Participants: Dr. Arthur Weaver
Series Code: SSC
Program Code: SSC000005
00:01 Many people are concerned that if they
00:03 stopped smoking, they'll substitute their 00:04 cigarettes with food and end up extremely fat. 00:08 I'm Dr. Arthur Weaver, a cancer surgeon 00:09 and today I'm going to give you the principles 00:11 on how to stop smoking without looking like 00:14 a beach ball with arms, don't miss this program. 00:49 Well, how's it going? Good. Great. 00:52 First let me answer a couple of questions 00:55 that somebody asked me. One of them said, 01:00 now I think you suggested I might go 01:02 on sugarless gum. Now, I read somewhere 01:08 that saccharin is carcinogenic, 01:11 if I get rid of cigarettes what's gonna 01:14 happen if I eat all this saccharin. 01:18 Well, I wouldn't worry too much about it, 01:24 because you won't be chewing gum 01:25 probably all the rest of your life, 01:28 but it's interesting how we look at some 01:31 things in completely different light than 01:34 we look at other things. For instance, 01:41 I remember several years ago, 01:44 it was thanksgiving and we had this scare 01:49 with the cranberries, does anybody remember that, 01:52 the cranberry scare at Thanksgiving. 01:56 Anyhow I always had some cranberries 01:59 with my Thanksgiving dinner. 02:00 So, I went to the store and I asked for 02:02 cranberries. I read the report, 02:05 you know what the report basically showed, 02:07 there had been one study done on rabbits 02:11 and if you translated it into humans basically 02:13 if you ate about 2 pounds of cranberries 02:16 a day for twenty years you might get this 02:18 cancer of your thyroid. Okay, you got it, 02:24 so I went to the store and I said do you have 02:25 any cranberries I figured I could wash them, 02:27 clean them up and have them onetime you 02:29 know, not two pounds, not twenty years just 02:33 for Thanksgiving dinner. And lady looked at me 02:35 as if I was crazy. She says don't you know 02:38 they cause cancer? I said I haven't ever. 02:44 I was a cancer surgeon then you see, I said, 02:46 I haven't seen anybody dying of cranberry 02:49 cancer yet. But I said you're still selling all 02:54 those cigarettes there. And I see people dying 02:58 of those all the time, isn't it interesting. 03:02 You know they have this idea that if anything 03:04 causes cancer, no matter what the doses is, 03:07 you know that saccharin bit probably a 03:09 thousand times a dose than anybody would get 03:11 from chewing gum, so they put that little 03:14 warning on there. But it's interesting that 03:17 they maybe getting, in some countries, 03:20 somebody handed me this tonight it's sort 03:22 of interesting, maybe you saw it in a paper. 03:25 Cigarette soon may carry a death message 03:27 in Sweden, did anybody see that? 03:30 Anyhow they're thinking of putting some little 03:32 stories on each pack of cigarettes, 03:34 how would you feel if you got your cigarettes 03:36 and it said something like this. 03:38 Stephen took his first puff in primary school, 03:40 at 20 he smoked a package a day. 03:43 Twenty years later he felt quite healthy but 03:45 one afternoon he suddenly collapsed 03:47 at work. He died before the day was over, 03:49 the reason, heart attack, he was forty years old. 03:53 How would like to have a different story on 03:55 every pack of cigarettes. That's what they're 03:57 thinking of doing in Sweden, 04:01 so I thought that was kind of interesting; 04:03 I appreciate someone sharing that with me. 04:08 But it's also interesting, you know everyone 04:10 is concerned against air pollution, 04:13 you heard that didn't you? What am I going 04:16 to do about the air in New York, in Michigan? 04:20 Well , I don't know much about New York 04:23 air but I do know something about 04:24 Michigan air. The one pack a day smoker, 04:32 you got this now, one pack a day smoker 04:34 gets six hundred times the particulate 04:40 pollution in his lungs that the nonsmoker 04:43 will get from air that meets Michigan clean 04:45 airs standards. The one pack a day smoker 04:52 get this now, gets sixty times, 04:55 60 times the particulate pollution that 05:00 the nonsmoker will get from air which 05:03 by law in the state of Michigan they have to 05:05 declare a pollution alert and close some factories. 05:11 The one pack a day smoker get sixty times 05:14 that amount, do you see how different it 05:16 is for certain industrial things then it is 05:20 for certain things that people have a habit 05:24 of smoking and drinking and chewing you know, 05:30 we're concerned about war, nobody wants to 05:32 go to war right, we lost fifty thousand men 05:37 as I remembered in Vietnam, bad war. 05:41 We lose that many in car accidents every 05:44 year half associated with alcohol, 05:47 no one seems to get too upset about it. 05:50 We lost a hundred and twenty five thousand 05:52 people this year from lung cancer alone. 05:56 Basically associated with smoking and no one gets, 06:00 you haven't heard them really getting uptight 06:02 about that in Congress and having major 06:03 debates over, have you? Maybe just kind of 06:07 accept this kind of mortality. 06:12 I had to get that off my chest I appreciate 06:14 you letting me, appreciate you letting me do that. 06:16 Well, we need to talk to a couple of people 06:18 tonight and my friend that wanders, 06:21 goes around picking people, isn't here, 06:25 he had another obligation. Is there 06:27 anybody that has something real interesting 06:29 that's happened to them while they were 06:30 stopping smoking they're willing to share with, 06:32 just come right up here. Anybody, come one. 06:35 Somebody's got something good, 06:38 alright then, then I'm gonna pick you out 06:41 at random. You just make your way, 06:43 make your way up here, I take the lady right 06:46 here, seated by the man in the stripe shirt, 06:50 walk your way up and I'll take the gentleman 06:54 over here in the sweater, right, you got it, 06:56 make your way up and we'll pick this man 07:01 from Michigan back here, says Michigan 07:03 he's proudly bragging about his Michigan. 07:09 And lets see we'll pick one more lady from 07:13 the front row right here. Alright, come on up. 07:23 Hi what's your name? Jill Munn, Jill Munn, 07:27 how do you spell about Munn? Munn, Munn, 07:30 and Jill, have you been here since the start 07:34 of the program? Yes, I have. 07:35 And how much were you used to smoking? 07:37 About a pack, about a pack a day. 07:39 tell me how the program has gone 07:41 for you now Jill, oh we're down here you 07:42 see on the forth day is it without cigarettes? 07:46 Fifth for me, yeah fifth day oh! That's good, 07:49 Sunday, and so tell me just kind of outline 07:52 it for me what do you, what do you think? 07:54 I think it's great, I went and saw my father 07:57 last night and I want him to come. 08:00 Your father smokes? Yes. You think maybe 08:01 your quitting will help him come? I don't know, 08:05 I hope so, I hope so, he worries me. 08:09 Now, did you have much trouble? No, 08:13 no I was ready, he was ready, I was ready. 08:15 Did you go through any symptoms? 08:17 Yeah, well yesterday it was great, 08:20 today it was hard, this is my fifth day yeah 08:23 I really wanted one today. All day along, 08:26 well no, but I mean it was stronger than 08:30 the day before and I don't know why, 08:32 do you remember my mountain story? 08:34 Yeah, there's little ups and downs but you 08:37 know what, like I told you the first day 08:39 those urges will get lower and lower 08:42 amplitude and further and further apart. 08:44 But if you ever been on a beach, 08:46 you ever once in a while you know they 08:47 have all these little ones and then here comes 08:48 the big one, yeah, forgot about that. 08:51 Yeah, you had the big one, yeah, 08:53 but you feel good about it? Well I fell good 08:56 that I didn't smoke, yeah and you don't 08:58 think you're going to go back. 08:59 No, I know I'm not going to go back. 09:02 What do you think about that, 09:03 isn't that great? Thank you, keep doing, 09:06 I love this program, good thank you. 09:10 Alright, lets see, somebody I call this 09:16 fellow back about here too no, no, no you got, 09:19 you got yeah. Alright, come, come, 09:21 come right on up here, what's your name? 09:24 Dan, Dan you're not a fan from 09:26 University Michigan? No, no, what do you 09:29 think of it? No. How much you used to 09:31 smoke Dan? Was two packs, 09:32 two packs a day and you've been here 09:34 since the start of the problem yeah since 09:36 last Thursday. You got out here in spite 09:37 of the weather tonight. Well I couldn't miss it, 09:39 couldn't miss it. I'm down right proud of you; 09:40 you got up a real sweat I mean. 09:44 Well, like shrimp, nervous still too, little jittery, 09:48 yeah. But how did the program go for you? 09:50 A lot better then what I did, you know 09:53 when I tried on my own, you've tried on your 09:55 own but it didn't work too well, hundreds 09:56 of times you know. But you think the program 09:57 has worked pretty good? Oh yeah definitely, 09:59 in fact I just gave the book and all the 10:01 information to my sister she wants to quit, 10:03 she wants to quit too. Did you have some real 10:08 bad days? Yesterday was the worst, 10:09 the fourth day and today you felt a little better. 10:12 Yeah, I think different was this morning, 10:13 I woke up with a bloody nose, I couldn't 10:17 understand that one. Well, a lot of times people 10:19 in this country get bloody nose, 10:22 in this you know where is, we have the heat, 10:24 a lot of people get bloody nose from dry air 10:27 that's the commonest cause. 10:28 We see a lot of bloody nose in nonsmokers 10:30 and smokers. This is first time I had. Yeah, 10:33 I doubt that it had anything to do with your 10:35 smoking, I think it's just what you call a 10:38 coincidence. Could be. But you feel good about 10:41 it? Definitely and you think this time you're 10:43 gonna stay off and I'm gonna give it my 10:45 best shot, lets put it that way. 10:47 What do you think folks, aren't you proud of him? 11:00 I always appreciate those people that sit 11:02 on the front row, I don't know if any of you 11:06 folks done much public speaking but you always 11:09 have to have some feedback you know to 11:11 see whether you, whether your getting 11:13 through or not and I watched you every 11:17 night and you've acted like you were listening, 11:19 and I appreciated that. I was. 11:23 How much were you used to smoking before 11:24 you came here? Pack and a half or two packs 11:27 per day. And tell us a little bit about 11:31 your trials and tribulations? Well, 11:33 I was so carried away from sitting in the front 11:36 row because it felt like you were talking to me. 11:39 I was you know, I was watching there, 11:41 yeah but I mean none of these other people 11:43 were here, you were talking to me. 11:45 You know sitting there, so I got all carried away 11:47 and I thought I'm not gonna wait until Monday, 11:49 I'm gonna Friday night so I did it Friday night. 11:52 So, you've been off every since and isn't that good? 11:54 No, no, well alright, moment of truth, 12:01 I got real nervous Monday night before I came 12:03 here, so I did a real dumb thing and I had 12:07 a couple puffs off of a cigarette and you're right 12:09 I felt worse I think after doing that then again 12:14 I felt bad again after going through Saturday, 12:16 which was nightmarish and then you know 12:19 little better on Sunday but not much and 12:22 then Monday night I was starting to feel good 12:24 and I blew it, I took that and I felt worse. 12:27 But you've been doing alright since then. 12:29 Since I came here on Monday night I've tried 12:31 like everybody else do this myself 12:34 and never had success like I've had this time 12:38 and I don't know why but I think you made, 12:40 helped me make up my mind, 12:43 that I'm not gonna do this anymore. 12:45 I'm proud of you, thank you, don't you think 12:47 she shares a good idea? 12:56 That's the clue right there, did you get it? 12:59 Made up my mind, and the facts are that I can 13:04 help facilitate this, but if you stop smoking 13:09 you deserve the credit right, and don't try 13:13 to share it too much, you did it for yourself 13:15 and I'm proud, hi there, hi, what's your name? 13:17 Ed Chaplin, Ed Chaplin, Ed have you been here 13:21 since the start of the program? 13:22 Since day one, since day one. 13:23 Alright and I'm getting my pin tonight. Oh! 13:34 Now I've heard of slow earners Ed but, 13:39 let's kind of tell me you were just waiting 13:42 to see how long you could hold out before 13:45 you really got on board or what happened? 13:47 I just wanted to see if you're telling the truth 13:49 that one or two will hurt me everyday. 13:52 Then what happened, then it hurts like, 13:56 so I nothing today and it was better? 13:58 Much better, my throat doesn't hurt. 14:01 But where were you getting these one or two. 14:03 Guys at work you know and the one guy today says, 14:06 I'm not give you any today. 14:08 He says you want a cigarette, 14:09 go and buy them. So, you feeling pretty 14:17 good today, what are you gonna, 14:20 what are you gonna do about tomorrow? 14:22 Do much better because my kids won't 14:24 let me smoke anymore and they won't let me 14:25 go to store and buy them you know so. 14:28 Yeah, but now we've got to get away 14:30 from the kids and get it down with Ed, yeah. 14:33 Don't you think that's where we're really happy? 14:34 Yeah. That's sure, I think you're worth quitting 14:38 smoking for. I think so, don't you think so? 14:43 I'm proud of you, thank you. I appreciate you 14:45 coming, just a moment, thank you. Alright, 14:53 well we've gone ahead and found maybe 14:56 a few more of those buttons to give out 14:57 in just a minute but lets see where's my 14:59 helpers back here, what are they have? 15:01 They have the envelopes, is there anybody 15:04 that didn't get one of these little envelopes, 15:10 I thought I had everything here, 15:12 somewhere I hid behind here, well anyhow the 15:16 donation envelopes anyone who wasn't here 15:17 last night and didn't get a envelop, 15:21 just raise your hand, here's one over here. 15:25 As I explain to you we run by contributions, 15:30 but if you give us what your cigarettes cost 15:33 you for a week and that's a month and 15:36 you've already got a weekend right? 15:38 Yeah, so that seems fair enough from that, 15:41 we'll keep our programs running and all over 15:46 those people that you see helping me 15:48 and myself we donate our services. 15:53 So, it all goes back into the program and 15:55 we'll talk to you tonight about a lot of 15:56 other programs that we have, that 15:57 you might be interested in getting into. 16:02 Okay, is there anybody else needs one of those, 16:07 you can turn them into nights, 16:08 you can turn them in Monday, 16:10 just leave them with one of the helpers 16:11 that you've seen out there everyday 16:14 and if you need a receipt you will get it 16:16 or your check can serve as a receipt and 16:18 it is tax deductible. Alright, all of those who 16:23 are like Ed, wanna get a pin because today 16:27 they got off for the first time. 16:28 Would you stand. Oh! Yes, give her hand thank you, 16:36 here's another oh yes, isn't that good 16:49 and if you didn't smoke today raise both hands. 16:52 Look at that, look at that, look at that, 16:56 oh I wish we had those who got snowed out 16:59 of away but isn't that good? I am just so 17:02 proud of you. You don't know what a, 17:07 what a pleasure it is to see you succeeding 17:10 of something that's been on your back and 17:12 troubled you and bugged you for so long. 17:15 One lady said to me I've smoke for 50 years, 17:17 I thought I had never gonna get off and now 17:21 I'm free, isn't that good? I mean that's just like 17:23 letting a hostage lose. Letting a hostage lose. 17:33 Well, lets do a little talking here. 17:40 I know that one of the concerns that many 17:44 people have is that if I stop smoking, 17:48 I'm gonna get fat, does that concern anybody? 17:53 I have seen people even go back to the smoking, 17:57 because they didn't wanna gain the weight, 18:09 that's a bad trade off from a health 18:12 point of view. Listen carefully, 18:16 you carry the same risk to yourself 18:19 by smoking one pack of cigarettes a day increased 18:23 health risk, you'd have to gain a minimum 18:26 of 80 pounds once you quit smoking. 18:30 So, don't ever say to yourself, 18:33 I'm gonna die of obesity I might just well 18:36 go back to smoking. Now, I admit you may not 18:38 want to look like a blimp and all of that. 18:42 But don't use the excuse that this is as 18:44 dangerous as my smoking because 18:48 every statistic tells us that that's not so, okay. 18:53 Now, why do people have a tendency to gain 18:57 weight once they stop smoking? 19:01 Well there's several reasons. You're right, 19:05 hand to mouth he says, well you're used to 19:09 putting a cigarette in your mouth right, 19:12 and getting some pleasure from it. 19:15 You don't have cigarettes anymore so 19:17 what's the next best substitute? Food, 19:21 food, not only that but the food tastes better 19:26 than it ever tasted, because the sense 19:30 of taste along with the sense of smell and several 19:34 other sensations are now returning to the smoker. 19:37 I had one participant say to me one night you 19:42 wouldn't believe it's about this night, 19:44 fourth night something like it. 19:45 He said you wouldn't believe I had asparagus 19:47 last night I thought that was just a green 19:49 vegetable you ate because it was green but 19:51 he said that had the most, most exotic, 19:55 esoteric flavors I'd forgotten that asparagus 19:58 tasted like anything at all, isn't that interesting. 20:02 And now you see, you're used to putting 20:04 something in your mouth, you're used to 20:05 getting pleasure from it and here you have 20:07 all this delicious food. You have a second 20:10 honeymoon with food. I mean really good stuff, 20:17 alright. There is another reason that people 20:20 tend to gain weight when they stop smoking. 20:23 Part of it is that their basal metabolic rate 20:27 tends to slow down. So, that while you're 20:31 sitting around you're actually losing, 20:34 using less calories so that it takes a while 20:39 for that to get back and readjust itself. 20:44 In addition to that it hasn't been well 20:47 studied but I believe it's true, I believe one 20:50 of the big reasons people have a tendency 20:52 to gain weight once they stopped smoking, 20:54 is that their heart is burning many less calories. 20:59 In general when a person stops smoking his 21:01 blood pressure drops about 10 points. 21:05 In addition his heart rate drops about 10 21:08 beats a minute. Now when you consider that 21:10 your heart is a big muscle and it's pumping 21:13 hundreds of gallons of blood everyday 21:17 and now it's slowed down and its smiling dub, 21:20 dub, dub, dub instead of working so hard, it's 21:25 burning less calories, you see what I'm saying. 21:29 And therefore there is a tendency to gain 21:34 a little weight. Now, it is true that everybody 21:37 doesn't gain weight, I've seen people even 21:39 lose weight. And the average person gains 21:42 somewhere around 5 to 7 pounds once they 21:46 stop smoking. But let me tell you something, 21:50 I wanted to, something that maybe you wouldn't 21:53 like to hear, but I believe telling the truth, 21:57 and then you'll know the truth and the truth 22:00 will keep you from making bad mistakes. 22:04 What I've discovered is that the tendency 22:06 to gain weight lasts at the most about six months. 22:13 After six months people have a tendency to 22:16 plateau and then if they wanna work at it they 22:20 can lose that weight relatively easily. 22:24 I suggest that while you're stopping smoking 22:27 that should be your emphases, okay. 22:31 Take care of the weight if you have to a 22:34 little bit later, okay. But try to avoid putting 22:41 it all on, how can you do that? 22:43 Well, don't get a bunch of chocolate covered 22:47 nuts to start it, because give those to me, 22:54 because if you keep sticking those things 22:55 in your mouth or some soft candies you know 22:58 you can just load up tremendously. 23:01 If you have to have something in your mouth 23:04 try some sugarless gum, toothpicks, 23:07 sugarless candies or something like that, 23:09 or some lower caloric things such as carrot 23:12 sticks and celery sticks and the other stuff 23:13 you've heard about for diet. 23:16 Now I wanted you to understand why the 23:18 problem and now I'm gonna tell you what 23:20 you can do about the problem if you don't 23:23 want to gain weight, alright. 23:26 Now, listen carefully, first of all let me 23:28 tell you why? Did you know that people 23:32 that try to lose weight by diet, there is more 23:37 recidivism, do you understand that word, 23:39 going back to the same place that you were 23:44 than there is with any other habit including 23:47 smoking, alcoholism and drugs. 23:51 People that diet to lose weight. 23:54 Ninety percent of them will gain that 23:56 weight back again and those people who 24:00 go on repeated diets get fatter and fatter 24:05 and fatter, and you'd say why is that? 24:09 Now let me explain to you what happens and 24:12 then you can avoid making this mistake. 24:17 So, I decided I'm going on a diet, 24:21 I cut my calories way down to where I'm 24:27 starting you know and there's a thousand diet 24:29 books out there. I don't suppose that any 24:31 publisher made as much money as those 24:33 people that publish diet books, 24:35 doctor so and so diet, Jane Fonda's diet, 24:38 Uncle Raymond's diet whoever you know 24:41 everybody's got a diet book and most of them 24:46 the principle is cut calories. If you cut 24:50 calories you lose weight? Yes, the answer is yes. 24:55 So let's assume that now I decide I want 24:57 to lose ten pounds, alright, 25:01 so I go on this diet, slim fast, optifast, who's fast, 25:06 medifast, I don't know. Whatever it is I'm 25:10 getting less calories and I'm burning, 25:12 so I'm losing weight, and the first day 25:14 I step on the scale and oh look at that, 25:18 I lose about four pounds, what did I largely lose? 25:23 Water, water you've got it, so I lose water, 25:29 that's because I'm eating less salt and I'm 25:32 also burning up the glycogen and the 25:36 glycogen is tied up with water and the glycogen 25:40 is my immediate energy source and as I burn 25:42 up the glycogen in my muscles, 25:44 the glycogen in my liver, I'm losing a lot of water 25:49 and I'm urinating it right down the path 25:51 and there is no better way to lose weight 25:54 and I lose about four pounds of water. But 26:00 I persist, I stick with my diet and much more 26:05 slowly now I notice it's coming down a little bit, 26:13 and I keep on coming down and I lose 26:17 six pounds, some of that is fat that's what 26:21 I wanted to get rid of and I lose three pound of fat. 26:30 But at the same time, I'm also losing lean 26:33 body mass, mostly muscle. So, I lose, 26:41 we'll say here muscle, but did we lose some other 26:44 things as well. And I lose three pounds of that 26:51 and voila! Beautiful, I've lost ten pounds. 26:56 I can go back to eating like I ate before. 27:02 Only now I have a real problem, 27:05 when I went on this diet my brain said watch out, 27:11 you're starving, slow down the basal metabolic rate. 27:15 We've got to conserve resources, 27:19 so my basal metabolic rate drops, 27:22 so when I'm sitting around I'm burning off less 27:26 calories. In addition to this I have less muscle 27:32 to burn off energy, so I've got my dropped 27:36 basal metabolic rate, I have less muscle 27:39 and I go back to eating, tastes good again 27:42 after being off for a while but you know what 27:45 I have to eat even less than I did before 27:47 and I go around hungry all the time and pretty 27:50 soon I don't like going around hungry all the 27:52 time and I start to put on weight. 27:58 And I put it on you see and my basal metabolic 28:01 rate is low and I get fat again without eating 28:05 too much and then I go on another diet, 28:08 and I lose more muscle and my basal 28:11 metabolic rate is down and every time I go, 28:14 the next time I have to eat less and less until 28:17 some people can actually stay stable or 28:22 lose weight on 900 to a 1000 calories a day 28:26 which is basically a starvation diet. 28:30 No wonder they go back and get fat, 28:35 that's the problem, so now that I have lost my 28:42 smoking habits and I want to look well, 28:47 what can I do? Well, there is a way and here 28:58 is the clue, you will never guess. Exercise 29:14 that is the principle of weight control, 29:24 the main principle of weight control, 29:28 because as I exercise what do I burn off? 29:32 I burn off calories not only that but I kick up 29:37 my basal metabolic rate, not only that 29:42 I build some muscle now that presents 29:47 some what of a problem because I may step 29:50 on the scale and notice that I haven't lost much 29:55 weight but my belt seems to be getting tighter, 30:00 my dress size is dropping because muscle 30:06 is heavier than fat, you understand what 30:09 I'm saying, so it's possible for a person to 30:12 be nice and fit and trim, but not weigh 30:18 like a feather because they're solidly and 30:21 firmly built, they got rid of the flab do you 30:25 know what I'm saying? Some of these 30:26 football players you know they weight 300 pounds 30:29 most of that may well be muscle you see 30:33 and they can be perfectly fit, they're not, 30:36 many of them are not very fat. 30:38 So, this is the principle here. Number one, 30:42 I lose calories and calories represent fat or 30:51 whatever else I lose calories, 30:53 I increase my basal metabolic rates, 30:57 so that probably while I'm sitting at 31:01 my desk I will actually burn off more calories 31:05 from my increased basal metabolic rate during 31:12 the day then I actually burned off in my exercise 31:16 during the morning, so the benefits persist 31:19 for 8 to 24 hours even after my exercise 31:24 is done. So, let me recommend to you 31:31 getting yourself on a good exercise program. 31:37 There is nothing that I would rather see 31:39 you do than to get on an exercise program 31:42 once this program is through. 31:46 Exercise is a great tranquilizer and if you're 31:51 a little nervous what not about being off 31:54 your cigarettes and you get out and have 31:56 a good period of exercise everyday, 31:59 its gonna put those beta endorphins out 32:01 of your brain and then you're gonna feel 32:03 comfortable with yourself, 32:05 you're gonna feel good but in addition 32:06 to you will burning off with the few extra 32:09 calories that you sticking in your mouth 32:10 because food tastes so good, alright. 32:16 Exercise, how important that is? Now, 32:23 I don't believe anybody should get on a diet 32:27 or I should put here that you get a little 32:29 bit of increased muscle, so don't ever throw 32:33 your scale away, throw your scale away 32:37 and take yourself out of tape measure yourself 32:41 around here and around here and maybe around 32:45 your thighs, but forget what the scale says 32:48 because if you're on a good exercise program 32:51 you will be trimming up, you will be looking good. 32:54 Everyone will say you're losing weight and you 32:57 say I really lost much weight, 33:01 but who cares you wanna look good and 33:04 you wanna feel good isn't that it. 33:07 And exercise will provide that for you, alright. 33:12 Now, I don't recommend that anybody goes 33:21 on a diet that they can't live on for the rest 33:24 of your life. I would rather see people 33:31 if they need to lose weight get on a exercise 33:32 program, maybe make some dietary changes 33:38 but lose half pound a month. Did you ever stop 33:43 to think, if you did that for a year how much 33:44 you lose during the year? Six pounds, 33:47 you did that for three years, eighteen pounds. 33:51 How did you put it on in general? 33:54 You know we put these twenty pounds on over 33:56 a forty, thirty year period and we wanna 33:58 lose it in thirty days, you think that makes 34:00 sense from a physiological point of view? 34:04 No, I would like to see you lose it slowly, 34:08 it's much more likely to stay off. 34:11 Now, you know as well as I know that you 34:14 can't stay miserable for a prolonged period of time, 34:21 that's why I tell people as I, to my patients 34:25 as I deal with them about their smoking habit. 34:27 They say doc I'm only having one or two 34:30 cigarettes and I tell them, I know a lady and 34:34 she's only a little bit pregnant. 34:38 Because you see I know that no one can stay 34:43 on one or two cigarettes that had an 34:44 established smoking habit for a long period of 34:46 time oh yes you know some people like that 34:50 and everybody thinks they can simulate them, 34:53 but those people never were confirmed smokers, 34:56 they're always piddly diddling with the habit, 34:59 one or two cigarettes a day. No one ever went 35:01 from three packs a day to three cigarettes 35:03 a day and stayed there, it hasn't happen yet. 35:07 I haven't seen it and I've been looking for it. 35:11 Some people who made it work for a month 35:12 or two they were miserable the whole 35:14 month for two and then they went right 35:16 back to smoking what they were doing before. 35:18 You can't be a part time smoker and you 35:21 can't be a part time eater, you can't go around 35:24 hungry for long. Sooner or later 35:27 you're gonna say nuts to it and go back 35:31 to eat like you ate, eating like you ate before. 35:36 Do you believe that? Yeah you won't be 35:38 miserable that's what's the problem with the diet, 35:42 standard diet, so what should you do. 35:46 Well you should eat food that will fill you up 35:51 and when you leave the table you shouldn't go 35:54 away hungry. Now how do you do that? 35:59 Well, I'll tell you how you do it; 36:00 you eat food that will fill you up. 36:04 Now, the problem with the American diet 36:09 is that very few of us eat food anymore 36:12 like the good Lord put it here. You go to your 36:19 store and you look and 90 percent of the stuff 36:23 on the shelves is not really food, 36:25 its manufactured chemistry. 36:30 You just read the package and half the time 36:34 you can't understand it, have you ever tried 36:36 reading those, those ingredients, 36:39 I mean they made creamers that never 36:41 saw a cow. Yeah, you know I mean, 36:46 and they got stabilizers and balancers and 36:50 things to make it stay on the shelf for 36:51 six months without going rancid, 36:54 and it just isn't food, but the problem 37:00 is that as Americans by large we have develop 37:04 taste for junk food. We have developed taste 37:12 for junk food, what is junk food? 37:15 Well junk food basically is refined food and 37:20 the two main ingredients that the manufactures 37:23 like to put in food to make it taste 37:26 good is sugar, salt too. But I'm talking about 37:34 calories now and fat. You just stop to think 37:41 about all those things that you think real good 37:44 about and tell me if they not loaded with 37:45 sugar and fat have you heard of ice-cream, 37:48 brownies, fudge bars, dough bars, 37:55 chocolate covered nuts you name it and most 38:01 of these things that we really kind of celebrate 38:04 over are loaded with sugar and fats, 38:08 and we have developed tastes for those foods. 38:14 Now, when I eat all these high sugared, 38:18 lets say we're talking about breakfast cereals 38:20 do you know there are some cereals out 38:21 there in the market that actually have more 38:23 sugar than grain in them. And do you know 38:27 that the food manufacturing industry 38:30 is out to fool you and you know how they 38:33 try to do it with sugars? Yes, you're exactly right. 38:39 Most people know that the ingredients 38:42 have to be on the package according the 38:46 largest first and then on down and they don't 38:49 wanna put sugar first, so what do they do? 38:54 We have corn syrup solids, dextrose, glucose, 39:01 fructose, maltose, maybe even some sucrose 39:07 and when you get down you can have 39:09 75 percent sugar and have something else 39:12 up front. They want you to think it's good 39:19 and they wanna also fool you, I'm sorry, 39:23 excuse me, the food industry is doing it, 39:25 but it is doing it. How much bulk is there 39:29 in sugar, fiber? None, how much minerals? 39:35 None, how much vitamins? None, 39:39 and yet many pf us get a great deal of our 39:41 energy from refined sugar and you can put 39:47 that food with that sugar in your stomach 39:50 and walk away hungry because there's 39:53 basically no space filled. Do you understand 39:56 what I'm saying? You got a ton of calories 40:00 but you're still hungry, same way with fats. 40:08 We eat a lot of fat, fats have nearly, 40:10 well they have more then twice as many calories 40:14 per weight as sugar, did you know that? 40:16 Carbohydrate is four calories per gram and 40:18 fats are nine calories per gram and we eat all 40:25 kinds of refined fats. Now, 40:29 what I'm suggesting to you, I'm suggesting 40:31 that you think about what you are eating 40:33 and try to get back to eating largely food 40:37 like it comes from the earth or the tree 40:42 or the plant, because if you do that 40:46 and you don't load it down with sugar 40:47 in fact you can eat and eat and eat and 40:52 eat and not get fat and you can walk away 40:57 from the table feeling quite comfortable. 41:03 Let's just take bread, have you heard of 41:09 Wonder bread. You know why they call it 41:13 Wonder bread, cause you squeeze it you 41:16 wonder where it went, I mean it practically 41:20 fills nothing but every slice is probably good, 41:25 I got to be careful because I saw my 41:26 daughter walk in, she's a dietitian but probably 41:28 around 70 calories you see then we put 41:30 a 100 calories of butter on it and we got 41:33 a 170 calories and you can eat 3 or 4 41:35 slices of that right, and what comes out? 41:39 Man, it comes out here because you see 41:41 you don't very full. Now, I guarantee you 41:46 if you start with a good solid piece of whole 41:50 grain bread you won't eat three or four slices 41:52 you know that and that one slice of bread 41:55 will not have any more calories than that 41:57 Wonder bread. So, I eat good, my wife, 42:04 we got for Christmas the kids give her 42:06 one of those bread makers you know you just 42:09 dump the stuff in and hey she's got it so, 42:12 she's got it down to about 100 percent whole 42:14 wheat, now and I add one of those slices 42:17 for along with my lentil soup for supper 42:19 tonight and you know what? That fills you up, 42:24 that stuff is heavy. Now when you chew it, 42:27 it's delicious, it's nutty, it's flavor full, 42:31 or you say well I don't like it, aha! 42:38 Listen to me now because I'm going 42:40 to give you a principle that if you take to heart, 42:46 it will solve your eating problem, 42:50 are you ready? I'm only going to share 42:53 it with you now, you won't tell anybody 42:55 else right? Yeah, listen to it we don't eat 43:00 what we like, we like what we eat. 43:07 Now I am going to drive by that one again. 43:10 Now, you don't eat what we like as much 43:11 as we like what we eat, now you say me 43:14 explain that to me. Why do the Chinese 43:16 like Chinese food? Because they eat it you 43:23 got it, why do the Mexicans like 43:25 Mexican food, because they eat it, 43:30 why do the Americans likes junk food, 43:35 because you eat it, you've got, 43:38 you've got the point, and if you keep eating 43:42 it you like it whether it's good for you 43:44 or bad for you. Are you listening? 43:49 This is a very important principle for diet change, 43:56 okay I have a son-in-law who thinks mashed 44:03 potatoes are only good if they come out 44:05 one of these boxes, I mean he might well 44:08 eat cardboard from my point of view. 44:11 But if you take and cook up a good potato 44:12 and smashed it you know he thinks man, 44:17 that's a funny tasting potato you know why? 44:20 Because his mother fed him potatoes out 44:22 of cardboard boxes, and if you eat potatoes 44:26 out of cardboard boxes, potatoes out of 44:28 cardboard boxes taste better than real potatoes. 44:33 But if you quit eating potatoes out of the 44:34 cardboard boxes and you start eating real 44:36 potatoes, pretty soon the real potatoes 44:39 are going to taste better than the potatoes 44:40 out of the cardboard boxes. 44:44 If you're a white bread eater and you will 44:45 put that stuff aside and quit eating it for 44:47 a month or two I guarantee you will never 44:50 go back to cotton balls again. Serious, 44:55 it won't happen I approve this to myself. 45:00 I told you the other night we were, 45:02 I was a mission surgeon in Pakistan and what 45:05 I didn't share with you was I'm also a 45:07 vegetarian and when we got to Pakistan 45:12 and I looked at the cows, I was glad I was 45:14 a vegetarian but I found out in a summer 45:19 there was only two vegetables that were 45:20 economically purchased, eggplant and okra 45:27 and those were the only two vegetables that 45:29 I didn't like. Fact is these were nose holding 45:38 kind of vegetables, so I told my wife honey 45:43 I think we're gonna learn to like eggplant and okra, 45:47 and she brought it home, and she tried to fix it, 45:50 and it tasted terrible and I gagged and 45:54 I held my nose and I eat it and I kept 45:56 eating it along with a few other expensive 45:59 things like tomatoes or what not you could 46:01 buy there, but eggplant and okra, 46:04 it was a non food you know. 46:09 There was another problem I had when I got 46:10 to Pakistan, I didn't like Indian food curry, 46:15 that was bad smelling and bad looking. 46:20 And people kept inviting us over to their 46:22 house you know here is the new American doctor 46:24 come out over we will make you a good 46:26 Indian dinner. So, you go over there and 46:28 they gave you this Indian food and they say 46:30 how is it? You say good, well let me give you 46:32 some more. You lie just a little bit, 46:36 because you don't wanna hurt their feelings 46:38 and you keep eating it. And after a year or 46:41 so it begins to taste better and even the 46:45 eggplant and okra isn't bad anymore. 46:49 And I can tell you now if I go down Greek town 46:52 and I look for a meal, I look on whether if 46:55 they got any eggplant or okra, 46:57 because now it's delicious. 46:59 Now believe me if you can make eggplant 47:02 or okra delicious by eating it, 47:04 I'm sure you can make that principle apply 47:06 to anything else. And if I go to one of the 47:08 major cities for a medical meeting you know 47:11 I can smell an Indian restaurant and my nose 47:13 starts to twitch, I wanna go in there 47:17 and get some curry and some chapattis, 47:21 I thought those were tasteless things when 47:22 I first tried them but you know they're really 47:24 good if you, if you what? If you eat them, 47:31 not like them, if you eat them you will like them, 47:36 okay. So, you're used to eating junk food, 47:41 now is a good time to start thinking 47:45 about a good whole grain breakfast 47:46 I talked to you about the other, 47:47 other program you remember that yeah 47:50 oatmeal, red river cereal, whole grain rolls 47:56 and well I make the one the other day with 47:58 cracked wheat and oats mixed them up, 48:00 put a few raisins and nuts, oh it was delicious 48:04 and then eat it with a grape fruit or an 48:06 orange you know that you will get less calories 48:08 that way than you are drinking the orange 48:09 juice and drinking the grape juice. 48:13 You see if we get back to eating the food 48:15 again like it comes, you can eat and eat 48:18 and eat and enjoy it and enjoy it and enjoy it 48:21 and everything will taste pretty good. 48:24 Let's talk about this fat here do you like corn 48:29 on the cob? Yeah, yeah I don't know how 48:33 many calories, how many calories are in 48:36 the corn on the cob without the fat on it, 48:37 where's my sister? 100 maybe 70 anybody 48:41 know how many calories corn on the cob sis? 48:47 Okay, I will take her because she's in this 48:49 business all the time so somewhere in that 48:52 neighborhood, alright, but you know what 48:56 we do with a corn on the cob, 48:58 we take it and we squeeze the fat out 49:00 of it you know what we make corn oil, 49:06 have you heard of that? Yeah, 49:08 good goes in your mayonnaise, 49:09 goes into this that and the other thing, 49:12 how many years of corn you think you could 49:13 eat? 3, 4, 1, 2 whatever not too many right. 49:19 You'd be, you'd be full won't you? Okay, 49:23 but you know we do each table spoon of corn oil, 49:28 one table spoon corn oil is all the fat from 49:33 14 years of corn. So, you take a couple of 49:41 tablespoons of corn oil you put it on your 49:43 salad in the way of dressing or whatever 49:47 and you see what you've done, 49:48 you've had all the fat from 28 years of corn. 49:52 Do you see why it's easy to get fat when 49:54 we're eating refined products? 49:58 Let's take a loot at something else just 50:00 for the fun of it, so you will see the point 50:02 that I making here. Time goes slipping away 50:09 when you're having fun don't you? 50:11 Okay let's take a crisp succulent Michigan apple. 50:23 You like it, I didn't know this must be somewhere 50:27 around 80 or 100 calories okay 80 calories. 50:30 How many of those could you eat for dessert? 50:34 One, somebody says two, pans how big it is, 50:39 you'd be full, right? But let's make apple 50:43 juice out of it right. Now we squeeze all 50:53 the juice out and we can drink down two, 50:57 or three or four apples just leaving the fiber. 51:03 Well, I know there is nothing the matter 51:04 with apple juice don't misunderstand me, 51:06 but you notice what I'm talking about here. 51:08 When we start to get away from the food 51:10 like it comes, it's easy to pour on the calories. 51:16 Well, let's make apple sauce now what 51:17 do we add to it, yeah we add a little sugar 51:22 and to get the same fullness you see we 51:25 probably gonna get a 150 calories over here 51:28 that we would had got from one apple and 51:33 all we've done is added sugar to it. 51:35 No nutrition, just calories, okay. 51:43 Let's have apple pie and now to get the same 51:52 fullness that I would have had from my one apple, 51:57 I will have one piece of apple pie which 51:59 is probably good for about 350 calories. 52:03 And I won't be any fuller when I get done 52:06 than I was up here with my apple. 52:09 But somebody wants to go broke, 52:11 he wants to go for the apple pie a la mode. 52:19 Now you see we're good for 500 plus 52:22 to 600 calories and I'll be no fuller than 52:26 if I had my apple does that mean you 52:28 can have apple pie a la mode for your birthday? 52:31 No, but it's what you have everyday for lunch 52:34 that makes a difference how your tummy looks 52:37 when you go out to lunch. Are you getting 52:39 the point that I'm making here. 52:41 So, if we go back to the food we start eating 52:44 food if we buy our groceries in Joe's Produce 52:51 instead of getting that stuff in those little 52:53 boxes and we cook that stuff up and eat it, 52:57 we can be full, comfortable and trim. 53:05 So, if we add a few dietary changes just start 53:08 to think when you're planning dinner or 53:11 something like that. What am I going to have 53:13 tonight I think I will make food and he says 53:16 that sounds kind of boring, that's sounds 53:18 like an old farmer meal or something like that. 53:22 You know what, eat it and you know what 53:28 you'll like it, and you keep eating it 53:31 and it'll keep tasting better and 53:35 better and better. I'll be honest I used to 53:38 like donuts and sugar rolls you know those things. 53:44 Now, I should tell you that I work around 53:46 hospitals and the detail men, the drug salesmen 53:49 and the surgical salesmen you know what 53:52 they're always doing? They're always dumping 53:54 the table full of sugar donuts, jelly rolls, 54:01 all of that stuff. I must tell you the truth 54:03 that it doesn't even tempt me anymore basically 54:07 because I quit eating it. I don't feel 54:12 persecuted all, I feel sorry for people that seem 54:14 to like icky, sweet, greasy stuff. 54:19 Because I've trained my head, 54:22 now if I'm starving, I'd go and get one now. |
Revised 2014-12-17