Robe, The

Claiming The Robe

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: RT

Program Code: RT000002

00:04 3ABN presents The Robe with Stephen Bohr.
00:11 Some three years ago my wife and I had traveled
00:14 to Panama to spend some time with her parents.
00:17 And while there we heard that the Fresno Church
00:21 was in the country and that they were actually building a church
00:26 up into the mountains for the Indian people
00:30 that live up there in the mountains
00:32 just maybe an hour north of where my wife's parents live.
00:36 And so we decided to go up there and just spend some time
00:39 with them. Maybe take them a little food...
00:40 fellowship with them while they're building there
00:42 up in the mountains. And we drove up into
00:44 the mountains past the beautiful terraced gardens
00:47 that the Indian people, they... they...
00:49 they farm right on the side of the mountains.
00:51 It's really quite impressive.
00:53 We drove up into the mountains on a Thursday
00:56 only to find out that the church decided to take that day off
01:00 to go to the beach.
01:02 So we're in the mountains... they're at the beach.
01:04 And then my sister-in-law, coming from an urban setting,
01:09 locked the keys in the car.
01:12 So we're up in the mountains. The temperature is dropping,
01:15 and the temperature drops fast there in the mountains.
01:18 And we're freezing. You can't call AAA 'cause you're in
01:20 Panama. And you can' just pull over and get somebody.
01:23 So we're stuck.
01:24 And so I had to call upon some long-lost skills,
01:29 Pastor Jim, to get in that car.
01:31 Now I assured them: "Don't worry, I will get us
01:33 in this car ere the darkness fall. "
01:36 And the Lord was kind; we did get into the car
01:39 and were able to get out.
01:41 We got back and we heard that the Fresno Church
01:44 and Pastor Bohr would be preaching that Sabbath.
01:48 But we had a little bit of a dilemma because we also heard
01:50 that Pastor Alejandro Bullon was also going to be preaching
01:54 at Irma's mother's church.
01:56 And of course he is a famous and well-known evangelist
01:59 in the Spanish community. And we were trying to decide
02:02 Bullon or Bohr? Bohr or Bullon?
02:04 Bullon or Bohr? Then we heard that Bullon
02:07 was actually going to be by videotape and Bohr was
02:12 going to be live. Well that settled it for us.
02:14 Better Bohr live than Bullon on tape.
02:17 So we went with the live Bohr and not the Bullon.
02:20 And we went there to this large arena that was packed with
02:24 people to hear Pastor Bohr preach in perfect Spanish.
02:28 And I asked my wife: "Is that good Spanish? "
02:30 And she said: "No, that's perfect Spanish. "
02:32 So he... he is quite bilingual.
02:34 He preaches in Spanish and in English
02:36 and does so very, very well.
02:40 Pastor Stephen Bohr is known as a student of the Word.
02:43 He is one of the more popular speakers here on 3ABN.
02:46 He has been at the Fresno Church for over a decade
02:50 and during that time has developed this wonderful
02:53 ministry Secrets Unsealed.
02:55 He is the husband of one wife,
02:57 the father of a boy and a girl,
02:59 and a grandfather, I am told.
03:02 His son just bought two dogs, so he is a dog's grandfather.
03:06 No children yet but he does have two granddogs.
03:09 But more than that he is a preacher of the Word
03:11 and someone that we have come to know and love here on 3ABN.
03:15 And so after we shall have prayed together
03:17 as it seems good to us and the Holy Spirit
03:20 to call him here, we ask from you for him
03:24 your prayerful and undivided attention.
03:26 Shall we pray.
03:28 Dear Father in Heaven,
03:29 we thank you for this Sabbath evening.
03:33 We thank you for a time when we can lay down the cares
03:36 of the world and spend a little time concentrating
03:41 on our friend Jesus Christ.
03:43 And so Father, as Pastor Bohr has been called
03:47 by You to speak a word to our hearts
03:50 anoint his lips and our ears
03:54 that the words that he speaks will be but Your words
03:58 and that those heaven-sent words will find lodging
04:03 in our hearts, in our minds, in our souls.
04:07 We thank you for Your promise to hear
04:09 and for Your promise to be with us this night
04:12 in Jesus' name, Amen.
04:15 God bless you.
04:26 Good evening. Good evening.
04:28 It's good to see you all out
04:31 at the beginning of this Sabbath day.
04:34 Isn't Sabbath a blessing?
04:36 Amen!
04:38 I look forward to it even though I work harder on
04:40 Sabbath than any other day.
04:41 But it's spiritual work so it's allowed.
04:45 Let's bow our heads. Father,
04:47 as we open Your Word we ask for the presence of Your Spirit.
04:50 Give us clear minds and tender hearts.
04:53 And we thank you for hearing our prayer for we ask it
04:56 in Jesus' name, Amen.
05:00 First of all, let's review what we studied
05:02 in our first sermon in this series:
05:05 Weaving the Robe of Christ.
05:07 If you remember, we noticed that God is covered with
05:12 a robe of glorious light.
05:14 And that robe of glorious light represents
05:18 God's righteousness.
05:20 And so He has a literal robe and a spiritual robe.
05:22 The literal robe is literal light;
05:25 the spiritual robe is righteousness.
05:28 Then we noticed that when God created man
05:31 He made man to reflect His glory
05:34 like the moon reflects the glory of the sun.
05:37 And God also gave man a glorious robe of literal light.
05:42 But that robe of literal light represented righteousness
05:48 because man had not sinned.
05:50 But then we noticed that our first parents - Adam and Eve -
05:55 sinned. And as a result first of all they lost
05:58 their spiritual robe because they lost righteousness.
06:01 But as a result of losing their spiritual robe
06:04 they then lost their literal robe of light that covered them.
06:09 And now because they were spiritually naked
06:12 they found themselves physically naked as well.
06:18 And so they tried to cover their nakedness...
06:21 not only their physical nakedness but the
06:23 nakedness of soul... with fig leaves
06:26 which represents the excuses that they offered for their sin.
06:30 In other words, the attempt to justify their sin.
06:34 But we noticed that God removed those fig leaves
06:38 and He clothed them with the skins of an immaculate lamb
06:43 that had been slain.
06:46 And as we noticed in our study
06:48 this sacrifice of an immaculate lamb
06:53 represented two aspects of the ministry of Jesus
06:58 in the camp and in the court.
07:00 In the camp He came and lived with us.
07:03 He faced our trials and our temptations
07:07 and He gained the total victory over sin.
07:10 He never sinned. Therefore, He wove a perfect robe
07:16 of righteousness through His life.
07:19 But then at the end of His life
07:21 Jesus took upon Himself our sins.
07:25 And that's the reason why He hung naked upon the cross.
07:30 You see, spiritual nakedness that He took upon Himself
07:34 now expressed itself in literal nakedness
07:38 because He was bearing our sins.
07:41 And of course, through the life of Jesus
07:45 and through the death of Jesus, now He had a robe
07:49 that He could give to repentant sinners.
07:54 And now those repentant sinners would not have to die
07:56 because accepting Jesus - the death of Jesus -
08:01 stood in their place.
08:04 And so as a result of the life of Jesus
08:09 and the death of Jesus, Jesus now had benefits
08:12 that He could pour out on those who come to Him.
08:16 Now we want to ask a critically-important question.
08:20 And the question is this:
08:22 did Jesus forgive everyone's sins at the cross?
08:28 Now usually when I preach this sermon
08:31 whether it's in an Adventist church or a non-Adventist
08:35 environment, people immediately answer "yes. "
08:39 "Jesus forgave everyone's sins at the cross. "
08:44 But I have a surprise for those who think that.
08:48 Jesus did not forgive sins at the cross.
08:53 You see forgiveness is an individual, personal thing.
08:58 Jesus lived His life in the camp and He died in the court
09:03 and that way He had benefits to pour out upon those
09:09 who claim His sacrifice.
09:12 I'd like to read a statement that we find in the book
09:15 Acts of the Apostles.
09:16 Actually it's in Acts of the Apostles but I'm going to
09:19 read it from Story of Redemption page 386.
09:23 It's speaking about what Jesus went to do
09:26 on the Day of Pentecost in heaven.
09:29 It says there:
10:15 In other words, now He could pour out His life
10:19 and He could pour out His death upon His disciples...
10:24 those who believe in Him.
10:26 Allow me to give you an example so that we can understand
10:30 the relationship between the perfect life of Jesus,
10:33 His death, and how we benefit from these.
10:36 I want you to imagine a bank that we will call
10:40 The Bank of the Universe.
10:43 And a certain individual who has unlimited resources
10:47 deposits enough money in that bank
10:50 to pay every person's debts on planet earth.
10:54 Debts of your mortgage, your credit cards,
10:58 department stores, educational bills,
11:01 auto loans. He deposited enough capital in that bank
11:05 to pay every person's debts on planet earth.
11:09 Now He doesn't have to do this.
11:11 People got in debt because of their choices.
11:14 But out of His mercy and out of His grace He says:
11:17 "I just want to make this deposit into the bank
11:19 so that I can pay every person's debts on planet earth.
11:23 There's only one catch...
11:26 and that is that to benefit from the capital
11:31 that has been deposited in the bank
11:33 you have to come and make the withdrawal at the bank.
11:39 If you don't come and make the withdrawal,
11:42 the capital is there - the money is there -
11:44 but you're still going to be in debt
11:46 because you never claimed what was there.
11:50 And so the life of Jesus in the camp
11:52 was lived for the whole world.
11:54 The death of Jesus on the cross
11:57 was sufficient for the whole world.
11:59 But only those who claim His life,
12:02 only those who claim His death in their place,
12:06 are going to benefit from what Jesus did.
12:10 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
12:12 Now what did Jesus go to heaven to do?
12:14 What has He been doing during the last 2,000 years?
12:17 You ask Christians that question
12:19 and they're somewhat puzzled and confused
12:22 because, you know, why has Jesus been in heaven
12:25 for 2,000 years? What is He doing?
12:27 The fact is the New Testament makes it clear
12:30 what Jesus has been doing.
12:32 Let's read three verses from the New Testament.
12:35 The first is found in I Timothy chapter 2 and verse 5.
12:39 It says here:
12:51 So what is Jesus doing in heaven?
12:53 He's what? He's mediating His life and His death
12:58 in favor of those who come to Him.
13:00 Notice I John chapter 2 and verse 1.
13:03 Here the word mediator is not used.
13:07 It's a different word but it means basically the same thing.
13:10 "My little children, these things I write to you
13:14 so that you may not sin.
13:16 And if anyone sins, we have" a what?
13:26 And so during the last 2,000 years
13:28 Jesus has been the mediator. Jesus is the advocate
13:33 to apply His life and His death
13:36 to those who come to Him to claim the benefits
13:39 of what He did in the camp and what He did in the court.
13:43 Notice also Hebrews chapter 7 and verse 25.
13:48 Hebrews 7 and verse 25.
13:50 It says here:
14:07 So who are those who are saved to the uttermost?
14:10 Everybody on planet earth?
14:12 No! It says: "Therefore He is also able to save... "
14:26 What does the word "them" refer to?
14:28 Those who come to God through Him.
14:33 Now the question is: whose sins does Jesus forgive?
14:39 Did He forgive them at the cross?
14:41 The answer is "absolutely not. "
14:44 And I know that that might be surprising to many of you.
14:47 But let's notice what the Bible has to say
14:50 about forgiveness. Whose sins does Jesus forgive?
14:54 Go with me to Acts chapter 2 and verse 38.
14:58 Acts chapter 2 and verse 38.
15:01 This is Peter speaking on the Day of Pentecost.
15:05 It's towards the conclusion of his sermon.
15:08 In fact, he's already preached his sermon
15:10 and the people who are present came to him and said:
15:13 "Peter, what do we need to do? "
15:14 And notice what Peter said, Acts 2:38:
15:37 The word remission is trans- lated also in the New Testament
15:39 "for the forgiveness. " Remission and forgiveness
15:42 is the same Greek word.
15:43 And so Peter says: "Repent, and let every one of you
15:47 be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
15:50 for the remission or forgiveness of sins... "
15:56 Let me ask you: who are those who are forgiven?
15:58 Those who repent and are baptized.
16:03 Notice Acts chapter 5 and verse 31.
16:05 By the way, this was present truth
16:08 in the days of the apostles:
16:09 the intercession of Jesus.
16:11 We're going to notice tomorrow that present truth
16:13 is that Jesus is performing a work of judgment.
16:16 Notice Acts chapter 5 and verse 31.
16:19 Speaking about Jesus, it says:
16:36 What did Jesus go to heaven to do?
16:38 He went to heaven to what? To give repentance
16:42 and what else? And to give forgiveness.
16:44 If He has to give forgiveness, He didn't give it at the cross.
16:47 Notice also Acts chapter 10 and verse 43.
16:51 Acts chapter 10 and verse 43.
16:54 It says here, speaking about Jesus once again:
17:10 Who is it that receives remission of sins?
17:13 Those who what? Who believe in Him.
17:17 Now you remember Simon Magus, right?
17:20 The fellow who tried to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit.
17:23 When he tried to do that, notice what Peter said to him.
17:26 This is in Acts chapter 8 and verses 20 to 23.
17:30 Acts 8:20-23.
18:03 Was it necessary for Simon Magus to repent
18:07 in order to receive forgiveness?
18:09 Absolutely!
18:12 So Jesus did not forgive everyone at the cross.
18:15 Jesus Christ, by living His life, made provision for
18:19 people to receive His life.
18:21 He made provision by His death for people to receive His death.
18:25 But you must repent and you must believe
18:28 in order to receive the benefits of His atonement.
18:32 Now let's ask the question: what are the conditions
18:37 for being forgiven
18:39 and receiving the robe of Christ's righteousness?
18:44 There are five conditions that are mentioned
18:46 in the New Testament.
18:48 At least five.
18:50 The first requirement is, as we have read,
18:53 repentance.
18:55 Let's read once again Acts chapter 2 and verse 38.
18:59 Acts chapter 2 and verse 38.
19:01 We read this before and we'll probably read it again
19:04 before we're finished. It says in Acts 2:38:
19:21 Let me ask you: is repentance a condition for
19:25 having your sins remitted or forgiven?
19:27 Absolutely... very clear. He says: "Repent
19:31 and then your sins will be remitted. "
19:35 Notice Luke chapter 17 and verses 3 and 4.
19:38 This is speaking about us forgiving others,
19:41 but the principle is the same:
19:43 that repentance must precede forgiveness.
19:46 By the way, we don't need to repent to come to Jesus.
19:50 We come to Jesus in repentance and then He forgives us.
19:54 Some people think that they have to repent before Jesus
19:56 will accept them. No, you come to Jesus as you are...
19:59 repentance... and Jesus accepts you.
20:01 Luke 17 verses 3 and 4:
20:27 Does repentance precede forgiveness?
20:30 Absolutely. According to this text it does.
20:33 And some people say: "Well, Pastor, if an individual
20:36 commits the same sin seven times a day
20:38 and seven times he comes and he says 'I repent, '
20:41 how do you know if his repentance is genuine or not?
20:44 Well, you need to come to the next exciting episode
20:48 tomorrow morning. That's why God is going to have a judgment...
20:51 to show if repentance was genuine or not.
20:55 Now we all know that there's true and false repentance,
20:59 right? Now, what is the difference between
21:02 true and false repentance?
21:05 Allow me first of all to say - and this is very important -
21:08 that we cannot repent on our own.
21:12 Repentance is a gift of God.
21:15 In other words, repentance is not something I come up with.
21:19 Repentance is something that God gives us.
21:23 Now let's notice that in scripture...
21:26 Go with me to Acts chapter 5 and verse 31.
21:29 Acts chapter 5 and verse 31.
21:32 We read it before but now we want to look at something else
21:35 that comes from this verse.
21:37 It says there - speaking about Jesus:
21:54 So who is it that gives repentance to Israel?
21:58 It is God who gives repentance to Israel.
22:01 In other words, repentance is not something that I
22:04 come up with out of my own heart.
22:07 God leads me to repentance.
22:09 And do you know what it is concerning God that leads me
22:12 to repentance? Notice Romans chapter 2
22:15 and verse 4 tells us what it is that God gives us
22:18 that leads us to repentance.
22:19 Romans chapter 2 and verse 4.
22:22 Here the apostle Paul says:
22:39 You see, when I catch a glimpse of the perfect life of Jesus
22:43 and how imperfect I am in comparison
22:46 and when I see that Jesus took my sins upon Himself
22:51 and He suffered the torture of the cross, I say:
22:53 "Man, You did that so that I wouldn't have to die.
22:56 You're so good. I'm sorry! "
22:59 So it's Jesus - the goodness of God through Jesus -
23:03 that leads us to repentance.
23:05 Now what is the difference between genuine and counterfeit
23:09 repentance?
23:11 Folks, genuine repentance is sorry for the sin itself.
23:16 Counterfeit repentance is - on the contrary -
23:22 sorry for the results that sin will produce.
23:25 In other words, genuine repentance is sorry for sin!
23:30 Whereas, counterfeit repentance is sorry for the consequences
23:34 or the results that will come as a result of sin.
23:37 Notice II Corinthians chapter 7 verses 10 and 11.
23:41 II Corinthians chapter 7 and verses 10 and 11
23:45 it compares the two kinds of repentance:
23:48 godly repentance and worldly repentance.
23:52 It says there:
24:12 Do you know what true repentance is?
24:13 It simply means saying: "I blew it; it was my fault"
24:18 with no ifs, buts, or maybes.
24:22 True repentance does not come because we fear punishment
24:27 or because we hope for reward.
24:29 True repentance comes simply because we see the
24:33 beauty of the character of Jesus
24:35 and we say: "I'm so unlike Jesus. "
24:37 And we see His death on the cross and we say:
24:39 "He was so generous in His giving of His life for me.
24:42 I'm sorry, Lord, that I sinned. "
24:44 That's true repentance.
24:47 By the way, Adam and Eve were not repentant at first
24:50 when they ate from the tree.
24:53 Do you know one of the greatest signs that a person is not
24:55 repentant is making excuses.
24:58 "Well, Lord, it's true that I hollered at my wife but... "
25:04 "You know, it's true that I did this, but the flesh is weak. "
25:07 And so we give all these buts and ifs and maybes.
25:10 True repentance means that we assume full and complete
25:14 responsibility for what we did for ourselves.
25:18 You see, Adam and Eve... at first they weren't repentant.
25:21 God comes to Adam. Adam says:
25:23 "The woman You gave me... that's why I sinned. "
25:27 And He comes to the woman... she says "The serpent
25:29 that You made... " See, they weren't really repentant.
25:32 Ellen White tells us when they were truly repentant.
25:35 It's when they had to sacrifice the first lamb.
25:39 And then the Creator told them: "That lamb represents Me.
25:43 I'm going to have to die because of your sin. "
25:46 Then they said: "Wow, sin is horrible! "
25:49 And then they repented of the sin.
25:51 They did not repent because of the consequences
25:54 because they were afraid of dying.
25:56 Notice this interesting statement that we find
25:59 in Christ Object Lessons page 311.
26:01 Only the covering which Christ Himself has provided
26:05 can make us meek to appear in God's presence.
26:10 This covering - now listen carefully -
26:12 the robe of His own righteousness -
26:15 Christ will put upon every repenting, believing soul.
26:21 So what do you need to do in order to have
26:24 the robe of His righteousness -
26:25 the spiritual robe we're talking about - of His righteousness?
26:29 You must what? Repent as well as what?
26:33 Believe.
26:35 Now let's... we'll come back to believe in a few moments
26:37 but let's go to our second condition
26:39 for receiving the robe or for receiving forgiveness.
26:43 The second requirement is confession.
26:46 Now there's a close relationship between repentance
26:50 and confession. You say: "What is the relationship
26:53 between repentance and confession? "
26:55 Well, repentance means to be sorry for sin.
27:01 Confession means to openly say that you are.
27:06 Audibly say that you are.
27:08 In other words, it is to with the mouth admit it
27:12 and say: "I blew it; I'm sinful. "
27:14 There are several examples of confession in scripture.
27:19 Daniel when he was praying over the sins of Israel
27:24 that had led them into captivity. Daniel chapter 9
27:27 verses 4 and 5, notice how Daniel audibly
27:31 confesses the sin of Israel in repentance.
27:35 You see, repentance is to be sorry.
27:37 Confession means to say that you're sorry.
27:40 It says there in Daniel 9 4 and 5:
27:42 "And I prayed to the Lord my God and made confession
27:46 and said: 'Oh Lord, great and awesome God,
27:50 who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him
27:53 and with those who keep His commandments,
27:55 we have sinned and committed iniquity.
27:59 We have done wickedly and rebelled
28:02 even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments. ' "
28:06 Notice he doesn't say only "We have sinned. "
28:08 He says: "We have sinned; we have committed iniquity;
28:10 we have done wickedly; and we have rebelled. "
28:13 In other words, this is true repentance
28:16 that leads to confession.
28:17 You know when David committed adultery
28:19 and also the sin of murder for all practical purposes
28:23 he wrote Psalm 51 but he also wrote Psalm 32.
28:27 I want you to notice Psalm 32 and verse 5.
28:30 In this penitential Psalm of David
28:32 not only did he repent but he also acknowledged his sin
28:37 audibly.
28:38 It says there in Psalm 32 verse 5:
28:41 "I acknowledge my sin to You,
28:45 and my iniquity I have not hidden.
28:50 I said: 'I will confess my transgressions to the Lord'
28:56 and You forgave the iniquity of my sin. "
29:00 So did David audibly confess his sin to the Lord?
29:06 The repentance that was in his heart?
29:08 Absolutely.
29:10 Notice also Psalm 38 and verse 18.
29:14 Psalm 38 and verse 18.
29:16 Here David once again - the psalmist - says:
29:19 "For I will declare my iniquity.
29:23 I will be in anguish over my sin. "
29:27 We also know the story of the prodigal son.
29:32 Did the prodigal son repent when he was far away from home?
29:36 Yes he did repent.
29:39 What led him to repentance?
29:41 The memory of his father... the goodness of his father
29:44 led him to repent. He was sorry!
29:47 And therefore he goes back home and what does he do?
29:51 He says audibly: "Father,
29:54 I have sinned against heaven and against you
29:58 and am no longer worthy to be called your son. "
30:00 Did he openly confess his repentance?
30:02 He most certainly did. And what did the father
30:05 place over his shoulders? He was forgiven
30:08 and he received the robe of his father.
30:11 We can think also of the confession of the publican.
30:14 A Pharisee and a publican went to the temple to pray.
30:18 Of course, the Bible says that the Pharisee prayed
30:20 with himself because he felt pretty good.
30:22 He didn't feel like he needed to repent.
30:25 But the publican repented of his sin, and the fact is
30:29 show by his - according to the Bible - standing afar off.
30:33 It says he wouldn't even look to heaven.
30:36 And he beat his breast and he confessed audibly.
30:40 He said: "Lord be merciful to me a sinner. "
30:44 And the Bible says Jesus Himself, His own words
30:48 that this man went home justified.
30:52 By the way, the word justify means to forgive.
30:54 They're synonymous terms.
30:57 In other words, this publican went home justified
31:02 because he repented and he confessed his sin.
31:05 Now you remember when the apostle Paul was in Ephesus
31:09 and there was a group of people who accepted the gospel.
31:12 And they made this great big bonfire
31:14 and they burned all of their books. Do you remember it?
31:17 Now notice how they confessed publicly what they had done
31:20 before. Notice Acts chapter 19 and verses 18 and 19.
31:26 Acts chapter 19 verses 18-19. It says here:
31:31 "And many who had believed came confessing
31:35 and telling their deeds. "
31:39 What were they doing?
31:41 Confessing and telling their deeds.
31:43 "Also, many of those who had practiced magic
31:48 brought their books together and burned them
31:51 in the sight of all. "
31:54 Was this a public thing? It most certainly was.
31:57 "And they counted up the value of them
32:00 and total 50,000 pieces of silver. "
32:04 That was a fortune back then!
32:06 Notice Romans chapter 10 and verse 10.
32:08 We're still on the second condition for receiving
32:11 forgiveness. The first is repentance.
32:13 The second condition is confession.
32:14 Romans 10 verse 10 says that we must confess with our mouth.
32:18 It says there: "For with the heart one believes
32:21 unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made
32:26 unto salvation. "
32:29 And then of course you know that classic verse
32:31 which by the way begins with a conditional word
32:35 I John chapter 1 and verse 9:
32:38 "If we confess our sins... "
32:41 Is there a condition for receiving forgiveness?
32:44 Absolutely.
32:54 Is confession a condition for receiving forgiveness?
32:58 Absolutely. Let's read one final verse.
33:01 Proverbs chapter 28 and verse 13.
33:04 Proverbs chapter 28 and verse 13.
33:07 This is also a very well-known verse.
33:09 It says here:
33:27 Once again we find that whoever confesses sin
33:31 and forsakes sin will have what? "Mercy. "
33:36 Now let's go to our third condition
33:38 for receiving forgiveness.
33:40 Our third condition is to believe or trust in Jesus.
33:46 What does that mean to believe or trust in Jesus?
33:49 Basically what it means, folks, is that I come to Jesus
33:53 and I say: "Jesus, I'm a miserable sinner.
33:55 My life is stained with sin and there's no hope for me.
34:00 But Jesus I believe that You lived Your perfect life.
34:03 I believe that You died on the cross carrying my sins.
34:07 And Jesus would you please take Your life
34:10 and would you PLEASE take Your death
34:12 and would You put these to my account?
34:14 Would You please give me the benefits of Your atonement? "
34:18 That's what it means: trusting in the life and in the death
34:21 of Jesus Christ.
34:23 Let's notice several verses that speak about
34:26 belief or trust in Jesus.
34:28 The word believe actually means to trust in Him.
34:31 Notice Acts chapter 10 and verse 43.
34:35 Acts chapter 10 and verse 43.
34:37 Once again, speaking about Jesus. We read this before
34:40 in another context. It says:
34:42 "To Him" - that is to Jesus - "all the prophets witness... "
34:57 Is it necessary to believe in Jesus to receive
35:00 remission of sins? Absolutely.
35:02 And you know the most famous verse in the Bible...
35:06 "For God so loved the world... "
35:19 By the way, it would be nice to put there
35:21 "that whosoever trusts in Him
35:25 should not perish but have everlasting life. "
35:28 Notice I John chapter 2 and verse 1.
35:30 This is a very interesting verse.
35:32 By the way, how can we approach the throne of God?
35:34 Do we have any righteousness to offer God
35:36 when we come to the throne of God?
35:38 Absolutely not. So how can we approach His throne?
35:40 It must be through the righteousness of Jesus.
35:42 Now notice I John 2 verse 1..
35:45 powerful words:
36:01 Now that's important
36:03 because it's not my righteous- ness that is presented
36:05 before the Father. It's the righteousness of Jesus
36:08 my Advocate. And so when I come before the Father
36:12 the Father says: "Where is your righteousness? "
36:14 I say: "I don't have any but my Advocate is Jesus.
36:18 Jesus is righteous because He lived the righteous life
36:21 and I have accepted Him as my Savior and as my Lord. "
36:26 I want to read you 3 statements from the little magnificent book
36:30 Faith and Works
36:31 which is actually a compilation of articles that were written
36:34 by Ellen White. Ellen White had this very, very straight.
36:38 Notice what she says in the little book Faith and Works
36:41 page 70 about what it means to believe. She says:
37:09 Isn't that a magnificent quotation?
37:12 Faith and Works page 106 she says:
37:44 Isn't that a magnificent quotation?
37:47 That's what the Bible means when it says
37:49 that we are accepted in "the beloved. "
37:53 God looks upon us as if we had never sinned
37:56 because the righteous life of Jesus stands in place of
37:59 my life and His death stands in place of the death that I
38:03 should suffer. One final quotation from Faith...
38:06 actually this is not from Faith and Works.
38:08 It's from The Faith I Live By page 107.
38:11 This is what Ellen White says there...
38:13 The Faith I Live By page 107:
38:24 Is there any merit or claim to justification
38:27 on the basis of our righteousness and goodness?
38:30 Absolutely not!
38:31 She says:
38:37 And now I love this part:
39:08 That's a magnificent quotation!
39:11 And so we must repent. We must confess,
39:13 and we must trust in Jesus... in the merits of His life
39:17 and in His death. But there's a fourth condition.
39:19 Our faith must be a faith that works.
39:25 It must be a genuine faith.
39:28 A genuine faith - a genuine trust in Jesus -
39:31 produces a change in the life.
39:34 Notice once again Proverbs 28 and verse 13.
39:38 Proverbs 28 and verse 13.
39:58 Do you remember the preaching of John the Baptist?
40:01 Let's read in Matthew chapter 3 and verses 8 through 10.
40:05 Matthew 3 verses 8 through 10.
40:09 John the Baptist says: "Therefore bear fruits
40:12 worthy of repentance. "
40:13 In other words, fruits that show that repentance is real.
40:16 "And do not think to say to yourselves: 'we have Abraham
40:20 as our father. ' For I say to you that God is
40:22 able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones
40:25 and even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees.
40:29 Therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit
40:34 is cut down and... " what? "and thrown into the fire. "
40:39 Must the tree produce fruit?
40:42 Absolutely. And the tree represents the believer.
40:46 Now let's notice what the apostle Paul had to say
40:49 to King Agrippa. This is found in Acts 26
40:53 and verses 19 through 21.
40:55 Acts 26 verses 19 through 21.
40:58 Here the apostle Paul says:
41:27 What does that mean: "works befitting repentance? "
41:30 It means works that show that repentance is real.
41:34 By the way, the Bible teaches that we are saved by grace
41:38 through faith but we will be judged by works.
41:41 We will see that tomorrow morning.
41:43 You say: "there's a contradiction there. "
41:45 How can we be saved by faith and judged by works?
41:47 The fact is that works show if faith is real
41:51 or if faith is a counterfeit.
41:54 Notice this very famous passage that you all know
41:57 about: James chapter 2 beginning with verse 14.
42:02 It's a rather large passage
42:03 but I'm going to read the whole passage because it's powerful
42:06 about the relationship between faith and works.
42:09 Here James - the brother of Jesus, by the way - says:
42:13 "What does it profit, my brethren, if someone
42:16 says he has faith but does not have works? "
42:20 Notice he doesn't really have faith... he SAYS
42:22 he has faith.
42:23 "Can faith save him? "
42:26 Actually in the Greek it says "Can such a faith save him? "
42:30 Then he goes on: "If a brother or sister
42:33 is naked and destitute of any food
42:36 and one of you says to them 'depart in peace,
42:40 be warm and filled, '
42:42 but you do not give them the things which are needed
42:45 for the body, what does it profit?
42:47 Thus also faith by itself
42:50 if it does not have works is dead.
42:53 But someone will say: 'you have faith; I have works. '
42:57 Show me your faith without your works
43:00 and I will show you my faith by my works.
43:03 You believe that there is one God; you do well.
43:06 Even the demons believe and tremble.
43:09 But do you want to know, oh foolish man,
43:11 that faith without works is dead?
43:14 Was not Abraham our father justified by works? "
43:18 By the way, it's not saying that he's justified by works.
43:20 The works show that he was justified by faith
43:22 because it's a genuine faith.
43:23 "Was not our father Abraham justified by works
43:27 when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? "
43:29 Do you see that faith was working together with his works?
43:33 See, it's a package deal.
43:35 "And by works faith was made perfect. "
43:38 In other words, faith without works is an imperfect faith.
43:42 "And the scripture was fulfilled which says Abraham believed God
43:46 and it was accounted to him for righteousness
43:49 and he was called the friend of God.
43:50 You see then that a man is justified by works
43:53 and not by faith only. " In other words, not by a bare faith
43:57 that has no works.
43:58 "Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot justified by works
44:03 when she received the messengers and sent them out another way?
44:06 For as the body without the spirit is dead
44:09 so faith without works is dead. "
44:15 You see, when the branches
44:17 off the wild olive tree were cut off
44:21 and grafted into the natural olive tree,
44:24 those branches produced what? Fruit.
44:28 In the parable of the vine and the branches
44:31 Jesus says: "I am the Vine; you are the branches. "
44:33 When the branch is connected with the vine
44:35 truly and genuinely through believing in Jesus
44:39 He will produce what? Much fruit.
44:42 Of course, you're all acquainted with what Jesus said.
44:44 He said: "By their faith you shall know them. "
44:48 No, that's not what He said.
44:50 I was hoping that you would protest.
44:53 Jesus didn't say: "By their faith ye shall know them. "
44:55 He says: "By their works ye shall know them. "
44:59 Because works show if faith is genuine or not.
45:03 So we must repent. We must confess.
45:07 We must believe and trust in Jesus.
45:10 It must be a belief or a faith that produces works.
45:13 It must be a genuine faith.
45:16 But there's one final condition
45:18 that I want to draw your attention to.
45:20 And that is found once again in Acts 2 and verse 38.
45:25 We read this verse before but let's read it again
45:28 because now we have the last condition.
45:50 What is the last condition?
45:53 You must be what? You must be baptized.
45:59 It says: "Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins"
46:04 and then it says: "and you shall receive the gift
46:07 of the Holy Spirit. " By the way, do you know
46:08 that actually the moment that we're covered with the
46:10 wonderful robe of Christ's righteousness officially
46:14 and publicly is when we are baptized.
46:17 That's when Jesus places His spiritual robe.
46:20 His life is placed to our account.
46:23 You say: "Where in the Bible is such a thing taught? "
46:26 Go with me to Galatians chapter 3
46:28 and verses 26 and 27.
46:30 Here the apostle Paul makes it clear
46:32 that it's at the moment of baptism when officially
46:35 and publicly God says: "Now this individual
46:38 is covered with the robe of My righteousness. "
46:41 Notice Galatians 3 verses 26 and 27:
47:06 By the way, that expression "put on" is used in the
47:10 New Testament to describe the putting on of clothing.
47:14 So those who have been baptized have what?
47:18 Have "put on Christ. "
47:21 You see, the Bible teaches that when I'm born
47:23 I'm born into the family of the first Adam.
47:27 I am born naked in other words.
47:31 I am born with a sinful nature
47:33 that then expresses itself in actual sin
47:37 and I'm naked spiritually in the sight of God!
47:40 And so I must be what?
47:42 I must shed the nakedness of the old Adam
47:45 and I must be included in the second Adam
47:48 in order for my nakedness to be clothed.
47:52 Now let me ask you: What is the ceremony that God has chosen
47:55 for me to shed the nakedness of the first Adam
47:58 and to be covered with the robe of the second Adam
48:02 to cover my nakedness?
48:04 It is the ceremony of what? Baptism!
48:08 Notice Romans chapter 6 and verses 3 through 5.
48:11 Romans chapter 6 and verses 3 through 5.
48:15 Here the apostle Paul says:
48:29 So when we're baptized we're not baptized into our death,
48:32 we're baptized into His death.
48:55 "Knowing this... that our old man was crucified with Him
48:59 that the body of sin might be done away with
49:03 that we should no longer be slaves of sin. "
49:05 You see what happens at baptism?
49:07 At that moment God includes me in Jesus.
49:14 And God couldn't have chosen a better ceremony than baptism
49:17 for this... to be incorporated into Christ,
49:20 to benefit from the death, burial, and resurrection
49:24 of Jesus... because you know, when a person's going to be
49:26 baptized, the person is in the baptistry and
49:29 the pastor says: "In the name of the Father, the Son,
49:32 and the Holy Spirit" that individual is breathing, right?
49:35 Before they go under the water.
49:37 What's the last thing they do before they go under the water?
49:39 They stop breathing like when you die - like when Jesus died.
49:44 And then the person is buried under the water.
49:46 And is the person breathing under the water?
49:49 Oh, better not. No! He's not breathing under the water!
49:52 And then what's the first thing that the person does
49:55 when... when he or she comes out of the water?
49:58 Ah-haa... breathes again! New life!
50:02 And so at baptism by reenacting
50:06 symbolically the death, burial, and the resurrection of Jesus
50:09 God is including me in what Jesus did.
50:13 I'm not dying my own little death
50:15 because my death is not atoning.
50:18 I am dying WITH HIM, God reckons me with Him...
50:22 death on the cross.
50:24 He reckons me buried with Jesus
50:26 and He reckons me resurrected with Jesus
50:29 and standing at the right hand of God.
50:31 The apostle Paul says that in the book of Ephesians.
50:34 And now I am accepted in the beloved.
50:36 I'm seated in heavenly places with Jesus Christ.
50:42 Acts 2:38 says that baptism is indispensable
50:46 for the remission of sins. It's not an option.
50:49 That's why Jesus said in Mark 16 verses 15 and 16:
51:05 So is it necessary to be baptized in order to be saved?
51:08 Let's not talk about the exceptions.
51:10 Some people say: "What about the thief on the cross? "
51:12 Well I tell them: "You're not a thief
51:14 and you're not on a cross. "
51:15 There are exceptions to the rule
51:18 and God recognizes our circumstances.
51:21 And so it says: "He who believes and is baptized
51:23 will be saved... "
51:29 And I'll tell you how beautiful this is.
51:31 When I come forth from the water now I'm in Christ.
51:35 The Father doesn't look at me... He looks at Jesus.
51:38 Isn't that wonderful?
51:40 And so Jesus tells me... By the way, the only one who
51:42 has a right to truly be called the Son of God is Jesus Christ.
51:46 We're all children of wrath.
51:48 And Jesus went even further, said:
51:50 "You're of your father the devil! "
51:54 And so Jesus comes before His Father and says:
51:56 "Hey, Father... I've got a new brother. "
52:00 "Oh, yeah? " "Who's Your brother? "
52:03 "Tom. "
52:05 "Oh, Tom's Your brother?
52:07 Well if he's Your brother, He's My son too. "
52:12 And so Jesus comes... He said:
52:14 "Father, I have a new sister, Shirley. "
52:20 And the Father said: "Shirley's Your sister?
52:23 Well if Shirley's Your sister, she's My daughter. "
52:25 That's what Jesus meant when He said
52:28 "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
52:32 No man comes unto the Father but by Me! "
52:35 We have to become brothers and sisters of Jesus
52:39 in order to becomes sons and daughters of God.
52:42 And that's the reason why the Bible says that
52:44 He is not ashamed to call us brethren.
52:48 In the devotional book Lift Him Up
52:51 page 109 we find this beautiful statement:
53:15 So once we accept Jesus Christ
53:18 we are now "in Christ. "
53:22 So what happens if you should die "in Christ? "
53:29 See, those who die in Christ...
53:31 they don't have anything to worry about
53:33 because they have the spiritual robe.
53:35 And you know what? You say: "What about the
53:38 literal, physical robe? "
53:39 Well, if you have the spiritual robe and you should die
53:43 before Jesus comes, when Jesus comes he's going to
53:46 give you the literal robe of light.
53:48 You see, man lost his spiritual robe first
53:51 and then he lost his literal, physical robe.
53:54 In the restoration, God restores first of all the spiritual robe
53:58 and then when Jesus comes He will give us
54:00 the physical, literal robe
54:02 and we will be covered once again with the glorious
54:04 light of God.
54:07 In fact, let's notice I Thessalonians chapter 4
54:10 verses 15 through 17.
54:12 There's something very important here.
54:14 I Thessalonians 4 verses 15 through 17.
54:41 What must happen if we're going to be "in Christ? "
54:44 We must what? Repent. What else?
54:46 Confess. What else?
54:48 Trust. What else?
54:51 Have a trust that changes what? The life.
54:54 And finally be what? Baptized.
54:56 At baptism we're included in Him.
54:58 Buried with Him. Die with Him.
55:01 Resurrected with Him. God reckons us "in Him. "
55:04 So that's the reason why I'm not afraid of dying.
55:06 Some people say: "Pastor, aren't you afraid of
55:08 getting on airplanes all the time? That some day
55:10 the airplane'll fall out of the sky? "
55:13 No! Because I'm in Christ.
55:15 And if I should die, the Bible says that the dead "in Christ" -
55:19 and I came to be "in Christ" at the moment of baptism
55:22 officially and publicly -
55:24 "the dead in Christ will rise first. "
55:26 Verse 17: "Then we who are alive and remain... "
55:36 Jesus expressed it in John 11 verses 25 and 26:
55:43 This is speaking to... to Mary.
55:58 Doesn't mean that they're not going to die the physical death
56:00 but they're not going to die forever.
56:05 And then of course we have that majestic passage of
56:07 I Corinthians chapter 15,
56:09 and I want to read that in closing.
56:11 This is the moment when God is going to clothe our...
56:14 the nakedness of death with life.
56:18 It says in I Corinthians 15 verse 51:
56:38 That's the same word that has to do with putting on clothes.
56:42 And so it says: "For this corruptible must put on
56:45 incorruption. " That's where we're going to receive our
56:47 glorious literal physical robe.
57:10 And man will have been restored totally and completely
57:14 because he will have once again both robes:
57:18 the robe of righteousness and the glorious physical robe
57:22 of light that covered man originally.
57:26 Isn't this a wonderful truth?


Revised 2014-12-17