Special Feature

Pillars Hymns Concert

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host), Jim Gilley (Host)


Series Code: SF

Program Code: SF000024

00:47 What a way to begin the Sabbath! Amen!
00:50 Together here in the house of the Lord. Amen!
00:53 And we're going to be singing praises to God tonight
00:56 as we are starting and getting ready to sing
01:00 and present to you the music of our new Pillars Two, album.
01:05 How many of you enjoyed Pillars One,
01:07 can I see your hands?
01:08 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
01:10 I know it was great blessing to me.
01:12 And then when Danny Shelton, we were asking him,
01:15 what can we do next?
01:16 He said I want to us to go back and find the old hymns.
01:22 The hymns the beginning of the Advent Movement
01:26 and even further back than that,
01:28 the ones that those in the Advent Movement were
01:31 singing as their old hymns and bring them back
01:35 and teach them to our young people
01:37 and people that have never heard these songs before.
01:41 And so this was a very important time
01:43 and Danny you brought somebody onboard
01:45 to help with that, who is that person?
01:46 Well, we brought to Tim Parton for one
01:49 who is an internationally known pianist
01:52 and actually singer as well musician.
01:55 And of course we have our own ET Everett
01:57 and we have Bobby Bradley and then of course
01:59 we have C.A Murray, every time we got you
02:01 and Pastor John Lomacang and C.A and Mollie and Yvonne.
02:05 We all went over and Tim begin to play
02:07 some of these songs out of the books.
02:08 And when we first heard him,
02:10 I said I don't know about these songs
02:11 but as we listened to the words
02:13 they were so incredible.
02:15 We said, what can we do
02:16 with these songs to bring them to life again,
02:18 that's maybe some of them
02:20 had lain dormant for a hundred years.
02:22 What can we do?
02:23 And as we begin, Tim began to workout on them
02:24 and get arrangements.
02:25 We began to put together a project went really fast
02:28 actually and so I guess we are all ready.
02:31 We ready. We are get to...
02:32 And Tim Parton, why don't you come out?
02:35 And, all right. And what are we gonna do first?
02:41 "Jesus is coming again." All right.
03:11 Jesus is coming again!
03:16 Jesus is coming again!
03:23 Lift up the trumpet, And loud let it ring
03:33 Jesus is coming again!
03:38 Cheer up, ye pilgrims Be joyful and sing
03:44 Jesus is coming again!
03:49 Echo it, hilltops, proclaim it, ye plains
03:53 Jesus is coming again!
03:58 Coming in glory, the Lamb that was slain
04:03 Jesus is coming again!
04:08 Coming again, coming again, Jesus is coming again!
04:26 Heavings of earth, tell the vast,
04:29 wondering throng, Jesus is coming again!
04:37 Tempests and whirlwinds, the anthem prolong
04:43 Jesus is coming again!
04:52 Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring
05:01 Jesus is coming again!
05:06 Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing
05:10 Jesus is coming again!
05:15 Coming again, coming again, Jesus is coming again!
05:25 Coming again, Jesus is coming again!
05:41 Amen.
06:01 Glory be to the Father,
06:06 and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost
06:16 As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be
06:28 World without end. Amen, Amen!
07:03 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
07:15 Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee
07:27 Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty
07:39 God in three persons, blessed Trinity!
08:00 Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide thee
08:12 Though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see
08:28 Only thou art holy, there is none beside thee
08:40 Perfect in power, in love and purity
09:03 As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be
09:15 World without end. Amen, Amen!
09:26 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
09:38 All Thy works shall praise Thy name,
09:43 in earth and sky and sea,
09:49 Thousands and ten thousands bowing down before Thee
10:00 You were and you are, And evermore shall be.
10:21 Amen! Amen.
10:42 Getty and Townend said that there are two reasons
10:45 that they write modern Hymns.
10:47 The first is to teach the faith.
10:50 The second is to try to create a more timeless
10:52 musical style that every generation can sing,
10:56 a style that relates to the past and the future.
11:00 In Christ Alone was written to make a statement
11:03 about the life and love of Christ.
11:22 In Christ alone my hope is found
11:27 He is my light, my strength, my song
11:32 This Cornerstone, this solid ground
11:38 Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
11:43 What heights of love, what depths of peace
11:48 When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
11:53 My Comforter, my all in all
11:59 Here in the love of Christ I stand.
12:11 In Christ alone, who took on flesh
12:17 Fullness of God in helpless babe
12:22 This gift of love and righteousness
12:27 Scorned by the ones He came to save
12:32 Till on that cross as Jesus died
12:38 The wrath of God was satisfied
12:43 For every sin on Him was laid
12:48 Here in the death of Christ I live
13:14 There in the ground His body lay
13:19 Light of the world by darkness slain
13:24 Then bursting forth in glorious day
13:30 Up from the grave He rose again
13:35 And as He stands in victory
13:40 Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
13:45 For I am His and He is mine
13:51 Bought with the precious blood of Christ
14:03 No guilt in life, no fear in death
14:09 This is the power of Christ in me
14:14 From life's first cry to final breath
14:20 Jesus commands my destiny
14:24 No power of hell, no scheme of man
14:30 Can ever pluck me from His hand
14:38 Till He returns to take me home
14:43 Here in the power of Christ I'll stand
14:48 No power of hell, no scheme of man
14:53 Can ever pluck me from His hand
15:01 Till He returns or calls me home
15:04 Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
15:28 Wow, praise the Lord.
15:31 I'm gonna invite, I have a little kids choired
15:34 to help me and it's
15:35 from the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
15:38 and along with my grandchildren.
15:40 And the song we're gonna be singing
15:41 "Tis love that makes us happy"
15:43 probably many of you have sing this song
15:46 in your Sabbath school classes growing up,
15:48 it was written by F E Belden.
15:50 And he wrote it in 1892.
15:54 And he was actually a nephew of James and Ellen White.
15:57 One of the most prolific Adventist writers,
16:00 wrote over 700 songs.
16:02 So right now we're gonna sing,
16:03 "Tis love that makes us happy."
16:28 This world is full of sorrow Of sickness, death, and sin
16:38 With loving heart we'll do our part.
16:43 And try some soul to win
16:48 And when this life is over And we are called above
16:58 Our song shall be, eternally Of Jesus and His love
17:12 God is love, we're His little children
17:18 God is love, we would be like Him
17:25 'Tis love that makes us happy
17:28 'Tis love that smoothes the way
17:31 It helps us mind, it makes us kind
17:35 To others every day
17:40 God is love, we're His little children
17:47 God is love, we would be like Him
17:53 'Tis love that makes us happy
17:56 'Tis love that smoothes the way
17:59 It helps us mind, it makes us kind
18:03 To others every day All right, kids.
18:08 Praise Him, praise Him All ye little children,
18:15 God is love, God is love
18:22 Praise Him, praise Him All ye little children,
18:28 God is love, God is love.
18:37 God is love, we're His little children
18:43 Sing with us. God is love, we would be like Him.
18:50 'Tis love that makes us happy
18:53 'Tis love that smoothes the way
18:56 It helps us mind, it makes us kind
19:00 To others every day
19:05 'Tis love that makes us happy
19:08 'Tis love that smoothes the way
19:11 It helps us mind, it makes us kind
19:15 To others every day
19:22 All ye little children,
19:28 Amen. Amen!
19:29 Okay, kids, thank you.
19:33 Thank you, thank you Jessie, then other grandson,
19:38 Jessie, you might, you probably used to seeing him
19:40 a lot smaller on the Kids Time.
19:43 Someday he will be tall as me
19:44 if he keeps growing, you know.
19:46 So I'm glad Jessie has taken up the guitar
19:49 and some other instruments as well as Haley.
19:51 And I'm so impressed with these young people
19:54 because they love Jesus.
19:56 They are willing to dedicate their talents
19:57 at a young age and they're learning the songs
20:00 that were learned in the very beginning of Adventism.
20:03 Some of the songs I think is wonderful.
20:37 There is a place of quiet rest
20:46 Near to the hear of God
20:52 A place where sin cannot molest
21:00 Near to the heart of God
21:06 O Jesus blest Redeemer Sent from the heart of God
21:21 Hold us, who wait before Thee Near to the heart of God
21:39 There is a place of comfort sweet
21:46 Near to the heart of God
21:53 A place where we our Savior meet
22:01 Near to the heart of God
22:07 O Jesus blest Redeemer Sent from the heart of God
22:21 Hold us, who wait before Thee
22:29 Near to the heart of God
22:58 There is a place of full release
23:06 Near to the heart of God,
23:12 A place where all is joy and peace
23:20 Near to the heart of God.
23:29 O Jesus blest Redeemer Sent from the heart of God
23:42 Hold us, who wait before Thee
23:54 Near to the heart of God
24:35 As we have mentioned, the second great revival
24:37 began really in the late 1700s.
24:41 This song "My faith has found a resting place"
24:44 really comes from the end of that great 18th century,
24:49 19th century rather 1800s of revival
24:52 about the time of Dwight L. Moody
24:54 when he was doing his work in Chicago.
24:56 It is interesting that such a wonderful song
24:58 is shrouded in controversy.
25:01 The first controversy is authorship.
25:04 Now depending on what hymnal you have,
25:06 the author's name is different.
25:09 In the Adventist hymnal
25:10 the author is listed as Lidie H. Edmunds.
25:14 But there is some very credible scholarship that says
25:18 Lidie H. Edmunds never existed.
25:22 That was just a pen name
25:24 for the writer Eliza Edmunds Hewitt.
25:28 So depending on what hymnal you have,
25:30 you'll have Lidie H. Edmunds or Eliza Edmunds Hewitt.
25:33 Many believe that Edmunds was just a fictitious name.
25:36 That happened many times for writers who wrote a lot.
25:39 They use several different names
25:40 and their publishers encourage them
25:42 to do that so that you didn't get a lot of material
25:44 from one writer but you got all of these different names.
25:47 That's controversy number one.
25:49 Controversy number two is the music.
25:52 The Adventist hymnal says Norwegian Melody.
25:55 But if you get another hymnal or do a little research,
25:59 it says that the melody was written
26:01 by William Kirkpatrick of Pennsylvania.
26:05 So it's either a Norwegian Melody
26:07 or William Kirkpatrick's melody.
26:09 And many times in the 1800s, 1700s,
26:12 popular tunes were sort of sanitized
26:16 and given religious overtones.
26:18 And controversy number three,
26:20 depending on what hymnal you have,
26:22 the song says I need no other argument
26:25 or I need no other evidence.
26:29 The Adventist hymnal says evidence,
26:31 and since I'm an Adventist I'm using evidence.
26:35 Now to be sure these are not great controversies,
26:38 they're just interesting little new answers
26:40 on this hymn which is a great hymn of the church,
26:43 which was written at the close of this
26:46 great century of hymn writing,
26:48 "My faith has found a resting place."
27:10 My faith has found a resting place
27:16 Not in device nor creed
27:21 I trust the Ever-living One That He for me shall plead
27:31 I need no other evidence I need no other plea
27:41 It is enough that Jesus died And rose again for me
28:00 Enough for me that Jesus saves This ends my fear and doubt
28:10 A sinful soul, I come to Him He'll not cast me out
28:20 I need no other evidence I need no other plea
28:31 It is enough that Jesus died And rose again for me
28:44 The great Physician heals the sick
28:49 The lost He came to save
28:54 For me His precious blood He shed
28:59 For me His life He gave
29:05 I need no other evidence I need no other plea
29:15 It is enough that Jesus died And rose again for me
29:36 My soul is resting on the Word The living Word of God
29:46 Salvation in my Savior's name Salvation thro' His blood
29:57 I need no other evidence I need no other plea
30:07 It is enough that Jesus died And rose again for me.
30:40 Together Let Us Sweetly Live is one of those hymns
30:45 that has always been around very little
30:48 as known as to where it was written
30:51 or prayer originated.
30:54 It has simply always been there.
30:56 But it was one of the favorites of early Adventists.
31:00 Joshua Hines, for instance recognized
31:03 the message of the song.
31:05 Part of which message says,
31:06 "I Am Bound for Canaan Land." Amen!
31:10 And so that was the Second Coming song
31:12 and he included it in a book of songs that he printed.
31:17 Joshua Hines realized not only that singing was good
31:21 but that publishing the words of music was something
31:25 that was very exciting.
31:26 And for people to actually see,
31:29 what the message of the song was.
31:31 Later on F. E. Belden included it about 1886,
31:36 I believe, in Hymns and Tunes,
31:39 one of the early Adventists Hymns notes.
31:42 And it has been included in most Adventist books
31:46 ever since, beautiful song.
32:00 Together let us sweetly live,
32:06 I am bound for the land of Canaan,
32:11 Together love to Jesus give
32:16 I am bound for the land of Canaan
32:21 O Canaan, bright Canaan,
32:26 I am bound for the land of Canaan,
32:30 O Canaan, it is my happy home,
32:35 I am bound for the land of Canaan.
32:45 Together let us watch and pray,
32:50 I am bound for the land of Canaan.
32:54 And wait redemption's joyous day
32:59 I am bound for the land of Canaan.
33:03 O Canaan, bright Canaan,
33:08 I am bound for the land of Canaan,
33:12 O Canaan, it is my happy home,
33:17 I am bound for the land of Canaan.
33:24 Our songs of praise shall fill the skies,
33:30 I am bound for the land of Canaan.
33:34 While higher still our joys shall rise,
33:40 I am bound for the land of Canaan.
33:54 Then come with me, beloved friend,
33:59 I am bound for the land of Canaan.
34:04 Oh, the joys to come shall never end,
34:10 I am bound for the land of Canaan.
34:16 O Canaan, bright Canaan,
34:21 I am bound for the land of Canaan,
34:29 O Canaan, it is my happy home,
34:35 I am bound for the land of Canaan.
34:40 I am bound for the land of Canaan. Amen!
35:05 There are few songs that capture
35:06 the essence of what pathos is more than
35:09 in the heart of Jesus.
35:11 Credit for writing this hymn is given to Alex Pugh.
35:14 The challenge is no one knows who Alex Pugh is?
35:17 Whoever she was, Alex Pugh,
35:19 was greatly used by the Lord to write one of the sweetest,
35:23 most tender and inviting songs from the Christian Era.
35:34 In the heart of Jesus There is love for you,
35:47 And love most pure and tender, Love most deep and true,
36:01 Why should you be lonely? Why for friendship sigh?
36:15 When the heart of Jesus Has a full supply?
36:41 In the mind of Jesus There is thought for you,
36:54 And warm as summer sunshine, Sweet as morning dew,
37:08 Why should you be fearful? Why take anxious thought!
37:22 Since the mind of Jesus Cares for those He bought?
37:46 In the home of Jesus There's a place for you,
38:00 And glorious, bright, and joyous, Calm and peaceful too,
38:14 Why then, like a wanderer, Roam with weary pace,
38:29 If the home of Jesus Holds for you a place? Amen!
39:01 Wow! Thank you. Have you all been blessed so far? Amen!
39:05 And again we give all credit to the Lord Jesus Christ
39:08 because I mean Reggie and Ladye Love,
39:11 Yvonne, you know, numbers of folks up here John,
39:13 and Melody Tamiami, these singers they are all,
39:17 we give all the credit to God because without Him
39:20 we would be nothing, we wouldn't even be here.
39:22 So all of this tonight, I'm so thankful
39:25 and Reggie and Ladye you all sing on the First Pillars
39:27 and all the songs, and I mean you just did
39:30 such a great job and Reggie you are saying
39:32 at the General Conference Session.
39:34 And any of you probably, you probably saw him
39:36 there singing, and from the Pillars One.
39:39 But we're gonna continue with this program
39:42 The Pillars of Our Faith hymns.
39:44 And we're gonna invite one of the,
39:45 to me is a guy, he is a brother.
39:47 I love him as a brother and he's been
39:50 such a blessing to me in my life.
39:52 He and his wife Angie,
39:53 I'm talking about Pastor John Lomacang,
39:55 the Pastor right here at the Seventh-day Adventist Church
39:58 locally, and Brother John is gonna minister to us.
40:01 Thank you, Danny. God bless you, John.
40:21 Don't you see my Jesus Coming?
40:27 Don't you see in yonder cloud?
40:34 With ten thousand angels round Him
40:40 See how they my Jesus crowd!
40:47 I am bound for the kingdom,
40:52 Will you go to glory with me?
40:58 Hallelujah! O praise ye the Lord!
41:08 Don't you see the saints ascending?
41:13 Hear them shouting thro' the air
41:20 Jesus smiling, trumpets sounding
41:25 Now His glory they will share
41:31 I am bound for the kingdom,
41:36 Will you go to glory with me?
41:42 Hallelujah! O praise ye the Lord!
41:48 Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
41:54 Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
42:02 Don't you see the heavens open?
42:07 And the saints in glory there
42:14 Shouts of triumph bursting around you
42:20 Glory, glory, every where
42:30 I am bound for the kingdom,
42:35 Will you go to glory with me?
42:40 Hallelujah! O praise ye the Lord!
42:47 Hallelujah! O praise ye the Lord!
43:13 Wow! What a message? Amen.
43:16 Jesus is coming again. Amen! I love that one.
43:19 And... oh, that is exciting song, it really is.
43:24 You can see why, those who sang it,
43:28 we're so excited about the Second Coming of Jesus
43:31 and so many of these Camille, are just that way.
43:35 The next song we're gonna be singing,
43:37 the choir we'll sing together is a medley of two songs,
43:41 we have heard which was the song that was written,
43:46 right about the same time that the Second Coming
43:51 was being pronounced.
43:52 It was written by William Hyde.
43:54 And this was the man who was present
43:57 when Ellen White had the vision.
44:00 You remember the vision that talked about
44:02 the language of Canaan and you remember
44:04 that song we sang in Pillars One
44:07 about the language of Canaan.
44:09 This man was there
44:11 and so he originally wrote this,
44:14 called this song, "A Better Land."
44:16 But it was changed to "We Have Heard."
44:20 And the hymn remained one of Ellen White's
44:23 favorites throughout her life.
44:26 Friends have noted that she sing it
44:29 through her final illness and even during
44:32 the last week of her life.
44:34 Perhaps we have heard it was so dear to her
44:37 because it reminded her of her first vision.
44:41 This was the vision where Christ Himself
44:44 gave her a tour of heaven.
44:46 Tim Pardon has joined this together with another song
44:50 that is almost ageless it's over 300 years old.
44:54 It was at least a 140 years old at the time
44:57 when this song was written and about 1850
45:00 it was a 140 years old already.
45:03 "It's where marching to Zion". Amen.
45:06 A song that was put together by Sir Isaac Watts.
45:12 And so now we're going to sing these two songs together.
45:54 We have heard from the bright, the holy land,
45:59 We have heard, and our hearts are glad,
46:04 For we were a lonely pilgrim band,
46:09 And weary, and worn, and sad.
46:14 They tell us the saints have a dwelling there
46:19 No longer are homeless ones,
46:23 And we know that the goodly land is fair,
46:28 Where life's pure river runs.
46:36 We have heard of the palms, the robes, the crowns,
46:40 And the silvery band in white.
46:45 Of the city fair, with pearly gates,
46:50 All radiant with light.
46:55 We have heard of the saints and the angels there,
47:00 With their harps of gold, how they sing,
47:05 Of the mount with the fruitful tree of life,
47:10 Of the leaves that healing bring.
47:15 We're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion,
47:24 We're marching upward to Zion,
47:29 The beautiful city of God.
47:39 The King of that country, He is fair,
47:44 He's the joy and light of the place,
47:49 In His beauty we shall behold Him there,
47:55 And bask in His smiling face.
48:02 We'll be there, we'll be there in a little while,
48:07 We'll join the pure and the blest,
48:12 We'll have the palm, the robe, the crown,
48:17 And forever be at rest.
48:24 We're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion,
48:34 We're marching upward to Zion,
48:39 The beautiful city of God.
48:44 We're marching to Zion, Beautiful, beautiful Zion,
48:53 We're marching upward to Zion,
48:58 The beautiful city of God.
49:03 We have heard from the bright, the holy land,
49:09 That beautiful city of God,
49:15 City of God. Amen.
49:34 The Seventh-day Adventist Church
49:36 had not yet come together.
49:38 Even its name was over a decade in the future.
49:42 What an exclusive joy it must have been to be
49:46 musically transported to heavenly places
49:49 by singing such heavenly music.
49:58 What heavenly music steals over the sea!
50:08 Entrancing the senses like sweet melody!
50:18 "Tis the voice of the angels borne soft on the air
50:30 For me they are singing, their welcome I hear
50:50 On the banks of old Jordan, here gazing I stand,
51:02 And earnestly longing, I stretch forth my hand,
51:14 Send a convoy of angels, dear Jesus, I pray!
51:27 Let me join that sweet music, come take me away!
51:59 Though dark are the waters and rough is the wave,
52:09 If Jesus permit, the wild surges I'll brave,
52:19 For that heavenly music hat ravished me so,
52:32 I must join in that chorus! I will go! Let me go!
52:55 Ooh! Amen.
53:14 Edward Mote himself recalls that one day
53:16 we're walking down the street in his native London,
53:19 the chorus came to him,
53:20 "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand." Amen!
53:23 All other ground is sinking sand.
53:26 Mote was neither a preacher nor him writer
53:29 and certainly had no background that would lead
53:31 anyone to think that he had training to write a hymn,
53:34 especially hymn such as this on.
53:37 His innkeeper parents would not so much as allow
53:40 a Bible in his house.
53:42 It's a wonder that he was able to hear
53:44 some of the Gospel as a team
53:46 and give his life to God, but he did.
53:49 Amen. And he wrote this hymn.
53:52 "On Christ the Solid Rock."
53:54 Amen, amen.
54:23 On Christ the solid Rock, I stand
54:29 All other ground is sinking sand,
54:36 All other ground is sinking sand,
54:49 My hope is built on nothing less
54:54 Than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
55:01 I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
55:05 But wholly trust in Jesus' name.
55:11 On Christ the solid Rock, I stand
55:15 All other ground is sinking sand,
55:21 All other ground is sinking sand,
55:33 When darkness seems to hide His lovely face,
55:37 I rest on His unchanging grace.
55:44 In every high and stormy gale,
55:48 My anchor holds within the veil.
55:54 On Christ the solid Rock, I stand
55:58 All other ground is sinking sand,
56:04 All other ground is sinking sand,
56:14 His oath, His covenant, His blood,
56:16 Support me in the whelming flood.
56:20 When all around my soul gives way,
56:22 He then is all my Hope and Stay.
56:30 When He shall come with trumpet sound,
56:36 O may I then in Him be found.
56:42 Dressed in His righteousness alone,
56:48 Faultless to stand before the throne.
56:57 Rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.
57:04 All other ground is sinking sand.
57:10 On Christ the solid Rock, I stand
57:14 On Christ the solid Rock, I stand
57:18 All other ground is sinking sand.
57:24 On Christ the solid Rock, I stand.


Revised 2014-12-17