Secrets of Pentecost

Are Tongues Ecstatic Utterances?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Stephen P. Bohr


Series Code: SOP

Program Code: SOP000009A

00:14 Well hello, everybody. Welcome.
00:16 We're glad you're here.
00:18 This is presentation number nine in this series,
00:21 The Secrets of Pentecost.
00:23 And tonight our topic is, Are Tongues Ecstatic Utterances?
00:29 And the subject of study will be 1 Corinthians 14.
00:34 And we're going to do pretty much a verse by verse
00:36 study of this chapter.
00:39 But before we do, we want to ask for the Lord's presence
00:43 and for His wisdom.
00:44 And so I invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray.
00:48 Father in heaven, thank You so much for Your many
00:51 blessings this day.
00:53 We thank You for those things that we take for granted
00:57 that many times we fail to thank You for.
01:01 One of those things that we want to especially thank You for
01:03 is Your Holy Word.
01:05 It's such a comfort to have Your Word in a world that is
01:08 so confused and so mixed up.
01:11 And we ask that as we study this very important chapter
01:14 on 1 Corinthians 14 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us
01:18 to guide our thoughts.
01:19 I ask that You will also bless those, not only who are
01:22 here in the studio, but those who are watching
01:26 this program on television.
01:28 We ask, Lord, that You will speak to each mind
01:31 and each heart.
01:32 And we thank You for hearing our prayer,
01:34 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
01:39 As I mentioned, we're going to study today
01:42 1 Corinthians 14.
01:45 And as we begin, I would like to mention what the basic structure
01:50 of this chapter is.
01:51 And we're not going to give you a specific detailed structure,
01:56 but it has two main parts.
02:00 Verses 1-25 of 1 Corinthians 14 deals with the relationship
02:06 between tongues and prophecy.
02:09 And then verses 26-40 deals with proper order
02:14 in the worship service; rules for proper order
02:17 in the worship service.
02:19 And so we're going to work our way through this chapter
02:22 to see what the apostle Paul wants to teach us today.
02:26 So let's begin our study at verse 1.
02:29 And let's read this verse where the apostle Paul says,
02:33 "Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts,
02:39 especially that you may speak in tongues."
02:43 Ah, that's not what the apostle Paul says.
02:46 He says, "...desire spiritual gifts, but especially
02:50 that you may..." What?
02:51 "...that you many prophesy."
02:53 So you'll notice that in the mind of the apostle Paul,
02:56 speaking in tongues does not trump prophecy.
03:01 Prophecy comes before speaking in tongues.
03:04 And we're going to notice in our study the reason why.
03:07 Now let's go to verse 2.
03:10 There's no verse in 1 Corinthians 14
03:13 that has awakened more confusion in the minds of people
03:16 than this verse.
03:18 Because it appears to be saying that the Corinthians
03:21 were speaking in ecstatic utterances.
03:24 But when we study the verse carefully, we're going to
03:27 discover that the apostle Paul is not saying that this gift
03:31 is different than the gift that was given in the book of Acts.
03:34 So let's read this verse, 1 Corinthians 14:2.
03:38 He says, "For he who speaks in a tongue..."
03:41 That's the word, "glossa."
03:55 Now it sounds like a relatively confusing verse, doesn't it?
04:00 So it says...
04:10 Now this verse has led many people to believe
04:13 that the gift that the Corinthian church had
04:17 was a different gift than what we find in Acts 2.
04:21 That people in Corinth were actually speaking
04:23 in some type of heavenly or angelic language
04:27 that is spoken nowhere on planet earth.
04:30 However, we're going to notice that's not the case.
04:34 We're going to notice in our study that the gift in Corinth
04:36 was the same gift that God gave in Acts 2, Acts 10, and Acts 19,
04:43 and the same gift that Jesus referred to in Mark 16:17.
04:49 Now it's very important for us to realize that in this verse
04:54 the expression where it says here,
04:57 "...for he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men,
05:00 but to God," there are some versions that translate,
05:05 "those who speak in an unknown," or, "speak in a strange tongue."
05:11 For example, the King James Version says,
05:14 "He who speaks in an unknown tongue..."
05:19 Now there's no warrant whatsoever for translating,
05:22 "unknown tongue."
05:23 Because the word, "unknown," is unknown in this text.
05:27 It's not there.
05:28 It simply says, "He who speaks in a tongue..."
05:31 Now other versions add another word to this verse.
05:37 For example, the Good News Bible says, "He who speaks
05:40 a strange tongue."
05:43 The New English Bible says, "He who speaks
05:46 in an ecstatic utterance."
05:48 The NIV is even clearer when it says,
05:52 "He who speaks speaks in a tongue."
05:56 Just like we read from the New King James Version.
06:00 Now it's important for us to realize that the word,
06:03 "tongues," is used twenty-seven times in
06:06 1 Corinthians 12, 13, and 14.
06:09 And in each case, the word, "tongues," is identical
06:14 to the word that is used in Mark 16:17, in Acts 2,
06:19 in Acts 10, and in Acts 19.
06:24 And so it's the identical word that is used
06:26 all the way through.
06:28 So there's no warrant for translating the word, "tongues,"
06:32 as strange tongues or ecstatic utterance.
06:35 It simply means, "languages."
06:38 Now let me give you a practical example that will help us
06:41 understand this verse 2, which is very difficult to understand
06:47 if you don't study it carefully.
06:50 Let's use the example of supposing that
06:54 I speak only English.
06:57 And I travel down to Curaçao, which is in
06:59 the Netherlands Antilles.
07:01 They speak a language there called, Papiamento.
07:05 And I'm in a circumstance where the people need to hear
07:08 the presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
07:11 But I only know how to speak English.
07:14 And so the Lord, knowing that the people need to hear
07:17 a presentation of the gospel, by a miraculous and instantaneous
07:22 event God gives me the ability to speak perfectly
07:28 in the language of the people there.
07:30 He gives me the ability to speak in Papiamento,
07:33 which is more of a dialect than a language.
07:37 And so that would be the gift of tongues, right?
07:40 I speak English, but God instantaneously and miraculously
07:44 gives me the ability to speak Papiamento there in Curaçao.
07:48 But let's suppose that the following Sabbath I come back
07:52 to Fresno and I have to preach at Fresno Central Church,
07:56 and I start rattling off my sermon in Papiamento.
08:00 Now let me ask you, how many people would understand
08:03 what I was saying?
08:04 Nobody would understand anything that I was saying.
08:08 Because the people at Fresno Central don't speak
08:11 the language of Papiamento.
08:14 Now let's notice three expressions that
08:16 we find in this verse.
08:18 First of all, what does it mean when it says
08:21 that a person who speaks in a tongue speaks in the spirit?
08:25 Then we want to see why it says that only God understands him.
08:30 And then we're going to take a look at what it means
08:33 when it says that the person who speaks in a tongue
08:36 speaks mysteries.
08:38 Let's go, first of all, to the expression that a person
08:41 who speaks in a tongue speaks in the spirit.
08:44 Why would it says that he speaks in the spirit?
08:47 Simply because the gift of tongues is a gift of whom?
08:51 It's a gift of the Holy Spirit.
08:53 And so a person who speaks in tongues is speaking
08:56 in the spirit.
08:57 So when the apostle Paul says that a person who speaks
09:00 in a tongue speaks in the spirit, that shouldn't
09:03 surprise us because the gift of tongues is a gift
09:06 of the Holy Spirit.
09:07 Now what about the idea that he who speaks in a tongue,
09:10 only God would understand him?
09:13 Well, let's us my illustration.
09:15 I come back to Fresno Central Church and I start rattling off
09:19 my sermon in Papiamento.
09:21 Does anybody in the congregation understand
09:24 what I'm saying?
09:25 No. Does God understand what I'm saying?
09:28 Of course God understands what I'm saying because
09:30 God was the one who gave me the language in the first place.
09:33 So a person who speaks in a tongue,
09:36 God understands that person.
09:38 But if the people that I'm speaking to can't understand
09:40 the language that I'm speaking, it's unintelligible to them.
09:44 Are you with me or not?
09:46 Now what does the apostle Paul mean when he says
09:48 that a person who speaks in a tongue in the spirit
09:51 speaks mysteries?
09:53 Now, you know, the word, "mysteries," in
09:56 the New Testament has a different connotation
09:58 and meaning than it does for us in the 21st century.
10:03 The word, "mystery," in the writings of the apostle Paul
10:06 has nothing to do with something secret, or something esoteric,
10:11 or something mysterious.
10:13 No. The word, "mystery," in the writings of the apostle Paul
10:17 simply refers to the preaching of the gospel
10:20 which was hidden in ages past, but now that mystery
10:25 from ages past is revealed in the preaching of the gospel.
10:29 I want you to notice a text where this meaning
10:32 comes through clearly.
10:34 Ephesians 6:18-20 has many common words to the text
10:40 that we just read in 1 Corinthians 14:2.
10:44 Notice what the apostle Paul says in Ephesians 6:18-20.
10:56 Is that a phrase that we find in the text that we just read?
10:59 Absolutely.
11:11 "...utterance..." That's an interesting word
11:13 that is used in relation to the gift of tongues as well.
11:21 Who would give it to him?
11:23 God, right? The Holy Spirit.
11:36 So what is the mystery?
11:37 Is it some mysterious language that nobody understands?
11:40 No. It's the preaching of what?
11:42 Of the gospel which was hidden in ages past
11:46 because it was only understood in types.
11:48 But today it has been brought to light.
11:51 And so he says once again in verse 19,
11:53 "...for me, that utterance may be given to me
11:56 that I might open my mouth boldly to make known
12:00 the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador
12:04 in chains; that in it I may speak boldly,
12:09 as I ought to speak."
12:11 So are you understanding verse 2?
12:13 It appears to be complicated, but it's not complicated
12:16 when you realize what each phrase in the verse means.
12:21 Now let's move on to verse 3.
12:23 Here, the apostle Paul says, "But..."
12:25 He's making a contrast, right?
12:28 Let's notice once again what we read in verse 2,
12:31 and then let's notice the contrast in verse 3.
12:33 It says...
12:44 But now comes the contrast. He says...
12:49 See, prophecy is in contrast to tongues.
13:03 Let me ask you a question.
13:05 When you exhort and when you edify and when you
13:09 comfort people, must you speak in a language
13:11 that they can understand?
13:12 Of course.
13:14 The apostle Paul is saying, "Hey, if you're going to
13:15 speak to the church, speak for edification,
13:18 exhortation, and comfort.
13:20 That's what a person who prophecies does."
13:24 Now let's go to verse 4.
13:36 Now what does the apostle Paul mean by that?
13:38 Let's go back to my illustration.
13:40 If I were speaking in Papiamento at Fresno Central Church,
13:45 would I be edifying myself?
13:48 Of course. Why?
13:50 Because I can understand what I'm saying, right?
13:53 So I would be benefited by what I'm saying,
13:56 but would the church be benefited?
13:58 Not at all.
13:59 Incidentally, Ellen White tells us that we are impacted
14:04 by our own words.
14:05 We are edified or destroyed by our own words.
14:07 Let me read that statement. Desire of Ages, page 323.
14:11 She says...
14:25 So if I were speaking in Papiamento in a church
14:28 where that language is not spoken, I would not be edifying
14:32 the church, but I would be edifying myself
14:35 because I am impacted by my own words.
14:37 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
14:40 So what is the purpose of the preaching of the gospel?
14:44 It's that the entire church might be benefited,
14:47 not only myself.
14:48 The gift of tongues is not primarily for self-edification,
14:52 it's for the benefit of the church.
14:55 Now notice verse 5.
14:57 Here, the apostle Paul says...
15:03 Ah, he wanted everyone to speak in tongues.
15:06 But notice what he says...
15:11 So what is more important as a gift, tongues or prophecy?
15:15 Prophecy, in the thinking of the apostle Paul.
15:18 He says...
15:31 So if you speak in tongues, and you interpret what you're
15:34 saying, "...that the church may receive..." What?
15:37 "...that the church may receive edification."
15:40 So if I were speaking in Papiamento, and then
15:43 I interpreted what I was saying, that would edify, not myself,
15:48 but it would edify whom?
15:50 It would edify the church.
15:51 Are you following me or not?
15:53 Now let's notice verse 6.
16:00 That means with languages, by the way.
16:15 In other words, he's saying, "You know, if I'm going to
16:17 come and speak to you, I'm going to speak to you
16:19 by prophecy, by revelation, by knowledge, or by teaching.
16:23 Something that you can understand.
16:26 Not in a tongue that you cannot understand,
16:28 because that does not benefit you at all.
16:31 It might benefit me, but it does not benefit you."
16:34 So far so good?
16:36 Now notice verse 7.
16:38 Here, the apostle Paul is going to further develop this idea.
16:42 Actually in verses 7-11 the apostle Paul is going to
16:45 use three example to show how important it is
16:49 for a person to speak in a language
16:51 that people can understand.
16:52 The first example is the example of a flute or a harp.
16:57 Notice what he says in verse 7.
17:01 He says there, "Even things without life..."
17:04 He's speaking about a musical instrument.
17:19 So when you play a flute, do you have to play a tune
17:22 so that people understand what you're playing?
17:24 Or do you just make a bunch of noises?
17:27 The apostle Paul is saying, "Listen, making a bunch of
17:29 noises in a language that people can't understand
17:32 is worthless.
17:33 It's like a flute or like a harp making a bunch of sounds
17:37 that don't have a tune.
17:38 Are you following me?
17:39 Now notice verse 9.
17:41 He uses the example of the trumpet.
17:43 He says, "For if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound..."
17:51 Let me just give you an example.
17:52 I'm a trumpet player, so let me use the example of the trumpet.
17:57 Let's suppose that you want people to go to sleep.
18:02 And you play the tune that says, "Da da da dat datahh."
18:08 That doesn't make much sense.
18:11 Or let's suppose that you want an individual, you know...
18:13 You go to a funeral, you know...
18:16 And you know what you're suppose to play at a funeral, right?
18:19 But you start playing,
18:20 "Da da datada, da da datada, da da datada, da da datahh."
18:24 It doesn't fit, right?
18:26 You know, the trumpet, in order for people to understand
18:31 what it's speaking or what it's saying,
18:33 it must be a tune that is comprehensible to people
18:36 and fits the occasion, is what the apostle Paul is saying.
18:40 And then he says in verse 9...
18:52 So let me ask you, are these languages that the apostle Paul
18:55 is talking about, or is it gibberish?
18:57 It's languages, folks.
18:58 He says...
19:11 In other words, your words will be meaningless
19:14 if they don't have any sense to them.
19:17 And then the apostle Paul uses a third example.
19:20 The example of the languages that are spoken by nations;
19:24 the communication between nations.
19:26 Notice what he says in verses 10-11.
19:38 That means, none of them is without meaning.
19:41 Is the apostle Paul here talking about real languages
19:43 that are spoken in the nations?
19:45 Of course he is. He says...
20:00 Are you following what he's saying?
20:01 "If I don't know the meaning of the language
20:03 that a person is speaking, by the way, I shall be..." What?
20:07 "...a foreigner to him who speaks..."
20:16 In other words, he's saying that these tongues
20:19 in the church of Corinth were real tongues.
20:22 But what the people were doing, they were speaking in a language
20:24 that nobody in the congregation could understand.
20:27 But they were real languages from the nations.
20:30 The same gift as in Acts 2, but the gift was being misused.
20:35 It was used to show off the gift that God had given
20:38 to the Corinthians.
20:40 And then the apostle Paul says in verse 12,
20:43 "Even so you, since you are zealous..."
20:49 Here is again the same point.
20:58 So the apostle Paul says the gift of tongues is not for
21:01 you to show off or for your own self-edification,
21:04 or so that people think that you have a spiritual high.
21:08 No, the gift of tongues is for the edification of the church.
21:11 Are all gifts of the Spirit for the edification
21:14 of the body of Christ?
21:15 Absolutely, no gift is for selfish purposes
21:19 or for your own self-edification.
21:23 And then we find in chapter 14:13-17 the apostle Paul
21:29 continuing his argument.
21:32 He's going to speak here about praying in a tongue,
21:35 about singing in a tongue, and about blessing in a tongue.
21:40 And he's also going to talk about the importance if you
21:44 sing in a tongue or if you pray in a tongue
21:47 or if you bless in a tongue, it's indispensable that
21:50 you interpret what you're saying.
21:52 Now notice what he says beginning with verse 13.
21:59 These are languages, right?
22:01 According to what we've just studied.
22:06 And who gives the gift of tongues?
22:09 By the Holy Spirit.
22:13 So if you pray in a tongue,
22:16 either you or somebody must what?
22:18 Must give the interpretation of what you are praying
22:21 so that people can understand.
22:23 Verse 14, "For if I pray in a tongue..."
22:27 That is, a language unknown by the congregation.
22:31 Why does it say, "my spirit prays"?
22:33 Because the gift of tongues is a gift given by whom?
22:37 Given by the Holy Spirit. So it says...
22:46 "I will pray with the spirit..."
22:48 That means, because the Holy Spirit has given you the gift.
22:55 Why would he pray with the understanding?
22:56 Because when he's praying in a tongue,
22:58 he's also providing what, according to the context?
23:01 He's providing the interpretation
23:03 to what he's saying.
23:05 And then I want you to notice what he continues saying.
23:09 Because singing is a spiritual gift as well.
23:16 Now you know, if I sang, for example, a hymn from the hymnal
23:22 in Spanish, you might know what the hymn is by the tune.
23:27 Like for example, if I sang, The Old Rugged Cross.
23:29 But you really wouldn't understand the words
23:31 if you'd never heard the hymn before.
23:32 Right?
23:34 And so, if I should sing in a tongue,
23:36 I should also provide what?
23:38 The interpretation of what I'm singing
23:40 so that the church can be benefited.
23:42 So the apostle Paul says...
23:45 That is, because singing is a spiritual gift.
23:50 By interpreting, in other words, what I'm singing.
23:53 Verse 16, now notice what he says...
23:59 Once again, because the Holy Spirit gives us this
24:02 ability to bless others.
24:18 Are you understanding what Paul is saying?
24:20 He says, you know, "If you're blessing and you're using
24:22 a language that nobody can understand,
24:24 then how is anybody going to say, 'amen,'
24:27 to what you're saying?"
24:29 And then he continues saying, "...since he does not
24:32 understand what you say?"
24:38 The other is not edified because you didn't interpret,
24:41 and the other person can't understand.
24:43 Are you following me?
24:44 Now let's go to verse 18.
24:52 The apostle Paul says, "I speak in tongues
24:55 more than any of you."
24:56 Now let me ask you, why would God have given
24:58 the apostle Paul more languages, the ability to speak
25:02 more languages than any of the others who were there?
25:05 Folks, because the apostle Paul went on missionary journeys
25:09 all across the Roman Empire.
25:12 And he had needed to know the languages
25:14 of all of the nations in the Roman Empire.
25:17 And that's why the apostle Paul says, "I speak with tongues
25:20 more than you all."
25:22 Because Paul spoke many languages that were given to him
25:25 by the Holy Spirit so that he could share the gospel
25:28 all over the Roman Empire.
25:31 And then notice verse 19.
25:34 And Paul says here, "...yet in the church..."
25:50 Once again, what is the apostle Paul's concern?
25:53 That the church will what?
25:55 Will understand.
25:57 In other words, speaking in gibberish.
26:00 You know, some of you might have seen, for example,
26:02 that program where Kenneth Copeland blurted out in tongues.
26:08 You know, when Tony Palmer went to this charismatic convention.
26:12 You know, I was amazed at what he said.
26:16 I don't know what he said.
26:17 I don't think anybody there knew what he was saying.
26:20 I don't think that he even knew what he was saying.
26:22 The Lord didn't know what he was saying.
26:25 Because he was speaking simply gibberish.
26:27 Now is that the gift of tongues that is referred to
26:30 in the Scriptures?
26:32 Absolutely not.
26:33 The gift of tongues is the ability to speak a language
26:37 that others understand.
26:38 But you're not to use it like the Corinthians
26:40 to show off and speak in a language
26:43 that people cannot understand.
26:45 Now the apostle Paul then says...
26:56 And then in verse 20 he's going to tell the people to grow up.
26:59 He's saying, "Quite acting like kids."
27:01 He says...
27:06 You know, children babble.
27:09 Babies babble.
27:10 You don't know what they're saying.
27:12 He's saying, "Grow up.
27:14 Because you should be able to speak like an adult."
27:17 So he says...
27:22 In other words, don't be into evil like an adult.
27:26 Because as we grow up we become more and more evil,
27:28 generally speaking.
27:30 So it says...
27:40 In other words, don't talk in languages
27:42 that nobody can understand.
27:44 You know, use the gift to communicate with other people.
27:48 And then notice verse 21.
27:49 And I'm going to read, first of all, from the
27:52 New King James Version.
27:53 Here, the apostle Paul says, "In the law it is written..."
27:57 He's going to prove his point now.
28:07 He's speaking about God's people.
28:14 Now you say, "Why does Paul use this particular verse?"
28:17 By the way, it comes from Isaiah 28:11.
28:20 Paul is quoting Isaiah 28:11 to prove his point.
28:24 Now what is Paul referring to?
28:27 If you look at Isaiah 28:11, you're going to find that
28:30 God is prophesying to Israel that they're going to go
28:35 into Assyrian captivity.
28:38 And of course, they could not understand the language
28:41 of the Assyrians.
28:42 Let me read you the translation as it appears in the
28:45 New International Version.
28:47 Chapter 14:21.
28:49 Here it says in the NIV...
29:07 Now is the apostle Paul saying here that God is going to
29:11 speak to His people through gibberish?
29:14 Did the Assyrians speak a real language?
29:17 Of course they did.
29:19 Could the people understand the language of the Assyrians?
29:21 Could Israel understand the language of the Assyrians?
29:24 No.
29:25 They spoke Hebrew.
29:27 They did not speak the language of the Assyrians.
29:29 So God is saying, "I am going to speak
29:32 through men of strange tongues."
29:34 Incidentally, the word, "strange," there
29:36 is, "heteroglossos."
29:39 Which means, tongues of another kind.
29:43 Of a different kind than the one that they spoke, specifically.
29:47 Now let me ask you, who would these tongues be strange for
29:50 when it says, "through men of strange tongues,"
29:53 God was going to speak to His people, to Israel?
29:55 For whom would they be strange?
29:57 For the Assyrians or for the Jews?
30:00 Of course for the Jews.
30:02 But was it a known language? A world language?
30:05 It was definitely a world language.
30:07 So this is not speaking about gibberish.
30:11 Now the apostle Paul then goes on in chapter 14:22-25
30:17 to speak about tongues as a sign for unbelievers.
30:20 Did you know that the gift of tongues is a sign
30:23 for unbelievers?
30:25 This is what he says...
30:39 So prophecy is for those who believe,
30:41 and the gift of tongues is a gift for those
30:44 who do not believe.
30:46 Now we're going to notice in a minute the reason why.
30:48 Verse 23...
30:52 Notice that the whole church is gathered together in a building.
30:55 "...and all speak with tongues..."
30:57 What was happening in Corinth?
31:00 They were all gathering together in one building,
31:03 and everybody was speaking in a tongue.
31:07 Or in a language.
31:08 Because God had given that gift.
31:10 Now notice what the apostle Paul continues saying.
31:23 And an unbeliever or uninformed person comes in, what happens?
31:34 Are you understanding what the apostle Paul is saying?
31:36 Yeah, if an unbeliever comes in and he hears 200 people
31:39 each speaking in a different language,
31:41 they're going to say, "These people are crazy."
31:43 Because that person is not going to understand that
31:45 they're speaking in languages.
31:47 Then the apostle Paul continues saying, once again verse 23,
31:50 "Therefore if the whole church comes together in one place..."
32:04 Could people understand when they were prophesying?
32:07 Yes.
32:26 In other words, if the person that comes in understands
32:28 what you're saying, he'll be converted.
32:30 But if he comes in and you're all speaking with pandemonium
32:35 in different tongues that the unbeliever does not understand,
32:39 he's going to say, "You're out of your mind."
32:41 And he's not going to give that place a second chance
32:44 for him to come to visit it.
32:47 So let me ask you, on the day of Pentecost
32:50 was the gift of tongues a sign for unbelievers?
32:55 It most certainly was.
32:57 Because the apostle spoke in the languages of the nations.
33:01 And when those who were present there heard the apostle
33:04 speaking in their own language, they were convicted.
33:08 It says that they were convicted in their hearts.
33:10 And 3000 unbelievers were baptized that very day.
33:14 Because the gift of tongues showed them
33:18 that what the disciples were preaching
33:21 was truly God's message.
33:25 So what was the problem in Corinth?
33:27 The problem in Corinth was that people were speaking in tongues.
33:32 And by the way, remember that once the gift of tongues
33:34 was given, it stayed with people the rest of their lives.
33:37 That's a very important point.
33:39 So these people in Corinth had received the gift
33:42 of speaking languages, and they were in church
33:45 and everybody was speaking in the language
33:47 that they had received.
33:49 And it was pandemonium.
33:51 Because nobody could understand anybody else.
33:55 And so this would certainly not reach unbelievers
33:58 with the gospel.
33:59 As we have seen, the gift of tongues, as well as all other
34:02 gifts, have the purpose of reaching unbelievers
34:06 for Jesus Christ.
34:07 It is not to exhibit our own gift that God has given us.
34:13 Now we need to go to speak about the interpretation
34:17 of tongues.
34:19 Paul covers this specific subject in 1 Corinthians 14:5
34:24 briefly, and then verse 13, and verse 26, and also 27 and 28.
34:31 What is meant by the gift of interpreting tongues?
34:36 The apostle Paul makes it clear that interpreting tongues
34:39 is a spiritual gift, by the way.
34:42 Basically what it is, is the art of translation.
34:46 That's what the gift of interpretation is.
34:49 Let me give you two or three biblical examples.
34:52 Acts 9:36 uses this same word, "interpret."
34:57 It says, speaking about that charitable woman known as,
35:03 Dorcas, the following...
35:09 Tabitha. That's Hebrew, by the way.
35:12 "...which is..." What?
35:14 "...translated," or interpreted, "Dorcas," in Greek.
35:19 So what is the gift of interpretation?
35:21 It's the gift of what?
35:23 Of translating a tongue.
35:25 That is also a spiritual gift.
35:28 Notice in the Old Testament Genesis 42:23
35:32 in the Septuagint, the Greek translation of
35:34 the Old Testament, speaking about Joseph
35:36 and when his brothers came to visit him...
35:46 So somebody was interpreting what Joseph was saying.
35:50 And then Daniel 5:26-28 speaks about the
35:54 handwriting on the wall.
35:56 And it says there, "This is the interpretation of each word."
36:00 Notice once again, the interpretation.
36:02 It's explaining the meaning of it.
36:16 Let me ask you, was there any need for interpretation of
36:19 tongues on the day of Pentecost?
36:21 There was no need to interpret tongues.
36:24 Because the apostles were speaking in the
36:26 tongues of the nations there.
36:28 And the nations that were represented there
36:30 could understand what the apostles were saying
36:33 without needing an interpretation.
36:35 Are you following me on that point?
36:37 Now, the apostle Paul also gives regulating principles
36:42 for the use of the gift of tongues in church.
36:45 I want you to notice that the apostle Paul is interested in
36:49 not turning away unbelievers from the church.
36:51 You know, I don't know if you've ever been to
36:53 a Pentecostal church where people speak in tongues.
36:58 I'll tell you, I have been to several.
36:59 And it's kind of a scary experience.
37:02 You know, usually the minister gets up and he starts out
37:06 real soft and slow.
37:08 And these days, you know, of course they use drums
37:10 and they use music.
37:12 And then the pastor gets revved up more and more,
37:15 and the music gets louder and louder,
37:17 and the drums get louder and louder.
37:19 And pretty soon everybody is hyped up,
37:21 and everybody is speaking in a tongue that nobody understands.
37:24 Not languages of the world.
37:26 But everybody, it's pandemonium, everybody is talking at the
37:30 same time in the church.
37:32 You know what?
37:34 I was not converted when I went to those churches.
37:38 I said, "This is crazy."
37:40 You know, God wants us to share the gospel
37:42 in a way in which it can be understood.
37:45 But if I was an unbeliever entering there,
37:48 I would definitely not come back.
37:51 Now notice what the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:26-29.
37:58 He says, "How is it then, brethren?"
38:16 Edification of whom?
38:18 Of the person? No. Edification of the church.
38:30 That's being violated by the charismatics today.
38:33 Because everybody is speaking. It's not two or three.
38:35 And notice what the apostle Paul continues saying.
38:44 In other words, not everybody speaking at the same time.
38:51 So if you speak in a tongue...
38:53 Say, for example, if somebody came from China to visit
38:57 Fresno Central Church and wanted to give a testimony,
39:00 and I had somebody in the church who was able
39:02 to interpret Chinese, you know, it wouldn't be the case of
39:05 a person from China coming up and giving his
39:08 testimony in Chinese.
39:10 A very small segment of the people would understand.
39:13 But when you have somebody who can translate
39:16 the testimony from Chinese to English,
39:18 then the church is benefited.
39:20 So the apostle Paul says, if you're going to speak
39:23 in a tongue, or you're going to give a testimony in a tongue,
39:24 or you're going to pray in a tongue,
39:26 or you're going to sing in a tongue,
39:27 make sure that there's somebody that will interpret
39:30 what you're saying so that the entire church
39:32 can be benefited.
39:34 And then the apostle Paul says in verse 28...
39:47 Is that clear?
39:48 I mean, it's as clear as the noon day.
39:51 Now notice verses 33-40.
39:55 Here the apostle Paul says...
40:19 So let's summarize what the apostle Paul says concerning
40:22 regulations of the use of the gift of tongues.
40:24 Number one, it must be for the edification of the church.
40:27 Number two, a maximum of two or three can speak.
40:31 Number three, it has to be one at a time.
40:35 Number four, there has to be translation
40:38 or interpretation of what the person is saying.
40:40 If there is no interpreter, the person who speaks in tongues
40:44 must be quiet.
40:46 And everything must be done decently and in order.
40:49 And the apostle Paul says that this command is for
40:52 all of the churches.
40:55 Now let me mention this:
40:58 Let's take for example a preacher that gets up and starts
41:01 speaking in a strange language that no one understands.
41:05 Does that benefit the church?
41:07 Let me ask you, how do you know what that individual is saying?
41:10 Would that necessarily be a message from God?
41:14 No.
41:15 You say, "Well, but what if he speaks in a language
41:17 that nobody understands, but then you have somebody
41:19 who interprets what the person is saying?"
41:22 You say, "Now how do you know that the interpretation
41:24 of what that person is speaking is a true interpretation?"
41:27 Folks, God gives us an external test for us to check out
41:32 to see if an individual is speaking in the name of God.
41:36 And that is whether the person speaks in harmony
41:39 with God's Holy Word.
41:41 So if an individual stands up and he starts
41:43 speaking in a tongue and he's teaching that the
41:46 dead aren't dead, and that we're suppose to go to church
41:48 on Sunday, you can be certain that it is not
41:51 the biblical gift of tongues.
41:53 Now, some charismatic groups believe that the gift of tongues
41:58 is a test of spirituality.
42:02 In fact, they make members feel guilty
42:05 if they don't speak in tongues.
42:08 They are told that if they don't speak in tongues,
42:11 they don't have the Holy Spirit.
42:12 And I've known Pentecostals that feel very guilty
42:15 and they do their utmost to receive the gift of tongues,
42:19 to speak in tongues.
42:21 But according to the Bible, folks, the test of your
42:24 spirituality is not in the ability of speaking tongues.
42:28 It is in the fruit of the Spirit in your life.
42:32 That is the test of your spirituality,
42:34 according to Jesus.
42:36 Now, the gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit
42:41 are related, because they both come from the Spirit.
42:45 Now I want you to notice Matthew 7:21-23.
42:49 Matthew 7:21-23
42:52 Here, Jesus is speaking about a group of Christians
42:55 in the last days who will be performing supernatural acts.
43:01 And you would say, "Well, if they're performing
43:02 supernatural acts, they must be followers of Jesus.
43:05 They must be the real deal."
43:07 Let's notice what Jesus said.
43:09 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord...'"
43:12 Would those be Christians, by the way?
43:14 Only a Christian would say, "Lord, Lord."
43:48 It's the same word that is used in 1 John 3:4 where it says,
43:51 "Sin is transgression of the law."
43:54 It could have been translated,
43:55 "Depart from Me, you transgressors of the law."
43:59 So let me ask you, is it possible for a supposed
44:02 Christian to cast out demons, and to give prophecies,
44:05 and to perform miracles, and not to be a true follower
44:08 of Jesus Christ?
44:09 And what is the litmus test?
44:11 Is it whether you speak in tongues or whether you
44:14 live a lawless life?
44:15 It's whether you live a lawless life.
44:18 Whether you insist on transgressing the law.
44:20 You say, "Well, what if I keep nine of the commandments?"
44:23 Not good enough.
44:25 The Bible says that God has given ten commandments,
44:27 including the Sabbath commandment.
44:29 And He expects Christians to keep those commandments,
44:32 not in order to be saved,
44:34 not so that they're better than other people,
44:36 but because they love Jesus.
44:38 Because Jesus said, "If you love Me,
44:41 you will keep My commandments."
44:43 Now, I want you to notice Luke 6:46-49,
44:47 because this passage links with the statement
44:53 of those who will call Jesus, "Lord, Lord."
44:55 Now let's notice Luke 6:46-49.
45:07 It's one thing to say, "Lord, Lord."
45:09 It's another thing to do the things that God says
45:11 we're suppose to do.
45:13 And then Jesus is going to give an illustration.
45:53 So what is the test of a person's spirituality?
45:56 Is it that he performs miracles?
45:58 Is it that he casts out demons?
46:00 Is it that he does many signs in the name of Jesus?
46:05 Is it because he speaks in tongues?
46:07 Absolutely not.
46:09 The test of an individual's spirituality is if that person
46:13 does the will of the Father who is in heaven.
46:16 And if the person teaches that we can transgress the law,
46:20 even in one of the commandments, we can be sure that the gifts
46:24 that person has are not gifts of the Holy Spirit.
46:27 Now let's go to Galatians 5:19-23.
46:31 Here, the apostle Paul is going to speak about the fruit of
46:34 the life as an evidence of the real deal.
46:38 He says this...
47:26 By the way, if you look at that list, every one of those
47:29 things on that list are violations of one of the
47:32 ten commandments.
47:34 If you look carefully.
47:35 Murders, adultery, lying; you know, all of those are
47:38 violations of the ten commandments.
47:40 So the apostle Paul is saying, those who break God's
47:42 commandments and live in this way, they're not going to
47:45 inherit the kingdom of God.
47:46 No matter how much they say that you're saved by grace
47:49 through faith, if your life doesn't show the fruit
47:51 of the spirit, you're not going to enter the kingdom of God.
47:53 That's what the apostle Paul is saying.
47:56 And now notice the contrast.
47:58 Verse 22, "But..."
48:00 In other words, in contrast to this long list that he's
48:03 just given of transgressions of the ten commandments, he says...
48:22 Let me ask you, do you know of any law that forbids goodness?
48:28 Do you know of any law that forbids kindness?
48:33 Do you know of any law that forbids gentleness,
48:36 and faithfulness, and temperance?
48:38 I don't know of any law that forbids those things.
48:40 So the apostle Paul is saying, the fruit of the Spirit
48:43 are this list of things.
48:44 And he says, "There's no law that forbids these things.
48:47 But there is a law that forbids the other things."
48:50 Now go with me to Ezekiel 36:25-27.
48:55 Ezekiel 36:25-27
48:58 This is speaking about God's people after the Babylonian
49:00 captivity and what God is going to do for them.
49:03 Notice what God says.
49:33 What happens when we gave the Holy Spirit?
49:35 Is the test that we have the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues,
49:38 and casting out demons, and performing miraculous healings?
49:41 No, no, no.
49:43 Here we find the prophet Ezekiel saying, God is speaking...
49:52 " walk..." That has to do with behavior.
50:01 So what is the evidence that you have
50:02 the Holy Spirit in your heart?
50:05 The fact that you walk in God's statutes
50:07 and you keep His judgments to do them.
50:11 In other words, the fruit of your life.
50:13 Notice Romans 6:22.
50:16 Here, the apostle Paul once again speaks about the fruit.
50:19 And by the way, I'm not saying that you're saved by your life,
50:24 by the lifestyle that you live.
50:26 What I'm saying is that when you truly know Jesus Christ
50:29 as your Savior, and you have Jesus Christ in your heart,
50:33 the fruit of your life will show it.
50:36 And if you don't have any fruit,
50:38 there's something wrong with the root.
50:41 Notice Romans 6:22.
50:44 Here, the apostle Paul says...
50:58 So what is the fruit?
51:00 The fruit is holiness.
51:09 So when you have been delivered from sin
51:11 and you have become a slave of Jesus Christ,
51:13 what are you going to show in your life?
51:15 The fruit of holiness, is what the apostle Paul is saying.
51:18 That is the litmus test of whether
51:20 you have the Holy Spirit.
51:22 It's not whether you speak in tongues.
51:24 Notice what we find in Matthew 3:10.
51:27 Here, John the Baptist is preaching, and he says this...
51:43 Do you see how time after time after time
51:46 you have the idea of producing fruit as the signal that
51:49 you are truly in Christ Jesus?
51:52 Notice also Acts 5:32.
51:57 Acts 5:32
51:59 Here, Peter is speaking to the members of the Sanhedrin,
52:03 the governing body of the Jewish nations,
52:05 and he says...
52:13 "...whom God has given to those who have the gift of tongues."
52:20 To those who cast out devils.
52:23 To those who heal the sick.
52:26 No.
52:27 It says that He also has given His Holy Spirit
52:31 "to those who obey Him," according to Scripture.
52:35 Obedience is the litmus test that you have the Holy Spirit
52:39 in your life, not speaking in tongues or any other gift.
52:43 Notice John 14:15-16.
52:46 Here you have connected love, commandments, and Holy Spirit.
52:50 Notice what it says. Here, Jesus is speaking.
52:52 "If you love Me..."
52:58 How do we show that we love Jesus?
53:00 By keeping His nine commandments, right?
53:03 Oh, ten commandments.
53:05 Do we show our love for Jesus when we spend
53:07 the Sabbath with Him?
53:09 So if you don't want to spend the Sabbath with Him,
53:10 that would be a problem, right?
53:12 Do we enjoy spending time with someone we love?
53:15 So if Jesus says, "I'm coming every Sabbath
53:17 and I want to spend all day with you,"
53:19 and you say, "Thanks, but no thanks.
53:20 I have to go shopping," there's something wrong
53:23 with your love relationship with Jesus, isn't there?
53:26 And so it says there...
53:39 Do you notice the three steps?
53:41 "If you love Me, keep My commandments.
53:43 And I will pray to the Father that He will give you..." What?
53:46 "...that He will give you the Holy Spirit."
53:49 Jesus also, in John 15, and we're going to read
53:52 verses 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 16, Jesus spoke about
53:57 the importance of fruit.
53:58 He says, "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit..."
54:46 What is the evidence that we abide in the love of Jesus?
54:49 That we keep His commandments.
54:51 Then Jesus says...
55:07 So what is the litmus test that we have the Holy Spirit?
55:10 Is it the fact that we have the gifts of the Spirit
55:13 or is it the fact that we have the fruit of the Spirit?
55:16 It is the fruit of the Spirit that shows whether we are the
55:20 real deal or whether we are a counterfeit or a fake.
55:26 If you claim to be connected with Jesus
55:28 but you don't bear any fruit, your relationship with Jesus
55:32 is a counterfeit.
55:34 Do you remember once Jesus cursed a fig tree?
55:39 Why did He curse the fig tree?
55:42 He cursed the fig tree because the fig tree
55:45 had no fruit.
55:48 Notice Matthew 21:19, our last text.
55:52 What happened with the fig tree?
55:54 He cursed it because it had no fruit.
55:56 It says there...
56:07 So it was a beautiful tree. It had lots of leaves.
56:10 But, you know, if you have an avocado tree
56:13 and all it has is leaves and never produces one avocado,
56:16 you'll say, "Now wait a minute.
56:17 There's something wrong here."
56:19 And so it says...
56:32 So what happens with a person who does not
56:35 have fruit in his life?
56:36 What happens with his spiritual life?
56:38 His spiritual life withers away, according to Scripture.
56:44 So folks, let's not focus on tongues as the litmus test
56:48 of the presence of the Spirit in our lives.
56:51 We have to focus on loving Jesus, keeping His commandments,
56:56 and bearing fruit in our lives for His honor and for His glory.
57:00 This is the litmus test that we truly know Jesus Christ
57:05 as our Savior and as our Lord.


Revised 2016-08-02