Participants: Chuck Allgier, Danny Shelton, Donna Klein, Gordon Klein, Jimmy Rhodes, Joe Pearls, Kenneth Cox, Pam Rhodes, Walter Arties
Series Code: SF
Program Code: SF000008
00:50 They told me love's sweetest old story,
00:58 They told me a wonderful name. 01:07 It thrilled all my soul 01:11 with it's glory. 01:16 It burned in my heart like a flame. 01:24 They told me of One 01:28 who so loved me 01:32 that in heaven He could not remain. 01:40 He came down to seek 01:45 and to save me, 01:49 Oh tell me His name again. 01:57 Oh tell me His name again, 02:06 and sing me that sweet old refrain 02:14 of Him who in love, 02:18 came down from above 02:23 to die on the cross of shame. 02:31 The story, my heart has stirred, 02:39 the sweetest I've ever heard. 02:47 It banishes fear, 02:51 it brings hope and cheer, 02:55 Oh, tell me His name again. 03:07 When the fullness of time has come, 03:10 God sent forth His Son. 03:13 Providence had directed the movement of nations 03:17 and the tide of human impulse and influence, 03:20 until the world was ripe for the coming of a deliverer. 03:24 The nations were united under 1 government, 03:27 1 language was widely spoken and was everywhere 03:31 recognized as the language of literature. 03:35 From all the lands the Jews of the dispersion gathered 03:38 to Jerusalem for the annual feast, 03:41 and as these returned to place of sojourn, 03:44 they can spread throughout the world 03:47 the tidings of the Messiah's coming. 03:49 The prophecy of Daniel veiled the time of His advent, 03:54 but not all rightly understood the message. 03:57 Century after century passed away. 04:01 The voices of the prophets ceased. 04:03 The hand of oppression was heavy upon Israel, 04:06 and many were ready to exclaim: [text on screen] 04:13 But like the stars, and the vast circuit 04:15 of their appointed path, 04:17 God's purpose knows no haste and no delay. 04:22 So in heaven's council the hour for the coming of Christ 04:27 had been determined, 04:28 even the birthplace of the Messiah was foretold 04:32 [text on screen] 04:49 And when the great clock of time pointed to that hour, 04:53 Jesus was born in Bethlehem. 05:19 Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem 05:24 Shining afar through shadows dim 05:29 Giving a Lamb to those who travel along, 05:39 Guiding the wise men on their way 05:44 Unto the place where Jesus lay 05:49 Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem shine on. 05:59 Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem 06:06 Star of Bethlehem 06:09 Shine upon us until the glory dawns. 06:20 Give us a Lamb to light the way 06:24 Unto the land of perfect day 06:29 Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem, shine on. 06:44 Oh Beautiful Star the hope of rest 06:49 For the redeemed the good, the blessed 06:55 Yonder in glory when the crown is won 07:05 Jesus is now the star divine 07:10 Brighter and brighter He will shine 07:14 Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem shine on 07:24 Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem 07:31 Star of Bethlehem 07:35 Shine upon us until the glory dawns. 07:45 Give us a lamp to light the way 07:50 Unto the land of perfect day 07:55 Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem, shine on. 08:05 Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem, shine on. 08:27 The story of Bethlehem is an exhaustless theme. 08:31 In it is hidden [text on screen] 08:37 We marvel at the Savior's sacrifice, 08:39 in exchanging the throne of heaven for the manger, 08:43 and the companionship of adoring angels 08:46 for the beasts of the stall. 08:48 The King of Glory stooped low to take humanity. 08:58 Love was when 09:03 God became a man, 09:09 locked in time and space 09:15 without rank or place. 09:22 Love was God born of Jewish kin, 09:33 just a carpenter 09:38 with some fishermen. 09:46 Love was when Jesus walked in history. 09:58 Lovingly, He bought 10:03 a new life that's free. 10:10 Love was God 10:15 nailed to bleed and die, 10:22 to reach and love one 10:29 such as I. 10:35 Love was when 10:40 God became a man, 10:47 Down where I could see love that reached to me; 10:59 Love was God 11:04 dying for my sin 11:11 And so trapped was I 11:17 my whole world caved in. 11:23 Love was when 11:27 Jesus met me, now it's real; 11:35 Lovingly He came, 11:40 I can feel He's real! 11:45 feel He's real! 11:48 Know He's real, 11:52 I know He's real, He's real! 11:59 Love was God 12:03 only He would try, 12:09 To reach, 12:12 to love, 12:14 To reach, 12:16 to love, one such as I. 12:20 to love, one such as I. 12:39 The decree of imperial Rome 12:42 for the enrollment of the peoples of her vast domain 12:46 was extended to the dwellers among the hills of Bethlehem. 12:50 Angels attended Joseph and Mary 12:53 as they journeyed from their home in Nazareth 12:55 to the City of David, she is of the lineage of David 13:00 and the son of David must be born in David's city. 13:03 "Out of Bethlehem" said the prophet [text on screen] 13:16 But in the city of their royal line, 13:18 Joseph and Mary are unrecognized and unhonored. 13:22 Weary, homeless, they traverse the entire link 13:26 to the narrow streets, 13:28 from the gate of city to the eastern extremity of the town, 13:32 vainly seeking a resting place for the night. 13:35 There is no room for them at the crowded inn. 13:39 In a rude building where the beasts are sheltered, 13:42 they at last find refuge, and here the Redeemer of the world 13:48 is born. 13:57 Long time ago in Bethlehem 14:01 So the Holy Bible say 14:05 Mary's boy child, Jesus Christ 14:08 Was born on this day 14:12 While shepherds watched their flock by night 14:15 They see a bright new shining star 14:19 And heard a choir from heaven sing 14:22 The music came from afar 14:26 Hark, now hear the angels sing 14:30 The King was born today 14:33 And man can live for evermore 14:37 For Jesus is the way. 14:40 Now, Joseph and his wife, Mary 14:44 Came to Bethlehem that night 14:48 They found no place to bear her child, 14:51 not a single room was in sight. 14:54 And then, they find a little nook 14:58 In a stable all forlorn 15:02 And in a manger cold and dark 15:05 There this little Boy child was born 15:09 Hark, now hear the angels sing 15:13 The King was born today 15:16 And man can live for evermore 15:20 For Jesus is the way. 15:23 And man can live for evermore 15:27 For Jesus is the way. 15:40 In the field where the boy, David, had led his flocks, 15:44 shepherds were still keeping watch by night. 15:47 Through the silent hours they talked together 15:49 of the promised Savior, and prayed for the coming 15:52 of the King to David's throne. 15:55 Angels appeared to the humble shepherds, 15:57 guarding their flock by night on Bethlehem's plains. 16:01 One angel first appeared, clothed with the canopy 16:05 of heaven, and so surprised, and so terrified 16:08 were the shepherds, they could only gaze upon 16:11 the wondrous glory of the heavenly visit 16:14 with unutterable amazement. 16:34 O little town of Bethlehem, 16:41 How still we see thee lie; 16:48 Above thy deep and dreamless sleep 16:54 The silent stars go by; 17:01 Yet in thy dark streets shineth 17:07 The everlasting light. 17:14 Our hopes and fears of all the years 17:20 Are met in thee tonight. 17:40 O holy Child of Bethlehem, 17:47 Descend to us, we pray; 17:53 Cast out our sins and enter in, 18:00 Be born in us today. 18:06 We hear the Christmas angels 18:13 The great glad tidings tell, 18:20 O come to us, abide with us, 18:26 Our Lord Emmanuel! 18:53 No sooner had their eyes become accustomed 18:57 to the glorious presence of the one angel, 19:00 then lo, the whole plain was lighted up 19:03 with the wondrous glory of the multitude of angels 19:06 that peopled the plains of Bethlehem. 19:09 The angel's quieted the fears of the shepherds 19:11 before opening their eyes to behold the multitude 19:14 of heavenly host. [text on screen] 19:22 They trembled before the exhibition of bewildering glory, 19:26 which seemed to entrance their senses. 19:28 [text on screen] 19:43 [Instrumental piece mixing the melodies of "Joy to the world] 19:46 [and "Ding Dong Merrily on High"] 21:54 This shall be a sign unto you: [text on screen] 22:03 Then the joy and the glory could no longer be hidden. 22:06 The whole plain was lighted up with the bright shining 22:10 of the host of God. 22:11 Earth was hushed, and heaven stooped 22:14 to listen to the song [text on screen]. 22:32 God sent His son, 22:37 they called Him Jesus; 22:43 He came to love, 22:48 heal and forgive; 22:53 He bled and died 22:58 to buy my pardon, 23:03 An empty grave is there 23:08 to prove my Savior lives. 23:13 Because He lives 23:18 I can face tomorrow 23:24 Because He lives 23:29 All fear is gone 23:34 Because I know, I know, 23:40 He holds the future 23:45 And life is worth the living 23:49 Just because He lives 23:56 And then one day, 24:01 I'll cross that river; 24:06 I'll fight life's final war with pain; 24:16 But then as death 24:21 gives way to victory, 24:26 I'll see the lights of glory 24:31 and I'll know He reigns. 24:37 Because He lives 24:42 I can face tomorrow 24:47 Because He lives 24:52 All fear is gone 24:57 Because I know, 25:03 He holds the future 25:08 And life is worth the living 25:12 Just because He lives. 25:18 And life is worth the living 25:25 Just because my Savior lives. 25:41 Then was the melody of heaven heard by mortal ears. 25:45 And the heavenly choir swept back the heaven, 25:48 as they closed their ever memorable anthem. 25:52 The light faded away, and the shadows of night 25:54 once more fell on the hills and plains of Bethlehem, 25:58 but there remained in the hearts of the shepherds 26:01 the brightest picture that mortal man had ever looked 26:04 upon, and the blessed promise and assurance of the advent 26:07 to our world of a Savior of men, 26:11 which filled their hearts with joy and gladness, 26:14 mingled with faith and wondrous love to God. 26:23 Away in a manger, 26:28 no crib for a bed, 26:32 The little Lord Jesus 26:36 laid down His sweet head. 26:40 The stars in the sky 26:44 looked down where He lay, 26:48 The little Lord Jesus, 26:53 asleep on the hay. 26:57 The cattle are lowing, 27:01 the poor Baby wakes, 27:05 The little Lord Jesus, 27:09 no crying He makes; 27:13 I love Thee, Lord Jesus, 27:17 look down from the sky 27:21 And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh. 27:31 And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh. 27:50 As the angels disappeared, the light faded away, 27:55 and the shadow of night once more fell 27:57 on the hills of Bethlehem. 28:00 [text on screen] 28:09 And they came with haste, and found Mary 28:13 and Joseph and the Babe lying in a manger. 28:22 Sweet little Jesus Boy, 28:30 they made you be born in a manger 28:37 Sweet little Holy Child, 28:44 didn't know who You was. 28:53 Long time ago, 28:59 You was born. 29:07 Born in a manger low, 29:13 Sweet little Jesus Boy. 29:23 Didn't know You come to save us, Lord; 29:29 to take our sins away. 29:35 Our eyes was blind, 29:40 we could not see, 29:49 and we didn't know 29:53 who You was. 30:04 Lord, You done showed us how, 30:10 we been trying. 30:18 Master, You done showed us how, 30:24 even when You was dying. 30:34 Sweet little Jesus Boy, 30:40 they made You be born in a manger. 30:49 Sweet little Holy Child, 30:55 and we didn't know who You was. 31:18 Heaven and earth are no wider apart today 31:22 than when shepherds listened to the angel's song. 31:25 Humanity is still as much an object of heaven's solicitude 31:30 as when common men, of common occupation, 31:33 met angel's that noon day, and talked with the heavenly 31:36 messengers in the vineyards and the fields. 31:40 To us, in the common walks in life, heaven may be 31:43 even nearer, angels from the court above 31:47 will tend the steps of those who come and go 31:50 at God's command. 31:53 [Instrumental piece to the Melody of "What Child is this?"] 35:29 The wise men from the east were philosophers. 35:32 They belonged to a large and influential class 35:35 that included men of noble birth, 35:37 comprised much of the wealth and learning of the nation. 35:41 Among these were many that imposed on the credulity 35:45 of the people. 35:46 Others were upright men, who studied the indications 35:49 of providence and nature, and who were honored 35:52 for their integrity and wisdom. 35:54 Of this character were the wise men who came to Jesus. 36:13 Sleep little baby 36:18 on thy mother's breast. 36:22 God gave Thee peace, 36:26 and God gave Thee rest. 36:31 Thou art the hope of the world tonight, 36:39 So close your eyes and sleep. 36:47 Sleep little baby, 36:52 sleep, 36:57 while angels watch from afar. 37:05 God's mighty power 37:09 is guarding Thy rest, 37:13 so close Your eyes and sleep. 37:21 Sleep little baby, 37:26 sleep, 37:30 while angels watch from above. 37:38 God's mighty power 37:42 is guarding Thy rest, 37:46 so close Your eyes and sleep. 37:55 So close Your eyes and sleep. 38:15 The wise men had seen a mysterious light 38:17 in the heavens upon that night, when the glory of God 38:21 flooded the hills of Bethlehem. 38:23 As the light faded, an luminous star appeared 38:26 and lingered in the sky. 38:28 It was not a fixed star, nor a planet, 38:31 and the phenomenon excited the king's interest. 38:34 The star was a distant company of shining angels, 38:38 but of this, the wise men were ignorant. 38:41 Yet, they had been impressed that the star 38:43 was of special import to them. 38:45 They consulted priests and philosophers, 38:48 and searched the scrolls of the ancient records. 38:51 The prophecy of Balaam had declared: [text on screen] 38:59 In the Old Testament, the Savior's advent 39:01 was more clearly revealed. 39:03 The Magi learned, with joy, that His coming was near 39:06 and that the whole word was to be filled 39:08 with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. 39:10 Could this strange star 39:12 have been sent as a harbinger of the promised One? 39:16 The Magi had welcomed the light of heaven sent truth, 39:19 now it was shed upon them in bright arrays. 39:21 Through dreams they were instructed to go in search 39:24 of the new born prince. [text on screen] 39:49 Silent night, 39:55 Holy night 40:00 All is calm, all is bright 40:11 Round yon Virgin Mother and Child 40:22 Holy Infant so tender and mild 40:33 Sleep in Heavenly peace. 40:44 Sleep in Heavenly peace. 40:56 Silent night, 41:01 Holy night 41:07 Son of God, 41:12 love's pure light. 41:18 Radiant beams from thy Holy face 41:29 With the dawn of redeeming grace 41:39 Jesus, Lord, at thy birth, 41:51 Jesus, Lord, at thy birth. 42:02 Silent night, 42:07 Holy night, 42:13 Wondrous star lend thy light 42:24 With the Angels let us sing 42:34 "Hallelujah to our King!" 42:45 Christ the Savior is born. 42:56 Christ the Savior is born. 43:09 Christ the Savior is born. 43:35 The eastern country abounded in precious things 43:39 and the Magi did not set out empty handed. 43:42 It was the custom to offer presents 43:44 as an act of homage to princes, 43:46 and other personage of rank. 43:49 And the richest gifts the land could afford 43:51 were borne as an offering to Him, 43:54 in who all the [?] of the Earth 43:56 were to be blessed. 43:57 It was necessary to journey by night 44:00 in order to keep the star in view. 44:02 But the travelers beguiled the hours by repeating 44:05 traditional sayings and prophetic utterances 44:08 concerning the One they sought. 44:10 At every pause for rest they searched the prophecies 44:14 and the conviction deepened that they were divinely guided. 44:19 While they had the star before them as an outward sign, 44:22 they had also, the inward evidence of the Holy Spirit, 44:25 which was impressing their hearts, and inspiring them 44:27 with hope. 44:29 The journey, though long, was a happy one to them. 44:33 They had reached the land of Israel 44:35 and are descending the Mount of Olives 44:38 with Jerusalem in sight, when lo, the star 44:41 that had guided them all the weary way 44:44 rested above the temple, and after a season 44:47 fades from their view. 44:49 With eager steps they press onward, 44:51 confidently expecting the Messiah's birth 44:54 to be the joyful burden of every tongue. 44:57 But their enquiries were in vain. 45:01 The shadows of night were falling as they left the gates 45:04 of Jerusalem, 45:06 but to their great joy, they, again, saw the star 45:09 and was directed to Bethlehem. 45:11 They had received no such intonation 45:13 of the lowly estate of Jesus, as was given to the shepherds. 45:18 After the long journey, they had been disappointed 45:20 at the indifference of the Jewish leaders, 45:23 and had left Jerusalem less confident then when 45:26 they had entered the city. 45:28 At Bethlehem they found no Royal Guard 45:31 stationed to protect the newborn King. 45:34 None of the world's honored men were in attendance. 45:38 Jesus was cradled in a manger, 45:40 His parents uneducated peasants, were His only guardians. 45:46 Could this be He, of whom it was written that He should 45:50 [text on screen]. 46:07 Beneath that lowly guise of Jesus, 46:10 they recognized the presence of divinity. 46:13 They gave their hearts to Him as their savior 46:16 and they poured out their gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. 46:35 Long ago and far away, 46:40 On a starry, silent night. 46:45 As the shepherds watched their flocks 46:50 there arose a star so bright. 46:54 Then the angels broke the silence 46:59 Praising God in the highest 47:06 "Peace on Earth and good tidings to men." 47:16 On a silent night, 47:21 in a manger of hay, 47:26 the hope of all ages was born. 47:35 And the stable that night 47:40 was warmed by heaven's light, 47:45 And that light is still shining 47:50 because Christ was born. 48:07 From the East the wise men came 48:12 Searching for the baby king. 48:17 Bringing gifts, 48:19 they traveled far, 48:21 guided by that same bright star. 48:26 Oh, what wonder, 48:28 Oh, what joy, 48:31 when they found God's baby boy. 48:38 King of Kings, Lord of Lords, 48:43 Emmanuel. 48:48 On a silent night, 48:53 in a manger of hay, 48:58 the hope of all ages was born. 49:07 And the stable that night 49:12 was warmed by heaven's light, 49:17 And that light is still shining 49:22 because Christ was born. 49:29 And the stable that night 49:34 was warmed by heaven's light, 49:38 And that light is still shining 49:44 because Christ was born. 50:10 This was the pledge of Israel's deliverance. 50:13 So when He came in the likeness of men, 50:17 He declared Himself the "I Am." 50:20 The child of Bethlehem, the meek and lowly Savior 50:24 is God 50:25 manifested in the flesh. 50:27 And to us He says: [text on screen] 50:40 "I am the assurance of every promise." 50:43 "I am." Be not afraid, 50:45 God with us is the surety of our deliverance 50:48 from sin, the assurance of our power 50:51 to obey the law of heaven. [text on screen] 51:13 They say He was born 51:17 in a manger. 51:21 That there was no room 51:26 in the inn. 51:30 That in His own world, 51:34 was a stranger. 51:39 Yet, loved it, 51:41 in spite of it's sin. 51:47 They say that His path 51:51 led to Calvary, 51:55 and that one day 51:57 He died there in shame. 52:04 He gave His great life 52:08 as a ransom. 52:12 Oh, tell me His name again. 52:20 Oh, tell me His name again, 52:29 and sing me that sweet refrain 52:37 of Him who in love, came down from above 52:46 to die on the cross of shame. 52:54 The story, my heart has stirred, 53:02 the sweetest I've ever heard. 53:10 It banishes fear, 53:14 it brings hope and cheer, 53:18 Oh, tell me His name again. 53:27 They call Him the Sweet Rose of Sharon, 53:35 They call Him the Lilly so [fair?], 53:43 They call Him the blest 53:47 Rock of Ages, 53:51 They call Him the Bright Morning Star. 53:58 He's Prophet, and Priest, and Redeemer. 54:07 The King of all Kings, He shall reign. 54:15 He's coming in power and in glory, 54:23 Oh, tell me His name again. 54:32 Oh, tell me His name again, 54:40 and sing me that sweet refrain 54:48 of Him who in love, came down from above 54:56 to die on the cross of shame. 55:04 The story my heart has stirred, 55:12 the sweetest I've ever heard. 55:19 It banishes fear, 55:23 and brings hope and cheer, 55:29 Oh, tell me His name again. 55:36 It banishes fear, 55:40 it brings hope and cheer, 55:46 Oh, tell me His name again. 55:57 [Music for credits] |
Revised 2014-12-17