Stones of Remembrance

Tamyra Horst

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Karen Pierson & Pierre Quinn (Host)


Series Code: SOR

Program Code: SOR000010A

00:23 Hello, I'm Karen Pearson,
00:24 and I'm here today with my co-host Pierre Quinn.
00:27 Hey, Pierre, how are you?
00:28 I'm good, Karen, thanks.
00:30 Yeah. Good.
00:31 We are here to bring you
00:32 another episode of Stones of Remembrance,
00:34 the program where we visit
00:35 with one of your favorite authors
00:37 and look at some of the life experiences
00:39 they've gone through that have helped to shape them
00:42 and the message that they share in their books.
00:45 So often as we pass through life's deep waters
00:48 just as Joshua did,
00:50 we can meet up with some unexpected blessings
00:53 that determine the whole future direction of our lives
00:57 and our ministries and so,
01:00 before I introduce you to today's guest,
01:03 I want to share something with you from the word.
01:06 It's the text I know that you probably are very familiar with
01:09 and may even be a favorite verse of yours.
01:11 It's found in Psalms 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord,
01:17 and He shall give you the desires of your heart."
01:21 I just love that word delight.
01:22 Amen. Yeah.
01:24 Just delight yourself in the Lord.
01:26 Very precious passage to me
01:27 and I know to many of our viewers as well.
01:30 I would like to welcome to the program Tamyra Horst.
01:33 Hi, Tamyra. Hi.
01:35 How are you?
01:36 Good, it's exciting to be with you and Pierre today.
01:37 Thank you.
01:39 We're so glad that you could join us.
01:40 Thank you.
01:42 Tamyra is the author
01:43 of 'Praying Like Crazy For Your Kids'
01:46 and 'Praying Like Crazy For Your Husband.'
01:49 She is also the Women's Ministries Director
01:53 of Pennsylvania Conference.
01:54 You wear so many hats, don't you?
01:55 Communication Director is my main title
01:57 but Women's Ministries is my passion.
01:59 Okay, I like that.
02:01 That's your passion.
02:03 Spoken like a communication director.
02:04 Yes.
02:06 Very good.
02:08 So you've written several books and how many?
02:14 Eight or nine plus some ministry resources
02:17 and things like that.
02:19 Okay.
02:20 Our authors have written a lot of stuff, haven't they?
02:22 Yeah.
02:24 Yeah, eight or nine books is pretty cool.
02:25 Did you ever know
02:27 that you were going to write books.
02:28 When I was little girl, that's what I wanted to be.
02:29 What I didn't know that I would end up doing would be speaking
02:33 and being on TV programs and,
02:35 you know, that kind of crazy stuff
02:36 because I was just such as incredibly shy,
02:40 quiet, fearful kid,
02:41 but I always knew I wanted to write.
02:43 That's amazing because
02:45 we don't sense that about you all now.
02:48 God can really intake the foolish things
02:49 and change them again.
02:53 Tammy, as we think about prayer,
02:59 what are some of the misconceptions
03:01 that people have about prayer.
03:04 I think people feel like that prayer is gonna get them
03:08 what they want every time.
03:10 If they would just pray enough
03:12 or if they would just pray the right words
03:15 or in the right way or maybe that God
03:19 isn't gonna answer their prayers
03:20 because they're not worthy enough,
03:21 but if they get the right people praying
03:23 that God would answer their prayers then,
03:26 like there is some kind of,
03:27 you know, system to it or some kind of right way.
03:30 If they can just get the system down, they're good.
03:32 Exactly.
03:33 You just do it the right way at the right time
03:34 with the right people,
03:36 you're gonna get the right answers
03:37 and that's not how it works.
03:40 You know, prayer is,
03:42 prayer is communicating with God
03:43 and I think that God already knows,
03:47 He already knows it's in our heart,
03:48 He already knows what we want.
03:50 You know, delight yourself in the Lord
03:51 and He will give you the desires of your heart.
03:52 He knows those desires.
03:54 What prayer does is change us.
03:57 It connects us with God.
03:59 It helps us to clarify what we really wanting
04:02 and gives us that opportunity
04:04 and this kind of like back and forth and just--
04:07 I mean, have you ever prayed for something
04:08 that you're really passionate about
04:09 and the more you pray and agonize over it,
04:12 just a deeper your connection with God grows.
04:15 Do you think that God does it intentionally?
04:18 I think that God invites us to pray
04:20 because He knows what it does in us
04:22 and because He knows
04:24 how it's going to connect us with Him,
04:25 and the way that it changes us.
04:28 When I was a little girl, just before Christmas one year,
04:32 there was a doll that I had seen
04:34 advertised in a catalog that I wanted.
04:37 And I let it be known to the people who mattered
04:41 that I really, really wanted this doll.
04:44 Was it on your prayer list too?
04:46 I'm sure I prayed for it. I'm sure I prayed for it.
04:49 So my mother just totally ignored me
04:53 like it was as if she hadn't heard
04:56 and I kept asking and I kept asking,
04:59 eventually I stopped asking
05:00 because I figured it wasn't going to be under the tree.
05:03 And you know what?
05:04 It was under the tree. It was under the tree.
05:07 And she said to me afterwards,
05:08 "I just wanted to see how much you really wanted it.
05:11 Did you really want it?"
05:13 And do you think God does it with us?
05:16 You know, I'm not sure if God is testing
05:19 to see how much we want it,
05:20 but I do believe that when we're praying
05:22 God is answering already.
05:24 You know, I prayed for my mom for 14 years
05:28 that she would really come to relationship with God.
05:30 You know, after I joined the Adventist church.
05:33 I mean, I've been a Christian since I was little girl,
05:34 but once I joined the Adventist church,
05:36 I started really praying for my mother.
05:38 And after 14 years
05:39 she came to an evangelistic series at our church
05:41 that I was helping to lead and organize.
05:44 And on the first night of the first appeal,
05:47 my mom came forward and afterwards I'm in the back
05:50 going through all the cards, the commitment cards
05:52 and I get to my mom's and it was just,
05:54 you know-- In a heart prayer
05:57 but I've been praying for 14 years.
05:59 And when I shared the story, I asked the question,
06:01 did God wait 14 years and say,
06:03 you know, I'm not doing anything today.
06:05 I think I'll answer, she needs question today
06:07 in a plethora of prayer from the prayer box
06:10 and I'll answer that today.
06:12 It's Tammy's turn today. Right.
06:13 And I don't think that's how it works.
06:15 I believe that God was answering every moment
06:19 since I even before I began praying
06:22 because God wanted my mom's heart too.
06:24 And so He was answering all along and looking back.
06:29 I could see the ways that God had led.
06:31 Have led her to even being willing to come to the church,
06:35 being willing to come to this, you know,
06:36 just the way that people have loved her.
06:37 You know, my youngest brother
06:39 being killed by a drunk driver when he was 18
06:41 and church members had just loved
06:43 my parents through that.
06:45 You know, the ministry of pot of veggie meatballs
06:49 or a casserole of mac and cheese.
06:51 You know, just bringing food
06:53 coming and praying with my family.
06:54 Just loving them.
06:56 Just loving them and I can see
06:57 how all along the way God was answering
07:00 but there were lot of times
07:01 where I was praying and wondering,
07:02 you know, especially
07:04 as I prayed for my kids sometimes,
07:05 wondering, God, are you answering?
07:07 Are you there?
07:08 Is there any point to really praying?
07:11 You know, Tammy, one of our other guests mentioned that
07:14 they think God answers incrementally
07:18 and I like that because,
07:19 yes, He answers the moment we start praying.
07:23 But sometimes it moves very slowly.
07:26 It moves forward in very small increments
07:29 but it doesn't mean He is not working.
07:31 When I think we're looking for the end goal.
07:33 We're looking for the answer
07:35 and if we would just stop and look,
07:38 we could see God leading all along.
07:40 You know, we could see the little ways
07:42 that He is leading.
07:43 And that's what I watch
07:44 and just enjoying in watching with my boys
07:47 or just as I pray for it and I calm boys
07:49 and they're dipping now--
07:51 They'll always be your boys. Yeah.
07:54 But as I pray for them and just, you know,
07:58 there have been times where I've been just like God,
08:00 are you ever going to answer.
08:02 I've been praying these prayers for them since they were born
08:05 that they would just know you
08:07 as intimately as a human being can know God.
08:10 And are you ever gonna answer?
08:13 Those prayers are my boys ever going to where I walk
08:15 so passionately with You the way that I hoped.
08:18 And there have been times that I wondered
08:20 and wanted to almost give up on praying.
08:23 You know, like, you know, I'm not even going to pray anymore
08:25 because you're just not like,
08:26 like no longer asking for that doll for Christmas
08:29 because you're wondering does anybody even really care
08:31 about this besides me,
08:33 but God is a relentless God.
08:35 He doesn't forget our prayers and He is answering
08:39 and I've seen that.
08:40 You know, when I was writing
08:41 Praying Like Crazy For Your Kids,
08:43 I had given the proposal anybody knows how books write,
08:48 you give three chapters and an outline to the publisher
08:50 and they like yeah, let's have this,
08:51 when can we have it by.
08:53 And I said, "Oh, I'll have it done by the end of November."
08:55 And it got to me the Sunday before Thanksgiving
08:58 and I hadn't written a single another word
09:01 other than those first three chapters.
09:03 And I know the book is due now in about a week and half
09:05 and Thanksgiving is coming.
09:07 And my oldest son is coming home for Thanksgiving.
09:09 And I want time to spend with him,
09:11 I don't want to have to be writing, you know,
09:13 honest but that I promised it
09:15 and I'm a person who very goal oriented
09:18 and I'm gonna keep to my goal, you know,
09:19 and so Sunday morning before Thanksgiving,
09:23 I got up and I just prayed and I sat down on my computer
09:26 and I said, Lord, if you want this book,
09:28 you're going to have to write it because I had just hit
09:31 a blog where it felt like God wasn't answering.
09:34 And God wasn't responding in the lives of my sons,
09:36 and I just didn't know how to write a book
09:39 about praying for your kids
09:41 if I wasn't so sure that God was even answering.
09:44 That's powerful.
09:45 Isn't that and you see, this is one of the things,
09:47 this is like those stones in the middle of the river
09:50 let the water comes over.
09:51 We don't always know the back-story.
09:54 You know, so we read the book but we don't know sometimes--
09:58 And you think, oh, she is just someone
10:00 who prays for her kids three times,
10:01 she never doubts.
10:03 And she's got it all together. She's perfect.
10:04 I had someone come up to me
10:06 one time at a church in my community
10:07 that I speak in all the time,
10:09 every year I speak there.
10:10 And I was sharing some of these struggles when I talked
10:12 about Praying Like Crazy For Your Kids and she said, "No,
10:14 I just thought, you were this woman
10:16 of incredible faith all the time,
10:18 and I'm just stunned that you don't always have
10:21 that kind of faith but I'm relieved...
10:25 to know that you struggled with it too."
10:27 Well, I think it gives, it helps give people hope.
10:29 Yeah.
10:30 You know, that, well, if she can have those struggles,
10:34 yet she still continues and perseveres and look
10:36 what God's doing in her and through her,
10:39 maybe I can too.
10:40 And God doesn't give up and He is relentless
10:43 and He blesses anyway,
10:45 so I started writing this book on Sunday morning praying God
10:48 and I have to admit that I have this relationship
10:51 with God where, you know,
10:52 nobody had taught how to pray,
10:54 I think go to church when I was little girl,
10:55 even though I was committed to Him,
10:56 you know.
10:59 I just talked to Him like He is my friend.
11:01 And so I said, Lord,
11:02 I need You to help me finish this book
11:04 and I really need to get it done before Thanksgiving
11:06 because my son is coming home and I want time with my son,
11:08 so can we get this book done.
11:10 And I've never written a book that fast.
11:13 Tuesday at lunch time the book was finished.
11:14 How many days?
11:16 Two and half days. Wow.
11:17 Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday morning.
11:18 That has to be some kind of a record.
11:20 It was for me, I don't know about anybody else,
11:22 but I've never written a book
11:23 and it was an amazing experience with God
11:25 because I get to a chapter and I'd say,
11:27 I don't know how to write this,
11:28 I don't know where to begin, I had my outline.
11:30 Lord, please show me.
11:32 And He bring stories and He bring memories
11:33 and it was an encouragement for me
11:35 to remember how God has led
11:37 and how He has answered prayers for my kids
11:39 and how they have grown.
11:41 And so it was done at lunchtime and I'm like,
11:43 well, that was faster than I needed.
11:46 And so I sat down and read it to say,
11:48 well, it's probably going to be mediocre,
11:50 I'm probably not going to like this when I'm done.
11:52 And so I sat down and read at Tuesday afternoon
11:54 and I said, well, that was good.
11:56 God, you really came through,
11:58 and I send it off to the publisher
12:00 and prepare Thanksgiving dinner.
12:01 And on Friday after Thanksgiving,
12:03 I got to spend the day with just my son.
12:05 I didn't have to share it with anybody else.
12:07 And we went out, you know, my heart was breaking for him,
12:10 he'd gone through so much trauma in the last year
12:12 losing one of his very best friends in an accident,
12:15 so went into depression.
12:16 You write it about that in the book.
12:18 Cause him to question God and so here we are in
12:23 and he's just been in some dark places
12:25 and I hadn't seen him smiling in a year.
12:28 And he was beginning to smile again.
12:29 And he has a smile that just,
12:31 even thinking about it now just melts my heart,
12:33 you know, and we started walking around
12:35 and we were hanging out and we were talking
12:37 and I took him to one of my favorite places
12:40 Olive Gardens back in Pennsylvania,
12:41 and we-- it was so crowded that day,
12:44 there was no place to sit, so we just walked and talked.
12:47 And Joshua said to me,
12:49 "Mom, I'm really worried about my faith.
12:51 I feel like I'm losing my hold on God and I don't want to.
12:54 I don't want to lose my connection with God.
12:56 And I'm concerned about my friends.
12:57 Mom, can you pray."
12:59 And so able to pray with him
13:00 and before he went home that weekend,
13:02 my husband and I just gathering around him and,
13:04 you know, he is 6'3'' and we are not,
13:07 and just laying our hands on him
13:09 and praying for him and he is weeping
13:11 because he doesn't want to lose his connection with God.
13:13 And two weeks later he send me an email saying,
13:16 "Mom, don't worry about me and God.
13:17 God has His hold on me and He will not let me go.
13:20 Oh, wow.
13:21 You know, just amazing and you know,
13:23 he stays in contact with me,
13:24 he doesn't live nearby and just,
13:26 I remember one time he wrote to me, he said,
13:28 "Mom, even in some of the darkest places in my life,
13:31 I could see God there.
13:32 God was right there.
13:34 Maybe were some Christians would think that God wasn't.
13:37 But God never left me."
13:39 And that's what motivates me to keep on praying
13:42 'cause all the time
13:44 I thought that God wasn't doing anything
13:46 but He was, He was calling my son,
13:48 He was drawing my son deeper.
13:49 And that's important having a relationship with your son
13:53 for him to come to you and be able to say,
13:56 I felt like I'm losing my grip,
13:58 my relationship with God and then knowing
14:00 because of what has happened in your house
14:03 that he has a mom that prays.
14:06 Yeah, I love that my kids call me and say,
14:09 mom, I have this friend who is struggling,
14:10 can you pray?
14:12 Mom I have this going on in my life,
14:13 would you pray?
14:15 You know, my one son
14:16 is serving in the military in Cuba right now
14:19 and for me to say, I'm really praying for you,
14:21 I know this is really hard right now.
14:23 And for him to say, "I really appreciate that so much."
14:27 And even my husband, you know, just for him to be able to say,
14:30 "I just so appreciate having a praying wife,
14:33 know that you always got my back
14:34 that you're always praying."
14:35 And one time my oldest son, you know, said,
14:37 "Mom, I need you to pray for my son Beth.
14:40 I'm praying for, I need you to pray for my friend
14:43 and I'm praying for my friend, I really need to talk to him,
14:45 it's going to be a hard conversation
14:47 because of what they are doing
14:48 and I just really feel like I need to talk to him about it.
14:51 Tell me about this fasting thing that you do."
14:53 Wow.
14:55 Can you teach fasting to me
14:56 and we've never had a conversation about fasting
14:59 and prayer in our home
15:01 but it's something that they've seen me do.
15:02 And so an example that a parent lives out.
15:06 Speaks louder than words. It does.
15:08 And your kids are watching. Absolutely.
15:11 They are watching by your example.
15:12 They are watching you study. They are watching you pray.
15:14 They are watching
15:15 the connection you have with God
15:16 and how you live that out in your life.
15:18 Right. Right.
15:20 Speaks a lot more to them probably than any preaching
15:22 that you can probably do.
15:24 More effective for sure.
15:27 We're gonna take a moment, so you can find out
15:30 how to get hold of Tamyra's books
15:33 Praying Like Crazy For Your Kids
15:35 and 'Praying Like Crazy For Your Husband.
15:38 And if you have read any of other--
15:40 Tamyra's other books,
15:41 you gonna want to get these two.
15:44 What I love about her writing is it's practical,
15:46 it's hands-on and it's inspiring.
15:49 So don't go away, watch this and we'll be right back.
15:53 Thank you.
15:55 True prayer is not out of repetition.
15:58 God knows all about our family situations
16:00 and wants us to partner with him
16:02 in shaping the lives of our children,
16:04 not just for today but also for eternity.
16:07 In Praying Like Crazy For Your Kids,
16:10 Tamyra Horst gives encouragement
16:12 on how to pray for your children at any age.
16:15 As wives, we know our husbands better than anyone else
16:19 and we can pray for them in ways that no one else can
16:22 in Praying Like Crazy For Your Husband,
16:25 Tamyra says,
16:26 it may be
16:27 one of the biggest responsibilities
16:29 we have in marriage to stand beside our husbands
16:32 and to fight for them in prayer.
16:34 To get your copy of these books,
16:37 call 1-800-765-6955.
16:41 Stop by your local Adventist book center
16:44 or you can order online today at
16:55 Welcome back.
16:56 We're busy visiting with Tamyra Horst,
16:58 author of Praying Like Crazy For Your Kids
17:00 and Praying Like Crazy For Your Husband.
17:03 Tamyra, let's take a few minutes
17:04 to look a little bit more
17:06 at Praying Like Crazy For Your Husband.
17:11 Why did you feel a call to pray for your husband?
17:16 It sounds like a wonderful thing,
17:18 but tell us a little bit about that
17:20 'cause that was a journey for you, wasn't it?
17:22 It was.
17:24 I've been Praying Like Crazy For Your Kids
17:25 and that came out of the passion
17:28 of my mother's heart,
17:30 just I probably haven't prayed for anything or anybody
17:33 like I prayed for my kids.
17:35 And then I was at a conference with you and you said,
17:39 Tamyra, would you consider
17:40 writing Praying Like Crazy For Your Husband.
17:42 And my first thought was, no,
17:43 I'm not going to be that crazy praying idea.
17:46 I'm just not going to go there,
17:48 I'm not going to write million bucks--
17:49 You didn't want a whole series.
17:50 I didn't want a whole series.
17:52 And I actually didn't want a book
17:53 that will be just like
17:54 Praying Like Crazy For Your Kids.
17:56 If I was going to do it, it had to be different.
17:58 There had to something different about praying
18:00 for your husband than praying for your kids.
18:03 And so, I promised you that I'll pray about it
18:06 which is always dangerous to pray.
18:08 It is very dangerous.
18:09 Always dangerous because God is going to say,
18:11 really, you don't think you want to do that.
18:13 Let see about that.
18:15 And so, I went back to my hotel room
18:16 because we were away at a conference
18:18 and I just said, Lord, if I want to do this,
18:20 I want it to be different.
18:21 And it can't be like the other book.
18:24 And I don't know that I want to.
18:26 And so, that night I just prayed
18:27 and I just wrote down thoughts as they came to my mind,
18:29 and by morning
18:31 I knew that I was going to have
18:32 to write this book.
18:33 And so I began writing
18:35 and God convicted me a little bit.
18:39 I realized that I had been
18:40 praying passionately for my kids.
18:42 I had fasted and prayed for my kids.
18:45 I had never once fasted for my husband.
18:47 I'd been praying for my husband and I do,
18:50 I really do pray for my husband for everything and anything,
18:53 but too many of my prayers are more like,
18:56 God, can you fix him.
18:58 God, look at this, look at-- could you take care of this.
19:02 You know, do you think we tend to do that?
19:05 I think my wife prays those prayers.
19:06 I think so.
19:08 I don't think that's an uncommon thing, Tammy.
19:11 I just-- I didn't recognized
19:14 my responsibility to pray for him,
19:18 his connection with God.
19:20 I mean, I was praying for him,
19:21 but too often, it just still faltered back to this,
19:24 "God, fix him.
19:26 Look at this problem here, you know.
19:27 Look at how he is treating those or doing that or just..."
19:30 And as I was writing the book,
19:31 I realized that nobody knew my husband like I did.
19:34 Not even his mom, as much as I think I know my kids,
19:37 I knew that the women that will one day
19:38 walk into their lives are going to have a relationship
19:40 with them that I don't.
19:42 And I know my husband's weaknesses.
19:45 I know his strengths, I know his dreams.
19:48 I know how God uses him profoundly.
19:52 And I know his fears.
19:53 And so nobody knows him like I do.
19:56 And I felt like I had...
19:57 I felt like God was saying,
19:59 "You have this responsibility to really pray for him,
20:03 because if you don't--"
20:04 More than just a good idea.
20:06 Right. A responsibility. A responsibility.
20:08 Samuels says to the Israelites, "Far be it to me,
20:11 for me to sin by not praying for the people
20:15 that God put into my care."
20:17 And I thought,
20:19 I have felt responsible to pray for my children.
20:21 You know, as a parent,
20:23 I think it's because they start out totally dependent on you.
20:27 And so you feel so responsible,
20:30 but you don't feel the same responsibility for your spouse
20:32 because you're both adults
20:34 when you walk into this relationship.
20:36 And so God was convicting me
20:38 that I had a responsibility to pray for Tim,
20:41 and not just complain to God about him.
20:44 You know, and to really pray for his hopes and dreams.
20:46 Pray for the things he struggles with.
20:48 Pray for the ways that God is going to use him
20:51 and pray for his relationships.
20:53 And that really, kind of, changed things.
20:55 And not pray that God would make him
20:57 the man that I want him to be.
21:00 'Cause I don't know about you guys,
21:01 but I have a certain way
21:03 that I think would just be just perfect.
21:05 I sometimes do tell God,
21:07 "God this is how I think that it should be."
21:09 My friend Ginny Allen says that--
21:11 she has this book, 'Ginny's Advice to God'.
21:13 And I think that's probably true of all of us.
21:16 I just know how God can make my husband
21:18 the best person he could be.
21:19 But to really trust God,
21:22 that God has plan for my husband
21:24 and that God's gonna do what He wants to do in his life.
21:29 And that I've got to trust it and just support it in prayer,
21:32 whatever that it is.
21:33 In the book, there's a line from the book you say,
21:37 "For wives, praying for your husband
21:39 is one of the most lovable things that you can do."
21:43 So how is prayer--
21:45 and you've tapped on it a little bit before,
21:47 but how is prayer
21:48 one of the best demonstrations of love for your spouse?
21:53 Well, you know, prayer is-- that's a really good question.
21:57 Prayer takes time.
22:00 It takes commitment.
22:02 I mean, how many times does someone say,
22:03 "Oh, will you pray for me."
22:05 And you say, "Oh, I'll pray for you."
22:06 And then the next time they see you, they go,
22:07 "Oh, thanks for praying me."
22:09 And you're going, "Did I ever remember
22:10 to pray for that person?"
22:12 You know, so I tell people, people say,
22:16 "Will you pray for me?"
22:18 I tend to go,
22:19 "Can I pray for you right now while we're right here?
22:21 And then I will continue to pray for you
22:23 as God brings you to mind and prompts me."
22:25 Because I don't want to make a promise that
22:27 I'm not going to keep,
22:29 even though it's unintentional that you don't always keep it.
22:32 And so to pray for someone consistently requires time,
22:37 it requires thinking, it requires intentionality.
22:40 It requires really looking at
22:42 how you're going to pray for them.
22:44 So it requires knowing them.
22:46 You know, not just saying,
22:47 God, bless my husband, bless my kids, thank you, amen.
22:51 But to really do spiritual battle,
22:54 you really have to be engaged and involved.
22:57 And even in those moments, and we all know our spouses,
23:00 that there are moments where you may not
23:02 like your spouse very much.
23:04 And you may be really angry or hurt and to be--
23:09 continued commitment
23:11 that I'm going to continue to pray for him.
23:14 Praying for your husband,
23:15 did you find that when you started doing that
23:18 with the same intent as you were praying for your kids?
23:21 What happened, did things just take off
23:25 and go smooth sailing?
23:27 What happened? What was your journey?
23:30 I think that, you know, making that commitment,
23:33 the enemy, any time you make a commitment
23:35 wants to come in and derail it.
23:36 And so I think then the enemy comes in
23:39 and wants to make you more frustrated with your spouse,
23:41 so you go back to that complaining mode,
23:42 you know, again.
23:44 "Lord, come on now, what about this?"
23:47 And so you have to really fight for it.
23:49 And sometimes prayer really is battle.
23:51 That's, you know, why I add fasting to prayer,
23:53 because it kind of ups the battle a little bit.
23:56 I believe prayer is more than just,
23:58 "Now I lay me down to sleep.
24:00 God bless this day, bless this food,
24:01 bless the hands that prepared it.
24:02 Give us trial and mercies. "Prayer is fighting.
24:06 Everyday we're engaged in battle.
24:08 Everyday we have an enemy who says,
24:09 the Bible tells us, he is out to devour us.
24:12 And do we live it? Do we live like that?
24:14 Do we get up in the morning and say,
24:16 "Today there is an enemy and he wants to take me out.
24:18 He wants to take out my husband.
24:19 He wants to take out my kids and my friends."
24:22 I don't know about you,
24:23 but I didn't think that first thing
24:24 this morning when I got up.
24:26 I was thinking about what I was going to wear,
24:27 and what I was going to say
24:29 and how I'm going to get home today,
24:30 all those kind of things.
24:31 Yet, we're in this battle of great controversy,
24:35 and prayer is how we fight.
24:37 And so you have to keep on fighting.
24:39 And the more you fight, the more you pray,
24:42 I think sometimes the more the enemy
24:43 tries to get in there and prevent that,
24:46 prevent you from seeing that God is working.
24:48 Unfortunately, we are out of time.
24:51 It flew by so fast,
24:52 well, maybe in 30 seconds, 45 seconds,
24:55 look into the camera, speak to the hearts of those
24:57 who are viewing our program today.
24:59 Those who are struggling with praying for their spouse
25:02 or struggling with praying for their kids,
25:04 and their prayers are maybe focused
25:06 on themselves all the time.
25:07 How would you encourage people
25:09 to move beyond themselves and pray for others?
25:12 I would just encourage you to not give up.
25:15 You know, I know that there are moments
25:16 where it feels like nothing is changing.
25:19 But God is working, even when you can't see it,
25:22 even behind the scenes, even in the silence.
25:25 You know, I was just reading the story of Elijah,
25:27 and it was in the quiet, in the quiet still voice,
25:32 in the silence that can be, "can be heard"
25:34 is what the original language sometimes refers to,
25:37 that God is working.
25:39 And so don't give up, keep praying.
25:41 God is working.
25:42 And just start praising Him for being the God who hears,
25:45 being the God who responds, being the God who answers,
25:49 and then just expect,
25:51 expect that God is going to do a miracle.
25:54 Thank you for touching on the praise aspect in that.
25:57 I think that is so important. It is important.
26:00 I think that's one of the most
26:01 effective weapons against the enemy.
26:05 It changes us so much. Yes. It changes our focus.
26:08 It does. Yes.
26:09 Well, Tamyra, we appreciate our conversation today.
26:13 Well, we know is that you're not the crazy praying lady,
26:18 but you do pray like crazy for your husband
26:21 and for your children.
26:22 And we appreciate your transparency
26:24 in sharing your heart.
26:25 We've had a conversation with Tamyra Horst today
26:27 about praying like crazy for your spouse
26:30 and praying like crazy for your children.
26:32 And it's something that we all need to do to be called
26:36 to a deeper prayer life or more intentional prayer life
26:39 and especially praying when we remember the stories
26:43 or the stones of how God has brought us
26:45 out of one situation to another.
26:48 For another episode of Stones of Remembrance,
26:51 I'm Pierre Quinn
26:52 and for my co-host Karen Pearson,
26:53 we thank you for watching.
26:55 And we look forward to talking
26:56 with your favorite author next time.
26:59 Take care.
27:29 Kingdom of the Heart was written by
27:31 best-selling author Trudy Morgan-Cole.
27:33 It tells the greatest story on earth,
27:36 the story of Jesus,
27:38 told as if He had come to live among us today,
27:41 for the very first time.
27:43 Sometimes, after many years of reading the stories of Jesus
27:47 we can lose our sense of appreciation and wonder.
27:51 Kingdom of the Heart paints the age-old story
27:54 in fresh colors
27:56 that will help you to recapture the miracle.
27:58 In turn, it asks,
28:00 "So how would you respond to His invitation to 'follow Me'?"
28:05 Kingdom of the Heart is a women's sharing book
28:07 and quantity pricing is available.
28:10 To get your copy of Kingdom of the Heart,
28:13 call 1-800-765-6955.
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Revised 2015-11-19