State of the Dead

Rachel's Departing Soul

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: SOD

Program Code: SOD000007

00:01 If a man dies, shall he live again?
00:07 What does it mean to be absent from the body
00:10 and present with the Lord?
00:13 Did Jesus go with a thief to paradise on Good Friday?
00:19 Did the souls of dead people
00:21 really cry out from below the altar?
00:25 Pastor Bohr answers these questions
00:27 and more in the amazing series.
00:35 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
00:38 Father in Heaven,
00:40 we come before You today with a humble heart
00:46 knowing that in our own wisdom
00:49 we can never understand Your word
00:52 and therefore we ask that
00:54 through the presence of Your Holy Spirit,
00:56 You will give us divine wisdom.
00:59 Help us Father to understand what we are studying today.
01:03 And especially I ask that you will remove
01:06 any preconceived ideas that we might have.
01:10 So that we might hear the voice of Your Holy Spirit
01:14 unimpeded by human wisdom.
01:17 We thank You Father for hearing and answering our prayer,
01:20 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus.
01:24 Amen.
01:27 The title of our study for today is Rachel's Departing Soul.
01:33 And basically what we are going to do
01:35 is study the biblical concept of the State of the Dead.
01:41 I like to begin by reading a verse
01:43 that we find in Genesis 35:18,
01:49 Genesis 35: 18, it's talking about Rachel.
01:54 She was about to bring into the world her second son,
01:58 his name would be Benjamin
02:00 and as she was going through child birth
02:03 the Bible tells us that she died.
02:06 I want you to notice how this is picked up in Genesis 35:18.
02:12 "And so it was, as her soul was departing
02:19 and (for she died),
02:23 that she called his name Ben-oni,
02:26 but his father called him Benjamin."
02:31 This verse has been used to try
02:33 and prove that the soul survives in a conscious way after death.
02:38 After all doesn't it say that as her soul was departing,
02:42 many Christians assume that
02:44 this means that her immortal conscious soul
02:47 left the body and went to heaven at the moment of death?
02:52 But that's not what the text says.
02:55 What does the Bible have to say about the State of the Dead?
03:01 Well, in order to understand this topic,
03:03 we need to go back to the place
03:06 where the creation of man is described.
03:09 So go with me to Genesis 2:7, Genesis 2:7.
03:15 Here God is describing through His writer Moses
03:21 the creation of Adam at the very beginning.
03:25 It says here "And the Lord God
03:28 formed man of the dust of the ground."
03:32 So man's physical nature is composed of what?
03:36 Dust and then it says,
03:39 "And breathed into his nostrils the breath of life."
03:45 Two elements, body of clay or of dust,
03:52 breathe of life is equal to what,
03:56 notice the last part of the verse.
03:58 It says "And man became a living being."
04:04 Or as the King James says, "Man became a living Soul."
04:10 Now I want you to notice here
04:12 that we are not told that man was given a soul
04:18 nor are we told that man has a soul.
04:23 This text very clearly says that man is a soul,
04:29 man became a living being or a living soul,
04:34 a Nephesh if you please in Hebrew.
04:38 So you will notice that a soul is composed of two things,
04:43 the body of dust
04:45 and the breath of life that God gave that body.
04:52 In other words man is composed of two elements.
04:56 Now let's talk very briefly
04:58 about the physical nature of man.
05:01 Go with me to Isaiah 64:8, Isaiah 64:8.
05:07 Here the physical nature of man is described that is his body.
05:13 There is not much debate in the Christian world
05:15 about the body of man.
05:17 Everyone knows that the body is composed
05:19 of clay or composed of dust.
05:22 Isaiah 64:8 reads like this
05:27 "But now, O Lord, you are our Father,
05:32 We are the clay, and You our potter,
05:38 And all we are the work of Your hand."
05:42 So notice we are the clay and God formed us out of clay,
05:46 He formed us out of dust
05:50 and as a result we have our physical nature today.
05:55 God work like a potter
05:58 like I was mentioning there is no debate in the Christian world
06:00 about the physical nature of man.
06:02 All are agreed that man has a body
06:05 and it's composed of material substance.
06:10 Where the problem comes in
06:13 is when we talk about the spirit
06:15 and we talk about the soul.
06:17 So let's take a look
06:18 at what the Bible has to say about the spirit.
06:21 What is the spirit?
06:25 Before we read several verses that describe the spirit,
06:29 it's necessary for me to mention
06:32 that the word spirit in the Old Testament
06:35 actually has two separate Hebrew words.
06:41 One is the Hebrew word Ruach
06:45 that word is generally translated spirit.
06:49 There is another Hebrew word
06:51 which is very close to be in synonymous
06:53 and that word is Neshamah,
06:58 so we have two Hebrew words
07:01 that express the life principle that the body has.
07:05 You have the word Ruach and you have the word Neshamah.
07:10 Now Neshamah is usually translated breath
07:13 and like I mentioned the word Ruach
07:17 is usually translated spirit.
07:20 Another thing that I need to underline
07:22 before we read any verses from the Old Testament
07:25 about what the spirit is--
07:27 is the fact that Hebrew poetry
07:30 is based on the principle of parallelism.
07:34 In Hebrew poetry you have
07:35 what is called synonymous parallelism.
07:38 That's where the first line is repeated in a second line
07:43 the same thought, but in different words.
07:46 And this is the main principle of parallelism
07:50 that we need to keep in mind as we study the State of the Dead,
07:53 particularly in the Old Testament.
07:55 Now there are two other types of parallelism
07:57 that I am not going to get into.
07:59 One of them is antithetic parallelism
08:02 where what is said in the first line,
08:04 the opposite is said in the second line.
08:06 And then you have synthetic parallelism
08:08 which is where the thought is completed in the second line
08:12 of what was said in the first line,
08:14 but what concerns us here is not primarily
08:17 antithetical and synthetic parallelism
08:20 it is synonymous parallelism.
08:22 Remember, the first line is repeated in the second line,
08:25 the same thought but in different words.
08:28 Now what is according to the Bible the spirit?
08:34 Basically we are going to find in our study
08:37 that the word spirit as it's used
08:39 in the Old Testament and the New
08:41 refers to the vital force that allows the body to function.
08:47 Basically it means the energizing force
08:50 or the electrical current that gives the body
08:54 the necessary vitality so that it can function.
08:59 In other words, it's the electricity
09:02 that helps your heart to pump, your lungs to breathe,
09:06 your nervous system to function etcetera.
09:11 Now let's notice several verses from the Old Testament
09:14 that used the words Ruach which is translated spirit
09:20 and Neshamah which is translated usually breath.
09:24 Go with me to Job 33:4, Job 33:4
09:31 it says here and notice the synonymous parallelism,
09:35 the spirit that is the Ruach.
09:37 "The Spirit of God has made me."
09:42 And now notice how the second line
09:43 repeats the same thought but in different words.
09:46 "And the breath of the Almighty gives me life."
09:50 Do you see the synonymous parallelism?
09:53 In other words, it's the same thing
09:54 to say the Spirit of God has made me
09:57 as to say the breath of the Almighty gives me life.
10:01 Made me and give me life are parallel
10:05 and spirit and breath are parallel.
10:08 By the way the word breath here is the Hebrew word Neshamah.
10:12 This shows that Ruach and Neshamah are parallel terms,
10:18 because they are placed in synonymous parallelism.
10:21 Go with me to Job 27:3, Job 27:3.
10:27 Once again the synonymous parallelism
10:30 becomes very obvious.
10:32 It says, "As long as my breath is in me,"
10:37 that's the word Neshamah.
10:39 "As long as my breath is in me, And the breath--"
10:43 that's Ruach by the way,
10:45 "And the breath of God is in my nostrils."
10:48 So it's the same thing to say breath is in me
10:51 as to say the breath of God is my nostrils.
10:54 Now you will notice here that the Ruach is found where?
10:59 In the nostrils.
11:01 By the way also there are
11:02 several text in the Old Testament
11:04 that say that the Neshamah is in the nostrils.
11:07 That shows that these words are interchangeable.
11:10 Now what do you use your nostrils for?
11:14 Hopefully not to bud into everybody else's business.
11:17 We use our nostrils to what?
11:20 To breathe.
11:21 In other words Ruach and Neshamah
11:24 refer to the energizing principle of a body.
11:28 Now notice Isaiah 42:5, Isaiah42:5.
11:35 Once again you will see the synonymous parallelism.
11:39 "Thus says God the Lord,
11:42 Who created the heavens and stretched them out,
11:45 Who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it."
11:49 Now notice the parallel.
11:51 "Who gives breath that's Neshamah,
11:53 Who gives breath to the people on it,
11:56 And spirit Ruach to those who walk on it".
12:00 Do you see the parallel there?
12:02 It's the same to say gives breath to the people on it
12:05 as it is to say gives spirit to those who walk on it.
12:10 Once again Ruach and Neshamah are used interchangeably.
12:15 Incidentally did you know that animals and humans
12:21 both have Ruach and Neshamah.
12:25 In other words the energizing force
12:27 is the same energizing force
12:30 with animals as it is with human beings?
12:33 Let's read a passage about that
12:34 and then I will explain what I mean,
12:37 Ecclesiastes 3:19-21,
12:41 Ecclesiastes 3:19-21.
12:46 Here the wise man Solomon is saying,
12:50 "For what happens to the sons of men also happens to animals,
12:54 one thing befalls them, as one dies, so dies the other.
13:01 Surely, they all have one breath,
13:05 that's the word Neshamah, they all have one breath,
13:09 man has no advantage over animals, for all is vanity.
13:15 All go to one place, all are from the dust,
13:19 and all return to dust."
13:23 And then he asks this rhetorical question.
13:25 Who knows the spirit, that's the word Ruach,
13:30 "Who knows the spirit of the sons of men,
13:33 which goes upward, and the spirit,
13:36 that is Ruach of the animal, which goes down to the earth?
13:40 In other words he says how do you know
13:43 that the spirit of man goes up when he dies
13:45 and the spirit of the animal goes down.
13:47 He says the spirit of both goes to the same place.
13:52 Now somebody might say, Pastor Bohr,
13:53 are you saying that animals and human beings are the same thing?
13:58 Allow me to explain.
14:00 They are the same in the sense of the energizing force
14:04 that gives their body the capacity to function.
14:09 Let's use this illustration.
14:12 A fridge, a refrigerator,
14:15 in order for a refrigerator to function
14:17 you must plug it in, right?
14:20 Let's think also about a computer.
14:21 In order for a computer to function
14:24 you must plug the computer in.
14:26 Question, are the computer and the refrigerator
14:31 plug into the same energy force?
14:34 They are both plugged into the wall, the same energy force.
14:38 But let me ask you this?
14:39 Is the computer a much more
14:41 sophisticated piece of equipment than a refrigerator?
14:45 Of course.
14:46 The energy from the wall
14:49 simply gives the refrigerator the energizing force
14:54 to fulfill the function for which it was created.
14:58 In the same way the same energy force
15:01 gives the computer the capacity to function
15:04 according to the function for which it was created.
15:09 Are you understanding me?
15:10 In terms of the energizing force there is no difference,
15:14 but in terms of the function
15:16 for which it was created it's different.
15:18 Obviously human beings are far superior to animals,
15:23 but the energizing force for both is the same,
15:28 it's the breath of life, it's the spirit of life
15:30 that God imparts to them.
15:33 Are you following what I am saying?
15:35 Now, let's examine a few verses from the New Testament
15:39 that speak about the spirit.
15:41 We've noticed several from the Old Testament.
15:43 Now let's go to the New Testament.
15:45 By the way the New Testament has only one word,
15:47 it's the word Pneuma.
15:51 Let's go to James 2:26, James 2:26.
15:58 We got to notice that Pneuma
16:00 is equivalent basically to Neshamah and to Ruach.
16:06 It says in James 2:26,
16:09 "For as the body without the spirit is what,
16:14 is dead, so faith without works is dead also."
16:20 So in what condition is the body without the spirit?
16:23 The body without the spirit is what?
16:25 Dead.
16:26 What is the spirit there?
16:28 It is the energizing force that allows the body to function
16:33 that gives the vital force so that the body can function.
16:36 And if you don't have the spirit in your body,
16:40 you don't breathe and as a result you are what?
16:44 You are dead.
16:46 Now go with me to Revelation 11
16:48 and we will read verses 7 and also 11
16:51 Revelation 11:7 and 11.
16:54 It's speaking here about the two witnesses.
16:57 We won't go into the meaning of the two witnesses,
16:59 I'll just say that they represent
17:01 the Old and New Testament,
17:02 this is symbolic language,
17:03 it's the principle here that I want us to notice
17:06 about the meaning of the spirit.
17:08 It says there in verse 7,
17:11 "Now when they finish their testimony."
17:13 That is when the two witnesses finish their testimony,
17:16 "The beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit
17:18 will make war against them
17:20 and overcome them, and what, kill them."
17:25 So where the two witnesses are going to be killed,
17:27 were they going to die?
17:28 Absolutely yes.
17:29 But now notice verse 11.
17:32 I actually wanted to read the whole passage
17:33 but we don't have time to read all the way
17:36 from verse 7 to verse 11, so we'll jump to verse 11.
17:38 It says, "Now after the three-and-a-half days
17:42 the breath, that is the Pneuma, the breath of life from God,
17:48 what, entered them, and what did they do as a result,
17:52 of the spirit or the breathe entering them
17:55 it says and they stood on their feet,
17:57 and great fear fell on those who saw them."
18:01 So when they died what happened?
18:02 The spirit of life left.
18:05 When they resurrect according to scripture,
18:08 the spirit of life comes into them and what do they do?
18:11 They stand up and they live.
18:14 So once again the spirit is the energizing force
18:18 that gives the body the power to function.
18:21 By the way there is an interesting passage
18:23 in the Old Testament in Ezekiel 37
18:27 where you have this valley that's strewn with dead bones
18:31 and the command of God is given for all of the bones
18:34 and the body parts to come together.
18:36 They all come together and they form bodies
18:38 and then the spirit is called from the four winds
18:41 to come and enter those bodies
18:43 and the Bible says that those bodies stood up a mighty army.
18:47 Once again the spirit is sent
18:49 and as a result the body is energized
18:53 and the body can function.
18:55 Now let's notice one more text in the New Testament
18:58 that uses the word spirit Pneuma,
19:01 John 19:30, John 19:30.
19:06 It's speaking here about the death of Jesus Christ,
19:09 and it says here,
19:12 "So when Jesus had received the sour wine,
19:16 He said, 'It is finished!'
19:21 And bowing His head, He gave up his what,
19:25 He gave up His spirit."
19:28 The King James says He gave up the ghost.
19:31 Now that sounds kind of kind of strange
19:34 but the word ghost in Old King James English
19:38 simply means what we call the spirit today.
19:41 What does that mean that Jesus gave up His spirit?
19:43 It simply means that He stopped what?
19:47 He stopped breathing,
19:49 therefore His arms didn't move, His brain didn't think,
19:54 His heart didn't beat, His lungs didn't breath,
19:57 His nervous system did not have any electrical power.
20:01 It would be like having an appliance
20:03 with no energy source.
20:05 In other words we are not the think
20:07 that some intangible immortal spirit
20:11 that's conscious left the body of Jesus.
20:14 That is not said in the text,
20:15 that's injected by people who believed that.
20:18 In other words their preconceived notions
20:20 they are putting into scripture.
20:22 Now, we have studied what the spirit is,
20:24 it's the energizing force
20:26 that gives the body the power to function.
20:29 But what is the soul somebody might say?
20:32 Well, let's go to Genesis 2:7 once again,
20:34 Genesis 2:7.
20:39 It says, "And the Lord God
20:40 formed man of the dust of the ground,
20:43 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
20:47 and man became a living soul."
20:51 If I ask you does man have a soul what would you say?
20:55 No, man doesn't have a soul, man became a soul.
21:00 Did God give man a soul?
21:02 No, God created a soul.
21:06 The soul is composed of the body and the spirit or breath.
21:11 The combination of the two make up the soul,
21:14 so if you separate the two, you no longer have what?
21:18 You no longer have a soul.
21:21 By the way do you know that in the Old Testament
21:24 repeatedly the word soul is translated person?
21:31 Let's notice a few examples, Genesis 14:21,
21:35 Genesis 14:21.
21:38 It's talking here about when Abraham went
21:40 and he overcame the enemies of the king of Sodom.
21:43 And the King of Sodom when Abraham comes back
21:46 with those who have been taken captive
21:48 and with all of the booty that he had brought back.
21:51 The king of Sodom says to Abraham,
21:53 listen, you keep all of the booty
21:56 and just give me the souls.
21:58 Actually it's translated persons.
22:00 Notice Genesis 14:21
22:03 "Now the king of Sodom said to Abram,"
22:06 give me the what, the persons,
22:09 that's the word Nephesh that's the same identical word
22:12 where it says man became a living soul.
22:15 In other words he says,
22:16 "Give me the persons or the souls
22:19 and take the goods for yourself."
22:21 Is he saying give me these intangible invisible entities
22:25 that left the body when people died?
22:27 No, of course not, the word souls there mean what?
22:31 It means persons.
22:33 Notice Genesis 12:5,
22:36 Genesis 12:5
22:38 this is talking about when Abraham left Haran
22:41 for the land of Canaan.
22:44 It says here, "Then Abram took Sarai his wife
22:48 and Lot his brother's son,
22:50 and all their possessions that they had gathered,
22:53 and the what the people."
22:58 By the way the King James translates all the souls.
23:02 It would have been very difficult to round up
23:04 all of those invisible intangible conscious souls.
23:09 It's not talking about souls,
23:11 if the translation is people,
23:14 that's a correct translation
23:16 and then it says,
23:17 "Whom they had acquired in Haran,
23:19 and they departed to go to the land of Canaan.
23:22 So they came to the land of Canaan."
23:25 So many times in the Old Testament
23:28 the word soul is translated persons
23:30 because the soul is the person.
23:31 It's the individual
23:33 but the word soul Nephesh is also translated life.
23:38 Because the soul we are going to find is found in the blood,
23:42 the life is found in the blood.
23:45 Let me explain that.
23:46 When you breathe, when your heart beats
23:50 and when your lungs breathe
23:52 as a result your blood circulates
23:54 throughout all of your system, right?
23:56 And as long as the blood circulates you are what?
24:00 You are alive.
24:01 What happens when your lungs stop breathing
24:04 and your heart stops beating,
24:05 your blood which carries the oxygen doesn't flow any more
24:10 and as a result the life principle is no longer there.
24:14 You are dead.
24:15 In other words the breath energizes the organs,
24:19 so that they can make the body
24:22 pump the blood where the life is found.
24:25 Now let's notice Leviticus 17:11,
24:29 Leviticus 17:11,
24:32 speaking about the blood being the life.
24:37 It says there, "For the life of the flesh is in where,
24:43 the blood, that's the word Nephesh,
24:44 it could be translated the soul of the flesh is in the blood,
24:47 doesn't make sense to translate the soul,
24:50 because it means life.
24:51 "For the life of the flesh is in the blood,
24:54 and I have given it to you upon the altar
24:58 to make atonement for your souls."
25:01 Better translation would be for you,
25:03 the personal pronoun you,
25:05 I have given it for not your souls but for you,
25:08 "For it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul."
25:12 In other words it is the blood
25:13 that makes atonement for the person or for you.
25:17 Are you understanding what I am saying?
25:19 In other words the word soul is a mistranslation,
25:22 it really means that the soul is the life
25:28 and the life is found in the blood.
25:32 Notice several other instances in the Old Testament
25:34 where the word soul is used.
25:36 Go with me to Psalm 22:20,
25:39 Psalm 22:20.
25:41 Interestingly enough in this verse,
25:46 the King James Version translates my soul,
25:50 but the New King James Version
25:52 uses the personal pronoun, notice.
25:55 "Deliver Me from the sword."
25:58 The King James Version says
26:00 "Deliver my soul from the sword."
26:02 Now if the soul is some intangible invisible entity,
26:05 how could you deliver it from the sword,
26:08 the sword could never see it.
26:10 So what is the proper translation?
26:12 It's deliver me or deliver my life from the sword,
26:17 and it explains it in the second half of the verse,
26:19 it says "My precious what, life from the power of the dog."
26:25 Notice also Ezekiel 18:4,
26:28 Ezekiel 18:4,
26:32 this is a very well known verse
26:34 for those who have studied the State of the Dead.
26:36 It says, "Behold, all souls are Mine."
26:40 Basically that could be translated all what,
26:43 all persons, all individuals are mine.
26:47 "The soul of the father,"
26:49 that is the person of the father as well as the soul of the son.
26:53 In other words that means
26:54 "The son in his entirety is Mine,
26:59 The soul who sins shall die."
27:03 That should be translated, the person who sins shall die.
27:08 By the way let me ask you can the soul die?
27:12 Why would it say the soul that sins
27:14 shall die if the soul can't die.
27:17 Very clearly that text indicates that the soul can what?
27:22 Die.
27:23 Notice Psalm 30:3.
27:25 We are still dealing with Old Testament concept of a soul.
27:28 Psalm 30:3.
27:31 Here the Psalmist says this,
27:33 "O Lord, You brought my soul up from the grave."
27:41 What does that mean you brought my soul up from the grave?
27:44 It could be translated, You brought me up from the grave
27:48 or you brought up my life from the grave.
27:52 By the way where is the soul in this verse?
27:55 The soul is in the grave,
27:57 I thought the soul goes to heaven.
27:59 Obviously the soul goes where, to the grave,
28:02 because the soul is the person, it's the individual.
28:05 And where does an individual go when they die?
28:08 When he dies, he goes to the grave.
28:12 And so the second half of the verse says,
28:14 "You have kept me alive,
28:16 that I should not go down to the pit."
28:18 So if you weren't alive where would you go, to heaven?
28:21 No, you go down to where?
28:23 You would go down to the pit
28:24 which is synonymous with the grave.
28:28 Notice Psalm 49:15 one more verse in the Old Testament
28:32 that uses the word soul, Psalm 49:15,
28:37 "But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave."
28:43 Where does the soul go according to that verse?
28:46 It goes to the grave, it doesn't go to heaven,
28:49 doesn't go to hell it goes to the grave.
28:51 And the Psalmist is saying,
28:52 Lord redeem my soul from the grave,
28:54 he is saying redeem my what?
28:56 Redeem my life from the grave.
28:59 Don't let me go to the grave he is saying
29:01 and then it says, "For He shall receive me."
29:05 Now let's go to several New Testament verses
29:08 that refer to the word soul.
29:10 The New Testament word for soul
29:13 is not Nephesh of course that's Hebrew,
29:15 it's the word Psuche, some people call it Saiki.
29:19 So I'd refer to it as Saiki
29:20 because that s the way that's it's normally referred to.
29:24 1 Corinthians 15:45
29:26 I want to show you that the word Nephesh
29:28 is exactly equivalent in Hebrew to the Greek word Saiki.
29:34 Notice 1Corinthians 15:45, its quoting Genesis 2:7.
29:38 It says here, "And so it is written,
29:42 'The first Adam became a what, a living being.'
29:48 In the Old Testament that is the word Nephesh in Hebrew,
29:52 but this is in a New Testament,
29:53 it's quoting the Hebrew into Greek
29:56 and you will notice that the word here where it says,
29:59 "The first Adam became a living being."
30:01 The word is Psuche or Saiki.
30:07 Now let's notice that word Saiki in the New Testament,
30:10 that word soul.
30:11 What is the soul in the New Testament?
30:14 Is it the same thing as in the Old Testament,
30:16 is it the person?
30:17 Is it the life?
30:18 Absolutely.
30:19 Notice Acts 2:41,
30:22 Acts 2:41,
30:25 speaking about the preaching of the Apostle Peter
30:28 on the day of Pentecost,
30:29 it says, "Then those who gladly received his word were baptized,
30:33 and that day about three thousand what,
30:37 souls were added to them."
30:40 Is that talking about some invisible ghosts
30:42 that were added to the church that day?
30:44 Of course not.
30:45 It means 3000 what, persons.
30:49 Now notice Acts 27:37.
30:53 It's interesting that even in The King James Version
30:56 which generally translates souls,
30:58 in the King James it translates persons in this verse.
31:02 Notice Acts 27:37.
31:05 It says speaking about people,
31:08 the number of people that survived the shipwreck
31:10 "And in all we were two hundred and seventy-six what,
31:16 persons on the ship."
31:18 That is the word Saiki.
31:20 You could say that there were 276 souls on the ship.
31:26 It simply means what?
31:28 It means persons.
31:30 Notice Romans 13:1,
31:33 Romans 13:1,
31:37 speaking about the need to be subject
31:39 to the governing authorities, it says there,
31:42 "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.
31:48 By the way the New King James translates,
31:50 "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities,"
31:55 for there is no authority except from God,
31:57 and the authorities that exist are appointed by God."
32:00 Romans 13:1 should be translated let every what?
32:05 Every person, not every soul.
32:09 Notice Acts 27:22.
32:12 This is speaking about a shipwreck
32:13 that took place near Cauda an area in Asia Minor
32:19 and the Apostle Paul is telling the people,
32:21 don't worry because there is not gonna be any loss of any life,
32:25 it says there, "And now I urge you to take heart,
32:28 for there will be no loss of Saiki among you,
32:33 but only of the ship."
32:34 In other words the ship is going to be lost,
32:36 but there will be no loss of Saiki,
32:38 you know is it correct to say
32:40 there will be no loss of souls of course not.
32:43 It means there will be no loss of what,
32:45 no loss of life.
32:48 When Jesus went down to Egypt,
32:51 we're told that Herod and all those
32:53 who wanted to kill Jesus died
32:55 and so Joseph was told that he could return.
32:57 Now let's read about that in Matthew 2:19, 20.
33:01 Matthew 2:19, 20.
33:05 It says there, "But when Herod was dead,
33:07 behold, an angel of the Lord
33:09 appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,
33:12 saying, 'Arise, take the young Child and His mother,
33:17 and go to the land of Israel,
33:19 for those who sought the young Child's Saiki are dead."
33:25 Would it be proper to say
33:27 those who were seeking the young child soul are dead?
33:30 How could they find the invisible soul of Jesus?
33:34 It's not talking about his soul,
33:36 it's talking about what?
33:37 Those who were seeking his what?
33:39 His life have died.
33:42 Notice Mathew 20:28,
33:44 I will give you several more examples,
33:46 because this is an important word
33:48 that has been greatly misunderstood,
33:50 Mathew 20:28 very well know words.
33:54 Jesus is speaking about the mission
33:57 that He is going to accomplish on the earth, it says there,
34:00 "Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served,
34:04 but to serve, and to give His Saiki a ransom for many."
34:08 To give His life a ransom for many.
34:11 That's the way that it's translated.
34:14 He didn't come to give his soul,
34:15 he came to give His life,
34:17 but the word Saiki here is translated what?
34:20 Properly life.
34:23 Notice John 10:11,
34:25 time and again in the New Testament,
34:27 the word soul
34:28 is actually translated properly with the word life.
34:32 John 10:11.
34:35 Here Jesus says I am the good shepherd.
34:38 The good shepherd gives his what?
34:41 Gives his life, his Saiki for His sheep.
34:47 By the way in Acts 13 actually 15:26,
34:51 we find Paul and Barnabas
34:54 that they risk their lives for the cause of Jesus.
34:57 Acts 15:26
35:00 and actually we'll read out
35:01 the last little portion of verse 25 for the context.
35:04 It says, "Barnabas and Paul, men who have risked their what?
35:12 Saiki, yes, who have risked their lives
35:15 for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
35:18 It's the very word that is translated soul.
35:20 It means what, the life.
35:23 Now I want to show you by comparing two verses
35:26 that the soul is really the individual or the person.
35:32 Let's go
35:36 and then, hold your finger there
35:38 and go also to Luke 9:25.
35:41 Matthew 16:26 and Luke 9:25.
35:46 We are going to compare these two verses.
35:47 It's a same teaching of Jesus,
35:49 but in two different Gospels.
35:51 It says there in Matthew 16:26,
35:54 "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world,
35:58 and loses his own what? His own soul.
36:01 That's the word Saiki
36:02 or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?"
36:08 Now what does that mean?
36:10 Well, notice Luke 9:25,
36:13 what does it mean that
36:15 what will a man give in exchange for his soul.
36:19 Well, notice Luke 9:25,
36:21 "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world,
36:25 and is what himself destroyed or lost?"
36:31 So what is the soul?
36:32 It is himself.
36:35 What does it profit a man if he loses his soul?
36:37 Luke says what dose it profit a man if he loses himself.
36:41 So what is the soul?
36:42 The soul is the person himself.
36:45 Are you catching the point?
36:47 Now let's notice Acts 12:23.
36:50 It's speaking here about the death of King Herod.
36:53 By the way King Herod the Bible says
36:55 was eaten by worms and then he gave up his--his Saiki.
37:01 Notice Acts 12:23, it says,
37:06 "Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him,
37:10 because he did not give glory to God.
37:12 And he was eaten by worms
37:15 and the New King James says and died."
37:19 By the way the Greek word there is a compound word
37:24 that has a prepositional prefix
37:27 and literally in Greek it means he gave up his life,
37:34 but it's translated he what?
37:37 He died.
37:38 So what does it mean to give up your life?
37:40 It means that you what, that you die.
37:42 It could be translated that he gave up his soul,
37:46 but the proper translation is that he died
37:49 because he gave up his what?
37:51 Not his soul, but his life.
37:54 Notice another example that uses the same word,
37:56 Acts 5:10, it's speaking about the death of Sapphira.
38:01 You've heard the story of Ananias and Sapphira.
38:04 Let's read only about Sapphira, Acts 5:10.
38:09 It says here, "And immediately she fell at his feet,
38:13 that is at the feet of Peter and breathed her last."
38:16 That's the identical word that was just translated
38:19 he died, but here it's translated she what,
38:23 breathed her last.
38:25 The King James by the way says gave up the ghost.
38:29 "And the young men came in and found her what?
38:33 Dead.
38:34 So what happens when you give up your life
38:36 or when you give up the ghost or when you breathe your last,
38:39 you are what?
38:40 Dead.
38:41 And it says and they carried her
38:44 and buried her beside her husband.
38:47 Do you know that probably the best translation
38:50 when it comes to the State of the Dead
38:52 is the New International Version.
38:55 Now I am a fan of the King James Version,
38:57 I love the King James Version.
38:59 But the King James Version has a lot of problems
39:03 when it comes to the State of the Death.
39:05 Many times it translates the word Hades
39:08 and the word Sheol which we are going to study it
39:10 on next lecture with the word hell.
39:13 And many times it translates the word Nephesh
39:16 and the word Saiki with soul
39:19 when really it should be translated living person
39:22 or it should be translated life.
39:25 But the New International Version
39:27 is the best version hands down
39:29 when it deals with the State of the Dead.
39:31 By the way the NIV
39:32 is the most used version of the Bible in the church today.
39:36 It has its problems.
39:38 There are certain passages of scripture that are taken out
39:42 which I don't agree with
39:43 but when it comes to the State of the Dead,
39:46 it is the best version.
39:48 Many times when the word soul is found in the New Testament,
39:53 the NIV simply translates with the personal pronoun.
39:57 Let me give you several examples.
39:58 Examples we are not going to read them,
40:00 because we don't have the time,
40:02 but for example Acts 2:27 where it says,
40:05 "You will not leave my soul in hell in the King James.
40:09 The NIV says, "You will not leave me in the grave."
40:14 So the soul is me in that text.
40:16 Act 2:43 in the King James it says,
40:19 "Fear came upon every soul."
40:22 The NIV says, "Fear came upon everyone."
40:26 Romans 2:9 says,
40:29 "That tribulation and anguish will come upon every soul."
40:33 The NIV says.
40:34 "That it will come upon every human being."
40:38 In Romans 13:1 it says,
40:41 "Let every soul be subject to the higher powers
40:44 in the King James.
40:46 In the NIV it says,
40:47 "Let everyone be subject to the higher power,
40:50 so every soul is everyone."
40:54 In Hebrew's 10:38, it says,
40:56 "If one draw back, my soul has no pleasure in him."
41:00 God is speaking, He says if one draws back,
41:02 my soul has no pleasure in him.
41:04 The NIV says, "If one draws back,
41:06 I have no pleasure in him."
41:09 Hebrew 10:39 speaks about saving of the soul.
41:14 The NIV says "Those who are saved."
41:18 James 5:20 in the King James it says,
41:21 "He who converts a sinner saves a soul from death."
41:25 In the NIV it says,
41:26 "He who converts a sinner saves him from death.
41:30 So the soul is him."
41:32 Luke 21:19 says,
41:34 "In your patience possess ye your souls."
41:38 In the NIV it says,
41:39 "In your patience possess ye yourselves."
41:43 In Acts 2:41 the NIV doesn't even translate the word souls.
41:50 In the King James it says 2000 souls were added.
41:53 The NIV simply says 2000 were added.
41:57 Hebrew 13:7 says, "Submit to those who rule,
42:02 because they watch out for your souls."
42:04 The NIV says, "They watch out for you."
42:07 Finally Matthew 12:18 says.
42:10 "Behold my servant with whom my soul is well pleased."
42:14 In the NIV it's translated,
42:16 "Behold my servant with whom I am well pleased."
42:21 So what is the soul?
42:23 The soul is the individual person
42:25 that's why the personal pronoun is used."
42:28 Are you understanding what I am saying?
42:30 Now, let's go to Luke 12:19, 20.
42:34 Luke 12:19, 20.
42:38 This is the parable of the rich fool,
42:41 I am going to read up first of all in the King James,
42:43 and then I am going to read it in the New International Version
42:46 says there, "And I will say to my soul,
42:52 'Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years,
42:56 take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry.'
43:01 But God said to him, 'Fool!
43:03 This night your soul will be required of you.
43:10 Notice the number of times that the word soul is used here.
43:15 That's Luke 12:19, 20 and I will say to my soul,
43:20 soul you have many goods.
43:23 And then at the end of the verse it says,
43:25 "Fool this night your soul will be required of you."
43:28 Notice how the NIV has it.
43:31 And I will say to myself
43:34 not to my soul but to myself.
43:39 He doesn't say soul,
43:41 but he says you have plenty of good things
43:45 laid up for many years
43:46 Take life easy, eat, drink and be merry.
43:49 But God said to him, 'You fool!
43:51 This very night your life will be demanded from you.
43:56 Not your soul but your what?
43:58 But your life.
43:59 Is this a correct translation?
44:01 By the way this is not
44:02 a Seventh-day Adventist translation.
44:05 This is a translation that is used
44:07 by churches from every denomination
44:10 that you can imagine, the New International Version.
44:12 And they translate many of these verses correctly
44:16 with a personal pronoun
44:17 and they translate the word soul with the word life.
44:20 By the way we still use
44:23 figurative language in a similar way today.
44:26 For example if no one had shown up tonight for this meeting,
44:29 I would have said not a soul showed up.
44:34 Does that mean that not one ghost came tonight?
44:37 Of course not.
44:38 It means not one person came.
44:41 You know we speak about
44:42 one hundred souls being baptized.
44:45 how could they be baptized if you can't see them.
44:47 The fact is we are saying that 100 persons were baptized
44:52 and if we see someone, you know, who was in dire straits,
44:56 we say, oh, that poor soul.
44:58 What does that mean?
45:00 It means that poor what?
45:01 That poor person or individual.
45:05 Notice James 5:20,
45:07 James 5:20,
45:11 "Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth,
45:17 and someone turns him back,
45:19 Let him know that he who turns a sinner
45:22 from the error of his way will save a soul from what?
45:28 Now wait a minute, I thought the soul couldn't die.
45:31 We will save a what?
45:32 A soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.
45:38 What would be a better translation of that verse?
45:40 We will save a what?
45:42 A person from death,
45:45 because if you translates soul
45:47 and you believe that the soul is immortal,
45:48 how is it that--that it says that the soul can die.
45:51 Are you following me or not?
45:53 Now let's analyze a few problem text
45:56 before we draw this to a close.
45:58 Go with me to Acts 20:10.
46:01 This is the story of when this young man called Eutychus
46:05 was sitting in a window
46:06 and the Apostle Paul became very long winded in his preaching
46:10 and Eutychus went to sleep and he fell out of the window,
46:13 evidently on the second storey
46:15 and he died when he fell to the ground.
46:19 It says there in Acts 20:10,
46:23 "But Paul went down,
46:25 fell on him, and embracing him said,
46:29 'Do not trouble yourselves,
46:31 for his what, his life is in him.'
46:37 By the way even the King James translates his life is in him.
46:41 That's the proper translation,
46:43 it's the word Saiki,
46:46 it's not his soul that is in him, it is his life.
46:50 In other words he is breathing.
46:53 There is not a single verse in the Old or the New Testament
46:56 that says that the soul is intangible,
47:01 immortal or conscious after death.
47:05 In hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times
47:09 that the words Nephesh and Saiki are used
47:12 in Old and New Testament,
47:13 not once, do you have the reference to an immortal soul
47:17 or a conscious soul
47:19 or a soul that goes to heaven at the moment of death.
47:23 Now let's notice another interesting passage
47:26 1 King 17 and we will actually read verse 17,
47:31 and then we will also read verses 21 and 22.
47:35 1 King 17, "Now it happened after these things,
47:41 that the son of the woman,
47:43 this is the widow of Zarephath, the son of the woman,
47:46 who own the house became sick,
47:49 and his sickness was so serious,
47:52 that there was no Neshamah left in him.
47:55 In other words there was no breath left in him.
47:58 And he stretched himself out, this is verse 21,
48:01 and he stretched himself out on the child three times,
48:04 and cried out to the Lord, and said, O Lord my God,
48:08 I pray, let this child's soul come back to him.
48:13 Of course some Christians say,
48:15 see he wanted his immortal soul
48:17 to come back from heaven into his body.
48:19 Is that what the text is saying,
48:21 further it couldn't be further from the truth.
48:25 He is simply saying, O Lord my God, I pray,
48:29 let this child's life come back to him.
48:33 The word Nephesh here means life,
48:35 then the Lord heard the voice of Elijah
48:38 and the soul of the child,
48:40 that is the life of the child came back to him
48:43 and what happens when the life comes back,
48:45 it says he what?
48:46 He revived.
48:51 Is the Bible clear on this or not?
48:52 It's very, very clear.
48:54 Only when you read, your preconceived ideas
48:57 into scripture do you have troubles?
49:00 Of course some people say what about that text that says,
49:03 don't fear those, who can kill the body
49:05 but can't kill the soul.
49:07 Well, let's read read that verse, Matthew 10:28,
49:12 Matthew 10:28,
49:15 here Jesus says, "And do not fear those who kill the body,
49:20 but cannot kill the soul, that the word Saiki,
49:23 but rather fear him who is able to destroy
49:26 both soul and body in hell."
49:31 What does that mean don't fear who is able to kill the body,
49:34 but is not able to kill the soul.
49:36 I am going to show you now biblically that when it say,
49:39 don't fear those who can kill the body,
49:41 it's talking about us
49:43 living in our present existence in our tent.
49:46 In other words "Don't fear
49:48 those who are able to destroy your tent,
49:52 but rather fear him who is able to destroy your tent
49:55 and take away also your future life or your eternal life."
50:00 Notice the key is in verse39 in the same context.
50:04 Verse 39, Matthew 10: 39,
50:09 Jesus says, "He who finds his life will lose it."
50:16 In other words who try to save his life now,
50:19 later on he will what?
50:21 He'll lose everlasting life.
50:24 And he who loses his life,
50:26 that's his present life in his tent,
50:29 for my sake will what, will find it.
50:34 Because eventually he will what?
50:36 He will resurrect you.
50:38 So the contrast when he speaks about,
50:40 don't fear him who can kill the body,
50:42 but can't kill the soul.
50:44 The word body refers to our present existence
50:47 and the word soul is referring to our eternal life existence.
50:52 Don't fear he who is able to take away your present life,
50:55 fear him who is able to take away
50:58 your present life as well as your what?
51:00 As your everlasting life.
51:02 There is one verse that puts the icing on the cake
51:06 in understanding this particular verse in Matthew 10:28.
51:09 Notice Luke 12:4, 5,
51:12 Luke 12:4, 5, here Jesus says,
51:18 "And I say to you my friends,
51:20 do not be afraid of those who kill the body,
51:23 and after that have no more that they can do."
51:29 Are you understanding that?
51:30 Don't fear those who could take away
51:31 your physical existence now,
51:33 that doesn't mean anything.
51:34 The martyrs lost their lives.
51:37 Did they die in hope?
51:39 Did they die knowing that there was something better later on?
51:41 A greater life, of course they did.
51:44 So Jesus says, my friends do not be afraid of those
51:48 who kill the body and after that have no more that they can do.
51:52 But I will show you whom you should fear,
51:54 Fear him who after he has killed,
51:57 after he has killed what?
51:58 The body.
52:00 Has power to cast into what?
52:03 Into hell.
52:04 Yes, I say to you, fear him."
52:06 In other words fear him who is able,
52:07 not only to destroy you in your present existence,
52:10 but who is able to what?
52:12 To eventually destroy you in hell.
52:15 Now you say what about that word hell?
52:17 Well, you gonna have to hang on to that one,
52:19 we have a whole lecture on Hades
52:21 and on Sheol later on in this series.
52:24 Now let's go back to our original verse
52:26 that we started our study with today.
52:29 Genesis 35:18 and you'd be honest with me,
52:34 you tell me if this is talking about an immortal soul,
52:37 leaving the body and going to heaven at the moment of death.
52:39 Is there anything like this in this text?
52:43 It says speaking about Rachel.
52:47 And so it was, as her soul was departing,
52:51 you know the way Christians read it is
52:53 and so it was as her immortal soul was departing to heaven,
52:58 it's not what it says, it's very simple,
53:01 when it says, as her soul was departing,
53:05 it means as her life was going out of her what?
53:08 Out of her body and then it explains
53:10 that in case you don't understand what that means,
53:12 (for she died).
53:18 What happens when the--
53:20 the Nephesh leaves the body, you what?
53:23 You die.
53:24 That she called his name Ben-oni,
53:26 but his father called him Benjamin.
53:28 Now let's read several verses in closing
53:31 about what happens when a person dies,
53:33 Psalm 146:4,
53:35 we'll go through these quickly.
53:37 It says here his spirits departs
53:39 that is his breath leaves the body
53:42 and what happens as a result,
53:44 he returns to his what,
53:47 earth,
53:49 in other words he return to the dust.
53:51 In that very day the King James says his thoughts perish.
53:59 Of course the New King James says he is plans perish.
54:04 Notice Psalm 104:29, 30,
54:08 Psalm 104:29, 30,
54:11 it's speaking about the contrast between death and creation,
54:14 it says speaking about God
54:16 "You hide your face, they are troubled,
54:20 you take away their breath, their Neshamah
54:23 and what happens they die and return to their dust."
54:30 So what happens when the breath is taken away from the body,
54:35 it says they die and return to the dust?
54:38 What happens when God creates us?
54:39 Notice verse 30.
54:40 "You send forth Your Spirit, your Ruach they are what,
54:45 they are created and You renew the face of the earth."
54:49 Notice Genesis 3:19
54:51 the Bible explicit on what happens when a person dies.
54:54 Genesis 3:19
54:56 this is the sentence that God pronounced upon Adam originally
55:02 and all of his descendants also,
55:04 it says, "In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread,
55:08 till you return to the ground."
55:13 So what happens when you die?
55:15 You return to the same condition
55:17 that Adam was in before he was what,
55:19 before he was created.
55:22 It says "For out of it you were taken,
55:24 for dust you are, and to dust you shall return."
55:31 In other words death is the opposite of what?
55:35 Of life. Is that simple.
55:37 There is nothing intangible or immortal
55:40 that leaves the body at the moment of death.
55:43 Now lets go to one further verse
55:45 and then I will make reference to another verse before we close
55:48 Ecclesiastes 12:7,
55:50 this is a famous verse for those who study the State of the Dead,
55:55 Ecclesiastes 2:7,
55:59 It's speaking about what happens to the body
56:01 and the breath when a person dies,
56:02 it says, "Then the dust will return to the earth
56:06 as it was and the spirit.
56:11 What is the spirit?
56:12 The Ruach.
56:13 What is that according to what we've studied?
56:14 It's the life principle, the energizing force,
56:18 the vital force will return to God who gave it.
56:21 In other words God is not sending it any more.
56:24 And as a result what happens, a person dies.
56:30 The glorious news is that there is hope for those
56:33 who die in Jesus Christ.
56:35 The Bible tells us that those who die in Jesus Christ
56:38 will be resurrected by his voice
56:40 when he comes on the clouds of heaven.
56:43 You know folks the Bible speaks only of two destines.
56:47 In Romans 6:23, "The wages of sin is death."
56:53 It doesn't say the wages of sin is everlasting life in misery
56:58 like many Christians believe it,
56:59 death really isn't death, it's actually everlasting misery, no.
57:03 The Bible says that the wages of sin is death absence of life,
57:07 but the free gift of God is eternal life
57:12 through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
57:15 Have you received Jesus Christ as your savior,
57:18 if you have you have no reason to fear death.
57:22 You can go to bed and be joyful and happy
57:25 knowing that Jesus will resurrect you if you should die.


Revised 2014-12-17