Spring Camp Meeting

The Commandments & The Everlasting Covenant

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SCM

Program Code: SCM190005A

00:39 Previously on Law of Love & Liberty:
00:43 We are standing
00:47 in His presence
00:52 on holy ground.
00:56 He's going to write in our hearts His law of love.
00:59 That's what we see taking place here.
01:01 This is the promise that we see taking place here.
01:03 If God can cause the Red Sea to open up
01:06 and let His people cross that thing on dry land,
01:09 then God can move in your life!
01:12 He's not only Sovereign over the wind and the waves.
01:15 He's Sovereign over what's going on in your life, too.
01:17 Now let's put that in there. It doesn't make any sense.
01:20 "I did not come to destroy the law
01:22 but to? do away with the law. "
01:25 The word but indicates a contrast.
01:28 Here He's actually saying: "Look, I did not come
01:31 to destroy the law. I came to magnify the law. "
01:38 Welcome to the 3ABN Worship Center
01:40 and a continuation in The Law of Love & Liberty.
01:44 We've been blessed thus far by all of the messages.
01:46 Can you all say Amen to that?
01:48 And I know that this message is not going to be any different.
01:52 The Lord is going to continue through His maidservant
01:55 Shelley Quinn. Her sermon is entitled
01:57 The Commandments and the Everlasting Covenant.
02:00 But prior to Shelley coming -
02:02 she's going to have her prayer also - we're going to be blessed
02:04 by a wonderful song by Celestine Barry-Dickens
02:08 accompanied by her daughter Farrah Barry.
02:10 And this song will touch your heart: Fill My Cup, Lord.
02:17 Like the woman at the well
02:22 I was seeking
02:26 for things
02:28 that could not satisfy.
02:34 And then
02:36 I heard my Savior speaking:
02:41 "Draw from My well
02:43 that never shall run dry. "
02:48 Fill my cup, Lord...
02:52 I lift it up, Lord.
02:56 Come and quench
02:58 this thirsting of my soul!
03:04 Bread of heaven,
03:06 feed me till I want no more.
03:12 Fill my cup... fill it up
03:15 and make me whole.
03:28 There are millions in this world
03:32 who are craving
03:36 the pleasures earthly things
03:40 afford
03:43 but none can match the wondrous treasure
03:49 that I find
03:52 in Jesus Christ my Lord.
03:56 Fill my cup, Lord...
03:59 I lift it up, Lord.
04:04 Come and quench
04:06 this thirsting of my soul!
04:11 Bread of heaven,
04:14 feed me till I want no more.
04:22 Fill my cup...
04:25 fill it up and make me whole...
04:31 fill my cup...
04:34 fill it up
04:36 and make me
04:39 whole.
04:52 Amen! Oh, what a beautiful song!
04:54 Thank you! That is one of my favorite songs
04:57 and I know that that is everyone's desire today
05:01 is that God would fill our cup.
05:04 I am so excited to be here! I couldn't sleep last night.
05:08 It was like before Christmas morning
05:10 because I'm excited about what God has given me
05:14 to share with you.
05:16 And let me ask you this: have you ever worked
05:19 a connect-the-dots puzzle?
05:21 You know, where you draw lines between numbered dots
05:24 to reveal a picture.
05:27 That's what we're going to do today.
05:30 Allowing scripture to serve as our dotted reference points
05:34 we are going to establish a connection between
05:39 six terms: law, righteousness,
05:43 and sin. The gospel, covenant, and seed.
05:49 And as we connect scripture to scripture
05:53 it is going to reveal
05:56 the big picture of the Ten Commandments
06:00 and the progression of God's everlasting covenant.
06:06 The covenant that was announced to Adam and Eve
06:11 in the garden, that was revealed to Abraham,
06:15 that was depicted in the sanctuary
06:19 and fulfilled in Christ Jesus.
06:22 Let's pray. Heavenly Father, we come before You
06:26 in the name of Jesus.
06:28 Oh, Lord, I ask in the name of Jesus
06:31 get me out of the way. I thank you for Your Word.
06:35 Lord, we thank you for Jesus Christ
06:38 and the gift of salvation.
06:39 We thank you for Your Holy Spirit.
06:42 Fill us all right now with Your Holy Spirit.
06:45 Let Him be our teacher is our prayer.
06:48 Holy and righteous Father, we love You
06:51 and I want to bring honor and glory to Your name today.
06:55 In Jesus' name, Amen.
06:58 You know what? I talk with a lot of frustrated people
07:02 who are trying to achieve a Christian life.
07:08 They're trying to live a Christian life
07:10 but they don't know how to achieve it.
07:13 And what happens is they hear
07:17 the good news of salvation by grace
07:21 and righteousness by faith in Christ Jesus
07:24 but they don't see the big picture.
07:28 They don't understand. When it comes to obedience
07:33 human reasoning gets in the way
07:37 and they don't have a real relationship with God.
07:42 They don't have that relation- ship that He wants us to have
07:47 of total dependence.
07:49 Now some people... they kind of are in two ends of the spectrum.
07:55 Some people believe
07:57 that their strict lifestyle
08:01 and their obedience to the commandments of God
08:06 are going to earn them the right to salvation.
08:10 That's a mistake.
08:12 They are forgetting what Isaiah 64:6 says.
08:16 That "all of our righteousness is as filthy rags"
08:20 before the Lord. But on the opposite end of the spectrum
08:25 we have people who mistakenly believe
08:29 that grace cancels our duty to obey God.
08:35 You know what they're forgetting?
08:37 I John 2:3-4
08:40 that says: "Now by this we know we know Him... "
08:43 and to know Him is eternal life Jesus said -
08:46 "by this we know we know Him
08:49 if we keep His commandments.
08:51 And anyone who says He knoweth Him and does not
08:54 keep His commandments is a liar
08:56 and the truth is not in him. "
08:59 So... Don't get upset with me for saying that.
09:02 That's the words of the apostle John, the apostle of love.
09:06 So both groups live apart
09:10 from a real relationship with Jesus
09:13 because they don't see the big picture
09:17 of the inseparable union of the Ten Commandments
09:21 and the progression of God's everlasting covenant.
09:25 So let's begin our journey by talking about the law.
09:30 Any time you see the words "the law" in Scripture
09:35 you have to carefully search the context.
09:39 If it says "the law and the prophets"
09:42 as a term, that's referring to all of the Old Testament.
09:46 If it says "the law of Moses, "
09:49 it is referring to the first five books
09:52 of the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
09:54 Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
09:56 Now sometimes the moral law of God
10:00 is just referred to as "the law, "
10:03 the Ten Commandments, so you really have to look in context.
10:07 And then sometimes "the law, " the book of the law,
10:12 the law that Moses wrote, is just referred to as "the law"
10:18 and you have to look in context.
10:20 Now there is one that I want to get out of the way
10:23 right now, because there's only one other law I can think of
10:26 that is talked about in the Bible and that is Paul's famous
10:32 dissertation in Romans 7 and 8
10:35 where he talks about "the law of sin, "
10:39 "the law of sin and death. " Are you familiar with that one?
10:43 Right? A lot of people try to say
10:47 that he's talking about the Ten Commandments
10:49 when he talks about "the law of sin and death. "
10:52 In context in Romans chapter 7
10:56 he does begin... In verse 12 he is talking about
11:00 the commandments of God and that they are holy
11:03 and just and good.
11:05 But now I want to show you in verse 22-
11:08 it will be on the screen for you -
11:10 what Paul says. He says:
11:17 He is talking about the Ten Commandments.
11:20 But watch what it says:
11:26 Now in the Greek there's two words for another.
11:28 There's allos, which means one exactly the same
11:33 or another can be heteros which means something that
11:38 is different. The word here is heteros.
11:40 So he says:
11:57 That... he is juxtapositioning
12:01 two different laws:
12:03 the law of God that's written with God's finger
12:06 in his heart and in his mind
12:08 and the law of sin and death: the carnal impulses,
12:14 the carnal desires that are in his body.
12:18 So he's definitely not talking about the Ten Commandments.
12:23 It is a different law... the law of sin and death.
12:27 Now, let's talk about the moral law of God.
12:30 When you look in the Hebrew -
12:33 the moral law you understand is the Ten Commandments, right?
12:36 when you look in the Hebrew
12:38 it's aseret ha-d'varîm.
12:41 It means ten words.
12:43 If you look when it's translated into the Greek
12:46 it's Decalogue... which means ten words.
12:50 So how did it get translated into English
12:55 as Ten Commandments instead of Ten Sayings?
12:59 Well, the word arrangement does indicate
13:03 that they are commandments.
13:05 They're not suggestions... they ARE commandments.
13:08 So it's translated as the Ten Commandments.
13:12 But... they're written in future tense.
13:17 Do you know what that means?
13:19 They are promises... ten promises of God.
13:25 They are in fact
13:28 the Bill of Rights
13:31 of God's everlasting covenant.
13:34 You know how important the Bill of Rights is
13:37 to our Constitution? Well these are ten...
13:42 The Bill of Rights... the Ten Commandments... it gives us
13:46 the rights of what God - the first four -
13:50 the love that is due God -
13:52 and then the other tablet of the six
13:54 is the love that is due our neighbor.
13:57 And they were written by God on stone
14:01 to show their permanence. And where were they placed?
14:04 Inside the ark in the Most Holy Place.
14:09 Why were inside the ark?
14:12 The ark is the foundation... I mean, they are the foundation
14:16 inside the throne of God.
14:19 This is the foundation of His sovereignty...
14:23 His sovereign rule of love.
14:27 So what we're going to see today
14:29 is that the Ten Commandments were the heart
14:33 of the old covenant AND they are the heart of the new.
14:37 So let's look in Scripture at James 2 verses 10 through 12.
14:43 James begins like this:
14:50 What law is he talking about? We don't know yet,
14:53 but he tells us in the next scripture.
15:08 Is it obvious what law he's talking about?
15:11 This is the Ten Commandments.
15:13 See, the Ten Commandments are not individual.
15:18 They are like a chain link.
15:21 Any link of that chain that you break
15:25 you're guilty of breaking the moral law of God.
15:30 But look here in verse 12.
15:32 He's still talking about the Ten Commandments and he said:
15:46 He is calling the Ten Commandments
15:49 the law of liberty.
15:52 Why? He indicates that when they are written in our heart
15:58 and as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit
16:01 and we're motivated to obey Him out of love
16:07 and loyalty that we will be set free from sin.
16:12 Now, let's look at the other law:
16:17 the book of the law.
16:20 You know, when God first had the Hebrew children
16:26 after He'd delivered them and they're all around the mountain,
16:29 God was up on the mountain, He spoke the Ten Commandments.
16:33 He didn't write them yet.
16:35 He spoke them with all of His pyrotechnics.
16:38 Everybody is trembling and God was trying to show them
16:42 who He was because it had been a while.
16:45 They really didn't know Him all that well.
16:48 So He spoke those. Then He had Moses come up the mountain
16:52 and He gave Moses civil laws,
16:56 ceremonial laws,
16:59 and, of course, reinforcing the Ten Commandments
17:03 the rights. So Moses comes down from the mountain.
17:06 He speaks this to the people
17:09 because the people really most of them couldn't read or write.
17:12 So he speaks all of these civil laws,
17:16 the ceremonial laws, and re- iterates the Ten Commandments.
17:20 And the people then say: "Yes. "
17:24 So Moses writes them in a book
17:27 and then he builds an altar.
17:31 He has sacrifices prepared
17:33 and look at Exodus 24:7-8.
17:42 This is what Moses had just written.
17:45 The civil, the ceremonial, AND the Ten Commandments
17:50 were included in that as the Bill of Rights.
18:06 In Hebrews it says he sprinkled it on the book as well.
18:10 What is he doing? He is ratifying the covenant.
18:14 And he says: "This is the blood of the covenant. "
18:18 What is the covenant? It is written in the book.
18:21 It is the ceremonial, civil laws that also includes
18:26 the Ten Commandments at the heart of it.
18:34 Now 39 years later
18:38 they're coming to the end of their journey
18:41 and Moses repeats and reinforces
18:46 this book of the covenant.
18:48 He writes it down, and now it is referred to
18:52 as the book of the law.
18:54 Five times it's referred to as Moses' law.
18:58 This is the book of Deuteronomy.
19:01 Deuteronomy means second law...
19:03 the second giving of the law.
19:06 And by the way, this won't means as much to you now
19:09 but I'm going to plant this seed.
19:11 In the book of Deuteronomy...
19:15 God's covenant with Abraham is mentioned seven times
19:22 in the book of Deuteronomy.
19:24 So, look at Deuteronomy 31:26. He says:
19:42 Where are the Ten Commandments?
19:44 They're inside the ark.
19:47 They're permanent... they're inside.
19:50 God's sitting on His throne; they're inside the ark.
19:53 They're the Bill of Rights, the foundation of His government,
19:56 and the mercy seat is covering it
19:59 because mercy always trumps justice.
20:02 Hoo-hoo! But now
20:06 what does he do with the book of the law
20:08 which is the old covenant? He puts it in a side pocket
20:12 and it's going to be there as a witness against them.
20:16 Why is it a witness against them?
20:18 Because it contained not only the blessing
20:23 if they kept the covenant
20:25 but all of the curses if they did not keep the covenant.
20:31 Now many people confuse
20:35 which law Paul is referring to in Galatians.
20:39 You know, he talks about the law that was a tutor to bring us
20:42 to Christ. He says, in fact, in Galatians 5:18
20:46 "If you're led by the Spirit, you're not under the law. "
20:50 And a lot of people say:
20:51 "See? We don't have to keep the Ten Commandments. "
20:54 Remember, any time you see "the law" you have to look
20:58 in context. Galatians was written...
21:03 this letter was written because Judaizers were coming in
21:07 to Galatia trying to tell these new covenant Christians
21:12 "Oh, no... you've got to keep the old covenant. "
21:15 And it's only six short chapters in this little letter.
21:21 And right in the middle of the book
21:25 Paul identifies what law he is referring to.
21:28 Galatians 3:10 says:
21:51 This is a direct quote from the book of the law.
21:55 From the old covenant. This is Deuteronomy 27:26.
22:00 So Paul is talking about the old covenant
22:04 was the tutor to bring them to Christ,
22:07 to make them understand what God was going to do.
22:12 And then to understand how much they needed a Savior.
22:18 In the old covenant in the book of the law
22:22 there were ceremonial laws, festivals, annual Sabbath
22:27 days, food and drink offerings,
22:29 and symbolic sacrificial remedies for sin.
22:34 This was to lead the people to Jesus Christ.
22:39 But these Judaizers came in and they told the Galatians:
22:44 "Ah, no, you've gotta keep the feasts; you've gotta do
22:46 this; you've gotta do that. "
22:47 And listen to what Paul says in Galatians 5:4.
22:50 "You have become estranged from Christ. "
22:55 "You who attempt to be justified by law, you have
23:00 fallen from grace. "
23:03 So the old covenant... we want to... You know, I grew up...
23:06 I was taught the old covenant was nailed to the cross.
23:10 Man, I'd bite ya.
23:12 I'd tell you "No, you don't have to keep the 10 Commandments.
23:15 It was nailed to the cross. "
23:17 I didn't know the difference in these laws.
23:21 But Colossians 2:14 is where many get that mistaken idea.
23:27 And let's look at that right now
23:30 because it is clear what law he is referring to.
23:35 Colossians 2:14 says:
23:45 That ought to be a hint. There's something that was a witness
23:49 on the side of the ark... a witness against you.
24:06 So... Now any time you see the word so
24:10 in Scripture it's a purpose statement.
24:13 It means for this reason.
24:16 So Paul is saying: "Because this was nailed to the cross
24:21 for this very purpose don't let anyone
24:25 judge you in food or in drink
24:28 or regarding a festival or a new moon or Sabbath. "
24:33 What's he talking about here?
24:35 The food and drink offerings.
24:38 The festival ceremonial Sabbaths.
24:43 "Because, " he says... he's certainly talking about the book
24:47 of the law... "because, " he says "they were a shadow... "
24:57 All of these things - the ceremonial law -
25:00 pointed to Jesus Christ and it ended at the cross.
25:05 So the big picture... What's the big picture?
25:10 It's obvious the old covenant ended at the cross.
25:14 It was nailed to the cross, but the Ten Commandments
25:18 that are inside God's ark - His Bill of Rights -
25:23 remain as the foundation.
25:24 And so now let's look at righteousness.
25:26 We've seen what law is; let's talk about righteousness.
25:29 Righteousness is more than just right doing or right being.
25:34 Righteousness is right standing with God.
25:37 There's only One that has ever walked the face of the earth
25:40 that was righteous, so you can say righteousness
25:43 is a person. It was God in the person of Jesus Christ.
25:48 So our only hope at achieving righteousness
25:52 is to have a relationship with Him
25:54 and receive His righteousness by faith.
25:58 And it comes in two ways.
26:01 First, imputed righteousness.
26:04 And imputed simply means it's credited to our account.
26:08 His perfect moral character,
26:11 His perfect obedience to all of God's commandments,
26:14 is credited to us.
26:17 And you know what? This is like a courtroom
26:19 scene if you will. This is justification.
26:23 When the imputed righteousness II Corinthians 5:21 says:
26:27 "God made Jesus, who knew no sin, to be sin for us
26:32 that we might become the righteousness of God
26:34 in Christ Jesus. "
26:36 So what he's saying is
26:40 the blood Jesus blots out our sins.
26:44 There is no more forensic evidence.
26:47 We are acquitted; we are declared pardoned.
26:52 We're declared righteous.
26:55 But let me tell you something: God wants to do more
26:59 than just cover your past sins.
27:01 He wants to make you righteous.
27:04 He wants to pour His righteousness into you.
27:08 And implied in the New Testament is imparted righteousness.
27:13 Imparted righteousness is when Christ lives in your heart
27:18 by faith. That's what Ephesians 3:17 says.
27:21 By the power of the Holy Spirit He's living in your hearts
27:26 by faith, and Paul said in Philippians 2:13
27:31 "God works in you to will
27:34 and to do His good pleasure. "
27:37 Let me tell you something: you can't achieve righteousness
27:40 on your own. You can't obey on your own.
27:43 Apart from Jesus Christ you can do nothing
27:47 but with Him you can do all things.
27:50 So He empowers us by His Spirit
27:54 to walk in obedience as an expression of our love for Him.
28:00 So the big picture?
28:02 Righteousness by faith is the only kind of righteousness
28:06 there is. Now let's talk about sin. What is sin?
28:10 Sin is the opposite of righteousness.
28:12 It's wrong doing; wrong being; wrong standing.
28:14 Sin originated from pride and self-seeking.
28:20 And any time pride and self-seeking enters the picture
28:24 it leads us away from God.
28:27 And to live apart from God
28:30 is the downfall of any created being.
28:33 Here we've got Lucifer! God created this perfect
28:37 angel, and pride and self- seeking arose in his heart.
28:43 What happened? He became a devil!
28:47 Now when in the garden
28:52 Lucifer was speaking through the serpent to Eve
28:57 guess what happened?
28:58 He planted doubt in her mind.
29:01 He said: "Hey, God's holding back something good from you. "
29:04 See, Lucifer wanted to live by self-determination.
29:08 He accused God of being unfair for deciding
29:11 what's right and what's wrong.
29:13 And here He told Adam and Eve: "Don't eat
29:16 from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. "
29:19 It's not up to you to decide what's good for you.
29:22 It's not up to you to decide what's bad for you.
29:25 That's God's sovereignty.
29:28 So Eve... a little pride sets in.
29:33 And guess what happens.
29:36 She, then, has this desire for self-determination.
29:42 "I'll decide what's good for me. "
29:45 And she took of the fruit and she ate it.
29:47 And she gave it to Adam; he followed suit.
29:50 And they fractured the relationship with God.
29:54 The essence of sin is unbelief.
29:56 In Romans 12 Paul says that whatever is not from faith
30:01 is sin. And when unbelief enters
30:06 guess what? It creates actions that are
30:10 contrary to God's will.
30:12 Contrary to God's law.
30:14 I John 3:4 says: "Whoever commits sin
30:17 also commits lawlessness. " Sin IS lawlessness!
30:23 EVERY sin is done against the will of God.
30:28 So sin is a transgression, a violation of God's law.
30:33 Do you see the big picture
30:36 of the law of God - His perfect law?
30:40 And if you are walking in obedience
30:44 because of Christ's righteousness, you're lined up
30:46 with this law. But guess what?
30:48 If you separate yourself from Christ,
30:51 living apart from God you're sinning.
30:54 And so that's the connection.
30:56 Now let's look... 'cause here's the fun part.
30:59 Let's look at gospel covenant and seed.
31:04 Gospel covenant and seed.
31:06 Gospel's simple. It simply means the good news.
31:09 Good news of what? The good news of salvation by
31:12 grace through faith in Christ Jesus.
31:14 Covenant takes a little bit more to explain.
31:17 In the Hebrew covenant is berit, B-E-R-I-T.
31:21 It's used 280 times in the Old Testament.
31:25 And about ten times it's talking about covenants between
31:29 a man to a man. But the rest of the time
31:32 it's referring about God's promises to His people.
31:35 Berit means to obligate, to bind.
31:40 Now in the Greek
31:44 there are two words for covenant.
31:46 You don't need to remember these words.
31:48 We're just getting the big picture here.
31:50 Just remember the principle.
31:52 But there's two words for covenant in the Greek.
31:55 There is diatheke... and this implies equality
32:00 among people like they're creating a contract
32:04 or they're creating a treaty or something like this.
32:08 A partnership... that's diatheke.
32:12 But then there's this beautiful word called suntheke,
32:15 and that's the kind of covenant that is a will
32:19 or a testament
32:21 where there is only one who is making all of the promises.
32:26 And then if anybody wants to enter in unto that covenant
32:30 they're agreeing that the one who makes all the promises
32:33 sets the terms and the people who enter in say "Yes,
32:37 I'll abide by your terms. "
32:39 Guess what? The reason I'm telling you this
32:43 when the Old Testament
32:47 was translated into Greek
32:50 there were 70 Jewish scholars
32:53 who did the translation of the five books of Moses.
32:56 Two hundred and eighty times -
33:00 or two hundred and seventy times -
33:02 they used the word... and I think I said it to you wrong...
33:07 suntheke is when you're together,
33:09 diatheke is when it's one person.
33:14 Two hundred and seventy times
33:16 they used diatheke.
33:18 They are saying all of God's covenants
33:24 are... God alone is making the promises.
33:29 Boy, I did mess that up, didn't I?
33:32 But all of God's promises are diatheke
33:37 not suntheke... is where two or more are working together
33:40 as a contract. All of God's promises are His will,
33:44 His testament. And that is important because...
33:48 It's significant because it's not the way most people
33:51 see the old covenant.
33:52 In the original writing of the New Testament
33:56 it's in Greek, and that, too, always - whether it's the old
34:01 covenant or the new covenant -
34:03 refers to God's covenants as diatheke.
34:06 God alone is making the promises.
34:11 So the big picture is God's covenant is an invitation
34:16 to you to share a wholehearted relationship with Him.
34:22 He says: "I will be your God; you will be My people. "
34:26 And He promises His benevolence; He promises His protection
34:31 in exchange for the way of love.
34:34 Now, Revelation 14 and verse 6.
34:38 This is a very familiar scripture.
34:40 It's the beginning of the three angels' messages.
34:43 And it says:
34:58 Everlasting. The word in the Greek is aiónios
35:03 and that means eternal.
35:05 But now get this: it's a relative term.
35:09 If it's describing mortal humanity or perishable things,
35:14 it means just as long as that thing exists.
35:17 For example, when Jude 7 says
35:22 that Sodom and Gomorrah were set forth as an example
35:25 of eternal fire are they still on fire today?
35:28 No... it was as long as that thing existed.
35:31 But when it's referring to the Lord who Paul says
35:34 in I Timothy 6 "alone is immortal"
35:37 then everlasting means past, present, and future.
35:41 So here is my question:
35:44 if you had to explain...
35:47 Think about this. Give me your full attention.
35:50 If you had to explain
35:53 to someone what is the everlasting gospel
35:59 and use only one scripture,
36:01 what would you choose?
36:03 What scripture would you choose?
36:06 Actually, we don't have to worry about it.
36:08 John introduced it in the previous chapter
36:12 in Revelation 13:8 in the context of the Book of Life.
36:22 THIS is the everlasting gospel.
36:26 "The Lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world"
36:31 is an obvious reference to God's Calvary plan,
36:35 the death of Christ, the spotless Lamb of God.
36:39 And with perfect omniscience the all-knowing Godhead
36:43 looked into the future
36:45 and pre-determined the Calvary plan
36:47 before the foundation of the world.
36:51 And don't be fooled. It was God who came down
36:55 to earth. And in Philippians 2:6 Paul said:
36:59 "He humbled Himself; He took on our flesh. "
37:04 And then He humbled Himself even further to die
37:07 on the cross for us.
37:10 So your ransom price was determined in eternity past.
37:16 Hallelujah!
37:17 So Hebrews 13:20-21 helps prove this point.
37:22 He said:
37:38 The everlasting covenant - the eternal covenant -
37:42 God planned His will, His testament, in eternity.
37:47 And He promised and obligated Himself
37:51 to ratify the eternal covenant
37:55 of redemption with His own blood.
37:58 So why did He have to die?
38:00 Well the Bible says: "All have sinned
38:03 and fallen short of the glory of God. "
38:05 We are spiritual slaves to sin.
38:08 And what is the penalty for sin?
38:10 Death! So He had to come down to redeem us
38:15 from Satan's slave market.
38:18 And you know, here's something He did:
38:21 He didn't just redeem us.
38:23 He actually revealed God's justice.
38:27 God couldn't just say: "Oh, you broke My law.
38:30 Oh well, forget about it. "
38:33 No, the justice of God demanded that the penalty be paid.
38:37 And Jesus paid it for us to show the mercy.
38:40 So if the breaking of... the penalty for breaking the law
38:45 and the substitute for paying the penalty
38:48 were determined in eternity past,
38:51 what does that tell us about the unchanging nature of the law
38:55 of God?
38:57 OK... Christ IS the covenant.
39:02 Look at Isaiah 42:6-7.
39:07 This is the Lord speaking, and this is a Messianic prophecy.
39:11 He says: "I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness. "
39:31 You know, even in the Old Testament,
39:34 the prophet Jeremiah, one of the titles for the Messiah
39:38 was The Lord Our Righteousness.
39:41 So the big picture is this:
39:45 The everlasting gospel is the everlasting covenant
39:49 of redemption in Christ and righteousness by faith.
39:53 The glory of the covenant is God's wholehearted
39:58 self-sacrificing love.
40:01 And His purpose? He wanted to be our God
40:04 and let us be His people.
40:06 And I have to say this: do not think for one second
40:10 that grace is a New Testament concept.
40:14 In the Old Testament there's a word that far surpasses grace.
40:19 It is heset - H-E-S-E-T.
40:23 And you can't translate it with one word into English.
40:26 You know what it means?
40:28 It means the total commitment of God's love.
40:31 His covenant faithfulness. His grace; His mercy.
40:35 His lovingkindness and His loyalty.
40:39 God's nature is unchanging
40:44 and the truth is eternal.
40:47 The eternal truth is as unchanging as God Himself.
40:53 So God's means of salvation has always and only been
40:58 salvation by grace through faith.
41:00 The entire Bible - Genesis to Revelation -
41:03 is the progressive unfolding of God's covenant.
41:08 His eternal covenant.
41:11 Christ is found on every page of the Bible.
41:14 The shadows and the types of the Messiah
41:18 fill the Old Testament.
41:20 And the New Testament simply continues the covenant narrative
41:25 that was initiated by the prophets of old.
41:29 See, Jesus came to fulfill all of God's promises.
41:33 II Corinthians 1:20 says
41:37 that all of the promises of God in Jesus Christ
41:41 are yes and amen.
41:43 So are the dots connected between the gospel and the
41:47 covenant? Does that make sense?
41:50 Now very briefly... Oh! I've got to hurry.
41:52 Let's look at the seed because
41:57 the seed... if we want to see
42:01 how the covenants progress...
42:05 it's in the story of the seed.
42:08 A definition for seed is something that is sown.
42:12 Could be physical seed or spiritual seed.
42:14 By implication it means parentage.
42:17 So God sowed His spiritual seed in Adam.
42:21 Adam was the first of a kind.
42:22 He created him in His image.
42:25 And guess what? Adam was called the son of God.
42:28 Luke 3:38 says "Adam, the son of God. "
42:33 It's a covenant term.
42:35 So when Adam was appointed as head of the human race
42:41 he forfeited his position to Satan at the fall
42:46 and then God set His covenant into motion.
42:49 Genesis 3:15, speaking to the serpent He says:
43:01 Whoo! "Between your seed" implies parentage of the devil.
43:06 Remember when Jesus told the Pharisees: "You're of your
43:08 Father the devil? " He said:
43:15 So now the everlasting covenant is going to be woven through
43:19 Scripture through the story of the seed.
43:24 If you follow the seed in that story,
43:27 a Child was to be born to the human race
43:29 who would reverse the fall.
43:32 Take Adam's place; crush the head of Satan.
43:36 And then we know in Genesis 15
43:41 the story of the seed is developed a little further.
43:45 God tells Abraham:
43:47 "Hey, you're going to have a child.
43:51 You're going to be the father of many nations.
43:53 Through your seed all the nations will be blessed. "
43:58 Adam and Eve... those promises were to be fulfilled
44:03 in the seed of Abraham and Sarah.
44:06 And look... You know, Abraham was past
44:10 both of them past childbearing age.
44:12 But look at his response.
44:16 Abraham had such trust in God... in the love of God,
44:21 in the power of God. Look at his response: Genesis 15:6.
44:31 So righteousness by faith was covenanted by God
44:37 right here in Genesis 15.
44:40 God has Abraham prepare the sacrifices.
44:43 But before the solemn confirmation guess what happens.
44:48 God puts Abraham into a deep sleep
44:51 and only God passes through the divided carcasses
44:57 basically saying "berit. " "This is My covenant. "
45:02 And He didn't have Abraham pass through;
45:04 God alone passed through
45:06 to say He is the One who is making the promises.
45:11 So this is... I'll tell you: this is my personal belief.
45:14 I believe it is this time
45:18 when God showed Abraham Christ's day.
45:22 Remember in John chapter 8 Jesus said: "Your father Abraham
45:27 rejoiced to see My day. He saw it and was glad. "
45:31 What day is he talking about?
45:33 He's talking about the day of Christ's death
45:37 and resurrection.
45:39 And let me show you why I believe this is when
45:43 Abraham... Paul say: "The gospel was preached to Abraham
45:49 in advance. " Hebrews 11:17-19. It says:
46:03 Hit the pause button.
46:05 Was Isaac his only begotten son?
46:07 He was the second of eight sons, right?
46:11 But that is a covenant term
46:13 and it's a unique son of promise. But look what he said:
46:32 Abraham had seen Christ's day.
46:34 He knew that God was going to send His Son.
46:38 He would be crucified, die, and be resurrected.
46:41 So when He asks him to sacrifice Isaac
46:44 he concludes: "OK, Lord...
46:46 You've shown me what You're going to do to Your Son.
46:49 I can sacrifice my son
46:52 because You'll be able to raise him up. "
46:55 So Genesis 22:18 says that in his seed...
47:00 God's speaking to Abraham.
47:02 "In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed
47:06 because you have obeyed My voice. "
47:08 See, obedience is covenant faithfulness.
47:12 Galatians 3:16 says:
47:29 Now, we're just running out of time.
47:34 God renewed His covenant with Abraham's son Isaac.
47:38 And in Genesis 26 the reason He says He did
47:44 is because Abraham obeyed
47:49 His commandments, His statues, and His laws.
47:53 So we see that obedience and righteousness by faith
47:58 go hand in hand. Then God renewed the covenant
48:02 with Isaac's son Jacob. Remember when Jacob
48:05 saw the ladder? Had the dream of the ladder?
48:08 God said: "In your seed will all the nations be blessed. "
48:14 And this is why He's called the God of Abraham,
48:17 the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
48:19 But you'll also see it written "The God of Abraham,
48:22 the God of Jacob, the God of Israel. "
48:24 Because when Jacob wrestled with the Lord
48:28 God gave him a new spiritual name: Israel.
48:32 And then his twelve sons
48:35 fathered the nation of Israel
48:36 And if we don't do anything else I've gotta show you this.
48:42 The nation of Israel became slaves in Egypt.
48:47 Four hundred years they're oppressed.
48:50 And when they cry out to God for deliverance
48:53 God shared the same covenant relationship with them
48:57 that He did with Abraham.
49:00 Let's look. I've got four scriptures to prove that.
49:04 Exodus 2:24: "God heard their groaning
49:08 and God remembered... " What?
49:15 Now skip forward to Exodus 4:22.
49:19 God's sending Moses to Pharaoh and He says:
49:32 You know what that means?
49:33 The nation of Israel certainly wasn't the first nation.
49:37 It's a covenant term. Firstborn is not priority
49:41 of your birth positioning.
49:45 It means that it's a rank. It's priority as far as
49:50 your possession of the inheritance and leadership.
49:55 Look at Exodus 6 and verse 5. God says:
50:09 What covenant? With Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!
50:13 "Therefore... " Any time you see therefore
50:15 it's a bridge. He's taking that thought:
50:19 God remembered His covenant... "
50:38 This is a progressive unfolding of the continuation
50:42 of the covenant of grace, and God graciously delivered them.
50:46 He saved them before they mea- sured up to His moral standard.
50:51 That was not a pre- condition for their salvation.
50:55 He delivered them through the Red Sea,
50:57 brought them to Mt. Sinai.
51:00 And they were to be His covenant people
51:02 and enjoy the blessings of the covenant with Abraham:
51:06 that covenant of grace.
51:08 Look at Exodus 19 just before God speaks the Ten Commandments.
51:12 He says:
51:20 Boy, that is covenant love language.
51:23 God is saying: "I'm your Redeemer. You are mine! "
51:28 And He says: "If you will indeed obey My voice... "
51:47 And all the people said: "All the Lord says we will do. "
51:50 The people agreed to enter into a covenant relationship
51:54 with God before He ever spoke the Ten Commandments.
51:57 Did you know that?
51:59 Isn't that amazing?
52:01 He speaks this afterward.
52:05 But let me tell you something:
52:07 the history of Israel - you know this -
52:10 as a nation their history is largely one of covenant
52:14 unfaithfulness.
52:16 God endured a one- sided relationship for so long
52:21 with His chosen nation.
52:24 But He remained faithful to the covenant.
52:26 And the ongoing lineage of the seed, the succession of God's
52:30 covenant sonship,
52:32 was passed on to others like David and Solomon
52:35 and finally reached the point
52:39 of fulfillment in the last Adam, the person of Jesus Christ.
52:43 But it didn't end there!
52:46 It didn't end there
52:48 because Jesus Christ then produced seed.
52:52 Let's look at Isaiah 53.
52:55 Isaiah 53 verse 10 says:
53:08 He's saying: "Christ the Messiah will see His seed. "
53:27 In John chapter 12 Jesus tells a parable
53:32 about a kernel of wheat. He says: "Unless it falls
53:35 to the ground and dies it remains only a single seed.
53:39 But if it dies it produces many seeds. "
53:42 He was talking about Himself.
53:45 He was the holy Seed who had to die to pay our sin penalty.
53:50 But His resurrection proved that He had imperishable
53:54 life within Him
53:56 and His death and resurrection produced many seeds.
54:00 I Peter 1:23 says: "You were born again
54:04 not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible. "
54:09 Incorruptible seed is what you were born of.
54:13 Let me tell you something: the potential of every harvest
54:16 is in the seed. If I plant corn here,
54:19 I'm going to get corn.
54:21 If I plant wheat here, I'm going to get wheat.
54:23 All of your potential
54:26 is wrapped up in the person of Jesus Christ.
54:30 "In the beginning was the Word.
54:31 The Word was with God; the Word WAS God. "
54:35 The incorruptible seed
54:38 as He sows His divine nature into you.
54:42 Now Jesus... I have to get this point in...
54:46 God remained faithful to His everlasting covenant
54:50 of redemption.
54:51 He told His prophets He was going to renew it.
54:55 You know the word for new in Hebrew can mean renew.
54:58 So in Jeremiah 31 He says:
55:01 "The days are coming when I'm going to make a new covenant. "
55:05 And here's what He says in Hebrews 8.
55:07 It's quoting Jeremiah 31.
55:09 Verse 8 says:
55:24 Just as He wrote with His own finger on the tablets of stone
55:28 now He writes by the finger of God on our hearts.
55:32 You know, our hearts are the Most Holy Place.
55:37 We're the temple of God. Now that's the Most Holy Place.
55:40 And just as the Ten Commandments were the foundation,
55:44 the Bill of Rights for the old covenant,
55:47 they are also the Bill of Rights for the new covenant.
55:51 And it is... this covenant is the continuation.
55:57 It's not something brand new.
56:00 It's just the continuation of the everlasting covenant
56:03 of salvation by grace and righteousness by faith
56:08 that was promised to Abraham.
56:10 Look at Galatians 3. We'll look at verses 26, 27, and 29.
56:16 I love this.
56:20 That's a covenant term... now it's applied to you!
56:44 Do you see it? Are you getting the big picture?
56:49 God's moral law was the heart of the old and the new covenant.
56:54 Righteousness by faith is the only righteousness there is.
56:58 Sin is living apart from God.
57:00 The everlasting gospel IS the everlasting, eternal
57:05 covenant of redemption through the holy seed.
57:09 And His covenant blessings, His promises,
57:14 are conditioned upon covenant loyalty.
57:19 Obedience is to be a response of love,
57:23 an expression of our appreciation for salvation.
57:29 God wants you to be in covenant relationship with Him.


Revised 2019-07-10