Studies in Matthew 24

Harbinger Of The Future

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: SMTF

Program Code: SMTF000005

00:35 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
00:38 Father in heaven, thank you once again
00:40 for bringing us together.
00:42 We thank You for Your word.
00:45 It would be a terrible thing to live in this world
00:47 without any guidance as to where everything is going.
00:52 We ask, Father, that as we study the events
00:54 that transpired between the year 1864 and the 1890s
01:01 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us and show us
01:04 what can happen if the circumstances are right.
01:10 We ask, Father, that you will help us to realize
01:12 that we're living in the last moments of time.
01:14 And we thank you, Father,
01:16 for being with us and for answering our prayer.
01:18 For we ask it in the precious name of Jesus, amen.
01:23 In our last study together we noticed
01:27 the prophetic dimension of Matthew chapter 24.
01:32 We dedicated a significant amount of time to study
01:36 the abomination of desolation in prophecy.
01:40 And we noticed that there was a definite connection
01:43 between the eagles of Rome
01:46 and the eagle which was adopted for the state of arms
01:51 of the United States of America.
01:53 We also noted that according to Bible prophecy,
01:58 eventually, someday, we believe soon,
02:01 there's going to be in the United States
02:04 a National Sunday law
02:07 mandating the observance of Sunday as the day of rest.
02:12 And this will be the abomination spoken of in prophecy
02:16 which eventually will lead to desolation.
02:19 Another way of expressing it
02:21 is that national apostasy will lead to national ruin.
02:27 Now many of those who are here today probably are saying,
02:32 "This could never happen in the United States of America."
02:36 This is the land of the free and the home of the brave.
02:39 This is the land that has the greatest Constitution
02:43 in the history of the world.
02:45 We are the people of the First Amendment.
02:47 Congress shall make no law respecting and establishment
02:50 of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
02:54 The fact is, folks, that we don't have to speculate
02:57 about whether this can happen or not.
03:00 Because in the 1880s we have an experience
03:06 in the history of the United States
03:08 where something like this almost transpired
03:12 and that's what we want to study about today.
03:15 We want to go back to 1864 and we want to study
03:21 through the end of the 19th century
03:24 to see how these events transpired in our history.
03:28 And in this way we're gonna see
03:30 that this is not only possible but it becomes very probable.
03:37 Now in order to prepare for what we're gonna study today
03:40 we need to remember that there were
03:42 two sieges of the city of Jerusalem.
03:45 There was the first siege by Cestius Gallus.
03:50 He surrounded the city in the year '66.
03:53 The Romans placed their standards in the ground
03:56 and they worshipped them.
03:57 But for some unexplainable reason,
03:59 we know it was divine providence,
04:02 Cestius Gallus withdrew
04:04 and the Jews followed the Roman armies.
04:07 And there were many casualties among the Romans
04:10 when they suddenly left Jerusalem.
04:13 Of course, Christians who were in the city
04:16 saw that as the sign that they were supposed to flee.
04:20 And so the Christians in the city,
04:22 those who were attached to the Lord Jesus Christ left.
04:27 A while later, Titus,
04:30 the new General of the Roman army
04:32 returned to the city of Jerusalem
04:34 and surrounded it once again.
04:37 And this time there was no withdrawal.
04:40 The destruction of the city of Jerusalem came.
04:43 I believe that the same thing is going to transpire
04:47 in the United States of America.
04:49 I believe that what happened in 1888
04:52 would be parallel to the first siege of Jerusalem.
04:55 It was a sign to God's people that this was going
04:59 to eventually take place in the United States.
05:02 And that we should prepare for momentous events
05:06 that are gonna take place in the future.
05:09 Now I'd like to give you a few of the sources that I've used
05:13 in preparing the material for our study today.
05:17 And I'll go through this quickly.
05:19 There are some sources from the writings of Ellen White.
05:22 She lived during this period. She actually wrote
05:25 "The Great Controversy" during this period.
05:28 So we would need to read from her writings
05:30 especially the chapter titled "The Impending Conflict"
05:34 in the book, "The Great Controversy."
05:36 Also, volume 5 of the "Testimonies,"
05:39 pages 711 through 718.
05:43 Besides this there are some other sources.
05:46 We have the book "Civil Government and Religion"
05:49 by A.T. Jones who had to go and testify
05:53 before the education committee of the United States Senate.
05:57 Also a book of essays written by A.T. Jones and Pastor Waggoner.
06:04 The title of that book is "Views of National Reform."
06:08 And then finally the last source I'd like to mention is the book
06:11 "National Sunday Law" written by A.T. Jones.
06:14 Actually it's a transcript of his testimony
06:18 before Congress appealing to Congress to not impose
06:24 this Sunday law which was being proposed.
06:28 Incidentally, A.T. Jones says in his book
06:31 that Senator Blair who was the one who was pushing
06:35 for this national Sunday law interrupted him many, many times
06:40 during the period in which he was giving his speech.
06:43 Now what I want to do is I want to speak
06:46 about what transpired back then.
06:49 And for this I'm gonna have to read several statements.
06:52 I hope that you don't get bored
06:53 listening to all these statements
06:55 but I feel that I need to read
06:57 what the religious leaders of that day were actually saying
07:02 about the proposed amendment
07:03 to the Constitution of the United States.
07:06 However, before I read these quotations
07:08 I need to tell you something
07:10 about the National Reform Movement.
07:13 This organization was established in the year 1864.
07:18 And the avowed purpose was to amend the Constitution
07:23 so that the Constitution would say
07:25 that the United States is a Christian nation.
07:28 Also it was the purpose
07:30 of the National Reform organization
07:33 to have Congress write a national Sunday law
07:38 and impose it by law
07:40 upon the citizens of the United States.
07:44 The first National Reform convention
07:48 was held in Allegheny, Pennsylvania,
07:51 January 27 and 28 of the year 1864.
07:56 According to the sources there were
07:58 120 vice-presidents of this organization.
08:03 It kind of makes me remember the 120 satraps
08:07 in Daniel chapter 6 that ended up
08:10 throwing Daniel in the lion's den.
08:12 By the way, they had a publication,
08:15 the National Reform Movement had a publication
08:17 called "The Christian Statesman."
08:20 And this is a very, very interesting publication
08:24 because it tells what their objectives were
08:27 and what their methods were as well.
08:31 The "Christian Statesman" for December 24, 1885
08:37 said this about those who composed
08:40 the National Reform Movement in that year.
08:43 It stated that there were 15 college professors,
08:46 16 college presidents, 3 ex-governors,
08:50 7 justices of Supreme Courts, 5 judges of superior courts,
08:55 2 judges of the United States District court,
08:58 1 judge of the United States Circuit court
09:01 with many, many others who you would address
09:04 as your honors, reverends, and doctors of divinity.
09:10 Now the National Sunday law was actually proposed
09:13 as a Bill to the Senate of the United States
09:16 by Senator Henry W. Blair of New Hampshire.
09:20 It was Bill number 2983.
09:23 And the idea was to write a National Sunday law
09:29 that would be imposed upon
09:31 the citizens of the United States.
09:34 In our next lecture we're gonna notice that
09:36 something else was happening in 1888.
09:39 There was a famous Congress
09:41 of the Seventh-day Adventist church
09:43 being held in the city of Minneapolis.
09:45 This is not a coincidence
09:47 as we're gonna study in our next lecture.
09:50 While God was trying to draw His people together,
09:54 Satan was working to draw his people together.
09:58 In other words, the battle lines were being drawn
10:01 in that very year, the year 1888.
10:05 By the way, going beyond a little bit,
10:07 a little beyond 1888, in 1889,
10:12 the National Catholic Congress which met in Baltimore
10:17 resolved officially to unite with Protestants
10:21 to secure proper Sunday observance.
10:24 In the year 1892, the United States Supreme Court
10:29 declared that the United States is a Christian nation.
10:34 Allow me to say that I don't believe
10:36 the United States is a Christian nation.
10:38 I believe that the United States is a nation
10:41 composed mostly of Christians.
10:44 It's very different to say that it's a Christian nation
10:47 than to say that it's a nation
10:48 composed mostly of Christians.
10:50 It is a nation that is based on divine principles.
10:55 The principle that we need to render
10:58 unto Caesar that which is Caesar's
10:59 and unto God that which is God's,
11:02 upon the idea of full civil and religious liberty,
11:06 upon the idea of the separation of church and State.
11:09 These are Christian principles upon which the nation is built.
11:13 However, the nation is not as such a Christian nation.
11:19 Finally this led--this proposal of a national Sunday law
11:24 led A.T. Jones to be sent by the Seventh-day Adventist
11:28 denomination to testify before the education
11:31 and labor committee of the 50th United States Congress.
11:35 This happened on December 13, 1888.
11:39 And I believe that the arguments
11:41 that were presented by A.T. Jones
11:43 were so persuasive and so powerful
11:46 that the National Sunday Law was placed on hold.
11:51 Now let's examine a few things
11:53 that the National Reformers were saying
11:56 as we move from 1864 to the 1890s.
12:00 First of all, it's important to notice
12:03 that Catholics were behind this religious amendment,
12:07 this amendment to make
12:09 the United States a Christian nation
12:10 and this amendment to have a National Sunday Law.
12:14 In an Encyclical Letter in 1885, Pope Leo XIII said this,
12:21 All Catholics should do all in their power
12:25 to cause the constitutions of States,
12:31 and legislation to be modeled
12:34 on the principles of the true church,
12:36 and all Catholic writers and journalists should
12:40 never lose sight, for an instant,
12:42 from the view of the above prescription.
12:46 Also the famous Henry Cardinal Gibbons
12:50 had this to say,
12:51 "I am most happy to add my name
12:54 to those of the millions of others
12:57 who are laudably contending against the violation
13:01 of the Christian Sabbath by unnecessary labor,
13:05 and who are endeavoring to promote
13:07 its decent and proper observance by judicious legilsation."
13:13 So Gibbons is saying add my name
13:15 to the list of those who want a national Sunday law.
13:19 Something very interesting that was taking place
13:21 during this period is that the ministers
13:24 that belonged to the National Reform Movement
13:27 actually wanted to join church and State.
13:31 They wanted to amend the Constitution
13:33 to make this possible.
13:35 For example, Jonathan Edwards
13:38 at the New York City convention which was held
13:40 on February 26 and 27 of 1873 said this
13:45 about what the ministers and the churches wanted.
13:48 "We want State and religion, and we are going to have it...
13:54 The Christian oath and Christian morality
13:58 shall have in this land an undeniable legal basis.'
14:04 We use this word religion in its proper sense,
14:07 as meaning a man's personal relation of faith
14:10 and obedience to God."
14:12 So what he's saying is that State and religion
14:16 need to be placed on an undeniable legal basis.
14:21 By the way, the word legal means "by law."
14:25 Notice what Reverend M.A. Gault had to say,
14:28 another one of the great leaders of this movement.
14:31 He says, speaking about all of the malefic
14:34 influences in society like the problems with liquor
14:37 and immorality and materialism
14:40 and the problems with the Civil War, he said this,
14:43 "Our remedy for all these malefic influences
14:48 is to have the Government simply set up the moral law,
14:54 and recognize God's authority behind it,
14:57 and lay its hand on any religion that does not conform to it."
15:04 Dr. Mandeville who was another
15:07 one of the great leaders of this movement said this,
15:10 "When the church of God awakes and does its duty on one side,
15:16 and the States on the other,
15:19 we shall have not further trouble in this matter.
15:23 Of the matter of the desecration of Sunday
15:26 which is-- is what he's talking about.
15:29 Sam Small who was secretary
15:31 of the National Prohibition Convention held in Indianapolis
15:35 in the year 1888 preached a sermon
15:38 in Kansas City in January of 1888
15:42 where he said this, "I want to see the day come
15:47 when the church shall be arbiter of all legislation,"
15:52 Are you catching that?
15:55 He wants to "see the day
15:56 when the church shall be the arbiter of all legislation,
16:00 State, national, and municipal.
16:04 When the great churches of the country
16:07 can come together harmoniously,"
16:10 notice, when the churches of the country
16:13 can come together harmoniously
16:16 "and issue their edict,
16:20 and the legislative powers will respect it,
16:24 and enact it into laws."
16:27 Not much camouflage there, is there,
16:29 about what their motivations were?
16:32 Regarding the duties
16:33 of the State Reverend J.M. Foster said this,
16:39 "That a constitutional provision be made
16:42 for recognizing God as King of nations,
16:45 that a constitutional recognition be made
16:49 that the States is the divinely appointed keeper
16:52 or the moral law, that a constitutional,
16:55 provision be made detailing
16:58 the moral and religious qualifications of those
17:01 who would occupy an office of trust,
17:04 that the nation needed to make a covenant with God,
17:08 and that the nation must guard and protect the church...
17:11 by supressing all public violation of the moral law,
17:15 by maintaining a system of public schools,
17:18 indoctrinating their youth in morality and virtue,
17:22 by exempting church property from taxation,
17:26 and by providing her funds out of the public treasury
17:30 for carrying on her aggressive work at home
17:34 and in the foreign field.
17:36 Notice, what they wanted the government to do?
17:38 What the church should do?
17:40 they wanted the State to perform
17:43 At the Cleveland National Convention
17:46 we find this resolution which was adopted,
17:49 "Resolved, That we re-affirm that this Religious Amendment,
17:55 instead of infringing on any individual's
17:58 right of conscience, or tending in the least degree
18:02 to a union of Chruch and State will afford
18:05 the fullest security against a corrupting church establishment,
18:12 and form the strongest safeguard of both
18:14 the civil and religious liberties of all citizens.
18:18 One is left to ask how would this be possible
18:23 if you're declaring the United States
18:24 to be a Christian nation
18:26 and if by law you're obligating everyone
18:30 to keep the first day of the week as a day of rest.
18:33 Dr. McAllister, another one of the leaders of this movement
18:37 in Lakeside Ohio in July of 1887 had this to say,
18:43 "Let a man be what he may,-Jew,
18:46 seventh-day observer of some other denomination,
18:49 or those who do not believe in the Christian Sabbath,
18:52 let the law apply to every one,
18:55 that there shall be no pubiic desecration
18:58 of the first day of the wek, the Christian Sabbath,
19:01 the day of rest for the nation.
19:04 They may hold any other day of the week as sacred,
19:06 and observe it, but that day
19:08 which is the one day in seven for the nation
19:11 at large, let that not be publicly desecrated by any one,
19:16 by officer in the Government, or by private citizen,
19:20 high or low, rich or poor."
19:23 Do you notice that a couple of times
19:25 in this statement he speaks about the day of rest
19:29 for the nation at large?
19:31 This in other words was a proposal
19:33 of a National Sunday law by the churches.
19:36 And the State was supposed to rewrite the Constitution
19:40 and mandate the observance of this day as the day of rest.
19:46 In the Elgin Sunday Law Convention,
19:49 Dr. Mandeville of Chicago used the example
19:52 of Nehemiah in the Old Testament
19:55 to say what the State should do.
19:57 These are his words.
19:59 "The merchants of Tyre insisted upon selling goods
20:03 near the temple on the Sabbath, and Nehemiah
20:07 compelled the officers of the law
20:10 to do their duty and stop it.
20:13 So we can compel the officers of the law to do their duty."
20:19 Does that sound like the voice of the dragon?
20:23 And this is not happening in this day and age.
20:26 This was happening back in the 1870s and 1880s.
20:32 Notice that the national Sunday law mass meeting
20:37 held in Hamilton hall in Oakland, California in fact,
20:41 January of 1887, Dr. Briggs of Napa, California
20:46 spanked the political leaders for not imposing
20:49 a national Sunday law as a day of rest.
20:52 He said to them,
20:53 "You relegate moral instruction to the church,
20:57 and then let all go as they please on Sunday,
21:01 so that we cannot get at them."
21:03 In other words, you let them
21:05 go shopping and ride the train and read the newspapers,
21:08 as we're gonna notice in a few moments, on Sunday
21:11 and that way people don't come to church
21:14 and we don't have access to them.
21:15 So he's saying, you political leaders
21:17 need to give a national Sunday law
21:18 so that the people are forced to come to church
21:21 so that we have access to them
21:23 so that we can then moralize them, so to speak.
21:26 In other words, they wanted the State
21:28 to corral all of the people and bring them to church by force
21:32 on Sunday so that they would have access to them.
21:36 Since when is that the role of State
21:38 to get people to go to church
21:40 so that the pastors can preach sermons to them
21:42 and moralize them, so to speak?
21:46 Now why did they want this national Sunday law?
21:49 Well, actually, the reason why
21:51 is because they saw society falling apart.
21:55 They saw an increase in crime.
21:58 By the way, this was in the aftermath of the Civil War.
22:01 There were tremendous societal problems.
22:03 There was problem with liquor at that time.
22:07 So the prohibitionists arose.
22:08 And so they said in order
22:10 for the United States to correct these problems
22:14 everybody needs to get back to church.
22:17 And in order to get back to church
22:19 there has to be a national Sunday law.
22:23 In fact, I want you to notice what Dr. Briggs had to say
22:27 about the Sunday newspaper.
22:30 He said this, "What a mélange!
22:33 What a dish to set down before a man
22:38 before breakfast and after breakfast."
22:40 He's talking about the newspaper, he says,
22:43 "What a mélange! What a dish to set down
22:45 before a man before breakfast and after breakfast,
22:48 to prepare him for hearing the word of God!
22:51 It makes it twice as hard to reach
22:53 those who go to the sancturay,
22:55 and keeps many away from the house of worship altogether.
23:00 They read the paper,
23:01 the time comes to go to church, but it is said,
23:04 'Here is something interesting, I will read it,
23:07 and not go to church today.'"
23:11 Another one the leaders said this,
23:13 "The laboring class are apt to rise late on Sunday morning,
23:18 read the Sunday papers and allow the worsh--
23:22 the hour of worship to go by unheeded."
23:26 And so the idea is eliminate the Sunday newspaper
23:29 so people can't sit down to read it at breakfast
23:31 and therefore, they decide to go to church.
23:34 At the Elgin Convention, Dr. Everts
23:38 who was one of the better known personalities of the movement
23:42 said this about the Sunday train.
23:44 You see, they wanted to eliminate the Sunday train also.
23:47 This is what he said.
23:48 "The Sunday train is another great evil.
23:52 They cannot afford to run a train
23:54 unless they get a great many passengers,
23:57 and so break up a great many congregations.
24:02 The Sunday railroad trains are hurrying their passengers
24:06 fast on to perdition.
24:08 What an outrage that the railroad,
24:11 that great civilizer,
24:13 should destory the Christian Sabbath!
24:16 By the way, that name for the day of rest,
24:20 Christian Sabbath is definitely a misnomer
24:23 because there's nothing Christian
24:25 about the first day of the week.
24:27 It is a pagan day all the way back
24:29 as we've studied to ancient Babylon.
24:33 The Reverend M.A. Gault of the National Reform Association
24:39 published an article in the "Christian Statesman"
24:42 of September 25, 1844-- 18--excuse me,
24:46 1884 where he said this about the railroad.
24:50 "The railroad," he's talking about the Chicago
24:52 and Rock Island railroad,
24:55 "has been running excursion trains
24:57 from Des Moines to Colfax Springs
25:00 on the Sabbath for some time,
25:02 and the ministers complain
25:04 that their members go on these excursions."
25:09 So of course, you need
25:10 a national Sunday law to shut down the trains,
25:13 to get rid of the newspapers on the first day of the week
25:16 and that way people don't have anything to do other than
25:19 go to church and listen to the sermon by the pastor.
25:23 In the Boston Monday lectures, Dr. Joseph Cook,
25:27 this was in the year 1887,
25:29 clearly said that the ministers did not want a civil Sabbath.
25:35 They did not want just a secular day of rest.
25:38 They wanted a religious day of rest.
25:40 Notice his words.
25:42 "The experience of centuries shows,
25:45 however, that you will in vain
25:47 endeavor to preserve Sunday as a day of rest,
25:51 unless you preserve it as a day of worship.
25:55 Unless Sabbath," and by the way,
25:56 when he says Sabbath he's saying--
25:58 he's meaning Sunday,
25:59 "unless Sabbath observance be founded upon religious reasons,
26:04 you will not long maintain it
26:06 at a high standard on the basis of economic,
26:10 physiological, and political considerations only."
26:16 It's interesting that they saw that
26:19 anyone who's opposed to this idea of mandating Sunday
26:24 as the day of rest will be considered unpatriotic.
26:28 Notice the resolution of the Elgin Convention.
26:31 The argument is that the first day of the week
26:34 belongs to natural law, biblical law,
26:37 civil law, and is American besides.
26:41 This is what this resolution said,
26:44 "Resolved, that we recognize
26:46 the Sabbath as an institution of God,"
26:49 he means Sunday by the way,
26:51 "revealed in nature and the Bible,"
26:54 by the way, it's not revealed in nature or the Bible,
26:57 "and of perpetual obligation on all men."
27:00 We believe that the Sabbath
27:02 is of perpetual obligation upon all men.
27:05 And he continues saying, the Convention continues saying,
27:09 "and also as a civil and American institution,
27:14 bound up in vital and historical connection
27:18 with the origin and foundation of our government,
27:21 the growth of our polity and necessary to be maintained,"
27:26 notice this, "in order for the preservation
27:29 and integrity of our national system,
27:33 and therefore as having a sacred claim
27:37 on all patriotic American citizens."
27:42 So the Sunday was considered to be American.
27:45 Anybody against it was not considered to be patriotic.
27:49 And it's interesting that he says
27:51 that this institution was in harmony with natural law,
27:54 biblical law, civil law, and of course,
27:57 the history of blue laws in the United States.
28:01 Also we notice at the Elgin Convention
28:04 that they were opposed to purchasing business
28:07 and travel on the first day of the week.
28:10 This is what one of the ministers said.
28:13 "That we look with shame and sarrow
28:17 on the non-observance of the Sabbath
28:19 by many Christian people,
28:21 in that the custom prevails with them
28:24 of purchasing Sabbath newspapers,
28:27 engaging in and patronizing Sabbath business and travel,
28:31 and in many instances giving themselves to pleasure
28:34 and self-indulgence, setting aside by neglect
28:37 and indifference the great duties and privileges
28:40 which God's day brings them."
28:45 Now there was also as I mentioned the idea
28:47 that the United States was a Christian nation.
28:49 They actually wanted to amend the Constitution
28:51 so that the Constitution would say
28:54 that the United States was a Christian nation.
28:56 Notice for example, one of the leaders who said this
29:01 "Give all men to understand
29:04 that this is a Christian nation and that believing,"
29:08 now notice this,
29:09 "and that believing that without Christianity we perish,
29:13 we must maintain by all right means our Christian character.
29:19 Inscribe this character on our Constitution.
29:23 Enforce upon all that come among us
29:27 the laws of Christian morality."
29:31 And also in the "Statesman," the publication you find this,
29:35 "What the Statesman designates as 'political atheism,
29:39 that is political leaders who don't agree
29:42 with the national Sunday law,
29:44 "is nothing more nor less than the present form of government,
29:48 and the present Constitution of the United States."
29:51 They're saying that the Constitution
29:53 as it was written was political atheism.
29:57 Today it would be called secular humanism, by the way.
30:00 The "Statesman" continues saying,
30:02 "To oppose National Reform is to them,"
30:05 that is to the National Reformers, "sheer atheism.
30:09 And to oppose the kind of government
30:11 which they endorse is political atheism.
30:15 That no religious test shall be required of a civil ruler,
30:19 is declared by Reverend M.A. Gault to be
30:22 'the infidel theory of Government.'"
30:26 Something else that the leaders were doing is that
30:30 they were kind of doing a type of voter guide.
30:33 Kind of telling their church members
30:35 who they should vote for and who they shouldn't.
30:37 Does this kind of ring a bell?
30:39 Notice the third resolution of the Elgin Convention
30:43 that speaks about the need
30:44 to vote for certain candidates.
30:47 "Resolved, that we give out votes
30:50 and support to those candidates or political officers
30:55 who will pledge themselves to vote for the enactment
30:59 and enforcement of statutes in favor of the civil Sabbath."
31:04 And the Honorable John Cole of Kingsley, Iowa
31:08 in the Christian Statesmen, September 16, 1886 said this,
31:13 "If Congress does not find in our Constitution
31:17 a basis for Sabbath legislation,
31:20 then let us elect a Congress who will find such a basis."
31:27 They were also promoting having rallies in Washington DC
31:31 as the amendment was being considered to put the pressure
31:35 on the legislators to enact the National Sunday Law.
31:40 Notice this for example.
31:43 "Let us begin without delay the circulation of petitions,
31:47 to be furnished in proper form by the Association,
31:50 by the National Reform Association,
31:53 and let an opportunity be given to all parts of the country
31:57 to make up a roll of petitions so great
32:01 that it will require a procession of wheelbarrows
32:04 to trundle the mighty mass
32:06 into the presence of the representatives
32:09 of the nation in the House of Congress.
32:12 Let a mass convention of the friends
32:14 of the cause be held in Washington,
32:17 when the Blair resolution shall be under discussion,
32:20 to accompany with its influence
32:23 the presentation of the petition,
32:25 and to take such other action as may be deemed best
32:29 to arouse the nation to a genuine enthusiasm
32:33 in behalf of our national Christianity."
32:36 Notice also what the Reverend JCK Milligan said
32:41 in the Christian Statesman, July 26, 1888,
32:45 about the idea of electing individuals
32:48 that would be in favor of the National Sunday Law.
32:51 He said this, "By letters to senators
32:54 and representatives in Congress,
32:56 by petitions numerously signed and forwarded to them,
33:01 by local, State, and national conventions held,
33:05 and public meetings in every school district--"
33:08 That's interesting that they have
33:09 the school districts involved.
33:11 "Such an influence," he continues,
33:13 "Can quickly be brought to bear
33:15 as will compel our legislators to adopt the measure,
33:20 and enforce it by the needed legislation.
33:24 The Christian pulpits, if they would,
33:26 could secure its adoption before the dog-days end."
33:33 In another statement we find this,
33:35 "The changes will come gradually and probably
33:38 only after the whole framework of Bible legislation has been
33:43 thoroughly canvassed by Congress and State legislators
33:48 by the Supreme Court of the United States
33:50 and of the several states and by lawyers and citizens
33:54 an outpouring of the spirit might soon secure it.
33:59 Now as they're talking about taking over
34:01 all of the braches of Government
34:03 to secure this National Sunday Law.
34:06 By the way, back then
34:07 the party that was pushing for this
34:09 were the Democrats not the Republicans.
34:12 Notice this interesting piece of an article written
34:16 in the Lansing Republican from back then,
34:20 they're criticizing this idea.
34:22 Thousands of men-- speaking about those
34:25 who vote for certain candidates
34:27 and the candidates giving in because of political pressure,
34:30 "Thousands of men if called upon to vote for such an Amendment,
34:35 would hesitate to vote against God,
34:39 although they might not believe that the Amendment is necessary,
34:43 or that it is right.
34:45 Such an Amendment would be likely to receive
34:48 an affirmative vote which would by no means
34:51 indicate the true sentiment of the people.
34:54 Men who make politics a trade
34:57 would hesitate to record their names
34:59 against the proposed Constitutional Amendment,
35:02 advocated by the great religious denominations of the land,"
35:08 today we call them religious conservatives, by the way.
35:11 "And indorsed by such men as Bishop Simpson,
35:14 Bishop McIlvaine, Biship Eastburn,
35:17 President Finney, Professor Lewis,
35:20 Professor Seelye, Bishop Huntington,
35:22 Bishop Kerfoot, Dr. Patterson,
35:25 Dr. Cuyler, and many other divines
35:28 who are the representative men
35:29 of their respective denominations."
35:33 They also spoke about uniting
35:34 all of the protestant denominations.
35:37 Notice this interesting statement in the publication
35:41 Christian Statesman, February 7, 1884.
35:45 "We are different divisions of Emmanuel's army.
35:48 The Methodist are the charging cavalry,
35:51 the Presbyterians, the fighting infantry,
35:54 the Covenanters, battery's upon the heights.
35:57 We have one commander-in-chief
35:59 and under him we go forward, one united phalanx
36:03 against the common enemy.
36:05 And when the victory is gained
36:06 the army will be one and the leader one."
36:11 Notice the idea of uniting in this common cause.
36:16 Notice what Reverend Milligan had to say about the pastors
36:21 being the moral conscience of the nation.
36:25 He said this, "The churches and the pulpits have much to do
36:30 with shaping and forming opinions on all moral questions,
36:35 and with interpretations of Scripture
36:38 on moral and civil as well as
36:41 on the theological and ecclesiastical points.
36:44 And it is probably that in the most universal gathering
36:48 of our citizens about these,
36:50 the chief discussions and the final decision
36:54 of most points will be developed there."
36:57 In other words, the ministers are actually
37:00 going to be the ones who are going to write
37:02 and formulate theologically what this law would say.
37:07 And then I want you to notice the text that is used.
37:11 "Many nations shall come, and say,
37:13 Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
37:16 and to the house of the God of Jacob.
37:19 And he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths.
37:23 For the law shall go forth of Zion.
37:25 There is certainly--" Now notice this.
37:28 "There certainly is no class of citizens more intelligent,
37:33 patriotic and trustworthy than the leaders
37:37 and teachers in our churches."
37:41 Isn't that interesting that they would have the ministers
37:44 be the driving force behind the politicians
37:47 to redact or write this Sunday law
37:50 and have it imposed upon the people.
37:53 Another interesting thing that they were doing
37:55 is they were playing games with the establishment clause.
37:58 In fact they were saying that the establishment clause
38:01 simply forbids the Government from establishing a church,
38:05 a national church but it does not forbid
38:07 the Government from establishing religion.
38:10 Notice that at the Pittsburg Convention
38:12 which was held in 1874,
38:14 Professor Blanchard had this to say.
38:17 "But union of Church and State
38:20 is the selection by the nation of one church,
38:24 the endorsement of such a church,
38:27 the appointment of its officers and oversight of its doctrines.
38:31 For such a union none of us plead.
38:34 To such a union we are all of us opposed."
38:39 In other words we were opposed according to him
38:41 to the idea that the Government should select our leaders
38:44 and should dictate what happens in the church.
38:46 But that doesn't mean that the Government
38:48 cannot establish religion in general terms for everyone.
38:53 WJ Coleman had this to say about the Establishment Clause.
38:59 The first sentence of article I of Amendments reads,
39:03 "Congress shall make no law
39:05 respecting an establishment of religion
39:08 or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
39:11 No he explains what that means.
39:13 "This would be made consistent with the proposed amendment
39:18 by substituting the words 'a church' for 'religion,'
39:24 making it read, 'Congress shall make
39:26 no law respecting an establishment of a church.'"
39:31 In other words they wanted to amend the first amendment
39:33 to say that Congress cannot establish a church,
39:37 not necessarily religion.
39:41 Then he says this.
39:42 This is what the reform association believes
39:45 should be the rule in a rightly constituted state.
39:49 "There should be religion but no church."
39:53 There was also an embracing of Roman Catholics by Protestants.
39:58 Notice in the Christian Statesman,
40:00 December 11, 1884, this.
40:04 "We cordially, gladly recognize the fact
40:09 that in South America republics and in France
40:13 and other European countries,
40:15 the Roman Catholics are the recognized advocates
40:18 of national Christianity and stand opposed
40:22 to all the proposals of secularism."
40:25 Now as they are saying,
40:27 the Catholic church is just like us,
40:28 they're opposing secularism
40:30 by establishing national religion,
40:33 not a national religion
40:34 but establishing religious observances.
40:37 And they said this is exactly what we want here.
40:39 Have you ever heard of the image
40:41 to the beast in Revelations Chapter 13,
40:43 that's exactly what Revelations Chapter 13 is talking about.
40:47 Now I want you to notice another statement.
40:49 And there is a very significant couple of words here.
40:52 This is Christian Statesman, December 11, 1884.
40:56 "Whenever the Roman Catholics are willing to co-operate
41:00 in resisting the progress of political atheism--"
41:04 You understand what that means,
41:06 political atheism, right?
41:07 That means the Government
41:09 does not become involved in religion at all.
41:11 "Whenever they--" that is Roman Catholics,
41:14 "Are willing to co-operate in resisting
41:15 the progress of political atheism,
41:18 we will gladly join hands--"
41:22 I want you to remember that.
41:24 "We will gladly join hands with them.
41:28 Sylvester F. Scovel said this about the co-operation
41:33 between Protestants and Roman Catholics.
41:36 He says, "This common interest ought both
41:40 to strengthen our determination to work,
41:43 and our readiness to co-operate in every way
41:47 with our Roman Catholic fellow-citizens.
41:50 We may be subjected to some rebuffs in out first proffers,
41:54 and the time is not yet come
41:56 when the Roman Church will consent to strike hands
42:00 with other churches, as such.
42:03 But the time has come to make repeated advances
42:07 and gladly to accept co-operation in any form
42:11 in which they may be willing to exhibit it.
42:14 It is one of the necessities of the situation."
42:19 This is not a case of Catholics
42:21 seeking the co-operation of the Protestants.
42:23 This is a case of Protestants
42:24 seeking the co-operation of Roman Catholics.
42:28 There was also talk of establishing
42:30 religious instruction in public schools.
42:34 Notice Senator Blair-- what Senator Blair had to say
42:38 about religious textbooks.
42:39 He said, "I believe that a textbook of instruction
42:44 in the principles of virtue, morality,
42:47 and of the Christian religion can be prepared
42:51 for use in the public schools by the joined efforts
42:55 of those who represent every branch of the Christian Church,
43:00 both Protestant and Catholic and also those
43:04 who are not actively associated with either."
43:08 Another interesting aspect is that
43:11 this bad cause of trying to get a national Sunday law passed
43:17 was linked with other good causes.
43:19 Like for example the need to overcome alcoholism,
43:24 it's known as prohibition.
43:26 In fact Sam Jones, a third party prohibitionist,
43:29 in July of 1888 in a talk that he gave in Windsor, Canada,
43:34 which was composed mostly of Americans there had this to say.
43:38 "Now I tell you, I think we are running
43:41 the last political combat on the lines
43:44 we have been running them on.
43:47 It is between the republicans and the democrats this contest
43:51 and it is the last the republicans
43:53 will make in America.
43:54 The democrats are going in overwhelmingly.
43:58 4 years from now the prohibition element
44:00 will break the solid south.
44:02 The issue then will be, God or no God,
44:06 drunkenness or sobriety,
44:08 Sunday Sabbath or no Sabbath, heaven or hell.
44:12 That will be the issue.
44:14 Then we will wipe up the ground with the democratic party
44:18 and let God rule America from that time on."
44:23 Does that sound like the voice of the dragon?
44:26 This is in the 1880s not in 2007.
44:32 The Women's Christian Temperance Union of that time
44:35 was pushing for prohibition
44:37 but they were also very strong supporters
44:39 of the National Sunday Law.
44:41 Actually what they wanted was a theocracy,
44:44 like in colonial times.
44:45 Notice this, "A true theocracy is yet to come
44:50 and the enthronement of Christ in law and lawmakers.
44:54 Hence I pray devoutly, as a Christian patriot
44:59 for the ballot in the hands of women and rejoice
45:03 that the National Women's Christian Temperance Union
45:07 has so long championed this cause."
45:11 So they are longing for the day that women can vote
45:15 so that they can vote not only for prohibition
45:17 but also for a National Sunday Law.
45:21 Most of the leader of this movement
45:23 actually wanted a theocracy in the United States.
45:26 A theocracy means that the civil Government
45:29 will be ruled by the wishes of the church.
45:32 Allow me to read you some statements
45:33 where they express this view overtly.
45:37 Professor Blanchard at the Elgin Convention
45:40 spoke about the role of ministers
45:42 in this so-called new theocracy.
45:45 He said, "In this work we are undertaking for the Sabbath
45:49 we are the representative of God."
45:52 He says the ministers are the representatives of God.
45:56 Here's another statement.
45:57 "The Government of Israel was a theocracy.
46:00 The will of God was made known to the ruler by the prophets.
46:04 The ruler compelled the offices of the law to prevent
46:06 the ungodly from selling goods on the Sabbath.
46:09 This Government is to be made a theocracy."
46:12 He's saying in his day and age,
46:14 "This Government is to be made a theocracy.
46:17 The preachers are the successors of the prophets.
46:20 And they are to compel the officers of the law
46:23 to prevent all selling of goods
46:26 and all manner of work on Sunday."
46:31 Dr. Crafts, general secretary
46:34 of the National Sunday Law Union said this.
46:37 "The preachers are the successors of the prophets."
46:43 The President's annual address at the convention
46:46 held in Nashville in 1887 had this to say.
46:51 "The Women's Christian Temperance Union local,
46:54 state, national, and world wide has one vital organic thought,
47:00 one all-absorbing purpose, one undying enthusiasm.
47:05 And that is that Christ shall be this world's king."
47:11 Kind of sounds like the Mount of Temptation, doesn't it?
47:14 "Yea, verily this world's king--"
47:17 And that's in capital letters.
47:19 "In its realm of cause and effects, kings of its courts,
47:23 its camps, its commerce, king of its colleges and cloisters,
47:29 king of its customs and its constitutions,
47:32 the kingdom of Christ must enter the realm of law
47:35 through the gateway of politics.
47:38 Interesting, the kingdom of Christ must enter
47:41 the realm of law through the gateway of politics.
47:45 We pray heaven to give the all parties
47:49 no rest until they shall swear an oath
47:52 of allegiance to Christ in politics
47:55 and march in one great army
47:57 up to the poles to worship God."
48:00 In fact, they spoke about this in franchising people
48:04 who did not agree with them,
48:06 in other words people would lose their citizenship.
48:08 Notice what EB Graham
48:10 of the National Reform Convention
48:12 of York, Nebraska had to say.
48:15 "We might add, in all justice,
48:18 if the opponents of the Bible do not like
48:21 our Government and its Christian features,
48:24 let them go to some wild, desolate land.
48:27 And in the name of the devil,
48:30 and for the sake of the devil subdue it,
48:32 and set up a government of their own
48:35 on infidel and atheistic ideas, and then,
48:39 if they can stand it, stay there till they die."
48:44 John Calvin, Max Milligan another minister
48:47 that was in favor of this movement said this.
48:51 "When the amendment is adopted--"
48:54 And by the way he was thinking
48:55 it was going to be adopted in 1888 but we know that
48:58 it's going to be adopted in the future.
49:00 "When the amendment is adopted how will it act
49:03 upon the civil and political rights of infidels,
49:06 Jews, etcetera," he asked.
49:08 How--what effect will it have on them?
49:10 He says, "This depends largely upon themselves.
49:13 This worst result will be to disenfranchise them."
49:19 M. A. Gault, district secretary of the association said this.
49:24 "A remedy for all these malefic influences--
49:28 the turmoil in society he's talking about,
49:31 is to have the government simply set up the moral law
49:35 and recognize God's authority behind it
49:37 and lay its hand on any religion that does not conform to it."
49:43 Christian Statesman, October 2, 1884,
49:46 "Give all men to understand that this is a Christian nation
49:50 and that believing that without Christianity we perish"
49:55 Those are the words of Caiaphas, by the way, in John Chapter 11.
49:58 "We must maintain by all means our Christian character.
50:02 Inscribe this character on our constitution
50:05 and force upon all who come among us
50:08 the laws of Christian morality."
50:12 Well, what eventually would come as a result of this?
50:18 The result would be persecution
50:21 against those who did not agree.
50:23 Notice at the national reform
50:26 Women's Christians Temperance Union convention
50:32 which was held at Lake Sidoarjo in 1887.
50:36 Notice these words.
50:37 "There is a law in the State of Arkansas
50:40 enforcing Sunday observance upon people
50:44 and the result has been that many good persons
50:47 have not only been imprisoned
50:49 but have lost their property and even their lives."
50:55 This was back in 1888.
50:58 Now this was an objection by some that belonged
51:00 to the Women's Christian Temperance Union.
51:02 Notice the answer of Dr. McAlister,
51:05 one of the leaders of the movement.
51:06 He says, and these words are prophetic.
51:09 "It is better that a few should suffer--"
51:13 You know where that comes from? John 11.
51:16 "It is better that a few should suffer
51:18 than that the whole nation should lose its Sabbath."
51:24 By the way, those words of Caiaphas
51:25 were fulfilled by the rejection of Christ.
51:28 The nation was taken away and the nation was destroyed.
51:32 In the year 556 Pope Pelagius called upon an individual
51:38 called Narses to command people
51:42 to obey the Pope's commands by force of law.
51:46 Narses, you know, complained to the Pope.
51:49 He says, "We shouldn't have to use force
51:50 to compel people to do what the Pope says."
51:54 Notice what Pelagius wrote back to him.
51:57 "Be not alarmed at the idle talk of some.
52:00 Climb out against persecution and reproach in the church
52:04 as if she delighted in cruelty
52:08 when she punishes evil with wholesome severities
52:11 or procures the salvation of souls."
52:15 And now notice this.
52:16 "He alone persecutes who forces to do evil."
52:21 Is that true? Persecution is only when you persecute evil?
52:29 He says, notice,
52:31 "He alone persecutes who forces to do evil
52:34 but to restrain man from doing evil
52:38 or to punish those who have done it
52:40 is not persecution or cruelty but love of mankind."
52:45 In other words to persecute error is not persecution.
52:50 That's incredible.
52:51 But it's not so incredible because even in Colonial times--
52:54 have you ever heard of John Cotton?
52:57 He was one of the prominent
52:58 religious leaders in Colonial times
53:01 and this is what he had to say.
53:03 "Persecution is not wrong in itself.
53:07 It is wicked for falsehood to persecute truth,
53:11 but it is the sacred duty of truth
53:14 to persecute falsehood."
53:17 And that's exactly what happened in Colonial times.
53:20 The question is, is Sunday falsehood?
53:24 But those who were teaching it were saying it was the truth.
53:27 That's why you have to have freedom of conscience,
53:30 to worship God according to the dictates
53:32 of your own conscience and not as people perceive the truth.
53:38 Interestingly enough there was a Virginia Sunday Law
53:41 which was enacted in 1610 which required attendance
53:46 at the divine service twice a day
53:49 with economic fines for the first two offenses
53:52 and to suffer death for the third.
53:56 This is in Colonial America.
53:58 First two times you missed
54:00 the Sunday service, economic fines.
54:03 The third time you missed,
54:04 the sentence was to suffer death.
54:08 A minister in Samoa, California--
54:10 interestingly enough, right around the corner,
54:12 September of 1888 had this to say.
54:16 "We have laws to punish the man who steals our property.
54:20 But we have no law to prevent people from working on Sunday.
54:24 It is right that the thief be punished.
54:27 But I have more sympathy for that man
54:29 than I have for him who works on that day."
54:34 Do you know that in Arkansas and in Tennessee
54:36 Seventh-day Adventists were persecuted
54:39 for not observing Sunday as the day of rest.
54:43 Property was confiscated.
54:45 They were fined. They were imprisoned.
54:48 And some of them even lost their lives.
54:51 In fact, A.T Jones in the book "Civil Government and Religion"
54:56 documents 21 cases with names of the accused,
55:00 places, names of judges, charges, and penalties
55:05 that were enacted as a result of people
55:08 who simply wanted to follow the dictates of their conscience
55:11 and keep the Sabbath as the day of rest.
55:14 And you don't think that
55:15 that can happen again in the United States?
55:17 Most of the Sunday laws, most of the Blue laws
55:20 have never been taken off the books.
55:23 They are there. They are latent.
55:25 Just waiting to be enacted.
55:27 Finally I would like to read from "The Century"
55:30 which is a publication for April 1888.
55:34 A Mr. Kenan described the statutes of Russia
55:39 and the subject of crimes against the faith.
55:41 What he's going to say is that the United States
55:44 at that day and age was very similar to Russia.
55:48 Notice, he says this.
55:51 He quoted a statute after statute.
55:54 And I quote, "Providing that whoever shall ensure--"
55:59 Excuse me.
56:00 "Providing that whoever shall censure the Christian faith
56:04 or the Orthodox Church or the Scriptures
56:07 or the Holy Sacraments or the Saints
56:10 or their images or the Virgin Mary
56:13 or the angels or Christ or God
56:18 shall be deprived of all civil rights
56:21 and exiled for life to the most remote parts of Siberia.
56:26 This is the system in Russia," he says.
56:29 "And it is in the direct line of the wishes
56:33 of the National Reform Association.
56:36 With this difference however that Russia is content
56:40 to send dissenters to Siberia while the National Reformers
56:44 want to send them to the devil straight."
56:49 One final statement from the Christian Statement,
56:51 August 8, 1888, "Every sin, secret or public,
56:56 against God, is a sin against our country,
57:00 and is high treason against the state."
57:05 Did you know all this was happening around that time?
57:08 Probably most of us didn't.
57:11 Can something like this happen again
57:13 in the United States of America?
57:15 Not only can it happen,
57:19 but according to what we studied it will happen again.
57:22 So we must be certain
57:24 that we are keeping God's true day of rest.


Revised 2014-12-17