Stones of Remembrance

Seth Pierce

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Karen Pierson & Pierre Quinn (Host)


Series Code: SOR

Program Code: SOR000011A

00:24 Hello. I'm Karen Pearson and I'm here again today
00:27 with my co-host Pierre Quinn.
00:28 Hi, Pierre. Hey, Karen.
00:30 And are here to bring you
00:31 another episode of Stones of Remembrance.
00:35 The program where we visit and chat with one of your
00:37 favorite authors and look at some of their life experiences
00:40 that have helped to shape them
00:42 and the message that we find in their books.
00:45 So often as we pause through life's deep waters,
00:47 just as Joshua did, we can across some
00:50 unexpected blessings that will determine
00:53 the future direction of our lives.
00:55 But before I introduce you today's guest,
00:57 I'd like to share something with you from God's word.
01:00 It's found in Habakkuk 2:2.
01:05 "Then the Lord answered me and said,
01:07 'Record the vision and make it plain
01:10 that the one who reads it may run.'"
01:14 I'd like to welcome Seth Pierce to our program today.
01:17 Hi, Seth. Hi.
01:18 Thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me.
01:20 We're so glad that you're with us today.
01:23 Seth, you are the head pastor in a church in Washington.
01:28 Correct.
01:30 Tell us a little bit more about yourself.
01:32 Where did you study, what do you have?
01:34 I studied at Union College.
01:37 I did my undergraduate degree there,
01:38 and then I interned pastor for two years
01:40 in Wichita, Kansas, went to seminary,
01:42 did the Master of Divinity up there.
01:44 Came back to under Omaha and pastored
01:46 for three and a half years and then by that time,
01:49 you know, my wife and I had three children and life was--
01:53 oh, we had two children and life was very full
01:54 and then we received a call to go to Washington
01:56 where we had our third child and now pastoring.
01:59 It's been almost four years out there.
02:01 That, that's awesome. Thank you.
02:03 Um, you are an author.
02:08 Um, Pacific Press has published your books.
02:11 I think you've had a devotional published as well too.
02:13 Yes. How many books?
02:14 About ten? Nine or ten.
02:15 Nine or ten books under your belt.
02:17 Pretty good. It's getting up there.
02:19 It's getting up there. That's pretty good.
02:21 And um, I think probably what you are best known for, Seth,
02:26 is writing for children and for young people.
02:30 That is a special gift, a special calling.
02:33 Yeah, yeah. It's, it's interesting.
02:36 I never started out wanting to write
02:39 specifically for children or youth.
02:42 Just... opportunities sort of showed up.
02:45 I remember being in seminary, in my last semester
02:47 and receiving a call from Pacific Press.
02:49 They had read book which was Review and Herald
02:51 called "Pride and Seek,"
02:53 which is where my story book growing up,
02:55 an Adventist preacher's kid and becoming Pentecostal
02:57 and coming back to the Adventist Church.
02:59 And the, one of the editors' children
03:02 liked the book a lot and wanted me to uh,
03:05 write a book on the fundamental beliefs and initially,
03:09 it was a supposed to be 500 words per chapter
03:12 and I had to think about it about six months to write it.
03:13 I thought, great, it's a good opportunity
03:15 and then as time went on, I found out that
03:17 I had only two months to write it
03:18 and the chapters needed to be much longer.
03:20 So they increased the length and shortened the deadline.
03:23 And by God's grace,
03:24 I wrote the book in two and a half months.
03:26 Um, just tried to keep it simple
03:28 and write for an audience as if they had never picked up
03:31 scripture before and that book not only sold well among youth,
03:36 but also young adults, and even adults.
03:38 And since then it has been published
03:40 in other languages and...
03:41 And what was that book? "What We Believe for Teens."
03:44 "What We Believe for Teens." Yes, I know that.
03:46 That went on to become a bestseller.
03:48 Yes.
03:49 I have a friend too, who lives in South Africa,
03:51 and I was chatting with her on the phone one day
03:53 and we were speaking about that book and she said to me,
03:56 "Karen, we use that book
03:58 in our adult Bible study group at church,
04:02 our baptismal class."
04:03 Yeah. And she said it is phenomenal.
04:06 So, you know, as a writer,
04:08 you write what God calls you to write
04:10 and you leave it with Him
04:12 and He just does magnificent things with it.
04:15 Oh, yeah.
04:16 It's fun to watch and to hear the stories
04:18 or letters or emails that come in
04:20 'cause you have no idea when you're writing.
04:21 You kind of get in the middle of a project,
04:22 you think is this, does this even make any sense?
04:24 They won't even like this at all.
04:25 Maybe my mom will buy a copy, maybe that's about it.
04:28 And then you start receiving feedback this way,
04:31 positive or read this at my baptismal class or you know,
04:34 I read this book, you know, every year.
04:36 One of the coolest compliments I get is from parents who say,
04:38 "My kid has slept with that book
04:41 and the pages are dog eared and we almost need
04:43 to buy another copy because it's so roughly.
04:44 They keep re-reading it, that's pretty amazing to hear.
04:47 As you are working though the major script for this book,
04:50 what were some things in your mind about
04:52 how young people struggle with articulating their faith
04:57 that you were able to bring out in
04:58 "What We Believe for Teens?"
04:59 I think, not shying away from the hard questions.
05:04 You know, you don't want to get,
05:05 you don't want to get sidetracked but I think
05:07 trying to get the big picture, I think that's,
05:09 that's the biggest thing.
05:10 I think Adventists are prolific producers of text.
05:15 You know, we buy an awful lot material
05:17 and can we write intellectual
05:19 cerebral with a lot of stuff and it's easy to drown in that.
05:22 You know, and sometimes, you know, as a cliche, it goes,
05:25 "You can't see the forest for the trees."
05:28 And so really reminding myself as I want to do that project.
05:31 It's a big picture, big picture.
05:32 Lots of stories, you know, and connecting it to
05:34 everyday life and um, and again,
05:36 it's been an amazing thing to watch.
05:38 Not only kids connect with it, but to hear about adults
05:41 are reading it, um, yeah, it's been,
05:44 it's been an interesting journey to watch
05:46 the life of the book and how it's impacted people.
05:48 'Cause the truth is, no matter how we get there,
05:50 there's still a part of us that longs to be a kid
05:53 and see things through a kid's eyes.
05:55 Yeah, that's great.
05:57 Seth, you also wrote the Peter Paul Pappenfuss series,
06:02 which was a real character of a kid.
06:05 So I have to ask you this question,
06:07 what were you like at that age?
06:10 Yeah, that's the biggest question I get from those books
06:11 'cause it's not about you, you know,
06:14 I had people who knew me as a kid.
06:17 I think this character is this person, is it that person?
06:19 And I have to tell them, "Oh, it's sort of based on
06:21 a compilation of several real people and real instances
06:24 that's woven into a fictional narrative but rings true,
06:28 you know, with life and it's, you know,
06:29 it features of preacher's kid in fifth grade,
06:31 it's sort of a first person narrative.
06:32 And one of the books that influenced the tone of the book
06:36 when I was growing up
06:38 and developing a passion for reading.
06:39 I love Judy Blume's books,
06:41 'Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing',
06:43 you know, things like that which--
06:44 it's a first person perspective of a fourth grade boy
06:47 who has a little brother and that was me
06:49 and so I really identified with the,
06:50 just the silly antics that happened with,
06:53 when you were a kid and...
06:54 The real-life stuff.
06:55 Yeah, the real-life stuff, and so um,
06:57 when I was working on those books and conceptualizing them,
07:00 I noticed that in the Adventist publishing world
07:03 there wasn't a lot of books for young boys,
07:06 lot of Adventist girl stories and horror stories but nothing,
07:09 you know, that boy 10 to 12 or 13 can really connect with,
07:14 and so I thought I would try this
07:16 and because I grew as a preacher's kid
07:17 and knew some of the struggles and challenges,
07:21 or try to make it as real as possible
07:22 and keep the humor, you know, in there.
07:25 And the response was pretty amazing and diverse too.
07:30 Kids really liked it.
07:31 There were some concerned adults about it.
07:34 You know, they thought maybe this character
07:35 is a little too rough around the edges
07:37 and one of the guiding philosophies
07:39 while I was working on the book,
07:40 if you look at Ellen White growing up,
07:43 and the books that she read in the Methodist church library,
07:46 they feature these flawless children,
07:48 and one of the things that led to her spiritual depression
07:50 as a kid is reading these stories that I can,
07:52 I can never be like these kids and it was an incredible source
07:55 of discouragement for her.
07:56 And so, I wanted to keep the kids real
07:59 and tell it a bit slower, character arc, where they,
08:03 you know, they are better by the end of the book
08:04 but they are not perfect yet,
08:06 they are still rustling with the issues of life
08:07 and it's been amazing to have pastoral families.
08:12 So, I thank you so much making our,
08:14 the pastoral family look normal
08:15 and really sharing the struggles, you know,
08:17 we have and it means a lot to our kids and stuff,
08:19 that's been pretty cool to see.
08:21 That is awesome, that is awesome.
08:23 Thank you, Seth.
08:24 Um, a lot of our viewers are parents and grandparents
08:29 and I think one of the things I appreciate in your books
08:35 is your underlying passion that comes through
08:37 for helping kids to connect them with Jesus.
08:40 Um,
08:42 where did you first encounter Jesus in your own life?
08:47 I think it's a series of encounters.
08:50 Um, obviously growing up as a pastor's kid,
08:51 you are exposed, you know,
08:53 to a lot of opportunities to connect with Jesus.
08:55 I was baptized when I was 11
08:57 and I had a tremendous experience,
09:00 a good experience growing up as a preacher's kid.
09:02 Sometimes, there's horror stories,
09:04 you have a terrible experience, I never did.
09:06 Uh, but you know, my family wasn't perfect
09:08 and my parents got a divorce when I was eight.
09:10 You know, dad left the ministry and there was sort of
09:13 a extended period of spiritual searching
09:15 and trying to figure out who I was,
09:18 do I want to be a Christian and at the same time, you know,
09:21 there was this incredible arrogance.
09:23 You know, I'm a preacher's kid, I'm a Seventh-day Adventist.
09:24 I know everything.
09:26 I don't need to go to church, you know, and uh...
09:28 I've got the inside track. I've got the inside track.
09:30 I grew up here. You know, I've got it.
09:31 You know, I was born into it, you know, that kind of thing.
09:34 And when I was in High School, I dated a girl whose condition
09:38 was you need to come to church with me on Sunday,
09:40 you know, otherwise you can't date me.
09:42 I figured that's a small price to pay,
09:43 so I showed up on Sunday
09:45 and it was a large, charismatic, mega church
09:47 and I remember I was judging those people, you know.
09:49 I mean as soon as I saw somebody, you know,
09:52 raising their hands and singing out loud,
09:53 I thought these people are going to hell.
09:55 There's no way you can be this happy and demonstrative,
09:57 you know, and be a Christian.
10:00 You know, I grew up in Northern Minnesota,
10:02 you know, we just don't do that,
10:05 you know, we are not that demonstrative.
10:08 And you know, through, you know,
10:10 making a long story short, God really broke through
10:12 a lot of my spiritual pride and I had
10:14 a conversion experience in the Pentecostal Church,
10:18 you know, and it was, it was very real
10:22 and it very much life changing.
10:24 I had some things in my life that need to get cleaned up
10:26 and it just was a complete 180 for me.
10:30 And as I, you know, grew in that setting
10:32 and returned into scripture and studied and prayed
10:34 and got involved in another
10:36 Adventist Church at the same time.
10:37 I eventually was reconvicted on the Adventist message
10:40 and made a decision to go to
10:43 Union College and study for ministry.
10:45 Well, that's awesome.
10:47 Now I know that you are a sought after speaker, um,
10:52 across the country and internationally as well.
10:54 What do you hear from parents or from kids when you travel?
10:59 What kind of feedback do they give you on your books?
11:02 Um, they like, they like the humor,
11:05 they like the stories.
11:07 Um, you know, one thing, I think it's important.
11:09 You know, we have this incredible theology
11:13 and its incredible message
11:14 and there's so many facets to it
11:16 and sometimes if we are not careful,
11:17 we kind of dump it on people and again,
11:19 you can get, you can drown in it,
11:21 you know, because there's so much
11:22 and so I think by connecting our stories and metaphors
11:26 and humorous events that are true to life,
11:30 it just helps them connect with the message
11:32 and they also like the realness of it.
11:36 You know, you are not skirting around the hard questions
11:40 even being willing to admit that I don't know.
11:42 Is there some questions I have that I don't know,
11:43 you know, and that's okay, you know.
11:47 And yeah, and so I think just the realness of it
11:50 and I think my willingness to share a lot of my
11:52 personal stories and struggles, within the books that I write.
11:56 You know, I don't write of a place of now
11:58 I've got this all figured out and you know,
12:00 and let me just tell you know everything.
12:02 It's, you know, we're on this string together
12:04 and there's things that I'm wrestling within, so are you.
12:06 And you can, and you can resonate sometimes
12:08 with the assumption that we have as Adventist
12:11 sometimes that you are born into the church,
12:15 you should know.
12:17 You should know Daniel,
12:19 you should understand a Revelation,
12:20 you should understand a sanctuary.
12:22 Yeah, and that was something when I was studying,
12:24 I remember pitching this idea to you at
12:26 General Conference session, I think it was the last
12:28 General Conference session thing where has anyone
12:30 ever a tackled a prophecy series for teens
12:32 and I didn't really, really, we were chatting about those
12:34 two a little while ago.
12:36 I don't really think through without,
12:37 the work that would entail doing that, and um, you know,
12:40 that may not be a great idea for somebody else to do
12:43 and that was the project unfolded, you know,
12:46 started doing a lot of reading and studying, you know,
12:49 re-reading, you know, materials I got in seminary,
12:51 re-reading, you know, scripture and really looking
12:53 at the prophesies and there's the huge breadth of knowledge
12:58 and materials that we have as Adventists
13:00 and one of the things that I found,
13:02 in addition to an incredible amount of truth,
13:05 was we assumed that people know what we are talking about.
13:08 We do an awful lot.
13:09 We just sort of assume that everyone kind of knows
13:10 this and they don't.
13:12 And I found several places where the content was good
13:15 in the material I was reading but they would make jumps,
13:16 just kind of assuming that the reader would follow.
13:19 And so part of the task was to step backwards and say,
13:22 I want to start this thing from scratch as if this person
13:24 has never cracked open scripture, you know,
13:27 and we are going to start from the very beginning.
13:28 Right. And I just to want to say to our viewers,
13:31 if you've read any of Seth's books,
13:33 you'll know that he has a gift for taking very difficult
13:36 ideas and concepts and presenting them in a way
13:39 that makes them so easy to understand,
13:42 which is really perfect when it comes to writing
13:44 about prophecy, right?
13:46 Um, because they are not easy always...
13:49 No, they are not. understand.
13:50 The experience... especially, for the Revelation book,
13:52 it felt like somebody handing me a giant ball
13:54 of tangled Christmas lights and having to go through
13:57 and just unravel, you know, all 'cause they were so many
14:00 views and so many different, imagery, you know,
14:02 images that people use and so...
14:04 And approaches.
14:05 Yeah, different approaches, different hermeneutics,
14:08 different traditions and so it was a, you know,
14:11 trying to tend to distill it down
14:12 and say this is the central, you know,
14:15 the way that Adventist view prophecy, you know,
14:18 and allowing for few areas, you know,
14:21 like when you get to Daniel 11, for example, saying,
14:23 there's a few ways that people approach this
14:25 within the Adventist Church, you know, and here they are.
14:27 You know, and really try not to um,
14:30 be dogmatic about it but just say, look, here's a,
14:33 this book is a stepping stone for deeper study
14:35 and here's the big picture, the macro, you know, picture.
14:38 Um, and then hopefully when people read the book,
14:40 they feel that they've got a good general grasp
14:42 and they can launch often the deeper study.
14:44 Right. Yup.
14:45 So, "Prophecies of Daniel for Teens"
14:48 and "Prophecies of Revelation for Teens"
14:51 are the two books that we are going
14:53 to look at a little bit closely.
14:55 And we are going to take a moment now to take--
14:57 to find out how you can get your copies of these books.
15:00 Watch this and we'll be right back.
15:01 Thank you.
15:04 Daniel wrote his book a long time ago and it's filled with
15:08 weird beasts and even stranger words like,
15:10 many, many --
15:13 Can Daniel really tell us what to expect in the future?
15:16 And what about Revelation?
15:18 The symbolism can be difficult to understand.
15:21 What are the seven seals, scrolls, trumpets?
15:24 Though the animals in the book of Daniel were confusing,
15:28 the ones in Revelation are even stranger.
15:30 If you've ever asked these questions,
15:33 then these books by Seth Pierce,
15:35 the "Prophecies of Daniel for Teens"
15:37 and the "Prophecies of Revelation for Teens"
15:40 are a perfect match for you.
15:42 To get your copy of Seth's two outstanding books,
15:46 all you need to do is call 1-800-765-6955.
15:52 Stop by your local Adventist book center
15:55 or you can order online at
16:05 Welcome back.
16:06 We are visiting with one of your favorite authors,
16:08 Seth Pierce and we speaking to him
16:10 about his two books in particular,
16:12 "Prophecies of Daniel" and "Prophecies of Revelation,"
16:16 both for teenagers.
16:18 Yes.
16:19 Seth, how would you describe um,
16:22 your approach to the topic of prophecy in these books?
16:26 You are writing to teenagers. Yes.
16:27 Are they even really interested in prophecy?
16:30 I think they are.
16:32 I think, the way we've typically approached prophecy,
16:37 you know, at least in my experience,
16:40 is it's usually during Evangelistic series
16:42 and while we advertise prophecy meetings.
16:45 And what typically happens is we will pick
16:47 certain portions of prophecy to share, you know,
16:49 with our distinctive beliefs of Seventh-day Adventist
16:51 and that's great.
16:53 But we don't really start a Chapter one of Revelation
16:56 or Chapter one of Daniel and let the narrative build
16:59 and so when you can take Revelation especially,
17:02 'cause that's not quite the narrative the Daniel
17:05 is and somehow make it chronological,
17:08 chapter by chapter and really weave it into
17:10 a narrative or a story.
17:12 They follow along, they are very interested
17:15 because they get to see the whole picture,
17:17 it's not just, you know, here's a doctrine,
17:18 here's a text, here's this truth and this truth.
17:21 It's like here's the big story, here's the big picture.
17:24 And it also allows you when you hit those doctrines,
17:26 those distinctive truths to look at different facets of it.
17:29 So, you know, if we talk about the Sabbath
17:30 or state of the dead, um, one of the things
17:32 that we can do is, as opposed to saying,
17:34 "Okay", here's several texts and things that prove that,"
17:37 is, we can actually walk it back and say,
17:39 "This is how we discovered, you know, this belief.
17:42 This is how this belief comes about.
17:43 This is how this belief relates to multiple facets
17:46 of human existence particularly,
17:48 in the end-times."
17:50 It's um, it's just a fuller picture,
17:52 just really let's us look at different nuances
17:54 and so it comes across as being very fresh,
17:57 even though these truths has been in scripture
17:58 the entire time.
18:00 We just get to look at it with the entire backdrop
18:02 of Daniel and Revelation.
18:05 Well, how do you deal with people who may be questioning
18:08 the approach, who say, "Oh, you have to teach it
18:11 in this specific evangelistic way?"
18:14 I liked prophecy seminars as a kid,
18:17 honestly because of the scary element that we come through
18:20 some times and you are advocating an approach
18:22 that doesn't use necessarily the perspective of fear.
18:26 Right.
18:27 You know, I think, you know, fear is always
18:29 one of those things you can get some good short term
18:30 results with fear, but you, but it doesn't last
18:33 and I think anyone who's done an Evangelistic series,
18:37 you know, any pastor who's done one,
18:38 you know that you know, you could have a really
18:39 dynamic sort of meetings and then that's great,
18:42 I've got it in my head and thank you
18:43 for the good series and then leave
18:45 and they already become a part of the community
18:46 and when you can take these prophecies
18:48 and these truths and couch them in a grand narrative
18:49 or the grand story that God
18:51 is telling you the Great Controversy.
18:52 Now they understand, "Okay, this isn't something,
18:54 some doctrine in my head.
18:56 This is, this involves me as a character
18:58 in the story that God is telling
19:00 and it's just much bigger thing than just simply
19:03 a set of doctrine.
19:04 This is a much bigger deal and I've got a role of play
19:06 and I've got, I've got a plot, you know, to carry out,
19:09 you know, in this Great Controversy story."
19:11 And so people are fascinated by that and especially
19:13 when you can start connecting doctrines
19:14 that maybe have um, been become familiar with just because,
19:19 not necessarily that they could reproduce a Bible study for it,
19:21 but they just heard it.
19:22 But when you can present new facets of it
19:24 and connect it with a story and a big picture of scripture,
19:28 um, it becomes really fascinating, you know,
19:30 for them, 'cause they get to see
19:31 how it connects to everything else.
19:33 So you are basically saying you can't scare people into Heaven?
19:36 No, it doesn't, it doesn't work.
19:38 Unfortunately, you know, you can maybe get
19:41 their attention, you know, but to have a really lasting,
19:43 you know, relationship with God,
19:45 it's, it's got to be something deeper.
19:47 I like the way that you connect that with the, um,
19:50 the mega story, the big story of The Great Controversy.
19:53 I think that's one of the blessings that we have
19:56 as Seventh-day Adventist.
19:57 We have that understanding that there's more to our story
20:02 than just what we are experiencing here
20:05 and to be able to help them connect the dots in place,
20:08 these prophecies in the context of the Great Controversy.
20:12 It's really important. Yeah.
20:14 And that's exciting, you know, when you get to see um,
20:16 different nuances, I mean, every, I mean,
20:18 think about every proof text some are really used,
20:21 it's part of the story.
20:22 These are ones where every text is part of a chapter
20:24 which is part of a book which is a part of the...
20:27 I mean, there's a whole lot in the background
20:29 going on and when you can see that,
20:31 suddenly the text becomes very fresh and exciting
20:34 and there's different nuances to explore,
20:36 different ideas, so it's pretty cool.
20:38 So, as you're threading together these prophecies,
20:42 do you make a conscious decision as a writer to um,
20:46 make sure that your reader see Jesus?
20:47 Oh, yeah.
20:49 At the end of every chapter, it says, you know,
20:51 what does it tells about Jesus?
20:53 You know, 'cause we can look at some cool history
20:55 and we can talk about some interesting theology and--
20:58 but ultimately, if we can connect it to Christ,
21:02 you know, it's just facts, you know.
21:04 Because I think that's for parents and for grandparents,
21:07 that's what we want, isn't it?
21:09 We want to connect to our kids with Jesus
21:12 and give them a sound understanding and knowledge
21:15 base of what they believe in and why they believe that.
21:18 Yeah, I think it's especially with Revelation.
21:20 I mean, I think you see Christ throughout scripture
21:22 but Revelation, I mean, you read or at the beginning,
21:25 this is the Revelation of...
21:26 Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ.
21:27 You know, and in that sense, you know, it's not a gospel,
21:32 you know like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
21:33 but in other sense it is like a fifth gospel.
21:35 I mean, this is really a whole new picture of
21:38 Jesus Christ that you don't get in the four gospels
21:41 that we tend to study more.
21:44 We want to go and learn more about Jesus,
21:46 I mean, I have sermons and presentations
21:48 where I talk about what the beasts tell us about Jesus.
21:52 I mean, you consider, I mean, as scary and as some people
21:54 don't like that and they think, "Ah, let's get rid of those
21:56 beasts and let's not send flyers out."
21:59 What's interesting to me is of Jesus,
22:01 if this Book of Revelations is about Jesus
22:03 and Jesus is the one giving John the Revelation,
22:04 who's the one picking the imagery?
22:07 So Jesus obviously has purpose with the beasts,
22:09 you know, what is He revealing about Himself
22:11 by choosing the images of the beast, you know,
22:15 and so yeah, you can see Christ throughout the whole thing.
22:17 Now when-- in the preaching moment,
22:19 as pastors we know, there are parts of a sermon,
22:22 where in the middle of preaching,
22:24 you almost take a step back because you realize
22:26 God is speaking directly to you based on what
22:29 you are presenting to your congregation.
22:32 Have there been times in writing,
22:34 what we believe about Daniel and Revelation for teens
22:37 that you took a step back and said,
22:39 "Man, God is having me write this because
22:41 He's trying to teach me something."
22:42 Yeah, it was for me, yeah.
22:44 Yeah, yeah, and I think um,
22:46 there's definite moments when you,
22:48 uh, as my editors will know, you know,
22:51 there's things that end up on the scrap room
22:53 for you can't put everything in there
22:55 and sometimes when those things that I wrote down
22:57 that didn't quite make the final edit,
22:58 they were for me 'cause I mean, I had the director's cut
23:00 manuscript on my hard drive, you know.
23:03 And I'll go back and look at those notes
23:05 and it's amazing when you go through
23:06 a process of writing something like that.
23:11 Yeah, you don't, you are not unaffected by it.
23:15 I mean, you really come away with some different insights
23:17 and images and metaphors and ways to articulate um,
23:22 how you see Christ in these books
23:23 or how you see the Adventist message in these books
23:26 and that's and we now never has the time to do it
23:28 or the um, maybe the psychosis to do it,
23:31 to go sit down and write something like that
23:33 but when you work systematically on your own,
23:37 I mean, you use all the resources available to you
23:39 but when you produce your own commentary,
23:43 you know, on Revelation or Daniel, you know,
23:45 with the help of the Holy Spirit
23:46 and Scripture and study.
23:47 I mean, even if you never preached it
23:50 or you never published it, it's an incredible, um,
23:54 it's an incredible blessing to you personally, yeah.
23:58 Yeah.
24:00 What do you think parents want you
24:03 to communicate with their kids?
24:08 It depends on the parent. It depends on the kid.
24:13 I would hope, the love of Jesus,
24:17 fundamentally to know that their child matters.
24:20 Yes.
24:21 And it's love and has an important part to play
24:23 in The Great Controversy that they are a character
24:26 in this great story they God is telling, and um,
24:29 they are important, you know,
24:30 and they're worth dying for,
24:32 and so they have a life that's worth living.
24:34 Unfortunately, we are out of time
24:36 in our program and happens just about every single time.
24:39 If you could, Seth, in just a few moments
24:41 looking to the camera, and maybe speak
24:43 to the young person or even the older person who,
24:46 when they think about scripture think it's too complicated
24:49 to really understand, what would you say
24:52 to try to get through to them?
24:54 That's tough.
24:56 I think first of all, um, just pray, you know,
24:59 and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance
25:01 and know that there's always more to learn.
25:06 You know, sometimes I think we take for granted, um,
25:08 that we know everything, especially when we're younger
25:10 and uh, there are incredible resources
25:13 and even though we might be young, um,
25:18 it's amazing the insight that God can give us,
25:20 you know, when we, um, submit ourselves to Him and uh,
25:23 I know He's got a messages He wants to share with everyone,
25:25 and so it's worth the time to put in and discover.
25:28 That's awesome.
25:29 You know, and, Seth, as someone who shares your book
25:32 with a lot of young people, I just want to really affirm
25:35 the gift that God has given you,
25:37 for being able to take these difficult concepts
25:39 and as we read in our scripture reading,
25:41 at the start of the program, to write it
25:44 and to make it plain, that we can give it our kids,
25:47 to our grandchildren and they can run with it.
25:50 Yes, absolutely.
25:51 And for being with and take up the challenge,
25:53 as a young man and do it.
25:55 You serve as an example as a young people
25:58 around the world and we thank you for that.
26:00 Praise the Lord. Thank you.
26:01 We've been having a conversation today with
26:02 Seth Pierce about his books, what we believe,
26:06 about Daniel and Revelation for Teens
26:08 and his story reminds us that this whole thing
26:11 about the gospel and a relationship with Jesus
26:14 and the dynamics of the Bible are not just for old people,
26:17 it's for young people too.
26:19 The message was taken around the world,
26:20 Jesus called a bunch of young men
26:24 and He empowered them to share a gospel
26:27 and that same Jesus today is still calling young men
26:30 and young women, maybe like someone as you
26:32 watching the program today
26:34 to take the gospel around the world.
26:36 This has been another episode of Stones of Remembrance.
26:40 My name is Pierre Quinn and from my co-host, Karen Pearson,
26:43 we thank you for being on this journey with us
26:46 and we'd like you to join us next time as we sit down
26:49 and have another conversation with your favorite author
26:52 and about their journey.
26:54 Take care and we'll see you next time.
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Revised 2015-11-19