State of the Dead

Preaching To The Spirits In Prison

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: SOD

Program Code: SOD000006

00:01 If a man dies, shall he live again?
00:07 What does it mean to be absent from the body
00:10 and present with the Lord?
00:13 Did Jesus go with a thief to paradise on Good Friday?
00:19 Did the souls of dead people
00:21 really cry out from below the alter?
00:25 Pastor Bohr answers these questions
00:27 and more in the amazing series.
00:34 So we bow our heads for prayer.
00:38 Father in Heaven, what a joy it is to be in Your presence.
00:42 We thank you Father, for giving us your Holy word
00:47 which is assured guide in a world
00:50 that is totally confused about so many things.
00:54 And Father, as we study today,
00:57 about that passage in 1 Peter 3
01:01 about the preaching of Jesus to the spirits in prison
01:06 we ask for divine wisdom.
01:10 I ask Lord, that You will take away
01:11 from our minds and from our hearts
01:14 any preconceived notions that we might have
01:18 and that we might be willing to listen to Your voice.
01:23 We thank you father, for hearing our prayer
01:26 for we ask it in the precious
01:27 and powerful name of Jesus. Amen.
01:32 As I mention in my prayer we are going to study today,
01:35 that famous passage about
01:37 preaching to the spirits in prison.
01:41 1 Peter 3:18-22.
01:47 What I am gonna do first of all is read this passage
01:51 and then we are going to take a closer look
01:55 at several of the details that we find in this passage.
02:01 1 Peter Chapter 3 and beginning with verse 18.
02:07 "For Christ also suffered once for sins,
02:13 the just for the unjust,
02:17 that He might bring us to God,
02:20 being put to death in the flesh
02:24 but made alive by the Spirit by whom also He went
02:31 and preached to the spirits in prison,
02:35 who formerly were disobedient
02:37 when once the Divine
02:38 longsuffering waited in the days of Noah,
02:41 while the ark was being prepared,
02:44 in which a few, that is, eight souls,
02:47 were saved through water.
02:50 There is also an antitype which now saves us-baptism
02:57 (not the removal of the filth of the flesh,
03:01 but the answer of a good conscience toward God),
03:05 through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
03:09 who has gone into heaven
03:12 and is at the right hand of God,
03:15 angels and authorities
03:17 and powers having been made subject to Him."
03:24 This is the famous passage
03:27 of the preaching to the spirits in prison.
03:31 Now allow me to tell you a few introductory things
03:34 about the two epistles that Peter wrote.
03:40 First of all I want us to notice
03:42 that these epistles were not written for theologians.
03:47 They were not written for philosophers.
03:51 They were written by common for common ordinary Christians.
03:58 In other words they have a practice purpose.
04:01 They can be understood by the lay person in the pew.
04:05 And Peter wrote these things
04:08 to bring encouragement in the midst of trails
04:13 and tribulations and sufferings.
04:17 So this passage even though it is complex
04:22 it cannot only be understood by theologians
04:24 it can be understood and applied to the life
04:27 by the common ordinary church member.
04:32 I want you to notice in 1 Peter Chapter 1
04:35 who this epistles is directed to.
04:38 1 Peter 1:1, 2.
04:43 "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
04:47 to the pilgrims of the Dispersion in Pontus,
04:54 Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,
05:02 elect according to the foreknowledge
05:04 of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit,
05:07 for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ,
05:11 Grace to you and peace be multiplied to you."
05:15 So notice he is writing to the Jews
05:19 primarily who are in the Diaspora,
05:22 in other words in the dispersion.
05:24 He is writing to common ordinary Christians.
05:30 Now there is a common mis- understanding of this passage.
05:35 I want to read now the way many Christians
05:38 read this passage or read things into this passage.
05:44 This is the way they read it.
05:46 While the body of Jesus was dead
05:51 his soul went down to hell
05:56 and He preached the good news of salvation
05:59 to the spirits of dead people
06:02 who disobeyed at the time of the flood
06:04 in order to give them a second chance to be saved.
06:11 That's the way that many Christians read this passage.
06:16 But they are actually reading into the passage
06:19 what is not there.
06:22 No where do you find here any reference to the word soul.
06:28 You find no reference to Jesus going down.
06:32 You find no reference to Jesus preaching the gospel.
06:35 You find no reference that the spirits
06:37 are spirits of dead people.
06:40 And you find no reference of a second change.
06:45 Now I want to give you several reasons
06:47 why Jesus could not have preached
06:52 to the disincarnated spirits of the dead.
06:57 Number one, the Bible teaches
07:00 that there will not be another chance
07:03 to be saved after you die, a second chance.
07:06 Notice Hebrews 9:27
07:09 where this is made absolutely crystal clear,
07:12 Hebrews 9: 27.
07:16 It says there,
07:18 "And as it is appointed for men to die" what?
07:26 "once, but after this the judgment."
07:31 What comes after a person dies?
07:35 The judgment according to scripture.
07:37 No idea that you can die
07:39 and then have the gospel preached to you
07:41 and you can be saved
07:43 and then after that you are judged.
07:45 The fact is you live once
07:47 and after you live you have the judgment.
07:51 The Bible tells us in the book of Hebrews
07:53 that today is the day of salvation
07:56 not tomorrow, not two or three thousand years
08:01 down the road after you are dead.
08:03 The Bible says if you hear His voice today
08:07 do not harden your heart.
08:09 In other words while we are alive
08:11 is when we can make decisions for salvations.
08:16 Further more, we are told
08:18 in the Book of Ecclesiastes 9:5 the following.
08:24 "For the living know that they shall die,
08:28 but the dead know not anything
08:32 neither have they any more a reward,
08:34 for the memory of them is forgotten."
08:37 So if the dead don't know any thing,
08:39 how is that the Jesus supposedly went to preach
08:43 to the spirits in prison?
08:45 If it is appointed for an individual to die
08:48 and after that the judgment
08:50 how could they have been preached to after the judgment?
08:56 If the Bible says if you hear His voice today,
08:59 do not harden your heart.
09:00 If the Bible says, today is the day of salvation
09:03 how is it that they could be saved
09:05 supposedly after they died?
09:09 Further more the Bible is very clear that
09:12 that generation of people
09:15 who live before the flood were irreversible.
09:21 Now if they couldn't be reached with the gospel
09:23 while they were alive
09:26 why suddenly would they listen
09:27 to the preaching after they were dead?
09:31 Notice Genesis 6:5,
09:34 Genesis 6:5 speaking about that pre-flood race.
09:40 It says there, "Then the Lord saw
09:44 that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
09:49 and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart
09:54 was only evil continually."
09:58 Basically this is speaking about a race
10:01 that had become totally degenerate
10:04 and the Book of Genesis makes it clear
10:06 that when the door of the ark closed
10:08 that was it for those who lived
10:12 in this period before the flood.
10:15 So the idea that somehow later on
10:17 Jesus goes and preaches to these spirits of dead people
10:23 many thousands of years later
10:26 doesn't square at all
10:28 with the condition that they were in before the flood
10:31 which means that they had committed the unpardonable sin.
10:34 They were irreversible.
10:35 So how could they be reached?
10:37 How could they respond to the gospel
10:41 after they were dead?
10:42 It's simply not possible.
10:45 Now I would like us to go specifically to the passage
10:49 1 Peter 3:18
10:51 and the first thing that I want us to notice
10:53 is the structure of verse 18,
10:57 how it is organized
10:58 the literary structure of verse 18.
11:02 We have actually here a synonymous parallelism.
11:06 The first half of the verse
11:07 is explained in the second half of the verse.
11:11 It says, "For Christ also suffered once for sins,
11:18 the just for the unjust, that He might"
11:21 what "bring us to God."
11:24 Let me ask you would he have to be alive to bring us to God?
11:28 Of course he would
11:29 so what this is saying is that Jesus suffered
11:31 and died for our sins so that he could resurrect
11:34 and he could, what, bring us to God.
11:37 That is explained
11:39 in the second half of the verse, explicitly.
11:42 It says, being put to death in the flesh
11:45 is that parallel to suffered once for our sins? Yes.
11:49 Being put to death in the flesh
11:52 but made alive by the spirit
11:55 is that the same as that he might bring us to God?
12:00 Absolutely.
12:01 So you have a parallel in this verse.
12:05 Christ suffered for sins,
12:07 which is the same as being put to death in the flesh
12:10 that he might bring us to God
12:12 is the same as made alive by the spirit.
12:18 Now we need to understand
12:19 what is meant here
12:21 by being put to death in the flesh.
12:28 What does that mean being put to death in the flesh?
12:30 What does the word flesh there mean?
12:34 It's speaking about the tent
12:38 that we spoke about in our last lecture.
12:41 It's speaking about this body which was subject to mortality.
12:47 It was subject to death.
12:50 Notice Hebrews 5:7 where this is explicitly said.
12:55 Hebrews 5:7.
13:00 It says here speaking about Jesus
13:03 "Who, in the days of His flesh,"
13:10 is that mean while He was on this earth
13:13 before his death and resurrection? Absolutely.
13:16 "Who, in the days of His flesh,
13:18 when He had offered up prayers and supplications,
13:21 with vehement cries and tears to Him
13:25 who was able to save him from death,
13:28 and was heard because of his godly fear.
13:33 So we find that put the death in the flesh means
13:36 that His human nature which was subject to weakness
13:42 and it was subject to death when He was crucified died.
13:48 His tent if you please,
13:50 the body which was mortal and subject to weakness.
13:56 But what does it mean
13:58 that he was made alive by the spirit,
14:03 I prefer the translation
14:05 I'll tell you the reason why in a few moments.
14:07 The translation in the King James Version
14:09 where it says, "Made alive in the spirit."
14:13 Now what does that mean, "Made alive in the spirit."
14:15 Put the death in the flesh means
14:17 that he was tent or his body mortal body,
14:23 weak body died and went to the grave.
14:27 But what does it mean
14:28 when it says made alive in the spirit?
14:32 Well, go with me to Romans 8:11,
14:37 Romans 8:11.
14:42 "But if the Spirit of Him
14:45 who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you,"
14:50 Who raised Jesus from the dead?
14:52 The sprit according to this.
14:54 "Who raised Jesus form the dead dwells in you,
14:58 He who raised Christ from the dead
15:02 will also give life to your" what?
15:06 "Mortal bodies through His spirit who dwells in you."
15:11 So what does that mean being made alive in the spirit?
15:15 It's speaking about the what?
15:18 The resurrection of Jesus through the power of whom?
15:23 Of the Holy Spirit.
15:25 So are these the two same states of existence
15:29 that are experienced by the tent
15:30 and the building that we studied last night.
15:33 Absolutely.
15:35 In other words, He died
15:37 and He resurrected is what its saying.
15:42 Notice also 1 Corinthians 15:42-44
15:46 on this very important aspect.
15:48 What it means to be put to death in the flesh
15:51 and resurrect in the spirit
15:53 of being made alive in the spirit.
15:56 It says in 1 Corinthians 15:42,
15:59 "So also is the resurrection of the dead.
16:03 The body is sown in corruption,"
16:07 Is that the tent? Yes.
16:11 Is that being put to death in the flesh? Absolutely.
16:14 "The body is sown in corruption, it is raised" How?
16:21 "In incorruption."
16:22 Is that the building that we receive from God
16:24 at the moment of resurrection? Absolutely.
16:27 "It is sown in dishonor, it is raised" How?
16:33 "In glory.
16:34 It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power.
16:41 It is sown a natural body,
16:45 it is raised a spiritual body."
16:49 You understanding what it means to be resurrected
16:51 in the spirit or getting life in the spirit.
16:54 It means that the Holy Spirit resurrects the person
16:56 and gives that person the building
17:00 that God has prepared in heaven.
17:03 And so the apostle Paul says,
17:05 there is a natural body and there is a spiritual body.
17:10 So are you understanding, 1 Peter 3:18?
17:16 It's simply saying that Jesus suffered once for our sins
17:20 which is a same thing as saying
17:22 that He is put to death in the flesh.
17:25 But then it says that he might bring us to God
17:29 and the way that He could do this
17:31 is He was made alive how?
17:33 In the spirit.
17:36 Now we need to look a little bit at the grammar
17:39 of chapter 3:19.
17:43 And you know, I debate
17:44 on whether to touch the issue of grammar
17:47 but in this particular case it is extremely important
17:50 for us to understand the grammar
17:53 in Greek of 1 Peter 3:19.
17:59 Now let me ask you must there be an agreement
18:03 between the noun and the pronoun.
18:08 Those of you who know about English
18:10 know that the pronoun and the noun have to agree.
18:15 Now the problem in English is that our pronouns
18:19 basically have one form, right?
18:26 And they are distinguished by gender.
18:30 But in Greek you have what are called cases.
18:36 A noun can be in nominative case,
18:39 it can be in the accusative case,
18:43 it can be in the genitive case
18:47 or it can be in the accusative case.
18:51 And each case has a different ending
18:54 for that Greek word,
18:57 which means that the pronoun
19:01 and the noun have to have the same ending in that case.
19:07 Are you understanding a little bit
19:08 of what I am saying? Yes.
19:11 Now the reason I am saying this
19:12 is because the expression in the flesh-
19:17 this is very important,
19:19 the expression in the flesh is in the dative case.
19:27 When I see Jonathan saying, yeah, remember my Greek
19:31 because he is just come back from college.
19:35 In the flesh is in the dative case.
19:37 The ending actually in Greek it is en sarki.
19:44 Not sarkus, en sarki.
19:48 The expression in the spirit is also in the dative case.
19:55 In pneumate, see it ends in E.
20:00 The interesting thing is that the expression that is used
20:08 in which verse 19 says,
20:14 "By whom also He went and preached
20:16 to the spirits in prison."
20:18 You'll notice that in the King James it doesn't say,
20:20 by whom also He went
20:21 and preached to the spirits in prison.
20:23 It actually says, in which He went
20:26 and preached to the spirits in prison.
20:30 In the king James, that a better translation
20:34 because that expression "in which"
20:36 which is a relative pronoun is also in the dative case.
20:42 So you have the noun, flesh,
20:47 you have the noun, spirit,
20:50 and you have the relative pronoun
20:53 in which all agreeing in the same case.
20:56 What does that mean?
20:58 In practical terms it means that when verse 19 says,
21:03 in which, or in which state
21:07 He went and preached to the spirits in prison
21:10 you have to look at the nouns
21:12 that come before the expression, in which.
21:17 In which, what?
21:19 Well, He was put to death in the flesh, dative case.
21:24 He was made alive in the spirit, dative case.
21:31 In which dative case,
21:33 He went and preached to the spirits in prison.
21:36 Let me ask you, when it says then in which He went.
21:40 He went how? After He what?
21:43 After He died and He resurrected.
21:49 Are you following me?
21:51 Now if you don't know English grammar you are in trouble.
21:55 The best way to learn another language
21:56 is by knowing the grammar of your own language.
22:00 It's much easier to learn a language that way,
22:03 but once again I underline that the word flesh,
22:07 the word spirit and the expression
22:09 in which are all in the same case.
22:12 They are all in the dative case
22:13 which means that the expression in which,
22:16 which is translated in the New king James by which
22:19 refers back to dying in the flesh
22:24 and being resurrected in the spirit.
22:27 So how did Jesus go to preach to the spirits in prison?
22:32 He went after He died and what?
22:35 And resurrected.
22:37 Which means that He didn't go there
22:40 when He died at all.
22:43 Are you with me?
22:45 Now, let's take a look at
22:48 some of the words in this verse.
22:52 In which state, in which resurrected state,
22:59 He went... went...
23:04 that's the Greek word Poduthese.
23:11 It is used for going
23:15 up, down or horizontally.
23:21 For example it's used
23:23 to say that the apostle Paul went to the Damascus.
23:29 So that's horizontal going.
23:33 It's also used to speak about going down,
23:38 but it's also used to speak about going up.
23:44 The problem is that here it simply says He went.
23:48 And so most Christians assume
23:50 He went down to hell to preach to the spirits.
23:55 They are putting in the text what is not in the text.
23:59 The question is where did Jesus go?
24:02 Did He necessarily go down? No.
24:05 He could have gone, what? Up.
24:08 In fact let's notice a verse in Acts 1:10
24:12 that speaks about the ascension of Jesus
24:15 and the word go or the use the word went
24:18 is referring not to going down but to his ascension to heaven.
24:22 Notice Acts 1:10,
24:26 "And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven
24:30 as He" what... "went" that's the same word Poduthese.
24:35 "Went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel."
24:45 So the word went can refer to Jesus going up,
24:48 not necessarily going down.
24:51 In fact the context indicates that that's the way
24:55 that the word went should be translated.
24:57 You say how is that?
24:59 Go with me to verses 21 and 22 of 1 Peter 3.
25:05 It says, "Through
25:06 the resurrection of Jesus Christ,"
25:09 this is the last part of verse 21
25:11 "Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,"
25:13 talking about the resurrection, right,
25:16 "who has gone,"
25:19 I bet you cant guess what word that is " Poduthese.
25:24 The very word in the same context.
25:27 "It says who has gone" down to hell, no.
25:35 Who has gone where"
25:37 "Into heaven and is at the right hand of God,
25:42 angels and authorities and powers
25:45 having been made subject to Him."
25:48 Want you to remember
25:50 those angles, authorities and powers
25:53 because we are going to come back to those
25:56 a little bit later on.
25:58 So according to the immediately succeeding context
26:01 where did Jesus go?
26:04 He went but He didn't go down.
26:07 He went where?
26:09 Up to heaven. Very same word.
26:13 Now what does this text mean
26:15 when it says that He went and preached.
26:17 Christians add an expression.
26:19 They say He went and He preached
26:21 the good news of the gospel.
26:23 Where do you find the good news of the gospel
26:26 in that passage?
26:28 It's not there.
26:30 It's an assumption that people make.
26:34 Do you know that the word kerusso in Greek
26:37 which means to preach
26:38 does not necessarily always mean preach?
26:42 It is used in the New Testament
26:46 in the sense of proclaimed or announced.
26:51 Let's notice a couple of examples,
26:53 Revelation 5:2, Revelation 5:2.
26:58 This is speaking about the scene
26:59 where there is one seated on the throne
27:02 and He has a scroll in his hand.
27:06 It says there in Verse 2,
27:08 "Then I saw a strong angel" what
27:14 "proclaiming" that's the same word Kerusso
27:17 "proclaiming with a loud voice,
27:20 'Who is worthy to open the scroll,
27:23 and to loose its seals?'"
27:26 So the word Kerusso can mean also to what?
27:30 To proclaim or to announce.
27:34 Let us, another example, Luke 8:39.
27:38 Luke 8:39.
27:43 This is after Jesus has cast out
27:45 the demons from the men of Gadara
27:50 and He says to them "'Return to your own house,
27:53 and tell what great things God has done for you.
27:59 And he went his way and" what,
28:03 "And proclaimed throughout the whole city
28:06 what great things Jesus had done for him."
28:10 He went he proclaimed and he announced
28:14 the greatness and glory of Jesus.
28:17 So doesn't necessarily mean the preaching of the gospel.
28:22 That's an assumption.
28:24 It's an assumption that Jesus went down,
28:26 it's an assumption that he preach the gospel.
28:29 Now what about the spirits in prison?
28:32 Some people say, well, the spirits in prison
28:35 are the spirits of the dead.
28:41 That's not what the Bible teaches.
28:44 All you have to do is look up the word spirits
28:47 in the New Testament.
28:50 Let's notice a few verses that speak about spirits.
28:53 These spirits are not spirits of human beings at all,
28:56 they are evil spirits.
28:59 Let's read the text Luke 10:20.
29:03 "Nevertheless do not rejoice in this,
29:08 that the spirits are subject to you,"
29:12 what spirits are being spoken about there" Demons.
29:16 "But rather rejoice
29:17 because your names are written in heaven."
29:20 Luke 11:24-26.
29:23 Let's notice what the word spirits mean.
29:25 Luke 11:24-26,
29:27 "When the unclean spirit goes out of a man,
29:30 he goes through dry places,
29:32 seeking rest and finding none,
29:34 he says, 'I will return to my house from which I came.
29:37 And when he comes, he finds it swept and put in order.
29:41 Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits"
29:48 Is this talking about evil spirits, demons?
29:50 Absolutely.
29:52 "More wicked than himself and they enter and dwell there
29:55 in the last state of that man is worse than the first."
30:00 Let's read one more Mark 1:27-28.
30:03 Mark 1:27-28. "Then they were all amazed,
30:09 so that they question among themselves saying
30:12 'What is this?
30:13 What new doctrine is this for with authority
30:17 he commands even the" what "The unclean spirits
30:21 and they obeyed him.'"
30:25 So what are the spirits? Demons.
30:29 So you are saying, pastor, that you are saying that Jesus
30:31 preached the gospel to demons?
30:37 No because the word preached
30:38 is not necessarily mean preach the Gospel.
30:41 We gonna come to that a little bit later on.
30:44 Now, it speaks here about the spirits in prison.
30:48 Now in the New Testament who are the spirits
30:51 that are uniformly spoken of as been in prison?
30:55 Fallen angels. Let's read some verses.
30:59 Let's start with the leader of all of the evil spirits.
31:02 Who is that? The devil.
31:05 Notice Revelation 20:1,3 Revelation 20:1,3.
31:10 "Then I saw an angel come down from heaven,
31:12 having the key of the bottomless pit"
31:14 actually it's to the abyss. And a great what?
31:18 "Chain in his hand."
31:21 Verse 3, "And it cast him that is the devil
31:23 into the bottomless pit" or the abyss,
31:25 and what did he do?
31:27 "He shut him up, and set a seal on him,
31:30 so that he should deceive the nations
31:31 no more till the thousand years were finished
31:34 but after these things he must be released for a little while."
31:37 And by the way in verse 7 if you want to read verse 7
31:40 I will do it.
31:41 It says, that at the end of the thousand years,
31:44 Satan who was chained will be released from his prison,
31:51 Spirits in prison. Spirits are demons
31:56 and they are spoken up at least the little to this point,
31:59 is spoken off as been where? In prison.
32:04 Now let's go to a couple of other verses Jude 6.
32:08 Jude 6, speaking about the evil angels it says
32:14 "And the angels who did not keep their proper domain,
32:19 but left their own abode, He has reserved in" what?
32:26 "Everlasting chains under darkness
32:32 for the judgment of the great day."
32:34 Who are the once who are in everlasting chains?
32:38 The wicked angels.
32:40 Notice 2 Peter 2:4. 2 Peter 2:4,
32:44 "For if God did not spare the angels who sinned,
32:48 but cast them down to hell
32:52 and delivered them into chains of darkness,
32:57 to be reserved for judgment." So let me ask you,
33:01 who are the spirits that are in prison or the spirits
33:05 that are chained? They are fallen angels.
33:09 So here it's saying that Jesus proclaimed
33:13 something to the evil spirits or to the fallen angels
33:20 when he, what? When He resurrected.
33:28 Because He was put to death in the flesh,
33:31 He was resurrected in the spirit and in that state He went
33:37 and He preached to the spirits in prison.
33:41 If God had wonder saying that he preached
33:42 to the spirits in prison after He died.
33:45 It would have said, He was put to death in the flesh.
33:49 He went and preached to the spirits in prison
33:52 and then He was made alive by the spirit.
33:56 But the antecedent shows
33:59 that He was put to death in the flesh,
34:01 He resurrected in the spirit and in this state
34:04 He went and He proclaimed something
34:07 to Satan and his angels.
34:11 The question is what did He proclaimed
34:14 to Satan and his angels?
34:17 Let's go to 1 Peter 3:22.
34:22 When Jesus goes to heaven,
34:24 when Jesus ascends to heaven, when He resurrects.
34:30 There are powers that are made what?
34:35 Subject to Him. Notice, "Who has gone into heaven"
34:39 So he didn't go down he went what?
34:42 Up. "Who has gone into heaven
34:46 and is at the right hand of God,"
34:49 and now notice "Angels, and authorities
34:53 and powers having been made" what" "Subject to him."
34:57 Let me ask you who are those angels authorities and powers?
35:01 There are other texts in the New Testament
35:03 that indicate that these are evil angel
35:06 authorities and powers.
35:08 You say, where is that? Go to Matthew 12:28-29.
35:13 Are you starting to get the picture here?
35:15 Matthew 12:28-29. Here Jesus says,
35:21 "But if I cast out demons by the spirit of God
35:25 surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.
35:28 'Or how can one enter a strong mans house
35:33 and plunder his goods?"
35:34 Who is the strong man here? The devil.
35:39 "Unless he first" what? "Binds the strong man
35:43 and then he will" what? "He will plunder his house."
35:50 By the way at the cross of Calvary did Jesus
35:54 ransack the house of the enemy?
35:58 Did Jesus take all the dominion
36:00 and ruler ship of the world legally.
36:03 Was the devil cast out of heaven as the prince of this world
36:07 and the representative of this world?
36:09 Yes, he was exiled.
36:14 Notice what we find in John 12: 30-31.
36:18 John 12: 30-31. Here Jesus says,
36:23 "Now is the judgment of this world"
36:26 this is shortly before his death.
36:28 "Now the ruler of this world will be" what?
36:34 "Cast out."
36:36 Let me ask you, could the devil go to heaven
36:37 representing this world before the cross.
36:40 Sure he could. Read the Book of Job.
36:42 Read 2 chronicles 18: 18-22.
36:48 It says that whenever there was a heavenly council in heaven
36:51 Satan went representing planet earth
36:53 because he had taken away the throne from Adam.
36:56 But when Jesus over came the devil on the cross Satan
37:00 was cast out as the ruler of this world
37:03 and now Jesus represents planet earth.
37:06 The devil has been exiled and he is bound to this planet,
37:10 to planet earth as a result of what Jesus has done.
37:15 That's why Jesus says,
37:16 I saw Satan fall like lighting from heaven.
37:21 I love that. I mean how fast is lightening.
37:26 I mean this was fast fall real all the way down.
37:32 But the struggle was great. Wasn't it?
37:38 The Bible calls this the hour of the powers of darkness
37:42 when Jesus went through His trails in Gethsemane
37:45 and on the cross.
37:47 We can hear Jesus saying my Father,
37:49 if this cup can pass from me, let it be so,
37:54 nevertheless not my will be done but yours.
37:58 Ellen white says, that the destiny of the world
38:00 hung as a by a thread.
38:04 She says that Jesus was tempted to throwing the towel
38:08 and go back to heaven and allow the human race to parish.
38:12 In that case Satan would have been
38:13 the ruler of this world indefinitely.
38:18 She says that the devil tortured Jesus with temptations to try
38:22 and get Him to fall.
38:25 We can hear the agony in the voice of Jesus when he said
38:28 "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?
38:32 We can hear the agony when Jesus said it is finished.
38:37 We can hear the agony when Jesus says,
38:39 Father into your hands I come into my spirit.
38:45 When Jesus died on Friday and said it is finished,
38:49 the devil knew that his kingdom was finished.
38:54 And when Jesus resurrected, Jesus came out of the grave
38:57 and he proclaimed his victory over the evil spirits.
39:02 Allow me to read you here a passage that we find
39:06 in The Desire of Ages, page 780.
39:09 Desire of Ages, 780 on the resurrection of Jesus.
39:14 Ellen White says this, "Hosts of evil angels
39:18 were gathered about the place." That is the tomb of Jesus.
39:23 Then she describes these are not her words but mine.
39:27 I am just shortening her statements.
39:29 Then she describes how Gabriel
39:31 descends to the tomb in these words.
39:35 "The earth trembles at his approach,
39:39 the hosts of darkness flee, and as he rolls away the stone,
39:46 heaven seems to come down to the earth.
39:49 The soldiers see him removing the stone as he would a pebble,
39:54 and hear him cry, Son of God, come forth,
39:57 Thy Father calls Thee.
40:00 They see Jesus come forth from the grave,
40:04 and hear Him proclaim over the rent sepulcher,
40:09 'I am the resurrection, and the life.'"
40:14 What is Jesus proclaiming when he comes up
40:16 from the tomb and when he ascends to heaven?
40:18 He is proclaiming his victory over the spirits in prison?
40:22 Over the devil and over his angels.
40:26 You say now pastor,
40:27 you are that to follow these principalities
40:29 and powers in angles that are spoken off there
40:31 in 1 Peter 3 is referring to evil powers?
40:35 Absolutely. Let's read some verses.
40:38 Go with me to Colossians 2:14,15.
40:42 Colossians chapter 2:14, 15.
40:47 And you are going to notice immediately similar terminology
40:50 to what we read in 1 Peter 3.
40:52 "And you, being dead in your trespasses
40:58 and the uncircumcision of your flesh,
41:03 He has made what alive together with Him."
41:07 Is that the same terminology we notice in 1 Peter 3?
41:10 Put to death in the flesh, that made alive by, what?
41:15 By the spirit. Here it says "You who dead in your trespasses
41:18 and the uncircumcision of your flesh,
41:20 He has made what alive together with Him
41:23 having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out
41:27 the handwriting of requirements that was against us,
41:29 which was contrary to us.
41:31 And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it"
41:34 to the what? "To the cross.
41:36 And now notice this. "Having" what" "Disarmed."
41:42 What did he do at the cross?
41:44 What does it mean to disarm? Their weapons are removed.
41:51 "Having disarmed" what?
41:53 "Principalities and powers, He made" a what?
41:59 "A public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it."
42:05 That is in the cross.
42:08 Did he make a public spectacle of them
42:10 when he came out and said, I am the resurrection,
42:12 and the life?" Yes, the evil spirits scattered.
42:18 The roman soldiers fell as if they were dead.
42:22 Notice Romans 8: 38,39. Chapter 8:38 and 39.
42:29 Once again speaking about principalities and powers.
42:33 Here the apostle Paul says
42:34 "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life,
42:38 nor angels nor principalities nor powers,"
42:43 and then later on in the verse he says can separate us
42:47 from the love of God
42:48 which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
42:49 Let me ask you, if these were good angels
42:51 and good principalities and good powers,
42:53 why would they want to separate us from the Lord?
42:58 Are you with me? Notice Ephesians 6:12,
43:02 time in again this comes through.
43:03 Ephesians 6:12 here the apostle Paul says
43:07 "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
43:11 but against principalities, against powers,
43:15 against the rulers of the darkness of this age,
43:18 against spiritual hosts of wickedness" where?
43:22 "In the heavenly places."
43:23 What did Jesus do when He ascended to heaven?
43:27 He proclaimed His what?
43:29 He proclaimed His victory over Satan
43:32 and over his angels.
43:37 In other words he went down when He died
43:40 but when He resurrected he went up.
43:43 Notice Ephesians 4:8-10.
43:47 Ephesians 4:8-10.
43:51 "Therefore he says, 'When he ascended high,
43:56 He led captivity captive,'" by the way that's speaking
44:01 about those who resurrected with Jesus
44:04 you can read it in Matthew 27:51-53,
44:07 they were captives of the grave and what Jesus do,
44:10 Jesus ransacked the grave. Who had the keys before this?
44:15 The prince of evil. Now Jesus goes in he grabs the keys,
44:18 and he opens the graves.
44:22 And it says, "And he gave gifts to men."
44:24 "Now this 'He ascended' what does it mean
44:28 but that He also first" what?
44:30 "Descended into the lower parts of the earth?"
44:32 In other words He was buried.
44:34 "He who descended is also the one who" what?
44:37 "Who ascended far above all the heavens,
44:41 that he might fill all things." So it's summarized.
44:48 Jesus died,
44:52 He resurrected, He ascended.
44:57 And as He ascended he proclaimed his what?
45:01 He proclaimed his victory over Satan and his angels
45:05 and Satan was cast out of heaven
45:07 as a representative of this world and he was earth bound.
45:11 Now let's go to Ephesians 2:4-6.
45:16 Ephesians 2:4-6, this is another passage that is parallel
45:21 to first Peter chapter 3:18.
45:23 Notice "But God, who is rich in mercy,
45:29 because of His great love with which He loved us,
45:33 even when we were" what? Dead like Jesus right?
45:41 "Dead in trespasses and sins."
45:45 He was dead because of our sins. "Made us" what?
45:51 "Alive together with" whom?
45:56 "With Christ. By grace you have been saved."
46:00 And then what did he do?
46:01 He made us alive and what raised us up together
46:06 and made us what?
46:08 Sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
46:14 Do we go with the same process that Jesus went through?
46:18 Died, resurrected, ascended
46:25 and sat at the right hand of God.
46:27 You say I am not at the right hand of God
46:29 I am in Fresno Central church.
46:32 But through Jesus we sit at the right hand of God.
46:37 We have died with Him, we have been buried with Him,
46:40 we have been resurrected with Him,
46:41 we have ascended with Him
46:42 and we are seen at the right hand of God with Him.
46:46 That's why the beautiful thing is we don't have to worry about
46:49 what God things of us.
46:51 We have to worry about what God thinks about
46:53 Jesus our substitute.
46:58 So in other words Peter is saying the experience
47:00 that Jesus went through is the same experience
47:03 that we go through in him.
47:06 Is he trying to encourage the people there?
47:09 He most certainly is. Let's read one other verse.
47:12 Romans 6:3, 5 on this specific point of sharing
47:17 in the experience of Jesus through Him.
47:20 It says in Romans 6:3, "Or do you not know
47:24 that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus
47:28 were baptized into" what? "His death?"
47:32 When is that we benefit from everything of Jesus did?
47:34 When we are what? When we are baptized.
47:37 See when we are baptized- this is the wonderful thing.
47:40 When we are baptized we die, we are buried in the water,
47:45 we come out of the water we resurrect the notice of life
47:49 and then Jesus says, this is my beloved Son.
47:51 We sit with Jesus in heavenly places.
47:56 Verse 5 for if we have been untied together
48:01 in the likeness of his death, certainly we also shall be
48:05 in the likeness of His resurrection."
48:10 Now you notice one further thing in this passage,
48:14 it speaks about the flood in Noah's day
48:19 being a type or a symbol of the experience
48:23 that Jesus went through and the experience
48:27 that we go through when we are baptized.
48:30 Now let's take a look at that.
48:33 Jesus came to this world,
48:40 He suffered,
48:43 reproach He died- by the way He spoke about
48:47 His death as a baptism.
48:48 Can you be baptized with the baptism
48:51 that I will be baptized with?
48:52 Jesus asked his death was a baptism?
48:56 And then He came forth to newness of life victorious
49:01 over all of his oppressive
49:06 and He sat at right hand of God.
49:10 The flood is used as an illustration of this.
49:14 You see in the days of Noah, Noah was surely oppressed
49:18 by his enemies in that old sinful world.
49:23 But Peter is saying that Noah and his family entered the ark
49:27 and they went through the, what?
49:29 They went through the waters which symbolizes baptism.
49:34 And when they came out on the other side of the waters,
49:37 what happened to with all of their oppressive?
49:40 All of the oppressive have been buried.
49:42 All of their old life had been buried in the waters
49:44 and they came out to a new world.
49:50 That's the reason why the apostle Peter
49:52 is using this illustration of the flood.
49:54 He is saying that as Noah is oppressed
49:58 but he went into the ark, went through the waters
50:02 and came out the other side
50:03 with all of his oppressive being buried.
50:06 All of his whole life being buried
50:08 and coming out to a new world
50:09 that's what happened with Jesus.
50:11 1Jesus was also surely oppressive.
50:14 He was put to death in the flesh.
50:16 He experienced the baptism of death
50:19 but He also came up on the other side of death
50:22 having buried His whole life so to speak
50:27 left it in the tomb and came forth on the other side new.
50:34 And then Peter wants to apply it also to us.
50:39 The apostle Peter says, the experience that Noah
50:43 went through is an illustration of the experience
50:48 that Jesus went through and the experience
50:51 that Jesus went through is also an illustration
50:55 of what we go through when we die to sin,
51:01 when our sin is buried in the waters,
51:04 when we resurrect to newness of life after our old life
51:07 is been buried in the waters and when we ascend,
51:13 figuratively speaking and sit, where?
51:16 And sit at the right hand of God.
51:18 You see, the problem in Peter's day
51:20 is that the church was being slowly afflicted and oppressed.
51:23 I am gonna read it in a moment.
51:25 They were about to give up Christianity.
51:28 They were saying it's not worthy.
51:30 Too many trails, too many tribulations,
51:31 our enemies are after us, after us.
51:33 We are been afflicted, we are dying,
51:35 we been prosecuted. Jesus says don't worry.
51:39 You see, Jesus went through the same thing.
51:40 He gained the victory.
51:41 And if you are in Him it doesn't make any difference.
51:44 You can gain the victory as well.
51:46 Let's read this, 1 Peter 3:13-17,
51:52 here the apostle Peter explains why he is giving this passage.
51:56 Its not some theological passage,
51:58 the purpose is practical.
52:03 1 Peter 3:13, "And who is he that will harm you,"
52:09 see that we are been harmed,
52:11 "if you become followers of what is good?
52:15 But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake,
52:19 you are blessed." Was Jesus blessed? Yes.
52:25 And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled,"
52:29 That's what Noah went through.
52:31 That's what Jesus went through.
52:33 So don't worry about it. It happened before.
52:35 Don't they've done that?
52:38 "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts,
52:41 and always be ready to give defense to everyone
52:43 who asked you a reason of the hope that is in you,
52:47 with meekness and fear, having a good conscience,
52:51 that when they defame you as evildoers,
52:55 those who revile your good conduct in Christ
52:59 may be ashamed."
53:01 It what happened with the devil and his angels?
53:03 Oh yes. "For it is better, if it is the will of God,
53:08 to suffer for doing good than for doing evil."
53:13 Let's read one more passage before we close.
53:15 First Peter 4:12,13.
53:17 Here Peter expresses
53:19 the practical purpose for his theology.
53:21 First Peter 4:12,13.
53:27 "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning
53:33 the fiery trial which is to try you,
53:37 as though some strange thing happened unto you,"
53:41 let us don't think that your trails
53:42 and tribulations are really some wired strange thing
53:46 that has never happened before.
53:50 "But rejoice
53:54 to the extent that you" what?
53:59 There is a key word.
54:00 "That you partaker of Christ's sufferings,"
54:07 is that the power where he is oppressed
54:08 and he has put to death in the flesh? Yes.
54:12 "You are partake of Christ sufferings,"
54:16 now notice this the promise,
54:17 "that when His glory is revealed," when is that?
54:23 When Jesus comes. "You may also be" what?
54:29 "Glad with exceeding joy."
54:35 Is this a magnificent passage?
54:38 It has been totally misinterpreted by Christians
54:43 to give the idea that Jesus went down to hell
54:46 and He preached to all of these disincarnated spirits,
54:49 who sinned at the time of the flood.
54:51 He preached the gospel to them giving them
54:53 a second chance to be saved.
54:55 Where is that in of this passage?
54:59 No where. It's an assumption.
55:03 It's injecting into the text what is not in the text.
55:08 And it's done with a thief on the cross,
55:10 its done with the Witch of Endor,
55:12 its done with absent from the body
55:14 and present with the Lord,
55:15 its done with apostle desired to report
55:18 and be with the Lord. It's done with the dead
55:22 who stand before God,
55:24 the souls that cry from under the alter,
55:26 which are passages that we are gonna study.
55:28 You see, if we study these passages carefully
55:32 we discover that they are not teaching
55:34 what people say they are teaching,
55:38 when you allow scripture to interpret scripture.
55:42 I like to bring this to a conclusion
55:44 by reading 2 Timothy 2:11,12.
55:46 Here the apostle Paul has the same sequence suffering victory.
55:52 There is no suffering there is no victory with out what?
55:57 Suffering. We must partake of the sufferings of Christ.
56:03 We must go through His experience.
56:04 Do we have the benefit of His example?
56:07 When we go through sufferings that Jesus when through
56:10 and He came out victoriously not a problem.
56:13 2 Timothy 2: 11,12.
56:17 "For if we died with Him,
56:22 we shall also live with Him."
56:26 Is that a beautiful for all of us?
56:29 If we endure, that is if we pacifier
56:35 in the mist of suffering we shall also reign with Him.
56:43 That's a marvelous promise, isn't it?
56:47 And the promises of God are given to us for us to claim Him.
56:53 So don't get discouraged when we suffer.
56:58 When you go though trails and tribulations just remember
57:00 that you are just partaking of what happened to Christ.
57:04 And if we suffer with Him, the Bible says
57:08 that we shall also rain with Him.
57:11 Are we looking forward to the day when Jesus comes
57:13 and we shall rain with Him?
57:15 And then we will ascend to heaven,
57:17 where all of the wicked powers scatter
57:21 and Jesus will proclaim His final victory
57:25 over the principalities and the powers.


Revised 2014-12-17