Participants: Dr. Arthur Weaver
Series Code: SSC
Program Code: SSC000001
00:02 This auditorium is empty now,
00:03 soon is gonna be filled with people who need to, 00:07 and want to stop smoking. If you're a smoker, 00:09 I'm absolutely certain that you've given some 00:11 thought to stop it. Now, is an excellent 00:14 opportunity for you to do so? 00:16 I'm Dr. Arthur Weaver, a cancer surgeon 00:18 and I've had considerable success in helping 00:21 people to stop smoking. If you'll join the group 00:23 right here in this auditorium, 00:25 you also will be able to quit. 00:27 We're going to give you the principles, 00:29 we're gonna tell you how, we're going to see 00:31 you through the withdrawal process. 00:32 I have no question join us, you'll make it. 01:07 Well, you're here right. This is the night. 01:14 You waited for this for a longtime. 01:18 All these years and now you're gonna get that 01:21 monkey off your back. We're gonna start 01:25 smelling nice, you will smell better 01:27 tomorrow night, than you do tonight 01:29 I can guarantee you that. But if we're going 01:34 to quit smoking, I give you my money back 01:38 guarantee okay we will get that right off it, 01:41 if you come regularly every night. 01:46 And if you follow the program as we've got it 01:49 outlined, you'll quit smoking. 01:54 There is only one person that can keep you 01:56 from succeeding you know who that is, 02:00 that's yourself. Now, we've learned that 02:05 there are number of principles that will lead 02:08 to success and there are number of things 02:11 that will lead to failure. And one of the 02:13 greatest things that will lead to failure is fear. 02:19 What do you think are some of the fears 02:22 that will keep people from stopping smoking? 02:25 Well I fear weight gain sure, 02:27 that's one of the things that lot of people 02:29 are worried about particularly women, 02:31 they wanna keep that's well figure. 02:33 And they say well if I'm gonna gain a 100 pounds 02:36 of weight; I might well die of smoking as die 02:39 of obesity, right. Have you ever heard people 02:42 talk about that? Well, we're gonna spend 02:45 the whole evening basically I'm telling you 02:47 how to stop smoking without looking 02:49 like a beach ball with arms. 02:53 How to stop smoking without turning 02:55 into a blimp you know what I'm saying. 02:58 And we've got the principles 02:59 and if you listen to them well but no one 03:02 will ever gain enough weight, 03:05 so that they will be is at much risk 03:11 after they stop smoking and gain the weight 03:14 as they would be with continuing smoke. 03:20 We carry about the same risk as the person 03:22 who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. 03:25 You have to gain 80 pounds once you quit 03:27 smoking and no one is going to gain 80 pounds. 03:33 And if you think that you have a tremendous 03:35 weight problem, I'd like you to talk with me 03:37 and I'll give you some personal suggestions 03:40 and some personal people I know they can help you 03:41 with the weight problem. Right now, 03:44 if you're a smoker your greatest single problem, 03:46 your greatest single health risk 03:48 is your smoking habit, so fear of weight gain 03:51 is one thing. What are some of the other fears 03:54 that might keep people from stopping smoking? 03:57 Fear of failure yes, you've already failed 04:00 once or twice, you've tried that you know 04:02 the 20, 19, 18, 17, 16. Said you're gonna do it 04:06 and then you didn't and then you went back. 04:10 Now, the only thing that can keep you from 04:14 stopping smoking if you fail before 04:17 is failing to try again. And its true there are 04:22 a lot of people quit and then go back, 04:29 but if they will grow and learn from their 04:32 failed experience. When you started walking you 04:35 think you ever fell down. Yeah if you stay 04:39 there on the ground would you've ever 04:41 learned to walk? No, you bounce backup 04:43 and you go right on walking again. 04:46 Sure. If you've failed before let's grow 04:50 and learn from the past experience 04:52 and let's make this one the time when we opt out. 04:56 Wouldn't you like to walk out of here 05:00 next Monday night feeling good about yourself? 05:05 You know, I finally got this thing I got it doc, 05:10 I got it, I got it. Oh there is not gonna 05:13 be able, one of the fun things 05:14 I have is coming back to the clinic 05:17 and having people come back that have stopped, 05:21 and lot of times those people come 05:23 and help me in the programs, so I thought 05:25 I will introduce you to a couple of people. 05:26 I don't know whether I can see them 05:28 or not but is Karen back there. 05:30 Yes, you are looking good. Well thank you. 05:35 She smells a lot better when I first met her. 05:39 Oh yeah, smell lot better. Yeah you do it; 05:43 you know the smokers don't know 05:44 that they stink. No they don't, not at all. 05:47 But every non-smoker knows it, 05:50 you know the women's puts on the little perfume 05:53 and she goes walking down the street, 05:54 she thinks everybody smells her perfume 05:56 they go by and say there is another smoker. 06:00 You smell good. You know everybody 06:01 would stinks, but I don't. 06:04 What's program was it you came too. 06:07 First one was here last year. 06:10 You came last year, then what happened. 06:14 I was so professionated, I came again in November. 06:17 Did you get off last year. Yeah, 06:19 I did for 5 months. 5 months 06:21 and then what happened. Then I start 06:24 smoking again. Why? Probably because 06:27 I started drinking again, that's my trigger. 06:31 That's your trigger. That's my trigger. 06:34 Yeah well we will talk about that as we go 06:36 along, but its interesting isn't it. 06:38 She got off for five, you were feeling 06:39 pretty good then. Oh yes feeling great. 06:41 Now, Thursday night we're going to talk about 06:45 how to keep on keeping off. Now you must have 06:49 forgot that lecture. Yeah probably did, 06:52 I wasn't paying attention. Went to sleep. 06:55 No, I thought, I thought I was ready 06:57 for it, I wasn't. Anyhow you got off 07:00 for five months and that was a learning experience 07:01 for you and then what? Then I started back 07:05 and I felt bad as I couldn't exercise 07:07 anymore, couldn't do what I used to do. 07:09 Then I heard a program was coming on again 07:11 and I decided to come again and worked again. 07:14 And in November you came to the one in Ohio, 07:16 and you quit again. Again. 07:18 How do you feel about it now? 07:19 A lot better, I am lot more confident about it. 07:23 What do you think you can do differently this time? 07:27 I don't drink, no not at all. You quit drinking? 07:31 Quit drinking, yeah, and I pray a lot. 07:33 You pray a lot. I pray a lot. 07:35 Renewing those spiritual resources. 07:38 Yeah and it helps, it helps a lot. 07:41 And what do you think, what's your advice you 07:43 got for these people here as they are sitting here 07:46 nervous tonight and wondering 07:47 how they're gonna make up. 07:49 Pay attention definitely. Don't go to sleep. 07:51 Don't go to sleep and it only hurts for about 07:54 3 days and that's honestly God's truth. 07:57 After about 7, 8 days off the cigarettes, 07:59 I could actually go one full day 08:01 not even think about it. You think these people 08:03 are going to love being free from smoking. 08:04 They are going to love being free from smoking. 08:06 You think we are all wined them up here 08:08 together you want to help me direct them. 08:11 I am gonna love being free from smoking. 08:14 There you go that's a good, 08:15 let's give Karen a hand, shall we do that. 08:23 Is Helen here somewhere? Oh yes 08:27 now these are two ladies who were passing out, 08:29 you see what your risk is when you come here 08:33 because I think I met both of these ladies 08:37 here at this very spot, she one year ago, 08:41 you how many years ago? Three. 08:43 Three years ago, and you had how much 08:46 were you smoking. Well about a pack 08:49 and half a day. And you had tried several times 08:52 to quit. Oh I quit and started hundred times. 08:56 And what made you decide to come to this program. 09:01 Well I got a little note with my pay check 09:03 and I thought boy they're trying to tell me 09:05 something, everybody don't smoke but me. 09:08 But I came anyway because I thought maybe 09:10 it might help me after I get over feeling like 09:12 somebody was picking out me so. 09:15 And how did the program go for you. 09:16 Fine, fine after about a week or so I was fine. 09:20 And that was three years ago. 09:23 Three years this month. And you haven't smoked 09:26 since. Not one. And you feel good about it. 09:28 Feel great. What advice you got for this group. 09:31 Just stick in there because you will make it, 09:33 and you feel so much better. 09:36 You think they will love being free from smoking. 09:38 Yes they will love being free. Let's try 09:39 one more time. We are gonna love 09:40 being free from smoking. Thank you, alright. 09:51 Just think one year ago, three years ago, 09:53 they were where you where you were at 09:56 and they are now both free, isn't that good? 10:01 Yeah, don't you want to be that way 10:04 and you can be that way. Fears, 10:07 any other fears that might keep you from stop, 10:11 from irritability, fear perhaps of going through 10:14 the withdrawal situation. You've done it 10:17 before right and you feel a little miserable. 10:22 And when you begin to feel miserable, 10:25 you know all addictions work the same way. 10:29 You get the drug, you get addicted to the drug, 10:32 then you don't get the drug and you feel 10:35 uncomfortable. And what do you say; 10:39 if I only had my cigarette in this case, 10:44 I would feel better. So, 30 times a day 10:49 you feel kind a miserable and then you smoke 10:53 your friendly little suicide machine 10:59 and you feel better, and you say that's my friend. 11:04 Isn't that the way you think of it. 11:07 You don't think that's the thing that made me 11:09 feel bad. You say that's the thing it made me 11:12 feel better, what was actually thing that made 11:14 you feel bad so it can make you feel better, 11:16 so it can make you feel bad. 11:17 Thirty times a day you go through that 11:19 and pretty soon you begin to think of cigarettes 11:20 as your friend. When really, 11:24 that's the cause of your problem. 11:27 I don't care if you're an alcoholic; 11:28 the alcoholic feels the same way 11:30 about his alcohol. If I only had my alcohol, 11:34 I would be okay. If I only had my caffeine 11:39 I would be okay. If I only had my amphetamine, 11:43 my crack cocaine or whatever is they all work 11:47 the same way. The person who is addicted feels 11:51 like this is what he needs to be normal. 11:54 You know there are lot of people think 11:56 you know there is nothing to matter 11:57 with neither the little nicotine effects. 12:01 I think I have a normal you know what I have 12:06 a nicotine deficiency. And soon as 12:12 I get a cigarette or two, I feel okay. 12:18 Now in the next day or two as you are 12:20 going through this withdrawal 12:21 if you feel badly and you say if cigarettes 12:24 make me feel that way, boy am I glad 12:27 I am quitting you understand 12:28 what I am saying because what makes 12:31 you feel badly. The program no, 12:35 did we pass you out any pills when you came in. 12:38 Did we give you any shots on the way out? 12:40 Did you pass you any flu germs, no. 12:44 If you feel badly is because the cigarettes 12:46 made you feel badly. So, put the blame 12:50 word is when you feel badly and you're going 12:53 through the withdrawal say wow I am not going 12:55 to go through this again after I get over 12:59 this once I am through once and for all. 13:02 Now, that's why we have the program, 13:05 that's why we're going to be here Tuesday night, 13:08 Wednesday night, Thursday night, 13:10 Friday night to see you through the miseries, 13:14 okay. Did you ever know it's more fun to go 13:18 through miseries together than it is to go through 13:21 them separately? And as you see the people 13:23 suffering the miseries next to you? 13:26 You can console each other and commiserate 13:29 and all those other things that you wanna do 13:32 and each one of us will be a support system 13:37 for the other, you hear me. 13:40 Sure now any other fears that is concerning you. 13:45 Fear of what? Fear of success okay, 13:51 he is afraid of success. What will I do 13:55 with my hands maybe? What I'm gonna do 13:59 with all the money I saved? What am I gonna do 14:02 with the extra years of your life 14:03 and these are things like I would like 14:05 to make decisions on, wouldn't you? 14:08 Yeah, okay now we notice several things 14:14 one of them that assumption determines 14:19 our behavior. What assumption can I make 14:24 that will cause me to fail? That I am not gonna 14:29 make it, if I think I am not going to make it 14:33 you think you will, no highly unlikely. 14:36 On the other hand if you know you are going 14:40 to make it, you think you will without a doubt 14:44 you make it. So, if you know when you leave here 14:49 tonight that's on your way, that nothing 14:51 is going to stop you. This is the time; 14:54 this is the place, every thing is in order 14:57 I am going to be a non-smoker you know what 15:01 you will be. Now, how do you make it easy 15:06 for yourself? Well the basic way to make it easy 15:09 for yourself is to make your decision 15:13 very firmly. The fact is the firmer you make 15:20 your decision the easier it is to quit. 15:23 You want me to drive by that one more time 15:27 because it's true. Now let me give you 15:30 an illustration. Several years ago my daughter 15:34 who was a nurse and her husband is an internist, 15:38 they went mission service to Taiwan, 15:42 and they left with a couple of boys 15:45 and she was pregnant when they left. 15:49 And she said to her husband she left daddy, 15:52 momma when we get over there you got to come 15:55 see this little baby there. 15:57 She thought that would be a good excuse 15:59 to see them here you know. So, pretty soon 16:01 she wrote back and yes they had a new baby boy 16:05 and they kept saying you've got to come 16:07 and see your new grandson. And I kept 16:10 saying to my wife, honey we got to go see 16:12 our new grandson. She said yes we got to go 16:14 see our new grandson. You think that got us there. 16:17 No, we just kept talking about it and nothing 16:20 much was happening. We got to go yes 16:22 we should go. One day I came home 16:24 and I said Snokes, that's what I call my wife 16:28 sometime. I said Snoke, now listen carefully 16:33 I have decided that we're going to Taiwan. 16:40 Oh! You have, but you see they kept sending 16:43 these letters, telling us how precocious 16:46 this boy was. How good looking he was. 16:51 How much he reminded them of your grandfather. 16:58 And that helped make up my mind you see. 17:01 So I said sure honey, I have decided we're going 17:06 to Taiwan, oh! You have, have you brought 17:08 the tickets. Yes and I told them at the office, 17:12 cancel the office for the month of November. 17:15 And I told them the operating room 17:18 don't look for me I'll not be there you can use 17:22 that operating room. Do you think we were 17:25 on the plane on November 1? Yeah, 17:29 why were we on the plane? Because we had decided 17:35 but now notice this we had not only decided 17:38 but everything we did afterward 17:41 we made inconformity with that decision. 17:46 Now, if you leave you here tonight having 17:49 decided to quit smoking. And then every step 17:52 you make afterwards will be inconformity 17:55 with that decision. It won't be nearly 17:58 as tough as you think? And maybe 18:03 I can last little bit by talking about 18:07 my addiction, chocolate covered nuts. 18:13 I love chocolate covered nuts, 18:18 so one time you see I take a look at myself 18:21 in a mirror and I said honey I'm getting 18:24 little fat. Then she says why don't you do 18:27 something about it. Oh! I saw I think 18:29 I will and what do you plan to do. 18:31 Well I plan to give up all sweets. 18:36 Well, that's good idea but there is one thing 18:39 I should tell you, what's that? 18:42 You know your friend Joel, he knew 18:44 it is your birthday. He knew how much 18:47 you would like chocolate covered nuts, 18:49 and you know what came in the mail today, 18:54 a three pound box of chocolate covered nuts. 18:58 So, she brings them out and I take off the cover 19:03 and there it is light chocolate 19:06 and dark chocolate and filberts and pecans 19:11 and the aroma comes up out of the box 19:14 and in each corner of the box 19:16 there is stack of tools. 19:25 So, I say, I really should go on a diet, 19:31 but I don't know, they should look good 19:38 I think I should go on a diet. I should just one, 19:44 never mind. Before I know what happened 19:50 the box is half empty. What was the matter 19:55 with my decision to go on a diet? 19:59 It wasn't very firmly made up, 20:02 would you agree with that? As soon as 20:04 the first temptation came along there 20:06 I was salving over these chocolate covered nuts. 20:13 Now, let's picture it again. 20:15 I will tell my wife I'm going on a diet 20:17 and she brings out the nuts and I say honey look 20:21 I told you that I was going on a diet, 20:24 I can't eat those. I wish you give those 20:27 to the kids and have them distribute them 20:29 in the neighborhood, and I heard kids are happy 20:31 and nuts are out of the door 20:34 and I feel like twinge or two's that go by. 20:37 But you know what they won't drive me nuts 20:40 over the course of the day. 20:43 You know why they're not there, 20:47 but why aren't they there? Because you see 20:51 I made up my mind firmly in fact as when the nuts 20:55 went by I kind a threw my shoulders back 20:57 and I said you really did it oh, 20:58 Arthur I'm proud of you. Do you see what 21:01 I'm talking about making up my mind firmly? 21:05 Maybe I could share a parable with you. 21:09 Now, you understand what the parable is. 21:14 Parable is a story to illustrate a point. 21:18 Now, it may not necessarily be a 21:20 true story you understand that or it could be. 21:23 But it tells a point, I like you to decide 21:25 afterwards whether the parable is fact 21:28 or fiction. But listen to the parable, 21:33 I have a friend and I did have a friend who died 21:37 but his name is called John Paul Getty, 21:41 did you ever heard of him. Now, John made 21:45 a lot of money, like he was a multi billionaire 21:49 and before he died he gave me a ring 21:52 and he said Arthur you know he said I'm sick, 21:56 and I may not be around long. 22:00 I like to do something good with my money 22:03 before I check out of this world. 22:07 He said I know you're into a lot of 22:09 health education and that kind of thing. 22:13 Would you use a little money to help 22:16 your programs? And I said John I was gonna go, 22:22 he said how much do you need I said John 22:24 I think 2 billion will be good. 22:37 So, he sent the money. He was thinking 22:40 he couldn't take it with him anyway. 22:44 So, he said what are your plans to do with it? 22:48 I said, I plan to use it for motivation. 22:51 We haven't spent it all yet. 22:52 So ladies and gentlemen, I have good news 22:54 for you tonight. Everyone that's here tonight, 23:01 if they can go without the next five days 23:03 a cigarette, I'll give 23:06 you a million dollars. 23:18 Now how many think you can make it? Raise your hands. 23:25 Now isn't that amazing? The fact is we would have 23:29 them lined up behind the platform 23:32 if we had that million dollars, right? 23:33 I'll admit that was just a parable. 23:39 But I think it allows me to raise the point. 23:41 Let me ask you question; if there is a 23:43 million dollars riding on it, do you think 23:46 you would carry cigarettes around 23:47 in your pocket just in case? 23:50 I guarantee you that everyone here 23:52 would get that million dollars, 23:54 do you believe that? Somebody would say, 23:57 "lock me in the room, slide the food under the door, 23:59 call me at the end of five 24:08 days." But one way or another you would make it, 24:13 why? Because you see, you would consider the trade 24:16 off worth it; right. One of the things 24:27 I discovered as a cancer surgeon is frequently 24:33 smokers get problems that money won't cure. 24:38 Even the best medical care in the country 24:42 won't take care of. So, now you've got 24:47 your million dollars, okay and you're feeling 24:52 good I mean you've checked into Condo down 24:55 on Myrtle Beach, you are down in Florida 24:59 somewhere. You are thinking about getting 25:02 small yacht. I mean things are looking out 25:05 pretty good, right. Now you've just resigned 25:08 your job because you did wanna do that anymore. 25:13 And then you think long enough, 25:18 I mean there if when you checked 25:22 in your friendly family physician, he looks down 25:25 and he says I don't like what I see you, 25:26 I'm gonna send you to a specialist. 25:29 I think I will have you go see Dr. Weaver, 25:31 so he come over to my office. 25:34 I look down your throat and I said I don't like 25:37 what I see either it's looks like a bad cancer 25:40 you got there, let me biopsy it. 25:45 We will get a report for you and let you know 25:46 in a couple days what it shows, 25:51 not a very pleasant situation I told the patient 25:54 that today. Report comes back, 26:02 this is a rare kind of tumor it's a bad one. 26:06 Up till now it's been a hundred percent lethal 26:08 but there is a new treatment just came out 26:10 for you. It's kind of expensive, 26:18 it will cost you million dollars, would you pay it. 26:27 Yeah, I'll be tickle to death if you have 26:29 the million dollars with what you've get it. 26:33 I don't know what are you seeing whether 26:35 I have taken you or not. But you can do 26:37 something for yourself in this clinic that could 26:39 be worth more to you than a million dollars. 26:44 I have got patients in the hospital today 26:48 that will give me everything they could 26:50 come up with if I could guarantee them, 26:53 they will not die with that cancer some of 26:55 them will. In practically all the cancers with which 27:00 I deal are cigarette in these cancers. 27:05 I was talking with one of my interims today. 27:08 Just been a home and he said it was the 27:15 first Christmas without mom, 27:17 his dad is a physician. He said when she died 27:22 from lung cancer. So I've tried for years 27:27 to get her stop smoking, said it was a lonely 27:31 Christmas, and that's pathetic don't you think 27:36 and I run into a lot of travel, 27:38 you will be preaching sometime 27:40 would you put up that will you because 27:43 I mean it's sort of sad. When you stop 27:46 and think that people will get diseases 27:49 that could easily be prevented 27:52 by making appropriate decisions. 27:55 Maybe one day patient says doctor you got 27:58 to get me out of this hospital for two weeks, 28:04 give me IVs, give me chemotherapy do anything 28:06 for me but just give me out of here two weeks, 28:09 if I have to come back then and die okay but 28:11 I got to have two weeks. I said that's a peculiar 28:13 request, why is that? And my only daughter, 28:19 my great love is getting married and I got to 28:23 go to that wedding. I will cancel the wedding 28:27 on how he is feeling. I mean that's paradox. 28:31 You can do something for yourself in this clinic 28:34 that even a million dollars might not be able 28:37 to buy for you, are you listening to me, 28:41 and only you can do that for yourself. 28:47 Now, you wanted to stop smoking for a longtime, 28:50 haven't you? Now, we've got everything lined up 28:53 here reduction in a row alright. 28:57 All we've got to do is make it work. 29:02 How many here find the cigarette habit 29:04 too expensive, let me see your hand. 29:06 I really feel so sad you know I pull up to gas station 29:14 and I go in there and to pay for my gas and 29:17 here comes some person and he says give me 29:20 three packs of cigarettes and 2 dollars worth of gas. 29:34 That's not a joke I heard that this morning when 29:38 I brought gas, and I felt a lot of pathos 29:42 for the poor fellow that had to take that money 29:46 and put it in his cigarette that ruined his life 29:49 when he couldn't just put it in his gas tank 29:51 and wouldn't have to comeback for two days, 29:53 I mean it look sick for yourself when you stop 29:55 to think about I mean it's, it's sad 29:59 yeah it cost you too much money. 30:05 How many of you would like to be rid of the health 30:08 risk of smoke let me see your hand, it look good, 30:12 how many would like to get, so people would say 30:15 wouldn't say to them you're gonna get this 30:16 thinking somebody where you going to, 30:18 would you like to gonna do that. 30:25 How many of you smokers would like to kiss your 30:27 non-smoking spouse without them having the kiss 30:34 last years birds nest. Yeah, well are you ready 30:40 to do it? Yes, have you brought your cigarettes? 30:47 Yeah, have you brought all those ashes and buds 30:49 that I told you to get rid of? Take a smell of those 30:52 things before yeah now just let me, 30:55 let me have your attention a minute. 31:00 So, I can explain to you how we're gonna do this. 31:04 I have back here a big trash can. 31:18 Now, now listen carefully we have a big group 31:23 and we wanna do this sound like a bunch of kids 31:27 in Kindergartner here. We wanna do this as efficiently 31:32 as possible here is what we're going to do. 31:35 We're gonna start with these outside rows 31:40 and they're going to come into the middle aisle 31:43 up the stairs, drop their all, 31:46 how many of their cigarettes? All of them, 31:49 don't storm under the seat or put them in the back 31:53 of your purse. We're gonna dumb them all okay, 32:00 do you love being free from smoking yes let's 32:03 say it again I love being free from smoking and go 32:08 for it come on let's go. Here they come. 32:58 Wow, my only fear is how do you get a toxic 33:09 dumping permit? I don't know what land field 33:22 will accept this, we may have to call in what is it 33:26 the Environmental Protection Agency or something, 33:30 this really stinks up here ladies and gentlemen. 33:34 I don't smell too well, but that's bad well 33:37 we hope I won't die of consumption before 33:40 the evening was done. I'm proud of you, 33:44 how do you feel about it now? Great, 33:47 anybody are little nervous about it all. 33:57 No, well it's like getting rid of an old girlfriend 34:00 that was out to murdering you. 34:10 Yep, you love being free from smoking even 34:16 for the last few minutes, yeah we're on our way 34:22 and may not be easy over the next few days 34:25 or we're gonna see it through it, okay. 34:27 We're gonna be every night and we can help those 34:30 that are having problems, I've got several helpers 34:33 here people who have been through it before 34:35 they understand what's going on and they will try 34:39 to give you the help you need okay. Let's just 34:43 open our booklets here a bit and talk about 34:46 a few things. Well, you can see the first page 34:49 of the book of booklet is the property of Lagos 34:52 you know who that is, it's now yours. 34:56 Turn to the next page where it says people 35:00 I can call for help? I would suggest that each 35:05 of you chose someone between now and the time 35:11 you go to bed, who was a non-smoker, 35:14 who can be your support person, 35:16 someone who understands you, someone who will 35:18 not pamper you, I suggest that not be your 35:20 spouse, you are too used to make excuses to them. 35:24 But chose someone and call that person and tell 35:27 them you're going to be my support person 35:29 you understand and you write their phone numbers 35:32 there and work phone and everything and you keep 35:35 touch with them everyday. I want these to be 35:39 someone who will encourage you not discourage 35:43 you alright now we turn pass the few things here. 35:48 Page 1 where it says my choice, 35:51 I'm choosing of my own free will to attend 35:53 the breathe free plan to stop smoking and what 35:57 it say there. I love being free from smoking 36:01 and this is sort of a signature there 36:03 for yourself. You know what you've done. 36:06 I will skip the next few pages there because 36:09 you won't need those smoking patterns. 36:11 And we come to the section called 16 weapons 36:15 to kill an urge. And no urge can survive all 16 steps 36:26 and in addition to this listen carefully. 36:30 I'm going to give you a secret weapon that 36:34 isn't even in the book. And it works great; 36:41 right now I should also tell you that I'm starting 36:44 on page 20 for those of you who have completed 36:47 the smoker's type questionnaire. 36:52 That there are different techniques for different 36:55 type smokers and few are the stimulation type, 36:58 there are suggestions on page 20, 37:00 if you're the handling type there is a suggestion 37:03 on page 21 etcetera. Okay, so there is special 37:06 help there then you know what type of smoker 37:09 you are. Now, let's turn back to page 7, 37:12 and take a little look at some of these issues, 37:18 now when you have an urge to have a cigarette 37:20 you think you will have some of those. Yeah, 37:23 you will have a lot of those so we got to knock 37:26 them down right, we're gonna knock them down. 37:30 I'm gonna suggest that when the urge comes up 37:33 you start with number 15 and what do you say, 37:38 I love being free from smoking. Even 37:41 though I feel this urge I'm not gonna go back 37:42 you know I made this decision I love it, 37:47 what was that a good idea to have a cigarette 37:50 or bad idea, bad idea and that's what we need 37:53 the secret weapon. And that's the only worse thing 37:56 we got and when you came in we gave you your 38:00 door price, have you ever been, 38:04 so when you have that urge to have a cigarette 38:09 you see. What do you say I love being free 38:13 from smoking, but you know that was a bad idea. 38:25 You got it, you give that little thing a good big 38:28 snap on your wrist like that you know. 38:33 Now, if the urge is coming too fast you put 38:37 one on each wrist, maybe one on the foot or a 38:42 big heavy duty job on your neck but if you'll do 38:46 it honestly it works. Because you see, 38:50 you have puzzle thoughts with the idea with 38:52 cigarette right and we would like to make that 38:54 in unpleasant thought. And that work psychologically 38:57 drive down the urges you see pretty soon the urge 39:00 will start to come up, I don't want the cigarette, 39:03 I know I don't wanna cigarette. 39:04 I wouldn't even think of a cigarette and if you 39:09 would do that, excuse me, if you do that efficiently 39:14 it will drive down the urge. Some people have 39:17 told me that was the most helpful thing 39:19 in the whole program. I was driving down the 39:21 three way one day and a fellow behind me 39:24 was honking his horn, he kept honking his horn 39:26 and he kept honking his horn and I wonder 39:28 what was I doing and you know what three 39:30 way shootings and all those things, 39:31 I've been getting little, little uneasy and after 39:35 while he went pass me and when he went pass 39:38 me he held up his hand and I saw a big 39:41 rubber band around his wrist and he went like this. 39:47 And I recognize him; he was actually the producer 39:51 for one of the TV stations in town, 39:54 who had been to a recent stop smoking program. 39:58 And I knew he was, so I gave him a call and 40:00 I said man you're gonna be little careful with that 40:02 horn on the free-way you scared somebody. 40:04 Oh, he said I wanted you to see my rubber band 40:07 he said that's the thing you got me through. 40:11 He said when I die, I am gonna be buried with that 40:14 thing on my wrist and when they dig up my 40:17 skeleton they're gonna say I wonder what the 40:20 culture of significance of this rubber band, 40:22 because that was the best part of the 40:27 whole thing if you use it effectively it will work but 40:31 it only works if you, if you work it. 40:37 So when you have an urge what you do you say 40:41 I love being free from smoking and then give 40:45 yourself a good track. Then try some of these 40:48 other things drink a glass of water or fruit juice 40:51 you find in our book it's suggest as six to eight 40:55 glasses of water a day. You heard what I said 40:58 this is six to eight, don't be like one lady 41:01 she came back and she said doctor I can only 41:05 get in 47. I said what she said you said68 41:09 didn't you. Six to eight, you got it six to eight 41:18 glasses of water. Take some big deep breath 41:27 and practice it right there. 41:31 Smokers kind of forget they have lungs 41:32 if they don't smoke or just take some big deep 41:36 breath people find that very relaxing. 41:41 One of the most important things is when the urge 41:43 comes stop, split, get up, go for a walk, 41:48 if you can go outside go outside, 41:50 spin around a little bit remember this, 41:52 the urge to have a cigarette comes in waves. 41:58 Now some of you are going to think you are 42:00 on the beach during hurricane you go, 42:05 I mean the way is gonna be kind of high and they 42:08 are gonna be kind of freak little and kind 42:11 of inundated did you ever go swimming in the ocean, 42:16 you know you are stand there kind of hip deep 42:18 in water and all of the sudden there is big 42:20 swell comes in and the ground disappears 42:22 from underneath you and you starts splashing 42:24 around you think you're gonna be carried out 42:26 to the sea, there are sharks that are gonna get, 42:27 you wonder what's happening and you really 42:31 alarmed and then all of a sudden splash goes 42:33 by and then you are hip deep in water again 42:36 have you ever had that experience and the same 42:38 thing will happen now that you go and play 42:40 and you like ha, ha that's the time of split get 42:43 out get a drink of water, get a drink of fruit juice, 42:46 take some deep breath, call your support buddy 42:49 you see, you got all those 42:51 things there stretching exercises 42:53 call ascending, count backward starting from 100 42:56 that will take you a while, work on a hobby, 42:58 brush your teeth with mint toothpaste, 43:00 take a warm shower followed by a cool shower 43:03 then rub the body gently with the wash cloth 43:05 etcetera, lot of things and you can read them, 43:07 we talk up little bit more about them tomorrow night. 43:11 If you do all of those things before you smoke 43:13 you know what the urge will be gone and you 43:14 will say hmm got rid of that one, if you didn't go 43:18 away pop this one two or three more times and that 43:21 will get rid of it. Alright let's turn to page 30 43:29 of your booklet, make it 31 and we will talk about 43:37 the menu plan okay. Now the member we suggest 43:41 to you to stock up on fruit and fruit juices, 43:47 and that's good thing to know because now you 43:49 are gonna go on either and unless your doctor 43:52 asked you especially on a special diet for ulcerative 43:55 colitis, diabetes or something of that major 43:58 hyperglycemia for the next 24 hours I want 44:02 you to do have nothing but fruit and fruit juices, 44:06 particularly the fruit juices. I didn't set 24 44:13 days; I said 24 hours, 24 yes have what and what. 44:25 The fact is that's all you get. Now, I know one lady 44:31 came in one night, I think she had all that fruit 44:34 juices and water I heard her walk back and ear is 44:39 slashing her. In fact if someone said to me doctor 44:46 now I know what they mean when they 44:48 talk about the Ruley in the morning, because 44:54 actually the nicotine is excreted by your 44:59 kidneys and we're gonna flush the system 45:02 it actually takes about three days to get it 45:05 out of it, and while you getting that out you're 45:08 gonna go through the nicotine withdrawal measures, 45:10 but if you drink these fruit juices it will make it 45:13 lot better and a lot easier particularly for 45:16 the first day. So the first day what do we get 45:21 fruit juice and if you have to break over have some 45:24 fruit, okay. Now we will give you more detail 45:30 in later now there is something 45:31 that you can't have. Number one is the alcoholic 45:37 beverages, bash that stuff whether it beer, 45:42 wine whiskey, brandy or whatever it is put 45:47 it away and if you can't put it away for a few days 45:50 you are at the wrong program. 45:57 No, I am serious if you are a chronic alcoholic 46:00 and you can't leave off alcohol you have a 46:02 problem you need to take care of first at 46:05 the alcoholism. It's very difficult to stop smoking 46:08 while you continued drinking. 46:11 So check in with your friendly Alcoholics 46:13 Anonymous or some other group such as that 46:16 but leave the alcohol off what is it seven crown, 46:19 three roses, two old crowns all of that stuff beer, 46:23 wine, whisky, brandy put it away smash it, 46:27 smash it highly those. Do you think alcohol 46:31 is gonna give you more will power, 46:34 is gonna drive the will power down while it drives 46:37 the urge up and pretty soon they're gonna cross 46:40 and then you will be smoking. Now you came here 46:43 to quit didn't you. And all of you folks are feelings 46:46 so smugged about the alcohol and now 46:49 we're gonna start on you. The same thing 46:52 is true of all caffeinated beverages. 46:58 And you know what those are coffee, tea, Coke, 47:06 Pepsi, Mountain Dew, got your pepper tab 47:11 and I don't know how many others but with all 47:14 the fruit juice and water you are drinking you 47:16 know what you don't need any other beverages. 47:20 Now I will tell you what you say doctor I came 47:24 to stop smoking, I didn't thought I will be quitting 47:27 coffee and alcohol. There is one reason why 47:31 our program works and it's because everything 47:35 in this program has been tested, I should tell 47:38 you this briefly a little bit about this program. 47:42 It really started as a five day plan several years 47:44 ago by a Seventh-Day Adventist pastor and a 47:47 physician it's been redone and then I worked it 47:52 over and there is millions of people who have quit 47:54 through this program, don't you want to be 47:57 the next one. Yeah you want to be the next one 48:01 and that means if you are really want to succeed 48:03 get on the program. How many have tried their 48:06 own program before? Basically it didn't work, 48:13 don't you think you can try our program 48:15 for the next five days and see if it works for you. 48:20 I'll tell you, I've had people come to three 48:22 programs before they decide to give up their caffeine, 48:26 and they came back on the third program 48:29 and they said you know I've been here twice 48:31 before doctor it didn't work you think it will work 48:33 this time, I said you plan to do anything different 48:35 this time, I think I might give up my coffee. 48:41 Yes, why not do at this time ha, because let me 48:45 share this moment we have discovered that the 48:49 biggest correlation between success 48:51 and failure is that you give up your caffeine, 48:54 of all the things we ask you to do, 48:57 this will more likely determine whether you are 48:59 going to make it or not, you know it as well as 49:02 I do are you kidding? Isn't it moonlight three roses 49:06 coffee and a failure at right, yeah, 49:12 they go together, they would like more than me 49:17 and when you have that cup of coffee you just 49:19 gonna drive your nuts. I have had people walk 49:21 into the bed off for four or five days they tell 49:23 me doctor I came to clinic not because I need 49:25 to smoke but because I am going nuts 49:27 I am twisted in a breeze, and I said well you 49:30 didn't give up your caffeine did you. 49:32 Oh I didn't know was I suppose to give it up, 49:34 I said well if you twist in the breeze obviously you 49:36 didn't give it up. You don't want to twist the 49:39 breeze right, you want to go through it and it 49:42 has another advantage you may sleep three days. 49:51 Back years, there is one lady I was talking through 49:53 on the second day and I said how is it going she 49:56 said I only had a few red dimes I said when 49:57 was that she said when I woke up. 50:08 Well you stick with us and we'll see you through it. 50:12 No one said it would be easy tomorrow. 50:13 Did we? What you hear right you plan to come 50:18 back right. I am going to make a contract with 50:21 you with my helper pass out that contract. 50:25 Right now and quickly. I will tell you while they 50:28 are passing out my part of the contract. Be the 50:33 good Lord willing. I'll be here Tuesday night, 50:38 Wednesday night, Thursday night, 50:40 Friday night and next. Could I one of those 50:43 two floyd. I might need one, thank you. 50:49 And next Monday night I have given you this 50:55 piece of my life okay because I care. 51:00 I asked to do the same thing. And we're gonna 51:03 ask you to see if you will sign this agreement 51:07 with me as soon as you have this piece of paper. 51:11 May be while we are waiting on it, 51:15 I can start talking and you can check them 51:19 as you are able to. Now if you are willing to agree 51:22 to the things that I asked you to agree to, 51:25 you just put a little X there or little check okay. 51:30 I agree to attend all sessions of the program 51:32 if you are willing to do that put an X. 51:38 That's all remaining sessions. 51:41 I agree to complete all the class assignments. 51:43 You got a couple tonight. You're willing to cooperate 51:46 by that put a little 'X' there. 51:50 I agree to keep in daily telephone contact 51:53 with my support person. I agree to follow a lifestyle 52:00 that will help me remain a nonsmoker. 52:02 Help me become one and remain a nonsmoker, 52:05 that means following your suggest, 52:06 some of the suggestions I just gave you. 52:09 You're willing to do that. If you're not already 52:12 stopped, are you willing to quit cold turkey now. 52:16 Put an X there. If you're willing to respond to 52:22 a short questionnaire or phone call, 52:25 so that we can continue to evaluate these programs, 52:28 please check it. And if you are willing to accept 52:33 at least one opportunity after this clinic is over. 52:39 You help someone else in the community 52:43 with the Stop Smoking Program or something else, 52:46 you check that, okay and then you print your name, 52:54 you sign it, you date it and you give us 53:01 your data info. Now let me say this, 53:07 what is our goal between now and tomorrow night 53:11 as far as cigarettes, none. May I also tell you 53:15 it's easier to have no cigarettes then it is 1, 2, 53:19 or 3 cigarettes. Let's go back to my candy 53:22 illustration, would it be easier to have one piece 53:25 of candy from that box or no pieces of candy 53:28 from that candy box. It's the same way with 53:30 cigarettes. When you take that cigarette it turns 53:33 you back into a smoker again. 53:36 And then you got to withdraw from that one too 53:38 in addition to one you are withdrawing 53:40 from before and to keep. It's a little bit like going 53:44 into labor and not delivering the baby. 53:49 It isn't very pleasant. Yeah, so the goal is what? 53:57 No cigarette. Now if you happen to slip with your 54:02 abandon ship? No come on back anyway. 54:06 Listen we guaranteed to get you off one way 54:09 or another, we never live in Stop Smoking Program 54:11 for people can make it in the other way. 54:14 A health care but I tell you about that later, 54:18 but you are here, is somebody already 54:19 volunteered. Well listen here our job is to get 54:27 you off now but in any case don't abandon it alright, 54:32 don't abandon it. Come back even if you have to sit 54:34 on the floor, wasn't that bad was it. 54:37 No you think it's worth it. I'll tell you better to sit 54:40 on a floor though lie on the operating table. 54:46 There are two of them scheduled for tomorrow. 54:49 Okay, how are you feeling, you are feeling good. 54:55 You are loved being free from smoking, 54:57 I love being free from smoking. 55:03 Now we'll be back here tomorrow night, right. 55:06 In our usual place and we're gonna have a lot of fun. 55:11 We may feel miserable, but we will still be 55:14 having fun. God bless you and good night. |
Revised 2014-12-17