Studies in Matthew 24

Living In Expectancy

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: SMTF

Program Code: SMTF000013

00:35 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
00:38 Father, what a joy it is to be in Your presence.
00:42 There is no better place to be on planet earth.
00:46 And Father, what a joy it is also to have Your holy word.
00:51 We can't conceive of what it would be like
00:53 without the guidance of Your word in this trying times.
00:57 And we ask that as we study about "Living in Expectancy"
01:01 that Your Holy Spirit will help us see
01:05 that we're living on the brink of great events.
01:09 And that we need to prepare now
01:12 and every day for those events.
01:15 We thank You, Father, for the privilege of prayer.
01:18 We thank You for hearing and answering us.
01:21 For we ask it in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.
01:27 It's gonna be very difficult in our lecture today
01:30 to cover all of the material in simply one lecture.
01:34 Originally, when I put this series together
01:37 I had planned to present two parts to this lecture.
01:42 But unfortunately, it's not very good
01:45 to prepare a series with 15 lectures
01:48 with an odd number.
01:49 It's much better for different reasons
01:51 to have an even number.
01:53 And so what I decided was to synthesize
01:55 and summarize and present
01:58 "Living in Expectancy" in only one lecture.
02:02 Now allow me to give you a little bit of context
02:05 that'll help you understand where we're going
02:07 with what we're gonna study today.
02:09 Matthew 24 presents the signs of the coming of Jesus.
02:17 Then towards the end of the chapter,
02:19 after the signs are presented,
02:21 Jesus gives three analogies
02:25 to show the urgency of preparing for that great event,
02:32 for the close of probation of the coming of Jesus.
02:35 Those three analogies are the parable of victory,
02:39 you remember we studied whole lessonon
02:41 on the "Parable of the Fig Tree."
02:43 Secondly, He speaks about
02:45 the coming of the thief in the night.
02:48 And how he can surprise you when the thief comes.
02:51 And that's why we need to be ready.
02:53 And finally, the last analogy is
02:55 what happened in the days of Noah.
02:58 So after He presents the signs
03:01 and He gives three illustrations of the need to be prepared,
03:05 then He goes on to speak about how we can prepare
03:11 and what we need to do in the light of the signs
03:14 and in the light of the soon coming of Jesus.
03:18 Actually, He presents four parables
03:21 after giving the signs and the three analogies
03:25 and these parables are
03:28 the "Parable of the Faithful Servant,"
03:30 that's the last portion of Matthew 24,
03:34 'The Parable of the Ten Virgins,
03:37 The Parable of the Talents
03:39 and the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats."
03:44 Now I would like to begin reading at Matthew 24:45.
03:51 Matthew 24:45.
03:54 And actually before we go to verse 45,
03:57 why don't we just read beginning at verse 42.
04:00 Because we didn't study specifically these verses
04:03 when we discussed the coming of the thief in the night.
04:07 So let's just read them and I'll do this quickly.
04:10 "Watch therefore, for you do not know
04:13 what hour your Lord is coming."
04:16 What coming is that referring to,
04:18 in the light of what we've studied last time?
04:20 It's referring to the coming of Jesus to close, what?
04:25 To close the door of probation.
04:28 "But know this, that if the master of the house
04:31 had known what hour the thief would come,
04:35 he would have watched
04:37 and not allowed his house to be broken into.
04:41 Therefore you also be ready,
04:43 for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."
04:50 Now let's go to verse 45 and as we go along,
04:53 I'm going to interpret the symbols of this parable.
04:58 It says here in verse 45,
05:00 "Who then is a faithful and wise servant,"
05:05 Now the faithful and wise servant here
05:09 represents the leaders of the church.
05:12 It represents the leadership of a church,
05:15 pastors, teachers, etcetera.
05:19 So it says "Who then is a faithful and wise servant,
05:23 whom his master--" Who is the master?
05:26 The master is Jesus Christ, that's right.
05:30 "Whom his master made ruler over his household,"
05:34 what is his household?
05:36 His household is the church, that's right.
05:39 "To give them food," What does food represent?
05:43 It represents the word of God,
05:46 but notice it's not any old kind of food.
05:49 It's a special kind of food.
05:51 It continue saying to give them food, in what?
05:55 "in due season?"
05:57 In other words, food at the right time.
06:00 We call it present truth.
06:03 Do you know that every generation has present truth?
06:06 A truth that is special for that generation.
06:09 For example, in the days of Martin Luther,
06:11 it was "the just shall live by faith."
06:15 Justification by faith
06:16 because the church was caught up in works righteousness.
06:21 So God says the special mission for you,
06:23 Martin Luther, and Calvin, and Zwingli
06:25 is to restore the idea that we're saved by grace
06:29 through faith in Jesus Christ.
06:31 See the role of Martin Luther was not to restore the Sabbath
06:34 or the sanctuary truth, that would come later.
06:37 God has a present truth for every generation.
06:40 And so notice that we're told here
06:42 that the faithful and wise servant,
06:44 his master makes him rule over his household
06:46 which is the church so that the faithful
06:50 and wise servant gives food,
06:53 the right kind of food at the right time.
06:56 Then notice verse 46.
06:58 "Blessed is that servant whom his master,
07:02 when he comes, will find so doing."
07:06 What does that mean, so doing?
07:07 Doing what? Feeding the, what?
07:10 Feeding the church in the right time
07:15 with the right message.
07:17 So does God hold leaders
07:20 accountable for what they feed their congregations?
07:23 Absolutely. Notice verse 47.
07:26 "Assuredly, I say to you that he will make him ruler
07:31 over all his goods."
07:34 But now notice the flip side of the coin.
07:37 "But if that evil servant says in his heart,
07:42 'My master is delaying his coming,'"
07:45 What does that referring to, delaying his coming?
07:48 That's the time that we're in now, right?
07:51 That's the time that our parents,
07:52 our grandparents and our great grandparents
07:55 have been preaching the second coming of Jesus
07:57 and it hasn't happened.
07:59 "And so the wicked servants says
08:01 my master is delaying his coming
08:04 and begins to beat his fellow servants,
08:07 and to eat and drink with the drunkards."
08:10 In other words, he gets all caught up in the world
08:12 and he lives like worldlings.
08:15 Verse 50, "The master of that servant will come on a day
08:19 when he is not looking for him,"
08:22 What coming is that referring
08:23 to in the light of what we've studied last time?
08:26 It is speaking about the moment
08:27 when Jesus comes to close the door.
08:29 We'll have more to say about that a little bit later.
08:33 So it says, "The master of that servant will come on a day
08:36 when he is not looking for him
08:38 and at an hour that he is not aware of,
08:42 and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion
08:47 with the hypocrites.
08:48 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
08:54 Who is Jesus warning here?
08:57 Well, He is warning the secular humanists.
09:01 He is warning the Buddhists, and the Hindu, and the Muslims.
09:06 Is that what Jesus is doing?
09:08 Who is Jesus talking about?
09:11 He is talking about those who profess His name,
09:17 who are the ones who are in danger of being
09:20 the wicked servants.
09:22 Not those who are outside in the world,
09:25 but those who belong to the covenant community,
09:28 those who claim to be followers or servants of Jesus Christ
09:33 because you notice that the servant
09:34 calls Jesus, what? Lord.
09:40 Do you remember that Matthew 24 began by Jesus saying,
09:44 "Make sure that no one deceives you"
09:47 and He's speaking to His disciples.
09:49 Make sure that no one deceives you.
09:52 In other words, the target of this teaching by Jesus
09:58 are His very own people, those who profess His name.
10:04 By the way did you notice here the expression
10:08 'weeping and gnashing of teeth'?
10:11 Did you notice also that they're called hypocrites,
10:13 the evil and wicked servant is called a hypocrite?
10:16 Do you know that every single time in the gospels
10:20 that Jesus uses the word hypocrite,
10:22 He is speaking about people who claim to serve God.
10:26 He called the Pharisees hypocrites very frequently.
10:30 Do you know also that every single time in the gospels
10:33 and you can check it out to see if it's true.
10:35 Every time in the gospels that you find the expression
10:38 'weeping and gnashing of teeth', it's referring to the Jews,
10:44 who claimed to be servants of God,
10:48 who claimed to be members of the covenant community.
10:53 In fact, in Matthew 15:7,
10:56 Jesus spoke about the Jewish leaders
10:59 and He said, these people serve me with their, what?
11:03 With their lips but their hearts are what?
11:08 Their hearts are far away from Me.
11:12 These are the same ones that Jesus said not everyone
11:15 who says to Me, "Lord, Lord!"
11:18 shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who, what?
11:21 Who does the will of my Father.
11:23 In other words, these are the ones who are hearers
11:26 but they are not, what?
11:27 They are not doers.
11:31 And by the way, it says in Matthew Chapter 7
11:34 that they can perform exorcisms and they can give prophecies
11:39 and they can perform miracles and yet, Jesus says,
11:44 "I don't know you, depart from Me,
11:47 you workers of lawlessness or of wickedness."
11:52 So who are the ones in danger?
11:54 The worldlings? No, the leaders of the church.
11:59 Notice this remarkable passage in volume 5 of the Testimonies,
12:03 page 101 and 102.
12:08 "The evil servant who said in his heart,
12:12 "My Lord delayeth His coming,"
12:16 professed to be waiting for Christ."
12:20 He professed to be waiting for Christ.
12:23 "He was a "servant," and she put servant in quotation marks,
12:28 "outwardly devoted to the service of God
12:33 while at heart he had yielded to Satan.
12:38 He does not, like the scoffer, openly deny the truth,
12:44 but reveals in his life the sentiment of the heart
12:48 that the Lord's coming is delayed.
12:51 Presumption renders him careless of eternal interests."
12:55 See, presumption renders in, what?
12:58 Careless of eternal interests.
13:00 "He accepts the world's maxims
13:04 and conforms to its customs and practices."
13:08 Now it says, we're in this world,
13:10 the master is delaying his coming,
13:12 so we just have to kind of fit in.
13:16 And by the way he's talking about leaders,
13:18 pastors of the church.
13:21 She continue saying, "Selfishness,
13:24 worldly pride, and ambitions predominate.
13:31 Fearing that his brethren may stand higher than himself,
13:34 he begins to disparage their efforts
13:36 and impugn their motives.
13:38 Thus he smites his fellow servants."
13:41 By speaking badly of them,
13:42 remember he said that he would smite the servants.
13:45 "As he alienates himself from the people of God
13:48 he unites more and more with the ungodly.
13:53 He is found eating and drinking 'with the drunken,"
13:57 and then she explains what that means.
13:59 "joining with worldlings and partaking of their spirit.
14:04 Thus he is lulled into a carnal security
14:08 and overcome by forgetfulness, indifference, and sloth.
14:14 The very beginning of the evil was a neglect of watchfulness."
14:18 Notice where the process begin?
14:20 "A neglect of watchfulness and secret prayer,
14:23 then came a neglect of other religious duties,
14:27 and thus the way was opened of all the sins that followed.
14:31 Every Christian will be assailed by the allurements of the world,
14:36 the clamors of the carnal nature,
14:38 and the direct temptations of Satan.
14:41 No one is safe.
14:43 No matter what our experience has been,
14:45 no matter how high our station,
14:47 we need to watch and pray continually.
14:50 We must be daily controlled by the Spirit of God
14:54 or we are controlled by Satan."
15:00 You know most of the Christians out there are teaching
15:03 that the end time conflict is going to be
15:06 between Christians and non Christians,
15:09 between the religious and the secular.
15:13 Well, the fact is that these parables we're gonna notice
15:16 are targeted to those who profess
15:18 to serve Jesus Christ,
15:20 those who profess to serve God.
15:23 And the final conflict as we've studied is not primarily
15:26 between the secular and the religious,
15:29 it's between two different types of religious people
15:34 who claim to serve God.
15:38 In fact, most of the Christian world,
15:40 because Jesus delays His coming becomes--
15:44 they become comfortable with the world.
15:46 They adapt to the world,
15:48 to the temperature of the world.
15:50 They're expecting to be ruptured out of this world
15:53 before the great tribulation and therefore,
15:56 when the great tribulation comes,
15:57 when the hard times come,
16:00 not the easy times that we have now,
16:02 but when the hard times come,
16:04 they don't have a character
16:05 prepared to go through that terrible time of tribulation.
16:11 Now that's the first parable that Jesus gave.
16:13 Now we need to go to the second parable.
16:16 It's the famous parable of the ten virgins.
16:19 Who hasn't heard the parable of the ten virgins?
16:21 Of course, that parable is directed primarily to atheists.
16:27 You think?
16:29 Is that message primarily for atheists?
16:31 Well, then will anybody say that it's for Buddhists
16:34 or Hindus and Muslims? No.
16:37 It's directed towards whom?
16:39 God's people, who are the ones
16:41 that are in danger of being deceived
16:43 or falling away when they're persecuted,
16:46 not non Christians but Christians.
16:49 All of Matthew 24 is given for Christians.
16:52 The signs are to show Christians.
16:54 The analogies are so that they know
16:57 when Jesus is even at the door.
16:59 The parables are given saying,
17:00 listen in the light of what we've studied,
17:02 the signs and the analogies get ready.
17:05 Because if not, you will fall by the wayside.
17:09 Let's go to Matthew 25:1-13
17:13 and once again I will interpret as we go along in this parable.
17:18 "Then the kingdom of heaven
17:20 shall be likened to ten virgins,"
17:22 the ten virgins represent Christians,
17:28 but there's two kinds of Christians,
17:30 we need to remember that,
17:31 but the ten virgins represent Christians.
17:34 Let me ask you, does the Bible speak about the church
17:36 as Christ's virgin.
17:38 It most certainly does.
17:39 You can read it for example, in Jeremiah 6:2.
17:44 You can read it in Revelation Chapter 14
17:46 speaking about that 144,000,
17:48 they are virgins the Bible says.
17:50 So in other words, the ten virgins represent Christians.
17:55 Now notice what he continue saying,
17:56 "who took their lamps," What does the lamp represent?
18:02 The lamp represents the Bible.
18:04 Thy word is what?
18:07 A lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
18:10 So the lamp represents the Bible.
18:13 So do all of the Christians have the Bible?
18:15 Yes, according to this.
18:17 Now notice this, "and went out to meet the bridegroom."
18:21 Who is the bridegroom?
18:23 The bridegroom is Jesus.
18:26 By the way, are all of these claiming
18:28 to be followers of Jesus?
18:29 Why would they go out to meet the bridegroom
18:31 if they didn't believe in Jesus?
18:33 Notice verse 2, "Now five of them were wise,"
18:37 these are true genuine Christians,"
18:41 and five were foolish."
18:43 These are counterfeit, what? Christians.
18:47 They're like the wicked servants.
18:48 See, there's a good servant and there's an evil servant.
18:52 Here there is a good, what?
18:56 A good group of virgins and a bad group of virgins,
19:01 both of them are Christians.
19:03 But one group are true Christians,
19:04 the others are counterfeit Christians.
19:07 Notice verse 3.
19:09 "Those who were foolish took their lamps
19:12 and took no oil," Now I need to explain
19:15 that they did have oil in their lamps,
19:17 but they did not have an extra supply of oil.
19:21 We'll see that clearly in the parable a little bit later.
19:24 They had--all of them had oil in their lamps
19:27 because later on, even the foolish virgins are saying,
19:29 our lamps are what? Are going out.
19:33 So must they have had some oil?
19:35 Of course, they must have had oil in their lamps,
19:37 but they had no extra supply.
19:39 And what I sustain is
19:40 that the oil represents the Holy Spirit
19:43 that we received when we believed.
19:47 The extra supply of oil
19:50 is the outpouring of the latter rain
19:53 that we've been talking about the last several days.
19:58 It's what is gonna be received
19:59 at the very end of human history,
20:01 but if the early rain has not produced growth in your life,
20:05 if after you receive the early rain,
20:08 you died, the latter rain is not gonna help a plant that's dead.
20:13 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
20:15 Now, notice verse 3,
20:17 "Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil."
20:20 There is no extra supply of oil.
20:22 They had oil when they were converted
20:24 but they did not grow in grace
20:26 and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
20:28 Verse 4, "But the wise took oil," where?
20:32 "in their vessels."
20:34 So they have it in their lamp
20:36 and they also have an extra supply in their vessels.
20:38 Now let me ask you.
20:40 What does oil represent in scripture?
20:42 In scripture, oil represents the Holy Spirit.
20:45 Do you know why the Bible is powerful?
20:48 Because the Bible is a lamp,
20:50 but what gives the lamp light is the Holy Sprit.
20:54 That's why the Bible is called the "Sword of the Spirit."
20:58 See, because the word without the Spirit of God
21:01 is just like any other book,
21:03 but the word with the Spirit of God brings conviction.
21:07 Now notice what it continues saying in verse 5,
21:11 "But while the bridegroom was," what?
21:13 There we have the same idea delayed.
21:15 What is the delay?
21:17 Well, the delay is like 2,000 years old now.
21:21 Since Jesus went to heaven, He's been delayed.
21:25 And so it says,
21:26 "But while the bridegroom was delayed,
21:28 they all slumbered and slept."
21:30 Notice that all of them slumbered and slept.
21:32 "And at midnight a cry was heard:
21:34 'Behold, the bridegroom is coming, go out to meet him!"
21:38 Now crunch time has come, right?
21:40 Now the time for an extra supply of oil is needed
21:43 in the darkness of the night.
21:46 Then verse 7 says, "Then all those virgins arose
21:50 and trimmed their lamps.
21:53 And the foolish said to the wise,
21:55 'Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.'"
21:59 Did they have oil in their lamps?
22:01 Yes or no? Of course, they did.
22:03 They had the early rain experience.
22:05 They received the Spirit when they believed,
22:07 but they did not persevere, they did not grow.
22:10 Therefore the extra supply wasn't there
22:13 when they urgently needed it.
22:15 And so it says, "Give us some of your oil,
22:17 for our lamps are going out.
22:20 But the wise answered, saying,
22:21 'No, lest there should not be enough for us and you,
22:25 but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves."
22:29 Let me ask you, can we give other people
22:32 the Holy Spirit? No.
22:35 They can only claim it for themselves.
22:37 I cannot give somebody else my own experience.
22:41 And now notice what it says in verse 10.
22:43 "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came,"
22:49 while they went to, what? To buy.
22:53 Do you know that Amos 8:11, 12
22:56 says that the day is coming
22:59 when people will go to the north and to the east,
23:03 and from sea to sea, seeking the word of God
23:08 and they shall not be able to find it,
23:12 because probation has what? Closed.
23:16 Now what is represented here by the coming of the bridegroom?
23:18 "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came."
23:22 This coming of the bridegroom, folks,
23:23 is not the coming of Jesus to planet earth.
23:27 This is explained in Daniel Chapter 7 where it says,
23:30 that Jesus went on the clouds of heaven, where?
23:34 To the ancient of days to receive, what? The kingdom.
23:38 And you know how He determines, what His kingdom is?
23:42 He does an investigative judgment
23:44 to reveal to the universe who belong to His kingdom.
23:49 So this is talking about Jesus going to His Father in heaven
23:53 in order to reveal by opening the books who are His.
23:59 This is referring to the moment of the judgment in other words.
24:04 And now notice what He continue saying,
24:05 "And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came,
24:08 and those who were ready went in with him to the,"
24:12 what? "to the wedding."
24:15 Do you know that the wedding is not the second coming of Jesus,
24:17 Jesus doesn't come to marry His people
24:19 when He returns the second time.
24:21 He marries His people in absentia.
24:25 In other words, Jesus marries His people in heaven
24:27 while they are on earth, and you'll say now how is that?
24:30 I'm not gonna read it now but go to Luke 12:35, 36,
24:34 where Jesus says to His disciples,
24:36 you be like those good servants that are watching and waiting
24:40 for the master to return from the wedding, it says there.
24:44 By the way, you remember that parable in Matthew Chapter 22,
24:48 where the king comes to examine the garments of the guests
24:54 that he invited to the wedding?
24:57 What was found in there?
25:00 An individual who did not have the garment.
25:04 So I suppose that what that means is that
25:06 some people are gonna sneak into heaven.
25:10 And when they're up there,
25:11 Jesus is gonna check everybody's garment, say,
25:14 "Wait a minute, how did you get in here?"
25:15 No, of course, not.
25:17 The checking of the garments is what takes place, where?
25:20 In the judgment, in the heavenly sanctuary before Jesus comes.
25:25 That is the coming of the bridegroom to the father
25:28 to determine the subjects of His kingdom
25:30 by opening the books and revealing to the universe
25:33 who are genuine followers of Jesus
25:36 and who are the counterfeit followers of Jesus.
25:39 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
25:41 Now so it says, this is verse 10,
25:45 "And those who were ready went in with Him to the wedding."
25:49 By the way we go in, how? By faith.
25:54 Let me ask you, can we come to the stone of grace today?
25:57 The Apostle Paul says,
25:59 "Let us come boldly to the throne of grace."
26:00 Now what, do we have to take a rocket to go up there?
26:03 We've go to NASA?
26:06 Does it say in Hebrews,
26:07 that we can enter into the presence of Jesus by faith,
26:13 by His blood? Yes, it does.
26:15 But we don't enter personally. We enter, how?
26:17 In our thoughts and we follow Jesus
26:21 into the holy place to watch His work as High Priest
26:24 we seem Him going where,
26:27 into the most Holy place and we follow His work
26:30 that He's performing there.
26:31 In other words, we go into the wedding
26:34 not personally but by faith.
26:39 And so notice it says,
26:40 "And those who were ready went in with Him to the wedding
26:44 and the door was," what? "Shut."
26:47 What is the shutting of the door?
26:49 That's the second coming, right?
26:51 It's not the second coming because after the door is shut,
26:54 the foolish virgins still have time to go try and find oil.
26:59 If this was the second coming,
27:01 they would've all been destroyed, wiped out.
27:03 But they still have time to say, you know, the doors,
27:06 it has closed but maybe just maybe we can find oil.
27:10 But what has happened, the Holy Spirit has been,
27:12 what? Withdrawn.
27:15 There's no more oil
27:17 because the intercession of Jesus is, what?
27:20 Is finished into heavenly sanctuary.
27:23 Verse 11, "Afterward the other virgins came also, saying,
27:28 'Lord, Lord, open to us!"
27:30 You remember that expression
27:31 "Lord, Lord" in Matthew Chapter 7,
27:33 not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord,
27:36 will enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does, what?
27:38 He who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven.
27:41 By the way these people perform miracles,
27:43 they perform exorcisms,
27:44 they prophesied in the name of Jesus.
27:49 They said Lord, Lord, if you read Matthew Chapter 7
27:53 but there's more.
27:55 "Afterward the other virgins."
27:58 Verse 11, "came also, saying, 'Lord, Lord, open to us!"
28:02 But He answered and said,
28:04 "Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you."
28:07 Is that what we found in Matthew 7 also,
28:09 those who claim the name of Jesus,
28:11 did we do this in your name,
28:13 that in your name, these are believers.
28:17 And so it says, "But He answered and said,
28:20 "Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you."
28:23 And then He says, "Watch therefore,
28:25 for you know neither the day nor the hour
28:28 in which the Son of Man is coming."
28:31 The Son of Man is coming for, what?
28:33 To close, what?
28:35 According to the context, "Coming to close the door."
28:41 So what are we supposed to prepare for?
28:43 The second coming or the close of probation?
28:46 It's the close of probation,
28:47 because the Bible says we're gonna have to live
28:49 through the time of trouble
28:50 such as never has been seen in the history of the world.
28:53 We're gonna need an unshakable and unbreakable faith
28:56 and that faith is formed now, Jesus is saying while you wait,
29:00 pray, watch, occupy, invest,
29:04 work, reveal the character of Jesus,
29:06 do something while I'm gone
29:08 and then time will definitely go faster.
29:12 Now we need to go to our third parable,
29:14 "The Parable of the Talents."
29:17 And once again we're gonna go through this
29:19 and I'm going to interpret it as we go along.
29:21 The Parable of the Talents is found in Matthew 25:14-30.
29:26 Matthew 25:14-30.
29:30 It says here, "For the kingdom of heaven is like a man,"
29:35 who do you think that man is? It's Jesus.
29:39 "Like a man traveling to a far country,"
29:41 where is the far country? Heaven.
29:44 When did He travel to that far country?
29:47 When He went to heaven after His crucifixion
29:49 and His resurrection, right?
29:50 He went to a far country.
29:52 So it says, "The kingdom of heaven is like a man
29:53 traveling to a far country, who called his own servants."
29:58 Did Jesus call servants?
30:02 Did Jesus call servants? Yes, He did.
30:04 What did He give them gifts
30:07 on the day of Pentecost? Oh, absolutely.
30:09 So it says, "Who called his own servants,"
30:13 what are His servants? Church members, right?
30:17 "And delivered his goods,"
30:19 do you know what the goods are?
30:20 The gifts of Holy Spirit.
30:23 Are you catching a picture here?
30:26 Jesus comes, He goes to heaven.
30:31 He calls His servants, the church members.
30:34 Gives them the gifts of Holy Spirit.
30:35 Verse 15, "And to one he gave five talents."
30:40 Are some people more gifted than others?
30:43 Sure. "To another two, and to another one."
30:50 So what determines whether you've got five, two, or one.
30:56 Notice, it says, "To each according to his own ability,"
31:01 wouldn't be a--wouldn't it be a waste for Jesus
31:03 to give gifts to people
31:06 who did not have the ability to use those gifts?
31:09 That would be waste.
31:11 So Jesus knows what the capacities of each are.
31:13 So He says, "I'm gonna give you the gift
31:16 that you can use and you can develop
31:18 according to your ability."
31:22 To some He may-- apostles, others prophets,
31:25 others teachers, others evangelists,
31:27 those are the gifts.
31:29 And so it says, "And to one he gave five talents,
31:31 to another two, to another one
31:33 to each according to his own ability
31:35 and immediately he went on a journey."
31:38 There is the ascension.
31:40 "Then he who had received the five talents."
31:44 By the way talents are money. You are aware of that, right?
31:47 Talents in biblical terms were measurement of currency, money.
31:52 But the principle here is that He gave resources.
31:56 Financial, time, talents, as we call them abilities etcetera.
32:03 So it says in verse 17, "And likewise
32:06 he who had received two gained two more also.
32:09 But he who had received one went and dug into the ground,
32:14 and hid his Lord's money."
32:18 Is this a believer? Is he a believer?
32:21 He hides his Lord's money. So he claims Jesus as what?
32:25 As Lord, so this once again is a believer
32:28 who has received gifts from God.
32:30 Now usually we think that those who are in greatest danger
32:34 are the rich who receive many resources.
32:38 But in this parable you have the guy who received the least.
32:44 Who is the one who is in danger?
32:46 Notice verse 19.
32:49 It says, "After a long time, " what is that long time?
32:52 Do you notice in all these parables says what?
32:54 There is a delay, isn't there?
32:56 It's a long time between the first...
32:58 coming of Jesus and the second coming.
33:00 After a long time the Lord of those servants
33:03 came and settled accounts with them.
33:05 Do you know what the settling
33:06 of the accounts is in this parable?
33:08 It's a judgment.
33:12 What is determined in the judgment?
33:14 In the judgment what is determined
33:16 is what your reward is gonna be.
33:18 Jesus said, "Behold, I come quickly and my--" what?
33:23 "And my reward is with me."
33:26 Now if Jesus is gonna bring His reward,
33:28 He must have determined beforehand
33:30 what the reward was gonna be.
33:32 Are you with me or not?
33:34 That's why Revelation 14 says,
33:35 "He's gonna do a work of investigative judgment.
33:38 He's gonna examine the life of each one
33:39 to see what reward that individual deserves.
33:44 And so it says, verse 18, "But he who had received one
33:46 went and dug in the ground, and hid his Lord's money.
33:49 After a long time the Lord of those servants came
33:51 and settled accounts with them.
33:54 So he who had received five talents
33:55 came and brought five other talents, saying,
33:58 ''Lord, you delivered to me five talents,
34:00 look, I have gained five more talents besides them."
34:02 In other words I multiplied the resources
34:04 that You gave me and I multiplied them for You.
34:09 "His Lord said to him," Notice His Lord said to him,
34:12 "Well done, good and faithful servant,
34:15 you were faithful over a few things,
34:17 I will make you ruler over many things."
34:19 And now comes the second coming and the ascension to Jesus.
34:23 It says, "Enter into the joy of your Lord."
34:27 See first, He determines what his reward is
34:30 and then He says, "Enter into the joy of your Lord."
34:33 Verse 22, "He also who had received two talents
34:37 came and said, 'Lord, you delivered to me two talents,
34:40 look, I have gained two more talents besides them.'
34:43 His lord said to him,
34:44 'Well done, good and faithful servant,
34:46 you have been faithful over a few things,
34:48 I will make you ruler over many things.'"
34:50 And then He says, "Enter the joy of your Lord."
34:56 By the way, have you ever heard anybody in the church saying,
34:59 "I don't know how to do anything,
35:03 the Lord just passed me by."
35:07 Everybody in church has received a gift,
35:11 some less, some more.
35:15 But the more you get, the more accountable you are.
35:20 Because he who is faithful, who receives much must be
35:26 judged on the basis of what he received.
35:30 He who received little, God is not going to expect
35:32 an individual got one talent to produce ten.
35:38 Notice verse 24, "Then he who had received the one talent
35:43 came and said, 'Lord, I knew you to be a hard man,'"
35:48 notice what view he had of Him.
35:50 "Reaping where you have not sown,
35:53 and gathering where you have not scattered seed.
35:58 And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent."
36:02 Notice he knows, he says that your talent.
36:03 "Hid your talent in the ground.
36:05 Look, there you have what is yours."
36:10 Was this servant right in what he said?
36:13 You reap where you haven't sown.
36:15 The fact is who gave him the talent?
36:18 God did.
36:19 God gave him the talent that was a sowing
36:22 and therefore God expected him to do what?
36:25 To produce a harvest. Verse 26.
36:28 "But his Lord answered and said to him,
36:30 'You wicked and lazy servant,'"
36:35 And I need to add a little word here
36:37 which is really the sense of the passage.
36:42 "You wicked and lazy servant
36:45 if you knew that I reap where I have not sown."
36:48 See he is just basically arguing on the basis
36:50 of what the servant had said.
36:53 "If you knew that I reap where I have not sown
36:56 and gather where I have not scattered seed.
36:59 So you ought to have deposited my money"
37:03 so did the owner sow something? Oh, yes, he did.
37:09 "So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers,
37:12 and at my coming
37:15 I would have received back my own with interest.
37:21 Therefore take the talent from him,
37:24 and give it to him who has ten talents."
37:27 Now why would the talent be taken from the one
37:29 and given to the one who had ten.
37:33 That's a good business principle.
37:36 If you for example, had an individual
37:41 to whom you gave $5,000
37:45 and in a couple of months, he duplicated it to 10,000.
37:49 And you had another individual that you gave 2,000
37:52 and he duplicated it to 4,000 to whom would you give
37:56 the money that the other guy wasted?
37:59 To the guy who produces the greatest dividends, right?
38:03 And so this is just sound business principles.
38:07 Verse 29, "For to everyone who has, more will be given,"
38:13 that is to everyone who has what the original owner gave
38:16 plus multiplied it, more will be given.
38:20 "And he will have," what?
38:23 "Abundance, but from him who does not have,"
38:25 that is who received the talent and didn't do anything with it.
38:29 "Even what he has will be," what?
38:32 "Will be taken away."
38:33 And now notice again verse 30,
38:36 "And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness.
38:43 There will be," what?
38:46 "There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
38:52 How does the parable end again?
38:54 It ends by speaking about this unprofitable servant
39:01 going to where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.
39:05 You know, some people use it they say,
39:07 "Well, see that shows that the wicked are gonna
39:10 suffer in hell forever and they're gonna weep
39:14 and they're gonna gnash their teeth."
39:15 You tell me where is the word forever used there?
39:19 It simply says that they're gonna weep
39:21 and gnash their teeth.
39:24 And it's not gonna be primarily because of the pain.
39:28 It's gonna be primarily because of the loss of the reward
39:33 that they could have received.
39:35 And by the way, I underline once again
39:37 that this expression every time that it's used in the gospels,
39:41 weeping and gnashing of teeth is used in connection
39:46 with those who claim to be servants of the true God.
39:50 It's used always of Jews,
39:52 it is not even once used to speak of the Gentiles.
39:56 So once again, who is in danger
39:59 of being an unprofitable servant?
40:02 Those who claim the name of Jesus Christ.
40:06 These parables are not targeted to the world.
40:09 In fact, the signs of Matthew 24
40:10 are not given for the world either.
40:13 The purpose of the signs is for God's people to see the signs.
40:16 Yeah, they can share with the world and say,
40:18 "Look at all the signs."
40:20 There is nothing wrong with that.
40:21 But the purpose of the signs is for God's people
40:24 to be able to see what's happening in the world
40:27 to know that Jesus is even at the doors
40:29 by the three analogies that are used,
40:31 so that they can then what?
40:33 They can be profitable servants.
40:35 They can prepare. They can use their talents.
40:37 They can pray and invest everything in the cause of God.
40:41 In other words, the parables are continuation of Matthew 24.
40:46 Unless you study the parables, you don't know
40:47 how to prepare for what Matthew 24 describes.
40:54 Now let's go to a very interesting story.
40:59 I'm not gonna turn in my Bible to it,
41:01 but I'm gonna give you the reference
41:03 Matthew Chapter 8, where the expression
41:05 wailing and gnashing of teeth is used.
41:08 Remember the story of a centurion
41:09 who had a servant who was sick?
41:13 And he asked Jesus to come and heal his servant.
41:18 And actually the centurion said,
41:21 "You know, you don't even have to come under my roof.
41:23 All you have to do is speak the word
41:25 and my servant will be healed."
41:29 Immediately after Jesus pronounces the word
41:33 and his servant is healed because He goes over
41:34 and discovers that a servant has been healed.
41:37 Jesus then pronounces some very interesting words.
41:39 He says in Matthew 8:11, 12,
41:43 "That many will come from the east and from the west,
41:47 and they will sit with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
41:51 at the table in the kingdom."
41:54 And then Jesus says something very sobering.
41:57 He says, "But the sons of the kingdom," who are those?
42:05 This guy was a Gentile.
42:07 The centurion was a Roman soldier.
42:11 He didn't claim to serve the true God.
42:14 He wasn't part of the communion community.
42:16 And yet Jesus is saying this guy is a real Jew
42:18 because He is gonna sit there at the table
42:20 with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
42:22 So a Gentile can be a Jew, we've already studied this.
42:26 But on the other hand, the Jews
42:29 who did not have this kind of faith,
42:33 Jesus says that the sons of the kingdom
42:37 will be caste out into the outer darkness
42:40 where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.
42:44 Interesting once again the idea
42:46 that there's gonna be a reversal of roles.
42:49 By the way, in the story of the rich man and Lazarus,
42:51 we find the same thing.
42:53 You know, some people try to use that story to say,
42:55 "How hot hell was gonna be?
42:57 And when people go to hell to burn,
42:59 that parable has nothing to do with that.
43:01 In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus,
43:03 the rich man represents the Pharisees
43:07 and Lazarus represents the Gentiles.
43:12 And the Jews knew for sure that what was gonna happen,
43:16 was that, you know, when everything was set and done,
43:19 all of the Jews were gonna go to the bosom of Abraham.
43:21 And the Gentiles were gonna end up down there
43:24 where is the wailing and gnashing of teeth.
43:25 They're gonna be burning in the fires of hell.
43:29 Jesus reversed the story.
43:31 Jesus said, "Hey folks, it was the Gentile Lazarus
43:36 who ended up in the bosom of Abraham,
43:38 because he was Abraham's true child,
43:41 because he had the faith of Abraham.
43:43 But you the sons of the kingdom will end up
43:48 where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth,
43:50 because you professed to be My followers,
43:53 but you were really not My followers.
43:56 Now we need to go quickly to the last parable,
44:00 "The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats."
44:05 And this is speaking about practical religion.
44:11 And this parable deals with the sin of neglect.
44:15 In almost what we studied so far is,
44:17 the unfaithful servant didn't use his talents, right?
44:22 The unfaithful virgins,
44:25 they did not have an extra provision of oil.
44:29 The unprofitable servant, you know, he didn't feed
44:33 God's people in due season.
44:35 They didn't do certain things.
44:38 Now we're gonna talk about the sin of neglect.
44:42 Notice Matthew Chapter 25 and beginning with verse 31,
44:46 "When the Son of Man comes in his glory,
44:48 and all the holy angels with him,
44:51 then he will sit on the throne of his glory."
44:55 By the way this--I don't have time to get into it,
44:57 but this is talking about something
44:58 that's going to happen after the millennium
45:00 Read Revelation 20:11-15, you will see the same scene.
45:06 "All the nations will be gathered before him."
45:08 When is that that Revelation says
45:09 that all the nations will be gathered before the Lord.
45:12 It's outside the holy city, right?
45:15 "And he will separate them one from another
45:17 as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats."
45:20 How many groups again? Two.
45:27 Are these two groups where the goats are the atheists
45:31 and the sheep are the Christians? No.
45:35 Verse 33, "And he will set the sheep
45:38 on his right hand, but the goats on the left."
45:40 By the way, in the Bible,
45:41 the left side is the sinister side.
45:45 In Spanish it's the word "siniestra"
45:47 where we get the word sinister from.
45:49 It's the negative side, the left side.
45:52 Judas was sitting at the left side of Jesus
45:55 at the communion table at the last supper.
45:58 "And he will set the sheep on his right hand,
46:00 but the goats on his left.
46:02 Then the king will say to those on his right hand,
46:06 "Come, you blessed of my Father,
46:08 inherit the kingdom prepared for you
46:10 from the foundation of the world.'"
46:16 Because you kept the Sabbath and you didn't eat pork
46:22 and you became a vegan.
46:26 You tithed, is that what he says.
46:29 Now, not that those things aren't important.
46:31 In other places in the Bible, those things are discussed.
46:34 But here we have a particular sin
46:37 which God's people are guilty.
46:39 It's not the sin of commission, it's the sin of omission.
46:43 We'll see that in a few moments.
46:45 So he says, "Come, blessed of my Father,
46:47 inherit the kingdom prepared for you
46:48 from the foundation of the world."
46:50 He says, "For I was hungry, and you gave me food.
46:53 I was thirsty, and you gave me drink.
46:56 I was a stranger, and you took me in.
46:58 I was naked, and you clothed me.
47:00 I was sick, and you visited me.
47:01 I was in prison, and you came to me."
47:05 In other words, you practice practical religion
47:09 where the rubber meets the road.
47:12 "Then the righteous will answer him, saying,
47:14 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you,
47:16 or thirsty and give you drink?
47:18 When did we see you a stranger
47:20 and take you in or naked and clothe you?
47:22 Or when did we see you sick or in prison and come to you?'"
47:28 Lord, we lived in Clovis or in Fresno in the year 2007.
47:35 You went to heaven in the year '31
47:38 So how is that that we did this to you?
47:40 Verse 40, "And the King will answer and say to them,
47:43 'Assuredly, I say to you, in as much as you did it
47:47 to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me."'
47:51 Wow, now He turns to the other group.
47:57 Also Christians, but counterfeit Christians.
48:00 See the emphasis here is not that they mistreated people
48:03 and kicked people around, but they neglected to help them.
48:10 Verse 41, "Then he will also say to those on the left hand,
48:13 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire
48:17 prepared for the devil and his angels.'"
48:19 By the way, it says that the fire is everlasting
48:22 but it doesn't say that that the fire burns is everlasting.
48:27 You know why the fire is everlasting?
48:28 Because God is the consuming fire.
48:31 The glory of God is the consuming fire
48:33 according to the Bible.
48:34 And the glory of God is everlasting.
48:37 That's why the fire is everlasting.
48:39 But not what that fire burns is everlasting.
48:43 It doesn't say that they're gonna suffer forever.
48:45 It says that the fire is eternal, not them.
48:48 Are you with me or not?
48:51 And so it says, verse 41,
48:53 "Then he will also say to those on the left hand,
48:55 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire
48:57 prepared for the devil and his angels.
48:59 For I was hungry and you gave me no food,
49:03 I was thirsty and you gave me no drink,
49:07 I was a stranger and you did not take me in,
49:10 naked and you did not clothe me,
49:12 sick and in prison and you did not visit me.'
49:16 Then they also will answer Him saying,
49:18 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty
49:22 or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison,
49:28 and did not minister to you?'
49:31 Then he will answer them, saying,
49:32 'Assuredly, I say to you,
49:35 and as much as you did not do it
49:38 to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.'
49:44 And these will go into everlasting punishment,"
49:47 it doesn't say everlasting punishing.
49:50 The everlasting punishment
49:52 is that they seized to exist forever.
49:54 Not that they're going to be punished, and punished,
49:56 and punished and suffer forever.
49:59 The word is punishment, not punishing.
50:03 And so it says, "And these will go away
50:05 into everlasting punishment but the righteous into," what?
50:09 "Into everlasting life."
50:12 What is the contrast here?
50:15 The great sin of the goats is the sin of neglect.
50:20 Do you know that God is gonna hold us accountable
50:22 not only for the wrong things we did,
50:24 but for the right things we didn't do?
50:29 Practical religion, practical godliness
50:32 is what needs to take place
50:34 as we're waiting for the coming of Jesus.
50:36 So let's summarize what we should be doing
50:39 in preparation for the coming of Jesus.
50:41 The signs say that He's coming soon.
50:44 The analogy show that He's even at the door.
50:49 The parables tell us this is what you need
50:51 to be doing in the interim while you wait.
50:55 We need to be doing what the parables say.
50:57 Now let me synthesize.
50:59 First of all, we need to be investing
51:03 everything in God's kingdom.
51:05 There he has the parable that helps.
51:08 Notice what Ellen White says about Noah,
51:11 "All that he possessed, he invested in the ark.
51:14 Every blow struck upon the ark was a witness to the people."
51:20 So the first thing is to invest our resources
51:23 in the cause of God,
51:25 because only that which we invest will survive,
51:28 the destruction that is coming.
51:30 Everything else is gonna be burnt up.
51:31 Houses, cars, money, toys,
51:34 you name it, it's all gonna be gone.
51:36 But what we invested in the kingdom of Jesus
51:38 in the salvation of souls will shine through all eternity.
51:42 Second thing that Jesus said we're supposed to do,
51:44 time and again in Matthew 24 and 25 is watch.
51:50 That means to be alert, to be wakeful,
51:53 to pay attention, don't be indifferent,
51:55 don't be careless, don't go to sleep.
51:59 Because the thief might come when you're not expecting him.
52:03 So if you've locked your house a thousand nights,
52:07 lock it on night 1001,
52:10 don't become careless and indifferent and say,
52:11 "Oh, I don't need to watch tonight.
52:13 He hasn't come for a thousand days.
52:15 So I don't have to worry."
52:18 He comes at the moment
52:19 to close the door when we least what?
52:22 When we least expect it.
52:25 So we need to be always prepared.
52:28 Jesus also said that we ought to praise such as never before.
52:34 He says that in Mark 13:33
52:37 which is the parallel passage to Matthew 24.
52:40 So we're supposed to invest in the gods.
52:42 We're supposed to watch. We're supposed to pray.
52:46 Time and again in these chapters Jesus says, be ready.
52:52 Have your lamps trimmed.
52:55 Be awake. Be ready.
53:00 Because the Lord is gonna close the door
53:03 at a time when we least expect it.
53:08 Let me give you an illustration now--
53:10 when my sister got old enough,
53:13 my mother took her to Wisconsin Academy.
53:15 We were living in Venezuela at that time.
53:18 And my mom said, "I'm coming back,"
53:22 I don't remember of such and such a day,
53:24 "and so make sure you come and pick me up at the airport."
53:28 Okay, so, you know, we kind of let the house go.
53:35 They didn't worry about cleaning the house that much.
53:38 We know when she was coming.
53:40 Well, long behold, my mom surprised
53:44 that she came home two days early.
53:47 And when she got home,
53:49 she found the biggest pile of dishes
53:51 I think that she has seen in all of her life,
53:53 rivaling Mount Everest.
53:56 And house, a mess.
53:59 The carpet is not vacuumed.
54:00 She said, "This place is a disaster."
54:02 See we said, "We know when she's coming
54:05 and so we'll clean the house right before she comes."
54:09 But the fact is God wants us to be prepared now.
54:13 He wants us to be ready all the time.
54:15 Because He can close the door when we least what?
54:20 When we least expect it.
54:23 So we need to be ready
54:24 whether He comes this year or next year
54:27 or in five years or in ten years
54:29 or twenty years or hundred years.
54:31 We need to be ready at every moment praying,
54:35 working for Jesus, investing, helping other people,
54:39 practicing acts of practical godliness while we wait.
54:43 Jesus said, "Occupy until I come."
54:48 He said in the Gospel of Luke 19:13.
54:53 You know, I've traveled
54:55 extensively in the last several years.
54:59 In fact, since I started flying with American Airlines,
55:03 I've flown 1.8 million miles just in American Airlines.
55:09 I fly usually with them, but not exclusively,
55:11 sometimes the schedule and the price isn't right.
55:14 And so I traveled on other airlines.
55:16 But I remember one of the first times that I traveled,
55:20 I was going to Chile.
55:23 And I was going through Dallas.
55:25 I was gonna have two hour layover
55:26 and then I was gonna take-- catch the connection to Chile.
55:30 Oh, it just so happens
55:31 that they postpone the flight for ten hours.
55:35 And here I was in the airport at Dallas.
55:38 And what was I gonna do?
55:40 I didn't have any books to read.
55:43 At that time I was totally-- a total computer illiterate.
55:47 I didn't even have a computer.
55:49 I didn't take any of my materials to work on.
55:53 I had absolutely nothing to do at the airport.
55:57 And some of you probably have been at the Dallas Airport.
56:00 You know, there's four terminals there.
56:03 And you can walk--
56:04 actually at that time there were only three,
56:06 you know, they just opened the fourth.
56:08 But, you know, there's just so many shops
56:10 that you can see in ten hours.
56:13 And so I remember twiddling my thumbs
56:15 and just walking, you know, looking in the windows
56:19 and then I would buy the newspaper
56:20 and I would read the newspaper and, you know,
56:22 from cover to cover and still time went by so slow.
56:28 Ever since that time I decided that whenever I travel,
56:31 I'm gonna take plenty of work.
56:33 And I take my computer and I take books to read
56:37 and I take plenty of paper to write on.
56:41 And now if I have a layover,
56:44 I'm able to plug in my computer and recharge it and work.
56:47 And you know what?
56:49 Time flies when I'm busy doing something.
56:55 That's what Jesus meant when He said,
56:57 "Occupy until I come."
57:01 The reason why His coming appears to be so far away
57:04 is because we're sitting down twiddling our thumbs
57:07 and we're not doing anything for Him.
57:09 We're not active, we're not occupied.
57:12 But if we're busy in the business of the Lord,
57:15 time would fly by a lot faster
57:19 and we would be bit closer to Him
57:21 and we would have a stronger relationship with Him.
57:24 And I pray to God that, that will be our experience.


Revised 2014-12-17