Stones of Remembrance

Kay D. Rizzo

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Karen Pearson (Host), Pierre Quinn (Host), Kay D. Rizzo


Series Code: SOR

Program Code: SOR000001A

00:25 Hello, I'm Karen Pearson,
00:27 and I'd like to welcome you to Stones of Remembrance,
00:30 a program based on Joshua 4:8 and 9.
00:34 I'd like to read from the word for you right now.
00:38 "And thus the sons of Israel did as Joshua commanded,
00:41 and took up twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan,
00:45 just as the Lord spoke to Joshua,
00:47 according to the number of tribes of the sons of Israel,
00:51 and carried them over with them to the lodging place
00:54 and put them down there.
00:56 Then Joshua set up twelve stones
00:59 in the middle of the Jordan
01:01 at the place where the feet of the priests
01:03 who carried the ark were standing,
01:06 and they are there to this day.
01:10 We're all familiar with the story of Joshua
01:12 taking the twelve stones from the middle of the river
01:15 and setting up an altar in Gilgal as a memorial
01:18 to God's miraculous holding back of the river.
01:21 But we may not be as familiar,
01:24 with the altar that Joshua
01:25 set up in the middle of the Jordan,
01:27 right where the priests were standing.
01:30 Once the waters returned to flowing downstream,
01:33 the altar on the river bed remained hidden and unseen.
01:38 In each episode of Stones of Remembrance,
01:41 we'll be talking with one of your favorite authors.
01:44 And as they share their stories,
01:46 I'd like you to think of their books,
01:48 as being like the altar, Joshua built in Gilgal.
01:52 They build their books, word by word,
01:54 chapter by chapter,
01:56 we hold their books in our hands,
01:58 and were reminded of what God has done.
02:02 But what about the altar that is unseen.
02:06 The altar that is in the middle of their river.
02:10 What are the untold stories
02:12 that helped to shape their message
02:15 and give the right to their passion for sharing Jesus?
02:18 This is what we'll be looking at
02:20 in Stone of Remembrance.
02:22 You may be passing through
02:24 some deep waters of your own right now.
02:26 And so we invite you to sit back,
02:28 be encouraged as you listen,
02:30 to some stories of God's love and leading,
02:33 as we catch a glimpse of some hidden altars.
02:37 I have the privilege of working at Pacific Press,
02:39 and one of my favorite things that I ever get to do,
02:42 is to work with our authors.
02:44 But before I introduce you to today's guest,
02:47 I would like you to meet my co-host and friend,
02:50 Pierre Quinn.
02:51 Pierre why don't you tell us a little about yourself.
02:54 Sure, Karen, as you know, I'm pastoring in Kentucky
02:57 for the South Central Conference,
02:59 I think it's safe to say especially with your help,
03:02 I'm an aspiring Pacific Press author.
03:04 Amen.
03:06 Thank you so much, Pierre.
03:09 I'd like to share something,
03:10 for a moment with you from the word.
03:13 "And you will seek me and you will find me,"
03:16 says Jeremiah,
03:18 "When you search for me with all your heart,
03:20 and I will be found by you" declares the Lord.
03:24 "And I will restore your possessions,
03:27 and restore your fortunes,
03:29 and I will gather you from all the nations
03:31 and from all the places where I have driven you.
03:34 And I will bring you back, to the place where I sent you."
03:39 I love this passage and I know that today's guest does too.
03:42 I'd like to welcome to the program, Kay Rizzo.
03:46 Welcome Kay.
03:47 I'm glad to be here.
03:48 Thank you so much.
03:50 Kay, I know that you are a very much
03:54 in demand women's ministry speaker.
03:56 You have spoken from Maine to Hawaii,
03:59 and all over the place, all over the world.
04:01 Why don't you tell us a moment...
04:03 for a moment about yourself?
04:05 Well, I started out an English teacher in academies,
04:08 boarding schools,
04:10 and I've just always loved talking.
04:16 When I was a first grader,
04:17 I decided I was gonna be a preacher.
04:20 And then some little smart Alex says
04:21 "You can't, because you're a girl."
04:24 And so I said, "Well, you know,
04:25 teachers talk almost as much, may be I'll be a teacher."
04:29 And then it... it switched,
04:31 life changes, and I started writing.
04:34 Well, that's awesome. We're glad you did.
04:36 Mm-hmm, very much so.
04:38 I also know Kay that you've been married
04:40 to the love of your life, Richard, for 51 years.
04:42 Is that right? Absolutely.
04:44 Absolutely. Still... still in love?
04:47 Yeah, we didn't know it's gonna be so good.
04:52 That's awesome. That's wonderful.
04:54 Kay is also a prolific writer.
04:56 How many books?
04:58 Fifty books.
04:59 Fifty books to her name.
05:01 There are not many authors who can say that Kay,
05:03 that is a real milestone.
05:05 And we are, um,
05:08 we're gonna take a look, at your 50th book.
05:12 Okay.
05:13 That's the book that we're gonna look at today,
05:15 the Prodigal Daughter.
05:17 Interesting title. Yeah.
05:18 The Prodigal Daughter, not The Prodigal Son.
05:22 So, tell us about The Prodigal Daughter?
05:27 Well, the story was told to me by the daughter's aunt.
05:32 So, this is a true story?
05:34 This is a true story
05:35 that minor details have been changed to,
05:40 protect the guilty and the innocent.
05:42 And it happened in California.
05:46 And as you're going through, you keep saying,
05:48 "No, this cant possibly..."
05:50 But it is.
05:52 And it's well, unfortunately,
05:54 it's happening to hundreds of girls.
05:58 Probably boys too,
05:59 they think they can make it big in Hollywood.
06:03 And so, this is...
06:04 but more than that, that's just a surface story.
06:07 The real story is how God protected her
06:11 even in the worst of situations.
06:13 And he kept the parent involved praying for her.
06:20 So that, she was protected and the story comes from
06:24 the father's story and then her story.
06:28 It goes back and forth.
06:30 And it was... it was fun to write, it was a challenge,
06:32 because it's a part of life I have never experienced.
06:35 Yes.
06:36 And we actually took a trip to Hollywood
06:38 and took some pictures down there.
06:40 And...
06:41 It was... it was enjoyable,
06:43 but I got very protective of her.
06:46 She was very special to me
06:48 and I didn't want anyone criticizing her,
06:50 because she was special.
06:51 Yes, yes.
06:52 And there are some stories that you hear
06:54 and there are stories that are just good to be told
06:56 from person to person.
06:58 But then there are some things that you hear and you're...
07:00 you're thinking, "I got to write this down."
07:03 What was it about?
07:04 Hearing this story they said to you, you know what,
07:06 I got to put pen to paper or cursor to Microsoft word
07:10 or what that feel.
07:12 Possibly, it was just the fact that it paralleled,
07:15 The Prodigal Son so closely.
07:18 And I'd never thought about a prodigal daughter.
07:20 And it paralleled, it's so closely that I...
07:22 you know, this has to be told
07:24 'cause it's a whole new perspective,
07:27 on a very important story
07:29 that every single one of us can be involved in.
07:32 We've all gone awry from God.
07:35 We've all made
07:36 the wrong choices and poor decisions.
07:38 Right.
07:39 That's right and so to me, this was the importance of it.
07:43 Very good. Very good.
07:46 So, Kay, tell me, as you got into the story,
07:50 and you started to uncover something of what happened
07:53 to this young girl.
07:56 How did that make you feel?
07:58 You've got out of your comfort zone a bit,
08:01 Thankful that my daughters are grown.
08:04 I don't have to worry about them
08:05 going through that sort of thing.
08:07 But I think that, also I became aware
08:10 of the human trafficking problem.
08:13 Right at that time, we had a band of human traffickers.
08:19 We busted and arrested in our little town of Visalia.
08:24 You know and that was something that happened in San Francisco,
08:27 or Los Angles.
08:28 This was not something. The big cities.
08:30 That's right. You know the "Sin Cities."
08:32 You know, but little Visalia,
08:34 they actually had a break in human trafficking there
08:38 and I thought "Wow, this is incredible."
08:41 And so I started telling people at church about it
08:43 and they said "No."
08:45 They didn't even want to hear it.
08:47 They said, "No, no, no, I don't want to ear about this."
08:50 But it's very real that 30 minutes
08:52 after a young person goes, lands on the street,
08:56 gets off a bus and lands on the streets of L.A. Seattle,
09:00 30 minutes, and they're picked up by a pimp
09:03 and cannot escape.
09:05 Let's go back because you said, you were telling the story
09:08 and some people say "No, no, no, I don't want to hear it--
09:10 They don't want to hear.
09:11 Why did you think, in the Christian world,
09:15 there is this...
09:17 people say "Aha," even though this--
09:19 the Bible is full of sexual references
09:21 and sexual stories.
09:23 Why do you think sometimes we as Christians say,
09:25 "Let's not talk about any of those things?"
09:28 I think it's scary
09:29 because it's something you can't control.
09:31 You know, you can say, you can control,
09:33 you can talk about, the alcoholic
09:35 or the person with this particular vice or whatever,
09:39 but this is something that's out of...
09:41 out of your reach.
09:42 You just... you can't comprehend
09:44 some one actually being chained in a prostitution,
09:48 house of prostitution.
09:50 You just can't comprehend that.
09:51 You think that, "Well, somebody comes in,
09:54 they could ask for their help."
09:55 No it doesn't work that way
09:57 and so I think it's just frightening.
09:59 At least it was for me. Yes, yes.
10:02 Well, the main character in the book,
10:04 in your take on this parable, doesn't...
10:09 She doesn't get off, well, she doesn't get out of her car
10:12 and instantly end up in prostitution
10:15 There is a progression.
10:17 What can we learn about the progression
10:20 in our own lives,
10:21 especially when we're dealing with sin and bad choices,
10:24 based on your main character story?
10:25 Step by step almost...
10:30 unrelenting but just persistent and,
10:35 and you don't even identify it as that.
10:39 You know, you think "This isn't bad,
10:41 this isn't a problem.
10:42 We can handle this, I can handle this."
10:45 And you don't realize where it's going to lead.
10:48 The end result, you know the wages of sin is death.
10:51 Whatever sin is, it's death.
10:54 Whatever sin you're fighting,
10:56 that's the end result of that sin.
10:59 We don't always take that progression, I think.
11:02 Yes and thank the Lord for the father's love.
11:05 Absolutely.
11:07 For the love of the praying father, she had that.
11:10 Didn't she?
11:12 To me that's the story. Yes.
11:13 Because we all go astray.
11:15 But the father that was persistently there,
11:17 praying for her, over her.
11:19 And-- and following her--
11:23 her commands of "Don't you try to follow me to--"
11:26 But still praying and never letting go
11:28 and never giving up and that's, that's my God.
11:31 Yes, yes. And how awesome.
11:33 You know, there are many of us, Kay, who go through life,
11:38 and who don't have a father like that.
11:41 So to see a real life version of the Bible story,
11:45 coming to life is very powerful.
11:48 Oh, I think that, the thing to remember
11:51 as children of God, Christians, be...
11:55 his children, is that the first time around
11:59 you might not get the ideal father.
12:03 But the second time,
12:04 when you allow yourself to be born again,
12:06 you get the perfect father.
12:08 That's powerful. That's good stuff.
12:09 I really like that. Thank you, Kay.
12:12 We're gonna take a break for a moment.
12:15 So you can find out, how to get Kay's book.
12:18 "A Prodigal Daughter." We'll be right back.
12:25 The Prodigal Daughter is based on the true story
12:27 of a talented young woman,
12:29 who leaves home, ignoring her father's tears.
12:32 Head strong and naive,
12:34 she is soon trapped in the horrific world
12:36 far different from the fame she'd imagined.
12:39 Just like Jesus' story of another runaway child,
12:42 The Prodigal Daughter reveals the father's love
12:45 and reminds us of how far our heavenly father
12:48 would go in order to redeem and restore his lost children,
12:52 from the pen of Kay D. Rizzo.
12:54 This true story of a modern day prodigal
12:57 would give you renewed appreciation
12:59 for the faithfulness of the prayer answering God.
13:02 To get your copy of The Prodigal Daughter,
13:05 call 1800-765-6955.
13:10 Stop by your local Adventist book centre,
13:13 or order online at
13:28 Welcome back to Stones of Remembrance
13:30 where we were speaking with our guest today,
13:32 Kay Rizzo.
13:34 Kay, 50 books,
13:36 a lot of stories, a lot of Stones of Remembrance.
13:39 Yes.
13:41 I can't say that I have read all 50 books, Kay.
13:43 But I have read a lot of them.
13:45 And I've noticed something about your books.
13:48 There seems to be a couple of recurring themes,
13:50 over rocking themes that weave their way
13:53 into any of the books that you've written.
13:55 One of them is...
13:59 "Where is God in the situation?"
14:02 And another one is "Can we trust Him?"
14:06 Can God be trusted?
14:09 And throughout your writing
14:10 there is an underlying spirit of joy,
14:16 that is so apparent and so powerful.
14:19 So, how do you think that came about?
14:22 Where did that--
14:23 Did you ever have a time in your life,
14:25 where you wrestled with "Is God in this situation?
14:27 Or where are you God?
14:29 And can I trust you?"
14:31 Yes. Yes.
14:35 When I left teaching,
14:38 we were in a very bad situation as a family, money.
14:43 There was no money coming in,
14:45 there was no job,
14:46 our daughters were getting ready
14:48 to go away to college.
14:50 We didn't know how we were gonna put them in there.
14:52 My health went totally kaput,
14:54 everything that's gone wrong
14:56 happened at that time and I remember one night,
14:59 I sat on the sofa in the middle of the night
15:03 and I was--
15:04 Now this is the little girl
15:06 that would go to the Sabbath school
15:07 and when she had to put the little heart
15:09 up next to the picture of Jesus,
15:11 I would push other people's hearts away,
15:12 so mine was closer.
15:14 I didn't quite have the love yet.
15:18 But I sat there and I really,
15:21 I-- the Lord obviously knew my heart 'cause I said,
15:25 "Jesus if you are real,
15:28 you got to let me know it
15:30 because I can't go on with this anymore."
15:32 And here you were a wife.
15:33 A wife, mother, taught for ten years.
15:36 College age kids,
15:37 you've been working for the church for many years.
15:40 Absolutely.
15:41 So you were in your own river, weren't you?
15:43 Absolutely.
15:44 You were crossing your own Jordan.
15:45 It's interesting when I told a friend of mine,
15:48 her name is Penny Wheeler for those of you that know her.
15:51 Yes.
15:52 I told her what was happening,
15:53 'cause my life was falling apart.
15:55 And she says, "Oh, this is gonna make a good book."
15:58 And I thought,
16:00 "No, Christians don't have that kind of problems.
16:03 They are not gonna want to read about depression."
16:06 Okay, you've hand something so important though.
16:09 You know as Christians
16:11 and, Pierre, I'm sure you find this in working
16:13 with your church members as well.
16:16 We think we have to have it all together.
16:18 Sort of that faith of the near.
16:21 Yes. Yes.
16:22 This painted on view of Christianity.
16:23 Right and but, you know,
16:25 and it's not that we want to pretend
16:29 that we-- But we just genuinely think.
16:31 Well, Christians don't fall apart.
16:33 So, I won't fall apart
16:35 and we just, we won't knuckle our way through life
16:39 and there is no joy.
16:40 So how did you get through that?
16:43 Joy.
16:45 I started reading the Psalms
16:47 and I started out with the anger Psalms
16:51 and I'm gonna step on his head
16:53 and crush his teeth into the ground
16:55 and all of these things and I was just really feeling good
16:58 about things that had happen to us.
17:01 And I discovered the beginning and end
17:03 of almost every single one of those Psalms
17:07 had something to do about praise.
17:10 And so very slowly,
17:12 I began to find praise in my worship
17:15 till I finally got, so I highlighted
17:18 all the praise texts
17:20 and I found that there were--
17:22 First of all there are lot of different kinds of praise
17:23 but there were 357 praise texts.
17:30 Now that's one a day plus one.
17:34 You know that's pretty good
17:36 and so I decided I am going to praise.
17:40 I found the text in Revelation,
17:41 that's Revelation 3 that says "Let no man steal your crown."
17:45 Well, I was so angry at the people
17:47 that had tried to destroy us, I just said,
17:49 they might get everything else,
17:50 but they are not going to get my crown.
17:53 And so through that I discovered praise
17:55 and the other had to fall away,
17:58 it wasn't necessary and now joy is everything.
18:01 Three hundred and fifty seven.
18:03 That's what I found. Sixty seven may be.
18:05 It sounds like a devotional.
18:08 Oh, my yes. One verse every day.
18:09 Yes. Yes.
18:11 So, one of the things back to this 50th book
18:15 that we battle within that,
18:17 even here coming out and part of your story
18:19 is this tension on how, how do I respond to God,
18:22 because in the prodigal son
18:24 and even in your story, the prodigal daughter,
18:27 you see the character fighting with,
18:29 she almost wants her father
18:32 to come looking after her,
18:34 but then the thought of it
18:35 makes her angry sometimes.
18:37 Why do you think that's a reality for lot of us?
18:44 That's a good question.
18:47 No, I think that we are so-- We are in a world of sin.
18:53 And our thoughts are not clear,
18:55 they are muddied like muddywater.
18:58 And you know it's not,
19:00 the muddy water isn't our fault,
19:02 because we're just in a world of sin,
19:05 and so having to deal with the two sides of this issue
19:10 is just part of our being,
19:13 you know, but we have the promises
19:15 in like Jeremiah 29:11, that says,
19:20 "Let that I will bless you, I have plans for you."
19:26 The good stuff,
19:27 I want to give you the good stuff.
19:29 And if you can keep that in mind
19:31 while you are going through these events as a writer,
19:34 I say, well, if a bad thing happens,
19:36 that's just a plot twist in your story.
19:39 You know, it's going to work out right
19:41 because God promised, He is going to take care of us.
19:44 He is going to see us through and some day, some day,
19:48 He is going to show us what we did,
19:50 the best video ever and it's going to be--
19:55 You are right. Yes.
19:56 I wouldn't want it any other way.
19:59 And I think that that's for me
20:02 what I think is important is remembering that
20:04 first of all God has plans.
20:06 And then second, He will carry it through
20:09 and it's nice to know
20:11 He is not going to expect more of us that we can manage.
20:14 Yes. That helps too.
20:15 Yes. Yes.
20:17 What I love about the Jeremiah 29:11,
20:19 is the way God says
20:22 "I know the plans I have for you."
20:24 It's like don't worry about it, I know about it.
20:27 I got it under control.
20:29 Kay did you ever have any other
20:30 middle of the river experiences?
20:33 Well, that was probably the biggest.
20:36 Earlier we had lost two fathers and a son.
20:40 And so, that was really tough
20:43 'cause we couldn't understand
20:45 how this would have all happened at one time.
20:47 Yes.
20:49 But we also knew--
20:50 This was before I knew anything about praise and joy.
20:54 And so, I went through a real dark time
20:58 and I would hide it.
21:00 And I didn't like people to come up and say,
21:03 I understand.
21:05 When they have four healthy little kids over here
21:07 that are bouncing off the walls,
21:09 they don't have a clue what I'm going through.
21:12 And that would make me angry,
21:14 and I wish they would just not say anything
21:17 and I got a letter one Sabbath afternoon
21:20 and the letter was from a lady I had known
21:23 when we lived in Wisconsin,
21:25 and she says I heard about what happened,
21:27 I understand and I threw it across the room.
21:30 I didn't want to read the rest.
21:31 And Richard said, you gonna read this,
21:33 and he looked at and he says I lost three sons.
21:36 Oh my.
21:38 She understood.
21:40 So, don't tell people
21:41 they understand when they don't.
21:43 Yes.
21:44 You know don't, don't say when you don't.
21:45 You don't really understand. Yes.
21:47 Unless you do,
21:48 and then you can always say I love you.
21:50 I'm praying for you. I'm with you.
21:52 I'm crying with you if necessary.
21:54 But don't say you understand.
21:56 Or even to say, I know I don't understand.
21:58 But I'm so sorry,
22:00 the pain that you are going through.
22:02 And I think, we feel like we have to--
22:03 Yes.
22:05 Turn a praise to make them feel better
22:07 or alleviate the struggle that they are going through.
22:10 And it becomes a cliche. It does.
22:12 And it makes you angry.
22:14 Yes. Yes. Yeah.
22:17 So, as you're looking at the, you,
22:20 the current version of you.
22:23 How would you footnote that section of your life
22:26 where in you everything was kind of falling apart,
22:30 you had all these questions.
22:31 Now, looking back on it, how do you remember it?
22:34 How would you note it?
22:36 Well, that's an easy one
22:38 because as I look back
22:40 there is not a thing I would change.
22:42 Amen.
22:43 All that we went through and how bad it was.
22:45 My husband was afraid
22:47 that I might commit suicide when I left the house.
22:49 Wow.
22:50 That's how serious it was,
22:52 but if I hadn't gone through that
22:54 and my friend Penny hadn't encouraged me,
22:57 I never would have written
22:58 'On Wings of Praise',
23:00 which has completely revolutionize.
23:03 I have five or six books on praise out
23:06 and people come up all the time and say
23:09 that book did so much for me, thank you.
23:12 And so, it makes it all worth it,
23:13 no matter what I did.
23:15 So that truly was your altar in the middle of the river.
23:17 Yes, absolutely. That's amazing.
23:20 That's amazing, how powerful.
23:22 And also a really interesting point to note, Kay,
23:25 how often it is.
23:27 I think it's in every instance, we have a story to share.
23:31 And a story that needs telling
23:34 and especially the tough stories,
23:37 even the ones that people don't want to hear perhaps.
23:41 So I want to thank you for the courage
23:42 that it took for you to write a prodigal daughter
23:44 and deal with an incredibly difficult subject.
23:49 I think that the only thing we can really relate to others
23:53 is our own story.
23:54 Yes.
23:56 You know and God puts you in that situation,
23:57 at least He helped you through that situation.
23:59 He didn't create the situation.
24:01 But He helped you through that situation,
24:03 so you would have that story to tell.
24:06 And when you don't tell it, you're bottling it up inside
24:10 and it has to come out eventually.
24:12 Yes, and like he said, sorry Pierre, like he said
24:16 go and tell how much God has done for you.
24:19 He gives each one of us that invitation.
24:21 We are almost out of time.
24:23 Kay, we really enjoyed our conversation with you.
24:25 There are some people who are watching today,
24:27 possibly they are in one of those dark sections,
24:29 maybe like the prodigal daughter,
24:30 maybe like the prodigal son, maybe like you were.
24:33 What would you say to them who are watching now
24:35 or what would you say to encourage them
24:37 during this dark moment that they're experiencing?
24:40 Trust the promise,
24:42 I know the plans I have for you.
24:45 Trust that those promises
24:47 are going to be carried through.
24:50 And even when you don't feel it,
24:53 say it again and again to yourself.
24:55 I put praise messages
24:57 all over my house on posted notes,
25:01 so that I would remember that the instant I began to go
25:05 to the negative,
25:07 I would remembered a praise.
25:09 And I had to break a habit
25:10 'cause I wasn't doing very well
25:12 and I have to break a very vicious habit of discouragement
25:16 and it was through the praise.
25:18 We have been talking today with Kay Rizzo about her book,
25:23 The Prodigal Daughter and several of the other books
25:25 that she has written.
25:26 We've enjoyed our conservation with her today.
25:29 And one of the things that she brought up
25:30 that we really need to remember
25:32 is that the story of the prodigal son,
25:34 even the story about the prodigal daughter
25:36 is more about how the father feels about us.
25:40 We need to get to the point where we're clinging more to
25:43 how the father feels about us
25:45 and what's written in scripture about us, about God's children
25:49 as opposed to how we feel about our situation.
25:52 As Kay shared before,
25:53 maybe some of us are
25:54 in a very dark moment in our lives right now.
25:56 And those are the times where you have to grind
25:59 and find those passages of scripture,
26:01 find those promises of God
26:03 to really pour into the situation
26:05 that you are feeling right now.
26:06 And also that we don't have to have our act together
26:09 before the father comes looking for us.
26:11 That's the amazing part of the story.
26:13 Is that in the middle of the challenges
26:15 that we are facing,
26:16 the father is looking for us
26:18 and he has stationed people to pray for us.
26:21 And intercede for us,
26:23 especially when we are not interceding for ourselves.
26:26 This has been another episode of Stones of Remembrance
26:29 and we've been talking with Kay Rizzo,
26:31 about her book The Prodigal Daughter,
26:33 and we just want to encourage you
26:34 whatever section of life that you are in right now
26:37 that you hold on to the promise of God,
26:39 and He will-- We guarantee that He will give you a story,
26:43 not only that you'll remember
26:45 but that wil encourage someone,
26:47 someone else in their journey
26:49 and that story needs to be shared.
26:51 For Stones of Remembrance,
26:52 I'm Pierre Quinn and for my co-host Karen Pierson,
26:55 thank you for watching and we'll see you next time.
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Revised 2015-12-17