' message,
43:44 it converts.
43:46 When you do that in an evangelistic program,
43:48 there is power,
43:49 people understand the relevance of it,
43:50 and it reaches people.
43:52 Amen.
43:55 "Here is the patience of the saints.
43:57 Here are those who keep the Commandments of God,
43:59 and the faith of Jesus."
44:01 Part of stewardship is keeping,
44:03 and that would include keeping the Commandments of God.
44:06 All right,
44:08 I'm going to jump down because I see the clock,
44:10 and part of stewardship,
44:12 and this is where our memory verse came from,
44:14 deals with holiness.
44:16 We've been given lives, we've been given minds,
44:21 and with our lives and with the things we think,
44:23 God has called us to be pure in heart.
44:26 He's called us the holiness.
44:27 We will give an account to what we do,
44:29 that's stewardship, with what we have,
44:31 and one of the things He's given you is a mind.
44:33 We need to pray the Lord will brainwash us.
44:37 Wash our brains.
44:38 Anyone in for that? You know what I mean.
44:41 And that we can be sanctified,
44:43 and that we can be made pure in heart.
44:46 Hebrews 9:14,
44:48 "Of how much more shall the blood of Christ,
44:50 who through the eternal Spirit,
44:52 who offered Himself without spot to God,
44:54 cleanse your conscience from dead works
44:57 to serve the living God?"
44:58 He cleanses you in here, in your conscience too.
45:01 Someone's going to read for me in a moment.
45:03 1 Thessalonians 4, you got that, Mangie?
45:07 All right, you're next.
45:08 Luke 1:35,
45:10 "And the angel answered and said to Mary,
45:12 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you,
45:14 and the power of the Highest will overshadow you.
45:17 Therefore, that holy one
45:20 who will be born is called the Son of God.'"
45:22 Jesus is that holy one, and He needs to be born in us.
45:27 All right, go ahead please.
45:28 1 Thessalonians 4:7 and 8,
45:31 "For God did not call us to uncleanliness,
45:35 but in holiness.
45:37 Therefore he who reject this does not reject man, but God,
45:44 who has also given us His Holy Spirit."
45:48 Hard to imagine that
45:49 someone would reject the teaching of holiness.
45:52 Paul is not talking about people in the world
45:53 who reject it,
45:55 they have no concept.
45:56 He's talking about people in the church
45:57 that would reject the teaching of holiness.
46:00 Do we have that in the church today?
46:02 Absolutely.
46:04 And people, you talk about holiness,
46:05 they call it legalism,
46:07 as though obedience is legalism.
46:10 God has called us the holiness.
46:11 Holiness means you're set aside.
46:14 You strive for purity of mind, purity of life,
46:16 purity of heart,
46:17 and you are to be stewards of that life
46:20 to lead everyone keep his vessel in holiness,
46:23 the Bible says.
46:24 Hebrews 12:14,
46:26 "Pursue peace with all people,
46:28 and, " catch this,
46:29 "holiness, without which no one will see God."
46:35 Now the Lord imputes holiness to us
46:40 through sanctification and justification.
46:42 He imparts holiness to us
46:45 through sanctification as we follow Him.
46:47 And there will be battles.
46:50 You are going to wrestle, you're going to strive,
46:52 you're going to run,
46:53 there's struggles of self-denial.
46:55 If people aren't told this, they're being fooled.
46:58 If you want to be a Bible Christian,
47:00 there are struggles, and there are great rewards.
47:03 But, you know, on your way to the Promised Land,
47:05 there are battles to fight.
47:07 But the reward of holiness and the peace of mind
47:11 that passes understanding.
47:14 1 Peter 1:15,
47:16 "But as He who has called you is holy,
47:18 so also be holy in all your conduct
47:22 because it is written.
47:23 'Be holy, for I am holy.'"
47:25 And none of us is going to say,
47:26 "Oh, yeah, I think I'm holy enough."
47:28 We all feel like we fall short, but what is our goal?
47:31 To be like Christ,
47:32 and He was that holy one
47:34 that was conceived of the Holy Spirit.
47:36 Isaiah 35:8, the Bible says,
47:38 "A highway will be there, a road,
47:40 and it will be called the highway of holiness.
47:43 And the unclean will not pass over it."
47:46 This is the way. Jesus is the way.
47:48 Philippians 4:19,
47:50 "And my God will supply all your need
47:53 according to the riches in glory by Jesus Christ."
47:56 So when we're talking about stewardship,
47:58 and God supplying all of our need,
48:00 so often we think, "Ah, my bank account,
48:03 God will supply all of my need."
48:05 But when we're talking about holiness,
48:07 and we say, "God will supply all my need,"
48:09 what are you thinking?
48:12 Aren't you thinking of the grace that you need,
48:14 the power of the Spirit to resist temptation,
48:18 to keep your eyes in the right place,
48:20 to keep your head in the right place,
48:22 to keep your ears in right place?
48:24 That's what it means. God will supply all your need.
48:26 This is, He supplies all your need
48:28 that you need to be what He wants you to be.
48:31 Let me read one more thing, and then I'm done.
48:33 "The sanctification of the soul
48:35 by the working of the Holy Spirit
48:37 is the implanting of Christ nature in humanity.
48:40 Gospel religion is Christ in the life,
48:42 a living act of principle.
48:45 It is the grace of Christ revealed in the character
48:47 and wrought out in good works.
48:49 The principles of the gospel cannot be disconnected
48:52 from any department of practical life.
48:54 Every line of Christian experience
48:57 and labor
48:58 is the representation of the life of Christ."
49:01 We are to represent Jesus in the world by our lives.
49:04 We are stewards of our influence
49:07 among other things.
49:08 Amen?
49:09 I want to remind our friends that are watching
49:11 or some are just listening
49:13 that we do have a free offer
49:14 and it's called Hidden Eyes and Closed Ears,
49:17 talks about being open to the Holy Spirit,
49:19 726 is the offer you'll ask for when you call 800...
49:23 I'm sorry, 866-788-3966, that's 866-Study-More.
49:28 We'll send it to you for free, please send for this.
49:30 It'll bless you, read it, share it with a friend,
49:33 and God bless you
49:35 till we study His word together again next week.
49:48 Among the people living in the tropics,
49:50 for thousands of years,
49:52 the coconut has been a virtual tree of life.
49:55 The people use it for food, for clothing, for water,
49:58 for tools, for soap,
50:00 it does just about everything.
50:03 The coconut has also saved a lot of lives.
50:07 During World War II, pilots that were shot down
50:09 or sailors that were stranded on Pacific Islands,
50:12 they lived for many months
50:13 on nothing other than the coconut trees
50:15 that were on their islands.
50:17 Yes, sir, the coconut is a tree of life.
50:21 One of the amazing things about coconut
50:23 is they're designed so they're actually able to float
50:25 across oceans.
50:27 Coconuts can go thousands of miles
50:28 after many months
50:29 be washed up on some deserted sandy beach,
50:32 then they take root, sprout, come to life
50:37 and they'll develop a whole new ecosystem,
50:39 holding islands in place through a hurricane.
50:42 When the ancient Polynesian travelers
50:44 crossing oceans
50:45 saw an island with coconut trees,
50:47 they knew there was hope.
50:49 It's amazing how in virtually no time at all,
50:51 those living on Pacific Islands
50:53 know how to make baskets and all kinds of tools
50:56 from the leaves of the coconut tree.
51:01 The coconuts even serve different purposes
51:03 at different times in their development.
51:05 The younger green coconut, they're full of water,
51:08 that'll keep you alive.
51:11 You can even make utensils from the coconut.
51:14 My spoon is part of the green shell
51:17 and here this is a coconut jelly,
51:20 makes good for breakfast.
51:24 The more mature coconuts, that's where you get the meat,
51:27 but you want to make sure that they're not bad,
51:29 the way you test this
51:30 is you can hear the water inside.
51:31 You bring that mike over here.
51:34 Can you hear it? That's a good one.
51:36 How about we take a bite?
51:38 Now that makes meal that will really fill you up
51:40 and it cleanse your teeth at the same time.
51:45 Throughout the Bible,
51:46 Jesus uses a number of metaphors
51:48 to remind us that everything we need to survive
51:50 comes from Him.
51:51 He says that He's the living water.
51:54 Jesus tells us He is the bread of life.
51:56 His robe covers us with righteousness.
51:59 He is our good shepherd that protects us.
52:01 Jesus is the living vine through which we get our life
52:05 and our nourishment.
52:06 You might say Jesus is like the coconut tree,
52:09 a tree of life.
52:11 You know, the first few verses in the Bible tell that
52:13 God provided a tree of life for man
52:15 so he could live forever,
52:17 but because of sin, man was
52:18 separated from that tree and from the garden.
52:21 But through trusting in Jesus
52:22 and trusting in His sacrifice on the cross,
52:25 we once again will have access to the tree of life
52:27 and have eternal life with Him in the kingdom.
52:30 But this is all made possible because we trust in Jesus,
52:33 who is the real tree of life.
52:35 Jesus said, "Unless you eat My flesh and drink My blood,
52:38 you have no life in you."
52:39 But when we accept Christ as our sacrifice
52:41 and we allow Him to cleanse us
52:43 and fill us with His Spirit,
52:44 we become new creatures,
52:46 and we can be with Him
52:47 and sharing the gift of everlasting life with others.
52:50 Matter of fact, we could do that right now
52:52 by tossing a coconut out
52:53 and praying that it lands on a deserted beach.
53:15 Amazing Facts, changed lives.
53:24 My greatest wish
53:26 is that my children will see me
53:29 the way I see my own father.
53:35 He's a very devoted man.
53:37 And that kind of framed my childhood
53:39 going forward from there
53:41 where I was always involved in church work,
53:45 and I had a very rich experience
53:48 with the Lord at a young age,
53:51 all the way up through college.
53:53 Then after I got married,
53:55 I got in a company called Comcast.
53:58 And I spent the past roughly eight and a half years,
54:02 nine years at Comcast.
54:05 And I was actually watching television with my son.
54:09 And a Comcast commercial came on the air.
54:13 And he said, "Oh, daddy, that's Comcast,
54:16 that's where you work, daddy."
54:19 And most fathers would be proud of something like that,
54:22 but it really struck me that,
54:25 you know, my son is getting older
54:27 and he does not see me as a servant of the Lord.
54:30 He sees me as a servant of my company.
54:33 And I knew that I would have to make some changes,
54:38 because I wanted him to know me as a man of God.
54:43 I never thought I would be a preacher
54:44 or anything like that.
54:46 But I knew that there was room in the work for me
54:50 and for my talents.
54:54 And I wanted my son to see me operating in the work.
55:00 That's when I knew that my time there was coming to an end.
55:05 I was sitting in my office one day
55:07 and I was kneeling in prayer,
55:09 I said, God, now show me what You want me to do
55:12 because, you know,
55:14 it seems like a big move here and...
55:20 Everyone is thinking, I'm crazy.
55:23 And I don't know exactly how,
55:27 you know, things are gonna go if they don't go well.
55:31 You know, the crazy thought when you,
55:33 you're thinking about God
55:36 and I lifted my head up in prayer
55:40 and they were just like a flock of...
55:43 Oh, maybe 300 birds that were just flying
55:48 and they were swooping down over the water
55:50 and they would fly back up
55:52 and then, they would chase each other around
55:55 and, you know, I was just looking
55:56 at the pattern of the giant flock,
55:59 and the promise of the Lord came to me where He says that,
56:03 you know, He takes care of the sparrows,
56:07 and you don't see them worrying about
56:10 how they are going to be taking care of from day to day.
56:13 You know, they don't, you know, wring their hands wondering,
56:17 you know, will there be any worms to eat tomorrow?
56:20 And that promise really stood out to me
56:24 and He said, "How much more do I love you?
56:27 You know, I'm not gonna send you on a mission
56:30 to do My work
56:32 and leave you high and dry,
56:34 because you claim to be My child,
56:36 you claim to be My son."
56:38 And everyone knows that,
56:41 that assurance allows me to know that,
56:43 whatever happens here, whatever happens after here.
56:49 We're sons of God
56:51 and there are certain things that we shouldn't worry about.
56:55 From the day we arrived at AFCOE,
56:59 it's been obvious that God has blessed
57:02 the Amazing Facts Ministry, the AFCOE program,
57:06 and I will be using my AFCOE experience,
57:11 no matter where I go to reach people
57:13 because the personal touch of face-to-face evangelism,
57:19 speaking and sharing the Word of God
57:22 out of your own mouth,
57:23 there's no replacement for that.
57:26 And Amazing Facts has been very instrumental in helping me
57:30 find the area of the work of God
57:35 and show me how large and how broad it is.
57:39 It's been a tremendous blessing
57:41 to be in a place where we are around people
57:45 seeking to do God's will
57:47 and listening for His voice in their life,
57:50 and that's very, very important today.
58:00 Together we have spread the gospel
58:02 much farther than ever before.
58:05 Thank you for your support.


Revised 2018-03-06