Good morning, friends. 00:00:35.10\00:00:36.13 And welcome to Sabbath School Study Hour 00:00:36.13\00:00:37.90 coming to you here from the Granite Bay 00:00:37.90\00:00:39.37 Seventh-day Adventist Church. 00:00:39.37\00:00:40.94 I'd like to welcome our online members 00:00:40.94\00:00:42.74 and also those joining us across the country 00:00:42.74\00:00:45.07 and around the world 00:00:45.07\00:00:46.14 part of our study group here every Sabbath morning. 00:00:46.14\00:00:49.51 I'd like to welcome the members and the visitors 00:00:49.51\00:00:51.58 here at Granite Bay, 00:00:51.58\00:00:52.98 delighted to see you all here again this morning. 00:00:52.98\00:00:55.62 We've been studying through the Book of Romans 00:00:55.62\00:00:57.42 for our lesson quarterly, 00:00:57.42\00:00:58.49 and we're nearing the end of the study. 00:00:58.49\00:01:00.16 Today, we're on lesson number 10, 00:01:00.16\00:01:02.39 which is entitled "Children of the Promise", 00:01:02.39\00:01:06.19 that deals with Romans, 00:01:06.19\00:01:08.20 talking a little bit of Romans 8, 9. 00:01:08.20\00:01:10.33 So lesson number 10 is what we'll be on, 00:01:10.33\00:01:12.70 Children of the Promise. 00:01:12.70\00:01:13.77 For those who are joining us online, 00:01:13.77\00:01:15.14 if you don't have a copy of the lesson quarterly, 00:01:15.14\00:01:17.41 but you'd like to study along with us, 00:01:17.41\00:01:19.34 you can go to the Amazing Facts website, 00:01:19.34\00:01:21.01 just 00:01:21.01\00:01:23.45 You can download a copy of today's study, 00:01:23.45\00:01:25.71 that's lesson number 10 00:01:25.71\00:01:27.28 and you can study along with us. 00:01:27.28\00:01:29.32 We do have the free offer. 00:01:29.32\00:01:30.39 We'd also like to let you know about, 00:01:30.39\00:01:31.85 it is a book entitled "Can a Saved Man Choose to Be Lost"? 00:01:31.85\00:01:36.16 And that is our free offer. 00:01:36.16\00:01:37.39 To receive that, call us on our resource phone number 00:01:37.39\00:01:40.80 866-788-3966. 00:01:40.80\00:01:44.10 And you can ask for offer number 112. 00:01:44.10\00:01:46.87 If you're outside of North America, 00:01:46.87\00:01:48.67 just go to the Amazing Facts website, 00:01:48.67\00:01:50.44 00:01:50.44\00:01:52.31 You can download a copy of the book 00:01:52.31\00:01:54.18 and you can read it for free online. 00:01:54.18\00:01:56.58 Well, before we get to our study, 00:01:56.58\00:01:57.81 we always like to start by lifting our voices in song. 00:01:57.81\00:02:02.02 I'd like to invite our song leaders 00:02:02.02\00:02:03.39 to come and join me on stage this morning. 00:02:03.39\00:02:05.05 What Child is this, who, laid to rest 00:02:06.82\00:02:14.66 On Mary's lap is sleeping? 00:02:14.66\00:02:22.07 Whom angels greet with anthems sweet 00:02:22.07\00:02:29.64 While shepherds 00:02:29.64\00:02:32.28 Watch are keeping? 00:02:32.28\00:02:37.82 This, this is Christ the King 00:02:37.82\00:02:44.73 Whom shepherds guard 00:02:44.73\00:02:48.50 And angels sing 00:02:48.50\00:02:52.83 Haste, haste, to bring Him laud 00:02:52.83\00:02:59.47 The Babe 00:02:59.47\00:03:01.61 The Son of Mary 00:03:01.61\00:03:08.38 Why lies He in such mean estate 00:03:08.38\00:03:15.96 Where ox and ass are feeding? 00:03:15.96\00:03:22.96 Good Christian, fear, for sinners here 00:03:22.96\00:03:30.31 The silent Word 00:03:30.31\00:03:34.24 Is pleading 00:03:34.24\00:03:38.68 This, this is Christ the King 00:03:38.68\00:03:45.19 Whom shepherds guard 00:03:45.19\00:03:48.92 And angels sing 00:03:48.92\00:03:53.06 Haste, haste, to bring Him laud 00:03:53.06\00:03:59.87 The Babe 00:03:59.87\00:04:01.70 The Son of Mary 00:04:01.70\00:04:08.41 So bring Him incense 00:04:08.41\00:04:13.11 Gold, and myrrh 00:04:13.11\00:04:16.02 Come, peasant, king, to own Him 00:04:16.02\00:04:23.36 The King of kings salvation brings 00:04:23.36\00:04:30.90 Let loving hearts 00:04:30.90\00:04:34.74 Enthrone Him 00:04:34.74\00:04:39.27 This, this is Christ the King 00:04:39.27\00:04:45.65 Whom shepherds guard 00:04:45.65\00:04:49.28 And angels sing 00:04:49.28\00:04:53.56 Haste, haste, to bring Him laud 00:04:53.56\00:05:00.16 The Babe 00:05:00.16\00:05:02.30 The Son of Mary 00:05:02.30\00:05:08.34 Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer. 00:05:13.61\00:05:15.91 Dear Father in heaven, 00:05:15.91\00:05:16.95 what a privilege to be able to get in Your house 00:05:16.95\00:05:18.78 on the Sabbath morning and open up Your Word 00:05:18.78\00:05:21.12 and study this very important book, 00:05:21.12\00:05:23.28 The Book of Romans, 00:05:23.28\00:05:24.72 message of righteousness by faith. 00:05:24.72\00:05:27.62 Father, we ask for the Holy Spirit 00:05:27.62\00:05:28.99 to come and draw close to us, 00:05:28.99\00:05:30.19 got our minds, our hearts as we study the scriptures, 00:05:30.19\00:05:33.40 for we ask this in Jesus' name, amen. 00:05:33.40\00:05:36.56 Our lesson this morning, 00:05:36.56\00:05:37.53 it's gonna be brought to us by Pastor Doug. 00:05:37.53\00:05:39.47 Happy Sabbath. 00:05:42.70\00:05:43.97 I want to welcome those that are here. 00:05:43.97\00:05:45.67 We know we have some of our folks that are gone 00:05:45.67\00:05:47.88 because of the oncoming Thanksgiving holiday. 00:05:47.88\00:05:50.58 And we have some who are here that may be visiting family, 00:05:50.58\00:05:53.95 and we're just glad for each of you, 00:05:53.95\00:05:55.65 glad for our extended class 00:05:55.65\00:05:57.89 that watches around the country, 00:05:57.89\00:05:59.79 all over the world every week. 00:05:59.79\00:06:01.72 And we know some of you are also 00:06:01.72\00:06:03.12 part of the Granite Bay church family 00:06:03.12\00:06:05.86 via the online members, 00:06:05.86\00:06:07.86 and we want to welcome you as well. 00:06:07.86\00:06:10.27 We are continuing our study in the Book of Romans, 00:06:10.27\00:06:13.57 one of the great masterpiece explanations of the gospel 00:06:13.57\00:06:19.64 that you find in scripture. 00:06:19.64\00:06:21.51 And today we're gonna be dealing 00:06:21.51\00:06:22.74 with one of the most difficult passages in the Bible. 00:06:22.74\00:06:29.22 Before I get to the lesson, let me just share with you 00:06:29.22\00:06:33.29 why this chapter can be so challenging. 00:06:33.29\00:06:38.29 Within Christianity, there is a great divide. 00:06:38.29\00:06:42.70 Now I'm not talking about between Seventh-day Adventists 00:06:42.70\00:06:44.90 and other Protestants or Catholics. 00:06:44.90\00:06:47.24 Among Protestants, you have two great groups. 00:06:47.24\00:06:51.21 You've got Calvinists, you've got the free will group. 00:06:51.21\00:06:57.91 You've got Calvinism, Arminianism, and what... 00:06:57.91\00:07:04.75 You've heard of the doctrine, 00:07:04.75\00:07:05.82 "Once saved, always saved and predestination." 00:07:05.82\00:07:10.66 A lot of that springs out of this chapter, 00:07:10.66\00:07:14.13 some things we're gonna be discussing. 00:07:14.13\00:07:15.73 And so there's other good material in here, 00:07:15.73\00:07:18.13 but I just want you to know that, 00:07:18.13\00:07:19.50 even one of the sections 00:07:19.50\00:07:20.54 in the lessons is titled mysteries, 00:07:20.54\00:07:23.04 because there are some difficult passages in here. 00:07:23.04\00:07:26.01 Our memory verse comes to us from Romans 9:18. 00:07:26.01\00:07:29.01 And it is, it's at the heart and core 00:07:29.01\00:07:31.61 of what one of these challenges is. 00:07:31.61\00:07:33.05 Romans 8:19, if you have your Bibles, 00:07:33.05\00:07:35.72 I invite you to say it along with me. 00:07:35.72\00:07:37.05 Are you ready? 00:07:37.05\00:07:38.95 "Therefore has He mercy on whom He will have mercy, 00:07:38.95\00:07:44.09 and on whom He will He hardens." 00:07:44.09\00:07:47.40 Now right they're out of the gate, 00:07:47.40\00:07:49.60 the Lord is saying, "Well, I guess, I'll harden some hearts 00:07:49.60\00:07:52.77 and I'll have mercy on others." 00:07:52.77\00:07:54.77 And it almost sounds like God is up there in the sky 00:07:54.77\00:07:57.24 as an arbitrary Greek god 00:07:57.24\00:07:58.87 or something that's looking down saying, "What shall I do? 00:07:58.87\00:08:01.98 Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. 00:08:01.98\00:08:03.71 I'll save this one, but I think 00:08:03.71\00:08:05.05 I'm gonna harden her heart, harden his heart." 00:08:05.05\00:08:08.35 And, you know, someone's got to be the fall guy 00:08:08.35\00:08:11.42 that will betray Jesus, I'll just call him Judas. 00:08:11.42\00:08:14.86 And as much as he might want to be saved, 00:08:14.86\00:08:17.06 I need someone that's gonna be the bad guy in the script, 00:08:17.06\00:08:20.50 so I'm gonna harden his heart. 00:08:20.50\00:08:22.73 Or I'm gonna harden pharaoh's heart. 00:08:22.73\00:08:26.30 Let me see, how shall I do this? 00:08:26.30\00:08:27.70 I'll save you, but you're gonna be lost, sorry. 00:08:27.70\00:08:30.14 I'll save you, but I need the lost. 00:08:30.14\00:08:32.17 I got to teach a lesson, 00:08:32.17\00:08:33.38 so I need some lost people to help illustrate this lesson. 00:08:33.38\00:08:36.88 This is what some people see when they read Romans 9. 00:08:36.88\00:08:41.35 And so with that troubling introduction, 00:08:41.35\00:08:45.65 let's get into it. 00:08:45.65\00:08:47.46 Matter of fact, why don't we start by going to Romans 9, 00:08:47.46\00:08:51.66 and I'm just gonna read the first few verses. 00:08:51.66\00:08:53.93 Maybe I'll read verses 1-3, 00:08:53.93\00:08:56.30 and then we'll discuss some of this, 00:08:56.30\00:08:59.00 give you a little background 00:08:59.00\00:09:00.10 about what's happening as we delve in here. 00:09:00.10\00:09:03.47 Romans 9:1, "I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, 00:09:03.47\00:09:08.48 my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, 00:09:08.48\00:09:12.21 that I have great sorrow 00:09:12.21\00:09:14.22 and continual grief in my heart. 00:09:14.22\00:09:16.85 For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ 00:09:16.85\00:09:20.99 that my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh, 00:09:20.99\00:09:23.96 who are Israelites, to whom pertains the adoption, 00:09:23.96\00:09:27.56 the glory of the covenant, giving of the law, 00:09:27.56\00:09:29.93 and the services of God, and the promises." 00:09:29.93\00:09:32.60 So Paul is saying... 00:09:32.60\00:09:35.84 You know, I know it looks like 00:09:35.84\00:09:36.87 that the promises of God have failed. 00:09:36.87\00:09:39.44 I'd be willing to sacrifice my own eternal life 00:09:39.44\00:09:41.94 that they might be saved, 00:09:41.94\00:09:44.01 and He's making this great sacrifice. 00:09:44.01\00:09:47.18 You see, God had said in the Old Testament. 00:09:47.18\00:09:49.42 You can read this in Exodus 19:6, 00:09:49.42\00:09:52.32 when he called Israel. 00:09:52.32\00:09:53.72 He said, I've called you, 00:09:53.72\00:09:54.72 I want you to be a kingdom of kings and priests. 00:09:54.72\00:10:00.23 I want you to be a nation of royalty. 00:10:00.23\00:10:02.56 You know, typically in the ancient kingdoms, 00:10:02.56\00:10:07.47 they often had, the kings and the priests 00:10:07.47\00:10:09.87 were the leaders. 00:10:09.87\00:10:11.07 Some were priest kings, some were king priests. 00:10:11.07\00:10:13.94 Anyone ever played chess 00:10:13.94\00:10:16.04 that would be willing to confess it? 00:10:16.04\00:10:19.01 What's right next to the king and the queen? 00:10:19.01\00:10:22.35 The bishops, they had the church. 00:10:22.35\00:10:24.25 But even in the... 00:10:24.25\00:10:25.62 If you go to the Egyptians 00:10:25.62\00:10:28.56 thereby Pharaoh were the priests. 00:10:28.56\00:10:31.79 And they were the ones who were tax free 00:10:31.79\00:10:33.09 and this is in many religions, even among the Greeks 00:10:33.09\00:10:36.26 and among the Romans. 00:10:36.26\00:10:37.37 You had the... 00:10:37.37\00:10:38.43 It seemed like the religious leaders, 00:10:38.43\00:10:40.60 the political leaders knew they needed the support 00:10:40.60\00:10:43.54 of the religious leaders, 00:10:43.54\00:10:45.01 that's why America was such an unusual experiment. 00:10:45.01\00:10:47.71 Here you had a country without a king, 00:10:47.71\00:10:50.21 and a religion without priests and popes 00:10:50.21\00:10:52.61 that were running things. 00:10:52.61\00:10:54.55 And so God wanted them to be a nation of kings and priests, 00:10:54.55\00:10:59.35 and now he's writing, 00:10:59.35\00:11:00.89 and they've been conquered by the Romans, 00:11:00.89\00:11:07.86 they are divided among themselves, 00:11:07.86\00:11:09.43 you've got the Hellenists, 00:11:09.43\00:11:11.43 the ones who were following the Greek teaching, 00:11:11.43\00:11:13.40 and you get the Sadducees, and you get the Pharisees, 00:11:13.40\00:11:16.20 and then you have the Essenes, 00:11:16.20\00:11:17.74 and all these different divisions. 00:11:17.74\00:11:18.97 Then the Christianity came along 00:11:18.97\00:11:20.34 and it just began to explode. 00:11:20.34\00:11:22.24 It looked like the whole plan that God had 00:11:22.24\00:11:24.31 for the Jewish nation had failed, 00:11:24.31\00:11:26.41 so this is something that Paul is addressing 00:11:26.41\00:11:29.62 because Paul is saying, no it hasn't failed. 00:11:29.62\00:11:32.02 When you consider that 00:11:32.02\00:11:33.99 the gentiles become spiritual Jews, 00:11:33.99\00:11:36.49 the plan is working better than ever. 00:11:36.49\00:11:38.59 So with that as a backdrop, but then he says, well, 00:11:38.59\00:11:41.36 even though all who believe in Christ 00:11:41.36\00:11:45.10 become spiritual Israel, 00:11:45.10\00:11:46.70 God still has a plan for the literal Jews. 00:11:46.70\00:11:49.27 In fact, Paul says, I'd be willing to sacrifice 00:11:49.27\00:11:52.67 my eternal life that Israel could be saved. 00:11:52.67\00:11:57.58 Now, is it normal to want to be saved 00:11:57.58\00:12:01.62 and not to be lost? 00:12:01.62\00:12:05.22 But it's almost abnormal to say, 00:12:05.22\00:12:06.92 I am willing to be lost that others might be saved. 00:12:06.92\00:12:13.23 Why would you accept Christ? 00:12:13.23\00:12:16.40 You know, you've heard the expression 00:12:16.40\00:12:17.87 before I've talked about the WIIFM effect. 00:12:17.87\00:12:20.94 W-I-I-F-M, "What's In It For Me." 00:12:20.94\00:12:26.68 And so many people make the decisions based on WIIFM. 00:12:26.68\00:12:30.51 What's in it for me? 00:12:30.51\00:12:32.88 Well, you won't go to hell and you will go to heaven, 00:12:32.88\00:12:34.98 and that's why a lot of people come to the Lord. 00:12:34.98\00:12:37.59 But when you really become a converted Christian, 00:12:37.59\00:12:39.72 you stop thinking WIIFM, 00:12:39.72\00:12:41.76 you start thinking what's in it for God. 00:12:41.76\00:12:44.66 Will this bring glory to God? 00:12:44.66\00:12:47.30 Are there others in the Bible who said, 00:12:47.30\00:12:49.06 we're willing to have our names stricken from the book of life, 00:12:49.06\00:12:52.40 but what about your name God? 00:12:52.40\00:12:54.97 Someone read for me in just a moment Exodus 32:32, 00:12:54.97\00:12:58.74 you'll have that Hoftis, okay. 00:12:58.74\00:13:00.21 I'm gonna read Romans... 00:13:00.21\00:13:01.81 I'm gonna read rather 2 Samuel 24:17. 00:13:01.81\00:13:06.38 "A plague is going through the land of Israel 00:13:06.38\00:13:08.02 and David spoke to the Lord when he saw the angel 00:13:08.02\00:13:10.95 who was striking the people, and he said, 00:13:10.95\00:13:12.22 'Surely I have sinned, and I have done wickedly, 00:13:12.22\00:13:15.09 but these sheep, what have they done? 00:13:15.09\00:13:16.76 Let Your hand, I pray, be against me 00:13:16.76\00:13:20.56 and against my father's house.'" 00:13:20.56\00:13:22.16 It's the sign of a good shepherd. 00:13:22.16\00:13:23.30 Was David willing to lay down his life to save sheep? 00:13:23.30\00:13:27.20 Doesn't it seem strange that a human would be willing 00:13:27.20\00:13:29.30 to risk his life for a sheep? 00:13:29.30\00:13:32.77 And David, he was saying, take it out on me 00:13:32.77\00:13:36.44 and against my father's house, 00:13:36.44\00:13:38.38 don't make the people suffer, self-sacrificing. 00:13:38.38\00:13:41.08 Read for me Exodus 32:32, please? 00:13:41.08\00:13:44.05 "And now, if you will forgive their sin, and if not, 00:13:44.05\00:13:48.46 please, blot me from your scroll 00:13:48.46\00:13:50.46 that you have written." 00:13:50.46\00:13:51.79 Now, who is speaking in this verse? 00:13:51.79\00:13:54.40 That's Moses, right? 00:13:54.40\00:13:56.13 And God, the golden calf experience, 00:13:56.13\00:13:58.20 God said, let me alone... 00:13:58.20\00:14:00.74 Is it kind of God, it's like God is saying to... 00:14:00.74\00:14:03.44 Have you ever seen people kind of get in the bar fight? 00:14:03.44\00:14:05.64 I don't know, don't answer that. 00:14:05.64\00:14:07.84 You know, and it's like, and one guy is holding back 00:14:07.84\00:14:11.98 the other guy that's real angering, 00:14:11.98\00:14:13.55 say, "No, no, no, control yourself. 00:14:13.55\00:14:14.82 And he say, "No, let me out him, 00:14:14.82\00:14:15.88 let me out him." 00:14:15.88\00:14:16.85 And it's like God is almost saying to Moses 00:14:16.85\00:14:19.85 to stop, stop holding me back, let me go 00:14:19.85\00:14:22.89 and I'm gonna wipe them out, I'll make a great nation 00:14:22.89\00:14:25.06 of you, this is what God said. 00:14:25.06\00:14:27.13 I will destroy them and I'll make a great nation 00:14:27.13\00:14:28.90 of your offspring, like you'll be the next Abraham. 00:14:28.90\00:14:32.23 Well, that might appeal to some of us. 00:14:32.23\00:14:35.27 And Moses said, "No, Lord, 00:14:35.27\00:14:38.11 just look what will happen to your reputation. 00:14:38.11\00:14:40.01 The Egyptians will say their god wasn't big enough 00:14:40.01\00:14:42.78 to bring them all the way into the Promised Land. 00:14:42.78\00:14:45.71 And what will happen to Your reputation? 00:14:45.71\00:14:47.85 What will happen to Your glory, Your honor? 00:14:47.85\00:14:50.09 And Moses said, "Take my name out of the book." 00:14:50.09\00:14:53.19 But what will happen to your name? 00:14:53.19\00:14:55.49 That's real self-sacrificing love. 00:14:55.49\00:14:58.49 Who else was willing to be stricken 00:14:58.49\00:15:00.46 from the book of life for the sake of God's people? 00:15:00.46\00:15:06.47 His name begins with a letter J. 00:15:06.47\00:15:09.60 Jesus, yeah. 00:15:09.60\00:15:11.57 When Jesus went to the cross, you know, 00:15:11.57\00:15:13.44 He was facing the second death. 00:15:13.44\00:15:16.64 And He said, not my will, thy will be done, 00:15:16.64\00:15:18.88 Lord, if there is any other way. 00:15:18.88\00:15:20.92 And at times, the guilt of sin was so terrible 00:15:20.92\00:15:24.32 that it looked like eternal separation, 00:15:24.32\00:15:26.76 but that's what real divine love is. 00:15:26.76\00:15:28.76 You're willing to say, I will lose everything 00:15:28.76\00:15:32.13 that others might be saved, that's a mature Christian. 00:15:32.13\00:15:35.23 It's not what's in it for me, 00:15:35.23\00:15:36.67 it's you're motivated by love like God. 00:15:36.67\00:15:40.07 Because you're really, it's almost selfishness 00:15:40.07\00:15:42.54 when you say, "Sure, I'll accept eternal life 00:15:42.54\00:15:44.71 in a new body." 00:15:44.71\00:15:46.27 Who wouldn't want that? 00:15:46.27\00:15:48.11 But when you're really matured as a Christian, 00:15:48.11\00:15:50.58 I think I remember reading in the Spirit of Prophecy, 00:15:50.58\00:15:52.51 and I don't remember the reference. 00:15:52.51\00:15:54.62 With the computer you can look it up pretty easy. 00:15:54.62\00:15:58.79 A fear of hell and the desire of heaven 00:15:58.79\00:16:00.76 might be a suitable starting point 00:16:00.76\00:16:03.89 for a lot of people. 00:16:03.89\00:16:05.13 When you're doing evangelism, evangelists might talk about, 00:16:05.13\00:16:08.06 well, there's a heaven to win, and a hell to shun, 00:16:08.06\00:16:11.43 that is an appropriate starting point. 00:16:11.43\00:16:13.57 When you're teaching children, you may use 00:16:13.57\00:16:15.60 elementary basic things like that. 00:16:15.60\00:16:17.64 Listen to me, no spanking. Disobey, spanking, you know. 00:16:17.64\00:16:22.78 Or you listen to me, you get this treat, this privilege. 00:16:22.78\00:16:25.98 But as you matured, you want your kids 00:16:25.98\00:16:27.92 to always be obeying for those reasons. 00:16:27.92\00:16:31.62 You'll get a cookie if you do your homework. 00:16:31.62\00:16:33.62 I mean, you want them to eventually think 00:16:33.62\00:16:35.92 you'll be smarter if you do your homework, you know. 00:16:35.92\00:16:39.39 And you'll be able to serve God and your fellowman 00:16:39.39\00:16:41.60 if you're well educated. 00:16:41.60\00:16:43.16 And so you want them to grow. 00:16:43.16\00:16:45.20 And Paul, he had that total self-sacrificing attitude. 00:16:45.20\00:16:49.67 Someone else I thought of in the Bible, 00:16:49.67\00:16:52.04 there's a lady who said this. 00:16:52.04\00:16:55.18 How many of you remember Abigail? 00:16:55.18\00:16:57.28 David was on his way to wipeout the house of Nabal. 00:16:57.28\00:17:02.08 And Abigail came to intercede, and she says... 00:17:02.08\00:17:05.35 This is 1 Samuel 25, 00:17:05.35\00:17:07.46 "She fell at his feet, and she said, 00:17:07.46\00:17:08.76 "On me, my lord, on me, let this iniquity be." 00:17:08.76\00:17:12.59 Just so she's stopping David's wrath 00:17:12.59\00:17:15.20 against the household and saying, take it out on me. 00:17:15.20\00:17:18.40 And so you see this intercession 00:17:18.40\00:17:20.37 in a number of God's people in the Bible 00:17:20.37\00:17:22.24 that were genuinely converted. 00:17:22.24\00:17:25.34 So next as you read on, you know, they're wondering 00:17:25.34\00:17:31.05 if God's promises have failed. 00:17:31.05\00:17:34.42 You read in verse, I will read verse 5 and 6, 00:17:34.42\00:17:37.09 Romans 9:5 and 6. 00:17:37.09\00:17:39.12 "Of whom the fathers and from whom, 00:17:39.12\00:17:41.16 according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, 00:17:41.16\00:17:44.49 the eternal blessed God. 00:17:44.49\00:17:46.16 Amen." 00:17:46.16\00:17:47.20 Now have you ever wondered is Jesus God? 00:17:47.20\00:17:51.53 Have you ever run into people that wondered if Jesus is God? 00:17:51.53\00:17:55.64 Is Jesus the eternal God? 00:17:55.64\00:17:58.81 What does Paul call Him here? 00:17:58.81\00:18:01.01 He's not talking about the Father and Jesus 00:18:01.01\00:18:02.68 as two separate ones, notice. 00:18:02.68\00:18:05.01 "Christ came who is over all the eternal blessed God." 00:18:05.01\00:18:10.42 Amen. 00:18:10.42\00:18:12.72 Is that clear? 00:18:12.72\00:18:14.19 That Jesus is also the eternal blessed God. 00:18:14.19\00:18:17.33 And then notice the next verse, verse 6. 00:18:17.33\00:18:19.66 "But it is not that the word of God 00:18:19.66\00:18:21.80 has not taken effect." 00:18:21.80\00:18:24.13 So some are saying, see, God's word failed. 00:18:24.13\00:18:26.27 He had all these big plans for Israel but it flopped. 00:18:26.27\00:18:30.31 The prophecies that God made for Israel have flopped. 00:18:30.31\00:18:34.91 Have you read some of the Old Testament prophecies 00:18:34.91\00:18:37.25 and have people say, well, this was a prophecy 00:18:37.25\00:18:39.71 that God made that what He wanted to do with Israel 00:18:39.71\00:18:42.52 if they had been successful, but those prophecies right now, 00:18:42.52\00:18:45.35 you just, you can strike them out 00:18:45.35\00:18:46.65 because Israel failed, they're irrelevant now. 00:18:46.65\00:18:50.26 Is there any prophecy like that in the Bible? 00:18:50.26\00:18:53.60 I don't think so. 00:18:53.60\00:18:54.83 I think some of the prophecies had maybe a dual meaning 00:18:54.83\00:18:58.37 that if Israel had been faithful, 00:18:58.37\00:18:59.87 this is what would have happened, 00:18:59.87\00:19:01.37 but you read deeper in that very prophecy 00:19:01.37\00:19:03.47 and it's going to be fulfilled through spiritual Israel. 00:19:03.47\00:19:07.58 But do any of God's words ever fail? 00:19:07.58\00:19:11.28 I want to read something to you from Joshua. 00:19:11.28\00:19:14.38 Joshua 23:14. 00:19:14.38\00:19:18.35 "Behold..." 00:19:18.35\00:19:19.42 This is Joshua 23, he's later in the book. 00:19:19.42\00:19:21.59 He's an older man now. 00:19:21.59\00:19:23.79 They've conquered, 00:19:23.79\00:19:24.86 they've entered the Promised Land, 00:19:24.86\00:19:26.03 they've got their possession. 00:19:26.03\00:19:27.76 And Joshua says, "Behold, this day 00:19:27.76\00:19:29.43 I'm going the way of all the earth." 00:19:29.43\00:19:31.10 He means, I'm getting old, I'm going that way, I'm dying. 00:19:31.10\00:19:34.64 "And you know in all of your hearts 00:19:34.64\00:19:37.41 in the hearts and your souls that not one thing has failed 00:19:37.41\00:19:42.38 of all the good things 00:19:42.38\00:19:44.48 which the Lord God spoke concerning you. 00:19:44.48\00:19:47.82 All has come to pass for you, 00:19:47.82\00:19:50.35 not one word of them has failed." 00:19:50.35\00:19:53.79 Now how much of the Word of God 00:19:53.79\00:19:54.99 and the prophecies of God come true? 00:19:54.99\00:19:58.36 Jesus said, heaven and earth will pass away. 00:19:58.36\00:20:01.40 Everything God says in His prophecies will come true, 00:20:01.40\00:20:05.43 but some of it that they may have thought 00:20:05.43\00:20:07.00 was going to happen with literal Israel, 00:20:07.00\00:20:10.77 in fact is happening with spiritual Israel. 00:20:10.77\00:20:13.91 And so this is a point that is made 00:20:13.91\00:20:16.08 as we read on here, still going on in Romans. 00:20:16.08\00:20:19.98 He says here, for they are not... 00:20:19.98\00:20:22.18 And I'm still reading Romans 9:6, 00:20:22.18\00:20:24.49 halfway through the verse. 00:20:24.49\00:20:25.92 "For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, 00:20:25.92\00:20:30.53 nor are they all children because they are the seed 00:20:30.53\00:20:34.30 of Abraham, but, 00:20:34.30\00:20:35.70 'In Isaac your seed shall be called.'" 00:20:35.70\00:20:38.00 Now here's the point that I know this is deep, 00:20:38.00\00:20:40.30 I hope you're all still with me. 00:20:40.30\00:20:41.67 This is the point that Paul is making here. 00:20:41.67\00:20:44.24 Abraham initially had two sons. What were their names? 00:20:44.24\00:20:48.08 Ishmael is really the technical firstborn, 00:20:48.08\00:20:49.98 but he's the son of the flesh. 00:20:49.98\00:20:51.98 Isaac is the son of the promise through his wife, 00:20:51.98\00:20:55.05 so he's technically the legitimate son. 00:20:55.05\00:20:58.25 So when God said to Abraham, I'm gonna multiply your seed 00:20:58.25\00:21:01.16 and through all, through your seed 00:21:01.16\00:21:03.53 all the world will be blessed. 00:21:03.53\00:21:04.96 Which seed was he talking about 00:21:04.96\00:21:07.13 through which the blessing would come? 00:21:07.13\00:21:08.76 Ishmael, and the children of east 00:21:08.76\00:21:11.43 that are known as Islam today, or Isaac? 00:21:11.43\00:21:15.54 So God said... 00:21:15.54\00:21:17.07 Abraham had a lot of children but the blessing 00:21:17.07\00:21:19.07 wasn't to come through all the children, 00:21:19.07\00:21:20.74 it was to come specifically through Isaac. 00:21:20.74\00:21:23.85 Patriarchs were Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the Messiah, 00:21:23.85\00:21:27.25 messianic line came through there. 00:21:27.25\00:21:29.55 And then he goes on to say so, 00:21:29.55\00:21:31.25 not every child of Abraham is a child of promise. 00:21:31.25\00:21:36.02 That's the point he's making. 00:21:36.02\00:21:38.33 Meaning, even some who are literal physical Jews, 00:21:38.33\00:21:43.16 they are not the spiritual seed of Abraham. 00:21:43.16\00:21:46.33 And there are some who may not be physical Jews, 00:21:46.33\00:21:50.04 but they are the spiritual seed of Abraham. 00:21:50.04\00:21:52.64 So all the promises that God made to Israel 00:21:52.64\00:21:55.61 are going to be fulfilled because he says 00:21:55.61\00:21:58.48 and here several versus I'm gonna give you now. 00:21:58.48\00:22:00.35 Now this, what I'm getting ready to say, 00:22:00.35\00:22:02.25 it really aggravate some people. 00:22:02.25\00:22:05.35 It angers Jews and certain evangelicals 00:22:05.35\00:22:09.89 because there are a number... 00:22:09.89\00:22:12.13 Again, I'm prophesying what I'm saying. 00:22:12.13\00:22:13.50 I told you it was a tough chapter. 00:22:13.50\00:22:16.56 There's a number of evangelicals who believe 00:22:16.56\00:22:19.57 that everyone in the nation of Israel's gonna get converted, 00:22:19.57\00:22:22.90 and they're gonna rebuild the temple. 00:22:22.90\00:22:25.11 And that, you know, that's what Shepherd's Rod believed. 00:22:25.11\00:22:31.55 You got quiet. 00:22:31.55\00:22:33.38 Shepherd's Rod were a branch that kind of split off 00:22:33.38\00:22:36.79 from among Seventh-day Adventists 00:22:36.79\00:22:38.49 back in 1930 something. 00:22:38.49\00:22:40.92 And when we were back in Washington last week, 00:22:40.92\00:22:44.63 we were preaching at the General Conference office. 00:22:44.63\00:22:46.56 And on our last Sabbath, as we drove through the gate, 00:22:46.56\00:22:49.36 there's all these people protesting our meetings 00:22:49.36\00:22:51.77 with posters that said all kinds of things, 00:22:51.77\00:22:53.90 I don't remember all of that they said. 00:22:53.90\00:22:55.77 They were there when we did our Prophecy Code in Florida 00:22:55.77\00:22:58.31 and they were Shepherd's Rod, 00:22:58.31\00:22:59.37 they are not allowed to come on the ground 00:22:59.37\00:23:00.68 so they stand at the gate when people are coming in 00:23:00.68\00:23:02.81 and they hold up their signs and they protest. 00:23:02.81\00:23:04.71 But they were a group who believed 00:23:04.71\00:23:06.82 that they were all literally gonna get transported 00:23:06.82\00:23:08.92 somehow to Israel and the literal kingdom 00:23:08.92\00:23:10.45 was gonna get rebuilt, 00:23:10.45\00:23:11.42 and Jesus was gonna literally reign on earth. 00:23:11.42\00:23:13.59 There are evangelicals who believe that. 00:23:13.59\00:23:15.46 They think that Jesus reigns on earth during the millennium. 00:23:15.46\00:23:19.56 Now what I'm gonna share with you 00:23:19.56\00:23:21.73 aggravates evangelicals and some Jews, 00:23:21.73\00:23:24.93 because they believe that it's a substitution. 00:23:24.93\00:23:30.61 In other words that the promises of God 00:23:30.61\00:23:32.77 are not gonna be fulfilled because the gentiles 00:23:32.77\00:23:35.11 have been substituted for the Jews. 00:23:35.11\00:23:37.85 I don't believe that. 00:23:37.85\00:23:39.08 I believe that God still 00:23:39.08\00:23:40.55 if they call replacement theology. 00:23:40.55\00:23:42.18 You ever heard that before? 00:23:42.18\00:23:43.82 I believe God still has a special work for the Jews, 00:23:43.82\00:23:46.62 there's going to be a revival among the Jewish nation. 00:23:46.62\00:23:49.62 There will be many Jews that will be involved 00:23:49.62\00:23:51.69 but not all of them, and it will not be 00:23:51.69\00:23:53.43 a nationalistic revival. 00:23:53.43\00:23:54.76 There may be Jews in any part of the world. 00:23:54.76\00:23:57.00 But I think God still has a special plan for them. 00:23:57.00\00:24:01.87 I'll give you a little amazing trivia. 00:24:01.87\00:24:06.41 Years ago... 00:24:06.41\00:24:07.48 I may have told you this once before, 00:24:07.48\00:24:08.61 I don't remember. 00:24:08.61\00:24:10.08 Years ago, I was in Toronto 00:24:10.08\00:24:13.85 during a General Conference meeting. 00:24:13.85\00:24:15.25 I was walking up the street looking for something to eat, 00:24:15.25\00:24:17.95 and I ran into Clifford Goldstein 00:24:17.95\00:24:19.85 now on all the Sabbath school quarterlies, 00:24:19.85\00:24:22.29 you'll see a couple of names among the editors, 00:24:22.29\00:24:24.59 one of them is Clifford Goldstein. 00:24:24.59\00:24:27.66 Another one you'll see is Sharon Thomas Crews. 00:24:27.66\00:24:31.50 Our Amazing Facts was founded by Joe Crews. 00:24:31.50\00:24:34.50 Last week I had the privilege of spending some time 00:24:34.50\00:24:37.11 with his widow Lu Ann Crews who is 93 years old now 00:24:37.11\00:24:41.64 and doing fine. 00:24:41.64\00:24:43.55 And so I ran into Clifford Goldstein, 00:24:43.55\00:24:46.85 and he said, I'm looking for a place to eat. 00:24:46.85\00:24:48.48 So we went, we sat down, we ate together. 00:24:48.48\00:24:49.98 While we're talking, he said, you know, 00:24:49.98\00:24:51.65 "So where did you grow up?" 00:24:51.65\00:24:52.72 And I said, "Well, you know, I lived in Miami Beach." 00:24:52.72\00:24:54.89 He said, "I grew up in Miami Beach." 00:24:54.89\00:24:57.43 I said, "I live in New York City, 00:24:57.43\00:24:58.49 I came to Miami Beach 00:24:58.49\00:24:59.63 and then went to school there for a while." 00:24:59.63\00:25:00.76 Where'd you go to school? I went to Nautilus. 00:25:00.76\00:25:02.43 Cliff said, "I went to Nautilus." 00:25:02.43\00:25:05.50 And it turns out he was a Jewish atheist 00:25:05.50\00:25:09.37 that went to a school in Miami Beach. 00:25:09.37\00:25:11.51 I was a Jewish atheist 00:25:11.51\00:25:12.61 that went to school in Miami Beach. 00:25:12.61\00:25:14.81 And now he edits the Sabbath school lesson 00:25:14.81\00:25:18.38 and I teach it. 00:25:18.38\00:25:19.65 So God still has a work for the Jews, doesn't He? 00:25:19.65\00:25:23.42 And Sharon Crews edits it, you know, 00:25:23.42\00:25:25.05 someone from connect with Amazing Facts, 00:25:25.05\00:25:26.86 so I thought that was kind of cool. 00:25:26.86\00:25:28.42 But so I do think God has a special work for the Jews, 00:25:28.42\00:25:30.99 but it's not that the gentiles have replaced the Jews, 00:25:30.99\00:25:34.93 this is a very important point. 00:25:34.93\00:25:37.93 The gentiles are grafted in to the Jewish stock, 00:25:37.93\00:25:42.84 so all the promises that God made to the gentiles 00:25:42.84\00:25:46.14 belong to you as well. 00:25:46.14\00:25:48.21 Let me give you few verses on that. 00:25:48.21\00:25:50.81 Galatians 3:7, 00:25:50.81\00:25:53.38 "Therefore know that only those who are of faith 00:25:53.38\00:25:57.02 are sons of Abraham." 00:25:57.02\00:25:58.75 Not some of those who are among faith 00:25:58.75\00:26:00.62 but only those. 00:26:00.62\00:26:01.69 So if you're a literal Jew and you don't have faith, 00:26:01.69\00:26:04.89 then you're not a son of Abraham. 00:26:04.89\00:26:07.13 Didn't Jesus say to some of the Jewish religious leaders, 00:26:07.13\00:26:10.33 they said, Abraham's our Father. 00:26:10.33\00:26:11.63 Jesus said, Abraham is not your father. 00:26:11.63\00:26:14.10 So if you want to argue with Jesus, 00:26:14.10\00:26:15.27 you take it up with Him. 00:26:15.27\00:26:16.34 He said, just because you're a physical Jew, 00:26:16.34\00:26:17.94 does not mean Abraham is your father. 00:26:17.94\00:26:20.01 Jesus said, you're of your father, the devil 00:26:20.01\00:26:22.21 'cause you're trying to kill me. 00:26:22.21\00:26:23.45 Abraham didn't do that, Abraham longed for my day. 00:26:23.45\00:26:27.75 They said, "What do you mean Abraham longed for your day? 00:26:27.75\00:26:29.75 You're not even 50 years old. 00:26:29.75\00:26:31.12 What do you mean? You're crazy." 00:26:31.12\00:26:32.95 And so it's not about being a physical Jew. 00:26:32.95\00:26:36.79 Does God saved people because He examines their DNA? 00:26:36.79\00:26:41.03 Says well, wouldn't that be kind of racism 00:26:41.03\00:26:44.50 if he did it that way? 00:26:44.50\00:26:46.87 Or does the Bible say, 00:26:46.87\00:26:48.07 God is made of all nations, one blood. 00:26:48.07\00:26:52.11 And doesn't the Bible say, 00:26:52.11\00:26:53.17 whosoever will might come to Him. 00:26:53.17\00:26:56.28 Even in the Old Testament, 00:26:56.28\00:26:57.51 in the days of the Jewish dispensation, 00:26:57.51\00:27:00.75 could you be saved? 00:27:00.75\00:27:02.22 Could you be grafted in? 00:27:02.22\00:27:04.05 Uriah was called, Uriah the Hittite. 00:27:04.05\00:27:07.49 Meaning, he was a Hittite that converted. 00:27:07.49\00:27:10.49 What about Ruth? 00:27:10.49\00:27:12.56 When she said to Naomi, 00:27:12.56\00:27:13.80 your people will be my people, your God are my God. 00:27:13.80\00:27:16.60 Did she then become a mother in Israel? 00:27:16.60\00:27:19.60 And Rahab, when she married Salmon, 00:27:19.60\00:27:22.57 did she become a mother in Israel? 00:27:22.57\00:27:24.07 Are they ancestors of Jesus? 00:27:24.07\00:27:26.17 So is it a new thing 00:27:26.17\00:27:27.78 that a gentile could be grafted into the stock of Israel 00:27:27.78\00:27:30.65 and be a real child of God? 00:27:30.65\00:27:32.51 It's not a new thing. 00:27:32.51\00:27:34.02 And there were a number of literal Jews 00:27:34.02\00:27:37.75 that turned from God to idols, 00:27:37.75\00:27:40.19 and the Bible said, God said, I'm turning from you. 00:27:40.19\00:27:43.06 So God has never saved people 00:27:43.06\00:27:45.26 based upon looking at their blood. 00:27:45.26\00:27:48.33 He prophesied that 00:27:48.33\00:27:49.56 through their blood the Messiah would come, 00:27:49.56\00:27:51.83 but every individual is saved based upon faith. 00:27:51.83\00:27:55.60 You're still with me? Amen. 00:27:55.60\00:27:57.37 All right, here are some other words. 00:27:57.37\00:28:00.41 Romans 9:6, 00:28:00.41\00:28:02.11 "For not all of Israel are Israel." 00:28:02.11\00:28:04.61 Romans 2:28, this is a good one. 00:28:04.61\00:28:07.98 "For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly..." 00:28:07.98\00:28:11.09 When Paul talked about outwardly, 00:28:11.09\00:28:12.25 he meant, you know, they had been circumcised. 00:28:12.25\00:28:15.16 "You're not a Jew who is one outwardly, 00:28:15.16\00:28:16.93 nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh, 00:28:16.93\00:28:20.13 but he is a Jew, who is one inwardly, 00:28:20.13\00:28:22.73 and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, 00:28:22.73\00:28:25.93 not the letter, whose praise is not from men but from God." 00:28:25.93\00:28:29.57 This is not just a New Testament teaching, 00:28:29.57\00:28:31.21 this is an Old Testament teaching, 00:28:31.21\00:28:32.97 way back in the days of Moses. 00:28:32.97\00:28:34.71 Moses said to be circumcised in your heart. 00:28:34.71\00:28:38.91 That means a covenant is a heart covenant. 00:28:38.91\00:28:41.82 Galatians 3:29, 00:28:41.82\00:28:44.12 "And if you are Christ's, 00:28:44.12\00:28:45.82 then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs 00:28:45.82\00:28:48.06 according to the promise." 00:28:48.06\00:28:49.59 And didn't Jesus and John the Baptist say, 00:28:49.59\00:28:52.19 many will come from the east and the west, 00:28:52.19\00:28:55.40 and sit down in the kingdom with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, 00:28:55.40\00:28:59.00 and the literal children of the kingdom 00:28:59.00\00:29:01.10 will be in outer darkness. 00:29:01.10\00:29:04.14 What's the parable about the rich man and Lazarus? 00:29:04.14\00:29:07.08 Really has nothing to do with the state of the dead. 00:29:07.08\00:29:09.21 You know that parable in Luke 16. 00:29:09.21\00:29:11.45 Got a rich man feasting on this best food, 00:29:11.45\00:29:15.28 poor beggars at his gate wanting the crumbs 00:29:15.28\00:29:17.19 that fall from his table. 00:29:17.19\00:29:18.45 Rich man represented the Jewish nation 00:29:18.45\00:29:20.26 and those who know the truth 00:29:20.26\00:29:21.26 and this is the bread of life, they're feasting. 00:29:21.26\00:29:23.56 All the gentiles that were lost, 00:29:23.56\00:29:25.03 they want the crumbs. 00:29:25.03\00:29:26.76 But in the resurrection, 00:29:26.76\00:29:28.70 there's a great irony that happens. 00:29:28.70\00:29:31.10 Lazarus, the gentile, he is an Abraham's bosom, 00:29:31.10\00:29:35.24 the destination of where the Jews want to go. 00:29:35.24\00:29:38.01 They want to be with father Abraham. 00:29:38.01\00:29:40.31 But the rich man, who represents a Jewish nation, 00:29:40.31\00:29:43.01 he's in Hades, 00:29:43.01\00:29:44.51 that's the place of pagan torment. 00:29:44.51\00:29:47.32 You see the paradox of what Jesus is saying here. 00:29:47.32\00:29:50.45 The rich man who represents the Jews, 00:29:50.45\00:29:53.22 he ends up in the pagan place of suffering, Hades. 00:29:53.22\00:29:56.66 And the poor man who represents the gentiles, 00:29:56.66\00:29:59.53 he's in Abraham's bosom and it's all a parable. 00:29:59.53\00:30:03.03 But what the Lord is saying is, 00:30:03.03\00:30:05.03 if they do not believe Moses and the prophets, 00:30:05.03\00:30:09.04 then it doesn't matter if they're your brethren. 00:30:09.04\00:30:12.97 They've got to believe. 00:30:12.97\00:30:14.41 And so it has to do with faith. 00:30:14.41\00:30:16.18 Many will come from the east and the west 00:30:16.18\00:30:18.08 and sit down in the kingdom with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob 00:30:18.08\00:30:20.48 and the children of the kingdom, 00:30:20.48\00:30:22.45 people who would have been naturally the children, 00:30:22.45\00:30:24.95 they are in outer darkness. 00:30:24.95\00:30:26.59 Pastor Doug, you're talking about the Jews 00:30:26.59\00:30:29.29 and their evangelicals now? 00:30:29.29\00:30:31.39 I'm talking about you and me. 00:30:31.39\00:30:34.20 Can we say, I go to church, I'm a third generation 00:30:34.20\00:30:40.34 Seventh-day Adventist Christian. 00:30:40.34\00:30:42.27 And so God, I get like I'm first in line. 00:30:42.27\00:30:44.41 You know, God needs to save me. 00:30:44.41\00:30:47.08 And honestly I've met people before 00:30:47.08\00:30:49.01 when they find out I'm Christian, 00:30:49.01\00:30:50.11 they say, "Oh, well, you know, my cousin's a pastor." 00:30:50.11\00:30:53.65 It's like, you think that's gonna help you 00:30:53.65\00:30:55.45 at the judgment? 00:30:55.45\00:30:57.35 You know, haven't you met people? 00:30:57.35\00:30:59.65 Have you heard these things before? 00:30:59.65\00:31:01.36 "Oh, yeah, my grandfather, he was a pastor," 00:31:01.36\00:31:04.09 not gonna help you. 00:31:04.09\00:31:06.16 Someone once said, God has no grandchildren. 00:31:06.16\00:31:10.10 You are adopted as a child. 00:31:10.10\00:31:12.97 And so Paul is making this very important point here. 00:31:12.97\00:31:16.20 And then it gets really difficult 00:31:16.20\00:31:18.47 when we read on. 00:31:18.47\00:31:20.71 And he says here, I'm gonna read verse 8. 00:31:20.71\00:31:23.75 That is those who are children of the flesh, 00:31:23.75\00:31:26.45 these are not the children of God, 00:31:26.45\00:31:28.28 that's as clear as it can be. 00:31:28.28\00:31:29.75 But the children of the promise, 00:31:29.75\00:31:31.55 they are counted the seed. 00:31:31.55\00:31:33.89 For this time, the word of promise at that time, 00:31:33.89\00:31:36.93 I will come and Sarah will have a son. 00:31:36.93\00:31:38.76 In other words, it was Isaac who was a son of promise. 00:31:38.76\00:31:42.26 And not only this, 00:31:42.26\00:31:43.40 but when Rebecca had also conceived by one man, 00:31:43.40\00:31:45.83 even our father Isaac, 00:31:45.83\00:31:47.40 for the children not being born 00:31:47.40\00:31:48.84 having done anything good or evil 00:31:48.84\00:31:50.84 that the purpose of God according to election 00:31:50.84\00:31:52.71 might stand not of works but of him who calls, 00:31:52.71\00:31:55.61 it was said of her, 00:31:55.61\00:31:56.75 the older shall serve the younger. 00:31:56.75\00:31:58.28 Esau, the older would serve the younger, Jacob. 00:31:58.28\00:32:00.58 Now this is where, 00:32:00.58\00:32:02.15 this is where it starts getting really difficult. 00:32:02.15\00:32:05.79 The older will serve the younger... 00:32:05.79\00:32:07.12 Verse 13, "As it is written, 00:32:07.12\00:32:08.62 'Jacob, I have loved, and Esau I have hated.'" 00:32:08.62\00:32:12.56 What in the world does that mean? 00:32:12.56\00:32:14.36 Someone's gonna look up for me 1 Timothy 2:3-5, 00:32:14.36\00:32:18.40 I think you can read 3 to 4, actually. 00:32:18.40\00:32:21.60 Jacob I've loved, Esau I've hated. 00:32:21.60\00:32:23.57 Let me tell you how some people read that. 00:32:23.57\00:32:26.81 God being a God of predestination, 00:32:26.81\00:32:30.51 they say, I don't believe this. 00:32:30.51\00:32:32.55 He says, well, you know, I want to teach a lesson, 00:32:32.55\00:32:35.25 and so I know that Rebecca is gonna have twins, 00:32:35.25\00:32:37.39 I'm just gonna show that, 00:32:37.39\00:32:39.35 I'm gonna save who I want to save. 00:32:39.35\00:32:41.19 And instead of it being 00:32:41.19\00:32:42.52 the oldest will be the firstborn, 00:32:42.52\00:32:43.89 and he gets all the blessings, 00:32:43.89\00:32:44.96 I'm gonna give the blessings to the youngest 00:32:44.96\00:32:46.93 just to mess with him. 00:32:46.93\00:32:48.73 I'm gonna give the older one a hard heart, 00:32:48.73\00:32:51.70 I'm gonna save the younger one, because I just decide, 00:32:51.70\00:32:55.20 you know, who I want to save and who I want to be lost. 00:32:55.20\00:32:59.87 Now you just read there in Romans. 00:32:59.87\00:33:01.31 He said, Jacob I loved, Esau I hated. 00:33:01.31\00:33:04.75 And it makes it sound like 00:33:04.75\00:33:05.88 he decided to love Jacob before he was born, 00:33:05.88\00:33:08.92 and to hate Esau before he was born. 00:33:08.92\00:33:10.79 Does God hate any baby before it's born, 00:33:10.79\00:33:13.82 before it does anything? 00:33:13.82\00:33:16.66 Listen now, Paul is quoting the Old Testament. 00:33:16.66\00:33:19.93 You gotta know your Old Testament. 00:33:19.93\00:33:21.03 Listen to what Paul is quoting. 00:33:21.03\00:33:22.23 Go to Malachi 1. 00:33:22.23\00:33:25.57 He says, "I have loved you,' says the Lord. 00:33:25.57\00:33:27.44 You say, 'In which way have You loved us?' 00:33:27.44\00:33:29.80 Was not Esau Jacob's brother, says the Lord. 00:33:29.80\00:33:33.34 Yet Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated, 00:33:33.34\00:33:36.51 and laid waste his mountains and his heritage 00:33:36.51\00:33:39.95 for the jackals of the wilderness." 00:33:39.95\00:33:42.42 Jacob and Esau are referring to the nations of those people. 00:33:42.42\00:33:48.12 And God loved and hated them because of what they did. 00:33:48.12\00:33:52.16 And so when he quotes here, 00:33:52.16\00:33:54.03 Jacob I loved, and Esau I've hated, 00:33:54.03\00:33:55.70 He's talking about the Edomites and the Israelites. 00:33:55.70\00:33:59.83 They summarize their names 00:33:59.83\00:34:01.80 by calling one Jacob and one Esau. 00:34:01.80\00:34:04.51 He is not saying that I loved the individual Jacob, 00:34:04.51\00:34:06.71 and I hated the individual Esau. 00:34:06.71\00:34:08.74 He later hated what Esau did, 00:34:08.74\00:34:11.11 and you can read about that in Hebrews. 00:34:11.11\00:34:13.25 When Esau did not appreciate his birthright, 00:34:13.25\00:34:16.52 and he wanted... 00:34:16.52\00:34:17.89 He was so carnal minded, 00:34:17.89\00:34:18.99 he said, what good is a spiritual birthright, 00:34:18.99\00:34:20.62 give me beans now, I want beans now. 00:34:20.62\00:34:23.32 I'm gonna starve to death if I don't have my beans. 00:34:23.32\00:34:26.46 And so he was carnally minded. 00:34:26.46\00:34:28.66 Where Jacob said, I want the spiritual blessing. 00:34:28.66\00:34:31.80 And just to prove that 00:34:31.80\00:34:32.87 when Jacob came back from wandering in Mesopotamia, 00:34:32.87\00:34:36.00 he said to Esau 00:34:36.00\00:34:37.07 here, I'm gonna give you lots of money. 00:34:37.07\00:34:39.24 He gave him all of these sheep, and goats 00:34:39.24\00:34:40.44 and camels and servants, 00:34:40.44\00:34:41.54 he says, it's a gift. 00:34:41.54\00:34:42.74 I'm not after that blessing, 00:34:42.74\00:34:44.75 I want the spiritual blessing of our father. 00:34:44.75\00:34:48.05 So it was what Jacob did that God loved. 00:34:48.05\00:34:53.66 When Jacob said, 00:34:53.66\00:34:54.76 I won't let go unless you bless me, 00:34:54.76\00:34:56.69 He loved that. 00:34:56.69\00:34:57.76 When Esau said, you know, 00:34:57.76\00:35:01.13 I just want the carnal things for right now. 00:35:01.13\00:35:05.57 Jacob, he went a long way to get a spiritual bride, 00:35:05.57\00:35:08.17 didn't he? 00:35:08.17\00:35:09.30 He traveled all the way to Haran. 00:35:09.30\00:35:12.04 Esau didn't want to make that trip. 00:35:12.04\00:35:13.81 He married a local pagan girls. 00:35:13.81\00:35:16.28 And so you just see that there is difference. 00:35:16.28\00:35:19.38 And so their offspring, 00:35:19.38\00:35:21.72 He hated the Edomites because they were carnal, 00:35:21.72\00:35:25.05 He loved the Israelites initially 00:35:25.05\00:35:27.39 because they were spiritual. 00:35:27.39\00:35:29.29 Let me give you another example of that. 00:35:29.29\00:35:31.53 Why did God pick the Levites to be the priests, 00:35:31.53\00:35:36.93 and He did not pick from the other 11 or 12 tribes, 00:35:36.93\00:35:41.00 depends on how you number them. 00:35:41.00\00:35:42.10 Remember, He divided Jacob's tribe. 00:35:42.10\00:35:44.44 Why did He pick the Levites? 00:35:44.44\00:35:45.71 Did God say, well, I've just chosen them spiritually 00:35:45.71\00:35:50.95 and I'm gonna give them the blessing? 00:35:50.95\00:35:53.18 Or was there something that happened that made it happen? 00:35:53.18\00:35:57.25 You remember at the Mount Sinai, 00:35:57.25\00:35:59.59 the golden calf experience? 00:35:59.59\00:36:01.79 And Moses said, "Who is on my side? 00:36:01.79\00:36:05.53 Come to me." 00:36:05.53\00:36:06.90 And the Levites gathered around other than Aaron, 00:36:06.90\00:36:10.47 they had not supported the apostasy. 00:36:10.47\00:36:13.87 And they were chosen. 00:36:13.87\00:36:15.70 And the Levites strapped on their swords 00:36:15.70\00:36:17.67 and they went through the camp 00:36:17.67\00:36:18.97 and they killed the ringleaders of this idolatry that happened. 00:36:18.97\00:36:21.94 You remember there's a terrible story. 00:36:21.94\00:36:23.98 And then after that God says, 00:36:23.98\00:36:26.51 because of their dedication to the things of God, 00:36:26.51\00:36:29.48 I am gonna have the Levites be the ones 00:36:29.48\00:36:31.65 who were the guardians of the truth. 00:36:31.65\00:36:33.76 There was something they did. 00:36:33.76\00:36:35.89 Now it also gets difficult, well, let me keep reading here. 00:36:35.89\00:36:41.20 All right, and then it says, 00:36:41.20\00:36:42.73 oh, wait, I never had you read your verse. 00:36:42.73\00:36:44.80 So does God save people, 00:36:44.80\00:36:46.94 He will love someone and He hates others, 00:36:46.94\00:36:48.27 or does God want everyone to be saved? 00:36:48.27\00:36:51.24 All right, go ahead, please and read for us, 00:36:51.24\00:36:52.71 1 Timothy 2:3 and 4. 00:36:52.71\00:36:54.94 "For this is good and acceptable 00:36:54.94\00:36:56.41 in the sight of God our Savior, 00:36:56.41\00:36:58.65 who desires all men to be saved..." 00:36:58.65\00:37:00.35 Pause right there. 00:37:00.35\00:37:02.62 God who desires what? 00:37:02.62\00:37:04.29 All men. 00:37:04.29\00:37:05.39 How many men to be saved? 00:37:05.39\00:37:06.55 All. 00:37:06.55\00:37:08.29 Who wrote Romans? Paul. 00:37:08.29\00:37:10.66 Who wrote 1 Timothy? Paul. 00:37:10.66\00:37:13.03 Paul. 00:37:13.03\00:37:14.03 He wants everybody to be saved. 00:37:14.03\00:37:16.60 Now these are some of the scriptures 00:37:16.60\00:37:18.20 that the Armenians and the predestination people 00:37:18.20\00:37:22.67 and the once saved, always saved, 00:37:22.67\00:37:23.81 their law back and forth. 00:37:23.81\00:37:25.77 Some say, I've elected Jacob, I hated Esau. 00:37:25.77\00:37:30.21 But then Paul says, He wants all men to be saved. 00:37:30.21\00:37:32.45 Go ahead, finish reading that verse. 00:37:32.45\00:37:34.05 "Who desires all men to be saved 00:37:34.05\00:37:36.15 and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 00:37:36.15\00:37:39.72 Yeah, and he goes on says, 00:37:39.72\00:37:40.79 for there is one mediator of knowledge of the truth, 00:37:40.79\00:37:44.36 one mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ 00:37:44.36\00:37:46.63 who gave Himself a ransom for all. 00:37:46.63\00:37:49.30 A ransom for how many? 00:37:49.30\00:37:50.40 All. For all. 00:37:50.40\00:37:51.60 I guess I should have had you read that last verse, 00:37:51.60\00:37:53.13 I forgot why put it in there. 00:37:53.13\00:37:55.10 Let me give you another one. 00:37:55.10\00:37:56.17 Titus 2:11, 00:37:56.17\00:37:58.51 "For the grace of God that brings salvation 00:37:58.51\00:38:01.44 has appeared to a few people." 00:38:01.44\00:38:05.75 Hopefully, you're spotting 00:38:05.75\00:38:06.95 when the pastor changes the verses there. 00:38:06.95\00:38:10.72 Now I'm gonna tell you when I change it, 00:38:10.72\00:38:12.35 others will not tell you, so you need to know your Bible. 00:38:12.35\00:38:15.79 "For the grace of God that brings salvation 00:38:15.79\00:38:17.69 has appeared to all men." 00:38:17.69\00:38:18.93 Why? 00:38:18.93\00:38:20.00 'Cause He wants all men to be saved. 00:38:20.00\00:38:21.96 John 1:9, 00:38:21.96\00:38:23.57 "That was the true light that gives light to every man 00:38:23.57\00:38:27.27 that comes into the world." 00:38:27.27\00:38:29.00 And then you... 00:38:29.00\00:38:30.07 The Bible closes that says, whosoever will, 00:38:30.07\00:38:33.17 let him take the water of life freely. 00:38:33.17\00:38:35.48 Whosoever, what's John 3:16? 00:38:35.48\00:38:37.58 Whosoever believes in Him might not perish, 00:38:37.58\00:38:39.88 because He wants everyone to be saved. 00:38:39.88\00:38:42.45 God is love. 00:38:42.45\00:38:43.65 Can you imagine a father, a loving father saying, 00:38:43.65\00:38:46.69 well, I need someone to help illustrate a point 00:38:46.69\00:38:48.62 in the gospel 00:38:48.62\00:38:49.69 so, I'm sorry, but you're gonna die 00:38:49.69\00:38:51.56 and then I'm gonna put you in hell. 00:38:51.56\00:38:52.76 And I'm making, 00:38:52.76\00:38:53.83 I'm predetermining before you're even born 00:38:53.83\00:38:56.50 that I'm wiring you, so you cannot be saved. 00:38:56.50\00:39:00.97 And then I'm gonna put you in hell. 00:39:00.97\00:39:03.37 Do you realize, that's what some believe. 00:39:03.37\00:39:06.68 Doesn't that sort of make God an accomplice to their crime? 00:39:06.68\00:39:11.25 If God is able to predetermine 00:39:11.25\00:39:13.45 that He's gonna make somebody love Him, 00:39:13.45\00:39:16.28 doesn't that cancel out the whole plan of salvation? 00:39:16.28\00:39:19.42 And you would then say, He must have said, 00:39:19.42\00:39:21.49 well, I need to teach the universe a lesson, 00:39:21.49\00:39:23.19 so I'm gonna make Lucifer turn on me. 00:39:23.19\00:39:27.93 God knew it would happen but He doesn't make it happen, 00:39:27.93\00:39:30.23 that's a different, He really makes His creatures free. 00:39:30.23\00:39:33.00 It's a very important point to understand, 00:39:33.00\00:39:35.27 because you see where this goes. 00:39:35.27\00:39:37.87 God says, "I am gonna make Judas a liar and a thief." 00:39:37.87\00:39:44.85 He doesn't have any choice. 00:39:44.85\00:39:46.98 I am gonna just wire him that way from the factory 00:39:46.98\00:39:49.92 and so that's how he's gonna live his life 00:39:49.92\00:39:51.42 because I need to use him. 00:39:51.42\00:39:53.12 So, you know, what they call that in our criminal system? 00:39:53.12\00:39:56.96 You're an accessory. 00:39:56.96\00:39:58.93 You're an accomplice. 00:39:58.93\00:40:00.46 And if nothing else, 00:40:00.46\00:40:01.56 if the government set somebody else to commit a crime, 00:40:01.56\00:40:03.83 if they set them up they call it entrapment. 00:40:03.83\00:40:07.00 Isn't that right? 00:40:07.00\00:40:08.74 And it's considered illegal. 00:40:08.74\00:40:11.07 You get to hell, 00:40:11.07\00:40:12.17 terrible philosophical problems if you believe that, 00:40:12.17\00:40:16.44 but God who wants all men to be saved, 00:40:16.44\00:40:18.11 He creates everybody with an opportunity 00:40:18.11\00:40:20.72 to love, to choose. 00:40:20.72\00:40:23.12 And every man is rewarded according to what? 00:40:23.12\00:40:26.45 His works. 00:40:26.45\00:40:27.59 Jesus says that, isn't that right? 00:40:27.59\00:40:29.82 So if God is gonna reward people 00:40:29.82\00:40:31.83 according to his works, 00:40:31.83\00:40:32.83 but if He is pre-deciding what your works gonna be 00:40:32.83\00:40:34.76 before you're even born, 00:40:34.76\00:40:36.36 and He is making you do certain works 00:40:36.36\00:40:38.33 and then He is punishing you for doing bad works, 00:40:38.33\00:40:42.14 wouldn't that be kind of like, you know, 00:40:42.14\00:40:43.64 pushing your kid in the cookie jar 00:40:43.64\00:40:44.91 and then spanking them, for eating cookies? 00:40:44.91\00:40:48.38 It just wouldn't make sense. 00:40:48.38\00:40:51.11 So this is why I told you this is a challenging chapter. 00:40:51.11\00:40:54.02 I need to move on here, some of the mysteries. 00:40:54.02\00:40:57.89 Isaiah 55:8 and 9, 00:40:57.89\00:41:00.06 first of all, there are some difficult things, 00:41:00.06\00:41:01.92 I don't want to pretend there're not. 00:41:01.92\00:41:04.49 God says, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, 00:41:04.49\00:41:06.86 and neither are your ways My ways," says the Lord. 00:41:06.86\00:41:10.07 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, 00:41:10.07\00:41:11.97 so are My ways higher than your ways 00:41:11.97\00:41:14.37 and My thoughts than your thoughts." 00:41:14.37\00:41:16.77 So now we're gonna jump into Romans 9:14, 00:41:16.77\00:41:21.48 "What shall we say then? 00:41:21.48\00:41:23.65 Is there unrighteousness with God?" 00:41:23.65\00:41:26.11 See, Paul is saying, I know what you're thinking. 00:41:26.11\00:41:28.85 Did God make Esau to be lost? 00:41:28.85\00:41:31.89 Is there unrighteousness with God? 00:41:31.89\00:41:33.56 He says, certainly not. 00:41:33.56\00:41:35.89 How many of you have a King James? 00:41:35.89\00:41:37.66 I think it says, God forbid there. 00:41:37.66\00:41:39.59 God forbid, don't even think that. 00:41:39.59\00:41:41.16 Is there any unrighteousness, we got an accessory. 00:41:41.16\00:41:46.23 For He said to Moses, 00:41:46.23\00:41:47.34 I'll have mercy on whomever I'll have mercy, 00:41:47.34\00:41:49.50 and I'll have compassion on whoever I want compassion. 00:41:49.50\00:41:52.41 So then it is not him who wills nor of him who runs, 00:41:52.41\00:41:56.81 but God who shows mercy, 00:41:56.81\00:41:58.95 and then he gives you an illustration. 00:41:58.95\00:42:01.15 For the scripture says to the Pharaoh, 00:42:01.15\00:42:03.72 for this very purpose I have raised you up, 00:42:03.72\00:42:06.42 that I might show my power in you 00:42:06.42\00:42:08.79 and that my need might be declared in all of the earth. 00:42:08.79\00:42:13.33 So God raised up Pharaoh, 00:42:13.33\00:42:15.43 and, you know, there's several places 00:42:15.43\00:42:16.80 where it says God hardened Pharaoh's heart, 00:42:16.80\00:42:21.17 and He raised up Pharaoh and he said, look, I got to 00:42:21.17\00:42:23.71 somehow I have to have a bad guy in the script. 00:42:23.71\00:42:26.74 So that I can show My mighty power, 00:42:26.74\00:42:28.24 and so I've raised you up and I've hardened your heart. 00:42:28.24\00:42:30.75 And you don't have any choice, 00:42:30.75\00:42:32.45 but you're going to be the most stubborn king ever, 00:42:32.45\00:42:34.05 who ever lived. 00:42:34.05\00:42:35.52 And you're also gonna be really stupid 00:42:35.52\00:42:36.69 because plague after plague 00:42:36.69\00:42:37.79 and you keep doing the same thing. 00:42:37.79\00:42:40.86 So is that what He's saying. 00:42:40.86\00:42:43.76 Therefore, He has mercy on whom He will, 00:42:43.76\00:42:46.83 and who He will He hardens, 00:42:46.83\00:42:49.16 and you'll say to me then why does He find fault? 00:42:49.16\00:42:51.73 Why would God punish 00:42:51.73\00:42:52.77 if He's making a person that way? 00:42:52.77\00:42:55.54 For who has resisted his will. 00:42:55.54\00:42:58.51 But indeed, oh, man, 00:42:58.51\00:42:59.84 who are you who reply against the will of God? 00:42:59.84\00:43:03.35 You reply against God. 00:43:03.35\00:43:05.21 Will the thing formed, that you, the creature, 00:43:05.21\00:43:07.82 say to Him who formed it, why did you... 00:43:07.82\00:43:09.85 How dare You make me like this? 00:43:09.85\00:43:12.09 Does not the potter have power over the clay 00:43:12.09\00:43:14.56 to make from the same lump, one vessel for honor 00:43:14.56\00:43:17.49 and another vessel for dishonor. 00:43:17.49\00:43:20.46 All right, so it says, God hardened Pharaoh's heart, 00:43:20.46\00:43:23.57 three or four times, you might look it up, 00:43:23.57\00:43:25.97 but at least three or four times 00:43:25.97\00:43:27.27 it says, Pharaoh hardened his own heart. 00:43:27.27\00:43:30.57 Someone's going to read for me in Exodus 9:34, 00:43:30.57\00:43:34.34 and before you do, I'll read some of the others. 00:43:34.34\00:43:37.01 Exodus 8:15, 00:43:37.01\00:43:38.88 "But when Pharaoh saw there was relief, 00:43:38.88\00:43:41.38 he hardened his heart and did not heed them." 00:43:41.38\00:43:45.49 Now the relief was the mercy of God to forgive the plague. 00:43:45.49\00:43:50.56 Exodus 8:32, 00:43:50.56\00:43:52.26 "But Pharaoh hardened his heart this time also, 00:43:52.26\00:43:55.16 neither would he let the people go." 00:43:55.16\00:43:56.97 Go ahead, read Exodus 9:34. 00:43:56.97\00:43:59.90 "And when Pharaoh saw 00:43:59.90\00:44:01.14 that the rain, the hail, and the thunder had ceased, 00:44:01.14\00:44:04.71 he sinned yet more, and he hardened his heart, 00:44:04.71\00:44:08.38 he and his servants." 00:44:08.38\00:44:11.21 So, what do you do 00:44:11.21\00:44:13.62 when you got what appears to be conflicting verses, 00:44:13.62\00:44:15.48 one place there God says, 00:44:15.48\00:44:16.55 I'm gonna harden Pharaoh's heart, 00:44:16.55\00:44:17.72 and the other place it says, Pharaoh hardened his heart. 00:44:17.72\00:44:21.26 When the sun shines on wax, it gets soft. 00:44:21.26\00:44:26.46 When the sun shines on clay, it gets hard. 00:44:26.46\00:44:30.93 You could say the sun harden the clay, 00:44:30.93\00:44:35.00 but that same sun shining right next to the clay, 00:44:35.00\00:44:38.07 softens the wax. 00:44:38.07\00:44:40.48 The circumstances that God allowed to come, 00:44:40.48\00:44:44.11 Pharaoh took those things and he hardened his heart. 00:44:44.11\00:44:47.38 Let me read something to you from the book, 00:44:47.38\00:44:49.52 it's actually from a quote 00:44:49.52\00:44:51.35 from the Review and Herald, February 17, 1891, 00:44:51.35\00:44:55.49 "We're told that the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, 00:44:55.49\00:44:58.33 the repeated refusals of the king 00:44:58.33\00:45:00.43 to hear the Word of the Lord called forth 00:45:00.43\00:45:02.46 more direct, more urgent, and forcible messages. 00:45:02.46\00:45:05.30 At each rejection of light, 00:45:05.30\00:45:07.47 the Lord manifested 00:45:07.47\00:45:08.60 a more marked display of His power, 00:45:08.60\00:45:11.27 but the king's abstinence increased 00:45:11.27\00:45:13.64 with every new evidence of the power and majesty 00:45:13.64\00:45:16.54 of the divine heaven, 00:45:16.54\00:45:18.15 until the last arrow of mercy was exhausted 00:45:18.15\00:45:21.98 from the divine quiver. 00:45:21.98\00:45:24.19 And then of course, 00:45:24.19\00:45:25.22 the plague of the Passover came, 00:45:25.22\00:45:27.02 the firstborn die, including Pharaoh's. 00:45:27.02\00:45:30.13 He said, mercy was sent, 00:45:30.13\00:45:31.79 so what's hardening Pharaoh's heart? 00:45:31.79\00:45:34.83 The mercy of God. 00:45:34.83\00:45:36.60 And when God said, I am gonna reveal My power in Pharaoh, 00:45:36.60\00:45:40.04 what did God reveal? 00:45:40.04\00:45:41.44 His patience, His mercy. 00:45:41.44\00:45:44.71 And he hardened his heart against the mercy. 00:45:44.71\00:45:46.61 And here's a quote I want you to get, 00:45:46.61\00:45:48.64 "The man was utterly hardened 00:45:48.64\00:45:51.41 by his own persistent resistance." 00:45:51.41\00:45:55.62 That's pretty clear. 00:45:55.62\00:45:57.32 Pharaoh sowed abstinence 00:45:57.32\00:45:59.32 and he reaped the harvest of the same in his character. 00:45:59.32\00:46:02.92 The Lord could do nothing more to convince him, 00:46:02.92\00:46:05.49 for he was barricaded in abstinence and prejudice 00:46:05.49\00:46:09.40 where the Holy Spirit 00:46:09.40\00:46:10.57 could not find access to his heart. 00:46:10.57\00:46:12.97 God kept sending the Spirit to even Pharaoh to reach him, 00:46:12.97\00:46:17.37 showing His power, showing His patience. 00:46:17.37\00:46:20.21 And he just folded his arms and he said, "Who is the Lord? 00:46:20.21\00:46:22.58 Who is the Lord? 00:46:22.58\00:46:23.65 I'm not gonna listen to God, I'm gonna go to my gods. 00:46:23.65\00:46:27.18 And so God said, 00:46:27.18\00:46:29.82 I'm going to allow this circumstance 00:46:29.82\00:46:33.49 to be a lesson for Israel. 00:46:33.49\00:46:35.66 See, God takes things 00:46:35.66\00:46:38.19 that are bad that the devil does, 00:46:38.19\00:46:39.43 and He works them for good. 00:46:39.43\00:46:41.93 And so the hardness of Pharaoh, Pharaoh hardened his own heart, 00:46:41.93\00:46:46.53 ended up being a demonstration 00:46:46.53\00:46:47.97 of God's power and His goodness. 00:46:47.97\00:46:50.81 Yes, God raised up Pharaoh, 00:46:50.81\00:46:52.11 God raised him up with a free will. 00:46:52.11\00:46:54.91 God knew what he would do, 00:46:54.91\00:46:56.85 and he said it will be an opportunity 00:46:56.85\00:46:58.15 to teach a lesson 00:46:58.15\00:46:59.45 but he didn't pre-program 00:46:59.45\00:47:01.15 and make Pharaoh be stubborn and lost. 00:47:01.15\00:47:04.19 See, what I'm saying? 00:47:04.19\00:47:06.09 So that's very important I think. 00:47:06.09\00:47:07.49 And let me give you one more verse, 00:47:07.49\00:47:08.89 1 Samuel 6:6, 00:47:08.89\00:47:11.46 now this is way up in Samuel's, 00:47:11.46\00:47:12.76 not in Exodus any more. 00:47:12.76\00:47:14.10 1 Samuel 6:6, Samuel said, 00:47:14.10\00:47:16.40 "Why then do you harden your hearts 00:47:16.40\00:47:19.30 as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts? 00:47:19.30\00:47:23.87 When he did mighty things among them, 00:47:23.87\00:47:25.74 they did not let the people go that they might depart." 00:47:25.74\00:47:29.04 So that I think is pretty clear. 00:47:29.04\00:47:32.18 And I'm moving on here in Romans, 00:47:32.18\00:47:35.72 he talks about, we talked about Pharaoh 00:47:35.72\00:47:38.45 that his name might be revealed in him, 00:47:38.45\00:47:40.42 the potter has power over the clay. 00:47:40.42\00:47:42.62 Let me see here, and then he says, 00:47:46.43\00:47:49.96 "And that he might make known the riches of His glory, 00:47:49.96\00:47:52.30 so why does he allow this to happen 00:47:52.30\00:47:54.20 that he might make known the riches of His glory 00:47:54.20\00:47:56.24 on the vessels of mercy 00:47:56.24\00:47:58.01 which he prepared beforehand for glory, 00:47:58.01\00:48:00.61 even to those who he called not of the Jews only, 00:48:00.61\00:48:03.01 but also the gentiles." 00:48:03.01\00:48:04.18 So this is the point 00:48:04.18\00:48:05.25 he just keeps trying to bring back, 00:48:05.25\00:48:06.72 it's not just Jews but the gentiles also. 00:48:06.72\00:48:09.78 As he says in Hosea, 00:48:09.78\00:48:11.62 "I will call them my people who are not my people, 00:48:11.62\00:48:14.59 and her beloved who is not beloved, 00:48:14.59\00:48:17.06 and it will come to pass in the place 00:48:17.06\00:48:18.63 where I said to them, you are not my people, 00:48:18.63\00:48:20.70 there they will be called the Sons of the Living God, 00:48:20.70\00:48:22.86 places that were formally pagan 00:48:22.86\00:48:24.70 are now being called Sons of the Living God." 00:48:24.70\00:48:28.17 Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel. 00:48:28.17\00:48:31.01 Though the number of the children of Israel 00:48:31.01\00:48:32.71 be as the sand of the sea the remnant will be saved, 00:48:32.71\00:48:36.01 for he will finish the work 00:48:36.01\00:48:37.15 and cut it short and righteousness. 00:48:37.15\00:48:38.21 Who? 00:48:38.21\00:48:39.25 What qualifies you to be a remnant? 00:48:39.25\00:48:41.95 The ones who believe, it's by faith. 00:48:41.95\00:48:44.39 When you get through Revelation 00:48:44.39\00:48:45.49 and you find out about the remnant, 00:48:45.49\00:48:46.86 Revelation 14. 00:48:46.86\00:48:49.46 Here are those that keep the commandments of God 00:48:49.46\00:48:51.39 and have the... 00:48:51.39\00:48:53.26 Not the testimony, the faith of Jesus. 00:48:53.26\00:48:57.23 There it says, here are those 00:48:57.23\00:48:58.87 that keep the commandments of God 00:48:58.87\00:49:00.27 and have the faith of Jesus. 00:49:00.27\00:49:02.87 The remnant is composed of people 00:49:02.87\00:49:05.24 who are saved by faith. 00:49:05.24\00:49:07.41 They keep the commandments 00:49:07.41\00:49:08.54 because they have the faith of Jesus. 00:49:08.54\00:49:11.41 They don't keep the commandments to be saved, 00:49:11.41\00:49:13.62 is that right? 00:49:13.62\00:49:14.72 So Paul is saying through history, 00:49:14.72\00:49:16.02 God has saved a remnant who had faith. 00:49:16.02\00:49:17.95 Abraham had faith, Isaac had faith, 00:49:17.95\00:49:19.42 Jacob had faith. 00:49:19.42\00:49:21.12 But not every Israelite is going to be saved, 00:49:21.12\00:49:23.32 is that clear? 00:49:23.32\00:49:24.83 There were some who had faith 00:49:24.83\00:49:26.49 and it highlights many of them through history, 00:49:26.49\00:49:28.16 read Hebrews 11, 00:49:28.16\00:49:29.33 it talks about the heroes of faith. 00:49:29.33\00:49:30.90 But you know among the heroes of faith, 00:49:30.90\00:49:32.37 they're not all Jews. 00:49:32.37\00:49:33.90 Doesn't he also talk about Noah built an ark by faith, 00:49:33.90\00:49:37.24 he wasn't a Jew. 00:49:37.24\00:49:38.37 Rahab had faith. 00:49:38.37\00:49:40.08 She was not an Israelite. 00:49:40.08\00:49:41.98 And so Paul is making the point that those who believe, 00:49:41.98\00:49:46.35 they're the ones who are saved by faith. 00:49:46.35\00:49:48.95 And reading on here, Romans 9:29. 00:49:48.95\00:49:53.62 "And as Isaiah said before, 00:49:53.62\00:49:54.96 unless the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed." 00:49:54.96\00:49:57.96 Sabaoth there it doesn't mean Sabbath, 00:49:57.96\00:49:59.59 it means a lord of hosts or armies. 00:49:59.59\00:50:01.50 "Had left us a seed, 00:50:01.50\00:50:02.73 we would have become like Sodom, 00:50:02.73\00:50:04.13 it would have been like Gomorrah." 00:50:04.13\00:50:05.23 It's the remnant that God ultimately saves. 00:50:05.23\00:50:07.77 And God saved the remnant out of Sodom and Gomorrah, 00:50:07.77\00:50:10.97 that was Lot and his daughters. 00:50:10.97\00:50:12.57 What shall we say then, 00:50:12.57\00:50:14.01 that the gentiles 00:50:14.01\00:50:15.08 who did not pursue righteousness 00:50:15.08\00:50:16.58 have attained to righteousness, 00:50:16.58\00:50:18.31 even the righteousness of faith? 00:50:18.31\00:50:20.15 But Israel pursuing the law of righteousness 00:50:20.15\00:50:22.32 has not attained to righteousness, 00:50:22.32\00:50:24.29 the law of righteousness why? 00:50:24.29\00:50:25.99 Because they did not seek it by faith, 00:50:25.99\00:50:28.09 but as it were by the works of the law. 00:50:28.09\00:50:30.69 For they stumbled at the stumbling stone, 00:50:30.69\00:50:33.90 "As it is written, 00:50:33.90\00:50:35.96 'Behold I lay in Zion, the stumbling stone, 00:50:35.96\00:50:38.30 and the rock of offense, 00:50:38.30\00:50:39.47 and whoever believes on him will not be put to shame.'" 00:50:39.47\00:50:42.97 And here it's talking about that rock of stumbling. 00:50:42.97\00:50:44.97 Someone's going to read for me Psalm 118:22. 00:50:44.97\00:50:49.81 "The stone which the builders rejected 00:50:49.81\00:50:51.98 has become the Chief Cornerstone. 00:50:51.98\00:50:54.05 This was the Lord's doing, it is marvelous in our eyes." 00:50:54.05\00:50:58.02 And here he's referring back to a story 00:50:58.02\00:51:00.22 when they were building the Solomon's temple 00:51:00.22\00:51:01.92 and all the stones were prepared 00:51:01.92\00:51:03.49 at a separate quarry, 00:51:03.49\00:51:05.66 they brought them to place, 00:51:05.66\00:51:06.86 they sent up the cornerstone early on 00:51:06.86\00:51:09.16 but it was an odd looking stone 00:51:09.16\00:51:11.37 because part of it rested on the bedrock, 00:51:11.37\00:51:15.54 and it had been cut and sloped, and it was a corner, 00:51:15.54\00:51:20.88 and it was right in the middle of the work site, 00:51:20.88\00:51:22.61 and they kept bumping into it, 00:51:22.61\00:51:24.45 and tripping on it and scuffling their toes on it, 00:51:24.45\00:51:28.05 and hitting their heads on it. 00:51:28.05\00:51:29.12 And they got upset, 00:51:29.12\00:51:30.15 and they rolled it down into the Kidron Valley, 00:51:30.15\00:51:32.55 then when it came time to build the temple, 00:51:32.55\00:51:35.96 they start actually assembling the masonry, 00:51:35.96\00:51:37.86 they said, where is the cornerstone, 00:51:37.86\00:51:40.46 they sent back a text to the quarrian. 00:51:40.46\00:51:43.30 They said, "Where is that cornerstone?" 00:51:43.30\00:51:44.37 They said, "We sent that a long time ago." 00:51:44.37\00:51:46.47 Oh, that's that stumbling stone 00:51:46.47\00:51:48.74 that was right in the middle that we were cursing. 00:51:48.74\00:51:51.57 And it's the foundation of the whole temple, 00:51:51.57\00:51:53.71 we had no idea. 00:51:53.71\00:51:55.38 You find that referred to many times 00:51:55.38\00:51:57.45 through the New and the Old Testament. 00:51:57.45\00:51:59.25 And then finally 00:51:59.25\00:52:00.42 in the New Testament they say, 00:52:00.42\00:52:01.68 "That was Christ." 00:52:01.68\00:52:03.02 When the Messiah finally came, 00:52:03.02\00:52:05.59 they didn't know, and they rejected Him, 00:52:05.59\00:52:07.62 and they cast Him out of the city. 00:52:07.62\00:52:09.59 And He ended up being the foundation for everything. 00:52:09.59\00:52:13.66 That's why you read in Ephesians 2, 00:52:13.66\00:52:16.43 "Now therefore 00:52:16.43\00:52:17.57 you are no longer strangers and foreigners..." 00:52:17.57\00:52:19.90 Gentiles you're not far off. 00:52:19.90\00:52:22.37 "But you are fellow citizens with the saints, 00:52:22.37\00:52:24.57 and members of the household of God 00:52:24.57\00:52:26.74 having been built on the foundation 00:52:26.74\00:52:28.68 of the apostles and the prophets, 00:52:28.68\00:52:30.81 Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, 00:52:30.81\00:52:35.25 in which the whole building fitly frames together." 00:52:35.25\00:52:38.75 Anyway I can see we've run out of time. 00:52:38.75\00:52:40.29 I want to remind our friends, 00:52:40.29\00:52:41.26 I know we talked about some difficult things 00:52:41.26\00:52:43.12 dealing with predestination and the sovereignty of God. 00:52:43.12\00:52:47.46 We have a free offer, it's number 112, it's called, 00:52:47.46\00:52:50.60 "Can a Saved Man Choose to Be Lost"? 00:52:50.60\00:52:53.37 We'll send it to you for simply asking, 00:52:53.37\00:52:55.57 we do ask you read it, 00:52:55.57\00:52:56.67 and you'll be blessed, and then share with a friend. 00:52:56.67\00:52:58.71 Here's a number 866-788-3966. 00:52:58.71\00:53:03.31 That adds up to 866-Study-More 00:53:03.31\00:53:05.91 and we'll send it to you free, please do so. 00:53:05.91\00:53:07.92 And thank you, friends, for joining us, 00:53:07.92\00:53:09.48 God willing will study His word together 00:53:09.48\00:53:11.39 again next week. 00:53:11.39\00:53:12.99 Have you ever heard a mouse howl like a wolf? 00:53:23.50\00:53:27.44 Well, what would you expect would happen 00:53:27.44\00:53:29.10 when a creature changes its destiny 00:53:29.10\00:53:31.64 from the hapless prey to mighty predator? 00:53:31.64\00:53:35.31 From the outside they look very much like 00:53:35.31\00:53:37.08 just an oversized field mouse, 00:53:37.08\00:53:39.38 cute brown fur, white on the underbelly, 00:53:39.38\00:53:42.05 nice little beady eyes, 00:53:42.05\00:53:43.75 but that's where the similarities stop. 00:53:43.75\00:53:45.72 Grasshopper mice are very unusual making them 00:53:45.72\00:53:49.06 the objects of great interest for animal researchers. 00:53:49.06\00:53:53.73 These furry little creatures are found 00:53:53.73\00:53:55.50 in the harsh deserts of North America. 00:53:55.50\00:53:57.67 They're very territorial in nature. 00:53:57.67\00:53:59.53 And they will monopolize and fend off 25 acres. 00:53:59.53\00:54:03.24 They don't build their own homes 00:54:03.24\00:54:04.61 but sort of confiscate the burrows 00:54:04.61\00:54:06.37 and the homes of other creatures. 00:54:06.37\00:54:09.14 They're not called grasshopper mice 00:54:09.14\00:54:10.65 'cause they hop around. 00:54:10.65\00:54:12.01 But it's because they eat a lot of grasshoppers. 00:54:12.01\00:54:13.95 In fact scientists have discovered 00:54:13.95\00:54:15.75 grasshopper mice are the only mice 00:54:15.75\00:54:17.85 that are purely carnivorous. 00:54:17.85\00:54:21.26 They hunt much like cats or weasels, 00:54:21.26\00:54:23.36 stalking their prey in a predatory fashion, 00:54:23.36\00:54:26.06 and when they pounce, they are ferocious. 00:54:26.06\00:54:28.73 Sometimes even taking on snakes, and scorpions, 00:54:28.73\00:54:31.40 and centipedes. 00:54:31.40\00:54:33.80 When a grasshopper mouse gets into a fierce battle 00:54:33.80\00:54:36.40 with a snake, or a scorpion, or centipede, 00:54:36.40\00:54:38.74 they may be bit or stung several times. 00:54:38.74\00:54:41.74 But what is amazing to researchers 00:54:41.74\00:54:43.58 is they've noticed when they are bitten, 00:54:43.58\00:54:45.98 they somehow shake it off 00:54:45.98\00:54:47.72 because they convert the toxin and the venom to pain killer. 00:54:47.72\00:54:52.75 I think you can understand why this information would be 00:54:52.75\00:54:55.22 of special interest to scientists 00:54:55.22\00:54:57.36 that are trying to discover new ways for people 00:54:57.36\00:55:00.10 to deal with chronic pain. 00:55:00.10\00:55:02.86 One of the most intriguing characteristics 00:55:02.86\00:55:04.83 of these little creatures 00:55:04.83\00:55:06.67 is when they're defending their territory 00:55:06.67\00:55:08.67 or celebrating a victory over some adversary, 00:55:08.67\00:55:11.97 they'll throw back their head 00:55:11.97\00:55:13.34 and let out this earthshaking howl. 00:55:13.34\00:55:16.78 It's a mousy howl. Check it out. 00:55:16.78\00:55:18.98 The grasshopper mouse 00:55:25.25\00:55:26.39 is not the only member of creation 00:55:26.39\00:55:28.36 that can survive encounters with venomous predators. 00:55:28.36\00:55:31.93 In Luke 10:19 it says, 00:55:31.93\00:55:33.76 "Behold, I will give you authority 00:55:33.76\00:55:36.16 to trample on serpents and scorpions, 00:55:36.16\00:55:38.73 and over all the power of the enemy: 00:55:38.73\00:55:41.20 nothing will by any means hurt you." 00:55:41.20\00:55:43.97 We don't have to be the biggest and the strongest 00:55:43.97\00:55:46.27 to defeat our enemy and led out that victory roar. 00:55:46.27\00:55:49.28 When God called David to be king, 00:55:49.28\00:55:51.38 no human would have guessed that he had it in him. 00:55:51.38\00:55:53.85 He was young and insignificant, 00:55:53.85\00:55:55.82 from the outside he looked like there was no greatness in him. 00:55:55.82\00:55:59.35 But when God looked at his heart, 00:55:59.35\00:56:01.19 He saw courage, humility, compassion, and love. 00:56:01.19\00:56:04.69 David wasn't perfect and he made mistakes 00:56:04.69\00:56:07.00 but through God's power he was able to conquer giants. 00:56:07.00\00:56:11.47 Friend, God does not intend 00:56:11.47\00:56:12.87 that you live out the rest of your life 00:56:12.87\00:56:14.44 cowering and trembling like a little field mouse. 00:56:14.44\00:56:17.44 If God can take the grasshopper mouse 00:56:17.44\00:56:19.31 and give him courage 00:56:19.31\00:56:20.68 so that he fights snakes, and scorpions, and centipedes. 00:56:20.68\00:56:24.18 If God can put in the heart of David 00:56:24.18\00:56:25.85 the courage to fight giants like Goliath, 00:56:25.85\00:56:28.82 then He can give you that same courage. 00:56:28.82\00:56:31.09 The scripture say, 00:56:31.09\00:56:32.15 God has not given you the spirit of fear 00:56:32.15\00:56:34.89 but of power, love, and a sound mind. 00:56:34.89\00:56:38.26 And you can have that peace in your heart 00:56:38.26\00:56:40.20 when you invite the Prince of Peace in your heart. 00:56:40.20\00:56:42.70 Why don't you do that right now? 00:56:42.70\00:56:44.17 For life changing Christian resources, 00:56:53.71\00:56:56.21 visit, 00:56:56.21\00:56:58.35 or call 1-800-538-7275. 00:56:58.35\00:57:03.62 Can't get enough Amazing Facts Bible Study? 00:57:03.62\00:57:06.55 You don't have to wait until next week 00:57:06.55\00:57:08.42 to enjoy more truth-filled programming. 00:57:08.42\00:57:10.96 Visit the Amazing Facts media library at 00:57:10.96\00:57:16.06 At, 00:57:16.06\00:57:18.17 you can enjoy video and audio presentations 00:57:18.17\00:57:21.00 as well as printed material all free of charge, 00:57:21.00\00:57:24.14 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 00:57:24.14\00:57:26.81 right from your computer or mobile device. 00:57:26.81\00:57:29.14 Visit 00:57:29.14\00:57:33.58 Let's face it, 00:57:33.58\00:57:34.62 it's not always easy to understand everything 00:57:34.62\00:57:37.05 you read in The Bible. 00:57:37.05\00:57:38.52 With over 700,000 words contained in 66 books, 00:57:38.52\00:57:42.32 The Bible can generate a lot of questions. 00:57:42.32\00:57:44.86 To get biblical straight forward answers, 00:57:44.86\00:57:47.23 call into Bible Answers Live, 00:57:47.23\00:57:48.96 a live nationwide call-in radio program 00:57:48.96\00:57:51.73 where you can talk to Pastor Doug Batchelor 00:57:51.73\00:57:53.97 and ask him your most difficult Bible questions. 00:57:53.97\00:57:56.54 For times and stations in your area 00:57:56.54\00:57:58.77 or to listen to answers online, 00:57:58.77\00:58:00.71 visit 00:58:00.71\00:58:04.41