Stones of Remembrance

Brenda Walsh

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Karen Pierson & Pierre Quinn (Host)


Series Code: SOR

Program Code: SOR000012A

00:22 Hello, I'm Karen Pearson
00:24 and I'm here again today with my co-host Pierre Quinn.
00:27 Hello, Pierre. Hey, Karen.
00:28 How are you? Good.
00:30 We're here to bring you another episode of
00:32 "Stones of Remembrance,"
00:33 the program where we visit
00:35 with one of your favorite authors
00:36 and look at some of the experiences in their life
00:39 that helped to shape them
00:40 and the message found in their books.
00:43 So often in life, Pierre, as you know,
00:46 when we go through life's deep waters,
00:48 just as Joshua did,
00:50 we can meet up with some unexpected blessings
00:52 along the way that can turn the whole direction
00:56 and determine the future of our lives.
00:58 But before I introduce you to today's guest,
01:00 I'd like to share something with you from the word.
01:04 It is found in Isaiah 65:24 and it reads this way,
01:09 "It shall come to pass, that before they call,
01:12 I will answer,
01:14 and while they are still speaking,
01:16 I will hear."
01:19 I just love this passage so much
01:21 and I know that our guest does too,
01:23 because she's written a wonderful book
01:25 about the topic of prayer, "Passionate Prayer."
01:28 Brenda Walsh, welcome to our program.
01:31 Thank you, Karen.
01:32 Thank you, Pierre, for having me.
01:33 It's a privilege to be here.
01:35 We're so-- we're so excited to have you here.
01:37 We really are. Thank you.
01:38 Oh, thank you so much.
01:39 Brenda, you hardly need an introduction
01:43 to the 3ABN family.
01:45 Your face is recognized and known.
01:47 You are loved around the world
01:49 from the very young to the very old.
01:52 People whom you will never meet who have been blessed
01:55 and whose lives have been changed...
01:57 by your faithfulness
01:59 and your obedience to God's call on your life.
02:02 So, we would just like to say thank you.
02:04 Thank you for being obedient.
02:06 It's, I think it's me that thanks God
02:08 for the privilege to serve Him.
02:09 There is no greater joy than serving Jesus
02:11 and it's not something I just say, I truly mean it.
02:14 Yes, yes. "Passionate Prayer."
02:18 Tell us how did you come to write that book?
02:22 Well, the reason that um...
02:24 uh, I wrote that book actually was...
02:27 I speak somewhere in...
02:29 almost every weekend and, and places where I'd speak
02:32 I'd be sharing the experiences and the witnessing experiences
02:35 and then answered the prayer experiences that God has,
02:38 had been giving me everywhere I was going.
02:41 And so I would speak about them and share these experiences
02:44 and people as I was shaking their hands,
02:45 going out the door,
02:47 "these stories need to be in a book,
02:48 these stories need to be in a book."
02:49 And, and so, I'll um... about...
02:53 uh, I don't know, know how many times
02:54 after that one time but someone shook my hand and said
02:57 "No, I mean it." You know, they are... and I...
02:59 "These stories need a book."
03:01 And I got home that night and been having my worship
03:03 and I was like, "Lord, are you trying to tell me something?"
03:06 And I said, "If you want these stories in a book,
03:08 Lord, you know, um...
03:10 I'm willing and I'm obedient and I'll be joyful
03:13 about whatever it is you want me to do
03:15 but I need to know it's Your Will."
03:16 And then I prayed, and I believe that you know,
03:18 the story of Gideon is in the Bible for a reason.
03:21 And uh, and I said, "Lord..."
03:23 you know, if I didn't have no time on my schedule.
03:26 I said, "So, Lord, if these stories, I supposed,
03:28 if you want me to write this stories..."
03:30 Um, because God does like us to share stories,
03:33 because they are faith building to others.
03:35 And I said, "Then Lord, I need to open up my calendar
03:38 because I have no time."
03:40 And the very next day, I'm looking at...
03:43 I get a call from, from Hawaii,
03:46 asking me to do an evangelistic series on,
03:49 you know um, there and they had actually asked.
03:52 I was already booked to do it but they had given me a call
03:54 of very next day just to go over some of those things
03:56 that I'd been talking about and, and then I realized.
03:59 I said, "So, do I have anything during the day?"
04:01 And they said, "Oh, no, you'll just be speaking
04:03 each night, 7 o' clock."
04:04 And I was like, "Okay, I'm gonna have every single day
04:07 for three weeks, um, open."
04:09 And you know, Karen and Pierre, that's what I did.
04:12 I was like, "Okay, Lord, You just opened
04:14 three of my weeks right there."
04:15 You had no idea.
04:16 So I flew to Hawaii
04:18 and here I have a beautiful place.
04:19 I'm right on there.
04:21 I wish I could have really walked out everyday.
04:22 And my feet never hit the sand
04:24 the whole time of the three weeks.
04:25 I stayed in my little room and with my laptop
04:29 and I would just literally just sit up in bed
04:30 and I wrote all day long.
04:32 Page after page,
04:34 and many of those stories I cried my way through.
04:35 I mean, there are some stories in the book that are just,
04:39 you know, just I literally, you can know when I am writing,
04:42 I'm literally crying my way through those stories,
04:44 some of them.
04:46 And, um... and then at 5 o' clock, I'm like,
04:47 I'm a high maintenance woman,
04:49 I have a two-hour-get-ready process.
04:50 So, at 5 o' clock, I'd quit everyday to go get ready
04:53 and be at the church at seven to speak and then um...
04:56 uh, then the next day hit it all day.
04:59 So for three weeks, I wrote that book, um,
05:02 "Passionate Prayer." Wow.
05:03 And that all I did all day long.
05:05 Never once even did my feet hit the sand, near the ocean.
05:09 I'm probably the only person that goes to Hawaii
05:11 and doesn't pack a bathing suit.
05:14 I was working.
05:15 Well, you called the book, "Passionate Prayer,"
05:18 instead of just labeling in a book on prayer.
05:21 What, why is that, that term there "passion,"
05:24 so important and how should it impact our prayer lives?
05:28 Pierre, I'm so glad you asked that because I think there is,
05:31 you're not the only one that would ask that question.
05:33 There's many people confused that what,
05:35 like what is the difference between
05:36 prayer and passionate prayer.
05:38 And the difference is um...
05:40 many people when they pray,
05:42 they just go through the motions of prayer.
05:44 They just hit all their highlights,
05:46 they'd hit every single day,
05:47 telling God the same thing day in, day out.
05:50 And they forget that they are like in the throne room,
05:55 with the King of the universe.
05:57 They forget that we really have the incredible privilege
06:00 of speaking directly one-on-one to our Lord and Savior.
06:04 And so, they are just going through the motions of prayer,
06:06 saying the things there and even during prayer,
06:08 sometimes their mind just start wandering.
06:10 They'll start thinking about the laundry,
06:12 they'll start thinking what they gotta do
06:13 at the office that next day
06:15 or what's going on in their job.
06:16 "Oh, oh, wait a minute. I'm back.
06:18 Oh, oh I'm praying."
06:19 You know, and then back to their prayer.
06:21 They forget that passionate prayer
06:25 is really sharing our heart with God,
06:28 telling him one-on-one
06:30 what we are feeling, what are our thoughts.
06:32 And also, you know,
06:33 sometimes I love to come to God just to praise Him.
06:36 I'd say, "Lord, You are the most awesome God.
06:38 I don't want to ask You for anything.
06:40 I just really want to spend this time in Your presence,
06:43 Lord, to tell you what an awesome God You are
06:46 and how much I love You
06:47 and Lord, I am so unworthy to be Your child and yet,
06:50 You gave Your life for me, Lord.
06:52 I just want to tell you how much I love You.
06:54 You are worthy of my praise."
06:55 And just give Him, you know, that time to just...
06:58 it's like God loves to hear us
06:59 tell Him how much we love Him too,
07:01 not just to go and ask Him for things,
07:03 so if you want to know the difference
07:05 between prayer and passionate prayer,
07:08 that's the difference,
07:09 really sharing your heart with God.
07:12 Yeah. Amen.
07:13 Brenda, I love your subtitle that you chose,
07:15 "Expect Great Things." Yes.
07:18 Isn't that true,
07:19 that we can expect great things?
07:21 Can you think of a specific example
07:23 or specific story where you learnt
07:26 that you could expect great things from God?
07:29 Oh, I have a million of those kind of stories
07:31 because I grew up in Christ-centered home.
07:34 I'm a pastor's daughter
07:35 and my mom and dad raised five children,
07:37 we're all five of us in fulltime ministry today.
07:39 And we grew up knowing that in claiming Jeremiah 33:3,
07:44 "Call upon me and I will answer you
07:46 and show you great and mighty things
07:48 that you know not of."
07:49 And that subtitle was really coming off Jeremiah 33:3, uh,
07:53 because I think so many of us when we pray, we pray hoping,
07:56 hoping, hoping that our prayers are going to get answered
07:58 but we don't pray with faith,
08:00 we don't pray absolutely believing
08:02 that God will answer our prayers.
08:05 And so, um, I, I could tell you a million different ones,
08:10 we wouldn't have time in this, in this, you know,
08:12 half hour to able to be talk about that.
08:14 But if you wanted just to say that one prayer that I know
08:19 I prayed, you know, with the...
08:22 even the amount of faith I thought that um...
08:25 that I should have, is a story in the book called
08:28 "Unloaded Suitcase," or "The Loaded Suitcase."
08:32 I'm sorry, it's called, "The Loaded Suitcase,"
08:34 and if you read that story, that is such a, that's,
08:39 that's such a powerful story in that book
08:40 because it represents to me, Pierre, um...
08:44 that how God will honor even the smallest amount of faith.
08:47 You know, how in the Bible, we are told that God will honor
08:49 even though his faith is small as a grain of a mustard seed.
08:52 That story is in the book for people that are still...
08:55 their faith is still growing.
08:57 And maybe they don't have
08:58 the kind of faith they should have,
09:00 but God honors even the smallest amount of faith.
09:03 And that story, "The Loaded Suitcase,"
09:05 is the story you read, if you are lacking faith,
09:07 God honored even my small amount of faith
09:10 because I was praying with not very much faith at all
09:13 and yet God still honored my prayer.
09:15 That's an amazing story in the book.
09:17 Amen. Yes, it is.
09:18 In fact you traveled around the world... Yes.
09:20 Were you always happy to go when God first told you
09:24 this is part of your mission to go and travel?
09:27 Were you just excited that first time around?
09:29 Do you know, I believe and claim Matthew 7:21-23.
09:33 In fact, I think it's probably, if I had to choose um...
09:37 a scripture in the Bible
09:39 that has an impact in my life the most, it's that.
09:42 Mathew 7:21-22. I preach it everywhere I go.
09:45 I tell people to underline it in their Bibles
09:47 because in it, here God is telling us in that text,
09:51 that unless we are doing the will of our Father,
09:53 it is for nothing.
09:54 He will say He never knew us.
09:56 I'm paraphrasing that you know,
09:58 unless we are doing what God wants us to do,
10:00 He says we can be all baptizing in His name,
10:01 doing many wonderful works but unless He tells us to do it
10:04 He'll say He never knew us.
10:07 That means, guess what? We're not going to heaven.
10:10 If God says, He never knew, well, never knows us,
10:12 we're not going.
10:14 And so, that tells me
10:15 the importance of doing what's God's will.
10:16 So, that tells me, first of all,
10:19 we have to be willing to do what God wants us to do.
10:20 He's not gonna makes us.
10:22 And then we have to be obedient, Matthew 7:21-23.
10:26 And God, there's one more a component,
10:28 if you really want to serve Jesus.
10:29 It's not enough to be willing, not enough to be obedient
10:32 but we must be joyful and...
10:34 Oh, I like that.
10:36 And because God doesn't want an attitude of,
10:38 "Oh, all right, Lord, I'll do it."
10:41 That's not an attitude God can use.
10:43 If someone says that to us
10:44 when we ask him to do something,
10:46 what do we gonna say?
10:47 Don't bother. You know, don't bother.
10:48 I'll do it myself.
10:50 Well, how do you think God feels?
10:51 So when you ask me, am I joyful?
10:53 And the truthful, honored answer is, "Not always."
10:56 I'm, I'm willing and I'm obedient.
10:59 I'm-- I can get those two
11:00 but I don't always have the joy God wants me to have.
11:03 And I pray for it, and I can say,
11:05 "Lord, you know, I'm not--
11:09 I don't have the joy, I don't want to go.
11:11 Lord, I want to be in my own kitchen.
11:13 I want to be... pets around my own house.
11:15 I want to be able to,
11:16 you know, linger a little bit longer,
11:17 my worship time with You.
11:19 Lord, I just want a house hug a little."
11:21 And then, I'll hear God's voice speaking to me saying,
11:24 "Brenda, did you really mean it when you said
11:26 I can use you however I want to use you?
11:29 And I will have that voice so strong and I will say,
11:32 "Lord, forgive me. Lord, please give me the joy.
11:35 I'm willing and obedient. Please give me the joy."
11:37 And God will always give me the joy,
11:39 unless I'm going out there, joyfully to serve Jesus,
11:42 it is for nothing.
11:43 I won't get on that plane.
11:44 I'm not gonna get in that car,
11:46 unless I haven't already worked that out with God that says,
11:49 "Lord, give me that joy."
11:51 And He will always give me that joy.
11:52 But in my human, in my weak, are there,
11:54 do I have those moments when I, I'm like, travel so much.
11:57 I want a house hug.
11:59 And that's just the human side of me,
12:01 but God will give me that joy when I ask Him.
12:04 Amen. Right.
12:05 Brenda, what would you say
12:06 is the most important reason for us to pray?
12:11 Well, I think that's a really great question, Karen,
12:15 because the most important reason to pray
12:18 isn't to get things.
12:19 It's not to get all the answers to your prayers.
12:22 It's not to, you know, have every thing
12:24 turn out wonderful in your life.
12:26 The most important reason
12:27 is to have that one-on-one relationship with Jesus.
12:31 The most important reason for prayer is,
12:34 to have that communication,
12:36 because without it we're nothing.
12:38 Without that direct link with God,
12:41 we have, we couldn't accomplish any thing.
12:43 We'll be lost.
12:45 And so that's the most important, really. Right.
12:47 And like with, with any of our relationships that we have,
12:49 if there is no communication,
12:51 the relationship starts to break down.
12:54 If, and also how many um...
12:56 let's just say how many relationships, uh,
12:58 not just between husband and wife,
13:00 any relationship we have,
13:01 when we are receiving your best friend.
13:02 If you told each other the same thing every single day
13:05 the next time that phone ring, and you saw in your id,
13:08 "Oh, that's says, oh, Susie's calling me again Oh.
13:11 I know what she's going to say."
13:12 Are you going to be tempted not to take that call?
13:15 You know, pretty soon you are gonna
13:16 want to talk to her at all.
13:17 You know what she is going to say.
13:19 Right. You see?
13:20 God feel, He's got to feel the same way,
13:23 if we are coming to Him,
13:24 saying the same thing every single day.
13:26 You know, we're not really sharing our heart.
13:29 So it's really important. Okay, very good.
13:32 We're gonna take a break right now
13:34 and if you want to find out
13:36 about the story of "The Loaded Suitcase,"
13:38 you are going to want to watch this
13:39 because we are gonna tell you how you can get Brenda's book
13:42 "Passionate Prayer".
13:43 Don't go away, we'll be right back.
13:45 Thank you so much.
13:48 Brenda Walsh has learnt by experience,
13:50 the power of "Passionate Prayer".
13:52 This book is filled with miracle stories
13:54 of God's intervention in her life
13:56 and in the lives of those for whom she has prayed.
13:59 These exciting stories will amaze and inspire you.
14:03 Brenda invites you to a prayer life
14:05 that goes beyond prayer as a duty or a habit
14:08 to something effective.
14:09 "Passionate Prayer,"
14:11 that brings life changing results,
14:13 not only for yourself but for others.
14:15 She reveals the most important reason for prayer,
14:18 because we want to know Jesus better.
14:21 Prayer is not just words in a one way conversation,
14:24 it's a transforming relationship
14:26 with God and Savior.
14:28 To get your copy of "Passionate Prayer,"
14:30 call 1800-765-6955.
14:35 Stop by your local Adventist Book Center
14:38 or order online at
14:48 Welcome back, we are visiting today with Brenda Walsh,
14:51 a famous, familiar face
14:53 to our 3ABN audiences around the world.
14:57 Brenda, we talk about in this program
14:59 those middle of the river experiences,
15:01 those things that we go through in life, um...
15:04 where we can come away with a story,
15:07 some kind of a memorial, umm...
15:09 You know, the altar that Joshua
15:11 built in the middle of the river?
15:13 Yes. The water is covered over it?
15:15 Sometimes some of those personal stories are things
15:18 that we don't share um..whatever,
15:20 but they take us and they shape us
15:22 and the heart of their message
15:24 is found in our books as, as writers.
15:28 And I was wondering
15:30 what kind of a middle of the river experience
15:33 have you had, where you saw Jesus
15:37 perhaps in a way that you had never seen Him before?
15:41 Well, that's an easy one.
15:43 Karen, um... my first book, "Battered to Blessed."
15:47 I was a battered wife in my first marriage
15:49 and I told my story in this book.
15:51 In fact, "Passionate Prayer" is like the sequel.
15:53 If you read "Battered to Blessed,"
15:54 and then you just like put those books together,
15:56 it'd be like, keep reading.
15:58 And so, it really is "Passionate Prayer"
16:00 is the sequel of "Battered to Blessed,"
16:01 but, um, there is, there is a lot of people
16:05 that would ask me, you know,
16:06 like how did you get out of that,
16:08 that dangerous situation?
16:09 And of course, you gonna have to read the book
16:11 to find that out 'cause another book.
16:13 But it was an experience
16:15 when it was my last night in that situation,
16:18 and when I knew that I would die.
16:20 I knew that, you know, he had really,
16:22 my ex-husband had beat me up so badly that,
16:25 I mean, my teeth were buried in my bottom lip
16:27 and you know, these are no longer my teeth
16:29 and, and I was, um.
16:32 I was beat up so badly, holding my little baby,
16:34 you know, with, you know, she's covered in blood,
16:37 I'm covered in blood and, and I,
16:40 I can hear those footsteps coming and I, you know,
16:44 'cause he had left and now I know he's coming back
16:46 and I knew I probably had seconds to live.
16:47 I knew this time I would die.
16:50 And I remember praying and, and...
16:52 reciting, you know, um...why these,
16:57 these Bible texts come into your mind?
16:58 But they do when you put God's word in your heart,
17:02 He can bring those to your memory right when you need them
17:05 And the "Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
17:07 And I remembered that just, I just kept saying that
17:09 over and over to me and then,
17:11 other text would come that would encouraged me.
17:13 And I remember sitting there and praying
17:15 and surrendering my heart to Lord knowing that
17:18 I probably only have a short time to live.
17:20 And praying and asking God to let my baby die with me
17:24 'cause I didn't want her to be left alone
17:26 in the world with this man.
17:28 And after praying and asking God,
17:30 I didn't even pray and asked Him to save me anymore,
17:33 just if He could let us go quickly and, and go together,
17:36 and hearing those footsteps and then I could hardly see
17:40 'cause my eyes were swollen shut.
17:42 I could just see through barely just the slits in my eyes.
17:45 And I'm looking up and I see this form
17:48 and I hear the voice of my sister, Linda.
17:53 And um, that's when I knew
17:55 how much Jesus loved me for sure.
17:58 What an amazing story!
18:01 Yeah, I think we all are.
18:03 So getting out, out of that situation,
18:07 nothing short of a miracle, right?
18:08 Oh, it's a miracle.
18:10 I know how much Jesus loves me.
18:11 I didn't deserve for Him to save me,
18:13 'cause I was there because of own mistakes,
18:16 my own foolish pride, you know, put me in that situation.
18:20 I took a path
18:21 and I chose a path God didn't choose for me.
18:23 I make that very clear.
18:24 It was my own foolish pride that got me in that situation
18:28 and yet, Jesus saved me.
18:31 Now you have that story.
18:34 There are some people who might say though,
18:36 miracles, uh, those things only really happen in the Bible,
18:40 but as we are reading "Passionate Prayer,"
18:42 you are praying for miracles.
18:44 Can you share one of those experiences
18:46 where you are praying
18:47 and it's nothing short of a miracle that,
18:50 that the situation was able to turn around?
18:52 Oh, my goodness, I think it's every chapter.
18:55 Um... I think about um...
18:59 a little in every chapter in that book, it's just,
19:01 faith-building miracles that are today miracles.
19:03 And you are right, so many people don't believe
19:05 that God is a God of miracles.
19:07 Just in the Bible times,
19:08 but God is miracle-making God today.
19:10 Um...Marge's mission, you know, the Bookmark Ministry and,
19:15 and we know, it's my precious friend
19:17 and she's laying on her death bed,
19:19 dying and, you know I the, I'm pleading and praying.
19:24 God knows that I want to say goodbye to her.
19:26 And you know, I don't even know what hospital she's in.
19:29 I just I don't even know she's in the hospital.
19:31 I just knew that she had to be--
19:33 God, the Holy Spirit was pressing me
19:34 and here for me to call and,
19:36 and be able to share with the nurse
19:40 and have her take
19:41 and let her have those last minute conversation with her,
19:43 that was a miracle.
19:45 That was an absolute miracle.
19:46 I think about the miracle um... you know, of just
19:50 the "Reluctant Missionary," you know.
19:53 Then you are gonna laugh lot now in that one too
19:55 but there's a miracle story that is in there.
19:57 I have the miracle stories of my friend Donna Kline,
20:01 and praying for her husband who,
20:03 you know, had a brain tumor.
20:05 "Sarah makes a wish."
20:07 You know, this was the girls that, um, uh,
20:09 I met through Make-A-Wish Foundation.
20:11 I mean, how incredible
20:13 that a little eight year old girl,
20:15 that, you know, is not expected to live,
20:17 has a brain tumor,
20:18 Make-A-Wish Foundation contacts her to say,
20:21 "Where would you like to um, you know, go?
20:24 What would, what would you like?
20:25 Anything in the world that they want, they can choose
20:28 and they are gonna make that wish come to happen.
20:30 And she says, "She didn't want to wish
20:31 unless she could come and be on Kids Time.
20:33 And that was her wish.
20:34 And look out how incredible miracle
20:37 that God worked in her life.
20:38 She's still alive today.
20:40 I mean, some people don't know that,
20:41 I'm glad to have an opportunity to tell.
20:43 I mean, you talk about miracles,
20:45 God created a miracle.
20:47 But if I wanted to share with you
20:48 one of the most heart touching miracles,
20:50 it's actually the last chapter of the book.
20:54 When the book had already been written,
20:56 this was an added chapter.
20:57 Jerry Thomas, he's at 3ABN,
21:00 I mean, he's at Pacific Press
21:01 and God worked an incredible miracle
21:04 in my grandson's life.
21:06 I was actually here, taping cooking shows
21:08 when I got the call that he was not gonna live,
21:10 my little grandson.
21:11 And I mean, I raced to Boston.
21:15 I'm there by his side. I can see his lifeless body.
21:18 And I don't want give it away,
21:20 but God worked an incredible miracle
21:23 to save his life.
21:25 And as I'm driving home, even that next weekend,
21:29 and the books, going to press, it's in a printing.
21:32 You know what that's like. Yes, I do.
21:34 It's got a print date and I'm calling Jerry and said,
21:36 "Jerry..." "We've got another chapter coming!"
21:38 "I've got to add one more chapter in this book"
21:40 "Brenda, no, it's ready to go."
21:41 And I'm like, "Jerry, you don't understand.
21:43 There, God did not just let this miracle happen
21:46 to keep it to myself.
21:48 The world has to know
21:50 what a miracle making God we serve today."
21:52 And I shared the story with him.
21:54 I think he was in tears.
21:55 And he said, "You are right.
21:56 This story's got to make the book.
21:58 Okay, I'm going to hold the presses,
21:59 but can you get this story to me today?"
22:01 I said, "You know what, my husband..."
22:03 He had flown up and, I mean, drove up actually,
22:05 and he said, "We are driving back today."
22:08 "I will have my laptop. I will write on the road.
22:10 We'll stop at an Internet cafe, restaurant.
22:13 I will, you know, send it to you."
22:15 And he said, "Okay." And that's what happened.
22:17 I literally wrote that last chapter,
22:18 driving down the road and then we stopped,
22:20 I think at McDonald's for free Wi-Fi,
22:23 and downloaded it to Jerry
22:24 and he got it that day and it made the book.
22:27 And yet, it is one of the most powerful stories.
22:29 You read that story. Oh, wow.
22:33 You, there is no way you can read
22:34 and not know we served a miracle making God.
22:38 And that's really two miracles.
22:40 That the experience with your grandson
22:42 and then getting it into the book.
22:44 In the book, exactly 'cause that was ready go.
22:46 It should have not happened and yet, God allowed
22:49 and if Jerry Thomas had not been touched to say, "Look..."
22:51 You know, he could have easily said, "Brenda, the next one."
22:55 And actually there is going to be a next book.
22:57 It's called "Divine Appointments."
22:59 And it's all my witnessing stories, you know.
23:01 And there's some,
23:03 there's a witnessing story in the book that um...
23:05 you talk about a miracle making story and that
23:08 "Flying First Class?"
23:10 Do you remember that story in the book,
23:11 "Flying First Class?"
23:12 And, and God turned, you know, what should've been
23:16 a two hour plane ride into a six hour Bible study.
23:21 Right, right. And it's an amazing story.
23:24 I do remember that.
23:26 Brenda, I must just ask you quickly. Yes.
23:27 We just have a few seconds.
23:30 People listening to you
23:32 and seeing your passion and your enthusiasm,
23:35 what would you say to the person
23:36 who does not have as closer walk with Jesus and says,
23:40 "Well, no wonder God answers her prayers.
23:43 She knows how to pray.
23:44 She's an expert prayer, I'm not.
23:48 I'm just this, I'm just so ordinary."
23:50 What would you say to someone who is so timid
23:53 and just needs that encouragement
23:55 that they can become a prayer warrior
23:57 and a woman of faith,
23:58 a man of faith in their prayers as well?
24:01 Well, I was actually,
24:02 I am asked this question many times
24:04 and I just spend...
24:06 I was on a speaking tour in Australia and New Zealand,
24:08 I just came back from, for a month.
24:10 And I was asked this,
24:12 this question in almost every place I went
24:14 and the answer is, God's not looking for,
24:18 you know, He doesn't just answer the prayers
24:20 that are the most eloquent.
24:21 He answers the prayers of somebody
24:24 speaking to Him heart to heart.
24:25 Sometimes the simplest prayer,
24:27 the most powerful pray you can pray is just three words,
24:30 "Jesus save me."
24:33 And He's not, it doesn't have to be a fancy prayer.
24:35 In fact, God prefers we talk to Him
24:38 just like we're talking to our best friend
24:39 because He is our best friend.
24:41 And He doesn't just answer the prayers of our preachers
24:45 or of our godly people that are,
24:48 that are lifted up, you know to, you know,
24:51 if somebody's idea of somebody on a pedestal
24:53 which we shouldn't be any one pedestal,
24:55 not even our pastors.
24:56 God created all of us equal.
24:58 He's given us different jobs to do,
25:00 but we are all ministers.
25:02 And, and here is what I say about prayer,
25:05 the closer we want to be to Jesus,
25:09 the more time we will spend with Him.
25:11 There's many, many people
25:13 who spend so many hours a day in prayer with Jesus
25:17 and they are going to be on a closer relationship.
25:20 If you just viewed our prayer walk with Jesus
25:22 like a ladder to heaven.
25:24 The ones that spend the most time with Him,
25:25 they are going to be
25:27 on the highest rung of the ladder.
25:28 But our baby Christians that are still learning
25:30 are going to be down here.
25:31 We shouldn't be stomping on the fingers of the people
25:33 climbing ladder, judging and complaining.
25:36 We need to be helping each other
25:37 and lifting each other up and helping them,
25:39 because the more we spend time with God,
25:43 the closer we will grow to Him.
25:45 Brenda, we thank you so much.
25:47 Unfortunately we've run out of time.
25:50 Already? I was just getting started!
25:51 I know.
25:53 We were having our conversation today with Brenda Walsh
25:55 about her book "Passionate Prayer."
25:57 And the book is really highlights
25:58 some stories of miracles of answered prayers.
26:02 And have you considered that one of the reasons
26:05 why people don't believe in miracles anymore,
26:08 is because you haven't shared your story?
26:10 As we've gone through Brenda's books,
26:12 she shares story after story,
26:14 after story to help us believe in miracles.
26:17 Again, miracles that are the answers to passionate prayer.
26:22 We don't know what your struggle is in your prayer life
26:24 but we want to encourage you.
26:25 I know Brenda wants to encourage you
26:27 to keep on praying
26:29 and take sometime to remember the stories
26:33 of where God has brought you from.
26:35 I'm Pierre Quinn and for my co-host Karen Pearson,
26:40 we've enjoyed another episode of "Stones of Remembrance,"
26:43 and specially a call to "Passionate Prayer."
26:45 We want to thank you for watching another program,
26:48 and we encourage you to stay tuned for next time.
26:51 We've another conversation about "Stones of Remembrance."
26:56 Take care and we'll see you next time.
27:30 If you want a joyful, balanced life
27:33 and wish to have good health,
27:35 even in the imperfection of this world,
27:37 you would do well to follow Jesus' suggestion,
27:40 to "Remain in me, and I will remain in you."
27:44 A growing body of scientific evidence indicates that faith,
27:49 prayer, hope, forgiveness and trust
27:51 are beneficial to our physical and emotional health.
27:56 Dr. Julian Melgosa uses biblical examples
27:59 and personal illustrations to demonstrate
28:02 how abiding in Jesus,
28:04 being in intimate connection with him
28:07 is the way to foster spiritual growth,
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28:12 Quantity pricing available.
28:14 To get your copy of
28:16 "Finding Calm in the Chaos of Life,"
28:18 call 1-800-765-6955.
28:23 Stop by your local Adventist Book Center
28:26 or order online at


Revised 2015-12-03