Studies in Matthew 24

The Times Of The Gentiles

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: SMTF

Program Code: SMTF000014

00:35 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
00:39 Father in heaven,
00:41 what a privilege it is to be here today
00:43 to study Your word.
00:45 And, Father, we ask that as we open Your book
00:50 that it will not return on to You, Lord.
00:53 But that it might be planted in our minds and in our hearts
00:57 so that in the times ahead,
01:00 we will be available to retrieve
01:02 that which has been placed in our minds and in our hearts.
01:06 And Your words
01:07 might be a strengthening experience for us
01:10 in the time of troubles such as never has been seen
01:13 in the history of the world.
01:15 And so we ask for Your guidance and Your presence
01:18 and we thank you for hearing our prayer,
01:20 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
01:25 I want to begin our study today by reading
01:28 from the Gospel of Matthew 24:15.
01:33 Matthew 24:15.
01:37 We've studied this verse before,
01:39 but now we want to take another look at it
01:42 from a different perspective.
01:44 It says there,
01:46 "Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation,'
01:53 spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place"
01:58 whoever reads, let him understand,
02:01 "then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains."
02:06 "When you see the 'abomination of desolation'
02:10 spoken of by Daniel the prophet."
02:14 Now as we've noted previously in our studies,
02:17 the Gospel of Luke speaks about the abomination of desolation
02:23 with different terminology.
02:26 It does not express it
02:27 as the abomination of desolation.
02:30 It uses a different expression.
02:35 Now I would like to go to Luke 21:20.
02:39 If you go with me there to Luke 21:20,
02:45 you're going to find the same concept
02:49 but in radically different terminology.
02:52 It says there,
02:54 "But when you see Jerusalem," what?
02:59 "Surrounded by armies know then that its" what?
03:05 "That its desolation is near."
03:08 So what is the abomination of desolation
03:11 which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet?
03:14 It has to do with Jerusalem been what?
03:19 Been surrounded with armies.
03:23 So the abomination of desolation is related to Jerusalem
03:27 been surrounded by armies.
03:30 Now we're gonna notice in our study today
03:33 that there are two Jerusalems and there are two Romes.
03:39 One is literal Jerusalem
03:42 which has been spoken of in Luke 21:20.
03:47 The other Jerusalem is spiritual Jerusalem
03:52 also known as the Christian Church.
03:56 There are also two Romes.
03:58 There is the literal Empire of Rome
04:01 which destroyed literal Jerusalem in the year 70.
04:06 But there is also, we're gonna notice in our study of prophecy,
04:09 a spiritual Rome, which represents a church
04:15 that trampled upon the saints
04:18 and trampled upon the sanctuary of God.
04:21 So as we begin I want us to notice
04:23 that there are two Jerusalems.
04:25 There are two Israels and there are two Romes.
04:28 Now I'd like to invite you to turn in your Bibles with me
04:31 to Luke 21 and we want to read verse 24
04:36 the first part of the verse. Luke 21:24.
04:42 We just read about Jerusalem been surrounded by armies.
04:46 Now this portion of verse 24 is gonna describe
04:49 the actual destruction and desolation of Jerusalem.
04:54 It says there, speaking about the literal Jews
04:57 "And they will fall by the edge of the sword,
05:03 and be led away captive into all nations."
05:08 So we find that Jerusalem is surrounded by armies
05:12 and then we're told that
05:14 they will fall by the edge of the sword,
05:17 and they will be led away captive into all nations.
05:22 By the way, Jesus described this event vividly
05:27 in several places in the gospels.
05:30 And I would like to read two of those references
05:33 where Jesus speaks about the destruction
05:35 of literal Jerusalem by literal Rome.
05:40 Notice Luke 19:41-44.
05:44 Luke 19:41-44.
05:49 Here Jesus is nearing the city of Jerusalem
05:52 and notice the words that He pronounces.
05:56 It says "As He drew near,
05:59 He saw the city and wept over it."
06:03 Was He really weeping for the city
06:05 or was He weeping for the people in the city?
06:07 He was weeping for the people.
06:09 I want you to notice here that Jerusalem is personified.
06:13 Do you understand what I mean by personified?
06:15 Jerusalem is treated as if it was a person.
06:19 In other words, it's the people that Jesus is focusing on
06:22 when He speaks of Jerusalem.
06:24 Notice verse 42 saying, "If you" that is Jerusalem
06:30 "had known even you, especially in this your day,"
06:35 notice He's still speaking about the city
06:37 "the things that make for your peace."
06:40 That is Jerusalem's peace.
06:42 "But now they are hidden from your eyes."
06:45 He's still speaking about Jerusalem.
06:47 Verse 43 "For the days will come upon you"
06:51 still speaking about Jerusalem.
06:53 "When your enemies will build an embankment around you,"
06:57 that is Jerusalem "surround you
07:01 and close you in on every side and level you
07:05 and your children within you to the ground,
07:08 and they will not leave in you one stone upon another,
07:12 because you did not know the time of your visitation."
07:17 Now obviously the literal city of Jerusalem is not conscious
07:22 and therefore it would not know
07:24 or not know the time of the visitation of the Messiah.
07:27 Clearly, Jerusalem is referring to those who claim to serve God.
07:34 It's referring to the people
07:36 that live in the city of Jerusalem.
07:39 Notice also Matthew 23:37-39.
07:45 Matthew 23:37-39.
07:49 Here Jesus once again
07:50 personifies the city of Jerusalem.
07:53 He's speaking about the city,
07:54 yes, but it's primarily the inhabitants of the city
07:57 those who claim to serve the true God.
08:01 Jesus says there, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
08:06 the one who kills the prophets."
08:08 Let me ask you did the city itself kill the prophets?
08:11 Of course not. It was the people.
08:14 Are the people called Jerusalem here?
08:16 Yes, they are.
08:17 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
08:19 the one who kills the prophets
08:22 and stones those who are sent to her.
08:25 How often I wanted to gather your children together,
08:29 as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.
08:33 But you were not willing.
08:36 See, your house is left unto you" what? "Desolate."
08:41 There is one of the keywords.
08:42 Abomination of what? Desolation.
08:45 "Your house is left unto you desolate for I say unto you,
08:49 you shall see me no more till you say,
08:53 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.'"
08:58 Now there is another prophecy in the Old Testament
09:01 that speaks about this destruction of Jerusalem.
09:05 It's found in Daniel Chapter 9
09:08 and actually the quotation
09:13 comes from Daniel Chapter 9.
09:16 So what we're doing
09:17 is we're looking for the source
09:21 "When you see the 'abomination of desolation,'
09:23 which was spoken of by" whom?
09:25 "By Daniel the prophet, then those who are in Judea,
09:30 flee to the mountains."
09:31 Now we're going back to the source of the prophecy
09:34 about the abomination of desolation.
09:37 Notice Daniel Chapter 9
09:39 and we're gonna read verses 26 and 27.
09:42 This is speaking about the destruction of Jerusalem
09:45 in the year 70,
09:47 the destruction of literal Jerusalem in the year 70.
09:52 Notice it says here speaking about the 70 weeks
09:55 "And after the 62 weeks Messiah shall be cut off."
10:00 Who is this Messiah? It's Jesus.
10:03 "Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself,
10:07 and the people of the prince who is to come"
10:12 shall do what? "Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary,
10:18 the end of it shall be with a flood,
10:22 and till the end of the war
10:24 desolations" are what? "Determined."
10:27 There is the keyword, desolations.
10:30 And you'll notice also that here the Romans come
10:33 and they destroy the city and the sanctuary.
10:37 Is this speaking about literal Jerusalem?
10:40 It most certainly is.
10:41 What was the nation that destroyed literal Jerusalem?
10:45 It was literal Rome.
10:48 It was the Roman Empire.
10:50 Now notice verse 27,
10:52 "Then He shall confirm a covenant" this is the Messiah.
10:56 "The Messiah shall confirm a covenant
10:58 with many for one week.
10:59 This is week number 70 of the 70 weeks.
11:02 But in the middle of the week
11:04 he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering."
11:07 Referring to the death of Jesus Christ.
11:10 And now notice the last part of the verse.
11:13 "And on the wing" of what? "Abominations."
11:17 There is one of the keywords in Matthew 24:15.
11:21 It says "And on the wing of abominations shall be one"
11:24 who makes what?
11:26 There is the other word
11:27 "shall make desolate even until the consummation,
11:30 which is determined is poured out upon" the what?
11:35 "Upon the desolate."
11:39 So let me ask you was the prophecy of Daniel Chapter 9
11:42 fulfilled with the destruction of literal Jerusalem
11:46 by the literal Empire of Rome?
11:49 Absolutely, certainly, yes.
11:52 And Luke underlines the fact when he says
11:55 when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies
11:59 then you can know that its desolation is near.
12:02 And the surrounding of Jerusalem by armies was the abomination
12:07 if you compare with Matthew 24:15.
12:12 But now what I want to show you
12:14 is that there is a second Jerusalem,
12:17 and there is a second Rome.
12:20 The second Jerusalem is not literal Jerusalem
12:22 because literal Jerusalem was destroyed in the year 70.
12:26 This Jerusalem is one that exists
12:30 after the destruction of literal Jerusalem.
12:33 And there is also another Rome.
12:36 It is not literal Rome, it is symbolic Rome.
12:40 And symbolic Rome is also going to come
12:43 and is going to decimate
12:45 and is going to desolate spiritual Jerusalem
12:48 which represents the church.
12:52 Now go with me to Luke Chapter 21:24
12:57 the last half of the verse that we did read before.
13:00 See we read the first half of the verse,
13:01 which speaks about "The literal Jewish falling by the sword
13:05 and being carried away captive to all nations."
13:07 But then that ends with the period.
13:09 And then notice what the second half
13:11 of the verse has to say
13:13 and what I want you to notice
13:14 is that there are four keywords or expressions
13:18 that we need to underline here.
13:20 Four keywords or expressions.
13:23 It says there, "And Jerusalem,"
13:27 there is one, one keyword Jerusalem
13:32 "will be" second keyword what?
13:36 "Trampled" don't forget that.
13:39 "Jerusalem will be trampled" by whom?
13:43 Point number three by gentiles, indefinitely forever? No.
13:51 "It says by Gentiles until the"
13:55 point number four "the times of the gentiles
13:59 are" what? "Fulfilled."
14:00 By the way, that word fulfilled means
14:02 until the times of the Gentiles are complete.
14:05 In other words, until the times of the Gentiles comes to an end,
14:10 until this complete period is fulfilled is what it's saying.
14:14 So four key elements that we find here
14:17 in Luke 21:24 the last part.
14:21 We have Jerusalem.
14:22 We have a trampling underfoot.
14:24 We have Gentiles who are the ones who trample
14:28 and we have the times of the Gentiles
14:32 been eventually completed, four key elements.
14:37 Now we want to go to Revelation Chapter 11.
14:40 Go with me to Revelation Chapter 11
14:43 and you're gonna see a striking similarity here
14:46 with what we just read from the Gospel of Luke 21:24
14:53 the second part of the verse.
14:55 Revelation 11:1-4.
14:59 By the way, this is taking place
15:01 during the period of the six trumpet
15:03 which means that it must be taking place
15:06 very well advanced into the history of Christianity.
15:11 It says there in verse 1,
15:12 "Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod.
15:16 And the angel stood, saying,
15:20 'Rise and measure the temple of God,
15:24 the altar, and those who worship there.'"
15:28 And now notice the keywords, verse 2,
15:30 "But leave out of the court which is outside the temple,
15:36 and do not measure it."
15:38 In other words don't measure the court of the temple
15:41 just the temple itself and those who worship in it.
15:44 Don't measure the court.
15:47 Notice what he continues saying "For it has been given to" whom?
15:52 Is that one of the keywords in Luke Chapter 21? Yes.
15:56 "It has been given to the Gentiles.
15:58 And they will" what? "Tread."
16:03 Is that trample? Yes, it is.
16:05 It's a cinnamon-- synonym.
16:07 "And they will tread" what?
16:10 "All the holy city" and what is the holy city? Jerusalem.
16:14 Was that in Luke Chapter 21? Yes.
16:17 "They will tread the holy city underfoot
16:22 for 42 months."
16:27 Let me ask you what is the times of the Gentiles? Tell me.
16:34 In the light of the comparison, the parallel is precise,
16:38 what are the times of the Gentiles?
16:41 It is a period of what? 42 months.
16:48 I see some of you a little bit glassy eyed.
16:51 So I'm gonna go over this point again
16:53 because it's extremely important.
16:56 It says once again,
16:59 "For it has been given to the Gentiles"
17:00 there is one point.
17:02 "And they will tread" that is the Gentiles would tread.
17:05 That's point number two."
17:06 The holy city" that's point number three.
17:09 "Underfoot for 42 months."
17:13 But in-- actually in Luke 21:24
17:17 it said that "The Gentiles would trample upon Jerusalem"
17:21 for how long? For the times of the Gentiles.
17:24 So the times of the Gentiles are how long?
17:26 42 months. Exactly.
17:29 Now not only do we have a period of 42 months,
17:35 but it is expressed differently as well.
17:38 In the very next verse in Revelation 11:3,
17:43 this period of 42 months
17:45 is spoken of with different terminology.
17:48 Notice verse 3,
17:49 "And I will give power to my two witnesses."
17:54 What are the two witnesses?
17:55 The two witnesses are the Old and the New Testaments.
17:58 See, every time the Bible is referred to,
18:00 it has to do with twos.
18:01 It is a two-edged sword.
18:04 It has the Old and the New Testament.
18:07 Here it's spoken of as two witnesses.
18:09 The Bible says it's two olive trees.
18:12 There is two because there's one Bible composed of two parts,
18:15 the Old and the New Testament.
18:17 And by the way, the Scriptures give witness to Jesus.
18:19 They are they which testify of Jesus.
18:22 And so it says "And I will give power to my two witnesses,
18:25 and they will prophesy" how long?
18:29 "One thousand two hundred and sixty" what?
18:34 "Sixty days."
18:36 Now I want to read you a statement here
18:38 that actually I got from a book
18:42 which is an excellent commentary on Daniel Chapter 11,
18:45 the author is Louis Were.
18:48 And it's from his Book
18:50 "The King of the North at Jerusalem" page 75.
18:53 This is the principle that is gonna guide us
18:55 in what we're gonna study in the next few minutes.
18:58 He says this, "When passing over into the Christian era,"
19:04 from the Jewish to the Christian era
19:07 "there is an automatic transition
19:11 from literal to Spiritual Babylon,
19:14 from literal to Spiritual Jerusalem,
19:18 from literal lands of Israel and Babylon
19:21 to their Spiritual anti-types."
19:25 So in another words, in the Old Testament,
19:27 you're dealing with literal Jerusalem.
19:29 You're dealing with literal Babylon.
19:30 You're dealing with the literal holy land.
19:33 But in the Christian era, you are dealing
19:36 with Spiritual Babylon worldwide.
19:39 You are dealing with Spiritual Jerusalem
19:41 which is the church and you are dealing with a Spiritual land
19:45 which is the whole world where God's people are to be found.
19:50 Now I would like us to go to another prophecy
19:53 that is related to this prophecy of Revelation Chapter 11.
19:57 Is it clear in your mind
19:59 that the 42 months are the same as the 1,260 days?
20:03 One verse right after the other?
20:05 And during that period,
20:06 the two witnesses are gonna testify
20:08 are gonna give their witness
20:10 while the holy city is being trampled by the gentiles,
20:14 for how long? For 42 months.
20:17 Now let me ask you, how long is 42 months?
20:21 Well, the biblical month has 30 days.
20:25 So what you have to do
20:27 is you multiply 42 months times 30 days per month.
20:32 So you multiply 30 times 42
20:35 and what total does that give you?
20:37 It gives you 1,260 days.
20:41 That shows that 42 months and 1,260 days
20:45 represent the same period
20:47 while the holy city is being trampled upon--
20:49 by the way the holy city at this point is which Jerusalem?
20:52 It is Spiritual Jerusalem,
20:54 while it's being trampled by the Gentiles,
20:57 while it's being trampled by spiritual Rome,
21:00 if you please, the two witnesses
21:02 are going to give their testimony
21:04 but they're not going to be able to do it openly.
21:07 They're going to do it in what? Sackcloth.
21:09 By the way, sackcloth is black.
21:12 In other words, they are going to,
21:14 they are going to present their testimony
21:16 at half mask, if you please.
21:18 They're not gonna be able to openly do it during this period.
21:22 And yet they are going to present their testimony.
21:26 Now we need to go
21:27 to the Old Testament roots
21:29 of the prophecy of Revelation 11: 2, 3.
21:34 We want to go to Daniel Chapter 7
21:37 and we're gonna take a few moments
21:39 to establish the historical framework
21:43 of where we are to expect this period of 42 months
21:47 or 1,260 days.
21:50 Just reviewing Daniel 7, we don't have time
21:53 to get into all of the details
21:54 but most of you probably already know
21:56 the meaning of the symbols of Daniel 7. We have a lion.
21:59 What kingdom does the lion represent? Babylon.
22:03 Then we have a bear.
22:04 What kingdom does the bear represent? Medo-Persia.
22:07 Then we have a leopard.
22:08 What period of history does the leopard represent? Greece.
22:13 Then we have a terrible dragon like beast.
22:15 It's the nondescript terrible beast.
22:17 And that fourth beast represents what kingdom?
22:20 It represents Rome. Which Rome?
22:23 Is that the same Rome that destroyed Jerusalem?
22:26 Absolutely, it's Pagan Rome.
22:28 It's the Empire of Rome.
22:30 But then that dragon beast sprouts what? Ten horns.
22:35 And those 10 horns represent the 10 divisions
22:38 into which the Roman Empire was divided
22:42 when the Roman Empire fell.
22:43 By the way, this takes place in the year 476.
22:47 And then we're told that among those 10 horns,
22:51 among the divisions of Western Europe
22:53 of what used to be the Roman Empire, rises a what?
22:58 A little horn and this little horn
23:02 does several very interesting things.
23:05 In fact, let's read Daniel 7:25.
23:09 And I especially want to underline the time period
23:12 that is spoken of here.
23:14 It says here speaking about the little horn,
23:18 by the way, is this little horn rising
23:20 after the fall of the Roman Empire
23:22 and the division of the Roman Empire? Absolutely.
23:25 So can this be referring to literal Jerusalem?
23:28 No, because literal Jerusalem at this point was destroyed.
23:32 It was destroyed in the year 70.
23:33 So it can't be referring to literal Jerusalem.
23:37 Notice Daniel 7:25 speaking about the little horn.
23:41 "He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,
23:45 shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
23:49 and shall intend to change times and law."
23:53 And now notice this,
23:55 "Then the saints shall be given
23:58 into his hand," for how long?
24:02 "For a time and times and half a time."
24:09 Now you say that's strange terminology.
24:11 Time, times, and half a time.
24:13 What can that possibly mean?
24:15 Well, the word time represents a year.
24:19 Do you remember that God said that seven times
24:21 we're gonna pass upon Nebuchadnezzar?
24:24 So in Scripture, when you have the word "time"
24:26 in a prophetic context, it's referring to a year.
24:31 So you have time, that's one year singular.
24:35 By the way, in Hebrew,
24:36 when you have a plural without a qualifying number,
24:41 it means two.
24:42 In the Old Testament you can check that out.
24:44 When you have, when you have a plural
24:47 without a qualifying number, it simply means two.
24:49 So time is one.
24:51 Times would mean how long? Two.
24:54 And a half a time obviously would be half a year.
24:57 So how many years do you have here?
24:59 You have three and half times.
25:03 Do you remember that Luke 21
25:05 was speaking about the times of the Gentiles?
25:08 Here was have three and a half what?
25:10 We have three and a half times.
25:13 Now how many days are three and a half times?
25:16 Well, it's actually very simple.
25:18 It's not complicated math.
25:20 All you have to do,
25:22 if the biblical month has 30 days,
25:25 that would mean that the biblical year
25:27 has how many days? 360.
25:30 You say, well, how is that?
25:31 All you do is multiply 30 times 12 and the result is what? 360.
25:37 So the biblical year has 360 days.
25:41 But it's 3½ years.
25:42 So you multiply 3½ years 3.5 times how much?
25:48 Times, no, not times 360.
25:53 You have 3½ years
25:54 and you're gonna multiply 3½ years times 360.
25:59 Yeah, that was right 360.
26:02 Now how much is 3.5 times 360?
26:07 It is 1,260 days.
26:13 So let me ask you are the time, times, and dividing of time
26:18 the 42 months and the 1,260 days the same prophetic period?
26:24 Absolutely, there's no doubt about it.
26:26 So let me ask you this.
26:29 During this period, when this little horn
26:32 is persecuting the saints of the Most High
26:34 and he's trampling upon the truth of God
26:37 speaking blasphemies against God,
26:39 is that the same period that's spoken of in Revelation 11:2, 3,
26:44 where you have the 42 months and the 1,260 days? Absolutely.
26:49 Can this be referring to the literal city of Jerusalem?
26:52 No, because at this point the literal city of Jerusalem
26:55 was already, what? Destroyed.
26:58 The temple in fact during this period was already destroyed.
27:01 Well, let me ask you,
27:03 this little horn was he a Roman power?
27:08 Was this little horn a Roman power?
27:10 A literal Roman power?
27:12 Literal Roman Empire?
27:14 No, absolutely not.
27:16 Let me ask you, where did the 10 horns come up from?
27:19 The head of the dragon.
27:21 What did the dragon represent?
27:23 The Roman Empire.
27:24 Where did the literal horn come up from?
27:27 From the head of the dragon.
27:29 Which means that the little horn must be what?
27:32 Must be Roman.
27:34 So you have a second phase of Rome.
27:37 You have the dragon phase
27:39 and then you have the little horn phase.
27:41 The dragon phase tramples upon the literal city of Jerusalem
27:45 and destroys it in the year 70.
27:47 But the little horn for 1,260 years
27:51 was going to trample upon which Jerusalem?
27:54 He was gonna trample upon spiritual Jerusalem.
27:58 Are you following me or are you not?
28:01 Now we need to go to Daniel Chapter 8
28:03 because Daniel 8 amplifies Daniel 7.
28:06 You see in Daniel Chapter 8
28:08 you also have the same little horn once again.
28:11 But in Daniel 7 the emphasis is upon the law of God
28:15 and the times of God, the saints of God.
28:18 The context of the little horn in Daniel Chapter 8
28:21 is primarily the sanctuary
28:24 and Jesus who serves in that sanctuary.
28:28 Now notice Daniel 8:13.
28:34 This is speaking about the work of the little horn,
28:36 the same little horn of Daniel 7,
28:38 only this is an amplification in Chapter 8.
28:42 It says there in Daniel 8:13.
28:45 See if you can find some key terms here
28:48 that we read from Luke 21.
28:50 "Then I heard a holy one speaking,"
28:53 by the way this is taking place in heaven
28:55 "and another holy one said to that certain holy one
28:59 who was speaking, 'How long will the vision be,
29:03 concerning the daily sacrifices,'"
29:06 the word sacrifices shouldn't really be there.
29:08 It's the daily.
29:09 There is no word sacrifices there.
29:12 That's added by the translators.
29:14 By the way, the daily refers to the work of the priest
29:18 in the court and in the holy place.
29:20 See the sacrifice was more offered morning and evening,
29:24 in other words, daily, continually.
29:26 The word daily here means continual.
29:30 The lamps needed to be continually burning.
29:33 The bread needed to continually be there.
29:36 The priest offered incense morning and evening continually.
29:40 In other words, the continual
29:42 that's being spoken of here or the daily has to do
29:45 with the functions of the priest where? In the sanctuary.
29:49 Let me ask you, is this talking about the earthly sanctuary?
29:53 It can't be talking about an earthly sanctuary. Why not?
29:56 Because the earthly temple or sanctuary was destroyed when?
29:59 In the year 70.
30:01 Sabbath doesn't refer to the literal Jewish Temple
30:04 where the daily services took place.
30:06 The question is what temple is this talking about?
30:10 It must be referring to what?
30:12 It must be referring to the Heavenly Temple of God.
30:16 By the way, when Jesus died,
30:20 you remember that the veil of the temple
30:22 was ripped from top to bottom.
30:23 What was God saying?
30:25 He was saying the services of this temple are over.
30:28 And Jesus is saying now I am going to serve
30:31 in what Hebrews calls the true tabernacle,
30:35 the true temple which the Lord built and not man.
30:39 In other words, this work of the little horn
30:41 because Jerusalem had been destroyed,
30:42 there was no temple, must be referring to what?
30:45 It must be referring to spiritual Jerusalem,
30:49 who worships by faith where?
30:51 In the Heavenly Temple as we spoke about in our last lecture.
30:55 So notice what it continues saying,
30:56 "How long will the vision be, concerning the daily,
31:02 and the transgression of desolation,
31:07 the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be," what?
31:12 "Trampled under foot?"
31:15 Is there a time period referred to here?
31:18 How long? Yes.
31:21 Is there a sanctuary and a host
31:24 that has been trampled upon here?
31:26 Yes.
31:28 Is there the word "transgression of desolation"?
31:31 In Matthew it's called, the "abomination of desolation."
31:34 Absolutely.
31:36 So is the period of the little horn,
31:38 the same period of Matthew 24:15.
31:42 Yes, it is.
31:44 But it is a second stage of Rome.
31:48 And it is the second stage of Jerusalem.
31:51 It is dealing with spiritual Jerusalem.
31:53 Are you following me or are you not following me?
31:56 Now you say, now wait a minute,
31:58 it says that the Gentiles will trample upon
32:00 the holy city and upon the temple.
32:03 But the papacy, they claim to be Christians.
32:07 So they weren't Gentiles.
32:10 Well, let's think about that for a minute.
32:13 You remember we studied in our last sermon together,
32:18 that a centurion came to Jesus and he says,
32:22 "My servant is very ill.
32:25 And I was wondering if You might be able to heal him."
32:28 Jesus says, "Okay, let's go."
32:29 He said, "You don't have to come.
32:30 Just speak the word and he will be healed."
32:35 And Jesus says, "Your faith is great.
32:37 It's done." And so he leaves.
32:41 And then Jesus says, "You know what?
32:44 The day is coming when individuals
32:47 like this Gentile here, will come from
32:50 the East and from the West.
32:53 And they will sit with Abraham, Isaac,
32:55 and Jacob at my table in the kingdom,
32:58 whereas the sons of kingdom will be cast out.
33:01 There is the wailing and gnashing of teeth."
33:04 Remember the story of the rich man and Lazarus.
33:07 The rich man represents the Pharisees,
33:09 the Jewish leaders.
33:11 Lazarus represents the Gentiles.
33:12 Well, it just so happens that the Gentiles end up
33:15 in Abraham's bosom because they're purely Jews,
33:18 whereas those who rejected the Messiah end up where?
33:22 They end up where they expected the Gentiles to be.
33:24 So could the apostate church be called the Gentiles?
33:29 Absolutely.
33:30 Because they are not true followers of Jesus.
33:34 They are counterfeit followers of Jesus.
33:37 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
33:40 Now we need to go to another couple of prophecies.
33:44 Go with me to Revelation Chapter 13.
33:47 Revelation Chapter 13
33:49 and we're going to read verses 5 through 7.
33:51 We're gonna put the icing on the cake
33:53 so that you see what period this is all talking about.
33:56 Revelation Chapter 13.
33:58 By the way, to give you a little bit of context
34:00 there Revelation 13, the chapter begins--
34:05 we're not gonna read from the beginning of the chapter,
34:06 but the beginning of the chapter describes four beasts.
34:13 It says that the beast has
34:16 characteristics of four beasts.
34:19 It says in a certain sense
34:22 it had characteristics of a lion.
34:26 It had the feet of a bear.
34:29 It had a body of a leopard.
34:32 And it gave its power to whom?
34:38 The dragon.
34:40 And then the dragon gave his power to the beast.
34:42 So how many beasts do you have mentioned there?
34:45 You actually have the lion, the bear, the leopard,
34:50 the dragon beast, that is,
34:52 Babylon, Mede, Persia, Greece, and Rome.
34:54 And then the dragon beast gives his seat, his power,
34:58 and his authority to the beast.
35:02 Are you seeing the same sequence
35:03 that we found in Daniel Chapter 7?
35:05 Lion, bear, leopard, then you have the dragon beast
35:09 and then after that you have
35:11 the ten horns and the little horn.
35:14 In Revelation Chapter 13, you have the lion,
35:16 the bear, the leopard, the dragon beast,
35:19 and then the dragon beast that has ten horns
35:21 gives his power and his seat and his authority to the beast.
35:25 So in other words, the beast and the little horn
35:28 represent the same power.
35:32 Now with that in mind, let's read
35:34 Revelation Chapter 13 and beginning with verse 5.
35:38 Revelation 13:5.
35:42 Speaking about this beast,
35:44 "And he was given a mouth
35:47 speaking great things and blasphemies."
35:50 Is this what the little horn did in Daniel 7?
35:52 Did we read about the little horn doing this? Yes.
35:56 "And he was given authority to continue," how long?
36:01 How long does the beast continue?
36:03 "Forty-two months."
36:04 How long did the little horn rule?
36:07 The little horn ruled time times and half a time.
36:12 But the beast is the same as the little horn,
36:14 but it says if the beast rules, how long?
36:16 Forty-two months.
36:18 So question is, are the 42 months
36:20 the same period as time times and the dividing of time?
36:24 Very clearly.
36:25 Notice what he continues saying, verse 6,
36:28 "Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,
36:32 to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle,
36:36 and those who dwell in Heaven.
36:38 It was given to him to make war
36:41 with the saints and to overcome them."
36:44 Is that also something that the little horn
36:46 did in Daniel Chapter 7?
36:48 Absolutely.
36:49 It says that he wore out the saints of the Most High.
36:51 It also says that the little horn
36:53 spoke blasphemies against God,
36:55 and the sequence is the same.
36:57 In both passages, in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13,
37:01 you have lion, bear, leopard, dragon with ten horns
37:06 and then the dragon with ten horns
37:08 gives its authority to the little horn in Daniel 7,
37:11 but he gives his authority to the beast in Revelation 13.
37:14 And then the little horn rules time times
37:17 and half a time, and the beast rules 42 months.
37:20 So is time times and half a time
37:22 the same period as 42 months?
37:25 Absolutely.
37:26 So we notice that all three
37:28 of these time periods are parallel.
37:32 1,260 days, 42 months and time times
37:37 and half a time are all the same period
37:41 described from different perspectives.
37:45 Now we need to go to one further passage.
37:49 We need to compare Daniel Chapter 7 with Revelation 12.
37:54 Go with me to Revelation Chapter 12,
37:57 and we'll read first of all, verses 13 and 14.
38:03 Revelation 12:13, 14.
38:09 Notice what it says, "Now when the dragon
38:13 saw that he had been cast to the earth,
38:17 he persecuted the woman," what does the woman represent?
38:20 The church.
38:22 "He persecuted the woman
38:24 who gave birth to the male Child.
38:27 But the woman," that is, the church.
38:30 The same as the saints in Daniel 7.
38:32 "But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle,
38:36 that she might fly into the wilderness to her place,
38:40 where she is nourished," for how long?
38:45 "For a time and times and half a time,
38:50 from the presence of the serpent."
38:53 Is that the same time period
38:55 as Daniel-- the little horn in Daniel 7?
38:56 Is that the same time period? Yes.
38:58 Are these parallel prophecies? Yes.
39:01 But you'll notice in Daniel 7,
39:02 it says that the little horn persecutes the saints.
39:05 Here it says that the dragon persecutes the woman.
39:07 So what is the woman? The woman are the saints.
39:11 Are you understanding the point?
39:13 So did this system trample the saints of the Most High?
39:16 Did this system trample upon the sanctuary of the Most High?
39:20 Yes, with sanctuary that was not on earth.
39:23 It was the sanctuary in heaven.
39:25 Did this little horn try to take away
39:27 the priestly functions from the prince of the host,
39:29 according to Daniel Chapter 8? Yes.
39:32 Did he try to take away the daily
39:34 from the prince of the host, who is Jesus?
39:35 Absolutely. For how long did he do this?
39:38 1,260 days or years, 42 months or time times and half a time.
39:47 Are we dealing here with spiritual Jerusalem
39:51 or are we dealing with literal Jews?
39:53 We're not dealing with literal Jews.
39:56 We're dealing with the Christian Church.
40:00 And what kind of Rome are we dealing with?
40:02 Are we dealing with the literal Roman Empire? No.
40:05 We're dealing with the spiritual Roman Empire
40:09 that ruled and governed in Europe
40:13 for a period of 1,260 years
40:16 from the year 538 till the year 1798.
40:22 Now let's go to Revelation 12:6, very interesting.
40:25 Revelation 12:6.
40:29 It says here, "Then the woman fled into the wilderness,
40:37 where she has a place prepared by God
40:41 that they should feed her there."
40:44 Is this the same as what we just read
40:45 in verses 13 and 14?
40:48 Let's notice the parallels.
40:51 Is there a woman in both passages?
40:54 Yes.
40:56 Does the woman flee in both passages?
40:58 Yes.
41:00 Does she flee to the wilderness in both passages?
41:03 Yes.
41:04 Is she fed or sustained by God in both passages?
41:08 Absolutely.
41:09 But notice that the time period is expressed differently.
41:12 It says there, "Then the woman
41:14 fled into the wilderness, where she has a place
41:17 prepared by God that they should
41:20 feed her there one thousand two hundred" and what?
41:26 One thousand two hundred and sixty days.
41:32 So is the time times and half a time
41:36 referring to the same period
41:38 as the one thousand two hundred and sixty days?
41:42 Absolutely.
41:44 So are you starting to catch an interesting picture here?
41:48 By the way, how many stages
41:50 of existence was this little horn going to have?
41:54 We've discussed this in the previous lecture.
41:56 How many stages was this little horn
41:59 gonna have in its dominion?
42:01 Well, its first stage was during the 1,260 years, right?
42:05 1798, what happened to the system?
42:08 It was wounded by the sword.
42:10 In other words, the civil power
42:11 as we've studied was taken away from it
42:13 when the Pope was taken captive to France.
42:17 And the civil power of the papacy
42:19 came to an end at that point.
42:20 It could no longer use the governments of the world
42:23 to accomplish its purposes.
42:25 And of course that was it.
42:27 The papacy was never going to rise to power again.
42:30 Was it? Yes, absolutely.
42:35 Revelation Chapter 13 says that this beast
42:39 at the end of its dominion and received what?
42:42 A deadly wound.
42:44 But then we're told that its deadly wound would be, what?
42:48 Would be healed and then it will recover its throne
42:51 and all of the world, would what?
42:53 Would wonder after the beast.
42:58 So are we to expect another
43:00 abomination of desolation by the same power?
43:03 Of course.
43:05 By the way, we've been studying
43:07 in our prayer meeting, the seven seals.
43:10 And under the fifth seal,
43:11 the same two stages are spoken of.
43:14 There's a group of martyrs in the fifth seal.
43:16 They were killed in the previous seal
43:19 during this period of the Middle Ages.
43:21 And they're crying out, "Until Lord--
43:22 until when Lord do you not judge
43:24 and avenge our blood and on those whoever
43:26 shed our blood on the earth?"
43:29 And the answer comes and says,
43:31 "Don't worry, you got your white robe."
43:34 In other words, your case is secure.
43:36 Just rest a while until the rest of the martyrs is complete,
43:41 until the rest of the martyrs are killed.
43:43 So how many groups of martyrs do you have?
43:46 You have two groups of martyrs.
43:47 You have the martyrs previous to the fifth seal
43:50 and you have the martyrs, future from the fifth seal.
43:54 In other words, the two groups of martyrs
43:57 are represented as those who were persecuted
44:00 by this system in the past and those who will be
44:03 persecuted by this system, when?
44:06 In the future when this system recovers its power.
44:09 So if during the 1,260 years,
44:12 it's set up the abomination of desolation.
44:15 Are we to expect that in the future
44:17 it's going to set up in the United States
44:19 as we've studied, once again the abomination of desolation?
44:23 Absolutely.
44:25 In fact, go with me to another prophecy
44:28 in Revelation Chapter 17.
44:30 Revelation Chapter 17, this is very, very interesting.
44:34 And by the way, Revelation 17 is speaking about
44:37 the second stage of dominion of this system.
44:42 Is it clear to you that this system
44:43 has two stages of dominion, two stages of power?
44:46 Is that clear in your mind?
44:48 So are we to expect two abominations of desolation?
44:50 Actually we're to expect a continuation of the other one
44:53 that was interrupted by the deadly wound.
44:56 Now notice Revelation 17, we're not gonna read
44:59 everything here because we don't have the time.
45:01 But the context is that you have this harlot.
45:06 What is represented by the harlot?
45:07 We studied this. The harlot represents what?
45:11 It represents a woman, represents a church.
45:14 And a harlot is what kind of church.
45:17 It's an apostate church, right?
45:19 Is this a world-wide church? Yeah.
45:22 Because all the kings of the earth
45:24 have committed fornication with her.
45:26 And it says, she sits on many waters.
45:28 She's decked with gold and silver and precious stones.
45:32 She has the wine of her teachings
45:34 that she gives to the nations of the world
45:36 and they drink it and they become drunk.
45:38 That's why they can't grasp or understand the truth.
45:41 I want you to notice Revelation 17:4.
45:46 "The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet."
45:53 In what colors?
45:56 Now isn't that interesting, purple and scarlet?
46:00 Do you know, there's only one color
46:02 that is not used by the Roman Catholic Papacy
46:06 in the garments of its priests?
46:09 And that color is blue.
46:12 You'll never see them using blue.
46:15 What does blue represent in Scripture?
46:18 Blue in Scripture represents Melvin.
46:22 No. Blue represents the law of God.
46:28 So you wouldn't expect them to use blue.
46:32 We get the expression true blue.
46:35 See because the law of God and His word is what?
46:39 Truth.
46:41 So it's says the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet.
46:46 You saw the papal funeral of John Paul II?
46:50 You could see this in luxury of detail.
46:54 "And adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls."
46:58 Is that telling also? That is very, very telling.
47:04 All you have to do is go to the Vatican Museum
47:08 or Roman Catholic Cathedrals.
47:11 The amount of gold and silver and precious stones
47:13 is beyond belief when you go to the Vatican.
47:17 It's incredible.
47:19 I mean, there's billions and billions of dollars
47:23 in the Vatican Museum just in the works of art.
47:25 I mean, there's art everywhere you look.
47:28 So it says, "The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet,
47:30 adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls,
47:34 having in her hand a golden cup full of."
47:41 Is this the end time application of abominations?
47:44 Yes.
47:46 "Full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.
47:53 And on her head a name was written, mystery,
47:58 Babylon the great, the mother of Harlots."
48:02 So does she have daughters?
48:05 Do her daughters do what she wants?
48:08 Yeah. Like mother like daughters.
48:11 Absolutely.
48:12 We don't have time to get into this
48:13 story of the death of John the Baptist.
48:16 There you have an illustration of this,
48:18 end time threefold alliance.
48:20 You have the King Herod,
48:24 you have this apostate harlot woman Herodias.
48:30 And Herodias has a daughter call Salome.
48:33 But you see, Herodias cannot kill John.
48:35 She has no influence over the king directly.
48:38 And so the Bible says that she influences
48:41 her daughter to use the king to kill John.
48:47 Do you know that, that's exactly
48:48 the scenario that the book of Revelation portrays?
48:52 See, the papacy is the wounded power.
48:56 It can't persecute like it did in the past.
48:59 But it wants the death of God's people
49:01 just like it did in the past.
49:03 But right now has a deadly wound.
49:06 Who is going to help its deadly wound heal?
49:10 It is going to be her daughter or her daughters.
49:15 May I ask you, who are the daughters?
49:18 The Protestant denominations.
49:20 Were they born from her in the 16th century?
49:23 They most certainly were.
49:25 Do they share her view of Bible prophecies?
49:29 We studied this.
49:30 There are futurists and there are preterits.
49:32 We notice this in this series.
49:34 Do they keep the same day she does?
49:37 Yes.
49:39 Do they believe that the dead are not dead, like she does?
49:42 Yes.
49:43 Are they trying to unite church and state
49:45 according what we studied, as she did?
49:47 Absolutely.
49:49 They're just like the mother.
49:50 Now that's not to say that there are not
49:52 very many sincere people in the Roman Catholic Church
49:54 and in the Protestant churches.
49:56 Most of God's true people are out there
49:59 but they don't know these things.
50:01 And as Seventh-day Adventist it behooves us
50:04 to present these things to them
50:06 so that they know what the issues are
50:09 and they can come to a right decision for the Lord.
50:12 Because we've noticed that the issue of the Sabbath
50:14 is gonna be central, is it not?
50:16 In the Old Testament the greatest abomination
50:18 that was being committed in Jerusalem
50:20 among those who profess to be God's people, was what?
50:24 Worshipping the sun to the East.
50:27 We notice that in Matthew Chapter 24,
50:30 those who fled, those who escaped,
50:32 what day will they be keeping?
50:34 Pray that your flight be not in the winter, nor what?
50:37 On the Sabbath day.
50:38 They are in contrast to the abomination of desolation.
50:43 By the way, did the little horn
50:44 think he could change God's law during the 1,260 years?
50:47 It says so in Daniel 7:25.
50:50 As the Roman Catholic Papacy
50:52 who changed the day of rest from Sabbath to Sunday.
50:55 They'll say, and I have page after page of quotations.
50:59 They said, our church did,
51:02 by the authority that was
51:04 conferred upon us by Jesus Christ,
51:06 we change the day from Saturday to Sunday.
51:11 That's pretty incriminating, if you ask me.
51:14 And then you find here that this harlot is full of abominations.
51:18 The same word that we have
51:20 in relation to Matthew Chapter 24
51:22 and the same word that you find in relation
51:24 to worshipping the sun in the Old Testament.
51:27 There's something about the sun and the Sunday
51:29 which is significant in the sight of God.
51:33 Says in verse 5, "And on her forehead
51:36 a name was written mystery, Babylon, the great,
51:39 the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth."
51:43 Is she gonna persecute the way she did in the past?
51:46 Verse 6, "And I saw the woman
51:49 drunk with the blood of the saints
51:52 and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
51:57 And when I saw her I marveled with great amazement."
52:03 Do you know what amazed him?
52:05 What amazed John was that the kings of the earth,
52:08 after seeing what she did in the Middles Ages
52:10 would allow her to climb on them again.
52:15 One of the big problems we have in this country
52:16 is people don't know history.
52:20 All people want is leisure and fun.
52:22 Nothing that challenges the intellect.
52:24 You know, everything nice and digested.
52:27 Even in church.
52:28 Even in church, you know, we want to have fun,
52:30 we want to be-- we want to praise the Lord
52:32 and we want to sing and we want to have good time.
52:34 But don't make me think.
52:37 I think all week.
52:38 Don't make me think in church.
52:40 That's what many people say.
52:42 They want to come just to have fun in church.
52:45 Now notice I want to jump down to verse 15.
52:50 I want you to notice.
52:51 We noticed the word abominations, right?
52:54 Abominations, we noticed it.
52:56 Now let's notice the other key word "desolate."
52:58 Verse 15, "Then he said to me,
53:02 'The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits,
53:07 are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues.'"
53:13 What's gonna happen to this system?
53:16 What's gonna happen to the United States?
53:20 Eventually as we've studied,
53:23 God is gonna write in the ledger of heaven,
53:25 national apostasy.
53:30 By the way, that's abomination.
53:32 The abomination leads to that.
53:37 And national apostasy will lead to what?
53:40 To national ruin, that is the desolation part.
53:45 Abomination is the Sunday Law.
53:48 Desolation is what comes as a result of that.
53:53 So it says, "Then he said to me,
53:54 'The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits,
53:57 are peoples, multitudes, nation and tongues.'"
53:59 But now notice something's gonna happen to this system.
54:02 "And the ten horns which you saw on the beast,
54:07 these will," what?
54:11 "Hate the harlot."
54:13 Is the same thing gonna happen
54:14 that's happened in 1798 to this system?
54:17 Was this system hated by France? Oh, yes.
54:20 But you see it was only over in Europe.
54:22 It was a local thing.
54:24 But here it says, "The kings of the whole world."
54:27 Because when she recovers power,
54:29 she's not only gonna recover it in Europe,
54:31 she's gonna recover it globally.
54:33 "The whole world wondered after the beast,"
54:35 the Bible says.
54:37 And so it says, "The ten horns
54:39 which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot."
54:45 Is church and state gonna be separated?
54:48 Oh, yeah, just like in the French Revolution.
54:50 Is the sword gonna be taken away from this power?
54:52 Oh, absolutely.
54:54 She's gonna be wounded with the sword again,
54:56 once and for all.
54:57 It says, "These will hate the harlot"
54:59 and now notice this.
55:01 "And make her," what's the next word?
55:06 Is that one of our key words? Absolutely.
55:09 "And will make her desolate and naked,
55:15 and eat her flesh and burn her with fire."
55:22 Let me ask you, was Jerusalem burnt by fire?
55:25 When the Roman's came. Absolutely.
55:29 And so as we conclude this series
55:32 on Matthew Chapter 24, it's amazing
55:34 how all of these prophecies come together, isn't it?
55:38 Matthew 24, Luke 21, the prophecy of Daniel 7,
55:44 the prophecy of Revelation 11,
55:47 the prophecy of Revelation 12,
55:48 the prophecy of Revelation 13,
55:50 the prophecy of Revelation 17,
55:52 all dovetailing together to portray a time
55:56 when the whole world will be in apostasy against God
56:00 with the exception of a small remnant
56:05 whom the Bible says,
56:07 they keep the commandments of God
56:09 and they have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
56:13 They keep all of the commandments
56:15 including the one that was changed by this system.
56:18 And they have the testimony of Jesus
56:20 which is the spirit of prophecy
56:21 because they have a prophet in their midst
56:24 who gives a true scenario of Bible prophecy.
56:28 For example in the book, "The Great Controversy"
56:32 is the only book in the world today
56:33 that I know that's printed, that still presents
56:36 the correct view of Bible prophecy
56:39 as contained in Holy Scripture.
56:42 All of the other Protestant churches
56:45 have become futurist and preterits.
56:48 They have followed the lead of the mother
56:51 and adopted her way of interpreted prophecy
56:53 and they have adopted the day that she has declared
56:57 is the day of worship, the Sunday.
57:00 And so in the end time, the issues will be,
57:03 do you believe God's scenario of Bible prophecy
57:06 or do you believe the beast scenario of Bible prophecy?
57:09 Do you choose to obey the authority of God
57:12 by keeping His holy Sabbath or do you choose to accept
57:16 the authority of the beast in keeping the day
57:18 that He claims to be the day of worship?
57:21 Ultimately the decision is our hands
57:24 whether to obey God or whether we will obey the beast.


Revised 2014-12-17