Sabbath School Study Hour

Lesson 4: The Personality of the Holy Spirit

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David DeRose MD


Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021704A

00:00 [music]
00:13 [music]
00:25 [music]
00:35 Jean Ross: Good morning, friends, welcome to
00:36 "Sabbath School Study Hour," coming to you here from
00:38 the Granite Bay Seventh Day Adventist Church.
00:41 A very warm welcome to our friends joining us online,
00:43 and also our online church members that tune in each
00:47 week to study with us.
00:49 Also to the members and the visitors who are here today,
00:51 it's good to see you on a rainy Sabbath morning.
00:55 We're glad you came out to join us.
00:57 Now, over the past few weeks, we've been studying our new
01:00 lesson quarterly, "Dealing with the Holy Spirit."
01:03 Today, we're on lesson number four entitled
01:05 "The Personality of the Holy Spirit."
01:07 And for those of you who are watching,
01:09 if you don't have a copy of our lesson for today,
01:12 you can download today's copy by just going to the Amazing Facts
01:15 website, just, click on the link that says
01:19 "Sabbath School Lesson."
01:21 And you can download a copy and study along with us.
01:23 Also, you can go to the Granite Bay Church website,
01:26 just, and you can download a
01:29 copy there as well.
01:30 We have a free offer that we'd like to make available
01:33 to those in North America.
01:35 It's "The Amazing Facts Book of Bible Answers," and this is the
01:38 free offer for today.
01:40 That number is... and you can ask for
01:45 offer number 785.
01:48 That number, once again, is...
01:52 and you can ask for offer number 785,
01:56 "The Amazing Facts Book of Bible Answers."
01:59 And this is a compilation of some of the best questions that
02:01 we've received at our radio program.
02:04 So, just a great offer today.
02:06 Well, before we get to our study, as usual, we like
02:08 to begin our voices--lifting our voices in song.
02:11 So, I'd like to invite our song leaders to come and join me on
02:13 stage, and let's join in as we sing together.
02:17 [music]
02:23 male: Good morning, church family.
02:25 It's such a wonderful thing that we can praise the Lord together
02:29 on this Sabbath morning together all around the world.
02:32 And we're going to begin our singing this morning with song
02:35 number one, "Praise to the Lord."
02:38 Let's all sing together.
02:40 [music]
02:50 ♪ Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, ♪
02:55 ♪ the King of creation. ♪
03:00 ♪ O my soul, praise him, for he is thy ♪
03:04 ♪ health and salvation. ♪
03:09 ♪ All ye who hear, now to his temple draw near. ♪
03:16 ♪ Join ye in glad adoration. ♪
03:23 ♪ Praise to the Lord, who o'er all things ♪
03:28 ♪ so wondrously reigneth. ♪
03:33 ♪ Shieldeth thee under his wings, yea, ♪
03:37 ♪ so gently sustaineth. ♪
03:42 ♪ Hast thou not seen how thy desires ere have been ♪
03:50 ♪ granted in what he ordaineth? ♪
03:57 ♪ Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy ♪
04:02 ♪ work and defend thee. ♪
04:07 ♪ Surely his goodness and mercy here ♪
04:11 ♪ daily attend thee. ♪
04:16 ♪ Ponder anew what the Almighty can do if ♪
04:24 ♪ with his love he befriend thee. ♪♪
04:33 male: And how have your weeks all been going this last week?
04:35 Sometimes, our weeks goes so well,
04:37 and other times we fall back into those same patterns
04:42 that we're trying to avoid.
04:43 But we know that we have the blessed assurance.
04:45 Let's sing song number 462, "Blessed Assurance,
04:49 Jesus is Mine."
04:52 [music]
05:01 ♪ Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine. ♪
05:06 ♪ O what a foretaste of glory divine. ♪
05:11 ♪ Heir of salvation, purchase of God, ♪
05:16 ♪ born of his Spirit, washed in his blood. ♪
05:21 ♪ This is my story, this is my song, ♪
05:26 ♪ praising my Savior all the day long. ♪
05:31 ♪ This is my story, this is my song, ♪
05:36 ♪ praising my Savior all the day long. ♪
05:42 ♪ Perfect submission, perfect delight, ♪
05:47 ♪ visions of rapture now burst on my sight. ♪
05:52 ♪ Angels descending bring from above echoes ♪
05:58 ♪ of mercy, whispers of love. ♪
06:02 ♪ This is my story, this is my song, ♪
06:07 ♪ praising my Savior all the day long. ♪
06:12 ♪ This is my story, this is my song, ♪
06:17 ♪ praising my Savior all the day long. ♪
06:24 ♪ Perfect submission, all is at rest. ♪
06:29 ♪ I in my Savior am happy and blest. ♪
06:35 ♪ Watching and waiting, looking above, ♪
06:40 ♪ filled with his goodness, lost in his love. ♪
06:45 ♪ This is my story, this is my song, ♪
06:50 ♪ praising my Savior all the day long. ♪
06:55 ♪ This is my story, this is my song, ♪
07:00 ♪ praising my Savior all the day long. ♪♪
07:18 Jean: I'd like to invite you to bow your heads as
07:20 we open with a word of prayer.
07:22 Dear Father, what a privilege to be able to gather together in
07:24 your house to open up your Word and study.
07:27 And indeed, we need the Holy Spirit as we talk about the Holy
07:29 Spirit, as we look at what the Scripture says about this third
07:33 person of the Godhead.
07:35 And so, today, in a special way, we want to invite the Holy
07:37 Spirit to come guide our hearts and our minds,
07:39 lead us into a clear and full understanding of the work that
07:42 you wish to do in us and through us.
07:45 Thank you, Father, for your promise to be with us
07:47 in Jesus' name, amen.
07:50 Our lesson today is going to be brought to us by one of our
07:52 regular teachers here at "Sabbath School Study Hour,"
07:55 Dr. David DeRose.
07:56 Thank you.
08:06 David DeRose: Well, good morning.
08:07 It's good to be with you, and it's good to be continuing our
08:11 series studying about the Holy Spirit and spirituality.
08:18 We're in the fourth in our series of lessons,
08:21 and we're looking at the subject, "The Personality of
08:24 the Holy Spirit," the personality of the Holy Spirit.
08:30 Well, it was just last night, and there were a number of young
08:34 adults at our home, and we opened up this very lesson.
08:39 And as I was sharing some things and as we were engaging in
08:43 dialogue, I was getting a bit frustrated.
08:48 And the reason for my frustration is it seemed,
08:52 as I was looking at this very important lesson,
08:55 it was too easy to make it all very theoretical,
09:00 very abstract and not practical.
09:04 Have you noticed that that sometimes when you look at these
09:07 deep theological subjects?
09:10 And I don't know that there is anything much deeper than trying
09:13 to fathom the aspects of the character of the Holy Spirit,
09:19 that sometimes it seems like we're just engaging
09:22 in theological dialogue that doesn't have
09:26 much practical significance.
09:27 Can any of you relate to that?
09:29 I see a few heads nodding, and maybe a few other people looking
09:33 very quizzically at me because this is a
09:36 very practical subject, it is.
09:38 But sometimes, we can get so abstract that we lose
09:42 the power of the message.
09:44 With that in mind, let's look at our memory verse because I think
09:47 the memory verse brings our focus to some of the most
09:51 practical things about the Holy Spirit.
09:56 The memory verse is quoted in the quarterly from the New
09:59 American Standard Bible, which is a very literal translation,
10:04 very good translation, New American Standard version.
10:07 John 14, verse 26, and I welcome you to join with me as we read
10:12 this together if you've got your quarterly.
10:14 Go ahead with me, John 14:26, "But the helper,
10:19 the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name,
10:24 he will teach you all things and bring to your
10:28 remembrance all that I said to you."
10:33 So, this passage in John 14 is actually one of the
10:36 central passages that deal with the identity and
10:40 the work of the Holy Spirit.
10:42 And we don't want to get bogged down so much in the personality
10:45 of the Holy spirit, although that is incredibly important,
10:48 but we want to look a little bit more at why that is significant.
10:52 Why is it of concern to us?
10:54 Those of you that have the quarterly,
10:57 and I'll remind you if you're joining us by way of either live
11:02 stream or recorded message, you can actually download this
11:06 lesson, as Pastor Ross mentioned,
11:09 right on the Amazing Facts website.
11:11 But I'm actually referring to what I think is one of the most
11:16 succinct ways of crystalizing the importance of understanding
11:19 the personality of the Holy Spirit.
11:21 It's actually from Thursday's lesson.
11:24 And it's the second paragraph there in Thursday's lesson.
11:28 It says it in these words, "If we think of the Holy spirit only
11:33 as a mysterious divine power, our thoughts will be,
11:38 'How can I have more of the Holy Spirit?'
11:42 But if we think of the Holy Spirit as a diving person,
11:46 we will ask, 'How can the Holy Spirit have more of me?'"
11:52 Do you see that vast difference there?
11:54 The Holy Spirit is not just a power,
11:57 an essence that we want to hold onto or have so that we can be
12:01 energized in the Christian walk.
12:03 The Holy Spirit is a person who wants to live in us.
12:08 With that in mind, let's go back to this passage in John that the
12:13 memory verse called their attention to.
12:16 Actually, someone has another reading for us,
12:19 we're going to read from John 14:16 to 18.
12:22 Who has that passage for us?
12:23 John 14:16 to 18, and there's a microphone that they're
12:29 getting for our readers.
12:32 But we're going to give a little bit of the context.
12:34 Turn your Bibles to John 14.
12:37 Of course, these are some of the closing days,
12:41 closing hours in fact, of Jesus' life before his crucifixion.
12:45 And in John 14, the chapter begins with those beautiful
12:48 words, "Let not your heart be troubled.
12:52 You believe in God, believe also in me.
12:56 In my Father's house are many mansions.
12:59 If it were not so, I would've told you.
13:01 I go to prepare a place for you."
13:04 So, here Jesus is, he's approaching the cross,
13:08 and he knows his disciples will be shaken in their faith.
13:12 Now, here's the question, just to pause for a minute
13:14 and try to make this relevant.
13:16 Was it just the disciples at the cross who would have to deal
13:21 with challenges to their faith?
13:23 Or do modern day believers, you and I,
13:27 have challenges to our faith too?
13:30 It's a stupid question, of course.
13:32 You know, we all have challenges,
13:33 right, in our Christian walk.
13:35 And so, here Jesus is saying, as the disciples are anticipating
13:39 this great crisis in their faith,
13:42 that their hearts should not be what?
13:45 Troubled, "Let not your heart be troubled."
13:48 And Jesus gives them a number of assurances
13:51 in John 14, 15, and 16.
13:54 And among those assurances is that,
13:57 although he was going away, he was going to do what?
14:02 That's right, he was going to comfort them,
14:04 he was going to prepare a place for them,
14:06 and he was going to come again, all those things.
14:08 And so, central to this message, this encouraging message,
14:12 Jesus gives these words that we find now in verse 16 to 18 of
14:18 John chapter 14, and we have someone to read that for us.
14:23 female: "And I will ask the Father,
14:25 and he will give you another helper.
14:27 So, with you--so he will be with you forever,
14:31 even the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because
14:35 it neither sees him nor knows him.
14:38 But you know him, for he dwells with you and will be with you."
14:44 And 18, "And I will not leave you comfortless.
14:47 I will come to you."
14:50 David: Okay, so part of Jesus' answer to the longing of
14:54 the hearts of the disciples and to the anticipation that he
14:58 had of their coming discouragement was that he
15:01 was going to send another comforter.
15:05 It was very interesting the construct of the Greek.
15:09 And in your lesson on Sunday, it actually draws some insights
15:15 from the Greek wording.
15:19 Now, I do have some seminary Greek behind me,
15:22 but I don't want that to cloud anything because I really don't
15:27 feel I have any mastery of the Greek language.
15:30 And so, I'm there with all of you if you like to refer to the
15:33 Greek, and you look in one of those lexicons,
15:36 one of the--kind of like a dictionary to try to get all the
15:38 nuances, to get all the flavors of a given Greek word.
15:43 Now, in Greek, there are more than--there is more than one
15:47 word for another.
15:50 There is the word "allos" which refers to another,
15:55 usually another of the same kind.
15:58 And then there's the word "heteros," which refers to
16:01 another of a different kind.
16:05 Now, if you're a Greek scholar, you'd perhaps want to say,
16:09 "Well, it's not that simple."
16:10 And I'm not saying it is, but there are these different
16:12 nuances in the Greek.
16:14 And some of you might be scratching your head,
16:16 "Well, how could there be differences in another?"
16:18 Let me give you an illustration.
16:19 This morning, I was at the breakfast table,
16:22 and this did not happen because we weren't eating toast,
16:25 but it could've happened.
16:27 And someone could've said, "Do you want
16:29 another piece of toast?"
16:31 Right?
16:33 That means, do I want another piece like the
16:35 one I've already had?
16:37 That is the word "allos."
16:39 So, it's another of the same type.
16:42 Now, on the other hand, the "heteros" another, that could
16:46 be illustrated by let's say I'm going to pick up a rental car.
16:51 Can some of you relate to this?
16:53 I travel a fair amount, and I'm often picking up rental cars,
16:55 and it depends who I'm renting with and whether you have a
16:58 special relationship with that rental car company.
17:01 But sometimes they'll say, "Okay,
17:03 you can go down to section A in the lot,
17:06 and you can pick any car there."
17:08 Okay, that's all--you know, you paid for that,
17:10 any car in section A.
17:12 So, I go over to section A and let's say there's only one car.
17:16 And maybe there's six of us and it's a Prius, okay?
17:22 Now, I like Priuses.
17:23 But I say, "Six people are not going to fit in that car."
17:27 And so, I walk over to the attendant and I say,
17:29 "Don't you have another car?
17:31 There's six of us.
17:32 All that's out there is a Prius, that white Prius over there."
17:36 Now, would the guy likely say to me,
17:38 "Oh, yes, there is another car over there.
17:41 There's a blue Prius." You think he'd say that?
17:46 "He might," you say.
17:48 Well, but if I said it's too small a car and I ask for
17:51 another one, what am I really asking for?
17:54 Yes, I'm asking--yeah, I'm asking for another of
17:57 a different type.
17:58 And sometime chimed in I'm looking for a Suburban.
18:01 Well, maybe, maybe not. But you understand the point.
18:04 So, you can ask for another car, wanting a different one.
18:07 So, the Greek actually has these nuances.
18:10 And so, when Jesus' words are being--now listen carefully,
18:14 his words are being translated by John.
18:19 Because you may be aware Jesus did not speak in Greek.
18:22 He spoke in Aramaic.
18:25 And Aramaic, like Hebrew, is like English,
18:28 it just has one word for another.
18:31 But John, under the influence of the Holy Spirit,
18:33 as he's translating the intent of Jesus' words as we read them
18:37 here in John 14, which is translated from John's original
18:43 manuscript that was in Greek, this word "allos" is used.
18:48 So, when Jesus is saying he will send another comforter,
18:52 it is the allos, it is another like me.
18:56 So, if we want to understand the Holy Spirit,
18:59 the nature of the Holy Spirit, where can we look to get a
19:03 glimpse of the nature of the Holy Spirit?
19:06 We can look at Jesus himself.
19:09 So, the Holy Spirit is another comforter of the
19:11 same type like Jesus.
19:14 And so, it's already giving us this sense that the Holy Spirit
19:18 is not some ethereal force, but the Holy Spirit is a person,
19:23 is a physical comforter.
19:25 Jesus could say that I'm sending you another comforter.
19:30 Verse 18 in some translations says,
19:33 "I will not leave you orphans.
19:36 I will come to you."
19:39 Now, some might read this and say,
19:41 "Well, this is a reference to the Second Coming."
19:44 But I would suggest to you most literally in the context,
19:48 Jesus is speaking of coming to us in the person
19:52 of the Holy Spirit.
19:54 So, the Holy Spirit, as we read through John 14,
19:57 15, and 16, we get these insights that the Holy Spirit is
20:01 a divine person, it is a--it or he is a member of the Godhead.
20:07 Now, some of you say, "Well, you know,
20:08 you got to be careful whether you refer to the Holy Spirit as
20:10 an it or a he because that, you know,
20:12 carries with it different definitions."
20:15 You say, "In my Bible, it always says the Holy Spirit, he."
20:19 And that's interesting too.
20:21 Look at these very verses we just read in John 16 through 18.
20:27 I'm actually reading from the New King James version,
20:33 and you see this reference in verse 16.
20:36 Jesus said, "I will pray the Father and he will give you
20:38 another helper, that he may abide with you
20:41 forever, the Spirit of truth.
20:43 It neither sees him nor knows him."
20:45 There in those verses, there is actually a neuter
20:49 article being used.
20:51 Now you say, "Wait a minute, what's going on here?"
20:54 So, you know, in English, we have he, she, and it.
21:00 And the article that goes along with that.
21:04 You know, you see, well, it's obvious what gender.
21:08 But in other languages, even nouns have a gender.
21:16 So, you might say, "The book."
21:19 And in German, that may be a neuter or a neutral gender.
21:27 You may say, "The school."
21:29 In German, it may be a feminine gender.
21:32 So, you say, "Well, you know, what's the significance
21:34 of all this?"
21:36 Well, look at these verse for a minute.
21:38 Sometimes when the Holy Spirit is referred to,
21:41 that which is translated he is a neuter or neutral gender.
21:46 But in other places, it's very definitely a masculine gender.
21:51 And why I'm sharing this with you is just because we see he in
21:56 the translation of the New Testament,
21:58 don't try to make that definitive as to whether the
22:03 Holy Spirit is a person or a thing.
22:05 I think the evidence is very clear.
22:07 We're going to look at a number of those evidences this morning,
22:10 and we've been looking at them already in our study.
22:13 But be careful that we don't just try to take the English
22:16 language translation and try to make that the gold standard by
22:23 which we try to judge the language.
22:25 Now, are you starting to feel like I am already?
22:27 You're saying, "This is all very theoretical."
22:29 I mean, how does this become practical for us?
22:32 Let's look at some specific examples that I think make
22:35 it very practical.
22:37 And these, by the way, in the Greek are all using the
22:40 masculine gender for he referring to the Holy Spirit.
22:43 Look with me at John chapter 16, verse 8.
22:47 So, we're focusing in on John.
22:48 And this is, by the way, one of the passages that's highlighted
22:51 throughout the lesson.
22:53 So, we're picking up some of these references to what
22:57 the Holy Spirit's work is.
22:59 John 16, beginning with verse 8, it says,
23:04 "And when he," the Holy Spirit, it's referring to Jesus speaking
23:08 of the Holy Spirit, "when he has come,
23:10 he will convict the world of sin,
23:13 and of righteousness, and of judgment."
23:17 And it's very interesting as you read on in John 16,
23:22 it says, "The conviction of sin will come because they do not
23:27 believe in me of righteousness because I go to my Father and
23:31 you see me no more, and of judgment because the ruler
23:35 of this world is judged."
23:39 Even though we may sometimes think the work of the Holy
23:42 Spirit is a more stern work, I mean,
23:45 most of us don't like to be convicted, do we?
23:49 Well, I mean, we do but we don't, right?
23:52 You don't usually--you usually come to church,
23:55 most people tell me they come to church because
23:57 they want a blessing.
23:58 And you know how I know that?
24:00 Because there's people that come to churches all the time,
24:03 not this one, no one's ever been here and come out after the
24:05 service and told me this, but I've been to other places in the
24:09 country, or I'll meet someone here at Granite Bay,
24:12 and they'll say, "Dr. DeRose, I'm here because the church
24:15 I was going to, I was just not getting blessed there."
24:18 Have you heard that one before?
24:21 So, we come to God usually looking for what?
24:24 Looking for a blessing.
24:26 We don't usually come--no one's ever said to me,
24:29 "Well, I've come to this church because the other church I was
24:32 in, the pastor never convicted us.
24:34 He was never--"
24:35 Well, maybe I have heard things like that.
24:37 But most of us, it's not that we want more conviction,
24:40 even though it's so often what we most need, isn't it?
24:43 And that's the work of the Holy Spirit.
24:44 It is a loving work.
24:47 In fact, if you're not convinced that someone loves you,
24:51 if they try to convict you of something,
24:53 how well do you receive it?
24:56 Not well at all.
24:58 The Holy Spirit is given this name,
24:59 and I know we've looked at it previously.
25:02 In the Greek, it comes from two words, "para kaleo."
25:05 We sometimes call him the paraclete or the parakletos.
25:10 That literally means the one called alongside of.
25:15 So, Jesus is saying, "Just like I walk alongside you,
25:19 my disciples, the Holy Spirit will come to
25:22 walk alongside you."
25:24 We're getting this sense of a personal Holy Spirit
25:27 that has a personality.
25:29 Let's look at a few other examples of this.
25:31 Let's go back to John 15.
25:35 In John 15, we see this other powerful reason why
25:40 the Holy Spirit was given.
25:42 And some of this--some of these are recurring themes
25:45 over these first few weeks.
25:47 But I think it's especially important in the context of John
25:50 14 through 16.
25:52 In John 15, verse 26, it says--again,
25:55 Jesus is the one speaking.
25:57 "But when the helper, when the comforter,
25:59 when the parakletos comes, whom I shall send to you from the
26:03 Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father,
26:07 he will testify of me.
26:10 And you will also bear witness because you have been with
26:13 me from the beginning."
26:17 So, the Spirit testifies of me, are you catching the language?
26:22 Convicting, testifying, these human attributes that are
26:27 given to the Holy Spirit.
26:29 And who is the Holy Spirit pointing to?
26:33 Jesus, right?
26:35 So, if we're connecting better with the Holy Spirit,
26:38 we will see Jesus more clearly, we will see Jesus more clearly.
26:42 Let's look at one more example from John.
26:47 Let's look at John 16 again.
26:50 John 16, verse 13 and 14, and that's continuing the thought
26:56 that we saw there in chapter 15.
26:58 John chapter 16, verses 13 and 14,
27:02 "However, when he the Spirit of truth has come,
27:04 he will guide you into all truth, for he will
27:09 not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears
27:14 he will speak and he will tell you things to come.
27:18 He will glorify me, for he will take of what is mine
27:22 and declare it to you."
27:26 So again, very interesting language.
27:29 So, these personal attributes of the Spirit,
27:31 but the Spirit is uplifting Jesus.
27:34 And so, if we're going to be more connected with the Holy
27:36 Spirit, we are going to see Jesus more clearly.
27:42 Well, with that in mind, we want to look at some more of the
27:44 works of the Holy Spirit, just like the Holy Spirit guided Dr.
27:47 Koenig and guided him to people who are going through adversity,
27:52 we want to start looking at some of these examples,
27:54 further examples of the personhood of the Holy Spirit.
27:57 And not just looking at the theological aspect,
28:01 not just realizing he is a real person,
28:03 but also realizing how he works, how he points to Jesus,
28:06 how he ministers to our hearts.
28:08 Someone has for us a passage in Acts chapter 16.
28:12 It's Acts 16, verses 6 and 7.
28:14 And before we go there, I invite you to turn in
28:17 your Bibles to Acts 16.
28:18 Because this is a very inspiring passage.
28:22 It's a passage that's actually set in the context of
28:28 division in the early church.
28:32 Acts chapter 15 is a story of that great divide and how it
28:36 was--how it was actually crossed,
28:39 how it was bridged by the Jerusalem council.
28:43 So, there was this controversy about whether Christians,
28:47 converts, Gentile converts had to be made like Jews physically
28:52 and undergo the rite of circumcision,
28:54 as well as other of the Mosaic laws.
28:57 There was a big controversy. And that was settled in Acts 15.
29:01 As Acts 15 is closing on a note of unity,
29:05 we read another story of division, where Paul is getting
29:08 ready to go on his second missionary journey.
29:12 He talks with Barnabas.
29:13 Barnabas' name means son of encouragement.
29:17 And wants to go on that second what we call missionary journey.
29:22 But they get into some conflict over the gospel writer,
29:28 he would later be a gospel writer, and that's John Mark.
29:31 We sometimes just call him Mark.
29:33 Barnabas wants to give Mark another chance.
29:35 he had bailed out on the evangelistic team of Paul and
29:38 Barnabas during their first missionary journey.
29:41 Barnabas, actually his cousin, wants to give Mark another
29:45 chance, Paul doesn't, and they are divided over it.
29:50 So, that's the background as we come to Acts 16.
29:55 Paul is now traveling with Silas, and he is determined
29:59 to fulfill his God-given call to take
30:02 the gospel to the Gentiles.
30:04 Let's read what happens in Acts chapter 16,
30:08 verse 6 and 7.
30:10 We have someone reading for us.
30:12 male: "And they went through the region of Phrygia and
30:15 Galatia, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit
30:18 to speak the Word in Asia.
30:20 And when they had come to Mysia, they attempted to go into
30:24 Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them.
30:28 David: Now, interesting, isn't it?
30:31 Do you see these human characteristics of
30:33 the Holy Spirit?
30:34 Forbidding, not allowing, not permitting,
30:38 are you following along with that?
30:40 Now, to me, it's interesting the context,
30:43 and I think this gives me great encouragement.
30:45 And I think it should you as well.
30:48 You say, "Well, Dr. DeRose, how do you know?
30:49 You say you think it gives you great encouragement,
30:52 don't you know whether it encourages you or not?"
30:55 Well, what's going on in this story?
30:58 If you actually study what's happening in Acts 16,
31:01 Paul is sent on a detour of some 600 miles.
31:08 He's been called to preach the gospel to the Gentiles,
31:11 and when he gets to a place where he wants to preach,
31:14 what did it say?
31:17 It said, "The Holy Spirit forbade them."
31:22 Goes to another place, the Holy Spirit will not
31:24 allow them to preach.
31:26 Now, here's a question for you.
31:28 If you think you know what God has called you to do,
31:32 does that necessarily mean God will always bless you to
31:36 do just what you think you need to do to fulfill
31:40 what he's called you to do?
31:43 And I know that was a mouthful, so let me ask it practically.
31:47 Let's say you're called to be a mother in the home.
31:52 Some would make a case that that is the highest calling.
31:57 And I would be hard pressed to disagree with you.
32:01 So, you're called to be a mother in the home,
32:03 and let's say you've got five children all under six, okay?
32:10 And you pray to God for help. I'm sure you do need it.
32:17 But does that mean that God will help you in just the
32:19 way you think you need it?
32:21 Not necessarily.
32:23 And it doesn't mean that God's forgotten you.
32:26 When the Holy Spirit kept closing doors--and we get--as
32:31 you read through Acts, you have this very sense of a personal
32:34 Holy Spirit just guiding the disciples just
32:38 exactly what they should do.
32:40 And I can imagine Paul could've been tempted to sin
32:44 against the Holy Spirit.
32:45 Now, you know, one of the ways you sin against the Holy Spirit
32:48 is you say, "This is not the Holy Spirit convicting me.
32:50 Here, I want to preach the gospel.
32:52 How would the Holy Spirit tell me not to preach the gospel?
32:55 Can you explain that one?" But it was the Holy Spirit.
33:00 And he listened to the Holy Spirit's voice.
33:02 And if you read through Acts 16, you'll see something interesting
33:06 often missed, that in the context of Acts 16 is where Luke
33:12 joins Paul's missionary team.
33:15 The physician Luke joins up with them,
33:17 and it's only because they went on a detour some 600 miles.
33:23 And by the way, that's also why the gospel then was taken into
33:26 Greece from what we would say was modern day
33:29 Turkey or Asia Minor.
33:32 So, here's my point as we're
33:33 looking at the Holy Spirit's work.
33:34 Yes, we want to realize the Holy Spirit's a person,
33:37 but as we look at how the Holy Spirit works,
33:40 the emphasis in the Bible is often not on who the Holy Spirit
33:44 is, but on what he does.
33:47 Do you follow along with that?
33:49 And so, we don't want to lose sight of what
33:51 the Holy Spirit does.
33:53 And he guides us, he personally guides us.
33:56 And when the Holy Spirit sometimes is most powerfully
33:58 guiding us, we're saying, "Where's God?
34:03 Am I hearing right?"
34:06 Don't you think Paul had to ask that question?
34:10 I mean, what's the matter?
34:11 I mean, here every place I'm going, the doors are closing.
34:14 Do you realize how far 600 miles is?
34:17 I mean, how long does it take us today to travel 600 miles?
34:22 Ten, twelve hours.
34:23 How long did it take then?
34:25 What was the day's journey considered in the
34:26 days of the apostles?
34:30 About 20 miles.
34:33 So, this is a detour of 30 days of travel.
34:39 And they didn't travel every day.
34:40 I mean, you read the apostle's practice,
34:41 and on the Sabbath they were meeting with fellow believers
34:44 wherever they were, right?
34:46 So, even if they were traveling 6 days a week,
34:48 I mean, this is weeks.
34:51 Have you been praying for weeks about something?
34:54 Maybe the Holy Spirit's been convicting you,
34:58 and you're wondering why things aren't being answered
35:01 the way you want.
35:03 Maybe you're like Dr. Koenig, you're confused about where
35:06 you're supposed to be.
35:08 And God is trying to lead you in a position where you
35:12 will be the most fulfilled.
35:14 So, it's true of the apostles, it's true of modern day saints,
35:17 and it's true whether you're in the home,
35:19 or whether you're a leading researcher in the medical world.
35:22 The Holy Spirit is wanting to guide you.
35:29 Let's look at some more examples in the book of Acts.
35:32 I told you there were some young adults studying together in my
35:35 home, some of my--couple of my children are home from college.
35:39 One is always home, he hasn't left for college yet.
35:42 Number of their friends were over,
35:44 and we were studying some of these things.
35:46 As we were talking about the personality of the Holy Spirit,
35:49 one of the passages that we looked at in
35:51 last week's lesson came up.
35:53 By the way, it's mentioned again this week.
35:55 And one of those young adults said,
35:58 "Hey, this is just powerful.
36:00 This just clinches it."
36:01 And you say, "Well, we've already looked at it."
36:04 By the way, how many times can you look at a verse before it
36:08 gets just really old and boring?
36:12 Okay, well, some of you are giving what I think is a good
36:14 answer, and that's never.
36:18 We can look at old truth and appreciate it anew, can't we?
36:22 Go with me to Acts 5, and it's really just a powerful passage.
36:28 I know Pastor Doug did a great job highlighting this for us
36:32 last Sabbath when we studied together.
36:35 But since it so resonated with my focus group last night,
36:39 I said, "Well, we can't just gloss over it today."
36:41 Acts chapter 5 is this story of Ananias and Sapphira.
36:47 You remember this story, they sell a piece of property.
36:50 And then, in collusion, they decide they're going to lie to
36:54 the early church and say they sold it for less than they did.
36:59 So, they'll get the credit for laying all the proceeds at the
37:02 feet of the apostles, when really they
37:04 were keeping some behind.
37:07 In Acts 5, after Ananias is caught in this duplicity,
37:14 Peter says to him, "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart
37:19 to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back a part of the
37:24 price of the land for yourself?
37:27 While it remained, was it not your own?
37:30 And after it was sold, was it not in your own control?
37:33 Why have you conceived this thing in your heart?
37:36 You have not lied to men, but to God."
37:41 You know, one of the most illuminating ways to understand
37:46 Scripture is look at parallelism in the Bible.
37:51 Psalms has a lot of parallelism, where it may say,
37:55 you know, "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.
37:58 Happy is the man who makes the Lord his strength."
38:01 You see similar words, but they give different
38:04 shades of meaning.
38:06 The parallelism in this verse is it first says in
38:09 verse 3 that Ananias lied to who?
38:12 That's right, he lied to the Holy Spirit.
38:15 Who does it say he lied to in verse 4?
38:19 He lied to God.
38:20 And so, although we often use that to connect the Holy Spirit
38:24 to being a member of the Godhead, and that's correct,
38:27 it also is helping to establish his personhood, right?
38:32 So, the Holy Spirit is this divine person who lifts up
38:36 Jesus, who ministers to us, who guides us, who comes beside us,
38:41 someone who is a personal guide and a comforter.
38:46 Well, we're going to look at another Scripture in just a
38:49 moment from the book of Acts.
38:51 But before we do, we're going to look at some of Paul's writings.
38:55 And we're going to be going to Ephesians chapter 4 in just a
38:58 moment, Ephesians 4:30.
39:02 But before we do that, I want to point something out that I find
39:06 actually very interesting.
39:10 Let's look at some of Jesus' words again in
39:13 the Gospel of John.
39:14 I'm going to go to John chapter 4.
39:17 And this is a very provocative verse.
39:20 John chapter 4, Jesus speaking there to the woman at the well.
39:26 And Jesus says something that I find quite interesting in light
39:29 of some who would want to make the Holy Spirit just an essence
39:33 or just the Spirit of God, if you will.
39:37 John 4, verse 24, Jesus says this,
39:43 "God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in
39:49 Spirit and truth."
39:52 Jesus says God is what? Spirit.
39:55 So, some people when they read the Holy Spirit,
39:58 they say, "Well, that's just talking about God's Spirit.
40:00 It's not talking about a specific person or
40:02 a divine being."
40:05 And I'm trying to help us see as we go through this lesson
40:08 together that it's very clear that the attributes of
40:11 personhood, as well as divinity, rested with the Holy Spirit.
40:17 But the problem is with the logic of those who would say,
40:21 "Well, when you read the Spirit, it's just referring to God,"
40:24 well, if God is a spirit, why would a Bible
40:27 writer mention the Holy Spirit?
40:29 Why not just say God? Do you see my point?
40:32 If God is a spirit, and the critics that there is a person
40:38 who is the Holy Spirit, why would the Bible writers even
40:41 need to say the Holy Spirit if they're trying to refer to
40:44 God's, quote, spirit as some essence of God when
40:47 God is a spirit?
40:49 Is that making any sense to any of you?
40:52 Well, if it's not, let me reassure you.
40:55 Because as I was reading through some of this lesson,
40:57 some of the things that were compelling evidences of the Holy
41:00 Spirit's personhood to the author were not compelling
41:02 to me at all.
41:05 And so, some of the things I may be sharing with you,
41:07 you might say, "Well, that's just not connecting."
41:08 And that's why we're trying to look at some of these real life
41:10 examples in the life of real people and real disciples
41:13 because our focus--here's the problem.
41:17 And I think we've said it almost every lesson in this quarter,
41:21 no matter who's been up here teaching.
41:23 But the Holy Spirit seems to be shrouded
41:26 in mystery deliberately.
41:28 The Holy Spirit does not call attention to himself.
41:32 The Holy Spirit is pointing to Jesus.
41:35 The Holy Spirit is coming beside us and comforting us.
41:38 And because of the humility of the Holy Spirit,
41:41 we get into trouble trying to argue about sometimes in some
41:46 circles as to whether the Holy Spirit's a person,
41:48 whether he's God.
41:50 And I would tell you, just as we're looking here,
41:52 let's look at another example in Ephesians chapter 4.
41:55 It's not just John, it's not just Luke when
41:57 he's writing the book of Acts.
41:59 We're going to look at Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 30.
42:02 We have someone to read that for us,
42:04 Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 30.
42:08 female: "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,
42:11 by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."
42:15 David: So, do not what? Grieve the Holy Spirit.
42:20 Look at Ephesians chapter 4 a little bit more closely.
42:27 A lot of people emphasize the comforting role of the Holy
42:31 Spirit, and that's right.
42:33 But the Holy Spirit is also a person who convicts us, right?
42:36 We saw that in John chapter 16.
42:39 So, here as Paul is writing under the inspiration of the
42:43 Holy Spirit, remember a text we looked at earlier,
42:46 that holy men of God spake as
42:50 they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
42:52 Do you remember that?
42:54 And so, Paul is writing, moved by the Holy Spirit.
42:58 And as he writes in many of his letters,
43:01 like in Ephesians, Paul in Ephesians first says,
43:05 "You've been saved by Jesus.
43:06 We're brought into heavenly places in Jesus."
43:09 But then as he writes, he starts giving moral imperatives,
43:13 calling us as to how to live.
43:16 And in Ephesians 4, one of the things he tells us not to do is
43:20 to not grieve the Holy Spirit.
43:25 Now, does that give us the feel of a person or some
43:30 kind of ethereal essence?
43:33 Yes, these are attributes of personhood.
43:37 And so, the Holy Spirit, this divine being can be grieved.
43:41 What does that mean?
43:44 Yeah, it means I can make the Holy spirit,
43:47 I can make the Godhead sad.
43:49 I can make the Holy Spirit sad, I can make Jesus sad.
43:53 How do we grieve the Holy Spirit?
43:57 We grieve the Holy Spirit by not listening,
44:00 right, when the Holy Spirit prompts us.
44:05 I told you about this interview I had with Dr. Koenig yesterday.
44:09 And he's now a committed believer,
44:10 a committed Christian.
44:13 And he was pointing out how God in his mercy shows
44:19 us the best way to live.
44:23 And we call it his commandments.
44:27 What do many people think when they hear about commandments?
44:33 That's right, they think of bondage and restriction, right?
44:37 "Oh, I don't go to church because there's
44:39 all those dos and don'ts."
44:41 Why does the Holy Spirit convict of us sin?
44:44 Is it to love us, or to make us a little bit more miserable?
44:49 What do you think? It's because he loves us.
44:54 He's trying to keep us out of trouble.
44:56 Now, some of you may not have problems with
44:59 getting into trouble, but I do.
45:02 And I need the Holy Spirit to guide me.
45:03 And I wish I could tell you 100% of the time when the Holy
45:06 Spirit's prompting me, I'm yielding to his voice.
45:14 We want to look at another Scripture from the pen of the
45:18 Apostle Paul, and this time we're going to 1 Corinthians.
45:24 There's a whole section in 1 Corinthians we'll
45:25 be paying more attention to it.
45:28 It's one of the places in the Bible that speaks
45:30 about spiritual gifts.
45:32 We'll look at that in detail later in our series.
45:37 But in 1 Corinthians 12, Paul gives an incredible insight into
45:41 the nature of the Holy Spirit.
45:42 And again, we're doing just what the Bible does.
45:45 We're looking at the personhood of the Holy Spirit,
45:47 but we're trying to say what practical
45:49 things are there for us?
45:50 Because we don't want to just leave having studied the Bible
45:53 saying, "Oh, the Holy Spirit's a person and he's God."
45:55 We want to leave with some encouragement that if I'm going
45:59 through difficult times, if I'm struggling just like Paul was,
46:02 the Holy Spirit may be manifestly guiding me.
46:05 He's just closing doors because I would go to the wrong place,
46:09 the place where my ministry would not be as effective.
46:12 Maybe those prayers for my children aren't being answered
46:16 as I would like them because God has a bigger plan for those
46:20 children than I have envisioned.
46:22 Are you following along?
46:25 1 Corinthians chapter 12, let's get another
46:27 insight into the Holy Spirit.
46:29 1 Corinthians 12, verse 11, someone has that for us.
46:33 male: "To each is given a manifestation of the
46:34 Spirit for the common good.
46:37 For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom,
46:41 and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same
46:44 Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit,
46:47 to another gifts of healing by one Spirit,
46:50 to another the working of miracles,
46:53 to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish
46:57 between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues,
47:01 to another the interpretation of tongues.
47:04 All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit who
47:07 apportions to each one individually as he wills.
47:11 David: Now, what do you think about that?
47:13 Is that an attribute of personhood or not?
47:17 The Holy Spirit is distributing to each one
47:20 individually as he chooses.
47:25 Now, some of you might be questioning why did the Holy
47:27 Spirit not choose to give you that particular gift
47:31 you wish you had.
47:32 Have you ever wondered that?
47:35 By the way, it is normal to wonder that.
47:37 Do you know if the Holy Spirit gave you every gift you wished
47:40 you had, you would not do what the Lord
47:43 wanted you to do with your life?
47:45 Are you aware of that? Have you ever thought about it?
47:49 When you're looking at these talented musicians at Granite
47:51 Bay, and you're saying, "Oh, I wish I could
47:52 sing like that person.
47:54 I wish I could play the piano like that brother or sister,"
47:58 well, you couldn't handle all those talents.
48:00 I couldn't.
48:02 No, really, I mean, it takes work to cultivate those talents
48:06 and to keep--and so, God gives each of us gifts.
48:10 By the way, according to the Bible,
48:11 who is excluded from gifts of the Spirit?
48:15 At least in the church, who is excluded
48:17 from gifts of the Spirit?
48:19 No one.
48:20 So, we all have been given spiritual gifts.
48:23 And the Holy Spirit as a divine person has given you just the
48:27 gifts that you need to fulfill the calling God's given you.
48:32 Now, that's encouraging to me. That's encouraging to me.
48:37 Well, there's other aspects of the Spirit's personhood that
48:40 also tie in with some powerful thoughts for us.
48:43 We're going to be turning in a minute to another
48:46 passage in 1 Corinthians.
48:48 It's in 1 Corinthians chapter 6, we'll be going there
48:50 in just a moment.
48:52 But before we head there, I've been telling you something about
48:56 God's plans for us.
48:58 And I might not be able to give you this full thought,
49:03 but this particular passage resonated in my mind.
49:08 I had been looking at it this week.
49:12 And let me just read it to you here.
49:14 It's from the book "Education." And it relates to our children.
49:21 And particularly it says this, "Education" page 262.
49:27 "God's purpose for the children growing up besides--beside our
49:34 hearths is wider, deeper, higher than our restricted
49:38 vision has comprehended.
49:40 From the humblest lot, those whom he has seen faithful have
49:44 in time past been called to witness for him
49:48 in the world's highest places."
49:53 And as you read through this chapter,
49:54 it's on the life work, it's speaking about how all of us
49:57 have a calling to be involved in giving the gospel to the world.
50:03 And one of the reasons I was looking at is because,
50:06 as I was thinking about John 14 through 16,
50:10 immediately afterward comes Jesus' prayer in John 17.
50:16 You don't have to turn there with me,
50:17 but in John 17, Jesus prays, he says, "Lord, I pray that those
50:21 whom you've given me will be with me where I am."
50:27 Jesus is longing to be personally with us.
50:31 And this chapter in "Education" speaks about
50:34 what sin has cost God.
50:38 Speaks about the pain that sin has brought to heaven.
50:42 And as I was thinking about the role of the Holy Spirit, you
50:44 know, the Holy Spirit is the one who personally comes beside us.
50:48 You know, Jesus can't do that anymore.
50:52 We can't look at the Scriptures.
50:53 There's a number of Bible references that indicate that
50:56 Jesus has taken human form for eternity.
50:59 He can't come beside each one of us.
51:01 And Jesus was longing in John 17 to be with each one of us.
51:05 That's going to happen in heaven, but he can't--he doesn't
51:09 have that privilege now that the Holy Spirit has.
51:11 And I was thinking about that.
51:13 Let's look at this last passage that ties some of this together.
51:17 1 Corinthians chapter 6, verse 19,
51:20 we have someone to read that for us as well,
51:22 1 Corinthians 6, verse 19.
51:26 male: "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of
51:28 the Holy Spirit within you whom you have from God?
51:31 You are not your own, for you were bought with a price,
51:34 so glorify God in your body."
51:38 David: So, our bodies are what?
51:40 Temples of the Holy Spirit.
51:43 Now, what lives in a temple? Kings?
51:48 What lived in the Old Testament sanctuary and in
51:51 the temple of Jesus' day?
51:54 Well, I mean, it was God's intent to live there.
51:56 You could say in Jesus' day the Shekinah glory was
51:58 no longer in the temple.
52:00 But the temple is the abode of the divine, right?
52:05 Even in secular non-Christian religions.
52:09 And so, our bodies become the temple not of
52:12 an essence, but of a person.
52:17 And I can't tell you that I understand how that works,
52:22 but the divine person of the Holy Spirit wants to guide us,
52:26 wants to bless us, wants to use us,
52:30 wants to give us gifts, and wants to dwell in us.
52:36 That Holy Spirit convicts of sin, though, we saw.
52:40 And when I realize my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit,
52:43 does it affect the way I live?
52:46 It sure has me.
52:48 And I'll be honest with you, sometimes,
52:51 having not grown up in a particularly healthy
52:54 environment, making healthy choices, some of those
52:58 convictions of the Holy Spirit I did not at first rejoice in.
53:05 But now, I rejoice because God has blessed me.
53:09 Well, I am thankful for the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
53:13 He is a comforter to encourage us, to guide us.
53:15 He is a real person. He is God.
53:18 We'll learn more about his work in our future studies.
53:21 Before we close, we want to remind our viewers
53:24 that we have a special gift.
53:25 It's the "Amazing Facts Book of Bible Answers."
53:29 It can't be read online, but you can order it by calling
53:32 866-study-more.
53:34 It's free offer 785.
53:37 It's available...
53:42 Until next week, may God bless you.
53:44 We'll look forward to learning more about the encouraging work
53:47 of the divine person of the Holy Spirit.
53:54 Doug Batchelor: Friends, would you win souls if you could?
53:57 Well, you can.
53:58 Please plan now to join me in doing some
54:01 evangelism this winter.
54:02 It's easier than you think.
54:04 Prophecy Encounter will be a major new,
54:06 ten-part evangelistic program that will be broadcasted by
54:10 satellite and streaming on the Internet to homes or churches
54:13 near you, hopefully your home or church.
54:16 From February 17 through 25, I'll be preaching an all new
54:21 old-fashioned evangelistic program from Sanford, Florida.
54:25 And we'll be using the latest technology
54:26 and fresh illustrations.
54:28 So, all you have to do is open your churches,
54:30 your homes, invite friends and family,
54:32 be friendly, pray, and let the power of the Word do the work.
54:37 The programs will be available on 3ABN,
54:40 AFTV, Facebook, Roku, and more.
54:43 You'll be surprised, there are people in your community that
54:46 are really worried about what's happening in the world,
54:48 and they're looking for answers.
54:51 Jesus said, "The harvest is truly great,
54:53 but the laborers are few.
54:55 So, pray therefore the Lord of the harvest will send
54:57 laborers out into his harvest."
54:59 You can be one of them.
55:01 So, I'd like to encourage you to join us and be praying for the
55:04 upcoming Prophecy Encounter meetings.
55:07 For more information, check out
55:12 And who knows, you might be revived in the process.
55:16 [music]
55:29 [music]
55:34 Doug: Port Royal here in Jamaica was once considered
55:36 the most wicked city in the world.
55:38 They had more bars and brothels per square foot than any other
55:41 place on the planet.
55:43 It was said to be just full of cutthroats and pirates.
55:46 But during this time, the king of France,
55:48 Louis XIV, he began to persecute the Protestants and the
55:52 Huguenots in the kingdom, and many fled.
55:54 That's when Lewis Galdy and his brother Laurent
55:57 came to Port Royal.
56:01 When Lewis Galdy arrived, he was absolutely dumbfounded at
56:04 the unrestrained immorality, violence,
56:06 and extravagance that filled Port Royal.
56:09 That's why nobody was surprised when the judgment
56:11 of God finally happened.
56:13 Just before noon, June 7, 1692, there was a massive earthquake
56:18 that affected the whole island, Port Royal in particular.
56:21 Two-thirds of it slid into the sea, then came a tsunami.
56:25 Thousands perished.
56:26 Unfortunately, even Lewis Galdy was swallowed
56:29 up in the earthquake.
56:34 You know, much of Jamaica is a rock,
56:36 but Port Royal was built on the sand.
56:38 And so, when the earthquake struck,
56:40 the sand virtually liquefied, swallowing much of the city and
56:43 thousands of people.
56:45 Lewis Galdy was buried alive.
56:47 But while underground, he was still conscious,
56:50 and he prayed.
56:52 He resigned himself to his fate, prayed to the Lord,
56:54 and then another miracle happened.
56:56 There was an aftershock with volcanic activity that exploded,
57:00 blowing Lewis Galdy out of the earth hundreds of yards off into
57:03 the sea, where he had a pretty hard landing,
57:06 but he was able to swim until he was rescued.
57:09 Lewis Galdy dedicated the remaining 47 years of his life
57:12 to serving Jesus in this island, and he's even
57:15 buried here still today.
57:21 You know, the Bible tells us just before Jesus comes back,
57:24 conditions in the world will be very much like they
57:26 were in the Sodom and Port Royal.
57:29 There's going to be a tremendous earthquake,
57:30 and even islands will be swallowed up.
57:33 But God's people don't need to be afraid.
57:35 The same way the Lord took care of Lewis Galdy,
57:37 he will take care of you.
57:38 It says in Psalm 91 that you might see 1,000 fall at your
57:41 side, or 10,000 at your right hand, but only with your
57:45 eyes will you see and behold the destruction of the wicked.
57:47 He can protect you and resurrect you.
57:51 [music]
58:01 male announcer: For life-changing Christian
58:02 resources, visit
58:07 [music]
58:22 [music]


Revised 2017-01-23