Robe, The

Without The Robe

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: RT

Program Code: RT000005

00:04 3ABN presents The Robe with Stephen Bohr.
00:12 Sadly we have come down to the very last night of our
00:17 sitting together, and it has been a very wonderful time.
00:22 Back in the early days of our church
00:24 the church really struggled with a number of the things that
00:27 we've been talking about during these last several meetings.
00:29 We had developed a theology that said: "If you just
00:33 work hard enough... if you just try hard enough,
00:37 you can keep the commandments of God through sheer will
00:41 and effort. " And so Ellen White said we had gotten into
00:45 producing a preaching style that was dry and lifeless
00:49 and worse, Christless... that was based on man's own efforts.
00:54 Then as early as 1882 the light began to shine
00:59 and men and women realized that our salvation -
01:02 our righteousness - is in Christ Jesus.
01:05 That the power comes not from fighting
01:08 but from surrendering... from surrendering to God.
01:12 And so it is fitting... these things that Pastor Bohr
01:15 has been taking us through these last several sessions
01:18 to reaffirm and re-understand...
01:21 to understand anew that the secret today as always
01:26 is surrender... a surrendered life to Jesus Christ
01:29 and Christ working in and through us
01:32 to produce a Christ-like life.
01:34 We've had a good time together have we not?
01:36 Amen! And we expect no less this night
01:38 as our friend, our pastor, leads us into the Word
01:42 and teaches us those things that God would have us to know.
01:45 We are thankful that he made his way all the way from
01:48 Fresno, California. His schedule is quite busy.
01:51 He is a well-respected and well-loved speaker
01:54 and preacher of the Word.
01:56 And we know that is so because several of you have come
01:58 from various states in the union just to hear him and to join us
02:02 and to be with us. And we are so happy for your presence here
02:05 in this audience and for our audience around the world.
02:08 Join me now as we ask God's blessing
02:11 upon this night's service.
02:14 Gracious Father, we do praise You and thank You
02:17 for Your Word... which is a lamp unto our feet,
02:21 a light unto our path.
02:24 We are thankful, dear Lord, for Jesus
02:27 and for the call that brought each of us from darkness
02:30 to light, from error to truth.
02:33 And we thank You for those ministers and preachers
02:36 of the Word who have dedicated their heart, their hand,
02:40 their time, their talent, and their mind
02:43 to the study of the Word of God.
02:45 And so tonight we ask in the name of Jesus
02:49 that You would be yet again with Your manservant.
02:52 That You would let him down - as it were -
02:55 into the storehouse of Your Word.
02:57 Fill Him with Your Spirit
02:59 then give us open and receptive hearts and minds
03:03 that we may hear the Word. But more than that,
03:05 help us, Lord, to do that which we know to be right
03:09 for it is in the doing that we are made like Christ Jesus.
03:13 Bless this sitting again tonight.
03:15 Be the honored guest and spokesman.
03:18 And we thank You in Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.
03:22 God bless you.
03:33 Good evening. Good evening!
03:35 It's good to see all of you back.
03:38 Amen! I was wondering after this morning.
03:42 But praise the Lord that you came back this evening
03:45 to study our last topic which is: Without the Robe.
03:51 And even though C.A. has prayed
03:55 I would like to have a short prayer
03:58 to ask the Lord to be with us. Father,
04:00 once again we draw close to Your throne
04:02 knowing that human wisdom is inadequate to understand
04:07 the great things of God.
04:09 For this reason we come before Your throne
04:12 and we ask for divine wisdom
04:15 that we might trace Your Word as You would have us do it.
04:19 That we might rightly divide the Word of Truth.
04:22 We thank you, Lord, for the promise of Your presence
04:25 because we ask it in the name of Jesus, Amen.
04:29 Amen.
04:31 In Revelation chapter 16 we have a description
04:37 of the seven last plagues
04:40 that God will pour out upon planet earth.
04:45 These are seven devastating afflictions
04:51 that God is going to send upon a world
04:54 that is rebellious and has insisted
04:57 on trampling on God's holy law.
05:01 Now in the message concerning the sixth plague
05:07 we have a very interesting warning which is interjected
05:13 in the sixth plague.
05:16 Revelation chapter 16 and verse 15
05:21 gives us this warning
05:24 right in the middle of the message about the 6th plague.
05:29 Here Jesus is speaking and He says this:
05:54 Do you see the connection with Genesis chapter 2 and 3?
05:59 Do you see the connection with what we have been studying
06:02 in the last four topics that we dealt with?
06:05 Now obviously this warning is not for those who
06:09 live in the time of the sixth plague
06:11 because during the plagues probation has closed.
06:13 So what Jesus is saying is the sixth plague is going to come.
06:18 And make sure that when that time comes
06:20 beforehand you have watched and you have kept your garments
06:25 so that you don't walk naked and they see your shame.
06:29 In other words, even though this is found in the context
06:32 of the sixth plague, it's a warning that is given
06:34 during probationary time telling people
06:37 "Make sure when the sixth plague is poured out
06:39 that you're on the right side. "
06:42 Now in the book of Revelation we find another verse
06:48 that is similar in many ways to this one in Revelation 16:15.
06:54 I'm referring to Revelation chapter 3 and verse 18.
06:59 It's the message of the faithful and true witness
07:02 to the church of Laodicea.
07:04 Let me ask you: what is the Laodicean church?
07:07 I don't say it proudly...
07:09 it represents the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
07:13 And you know the word Laodicea means
07:16 a people of judgment or... judging the people.
07:20 It's the church that exists at the end of time
07:22 during the judgment.
07:24 And I want you to notice the warning that Jesus gives
07:28 to this church. It's very similar to what we read
07:31 in Revelation 16 verse 15.
07:33 It says... here Jesus is speaking once again:
07:45 The gold is faith that works by love.
07:48 We talked about that already.
07:50 And notice what else:
08:06 Notice that the same warning that is given in the context of
08:10 the sixth plague is given to the Laodicean church.
08:14 And the Laodicean church is us.
08:15 So let me ask you: who is in danger
08:18 of being found naked so that people will see their shame?
08:23 It is the members of the Laodicean church
08:27 particularly and especially the church of Laodicea...
08:32 our church.
08:35 Now you notice here that it says
08:37 that Jesus is coming as a thief.
08:41 And we need to watch and we need to keep our garments...
08:46 the same thing He says to the Laodicean church.
08:49 Now the question is: what is this coming of the thief?
08:55 What does that mean?
08:57 Well, I'd like to invite you to go with me
09:00 to Matthew chapter 24 and verses 37 to 39.
09:05 Did you know that the coming of Jesus
09:11 is going to take place in two stages?
09:16 Now I saw some heads go up when I said that.
09:19 Pastor, are you a believer in the rapture of the church?
09:24 Absolutely not.
09:25 But the coming of Jesus has two stages...
09:29 two points of time.
09:31 Let's read Matthew 24:37-39.
09:36 And there's a very important little word: the word "until"
09:39 that is used twice.
09:43 It says there... and Jesus is speaking:
09:54 So what is being compared? The days of Noah
09:57 with the what? With the coming of the Son of Man.
10:00 Now let's read the description that follows. Verse 38:
10:11 And now comes the first until...
10:19 The first until marks the moment when Noah and his family
10:22 enter the ark. And now notice verse 39:
10:29 In other words, those who were outside the ark
10:31 did not know...
10:33 "until the flood came and took them all away. "
10:36 Now notice this:
10:44 Two times the word "until" is used.
10:48 One to mark the moment where the door closed
10:51 and another to mark the moment when it began to rain.
10:55 In between the people did not know that they were lost.
11:03 Now in order to understand this - and it says that
11:06 the coming of the Son of Man will be similar to this.
11:09 It's repeated twice.
11:11 So it must be that there are two "untils"
11:14 also related to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
11:18 Now in order to fully understand this
11:20 we have to go back to the story of the flood.
11:23 Because Jesus says: "As it was back then
11:26 so will it also be at the coming of the Son of Man. "
11:30 And so let's go back to the flood story
11:33 and let's take a look at several details that we find
11:37 in this story that is found primarily
11:40 in Genesis 6 through 8.
11:42 The first thing that I want us to notice is
11:47 the wickedness that existed in the world at that time.
11:51 It was a wicked world.
11:54 Genesis chapter 6 and verse 5 tells us:
12:11 Notice... notice the expressions: every intent,
12:14 only evil, and continually.
12:18 As a result, the Bible tells us that the earth was
12:22 filled with violence.
12:23 Notice verse 11:
12:42 And so the first thing we want to notice
12:44 is that immediately before the flood
12:47 the world had reached a state of corruption
12:51 without parallel up to that time in the history of the world.
12:56 Now the question is: how did this happen?
12:59 How did it happen that practically the entire world
13:03 was wicked and corrupt and filled with violence?
13:08 Genesis 6 tells us what it was that caused this condition
13:13 of the world. You see, it was actually
13:16 the blending of the sons of God
13:20 with the daughters of men.
13:23 And by the way, in context
13:25 the sons of God are those in the genealogy of Seth.
13:29 That's Genesis 5... the chapter immediately before.
13:33 The daughters of men are the descendants of Cain.
13:36 There are three women mentioned by name
13:39 in the genealogy of Cain, and all of them were wicked
13:43 according to the Bible record.
13:45 And so in Genesis 4 you have the women that are mentioned
13:48 in the genealogy of Cain.
13:50 In Genesis 5 you have the descendants of Seth:
13:53 the holy line. And then Genesis 6 verse 1
13:56 sons of God and daughters of men.
13:59 In other words, it was the joining together
14:02 or the linking of the righteous with the unrighteous
14:06 that demoralized the world
14:07 and led to the wickedness of the world.
14:10 Jesus said: "You are the salt of the earth. "
14:12 But the problem is that there was very little salt
14:15 to salt the earth.
14:17 The salt had almost disappeared
14:20 because those who were followers of God
14:25 had lost their identity
14:27 by intermingling with the worldlings.
14:31 I want you to notice how this is emphasized
14:33 twice in Genesis 6:1-5.
14:36 Notice verse 1:
14:51 So you find this intermingling of the sons of God with
14:55 the daughters of men. And then notice what God says in verse 3:
14:58 "And the Lord said: 'My Spirit shall not strive with men
15:02 forever for he is indeed flesh
15:05 yet his days shall be 120 years. ' "
15:08 In other words, God says, because of the intermingling:
15:11 "My Spirit is not going to strive with men forever. "
15:15 And then I want you to notice that in verse 4
15:17 it comes back to the theme of the intermingling
15:20 with the sons of God and the daughters of men:
15:22 the righteous with the unrighteous.
15:24 And it says in verse 4:
15:39 The same expression that's used in Genesis 11
15:42 when the builders of the Tower of Babel said:
15:45 "Let us make ourselves a name. "
15:47 In other words, they had the same wickedness
15:50 as the builders of the Tower of Babel.
15:52 And then notice, once again verse 5 comes back to the idea
15:55 after talking about the intermingling of the righteous
15:58 with the wicked, it says in verse 5:
16:00 "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man
16:04 was great in the earth and that every intent
16:07 of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. "
16:12 Twice in this passage we are told that the condition of
16:15 the earth and its corruption and its violence was
16:19 due to the fact that God's followers
16:23 intermingled with the worldlings
16:27 and as a result the world became corrupt.
16:30 But not everyone was corrupt.
16:34 God had a small remnant...
16:38 and a very small remnant at that.
16:41 There must have been millions of people in this world
16:44 before the flood. Imagine, 1,656 years
16:50 had passed between creation and the flood.
16:52 Men lived to be almost 1,000 years old.
16:56 How many kids can a 1,000-year-old man have?
16:59 That's impressive!
17:01 Ellen White says there was no scarcity of natural resources.
17:05 Disease was practically unknown.
17:08 And God had said: "Multiply
17:12 and proliferate and fill the earth. "
17:14 There must have been millions of people
17:18 because it says that the earth was filled with violence.
17:22 And yet God had a remnant.
17:25 And of course that remnant was Noah.
17:28 Let's read about Noah in Genesis chapter 6.
17:32 Genesis chapter 6 and let's read verse 9
17:36 and then we'll read chapter 7 and verse 1.
17:39 It says: "This is the genealogy of Noah.
17:42 Noah was a just man... "
17:52 And then notice chapter 7 and verse 1:
18:06 Do you think that righteousness had anything to do
18:08 with his behavior?
18:10 Do you think that this was just the imputed righteousness
18:14 and he lived just like everyone else in the world?
18:16 Absolutely not!
18:19 It says he walked with God.
18:21 We're told not only did he walk with God
18:23 but he was a just man.
18:25 He was perfect and he was righteous.
18:27 In other words, God had a faithful remnant
18:30 in the midst of a wicked world.
18:32 And God called Noah - that faithful remnant -
18:37 to proclaim or to preach a message to the world.
18:43 Now connected with the message was a period of probation:
18:47 120 years.
18:50 God told Noah: "My probation is not unlimited.
18:54 It's going to be a limited period of time,
18:57 and during this time I want you to preach righteousness. "
19:02 And by the way, Noah is called
19:04 in II Peter chapter 2 and verse 5
19:07 a "preacher of righteousness. "
19:10 He was righteous and he preached the need for righteousness.
19:14 Not only the righteousness that Christ imputes
19:17 but the righteousness that is seen as a result in the life:
19:22 the likeness to Jesus Christ.
19:24 He was different than the world.
19:27 But Noah not only preached.
19:31 Noah proved that his faith was genuine by his works.
19:37 His faith was a faith that worked!
19:40 He not only spoke the message with his lips...
19:43 he showed that he believed his message by his works.
19:46 It was a faith that worked.
19:49 And how did he work?
19:51 He worked by getting the hammers and by getting the nails
19:55 and by cutting the lumber and building an ark on dry land
20:01 when it had never rained. That would take a lot of faith
20:06 to do what God said in spite of the fact
20:09 that it appeared to be scientifically impossible.
20:13 So Noah preached, and he had a faith that worked.
20:16 He was righteous and he walked with God.
20:19 He was perfect in all his ways according to scripture.
20:22 And by the way, his message was accompanied by the power
20:26 of the Holy Spirit because the text says
20:29 "My Spirit shall not always contend with man
20:33 but it's going to contend for 120 years. "
20:37 And so the message of Noah was accompanied by the power
20:41 of the Holy Spirit,
20:42 and he preaches during this period of probation.
20:45 He has a faith that is active and works.
20:47 He shows that what he believes is true.
20:50 By the way, the message of Noah was also a message
20:54 of judgment. Do you know that that word contend
20:59 in Genesis 6 and verse 3
21:03 most of the times that it is used in the Old Testament
21:06 it is translated judge or judgment.
21:11 In other words, when Noah was preaching his message
21:15 through the power of the Holy Spirit, people were making
21:18 decisions to be on one side or on the other side...
21:24 and that's a message of judgment.
21:27 A message that separates the righteous from the unrighteous.
21:31 And so we find several elements that are connected with
21:36 this remnant. A period of probation.
21:38 During that period of probation Noah is to preach.
21:42 He shows that he believes his message by his works.
21:45 The message is accompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit.
21:49 And his message is a message of judgment that will polarize
21:53 the world into two groups.
21:56 And so Noah preaches the message and he builds the ark
21:59 showing that he believes what he's preaching.
22:01 Then you can imagine Noah standing at the door of the ark.
22:07 The animals have come in.
22:11 By the way, the animals had more sense than the people.
22:14 The people had fallen below animal level
22:18 because the animals listened to the voice of God
22:22 and human beings did not.
22:24 They had fallen below sub-human level...
22:27 the animals. So Noah stands at the door of the ark.
22:31 He says: "Folks, this is it.
22:33 My preaching ends today
22:36 and the door is going to close
22:40 and you are all going to be lost.
22:44 Come into the ark! "
22:46 And all they did was make fun of Noah
22:49 and laugh at him and mock his message.
22:53 So Noah went into the ark, and I want you to notice
22:56 what was the next thing that happened.
22:59 Genesis chapter 7 and verse 16.
23:03 Genesis chapter 7 and verse 16.
23:07 It says there:
23:23 Who shut the door?
23:26 God shut the door!
23:28 Was that the closing of the door of probation?
23:31 It most certainly was the closing
23:33 of the door of probation.
23:35 And by the way, God placed His seal on that door.
23:38 Is there a sealing at the end of time
23:41 of God's faithful people? Notice Patriarchs and Prophets
23:44 page 98 speaking about the closing of the door...
23:48 Ellen White in this magnificent book Patriarchs and Prophets -
23:52 it's one of my favorite books in the Spirit of Prophecy,
23:54 just loaded with valuable information:
24:15 Two groups that came as a result of the message of Noah:
24:20 a judgment separation had taken place.
24:23 And then she says:
24:34 And of course the moment that the door closed
24:38 it started to rain.
24:41 Oh good, you're still awake after a long day.
24:45 Absolutely not!
24:47 Notice Genesis chapter 7 and verse 10.
24:50 Genesis chapter 7 and verse 10. It says:
25:01 In other words, the door closed. Seven days went by
25:05 and then destruction came. Rain came from heaven
25:09 and the great fountains of the deep were broken open...
25:13 below and from above.
25:17 Do you think that this was a time of trial for Noah
25:20 for Noah and his family?
25:24 Imagine. A day goes by... no rain.
25:26 Two days... no rain.
25:29 Three days, no... Four? No rain.
25:31 Five... no rain. Six... no rain.
25:33 Do you think that maybe the devil had tried to plant
25:37 in the mind of Noah: "Well, you know, maybe
25:40 I was wrong.
25:42 Maybe I was deluded. "
25:44 Do you think the faith of Noah and his family was tested?
25:48 It most certainly was.
25:49 And how do you think the people outside behaved
25:52 with each passing day?
25:54 They became more and more violent
25:56 and they mocked stronger every day.
25:59 Allow me to read you here from Patriarchs and Prophets
26:02 page 98 and 99:
26:32 And on page 99 she says:
26:46 And so inside... faith tested.
26:49 And outside... more and more mocking.
26:55 Is something similar going to happen in connection with
26:59 the second coming of Jesus?
27:02 Ellen White continues in Patriarchs and Prophets 99...
27:05 By the way, whenever I quote Ellen White it's always
27:07 to confirm something that we found in scripture.
27:09 It's never to give additional light that is not found
27:13 in the Bible. If you look hard enough
27:15 you'll find that what Ellen White says IS in the Bible.
27:18 But we have to search for it.
27:21 Sometimes it's not on the surface.
27:23 Now listen to the comparison she continues making:
27:26 "So when Christ shall cease His intercession
27:31 for guilty men... " When Christ shall what?
27:34 "Cease His intercession for guilty men
27:36 before His coming in the clouds of heaven
27:40 the door of mercy will be shut.
27:44 Then divine grace will no longer restrain the wicked
27:48 and Satan will have full control
27:52 of those who have rejected mercy. "
27:54 Was that true before the flood? Absolutely.
27:57 "They will endeavor to destroy God's people,
28:00 but as Noah was shut into the ark
28:04 so the righteous will be shielded by divine power. "
28:09 Amen! You see the parallel?
28:12 So let me ask you: when were the people before the flood lost?
28:15 When the door closed or when it started to rain?
28:19 They were lost when the door closed.
28:21 A period of time went by -
28:22 we could call it a period of tribulation because
28:25 the wicked every day got more violent
28:28 and the righteous... their faith was tested -
28:31 and then, after that period of trial, rain came from heaven
28:36 and water came from under the earth.
28:38 The Bible says that the windows of heaven were opened
28:41 and the fountains of the great deep were broken up.
28:45 By the way, do you know that in the New Testament
28:47 there are two words that are translated flood?
28:50 One word is the word potamos
28:53 which is used for example in the parable of the man who
28:55 built his house on the rock and the man who built
28:57 his house on the sand.
28:59 Also it's the word for flood that is used in Revelation
29:02 chapter 12 where the flood tries to drown the woman
29:05 who is fleeing to the wilderness.
29:07 That's the word potamos.
29:09 But there's a special word that is used for the flood
29:13 in the days of Noah.
29:14 Because some people are saying that this was some local flood
29:17 over in the valley of Mesopotamia.
29:18 Even some Adventists scholars are saying that:
29:21 that this was a local floor, it was not a universal flood.
29:24 Do you know what the word is that is used in the
29:27 New Testament? The word cataclysmos.
29:31 What word in English do we get from cataclysmos?
29:35 The word cataclysm.
29:38 In other words, the flood was a cataclysm.
29:41 It was a global catastrophe
29:44 that wiped the wicked off the face of the earth.
29:50 By the way, the earth returned to a great degree
29:55 to the condition it was in
29:57 at the beginning of creation week.
30:01 Was the planet in darkness? Yes it was.
30:06 Was the planet filled with water? Yes.
30:10 Were all of the wicked wiped out?
30:14 There was no life left on planet earth except for
30:17 Noah and his family.
30:19 Now let me ask you: what happened with the devil
30:22 during the flood?
30:24 He was getting wet!
30:29 Patriarchs and Prophets page 99.
30:31 And I'm going to give you a parallel
30:33 to show that this is Biblical.
30:34 Patriarchs and Prophets 99:
30:51 Can you think of any other period of time when the earth
30:54 will be without form and void as at the beginning of creation
30:58 and in darkness where all of the devil's power base
31:03 will be wiped out and the devil will be compelled
31:07 to remain here? Absolutely! The millennium!
31:10 In other words, in the flood story we have a foreshadowing
31:14 of what? We have a foreshadowing of the millennium
31:18 of Revelation chapter 20
31:19 after the second coming of Jesus Christ in power and glory.
31:26 I would like to go to another passage of scripture
31:28 where you have this same idea. What I want you to notice is
31:31 that God has not called us to prepare
31:34 for the close of... for the second coming of Jesus.
31:37 God has called us to prepare for the close of probation.
31:41 When He says: "Watch, I am coming as a thief... "
31:44 The coming as a thief has two stages.
31:47 The first stage of the coming of the thief
31:50 is when He comes and everybody in the house is sleeping.
31:53 The second stage of the coming of the thief
31:57 is when everyone in the house wakes up in the morning
32:00 and realizes that the thief has already come.
32:05 So it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
32:07 You need to watch and have your garments.
32:10 Take care of your garments for the close of probation
32:15 and in that way you will be ready for the second coming
32:17 of Jesus in power and glory.
32:21 Let's go to the book of Revelation and see this same
32:24 pattern again. Revelation chapter 14
32:28 and verses 6 and 7.
32:30 Does God have a message for the world at the end of time again?
32:34 Is He going to have a remnant to proclaim this message?
32:37 Is it going to be a message of judgment that will separate
32:41 the world into two groups? Absolutely!
32:43 Will it be accompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit?
32:46 Absolutely! It's all in Revelation 14.
32:49 Notice verses 6 and 7.
32:52 You can recite this from memory.
33:18 Is this God's end-time message to the world?
33:21 Absolutely. Is it the FINAL message?
33:24 Absolutely, because immediately after the third angel's message
33:28 Jesus is seen on the clouds with a sickle in His hand
33:31 which means that the three messages are the last message
33:35 before Jesus comes when He has the sickle in His hand.
33:39 By the way, do these messages polarize the world
33:41 into two groups?
33:43 Yes! Because immediately after the third angel's message
33:46 we find that the harvest of the earth is what?
33:51 Ripe. And the grapes of the earth are what? Ripe.
33:55 Let me ask you: what is it that ripened the grapes
33:57 and the harvest of the earth?
33:59 The three angels' messages.
34:01 But are these messages accompanied by the power
34:04 of the Holy Spirit and the latter rain? Sure.
34:06 What was it that actually ripened the harvest
34:09 in Biblical times?
34:11 It was the latter rain.
34:12 And so just like in the days of Noah
34:15 we have a message. It's a message of judgment.
34:18 It's accompanied by the Holy Spirit.
34:20 It will polarize the world into two groups:
34:23 those who have the seal of God
34:25 and those who have the mark of the beast.
34:28 And then what will happen when the three angels
34:31 finish proclaiming the message to the world...
34:34 the faithful remnant of God preaching these messages?
34:37 Folks, then probation will close.
34:43 Go with me to the very next chapter...
34:45 Revelation chapter 15 and verses 5 through 8.
34:48 Revelation 15 and verses 5 through 8.
34:51 The three angels' messages have been proclaimed.
34:54 The world has been divided into two groups.
34:56 The Holy Spirit has done His work.
34:58 Probation has closed, and now something happens
35:01 in the heavenly temple. Notice:
35:10 Now what is the tabernacle of the testimony?
35:12 The tabernacle is the total structure
35:15 composed of holy and most holy place.
35:18 But notice that this says "the temple of the tabernacle
35:21 of the testimony. " Now what is the temple of
35:23 the tabernacle of the testimony?
35:25 There are two words for temple in the New Testament.
35:28 One is the Greek word heiron
35:31 which is never used in Revelation.
35:34 The other words is used 15 times in Revelation.
35:37 It's the Greek word naos.
35:39 Fifteen times it's used.
35:41 Every single time that this word is used
35:45 in the book of Revelation
35:46 it is speaking of the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary.
35:51 It's the same word that is used for example in Revelation 11:19
35:54 where it says that then he saw the temple of God
35:57 opened in heaven and the ark of His testament
36:02 was seen in His naos... or in His temple.
36:05 So where is this taking place?
36:07 This is taking place in the most holy place
36:10 of the heavenly sanctuary. And so it says:
36:20 What is it open for? For people to come in and be saved?
36:23 No. It was opened in Revelation 11:19
36:27 for people to come in and see the ark and see the law
36:30 and understand the Sabbath among other things
36:32 so that people could embrace the message
36:35 and be prepared for the close of probation.
36:37 But now the temple is open for another reason.
36:40 He continues saying... verse 6:
36:43 "And out of the temple... "
36:45 Notice the temple is open not to let people in
36:48 but to let what? The plague angels out. It says:
37:12 Have the plagues been poured out yet at this point?
37:15 Absolutely not! But is the temple service closed
37:19 for people to enter?
37:20 Yes, because the plague angels are going to come out.
37:23 Notice verse 8:
37:38 You have read in the writings of Ellen White where she says
37:40 that God's people during that time
37:42 will have to live without a Mediator.
37:44 Here you have the Biblical proof of what she says.
37:48 Now don't misunderstand me.
37:50 Jesus isn't going to say: "I'm leaving... see you later. "
37:56 Jesus will still be here to protect His people.
38:00 He will be present here with His people
38:03 like He was with Noah and his family.
38:06 But there will no longer be any intercession for sin
38:10 which means that sin at that point will have had to be taken
38:15 care of. Sinners will be cleansed
38:18 and the sanctuary will have also been cleansed.
38:21 Now let me ask you: can we enter the heavenly sanctuary
38:24 today? Of course we can.
38:27 How do we enter there?
38:28 The book of Hebrews says we enter by faith.
38:31 Can we enter into the most holy place
38:33 to sympathize with the work that Jesus is doing there?
38:36 Absolutely. While He cleanses the heavenly sanctuary
38:39 from the record of sin, the Holy Spirit cleanses our lives
38:44 from sin here on earth.
38:46 There's a cleansing of the earthly temple that is parallel
38:49 to the cleansing of the heavenly temple.
38:52 And so, no one is able to enter the temple.
38:56 Nobody is able to enter the most holy place
38:58 because probation has closed.
39:00 Let me ask you: is there something that happens
39:02 after this before the second coming?
39:06 Absolutely.
39:08 What happens after this door is closed to those
39:13 who want to come in? When the angels come out
39:16 what is it that happens?
39:18 The seven last plagues.
39:23 Is that the period of tribulation for the world?
39:26 It most certainly is.
39:28 Are God's people going to be on the earth?
39:30 Yes. Are the wicked going to become more and more
39:33 violent each day?
39:35 Are God's people going to say:
39:36 "Lord, have You forsaken us on this earth? "
39:40 Is the faith of God's people going to be tested
39:42 during this time of tribulation? Yes.
39:44 Are the wicked going to become always more wicked?
39:47 Yes, because they will be under the total control of Satan...
39:50 only God will not allow them to control His people
39:54 because God will be the Protector of His people.
39:57 Let's not scare our young people by saying:
39:59 "You know the door will close
40:00 and Jesus is going to forsake you. "
40:03 After all, Jesus said... You know that text:
40:07 "Lo I am with you always, even unto the close of probation. "
40:12 No, that's not what He says.
40:14 "I am with you always, even unto... " when?
40:17 "Until the end of the world. "
40:19 And so after the temple service closes in the very next chapter
40:22 you have the seven last plagues.
40:24 Is that the period of tribulation when the faith
40:26 of God's people is tested? Absolutely.
40:29 Is that the period when the wicked attempt
40:32 to destroy God's people? Absolutely.
40:35 And then what happens after this?
40:37 Well, in Noah's day it started to rain.
40:39 But in Revelation what happens is that Jesus comes
40:43 with the armies of heaven to rescue His people
40:46 in His second coming.
40:47 That is in Revelation chapter 19 and verse 11 through verse 14.
40:52 Do you see the pattern?
40:53 The preaching of the message.
40:55 The closing of the sanctuary service.
40:58 The period of tribulation,
40:59 and the second coming of Jesus.
41:02 Is there something that happens between the close of probation
41:06 and the second coming of Jesus? Yes.
41:08 Do you know what the devil has done?
41:10 He's tried to convince Christians
41:13 that they're going to be raptured away to heaven
41:15 before the tribulation.
41:18 And the devil has a strategy by doing that.
41:20 He wants people to be found on this earth
41:24 without any shelter.
41:26 He doesn't want people to know that the door of probation
41:29 is going to close before the second coming of Jesus.
41:33 He wants them to believe that they can prepare
41:35 even till the moment that Jesus comes.
41:37 And in fact, he wants Christians to believe
41:41 that they're not even going to be here
41:43 because they're going to be whisked away in the rapture
41:46 to heaven and the tribulation and the plagues
41:49 are going to fall upon the Jews...
41:52 as if they haven't suffered enough.
41:56 And so people will be found on this earth
41:59 without any shelter and without any preparation
42:02 because the door of probation will have closed.
42:05 So Jesus says: "Watch!
42:07 I'm coming as a thief. "
42:10 In other words, the door of probation is going to close.
42:13 You don't know when it's going to close,
42:15 so always be ready.
42:18 And if we're not ready, probation will close
42:22 and Jesus Christ will come and we will discover
42:27 that we were not ready.
42:32 Now let's go to one more model that we find in scripture
42:35 that illustrates this same idea of probation closing
42:39 before Jesus comes.
42:41 Are you understanding the two stages?
42:43 Until the day that Noah entered the ark
42:46 and they did not know... that is, those who were outside
42:49 did not know that they were lost... until when?
42:52 Until the flood came.
42:53 But they were lost all during that period of seven days.
42:56 They just didn't know it.
42:57 Now notice what we find in Revelation chapter 22.
43:01 Revelation chapter 22. And we're going to take a look
43:05 at verses 10 through 12.
43:07 Revelation 22 and verses 10 through 12.
43:11 It says there...
43:14 and I want you to notice three points of time here:
43:26 What book is he referring to?
43:28 The book of Revelation.
43:30 So let me ask you: if the book isn't sealed,
43:33 can a message come from the book if it's not sealed?
43:36 Yeah. He's being told: "Don't seal the book
43:38 because a message has to come from the book. "
43:39 You see, when the book is sealed or closed
43:42 nobody can understand it until the book is opened.
43:44 Remember Daniel 12 and verse 4
43:46 where it says "close the words and seal the book
43:49 until the time of the end? " But at the time of the end it's
43:51 opened and now people can understand it.
43:53 So what this is saying is there's a very important message
43:56 that needs to come from where? From Revelation.
43:59 It says: "Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book"
44:03 and then it says:
44:04 "for the time is at hand. "
44:08 Now what does that refer to?
44:10 "The time is at hand. "
44:12 "Don't seal the words of the prophecy of this book.
44:14 The time is at hand. "
44:16 What happens when that time comes?
44:18 The very next verse tells us what takes place.
44:22 Verse 11:
44:42 Is there a declaration that is going to be made
44:45 in the heavenly sanctuary that all cases are decided
44:49 for life or for death? Absolutely.
44:52 Will a message come from the book of Revelation after this
44:55 that will benefit sinners so that they can be saved?
44:58 No!
44:59 So when it says: "Don't seal the book -
45:02 the words of the prophecy of this book -
45:04 for the time is at hand: it's saying
45:05 "you better pay attention to what Revelation is saying
45:08 because the time for what is mentioned in verse 11
45:12 is about here
45:14 when all cases will have been decided for life or for death. "
45:17 Now let me ask you something:
45:19 is it very important then to be careful
45:21 about the way we study the book of Revelation?
45:24 See the message that prepares people
45:27 for the close of probation comes from this book.
45:29 Don't seal it!
45:30 Is it a serious matter, for example, to misinterpret
45:35 the trumpets?
45:37 I would say so
45:39 because the trumpets are in Revelation.
45:41 In fact, God gives a dire warning:
45:43 "Don't you teach Revelation until you're absolutely certain
45:47 about what you're teaching
45:48 because you could lead people astray. "
45:51 Notice verses 18 and 19 the dire warning that
45:55 God gives that we need to handle the book of Revelation
45:58 with reverent hands while this book is open
46:01 because the salvation of the human race depends
46:04 on understand what we find in this book.
46:06 Says here:
46:35 And then I want you to notice that the next moment of time
46:39 is the second coming of Jesus.
46:40 Notice verse 12
46:43 of Revelation chapter 22.
46:47 It says in verse 12:
46:48 "And behold, I am" what?
46:51 "coming quickly. " So let me ask you: is the declaration
46:54 "filthy still, holy still, filthy still... "
46:58 is that a declaration that is made before Jesus comes?
47:01 Absolutely... because verse 12 says:
47:06 And what does He bring? He's already decided it before.
47:17 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,
47:21 the First and the Last. "
47:24 Are you catching the picture?
47:26 You know, some people make fun -
47:28 even within the Adventist church -
47:30 you know that Ellen White says that Jesus is going to remove
47:33 His... He's going to remove His priestly garments
47:36 and He's going to put on His kingly garments.
47:38 And they say: "Where is that in the Bible? "
47:41 Well, if we just used a little bit of the brain power
47:44 that God has given us
47:45 and we searched the scriptures we would find it.
47:49 Let me ask you: what function is Jesus fulfilling today?
47:52 What is His function?
47:54 He is serving as High Priest.
47:56 So is He clothed like a High Priest? Absolutely.
48:00 When Jesus comes - according to Revelation 19 -
48:03 how is He clothed?
48:04 So sometime before He must have changed.
48:10 Of course!
48:12 If now He's clothed as a High Priest
48:14 and when He comes He's clothed as a King,
48:17 it must mean that some time before His coming
48:19 He must have what? He must have changed His garments.
48:24 That happens when probation closes.
48:27 You see, God is saying "Watch. "
48:31 "Keep your garments. "
48:33 "Make sure that you have the imputed and imparted
48:36 righteousness of Jesus Christ
48:38 because I'm coming as a thief.
48:40 Probation can come at a time when you don't expect.
48:43 Be ready so that you're ready
48:45 for the second coming of Jesus. "
48:48 Now I'd like to read some texts about those people
48:53 who will be on the right side at the end of time.
48:59 Do you know that what the devil hates
49:01 is a group of people that keep the commandments of God?
49:05 Notice Revelation 12 and verse 17:
49:21 Will God have at the end a commandment-keeping people?
49:24 Will they be obedient to God's commandments?
49:27 Absolutely! Notice Revelation 21 and verse 27.
49:31 This is very interesting.
49:33 Is God going to cleanse a people before Jesus comes?
49:37 Absolutely.
49:39 Revelation 21:27 says:
49:58 Revelation 21:7-8:
50:34 So those inside the city are commandment what?
50:39 Keepers.
50:41 Whereas those who are outside the city
50:43 are commandment what? Commandment breakers.
50:46 Murderers, adulterers, liars, idolaters.
50:50 All of those are violations of the Ten Commandments.
50:53 But notice that they will not only be observers
50:57 of the Ten Commandments
50:59 because they have the law of God on the heart and in the mind.
51:03 This is not some legalism where they say:
51:05 "We're going to keep the Ten Commandments
51:07 in order to be saved. " No!
51:09 They are saved by Jesus; they love Jesus.
51:13 They... they beg for forgiveness of sin.
51:15 They confess their sin.
51:16 They trust in the merits of Jesus.
51:18 And because they appreciate so much what Jesus has done
51:21 now their life reflects it.
51:24 Notice Revelation chapter 3 verse 5:
51:27 "He who overcomes... " We just read
51:31 one text that speaks about overcoming. Now it says:
51:33 "He who overcomes shall be clothed in" what?
51:36 Oh, in white garments.
51:39 See, white garments have to do with overcoming.
51:51 Notice Revelation chapter 19 verses 6 through 8.
51:55 Once again, the emphasis on the garments.
51:56 Those... folks, those who are on Christ's side at the end of time
52:00 they have the robe of Christ's righteousness
52:03 and they keep God's commandments.
52:05 The keeping of the commandments out of love for Jesus
52:08 reveals that they have in their life
52:11 the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
52:13 Revelation 19:6-8 we read this morning:
52:37 See, here's the garment.
52:47 So what is God telling us?
52:51 God is saying: "Make sure you have the robe. "
52:57 "Make sure that you are ready for the close of probation. "
53:01 Allow me in closing to read you a statement
53:05 that we find in volume 2 of the Testimonies pages 190 and 191.
53:11 You know, here Ellen White is quoting Mark chapter 13
53:14 where it says nobody knows the day or the hour
53:16 when He is going to come.
53:17 And you say: "Well, that's talking about the 2nd coming. "
53:19 That's partially true. It's talking about the close
53:23 of probation follow by the second coming of Jesus.
53:27 Notice what she has to say:
53:53 She is quoting Mark 13 verses 33 to 35.
53:57 And notice what she continues saying:
54:10 Now here comes the amazing part. And we've already noticed
54:13 that this is found in scripture.
54:15 The close of probation followed by a time of trial
54:19 and then the second coming.
54:20 She says after stating "we are waiting and watching for the
54:23 return of the Master... "
55:06 As it was in the days of Noah,
55:08 so also will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.
55:11 In the days of Noah there was two untils.
55:14 At the second coming of Jesus there will also be two untils:
55:18 the close of probation and the second coming of Jesus.
55:20 And we must be ready for the close of probation.
55:23 Now in closing let me say this:
55:27 there are two closes of probation in scripture.
55:31 The first close of probation is the corporate
55:34 close of probation for the world.
55:37 That's what we've talked about today: the corporate close.
55:41 The close of probation for the whole human race.
55:44 But there's another close of probation which is
55:47 an individual close of probation.
55:50 You say: "What is this individual close of probation? "
55:55 Hebrews chapter 9 and verse 28
55:58 says something very sobering:
56:16 So what happens if we don't come to the point
56:20 of the corporate close of probation for the world
56:24 but we should die today?
56:27 Our probation has what? Closed.
56:33 And there are many Adventists that are looking for the close
56:35 of probation... they're looking for the future.
56:37 Yes, probation is going to close;
56:39 we need to flee for the mountains!
56:41 And we need to do this and we need to do that.
56:44 And they have this crisis mentality.
56:47 But if they should die tonight, probation has already closed.
56:52 And so Jesus says: "Watch! Keep awake...
56:55 for you don't know when the time is. "
56:58 Folks, such as never before we have to pray
57:02 as we never have before.
57:03 We have to study the Bible such as never before.
57:07 And we have to delight in witnessing for Jesus Christ
57:12 such as never before.
57:14 We must delight in coming to church and singing praises
57:18 to Jesus and being in tune with Jesus Christ
57:21 every moment of our life
57:23 because probation might come sooner than what we think.


Revised 2014-12-17