Chapter 10, A Knowledge of God. 00:00:33.12\00:00:35.81 Hello and welcome, Today we will be looking at 00:00:38.05\00:00:40.45 how to get to know God. In a saving confident 00:00:40.59\00:00:43.40 relationship. In John 17:3 it tells us that to know 00:00:43.48\00:00:47.61 God is eternal life. This means that eternal life 00:00:47.74\00:00:50.67 is wrapped up in an intimate relationship with God 00:00:50.71\00:00:52.98 But, before we study such an important topic, 00:00:53.01\00:00:56.61 we should never do so without first praying. 00:00:57.09\00:00:59.10 And, so I'm gonna ask Caitlin, if she can 00:00:59.60\00:01:00.88 lead us in a word of prayer. 00:01:01.13\00:01:02.27 Let's bow our heads. Dear heavenly Father, thank you 00:01:03.33\00:01:07.84 for your creation and thank you for the lessons 00:01:07.87\00:01:10.66 that you show us through nature. Jesus you have made 00:01:10.79\00:01:15.05 everything with your own hands. From the stars and 00:01:15.20\00:01:19.69 the mountains all way down to the tiny little 00:01:19.72\00:01:21.75 hummingbird. We can see your perfect design. 00:01:21.83\00:01:26.59 And God, you care for everything and sustain 00:01:28.40\00:01:31.35 everything that you have created. Thank you for 00:01:31.41\00:01:34.49 the promise that although you are the God of the 00:01:34.59\00:01:36.71 whole Universe. That at the same time you care 00:01:36.85\00:01:39.96 for the wants of the little brown sparrow. 00:01:40.01\00:01:41.70 And, no matter who I am or what I've done, 00:01:43.12\00:01:45.53 that you are watching over me. Thank you for this 00:01:46.31\00:01:50.97 eternal life, in Jesus' name, Amen. Amen. 00:01:51.25\00:01:54.51 The Bible says in John 17:3 that this is eternal 00:01:58.17\00:02:01.61 life, that they might know thee, the only true God, 00:02:01.73\00:02:04.90 and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent. But, you might be 00:02:05.38\00:02:08.33 asking how do I get to know a God that I can't see. 00:02:08.62\00:02:11.59 The simple quick answer is that we get to know God, 00:02:12.63\00:02:15.05 through studying what he has created and through 00:02:16.07\00:02:17.88 reading the Bible. So it's true, we can't see God 00:02:18.05\00:02:21.52 face-to-face, at least not right now, but we can 00:02:21.69\00:02:24.57 get to know him through his written word and his 00:02:24.70\00:02:26.83 created works. In fact by looking at nature through 00:02:27.03\00:02:31.19 the right glasses, we can get a pretty good idea of 00:02:31.22\00:02:33.69 what God is like. The Bible often uses 00:02:33.78\00:02:36.72 illustrations from nature to help us understand 00:02:36.89\00:02:39.66 God. For example the universe is a pretty big 00:02:39.80\00:02:43.94 place and God runs it off, but at the same time 00:02:44.10\00:02:48.50 the Bible says, that not even a sparrow worth only half 00:02:48.55\00:02:52.73 a penny can fall to the ground without your 00:02:52.80\00:02:55.53 Father knowing it. And the very hairs 00:02:55.79\00:02:58.07 you head are all numbered. So, don't be afraid you 00:02:58.16\00:03:01.59 are more valuable than a whole flock of sparrows. 00:03:01.62\00:03:04.14 So, Jesus says, that God becomes visible to us. 00:03:05.41\00:03:08.35 When we examine the way he cares for the sparrows. 00:03:09.01\00:03:11.40 See God cares about what happens in your life. 00:03:12.43\00:03:14.68 And he is not going to let anything happen that 00:03:15.54\00:03:17.85 won't work out for your eternal good. 00:03:17.92\00:03:19.66 This thought should relieve most of the daily 00:03:20.67\00:03:22.70 stresses that many of us go through. And that's just what 00:03:22.93\00:03:26.50 God is like, he wants to lift our burdens. And believe 00:03:26.58\00:03:30.80 me, He is big enough to do it. 00:03:30.83\00:03:32.54 Why Should I Feel Discouraged, 00:04:33.32\00:04:39.38 Why Should The Shadows Come, 00:04:41.04\00:04:47.79 Why Should My Heart Be Lonely, 00:04:49.13\00:04:55.43 And Long For Heaven And Home, 00:04:56.50\00:05:01.45 When Jesus Is My Portion? 00:05:04.99\00:05:12.94 My Constant Friend Is He: 00:05:12.97\00:05:19.86 His Eye Is On The Sparrow, 00:05:20.46\00:05:26.52 And I Know He Watches Me; 00:05:28.44\00:05:35.20 His Eye Is On The Sparrow, 00:05:36.10\00:05:43.70 And I Know He Watches Me. 00:05:44.80\00:05:51.40 I Sing Because I'm Happy, 00:05:52.59\00:05:57.26 I Sing Because I'm Free, 00:05:57.58\00:06:02.06 For His Eye Is On The Sparrow, 00:06:02.09\00:06:07.85 And I Know He Watches Me. 00:06:08.79\00:06:15.62 Whenever I Am Tempted, 00:06:21.21\00:06:27.00 Whenever Clouds Arise, 00:06:28.97\00:06:35.94 When Songs Give Place To Sighing, 00:06:37.62\00:06:43.27 When Hope Within me Dies, 00:06:45.31\00:06:51.29 I Draw more Closer To Him, 00:06:52.57\00:06:59.48 From Care He Sets Me Free; 00:07:00.25\00:07:07.25 his Eye Is On The Sparrow, 00:07:07.99\00:07:14.15 And I Know He Watches Me; 00:07:15.34\00:07:21.93 his Eye Is On The Sparrow, 00:07:22.86\00:07:29.42 And I Know He Watches Me. 00:07:30.56\00:07:37.70 I Sing Because I'm Happy, 00:07:43.60\00:07:50.48 I Sing Because I'm Free, 00:07:51.12\00:07:56.10 For His Eye Is On The Sparrow, 00:07:56.19\00:08:02.64 And I Know He Watches Me. 00:08:03.49\00:08:13.12 Caitlin that song "His eyes on the sparrow" 00:08:31.70\00:08:33.64 I wanna tell you that God spoke to me directly 00:08:34.12\00:08:37.45 through your voice singing that song once. 00:08:37.62\00:08:39.27 I was in my office and the orchestra was 00:08:39.51\00:08:41.55 recording and you were singing and I was asking 00:08:42.10\00:08:44.89 God, has my life really made a difference? And 00:08:45.06\00:08:49.11 through that song, his eyes on the sparrow, 00:08:49.70\00:08:52.00 it was like God was speaking directly to me 00:08:52.23\00:08:54.19 and I thought if God has blessed me so much, 00:08:54.65\00:08:57.27 how has he blessed the one who has been singing 00:08:57.81\00:08:59.34 it, and so I wanted to ask you how have you been 00:08:59.44\00:09:01.79 blessed by singing that song? 00:09:01.92\00:09:03.32 Well it's just so encouraging to me to know 00:09:03.92\00:09:06.67 that God is watching everything, like if he cares 00:09:06.79\00:09:10.30 for the little brown sparrow, how much more 00:09:10.33\00:09:12.73 valuable am I to him. He cares about me personally 00:09:12.84\00:09:15.91 and just knowing that he is control of everything, 00:09:16.94\00:09:19.91 and that He sees what I'm going through personally, 00:09:20.09\00:09:22.43 frees from all care. Like, how important is for 00:09:23.07\00:09:25.93 me to remember this I don't even have to worry. 00:09:26.01\00:09:28.19 Yeah, in that song you sing those words I sing 00:09:28.53\00:09:31.11 because I'm happy, and who better to think of, 00:09:31.26\00:09:34.39 then Ceri as someone who's life is joyful and 00:09:34.58\00:09:37.96 happy. And I hope you don't mine me saying 00:09:38.01\00:09:40.29 that but what makes you so happy Ceri? 00:09:40.35\00:09:42.32 Kind of a big question, what it started when I was younger 00:09:42.68\00:09:45.94 I had to start there anyway. I, well I guess you can say I 00:09:46.07\00:09:49.22 was a good kid, but I don't know if I call 00:09:49.40\00:09:51.16 myself a Godly kid, I did what was right and I 00:09:51.29\00:09:54.96 had high standards. But, I knew I was missing 00:09:55.18\00:09:58.15 something like I saw my mom every morning, she 00:09:58.32\00:10:00.64 had to spend about an hour with God and there was 00:10:00.67\00:10:02.89 a driving force that made her obey God and really 00:10:03.05\00:10:07.50 be a Christian that I knew I didn't have and I 00:10:08.12\00:10:12.46 wanted it, there are many people in my life like 00:10:12.60\00:10:15.39 this and I wanted it and so at night I'd prayed Lord 00:10:15.51\00:10:19.37 please, I really want this like I want that whatever 00:10:19.56\00:10:23.19 is that my mom has. I just want that relationship 00:10:23.22\00:10:26.96 with you, I don't know how to get it though; I 00:10:26.99\00:10:30.20 just was begging and begging him more, please 00:10:30.23\00:10:32.42 give us to me. And if you show me I'll tell other 00:10:32.46\00:10:34.42 people, I just want to know, yeah, and I had a 00:10:34.58\00:10:37.46 big headboard on my bed, it was my great 00:10:37.56\00:10:40.19 grandfather's bed and I felt like my prayers of 00:10:40.22\00:10:42.20 hours bounce off of that, but I continued to pray 00:10:42.30\00:10:44.93 and I prayed and prayed no matter how much I 00:10:44.96\00:10:46.93 felt like it wasn't reaching heaven. It was later 00:10:47.05\00:10:49.87 that year I went to academy and at academy 00:10:50.18\00:10:52.67 they taught me that spending that half an hour 00:10:52.83\00:10:54.90 with God is important, and they set aside time for 00:10:55.02\00:10:57.64 us, and so I started with a book just that showed 00:10:57.73\00:11:02.31 Christ's life and who he was. And that's really 00:11:02.52\00:11:05.75 like I saw who he was and why we should love 00:11:05.81\00:11:08.66 him so much and I, that love just came out and now 00:11:08.87\00:11:12.18 like it's just like everyday I get to spend time with 00:11:12.33\00:11:14.41 my best friend, yeah and it's awesome! Yeah. 00:11:14.55\00:11:17.01 Yeah, so you have a saving relationship with God 00:11:17.13\00:11:20.53 and it brings joy to your life. 00:11:20.71\00:11:22.45 Yeah, totally, yeah thanks for sharing that 00:11:22.73\00:11:24.70 I can see that, okay. 00:11:25.13\00:11:26.35 God's been trying to communicate with us, 00:11:28.28\00:11:30.01 ever since our forefathers Adam and Eve. 00:11:30.20\00:11:32.35 Shut themselves away from heaven through sin. 00:11:32.65\00:11:35.09 He wants us to know him and one of the most 00:11:35.81\00:11:37.94 powerful methods he's used throughout history has been 00:11:38.04\00:11:40.94 the written word of God, the Bible. 00:11:41.04\00:11:42.62 In the Bible we see how God relates to defective 00:11:43.58\00:11:45.63 people like you and me, and as we behold 00:11:45.66\00:11:49.02 his patience and forgiveness towards 00:11:49.05\00:11:51.11 characters like King David and the Apostle Peter. 00:11:51.19\00:11:53.88 We've realized that he is someone we can 00:11:54.37\00:11:56.35 trust. God described himself to Moses with 00:11:56.49\00:12:00.62 these words in Exodus 34:6 and 7, the Lord God 00:12:00.82\00:12:05.16 merciful and gracious, long suffering and abounding 00:12:05.62\00:12:09.34 in goodness and truth. Keeping mercy for 00:12:09.37\00:12:12.21 thousands, and forgiving iniquity and transgression, 00:12:12.40\00:12:15.29 and sin. I just wanna encourage you to take 00:12:15.50\00:12:18.72 time to get to know God through his word. 00:12:18.92\00:12:21.16 Holy words long preserved for our walk in this world, 00:13:18.39\00:13:27.95 They resound with God's own heart 00:13:28.58\00:13:32.48 Oh, let the Ancient words impart. 00:13:33.08\00:13:39.69 Words of Life, Words of Hope 00:13:41.09\00:13:45.54 Give us strength, help us cope 00:13:45.91\00:13:50.33 In this world, where'er we roam 00:13:50.74\00:13:55.10 Ancient words will guide us Home. 00:13:55.54\00:14:02.65 Ancient words ever true 00:14:02.68\00:14:07.36 Changing me, and changing you. 00:14:07.57\00:14:11.90 We have come with open hearts 00:14:12.27\00:14:16.48 Oh let the ancient words impart. 00:14:16.74\00:14:23.59 Holy words of our Faith Handed down to this age. 00:14:29.13\00:14:37.71 Came to us through sacrifice 00:14:38.24\00:14:42.25 Oh heed the faithful words of Christ. 00:14:42.58\00:14:47.37 Martyr's blood stains each page 00:14:47.40\00:14:52.00 they have died for this faith, hear them cry 00:14:52.03\00:14:59.33 through the years oh heed these words and hold them dear, 00:14:59.36\00:15:05.93 Ancient words ever true 00:15:06.43\00:15:11.04 Changing me, and changing you. 00:15:11.09\00:15:15.03 We have come with open hearts 00:15:15.89\00:15:19.89 Oh let the ancient words impart. 00:15:20.06\00:15:27.95 Ancient words ever true 00:15:28.27\00:15:33.60 Changing me, and changing you. 00:15:34.02\00:15:39.02 Everyday our hearts renew, oh cleanse and 00:15:39.54\00:15:45.83 change us through and through. 00:15:46.22\00:15:51.78 We have come with open hearts 00:15:53.69\00:15:58.82 Oh let the ancient words impart. 00:15:59.20\00:16:05.68 We have come with open hearts 00:16:06.51\00:16:14.55 Oh let the ancient words impart. 00:16:15.17\00:16:31.85 There has never been a book so hated and yet so 00:16:46.91\00:16:50.01 so loved as the Bible. Thousands of people 00:16:50.04\00:16:53.33 have given their whole lives for a book. Now tell me what 00:16:53.47\00:16:56.91 would possess a man to do such an unthinkable 00:16:56.95\00:17:00.07 thing, but in this book are words of comfort, 00:17:00.24\00:17:05.78 words of hope, words of strength, words of life, 00:17:06.53\00:17:11.17 the very words of Jesus Christ. Now, if man is to 00:17:11.56\00:17:16.51 find this life, this precious life, eternal life, he will 00:17:16.84\00:17:20.51 find them in these ancient words, the Bible, 00:17:20.60\00:17:23.07 which leads us to our heavenly Father. 00:17:23.60\00:17:26.10 You're right Matthew those ancient words they 00:17:27.05\00:17:30.30 give us a knowledge of God. David, I have a 00:17:30.33\00:17:33.19 question for you, how did you get to know God, 00:17:33.42\00:17:35.95 was it through the ancient words of the 00:17:35.99\00:17:37.60 Bible or how did it work in your life? 00:17:37.88\00:17:39.88 Well I grew up as a Christian. Recalling how 00:17:40.44\00:17:43.53 Ceri said, I was the good boy but not the Godly 00:17:43.69\00:17:47.16 boy. And, when I would be talking to a friend or a 00:17:47.30\00:17:50.08 relative it was great until the conversation 00:17:50.30\00:17:53.59 started to get a little bit like too preachy 00:17:53.76\00:17:55.87 a little bit about God and all that and then, 00:17:55.90\00:17:57.95 okay I have to admit it that I will find it repulsive. 00:17:59.28\00:18:01.62 I just didn't want to talk about those type of 00:18:01.95\00:18:03.73 conversations, those were just not my thing. 00:18:03.93\00:18:05.85 And back then, I did not know that I needed 00:18:06.56\00:18:09.43 a relationship with God, but then when I came 00:18:09.48\00:18:12.13 to Fountain View, I could see in the students, 00:18:12.16\00:18:15.87 in the staff and like this close in a relationship 00:18:16.06\00:18:18.88 with God and that's when I knew that he was real, 00:18:19.03\00:18:22.68 It wasn't a fairytale, like it wasn't 00:18:22.84\00:18:24.66 impossible to achieve and then during my junior 00:18:24.72\00:18:27.81 year, I started to feel like this is spiritual 00:18:28.02\00:18:30.20 emptiness, like this hole in my heart. 00:18:30.34\00:18:32.32 And I just didn't know how to fill it up, and then 00:18:33.28\00:18:36.53 later I started to realize, you know what? 00:18:36.93\00:18:38.73 I just don't know God and I haven't had that close 00:18:39.27\00:18:42.12 connection with God and I really want to do that. 00:18:42.20\00:18:45.15 I really want to become, to be good friend with 00:18:45.62\00:18:47.32 him. And then I start asking God you know I 00:18:47.47\00:18:50.25 I want you to make it real for me, I want you to show me, 00:18:50.28\00:18:53.53 was is to be with, to be with you. Then one 00:18:54.10\00:18:56.27 morning I was reading the book 00:18:56.34\00:18:58.03 "Steps to Christ' my devotions, then it says 00:18:58.19\00:19:01.29 many are the ways in which God is seeking to 00:19:01.37\00:19:03.95 make Himself known to us and bring us into 00:19:03.98\00:19:06.32 communion with Him. So, I just thought that God 00:19:06.53\00:19:09.07 is actually leading me through this, I could go to 00:19:09.12\00:19:12.06 towards him. He really wants to get to know me 00:19:12.22\00:19:14.66 and I kept reading and it says, God speaks to 00:19:15.35\00:19:17.39 us through His providential workings and through 00:19:17.42\00:19:19.86 the influence of His Spirit upon the heart. 00:19:19.92\00:19:21.70 So I was like, you know what God, you definitely 00:19:22.38\00:19:24.83 want to get to know me, you really want 00:19:24.90\00:19:26.25 to get know me, and that's just amazing, because 00:19:26.29\00:19:29.06 like I still struggle with this, I still struggle with 00:19:29.81\00:19:32.18 pray before I go to bed, I still struggle with 00:19:32.51\00:19:35.47 reading my devotions still. But, the amazing thing 00:19:35.73\00:19:38.55 is that he's still calling me. And so he still wants 00:19:38.58\00:19:41.87 to get to know me and that just really blows my 00:19:41.90\00:19:43.70 mind. Amen, okay David so, would it be safe to 00:19:43.93\00:19:47.84 say the you grew up as a Christian and you really 00:19:47.87\00:19:53.56 didn't have a hungering and thirsting. You didn't even 00:19:53.67\00:19:55.79 know that you needed God and you saw it real 00:19:56.35\00:20:01.40 in the lives of other Christians. And when you 00:20:01.92\00:20:04.70 saw that it drove you to the Bible, yeah, yeah. 00:20:04.85\00:20:08.17 Yeah, because of that points like He actually 00:20:08.46\00:20:11.72 made himself real to me. Yeah. And so daily you 00:20:11.89\00:20:15.49 started to read the Bible and it became a real 00:20:15.60\00:20:18.11 relationship that you needed like breathing, 00:20:18.19\00:20:20.92 like eating every single day. Thank you, 00:20:21.01\00:20:23.91 David for sharing your story with us, it's really 00:20:23.97\00:20:27.39 meaningful to see that God has changed 00:20:27.48\00:20:29.58 you through his word and through the Holy Spirit 00:20:29.61\00:20:32.03 in our life. Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Amen. 00:20:32.11\00:20:34.58 There is one more secret to knowing God, and 00:20:36.44\00:20:38.57 that is, we need to have help interpreting what 00:20:38.60\00:20:42.03 nature and the Bible say about him. Because of sin 00:20:42.20\00:20:45.94 our perceptions of God are not always accurate. 00:20:46.17\00:20:48.64 But he is provided a way for us to see things in their 00:20:49.26\00:20:52.15 true light. In John 16:13 the Apostle says, 00:20:52.27\00:20:56.10 'when he, the spirit of truth has come he will 00:20:56.69\00:20:59.05 guide you unto all truth. When acquainting yourself 00:20:59.21\00:21:02.40 with God, either through nature or the Bible, you 00:21:02.54\00:21:05.25 do well to pray for God's Holy Spirit to guide 00:21:05.28\00:21:08.26 you into truth. So, make this your rule, I will never 00:21:08.35\00:21:12.53 attempt to study about God in the Bible or in 00:21:12.56\00:21:15.21 nature without first praying. 00:21:15.32\00:21:17.29 Spirit of God, descend upon my heart; 00:21:20.11\00:21:32.26 Wean it from earth; through all its pulses move; 00:21:33.13\00:21:45.45 Stoop to my weakness, mighty as Thou art, 00:21:46.21\00:21:58.68 And make me love Thee as I ought to love. 00:21:59.35\00:22:12.78 Hast Thou not bid us love thee, God and King? 00:22:14.23\00:22:26.78 All, all Thine own, soul, heart and strength and mind. 00:22:27.64\00:22:39.79 I see Thy cross; there teach my heart to cling. 00:22:40.95\00:22:53.30 O let me seek Thee, and O let me find. 00:22:53.90\00:23:07.15 Teach me to feel that Thou art always nigh; 00:23:08.22\00:23:20.11 Teach me the struggles of the soul to bear. 00:23:20.74\00:23:32.89 To check the rising doubt, the rebel sigh, 00:23:33.45\00:23:45.46 Teach me the patience of unanswered prayer. 00:23:45.95\00:24:02.94 You know, I was thinking about what David said, 00:24:05.64\00:24:07.43 and how that he didn't really know that he needed Christ. 00:24:07.46\00:24:10.75 We are pretty helpless if we don't know that we need Christ. 00:24:10.78\00:24:14.03 or that we don't even know what our true needs are. 00:24:14.07\00:24:15.51 That's why when I wake up in the morning I really 00:24:15.86\00:24:18.94 try to remember, God, please reveal yourself to me, 00:24:18.98\00:24:22.02 teach me how to love you, teach me to have a passion 00:24:22.06\00:24:26.96 for what's right and how to detest evil. 00:24:27.00\00:24:29.21 When I want to learn a skill, I need a teacher to help me, 00:24:29.24\00:24:33.99 show me how to learn it. Well, I was thinking 00:24:34.02\00:24:38.14 God should be our ultimate teacher and ask him every day, 00:24:38.17\00:24:41.52 will you be my teacher. Yes! 00:24:41.55\00:24:43.37 In Mathew chapter 7, it talks about, Jesus' 00:24:43.41\00:24:47.94 is talking there about a very sad experience 00:24:47.98\00:24:50.50 he says that when he comes there will be many, 00:24:50.57\00:24:52.47 many people who will come to him and say I knew you, 00:24:52.50\00:24:54.93 I knew you, I knew you, and he replies to them 00:24:54.96\00:24:57.42 I'm sorry but I don't know you, and looking at 00:24:57.45\00:25:00.27 that and thinking to myself, now is it possible 00:25:00.38\00:25:04.67 for me to think that I know someone but they 00:25:04.70\00:25:07.08 actually don't know me. And in James 2:19 00:25:07.12\00:25:10.72 it says that the devils they believe in God, they 00:25:10.76\00:25:13.37 know God but they fear and tremble. 00:25:13.40\00:25:14.95 So they don't have a saving knowledge of God. 00:25:14.99\00:25:17.00 And we don't want to get to the end and God 00:25:17.03\00:25:21.10 turn to us and say I don't know you. To have God 00:25:21.13\00:25:25.22 know us means we have an intimate relationship 00:25:25.26\00:25:27.65 with him, we let him into our lives. And I can see 00:25:27.68\00:25:30.54 in your life Matthew that you have let God into 00:25:30.57\00:25:32.96 your life that you know him and he knows you, 00:25:33.00\00:25:35.35 how have you gotten that that's a real relationship. 00:25:35.39\00:25:38.17 Well, boy where to start, growing up my parents 00:25:38.20\00:25:43.87 always were trying to lead me to Christ and to 00:25:43.90\00:25:46.76 do what was right. I just threw it back in their 00:25:46.79\00:25:49.29 face, I just tried to ignore them 00:25:49.33\00:25:50.96 and I didn't want to have 00:25:50.99\00:25:52.08 anything to do with it. And I was really involved 00:25:52.12\00:25:54.53 in things that just really bring me down. 00:25:54.56\00:25:56.80 I was really, really into video games, 00:25:56.83\00:25:58.86 for example. I played video games like you wouldn't 00:25:58.89\00:26:01.25 believe and the thing was I was really, really, 00:26:01.29\00:26:04.12 really good and that was why I loved it so much, 00:26:04.15\00:26:06.64 because I was so good I would play like 00:26:06.67\00:26:08.12 10 to 12 hours in one day. These aren't just 00:26:08.16\00:26:11.01 like little kids games? No, these are games 00:26:11.04\00:26:12.97 where your, like shooting or blowing people up 00:26:13.00\00:26:14.90 It's very violent. It's very violent. 00:26:14.93\00:26:17.15 And then I was really involved in watching 00:26:17.19\00:26:19.77 movies with lots of you know language, violence, 00:26:19.80\00:26:22.93 sex and all the stuff and but over time I just 00:26:22.96\00:26:30.18 these things were not satisfying. They were 00:26:30.22\00:26:32.69 pleasurable for a time but really overall they just did 00:26:32.73\00:26:35.49 not satisfy me completely. And I wanted to have 00:26:35.53\00:26:41.24 something that I saw in people's life that I didn't 00:26:41.82\00:26:45.07 have, my parents change people's life and I saw that 00:26:45.11\00:26:47.69 they had a real walk with God and I'm like God 00:26:47.72\00:26:49.66 is real and if you bring such a joy into somebody's 00:26:49.70\00:26:53.70 life. I want that, I really want that, and 00:26:53.73\00:26:55.62 being here at Fountain View Academy has really 00:26:56.01\00:27:00.36 shown me and taught so much about, 00:27:00.40\00:27:03.87 who Christ is really all about, and when I really 00:27:03.90\00:27:06.78 came here to this school I wanted to really do 00:27:06.81\00:27:09.14 what was right. And God says, if you really want 00:27:09.18\00:27:11.47 to get to know me, you need to sacrifice and give 00:27:11.51\00:27:13.91 up these things of the World. I said Lord no, 00:27:13.94\00:27:15.63 I cant give up these things, 00:27:15.66\00:27:17.47 I'm good at these things and I love 00:27:17.50\00:27:18.96 these things and done this so much but, 00:27:18.99\00:27:21.09 he says no you have to trust me and over just 00:27:21.13\00:27:23.61 fighting this for so long. I finally just said that's 00:27:23.64\00:27:28.42 enough and I just got rid of it. And I could 00:27:28.45\00:27:31.28 remember just coming to a friend of mine in tears 00:27:31.32\00:27:34.46 and I had these CDs and they were torn 00:27:34.49\00:27:37.22 apart and I just said you could have them. 00:27:37.25\00:27:38.52 'Cause he was the person that 00:27:38.55\00:27:40.13 was encouraging me to give these things 00:27:40.16\00:27:41.55 up. And ever since then my life has never, 00:27:41.59\00:27:44.09 never been the same, it hasn't and 00:27:44.12\00:27:47.16 it's only by God's grace. 00:27:47.20\00:27:48.40 Amen. Amen. And it makes me think of freedom is 00:27:48.44\00:27:53.53 not found in the things that we own, but it is 00:27:53.57\00:27:56.21 in the power to do what is right. Amen, Amen 00:27:56.24\00:27:58.93 you know in Jeremiah 29:13 it tells us that 00:27:58.96\00:28:02.20 if you seek God you will find him, if you seek for 00:28:02.23\00:28:05.46 him with all heart and all of you have told me 00:28:05.50\00:28:08.70 about how you've been seeking God with all 00:28:08.73\00:28:10.38 your heart and you have found him and you 00:28:10.42\00:28:13.42 continue to seek him everyday. Lets close with 00:28:13.46\00:28:15.82 a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, we 00:28:15.85\00:28:19.07 thank you that you give us a desire to want to 00:28:19.10\00:28:20.97 know you and you give us that saving relationship. 00:28:21.01\00:28:24.75 Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to lead us 00:28:24.78\00:28:26.80 and into all truth, in Jesus name, Amen, Amen. 00:28:26.83\00:28:30.45 Steps to Christ in Song is a 13 part series 00:28:33.16\00:28:36.65 from Fountain View Productions. Designed to be 00:28:36.74\00:28:39.10 easy non-threatening way to 00:28:39.13\00:28:41.05 share the good news about Jesus Christ 00:28:41.08\00:28:43.19 with friends, relatives and co-workers. 00:28:43.23\00:28:45.82 Order your copies now by calling 1-877-490-4141 or 00:28:45.86\00:28:52.05 visit us online at 00:28:52.08\00:28:57.32 Steps to Christ in Song is also available at your local 00:28:57.36\00:29:02.56 ABC Christian Book Store. 00:29:02.59\00:29:04.54