Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr
Series Code: SOD
Program Code: SOD000009
00:01 If a man dies shall he live again?
00:07 What does it mean to be absent 00:09 from the body and present with the Lord? 00:13 Did Jesus go with a thief to paradise on Good Friday? 00:19 Did the souls of dead people 00:21 really cry out from below the altar? 00:25 Pastor Bohr answers these questions 00:27 and more in the amazing series. 00:35 Shall we bow our heads for prayer? 00:37 Our Father and our God, we thank You once again 00:40 for the privilege of being in Your presence. 00:42 And as we study today about "The Dead Who Stand Before God" 00:48 we ask that You will give us divine wisdom 00:50 that we might be able to understand in what sense 00:54 the dead do stand before God. 00:57 There is much misunderstanding in the Christian world 00:59 today about many of these verses. 01:01 Now I ask Lord, that as people watch 01:05 this presentation, that You will remove 01:07 every preconceived idea and notion 01:09 from their minds and hearts that they might 01:11 see the truth as it is in Jesus. 01:13 And I thank you Father, for hearing our prayer 01:16 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus, amen. 01:21 As I mentioned in my prayer we are going to study 01:25 today about "The Dead Who Stand Before God." 01:30 This is a verse that we find in Revelation 20:12, 01:37 but we're not gonna go there first 01:39 we are going to go first of all to several other concepts 01:43 that will set the stage for us to understand 01:46 that particular verse. 01:48 The first thing that I want us to notice 01:50 is a few things about the pre-advent judgment. 01:54 You see, the Bible teaches that if there's gonna be a judgment 01:57 before the second coming of Jesus and it is the righteous 02:01 who are going to be judged before Jesus comes. 02:05 Now let's turn in our Bibles to Revelation 14: 6, 7. 02:11 Revelation 14:6, 7. What I want you to notice 02:16 here is that the judgment begins 02:19 before the second coming of Jesus. 02:21 That's the point that I want us to notice 02:23 from this passage in Revelation 14:6, 7. 02:28 It says there, "Then I saw another angel flying 02:32 in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel 02:36 to preach to those who dwell on the earth to every nation, 02:39 tribe, tongue, and people. 02:42 Saying with a loud voice, 'Fear God and give glory to Him, 02:48 for the hour of His judgment will come."' 02:54 Oh, thank you very much. 02:56 I was hoping that some of you would protest 02:59 because there is no Bible that I know off that says, 03:02 "For the hour of His judgment will come." 03:06 It says, "For the hour of His judgment has come 03:11 and worship Him who made heaven and earth, 03:13 the sea and the springs of water." 03:15 Obviously this is speaking about a judgment 03:18 that takes place before the second coming of Jesus. 03:21 And you say how do we know that? 03:22 Because, in Revelation 14 after this message we have two more. 03:27 We have the Second Angel's Message, 03:29 calling God's people out of Babylon. 03:31 And we have a Third Angel's Message, 03:33 warning people about the mark of the beast 03:35 and warning about worshipping the image of the beast. 03:39 So you'll notice here it says the judgment 03:41 has come but after the announcement 03:44 that their judgment has come, 03:45 you still have the second message 03:47 and the third message and then you have 03:50 the second coming of Jesus Christ. 03:52 So the hour of God's judgment begins 03:55 before the second coming of Jesus 03:59 when the first angel proclaims his message. 04:02 Now the question is, where does that judgment take place? 04:06 Go with me Daniel 7:9, 10. Daniel 7:9, 10. 04:13 And the point that I want us to notice 04:15 from this particular passage is that the judgment 04:18 takes place in heaven. 04:21 It says there in Daniel 7: 9, 10, 04:24 "I watched till thrones were put in place, 04:28 and the Ancient of Days was seated," 04:31 that's called the father. 04:33 "His garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head 04:37 was like pure wool. 04:40 His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire. 04:44 A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him. 04:48 A thousand thousands ministered to Him, 04:51 Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him. 04:55 The court was seated, and the books were opened." 04:59 Question where is this judgment taking place? 05:03 Very clearly in heaven, where the Ancient of Days 05:07 is found that's where God the Father is. 05:10 And we are told here that "A thousand thousands 05:12 ministered to Him and Ten thousand times 05:15 ten thousand stood before Him." 05:17 Those are the angels. 05:19 In other words in heaven is where that court is seated 05:23 and the books are opened. 05:27 So we've noticed two things so far about the judgment. 05:30 Number one, the judgment begins 05:33 before the second coming of Jesus. 05:35 Number two, that judgment 05:38 takes places in heaven not in earth. 05:41 Now let's notice one other point 05:44 which is very, very important. 05:46 2 Corinthians 5:10. 2 Corinthians 5:10. 05:53 This is a very well known verse probably 05:56 you read it many, many times and the point 05:59 that I want us to get from this verse 06:01 is that all of us without exception 06:04 will have to appear before the judgment 06:06 seat of Christ to render an account 06:09 for what we did during our life. 06:12 Notice 2 Corinthians 5:10, "For we must all appear 06:18 before the judgment seat of Christ." 06:21 How many must appear in the judgment? 06:23 All. Notice, "That each one may receive 06:28 the things done in the body, 06:31 according to what he has done, whether good or bad." 06:36 So what is determined when people appear 06:38 before the judgment seat of Christ? 06:39 What is determined is the reward 06:42 they are going to receive depending 06:44 on what they did while they lived in the body. 06:47 We've already knows that, that means, 06:48 while they lived on this earth 06:50 with this model corruptible body that we have. 06:55 Now I would like to notice along with you John 5:28, 29. 07:02 We're gonna answer very important question here. 07:04 Where do the dead go until the moment of the resurrection? 07:11 Go with me to John 5:28, 29 and the point 07:14 that I want you to get from this particular passage John 5:28, 29 07:19 is that when a person dies they go to the grave 07:23 until Jesus comes to call them forth from the grave. 07:26 Notice, John 5:28, 29. 07:30 Here Jesus is speaking, "Do not marvel at this, 07:34 for the hour is coming in which all who are in their graves 07:40 will hear His voice and come forth-- those who have 07:44 done good, to the resurrection of life, 07:46 and those who have done evil, 07:48 to the resurrection of condemnation." 07:52 Now the question is when will people receive their reward? 07:55 Do they receive their reward when they die, 07:59 supposedly and go to heaven or when they die and supposedly 08:03 and go to hell or do people receive 08:05 their rewards when Jesus comes. 08:08 The Bible is very, very clear that people 08:10 receive their rewards when Jesus comes. 08:13 Notice Matthew 16:27. 08:16 Matthew 16:27 tells us very clearly 08:20 when people will receive their reward. 08:24 Here Jesus is speaking once again and He says, 08:27 "For the Son of Man will come in the glory 08:30 of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward 08:36 each according to his works." 08:39 When will people receive their rewards? 08:42 It's at the moment when Jesus comes with His angels, 08:46 it is not at the moment when people die. 08:48 People don't go to heaven, 08:50 they don't go to hell when they die. 08:52 They will be rewarded when Jesus comes. 08:55 Now, let's review what we've studied so far. 08:58 Number one, the judgment of the righteous 09:02 particularly begins before the second coming of Jesus. 09:06 Point number two, that judgment takes place where? 09:11 The judgment takes place in heaven. 09:13 Number three, how many must appear? 09:16 Every one must appear before the judgment seat of Christ. 09:21 Point number four, where are people 09:24 until the moment when they receive their reward? 09:26 They are in the grave. 09:29 And when is it that they will receive the reward? 09:32 When Jesus comes with all of His Holy Angels. 09:36 Now immediately we ask this question 09:39 which is very important. 09:41 If those who are in their graves receive 09:46 their reward when Jesus comes 09:50 must they have been judged before to determine 09:55 what their reward was going to be? 09:58 Absolutely, yes. 09:59 Now the question is how did they appear 10:03 before the judgment seat of Christ, 10:05 before Jesus came if they were dead? 10:09 Are you understanding my question? 10:12 The Bible says that "We must all appear 10:14 before the judgment seat of Christ." 10:16 That judgment takes place before the second coming in heaven. 10:20 How can a person who died in Christ appear 10:23 before the judgment seat of Christ in heaven 10:26 before Jesus comes to reward them? 10:28 Are you understanding my question? 10:30 The answer is simple. 10:33 The righteous who died in Jesus do not appear 10:37 before the judgment seat of Christ in person alive 10:42 but they appear before the judgment seat of Christ 10:45 through the records that were kept of their lives. 10:49 In other words they stand before 10:51 the throne of Jesus Christ not in person 10:54 because they're in their graves. 10:56 They stand before the judgment seat of Christ 10:58 through the records that were kept 11:01 while they were living in the body. 11:03 Now that doesn't mean that we're not going 11:05 to have a body when Jesus comes. 11:07 In the body means, in this present earthly, 11:10 corruptible, model existence. 11:13 Are you understanding what I am saying? 11:14 Now allow me to read you a couple of interesting 11:17 statements from the book, "The Great Controversy" 11:20 written by Ellen White where she explains, 11:22 how the righteous will appear 11:24 before the judgment seat of Christ if they're dead, 11:27 if they're in their graves, 11:28 if they're not rewarded till Jesus comes. 11:30 Notice, Great Controversy, page 483 she says this, 11:36 "As the books of record are opened in the judgment." 11:40 What's opened in the Judgment? 11:41 The books of record. "The lives," notice this, 11:45 "The lives of all who have believed on Jesus 11:49 come in review before God. 11:52 Beginning with those who first lived upon the earth, 11:56 our Advocate presents the cases of each successive generation 12:02 and closes with the living." 12:05 What is it that is examined in the judgment? 12:08 She says, "As the books of record 12:12 are opened in the judgment, the lives of all who have 12:16 believed on Jesus come in review before God." 12:18 How are people then standing 12:20 before the judgment seat of Christ? 12:22 They are not standing there personally, 12:24 they are standing there through their records. 12:27 Are you following what I am saying? 12:29 This is extremely important for what we're gonna 12:31 study in Revelation 20:12. 12:33 Notice the second statement is in Great Controversy, 12:37 page 482, the page immediately 12:40 before where I read from. 12:42 "The righteous dead will not be raised 12:46 until after the judgment." 12:48 Is that point clear from what we've studied? 12:50 "The righteous dead will not be raised until after the judgment 12:55 at which they are accounted worthy 13:00 of 'the resurrection of life.'" 13:01 What is that, that determines 13:02 that the righteous dead are worthy 13:04 of the resurrection of life? 13:06 It's the fact that their life is examined before hand 13:09 and the reward is made at out to be given to them 13:13 when they're resurrected. 13:14 Then she says this and I'll begin 13:16 with the beginning of the statement again. 13:18 "The righteous dead will not be raised 13:20 until after the judgment at which they are accounted 13:23 worthy of "the resurrection of life.'" 13:25 Hence here comes the key portion. 13:27 "Hence they will not be present in person at the tribunal 13:33 when their records are examined and their cases decided." 13:39 In other words, they are not going 13:41 to be there in person, they appear 13:43 before the judgment seat of Christ 13:45 through the records of their lives. 13:49 Raise your hands if you understanding 13:50 what I am saying. 13:51 Very, very well, a hundred percent. 13:54 Now let's go to Revelation 6:15-17. 13:59 Revelation 6:15-17. By the way we've already 14:05 spoken about the judgment of the righteous 14:07 they're in their graves, they are judged worthy 14:10 of life before Jesus comes, when Jesus comes 14:13 He gives them their reward at the second coming. 14:16 But now we're gonna talk about the wicked. 14:17 What happens with the wicked? 14:19 Notice Revelation 6:15-17. 6:15-17. 14:26 Then the sky and their key words 14:28 that I am going to underline here, 14:30 that I want you to remember. 14:31 "The sky or heaven receded as a scroll 14:36 when it is rolled up, and every mountain 14:39 and island was moved out of its place." 14:44 This is speaking about the second coming of Jesus. 14:46 What happened with the sky? 14:47 The sky receded as a scroll, 14:49 in other words the sky disappeared. 14:50 And it says every island and every mountain were what? 14:55 Moved out of their places, in other words 14:57 they weren't found any more. 14:59 Notice, verse 15, "And the kings of the earth, 15:02 the great men, the rich men, the commanders, 15:05 the mighty men, every slave and every free man, 15:08 hid themselves in the caves 15:11 and in the rocks of the mountains 15:13 and said to the mountains and rocks, 15:15 'Fall on us and hide us from the,'" 15:19 I want you to remember this word, 15:20 "from the face of Him who sits on the throne." 15:24 Remember the word throne. 15:25 "And from the wrath of the Lamb, 15:27 For the great day of His wrath has come, 15:29 and who is able to stand?" 15:31 Question, what great event is being described in these verses? 15:34 There's no doubt whatsoever that is describing 15:37 the second coming of Jesus. 15:38 What happens at the second coming of Jesus? 15:41 The sky recedes as a scroll. 15:44 In other words, the sky is rolled up and disappears. 15:46 Every mountain and every island are moved out of their places, 15:51 which means that they are no longer, what? Found. 15:54 And then the wicked cry hide us from the, what? 15:58 From the face of the one who is seated on the throne. 16:03 Now Revelation 20:11 picks up on this 16:08 scene of Revelation Chapter 6. 16:10 Go with me to Revelation 20:11. Revelation 20:11. 16:16 This verse is describing 16:18 the same thing as Revelation 6:15-17. 16:22 This verse is describing in other words 16:24 the second coming of Jesus Christ. 16:25 Notice Revelation 20:11, 16:29 "Then I saw a great white throne," 16:32 was there a throne in the passage that we just read? 16:35 Absolutely. "I saw a great white throne 16:38 and Him who sat on it, from whose?" 16:42 Do we find the word face in the other passage? Yes. 16:45 "From whose face," what happened? 16:47 "Earth and heaven," what? "Fled away." 16:51 Did we notice that in Revelation 6, sure. 16:53 And now notice, "And there was found," no what? 16:56 "No place for them." 16:58 The very same word that's used in Revelation Chapter 6. 17:01 So what is being described in Revelation 20:11? 17:05 What's being described 17:06 is the same thing as in Revelation 6:15-17. 17:10 It is the second coming of Jesus in power and glory. 17:15 Let me ask you at this time who receives their rewards? 17:20 The righteous. Do the wicked received 17:22 their rewards here at this moment? No. 17:24 The righteous receive their rewards. 17:26 Jesus says that He is going to give His reward 17:28 when He comes with His angels for his people. 17:31 But the question is what about the wicked 17:34 when Jesus comes? Notice, Revelation 20:12, 17:38 here is our key verse that we're studying in our topic today. 17:41 Revelation 20:12 what has just taken place? 17:46 Let me ask you what has just taken place 17:48 according to what we just noticed? 17:49 The second coming of Jesus, right. 17:52 Now I want you to notice in verse 12, 17:55 the very next verse something very interesting. 17:57 It says, "And I saw the dead." 18:04 Which dead? Which dead do you think these are. 18:09 the righteous dead? No. 18:11 Let's continue reading. 18:12 "And I saw the dead, small and great, 18:16 standing before God." 18:17 You say, now wait a minute. 18:19 How can dead people stand before God? 18:21 He saw the dead, standing before God. 18:23 Is this after the second coming in the previous verse? 18:26 Absolutely. And now notice, "And books were opened. 18:32 And another book was opened." 18:34 Notice books and book, "another book was opened," 18:37 which is the Book of Life. 18:39 And now notice, "And the dead," 18:41 by the way were these people dead? 18:44 Yeah, it says I saw the dead standing before God 18:47 and it says, "The dead," were what? 18:50 "Were judged according to their works, 18:52 by the things which were written in the," what? 18:55 "In the books." Now two questions beg to be asked. 18:58 Number one, how can dead people stand before God? 19:03 Before God's judgment bar. 19:05 Question number two, who are these dead 19:10 that are spoken of in Revelation 20:12? 19:13 The answers to these two questions will clarify 19:16 what it means when the Bible 19:19 says that the dead stand before God. 19:23 Well, allow me to tell you first of all that the dead 19:25 who stand before God after the second coming 19:28 are not the righteous dead, because the righteous dead 19:30 were judged before Jesus came. 19:32 So this must be what's dead? 19:34 It must be the wicked dead. 19:37 Now go with me to Revelation 20:5 19:40 and I am only gonna read a portion of Revelation 20:5. 19:44 And the reason I am only gonna read a portion 19:46 is because this is a parenthetical statement 19:48 like if you go to the NIV, you'll notice 19:51 that what I am gonna read is placed in parenthesis. 19:53 In other words, it breaks 19:54 the flow of thought in Revelation Chapter 20. 19:57 And so I am only going to read this particular portion 20:01 because it has a very important meaning for us to understand 20:05 what the Bible means when it says that 20:07 the dead stand before God. 20:09 Notice Revelation 20:5, "But the rest of the dead 20:15 did not live again until the thousand years 20:20 were," what? "Finished." 20:23 Who are the rest of the dead here? 20:25 They have to be the wicked, because the previous verse 20:29 says blessed are those who 20:30 resurrect in the first resurrection. 20:33 They will live, they will reign with Jesus a thousand years. 20:38 So, if they're gonna reign with Jesus a thousand years, 20:41 and they lived again at the beginning 20:43 of the thousand years it must mean that they're resurrected 20:46 at the second coming of Jesus. 20:48 So who are the rest of the dead that did not live again until 20:52 the thousand years were finished? 20:53 It must be the what? 20:55 It must be the wicked dead. 20:58 Now what are these wicked dead 21:00 doing according to the text that we're studying? 21:02 The dead it says were standing before whom? 21:06 Before God. Now what does that mean 21:09 that the dead were standing before God? 21:12 Listen folks, it means the same thing 21:14 as the righteous dead standing before God. 21:17 How did the righteous dead stand before God? 21:20 The record of their lives were examined. 21:23 You see God has in heaven an exact transcript, 21:26 an exact copy of every single person on planet earth. 21:30 Every word, every action, every thought, every feeling, 21:34 every motion, every decision, God has an exact transcript 21:39 in heaven of the life of the person. 21:41 That's why when we appear before the great judgment 21:44 seat of Christ the Bible says that what is going 21:47 to be examined is what we did in the body 21:50 whether it was good or whether it was what? 21:53 Or whether, it was evil. 21:54 So before the second coming, the righteous dead appear 21:58 before the throne of God, they are dead 22:00 but they are appearing through their what? 22:02 Through their records. 22:03 So the question is how do the wicked dead appear 22:07 before God during the thousand years? 22:09 If they don't live again until the thousand years 22:11 are finished that must mean that they must appear 22:13 before the judgment seat of Christ 22:15 being already what? Dead. 22:18 But do they appear there in person? 22:20 Do dead people appear before the throne of God in person? 22:23 Absolutely not. They appear through their records. 22:28 Are you with me? In fact the text says so. 22:32 It says, and the dead were judged according to their works 22:37 by the things which were written in the books. 22:40 What is examined? What is written in the books, 22:43 it's not the dead who are there, 22:44 it's the record of the life of the dead. 22:47 Are you clear on this point? 22:49 Now let's go to Revelation Chapter 20 22:52 and I'll show you that those who resurrected 22:55 when Jesus came are actually going 22:56 to participate in that judgment. 22:59 They are going to examine the lives of the wicked 23:02 and the lives of the devil and his angels 23:04 and they're going to meet out the punishment. 23:07 You say, where is the Bible teach this? 23:08 Notice Revelation 20:4. Revelation 20:4. 23:14 It says, "And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, 23:21 and judgment was committed to them." 23:24 Now who was the them, referred to here? 23:26 Well, continue saying, "Then I saw the souls 23:29 of those who had been beheaded," 23:30 we're gonna talk about the souls under the altar 23:33 in our next topic tomorrow. 23:34 So we won't get into this now. 23:36 "Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded 23:38 for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, 23:40 who had not worshiped the beast or his image, 23:43 and had not received his mark 23:44 on their foreheads or on their hands." 23:46 And they what? "They lived," 23:49 which means that they were what? 23:50 Dead, of course if they were beheaded 23:52 they were dead, right? 23:53 And so it says, "And they lived and reigned 23:58 with Christ for a thousand years." 24:00 Who are those, the righteous or the wicked? 24:02 The Righteous. What are they gonna 24:04 do for a thousand years? 24:05 They are going to reign with Jesus. 24:06 What else are they going to do? 24:07 It says, "Judgment was committed to them." 24:10 They are going to judge. 24:11 The question is who are they're gonna judge? 24:14 Think they are gonna judge the righteous? 24:16 No, because the judgment of the righteous 24:18 took place before Jesus came 24:20 and they are already in heaven, 24:21 they don't need any judgment. 24:22 So who are they going to judge? 24:24 It must be the world and Satan and his angels. 24:29 You say does the Bible teach such a thing? 24:31 Yes, it does. 1 Corinthians 6:1-3. 24:34 1 Corinthians 6:1-3. Here the Apostle Paul 24:40 is speaking about members who sue members. 24:43 He says, you're not supposed to take your dirty laundry 24:45 before the courts of the world. 24:47 It's better for you to suffer last than 24:49 to give the church a bad name. 24:51 So it says in 1Corinthians 6:1, "Dare any of you, 24:55 having a matter against another, 24:57 go to the law" before the righteous, 25:01 "before the unrighteous and not before the saints? 25:07 Do you not know that the saints will judge," the what? 25:12 "That the saints will judge the world." 25:13 By the way the word world there means the wicked. 25:17 Jesus said love not the world, know those who are in the world. 25:22 Whoever loves the world is an enemy of God. 25:25 "So do you not know that the saints 25:28 will judge the world?" 25:29 That means the wicked. 25:30 And if the world will be judged by you, 25:33 are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?" 25:36 In other words if you can't resolve your little issues 25:38 here on earth, what makes you think 25:40 that you're gonna be able to judge the world? 25:42 And then notice verse 3, the Apostle Paul says, 25:45 "Do you not know that we shall judge," what? 25:49 "Angels." I suppose that must be the good angels. 25:53 It can't be the good angels. 25:54 Why would the good angels need a judgment? 25:56 They're in the presence of God. 25:58 They don't need to be judged. 25:59 So who must these angels be? 26:01 They must be the devil and his angels. 26:03 "Do you not know that we shall judge angels? 26:07 How much more, things that pertain to this life?" 26:11 So the question is how do the wicked dead stand 26:16 before the throne of God 26:17 while the righteous are alive in heaven? 26:19 You see, the Bible says if the righteous 26:21 are alive in heaven, they lived reigned 26:23 with Jesus a thousand years and they're judged. 26:26 The wicked were told that they did not live again 26:28 until the thousand years were finished. 26:30 In between the dead appear what? 26:33 They appear before God. How? 26:36 Not in person because they're what? 26:38 Because they're dead. 26:39 They appear through their records. 26:43 Once again Revelation 20:12 makes this absolutely clear. 26:48 It says, "And I saw the dead, small and great, 26:51 standing before God, and books were opened. 26:54 And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. 26:57 And the dead were judged according to their works, 27:01 by the things which were written in the books." 27:03 What is examined is the record in the books, 27:07 that's how the wicked stand before God. 27:11 Now we need to go to another very important point. 27:16 I want to share with you an expanded 27:19 meaning of the word spirit. 27:22 You remember that we studied previously in a lecture 27:24 that the spirit represents the breath of life 27:29 or the vitalizing force that God gives us 27:32 so that the body can function. 27:34 But what I want to say is the spirit 27:36 is that but the spirit is more. 27:38 You say, what do you mean the spirit is more? 27:41 Once a person is given the breath of life 27:44 that person begins writing his or her personal history. 27:50 Say an individual like Adam lived to be 930 years old. 27:55 He wrote his history during those 930 years. 28:00 Let me ask you when Jesus resurrects Adam, 28:03 is He only going to return to Adam the breath of life 28:07 or is He going to return to Adam 28:09 the person that Adam was when he died? 28:13 You see He is not gonna only return the breath of life, 28:16 the bare breath of life, the energizing force. 28:19 He has to return with the energizing force, 28:22 the character or the self identity 28:27 or the individuality that Adam developed 28:31 during those 930 years of life. 28:34 Are you understanding what I am saying? 28:36 In other words, the spirit when a person dies, 28:40 the Bible says that it returns to God, 28:42 the spirit means the breath of life. 28:45 Yes, the energizing force plus the record of the person's life 28:50 will be returned to the person when the person resurrects. 28:54 That is the spirit. Now don't misunderstand, 28:58 the spirit is not some invisible, 29:00 some conscious entity that leaves the body 29:03 at the moment of death. No. 29:04 What God does is He saves the record of that person's life 29:09 because when He resurrects that person He's going to give 29:12 that person the breath of life plus the record of his life, 29:17 that makes for example Adam, Adam. 29:19 What would happen if God returned the breath of life 29:22 to Adam and He gave him the-- the personality of Jane Johnson? 29:26 That wouldn't fit very well, would it? 29:28 That would be totally, totally out of character. 29:30 And so--and so what God does, what He's gonna do is He's going 29:35 to return to the person who resurrects the breath of life 29:40 and the record of their life's 29:43 which is contained in the heavenly records. 29:47 Notice Ecclesiastes 12:7 on this point. 29:51 Ecclesiastes 12:7. Speaking about the process 29:55 of death it says, "Then the dust will return 29:59 to the earth as it was, and the spirit 30:03 will return to God who gave it." 30:05 Do you know what God saves in heaven 30:07 when a person dies? 30:08 God doesn't go around saving their breath, 30:11 I think I will save his breath, I think I will save her breath 30:13 now because God can give the energizing force. 30:16 The energizing force is the same for everybody 30:19 but the written record of the life of each person 30:23 is different for each person. 30:25 And so when God returns the breath of life, 30:27 He returns the self-identity along with 30:29 the breath to that person. 30:30 So what is that God is saving in heaven 30:33 when a person dies? 30:34 What God saves is the record of that person's life. 30:37 In other words, He saves 30:39 that persons character if you please. 30:42 Notice 2 Corinthians 5:10, we already read this verse, 30:46 let's read it again. 30:48 It says there, "For we must all appear 30:50 before the judgment seat of Christ 30:52 that each one may receive the things done in the body, 30:55 according to what he has done, whether good or whether evil." 30:59 In other words during the judgment what God 31:01 does is He examines the record of our life 31:05 which is the preservation of the spirit if you please. 31:10 The preservation of the record of our life 31:13 what we were like when we lived. 31:15 Now you know the Bible speaks about books and the Bible 31:20 also speaks about a book. 31:22 Did you notice that in Revelation 20:12? 31:24 Now what is it that the book contains? Singular. 31:28 Go with me to Philippians 4:3. 31:32 Philippians 4:3. Here the Apostle Paul 31:37 is speaking about several of his fellow laborers. 31:40 And he says this, "And I urge you also, 31:44 true companion, help these women who labored 31:48 with me in the gospel, with Clement also, 31:52 and the rest of my fellow workers, 31:54 whose names are in the Book of Life." 31:57 What is that the Book of Life contains? 31:59 The Book of Life contains names 32:02 according to this book, singular. 32:04 Now go with me to Revelation 3:5 and there's many verses 32:08 that I could-- that I could read 32:10 but I am only going to read two because of time constrains. 32:13 Revelation 3:5. Here Jesus speaks and He says, 32:19 "He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments, 32:23 and I will not blot out," his what? 32:26 "His name from the Book of Life, 32:28 but I will confess his name before 32:31 My Father and before His angels." 32:33 What is that the Jesus is going to present before the Father? 32:35 Is it the person in a living state 32:38 or is it the name of the person 32:40 that He presents in the judgment? 32:42 It is his or her name according to scripture. 32:45 So what is it that the book contains? 32:47 The book contains names. 32:50 And by the way those names 32:52 are in the book in chronological order beginning 32:56 with the first person who lived on planet earth Adam, 32:59 all the way till the end of history, 33:02 all of the names in that book are found 33:05 in chronological order in the order of birth. 33:10 Now you're saying what do the books contain? Plural. 33:14 See the books don't contain the names, 33:16 the book contains the name. 33:18 What is it that the books contain? 33:21 The fact is folks that the books according to the Bible 33:24 contain the record of our life, all of our actions, 33:29 all of our thoughts, all of our words, 33:31 all of our feelings, all of our emotions. 33:34 In other words God keeps in heaven 33:35 an exact transcript of our life while we lived on planet earth 33:42 from the time of our conception, till the time of our death. 33:47 That's an awesome thought, isn't it? 33:49 You know the Bible speaks about books 33:51 because that's the best thing that the authors 33:53 could come up with back then because 33:55 records were kept in scrolls. 33:57 You know, Ellen White spoke about photography. 34:00 She said, "God is photographing our lives." 34:04 And so God has pictures up there. 34:06 I believe that if God was speaking today 34:08 if He had another inspired prophet that would write 34:11 Books of the Bible, God would speak in terms 34:14 not of books or in terms or photography, 34:16 He would speak in terms of computers. 34:18 In fact I am going to give you an illustration 34:20 from the computer in a few moments. 34:23 Now allow me to read you a few verses 34:25 from the Bible that speak about the spirit 34:28 in this expanded meaning. 34:29 You are understanding that I am not saying 34:31 that the spirit is conscious, right. 34:32 That the spirit lives somewhere in the netherworld 34:35 when the person dies. 34:36 I am not saying that. 34:38 I am saying that the spirit is simply the record of the life 34:40 that God preserves and keeps until the resurrection 34:43 when He returns that. 34:44 Is that clear? I want to make it absolutely 34:46 clear because I don't want anybody saying, 34:48 "Oh, Pastor Bohr said there's an expanded 34:50 meaning of the word spirit. 34:51 And he believes that God has a spirit in heaven 34:54 and the real person is on earth." No. 34:56 What I am saying is that the person is writing 35:00 the history on earth and God is transcribing it in heaven. 35:03 In other words, in heaven there's another 35:05 Steve Bohr in written form. 35:08 Now let's notice a few texts 35:10 that speak about the word spirit. 35:12 Luke 8:55. And by the way, you know, 35:16 I use large print because I usually 35:19 have to use glasses in order to read. 35:21 So if I read something wrong you make sure to correct me, okay? 35:24 Luke 8:55. Speaking about a little girl 35:29 that Jesus resurrected and it says there, 35:33 "Then," are you there in Luke 8:55? 35:38 "Then the spirit returned, and she arose immediately." 35:46 It's that what the text says, the spirit returned. No. 35:50 It says then, "her spirit returned." 35:54 That's a possessive pronoun by the way, 35:58 "and she arose immediately. 36:00 And He commanded that she be given something to eat." 36:03 Let me ask you when that little girl resurrected, 36:05 was it the same little girl that had died? 36:10 Did God return to her with a breath of life 36:13 what that little girl had been during her lifetime? 36:16 Do you think that she recognized her parents? 36:18 The Bible even gives us the impression 36:20 that she was hungry. 36:21 And so when she died she was hungry 36:23 and when she woke up, then people said, 36:25 "well, she is hungry let's give us some food." 36:26 In other words she picked up, picked up where she what? 36:30 Where she left off. 36:31 What did Jesus do when He resurrected her? 36:34 He returned not only the breath of life 36:36 but He returned to her who she had been during her life, 36:40 her spirit in other words. 36:42 Are you with me? 36:43 Now let's go to Acts 7:59, 60, 36:46 this just speaking about Stephen, 36:48 the first Christian martyr. 36:50 Acts 7:59, 60. It says there, 36:55 "And they stoned Stephen 36:58 as he was calling on God and saying, 37:01 'Lord Jesus, receive the spirit.'" 37:05 That doesn't say receive the spirit? 37:07 It says, receive what? "My spirit." 37:13 Why does he say receive my spirit? 37:14 What is Stephen saying? 37:15 Stephen is saying Lord, please save the record 37:18 of my life because someday after I sleep 37:21 you are gonna wake me up. 37:24 Preserve my spirit, preserve the record of my life. 37:28 Verse 60, "Then he knelt down and cried out 37:32 with a loud voice, 'Lord, do not charge them with this sin. 37:36 And when he had said this,"' he what? 37:38 "He fell asleep. "I love that, he fell asleep. 37:44 Let's read about Jesus. Luke 23:46. 37:48 Luke 23:46. This is about the death of Jesus on the cross. 37:54 "And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, 37:58 He said, 'Father, into Your hands I command the spirit.'" 38:04 That's not what he says. 38:06 He says, "Into Your hands I command," what? 38:09 "My spirit." And having said this," he what? 38:14 "He breathed his last." 38:18 When Jesus resurrected on the resurrection morning, 38:20 did He recognize the disciples. 38:23 Do you think he did? Of course He did. 38:26 Did Jesus remember everything 38:29 that it happened during his life time? 38:31 Of course, He did. 38:33 Did Jesus remember every little detail 38:36 of what his disciples had spoken to Him during his life? 38:40 Of course. What did God returned to Jesus? 38:43 What was returned to Jesus was 38:45 not only the capacity to breathe, 38:47 but the record of the life of Jesus which had been preserved 38:51 by the Father into Your hands I command my spirit 38:54 for save the record of my life, 38:56 save me up there in written form. 38:59 When he was resurrected, the record of his life 39:01 was inputted into his resurrected body 39:04 and it was Jesus who resurrected. 39:07 Now, I want you to notice a very interesting passage 39:12 that we find in the writings of Ellen White. 39:15 The little old lady caught this that I am sharing with you. 39:20 She had only two and half years of primary education, 39:25 but she had divine wisdom. 39:28 Listen to the way she explains 39:30 the expanded meaning of the word spirit. 39:33 This is found in the Seventh-day Adventist Bible 39:35 Commentary Volume 6, Pages 1,192 and 1,193. 39:41 "Our personal identity is preserved 39:45 in the resurrection, though not the same particles 39:49 of matter or material substance as went into the grave." 39:53 God doesn't have to rescue every little particle of matter 39:55 that we were composed of when we die. 39:57 Because the body is gonna be much larger He is gonna need 39:59 more matter than what we have now. 40:02 She continue saying, "The wondrous works of God 40:05 are a mystery to man." 40:06 And here comes the key portion, 40:08 "The spirit, the character of man, 40:12 is returned to God, there to be preserved." 40:20 What is it that's preserved? Our what? 40:22 Our character. She says, "In the resurrection 40:26 every man will have his own character." Why? 40:30 Because God did what? 40:32 God saved it in heaven. 40:34 He saved the record. 40:36 And when Jesus comes to resurrect His people, 40:40 and if you know, let's not use me 40:43 as an example because I want to be alive 40:45 when Jesus comes. 40:46 But, you know, let's say Stephen, 40:48 when Stephen is resurrected, is his self identity, 40:51 his individuality, his personality returned to him 40:55 as when he was alive? Absolutely. 40:58 She continues saying, "In the resurrection every man 41:00 will have his own character. 41:02 God in His own time will call forth the dead 41:05 giving again the breath of life, and bidding the dry bones live. 41:09 The same form will come forth, but it will be free 41:13 from disease and every defect. 41:16 It lives again bearing the same individuality of features, 41:20 so that friend will recognize friend." 41:23 Yes, I will recognize Maggie. 41:26 And I believe that probably Maggie will be alive, 41:28 so we'll say that she be translated 41:30 from among the living. 41:32 And so it says here, "There is no law of God 41:34 in nature which shows that God gives back 41:36 the same identical particles of matter 41:38 which composed the body before death. 41:40 God shall give the righteous dead 41:43 a body that will please Him." 41:45 So what is the spirit? 41:46 The spirit is the character or the self identity 41:49 of the individual that is returned. 41:52 By the way, this explains the reason 41:54 why Job said what he did. 41:56 You know, when I read Job 19:25-27 42:00 and I am going to read it from King James 42:02 because it's more forceful there. 42:04 When I read I said, man, this guy is pretty selfish. 42:06 He uses my and I as if nobody else is going to resurrect. 42:11 Notice what he says, "For I know 42:13 that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand 42:17 at the latter day upon the earth, 42:19 and though after my skin worms destroy this body, 42:23 yet in my flesh shall I see God, Whom I shall see for myself, 42:29 and mine eyes shall behold, and not another." 42:32 So Job is the only one that's going to see 42:34 Jesus when Jesus comes. 42:35 He says, it will be my eyes and none other. 42:38 What is Job saying? 42:39 He is saying that when I resurrect, 42:42 it is going to be Job, the Job who lived over 42:47 in the Middle East my own eyes 42:49 that I had while I was alive in the human body, 42:52 he says at that time, I am going to see Jesus. 42:57 In other words that's going 42:58 to be the same Job that will see Jesus. 43:02 Now let's talk about after the millennium. 43:06 Are you understanding how the dead stand before God now? 43:09 The wicked dead stand before God through 43:11 their records, during the millennium. 43:14 But now let's talk about after the millennium. 43:18 Let me ask you do the wicked resurrect wicked 43:20 after the millennium or do they resurrect righteous? 43:24 They resurrect wicked. 43:26 What does God return to them? 43:28 They've been dead a thousand years, 43:30 some of them more than a thousand years. 43:31 What does God returned to the wicked? 43:33 Say for example Nero, what will He return to Nero? 43:36 When Nero resurrects, will he be Nero? 43:39 Well, he remembered the days when he was the emperor 43:43 of the Roman Empire? Of course. 43:45 Will he remember every--all of the evil things that he did? 43:48 Of course. He will pick up where he left off. 43:51 Now notice this statement that we find 43:53 in Great Controversy page 664, this is an amazing statement. 43:59 She is speaking about the wicked outside the Holy City 44:01 after they've been resurrected. 44:03 She says, "There are kings and generals 44:05 who conquered nations, valiant men who never 44:09 lost a battle, proud, ambitious warriors 44:12 whose approach made kingdoms tremble. 44:16 In death these experienced no change." 44:21 And here comes the key portion, 44:22 "As they come up from the grave, 44:25 they resume the current of their thoughts 44:29 just where it ceased." 44:34 By the way current means electricity. 44:37 So what happens when the wicked resurrect, 44:39 they pick up in the exact place where they, what? 44:43 Where they left off. 44:44 So what is returned to the wicked? 44:46 What is returned to the wicked is the breath of life 44:49 and the record of their life's. 44:53 And that's why they resurrect wicked 44:55 and that's why the righteous, resurrect how righteous. 44:58 And during the millennium 44:59 what our God's people are gonna do? 45:01 They are going to be examining the cases of the wicked 45:04 to decide what reward or what punishment 45:09 they deserve after the 1,000 years. 45:12 Are you following me or not? 45:14 Now let me give you an illustration. 45:16 Suppose I have a video camera, 45:19 and I film certain things now in 2007, 45:25 November of 2007 I am filming several things. 45:28 And then I decide to put the camera away 45:32 for a very extended period of time. 45:34 Say I put the camera away for 12 years. 45:38 You know, I shut it off. 45:41 Twelve years later I take the camera 45:43 and I begin video tapping again. 45:47 When you watch the video tape, 45:48 do you know that they're been 12 years 45:50 between the first thing that you filmed 45:53 and the second thing that you filmed? No. 45:56 Because the tape picks up at the exact moment 46:00 where you what? Where you left off. 46:02 That is the case of the righteous and the wicked. 46:07 You see when we die, what happens? 46:09 The video camera is turned off because God 46:13 has doesn't have to register any thing more. 46:16 See we're not living in our present sinful state. 46:20 But then say with the wicked after a thousand years 46:24 that the video camera is off then God resurrects them 46:27 and the video camera begins what? 46:30 Begins tapping again. 46:33 Are you understanding what I am saying? 46:34 So what happens during the interim? 46:36 There in the interim nothing happens, 46:39 the people who are dead simply remain dead. 46:42 They are not writing anything 46:44 in their personal biography. 46:47 Are you with me? 46:48 Now let's go and examine another phrase 46:52 and we're gonna have to go quickly on this one. 46:54 Examine another phrase which has confused many people. 46:57 Hebrews 12:22-24, it's related 47:00 to what we've been studying. Hebrews 12:22-24. 47:06 Here the Apostle Paul whom I believe 47:08 to be the author of the Book of Hebrews says this, 47:13 "But you have come to Mount Zion 47:17 and to the city of the living God, 47:21 to the heavenly Jerusalem." 47:23 He is saying that God's people have come to where? 47:26 To Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem. 47:28 Don't we live on earth? 47:29 Don't we live in Fresno? 47:30 Of course we live in Fresno. 47:31 So on what sense, have we come to Mount Zion 47:34 to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem? 47:37 Let's continue reading. 47:38 "To an innumerable company of angels, 47:41 to the general assembly and church 47:44 of the firstborn who are," what? 47:49 What's the next word, who are what? 47:51 "Registered or ripped in heaven." 47:54 So how are we at in Zion or in the heavenly Jerusalem? 47:58 Are we there personally? No. 48:00 We are there how? In written form. 48:03 And then it says, "To God, the judge of all," 48:07 and here comes the confusing phrase, 48:11 "and to the spirits of just men made perfect to Jesus, 48:18 the mediator of a new covenant," 48:19 we've come to Jesus the mediator of the New covenant, 48:21 but we come by faith we don't come in person. 48:23 And it says, "And to the blood of sprinkling 48:25 that speaks better things than that of Abel." 48:29 So, you'll notice here that in the heavenly Jerusalem, 48:32 written there are the spirits of just men made perfect. 48:38 You're saying, now wait a minute, 48:39 we're the imperfect before. 48:41 Let's examine other texts in the Book of Hebrews 48:44 that use the word perfect. 48:46 If we understand the meaning of the word perfect 48:49 we're going to understand what the text means 48:51 when it says, "Spirits of just men made perfect." 48:55 Notice Hebrews 11:39, 40. 48:59 Hebrews 11:39, 40. Speaking about the heroes 49:04 of the Old Testament it says, "And all these, 49:07 having obtained a testimony through faith, 49:10 did not receive the promise," that is the promise 49:13 of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. 49:15 "God having provided something better thing for us." 49:19 In other words, God has provided 49:21 something better for us then for all of those Old Testament 49:23 heroes and it says, "That they should not be made," what? 49:28 "Perfect apart from us." 49:30 Is there something special for those who live in the times 49:33 when Jesus came and lived a perfect life 49:36 and died on the cross that we have an advantage over 49:39 those who lived in the Old Testament period? 49:41 Yes, the Bible says that they were not 49:43 made perfect without what? 49:45 Without us. Now what does that mean, 49:48 they were not made perfect without us? 49:50 Go with me to Hebrews 7:19. Hebrews 7:19. 49:55 It's going to speak about this Old Testament 49:57 period the inadequacy of the Old Testament period. 50:00 It says in Hebrews 7: 19, "For the law made nothing," what? 50:05 "Perfect." On the other hand, 50:09 there is the bringing in of a," what? 50:12 "A better hope, through which we draw near to God." 50:15 Let me ask you did the Old Testament system 50:17 really eradicate sin? 50:21 Did the blood of bulls and goats take away sin 50:23 from the heavenly records? No. 50:26 What is it that takes away sin? 50:28 What takes away sin is the blood of Jesus Christ. 50:32 All of those Old Testament heroes 50:33 had Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood yet? No. 50:37 They without us could not be made what? 50:40 Could not be made perfect. 50:42 In other words, their records in heaven 50:44 could not be cleansed until Jesus 50:47 died on the cross of Calvary. 50:50 Notice Hebrews 10:1. Hebrews 10:1. It says, 50:55 "For the law," that speaking about 50:57 the Old Testament period, "having a shadow 51:00 of good things to come," 51:02 what was the Old Testament system, 51:04 it was what? It wasn't a reality. 51:06 It was a "Shadow of good things to come, 51:09 and not the very image of the things, 51:11 can never with these same sacrifices, 51:14 which they offer continually year by year, 51:17 make perfect those who approach," what? "Perfect." 51:21 Could the Old Testament sacrifices 51:23 make a person perfect? 51:24 We're not talking about moral perfection here. 51:26 We're talking about someone who could be accepted 51:30 before God through the perfect life and the death of Jesus. 51:34 You know, none of us can appear before God in ourselves, 51:37 because we are sinners. 51:38 But we needed the perfect life of Jesus and the death of Jesus, 51:42 so that now He can go to heaven and He can represent us. 51:45 We have a better hope in other words 51:47 then the Old Testament saints. 51:49 We have been made perfect through Jesus Christ, 51:52 through His perfect life and through 51:54 His death on the cross. 51:55 Are you understanding what I am saying? 51:58 For those individuals who were written in heaven 52:01 really have had their sins blooded out and forgiven 52:06 unless Jesus had come to die. 52:08 Could they have been made perfect in terms of being saved? 52:13 Absolutely not. Now notice Hebrews 10:14. 52:17 It says, "For by one offering He has perfected forever 52:24 those who are being," what? 52:26 "Those who are being sanctified." 52:28 Are you understanding what the Bible means 52:31 when it says, "spirits of just men made perfect?" 52:33 What it means is they're all of those people 52:35 who died in the Old Testament, 52:37 they had these records in heaven, 52:38 their spirit was registered in heaven. 52:40 The record of their lives was in heaven. 52:42 But all of their sins unless Jesus died what would happen? 52:45 They would be held against them because the blood of bulls 52:49 and goats cannot take away sin. 52:51 But when Jesus died on the cross, 52:53 let me ask you were they perfected in terms 52:55 of all of their sins now legally being forgiven 52:58 by the blood of Jesus Christ who died on the cross. 53:01 Absolutely. So that's what spirits of just men 53:04 made perfect means, it doesn't mean 53:06 that there is some unconscious immortal spirit 53:09 roaming around heaven. 53:10 It simply means that the records which we already know 53:14 as the word spirit means the character 53:15 of the record of the life. 53:17 The record of the life is now made clean 53:19 through the blood of Jesus 53:21 which could not happen in the Old Testament 53:23 because Jesus had not yet shed his blood. 53:26 Are you understanding what I am saying? 53:27 Now let me give you an illustration in closer. 53:33 We have computers, and I think if God 53:37 had been speaking today about this issue 53:41 that we're discussing, He would have used computers. 53:44 You know, we have the computer which is a physical machine. 53:49 You plug it in and now, what? 53:51 And now it has energy to work, right? 53:54 But when you buy the computer at a store, 53:58 that computer does not have its own self identity. 54:01 Does not have, you know, you go to the store 54:03 and you buy a certain computer 54:04 everybody gets the same computer, right. 54:06 But then you start inputting information 54:09 and that computer becomes your own PC, 54:12 your personal computer because 54:13 you are now inputting things 54:15 that gives that computer its own, what? 54:17 Its own identity. 54:19 Let me ask you a year later are any of those computers the same? 54:22 They're totally different. 54:25 But let me ask you is the energy source the same? 54:28 The energy source is the same but what was inputted, is what? 54:32 Is different. It becomes your personal computer. 54:35 Now there is always danger that your computer 54:38 at some point would be what? 54:40 Would crash or would be destroyed. 54:44 So what do intelligent people do? 54:46 Intelligent people they save on discs, 54:50 backups to everything that you have in the computer. 54:53 In other words you save the identity 54:55 of the computer in those CDs. 54:57 Are you understanding? 54:59 And therefore if someday, the computer crashes 55:02 and disintegrates if the ceiling falls 55:04 and it's broken into smithereens. 55:07 The person who owns the computer could say, not a problem. 55:12 So he goes and buys another computer at the store. 55:14 Let me ask you, can that person take that computer 55:17 that he bought at the store and input the information 55:20 that was on the first computer and give this new computer 55:24 the same identity that the first computer had? 55:26 Absolutely. That's exactly what God does in heaven. 55:30 As I live God saves a back up, because He knows that someday 55:34 this computer is gonna crash. 55:36 He knows that someday unless Jesus comes while I am alive 55:40 which will be the very end time generation, 55:42 He knows that we're gonna die and we're going to disintegrate. 55:45 So God says, I am going to save a back up in heaven. 55:48 I'm gonna save the discs in heaven. 55:51 In other words, He says, because I know that someday 55:53 I am going to have to give this person a new computer 55:55 I am going to have to plug that computer in. 55:58 And then what I am going to do is I am going 55:59 to take the record of their lives and I am going to input 56:02 the record of their lives into the resurrected immortal 56:06 and incorruptible body and they will be the same persons 56:10 that they were while they were alive. 56:13 Are you understanding now what God saves in heaven? 56:15 He saves the record of our lives. 56:17 The righteous do not appear in person if they died. 56:20 The wicked do not appear in person if they died. 56:22 The dead appear before God through 56:25 the record of their lives. 56:29 By the way do you know that after the millennium 56:31 the wicked are gonna resurrect and they will once again 56:34 see all of the records? 56:36 They're gonna see him. 56:37 See we'll see him during the 1,000 years 56:39 after the 1,000 years, the books are gonna 56:41 be open and the wicked are going to see it. 56:43 Let me read this verse in closing. Revelation 20:13, 56:48 "The sea gave up the dead who were in it, 56:49 and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them." 56:52 This is speaking about the resurrection. 56:54 "And they were judged, 56:55 each one according to his works." 56:56 See the wicked are going to be alive, 56:58 they're going to resurrect and they're gonna 56:59 see the record of their lives. 57:01 And then the beautiful thing is that God 57:03 is gonna cast them into the lake of fire. 57:06 The devil and his angels and the wicked, 57:08 and then the Bible tells us that He is going to make 57:11 a new heavens and a new earth. 57:13 Those who were not found written in the Book of Life 57:16 will be stricken from the Book of Life 57:18 and they will be destroyed in the lake of fire. 57:21 How important is it then to receive Jesus Christ 57:24 as our Savior and Lord. 57:25 Folks, it is a matter of life and death. |
Revised 2014-12-17