Sabbath School Study Hour

Lesson 13: The Character of Job

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021652A

00:00 ♪♪♪
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00:35 Jean Ross: Good morning, friends.
00:36 Welcome again to "Sabbath School Study Hour."
00:39 A very warm welcome to our friends joining us across
00:40 the country and around the world,
00:42 our extended Sabbath School class.
00:45 Also, I'd like to welcome our members and visitors right here
00:48 at the Granite Bay Church.
00:49 Thank you for joining us today.
00:51 As you know, we've been studying through the book of Job,
00:54 as part of our Sabbath School quarterly.
00:56 And we're nearing the end of our study together.
00:58 Today, we are on lesson number 13 entitled
01:01 "The Character of Job."
01:03 So, for our friends who are watching us,
01:05 if you don't have a copy of our study today,
01:08 just go to the Amazing Facts website,
01:10, and download lesson number 13 entitled
01:14 "The Character of Job," and you can study along with us.
01:17 We also have a free offer that goes along
01:19 with our program today.
01:21 It's a book entitled "Assurance: Justification Made Simple."
01:25 And this book is written by Pastor Doug.
01:27 And if you'd call our resource phone number,
01:29 we'll be happy to send it to you for free.
01:32 The number to call is ...
01:36 and you can ask for offer number 727.
01:40 Well, it's time for us to begin by lifting our voices in praise.
01:44 I'd like to invite our song leaders to come and lead us in
01:47 some hymns this morning.
01:49 Shemekah Bruton: Good morning, and thank you
01:50 for joining us for "Sabbath School Study Hour" today.
01:52 We want to invite you to join us for our song service.
01:55 We're going to start out with number 149,
01:57 "Once in Royal David's City," and we'll sing all four verses.
02:01 ♪♪♪
02:05 ♪ Once in royal David's city ♪
02:10 ♪ stood a lowly cattle shed, ♪
02:16 ♪ where a mother laid her baby ♪
02:22 ♪ in a manger for his bed. ♪
02:27 ♪ Mary was that mother mild, ♪
02:33 ♪ Jesus Christ her little child. ♪
02:40 ♪ He came down to earth from heaven, ♪
02:46 ♪ who is God and Lord of all. ♪
02:51 ♪ And his shelter was a stable, ♪
02:57 ♪ and his cradle was a stall. ♪
03:03 ♪ With the poor, and mean, ♪
03:07 ♪ and lowly lived on earth our Savior holy. ♪
03:16 ♪ And through all his wondrous childhood, ♪
03:22 ♪ he would honor and obey, ♪
03:28 ♪ love and watch the lowly mother ♪
03:34 ♪ in whose gentle arms he lay. ♪
03:40 ♪ Christian children ♪
03:43 ♪ all must be mild, ♪
03:47 ♪ obedient, good as he. ♪
03:53 ♪ And our eyes at last shall see him ♪
04:00 ♪ through his own redeeming love. ♪
04:06 ♪ For that Child so dear and gentle ♪
04:13 ♪ is our Lord in heaven above. ♪
04:20 ♪ And he leads his children on ♪
04:27 ♪ to the place where he is gone. ♪
04:37 ♪♪♪
04:45 Jean: Amen, beautiful music.
04:48 From time to time, before we do our lesson,
04:51 we like to highlight some various mission activity that
04:54 maybe one of our church members are involved in,
04:57 or Amazing Facts is involved in.
04:59 And this coming week at the office at Amazing Facts,
05:01 we're having a workers' meeting, and we're bringing together our
05:04 evangelists that travel around doing evangelistic meetings,
05:07 and also our international AFCOE directors.
05:10 Amazing Facts has a number of AFCOE training centers around
05:14 the world, and one of our evangelists and also the
05:17 director of the Africa AFCOE program is Lowell Hargreaves,
05:22 and his wife is here with us today.
05:24 And I thought this would be a great opportunity to kind of
05:26 share a little bit about what's happening in the work over
05:30 in Kenya, Africa.
05:32 So, Lowell, we're delighted that you're here.
05:33 And I know that you've got some things to share with us,
05:35 and you can even show us some pictures.
05:37 Thank you.
05:38 Lowell Hargreaves: Yes, and good morning.
05:40 Good to be here with you in California.
05:43 And for those of you watching,
05:44 we bring you greetings from Africa.
05:47 My wife and I have been in Kenya for the last over a year.
05:51 AFCOE has a training program,
05:55 an evangelism training program in Africa.
05:59 We were in the Philippines a few years ago,
06:01 and while we were there, leading out in the AFCOE Philippines,
06:04 PAFCOE, we had a man come from Kenya,
06:08 his name is Kenneth, Kenneth from Kenya.
06:11 Went through the training.
06:13 And after finishing the training in the Philippines,
06:16 he said, "We need this program in Africa."
06:20 And through his influence and invitation,
06:22 we eventually went to Nairobi, Kenya
06:26 to do an evangelistic meeting.
06:27 We weren't planning to start an AFCOE in Kenya.
06:30 We were actually targeting Zambia.
06:32 But God brought us to Kenya to do an evangelistic meeting,
06:36 and we were going to do this meeting together with
06:38 the largest church there in Kenya, the Nairobi Central
06:43 Seventh Day Adventist Church, 6,000 member church.
06:48 And when we arrived there, we discovered that they had
06:50 targeted a slum in Nairobi, where they wanted to start
06:55 a church, plant a church.
06:57 And so, they assigned us to do
06:59 the evangelistic meeting in the slum.
07:01 And I remember they took us out there,
07:03 you're seeing a picture of the area,
07:06 and we stood on this little sort of like a little hill,
07:09 a little mound, and they said, "We're going to have the stage
07:13 here, and out over there is going to be the audience."
07:17 Now, they told me that this used to be a dump.
07:21 And as I stood on the top of this little hill,
07:23 you could smell the dump because it was--they had covered--you
07:27 know, they had covered over sometimes,
07:29 and then they'd cover over more.
07:30 But there was a whole area behind me where it was just open
07:33 dump, and you could smell the stench.
07:37 And I thought to myself, "We're going to have an evangelistic
07:40 meeting here on top of this dump?"
07:42 And I've done evangelism in many places over the world over the
07:47 last 20 years, but I had never done an evangelistic meeting on
07:52 top of a dump in a slum.
07:54 And I'll have to confess I was discouraged.
07:59 I felt like quitting.
08:01 One of the times in my experience where I felt like,
08:04 "Why do a meeting? Who's going to come?"
08:06 There were some goats that came walking through,
08:08 and I thought, "I'm coming out here to preach to the goats."
08:12 We did set up our--they covered over the open sewer,
08:15 and they set up, you can see in the picture here,
08:18 this rustic stage.
08:20 I would stand up there on the stage,
08:23 you can see my screen off to the side,
08:25 a sheet that they strung up.
08:28 And across from me, a little farther down the hill,
08:30 they had this tent with the chairs.
08:32 And we had about 100, 150 people that came every evening
08:36 for the meeting.
08:38 You can see the picture here.
08:40 There's the song leader, leading out with the singing.
08:43 And after 4 weeks on top of that dump,
08:46 I want you to look carefully at this picture.
08:50 Watch now the next picture.
08:52 There today is a Seventh Day Adventist church
08:57 thanks to that meeting.
08:58 We baptized about 50, they put up a church,
09:01 they're still trying to raise money to buy the spot there
09:05 where the church is sitting.
09:06 But today, we have a Seventh Day Adventist church there
09:11 in that slum.
09:13 And if you were to go to the church today,
09:15 it's a simple tin church,
09:16 you will discover it's already too full.
09:20 It's completely full on Sabbath, and they have people sitting
09:23 outside the church.
09:24 And so, I praise God for what he did there in the slum.
09:28 There's another picture of the church,
09:30 it's the nicest church in the slum,
09:32 in that area, surrounded by other tin churches.
09:35 But the Seventh Day Adventist church is one of the prettiest.
09:39 Well, because of that meeting, the central church
09:42 there in Nairobi invited us to start AFCOE
09:46 and AFCOE training in Kenya.
09:48 And we began early this year.
09:50 And probably the most--two of the most effective programs
09:55 we're doing with AFCOE Africa are our
09:59 Sunday training for church members.
10:01 We call it iShare, 12 Sundays of training in personal evangelism.
10:05 You can see here the group.
10:07 In our last training, we had almost 100 church members
10:10 that came through every Sunday to learn the principles
10:14 of personal evangelism.
10:15 And after 12 Sundays, we sent them out
10:19 to do a group Bible study.
10:23 We teamed them up in teams of two,
10:25 and they would pick two church members to join them,
10:27 so a team of four.
10:29 And they would go out and do
10:30 a 26-part Storacles Bible Lesson series.
10:34 You can see them here holding their Storacle Lessons.
10:37 Here's another picture of those lessons.
10:40 We had a whole van-load full of Amazing Facts lessons printed
10:45 there in Kenya.
10:47 And our students go out and share those.
10:49 They are doing those lessons right now.
10:51 In fact, from our previous iShare session we did earlier
10:56 this year, there have already been hundreds
10:59 of people baptized.
11:00 I met a lady recently who went through our training on Sunday.
11:04 She had just finished her Bible studies,
11:07 she and her partner.
11:09 And I said, "So, are you going to have results?"
11:11 She says, "Yes, we have one ready for baptism."
11:14 I said, "Then what?"
11:15 She says, "We're already planning
11:17 our next Bible study series."
11:19 They had been infected with the evangelism virus.
11:22 Once you do evangelism, you never want to quit.
11:26 The other very effective program that we have,
11:30 we're doing there in Kenya, is child evangelism.
11:34 This is a picture of a child evangelistic campaign,
11:39 again in the slum.
11:40 We had 300 children, many of them not members of our church,
11:45 in the local Seventh Day Adventist church every night
11:48 for one month, learning the Adventist doctrines,
11:53 the Bible doctrines, the Bible teachings.
11:55 And after one month of meetings, we give these children,
11:58 those that come faithfully, a gift.
12:00 You can see a picture here of the children
12:03 holding their gifts.
12:04 And for many of them, this is so rewarding
12:07 because these are slum children that have almost nothing.
12:12 And they come, some of them don't even have matching shoes.
12:16 They have one shoe from one color,
12:18 another shoe from another color.
12:20 They're just glad they have shoes, slum children.
12:23 And as they learn the teachings of the Bible,
12:26 these children, they go home, and they become little
12:28 missionaries in their homes.
12:29 They tell their parents, "You know,
12:31 the Bible says we're supposed to keep the Sabbath holy.
12:33 The Bible says when you die, you sleep.
12:37 The Bible says Jesus is coming soon.
12:40 The Bible says these are the things we shouldn't eat."
12:42 So, they become little missionaries in their homes.
12:45 And many of them make a commitment for Christ.
12:48 Here's a picture of one who was baptized.
12:51 There were many children baptized at the end of our child
12:54 evangelistic meeting.
12:55 Right now, our children, my wife and I,
12:58 we have two children that are still with us,
13:00 they are our teachers there at our training at AFCOE Africa.
13:04 They are doing evangelistic meetings for children as I'm
13:08 speaking in two different slums in Nairobi.
13:12 They have about 250 children, each of them in their respective
13:17 2 different sites, and they're doing child evangelistic
13:21 meetings right now.
13:23 There are so many needs in Africa.
13:26 You can look at the picture, and you can see
13:27 some of the conditions there.
13:30 And yet, we praise God for the privilege we have to share the
13:34 gospel of hope with people who need hope.
13:38 Here is an interesting statement from the book "Gospel Workers."
13:41 "The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the
13:46 men and women comprising our church membership rally to the
13:50 work, and unite their efforts with those of ministers
13:55 and church officers."
13:56 We have a work to do. You have a work to do.
13:59 God wants to use you as a soul winner.
14:03 And that's what AFCOE is all about,
14:06 teaching church members the principles of soul winning.
14:10 And so, on behalf of Amazing Facts,
14:12 for those of you that support the ministry of Amazing Facts
14:16 and the training of AFCOE, we express to you
14:19 our hearty thanks today.
14:21 The children of AFCOE send their thanks,
14:24 children of Africa, salamat.
14:28 God bless you.
14:31 Jean: Amen. Thank you, Lowell, amen.
14:33 It's encouraging to hear those great mission reports of things
14:36 that are currently happening around the world.
14:39 Well, before we get to our study,
14:40 I invite you to bow your heads for a word of prayer.
14:43 Dear Father, once again, what a privilege to be able to gather
14:46 in your house to study your Word.
14:47 And we ask for the Holy Spirit once again to come and speak to
14:50 our hearts and guard our minds as we open up the Scriptures,
14:53 and we look at the story of Job, and in particular the faith of
14:56 Job, his character demonstrated in this experience.
15:00 Be with us this morning in Jesus' name, amen.
15:04 Our lesson today will be brought to us
15:05 by Pastor Marshall McKenzie.
15:07 Thank you, Marshall.
15:12 Marshall McKenzie: Good morning, and happy Sabbath.
15:16 You know, the book of Job, as we've been going through it,
15:19 is packed full of information.
15:23 And that just draws us closer to Christ.
15:26 It's amazing when you dig into Job's experience.
15:30 And this morning, what we're going to do is actually zero in
15:33 specifically on the character of Job,
15:35 something we really haven't done through the lesson.
15:38 Just like Satan kind of zeroed in on the character of Job to
15:44 defeat or to overthrow him, and ultimately to bring disgrace to
15:50 God, we're going to study it because we want to understand
15:54 the truths of Job's character so that we can exhibit these truths
15:59 to glorify God, and to exalt him,
16:02 especially living in the last days of earth's history.
16:05 You know, character is crucial.
16:09 It's crucial in business dealings,
16:12 it's crucial in friendships,
16:14 it's crucial in relationships, right?
16:16 Character is very central, it's very important.
16:20 Just in life in general, character is something
16:24 of great value.
16:26 But most importantly, in our relationship with God,
16:30 character is very crucial.
16:33 We need not underestimate the development of Christian
16:37 character, and that's something we're going to unpack as we go
16:40 through lesson number 13, "The Character of Job."
16:43 But before we dive right into the lesson,
16:45 I actually want to read to you a statement from a powerful little
16:49 book entitled "Christ Object Lessons."
16:51 If you haven't read it, I encourage you to read it.
16:54 If you have, I encourage you to go back and take a look at it.
16:57 This is a powerful statement, it's from page 332.
17:00 It says, "A character formed according to the divine
17:03 likeness is the only treasure that we can take
17:08 from this world to the next."
17:12 A character that is according to the divine likeness
17:16 is the only treasure.
17:17 In other words, there's no other treasure.
17:19 House, lands, cars, wealth, none of it will we be able to take
17:24 from this world to the next.
17:26 What we will be able to take is a character that is formed after
17:32 the likeness of Christ.
17:35 It goes on in the statement to say,
17:37 "Those who are under the instruction of Christ in this
17:41 world will take every divine attainment
17:44 with them to the heavenly mansions.
17:47 And in heaven, we are continually to improve."
17:50 That's interesting.
17:51 Even in heaven, we will continually improve.
17:55 How important then is the development
17:58 of character in this life?
18:00 In other words, the study of Job and the study of Job's character
18:05 is really important for us because it's the only thing
18:09 each of us--our characters
18:11 is what we will take from this world to the next.
18:14 So, this lesson is very central to our development.
18:19 You know, Job had quite the character when you dive
18:21 into the lesson, and we start to unpack his character.
18:26 And from it, we'll learn incredible truths that help us,
18:29 or will help us to develop a character that is heaven-bound
18:34 and heaven-ready.
18:36 That's the kind of character we want, right?
18:38 We don't live really for this world.
18:40 We live for the world to come.
18:42 Jesus is coming soon.
18:44 So, we want characters that are heaven-bound and heaven-ready.
18:49 Job was heaven-bound, and Job was heaven-ready.
18:53 His character was tested, but we see the level of his character
18:59 when we study this lesson.
19:01 Matter of fact, I want to read to you--there's an important
19:04 question right in the lesson if you have your lessons.
19:06 By the way, I encourage you to bring your lesson
19:08 and bring your Bible, okay?
19:11 Two important things.
19:12 So, we're going to turn here in the lesson to page 104.
19:15 And as we start to unpack the character of Job,
19:18 it starts with an important question, okay?
19:21 A question we need to ask as we begin to unpack the character
19:26 of Job in this lesson.
19:28 Page 104 in the lesson says, "Who was this man?"
19:32 Simple question, "Who was this man,
19:36 who did not understand why all these things were happening to
19:39 him, who knew that what was happening to him wasn't fair,
19:45 who expressed anger and frustration over it all,
19:48 and yet stayed faithful right through to the end?"
19:53 Who was this man who experienced all these things,
19:56 and yet, through it all, he was faithful unto the end?
20:00 And as I read that, I thought about specifically in Matthew
20:05 chapter 24, verse 13, Jesus specifically says,
20:08 "Those who endure unto the end, they shall be," what?
20:13 "They shall be saved."
20:14 Job, in all of his trials and all of his circumstances,
20:18 as we're reading through the book of Job,
20:19 begin to understand that Job's character
20:22 of faithfulness shines through and through.
20:25 And he was faithful unto the end.
20:27 And I hope that's our desire, that by the grace of God,
20:30 we'll want to be faithful to God unto the very end.
20:33 It also reminded me of a passage in 2 Timothy chapter 4,
20:37 verse 7, where the Apostle Paul says,
20:40 "I have fought the good fight."
20:41 Towards the end of his life, "I have fought the good fight,
20:45 I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
20:50 That's a powerful passage.
20:52 In other words, Job looks back over his life,
20:55 he was faithful to the end.
20:56 Paul looks back over his life, he says to us,
20:59 "I have kept the faith. I have been faithful to the end."
21:02 This is a characteristic of God's people.
21:05 This is brought out in this lesson as we'll go
21:09 through it together.
21:11 So, who was this man?
21:12 If you have your Bibles,
21:14 I want you to turn with me to Job chapter 1.
21:17 Who was this man? Job chapter 1.
21:20 And we're going to actually take a look at verse 1,
21:23 verse 8, and then we're going to look at chapter 2, verse 3.
21:28 The lesson brings out very simply who this man was.
21:31 And then, as we go on, it begins to unpack it more
21:33 and more for us, the lesson.
21:36 Job chapter 1, verse 1 says, "There was a man in the land of
21:40 Uz whose name was Job, and that man was," what?
21:45 "That man was perfect," or blameless,
21:48 "and he was upright, and one who feared God."
21:52 And what? "And shunned evil."
21:54 He turned away from evil.
21:56 We see the same character brought out in verse 8.
22:00 It says, "Then the Lord said to Satan,
22:03 'Have you considered my servant Job?'"
22:05 Of course he has.
22:07 He's been walking to and fro over the earth,
22:09 and he zeroes in on this man, who has this character.
22:15 And then God describes it for us,
22:17 that, "There is none like him on the earth,
22:21 a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil."
22:26 There's no one like this, like Job.
22:31 Then we get to chapter 2, verse 3,
22:33 and we see this again.
22:35 "Then the Lord said to Satan, 'Have you considered my servant
22:38 Job, that there is none like him on the earth,
22:41 a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?
22:47 And still he holds fast to his integrity,
22:51 although you incited me against him
22:53 to destroy him without cause.'"
22:56 Four areas of Job's character are highlighted,
23:01 really kind of defining his character.
23:03 The first one was that he was blameless.
23:06 The second one was what? That he was--he was upright.
23:12 The third one was that he--that he what?
23:16 That he feared God.
23:17 And the fourth, ultimately, was that he shunned evil.
23:21 He lived his life turning consistently away from evil.
23:26 And so, the lesson is going to unpack these things for us
23:30 as we go further and further into it.
23:32 Matter of fact, in Sunday's lesson,
23:34 if you have your lessons, you turn over to Sunday's lesson,
23:40 it begins to kind of define these terms so that we can kind
23:44 of wrap our minds around it, and really get a grasp and a picture
23:48 of who this man was, answering that simple question.
23:55 The word "blameless," as the lesson kind of identifies and
23:58 brings to our attention, refers to a person that has reached a
24:02 degree of development that heaven expects,
24:06 not what the earth expects, but a degree of development that
24:12 heaven expects of him or her at any given time.
24:17 The word that is associated to it in the New Testament is the
24:21 word "full grown" or "mature."
24:26 You know, I look forward to the day when my children--now,
24:30 I know, we all want our children to stay little.
24:34 But I look forward to the day when they are full-grown,
24:38 when they're mature adults.
24:41 And I get pieces of that as my oldest son is growing up.
24:45 We have these interesting conversations.
24:49 Here, the word "blameless" means full grown, mature.
24:53 And when I read this,
24:54 I thought about 1 Corinthians chapter 13, verse 11.
24:59 In 1 Corinthians chapter 13, verse 11,
25:01 Paul says, "When I was a child, I spoke as a child,
25:08 I understood as a child, I thought as a child.
25:11 But when I became a," what?
25:15 "When I became a man, when I made this transition,"
25:18 he says, "I put away childish things,"
25:22 1 Corinthians chapter 13, verse 11.
25:24 Here, what's interesting is that the Apostle Paul uses the
25:28 example of an earthly transition to explain in a way a transition
25:34 of character that each Christian,
25:37 each believer in Christ, should go through.
25:40 And this is a heavenly transition.
25:42 We're preparing to be heaven-bound and heaven-ready.
25:46 Job, when it defines his character as blameless,
25:50 he's one who's made this transition.
25:54 He's one who's making consistently this transition.
25:58 Matter of fact, if you turn with me in your Bibles to 1
26:01 Corinthians, you'll want to keep your fingers in Job,
26:03 but we'll go and look at the context
26:05 of 1 Corinthians chapter 13.
26:08 We're not going to go through the whole chapter,
26:10 but we're just going to read the verses around verse 11.
26:13 1 Corinthians chapter 13, and we're going to look at the
26:18 verses around this verse we just got done reading.
26:24 And I'm actually going to start with verse 9,
26:26 1 Corinthians, so we understand this.
26:28 1 Corinthians chapter 13, verse 9 says,
26:31 "For we know in part, for we know in part,
26:35 and we prophesy in part.
26:38 But when that which is perfect or complete has come,
26:43 then that which is in part will be done away.
26:47 When I was a child, I spoke as a child,
26:50 I understood as a child, I thought as a child.
26:53 But when I became a man, I put away childish things.
26:57 For now we see in a mirror dimly,
27:00 but then face to face.
27:02 Now I know in part, but then I shall know just
27:06 also as I am known," 1 Corinthians chapter 13,
27:11 verse 9 through 12.
27:14 And Paul's unpacking this transition that actually is
27:19 described that Job is going through in the word "blameless,"
27:23 this transition from being a child of Christ and moving into
27:27 being a full grown Christian, a mature Christian,
27:31 who in character is described as being--Job
27:35 was described as being what?
27:37 Blameless.
27:38 He was going through this transition.
27:42 Job was blameless.
27:44 Job's character was one that was in line with what heaven
27:49 expected, not what earth expected.
27:54 He was making this transition.
27:56 Jesus also talks about this in Luke chapter 6, verse 40.
28:00 He says, "A disciple is not above his teacher,
28:04 but everyone who is perfectly trained
28:08 will be like his teacher."
28:11 In other words, when we begin to first learn of Christ,
28:15 we begin the character development process.
28:19 But at some point--we will always continue to develop,
28:22 but at some point, we make a transition from just being
28:26 taught to actually teaching.
28:30 We make this transition.
28:33 Matter of fact, in Hebrews chapter 5,
28:36 verse 12, Paul has something to say about
28:39 the Hebrew Christians here.
28:42 He says, "For though by this time you ought to be teachers."
28:47 In other words, you should be making this transition
28:50 in your character.
28:51 You should be blameless.
28:55 "You ought to be teachers.
28:56 You need someone," he says, "to teach you again
28:59 the first principles of the oracles of God."
29:02 And then he says, "You have come to need milk
29:06 and not solid food," what is Paul describing?
29:08 If they need milk and not solid food,
29:13 where are they still at in character?
29:18 They're still babes.
29:19 And yet, Paul says they need to make this transition.
29:23 They need--you should be moving from being taught to actually
29:27 becoming teachers.
29:29 Your character should be developing and growing.
29:33 And that's what it means when it identifies Job's character as
29:37 one that is blameless.
29:41 This also moves us--by the way, you've heard the phrase,
29:44 you know, so heavenly-minded that you're no what?
29:47 Earthly good.
29:48 Job wasn't so heavenly-minded, and the lesson brings this out,
29:53 that he was no earthly good.
29:56 Matter of fact, this helps us with the transition from the
29:59 word "blameless" to the word "upright."
30:02 Okay, and the lesson in Sunday helps us define the word
30:05 "upright," which is straight, level, just, right.
30:10 In a way, Job could be actually called a good citizen.
30:18 But he wasn't just a good citizen on earth,
30:22 he was preparing to be a citizen where?
30:26 In heaven. Heaven-bound, heaven-ready.
30:30 Character is crucial.
30:31 So, Job is upright.
30:36 Notice with me in Monday's lesson,
30:38 I'm going to turn the page and I want to read a verse.
30:40 You turn with me in your Bibles, Job chapter 29, verse 7.
30:44 And Job actually starts to unpack this,
30:46 that he was upright, he was a good citizen,
30:48 he was straight, he was level, he was just, he was right.
30:52 If you turn with me to Job chapter 29,
30:54 we're going to look there at verse 7.
31:00 Job chapter 29, verse 7 says, "When I went out to the gate
31:04 by the city, when I took my seat in the open square,"
31:09 what's Job describing?
31:12 Job's actually describing a position or a place of
31:16 administration in his local community.
31:21 In other words, Job was a leader.
31:24 He wasn't just preparing for heaven,
31:26 but in his preparation for heaven,
31:28 he became a good citizen even on planet earth.
31:33 He was upright in the open square.
31:39 In the lesson, I'm going to read from page 106.
31:43 And it says here, "Such seats, when he takes his seat,"
31:46 as we read in verse 7, "he takes his seat in the open square."
31:51 It's actually a place or a position of administration.
31:55 Now, for those of you that are sitting here,
31:58 those of you that are administrators,
32:00 you'll want to pay close attention in relationship
32:04 to this aspect of Job's character.
32:08 Interesting.
32:09 Such seats would usually be given to the senior and
32:14 respected members of the society.
32:17 And among them, Job was highly esteemed.
32:22 Notice with me Job 29, verses 8 through 10.
32:25 When we talk about highly esteemed,
32:27 notice the rest of these verses, in relationship to describing
32:31 Job as he functioned as an administrator within his
32:35 community, how respected he was because he was upright.
32:41 Verse 8 through 10, it says, "The young men saw me and hid."
32:45 By the way, it's not because they were running away
32:47 from him in terror, okay?
32:50 This was out of respect.
32:52 He had the respect of young men, but then the verse goes on
32:56 and says, "And the aged arose and stood."
33:01 So, now we transition.
33:02 He had the attention of the youth,
33:04 he had the attention of the aged,
33:07 and then it goes on, it doesn't just stop there.
33:09 It says, "The princes refrained from talking."
33:13 He also has the attention of who?
33:15 Of the princes, the royalty, everybody.
33:22 He has their attention.
33:23 And then it goes on, "They refrained from talking,
33:28 and they put their hands on their mouths."
33:31 This is a respectful silence.
33:33 It's like you've probably heard some time ago,
33:36 I don't hear it often anymore, but that commercial,
33:38 "When E.F. Hutton speaks, everybody listens," okay?
33:44 When Job would take his seat at the gate,
33:49 in his administrative--in his administrative position,
33:56 everybody would pay attention.
33:58 The young, the aged, the princes would have
34:02 this respectful silence.
34:05 And then notice verse 10, "The voice of even the nobles,
34:09 the voice of the nobles was hushed,
34:12 and their tongues stuck to the roof of their mouth."
34:14 This is describing them in awe.
34:19 They can't say anything.
34:22 You know, you have that person of great importance.
34:25 When somebody of great importance enters the room,
34:29 people just kind of can't say anything.
34:34 Maybe there's somebody that you've greatly respected,
34:36 and you finally had the chance to meet them,
34:41 and you just--you can't get the words out.
34:43 You'd love to say something intelligible,
34:47 but sometimes that's challenging when you're in front of people
34:51 that you've looked up to and that you've valued,
34:53 that have great stature.
34:55 That was Job. This was the character of Job.
34:58 He was one that was close to God,
35:02 and people around him knew it from the youth,
35:07 to the aged, to the princes, to the nobles.
35:13 What a character.
35:15 And that's the character that God wants us to have so that he
35:19 will gain the glory and the honor.
35:21 And people will listen not because of who we are,
35:26 but because of what God has made us to be and be like.
35:31 We'll have the respect of the youth.
35:34 You know, sometimes we think, "Oh,
35:36 I'm past the age, I can't reach the youth anymore."
35:41 Job could reach the youth.
35:43 He had their attention.
35:45 He could reach nobles, princes because he was upright,
35:49 he was blameless.
35:53 It's powerful when you actually stop to process who this man
35:59 really was, who this man really was.
36:04 You know what's also interesting as I move my papers around?
36:08 What's also interesting is that Job was respected
36:12 not because of what he did.
36:14 You know, sometimes we look for respect just because
36:18 of a position we may be in.
36:20 But Job's character, it was about who he was,
36:24 not what about--not about what he did.
36:28 It wasn't about his position.
36:30 People respected him for who he really was.
36:34 Job grew in favor with God and man.
36:38 Have you ever heard that phrase in the Bible?
36:41 We see it in a few different places,
36:43 but one I'm just going to highlight is our example in
36:46 everything, and who is that?
36:48 That's Jesus Christ.
36:50 So, when you go to Luke chapter 2,
36:52 verse 52, you don't have to turn,
36:53 but I'll read you the verse, it says,
36:55 "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature,
36:59 and in favor with God first,
37:03 and then with man."
37:06 Job wasn't so heavenly-minded that he was no earthly good.
37:09 He was of great value on earth, but to God's purposes,
37:14 for God's purposes.
37:16 And so was Jesus. He was like his creator.
37:21 He was like Christ.
37:23 Now, notice with me, I do want you to turn to Proverbs because
37:26 Proverbs unpacks this even more.
37:29 These characteristics of Job that are--that are brought to
37:33 the forefront in Job, you see them all over Proverbs.
37:37 But just one specific place because this verse will begin to
37:41 help us make a transition, okay, to Tuesday's lesson,
37:45 which is heart and eyes.
37:48 So, in Job chapter 3--or Proverbs,
37:50 excuse me, Proverbs chapter 3, verse 1 starts by saying,
37:54 "My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart
37:59 keep my commands.
38:01 For length of days," get this, "for length of days,
38:06 and long life, and peace they will add to you.
38:12 Let not mercy and truth forsake you.
38:14 Bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your
38:17 heart, and so find favor, find favor and high esteem in the
38:26 sight of God and," whom?
38:29 "In the sight of man.
38:31 Take my commands and put them on your heart.
38:36 Let your heart keep my commandments."
38:40 And as we do this, this is what Job was doing,
38:44 he says, "That we will find favor and high esteem in the
38:50 sight of God, and in the sight of," whom?
38:53 Man.
38:55 Powerful passage.
38:56 Look at with me, I'm going to jump to the lesson now,
38:58 to page 106.
39:02 And there's a quote in the lesson that helps to bring this
39:07 out even more so.
39:10 It's found in a book called "Education," it's page 142.
39:15 Says, "God has given to--God has given in his word a picture of a
39:22 prosperous man," this is referring to Job,
39:26 "one whose life was, in the truest sense,
39:29 a success."
39:32 How many of us want to experience success in our lives?
39:36 Or at the end of our days, we want to look back,
39:39 and we can see that, looking back on our lives,
39:41 it was in the truest sense a success.
39:46 "A man whom both heaven and earth delighted to honor."
39:52 This is incredible. He's talking about Job.
39:55 But how many of us want that character,
39:58 where we can look back and say, "In the truest sense,
40:00 my life has been a success"?
40:04 You know, I hear lots of people talking about success,
40:06 and what defines success, and how do we have success.
40:10 In its truest sense, it's having a character that is blameless,
40:16 that is upright, that fears God, and that shuns evil.
40:22 That kind of character, in the truest sense,
40:25 will give all of us, no matter where we are in life,
40:28 truest success, real success for God's honor and glory.
40:37 Before I jump into Tuesday, though,
40:38 there's one other point that I want to bring your attention to
40:42 in relationship to the character of Job.
40:45 If we turn in our Bibles, we're going to go back to Job chapter
40:48 29, we're going to look at verse 14.
40:53 Job chapter 29, verse 14.
41:01 And I love this verse in the middle of what Job
41:05 is doing as he relates with other people.
41:08 He says, "I put on," what?
41:11 "I put on righteousness, and it," what?
41:16 "It clothed me."
41:18 Whose righteousness, by the way, is Job speaking about?
41:21 Because the Bible tells us, in relationship to man,
41:24 we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
41:27 So, what righteousness did Job put on?
41:30 Whose righteousness did Job put on?
41:33 Christ's righteousness, God's righteousness.
41:35 By faith, Job was putting on continually
41:41 the righteousness of Christ.
41:45 Job knew that there was no righteousness in and of himself.
41:49 It was impossible.
41:50 For any of us, it's not possible.
41:53 Only through faith in Christ can we ultimately put on the
41:57 righteousness of God, and walk in that righteousness.
42:00 And that's described actually in other places of the Bible.
42:02 In Psalms chapter 119, verse 172,
42:05 it says that, "All your commandments are righteousness."
42:10 Okay, Proverbs chapter 3, remember?
42:12 "My son, let your heart keep my," what?
42:16 "Keep my commandments."
42:17 He's talking about putting on his righteousness.
42:21 He's talking about being clothed in his righteousness.
42:27 And then another passage.
42:28 In Acts chapter 13, verse 10, Paul goes on to describe
42:33 righteousness as the straight ways of the Lord,
42:37 or the right ways of the Lord.
42:39 Remember the word "upright"?
42:41 One of the definitions of the word "upright"
42:43 is straight, level, right.
42:48 Righteousness is the straight ways of the Lord.
42:51 Righteousness are the right ways of the Lord.
42:54 This is what, by faith, Job was continually putting on.
43:00 And this is brought out especially in Tuesday's lesson,
43:02 when we talk more about the heart,
43:05 getting to the heart.
43:09 In Job here, with his heart he served God,
43:17 with his heart.
43:19 Notice with me Job chapter 31, verse 7 through 9.
43:23 Or 7 and 9, Job chapter 31, verse 7 and 9.
43:28 "If my step has turned from the way,
43:31 or my heart walked after my eyes,
43:34 or if any spot adheres to my hands," then verse 9,
43:38 he says, "if my heart has been enticed by a woman,
43:42 or if I have lurked at my neighbor's door," here Job
43:48 begins to unpack that it wasn't just his actions with his hands
43:52 and his feet that mattered, it was what?
43:56 His heart as well.
43:59 In Psalms chapter 51, verse 6, David writes that God desires
44:04 truth in the inward parts.
44:07 In the hidden part, he says he will make us to know wisdom.
44:12 You know, there was a lawyer in the New Testament that answered
44:18 a question that Christ had asked him.
44:22 In Luke chapter 10, verse 27, here's the answer the lawyer
44:26 gives to a question that Christ specifically asks.
44:30 He says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your,"
44:32 what?
44:34 "With all your heart, with all your soul,
44:37 with all your strength, and with all your mind."
44:40 And then he says, "And your neighbor as yourself."
44:44 Jesus said to the lawyer, upon this answer by the lawyer,
44:48 he says, "You have answered rightly.
44:50 Do this and you will," what?
44:53 You'll live.
44:54 You'll live.
44:56 It's not just about what we do with our hands and our feet,
44:59 but our service comes, should come from the heart.
45:04 We should treasure God's commands within our hearts.
45:07 By faith, we should be living on a day to day basis.
45:12 In the lesson, we didn't read the memory text,
45:15 and there's a reason for that.
45:17 Because now is where the memory text really fits
45:21 into this lesson.
45:23 Because the memory text says, "Do you see--"
45:25 This is from James chapter 2, verse 22.
45:27 It says, "Do you see that faith was working together with his
45:33 works, and by works faith was made perfect?"
45:39 Job wasn't just acting.
45:41 He was living by faith.
45:43 And by faith, he was able to act.
45:46 And he acted in accordance with God's will.
45:50 He was found blameless, he was found upright.
45:53 He was one that feared God.
45:57 Job understood that the deeper meaning of holiness,
46:01 the deeper meaning of right and wrong and God's law,
46:06 Job knew that God cares about the heart,
46:12 about our thoughts, not just about our actions.
46:16 1 Samuel chapter 16, verse 7 says,
46:19 "For the Lord does not see man--for the Lord does not see
46:24 as man sees, for man looks at the," what?
46:29 "The outward appearance."
46:30 But God, where does God look, though?
46:33 God looks at the heart.
46:34 When he looks at all of us, he looks right at our heart.
46:38 He goes beyond the hair, he goes beyond the skin,
46:43 he looks right to the heart.
46:45 And he gets right to the heart of the issue when he does that.
46:50 As a matter of fact, within God's very law,
46:52 we see this brought out.
46:54 In Exodus chapter 20, verse 17, it says,
46:56 "You shall not covet your neighbor's house,
46:59 you shall not covet your neighbor's wife,
47:03 nor his male servant, nor his ox,
47:06 nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's."
47:09 In other words, don't even let your heart covet those things.
47:14 Because if you do, it's just a matter of time
47:17 before your actions what?
47:20 Follow.
47:22 And you want to--you know that phrase,
47:24 "keeping up with the Joneses"?
47:26 You know, we go after, "Oh, my neighbor has this.
47:28 Ooh, I really want that.
47:30 Oh, my neighbor has this, I got to have that."
47:32 And with our minds, we begin to covet.
47:40 The just shall live by what? By faith.
47:44 Job lived by faith.
47:47 And it affected his relationships.
47:51 It affected his relationships.
47:54 Notice with me Job chapter 31, verses 13 through 15.
47:57 And I'm going to kind of cruise through.
48:00 Job chapter 31, verse 13 through 15,
48:03 he says, "If I have despised the cause of my male or female
48:09 servant when they complained against me,
48:13 what then shall I do when God rises up?
48:17 When he punishes, how shall I answer him?
48:20 Did not he who made me in the womb make them?"
48:26 You know, Job was far ahead of his time.
48:29 God is always far ahead of our time.
48:33 He says, "Did not the same one fashion us in the womb?"
48:40 He's bringing them all together.
48:42 He's like, "You know that poor man on the side of the street?
48:45 We are no different.
48:48 That beggar, we are no different."
48:52 We're all equal in relationship to how God sees.
48:58 He died for all of us, not just some of us.
49:03 And Job sees this. Job understands this.
49:08 Matter of fact, notice with me Job chapter 29.
49:10 He unpacks this even more just earlier in the chapter.
49:14 Job chapter 29, I'm just going to read 12,
49:16 13, and then 15 through 17, Job chapter 29.
49:21 He says, "Because I delivered the poor who cried out,
49:25 the fatherless, and the one who had no helper,
49:29 the blessing of a perishing man came upon me.
49:33 And I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy.
49:37 I put on righteousness, and it clothed me.
49:41 My justice was like a robe and a turban."
49:44 Notice verse 15, he says, "I was eyes to the blind.
49:51 I was feet to the lame.
49:53 I was a father to the poor, and I searched out the case
49:59 that I did not know."
50:01 This is incredible.
50:03 "I broke the fangs of the wicked,
50:05 and plucked the victim from his teeth."
50:10 Job was all about saving man.
50:14 Why? Because God saved him.
50:19 And it didn't matter who they were,
50:21 it didn't matter where they came from,
50:23 it didn't matter what their background was.
50:25 He saw man, wherever they were, and he reached out
50:30 in each situation.
50:32 A person like this gains a lot of respect from a lot of people.
50:37 And Job had a lot of respect from a lot of people because of
50:42 this character that he was consistently developing,
50:46 he was consistently developing.
50:50 In the lesson on page 107, the lesson on page 107,
50:59 you know, Job was doing things that people in his day,
51:04 many had a hard time with.
51:06 And the lesson kind of points this out when it says,
51:08 "The ancient world was not a place where concepts
51:12 of universal rights and universal laws
51:15 were understood or followed."
51:18 You know, even the Jews had a hard time with this,
51:20 didn't they?
51:22 "We're the superior nation,
51:26 and everybody should be looking to us."
51:30 Job didn't live his life that way because it wasn't about Job.
51:37 Job knew it was about God.
51:39 It was all about God.
51:42 And that's who we need to be all about.
51:46 That's what our characters need to be all about, why?
51:49 Because when Jesus comes one day,
51:51 we're going to see him what?
51:53 Face to face.
51:54 Remember Paul talked about this in 1 Corinthians 13?
51:57 One day, we're going to see our maker face to face,
52:01 and will our characters line up?
52:04 Will our characters line up? We need to be about God.
52:09 Job was about God. He wasn't just about himself.
52:16 And the lesson really brings that out more and more.
52:20 And I'm going to close, I want to go to Matthew chapter 7.
52:23 Because on Wednesday, we don't even have time to get through
52:25 everything in this lesson, but I just want to mention one thing.
52:29 Job's life was founded on the rock.
52:35 Job's life was founded on the rock.
52:40 Jesus talks about this.
52:41 What does that mean, founded on the rock?
52:46 For any of you who are builders, you understand the importance of
52:50 a good foundation, right?
52:53 Otherwise, trials, storms, whatever, fires will come.
53:00 We need a good foundation.
53:02 Job developed a good foundation,
53:04 and that foundation was upon Christ.
53:07 I'm going to turn to Matthew chapter 5.
53:10 Chapter 7, excuse me.
53:11 Matthew chapter 7, verse 22 through 27,
53:15 it says, "Many will say to me in that day,
53:18 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name,
53:22 cast out demons in your name,
53:23 and done many wonders in your name?'
53:25 And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you.
53:28 Depart from me, ye workers of,'" what?
53:30 "Those who practice lawlessness or workers of iniquity."
53:34 Then Jesus goes on, he says, "Therefore."
53:37 After saying this, "Therefore, whoever hears these sayings
53:41 of mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man
53:46 who built his house on the," what?
53:48 "Who built his house on the rock.
53:51 And the rain descended, and the floods came,
53:53 and the winds blew and beat on that house,
53:56 and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock."
54:03 The opposite, Jesus goes on to say that those who build their
54:08 houses on the sand, when the winds come and the storms come,
54:13 he says great was the fall of that house.
54:16 It's important for us to be building on the rock.
54:20 Job was building on the rock.
54:23 Job had a faith in Christ.
54:26 His eyes were ever to God, and God affected his life in
54:31 tremendous ways that had an effect on other people
54:34 around him.
54:36 As not only Job was getting ready for heaven,
54:40 those who were around him also were preparing for heaven
54:45 because of his influence, because of his character,
54:48 because of how he walked
54:50 and lived his life each and every day.
54:53 May we by faith truly cling to the rock of our salvation.
54:59 And may we have the characters that Job had.
55:03 Because in the last days, Satan's going to put a spotlight
55:06 on them just like he did on the life of Job.
55:10 And by the grace of God, may our lives reflect the life of Christ
55:15 every moment of every day we live,
55:18 until he comes again.
55:21 Powerful study, the character of Job,
55:23 incredible as we look at it and we study it further.
55:26 I'd like to remind you, those that are viewing,
55:30 of the free offer, Doug Batchelor's book,
55:34 "Assurance: Justification Made Simple."
55:37 It's offer number 727.
55:39 For this, you can call ...
55:44 to get your free copy.
55:47 May God bless you. Have a wonderful Sabbath.
55:54 male announcer: Amazing Facts, changed lives.
56:03 female: My mother passed away when I was three.
56:06 And my paternal grandparents decided they would care
56:10 for my two older sisters and I so that my father
56:14 would have time to mourn.
56:16 We never really had a mother or a strong fatherly figure,
56:20 and I'm not blaming my dad.
56:21 I'm just saying that's how things worked out.
56:26 When I was in high school, my older sister got into
56:31 an argument with our father,
56:34 and my sister and I decided that we would take her side.
56:40 And so, that caused a split in our family.
56:46 For 4 years, we lived in the same house,
56:49 we ate from the same pot, we used the same restroom,
56:52 we walked by each other, but we never said anything
56:55 to our father, and he never said anything to us.
56:59 A year later, I had decided I would move out for college.
57:04 He wasn't very happy with that.
57:06 We got booted out of the house.
57:10 We went back to apologize, but we weren't really accepted back.
57:16 I have felt so alone a lot of my life.
57:20 I felt like I've had to fend more for myself.
57:23 I've been missing a fatherly love.
57:26 I don't have family with me. I don't have a lot of things.
57:36 But I have a God, and I've been fulfilled,
57:40 I've been satisfied.
57:42 God has been my Father.
57:44 ♪♪♪
57:55 announcer: Together, we have spread the gospel much farther
57:58 than ever before.
58:00 Thank you for your support.
58:03 ♪♪♪


Revised 2016-12-20