Sabbath School Study Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSH

Program Code: SSH021545A

00:00 [music]
00:12 [music]
00:22 [music]
00:32 Jean Ross: Good morning, friends,
00:33 and welcome again to "Sabbath School Study Hour."
00:36 A very warm welcome to our friends joining us
00:38 across the country and around the world,
00:39 also to our online members who faithfully tune in
00:42 every Sabbath to join us as we study together,
00:45 also to our church members here in Sacramento area.
00:48 A very warm welcome to you.
00:50 We know we have some visitors that have come from,
00:52 oh, quite a distance to be with us this morning,
00:54 and a very special and warm welcome to all of you.
00:57 Our study today is lesson number six, entitled symbols--
01:02 or "Symbolic Acts" is what it's called, and we're studying
01:05 through our lesson, courtly dealing with the book
01:07 of Jeremiah, the prophet.
01:09 Just a great study that we've been going through.
01:12 We do have a free offer we would like to let you know about.
01:15 It is a--something a little different about this offer.
01:17 This is "Prophecy Foundations" DVD.
01:21 For our friends watching across North America, if you'd like
01:24 to receive our free offer, the number to call is...
01:31 That number again is...
01:36 and you can ask for offer 814.
01:40 We'll be happy to send that to you, called
01:41 "Prophecies Foundation" DVD set.
01:45 Well, at this time I'd like to invite our song leaders
01:47 to come and join me here on stage.
01:49 And we're going to begin our study time together
01:51 by lifting our voices in praise to God.
01:53 Thank you.
01:58 Jolyne Simler: Thank you, Pastor Ross.
02:00 We know that you love to sing with us as much as we love
02:02 to sing with you by the emails that we receive.
02:05 So let's sing together "Anywhere with Jesus"
02:08 hymn number 508, and we'll sing all three verses.
02:13 [music]
02:18 ♪ Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go ♪
02:23 ♪ anywhere he leads me in this world below ♪
02:28 ♪ Anywhere without him, dearest joys would fade ♪
02:33 ♪ Anywhere with Jesus I am not afraid ♪
02:37 ♪ Anywhere, anywhere, fear I cannot know ♪
02:43 ♪ Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go ♪
02:49 ♪ Anywhere with Jesus I am not alone ♪
02:54 ♪ Other friends may fail me, he is still my own ♪
02:59 ♪ Though his hand may lead me over dreary ways ♪
03:03 ♪ anywhere with Jesus is a house of praise ♪
03:08 ♪ Anywhere, anywhere, fear I cannot know ♪
03:14 ♪ Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go ♪
03:20 ♪ Anywhere with Jesus I can go to sleep ♪
03:25 ♪ when the gloomy shadows round about me creep ♪
03:30 ♪ Knowing I shall waken never more to roam ♪
03:35 ♪ anywhere with Jesus will be home sweet home ♪
03:40 ♪ Anywhere, anywhere, fear I cannot know ♪
03:46 ♪ Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go ♪♪
03:53 Jolyne: We know that we can go anywhere
03:55 with Jesus safely, don't we?
03:57 He is with us every step of the way, and it is his own way.
04:02 We are going to sing now 567 "Have Thine Own Way Lord."
04:07 And as you're singing that I pray that you will think
04:11 of these words that it's Lord not my way,
04:13 but your way and your will that we can live
04:16 totally in harmony with him till he comes, 567.
04:21 [music]
04:24 ♪ Have thine own way, Lord, have thine own way ♪
04:34 ♪ Thou art the Potter, I am the clay ♪
04:43 ♪ Mold me and make me after thy will ♪
04:53 ♪ while I am waiting yielded and still ♪
05:02 ♪ Have thine own way, Lord, have thine own way ♪
05:11 ♪ Search me and try me, Master, today ♪
05:21 ♪ Whiter than snow, Lord, wash me just now ♪
05:30 ♪ as in thy presence humbly I bow ♪
05:40 ♪ Have thine own way, Lord, have thine own way ♪
05:49 ♪ Wounded and weary, help me, I pray ♪
05:58 ♪ Power, all power, surely is thine ♪
06:07 ♪ Touch me and heal me, Savior divine ♪
06:17 ♪ Have thine own way, Lord, have thine own way ♪
06:27 ♪ Hold over my being absolute sway ♪
06:36 ♪ Fill with thy Spirit till all shall see ♪
06:46 ♪ Christ only, always, living in me ♪♪
06:59 Jolyne: At this time Pastor Ross will give us
07:01 our opening prayer.
07:08 Pastor Ross: We invite you to bow your heads for prayer.
07:11 Dear Father in heaven, we thank you once again for the
07:14 opportunity to gather together to study your Word.
07:16 Thank you for the special time, the Sabbath, and Lord, as we
07:19 open up the Scriptures we ask that the Holy Spirit will guide
07:21 our hearts, our minds, lead us into clearer truth and impress
07:27 upon us the lessons that you would have us know.
07:29 For we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
07:32 Our lesson this morning will be brought to us
07:34 by Pastor Doug Batchelor.
07:36 Doug Batchelor: Thank you, Pastor Ross.
07:38 Morning, everyone. It's good to be home.
07:42 Some of you maybe didn't know I was gone.
07:46 But for those that didn't know we were in Michigan for the last
07:50 couple of weeks doing the "Heroes of Faith" program.
07:54 Did some of you tune into?
07:56 Someone, come on. I'm your pastor.
07:57 Hold your hand up. Just make it look good.
08:02 And the Lord blessed.
08:04 We had some of our team here was there with us
08:06 and had a great program, heard wonderful reports
08:09 of people that tuned in from around the world.
08:12 Heard about one church said they had 21 decisions for baptism
08:15 from the participating there, and so it was exciting and very
08:18 thankful for the Lansing, Michigan, Church.
08:22 One of dear friends, Pastor Wes Peppers, was there.
08:26 And just the church opened up to us and had a wonderful program.
08:30 Good to be home, and I'm glad to be able to study the lesson
08:35 with you today in Jeremiah, and a subject of special interest
08:39 of mine dealing with symbols.
08:42 There's a lot of symbols in the Bible that the Lord uses,
08:44 especially if you're an evangelist and you teach
08:47 Revelation, you need to know there's a lot of symbols,
08:49 and what do these symbols mean?
08:52 Jeremiah being, a prophet, God often gave him messages
08:56 in symbols, and so our lesson number six is "Symbolic Acts."
09:00 And we have a memory verse and the memory verse
09:03 is from Roman 9:21.
09:06 I'll be encouraged if you say it with me.
09:08 Romans 9:21, are you ready?
09:12 "Hath not the potter power over the clay of the same lump to
09:17 make one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor?"
09:22 Talking about the potter and the clay and that'll be addressed
09:25 in more detail in some of the sections that we're going
09:29 through here in just a moment.
09:31 So there's a number of symbols in the Bible and maybe we should
09:33 start by just laying down some ground work.
09:37 Did Jesus sometimes use visual symbols to teach?
09:43 He used grain.
09:44 He used the sheep.
09:46 He used planting, fishing, all the things
09:50 that people saw in their daily life.
09:52 Everything from flowers to mountains, Jesus used
09:54 a lot of the symbolic imagery in his teaching.
09:58 There's a quote here in the lesson from
10:00 "Christ Object Lessons," page 133.
10:02 The significance of the Jewish economy
10:05 is not yet fully comprehended.
10:07 Truths vast and profound are shadowed forth
10:11 in its rites and symbols."
10:12 And she says they're not even fully understood yet.
10:15 "The gospel is the key that unlocks its mysteries.
10:18 Through a knowledge of the plan of redemption its are truths
10:21 open to the understanding."
10:24 And so all through the Bible there are a number of symbols
10:28 and stories that are used, and God teaches us
10:30 through these things.
10:32 And so we're gonna dive right in, and in the first section,
10:35 "Truth in Symbols," it talks about just starting there
10:39 in Genesis with the story of Cain and Abel.
10:42 Two sacrifices that really highlight and illustrate two
10:46 completely different forms of worship and you can read
10:49 about this in Genesis chapter 4, verse 3 through 7.
10:52 "And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain
10:56 brought an offering the fruit of the ground unto the Lord.
10:59 Abel also brought the firstlings of his flock and their fat.
11:03 And the Lord respected Abel and his offering,
11:05 but he did not respect Cain and his offering.
11:08 And Cain was very angry and his countenance fell.
11:11 So the Lord said to Cain, 'If you do what is right
11:15 won't you to be accepted?
11:16 But if you're doing what's wrong sin lies at the door.'"
11:19 Anyway we all know the story of Cain and Abel.
11:21 At the very foundation of the Bible you've got
11:23 this picture of two different kinds of worship.
11:27 How does the Bible end?
11:29 A battle between a true and a false worship.
11:32 One group is worshipping the beast and its image.
11:34 The other is worshipping God biblically.
11:38 And the one who is persecuted is the one who is worshipping right
11:43 by the one who is worshipping wrong.
11:45 I know that sounds very simplistic,
11:47 but that's what happened.
11:48 Cain who had manmade worship,
11:49 it's really righteousness by works.
11:52 Cain brought the fruit of his labors
11:54 rather than a sacrifice, a cost of life.
11:58 Cain's was not accepted.
11:59 How do we know Cain's was not accepted?
12:02 In the early days, like when the temple was built,
12:05 I can think of three times, four times in the Bible
12:09 when fire came down from heaven.
12:12 When God built the earthly sanctuary in the wilderness
12:15 and it was finished and they activated the first sacrifice,
12:18 fire came down from God, showed it was accepted.
12:20 When there was a plague in Jerusalem, and the men were
12:26 dying, and David offered on the threshing floor of Araunah
12:29 there was an angel with a sword drawn.
12:32 Fire came down from God to show he had accepted the sacrifice.
12:36 In the story of Mount Carmel and Elijah,
12:39 who is the true God, Baal or Jehovah?
12:42 Fire came down from God to show.
12:45 And then when Solomon dedicated the temple, says the fire of
12:50 the Lord came down from heaven and the glory of God
12:52 so filled the temple they could not even enter and minister.
12:56 So when it says Cain's offering was not accepted,
12:59 it meant that the fire came and accepted Abel's
13:02 and nothing but fruit flies, 'cause he offered vegetables
13:06 and fruit came to Cain's.
13:07 And he was angry and so he persecuted his brother.
13:12 And so you got these two different forms of worship,
13:15 true and false.
13:16 Do you see those two themes running through the Bible?
13:19 Did Jesus deal with counterfeit worship with
13:21 the Pharisees and the scribes?
13:23 Do you see the prophets addressing counterfeit worship
13:26 in their messages to Israel when they begin
13:28 to compromise with the pagans?
13:30 And Moses warned about it, and he tried to save the Israelites
13:33 from adopting the ways of the Egyptians
13:35 with the golden calf and the Ten Commandments,
13:37 two opposite forms of worship.
13:39 And it's the theme in the last days.
13:42 True worship and false worship and you'll be called legalistic
13:45 if you make a big deal about the particulars of worship,
13:50 but God does.
13:51 He cares how we worship him, because how you worship him
13:55 says something about who he is, and that's very important.
13:58 All right, so that's one symbol.
14:00 Now then there's another prominent symbol that we find
14:02 and Jesus refers to this one.
14:04 You remember in John chapter 3 and verse 15 he says,
14:08 "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
14:10 even so the Son of man should be lifted up
14:13 that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish,
14:15 but have everlasting life."
14:17 And then we all know John 3:16.
14:19 As Moses lifted up the serpent, that harkens back to a story you
14:23 kind in Numbers 21, verse 8, if you've got your Bibles,
14:26 and there's a symbol here, an important symbol.
14:30 "Then the Lord said to Moses all the children--
14:33 let me give you the background story.
14:35 Most of you know it, but the children of Israel began
14:38 to complain, manna, manna, manna every day.
14:40 Manna for breakfast.
14:41 Manna for lunch, manna sandwiches, manna porridge,
14:43 manna casserole, manna, manna.
14:45 We wish we were back in Egypt.
14:46 And they began to complain about the manna that God gave 'em
14:49 bread from heaven.
14:50 And so the Lord was displeased.
14:52 He withdrew his protection and there was a plague of serpents.
14:56 Now it is true that in some parts of the country in
14:58 springtime snakes can begin to breed, and hatch out
15:03 in just enormous numbers, and these snakes were not like
15:07 your garden snakes.
15:08 They were actually venomous, and so there was
15:11 a plague of serpents that broke out,
15:13 and they were finding snakes in their boots
15:15 and in their clothes and in their tents
15:17 and they were being bitten.
15:18 And they were dying from the bites.
15:22 And so God told Moses, "Make a fiery serpent."
15:26 They called it the fiery serpent.
15:28 We're not sure.
15:29 It could've been because he had a fiery red color
15:31 or it could've been the fiery burning nature of their sting,
15:33 but they called them fiery serpents.
15:36 "Make a fiery serpent and set it on the pole, and it shall be
15:41 that whoever is bitten when he looks at it shall live."
15:45 So Moses made a bronze serpent and put it on a pole.
15:49 Obviously a pole so it could be lifted up and if a serpent had
15:52 bitten anybody when he looked at bronze serpent he lived.
15:57 Now God did not want them to worship the bronze serpent,
16:00 'cause years later they had actually kept that as a relic,
16:03 and in the days of Hezekiah he saw people were burning incense
16:06 to this ancient bronze serpent that Moses had made,
16:09 and Hezekiah crushed it.
16:10 He said, "You're turning to idolatry.
16:12 That's not what this is all about."
16:14 That serpent was supposed to be a symbol of the sacrifice
16:18 of Christ, but when it happened they did not know.
16:21 What did a serpent on a stick represent
16:24 to a nation of shepherds?
16:27 Did shepherds carry staffs?
16:30 Are snakes a problem for sheep and goats?
16:32 Do you know if you have pigs can by--or rather pigs
16:38 can be bitten by snakes and live.
16:40 And we had a dog that was bitten by a rattlesnake
16:42 and his neck swole up, but they live through it.
16:45 But sheep and goats they're like people.
16:47 They're a lot more vulnerable.
16:48 They will die.
16:49 They'll seize up and they'll die from a venomous snake bite.
16:52 So when the shepherd saw a serpent that was anywhere
16:56 near their sheep they would clobber it and then
17:00 because they're venomous you don't leave them there
17:02 on the ground, 'cause if someone steps on it barefoot,
17:04 the skeleton teeth of a dead rattlesnake can actually
17:08 still cause an infection and pain
17:10 and problems for a person.
17:12 So you bury it.
17:14 And so whenever you saw a shepherd carrying a serpent
17:17 on a stick it meant there is a dead snake
17:20 going off to a funeral.
17:23 And so when they saw this serpent up on a pole that to
17:27 them, as shepherds, represented a defeated serpent.
17:32 Now we know what that represents for us.
17:34 When Jesus died on the cross and we look by faith at the cross
17:38 we are saved from sin by that.
17:39 And so this was a symbol of salvation.
17:43 Looking in faith--matter of fact, you can read
17:45 in "Patriarchs and Prophets."
17:47 There the author says, "The Israelites saved their lives
17:50 by looking upon the uplifted serpent.
17:52 That look implied faith.
17:55 They lived because they believed the Word of God and trusted
17:58 the means provided for their recovery."
18:01 And then as time goes by, because Jesus said,
18:03 "As Moses lifted up the serpent, even so the Son of man
18:06 should be lifted up,"
18:07 we know there's a bigger meaning in that,
18:10 that it symbolized Christ being lifted up.
18:12 Christ said, "If I am lifted up I will draw all men.
18:15 What does lifted up mean?
18:17 Crucifixion right?
18:20 And so no Jesus was not the serpent, but he became sin
18:24 for us who knew no sin.
18:25 All right, somebody look up for me Psalm 91.
18:28 I think we gave that out.
18:30 Who's got that, Alberto?
18:31 All right you'll be next.
18:32 Meantime I'm going to read Genesis 3, verse 14-15.
18:36 Still talking about the serpent.
18:39 If you look here it says, "So the Lord said to the serpent,
18:43 'Because you've done this you are cursed more than
18:45 all cattle and more than any beast of the field.
18:49 On your belly you will go and eat dust all the days of your
18:52 life and I'll put enmity between you and the woman,
18:55 between your seed and her seed.
18:57 It shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel.'"
19:01 Does the serpent have a symbolic meaning in the Bible?
19:06 You know Jesus said in, and I'm not seeing too many in North
19:10 America practice this, but Jesus said in Mark chapter 16,
19:15 "And you will take up serpents and if you drink
19:17 any deadly thing it will not hurt you."
19:19 Did Jesus really want us going around on snake safaris?
19:23 So what does a serpent represent?
19:26 Go ahead, and why don't you read Psalm 91:13?
19:29 Alberto: "You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra.
19:32 The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot."
19:36 Pastor Doug: Are we supposed to go around
19:37 stomping on lions and snakes?
19:41 When God--when the devil spoke through the serpent
19:44 from then on the serpent became a symbol of what?
19:47 When you go to Revelation 12 that old dragon,
19:53 the serpent and the devil.
19:57 So who is the serpent?
19:59 It's symbolic for the devil, because it was the devil that
20:01 had possessed the first serpent and so through his--
20:05 so when it says, "You will tread upon the serpent,"
20:09 it's talking, yeah.
20:10 And in the lion.
20:11 The devil goes around as a roaring lion.
20:13 All right, so through the Bible you'll see,
20:15 and when Samson kills a lion and David kills a lion,
20:19 these are talking about types of Christs
20:21 taking on the devil so forth.
20:22 The lions could not keep Daniel in the den.
20:25 The devil could not keep Jesus in the tomb.
20:27 So now I'm getting beyond the lesson a little bit,
20:29 but you get the point.
20:31 Okay, now we're going to go to Jeremiah's prophecy.
20:33 So far that was just talking about some of the symbols.
20:35 Go to Jeremiahs prophecy in chapter 18.
20:38 And we'll be reading verse 1 through 4.
20:42 This is the prophecy dealing with the potter's clay,
20:47 Jeremiah 18:1 to 4.
20:50 And it says, "The Word came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying,
20:54 'Arise and go down to the potter's house
20:56 and there I will cause you to hear my words.'"
20:58 He said, "I'm not telling you yet.
21:00 You go and I'll tell you."
21:02 "So I went down to the potter's house and there he was making,
21:05 he was at the wheel and the vessel
21:08 that the potter made was marred."
21:10 Any of you have ever seen a potter working
21:12 with a potter's wheel?
21:14 They're all motorized now, but you can still today go to India,
21:18 and Africa, and some parts of the world,
21:20 and you'll see a potter, and what they've got is like
21:22 a big axle with some kind of a bearing,
21:25 and it's a big flat table, and you'll see them
21:27 take their foot, and very dexterously they are spinning
21:30 the wheel with their foot.
21:32 Some of you remember the old treadle sewing machines where
21:34 you actually had to make the fly wheel go, I had one of those,
21:37 with your foot and it worked, Singer,
21:39 old Singer treadle sewing machine.
21:41 Anyway so they're spinning it, and they got a lump of clay,
21:43 and they get it going fast enough.
21:45 It's got quite a bit, it's like a big fly wheel.
21:47 It's got quite a bit of weight to it.
21:49 So it going.
21:50 It's got a lot of momentum.
21:51 And they take a big old blob of soft clay and they slap it.
21:53 And they know how to get it right in the middle,
21:55 and they start working it, and they center it,
21:57 and they begin to shape it, and press it.
21:59 They'll hammer it down, and they start getting the air out.
22:01 They start making something,
22:02 and it gets spinning pretty quick,
22:04 and when they're doing the final work on the edges
22:06 if they wiggle, or sneeze, or something,
22:08 once it gets out of center and it wobbles
22:10 and it just...
22:11 the whole thing just falls apart.
22:13 Have any of you have ever seen this?
22:15 So they had to have a steady hand to do that.
22:17 So that's why Jeremiah says, the potter was working
22:19 and it says, "The vessel that he made of clay was marred,
22:24 it was disfigured in the hand of the potter.
22:26 It flopped.
22:28 So he pounded it down and made it again into another vessel
22:32 as seen good to the potter to make.
22:34 Then the Word of the Lord came to me saying,
22:37 'Oh house of Israel, can I not do with you as the potter?'
22:40 says the Lord.
22:41 'Look, as the clay is in the potter's hands
22:43 so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.
22:47 The instant I speak concerning a nation, concerning a kingdom
22:50 to pluck it up, to pull it down, to destroy it, if that nation
22:54 who I have spoken to turns from it's evil I will relent
22:58 of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it.'"
23:02 He saying, "Look, I am the potter.
23:04 You are the clay."
23:05 We were just singing about that a minute ago.
23:07 "And at my will I can change what I planned
23:11 to make out of you."
23:13 Now can you think of a nation that God had destined
23:15 for destruction, but they repented and he changed?
23:19 Nineveh in the time of Jonah.
23:20 A lot of people say, "Oh, I guess Jonah wasn't a prophet."
23:23 He said it would be destroyed.
23:24 He marched up and down the street.
23:26 He said, 'Forty days Nineveh will be destroyed."
23:28 They repented and he didn't destroy it.
23:30 And they say, "Oh, I guess he wasn't a profit."
23:33 God says, "No.
23:34 I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked.
23:36 I want them to repent."
23:38 And so he's saying, "Look, it also is true
23:41 if a wicked nation repents I will relent of destroying it.
23:46 If a nation I promised to bless turns from their righteousness
23:50 I can change my plans for them and punish."
23:54 The children of Israel said, "We're God's chosen people.
23:57 You brought us out of Egypt.
23:58 You did all those miracles.
23:59 Your temple is in our midst.
24:00 We're your people."
24:01 But they were turning to sin and God is saying,
24:03 "Look, I can change what I'm going to do with you."
24:06 And that's the message that he's trying to give him here.
24:09 And you look, for instance, in Isaiah 29.
24:15 Somebody down here has got Isaiah 64, okay?
24:18 I'm gonna read Isaiah 29:16.
24:22 "Surely you have turned things around.
24:24 Shall the potter be esteemed as the clay?
24:27 For shall the thing made say to him who made it
24:31 he did not make me?
24:32 Or shall the thing formed say to him who formed it
24:35 he has no understanding?"
24:38 It's always strange when you hear an atheist say,
24:41 "I happened by accident," and "There is no God."
24:44 And you know God is looking down and he's going,
24:48 "You're denying that I made you."
24:50 And this is what the nation is doing.
24:53 They're saying, "No, you didn't raise us up."
24:55 You can also look in, these are a couple of verses
24:58 dealing with vessels.
24:59 You can look in Isaiah 45:9.
25:02 "Woe to him who strives with his maker.
25:05 Let the potsherd," Now potsherd is a broken piece of pottery.
25:09 It's what Job used to scrape himself when he
25:11 was mourning and from his boils.
25:13 It says, "Will the potsherd strived
25:16 with the potsherds of the earth?
25:20 Shall the clay say to him who forms it,
25:23 'What are you making?'
25:24 or shall the handiwork says, 'He has no hands?'"
25:27 You know what always struck me as peculiar and I haven't really
25:31 figured out how to deal with it.
25:33 How does the devil who goes way back with God and saw God create
25:38 many things and the devil, Lucifer, knows that God is
25:40 the creator, how does Lucifer grapple with the idea that he
25:43 as the creation that he could somehow over throw the creator?
25:47 Isn't it madness to think that the creation can somehow
25:52 have more power than the creator?
25:54 But if we're made less than angels, the Bible says we are,
25:58 and if Lucifer was the greatest of the angels than can human
26:03 deceive themself too that somehow they can manipulate
26:07 the maker and they're just the, we're just the clay.
26:11 What did God make Adam out of?
26:14 There's not a big difference between dust and clay is there?
26:19 And so here we are. We're just the clay, you know?
26:22 And have you heard of the story in the Bible where Jesus took
26:24 some dust, and he spat on it, and he made clay, and he put it
26:28 on a man's eyes, and he healed him?
26:30 Yeah, so there's a healing that came from the clay itself.
26:33 All right, go ahead read for us, please, Isaiah 68.
26:38 female: "But now, O Lord, you are our Father.
26:41 We are the clay and you our potter
26:44 and all we are the work of your hand."
26:48 Pastor Doug: Yeah, Karen and I had a long discussion
26:50 this morning about praying according to God's will.
26:56 Sometimes we pray and we tell God, "This is what you're
26:58 supposed to do with my life."
27:00 And we say, "This is what I want"
27:02 and "Lord, how come you didn't answer my prayer?"
27:04 We don't always have submission to his will in our prayers.
27:10 We say, "Lord, you gotta do this,
27:11 you gotta fix it, you gotta give me this job,
27:13 you gotta heal me, you gotta do this,
27:15 and if you don't do what I'm telling you to do,
27:16 then you're not real."
27:18 But maybe God is saying, "You pray about it.
27:21 That's fine, but I might have a different answer
27:24 than you anticipate, part of my perfect will."
27:28 That means are you gonna be pliable clay in his hands
27:33 so he can shape you?
27:34 Or are we gonna be resistant and hard and so you crack
27:38 in the potter's hands?
27:40 Romans, now this gets really deep in theology.
27:43 This is one of the great mysteries that the Christians
27:45 have argued about for ages.
27:47 Romans 9:17, "For the Scripture says to the pharaoh,
27:53 'For this very purpose I have raised you up.'"
27:55 He's quoting from the Old Testament.
27:58 "God said to pharaoh, 'For this purpose I have raised you up
28:01 that I might show my power in you and that my name
28:03 might be declared in all the earth.'
28:05 Therefore he has mercy on whom he will and whom
28:08 he will he hardens.
28:11 And you'll say to me then, "Why does he still find fault
28:14 for who has resisted his will?
28:16 But indeed, old man, who are you to reply against God?
28:19 Will the thing formed say to him who formed it,
28:22 'Why did you make me like this?'
28:24 Does the potter have power over the clay from one lump
28:28 to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?"
28:31 Now do you see what the problem is here?
28:36 Did God make the pharaoh hard-hearted so that he
28:40 can use him as an example to talk about his power?
28:47 This is where we're talking about free will
28:50 and predestination, which is a big debate.
28:54 It says here God hardened pharaohs heart.
28:58 But you know you can read two or three other verses
29:00 in Exodus where it says, "Pharaoh hardened his heart."
29:06 In the Hebrew mind in the Old Testament you'll find
29:08 that God often is given credit for everything.
29:13 Says, "Shall not good come from the hand of the Lord
29:15 and evil also?"
29:16 Isn't that what Job said?
29:18 But the Bible says every good and perfect gift is from God.
29:20 What they mean is that God is sovereign and for evil to come
29:24 he must allow certain things.
29:27 If God wants to make a bad person
29:30 say something good, he can.
29:33 Did he do it with Balaam?
29:35 When Balaam tried to curse he couldn't when blessing
29:38 came out of his mouth.
29:41 And in the same way you know the Lord can choose to change
29:48 a person's intended direction, but ultimately a person is saved
29:52 based on how they respond to the providence of God.
29:58 The things, the plagues, the events that God sent upon Egypt,
30:02 pharaoh could have softened his heart,
30:04 but pharaoh hardened his heart.
30:07 Now some people say God hardened pharaoh's heart,
30:09 'cause God sent the circumstances.
30:11 You see what I'm saying?
30:12 It is true God sent the circumstances, but pharaoh
30:14 had a choice of how to respond to the circumstances.
30:18 Otherwise why would the Lord say, "As for me and my house,
30:23 we will serve the Lord.
30:24 Choose ye this day who you will serve."
30:26 If you have no choice, if God is up in the sky
30:31 as the Greek gods used to make it look, kind of going,
30:34 eeny-meeny-miny-moe.
30:35 I'm gonna save you and you're lost and I need someone
30:38 to be the fall guy.
30:39 I'll call you Judas and you're gonna be the one to betray me.
30:41 Otherwise, I know you wanted to be good,
30:43 but you don't have a choice.
30:44 I need someone to be the fall guy.
30:46 So, Judas, you're going to betray me and hang yourself.
30:48 Sorry, I'm the potter, you're the clay."
30:51 Is that what God did with Judas?
30:53 Or was Jesus anxious to save Judas?
30:55 Did Judas have an opportunity to be saved?
30:59 And then people will say,
31:01 "But someone had to be the betrayer."
31:04 I don't know how God would have done it.
31:06 Those hypothetical questions can go forever and ever,
31:09 but he would have worked it out another way
31:12 or he never would have foretold it was a betrayer,
31:14 but God knew down through time how it was going to happen.
31:17 You see, God knows.
31:18 It's like now with weather satellites the accuracy
31:23 of weather prediction is getting better.
31:25 Still not perfect, but it's a lot better.
31:27 They can look and they could say,
31:29 "We see this front moving in you direction.
31:31 You're gonna get some rain.
31:32 You're gonna get some wind."
31:34 And usually they're getting closer and closer, 'cause they
31:35 have a perspective from the sky that we don't have.
31:39 They get a big picture.
31:40 They can look miles away.
31:41 They can look thousands of miles away and say,
31:43 "A hurricane is gonna hit in a week."
31:45 And they track it with computers and models and that's man
31:51 making his best guess, but they have a higher perspective now.
31:55 How good is God's perspective of the future?
31:58 Is it better than a satellite and a weatherman?
32:02 He can look 1,000 years into the future
32:04 with his perspective.
32:05 So could God predict thousands of years in advance exactly
32:08 how Judas was going to respond?
32:10 But who made the choice?
32:13 See this is the important point.
32:15 Judas chose how to respond.
32:17 Now what about a person who's born with maybe some handicap
32:20 and you're lacking in some gifts and you shake your fist at God
32:23 and say, "How come all these other people
32:25 are pretty and I'm not?
32:26 How come they got these talents and I don't?
32:28 How come I'm handicapped and they're not?"
32:31 Well, that's a place where you might say, "Shall the thing made
32:35 say to the one that made it, 'Why do you make me thus?'
32:38 Will the clay protest against the potter?"
32:41 There's some things where God is sovereign and we just need
32:44 to surrender and say, "Lord, this is what
32:46 I've got to work with.
32:47 I will do my best with the free will I have
32:49 to work with these circumstances.
32:51 I've been born into this body, these talents to serve you."
32:54 That's where you just need to surrender and say,
32:56 "He's the potter."
32:57 But it doesn't mean we don't have a free will.
32:59 You see the difference between the two?
33:01 All right, so moving along here.
33:04 Acts 19:5, "But the Lord said to him."
33:08 I'm gonna look at several vessels.
33:10 We're talking about symbols here.
33:12 Through the Bible vessels are often symbols of people.
33:21 Acts 19:5, "The Lord said to him--"
33:23 Or 9:5.
33:24 Try that one more time.
33:27 Acts 9:15, "The Lord said to Ananias,
33:31 "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of mine."
33:34 He's telling him to go lay hands on Paul.
33:36 He doesn't wanna do it.
33:37 He says, "Paul, man, he's been persecuted."
33:39 He said, "No.
33:40 Paul is actually gonna be a great apostle.
33:43 He's not gonna be an enemy of Christianity.
33:45 You go lay hands on him.
33:46 He's a vessel of mine."
33:47 What does he mean vessel?
33:51 What are vessels for?
33:52 What do you do with a vessel?
33:57 They hold things, right?
34:00 And we're supposed to be vessels that are
34:02 filled with God's Spirit.
34:06 Vessels are used to save.
34:08 What was Moses put in when he was plucked from the river?
34:12 Put in a vessel.
34:14 What did God use to save Noah and his family?
34:17 Used a vessel.
34:19 That's what a ship is called, a vessel.
34:21 The Ark of the Covenant that held the Ten Commandments,
34:25 it's a vessel.
34:26 You've got these.
34:27 Any of you ever heard of the Holy Grail?
34:30 That's of course a legend, it's not true, but it's a legend that
34:33 came during the Gothic era that somewhere somebody
34:37 and managed to carry off from the Last Supper
34:40 the actual plate where the lamb was, or--
34:42 it goes back and forth--
34:43 or it's the cup that Jesus passed around.
34:45 They say it was one cup he passed around, and if you could
34:49 just find that plate or that cup, one of those vessels, and
34:53 you could eat from it or drink from it you'd have some kind of
34:55 supernatural powers, and people went on great prilgrimage
34:57 to find the Holy Grail and they figured,
35:00 "Boy, if you could drink from the cup."
35:02 You know the last thing in the world the disciples were
35:04 thinking of, I don't know if you heard this,
35:07 but when Pope Francis spoke to Congress
35:12 they had a cup of water.
35:14 He took the cup.
35:15 He took a sip of it and he put it down.
35:17 He may have taken two sips of it.
35:19 Most of it was full.
35:20 Immediately after he walked off the platform one of
35:22 the congressman ran up and grabbed the cup.
35:24 How many of you heard about that?
35:27 He took it back to his office where his staffers, Catholics,
35:31 were taking the water and sprinkling each other.
35:33 And then they decide, "Let's just save it.
35:35 "And someone said, "You stole it."
35:37 He said, "No, I'm gonna pay for the cup."
35:39 But to them that was the Holy Grail.
35:43 But the last thing in the world the disciples were thinking
35:45 when Jesus walked away from that Upper Room was,
35:48 "Who wants to sell the cup on eBay?"
35:51 They weren't thinking, because they had eaten so many meals
35:54 with Jesus, they had drunk from so many cups with Jesus
35:57 it didn't even occur to them.
35:59 So the chances that anybody made a special note of that cup is
36:04 pretty remote that it's floating around out there, or the shroud,
36:08 or splinters from the cross.
36:10 They didn't necessarily--matter of fact, that was idolatry.
36:14 They didn't do that back then.
36:17 Anyway, but vessels in the Bible,
36:20 they represent something that holds.
36:22 You know that boy in 1948 that was looking for a goat
36:26 and instead he found these vessels in a cave?
36:29 And you know what was in those vessels?
36:32 The Dead Sea Scrolls.
36:34 The Word of God in a vessel.
36:36 Isn't that what you and I are supposed to be?
36:39 Isn't that what Jesus was?
36:41 The Word became flesh.
36:44 Yeah, I used to--when I first moved up in the hills I didn't
36:47 have all the fancy tanks and things they have now.
36:51 My hot water heater was a 55 gallon drum.
36:53 You know an oil drum.
36:54 We cleaned it out.
36:55 We ran our water in it, and set it next to the stove,
36:57 and it really worked very good in the winter.
36:59 The stove was going.
37:00 We had 55 gallons of hot water under pressure
37:02 and we could have hot showers.
37:03 It was really nice.
37:04 Just put your hand on the barrel you could see
37:06 how much hot water you had left.
37:08 It would* be ice cold at the bottom and be
37:10 piping hot at the top.
37:11 It was amazing.
37:12 Eventually it would blend if you weren't using it,
37:14 but I learned something about barrels.
37:19 I'd get these old barrels, and if I kept them full of water
37:23 they would last for years.
37:25 If they were left empty they rusted and rotted very quickly.
37:29 And if we're not full, we don't last.
37:34 Those that just kinda live under themselves,
37:36 if they're empty vessels they don't last very well.
37:38 2 Timothy 2:19, "Let everyone who names the name of Christ
37:45 depart from iniquity.
37:46 Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold
37:49 and silver," in other words in a mansion,"
37:52 but there's also wood and clay.
37:54 Some for honor. Some for dishonor."
37:57 Now in some of those homes they had vessels that were
38:00 for display and they were beautiful and then
38:02 you had vessels for taking out the trash.
38:04 And Paul was saying it's all kinds of different vessels.
38:10 "There if anyone cleanses himself from the latter,
38:13 "being a poor vessel, "he'll be a vessel of honor,
38:15 sanctified and useful for the master,
38:18 prepared for every good work."
38:19 That's an important truth.
38:21 We want to allow the Lord to cleanse us so that we
38:23 can be vessels for the filling of his spirit.
38:26 God cannot fill a full vessel.
38:30 He fills empty ones.
38:32 Any of you remember the story?
38:33 This is found in 2 Kings chapter 4.
38:36 It's one of my favorite vessel stories.
38:39 A widow comes to Elisha, the prophet.
38:42 And she had been married to one of the sons of the prophets,
38:45 but her husband died.
38:46 Left her with two boys, and she had no income,
38:50 and her husband had borrowed money to farm, but he died,
38:54 and she couldn't pay back the debt.
38:57 And the creditors back then, if you owed money and the law
39:00 supported them, they would just come whenever payment was due,
39:03 and if you couldn't make the payment they could walk through
39:05 your house ransack, take whatever they thought
39:07 was value of the next payment.
39:09 So the creditor would come and he'd take things, whatever,
39:11 you know, take her furniture, and take the carpets,
39:14 and take things, and finally there's nothing left to take.
39:17 In his next trip he has the right to take her boys
39:20 and make them slaves.
39:22 And she comes to Elisha and she says, "I have nothing."
39:25 And he says, "What do you have in the house?"
39:27 Nothing.
39:28 All I've got this jar of oil.
39:29 He said, "You got something.
39:32 Here's what you do.
39:33 Go through the neighborhood."
39:35 All she had was one little vessel with some oil in it.
39:37 Said, "Go through the neighborhood.
39:39 Tell your boys to help you collect vessels,
39:42 borrow empty vessels from your neighbors.
39:45 Not just a few."
39:46 In other words, get as many as you can get.
39:49 So the boys run up and down the street
39:51 with their Radio Flyer wagons,
39:52 and they collected vessels and they brought this new ones
39:58 and old ones and short ones and tall ones and thin ones
40:01 and wide ones, and some were ornate and some were plain.
40:04 Just all these different-- they didn't match vessels,
40:07 but they were empty.
40:09 Brought 'em into the house.
40:11 Shut the door.
40:12 All the neighbors cared about her and she says,
40:14 "Elisha told me to borrow vessels."
40:16 And so they gave her vessels.
40:17 Then he said take the oil and start to pour from
40:19 your little vessel into your empty ones.
40:21 Now you don't question Elisha.
40:24 Even though it didn't make any sense she started doing it
40:27 and the oil kept coming, and kept coming, and kept coming,
40:31 and here she's got this little, you know, quart of oil,
40:33 and it fills this 30-gallon Firkin full of oil,
40:39 and another one and another one
40:41 and these chalices and vessels are being filled.
40:45 And then she goes back and she says, "Now what?"
40:47 And he said, "Well."
40:50 When all the vessels were full the oil stopped flowing."
40:52 Notice the miracle happened as long as there were
40:54 empty vessels available.
40:57 As long as were--and you notice the miracle of Jesus multiplying
41:00 bread lasted as long as there were hungry people.
41:04 God provides where the need is.
41:05 God doesn't provide miracles in abundance.
41:08 He provides miracles in want.
41:11 And so she says, "Now what?"
41:12 He said, "Now go sell what you have.
41:14 Pay off your debt and live off the rest.
41:16 There will be surplus."
41:18 Just like there was surplus when he multiplied the bread.
41:21 So what does that story mean?
41:23 Talking about symbols and vessels here.
41:26 What does a woman represent?
41:27 It's not in this study, but we know.
41:29 What does a woman represent in Bible symbols?
41:32 Often the church.
41:33 Frequent examples in Scriptures on that.
41:35 Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church
41:37 and so forth, and the women in Revelation 12,
41:41 the woman the Revelation 17.
41:42 So here's a woman.
41:44 She's a widow.
41:46 She's got boys and the creditor is to come take them slaves.
41:51 It's like the devil.
41:53 She goes to the prophet, by the way Elisha's name
41:55 is very much like the name of Jesus.
41:57 Elohim is Savior is what it means.
42:01 And he says, "Fill your home with empty vessels."
42:03 What do vessels represent?
42:04 People.
42:07 What kind of vessels?
42:08 Empty ones and pour out the oil.
42:10 What does oil represent?
42:12 If our churches would do that, if we'd go through our community
42:14 and bring all the empty vessels into our house,
42:16 people that are empty.
42:18 You're surrounded in your community with empty vessels.
42:20 They're tall and they're short, and they're wide,
42:23 and they're thin, they're young, and they're old,
42:25 and some of crackpots.
42:30 And you bring all of those vessels into your home
42:33 and you take the little oil you've got.
42:35 Well, Lord, I don't have much.
42:36 Do you have any?
42:37 I have a little.
42:39 Okay take the little you've got and share and you'll find--
42:41 how much bread did it take to feed 5,000?
42:43 A few loaves. All they had was a little.
42:46 Everyone's got something.
42:47 You take what you have, if you're willing to share
42:49 what you have God performs miracles and multiplies.
42:53 That, to me, is sort of like a story of symbols
42:56 that talks about what the church ought to do.
42:58 And her sons are saved.
43:00 The debtor goes away and everybody's got oil.
43:06 And so it's just a wonderful illustration
43:08 of vessels in the Bible.
43:12 Somebody's got 2 Corinthians 4:7.
43:14 All right, Dick.
43:15 You go on ahead, read that.
43:16 You let me know when you're ready.
43:18 In the meantime I'm gonna read John 2:6.
43:20 How many of you remember the first miracle of Jesus?
43:22 What did he do?
43:24 It was a miracle of vessels wasn't it?
43:27 What is says, "Now there were six water pots of stone
43:31 according to the manner of purification of the Jews
43:34 containing 20 or 30 gallons," I think they call it Firkins,
43:37 "a piece."
43:38 Twenty or thirty gallons, now he did not turn
43:41 that water into booze.
43:43 Can you imagine someone coming to Jesus and saying,
43:45 "You know they're nearly out of booze,
43:47 liquor for the party."
43:48 And he says, "Oh, man, I'm gonna make hundreds of gallons more.
43:51 You just don't worry about it.
43:54 We'll really party now."
43:56 No, that was pure grape juice.
43:58 They called it wine.
43:59 Same word is used.
44:01 But he performed a miracle in taking something very common,
44:05 water, and he turned it to wine, grape juice.
44:10 I always thought it was interesting the first miracle
44:12 of Jesus is turning water to wine, pure grape juice.
44:16 The last thing that happens on the cross,
44:18 they offer him sour wine fermented.
44:22 It's almost like Jesus does a blood--
44:24 what does that wine represent?
44:27 When he gave his grape juice to the disciples it was
44:29 unleavened bread and unfermented wine.
44:31 He gave it to them.
44:33 It's a symbol of his blood, and so here he gives the pure
44:37 to man at a wedding.
44:39 And at the crucifixion they give him the sour.
44:41 It's almost like he makes a trade with humanity.
44:44 Sorry, go ahead read for us that other verse in Exodus.
44:48 male: "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels
44:50 that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us."
44:55 Pastor Doug: Thank you. I misspoke.
44:56 I meant 2 Corinthians 4:7.
44:58 We have this treasure in earthen vessels.
45:00 What's the treasure?
45:02 God's Spirit, the presence of Christ.
45:04 Not I that live, but what?
45:06 Christ who lives where? In.
45:08 Go through--just for your own study sometime,
45:12 go through the writings of Paul,
45:14 make a note how often Paul uses the phrase in Christ
45:18 or Christ in you, the hope of glory.
45:21 The Christ, Paul is always referring to Christ within.
45:26 If Jesus is always out here, you're not a Christian.
45:29 Jesus needs to be inside.
45:31 That's what it means to have the personal relationship.
45:33 Okay, the degradation of a nation.
45:35 I'm not gonna take a lot of time here and someone, I think,
45:37 has got Exodus 19.
45:39 Yuri, you'll have that?
45:41 Jeremiah 19, verse 1-2, "Thus says the Lord, 'Go, and get
45:45 a potter's earthen flask, and take some of the elders
45:49 of the people, and some of the elders of the priests,
45:51 and go out to the Valley of the Son of the Hinnom,
45:54 which is by the entry of the Potsherd gate.'"
45:56 Now that's not a good sign right there.
45:58 They're going to the valley of Gehenna, later known as Gehenna,
46:02 son of Hinnom, which became a type of Hades.
46:07 It was the city dump because they had
46:10 all these idols down there.
46:11 And so one of the kings finally said,
46:13 "That's where we're throwing the garbage."
46:15 It was a very steep valley, too, and they would frequently
46:17 burn the trash down there.
46:18 That's why they called it the Potsherd gate.
46:21 Broken pottery.
46:22 Everything was done with pottery back then.
46:24 There were a lot of broken pots.
46:26 I remember when I went to live with my uncle in New Mexico
46:30 that--I think I can tell you this without getting arrested,
46:34 that he took me to an ancient site near Chaco Canyon.
46:41 He lived at the Nageezi Trading Post and there was another
46:44 trading post I would watch over called Kimbato.*
46:46 There's nothing there now but some red cars.
46:49 I went there with Karen last year.
46:51 But I remember, I'm talking 40 years ago.
46:55 I was young, that's more than 40 years ago,
46:57 42 years ago Uncle Harry took me,
46:59 and he showed me an Indian dump, and I couldn't believe it.
47:02 There was all this ancient, Indian pottery,
47:05 just piles and mounds.
47:07 And if you thought, "Oh, wow, I found an Indian artifact,"
47:09 you'd get bored there 'cause there was just mountains of it.
47:12 Some of it hundreds, maybe even thousands of years old, painted.
47:15 We'd dig around, we'd find little turquoise beds,
47:17 and it was just like, "Oh, this was great!"
47:19 And I had a whole pile of this stuff I carried around
47:21 with me for a while.
47:22 Now you're not allowed to do that anymore,
47:24 but back then it was just everywhere.
47:26 It was a dump and they had that back in Bible times,
47:29 just lots and lots of broken pottery.
47:32 So he said, "Take this vessel and go out."
47:34 Let's read it here in Jeremiah 19,
47:37 "Get a potter's earthen flasks.
47:40 Take some of the elders with you.
47:42 You want them to be witnesses.
47:43 Go to the Valley of the Son of Hinnom."
47:45 I'm in Jeremiah 19:1-2.
47:47 "By the Potsherd gate and proclaim there these words
47:51 that I will tell you and say, 'Hear the word of the Lord,
47:55 O kings of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem.
47:57 Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, behold,
48:00 I will bring such a catastrophe on this place
48:03 that whoever hears of it their ears will tingle,
48:07 because they have forsaken me and made this an alien place,
48:12 because they have burned incense in it to other Gods
48:14 whom neither they, nor their fathers, or the kings
48:18 of Judah have known and they filled this place
48:20 with the blood of the innocents.
48:22 They've also built the high places."
48:24 And it goes on and it tells us that after he makes this
48:27 statement, says in verse 10, "Then you will break the flask
48:33 in the sight of the men who go with you and say,
48:36 'Thus says the Lord of hosts even so will I break this people
48:40 and this city as one breaks a potter's vessel,
48:43 which cannot be made whole again
48:46 and they will bury them in Topheth
48:48 until there is no place to bury.
48:50 There will be so many graves."
48:52 Wow that would be a pretty scary symbol, illustration.
48:56 Any of you know the story Humpty Dumpty?
49:00 All the king's horses and all the king's men.
49:03 Humpty Dumpty's like an egg we have that's supposed
49:06 to be analogous of King George when they wrote it.
49:09 I don't remember.
49:10 We had someone from England here that can remind me,
49:12 but anyway something broken that can't be fixed with super glue.
49:17 And he's saying, "This is what's going to happen to the nation."
49:19 He takes them and he does it where they're worshipping false
49:21 gods and he cracks down a vessel in there presence.
49:25 That's a pretty strong symbol that they would not forget.
49:27 Did it happen?
49:29 They were destroyed. They never returned.
49:32 They've never had a king.
49:33 You realize since Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem,
49:36 Israel has never had a king other than
49:38 Jesus, but you know what I mean.
49:40 They never had a monarchy again.
49:42 So they were broken so that they could not be repaired.
49:44 All right, I've got just a few minutes to talk about--
49:50 Let me see here.
49:51 Someone's gonna read Exodus 19:5 first.
49:53 Go ahead, Yuri. I think you're ready.
49:55 Yuri: "Now, therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice
49:59 and keep my commandments, then ye shall be a special treasure
50:03 to me above all people for all the earth is mine."
50:08 Pastor Doug: So he said, "If you disobey me,
50:10 I will cast you down like a crack pot.
50:14 If you obey me, you will be a special treasure.
50:17 You don't throw it at the dump.
50:19 You put it on a place of honor.
50:20 It's like what Paul said again.
50:22 You got vessels of honor, vessels of dishonor.
50:24 So he makes this extreme comparison.
50:27 And you're saying, "If you'll obey me I'll protect.
50:29 I'll treat you like a vessel of honor, a treasure."
50:32 Okay that's the first part about smashing the jar.
50:39 And now last section is under the linen belt and someone,
50:43 I think, has got Leviticus 16, okay.
50:46 If you read in Jeremiah 13, Jeremiah 13,
50:49 I'll read verses 1 and 2.
50:51 "Thus says the Lord to me, 'Go and get yourself a linen sash
50:56 and put it around your waist, but do not put it in water.'
51:00 So I got a sash according to the Word of the Lord
51:02 and I put it around my waist."
51:05 Now what was this sash to represent?
51:09 You're gonna give us that when you read Leviticus 16.
51:11 So, go ahead, Leviticus 16:4.
51:13 male: "He shall put the holy linen tunic
51:15 and the linen trousers on his body.
51:18 He shall be girded with a linen sash and with a linen turban
51:22 he shall be attired.
51:24 These are holy garments."
51:25 Pastor Doug: So it's pretty clear that the holy garments
51:27 of the priests included a linen sash, and we learned
51:30 in an earlier study that Jeremiah was from
51:33 the family of the priest, right?
51:35 Remember that?
51:37 So he's told to put on--and this is not a normal linen sash.
51:40 It's not a diaper.
51:42 This is not you know, just a piece of white cloth
51:45 that they wrap around.
51:46 It was the kind of piece where it was beautiful.
51:49 It may have had blue in it, which is a sign of loyalty to
51:52 God and it was very spectacular, but then he's told,
51:56 'Don't put it in water."
51:57 In other words don't wash it.
51:59 It was to have all the vivid brightness.
52:01 Wrap it tight, close to your body, but don't wash it,
52:05 and he was to wear it for a while.
52:07 Then he was to go up and then to bury the sash
52:10 by the Euphrates River.
52:11 God told Jeremiah a couple of times to take things
52:14 to the Euphrates.
52:15 Once he was told to take a deed up there.
52:19 Now the Euphrates was the border of Babylon
52:21 where they were going to be carried captive
52:23 and that was a journey that took him a couple of weeks to
52:25 get up there.
52:26 So when God said, "Jeremiah,
52:27 I want you to illustrate something.
52:29 Take a trip to the Euphrates."
52:31 O Lord, really?
52:32 I mean, you know that's a long trip,
52:34 but this is what I want you do.
52:36 So now he takes the sash and he's got to go up to
52:38 the Euphrates River and he buries it in a hole,
52:42 one of the rock up above the river.
52:44 A little crag in the rocks and he buries it there.
52:46 Says, "Okay, go home."
52:47 Okay Lord.
52:48 Says, "After many days."
52:50 It doesn't tell us how long.
52:52 May have been moths.
52:53 May have been a year.
52:55 Says, "Go back."
52:55 It doesn't say a few days, says many days.
52:59 And of course what happens to a piece of cloth that's just
53:01 left out in the elements where there's rain and rot and bugs.
53:05 And he goes back, and he digs it up, and he says,
53:09 "It was ruined and there's nothing I could do."
53:13 It says, "So I went and I hid it at the Euphrates."
53:15 And this is verse 4 to 11, "As the Lord commanded me."
53:18 And it says, "After many days, I went to Euphrates, and I dug,
53:23 and I took the sash from the place where I had hidden it,
53:26 and there was the sash ruined.
53:27 It was profitable for nothing."
53:29 You know we say good for nothing?
53:32 "Then the Word of the Lord came to me saying,
53:34 'Thus says the Lord, in this manner I will ruin the pride
53:37 of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem
53:40 for as the sash clings to the waist of man,
53:43 he called us to be a nation of priest.'"
53:45 The sash was worn by the priest.
53:48 It's close.
53:49 It's intimate.
53:50 God wanted an intimate relationship with us.
53:52 It was for glory.
53:53 He wanted to be the glory of his people.
53:56 "As a sash clings to the waist of man so I have caused
53:59 the whole house of Israel and the whole house of
54:02 Judah to cling to me,' says the Lord.
54:04 'That they may become my people for reknown, for praise,
54:06 and for glory, but they would not hear.'"
54:10 So basically he says, "I'm going to take you to Babylon
54:12 by the Euphrates and there you'll find out what happens."
54:16 And there would be a great punishment
54:18 that would come upon them.
54:20 You're reading Jeremiah 13:15, "Hear and give ear.
54:22 Do not be proud for the Lord has spoken.
54:26 Give glory to the Lord your God before he causes darkness
54:29 and before your feet stumble on the dark mountains
54:32 and while you're looking for light he turns it
54:34 into the shadow of death and makes dense darkness.
54:37 If you will not hear my soul will reap
54:41 in secret for your pride."
54:42 How does God feel about our pride?
54:44 "My soul will weep,' God says, "Because of your pride.
54:48 My eyes will weep bitterly and run down with tears,
54:51 because the Lord's flock has been taken captive."
54:53 He says you'll be carried away, you'll be
54:55 humbled for these things.
54:56 So he uses a sash as an illustration.
55:00 Sometimes cloth was used as illustrations and symbols.
55:04 How many of you remember when Solomon had too many wives
55:09 and he started to worship other Gods.
55:12 God sent the prophet, I think his name was Elijah to Jeroboam,
55:15 and what Elijah did was he took a cloth, and he tore it
55:18 into 12 parts, and he gave 10 parts to Jeroboam,
55:22 and he said, two parts will be for Judah.
55:25 So that cloth represented the kingdom of Israel, that robe.
55:29 And then another time when king Saul told Samuel, "Wait."
55:32 He had disobeyed God and he'd not dispatched
55:37 the Amalachites as he was told.
55:39 Samuel was walking away, and Saul reached out to grab Samuel,
55:43 and he grabbed his linen garment,
55:45 and it tore off in his hand.
55:46 A piece of it tore of in his hand, and Saul was desperate,
55:51 and he didn't know his own strength, and for whatever
55:53 reason, and Samuel used it as a symbol.
55:55 He turned back and he said, "Thus the Lord has torn the
55:59 kingdom away from Saul and he will give it
56:02 to your neighbor who is better than you."
56:05 And so, you can see these symbols that are made
56:07 about the cloth as well.
56:09 Well, we've just about run out of time,
56:11 but I think we've covered the bulk of the lesson.
56:13 By the way, I wanna remind our friends that maybe
56:15 not all the time, but most of the time
56:17 what we do is we upload the notes
56:19 and so we've got these notes I've shared and a few extras
56:22 that will be at the Amazing Facts website.
56:24 If you are a teacher and you want to download them
56:26 or just for your personal study we usually have
56:28 the notes that are uploaded there.
56:30 And also, don't forget we do have a free offer,
56:32 and Pastor Ross mentioned to you that everybody
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56:38 It is a DVD. It is not a movie.
56:41 So you need to put it in your computer.
56:43 It has a lot of sermons on it.
56:45 Matter of fact, it's a whole evangelistic meeting.
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56:52 The lessons are on here, the resource study books.
56:55 It's a whole evangelistic series that we have
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56:59 So you get this and you share with people to watch
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58:07 [music]
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Revised 2015-11-04