Sabbath School Study Hour

Lesson 2: The Holy Spirit - Working Behind the Scenes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: David DeRose MD


Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021702A

00:00 ♪♪♪
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00:34 Dr. Jean Ross: Good morning, friends.
00:36 Welcome to "Sabbath School Study Hour,"
00:38 coming to you here from the Granite Bay
00:39 Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sacramento, California.
00:43 A very warm welcome to our friends joining us
00:45 across the country and around the world,
00:47 our extended Sabbath school class.
00:50 Also, I'd like to welcome the members and the visitors
00:52 right here at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church,
00:55 so good to see you again this morning here ready to study.
00:58 Well, we've been started-- we started studying
01:00 our new lesson quarterly on the Holy Spirit.
01:03 And today, we are on lesson number two,
01:05 entitled "The Holy Spirit: Working Behind the Scenes."
01:08 Now, I hope all of you here have a copy of the lesson quarterly.
01:11 But for our friends who are joining us, if you don't have a
01:14 copy of today's lesson, lesson number two on the Holy Spirit,
01:17 you can download today's lesson at the Amazing Facts website.
01:21 Just, and then click on lesson number two,
01:25 and you can study along with us.
01:27 We have a free offer that goes along with our study today,
01:30 it's a book entitled "The Flesh and the Spirit."
01:32 This is our free offer for today.
01:35 If you'd like to receive this, just call our resource
01:37 phone number, and that number is...
01:42 And you can ask for offer number 792.
01:46 Well, before we get to our study, as normal,
01:48 we like to begin by lifting our voices in praise,
01:51 so I'd like to invite our song leaders
01:53 to come and join me on stage.
01:56 Jolyne Simler: Thank you, Pastor Ross.
01:58 As we're studying the Holy Spirit this quarter,
02:01 we're going to sing this morning about
02:03 "Give Me The Bible, Holy Message Shining."
02:07 And it's really what it's about.
02:08 That is how the Holy Spirit speaks to us and God speaks
02:10 to us, through his Word and through prayer.
02:12 So, we're going to sing about that today.
02:14 Hymn 272, "Give Me the Bible."
02:17 We're going to sing all three verses.
02:20 ♪♪♪
02:30 ♪♪♪
02:34 ♪ Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming ♪
02:39 ♪ to cheer the wanderer lone and tempest tossed ♪
02:44 ♪ No storm can hide that peaceful radiance beaming ♪
02:49 ♪ since Jesus came to seek and save the lost ♪
02:55 ♪ Give me the Bible, holy message shining ♪
03:00 ♪ Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way ♪
03:06 ♪ Precept and promise, law and love combining ♪
03:11 ♪ 'til night shall vanish in eternal day ♪
03:17 ♪ Give me the Bible when my heart is broken ♪
03:23 ♪ when sin and grief have filled my soul with fear ♪
03:28 ♪ Give me the precious words by Jesus spoken ♪
03:33 ♪ Hold up faith's lamp to show my Savior near ♪
03:39 ♪ Give me the Bible, holy message shining ♪
03:44 ♪ Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way ♪
03:50 ♪ Precept and promise, law and love combining ♪
03:55 ♪ 'til night shall vanish in eternal day ♪
04:02 ♪ Give me the Bible, all my steps enlighten ♪
04:07 ♪ Teach me the danger of these realms below ♪
04:13 ♪ That lamp of safety o'er the gloom shall brighten ♪
04:18 ♪ That light alone the path of peace can show ♪
04:24 ♪ Give me the Bible, holy message shining ♪
04:29 ♪ Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way ♪
04:34 ♪ Precept and promise, law and love combining ♪
04:40 ♪ 'til night shall vanish in eternal day ♪♪
04:48 Jolyne: At this time, Pastor Ross will lead us
04:50 in our opening prayer.
04:52 ♪♪♪
05:02 Dr. Ross: Let us bow our heads for prayer.
05:04 Dear Father in heaven, what a privilege once again
05:06 to be able to gather together to study your Word.
05:08 And as we open up the Scriptures, we ask
05:10 the Holy Spirit to guide our hearts and our minds as we study
05:14 about the Holy Spirit and his role in our lives.
05:18 So, we pray for your continued guidance, and we pray for divine
05:20 wisdom as we search the Scriptures,
05:23 in Jesus' name, amen.
05:26 Our study this morning is going to be brought to us
05:28 by Dr. David DeRose.
05:30 Thank you.
05:38 Dr. David DeRose: Well, it's good
05:40 to be with you this morning.
05:41 And we're continuing our study that we began last week
05:44 on the Holy Spirit.
05:46 We're on the second lesson, as Pastor Ross introduced us with,
05:50 "The Holy Spirit: Working Behind the Scenes."
05:55 The Holy Spirit working behind the scenes.
06:02 Perhaps, just perhaps you have one of these in your home.
06:07 It's what they call an antique.
06:10 Can you relate to this?
06:12 Maybe it's an antique chair, maybe it's an antique desk.
06:15 Do you have such an article, any of you?
06:18 I see some of you nodding your heads.
06:20 Imagine you've got an antique chair, and it's tucked away in
06:25 some remote place because this chair has been
06:27 in the family for decades.
06:30 And it's really not fit to sit in.
06:34 Maybe it's tucked away in an attic or in a storage shed.
06:37 Are you following along with me?
06:38 And one day, you walk in where that chair is, and you say,
06:42 "You know, it's a shame that this is just in storage.
06:45 I should have it restored, and then we could actually use it."
06:50 And so, you go online, and you find someone
06:54 that restores the antiques.
06:56 By the way, you can't just go to the local hardware store
06:58 and get some screws or nails, and fix an antique chair.
07:02 You know how that works, right?
07:04 I'm not an expert in antiques, but they tell me that will
07:07 dramatically depreciate the value.
07:09 So, you find a master craftsman who does
07:12 restoration of antiques.
07:14 And you know how it works.
07:16 Whenever you're looking for a specialist,
07:17 you've got to drive miles to find such a person.
07:20 Are you following along?
07:22 And so you do that, and you know how your schedule is.
07:24 You're rushed.
07:25 You rush over there, you drop off the chair.
07:27 And because it was put out of the way, you totally forget
07:30 about it until some 3 weeks later, you get a phone call,
07:35 the chair has been restored, but it's the same deal.
07:40 You've got to drive way out of your way, you go to the place
07:43 and you--wow, when you get that chair back, you are--
07:47 I mean it's--you're just amazed.
07:50 And as you're driving back with that chair, you're thinking,
07:53 "Wow, where can I put it now?
07:55 This thing has been restored."
08:00 But you know, it's possible if one of your friends ran into you
08:03 and they asked you about the craftsman that restored
08:07 the chair, you wouldn't be able to tell them anything about
08:11 that individual other than that he does great work.
08:16 And I tell you that story because if you'd been living
08:20 some 2,000 years ago, and you'd been in the town of Nazareth or
08:25 in its environs, that master craftsman may have been Jesus.
08:30 Isn't that possible?
08:33 Turn your Bibles to Matthew chapter 13.
08:38 In Matthew chapter 13, we get a glimpse of Jesus.
08:41 And you might be wondering, on a lesson on the Holy Spirit,
08:44 where we're going, but I think we'll see how these
08:47 dots connect before too long.
08:50 I'm in Matthew chapter 13, and I'm going to pick up
08:52 with verse 54, Matthew 13 beginning with verse 54.
08:59 Here we're getting a picture of how Jesus' contemporaries,
09:02 even after he was in his ministry, regarded him.
09:05 He's back in his hometown of Nazareth.
09:09 In Matthew chapter 13, verse 54, we read these words,
09:16 "When he had come to his own country back in Nazareth,
09:21 he taught them in their synagogue so that they
09:24 were astonished and said, 'Where did this man
09:27 get the wisdom and these mighty works?
09:31 Is not this the carpenter's son?
09:33 Is not his mother called Mary and his brethren James, Joses,
09:38 Simon, and Judas?
09:40 And his sisters, are they not all here with us?
09:43 Where did this man get all these things?'
09:46 So they were offended at him.
09:49 But Jesus said to them, 'A prophet is not without honor
09:52 except in his own country and in his own house.'
09:56 Now, he did not do many mighty works there
10:00 because of their unbelief."
10:05 Now, let's just think about it for a minute.
10:08 Jesus, in his humility, for most of his life was totally
10:14 unrecognized as the divine Son of God.
10:20 Even during his ministry, that's what we just
10:22 read about in Matthew 13.
10:24 Those who had known him in the carpenter shop were still
10:28 struggling with who this was.
10:34 I point that out to you because Jesus was manifested in a way
10:40 that we could, at least humanity could, physically see him,
10:45 could interact with him.
10:47 But in his humility, he was largely unrecognized.
10:52 And the question then is, when it comes to the Holy Spirit,
10:57 how much more is it likely to misperceive the working
11:03 of one who has not manifested himself in human form?
11:09 So, as we're looking at this lesson, it is really
11:12 about the mysterious working of the Holy Spirit.
11:17 It is what actually Christians have struggled with
11:21 over the centuries.
11:23 I would like to suggest to you that this whole quarter
11:27 is an extremely important series of lessons.
11:31 And in fact, those who think the lessons are the least important
11:35 are perhaps the ones who most need the lessons.
11:39 There's only one group who perhaps needs the lessons more.
11:43 And those are those who think they don't need the lessons
11:46 because they already fully comprehend the working
11:50 of the Holy Spirit.
11:54 And I'll try to flesh that out for you before too long.
11:58 Let's spend just a moment looking at what was our memory
12:01 text for this week because this will point us
12:04 in a direction where we need to go.
12:07 It's from John 16, verse 14.
12:11 The lesson has it in the New King James version.
12:14 Why don't we read that all together?
12:17 "He will glorify me, for he will take of what is mine
12:24 and declare it to you."
12:28 The Holy Spirit, as we'll see as we study together,
12:31 is often described in terms of what he does.
12:35 And because of that, the Holy Spirit
12:37 has been misapprehended throughout history.
12:41 He has been misperceived.
12:43 Are you aware that many have rejected that there is a member
12:47 of the Godhead known as the Holy Spirit,
12:49 are you aware of that?
12:51 But the Holy Spirit is very much a real person,
12:55 and the Holy Spirit is very much one of the Godhead.
12:59 And we'll see that even in this week's lesson.
13:01 Let's go first to Sunday's lesson, where it speaks
13:05 of the elusiveness of the Holy Spirit,
13:09 the elusiveness of the Holy Spirit.
13:12 And we're going to go first to Ezekiel chapter 37.
13:16 Ezekiel 37 is that famous prophecy of the dry bones.
13:23 Ezekiel, of course, was writing during the time
13:26 of the captivity.
13:28 God's people had been unfaithful, they had been
13:30 brought to Babylon, and Ezekiel was being given messages that
13:35 relate to God's people who seemed that they are without
13:38 life, there's no more hope for the children of Israel.
13:42 You remember that psalm where it spoke of the captors saying,
13:46 "Sing us one of the songs of Israel."
13:49 And they said, "How can we sing the Lord's songs
13:52 in a strange land?"
13:54 This is kind of where Israel is at in their experience.
13:57 And so, in Ezekiel 37, the prophet is brought to a valley.
14:04 And it says that valley in Ezekiel 37,
14:07 verse 1 was full of what?
14:10 Bones, what kind of bones?
14:13 Dry bones.
14:16 Now, for those of you that have some medical background,
14:19 dried bones are totally lifeless.
14:22 There's no marrow, there's no hope in those bones.
14:25 And as you read through the account, we come to verse 4.
14:31 And God is speaking to Ezekiel, he says, "Prophesy to these
14:34 bones and say to them, 'O dry bones,
14:38 hear the Word of the Lord.
14:40 Thus says the Lord God to the bones, to these bones,
14:44 "Surely I will cause breath to enter into you
14:47 and you shall live.
14:49 I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you,
14:52 cover you with skin, and put breath in you
14:54 and you shall live.
14:56 Then you shall know that I am the Lord."'"
14:59 Now, that word there, "breath," it's from the Hebrew, ruach.
15:04 And ruach is not only breath,
15:06 but it's also accurately translated spirit.
15:11 And so, as we're reading in the Old Testament about the spirit,
15:15 we're reading about this ruach,
15:17 which also can be translated breath.
15:19 And so, as you read through Ezekiel 37,
15:22 you could be asking yourself a question.
15:25 Are we reading about God's life-giving breath,
15:28 or are we reading about the Holy Spirit?
15:32 Because the terms used for God's breath
15:36 and the Spirit are identical.
15:39 So, which is being talked about here?
15:42 Well, exegetically from the Bible itself,
15:45 just reading the text, you can't tell.
15:48 You can't tell.
15:52 We're going to go now to John chapter 3.
15:56 And in John chapter 3, we're going to catch a glimpse
16:00 of this interesting wordplay, if you will, that is occurring
16:06 not only in the Old Testament with the word "ruach,"
16:09 but also in the New Testament.
16:12 And so, as we come to John 3 and that famous night meeting
16:16 between the teacher, the great teacher of Israel, Nicodemus,
16:21 and the really great teacher of Israel, Jesus, we
16:25 read this very interesting description.
16:27 And as we read from the translations in
16:30 the English language, we miss some of the power
16:34 of what's being shared here.
16:36 So, in John chapter 3, the lesson calls our attention
16:40 to verses 3 through 8.
16:42 Let's look at those together, John chapter 3,
16:46 verses 3 through 8, Jesus speaking to Nicodemus.
16:50 He says to him, "Most assuredly I say to you, unless one
16:54 is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
16:58 Nicodemus said to him, "How can a man be born when he is old?
17:02 Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?"
17:07 Jesus answered him, "Most assuredly I say to you,
17:11 unless one is born of water and the spirit,
17:14 he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
17:16 That which is born of the flesh is flesh,
17:18 that which is born of the spirit is spirit.
17:21 Do not marvel that I say to you you must be born again.
17:24 The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it,
17:29 but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes.
17:32 So is everyone who is born of the spirit."
17:36 Now, if you were to look at verse 8 in the Greek,
17:40 and you were to translate it a little bit more freely,
17:45 we could translate it this way.
17:48 We could actually use the Greek word "pneuma,"
17:51 which actually is the word that could be
17:53 translated spirit or breath.
17:55 And it would read something like this.
17:57 "The pneuma pneumas where it wishes.
18:00 You hear the sound of it, you can't tell where it's from.
18:03 So is everyone that's born of the pneuma."
18:06 The pneuma pneumas, so is everyone
18:09 that is born of the pneuma.
18:12 And you might be sitting there scratching your head.
18:15 I mean, what's going on here?
18:17 The wind winds.
18:19 And it says everyone who is born of the wind.
18:22 Now, I think the translations are accurate.
18:24 Jesus is drawing Nicodemus' attention
18:26 to the mysterious working of the wind.
18:29 But the language in both the Old Testament and the New is
18:34 actually blurring, blurring the identity of the Holy Spirit.
18:40 So, it's not like Jesus, who humbled himself and came
18:43 on this earth as a man and was misapprehended.
18:47 The Holy Spirit comes as something that we can't even
18:52 grasp, like the wind, like God's breath?
18:58 And I think it's because of this that many have misinterpreted
19:03 who the Holy Spirit is and the work of the Holy Spirit.
19:08 Now, many would say, "Well, you know, we were just reading from
19:12 Ezekiel, and that starts to--and we're talking about Babylon.
19:18 I mean, do you realize, Dr. DeRose,"
19:20 someone might say, "that the whole concept
19:22 of the trinity is a false notion?
19:25 It comes from paganism?"
19:30 Did the pagans believe in a trinity?
19:34 They did, there are pagan beliefs in a trinity.
19:38 So, because the pagans believed in something,
19:41 we should reject it out of hand, what do you think?
19:47 Go to Ezekiel chapter 8 just for a moment since our minds
19:52 were in this historical context in Ezekiel chapter 8.
20:04 There, God is bringing a court case,
20:09 some legal proceedings against his people.
20:12 And he's speaking about the abominations of Israel.
20:16 In Ezekiel 8, we are brought to the sanctuary.
20:20 We'll come again to the sanctuary, God willing,
20:23 before we finish our study today.
20:25 But in Ezekiel 8, we read these words in verse 13 and 14,
20:31 "And he," speaking of God, "said to me," this is Ezekiel writing,
20:35 "'Turn again and you will see greater abominations
20:39 that they are doing.'
20:41 So, he brought me to the door of the north gate
20:44 of the Lord's house.
20:46 And to my dismay, women were sitting there
20:49 weeping for Tammuz."
20:54 Now, who was Tammuz?
20:57 Tammuz was one of the Babylonian trinity.
21:01 He was, in some renditions of the mythology,
21:05 he was the boy king that came to deliver his people,
21:10 and then died and was resurrected.
21:14 Is this starting to sound familiar to some of you?
21:17 So, because the pagans believed in a child king that died and
21:22 was resurrected, we should reject out of hand anything that
21:27 speaks about a boy king who would die and be resurrected,
21:31 what do you think?
21:33 Would this be a good approach?
21:34 You say, "Of course not."
21:37 Are you aware that Satan in his wisdom counterfeits things
21:42 not only that have happened, but things that he knew
21:45 prophetically that God had revealed would happen?
21:49 Is it any surprise?
21:51 And so, the fact that there is a real God head
21:55 with three persons, it should be no surprise
21:58 that there is a false trinity.
22:00 And to say because the Babylonians believed
22:02 in a trinity, therefore we should reject it,
22:05 would be just as erroneous as saying because the Babylonians
22:09 believed in a God that was resurrected,
22:11 we should reject the resurrection of Christ.
22:14 In fact, there were some apparently in Paul's day
22:17 who were not teaching the resurrection,
22:19 considering themselves among the Christian fold,
22:22 and Paul said they are most miserable.
22:26 Do you remember that?
22:32 Some of you I know are engaged in commercial activities.
22:37 Some of you might even run your own business.
22:40 Some of you tuning in can relate to this.
22:43 How many of you are aware they counterfeit $100 bills?
22:47 Are you aware of this?
22:49 They counterfeit $100 bills.
22:51 I've heard that they do not counterfeit $1 bills.
22:56 So, what do you think?
22:58 Wouldn't it be safer if you were in business to say
23:00 you only accept $1 bills?
23:03 What would this do to your commercial experience?
23:08 I would suggest you would--it would likely impoverish you.
23:14 Are you following along with the metaphor?
23:18 If we try to avoid anything that has any possibility of
23:21 compromise in the spiritual realm, we will likely impoverish
23:25 ourselves in the spiritual realm as well.
23:29 And so, as we look at the Holy Spirit's work,
23:32 it is a mysterious work.
23:34 Just because the Holy Spirit is hard to pin down, just because
23:38 he seems to be shrouded in mystery in the Bible
23:42 is not a reason to reject his personality.
23:45 We'll be studying that throughout this quarter.
23:48 There's a text that speaks with particular power to us,
23:51 and I think someone actually has that for us.
23:54 We'll look at it in a moment.
23:55 It's from Deuteronomy chapter 29 and verse 29,
23:59 Deuteronomy 29 and verse 29.
24:03 But before we go there, I want to just point out
24:05 one other thing for you.
24:08 And there's going to be an argument that some people
24:10 will be using as we study this lesson.
24:13 And they'll be saying, "I don't believe in the Holy Spirit
24:16 as a person of the Godhead because the pioneers
24:20 didn't believe in the Holy Spirit."
24:23 Are you aware that back during the great advent movement back
24:28 in the 1830s and 1840s, before there was even
24:32 a Seventh-day Adventist Church,
24:34 when there was a renewed spirit of inquiry
24:36 as far as the Scriptures, many people were throwing off
24:40 these false ideas that had crept into the churches.
24:44 And they just wanted to take the Bible as it read.
24:47 By the way, is that a good thing or not?
24:49 That's a wonderful thing.
24:51 And to that background, the Seventh-day Adventist Church
24:53 traces its roots.
24:56 But in that period of time when they were throwing off
24:59 everything, some good things got placed off to the side.
25:04 And one of them was the truth of the trinity.
25:07 And so, it is true that early in the history of the Advent
25:11 movement, before there even was a Seventh-day Adventist Church,
25:14 many of those who became involved in this movement didn't
25:16 fully realize the full working of the Holy Spirit,
25:21 and that it was indeed God himself,
25:25 one of the three persons of the Godhead.
25:29 Now, I tell you that background because you know throughout
25:32 scriptural history many good people sincerely led by the Lord
25:38 had grievous misconceptions about what God wanted.
25:42 Let me just give you one example, this is one that
25:45 occurs a number of times in the Old Testament.
25:47 Turn in your Bibles to 2 Kings chapter 15, 2 Kings 15.
25:57 So, I'm turning to this record of someone who, for much of his
26:02 reign, was one of the great kings of Israel, 2 Kings 15.
26:08 This king known Azariah or Uzziah.
26:12 We read something very interesting about him.
26:16 In 2 Kings 15, we're reading about how he reigned.
26:22 And it gives an interesting commendation to him.
26:27 2 Kings 15, picking up in verse2.
26:31 And again, this is a king called Azariah or Uzziah.
26:37 It said he was 16 years old when he became king,
26:40 and he reigned 52 years in Jerusalem.
26:44 In verse 3, "He did what was right in the sight of the Lord
26:48 according to all that his father Amaziah had done,
26:52 except that the high places were not removed.
26:57 The people still sacrificed and burned incense
27:01 on those high places."
27:05 Now, here's the question for you.
27:07 This was the same king that ultimately was so blessed by
27:11 God, you read that in Chronicles that he took glory to himself,
27:16 and sought to take the role of the priest,
27:19 and was struck with leprosy.
27:21 You remembering the story?
27:23 But what does it say about him?
27:24 He was doing right in the sight of the Lord,
27:26 but he did not do something, what did he not do?
27:31 He didn't remove the high places,
27:33 these places of false worship.
27:35 How could someone be so blind?
27:40 Are you following along?
27:42 Someone can be led by God, they can be blessed by God,
27:46 but they can have blind spots.
27:48 Don't let any human be your standard of comparison,
27:52 no matter how mightily they are used by God.
27:55 Look to the Word itself.
27:57 As we look to the Word this week and throughout this quarter,
28:00 you're going to see the Holy Spirit as a person,
28:03 as a member of the Godhead.
28:05 And we'll get a glimpse of that in just a moment.
28:07 We have a Scripture right now that is going to be read from
28:11 Deuteronomy 29, verse 29.
28:15 female: The secret things belong unto to the Lord our God,
28:19 but those things which are revealed belong unto us
28:23 and to our children forever, that we may do all the words
28:27 of this law.
28:29 Dr. DeRose:So God, does he reveal everything to us?
28:36 I have to--I had a struggle this week as I was looking at this
28:40 because it struck me that the Holy Spirit was so humble.
28:45 I mean, the Holy Spirit, when we looked last week,
28:47 the Holy Spirit is the one who inspired the whole Bible.
28:53 But there's no book that starts out, "Written by John
28:57 under the power of the Holy Spirit."
28:59 The Holy Spirit is very much in the background,
29:01 have you noticed that?
29:03 In fact, so much in the background that we can lose
29:06 sight of the mighty working of the Holy Spirit.
29:09 And the struggle I had is I was starting to ask myself
29:12 a really stupid question.
29:14 And that is, "Who is the most humble among the Godhead?"
29:20 You see, when Jesus was on this earth, he said,
29:24 "If you've seen me, you've seen the Father," right?
29:29 When we see any member of the Godhead,
29:32 we're seeing the personality of the entire triune God.
29:38 And so, the Holy Spirit in its humility.
29:42 I was thinking about this in light of my background.
29:44 As a physician, I had to go to medical school.
29:49 And as I think back on those medical school days, now maybe
29:53 some of my classmates were this way, but I'm just going
29:55 to be honest with you, medical students,
29:57 as I recount my experience, as I recall what I went through,
30:01 they are among the most humble people in the world.
30:05 Now, it seems ironic because doctors have a reputation
30:10 for anything but humility, don't they?
30:13 But as medical students, really they seem very humble.
30:17 Now, I guess, you know, in certain circles, they could've
30:19 been arrogant that they were admitted into medical school
30:22 or--but there's just something totally humbling
30:26 about the experience.
30:28 I remember one day sitting in my room,
30:29 I think I was studying microbiology.
30:32 And you have to realize if you got into medical school,
30:35 you had a history of mastering your classes when you
30:37 were in college, okay?
30:39 You know, you got a finite amount of material to learn,
30:41 and you would master that, do well on the test.
30:44 And those are the kind of people who typically got
30:45 into medical school.
30:47 But in medical school, I was sitting there with microbiology.
30:53 I mean, I'd never heard of naegleria fowleri,
30:56 or you know, citrobacter, or pseudomonas.
31:01 I mean, these are all these strange--and I'm looking
31:04 at this, and I looked at my notes, and I looked
31:06 at all these textbooks, and I looked at my watch.
31:11 And really, really, I said,
31:13 "There is absolutely no way I could learn this."
31:17 And I just--I just got so discouraged,
31:19 I couldn't even study really.
31:22 There was just too much material, it was impossible.
31:25 The National Boards could test you on any aspect
31:28 of microbiology, and biochemistry, and anatomy.
31:31 How could anyone learn it all?
31:36 Fortunately, the Lord said,
31:40 "David, you don't have to learn it all.
31:42 Just learn something in the hour that you have."
31:46 I think that was the next day that I came to that realization.
31:50 And I tell you that story because, to me,
31:54 it strikes me a lot of how the Holy Spirit is.
31:57 We can learn about the Holy Spirit, but it seems
32:00 like God has never fully revealed all we'd like to know.
32:06 So, instead of me feeling like, "I've mastered the Holy Spirit.
32:09 Oh, I'm so glad I'm here at the Granite Bay Church
32:11 'cause they've mastered the Holy Spirit here.
32:14 And we're just going to come, and in a quarter, we're going
32:17 to--you know, we're just going to know everything
32:19 about the Holy Spirit.
32:20 And then the whole church will have to come to us
32:22 because we know all about the Holy Spirit."
32:26 But the Holy Spirit is shrouded in mystery.
32:28 And I believe it's partly because the only way we can
32:31 fully receive the Holy Spirit is if we realize how needy we are.
32:39 We have to come humbly.
32:42 So, the study of the Holy Spirit doesn't increase my sense
32:48 of how much I know, but it increases the sense of my need.
32:55 And so, God does not reveal all the details about the Spirit,
33:00 but we see glimpses in how he works.
33:04 Let's look at Monday's lesson as the Holy Spirit first appears
33:08 upon the scene of the canon.
33:11 As the Bible is being given, the very first book of the Torah,
33:16 the book of Genesis, we are introduced to the Holy Spirit.
33:21 In Genesis chapter 1, as we read the creation account,
33:25 it's a fascinating account missed by many
33:28 who read the account in the English.
33:31 But we're going to read it in the English anyway,
33:34 and we'll try to draw out some of the Hebrew nuances.
33:38 The history of creation, it begins in Genesis 1, verse 1.
33:42 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
33:47 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was
33:50 on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering
33:55 over the face of the waters."
33:58 Now, what we don't pick up in the English is that
34:02 the God of Genesis 1 is introduced differently
34:05 as the God of Genesis 2.
34:08 In Genesis 1, the name for God, the Hebrew term for God
34:12 in Genesis 1 is Elohim, as opposed to the perhaps
34:16 more familiar term for God that we'll usually translate
34:20 into the English as Jehovah or Yahweh.
34:25 So, Jehovah or Yahweh, that's self-existent,
34:27 eternal God, the I Am.
34:30 On the other hand, in Genesis 1, it's Elohim.
34:33 Elohim is a plural, it is a plural term for God.
34:39 In fact, the very name used for God in Genesis 1 is telling us,
34:43 it's giving us a clue that God is only understood in plurality.
34:49 And so, we see in this plurality that God is creating.
34:55 And not only as we read through Scripture do we see that Jesus
35:00 is often displayed as the active agent of creation, we find that
35:05 in places like Colossians 1, but we also see in the very
35:10 beginning that something is hovering over the waters.
35:15 Who is that?
35:18 it's the Spirit, it's the ruach, it's the breath of God.
35:22 And so, as we're reading that, our mind might be going
35:26 in several directions, but we want to just focus
35:29 on this creation account a little longer.
35:32 Because if you haven't looked at this in a while,
35:34 if you're missing the plurality of God in the account,
35:37 look at verse 26 of Genesis 1.
35:43 Because it says there, "Then God said," again Elohim,
35:47 this plural God, "let us make men in our image,
35:54 according to our likeness."
35:57 Verse 27, "So God created man in his own image,
36:00 in the image of God he created him.
36:03 Male and female he created them."
36:07 So, when God is creating in his image, he must create in what?
36:11 In plurality.
36:13 And so, man and woman are created to--you say,
36:16 "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait."
36:19 You know, this isn't really advanced math.
36:21 You've got man and woman, that's how many?
36:24 Two.
36:26 And we've got the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
36:28 that's three.
36:30 So, why does God create two if we're being made
36:34 in his image and he's three?"
36:39 Okay, I see a number of you have the answer,
36:41 and I'm glad you got it all straightened out
36:44 because I'm not sure I understand
36:46 all the dimensions of that.
36:48 But here's the point, here's the point.
36:50 From the very language of Genesis 1,
36:54 God is creating in plurality.
36:56 There is something interesting, and maybe I should mention it
36:59 because this has been misunderstood
37:00 about the creation.
37:02 Some of you may be thinking of one of the beautiful poems
37:04 in American history that speaks of God being lonely and saying,
37:11 "Therefore I will create a world."
37:13 But in the triune God, there was perfect fellowship and harmony.
37:18 God didn't create out of need, in a sense.
37:22 He created out of love, his desire to share the fullness
37:26 that was already in the Godhead.
37:28 So yes, there's a certain sense in which God needs each one
37:33 of us, he loves each one of us as individuals.
37:35 But there's also a sense in which God doesn't create
37:38 out of need, he creates out of abundance.
37:41 And so, I believe that that's what that triune God
37:45 expresses to us.
37:47 But let's look a little bit more about this imagery of
37:49 the Holy Spirit hovering over the waters.
37:54 I appreciate this comment in the lesson.
37:57 You find it there in Monday's lesson.
38:00 And it brings us back to the Hebrew for hovering.
38:05 It says it's the very same word that is used in
38:08 Deuteronomy 32:11, where God is compared to an eagle hovering
38:14 over the nest of young.
38:17 So, this terminology that's used is that the Spirit is actively
38:22 engaged, even though it's not a--it doesn't appear
38:25 to be a hands-on engagement.
38:28 Now, if you think that settles the question, someone is going
38:30 to be reading for us from Psalms 8 in just a moment.
38:34 But before we go to Psalms 8, we want to go to a New Testament
38:38 illustration that's going to give us some insight
38:41 into this very topic.
38:43 And the New Testament, if you turn with me
38:45 to Matthew chapter 12, we're going to Matthew chapter 12
38:50 for a few reasons.
38:52 Matthew chapter 12.
38:56 I can remember when I was back in--well, I won't tell you
39:00 where I was so as not to implicate anyone,
39:04 but I was in a place where there's a very strong group
39:09 of Bible believers who rejected any notion of a Holy Spirit
39:16 that was really a person.
39:18 And in fact, instead of strengthening their ministry, it
39:21 seemed to only undermine it.
39:25 And I read these very sobering words, Jesus' words
39:28 in Matthew 12, verses 31 and 32.
39:31 Jesus said that he did his great works through
39:34 the power of the Holy Spirit.
39:37 And so, here he says in verse 31,
39:39 "Therefore I say to you every sin and blasphemy
39:43 will be forgiven man, but the blasphemy
39:45 against the Spirit will not be forgiven man.
39:48 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man,
39:51 it will be forgiven him.
39:53 But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit,
39:56 it will not be forgiven him,
39:57 either in this age or in the age to come."
40:01 And of course, we usually apply this terminology of the sin
40:04 against the Holy Spirit to a sin of totally rejecting the work of
40:08 the Holy Spirit on the heart, rejecting God's wooing of us,
40:14 closing the doors to repentance.
40:16 And I think that's very accurate.
40:18 But as we think about the work of the Holy Spirit, what was
40:21 really happening in Jesus' day is the work of the Holy Spirit
40:25 was being undermined.
40:27 What was being done by the Holy Spirit was being said
40:30 to be done by an unholy spirit.
40:34 Now, look just a few verses above that in verse 28.
40:40 Jesus was being accused of casting out demons by demons.
40:44 He said in verse 28, "But if I casted out demons," by what?
40:48 "By the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God
40:53 has come upon you."
40:56 Now, when we're reading the gospels, I don't know if you
40:59 have this habit, it's a valuable one if you've not developed it,
41:02 but look at the parallel passages
41:05 in the other gospel writers.
41:07 Have you done that?
41:09 in the old days, we used to have to have a book,
41:11 I have one on my shelf,
41:12 it's called "The Harmony of the Gospels."
41:15 And it would put side by side what Matthew said about
41:18 an account, and what Mark said, and what Luke said,
41:22 for example, okay?
41:24 All side by side, and you can read and compare them.
41:27 Let's do that right now.
41:28 You may not have a "Harmony of the Gospels" with you,
41:30 I don't either, but I'm going to turn in my Bible
41:32 to a parallel account.
41:34 And I'm going to guess where?
41:37 Luke chapter 11, verse 20.
41:40 Some of you have study Bibles, and it told you that
41:43 that parallel account is found in Luke 11.
41:47 And in Luke 11, we're going to find something very interesting
41:51 about the language that Luke recorded.
41:55 And we might make a comment or two about that.
41:58 Luke 11, verse 20, very same account, Jesus being
42:02 accused of casting out demons through Satan's power.
42:07 And look what he says in verse 20, "But if I cast out demons,"
42:12 what did it say in Matthew, do you remember?
42:14 By the Spirit of God or by the Holy Spirit.
42:18 Here he says, "If I cast out demons with the finger of God,
42:26 surely the kingdom of God has come upon you."
42:30 Now, we're going to go to Psalms chapter 8, verse 3 and 4,
42:36 Psalms 8, 3 and 4.
42:38 Listen carefully to the words.
42:40 male: "When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy
42:44 fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained,
42:48 what is man that thou art mindful of him,
42:52 and the Son of Man that thou visitest him?"
42:56 Dr. DeRose: Very interesting, isn't it?
42:58 God in Psalms 8 creates how? With his finger.
43:04 Did God write anything with his finger?
43:08 He wrote the 10 Commandments, it says, with his own finger.
43:13 The Holy Spirit inspires the Word to be written.
43:17 The Holy Spirit is active in creation.
43:20 And then we read about God's finger creating the world.
43:25 We say, "Well, wait, but he created everything
43:27 by the breath of his mouth."
43:29 Have you read that too? That's the Spirit.
43:32 Do you see?
43:33 As we study about the great acts of creation and then we'll see
43:38 in salvation, we see the Spirit kind of blurred in his identity,
43:44 but we catch these glimpses throughout the Bible of God
43:48 having an active agency, the Godhead working
43:51 through the Spirit.
43:54 Let's hasten on as we look at Tuesday's lesson,
43:58 "The Holy Spirit and the Sanctuary,"
44:01 the Holy Spirit and the sanctuary.
44:06 And the key text there is found at the beginning of that day's
44:10 study, where it says, "Let them make me a sanctuary,
44:14 that I may dwell among them."
44:16 By the way, what is a sanctuary?
44:21 Where does it come from?
44:22 Where does the word even come from in English?
44:26 Just like in the Hebrew, it comes from a root
44:29 that refers to holy.
44:31 If you sanctify something, you make it holy.
44:35 So, the sanctuary is literally a holy place, a holy thing.
44:40 So, God is asking for a holy place that just happened
44:44 to have a special holy place in it,
44:46 and then a most holy place within it.
44:49 Are you following along?
44:50 And so, God is revealing that all that
44:53 has to do with him is holy.
44:55 And so, one of the themes in the sanctuary
44:57 is holiness to the Lord.
44:59 What is the name for the Spirit?
45:01 What is the name given to the Spirit?
45:03 The Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit.
45:08 Could people be possessed by unclean spirits
45:12 in the Old Testament?
45:16 We won't look at examples, I think they immediately
45:18 come to mind.
45:20 Were these unclean spirits, did they have personalities?
45:24 Or was it just an ethereal evil power?
45:27 No, sometimes the unclean spirits even spoke, right?
45:31 And they gave their names, at least on one account.
45:34 "We're Legion."
45:37 So, why should it be surprising that the Holy Spirit would be
45:41 a person that could take possession of those who are
45:46 surrendered to his working?
45:49 Turn in your Bibles to Isaiah chapter 57.
45:53 Isaiah 57, a very interesting Scripture that ties together
45:58 some of these themes of humility and God's Spirit filling work.
46:08 Isaiah 57, verse 15.
46:12 Isaiah 57, verse 15, "For thus says the high and lofty one,
46:19 who inhabits eternity, whose name is holy,
46:24 'I dwell in the high and holy place,'"
46:28 we could say the sanctuary, "with him who has a contrite
46:32 and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble
46:37 and to revive the heart of the contrite ones."
46:41 God is showing us the qualifications for us
46:44 to be his sanctuary.
46:46 And so, when John in chapter 1 is speaking of Jesus coming
46:49 to the earth, it says he came and dwelt among us.
46:53 It's literally he tabernacled among us.
46:56 He made his sanctuary among us.
46:59 He made his holy place among us.
47:04 So, the Holy Spirit is revealed, if you will, in the sanctuary.
47:08 And the Holy Spirit, if you had a chance to study Exodus 31,
47:13 is the individual who gives skill in the construction
47:18 of the sanctuary.
47:20 Very interesting connections.
47:23 Go with me now to Wednesday and Thursday as we really focus
47:28 on the most powerful manifestation of the Spirit.
47:32 Now, one of the things that we have to do in medical circles,
47:37 and you may be aware of this, sometimes this is not a noble
47:40 characteristic of physicians, but we're taught to be very
47:43 critical in our thinking.
47:45 And if we're not--if we don't do that, we can miss diagnoses.
47:49 Just this week, a patient came to me with a diagnosis that they
47:53 had self-diagnosed themselves with, and we always have to be
47:57 very careful that we don't just go down the path
48:00 of what the patient thinks they have.
48:03 We don't just dismiss that, I don't, but we listen
48:06 and we try to analyze things.
48:08 So, we have to think critically.
48:10 Sometimes that's a bad thing because we get overly critical
48:13 about things we shouldn't be critical of.
48:15 And if you need to remind me of that sometime,
48:17 you have perfect permission to do that, okay?
48:20 Okay.
48:22 But here it makes a statement.
48:25 In Wednesday's lesson, it says the Holy Spirit
48:29 was active during Old Testament times.
48:32 I'm reading from the very beginning of that lesson study.
48:36 Though it does not appear that his work was as extensive
48:40 as in the New Testament era.
48:43 And so, I was asking myself the questions, is this right?
48:45 Was the Holy Spirit less active in the Old Testament
48:48 than the New?
48:50 Well, you can say at least as far as the volume of revelation,
48:53 as far as the amount of Scripture we have,
48:55 the Old Testament is longer than the New, right?
48:59 But now granted, the Old Testament was written over
49:01 a whole lot longer period of time than the New Testament.
49:06 But the bottom line is the Holy Spirit was active in both,
49:09 the Old and the New Testament.
49:12 But the Holy Spirit takes front and center stage
49:15 when we see the ministry of Jesus.
49:18 And in Thursday's lesson, it calls our attention to some
49:21 of these details in Jesus' life and ministry.
49:26 Go with me first to Luke chapter 1 as we're going to get there
49:31 a glimpse of the origins of Jesus.
49:38 In Luke chapter 1, we're going to start with verse 34.
49:43 Luke 1, verse 34.
49:45 So, the Holy Spirit may have been taking what seems like
49:48 more of a back seat, more of a less visible role
49:52 in the Old Testament, but you can't avoid
49:56 the work of the Holy Spirit,
49:58 especially in the writings of one who was trained and perhaps
50:01 some skepticism if he was trained like me,
50:04 and that's Luke, who also, you know, was a physician.
50:07 It is interesting to point out that Luke had some of
50:10 the clearest descriptions of the work of the Holy Spirit not only
50:14 in his gospel, but in the book of Acts.
50:16 And if anyone would be questioning the Holy Spirit
50:19 of the gospel writers, I would suggest that Luke's background
50:22 as a Greek and as a physician would have made him the one most
50:27 likely from a human perspective to question the work
50:31 of the Holy Spirit.
50:32 And in fact, he's the one who, in some respects,
50:34 most illuminates the working of the Holy Spirit, which I think
50:37 is relevant as we study this quarter together.
50:40 So, in Luke chapter 1, beginning with verse 34,
50:45 we have this account of the origins of Jesus.
50:49 The angel speaking to Mary has already told her that she
50:53 is going to be the mother, if you will, of the Messiah,
50:57 the Savior Jesus.
50:59 In verse 34, "Mary says to the angel, 'How can this be
51:02 since I do not know a man?
51:04 I've not--I'm a virgin.'"
51:06 Verse 35, "And the angel answered and said to her,
51:09 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you,
51:12 and the power of the Highest will overshadow you,
51:16 therefore also that holy one who is to be born
51:21 will be called the Son of God.'"
51:24 That holy one, like the holy sanctuary, this place where God
51:29 meets with his people in the Old Testament.
51:32 Now, God is meeting in the person of Jesus.
51:34 And the Holy Spirit is the one
51:36 who is bringing this to fruition.
51:38 Just like he was active in the creation,
51:40 just like he was active in the building
51:42 of the Old Testament sanctuary, he's now active
51:45 in the very origins of the humanity of Jesus.
51:50 And what's interesting to me, the application for us is,
51:53 you know, sometimes we might be saying,
51:55 "Well, this seems all so theoretical.
51:56 How is this practical?
51:58 What difference does it make for us?"
51:59 As we study through this lesson, one of the great texts
52:03 about the Holy Spirit is this.
52:07 And it's this idea that why does it make a difference whether
52:10 the Holy Spirit is an individual or the Holy Spirit is a power?
52:15 And the answer is given if the Holy Spirit is just a power,
52:18 it's just a force, then our focus becomes on trying
52:21 to possess more of this power.
52:24 Whereas if we realize the Holy Spirit is an individual,
52:28 our focus becomes being surrendered so that
52:33 the Holy Spirit will fill us, so that we will be possessed
52:37 of the Holy Spirit, not that we will possess a power.
52:41 Do you see the difference?
52:43 So, instead of an infusion of the Holy Spirit being some kind
52:47 of ethereal power that gives us standing in the Christian
52:50 church, the ones who have the largest measure
52:53 of the Holy Spirit are the ones who are like Mary.
52:56 What was Mary's qualification?
53:00 Look at verse 38, Luke 1.
53:03 Mary says, "Behold the maidservant of the Lord.
53:08 Let it be to me according to your Word."
53:12 What allows us to have the Holy Spirit is humility
53:17 and surrender, humility and surrender.
53:20 And I love verse 37.
53:23 If some of you are struggling right now with things
53:25 in your life, verse 37, "For with God," what?
53:31 "Nothing will be impossible."
53:33 With God, nothing is impossible.
53:36 And how does he bring the impossible,
53:38 the humanly impossible to fruition?
53:43 It's through the Holy Spirit.
53:45 We're going to look at another text,
53:47 and this text is found in John 14.
53:49 Someone has for us John 14:16 through 17.
53:53 And as we're preparing to go there, Jesus spent some
53:57 of his longest personal instruction with the disciples,
54:01 some would even say his longest concentrated instruction,
54:04 in John, end of John 13 through John 16, the end of John 16,
54:10 speaking to the disciples about what would happen
54:13 after his departure.
54:15 And he talked about them getting a special blessing.
54:19 But it wasn't just a blessing, it was a special personality.
54:23 So, John chapter 14, verses 16 and 17.
54:28 female: "And I will ask the Father,
54:30 and he will give you another helper to be with you forever,
54:33 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive
54:37 because it neither sees him nor knows him.
54:40 You know him for he dwells with you and will be in you."
54:44 Dr. DeRose: So, the Holy Spirit was working during the ministry
54:48 of Jesus, but the disciples even didn't fully appreciate the work
54:53 of the Spirit until Jesus left.
54:55 The Holy Spirit, his name in the Greek, Parakletos.
55:00 Para, alongside of; kletos, to call.
55:03 Comes from the root to call.
55:05 It's the one called alongside of us.
55:07 Are you looking for encouragement today?
55:10 Do you need God's guidance?
55:12 The Holy Spirit is a real person.
55:16 The Holy Spirit worked throughout history.
55:19 And that creative power, that power that infused Jesus
55:24 with power for his ministry is the same Holy Spirit
55:27 that wants to work in my life and your life today.
55:31 If you want more on the subject of the work of the Spirit,
55:35 our special offer is "The Flesh and the Spirit."
55:39 Anyone in North America can request this free of charge.
55:42 It's offer 792, 792, and you can get it simply
55:46 by calling...
55:55 Next week, by God's grace, we'll continue our study
55:58 of the Holy Spirit.
56:00 I would encourage you to continue to dive into
56:03 understanding more of something I don't think we'll ever fully
56:08 grasp, but that God wants us to more fully recognize our need
56:11 for because he longs to fill us with more of his Spirit.
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56:34 male: I realized that there had to be more to life.
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57:22 female: I lost everything.
57:24 And that was when I realized that it was God missing
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57:28 male: I went to a prophecy seminar, which knocked me out.
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Revised 2017-01-09