Stones of Remembrance

Jim Gilley

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Karen Pierson & Pierre Quinn (Host)


Series Code: SOR

Program Code: SOR000007A

00:23 Hello, I'm Karen Pierson
00:25 and I'm here again with my co-host Pierre Quinn.
00:27 Hi, Pierre. Hey, Karen.
00:29 And we are here to bring you
00:31 another episode of Stones of Remembrance.
00:33 The program we will visit with one of your favorite authors
00:37 and look at some of their life experiences
00:39 that help them to shape the message that they have
00:42 and that is found in their books.
00:44 So often as we pass through lives deep waters
00:47 just as Joshua did in leading the children of Israel
00:50 we can meet up with some unexpected blessings
00:54 that will help determine the direction of our lives.
00:57 Before I introduce you to today's guest
00:59 who will be no stranger to this audience
01:02 I would like to share some more of the scripture for you.
01:06 This is David and he is talking to Goliath,
01:10 the Philistine and he says, "This day
01:14 the Lord will deliver you up into my hands,
01:16 and I will strike you down
01:18 and I will remove your head from you.
01:20 And I will give the dead bodies
01:21 of the army of the Philistines this day
01:23 to the birds of the air
01:25 and the wild beasts of the earth,
01:27 that all the world may know that there is a God in Israel,
01:32 and that all this assembly may know that the Lord
01:35 does not deliver by sword or by spear,
01:39 for "The Battle Is the Lord's"
01:42 and He will give you into our hands."
01:45 Amen. Please welcome Jim Gilley.
01:49 Jim, you on the other side of the interview today
01:52 does it feel little strange?
01:53 Very uncomfortable
01:54 and I more surely be asking the questions.
01:57 You know, I have to know anything
01:59 when you ask me question but when you try to answer them
02:02 you should have some knowledge I guess.
02:05 Well, that's true I guess.
02:06 Just give us in a nutshell some other things that perhaps you
02:09 have done, or places where you have served the Lord.
02:12 Well, its when I give all these different places
02:14 people say, you know, he couldn't keep a job
02:16 but I began in college as a ministerial student.
02:22 Had a little business, went to the denominational work
02:26 with some evangelist very short period of time,
02:29 only about six years
02:31 I was in denominational work was ordained.
02:35 About that time I realized
02:36 that I had to make a living for my family
02:41 and either my wife had to go to work
02:44 or I had to do something different.
02:46 So the church frowns on moonlighting
02:49 and I don't blame them, I think they should
02:52 but I decided that I would work for myself
02:56 because I had been in business, I understood business
02:59 and that I would then
03:03 work for the church free and I did that.
03:06 The Lord helped me to do that for over 25 years.
03:09 So I held evangelistic meetings,
03:11 pastored churches, all of that on a dollar a year basis
03:16 and it was not a sacrifice, it was a great joy.
03:19 My family was involved,
03:21 the Lord blessed us so much financially
03:25 that we never under any circumstances
03:29 ever felt that we were sacrificing at all.
03:33 Then the time came when the church
03:37 actually was under quite a bit of criticism at the time
03:41 and a friend of mine said to me,
03:42 he was a member of another denomination,
03:45 a very good friend, I love this guy, very close friend.
03:49 He said, I think it's time that you get out of that church.
03:53 I said, I think its time I really get into that church.
03:57 And so I left,
04:01 I left the business world
04:04 and which I was always combined with preaching.
04:07 Never quit preaching.
04:09 But and I became
04:12 the ministerial director of the Southwestern Union.
04:15 Shortly after that they asked
04:17 they asked me to be a conference president
04:18 of the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference
04:21 and after a real difficult start
04:25 I had seven of the most beautiful years
04:28 that anyone could ever have in administration
04:31 in that conference.
04:34 Don Schneider invited me to then join the division team
04:38 as a vice president, I was a general vice president,
04:41 in charge of media and evangelism
04:43 and actually there were 65 different boards
04:46 and committees that I chaired or served on
04:49 including stewardship and just, to on and on, and on.
04:53 So after five years of that I told my wife,
04:59 I said, I really want to do pastoral ministry.
05:03 So we took the call to Dallas, Texas my own home church,
05:08 the Lord blessed us there, we enjoyed it so much,
05:11 we had intended, I had intended to preach there
05:15 until the Lord came or they wiped me out
05:19 one or the other and but something happened
05:23 after two years Danny Shelton came to me and said
05:28 the board is asking you to be president of 3ABN.
05:31 We prayed about it. So I mean, we really agonized.
05:36 Because we were happy in Dallas,
05:39 we felt things were going so strongly
05:42 but and I did not feel honestly health wise
05:46 able to handle a task like this.
05:48 People have no idea what 3ABN is.
05:51 We have 250 employees worldwide, about a 150 here.
05:55 Now those are ballpark figures.
05:57 Now the one here is not much of a ballpark
05:59 and it's about pretty accurate.
06:00 And the others are in Australia,
06:03 Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Russia,
06:07 around and other places as well.
06:10 So it's a large operation and to become a part of it
06:16 Danny started with nothing.
06:20 And so he had grown with it.
06:22 For me to jump in this thing is moving
06:26 like 1, 000 hours and hour and I'm trying to get on...
06:29 But we came, the Lord made it very clear to us
06:34 that this was His will.
06:36 And there were series of miracles
06:38 that that just made it extremely clear
06:41 that this was what He want us to do.
06:44 We didn't come here to take Danny's place,
06:47 we came here to uphold him, he was tired.
06:51 He had been going at this
06:53 for nearly 25 years at that point
06:56 and he was worn out.
06:57 He took a year to build house and now he is back full stream
07:02 and it's exciting...
07:03 From all of your travels in your own spiritual journey
07:06 I'm sure you know a little bit about spiritual warfare.
07:09 When we talk to people about following Jesus all the way
07:13 or turning their lives over to God
07:15 one of the things that that discourages a lot of people
07:18 is that they say, they weren't ready
07:20 for the daily spiritual battle.
07:24 Well, what are some of those daily spiritual battles
07:27 that we have to fight?
07:28 You know, The Battle Is the Lord's,
07:30 that's the title of the book
07:32 and that is the title of the scripture that you read
07:35 which is so central to this.
07:38 When I was a young college student
07:42 I was at Southwestern at that time
07:46 I also was really and had played a lot of baseball,
07:50 I love baseball.
07:51 I didn't want to-
07:52 I really wanted a baseball career
07:54 but I knew that to do so would mean
07:57 not being able to really keep the Sabbath.
08:00 So I was struggling with that.
08:04 I had signed a contract actually with the Giants
08:07 and I had played that first summer with a semi-pro,
08:14 actually more of what we call a instructional league.
08:19 And it was a place where major leaguers would come back
08:22 and play when they were trying to rehab and so forth.
08:25 I have spent the rest of that summer with them
08:28 after I signed.
08:29 Now the decision has to come later,
08:32 do you go to spring training, do you continue,
08:34 do you go on?
08:36 And always, you know, you just want to know could I make it?
08:40 That was what really started when I went I just thought
08:43 I wonder if I could make it and I made it.
08:45 So I was on my way.
08:49 The day that I had my try out
08:52 I was on the field with two guys
08:53 that were already playing Bill White
08:55 who later became president of national league
08:58 and Willie McCovey
09:01 who played again with the Giants
09:03 and they have McCovey out there
09:05 in San Francisco at that ballpark.
09:07 So these were, these were men
09:09 that both went to the Hall of Fame.
09:11 I don't know that I had ever done anything like that
09:14 but I would have been playing ball for some period of time
09:16 I'm pretty sure of that.
09:18 Now I was sitting on the campus
09:22 wondering about what should I do.
09:28 I thought, you know, I'm gonna miss out on both worlds.
09:30 I'm gonna miss out on this world
09:33 and I'm not gonna be saved either.
09:36 Because I knew what sin was and sin is not just stealing,
09:42 killing and commuting adultery.
09:44 Its pride, it's probably the word-
09:47 you know, Satan wasn't stealing,
09:48 killing and committing adultery he was involved with pride.
09:51 And pride is so much a part of us.
09:54 Even the pride of opinion, the pride of humility,
09:57 I mean, it just goes on and on.
09:59 We are just full of sin.
10:02 I mean, there is no getting around it
10:04 and we have to be covered by the blood of Jesus.
10:07 And but anyway I'm sitting there looking-
10:11 thinking about this and a man comes by the campus
10:15 is Pastor Leon Strickland
10:17 he was associated pastor of the church there at Keene,
10:21 Leon Strickland and he said well, Jim,
10:23 what are you thinking about and I told him.
10:27 And then he began to explain to me righteousness by faith.
10:32 I said, I wish I could believe that
10:34 but at the time we believe that faith,
10:38 plus works that God forgave.
10:40 I mean, I will talk about the general belief
10:42 was God forgave and forgives your past sins but now buddy,
10:46 it's up to you to straighten up and fly right
10:50 and I just knew what sin really was.
10:53 I had a understanding of it so I knew-
10:56 never and they were talking about perfection and so forth.
11:01 There's just no way I'm gonna miss heaven,
11:04 miss this, I'm gonna miss everything,
11:06 I want to at least get something.
11:09 So when he explained this to me I said,
11:10 where did you get that, that is not what we teach.
11:14 He said, yes it is. I said, no, it isn't.
11:18 I know, I have been through.
11:19 Our schools have been, you know, I'm still in there
11:21 but I've been through enough classes
11:23 and I have been, I have studied since I was a kid.
11:26 That's not what we believe.
11:28 He said, I got it from the book Christ our Righteousness
11:31 by A.G. Daniells and Ellen White.
11:34 Again a book you re talking about the power of a book.
11:38 I finished I remember that weekend
11:40 we are on the campus, it was camp meeting going on
11:44 we went home
11:46 and next Friday night friend of mine calls.
11:49 Hey, let's go out and I thought I don't know,
11:53 you know, we didn't do anything good,
11:55 we didn't do anything bad but I just didn't feel inclined
12:00 to go that night and I thought well, I don't want to do that.
12:04 And so I turned to my mom, I said,
12:05 mom, do we have the book Christ Our Righteousness?
12:08 She said, no, never heard of that book.
12:11 I said, really. Now we had just a little book case.
12:15 Few Spirit of Prophecy books, you know, Old Yeller,
12:19 Black Beauty, My Friend Flicka.
12:22 Classics. Yeah.
12:23 And just a few other books in there
12:26 and I looked on the bottom shelf
12:29 and there was a book wrapped in brown paper
12:33 like they used to do at the publishing houses.
12:38 I instinctively knew or maybe spiritually knew
12:43 by the Holy Spirit that that was Christ Our Righteousness
12:48 and I reached down and I picked it up
12:50 and I will never forget they used to rubber stamp
12:53 right across the end, it said, Christ Our Righteousness.
12:58 I opened it, I have often said, I read that book
13:02 seven or eight times before I read anything else again.
13:07 And the message is there how Christ is the one,
13:13 how The Battle Is the Lord's.
13:16 So this is where the whole concept
13:19 for this book came from.
13:20 It came from that night, that moment,
13:24 that decision to let God do it.
13:27 I can't do it, He has got to do it.
13:30 And then the series
13:32 developed a little later on in my ministry
13:36 and I presented it a number of times
13:39 when I was in Arlington, Texas
13:40 as pastor on a dollar year basis.
13:43 I presented it every summer for while because it was-
13:46 people kept asking for it
13:48 and I would kind of change it a little bit
13:50 but we would talk about the different things
13:52 that people face in life
13:55 and how to face them with the Lord.
13:57 Yes, and that's at the heart of Battle Is the Lord's.
14:02 We are going to take a moment now
14:05 so that you can find out how you can get
14:07 a copy of Jim's book, The Battle Is the Lord's.
14:10 Don't go away we will be right back, thank you.
14:14 When we think about enduring to the end
14:16 we are focused on the time of trouble
14:18 but our greatest challenge maybe the enemy within.
14:22 Fear, worry, stress, anxiety
14:25 these are just a few of the times of trouble
14:27 that we face on a daily basis but these everyday problems
14:31 may need many of us to give up long before the last days.
14:35 Jim Gilley offers more than just quotes on encouragement
14:39 in practical bite size prescriptions
14:41 he suggests five steps to overcoming unhealthy fear.
14:45 Four ways to deal with anxiety and three tablets
14:48 that will help you find a strategy for stress
14:51 and much more.
14:53 To get your copy of The Battle Is the Lord's
14:56 call 1800-765-6955.
15:01 Stop by your local Adventist book center
15:04 or you can order online
15:06 at
15:14 Welcome back.
15:15 We are busy chatting with Jim Gilley
15:17 and, Jim, we are talking about your book
15:20 The Battle Is the Lord.
15:22 So if that's true explain to me please
15:25 how can my everyday battles with...
15:29 depression, exhaustion,
15:34 trying to do everything that I can to make things work.
15:37 How is that the Lord's battle?
15:40 Well, you know, we look at a number of things
15:42 that are extremely important in this.
15:46 We look courage for instance.
15:49 You know, it takes courage to live in today's world
15:52 but courage does not come from within us.
15:56 That real true courage and confidence
15:59 has to come from God and that's the true courage.
16:03 There is a phony false confidence that people have
16:07 that is, is really not it's the sickness
16:09 it's not good, it's bad.
16:11 But when you have true confidence and true courage
16:16 from God that is a wonderful gift.
16:19 You look at fear, now, good there are healthy fears
16:25 and who you teaching kid
16:27 don't stick your finger in the light socket,
16:29 don't run across the street.
16:32 These are-
16:34 we need to know what is good fear and what is not good fear.
16:39 Toxic fear. Exactly.
16:41 And so we talk about that from a scriptural stand point.
16:45 All of these things that deal with today's life
16:49 in a real world with us
16:51 these things are all we deal with scripturally.
16:55 Anxiety, some people have anxiety
16:58 they don't even realize what it is.
17:00 It's just this dread kind of a emotion
17:04 that something is not quite right.
17:07 And God tells us in His word how to get rid of that.
17:12 Worry, now it's not bad to look into the future
17:17 or to make preparation or to change things
17:20 and there is a difference though between worry
17:26 and preplanning of something carefully.
17:29 And so we talk about how God expects us
17:32 to do some planning and look how things could be
17:36 and anticipate problems but at the same time
17:41 He doesn't want us worried and just falling apart
17:46 because of these things.
17:48 So these are some of the things that we deal within the book
17:52 that I believe it have helped me
17:57 and had an older brother he told me,
18:02 he said I've read a lot of books
18:03 but this book has helped more than any other.
18:06 Now by the way, I do tell some stories
18:09 about my older brother in that book.
18:11 Well, maybe he will like that so much.
18:14 But, but he really, he told me, he said I got a lot out of it.
18:20 When you brother tells you something like that
18:23 I've got two other brothers that never said anything.
18:27 Were they in the book? Yeah, they were in the book.
18:30 I think he was probably in little better light
18:33 and they weren't maybe.
18:34 Well, that may have something do to do with it, Jim.
18:37 I'm close to-
18:38 was close to all of them.
18:39 I've lost two of my brothers since then.
18:42 Let's go back to-
18:43 you have mentioned briefly before about courage.
18:45 Yes.
18:46 When we look at David 1 Samuel 17
18:48 he gives a bold courageous statement.
18:51 The battle is the Lord's. Right.
18:53 How can we develop that same courage
18:57 or that same outlook especially in the mist of battling with
19:02 or struggling through the things
19:04 that you mentioned before?
19:05 It starts with small things.
19:07 Remember that he had a battle out there
19:09 taking care of the sheep.
19:11 And before he battled those animals,
19:14 he probably battled other things
19:17 that were out there, that were trying to prey up on the sheep.
19:20 Well, he had a few older brothers too.
19:22 He probably battled with them.
19:23 He had probably interfere a little bit with them
19:26 but you don't know all the things
19:29 that he had faced but God was preparing him.
19:33 My very good friend, E. E. Cleveland
19:35 one time said to me,
19:38 Jim, I was going through, there's some real difficulties
19:41 and I was just feeling so sorry for myself, you know.
19:44 I mean, I didn't say that but that's how I was feeling
19:48 and he said, you know,
19:49 the Lord is toughening you up for something.
19:54 God does toughen us up.
19:56 We can either let these things break us
19:59 or we can let them build us.
20:01 I choose to help them to build me.
20:03 And by the way don't think that I'm not like everybody else.
20:09 My real nature is not to fight,
20:12 my real nature is not to try to overcome.
20:16 My real nature is to quit, to give up.
20:21 I think that's why that I've adopted
20:24 "Keep On Keeping On" its sort of a Bible.
20:27 By the way this book originally entitled Keep On Keeping On
20:32 and the press changed it to The Battle Is the Lords.
20:36 So then you wrote it or not?
20:37 Yes, so I wrote it and in the folder of the next book
20:39 I'm writing another book calling it Keep On Keeping On.
20:42 And I'm gonna keep writing it until you publish it.
20:45 I certainly keep writing-
20:47 calling one that until they finally,
20:49 finally do publish it.
20:50 In fact, they will say that in a forward
20:51 but both of these books are positive books
20:56 to try to encourage people.
20:58 Jim, those middle-
20:59 what I call the middle of the river experiences
21:03 are some things we all deal with at some point in our lives
21:08 but most often I think we don't say anything about it.
21:13 The waters come back over and cover those stones
21:17 and no one ever sees them again.
21:20 What were some of those moments for you,
21:23 you were alluded to them a little earlier.
21:25 Yeah.
21:27 You know, one of the things that when you face challenges
21:30 at the time you just feel like this is gonna do me in.
21:35 When God brings you through them
21:39 you actually look back on them as the highlights of your life.
21:44 You really do. It's very true.
21:45 And you don't-
21:47 you will forget all the things that happened
21:49 that were kind of good but you remember
21:51 those challenges that you-
21:54 that Satan could have used to break you
21:57 but God used it to make you.
21:59 And you see how He brings you through
22:03 that to me is what Christianity is.
22:08 It's not only saving me it's sustaining me.
22:13 And I have to be sustained.
22:16 I was talking to a young man recently who is very depressed
22:20 and he said to me I don't think you understand.
22:24 I said, you know, you don't understand
22:26 that I don't understand.
22:28 I do understand because why do you think
22:30 I adopted Keep On Keeping On
22:33 as it was because I wanted to give up.
22:36 My nature was just give up. God says don't.
22:41 He says, keep pressing towards the mark, keep going.
22:46 "He that shall endure unto the end,
22:49 the same shall be saved."
22:51 And so this is why that that I believe God has
22:56 not only truth about the Sabbath
22:59 the state of the dead, the second coming
23:02 all of these things I love them dearly
23:06 but also the truth of how to face
23:10 what you are looking at everyday.
23:11 Amen.
23:12 You see the time of trouble, we thing the time of trouble
23:15 is something off in the future.
23:17 There are lot of us won't even make to there
23:18 if we don't handle today's problems.
23:21 The Bible says, if you can't make it with the footman
23:24 how are you going to run with the horses.
23:26 And so these day by day problems
23:30 can be much bigger than we think.
23:33 Unfortunately we are out of time
23:36 that we've been enjoying our conversation.
23:38 But before we close maybe there someone listing,
23:42 watching today and they are in the middle,
23:45 they are down deep with stress, anxiety or depression
23:50 and they are saying
23:51 I don't have any more strength on my own.
23:55 I don't know if I'm gonna survive this thing.
23:57 But what would you say to them, how do you encourage them?
24:00 How is they hang on to Jesus and there are number of times
24:05 that the Bible says the battle is the Lord's.
24:10 Find each of those and your concordance
24:12 you find the story here of David
24:16 and then the story of Jehoshaphat.
24:18 There are several other places where it is intimated
24:21 even if it's not, those words are not exactly that way.
24:25 But trust in Him.
24:28 Every time the Israel
24:29 tried to win anything on their had lost.
24:31 That is a message to you and to me
24:35 we can't do it on our own.
24:38 We all want to save ourselves.
24:39 We all want to be worthy of heaven.
24:42 The only one who is worthy of heaven is Jesus Christ.
24:46 We must depend upon Him, trust in Him,
24:50 place everything in His hands because we are nothing,
24:56 absolutely nothing.
24:58 When we come to that
24:59 and then turn the focus of our lives away from us
25:03 and turn it towards helping other people
25:06 you gonna see the power of the Holy Spirit
25:09 come into your life.
25:11 I believe that with all of my heart.
25:13 He is gonna then help you face your fears.
25:16 He is gonna help you with the worries that you have.
25:21 You will be able to turn them over to the Lord
25:25 trusting in Him and knowing that He will never,
25:31 never leave you nor forsake you
25:34 because He is your God.
25:39 He loves you. He cares for you.
25:41 He left heaven to come here to die for you
25:47 and worse than that even the dying were the insults
25:51 and the shame that He took for you and for me.
25:56 And so we need to put our hands in His hand,
26:01 turn our eyes upon Him and trust in Him
26:05 fully and completely as our God, our Creator,
26:11 our re-Creator, our Savior
26:15 the one who says to each one of us I love you.
26:21 We've been having a conversation today
26:23 with Jim Gilley about his book The Battle Is the Lord's.
26:26 My name is Pierre Quinn
26:28 and from my co-host Karen Pierson
26:29 thanks for watching Stones of Remembrance.
26:31 We will see you next time.


Revised 2015-12-09