Participants: Mike Lemon (Host)
Series Code: SCS
Program Code: SCS000011
00:33 Chapter 11: The Privilege of Prayer.
00:38 Hello and Welcome to Steps to Christ in song. 00:40 Today, we're gonna be looking at the privilege 00:42 of prayer. Let me tell you a little personal secret 00:45 I used to be afraid to pray, I grew up in the 00:48 Anglican Church and there was a Reverend Blackstock. 00:52 They used to wear these big robes and he would 00:55 pray in a very formal way to God and so I thought 00:59 if I can't pray to God that way then he is probably 01:02 not interested in my prayers and there were 01:04 other people in the church, adults, 01:05 who would pray like that and so that's where 01:07 I formed this idea. So, as I came to different 01:13 situations, where I would have to pray always 01:15 be terrified. And so there was a situation 01:18 where I was asked to pray in public and I was so 01:22 terrified I refused and afterwards the person 01:25 who ask me to pray came to me and said 01:26 why are you so afraid to pray in public 01:30 and I told him that I was afraid not to use the 01:33 right language and that I couldn't pray like that. 01:35 And so he said to me something that I 01:37 would never forget, he said prayer is the opening 01:41 of the heart to God as to a friend and when I heard 01:44 that it made me feel warm and comfortable inside 01:47 like I could talk to God about my worries, 01:50 my fears whether I was happy or sad 01:53 and he'd be very interested, and so today 01:56 we're gonna talk about prayer and before we get 02:00 too far into it, I'm gonna ask Jennifer 02:02 if she will lead us in a word of prayer. 02:04 Could you do that Jennifer? Sure. Let's pray. 02:09 Dear heavenly Father, thank you so much for the 02:11 privilege we have to communicate with you. 02:14 I ask this in your Holy Spirit to mend our hearts 02:17 as we learn more about our need for you, 02:22 thank you in your name, amen. 02:25 Understanding what I do about God's love and power, 02:29 I sometimes wonder why we don't talk to him 02:31 more often about our problems. 02:33 I mean talking to God should be like talking to a 02:36 friend, the difference is that this friend has all 02:39 the answers to all our problems. 02:42 Jesus says in Matthew 7:9 through 11 what man 02:46 is there among you who, if the son asks for bread, 02:49 will give him a stone or if he asks for a fish, 02:53 will he give him a serpent. If you then being evil, 02:56 know how to give good gifts to your children 02:59 how much more will your Father who is in heaven 03:01 give good things to those who ask him. God is on your 03:05 side and he wants you to be happy, 03:07 so why not ask him to help you find that 03:09 true happiness which nothing can take away. 03:16 My Jesus Knows When I'm Lonely 03:20 He Knows Each Pain, He Sees Each Tear 03:26 He Understands Each Lonely Heartache 03:30 He Understands Because He Cares 03:35 My Jesus Knows Just What I Need 03:40 Oh, Yes He Knows Just What I Need 03:45 He Satisfies And Every Need's Supplied 03:49 Yes, He Knows Just What I Need 03:54 When Other Friend Seem To Forget Me 03:59 When Skies Are Dark Can Hope Scenes Gone 04:04 By Faith I Feel He Surrounds Around Me 04:08 And Hear Him Say You're Not Alone 04:13 My Jesus Knows Just What I Need 04:18 Oh, Yes He Knows Just What I Need 04:23 He Satisfies And Every Need's Supplied 04:27 Yes, He Knows Just What I Need 04:32 Yes, He Knows Just What I Need. 04:43 In James 4:2, it says we have not because we ask not. 04:47 And even though Jesus knows what we need 04:48 before we ask him, he still wants us to ask. 04:52 Hebrews 4:16 encourages us to come boldly 04:55 before the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy 04:58 and find help in time of need. But Rebecca what about 05:01 little children, does that apply to little children. 05:03 I think it does, when I was little me and my sister 05:06 really wanted a playhouse and so we prayed 05:09 and asked God to give us a playhouse, 05:11 but not just any playhouse. We wanted a playhouse 05:14 that had a deck, two windows and a door with 05:17 the handles, so we could open it and like 05:18 walk-in it. Specific details, yes, okay. 05:20 And so we prayed every night and asked God 05:22 and mom and dad, they prayed too but they're 05:25 kind of little bit skeptical because we had a lot, 05:27 we wanted specifics and, but we trusted that 05:30 God would, you know, listen and answer our prayer 05:32 and so we prayed and prayed and. 05:34 One night my mom and dad were looking through 05:36 the newspaper and they saw an ad for a playhouse 05:38 and we read about it, but we weren't quite sure 05:41 if there was and so we want to go and look at it. 05:43 And we went and my sister and I saw it, 05:46 we were so excited because it had exactly 05:48 what we prayed for. Wow, it is a little playhouse 05:51 and had a deck, had two windows, 05:53 the windows opened, had a door with the handle 05:56 and then when you walked in there is a rainbow 05:59 inside and then up on the roof there is blue sky with 06:03 clouds and it was like absolutely amazing 06:05 and I don't know it was just a real blessing 06:09 because you know even though we were so little 06:11 we had that faith, yeah, and you know faith is the 06:16 key in the hand of, prayer is the key in the hand of 06:19 faith to open heaven's door house. And we had that 06:23 and God answered our prayer and 06:24 I just think that's what we need. 06:26 That's a good promise, prayer is a key in the 06:29 hand of faith to unlock heaven's door house. 06:32 That's true and I've experienced the same type 06:34 of thing. I've prayed for people in different 06:36 situations I remember one time with the elder 06:38 of our church, we went and prayed for a little baby, 06:42 who had had a number of operations on her. 06:44 She was, she had so many operations that she was 06:47 afraid of anyone wearing a white coat 06:49 because these doctors used to wear white you know 06:52 when they would come in and so we went to pray for her. 06:55 They, the doctors had given up and they said the next 06:57 day she would die and we just heard about this at 06:59 our church and so we went and prayed for her 07:01 and she was completely healed, 07:03 they didn't have to do anymore operations 07:05 and her parents came to us and they were just crying 07:07 and they said thank you praying for this little baby 07:10 and it wasn't us it was God who healed her 07:13 and just yesterday, I had an answered prayer. 07:16 I mean we had many answered prayer 07:18 that I could talk about, but this was yesterday 07:21 I was feeling this kind of an abdominal pain, 07:23 it was really a strange sort of pain, it was all 07:26 morning, it was going on for hours and then finally 07:28 I had to teach a class it was social studies nine 07:31 and before class I went to the cafeteria you were 07:36 there Rebecca and I looked for some charcoal 07:38 tablets to take away maybe or something I ate 07:41 or something inside, so I took these tablets 07:43 and about two or three minutes later 07:45 I was back in the class and I was in so much pain 07:48 I couldn't even kneel down to pray and before class 07:50 we always pray and I asked Benjamin to pray 07:53 and Benjamin prayed for the rest of the class 07:55 and then he prayed for me that I would be healed 07:58 and when I got up off my knees I was healed, 08:01 it was gone, it was completely gone. 08:03 Yesterday you know and it was an immediate 08:06 answer to prayer. Have any of you had lately an 08:11 answer to prayer to see how God was leading in 08:13 your life. Oh actually I have something I really 08:18 like to share do you don't mind I share it real quick? 08:20 Sure go ahead, Leighton. Well, okay being on the 08:23 Steps to Christ Filming Crew has been a big 08:26 blessing for me and just lately like 08:30 when we've been filming these Bible studies, 08:32 we had so many answers to prayer like the first day, 08:36 we were out here at the river, I remember that, 08:39 and yeah the wind was blowing and okay it would 08:43 not stop, we were just waiting for it to stop 08:47 and so we decided okay let's pray. 08:50 So we stopped and we prayed and like while 08:55 we were praying the wind stopped, 08:57 wow and I was like wow, you know, 08:59 and that was such an answer to prayer 09:02 and it was great, the second day we were filming, 09:07 we were going up to a lake and so we're driving in the 09:11 van and we're going up this hill and all of a sudden 09:15 the van just stutters to a stop. Yes, that's true, 09:18 I was driving that van, yeah, it wouldn't go, 09:20 it sputtered and then it just cut out completely. 09:24 Yeah and so one of the students that was with us, 09:29 he is like well we should pray, so we are like you 09:31 know that's a good idea. So we prayed and just like 09:36 as soon as we try starting the van again it fired 09:39 right up and just went like normal. 09:40 Yeah, it went straight up the hill, we went out 09:42 and we filmed and we came back, 09:44 there was no problem with the van after that, yeah. 09:46 And so, then the third day I was like wow we've had 09:50 so much answer to prayer and so we're out filming 09:54 actually here on campus and we're filming away 09:58 and everything was just fine and then we hear 10:02 this engine that was all the way across the river 10:04 and it fired out and we're like oh you know yeah 10:08 it was some guy on his motorcycle just winding it 10:11 out and it wasn't that loud, but it is just like 10:15 you know just enough to disturb our filming 10:18 and so we again we prayed and the engine 10:23 it stopped after I don't know it was a few minutes, 10:26 about a couple of minutes and when we were ready 10:28 to film it stopped, it was just totally silent. 10:30 And it's just been such a blessing, it has been, 10:34 filming here on the Steps to Christ. 10:35 So, those are real answers to prayer, yeah, 10:38 and thanks for interrupting the program to tell us 10:41 about that answer to prayer, 10:42 yeah, thanks Leighton. 10:45 God like a wise parent doesn't always give us 10:48 everything we want. He knows what will make us 10:51 happy and what won't. Paul puts it in this way in 10:54 Romans 8:26, the Holy Spirit helps us in our distress. 10:59 For we don't even know what we should pray for, 11:01 nor how we should pray, but the Holy Spirit prays 11:05 for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in 11:07 words. So go ahead and pray knowing that your prayer 11:13 will be answered in a way that will turn out even 11:15 better then you expected, but remember God's first 11:19 priority is to get you into heaven. 11:21 So if you're doing things that you know are wrong 11:24 he makes sure to help you with those things first. 11:27 Trust in God, because he is much wiser and more 11:30 experienced than you are and in the end you'll be 11:33 eternally grateful that you did. 11:38 When we have close friends, we like to communicate 11:40 with them often, in the same way God wants us to 11:44 communicate with him often. So you can talk to him 11:47 anytime, even when you're busy during the day. 11:51 You don't have to say anything because God 11:53 can read your mind. So simply lift up your 11:56 thoughts, concerns, and questions to him 11:58 and he'll understand exactly what you are thinking. 12:01 In this way God can be your constant companion 12:05 and you can have the assurance that he not 12:07 only knows what you're going through, 12:09 but he is with you through it all. 12:13 Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine; 12:20 Living with Jesus, a new life divine; 12:28 Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine, 12:36 Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine. 12:47 Moment by moment I'm kept in His love; 12:55 Moment by moment I've life from above; 13:03 Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine; 13:11 Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine. 13:23 Never a trial that He is not there, 13:31 Never a burden that He doth not bear, 13:40 Never a sorrow that He doth not share, 13:48 Moment by moment, I'm under His care. 14:00 Moment by moment I'm kept in His love; 14:07 Moment by moment I've life from above; 14:15 Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine; 14:24 Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine. 14:37 Never a weakness that He doth not feel, 14:44 Never a sickness that He cannot heal; 14:52 Moment by moment, in woe or in weal, 15:00 Jesus, my Savior, abides with me still. 15:11 Moment by moment I'm kept in His love; 15:19 Moment by moment I've life from above; 15:27 Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine; 15:35 Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine. 15:52 The fact that God knows what I'm going through, 15:55 makes me want to be in his presence more and more. 15:58 The Bible says in Isaiah 53 that Jesus bore our guilt 16:02 and carried our sorrows. He loves us so much 16:05 and he hates to see us in pain or suffering. 16:09 So if we keep our eyes on him and listen to 16:10 what he has to tell us he'll see us 16:13 through any storm that we encounter. 16:15 That's true Robby and there are times though 16:17 when God answers our prayers in very 16:20 unexpected ways. I know that Jennifer told me a 16:22 story about how she was planning for her future, 16:25 where she was gonna go to school and she 16:28 and her parents were praying diligently 16:30 and she got an answer to prayer that was in an 16:33 unexpected way. Jennifer, since you're here, 16:35 can you tell us that experience. 16:39 Sure, well, I was home schooled at that time 16:42 and I was in junior high and both my parents had to go 16:45 work. So, I was alone most of the time and I needed to 16:50 find an academy to go to, so I was the age for it 16:53 and I didn't know where yet, so we just prayed about it 16:57 nothing really came up, so I just stayed at home 17:00 and then one day, is this was Sunday and my mom came 17:09 in, I was on the computer. My mom comes in and 17:11 informed me that a man from our church had passed 17:13 away that morning, did you know that man? 17:16 Yeah, I know him pretty well yeah, 17:17 and I was shocked because I just seen him at the church 17:22 the day before and came closer at the time of 17:26 funeral and the day before I got asked to 17:29 play my violin. So I told my word and then after the 17:36 memorial and after the dinner. My mom needed to 17:39 go to the church to do something and so my dad 17:42 and I are waiting for her and while we were waiting 17:45 the daughter of the man that had died came up to me 17:47 and thanked me for playing my violin, and she said 17:51 that her daughter also plays violin and then she 17:55 asked me what grade I was in I told her junior high 17:57 and I was home schooled and so then just out of the blue she, 18:03 she started to tell me about a school that her 18:06 daughter is going to up in Montana and, 18:09 you were interested because you were looking 18:12 for a school to go to, yeah. So, I was in Washington, 18:18 so this was like two states away maybe 18:21 and just this couple ran the school and at the most 18:27 they take 10 students. So, when my parents 18:32 listened and they didn't think much of it 18:35 they just thought it is pretty neat, 18:36 but when we got home I told my dad that this school 18:40 would be kind of, I might be interested in going 18:43 to this school. He looked to me and he was, 18:46 he was like are you serious, I don't think you 18:48 would be because it's too far from home and yeah, 18:52 out in the middle of nowhere, and look why 18:54 can't, I'm not interested. So, we got on the phone 18:57 right away contacted the lady and she told us 19:01 more information and gave us the phone number, 19:03 so we contacted the school and they send some 19:06 information and the more I read about it, 19:09 the more I liked about it, and at the end of that 19:11 month this was in April, I, we drove up to check out 19:17 the school and when we got there and looked at it, 19:23 we're all very impressed with it and I wanted to go 19:26 there, but there is one problem and that was 19:29 they had a waiting line, wailing list, 19:32 but I wasn't the only one in line, there was 19:34 another girl that wanted to go there too. 19:36 And the day that I was gonna come back home the guy, 19:41 the school told us that he would have accepted me 19:44 right on the spot except the had to be fair with the 19:46 other girl they think about it at least for a few more 19:50 days, so they told me that they have let me know in 19:53 one week. So, exactly one week later, 19:56 this was Tuesday night, so just before 8:30 19:59 we got a phone call and my mom picked it up 20:01 and pretty soon I heard her say, oh thank you, 20:05 I'll tell her, I tell the whole world then 20:09 you're right, then I had been accepted. 20:12 That's an answer to prayer, but it was totally unexpected 20:14 the way you had expected. You didn't know this man 20:17 was going to die, you didn't know that you were going to 20:19 meet his daughter and all those other things that happened. 20:22 So God is interested in, and he answers our prayers, 20:25 not exactly the way we expected, but he still answers our 20:28 prayers. Thank you for that experience. 20:33 There is a very important part of prayer 20:35 that's often neglected. When we are in trouble, 20:38 we naturally cry out to God for help, 20:40 but how often do we praise God for his constant 20:42 faithfulness. Prayer is not just about asking 20:46 and receiving, it is just as important to acknowledge 20:50 God for all he has done for us. You see, the main 20:53 purpose of prayer is not to convince God to bless us. 20:57 He already loves us and wants to give us all good 21:00 things. Matthew 6:8 says, your Father knows 21:04 exactly what you need even before you ask him, 21:07 but the purpose of prayer is to make a change in us. 21:11 Prayer helps us recognize how much God loves us 21:14 and does for us, even before you receive the 21:17 answer to your prayer you can thank God 21:20 because you know he is trustworthy and will do 21:23 what's best. So, why not thank God right now as this 21:27 psalmist says for his goodness and for his 21:29 wonderful works to the children of men. 22:01 Thy loving kindness Is better than life 22:22 My lips shall praise thee Thus will I bless thee 22:34 I will bless thee as long as I live 22:44 O I will bless thee as long as I live, 23:05 My lips shall praise thee Thus will I bless thee 23:16 I will bless thee as long as I live. 23:31 My heart shall make me and I shall be, 23:40 give me understanding that I may obey, 23:50 O, Lord the man blesses because I love thee. 24:02 I will bless thee as long as I live. 24:44 You know we can praise God for his loving 24:46 kindness towards us even at times 24:48 when the road of life that we were traveling 24:49 along seems to take some strange twists and turns. 24:53 I know that Amy's parents had an experience 24:56 when the road that they were, 24:57 literal road they were traveling on didn't seem 25:00 to be exactly straight. Amy, do you wanna tell 25:03 us about that experience? Sure, back in May of 1990 25:07 my parents were going on a road trip to Yellowstone 25:09 National Park and they were from Alberta, CA 25:13 and they went down there in a little town called 25:16 Old Montana. They stopped for gas and when they 25:20 stopped for some gas, I was chatting away with the gas 25:23 attendant and they got the gas and they went on down 25:25 the road, we went to the next town about 175 miles down the 25:29 road and they needed to get more gas and my dad went to pay for 25:32 with the credit card which they needed on the road for 25:35 any little emergency expenses and the gas 25:37 and stuff. And he realized he didn't have his credit 25:40 card anymore. So, he had left it at the other gas 25:43 station 175 miles away, so he's got to go back 25:45 and get his credit card. So they paid with what cash 25:49 they had and then they pulled away from, 25:50 mom is there discussing whether we should go back 25:52 or not, well they prayed about it. 25:54 Mom just kept being impressed, we need to go back, 25:56 we need to go back and so they finally decided to turn 26:00 around and go back to 175 miles and, 26:03 so we went back and like this was late in the 26:05 evening and by the time they got back there is like 26:07 9 in the evening. In small town stores usually close 26:10 around 6 or 7 right and he was still open, 26:12 he was planning on closing two hours before, 26:15 but he got so busy that he just stayed open until 9, 26:19 like when they got back. Praise the Lord, 26:21 that's an answer to prayer. And he 26:24 also been thinking about destroying the card 26:25 and calling the bank and stuff and he decided 26:28 to wait just a few more minutes and my parents 26:30 came along and they were able to get their credit card 26:32 back and actually it was a real blessing 26:35 because a few days later they're in another town 26:37 and the car broke down and like if they hadn't had 26:40 the credit card they would not have been able to 26:43 afford the repairs and get back safely 26:46 and everything. Wow, that seems like a kind of 26:49 not the straight way to go they had to go 26:51 and then they had to go back to get the credit card 26:53 that it was a good thing that God had answered 26:55 their prayer in that situation, thanks Amy 26:58 for that experience. You know we used to have 27:01 this little plant in our kitchen window 27:05 and every morning when I'd wake up it look like 27:07 it was kind of leaning outside towards the window 27:09 and so I would move it around because it look kind 27:12 of awkward and throughout the day it would 27:15 stand up straight, but the next morning guess 27:18 what it was leaning towards the window again. 27:20 Why was it doing that? Because the light that 27:23 was streaming in through the window from the 27:25 sun was attracting this plant and like all good 27:29 little plants it was leaning towards the window 27:32 and to the light, that little plant reminds me 27:35 of Jesus. In Mark chapter 1 verse 35 it tells us 27:40 that very early in the morning while it was still 27:42 dark Jesus would get up and go to a solitary place 27:46 and there he would pray. Now if Jesus the creator 27:50 of you and I needed to pray what about you 27:53 and I as weak sinful mortals. We also need to pray. 27:58 Let's take sometime right now to pray. 28:02 Heavenly Father, we thank you for the privilege 28:04 of prayer and we pray that you will convict our 28:07 hearts of our great need to be drawn to you 28:10 anytime or anywhere to be in the place of prayer, 28:13 in Jesus name we pray, amen. 28:21 Steps to Christ in Song is a 13 part series. 28:24 Designed to be an easy Non threatening way to 28:27 share the good news about Jesus Christ with friends, 28:31 relatives and co-workers. 28:32 Order your copies now by calling 28:34 1-877-490-4141 or visit us 28:40 online at 28:45 Steps to Christ in Song is also available at your local 28:49 ABC Christian Book Store. |
Revised 2014-12-17