Secrets of Pentecost

Chain of Command

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Stephen P. Bohr


Series Code: SOP

Program Code: SOP000005A

00:14 Hello everybody, again.
00:16 It's good to see you here for session number five of,
00:20 The Secrets of Pentecost.
00:22 Time does fly, doesn't it?
00:24 And the topic that we're going to study tonight is titled,
00:27 Chain of Command.
00:29 But we want to pray first.
00:31 Never do we open the Bible without prayer.
00:34 Because the Holy Spirit inspired Scripture.
00:37 And only the Holy Spirit can explain it to us.
00:40 So I invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray.
00:43 Our loving Father, we come before You this evening
00:46 as we've done in the previous sessions,
00:49 realizing our own ignorance,
00:51 our own lack of knowledge and wisdom.
00:54 That's why we're coming before Your throne to request
00:57 that You will be present with us through the ministry
00:59 of Your Spirit and Your angels.
01:01 We desperately need wisdom from on high,
01:05 for we're going to study a very important subject.
01:08 And therefore, we ask that You will make Yourself present
01:11 in this place.
01:12 That our minds might be opened, our hearts might be opened,
01:16 that we might be able to understand and receive
01:19 that which You have for us today.
01:22 We thank You for the privilege of approaching Your throne
01:25 and for hearing our prayer.
01:27 For we ask it in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
01:33 One of the hotly debated doctrines in the church today,
01:40 not only the church in general,
01:41 but the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:44 is the topic of the Holy Spirit.
01:46 There are many individuals who believe that the Holy Spirit
01:49 is simply a force, an impersonal force.
01:54 That the Holy Spirit is not a person.
01:57 I believe that one of the reasons why people
02:00 believe that the Holy Spirit is a force or perhaps a substance
02:05 that is infused or poured into us is because of the metaphors
02:10 that the Bible uses to describe the Holy Spirit.
02:13 For example, the Holy Spirit is described in the Bible
02:16 as a dove.
02:18 The Spirit is described as rain, as oil, as wind, as fire.
02:26 And therefore, because of these metaphors,
02:29 people get the impression that the Holy Spirit
02:32 is these things.
02:34 But these are metaphors of the Holy Spirit.
02:37 The Holy Spirit is not a dove.
02:40 The Holy Spirit is not rain.
02:43 The Holy Spirit is not oil.
02:45 The Holy Spirit is not fire.
02:46 And the Holy Spirit is not wind.
02:48 All of these are metaphors that describe
02:51 functions of the Holy Spirit.
02:53 For example, wind; we can see its effects,
02:55 but we can't see the wind.
02:57 The same way with the Holy Spirit; we can see the results
03:00 of His work, but we can't actually see the Holy Spirit.
03:03 You know, oil gives light to a lamp.
03:07 And so, the Holy Spirit enlightens our minds.
03:10 Rain makes the seed germinate and grow,
03:14 jut like the Holy Spirit makes our spiritual life grow.
03:19 And so all of these metaphors of the Holy Spirit are simply
03:22 descriptive of the functions that the Holy Spirit fulfills.
03:26 The Holy Spirit is not these things.
03:30 And yet for many people it's very difficult to conceive
03:32 of the Holy Spirit as someone who speaks,
03:35 as someone who loves, who reasons, who helps,
03:39 who guides, who reproves, etc.
03:43 Now the spirit of prophecy is very clear that the Holy Spirit
03:47 is a person.
03:49 And Ellen White is also very clear that the Godhead
03:53 is composed of three distinct Persons.
03:56 And so as we begin our study, I want to read a few statements
04:00 from the writings of Ellen White on the Godhead
04:05 and the personality of the Holy Spirit.
04:08 The first of these statements we find in the book,
04:10 Evangelism, page 616.
04:13 This is in a speech that Ellen White gave to the
04:16 students at Avondale.
04:18 It was actually a morning worship.
04:20 And Ellen White had this to say...
04:38 In the book, Evangelism, pages 616-617,
04:43 Ellen White has this to say...
05:35 Now I want to read several statements where she also
05:38 makes it clear that the Godhead is composed
05:40 of three distinct Persons.
05:43 This is from, Evangelism, page 617.
05:58 So if the Holy Spirit is the third Person,
06:00 there must be a second and there must be a first.
06:03 In, Evangelism, page 617, she says this,
06:08 "We are to cooperate with the..."
06:23 So she describes three highest powers in heaven.
06:29 In another quotation that we find in the
06:31 Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, volume 7, page 908,
06:35 she has this to say...
07:10 Time and again, she emphasizes that there are
07:13 three great powers in heaven;
07:15 the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
07:18 And all three of them are real Persons.
07:23 They are not impersonal forces or energy forces.
07:26 They are Persons.
07:28 Now, the Holy Spirit also has an element of mystery to Him.
07:33 I'm not saying that we can explain everything
07:35 concerning the Holy Spirit.
07:37 I want to read this statement that we find in the book,
07:39 Acts of the Apostles, pages 51-52.
07:44 "It is not essential for us to be able to define..."
08:13 So notice, the Bible explains His work, but the Bible
08:17 does not explain His nature.
08:19 So there's one aspect which is a mystery,
08:22 which is the nature of the Holy Spirit,
08:24 but His work can be known because we can see
08:27 His work in the Scriptures.
08:28 So finishing the statement, "The nature of the Holy Spirit
08:31 is a mystery..."
08:54 So we are not going to delve into the nature
08:57 of the Holy Spirit.
08:58 We're going to study how the Holy Spirit works;
09:01 how it is revealed in the Bible and in the spirit of prophecy.
09:06 Now we want to begin by going to Psalm 8:3-8.
09:11 And there's two points that I want us
09:12 to notice in this passage.
09:14 First of all, when God created Adam, He created him as king.
09:19 That was his office or his position.
09:22 Secondly, God gave him a territory over which to rule,
09:25 which was everything concerning planet earth.
09:28 So two ideas in this passage:
09:30 the position of Adam was that if king,
09:32 and the realm of his dominion was planet earth.
09:35 So let's go to Psalm 8:3-8.
09:38 Here, the psalmist says...
09:54 This is speaking about the creation of man.
10:03 Let me ask you, who wears crowns?
10:07 Kings wear crowns.
10:08 In fact, Ellen White says that Adam was crowned king in Eden.
10:13 So it says here, "You have crowned him
10:17 with glory and honor."
10:18 Now if he's a king, he's going to have a territory
10:20 over which he rules.
10:21 Now notice what is the territory.
10:26 "...dominion..." That means rulership.
10:32 "You have put all things under his feet..."
10:35 That's an expression that means, "You have placed him
10:37 to rule over everything."
10:39 And then we see what that is.
10:51 Now when the Bible mentions heaven, earth, and seas,
10:55 it means everything.
10:56 Everything concerning planet earth.
10:58 So in other words, Adam was placed upon this earth
11:02 as king to rule over the entire planet, over this territory.
11:09 And it was the plan of God that as eternity should pass,
11:12 that Adam would continue to be king of this planet
11:16 and that he rule over the things of this earth.
11:19 But sin interrupted God's plan.
11:23 Romans 6:16 gives us a very important principle.
11:29 And that is that we are slaves of the one
11:32 whom we choose to obey.
11:34 I want to read that verse because it expresses
11:36 a very important principle.
11:38 You see, God wanted Adam to obey him.
11:41 But when Adam chose to obey Satan,
11:44 he became a servant of Satan.
11:46 And Satan took over the throne and he took over the territory
11:49 that belonged to Adam, because Adam now became
11:52 subject and Satan became lord.
11:55 Notice Romans 6:16.
11:58 The apostle Paul says...
12:13 We are slaves of the one that we choose to obey.
12:17 And Adam chose to obey Satan.
12:20 And so Satan now took over the throne of the world
12:23 and he took over the territory over which Adam
12:27 had originally ruled.
12:29 Adam lost both.
12:30 He lost his position as king and he lost the territory
12:34 over which he governed.
12:36 But God promised that it would be recovered.
12:39 Notice, Patriots and Prophets, page 67.
12:42 Patriots and Prophets, page 67.
12:44 It says here..
12:50 So do you see the position as king?
12:52 He was placed in dominion over the earth.
12:59 And then Ellen White quotes 2 Peter 2:19,
13:02 which expresses the same principle as
13:04 Romans 6:16 which we read.
13:06 The verse says...
13:12 In other words, whoever overcomes you, you're in bondage
13:14 to the one that overcame you.
13:16 Then she continues saying...
13:25 Is that clear?
13:27 Then it continues saying...
13:56 So in other words, Jesus came to this earth
13:59 to take away from Satan what Satan had taken away from Adam.
14:04 Satan took over the throne and he took over the territory.
14:08 Jesus said, "I'm going to go and I'm going to
14:09 live and die for man.
14:11 And in living and dying for man, I am going to
14:13 take back the throne and I'm going to take back the territory
14:16 in place of man."
14:19 Now Satan claimed dominion to this world.
14:22 Notice Luke 4:5-7.
14:25 Luke 4:5-7, this is on the Mount of Temptation.
14:29 And I want you to notice the devil laid claim
14:31 to being the king or the ruler of this realm or this world.
14:36 It says there...
14:58 Who had given it to the devil?
15:00 Adam.
15:02 The devil says, "Hey, this rulership has been given to me.
15:06 And I give it to whoever I wish.
15:07 So if You just bow down and worship me,
15:10 I'll give You the throne and I'll give You the territory,
15:14 and You can ruler over it.
15:15 You don't even have to go to the cross.
15:16 You don't even have to die."
15:18 But then there's a condition.
15:19 The devil says, "Therefore, if You will worship..."
15:25 And so what was the mission of Jesus Christ?
15:27 The mission of Christ was to recover the throne
15:31 and the territory that Adam lost.
15:33 But in order to do this, Jesus had to accomplish two things
15:37 in His earthly ministry.
15:39 First of all, He had to live a perfect life
15:42 which the law requires and which Adam and his
15:44 descendants cannot offer the law.
15:46 And secondly, Jesus had to bear the sins of humanity
15:49 upon Himself and He had to pay the penalty
15:51 for sin in place of man.
15:53 So Jesus had to live for man and Jesus had to die for man.
15:58 He had to live a perfect life to offer the law of God,
16:01 and He had to carry the sins of humanity
16:04 and pay the debt of sin that human beings had incurred.
16:09 And that's exactly what Jesus did.
16:12 The last week of His life, according to John 12:31-33,
16:17 Jesus made a very interesting prediction.
16:20 I want you to notice what Jesus said to those
16:22 who were gathered there.
16:23 Once again, John 12:31-33.
16:28 Jesus says, and He's speaking about His death...
16:40 In other words, "He's not going to be the ruler anymore,"
16:41 is what Jesus is saying.
16:47 And then He explains what event was going to cast him out.
17:02 So what was it that was going to cast out
17:05 the ruler of this world?
17:06 It was the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.
17:09 And of course, we could say also His life,
17:11 because if Jesus was not a perfect Lamb
17:14 His death would not have been of any value.
17:16 So we have to connect His perfect life with His death.
17:19 Because He has to offer His perfect life to the law,
17:22 and then He has to offer death to the law in our place as well.
17:26 So when Jesus on the cross said, "It is finished,"
17:29 He had won back the throne and He had won back the territory,
17:32 and the enemy had been cast out.
17:35 Ellen White describes this in a beautiful way.
17:38 Desire of Ages, page 758.
17:52 Now notice the terminology here.
17:58 Was Jesus still going to win the battle after the cross?
18:02 No, no, no, no. It says the battle had been won.
18:12 Sometimes we think, well Jesus is going to be victorious.
18:14 No, Jesus was victorious at the cross.
18:17 He won the battle at the cross.
18:19 And then you say, "Well, why is this continuing then?"
18:21 That's what we're going to study about.
18:23 Now notice what it continues saying.
18:35 "Was there not joy among the angels..."
18:47 Notice, it doesn't say that his kingdom would be lost.
18:50 It says he knew that his kingdom was lost.
18:53 Satan lost the throne and he lost this world
18:58 when Jesus died on the cross of Calvary.
19:01 You say, "Well, it doesn't look like it."
19:03 But looks can be deceiving.
19:04 And that's what we're going to study about.
19:07 Now John, about 60 years after this, looking backwards,
19:12 reminisced about how heaven reacted when Jesus died
19:16 on the cross and won the victory.
19:17 It's found in Revelation 12:10-12.
19:22 "Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven..."
19:38 Notice, it doesn't say, "will be cast down."
19:40 "...has been cast down."
19:41 It's talking about what happened at the cross.
19:43 And it continues saying...
19:51 And now notice that heaven can rejoice, but the earth
19:54 has to really be worried.
19:57 Because it continues saying here,
19:59 "Therefore, rejoice O heavens and you who dwell in them."
20:03 The pest is gone now.
20:05 See, before the cross, the devil went representing this world
20:08 in the heavenly councils.
20:10 But he was cast out because he's no longer
20:11 the ruler of this world.
20:12 Now Jesus represents this world.
20:15 And so it says here...
20:20 The pest is gone from heaven.
20:21 Ah, but notice the earth.
20:37 So Jesus won the victory at the cross of Calvary.
20:41 Now in one of our previous studies, we noticed that
20:43 there's a very intimate link between the victory of Jesus
20:48 at the cross and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
20:51 on the day of Pentecost.
20:52 I hope that you remember that; The Lord Is Our Rock.
20:55 Remember, we studied the rock episodes
20:57 and we noticed how there was a very intimate connection
21:02 between the sacrifice and the fire,
21:04 between striking the rock and
21:06 water coming forth from the rock.
21:08 In other words, there's an intimate connection between
21:10 the victory of Jesus on the cross and what happened
21:14 on the day of Pentecost.
21:16 Now what is the connection between these two events?
21:20 We have to go and analyze what happened
21:22 on the day of Pentecost.
21:24 So go with me to Acts 2 and we're going to read verses 1-4.
21:28 And I'm going to emphasize four main points
21:31 in this passage.
21:33 Acts 2:1-4
21:51 The first idea that I want you to remember;
21:53 of a rushing mighty wind.
22:04 So you have wind and you have fire.
22:15 Here's the third concept; "...speak with other tongues..."
22:19 Were these languages?
22:20 Yeah, this was not gibberish.
22:22 This was the ability to speak the languages of those
22:25 who were present there for the feast of Pentecost.
22:27 And so it says...
22:32 And who gave them the ability to speak with other tongues?
22:35 " the Spirit gave them utterance."
22:39 So who gave them the gift of the Holy Spirit?
22:44 Or the gift of tongues?
22:46 It was the Holy Spirit that gave the gift.
22:49 So you have the mighty rushing wind,
22:51 you have tongues as of fire,
22:53 then you have languages imparted.
22:55 And the Holy Spirit is the one who gave the ability
22:57 to speak the languages.
22:59 Now I want us to go to a very interesting passage that
23:02 we find in the Old Testament.
23:04 Do you know what was the first time in the Bible
23:06 where the gift of tongues was given?
23:09 At the tower of Babel.
23:12 So we have to go back there and see how it happened back then.
23:17 Go with me to Genesis 11:8-9.
23:20 Genesis 11:8-9
23:23 After God confused the languages there,
23:27 it says here...
23:46 Who confused the language?
23:48 Who gave the gift of tongues at Babel?
23:50 The Lord.
23:59 The Lord gave them the ability to speak different languages,
24:03 and the Lord scattered them all over the earth.
24:06 But now I want to read you a very interesting statement
24:09 that we find in the book, Story of Redemption, page 73.
24:13 The Lord did it, but how did the Lord accomplish this work
24:17 of giving these builders of the tower of Babel
24:20 the ability to speak the many languages
24:22 that exist in the world today?
24:23 Because before this, they all spoke the same language.
24:26 They were all on the same page.
24:28 So something happened to give them the ability to
24:32 speak all of the languages of the earth.
24:34 Now notice what we find here in, Story of Redemption, page 73.
24:52 What did the Lord do? Sent what?
24:54 "...two angels to confound them in their work..."
25:28 Do you know angels are compared with lightening, by the way?
25:41 So who was it that gave this gift of speaking
25:46 in many different languages?
25:48 It was God through the ministry of angels.
25:52 The angels plugged in a Rosetta Stone...
25:57 the minds of the Babel builders.
26:00 You know, Rosetta Stone is a famous language course
26:03 that they sale today.
26:04 There was no Rosetta Stone back then, I realize.
26:07 But the angels, by a miraculous intervention,
26:11 they programmed the minds of those individuals
26:15 to speak perfectly the languages that exist in the world today.
26:19 Now you say, what possible relationship can this have
26:23 with the day of Pentecost?
26:24 Well, if you have tongues at Babel imparted by God
26:28 through the ministry of the angels, the question is,
26:31 is it just possible that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
26:34 on the day of Pentecost was God giving the gift of tongues
26:38 through the ministry of the angels?
26:40 Let's pursue this.
26:42 Let's go to Psalm 104 and we're going to read
26:47 verses actually 3 and 4.
26:51 Psalm 104:3-4
26:55 I want you to notice, I'm going to read first of all
26:57 from the New King James Version, and then I'm going to read
27:00 from the New International Version which translates it
27:02 a little bit differently, and I think more correctly.
27:05 It says in the New King James Version, speaking about God...
27:17 What do clouds represent in the Bible?
27:20 Angels, right?
27:21 Jesus is coming with the clouds.
27:23 It means that He's going to come with the angels.
27:24 So it says here...
27:42 Are you following me?
27:44 So He makes His angels what?
27:45 Spirits.
27:47 And His ministers a flame of fire.
27:50 Now you say, "What relationship does that
27:51 have to do with Pentecost?"
27:53 Well we need to read from the New International Version.
27:55 And I'm going to tell you why I believe
27:56 this is a better translation.
27:58 It says in the NIV...
28:18 You see the difference?
28:19 "He makes winds His messengers,
28:22 and He makes flames of fire His servants."
28:24 You say, "Well, why does the King James translate
28:26 that He makes His angels spirits,
28:28 whereas the NIV translates that He makes winds His messengers?
28:32 Let me explain the reason why.
28:34 In the Hebrew, the word, "ruach," is translated
28:39 both, "spirit," and, "wind."
28:44 In other words, the context determines whether
28:47 it's talking about the spirit or whether it's
28:49 talking about the wind.
28:51 In the New Testament, the Greek word, "pneuma,"
28:55 is also translated, "spirit," and, "wind,"
28:58 depending on the context.
29:00 For example, you remember Jesus spoke about the work of
29:02 the Holy Spirit to Nicodemus and He said, you know,
29:04 the wind, you can see the effects of the wind,
29:06 but you can't see the wind.
29:08 That's the same word, "pneuma." Spirit.
29:11 So it's perfectly proper to translate that,
29:15 He makes His messengers winds.
29:18 And He makes His servants what?
29:22 Flames of fire.
29:23 Let me ask you, what were the two phenomena
29:24 that took place on the day of Pentecost?
29:28 Wind, and what else?
29:30 Wind and fire.
29:32 Interesting.
29:34 Now you say, "Well, who are these messengers
29:36 that we have here?"
29:38 You know, it says He makes winds His messengers,
29:41 flames of fire His servants.
29:42 Okay, His messengers and His servants.
29:43 Who are they?
29:45 Hebrews 1:7
29:47 And I'm reading once again from the NIV,
29:49 which I believe is a better translation.
29:51 I'm not saying the NIV is the best translation in everything.
29:56 Because the NIV leaves a lot of text out,
29:59 it mistranslates many text.
30:00 And so I'm not saying that it's best always.
30:03 But I'm saying that sometimes the translation is better.
30:06 Not the manuscript trail, but the translation.
30:08 Now notice Hebrews 1:7.
30:21 So the angels are the winds
30:23 and the angels are the flames of fire.
30:26 And you're saying, "Are you saying, Pastor Bohr, that on the
30:28 day of Pentecost God unleashed His angels
30:31 to give the apostles the gift of speaking tongues?
30:35 Is that the way that God worked on the day of Pentecost?"
30:39 I believe that's the way that God did it,
30:41 and the spirit of prophecy confirms it.
30:43 Let me read you four statements from the spirit of prophecy
30:46 on this specific point.
30:48 The first of these is found in the devotional book,
30:51 My Life Today, page 58.
30:53 Listen carefully to what Ellen White had to say.
31:18 Did you catch what she's saying?
31:28 Selected Messages, volume 2, page 57.
31:46 Once again, the angels linked and connected
31:49 with what happened at Pentecost.
31:51 Manuscript Releases, volume 10, page 112,
31:55 is this remarkable statement...
32:09 Angels are waiting to do for you what they did for the apostles
32:12 on the day of Pentecost.
32:14 And one final one, That I May Know Him, page 57.
32:32 How does the Holy Spirit draw people to Christ?
32:35 Through what?
32:36 Through the ministry of the angels, it says here.
32:56 Interesting.
32:58 Now, God works according to a chain of command.
33:04 God has a chain of command.
33:06 God does not do everything directly Himself.
33:10 Now the Bible attributes everything to God
33:13 because God ultimately is the source of everything,
33:16 but God delegates responsibility.
33:19 Now the key text is found in Revelation 1:1-5.
33:25 Revelation 1:1-5
33:28 Here is God's chain of command.
33:31 It says there...
33:40 So who gives the message to Jesus?
33:44 God does.
33:45 Now who does Jesus give it to?
33:48 Actually Jesus gives it to the Holy Spirit,
33:50 because with every church it says, "He who has an ear,
33:54 let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
33:57 So God the Father gives the message to Jesus.
34:01 And then Jesus gives it to whom?
34:04 Jesus gives it to the Holy Spirit.
34:07 And then I want you to notice, let's continue reading...
34:14 And then I've inserted chapter 2 and verse 7,
34:17 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the
34:19 Spirit says to the churches."
34:20 And then it continues saying...
34:46 Do you see the chain of command?
34:48 Who does God give the message to?
34:50 Jesus.
34:51 Who does Jesus give the message to?
34:53 The Holy Spirit.
34:54 Who does the Holy Spirit give the message to?
34:57 The angel.
34:58 Who does the angel give the message to?
35:00 John.
35:01 And who does John send the message to?
35:03 The seven churches.
35:04 And what are the seven churches suppose to do?
35:06 Sit on it.
35:08 No.
35:09 They're suppose to what?
35:11 They're suppose to take the message and they're suppose to
35:13 proclaim it to the world.
35:16 So God has a chain of command, in other words.
35:20 God doesn't come down and do everything Himself.
35:23 God delegates responsibility.
35:25 He's the great delegator.
35:26 God is not a dictator.
35:28 God could do everything Himself if He wanted to,
35:31 but God has chosen to operate in this specific way.
35:36 Now let me give you an illustration of how it works.
35:39 This is a very interesting illustration that
35:41 we're going to take a look at now.
35:43 You remember the story of the centurion that came to Jesus
35:47 wanting Jesus to heal his servant?
35:50 Now let's read that passage in the light
35:52 of what we're studying.
35:54 It's found in Matthew 8:5-10.
35:57 Matthew 8:5-10
36:01 This centurion was not a Jew, but he understood
36:03 how God operates better than the Jews did.
36:06 Notice what this story says.
36:27 In other words, "I'll come and I'll heal him.
36:29 I'll come to your house."
36:30 And now notice what this centurion says.
36:45 And you know what I use to think?
36:46 I use to think that when Jesus said, "Okay, be healed,"
36:49 somehow mystically the word would fly through the air...
36:53 ...and the person would be healed.
36:55 I don't believe that.
36:57 Because Jesus had a way in which He healed.
36:59 In a moment I'm going to read you a statement from the
37:01 spirit of prophecy explaining this episode.
37:03 Notice...
37:10 In other words, "I have authority."
37:27 In other words, he says, "I'm the commander and I have
37:30 soldiers that do what I tell them to do."
37:32 Now let me read you Ellen White's interpretation of this.
37:35 It's magnificent.
37:36 It's found in, Desire of Ages, page 316.
37:40 She's quoting the centurion.
37:42 It's as if the centurion is speaking.
37:55 Speaking to Jesus.
38:19 Are you understanding how it works?
38:21 Jesus said, "He's healed."
38:23 At that time, what happened?
38:25 The angel was whizzing through the air and going to impart
38:29 healing virtue to that servant.
38:33 That's the way that God operates.
38:35 You say, "How did you go down this road?"
38:39 As an Adventist pastor, I believe that we need a 29th
38:42 fundamental belief in our church.
38:45 The 29th fundamental belief would be the ministry of angels.
38:49 Because we have very little, if nothing,
38:52 in our fundamental belief about angels.
38:54 And the Bible is saturated with the ministry of angels.
38:58 And we have not even half begun to understand
39:01 the ministry of angels.
39:02 How they are the connecting link between God and us.
39:06 They are the connecting link between God and us.
39:09 They are extremely important in the operation
39:12 of the universe.
39:13 And so Ellen White says, quoting the centurion...
39:28 Do you know who performed the miracles of Christ?
39:31 Let's read this statement from, Desire of Ages, page 143.
39:38 This is an unbelievable statement.
39:40 Well I shouldn't say unbelievable,
39:42 because I believe it.
39:43 But unbelievable in the sense that we're not
39:45 accustomed to think this way.
39:47 "The angels of God..."
39:57 And by the way, in Spirit of Prophecy, volume 2, page 67-68,
40:00 Ellen White adds, "All the miracles of Christ..."
40:22 How do we receive every blessing from God?
40:25 By the heavenly messengers.
40:27 Now let me read you two statements about blessings;
40:30 who blesses us.
40:31 Notice, In Heavenly Places, page 113.
40:34 It says, "There is one blessings that..."
40:46 But we just read in the previous statement
40:50 that every blessing comes to us through the heavenly messengers.
40:54 Are you with me or not?
40:55 Notice the devotional book, Our High Calling, page 129.
41:09 They impart grace and power, folks.
41:12 Of course, it's not their own grace and power.
41:14 It's the grace and power of the Holy Spirit.
41:17 They are merely the conductors of the power of the Holy Spirit.
41:22 She continues saying...
41:36 Now, what connection is there between the cross and Pentecost?
41:40 Are we doing well so far?
41:42 Between the cross and Pentecost.
41:44 In the Old Testament, folks, the Holy Spirit
41:46 is very seldom mentioned.
41:49 He is mentioned, but very seldom.
41:51 And the reason is very simple.
41:53 Everything in the Old Testament was done by Jesus Christ.
41:57 He was the Angel of the Lord.
42:00 He was Michael, the Archangel.
42:01 He was in charge of the pilgrimage of the children
42:05 of Israel from Egypt to Canaan.
42:06 He was in the pillar of cloud, He was in the pillar of fire.
42:10 He was the one that accomplished the work.
42:14 And Ellen White says that every time that God tried to intervene
42:17 on this earth in the Old Testament, Satan cried, "Foul!
42:22 You're intruding on my territory.
42:25 I'm the king here and this is my territory.
42:28 What gives You the right to come in and to
42:30 interfere in my territory?"
42:31 He always complained.
42:32 Like when God came down to resurrect Moses,
42:34 Jesus came to resurrect Moses.
42:36 Oh, he railed against God saying, "He's mine.
42:39 He's in my realm. I'm the king here.
42:41 How dare You come and take what is mine."
42:46 But Satan was defeated at the cross.
42:49 And Jesus legally recovered this world.
42:52 He is now the King and this is His territory.
42:56 And we need to understand that because at the cross
42:59 Jesus won the throne and He won the territory.
43:02 And therefore, this is His now.
43:05 And so Jesus says, "Hey, if I want to unleash all of My angels
43:09 upon My planet, I can do it.
43:11 Because this is legally Mine.
43:13 Because you beat Adam, but I beat you.
43:16 And so as he became your servant, you're My servant now."
43:22 In other words, the cross was D-day.
43:26 It was the decisive battle in the great controversy.
43:29 Ellen White expressed it in,
43:31 Desire of Ages, 758, by saying that...
43:36 But let me ask you, is Satan going to simply lie down
43:41 and say, "Okay, I give up."
43:44 No. No.
43:46 Satan is not going to give up this territory without a fight.
43:50 He's not just going to give up and surrender.
43:52 He's going to hang on to every inch that he can
43:56 of the territory that is legally Christ's.
44:00 And so Jesus now says, "Okay, this is My planet.
44:04 And I am the King of this planet.
44:06 So now I am going to unleash all of My troops
44:11 to help My earthly troops go and conquer the territory
44:15 which belongs to Me which you do not want to give up."
44:19 Are you following me?
44:21 Notice this statement from, Desire of Ages, page 352.
44:25 Ellen White is talking about the apostles.
44:28 She says...
44:53 And who are the soldiers?
44:55 The soldiers are the heavenly angels.
44:57 And who are the earthly soldiers?
44:59 We are, you see.
45:01 You know what our role is?
45:02 It's simply to tell the world that they're with the loser.
45:07 And if you stay with the loser, you're lost.
45:10 So we have to tell them, "You desert that army
45:12 and you come over to the army of the winner."
45:15 That's what our evangelistic task is all about,
45:18 is to call people to forsake the army of the loser
45:23 and to come over to the army of the winner.
45:26 Now did you notice here that Ellen White says,
45:28 "The Holy Spirit, the representative of the Captain
45:31 of the Lord's host."
45:32 How many people are involved in that statement?
45:35 The Holy Spirit, the representative of the Captain
45:38 of the Lord's host."
45:40 How many? Three.
45:43 There's three there, three persons.
45:45 One, the Holy Spirit.
45:48 Number two, the Captain.
45:49 Because the Holy Spirit is the representative of the Captain.
45:52 And the host is the Lord's.
45:55 So since Jesus assumed humanity, the representative of the
45:59 Captain is now the Holy Spirit.
46:02 Because Jesus is in heaven encumbered by a human body.
46:05 And so the Holy Spirit now performs through the angels
46:08 the work that Jesus use to perform in the Old Testament
46:11 through the hosts.
46:13 And so what is our task?
46:15 Our task, folks, is to go out and tell the world
46:18 that Jesus has legally won the throne of this world,
46:21 and that this world belongs to Him.
46:24 And that they're suppose to come over to the side of the winner.
46:27 And God has promised to unleash all of the angels of heaven.
46:31 That's what He did on the day of Pentecost.
46:33 The Holy Spirit unleashed upon this earth
46:36 all of the angelic hosts, the earth that Jesus had won,
46:39 to help the apostles in the preaching of the gospel.
46:43 It's interesting to notice that in Acts 8:26 and also verse 29,
46:49 I want you to notice how the Spirit speaking
46:51 and the angels speaking are used interchangeably.
46:54 You remember Philip when he went to speak
46:57 with the Ethiopian eunuch?
46:59 Now listen to what it says in Acts 8:26.
47:15 And then a little bit later in the story, it says...
47:22 So who's speaking, is it the angel or is it the Holy Spirit?
47:25 It's the Holy Spirit through what?
47:28 The Holy Spirit through the angel.
47:31 In other words, the Holy Spirit accomplishes His work
47:34 through the ministry of the angels.
47:36 The Holy Spirit is in the command and control center
47:39 of the universe, if you please.
47:41 And the Holy Spirit coordinates the angelic hosts.
47:44 He says to this one, "Go there."
47:45 He says to the other one, "Go there."
47:47 "This individual is struggling with sin.
47:48 Go help him."
47:50 "This individual is preaching the gospel.
47:52 Go and influence the people that are listening."
47:54 In other words, the Holy Spirit, through the angels,
47:56 accomplishes the work of impacting human hearts.
48:02 Now let me ask you, why aren't we seeing the tremendous
48:05 convicting power that was seen after the day of Pentecost?
48:08 It's very simple.
48:11 The Holy Spirit needs earthly soldiers who will
48:15 cooperate with Him.
48:18 You see, the disciples went through basic training.
48:21 And they learned to take orders from their Commander
48:26 and to render Him unquestioning obedience.
48:30 In other words, they were prepared to receive the help
48:33 of the Holy Spirit through the ministry of the angels
48:36 because they had made a total commitment
48:38 to their Commander.
48:40 The reason why today we don't see the same power
48:43 is because we do not commit ourselves without reservation
48:48 to the Lord the way that the apostles and those who
48:52 preach the gospel at first did.
48:54 And so the angels are waiting to work through us,
48:57 but they can't work through us because we are always
49:00 interested in fulfilling our own agendas.
49:05 I want to read from this devotional book,
49:09 A Call To Stand Apart, page 66.
49:13 This is a well known statement.
49:14 It's speaking about the youth in the church.
49:17 And it has something very important to say about
49:19 the ministry of angels through the power of the Holy Spirit.
49:23 This is what Ellen White had to say about our youth.
49:38 What are we?
49:40 We're God's helping hand.
49:41 And how does God help us?
49:43 Through the ministry of the angels.
49:45 Then she says...
49:47 Now she's going to explain.
50:06 That is the angels.
50:19 See, there's boot camp, right?
50:21 And learning to accept the commands of your Commander.
50:25 So she says once again...
50:31 "...rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message
50:34 of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour
50:37 might be carried to the whole world..."
51:01 How soon it would happen if an army of youth
51:04 rightly trained and lending themselves to the power of God,
51:09 through the ministry of the angels, were willing
51:11 to accomplish the work of God.
51:15 Now do we believe that there's going to be a final
51:17 outpouring of the Holy Spirit on this world?
51:19 A final outpouring of the Holy Spirit in latter rain power?
51:23 We most certainly do.
51:24 And you say, "Well what must the outpouring
51:26 of the latter rain be?"
51:27 Well, if the outpouring of the early rain by the Holy Spirit
51:31 means that the Holy Spirit, through the angels,
51:33 helped the disciples in accomplishing their work,
51:36 is it just possible that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
51:39 at the end is going to have something to do with
51:41 God unleashing all of the angelic host upon the
51:44 earth again because we have lent ourselves
51:47 as God's earthly army to be used by the heavenly agencies?
51:50 Absolutely.
51:52 Let me read you some statements from the spirit of prophecy.
51:54 The book, Maranatha, page 212, Ellen White explains...
51:59 Listen carefully.
52:14 So what is the outpouring of the Spirit of God?
52:17 Angels will be in our midst.
52:19 It doesn't mean that the angels have the power in themselves.
52:22 They are the emissaries of the Holy Spirit.
52:26 They are the foot soldiers of the Holy Spirit.
52:29 The Holy Spirit is in the command and control center.
52:31 Everything is under His control.
52:33 We're not giving glory to the angels.
52:35 The angels lend themselves as instruments in the hands
52:38 of the Holy Spirit, and we are to lend ourselves
52:41 as instruments in the hands of the angels.
52:44 But the chain of command is broken when it gets to us.
52:48 You know, sometimes I think of Isaiah, you know,
52:50 the vision that Isaiah had.
52:52 You know, after he saw the holiness of God he said,
52:54 "I am undone, for I am a sinful man and I live in the midst
52:57 of a people that are sinful.
52:59 My eyes have seen the glory of the Lord,
53:01 the holiness of the Lord."
53:03 And then he hears a conversation in heaven
53:06 where a question is asked, "Who will go and tell Israel
53:10 about this vision that Isaiah has seen?"
53:14 And what did Isaiah say?
53:15 Isaiah said, "Here am I; send him."
53:19 That's not what Isaiah said.
53:20 He says, "Well who better than me?
53:22 Here am I; send me."
53:24 And he was sent.
53:26 And he was helped.
53:28 And as a result, he was put in a hollow log
53:31 and it was sawn in half.
53:32 And he died as a martyr.
53:34 And some day we are going to see him again, praise the Lord.
53:38 Now in, Review and Herald, January 20, 1891,
53:41 we have another statement about how the work is
53:44 going to be accomplished under the power of the latter rain.
53:53 Now how did this happen?
53:54 Let's continue reading.
54:44 I'd like to mention one final thing before we close.
54:47 Do you remember the individual who had a son
54:51 that was on his dying bed in Capernaum?
54:54 He was in Cana of Galilee,
54:56 this is in John chapter 4, and he had a son that
54:58 was in Capernaum and he was dying.
55:00 So he says to Jesus, "Would you please heal my son?"
55:04 And Jesus says, "Oh this generation.
55:07 Unless they see signs, they won't believe."
55:10 But Jesus pronounced the word, He says, "Don't worry.
55:13 He's well."
55:14 And this man believed Jesus.
55:16 And we know that he believed Jesus
55:18 because he didn't go right home.
55:20 He could have gone home that same day
55:21 and arrived before dark.
55:23 But he decided to hang around.
55:25 And the next day, you know, he began his trip.
55:28 And Ellen White says he enjoyed the songs
55:30 of the birds and the sunshine.
55:31 He was having a great time because he knew that
55:33 his son had been healed.
55:35 And so when he got back home, he asked,
55:37 "At what time was my son healed?"
55:39 They said, at such and such a time.
55:41 And he said, "That's exactly the time Jesus said the word."
55:45 Now I want to read you two statements from
55:46 the spirit of prophecy and how this happened.
55:48 Very interesting.
55:49 The first is in, Spirit of Prophecy, volume 2, page 155.
56:08 I like that expression.
56:10 " a flash of divine telegraphy..."
56:13 In other words, Jesus sent the message by telegraph
56:17 to the angel who was over there waiting.
56:19 And then another statement is found in,
56:21 The Youth's Instructor, December 4, 1902.
56:44 Angels, in the Bible, are compared to lightening.
56:48 And so, folks, the Holy Spirit is waiting for us.
56:54 The Holy Spirit is waiting to unleash all of the angelic host
56:57 upon this world to finish God's work.
57:00 And the big question is, will we lend ourselves
57:03 as willing instruments in God's hand?
57:07 The decision is ours.


Revised 2016-07-12