Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021547A

00:00 [music]
00:12 [music]
00:34 Jëan Ross: Good morning friends.
00:35 I'd like to welcome you all to "Sabbath School Study Hour"
00:38 here at the Granite Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:41 Also a warm welcome to our friends joining us across
00:43 the country and around the world, literally.
00:46 Different countries around the world, part of our
00:48 extended Sabbath School class.
00:51 I'd also like to let our friends watching here in North America
00:54 know about our free offer for today.
00:56 It's a book entitled
00:57 "12 Steps to Revival."
00:59 And we'll be happy to send this to anybody in North America
01:02 who gives us a call on our resource phone number
01:05 and that number is...
01:10 That number again is...
01:14 You can ask for the book "12 Steps for Revival."
01:17 It's offer number 7-8-0.
01:20 Seven hundred and eighty.
01:22 For our international friends, you can read this book for free
01:25 online at
01:28 Well, our lesson for today is lesson number eight,
01:31 entitled, "Josiah's Reforms."
01:34 It's a great study that we're gonna be looking at this morning
01:36 but, before we begin our lesson together,
01:39 I'd like to invite our song leaders to come forward
01:41 and they'll lead us in a few hymns of praise.
01:45 [music]
01:52 Debbie Thompson Kippel: Thank you, Pastor Ross.
01:54 And hello and welcome.
01:56 I know that you guys are ready to sing
01:58 'cause we are here at Granite Bay.
02:01 And we're gonna sing one of your favorites.
02:03 So pull out your hymnals, if you have those at home, and join
02:06 with us, 612, a great rousing song,
02:10 "Onward Christian Soldiers," and we're going to do
02:13 the first, second, and fourth stanza.
02:15 Join with us.
02:17 "Onward Christian Soldiers."
02:19 [music]
02:24 ♪ Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, ♪
02:33 ♪ with the cross of Jesus going on before. ♪
02:41 ♪ Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe; ♪
02:49 ♪ forward into battle see his banners go! ♪
02:57 ♪ Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, ♪
03:05 ♪ with the cross of Jesus going on before. ♪
03:14 ♪ Like a mighty army moves the church of God; ♪
03:22 ♪ Christians, we are treading where the saints have trod. ♪
03:30 ♪ We are not divided, all one body we, ♪
03:38 ♪ one in hope and doctrine, one in charity. ♪
03:47 ♪ Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, ♪
03:54 ♪ with the cross of Jesus going on before. ♪
04:03 Debbie: Number four.
04:05 ♪ Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng, ♪
04:12 ♪ blend with ours your voices in the triumph song. ♪
04:21 ♪ Glory, praise, and honor unto Christ the King, ♪
04:29 ♪ this through countless ages men and angels sing. ♪
04:37 ♪ Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, ♪
04:45 ♪ with the cross of Jesus going on before. ♪
04:58 Debbie: "Onward Christian Soldiers."
05:00 Another one that kind of ties in with that is
05:02 "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go."
05:04 It's another wonderful song found in our hymnal.
05:07 If you're unfamiliar with it, you can learn it right now,
05:10 573, "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go."
05:14 We will sing all three stanzas.
05:16 Join with us.
05:19 [music]
05:24 ♪ It may not be on a mountain's height or over the stormy sea. ♪
05:36 ♪ It may not be at the battle's front ♪
05:42 ♪ my Lord will have need of me. ♪
05:48 ♪ But if, by a still, small voice he calls ♪
05:54 ♪ to paths I do not know, ♪
05:59 ♪ I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine, ♪
06:06 ♪ I'll go where you want me to go. ♪
06:13 ♪ I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, ♪
06:18 ♪ o'er mountain or plain or sea. ♪
06:24 ♪ I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord. ♪
06:31 ♪ I'll be what you want me to be. ♪
06:38 ♪ Perhaps today there are loving words ♪
06:45 ♪ which Jesus would have me speak. ♪
06:51 ♪ There may be now in the paths of sin ♪
06:57 ♪ some wand'rer whom I should seek. ♪
07:03 ♪ O Savior, if thou wilt be my guide, though dark ♪
07:11 ♪ and rugged the way, my voice shall echo the message sweet. ♪
07:23 ♪ I'll say what you want me to say. ♪
07:30 ♪ I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, ♪
07:36 ♪ o'er mountain or plain or sea. ♪
07:41 ♪ I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord. ♪
07:49 ♪ I'll be what you want me to be. ♪
07:56 ♪ There's surely somewhere a lowly place ♪
08:03 ♪ in earth's harvest fields so wide where I may labor ♪
08:12 ♪ through life's short day for Jesus, the Crucified. ♪
08:23 ♪ So trusting my all to thy care, I know thou lovest me. ♪
08:35 ♪ I'll do thy will with a heart sincere. ♪
08:43 ♪ I'll be what you want me to be. ♪
08:50 ♪ I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, ♪
08:56 ♪ o'er mountain or plain or sea. ♪
09:02 ♪ I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord. ♪
09:10 ♪ I'll be what you want me to be. ♪
09:21 Debbie: Thank you so much for singing along with us and,
09:23 before Dr. DeRose brings us our lesson study,
09:26 Pastor Ross is going to have our opening prayer for us.
09:33 Jëan: Dear Father, we thank you for the privilege of being
09:35 able to gather together on this Sabbath to open up your Word and
09:38 to study just a real inspiring story of a king who stood up
09:42 for you and stood up for what was right.
09:45 So we ask your blessing upon our time together today,
09:47 in Jesus' name, amen.
09:49 Our lesson this morning will be brought to us by Dr. DeRose.
09:52 We're looking at lesson number eight in our "Lesson Quarterly"
09:55 on the Book of Jeremiah.
09:56 Thank you, Dr. DeRose.
10:00 David DeRose: Thank you, Pastor Ross.
10:02 It's good to be studying again together.
10:04 And that's right, we're actually two-thirds, what, three-quarters
10:08 of the way through with the lesson series
10:11 on the Book of Jeremiah.
10:12 It's great to have you joining us wherever you're tuning in and
10:16 it's great to have you here in Granite Bay as we study
10:19 lesson eight dealing with Josiah and his amazing reforms.
10:26 Let's dive into the lesson study.
10:27 We start on Sunday being introduced to the reigns of
10:31 Manasseh and Amon.
10:34 And there is a statement here.
10:36 It concludes the first sentence in Sunday's lesson if you're
10:40 following along in the "Quarterly."
10:42 It says, "Human beings-- as human beings
10:46 we are hopelessly subjective.
10:48 We see the world not so much as the world really is but as we
10:52 really are."
10:54 And I'd like to add in keeping with my introduction, "as we've
10:58 been told to see the world by those that we're listening to."
11:03 By what was covered on the latest broadcast.
11:08 The reign of Manasseh.
11:09 What do you know about Manasseh?
11:11 Turn in 2 Chronicles 33.
11:14 2 Chronicles 33 for an amazing reign of an amazing king.
11:21 I say amazing not necessarily in a positive context.
11:24 If you know anything about Manasseh, we're introduced to
11:27 him in 2 Chronicles chapter 33.
11:30 Many of you know that Kings and Chronicles often give parallel
11:34 descriptions and so we're reading now from Chronicles,
11:37 2 Chronicles 33.
11:39 It says in verse 1, "Manasseh was 12 years old when he became
11:43 king and he reigned 55 years in Jerusalem."
11:48 So here we're reading about the longest--the king
11:52 with the longest reign in the history of God's people.
11:55 Fifty-five years.
11:56 And then we read the summary statement of his ministry,
12:01 if you will, ministry.
12:04 Verse 2, "He did evil in the sight of the Lord according to
12:09 the abominations of the nations whom the Lord had cast out
12:13 before the children of Israel."
12:15 And if you wanna read on, you can read on about all
12:17 the terrible things that Manasseh did.
12:21 Now you say, "That's not a sound bite."
12:23 Yes, it's one verse but Manasseh was wicked.
12:26 There's no question about it.
12:28 How long did he reign for?
12:31 Now if you read in the Book of Hebrews, that great hall
12:36 of faith in Hebrews 11, you'll read about specific individuals.
12:41 Maybe we should turn there for a minute in Hebrews 11.
12:45 Many of the great heroes of faith are mentioned by name
12:48 but there is a passing reference that most Bible scholars and
12:52 historians believe refers to Isaiah, there found in Hebrews.
12:59 And it's not a pretty picture.
13:04 In Hebrews 11, as we read through this list of individuals
13:10 who were great heroes of faith, we come to verse 37.
13:14 It says, "They were stoned," speaking of the righteous,
13:19 "they were sawn in two."
13:22 They were sawn in two.
13:25 Do you know who many believe that is a reference to?
13:28 To Isaiah, the prophet Isaiah.
13:30 Jewish tradition, Jewish history, tells us that Isaiah,
13:35 during the reign of Manasseh, was put into a partially
13:41 hollowed log and then Manasseh commanded that they take
13:47 the saw and start sawing through the log with Isaiah in it.
13:55 Isaiah met his end at the hands of Manasseh.
14:01 By the way, this was before the days of chain saws.
14:05 I mean, that's gruesome enough.
14:08 This was with a hand saw, probably a crosscut saw.
14:12 Two men sawing apart the prophet.
14:16 Now I don't care what you think about Manasseh,
14:21 this is gruesome.
14:23 And we don't like to go into too much detail about it and some of
14:26 you think I've already gone into too much detail about it.
14:28 But this is just a picture of what Manasseh was doing
14:32 for 55 years!
14:35 How many of you think there might have been some righteous
14:38 people praying that Manasseh would be removed from office?
14:45 I mean, can you relate to this?
14:47 I don't care if it's a business or a ministry, a church.
14:52 I don't care who's listening in today, who's viewing with us.
14:57 We all can relate to situations where injustice
15:00 is happening in high places.
15:04 And people are praying that there be a change
15:07 and what happens?
15:09 No change happens.
15:12 Fifty-five years.
15:18 But that's not the end of Manasseh's story.
15:22 Perhaps one of the most remarkable stories in the Bible,
15:25 I'm going back to 2 Chronicles, chapter 33.
15:30 Because as we read about all these terrible acts of Manasseh,
15:36 the story actually does not end there.
15:40 We come down to 2 Chronicles chapter 33 and verse 10.
15:46 2 Chronicles 33, verse 10, and I read this, "The Lord spoke
15:50 to Manasseh and his people but they would not listen."
15:56 Come on.
15:58 I mean, God here is trying to speak and they're plugging
16:01 their ears but then verse 11, God is not stopping.
16:04 This is amazing.
16:06 Everybody's given up on Manasseh except one person.
16:10 And who is that?
16:12 It's God.
16:14 God has not given up on Manasseh.
16:16 And in verse 11, it says, "Therefore the Lord brought upon
16:19 them the captains of the army of the king of Assyria who took
16:26 Manasseh with hooks, bound him with bronze fetters,
16:31 and carried him off to Babylon."
16:34 So now, this is before the Babylonian empire.
16:37 The Assyrians are ruling the world and Babylon is
16:40 part of their realm.
16:41 And the Assyrians, we are told, had an interesting practice.
16:45 Now, today, it may be popular to pierce certain body parts.
16:52 But in that day, if your nose was pierced, this was generally
16:56 not a good thing, especially if the Assyrians
16:59 had just conquered you.
17:01 They would pierce your nose, put a ring in your nose, and then
17:05 they would pull you with chains.
17:07 This is what the reference is to what was happening
17:09 with Manasseh.
17:12 So Manasseh who was ruling, undisputed ruler for decades,
17:17 now comes under the power of the enemy.
17:20 And lo and behold, look what happens.
17:24 In verse 12, 2 Chronicles 33, "Now when he was in affliction,
17:31 he implored the Lord his God--"
17:36 When did he become his God?
17:40 Suggest to you he was his God all along.
17:44 We're all God's children, whether we recognize it or not.
17:49 "And he calls on his God and he humbles himself greatly
17:54 before the God of his fathers.
17:57 And he prays to him and he received his entreaty."
18:00 Now we're speaking of God.
18:02 "God hears his supplication, he brings him back to Jerusalem,
18:06 then Manasseh knew that the Lord was God."
18:10 Amazing!
18:12 Amazing story.
18:14 And I'll tell you, this story gives me hope because all of us
18:19 have messed up, haven't we?
18:21 Every one of us.
18:22 We've all messed up.
18:24 And the message to us as we read this opening story in the series
18:27 is it doesn't matter what you've done, God is willing to be...
18:35 be gracious to you.
18:39 Not willing, he is gracious to you.
18:42 And he's just asking us to call out to him.
18:45 You know, there are so many verses that talk about this in
18:47 the Bible.
18:49 Turn in your Bibles to Psalm 130.
18:51 It's in both the Old Testament as well as the New.
18:53 Some misunderstand the God who acted in the Old Testament.
18:57 By the way, it's the same God who acted in the New.
18:59 You remember Jesus himself said, "If you've seen me, you've seen
19:02 the Father."
19:03 It's not someone different acting in the Old Testament.
19:05 God acts in the most gentle ways possible to get our attention.
19:12 For 55 years, well, not quite that because Manasseh was
19:17 still on the throne, but for many decades, God was appealing
19:20 to Manasseh to repent and he wouldn't listen.
19:23 What did it finally take?
19:25 It finally took God allowing the enemy to overrun the country,
19:30 put a ring through his nose, and drag him hundreds of miles
19:34 to Babylon.
19:36 Now I hope it doesn't take that much for God to get
19:40 my attention, right?
19:42 We all wanna say, "Well, not me.
19:44 You know, it's not--I'm listening.
19:46 I'm listening."
19:47 But all of us have those blinders, right?
19:50 And those ear plugs and that selective hearing
19:53 and those sound bites that we're focused on.
19:56 "Well, this happened in my life.
19:57 This--" Manasseh's life is saying, "Be careful."
20:03 I'm turning to Psalm chapter 130.
20:06 Psalm 130.
20:08 And this is really illustrating the kind of God that is pictured
20:16 in both the Old and the New, Psalm 130, verse 1,
20:21 "Out of the depths I have cried to you, O Lord.
20:24 Lord, hear my voice.
20:26 Let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.
20:30 If you, Lord, should mark iniquities,
20:32 O Lord, who could stand?"
20:34 I mean, if all God's interested in doing is counting where
20:37 we've messed up, we're all lost.
20:39 But it doesn't stop there.
20:41 Verse 4, "But there is forgiveness with you,
20:46 that you may be feared."
20:48 That you may be respected.
20:50 So today the message, just like it came to Manasseh, is that
20:53 there's forgiveness with the God who I can look to this morning.
20:57 Who I do choose to look to this morning.
21:00 Who we collectively look to when we read the Word.
21:02 Look at verse 5.
21:04 Do you have this spirit that the Psalmist had?
21:07 "I wait for the Lord.
21:08 My soul waits and in his Word, I do hope."
21:13 Do you have that spirit?
21:15 Or are you impatient?
21:17 I mean, I've gotta be honest with you.
21:19 It's easy to be impatient.
21:22 I find it easy to be impatient.
21:24 How about you?
21:26 I mean, we're in a culture that basically tells us you can have
21:29 anything at the snap of a finger or at the push of a button.
21:33 I mean, how easy is it today?
21:35 I mean, you have a question, what do you do?
21:38 You google it, right?
21:40 Or, you know, you get on your smartphone or you pull out
21:43 your tablet. It's right there.
21:45 I mean, some of you are like me and you don't have as much hair
21:49 as you used to have or maybe it's not the same color it was
21:53 some years ago and we remember--I mean, it was hard
21:56 work to research things.
21:58 I can remember doing medical research years ago and I'd be in
22:02 the medical library, pulling out volumes of Index Medicus that
22:07 had all the, you know, summaries of different articles and we're
22:10 wading through all this.
22:13 But today, you just type a couple of keys.
22:16 So we're used to having everything right away, right?
22:19 How do you feel when that car pulls in front of you?
22:23 One lane road and he's going 1 mile under the speed limit.
22:31 Some of you can relate.
22:32 Okay, so we're an impatient society but here's what
22:35 the Psalmist says.
22:37 Psalm 130, verse 5, "I wait for the Lord.
22:41 My soul waits and in his Word I do hope."
22:46 Let's jump in our "Quarterly," because it's a perfect segue,
22:51 to go to Monday's lesson.
22:53 Because there was someone else dealing with some of this
22:55 very same problem.
22:57 Manasseh reigns for 55 years.
23:01 He converts, he repents, but his son, Amon,
23:07 doesn't follow the repentant ways of Manasseh.
23:12 He jumps right back into the same life of sin.
23:15 And you might say, "Well, why doesn't God give him 55 years?
23:18 He only gets two."
23:21 Check me out.
23:23 Is that right?
23:25 Did he get a few more than that?
23:28 I'm turning in my Bible, this time to 2 Kings.
23:32 That's the parallel account that we've been looking at in
23:35 2 Chronicles so I'm turning to 2 Kings and in 2 Kings we wanna
23:40 see just how long Amon was on the throne.
23:44 We're perplexed, especially if we'd been living in that day,
23:47 wondering how--how God was so patient with Manasseh.
23:52 But now here's Amon, 2 Kings chapter 21, verse 19.
23:56 It said, "He was 22 years old when he became king and he
24:00 reigned," how long?
24:02 Two years.
24:04 "Two years in Jerusalem."
24:06 And in verse 20 of 2 Kings chapter 21, it says, "He did
24:12 evil in the sight of the Lord as his father Manasseh had done, so
24:16 he walked in all the ways that his father had walked; and he
24:19 served the idols that his father had served, and worshiped them."
24:27 God's forgiveness is abundant.
24:31 Jesus said, "Whosoever will let him come to me," right?
24:37 He who comes to me I'll in no wise cast out.
24:40 Come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden,
24:43 I have rest for you."
24:45 So we have these wonderful promises.
24:47 When we find ourselves like Manasseh, bound with the cords
24:53 of our own sin, there is abundant forgiveness with God.
24:58 But listen carefully.
25:00 Listen carefully.
25:02 God's mercy should never be an excuse for sin.
25:07 You see the difference?
25:09 When we see ourselves as sinners, there is forgiveness
25:12 with God.
25:13 But we can never say, "Oh, you know, I'm really being tempted.
25:16 Well, I must as well just give in 'cause God is abundant
25:18 and merciful.
25:20 You know, he's so kind, I can just mess up and God's gonna
25:22 forgive me."
25:23 That, brothers and sisters, is very, very dangerous ground.
25:28 Very dangerous ground.
25:30 And maybe Amon--maybe Amon fell into that very same trap.
25:35 Listen.
25:36 How old was he when he took the throne?
25:39 Twenty-two.
25:41 Twenty-two, think about it.
25:43 I mean, his dad reigned for how long?
25:45 Fifty-five years.
25:46 How long do people live?
25:48 I mean, we live a--I mean, even back then, I mean, people
25:50 don't die when they're 24.
25:52 Have a good time now, right?
25:54 You're young.
25:56 By the way, all of you, whether you're sitting here or whether
25:59 you're viewing, you are much younger right now than
26:02 you'll ever be.
26:04 Now, some of you are saying, "Not much younger than I'll ever
26:07 be because, you know, in a few minutes
26:09 I'm just a few minutes older."
26:11 But we're never gonna get any younger.
26:13 And we can all tell ourselves that we have a whole bunch more
26:16 time ahead of us.
26:17 So I don't know if that was Amon's problem.
26:19 If he felt he could just have a good time like the world
26:21 promises a good time.
26:23 But it turns out, 2 years into his reign, some of his own
26:27 servants kill him.
26:29 Kill him.
26:31 He's done.
26:32 It's over.
26:37 That's the context for 2 Kings 22.
26:40 2 Kings 22, verse 1, says, "Josiah was 8 years old when
26:47 he became king and he reigned 31 years in Jerusalem."
26:53 Now as all this is going on and we're struggling about why God
26:58 acts the way he does or why he doesn't act when we think he
27:01 should, someone else who was a contemporary of Josiah was
27:06 struggling with the very same thing.
27:08 And he's brought to light in Monday's lesson.
27:11 This is the prophet Habakkuk.
27:13 So if you turn in your Bibles to that small little book toward
27:17 the end of the Old Testament:
27:20 Habakkuk, a contemporary of Josiah.
27:25 By the way, so was Zephaniah.
27:29 Zephaniah and Habakkuk, two books that are right close
27:32 together--they're right next to each other in
27:33 the Old Testament--are speaking of this same era.
27:38 When Habakkuk's book opens, it does not date the book,
27:42 but if you turn one book later to Zephaniah, you do see that
27:46 Zephaniah's book is dated.
27:48 So just to keep you on your toes, I've jumped quickly over
27:51 to Zephaniah chapter 1, verse 1.
27:54 Zephaniah 1, verse 1, book right after Habakkuk.
27:58 "The Word of the Lord which came to Zephaniah the son of Cushi,
28:02 the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hezekiah,
28:07 in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah."
28:10 So these two books, Habakkuk and Zephaniah, were written
28:14 during Josiah's reign.
28:17 And I want you to notice how Habakkuk's book opens up.
28:21 It opens up with this very same issue
28:23 that we've been talking about. Listen.
28:25 Verse 2, "O Lord, how long shall I cry, and you will not hear?"
28:31 I mean, this is the experience of the children of Israel
28:34 largely under the reigns of Manasseh and Amon.
28:38 The righteous were crying and it seemed like God
28:41 had his ears plugged.
28:42 But were God's ears plugged?
28:45 Not at all, not at all.
28:48 "How long do I cry out to you," I'm in verse 2, "'Violence!'
28:54 And you will not save."
28:56 Verse 3 of Habakkuk 1, "Why do you show me iniquity,
28:59 and cause me to see trouble?
29:01 For plundering and violence are before me; there is strife;
29:03 contention arises.
29:05 Therefore the law is powerless, and justice never goes forth.
29:09 For the wicked surround the righteous;
29:11 therefore perverse judgment proceeds."
29:14 This is like a summary
29:16 of Manasseh's reign and Amon's reign.
29:20 Why isn't God doing anything?
29:22 If you read a little further in Habakkuk,
29:26 God speaks to Habakkuk.
29:29 He says, "I haven't forgotten.
29:31 I know exactly what's going on and I am going to
29:34 bring judgment."
29:36 He says, "I am bringing Babylon to judge."
29:39 And when Habakkuk hears that, Habakkuk knew about Babylon.
29:44 These were not necessarily your nice next-door neighbors,
29:47 you understand?
29:48 The Assyrians and the Babylonians were not, you know,
29:51 warm, kind, loving people.
29:53 They were powerful oppressors.
29:56 And then Habakkuk changes his argument.
29:59 He says, "God, how are you gonna allow the wicked
30:02 to oppress the righteous?"
30:05 We don't have time to study Habakkuk's whole book but since
30:07 it was introduced in this lesson, I've gotta share with
30:11 you two verses that crystallize Habakkuk's experience.
30:14 In Habakkuk 2, these words come to Habakkuk.
30:18 Words quoted often, more than once in the New Testament.
30:24 Habakkuk 2, verse 4, "Behold the proud, his soul is not upright
30:29 in him; but the just shall live by his faith."
30:37 You heard that before, haven't you?
30:40 And then the closing words of Habakkuk.
30:44 I love the closing words of Habakkuk.
30:48 This is Habakkuk's experience.
30:50 Now after struggling with God,
30:52 "Why don't you act the way I want?
30:53 When I need you, why don't you show up?
30:55 Why, when bad things are happening, don't you--
30:57 why, why, why, why?"
31:00 Can you relate?
31:02 I mean, I've been there.
31:04 And maybe you're there right now.
31:06 You're wondering why the person next to you is rejoicing that
31:10 God's done something wonderful for them this last week
31:12 and you feel what?
31:14 "Well, why hasn't God done that for me?
31:17 Why hasn't God done that for me?"
31:19 Here's what Habakkuk concluded at the end of his book.
31:21 Verse 17, he's speaking about this walk of faith that I
31:25 believe as we're studying this lesson, God wants to deepen in
31:30 us our faith walk.
31:35 Habakkuk 3 beginning with verse 17, "Though the fig tree may not
31:40 blossom, nor fruit be on the vines."
31:42 Now remember, there's an agricultural context, okay?
31:46 It's an agricultural society.
31:49 Fig trees, no fruit.
31:52 No fruit on the vines.
31:53 "The labor of the olive may fail, the fields yield no food;
31:58 though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be
32:02 no herd in the stalls--" I mean this is total economic failure.
32:07 I don't know how you wanna contemporize this but you
32:10 could say, all the, you know, oil resource are gone.
32:13 None of the cars are running.
32:15 All of our industry has shut own.
32:17 All of the service sector has been wiped out.
32:19 All the banks have folded.
32:21 I mean, this is what he's talking about and what is
32:23 Habakkuk gonna say in this context?
32:26 Verse 18, "Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
32:31 I will joy in the God of my salvation."
32:35 What is he rejoicing in?
32:38 He's rejoicing in who God is.
32:41 So we struggle because we see things around us, we can't
32:44 explain it but Habakkuk's saying when God pulls back the curtain,
32:48 even though it seems to sometimes bring up more
32:50 questions than it answers, he's asking us to share
32:53 that experience.
32:55 I don't understand what's happening in my life, Lord.
32:57 I don't know why this is happening but I'm gonna trust
33:00 in the God of what?
33:01 My salvation.
33:03 God is your Savior.
33:05 God has given everything for you in his Son.
33:07 How can we question?
33:09 It's what Paul said, "How can we question what's happening
33:12 when we see what God has done for us?"
33:14 Well, that's the background of Josiah's ministry and, maybe
33:18 before we go there, I should just to make this a little bit
33:21 more--this lesson story is really on the edge, I think.
33:26 Do any of you know--did any of you catch in 2 Chronicles 33,
33:30 how old Manasseh was when he began to reign?
33:35 Did any of you catch that?
33:37 How old was he?
33:39 He was 12.
33:41 This is an extremely important detail that many casual
33:46 Bible readers miss.
33:48 Turn to 2 Kings chapter 20.
33:51 2 Kings chapter 20.
33:57 I think the Bible wants to make us uncomfortable
34:03 with our own supposed wisdom.
34:06 We think we know just how things should happen but it's not
34:10 that way at all.
34:13 2 Kings chapter 20 is the story of King Hezekiah
34:19 on his death bed.
34:22 In 2 Kings 20, verse 1, Isaiah is given a message from God
34:29 to Hezekiah.
34:30 By the way, good king Hezekiah.
34:33 "Set your house in order, for you shall die, and not live."
34:38 And what does Hezekiah do?
34:43 He weeps, he mourns, he beseeches God.
34:46 And what does God do?
34:49 Look at verse 6, "I will add to your days 15 years."
34:57 How many of you know whose son Manasseh was?
35:05 Who was Manasseh's father?
35:07 It was Hezekiah.
35:09 How old was Manasseh when he began to reign?
35:13 He was 12.
35:15 How many of you are doing the math?
35:18 If Hezekiah had died when God said it was time for him to die,
35:25 there would have been no Manasseh.
35:29 There would have been no Manasseh.
35:32 Wow, just for the faith of Hezekiah.
35:35 You know, if someone's just on their death bed
35:37 and we could pray and they'd just be raised up.
35:39 Praise the Lord for people like Hezekiah?
35:46 It's starting to feel a little uncomfortable.
35:49 I mean, we know what God's supposed to do, right,
35:51 when we pray for healing.
35:53 I was reminded of this just a week or two ago.
35:56 One of the people that I work with came up to me and I don't
36:02 make a special attempt to pray in public but I'm often praying
36:07 with my patients.
36:09 And one of the workers came up to me.
36:11 I was somewhat surprised. She said, "Dr. DeRose,
36:13 would you pray for one of my family members?"
36:16 And I said, "Well, what's going on with your family member?"
36:20 And as I listened to the story, it was a family member,
36:23 a young child who had a congenital problem
36:28 so they were born with this.
36:30 And as I listened to the story, you know, I'm thinking, "Well,
36:33 this is--I mean, the only way something like this could be
36:37 helped is by a miracle for sure."
36:40 So what do you pray in a situation like that?
36:44 And I'd been in this situation many times and there's two
36:47 things that I think we have to wrestle with.
36:50 One is: Could God heal something that humans cannot heal?
36:55 Is that possible? No question.
36:57 We just had the story of Hezekiah.
36:59 That's a good example.
37:02 But at the same time, does God want us to dictate to him
37:06 what should happen?
37:09 You remember Jesus' attitude.
37:12 Jesus, basically, had the same revelation that Hezekiah had.
37:16 Are you aware of that?
37:18 Jesus, as he was approaching the cross, knew that his hour
37:22 had come to die.
37:25 Same message that Hezekiah had.
37:27 And Jesus, did he struggle with that?
37:29 Did he weep over it?
37:31 Now, he wasn't just dealing with human death.
37:33 He was bearing the sins of the whole world, okay?
37:35 There's no comparison between Jesus and Hezekiah.
37:38 But Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane is wrestling with his
37:42 fate and what does he pray?
37:45 "Not my will but yours be done."
37:48 He says, "Lord, remove this cup from me."
37:50 That's his desire, that's his heart desire but he says,
37:52 "But not my will but your will be done," right?
37:55 Does Hezekiah pray that prayer?
37:58 God in his mercy answers Hezekiah's prayer
38:05 the way he prayed it.
38:08 And in eternity I wonder what Hezekiah is going to say
38:12 about that prayer?
38:15 I mean, these are sobering stories.
38:18 God's not answering your prayer.
38:20 Well, maybe we should praise the Lord.
38:23 God's not answering my prayer?
38:25 Well, maybe I should be praising the Lord.
38:26 Even if I'm tempted to say, "Why aren't you acting, God?"
38:30 Are you following along with me?
38:34 Well, now comes Josiah.
38:37 You say, "Dr. DeRose,
38:39 we've been--you've been looking at so much background
38:41 and the focus is on the great king Josiah."
38:44 Well, we're there.
38:47 He's 8 years old when he begins to reign and who was his dad?
38:51 Amon.
38:53 Wicked Amon.
38:55 I mean, 8 years old.
38:57 I mean, what kind of hope is there for this guy?
38:59 You say, "But wait.
39:01 Think about it. Let's do the math.
39:03 You know, Amon didn't reign all that long.
39:04 Manasseh in his last years was converted.
39:06 Maybe, maybe Josiah came under the good influence of
39:10 his grandfather Manasseh after he repented."
39:13 Is that possible?
39:15 Well, before you think that influence was all that great,
39:19 no really.
39:21 I'm in 2 Kings.
39:23 We're gonna talk about the great reforms of Josiah shortly but
39:28 look at 2 Kings 23.
39:30 I just want to give you a picture of what took place
39:34 18 years after Josiah had ascended to the throne.
39:39 That's where we're jumping in 2 Kings chapter 23, if you're
39:42 following the chronology.
39:44 So he's 26 now during this great time of reform.
39:47 And listen what he does in verse 12.
39:51 He's cleaning out the Holy Land, if you will,
39:55 not just Judah and Benjamin.
39:57 Verse 12, "The altars that were on the roof," speaking of
40:01 the holy places there in Jerusalem.
40:06 He cleans those up and it says in verse 12, "The altars which
40:10 Manasseh had made in the two courts of the house of the Lord,
40:15 the king," breaks those down.
40:17 Do you understand when this is happening?
40:20 This is happening 18 years into Josiah's reign.
40:24 There are still idols that Manasseh still had in
40:28 the temple, okay?
40:30 You say, "This is all messed up.
40:33 How can someone repent and still have their idols up?
40:35 I mean, how could that happen?"
40:37 If you want an interesting study, read about the good kings
40:40 of Israel.
40:41 And a number of the good kings, after the chronicler describes
40:46 how good the king was, it says,
40:48 "But the high places were not removed."
40:51 How could that happen?
40:53 Wait!
40:55 Wait a minute.
40:56 That religious leader has idols in the house?
41:01 We have nothing to do with 'em.
41:03 They're not following God, right?
41:04 Idols?
41:06 Sound bite mentality, right?
41:09 You look at one thing, you find something wrong.
41:11 I know that person's bad, this person's good.
41:13 Until you realize that they sometimes made
41:15 some mistakes too.
41:17 Maybe even some that affected you.
41:19 I would like to suggest to you what we're reading about here is
41:23 something that is not--you know,
41:27 some people have put it this way.
41:29 I know I'm interrupting myself in mid-sentence but we don't
41:34 have our children meeting with us typically in
41:38 the adult class here.
41:40 Now I know there are some people younger in years but some of you
41:42 may say, "It's a good thing.
41:45 We're glad you're not teaching, you know, our young children,
41:47 Dr. DeRose, because this would be very unsettling."
41:50 You know, we try to sanitize all the Bible stories.
41:54 But I'm not sure we're doing anyone a favor by doing that,
41:57 okay?
41:58 God wants to build resiliency in his people.
42:01 He wants us to have that faith that Habakkuk had so we can
42:05 rejoice in God in the midst of difficulties.
42:08 Well, let's go to Josiah and look at him a little bit more
42:11 because he is the focal point of our lesson.
42:14 So I'm going back to 2 Kings chapter 22.
42:18 This 8-year-old boy begins to reign.
42:21 And in verse 2 of 2 Kings chapter 22, it says, "He did
42:26 what was right in the sight of the Lord and walked in all
42:29 the ways of his father David.
42:31 He did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left."
42:35 Now this is the kind of man we want on the throne, right?
42:38 Amazing things happen.
42:41 There's more details in Chronicles but in 2 Kings,
42:45 things jump right into his 18th year, so when he's 26.
42:52 And of some of the reforms that happen in the temple.
42:55 And maybe we will just jump right there because
43:00 some amazing things happen.
43:02 The temple has been desecrated by a series of rulers and Josiah
43:08 begins to commission work to be done on the house of the Lord.
43:13 By the way, he's still a young man.
43:16 And if you read the account in 2 Chronicles, you'll see his
43:21 conversion, really heartfelt, you know, powerful focus
43:26 on doing right was surely in place by the time he was 16.
43:31 But here in verse 8, we read about an amazing thing
43:36 that happens.
43:38 Hilkiah the high priest, as they're cleaning out the temple,
43:41 says to Shaphan the scribe--I'm in 2 Kings 22, verse 8, "'I have
43:46 found the Book of the Law in the house of the Lord.'
43:50 And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan, and he read it.
43:54 So Shaphan the scribe went to the king, bringing the king
43:58 word, saying, 'Your servants have gathered the money that was
44:01 found in the house,'" et cetera, et cetera, but in verse 10,
44:04 after he gives, you know, the preliminaries, "We're doing
44:06 just what you told us to do," he says, "But," verse 10,
44:08 "we have found a book.
44:12 And Shaphan reads it before the king."
44:15 Verse 11, "Now it happened, when the king heard the words of
44:20 the Book of the Law, that he tore his clothes."
44:25 There's a lot of discussion among commentators about what
44:28 just that Book of the Law was.
44:30 Sometimes that term Book of the Law or Books of the Law could
44:32 refer to all the books of Moses.
44:37 It clearly contextually refers at least to the Book of
44:41 Deuteronomy, at least.
44:42 Many commentators believe it was just the Book of Deuteronomy.
44:45 And I tend to think that's the most compelling argument because
44:50 you'll see that multiple times this book is read.
44:53 I don't get the sense as there's public readings of this book and
44:56 it's read before king Josiah that it was likely the entire
45:01 five books of Moses but you could say,
45:04 "That's just conjecture, Dr. DeRose.
45:05 You're welcome to your own opinion."
45:07 Well, that is true.
45:09 So I can't make an ironclad case for it.
45:11 But we know based on what happens that at least part of
45:15 what's being called into focus is Deuteronomy.
45:18 Turn there in Deuteronomy just quickly to get a feel for what
45:21 likely was so impressive on the mind of Josiah.
45:26 Because Deuteronomy spells out some very profound blessings
45:31 and curses.
45:34 Blessings and curses.
45:35 Maybe a good place to pick this up is Deuteronomy 27.
45:39 Deuteronomy 27.
45:44 There were two mountains that faced each other in
45:46 the Holy Land: Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal.
45:49 Six of the tribes were on one mount, six on the other, and
45:52 they were to, what do we call it?
45:55 Antiphonally, you know, speaking back and forth, read these
45:59 blessings and these curses.
46:01 It was to be an enacted parable, if you will.
46:04 And so the blessings are spoken from one mount and the curses
46:08 from the other and listen to some of the curses in
46:10 Deuteronomy 27, what the curse comes on.
46:15 Verse 16 of Deuteronomy 27, "'Cursed is the one who treats
46:19 his father or his mother with contempt.'
46:22 And all the people shall say, 'Amen!'
46:24 'Cursed is the one who moves his neighbor's landmark.'
46:28 And all the people shall say, 'Amen!'
46:30 'Cursed is the one who makes the blind to wander off the road.'"
46:34 You're getting the picture here.
46:36 It's speaking about family injustices.
46:39 It's speaking about social injustices.
46:42 Just the kind of things that Habakkuk and Zephaniah
46:45 were mourning over.
46:47 Just the kind of things that were happening.
46:49 And so Josiah reads this.
46:50 It's being read to him.
46:53 And he hears what actually is a judgment on all that his people
46:58 have been doing.
47:00 Even though he had started reforms, those reforms really
47:04 don't get the full head of steam that they needed until the 18th
47:09 year of his reign when he's 26 and he hears these words of
47:13 the Book of Deuteronomy.
47:15 Think about it. This guy's just a kid.
47:17 I mean, would we let a 26-year-old be president of
47:21 the United States?
47:22 No, constitutionally they cannot.
47:25 I mean, he's 8 years old.
47:28 He's on the throne.
47:30 I mean, what does this little kid know?
47:32 Sixteen, turning to God with all his heart.
47:34 He's nobody.
47:38 We're not done with the plot in 2 Kings so back to 2 Kings.
47:44 Because there's more that should make us a bit uncomfortable.
47:49 And by the way, the more uncomfortable we get, maybe I
47:53 should just remind ourselves.
47:56 If you've been studying through this lesson, we're gonna come
47:59 back to 2 Kings in just a moment.
48:01 Turn to Jeremiah, that's really the focus of this whole
48:04 quarter and you say, "Well, there's not much from Jeremiah
48:07 in this lesson."
48:09 Some of you are perplexed.
48:11 You're scratching your head.
48:13 "How is this studying Jeremiah?"
48:15 The lesson, if you've noticed, as we look at the great themes
48:17 of Jeremiah, it bounces between historical things happening and
48:20 statements in the Book of Jeremiah.
48:23 I am going to Jeremiah 9.
48:25 By the way, this was the key text in last week's lesson.
48:28 But I would suggest to you that what we're reading this week is
48:32 about an illustration of what Jeremiah has early in his book.
48:36 Jeremiah chapter 9 beginning with verse 23.
48:42 Jeremiah 9, verse 23, "'Let not the wise man glory in his
48:47 wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, let not the
48:53 rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in
48:59 this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord,
49:04 exercising loving kindness, judgment, and righteousness
49:08 in the earth.
49:09 For in these I delight,' says the Lord."
49:13 I would suggest to you as we're going through this history in
49:17 the time of Jeremiah and, by the way, Jeremiah began
49:22 his prophetic ministry in the 13th year of Josiah's reign.
49:29 You can see it right there in Jeremiah 1.
49:33 So he's active in ministry.
49:36 Habakkuk in ministry, Zephaniah in ministry.
49:40 They're speaking--canonical prophets speaking to God's
49:44 people and reminding us where should our trust be?
49:50 "I know how it should happen.
49:52 Don't you?
49:53 I know how God should act."
49:54 Whose wisdom is that?
49:56 That's my wisdom.
49:58 Listen, I've got the power now.
50:00 I can take care of things.
50:01 I'm gonna set everything right 'cause I--they've given me
50:03 this vote of confidence in the church.
50:05 By the way, I don't have any formal position in this church,
50:07 if you were worried.
50:09 But, you know, people have said that.
50:10 They're in a leadership position now we're gonna do things.
50:13 By the way, there are other people telling you, once they
50:15 get a leadership position, all that they'll do.
50:17 You understand.
50:18 But it's not might, it's not power.
50:21 It's not wisdom.
50:22 What is it that God values?
50:25 It's a humble dependence on God.
50:31 Josiah has that spirit and, as he reads this, another part
50:38 of the story in 2 Kings that challenges us is who Josiah
50:45 calls on to see if God's judgments might be averted.
50:51 Remember, we've already seen Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Jeremiah,
50:56 prophesying during this time.
50:57 Who does Josiah call on?
51:00 Who do the leading men of the kingdom call on to see
51:03 if judgment can be averted?
51:05 They call on Huldah the prophetess.
51:09 Very interesting, isn't it?
51:12 Huldah, a prophetess.
51:15 By the way, some of you are concerned about how women are
51:20 treated in our society still,
51:22 in spite of the progress that's been made
51:24 over the last century.
51:25 And I can empathize with you.
51:29 There are still things that aren't right.
51:32 But women in that culture were not regarded very highly at all.
51:38 And so the prophetic message that spurs Josiah's reform
51:44 comes through Huldah.
51:46 And what does Josiah do?
51:48 God says it's too far--things are too far gone.
51:52 Babylon's still gonna conquer.
51:54 But I'm gonna be merciful to you.
51:58 And when Josiah hears that, actually that's what's not
52:02 mentioned between Wednesday and Thursday's lesson, when it's
52:07 speaking about this, there is a quote from the book,
52:10 "Prophets and Kings," at the bottom of Wednesday's lesson
52:12 and another quote at the top of Thursday's lesson.
52:15 What it doesn't mention is between those two quotes,
52:18 is the statement in 2 Kings 22, verses 19 and 20 where God,
52:23 through Huldah, says he's gonna be merciful to Josiah.
52:27 And when Josiah hears that, he says, "Yes, God's judgments may
52:29 not be averted but God is gonna be merciful when we try to act
52:33 in harmony with him."
52:35 And so he causes this great reform to be enacted.
52:39 And it brings us back to the very beginnings of the fall of
52:43 the northern kingdoms.
52:44 You remember, king Rehoboam in 1 Kings 13 put up idolatrous
52:49 altars in Bethel and a man of God came and said, "Josiah is
52:54 gonna pull down this altar and he's gonna burn bones on this
52:57 altar," hundreds of years before it happened.
52:59 And who shows up on the scene
53:01 and in the 18th year of his reign?
53:03 You read about it there in 2 Kings 22.
53:06 Josiah pulls that altar down that who had erected?
53:11 Jeroboam, king Jeroboam of the northern tribes.
53:15 You say, "Well, you're just whizzing through all this.
53:17 How can we get all that?"
53:19 That's why the Bible is such a deep well.
53:21 But you know how Josiah's life ends?
53:24 Let's look at it.
53:25 2 Chronicles 34, he does all these tremendous reforms.
53:29 God's people are again given hope.
53:34 Josiah has a great Passover in 2 Chronicles 35.
53:38 But Josiah dies at the end of 2 Chronicles 35.
53:45 The king of Egypt, Pharaoh Necho, is on his way to do
53:50 battle with the Babylonians.
53:53 He's apparently in league with the Assyrians whose kingdom
53:56 is waning.
53:57 And the pharaoh tells Josiah in verse 21 of 2 Chronicles 35,
54:04 that God has given him a message, telling Josiah
54:09 not to mess with him.
54:10 Oh, c'mon.
54:12 Josiah, God's been leading him all his life.
54:14 And now this heathen king is saying God gave him a message
54:16 for him? C'mon, right.
54:18 Josiah goes out to battle.
54:20 What happens?"
54:21 He's killed.
54:24 Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom.
54:28 Let not the rich man boast in his riches.
54:31 Let not the mighty man boast in his might.
54:34 But what shall we boast in?
54:36 That there's a God on his throne.
54:39 That's what Josiah's reform tells me.
54:42 When we harmonize with that God, we're blessed.
54:45 When we trust in our own judgment,
54:48 it's a different story.
54:50 If you didn't catch it when we began, free offer number 780,
54:54 "12 Steps to Revival."
54:56 You want more about what Josiah did, the essence is right here.
54:59 Offer 780...
55:05 Let's pray together.
55:08 Father in heaven, thank you for your mighty word,
55:12 for your mighty power.
55:14 May we trust you and follow you all the days of our lives
55:18 in Jesus' name, amen.
55:21 [music]
55:31 [music]
55:34 Doug Batchelor: Hi, friends, this is Pastor Doug Batchelor.
55:37 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
55:39 More and more of the world is turning now to natural forms
55:42 of energy to try and find their power.
55:44 And they're resorting to things like the wind farm that we have
55:47 here in Jamaica at Wigton.
55:48 You know, I remember years ago my wife and I going to visit
55:52 the Big Island of Hawaii and we were amazed at all the potential
55:55 there for natural power.
55:56 But they weren't using it.
55:58 There at the south part of the island,
56:00 there was volcanic activity.
56:02 You can make geothermal power there.
56:05 If you went to Waimea, the wind was constantly blowing.
56:08 But they had no windmills there.
56:10 If you went over to Kona, sun always shines.
56:13 Solar electric.
56:14 But they didn't have very much solar electric there.
56:17 And if you went to Hilo, it was always raining.
56:19 Hydro electric.
56:21 And in spite of all that potential for power there on the
56:23 Big Island of Hawaii, they were powering the island back then
56:26 with dirty diesel generators.
56:29 Made me think about how we sometimes waste the power of
56:32 God's Spirit that he's making available to us and each of us
56:34 can have that Spirit if we simply ask.
56:37 You can read in Zechariah chapter 10; what do we do?
56:40 Ask of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain and he
56:43 will send flashing clouds.
56:45 Jesus also said in the Book of Luke, "If you then being evil
56:49 know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more
56:52 will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit
56:55 to them that ask?"
56:57 When you look in the Book of Acts when the Holy Spirit was
57:00 poured out, it says there was a sound of a mighty rushing wind.
57:04 And that power that launched the church back then, can still
57:07 power your life today, friends.
57:08 So why don't you ask him?
57:12 [music]
57:19 [music]
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Revised 2015-11-18