Redrawing the Prophetic Map

Afternoon Program

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: RPM

Program Code: RPM000005

00:01 Music...
00:07 Some more music...
00:14 Singing...
00:20 More singing...
00:26 Some more singing...
00:36 Nice singing...
00:41 More nice singing...
00:47 Very nice song...
00:53 Some more singing...
00:58 Singing...
01:04 Some more singing,
01:11 More singing...
01:18 Well, we're back and we're live
01:22 right here in Tampa Florida and what a day it's been.
01:24 We have had, fully a fascinating, exciting,
01:27 spiritual, informative, inspirational...
01:30 name the adjectives... they all fit
01:32 and it's been a wonderful weekend and a wonderful day.
01:35 And we had a very fine lunch
01:37 courtesy of the Zephyrhills Florida Hospital.
01:42 Indeed, I think we are well fed
01:44 and I don't want to say, "fairer and fatter"
01:48 but we've done well, we've done sufficiently.
01:51 They had a very fine... nice meal... really good.
01:54 Well, listen, we've got some good things
01:56 happening this afternoon.
01:57 I'm looking forward to the parable
02:00 and I'm looking forward to our Speakers.
02:03 We've got a few surprises, you know, it's good to know,
02:06 we've heard about the Waldenses and the Albigenses
02:11 and the Cathari and the Pasagini...
02:13 we can add another name to that list of Christians
02:16 who fought against the Medieval Church
02:18 and we can add the... the African Christians...
02:21 and we've been fortified with more knowledge now
02:24 we know and understand that there were those even in Africa
02:27 who held the torch high during all those years.
02:29 And it would have been amazing
02:31 that the work would have been even stronger in Africa
02:35 had they not been overcome by Rome
02:39 and stopped from doing things they knew that was right.
02:43 Yes, yes, yes.
02:44 But God always has a Plan B then.
02:46 Indeed He does... indeed He does
02:47 and all of this knowledge has now been on earth
02:50 and will fortify us
02:51 as we come down to the last scenes of earth's history.
02:53 Our speaker this afternoon,
02:55 Russel Staples was actually a professor of mine
02:57 in the Seminary and as I recall, I think he gave me an "A"
03:01 so that makes him high on my list.
03:05 I'll give it to you... if I had gotten an "A"
03:07 I could recall the professors, for sure.
03:09 Laughter...
03:11 But, what was he teaching at that time?
03:14 "Missiology" he is a "missions guy"
03:16 and we learned "missions" from him... so it was a good time.
03:20 So this is... well we're going to hear from him right now.
03:23 Dr. Russel Staples.
03:27 Walking to the stage.
03:30 Thank you for this invitation,
03:32 it's been inspiring to be with you.
03:35 Inspiring indeed...
03:37 when I think back over my lifetime...
03:41 what our Lord has achieved through the Adventist Church,
03:44 I marvel...
03:46 we think of miracles of old but this is a miracle today
03:51 and it's an ongoing miracle.
03:53 I've been asked to make a presentation
03:56 of the fruitage of Adventist Mission
03:58 and there's a sub-title to that
04:02 "The Global Footprint of Adventism and the Sabbath"
04:07 the global footprint.
04:09 The purpose of my presentation is two-fold.
04:14 First, I seek to present the spread...
04:18 not just the growth... the spread over the whole world,
04:23 the global picture of Adventism
04:27 and secondly, the rapid spread in more recent days
04:31 but I'll try to do...
04:35 go a little further and deeper than that... and ask why?
04:40 What makes Adventists so distinctive
04:43 and sets us apart
04:46 and makes it such a powerfully growing movement?
04:50 Something we all need to speak about a great deal.
04:54 The "Adventist Upward Mobility Syndrome" as well
04:58 is a factor of this thing.
05:00 Do you know what I mean when I talk about the
05:03 "Upward Mobility Syndrome?"
05:04 Out of all proportion to our size in the population generally
05:12 Adventists are upwardly mobile both economically
05:15 and also in positions of authority of all kinds...
05:19 I have seen this all around the world,
05:22 it's a wonderful thing... seek to investigate that
05:27 and to think also of how this has all come to be.
05:32 Of course we can find our human reasons
05:35 but as we have heard time again this morning,
05:40 I believe this movement was called into existence
05:45 by our heavenly Father to bear a witness in word,
05:51 to bear a witness by our life
05:53 and to show it by the world
05:56 and to prepare...
05:58 to call a people for the coming of our Lord as they are.
06:03 For a moment, let's think of the
06:06 Adventist world presence as it is.
06:09 Adventists... so the spreading about the world
06:13 really commenced relatively late.
06:15 Who is the person we normally think of
06:20 and what is the event
06:22 when we think of the beginning of this spread?
06:24 Does anyone have a mind here?
06:27 Of course, if one comes from Andrews University,
06:31 one shouldn't have a question.
06:34 We think of sending Andrews University to Europe in 1874.
06:40 That's about a 130 years ago or like that...
06:43 that's the beginning of the world-wide spread.
06:47 Then if we think of the beginning of foreign missions
06:51 and normally the date that we take is
06:55 Solusi, 1894... 20 years later as it was
06:59 and that is relatively recent.
07:02 Adventists entered the foreign mission field
07:06 about a century later than the most mainline churches.
07:11 I think we have grown very rapidly in the years in between.
07:16 First of all, thinking about the spread...
07:21 world-wide spread of Adventism...
07:24 I don't know if you know how distinctive this is,
07:28 I meet with mission groups
07:30 and very often they have a concentration in this place
07:33 or the other place, in this nation or another nation
07:37 but Adventists have a world spread
07:40 and this, of course, is our belief,
07:43 God has called us to bear witness to the world.
07:49 Two events in 1939... stand out in my memory,
07:56 I was 13 years old,
07:58 I remember... in worship
08:03 I can picture the room, the house, the street,
08:06 in Johannesburg,
08:08 my father, at evening worship,
08:10 was reading from the Seventh-day Adventist Review and Herald
08:14 and he announced that the world church had received a membership
08:19 of 500,000... half a million.
08:22 Now, we lived in Johannesburg.
08:26 Johannesburg had just celebrated 50 years,
08:29 it was the largest city in South Africa,
08:33 fifty years of big anniversary celebration
08:36 and a population of half a million
08:39 and we rejoiced, why did I rejoice so much?
08:44 My father had been an evangelist,
08:47 we had moved from little cities to little towns...
08:51 city is not the right word, from town to town,
08:54 he had held evangelistic meetings,
08:57 we had put up tents... holes... all kinds of things...
08:59 we had moved a couple of times a year,
09:03 I attended eight primary schools,
09:07 if some of you think that's the basis of education,
09:10 at least... the experience...
09:13 and there were these tents.
09:15 Where we went... these cities...
09:18 people had never heard about Adventists and the Sabbath,
09:21 it was a strange message,
09:22 and they connected me in these public schools with this...
09:26 and so I was regarded as some sort of a strange little fellow,
09:31 what is all this business about?
09:33 And so... and I grew up like that,
09:35 and now, in Johannesburg,
09:37 our life settled down a little
09:40 and now, for me to think Adventists...
09:44 we weren't just these small groups my father had founded
09:46 churches in these places,
09:48 we weren't just this small church,
09:51 as big as many Adventists as the city of Johannesburg
09:56 oh, we sang with happiness, it just rejoiced my heart.
10:01 Now, another event, 1939...
10:04 my mother was in Australia,
10:07 my father had graduated from Avondale
10:10 but he was a South African, married my mother
10:13 and my mother took us back
10:15 she and the children... we went back to Sydney, Australia,
10:20 to visit her family
10:21 and while we were there, Elder Spicer came on a visit,
10:26 how many here have met Elder Spicer?
10:28 Elder Bradford has, I'm sure, any others?
10:31 I met him twice, once in South Africa
10:35 and in Australia
10:36 and I was sorry to miss him
10:39 when we came back to study at the Seminary at Takoma Park.
10:42 Naturally, all the Adventists gathered together
10:47 in the Sydney City Hall,
10:50 it was a wonderful occasion.
10:52 I had never seen so many, it was a large city hall
10:56 and the singing... everything was wonderful
11:00 and then Elder Spicer preached
11:02 and what he preached about
11:04 was the global spread of the Adventist church,
11:08 I can still see him there, I can hear him saying,
11:12 "If you go to the north of the world...
11:15 in Hammerfest in Norway there are Adventists there,
11:18 if you go to Punta Arenas in South America,
11:21 the southern-most city, there are Adventists there,
11:24 and then he described all over the world
11:27 there are Adventists...
11:29 the spread... and we rejoiced...
11:33 he told of trials... he told of victories...
11:36 and I can remember him saying,
11:38 wherever you go and you and you meet with our fellow...
11:42 our brethren and sisters,
11:44 the Adventist church is a wonderful church to belong to.
11:48 Audience: "Amen. "
11:49 And the warmth of it all.
11:51 When he wanted to close,
11:53 they wouldn't let him,
11:56 they said, "More, more... we want to hear more...
11:58 about our brothers and sisters in every place. "
12:02 This was the most inspiring, informative message,
12:06 he also made an appeal,
12:08 he said, "We are everywhere now
12:11 but the work isn't finished,
12:13 everywhere... much brighter... the witness must carry...
12:18 we must continue with this appeal. "
12:22 When the service was over,
12:24 everybody wanted to speak to Elder Spicer
12:27 and as he waited at the door, my mother wanted to greet him
12:32 and so I stood at a little distance
12:35 and then a little girl came up to Elder Spicer,
12:39 I was 13... she was a little shorter...
12:43 and as she came up to him,
12:46 he stopped speaking to all the big people
12:49 and I said, "What is this?
12:51 Here there are important people that want to speak to him...
12:55 who is this little girl?"
12:57 And I was close enough to hear her say,
13:00 "Elder Spicer, when I grow up, I want to be a missionary,
13:05 I'd like to go to India... "
13:08 and he took out a little notebook from his pocket
13:12 and he said, "What's your name?"
13:14 And he wrote it down... "and your address"
13:17 and "how old are you?"
13:19 Now, he said, "When you finish High School,
13:21 you go to Avondale, and then you write to me
13:24 and I will make sure you go as a missionary. "
13:27 I can ever regret,
13:31 I don't remember the name of that child
13:34 but I think, "What a change
13:36 it must have made in her life"
13:39 as it went on...
13:41 this was the Adventist message around the world,
13:45 the spread...
13:49 but now how rapidly it's growing... the rate...
13:53 that's the second thing I'd like to think of as it is.
13:57 Pause...
14:00 The Adventist church has grown with amazing speed
14:06 and rapidity.
14:07 A few years ago, we were hardly off on the map
14:13 generally speaking.
14:14 A man by the name of David Barrett
14:19 who had gone as a missionary to Africa
14:23 published in 1982... the "World Christian Encyclopedia"
14:31 and in this, he gave a global picture
14:35 of Christianity and other religions
14:38 and he listed Adventists.
14:41 Up to that time... all the handbooks, the tables,
14:47 the encyclopedias... Adventists didn't appear on the map,
14:51 we weren't there,
14:53 I was actually Secretary of a mission association
14:58 to a man who edited one of these
14:59 and I said, "What's the matter,
15:01 why don't you mention Adventists?"
15:03 And he said, "No, no, no... " and he wouldn't do it
15:05 but I was the Secretary for this Professor's Association
15:09 but now, David Barrett's "World Christian Encyclopedia,"
15:13 appeared... and I went to the meeting...
15:17 with Professors of Mission
15:19 and the Associate American Society of Missiology
15:21 and everyone wanted to speak to me
15:25 and they said, "We have paged through this,
15:27 we had no idea of the extensity of the Adventist Church. "
15:32 In country after country, Barrett had listed us
15:36 and the size... the numbers...
15:39 they were absolutely surprised.
15:42 The new Encyclopedia has come out
15:46 that was in 1980 figures...
15:50 now, one giving the 2000 figures
15:53 and now I find when people speak to me,
15:57 they say to me at the Society of Missiologists,
16:00 they say to me, "What is it about the Adventist Church,
16:05 why are you growing so rapidly?
16:07 I see you everywhere... in every place,
16:09 how do you account for this?
16:11 These are questions we need to ask
16:17 and we need to ask ourselves,
16:19 "Are we doing as much as we possibly could
16:23 to spread the gospel in every place as it is. "
16:28 If I may mention a few statistics,
16:32 we spoke about rapid growth and spread,
16:36 Adventist world membership in 1940, as I mentioned earlier
16:45 was just over half a million.
16:47 In the next 30 years to 1970, we grew to 2 million,
16:55 in the next 20 years,
16:58 we grew from 2 million to 6.7 million,
17:04 in the next 10 years, from 1990 to 2000,
17:10 we have spread from 6.7 million to 11.7 million
17:16 an increase of 5 million. Audience: "Praise the Lord. "
17:21 In 2006, we had a membership of...
17:25 do you know 2006... 15 million...
17:30 membership is now growing
17:32 at a rate of almost a million a year.
17:35 Audience: "Amen. "
17:36 And so now we don't have...
17:41 the last statistical table we have of the church is 2006,
17:45 2007 will come up very soon
17:47 but we are probably now,
17:49 very close to 17 million worldwide
17:52 and that's why, people ask me when I go to these meetings,
17:58 "What is it about the Adventist Church,
18:00 why is it growing so rapidly?"
18:03 Of course it is because we believe God has inspired us
18:08 with a message to share and to tell others wherever we are
18:13 and as we go.
18:14 Now, there's something very different also
18:20 that I wish to mention,
18:21 where we list membership in the year 2006 as 15 million,
18:30 David Barret's figures for the year...
18:34 statistics of Adventists is 25 million.
18:37 Now why is that? It's quite obvious in one way
18:43 because we, sort of celebrate our membership
18:48 as a believers' church,
18:50 we don't count all the children and unbaptized members,
18:54 Barrett counts families as he does the other churches
18:58 but much more than that and I've spoken to some involved
19:02 in these statistics,
19:03 there are many people in the census reports,
19:07 who list themselves as Adventists
19:10 but they are not... as it were, members of the church yet,
19:15 there are many who may have been Adventists
19:17 but are not now fully-practicing Adventists,
19:20 who consider themselves broadly speaking... Adventists
19:26 and so, the difference is, we list only that year 2000
19:31 not quite 12 million, and Barrett lists 25 million.
19:36 This is an enormous challenge and opportunity for us.
19:43 Are we reaching out to everyone to help them feel
19:46 that they are our brothers and sisters?
19:50 Join with us, let us be full witness
19:54 to the full message of the gospel for all that we have
19:59 and all that we could do.
20:01 This extremely rapid growth
20:04 is taking place more in some countries
20:07 than in some other countries.
20:09 Just let me list a few of the figures,
20:12 I can't put a chart on here... as it is.
20:16 In Brazil, the Adventist church has grown
20:20 from about 1 million in 2000...
20:24 to something like 1.4 million at present,
20:28 just in 10 years...
20:31 the church in the Congo has grown
20:35 from something like 300,000 to well over half a million,
20:40 the church in Ghana has doubled
20:44 from a 163,000 to a little more than 350,000.
20:52 Peru... from not quite 400,000 to 771,000.
20:59 Tanzania... from well less than 200,000 to 370,000.
21:08 Zambia... from not quite 300,000 to 530,000.
21:16 And I could continue like this...
21:20 this phenomenal growth that is taking place everywhere
21:24 and coupled with that,
21:27 is this other factor,
21:29 the "Adventist Upward Mobility Syndrome. "
21:32 Now, if one travels to Africa, Adventism is a visible presence
21:41 on a Sabbath morning in many of the cities.
21:45 It's quite fantastic,
21:47 you see people carrying their Bibles and hymnbooks,
21:52 you hear singing in large churches in some cities
21:56 or you hear people singing in parks and groves
21:59 and sometimes in storefronts all over the place
22:03 but I've had a policeman in one site say to me,
22:07 he said, "I don't know what's happened to this city,
22:09 Sunday isn't the day anymore,
22:12 it seems to be Sabbath... everyone comes here. "
22:15 The visible presence of this enormous growth as it is,
22:21 it's clear... it's... but it's a great challenge
22:28 is one thinking about this enough?
22:32 We have a little chart to show you,
22:35 I hope you can see,
22:37 in the year 2006, 36 percent of Adventists
22:43 live in Latin America,
22:45 36,000...
22:46 35,000 live in Sub-Saharan Africa,
22:50 current...
22:52 8 percent in India and Nepal,
22:54 7 percent in North America.
22:57 If we go ahead... there are General Conference projections
23:03 of membership figures in the year...
23:06 20 years down the road...
23:08 and there's a little chart that they have produced
23:12 that shows us these figures very impressively,
23:15 you see it before you.
23:17 That blue figure up on the right to the left is Africa,
23:22 and that is now... that they expect to be 34 percent
23:26 of Adventist world population.
23:30 The top one to the left, that one is South America
23:35 and it will be about 24 percent,
23:37 all those figures they had on the computer.
23:41 The bottom right hand pictured down there
23:45 is Asia... and you can see there...
23:48 almost... well... almost 19 percent
23:52 the bottom left... the blue picture,
23:56 that they list as North America
23:58 but they have included in that figure,
24:02 Inter-America...
24:03 Mexico and that's all put together
24:06 because this is not our Divisions,
24:09 this is sort of a global picture as it is at 19...
24:13 almost 20 percent...
24:15 and then you see the smaller countries.
24:18 Africa... 34 percent of the world membership down the road,
24:27 furthermore, we look forward as we calculate figures
24:32 to the year 2006
24:34 and I don't know whether the figures are on the chart or not
24:37 but I can read them to you,
24:39 if growth in Africa continues at the present rate,
24:44 there will be 10 million Adventists in Africa in 2020.
24:50 If we think of South America,
24:53 there will be 7.3 million at this growth.
24:57 North America... including Inter-America...
25:01 that will be almost 6 million.
25:03 Asia... 5 million... and the total world population,
25:09 we are looking forward to of almost 30 million
25:12 as we count figures.
25:14 Now if Barrett was counting those figures,
25:17 it may well be double that figure...
25:19 at least 60 to 70,000 Adventists...
25:21 pause...
25:26 so now when I go to the mission meetings,
25:28 they are not surprised
25:32 to find Adventists listed in every nation across the country
25:36 the question they ask me now, "How do you account for this?"
25:40 "What is it?"
25:43 "What makes Adventists so distinctive?"
25:45 "Why so many members?"
25:48 I also often ask myself,
25:51 "What if Elder Spicer could see these?"
25:54 "If we could share these statistics with Elder Spicer,
25:57 what would he think?"
25:59 "How would he respond?"
26:01 I can still hear him and see him in the Sydney City Hall in 1939,
26:08 appealing... yes we have reached the world
26:12 but work is needed to be done in every place
26:16 to share the message...
26:18 what would he say now?
26:20 Let me pose the question another way,
26:25 if you were the President of a church in Zambia...
26:29 a Conference in Zambia,
26:31 where the church doubled its membership
26:34 in about 12 years,
26:36 or some countries... 10 years,
26:39 how would you cope, how would you manage?
26:42 How does one keep up with this growth?
26:45 How do we provide leaders and pastors?
26:49 I became a missionary... that was a long time ago...
26:53 but Elder Eva wrote to me from the Division,
26:57 the Southern Africa Division,
26:58 we were studying at the Seminary in Washington...
27:01 still... when it was at... near Takoma Park...
27:04 near the General Conference...
27:05 and he said, "This is a new Africa...
27:08 things are changing... we need a new ministry"
27:12 and I became involved in Education
27:15 of the ministries in Africa,
27:17 it was a wonderful experience... it was...
27:21 but what would Elder Spicer say now?
27:24 How do they cope doubling the membership in ten years?
27:30 Where do you find leaders enough?
27:32 How do you manage and cope?
27:33 I'm sure if Elder Spicer was speaking to us,
27:37 it would be a great "appeal"
27:39 they need a great deal of assistance,
27:41 they need help... we need to...
27:43 this growth maximizes the work in every place.
27:48 There's another remarkable aspect of this record growth
27:52 and this is what's happening in Adventist universities,
27:57 if you look in David Barrett again...
28:02 his encyclopedia... "World Christianity"
28:08 and you will read in country after country after survey...
28:13 country... he lists Seventh-day Adventists,
28:16 and the words are these:
28:17 "Seventh-day Adventists are heavily involved
28:21 in education, medical work and welfare... "
28:25 ADRA, our hospitals... our schools.
28:28 Actually if one goes back and studies the mission program,
28:33 unlike... say North America and South Africa,
28:37 the great instrumentality of mission in Africa
28:41 would be our schools...
28:42 we planted schools all over the place
28:45 and where the schools were, churches grew up
28:49 and the teachers began to function as the church leaders
28:53 and they... the catechists... they taught the Bible doctrines,
28:57 they just continued... the growth was wonderful
29:01 and in fact the teachers...
29:04 they were some good evangelists in the summer time...
29:07 and in fact in many cases, they became ministers...
29:10 they did so well that... that they left teaching
29:13 and became our ministers.
29:14 Now, today, as a result of this,
29:17 we have Adventist Universities
29:20 and this is a staggering picture about Adventists,
29:25 notice, for instance,
29:27 Babcock University in Nigeria, to give you the illustration,
29:33 ten years ago... they had attendees of little over 500,
29:40 today... they have 5,000
29:43 and I understand from people who've just been there recently,
29:48 our colleagues at Andrews teaching...
29:51 I understand... they say that they could fill it with 20,000
29:55 if they had space... and to accommodate for this...
29:57 this is not alone...
30:00 our church in Brazil
30:02 had something like a little over a 1,000 ten years ago,
30:05 they've got 8,000 now,
30:06 Montemorelos has grown rapidly,
30:10 Sahmyook in Korea has grown from
30:14 something like 3,000 to 5,000 in ten years,
30:18 Solusi from about 500 to over 3,000
30:23 how does one cope and how does one account
30:27 for this extraordinarily rapid growth?
30:30 It's an enormous challenge.
30:33 How does one account for this?
30:35 Is it the Adventist Upward Mobility Syndrome?
30:39 Pause...
30:41 because Adventists are educated to go up
30:45 therefore they need education?
30:47 There are many factors involved but many of those who attend
30:53 are not Adventists... they are not...
30:56 they are members of other churches
30:58 or not even Christians...
31:00 and so this is an enormous challenge.
31:03 Why do they come there?
31:04 Because Adventism is no longer just a Sect
31:08 it's become like a "Folk Church"
31:12 a large well-accepted church...
31:15 and this is a great challenge
31:17 and an opportunity for you,
31:19 for us... in all that we do and say.
31:23 Pause...
31:25 more pause...
31:28 The opportunity and challenge of all of this
31:31 in this Upward Mobility Syndrome as I said earlier,
31:35 out of all proportion to our numbers,
31:38 Adventists become people of significant importance
31:42 wherever they are
31:44 and can be a witness to all they are.
31:47 How does one account for this?
31:49 Quite a few years ago,
31:52 a professor at the University of Oxford,
31:56 Dr. Andrew Walls who was the doyen of scholars
32:01 studying Sects and of course he was interested in Adventists,
32:05 on his own initiative, he came to Andrews in about 1972
32:10 and spent three weeks or something like that there
32:13 with one of the editors from the Oxford University Press
32:16 to read through the Adventist doctrines.
32:19 What had impressed him about Adventists?
32:22 It was this Upward Mobility Syndrome,
32:25 wherever he traveled, he found Adventists all over the world
32:30 in high positions of authority
32:35 and so he wanted to research and find out what is this?
32:40 I think my time is at an end,
32:42 I must just draw this to a close quickly,
32:44 how do we account for this Adventist witness and presence,
32:51 why this distinctive lifestyle?
32:53 It's our belief... it's because Adventists believe
32:57 in Jesus Christ, the incarnation,
33:00 the resurrection of the body,
33:03 living with Christ,
33:04 they love the Eucharist, that's the Lord's celebration,
33:08 I could spend hours telling you about that,
33:12 why? because as they partook of this bread and this wine,
33:17 they thought of Jesus taking our flesh and our body
33:22 and we being with Him at the Messianic Kingdom
33:26 and so, they wanted to take a lot of time
33:29 for the Lord's celebration, the Lord's Supper.
33:31 I can remember going to a village once
33:34 because I knew they were going to celebrate the Lord's Supper
33:37 and when they saw me coming,
33:39 I saw them taking the dishes away,
33:40 they thought I was coming to preach,
33:42 and what they wanted for the Lord's Supper
33:45 was time to talk and think...
33:47 we Westerners are driven by the clock
33:50 but no... we spent several hours beautifully
33:55 and I would listen to their testimony
33:58 as they ate this bread...
34:00 this life on this earth...
34:01 they were connecting with the Kingdom above.
34:03 I can remember one old man who had become...
34:09 as an old man... an elderly man...
34:11 had moved from African traditional religion
34:13 to Christianity...
34:14 at one of these celebrations
34:16 he testified...
34:19 this was at Solusi... with a large group
34:22 and with tears in his eyes he said,
34:25 "As I partake of this bread...
34:28 and think of that feast in that Kingdom with our Lord,
34:33 living with Him and He with us... "
34:35 and he said, "there are tears in my eyes
34:40 because I love my Lord, but when we get there,
34:44 He will wipe the tears from our eyes...
34:49 He won't use his sleeve, He won't use a handkerchief,
34:53 like a mother with her little child,
34:55 He will take His finger
34:57 and He will wipe the tears from our eyes
35:00 and we will be with Him...
35:02 living with Christ in His presence. "
35:07 My time is up,
35:09 if Elder Spicer were here, he would challenge us...
35:13 this enormous growth... this enormous opportunity...
35:18 what would my father think?
35:20 Could he hardly believe
35:22 that we have grown to a church of this size,
35:25 with this significance,
35:27 to become a major church in country after country,
35:30 but the work is not finished.
35:33 We need to live this message
35:36 and to support all of our brothers and sisters
35:39 in every place and finish the work of God,
35:42 live with joyful triumphantness in our lives
35:45 and bear witness in all that we do.
35:47 May God bless each of us and bless you here in this place
35:52 maybe I should close,
35:54 I'll begin to read a little piece from Jenkins
35:56 and he said... in this American society
35:59 where the mainline church are losing members
36:02 but in some... are gaining...
36:04 and he lists Adventists among this group
36:07 we have great work to do here and in every place,
36:10 may God bless us all.
36:12 Jesus often spoke in parables,
36:16 He did so that those who wished to know... may indeed know
36:21 but those who did not wish to know the truth
36:24 would not know.
36:25 "He that hath an ear to hear,
36:28 let him hear what says this parable. "
36:32 Walking away from stage.
36:37 During one of Pastor C.E. Bradford's trips
36:40 to Africa... as part of an Annual Council Meeting
36:43 of the African Mid-Eastern Division,
36:46 a missionary friend, Pastor M.E. Lunt of Norway
36:50 told the following story at a Morning Devotional.
36:54 This story told by a young lad graphically illustrates
37:00 how the originally Sabbath was changed
37:01 by the European Evangel... Ecclessiastical Establishment.
37:06 The story shows a keen perception
37:09 of a young fellow and his ability
37:12 to articulate the salient points
37:14 of the African story in African terms.
37:17 He told this story to a Church of England Pastor.
37:21 Aloni Mahinwa, who was on his way
37:25 from his home village to Kampala... the big city,
37:28 to visit with his family,
37:30 as was the custom of the African people,
37:33 he stopped along the way to greet friends always enquiring,
37:39 "How is your father? Your mother?"
37:42 "Oh Sister, how is your family?"
37:46 Making sure to include all members of the family,
37:50 it was a very hot day... and the Pastor was quite thirsty
37:56 so he stopped at a little confectionary store
38:00 to buy a bottle of mineral water
38:03 he sat on a crate to rest awhile
38:06 and refresh himself with a cool drink,
38:09 a young lad about 12 years of age,
38:11 approached the Pastor and said timidly,
38:14 "Hello Sir, it's a hot day, you mind if I tell you a story?"
38:18 Pastor Aloni really didn't want to be disturbed
38:23 but he decided to humor the boy
38:25 who seemed to be quite a bright, well-spoken young fellow.
38:29 "All right, all right, I'll hear your story. "
38:33 Boy: "Thank you Sir. "
38:35 Boy sitting down...
38:38 A group of people coming to the stage...
38:48 "Well, once upon a time,
38:50 there was a great and powerful king
38:52 and one day this King decided to go on a journey.
38:55 He had ten sons,
38:56 so he called all ten of them up before him,
38:58 he also called the Prime Minister
39:00 then, he hugged each of his sons and said... "
39:06 King: "Oh my son, my son... oh my son, my son
39:12 my son... my son,
39:18 my son, my son,
39:23 my son, my son...
39:29 oh my son... my son... "
39:34 Boy: "After declaring his love to all ten of his sons,
39:38 he turned to the Prime Minister and said... "
39:40 "Prime Minister, I am going away on a long journey,
39:46 I do not know how long I will be...
39:49 but while I am gone... I am leaving my sons in your care,
39:56 see to it... that they receive the treatment they deserve,
40:02 I am entrusting their welfare to you. "
40:06 The King pats the Prime Minister...
40:11 A guard comes and bows to him and then they leave the stage.
40:19 Narrator: By this time, the Pastor refreshed from
40:24 enjoying his drink in the shade
40:26 was becoming intrigued with the story
40:28 and urged the lad to continue, "Tell me more son, go on. "
40:33 "Well, soon after the King had left,
40:36 the Prime Minister called all ten of the sons
40:39 back for their inspection. "
40:40 All ten of the sons back for their inspection.
40:48 Sons walking on stage...
40:50 Sons and Prime Minister coming on stage.
40:54 "The Prime Minister looked at all three of the sons
40:59 and found them pleasing in all aspects
41:02 but when he got to the fourth son,
41:06 a frown came over his face. "
41:07 Prime Minister: "You do not look like a real son to me,
41:12 I will send you to the field to work with the slaves
41:15 and I will put my son in your place. "
41:17 Boy: "So he took the fourth son out of the line. "
41:23 Prime Minister: "Guard, bring in my son... "
41:24 Boy: "And sent him to the field to work with the slaves
41:28 then he put his own son in the King's son's place. "
41:32 Prime Minister is putting the robes on his own son...
41:36 and continues putting the robe...
41:41 puts his son in the place of the 4th son...
41:44 straightens his son's robe...
41:47 Prime Minister continues inspecting other sons...
41:54 continues...
42:00 Audience: Laughing...
42:03 Boy and Pastor sitting in the shop...
42:09 Sons leaving the stage...
42:15 Pastor: "Continue, I want to hear the rest of the story. "
42:18 Boy: "Finally, the day came when the King returns,
42:21 so he called the Prime Minister into his royal chambers
42:24 to give an account
42:26 as to how he had taken care of all ten of his sons... "
42:28 King comes and sits on stage...
42:33 King: "Guard, bring in the Prime Minister. "
42:37 Guard goes and gets the Prime Minister...
42:40 brings the Prime Minister...
42:45 The Prime Minister bows...
42:49 King: "Prime Minister, how have you cared for my sons?"
42:53 Prime Minister: "Oh King, live forever,
42:56 I have taken great care of your sons
42:59 and given them the honor and respect they are due...
43:03 their station as sons of the King. "
43:06 King: "Bring me my sons. "
43:09 Prime Minister bowing to the sons and ushering them in.
43:17 Sons coming to the stage.
43:26 Narrator: As he had done when he had departed for his journey,
43:30 the King embraced each one of his sons.
43:36 The first... the second... the third...
43:41 until he came to the fourth...
43:43 and then a look of displeasure came across his face of the King
43:47 King: "Who is this?
43:50 This is not my son... he's an imposter...
43:57 what have you done?
43:59 Where is my son?"
44:01 Prime Minister: "Oh King, live forever,
44:04 huh... he did not look like a real son to me...
44:08 he didn't have the same bearing as the others
44:12 so I removed him and put my son in his place,
44:15 surely, you can see my son looks like the real son. "
44:17 King: "What audacity...
44:20 who gave you permission to do this?
44:24 Where is my son?"
44:25 Prime Minister: "He's in the field your Majesty,
44:28 working with the slaves... "
44:30 Narrator: This made the king very angry.
44:32 King: "You...
44:37 you and your son are banished from this place. "
44:42 King removes robes from the counterfeit son.
44:48 Guard escorts the Prime Minister and counterfeit son out...
44:51 King: "Bring in my son... "
44:56 Guard brings in the real son.
45:00 King puts the robes on his real son.
45:06 King: "Son, take your rightful place. "
45:11 Audience: "Amen. "
45:18 King hugs is sons...
45:24 hugs his sons...
45:29 continues hugging...
45:34 Narrator: When the story was over,
45:35 the lad made as if to leave
45:38 but Pastor Aloni fairly shouted,
45:40 "What is the meaning of this story?"
45:43 Narrator: In the African culture
45:45 every story must have some teaching value
45:47 and the Pastor, knowing this,
45:50 wanted to know the meaning of the story.
45:53 Boy: "Well, you see, Sir, The King is God...
45:55 the ten sons are the Ten Commandments
45:58 and the fourth son is the fourth commandment which says,
46:01 'Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy... '
46:03 the Prime Minister is the Church...
46:06 the people that God left in charge
46:07 of these commandments and the day of rest...
46:09 are the church to which the day of rest
46:11 was a day of its own choosing
46:13 but the King is coming back. "
46:14 Audience: "Amen. "
46:19 Audience clapping.
46:23 Narrator: And how skillfully
46:26 this lad placed the Biblical text
46:28 and to an African setting,
46:30 that spoke powerfully to the African mind
46:32 and to all who have ears to hear.
46:35 When the Pastor heard the conclusion of the story,
46:38 he said to the lad...
46:40 Pastor: "Where did you learn that?"
46:42 Boy: "At the Kireka Mission Sir. "
46:44 Pastor: "Where is this mission?"
46:45 Boy: "It's over the top of the hill. "
46:47 Pastor: "Take me there. " Boy: "Follow me. "
46:48 Narrator: What a sight,
46:51 the young lad leading the Pastor up to the hill
46:54 to the Adventist Mission,
46:56 you see, Pastor Aloni had been pondering the Sabbath
47:01 and questioning for many years...
47:03 as a child in Primary School
47:05 up through his training to be a Pastor
47:08 but he was always turned away with a stark answer,
47:11 "That is part of the old law,
47:14 it was changed by Jesus and His apostles... "
47:17 now, hear the rest of the story.
47:20 The Pastor stayed at the mission for seven days
47:24 where the missionaries studied with him around the clock,
47:27 eventually he returned to his village.
47:31 Pastor Aloni never made the visit to his family...
47:34 instead... he quickly retraced his steps.
47:38 The next Sunday, when he took the pulpit,
47:41 he made the startling statement,
47:44 "This is the last Sunday I will be your Pastor
47:49 from now on... I will be a Seventh-day Adventist. "
47:55 Pastor Aloni Mahinwa became a Seventh-day Adventist Minister,
48:01 he founded the Seventh-day Adventist church in a village
48:04 and it is there... until this day.
48:07 "Surely my Sabbaths you shall keep:
48:10 for it is a sign between me and you
48:13 throughout your generations; that you may know
48:16 that I am the LORD who sanctifies you. "
48:20 Exodus 31:13.
48:23 Audience: Clapping.
48:28 Walking to stage...
48:32 Isn't that something?
48:36 Audience: "Amen. "
48:38 I tell you, that gets the point across
48:41 about as well as anything I've ever seen.
48:44 You know, in the early Adventism,
48:47 one of the great publications early on
48:49 was the "The Midnight Cry"
48:52 I love that very title, "The Midnight Cry"
48:57 I wish we still had a publication by that name
49:01 but I will tell you that
49:04 the midnight cry continues around the world
49:08 and we're closer to midnight than ever before.
49:12 It's right at the edge of midnight.
49:17 Scott Cameron and this beautiful choir
49:21 is going to sing for us, "The Midnight Cry. "
49:27 Midnight Cry...
49:30 Audience: Clapping.
49:34 Music...
49:41 More music...
49:45 Some more music...
49:54 I hear the sound
49:59 of a mighty rushing wind
50:04 music...
50:09 and it's closer now
50:13 than it's ever been
50:18 I can almost
50:23 hear the trumpet
50:27 music...
50:30 As Gabriel sounds the chord.
50:40 Music...
50:42 At the midnight cry
50:49 we'll be going
50:55 home.
51:00 I look around me
51:06 I see prophecies fulfilled...
51:12 Every day
51:17 The signs of the times...
51:23 They're appearing everywhere
51:28 Oh...
51:30 I can almost see the Father
51:38 As He says, "Son, go get my children"
51:46 at the midnight cry
51:51 the Bride of Christ
51:56 will rise.
52:01 When Jesus steps out
52:08 On a cloud to call His children...
52:12 To call His Children
52:16 The dead in Christ shall rise
52:23 To meet Him in the air...
52:29 And then those that remain
52:35 those that remain...
52:38 Shall be quickly changed...
52:46 At the midnight cry
52:50 At the midnight cry,
52:54 We'll be going home.
52:58 Humming...
53:03 I look around me,
53:07 I see prophecies fulfilled,
53:13 everywhere...
53:17 And signs of the times,
53:21 They're appearing everywhere,
53:29 Oh, I can almost see the Father
53:37 as he says, "Son, go get my children,"
53:45 Oh and at the midnight cry
53:53 The Bride of Christ will rise.
54:00 When Jesus steps out,
54:07 On a cloud to call His children,
54:11 To call His children,
54:15 The dead in Christ shall rise
54:22 To meet Him in the air,
54:29 And then those that remain...
54:33 those that remain...
54:37 Shall be quickly changed,
54:44 At the midnight cry,
54:48 at the midnight cry...
54:51 Oh... at the midnight cry...
54:58 Hmmm...
55:01 At the midnight cry...
55:05 When Jesus...
55:07 When Jesus steps out...
55:12 On a cloud to call His children
55:18 O the dead in Christ shall rise
55:25 shall rise...
55:27 To meet Him in the air.
55:34 And then those that remain,
55:40 those that remain...
55:43 Shall be quickly changed.
55:47 Shall be changed...
55:51 And at the midnight cry...
55:55 At the midnight cry,
55:58 At the midnight cry...
56:02 At the midnight cry
56:05 Yes, at the midnight cry,
56:09 At the midnight cry.
56:14 We'll be going home.
56:17 We'll be going home...
56:20 Going home...
56:24 home...
56:29 Audience: Clapping.
56:35 "Hallelujah... amen...
56:41 thank you...
56:44 Thank you choir... "
56:46 Thank you so very much,
56:48 sometimes, I'm so proud to be a Seventh-day Adventist
56:52 it actually hurts...
56:53 and am so proud of a God that we serve.
56:57 God has given us a great mission and a great message
57:02 the question is not,
57:05 "Can we trust God?"
57:07 The question is: "Can God trust us?"
57:10 Can God trust us to be faithful?
57:13 Can God trust us to lift up the name of Jesus?
57:18 Can God trust us to hold on and keep on holding on
57:22 until He calls us from labor to reward
57:26 for yet, in a little while,
57:29 He that shall come...
57:31 will come...
57:33 and will not tarry.
57:37 My prayer for you is that when He does come,
57:40 He will find faith in all the earth, can we say, "Amen. "
57:45 Audience: "Amen. "
57:46 Shall we close in prayer.
57:48 "Heavenly Father,
57:49 we thank you for this day of days,
57:50 we thank you for the message,
57:53 we thank you for the call
57:54 that brought us from darkness to light...


Revised 2017-03-20