Stones of Remembrance

Jill Morikone

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Karen Pierson & Pierre Quinn (Host), Jill Morikone


Series Code: SOR

Program Code: SOR000005A

00:24 Hello, I'm Karen Pearson
00:26 and I'm here today with my co-host Pierre Quinn.
00:29 Hey Pierre. You're welcome. Thank you.
00:30 Thank you.
00:31 We're here together to bring you another episode
00:33 of "Stones of Remembrance."
00:35 The program where we visit
00:37 with one of your favorite authors
00:38 and look at some of their life experiences
00:40 that helped to shape them
00:42 and the message we find in their books.
00:45 You know, so often as we pass through
00:47 some of life's deep waters just as Joshua did
00:50 in leading the children of Israel through the Jordan.
00:53 We can meet with some unexpected blessings
00:56 that can determine the future direction of our entire lives,
01:00 but before I introduce you to today's guest,
01:03 I want to share something with you from the word.
01:06 I'm reading from the Psalms 147,
01:09 "Praise the Lord for it's good to sing praises to our God,
01:14 for it is pleasant and praise is becoming.
01:18 The Lord builds up Jerusalem,
01:20 He gathers the outcasts of Israel,
01:23 He heals the broken hearted and He binds up their wounds."
01:29 I just love this passage
01:31 and I know that our guest today does too.
01:34 Welcome to the program, Jill Morikone.
01:36 Thank you so much for having me, Karen.
01:38 And Pierre, it's a joy to be here.
01:40 Thank you.
01:41 Jill, I know that you are no stranger
01:43 to 3ABN audiences around the world.
01:46 Uh, you do so much and we all know
01:49 and appreciate your beautiful, beautiful artistry on the piano
01:52 and your ministry through music,
01:55 but is there anything else that you've done or been
01:59 that you'd like to share with the audience
02:00 that we may not know about you?
02:02 That's a good question. I love music.
02:04 You know, music was my passion growing up
02:06 and I loved just sharing music,
02:09 sharing that gift with other people.
02:11 I taught music for 10 years at our local church school
02:16 and then started working at 3ABN
02:17 here a year and a half ago.
02:19 So music, music's a big part of my life and the word of God.
02:23 Yeah. Yes, good. Thank you, Jill.
02:27 We are gonna be looking at your book "Heartlift,"
02:30 that you've recently had published.
02:33 And in your book you begin with a story
02:37 about a young girl called Megan.
02:40 You discovered something about Megan one day
02:42 that was really disturbing for you;
02:44 could you share that with us?
02:46 Absolutely, you know, it began, my first year of teaching,
02:50 I was a brand new teacher
02:52 and you know, you're innocent and naive
02:53 and not sure what to expect,
02:55 and I had come from a fairly sheltered background
02:57 and Megan was a beautiful girl.
02:59 Blond hair, just perfect skin, just the type of girl
03:02 you think would be popular in high school.
03:06 But she was always a loner
03:07 and she was always kind of kept her, herself
03:09 and one day I discovered that she had been cutty.
03:14 And it was my first experience to even actually
03:18 you know, have contact with someone who cut and she...
03:20 Jill, Jill, could you just explain for some of our viewers
03:23 who may not know what that is,
03:24 could you explain what cutting is?
03:26 I know it's a real problem today.
03:28 It is, absolutely it is.
03:30 And we see it so much in the young people
03:32 I think it a way to, um.
03:34 What they do is, they actually cut themselves a lot of times
03:37 it's on the arms or the legs or different places,
03:40 I think it's a way to release the pain
03:41 that's bottled up inside and you don't know
03:43 how to get rid of it and what to do about it
03:46 and so if you kind of have pain here,
03:48 it almost takes away from the pain inside.
03:51 Wow!
03:52 And so she was cutting and some people cut
03:55 and they make slashes with a knife
03:57 or with other instruments in their skin
03:59 but she had cut the word "Help."
04:01 Wow!
04:03 H- E- L- P, it was on her arm and when I saw that,
04:07 I thought so many months I've seen her
04:10 and she's been a loner
04:11 and she's been a little apart from the kids
04:14 but I was so busy as a new teacher
04:16 and so stressed with all of that,
04:18 that I have not taken time to seek her out
04:21 and to try to help her
04:24 and that was a rebuke to my own heart.
04:26 But just to realize the pain in her heart
04:29 and how God wanted to bring her healing.
04:32 Yeah. Yes.
04:34 We encounter people every day and what is it
04:38 and you mention some things but what is it about our lives
04:41 that makes us either ignore or just simply overlook the pain
04:47 or struggles that other people are facing?
04:50 That's a great question Pierre,
04:51 you know, so many times I think it's human nature.
04:54 At least in my own experiences,
04:55 human nature to be self centered or self-focused.
05:00 I think about myself and my problems and my life
05:04 and may be my friends, but I think it takes God
05:07 to break down those walls and those barriers in our hearts
05:11 to open up our eyes to see what is going on
05:14 in other people's lives and to see the need,
05:16 to see the pain,
05:18 to see how God wants to bring healing to other people.
05:21 Yeah. I think only God can break that down.
05:23 So, what happened to Megan?
05:26 Everyone wants to know. Yeah. I wish.
05:29 Do you know some stories have a beautiful ending
05:32 and some stories don't and in this particular story
05:36 the honest truth is I do not know.
05:38 It's one of those stories
05:40 that I had the interaction with her during that time,
05:43 this was 12, 15 years ago
05:46 and I do not know where she is today
05:47 or what she is doing but I know that our father does.
05:49 You know, He has our names
05:51 engravened on the palm of His hand.
05:52 And some day, I'm hoping and praying in heaven,
05:56 I'm gonna meet her and hear the rest of the story.
05:58 Amen.
05:59 The title of the book is "Heartlift,"
06:02 and okay, I'm gonna be completely honest.
06:05 I felt a little bit like
06:06 I was reading maybe my mom's or my sister's diary
06:10 because the book is detours towards women.
06:14 It is.
06:15 So I'm reading it as a male and I'm kind of taking it all in
06:18 and trying to, trying to figure it out
06:20 but I think of heartlift, I think man
06:23 my heart needs to get higher than where it is.
06:27 And you had experiences of having a loner,
06:31 broken heart that kind of really
06:34 shaped where you are today.
06:36 Can you talk about some of those, those experiences
06:38 that made you feel sad or kind of broke you down?
06:42 Um, we all have experiences.
06:44 You know, we all go through different pain,
06:46 different things in our lives.
06:47 I don't know if this is specifically
06:48 what you are referring to but my husband and I,
06:51 we've been married a few years and we walked that journey
06:55 and you know, most newly married couples,
06:57 your natural thought is "we are gonna have kids."
06:59 That's just kind of the thing you think as a...
07:01 That's the question everybody ask.
07:02 You grow up, you get married, you have kids,
07:05 that's just the natural order of things
07:07 and we were married a few years when we discovered
07:09 "we are having a few problems here."
07:11 And then we went to the doctor, they sent you for more tests,
07:14 you keep going.
07:16 And I remember the day when the doctor called
07:18 and gave us the news that we are infertile
07:22 and he said "it's rare or our condition is rare."
07:25 And we just don't know why
07:27 and there was the click and the dial tone
07:29 and I'm just left standing there.
07:31 You know, what you do for... Devastating.
07:32 Yeah. It was.
07:34 At that moment in my life it was, just the pain of...
07:39 hopes and dreams that you have for your life and realizing,
07:43 this may never come to pass.
07:45 I know that was one of those painful moments
07:48 and then how God wants to look into our hearts,
07:51 wants to pick us up.
07:52 There is a verse in Psalms that says "God,
07:55 I know he heals the broken hearts
07:56 but he lifts us up out of the miry clay
07:58 and he sets our feet on a rock."
08:01 And no matter what experience we've been through,
08:03 no matter what pain, God just says come,
08:05 come to me, I want you to surrender that to me,
08:09 I want to fill your heart with peace, with joy.
08:12 I think initially Pierre, we had acceptance,
08:15 well, first there was anger.
08:18 There is pain... Yeah.
08:19 And then we had acceptance, may be resignation in there
08:22 and then somewhere in there came surrender and peace
08:26 and then finally God can fill your heart with joy
08:28 and that's a beautiful thing.
08:30 You know, we called those
08:31 "the middle of the river experiences,"
08:34 those stories that perhaps not everybody knows.
08:38 You know, Joshua built that altar
08:40 right in the middle of the river
08:42 and the waters covered it over again
08:44 and no one ever saw that altar again and the Bible says
08:47 that it's still there to this day.
08:49 Which is just such a beautiful you know, figure of speech
08:53 and an image in our minds
08:56 and often have you found in your life, Jill,
08:59 that those hard things, those things that happen
09:02 where we feel the waters all around us,
09:05 are the things that take us and shape us.
09:07 Amen.
09:08 And give us compassion for someone else.
09:11 You know, Paul tells us God comforts us in our trouble
09:14 so that we can in turn extend that comfort
09:17 to someone else and you are so right.
09:19 Right, so I know that you connect so deeply
09:23 and so beautifully with so many people and women in particular.
09:27 What are some of the other struggles
09:28 that the woman you come across
09:30 face and are dealing with today?
09:32 It's a great question.
09:34 I think we as woman, we face struggles
09:37 that are similar to each other.
09:39 Now of course we all have our own variance on that struggle.
09:42 Um, but to me one of the big struggles is,
09:45 who am I in Jesus?
09:47 You know, we have a jail ministry,
09:49 we go Monday nights and minister to the woman
09:51 and so many of them just say "God doesn't love me,
09:56 God can't love me because of what I have did in the past."
09:59 We don't realize God can forgive us,
10:02 God can cleanse us,
10:04 God can stand us up as his daughters
10:06 and so I think that's pivotal in our experiences.
10:09 Women just understanding, God loves me,
10:11 God forgives me, God cleanses me,
10:13 I am God's daughter so I think, who am I in Jesus?
10:16 Can I be forgiven? Can I forgive others?
10:19 Bitterness is a huge thing.
10:22 Forgiving people for the pain that they've inflicted
10:25 or forgiving something that's been done
10:27 that was none of our fault, may be it's abuse,
10:30 you know, may be there's a lot of that in people's life.
10:33 So, I think forgiveness, bitterness, jealousy...
10:37 Yeah.
10:39 As woman we are good with the cold shoulder.
10:41 I know.
10:43 And God says "I just want to break
10:45 all that of your lives."
10:46 Right. Yeah. Absolutely, fear.
10:49 As a male and may be for some males
10:52 who are watching the program right now,
10:53 they're thinking "okay!"
10:55 There are guys watching too...
10:57 Thank, Pierre, that's good.
10:58 So this multiple roles as a male or as a husband,
11:01 as a father, as a brother, as an uncle,
11:04 what's some of the advice that you can share with males
11:08 who may be dealing with the woman in their lives
11:10 who are struggling with heart issues,
11:14 but how can we best support these women in our lives?
11:18 Amen, that's a great question, that is.
11:21 To me, there's several facets.
11:23 Number one, I think as a man
11:25 to make your relationship with God number one.
11:28 You know because some men say well,
11:29 I'm gonna try to fill my wife's needs
11:32 or my sister's needs or my whatever,
11:34 my mom's needs whatever.
11:36 We can't do that, only God can fill
11:39 what we need in our hearts, so while as men we can,
11:43 men can support.
11:45 That is very important but I don't think that
11:48 they can fill the role that God can do and so as a man
11:51 point the important woman in your life to Jesus.
11:54 You know point our back to the word of God,
11:56 point her back, spend time praying with her
11:58 that's been powerful in my own life.
12:00 My husband, Greg and I pray together everyday
12:03 and you know, to have such an open relationship
12:06 where I can say "hey, you know what I had a bad day today
12:09 and I'm struggling with jealousy over so and so."
12:11 And we'll say, well, let's say pray about it,
12:14 and we get down and we pray and to know
12:15 that he will lift me up before the throne of grace,
12:19 that is powerful, and one other thing I would say is to listen.
12:24 Sometimes men like to fix things and they'll say,
12:27 "You're broken, let me do some things and fix you."
12:30 And she might be saying, "Hey, I just want you to listen."
12:34 I just need a shoulder to cry on and then to know
12:37 that we can go to God together and pray about this.
12:39 If my wife is watching right now she's nodding,
12:42 "Say it, say it."
12:46 That's wonderful.
12:47 Well, we are going to take a break
12:50 and I'm going to tell you about how you can find Jill's book
12:54 because you want to get a copy of this
12:56 and if you are a gentleman who is watching,
12:59 you want to get this book for your wife.
13:01 It's a great book "Heartlift" take a listen to this
13:04 and we'll be right back.
13:05 Thank you so much.
13:09 Are you enslaved by your emotions?
13:11 Are you held back from following God,
13:14 even though your heart longs for him?
13:16 Do you doubt you can ever be truly forgiven?
13:19 Experience joy or walk in victory with Jesus,
13:23 you are not alone.
13:24 The book I hold in my hand
13:26 comes from that real broken place,
13:29 real stories of real pain,
13:31 real battles, and real victories.
13:34 Jill Morikone's candid sharing of her own struggles,
13:38 cuts to the heart of the many issues women face.
13:41 You don't have to struggle alone fighting and losing.
13:45 Your father wants to help you break free.
13:48 To get your copy of Heartlift, call 1800-765-6955.
13:55 Stop by your local Adventist book center
13:57 or order online at m.
14:06 Welcome back.
14:07 We are here today speaking with Jill.
14:09 And, Jill, and your book Heartlift.
14:12 Tell us something about Pebbles
14:16 and what happened in your experience
14:18 with who that reminded you of the way that God pursues us.
14:23 Amen, Pebbles is our kitty cat.
14:26 She's a little grey ball of fluff
14:28 and when we first adopted her
14:30 or may be I should say she adopted us.
14:32 She was a stray that found us and that God brought to us.
14:36 She was just an itty-bitty kitten and she grew up
14:39 and we just loved having her
14:41 and especially because we don't have kids,
14:42 I think you relay a little more with your pets.
14:45 And we had her probably four years
14:47 when the unthinkable happened, she disappeared.
14:51 Greg and I had traveled for 3ABN and we came home
14:53 and she wasn't there and so we went out that night
14:57 and we called and she didn't come.
15:00 And then we went to bed, Greg said
15:02 "Jilly, we can trust God with her life,"
15:05 and then I'm like "Yeah, I know but I still want her home
15:08 and I want to make sure she's okay."
15:10 And we have coyotes, we live in the country,
15:12 there's coyotes, there's owls
15:14 and she could've been eaten tonight.
15:16 The next morning we woke up and she wasn't there
15:19 and Greg went into work and I went out to look for her
15:22 and I tromp in through the bushes and poison ivy
15:27 and I had to at one point I had to crawl on my hands and knees,
15:29 you know I'm looking through this forest.
15:32 The thickets and briars and dodge and deer droppings
15:35 and it was just you know, looking for her and calling
15:40 and I could not find her and I prayed
15:42 and I probably looked an hour
15:44 and then God just put a little thought in my mind
15:46 "go up this other way."
15:48 And so as I went up the field
15:49 I called again and I heard "meow."
15:53 And so I went and said "Pebby, I'm coming and I ran to her
15:57 and now I think she was abused before we had her
16:00 she did not liked to be carried or held, she was skittish.
16:03 And so I knew, she didn't want to be carried
16:05 so I though I'll just walk home and she'll follow me
16:07 but she didn't and so I went back and I picked her up
16:12 and I carried her and she didn't struggle.
16:14 She had no fight left.
16:16 All she knew is, I loved her and she wanted to go home
16:20 and across the field we went she was a dirty little cat
16:24 and I was dirty and scratched up and it was like
16:28 God spoke to my heart and said
16:30 "Jill, that is what I have done for you."
16:33 I came across the brambles and the thickets of life.
16:36 I knew that you were lost and I wanted to find you
16:40 and I picked you up and I carried you home."
16:44 And that's the beautiful thing that God wants to do
16:45 in each one of our lives.
16:47 No matter how far we feel from God,
16:49 he say "come home, I'll go find you.
16:51 I'll pick you up and I'll bring you home."
16:54 I can sense a little preacher in you
16:57 as you are telling this story.
16:58 And you-- you have referenced to your husband
17:00 a couple of times and there are some women
17:03 who may say "Well, yeah, Jill, it's easy for you
17:07 because you have this wonderful husband to support you
17:10 and to encourage you through your brokenness
17:13 but I don't have anybody, I don't have a husband,
17:17 my father abused me, my brothers weren't around."
17:20 How can I ever go from brokenness to holding this
17:24 if I don't have someone like that?
17:27 It's a very valid question, I'm so blessed
17:30 'cause Greg is so godly but you are right,
17:33 there is so many of our sisters out there who deal with abuse,
17:37 who deal with father who did them,
17:39 who deal with husband who abuses them,
17:41 who deal with may be a non-believer for a spouse
17:45 and they can't go to God in prayer, that is so true.
17:48 At times like that
17:50 I think God comes in and God is the one
17:53 ultimately who brings the healing.
17:56 You know those, that verses says,
17:57 "Your maker is your husband."
17:59 We can say, God, I don't have a husband
18:01 or my husband is not godly, will you be my husband?
18:05 God, I don't have a father or my father is not godly,
18:09 he twisted my perception of God.
18:13 Will you be my Abba, my daddy and sometimes
18:17 our perception is so twisted that we don't trust God
18:21 'cause we say, you're like the men in my life.
18:23 I don't want anything to do with you
18:25 and in cases like that,
18:27 I think the word of God is powerful
18:29 because it shows us who God really is.
18:33 It wipes away those misconceptions we have of God.
18:36 It wipes away our twisted understanding and it shows,
18:39 this is what Jesus is.
18:41 This is who God is.
18:42 He is love, He is pure, He is goodness,
18:46 He is gentleness, He is faithfulness,
18:49 and so I think that's, that's number one.
18:52 The word of God, show us who God is.
18:54 Number two, I think find other women that you can share with,
19:00 that you can reach out,
19:03 that they can pour into your life.
19:05 That's pivotal, finding godly woman.
19:08 You know, as woman we'd like to gossip
19:11 which is always not a good thing.
19:13 We'd like to uh, may be other things,
19:16 criticize those who are the, may be negative attributes
19:19 but find woman who love God.
19:21 Woman who will lift you up before the throne of grace.
19:24 You know, woman who will walk with you in this journey.
19:27 Absolutely and sometimes,
19:28 I mean, I think we need counseling.
19:30 You know, whether it's the pastor,
19:32 whether it's going to someone.
19:34 Sometimes the word of God and friends are a good thing
19:37 but sometimes, we need more.
19:38 You know, to experience--
19:40 Godly counsel.
19:41 Godly counsel. Yeah. Absolutely.
19:43 And Solomon says, "There is wisdom in many counselors."
19:46 That's right, that's right. Yeah.
19:47 I love your point, Jill, about the importance of finding
19:51 a godly friend, a godly girlfriend.
19:54 I'm sure all of our viewers have heard of that study
19:58 that was done many years ago
20:00 where they talk about the fight and flight response.
20:04 You know, if a tiger jumped out of the bushes at you.
20:07 You know, the adrenaline kicks in
20:09 and you have the strength to fight it
20:11 or you have the strength to run away
20:13 and get away from it, turns out that,
20:16 that study was conducted mainly on men.
20:20 Really?
20:21 And I didn't know that.
20:22 They say that there is a third response
20:25 and it applies largely to women and it's called "flock,"
20:32 and I just love that--
20:33 I love that. That's true.
20:34 And I think woman naturally do this.
20:37 When we, we're stressed or we are traumatized
20:40 or something we tend to flock together
20:43 and gather together and I think that's how God made us.
20:48 There is strength, I know
20:49 I have an incredible prayer partner
20:52 and we meet once a week every week
20:55 and we pray for one another, we pray for our churches,
20:58 we pray for our families, you know, our husbands.
21:02 So there is great strength to be found in a friendship
21:05 with a godly woman.
21:07 Amen.
21:08 I believe that and I have a prayer partner too.
21:09 We've been three years now praying.
21:12 You know once a week we pray together
21:13 and it makes such a difference.
21:16 As you look for a prayer partner,
21:17 as you look for someone who you could flock with,
21:19 I love that.
21:21 I think important things to look for would be
21:23 someone who's safe.
21:25 Someone that you can trust, someone who is confidential,
21:29 someone who is godly because sometimes
21:31 we can share with people and it goes everywhere
21:33 then you think "Why did I distrust you?"
21:36 You know, so it's important to look at that.
21:37 And I, that does happen more often,
21:40 probably they would care to admit with woman.
21:43 So that is very good, that's very important
21:46 to find someone who is worthy of your trust
21:50 'cause you are sharing your heart with her
21:52 and she needs to know
21:53 that she can trust her heart with you too.
21:56 Absolutely.
21:58 What about when you felt like you've been betrayed.
22:01 You share one of the experiences
22:03 in your book of overhearing,
22:04 someone who is really close to you
22:06 say some things about you that were very unkind
22:09 and they damaged you but then later on you talk about
22:12 how women need to find godly women to support them.
22:17 If you've been damaged and you're apprehensive,
22:20 how do you move past that, to learning how to trust again?
22:24 Damage happens, we live in a world of sin
22:27 and I think damage happens, sometimes purposely
22:30 and many times, not even purposely.
22:33 You know the person doesn't mean to hurt you
22:35 but for some reason you're hurt anyway so you are right,
22:38 damage happens and how do you trust.
22:41 I think trust is built incrementally.
22:44 We don't immediately say,
22:46 "I'm gonna trust you, Pierre, with my life,
22:48 I just met you, right?"
22:49 So and I'm not saying that you're not a godly man
22:51 but it's important to learn who somebody is and so...
22:56 I think as you get to know someone in a social setting.
22:59 You know, may be it's then you say,
23:01 "Oh, could we pray together?"
23:03 And offer to pray with them and then see what happens.
23:06 Trust them with something in the beginning
23:07 and then find out do they betray that,
23:10 are they honest, are they confidential.
23:12 Trust takes time,
23:14 trust is earned, it's not given,
23:17 you know you can't just say okay, I demand this
23:20 or go to someone and say I'm going to trust you
23:22 just 'cause you look nice.
23:24 You know, you have to get to know somebody
23:26 so I think that's important.
23:30 When you are dealing with people who have hurt you,
23:34 at times it's easier to accept
23:38 forgiveness from God
23:40 than it is to pay it for in some respects
23:45 and the times where you were struggling
23:46 with the people you had to forgive.
23:48 How was God dealing with you
23:50 as you were trying to deal with them?
23:52 That's a great question.
23:54 I think every experience we go through in life,
23:57 God wants to teach us something.
23:59 And so every time when something like that happens,
24:03 when there is pain, when there is a rub
24:05 you know, iron sharpens iron.
24:06 There's something between you and someone else,
24:08 go to God that's what I always do.
24:10 Go to God, God, what do you want to change in me?
24:14 Is there honesty?
24:15 Is there truth in what they've said?
24:17 Is there something that you want to grow in me?
24:20 How do you want to change me?
24:22 And then, God, is there something that you're saying,
24:25 "Okay, Jill, let that go, that's not really an issue."
24:28 And then God says "I want you to learn to love."
24:30 I want you to learn to love this person as I do.
24:33 I want you to learn to forgive
24:34 so many different ways that God works with us.
24:37 Unfortunately,
24:38 we are out of time in our program.
24:41 We've enjoyed our conversation with you.
24:43 Could you may be in 30-45 seconds,
24:45 look into the camera and for the woman out there
24:47 who are this heart damage is real for them
24:52 and they are trying to find their way out.
24:54 How would you encourage them?
24:55 Oh, yes, I'd love to.
24:57 I don't know where you are
24:58 right now in your journey with Jesus.
25:01 May be you'd say, "I'm feeling far from God
25:03 and I'm hiding in the brambles and thickets."
25:05 May be there is damage,
25:07 there is pain from as we talked about
25:09 from a parent, from a spouse, from something else,
25:13 from something somebody said.
25:15 May be there is fear, may be there is sadness
25:18 and you are going through the loss of a loved one
25:20 or may be you're experiencing children
25:24 who are walking away from God and your greatest desire is
25:27 that they would come back to God.
25:28 Whatever your pain,
25:30 know that the Lord Jesus loves you.
25:33 Right now He says, come home my daughter,
25:36 I want to bring you back to myself.
25:39 I want to forgive you, I want to cleanse you,
25:42 I want to restore the broken relationship
25:45 between you and myself.
25:47 Know that God loves you
25:49 that He wants to pour in the oil of His comfort
25:51 and His Holy Spirit
25:54 into your heart and into your life.
25:56 So my counsel to you is to go to the word of God,
25:59 open it up, start with the gospels,
26:02 find out about who Jesus is, look at how much He loves you.
26:07 I would also encourage you to spend time in prayer
26:10 and to seek out Godly women,
26:12 seek out someone that you can pray with,
26:15 someone that can encourage you in your journey with Jesus,
26:20 know that we love you here at 3ABN as well
26:23 and that we will be praying for you in this journey.
26:27 Jill, we thank you so much for sharing some insides
26:30 from your book "Heartlift" and one of the things
26:32 that Jill's story and her book remind us,
26:36 is that God crawls many times,
26:38 crawls inside of our brokenness,
26:40 He doesn't call us from a distance
26:42 but He crawls inside of it, with us and leads us out of it
26:47 by His power.
26:48 This has been another episode of "Stones of Remembrance."
26:51 I'm Pierre Quinn
26:52 and from my co-host Karen Pearson,
26:54 we thank you for joining us
26:56 and we'll see you next time, take care.
26:58 Thank you.
27:29 Ellen G. White's classic "The Great Controversy"
27:32 has now been reprinted with beautiful
27:34 full color illustrations throughout.
27:36 Read the story of the age-old controversy
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27:40 that will soon end in victory for God and His people.
27:43 In the book, the author points out the principles
27:46 involved in the impending conflict
27:48 and shows it is possible for each person
27:51 to stand firmly and faithfully for God and His truth.
27:55 You will draw courage as you read of Christ's Second Coming
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28:09 You can get your copy
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Revised 2015-09-28