Redrawing the Prophetic Map

Sabbath School Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: RPM

Program Code: RPM000002

00:11 Music...
00:19 Singing...
00:26 some more singing...
00:36 singing continues...
00:42 more singing
00:48 next stanza...
00:54 singing...
00:59 more singing...
01:05 singing...
01:11 beautiful song...
01:20 Well, we welcome our viewing audience to Tampa Florida
01:24 and to Mount Calvary Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:28 beautiful place, isn't it?
01:30 This is indeed... this is indeed a beautiful church
01:34 and the building ain't bad either.
01:36 No, that's right... in fact the building is fantastic
01:40 and brand new, I don't know how many seats
01:44 it's one of the largest churches I've ever been in though.
01:47 It is a beautiful church and they've treated us royally,
01:49 we're so glad to be here.
01:50 Oh they have been so good to us,
01:52 they gave me a special place to park
01:54 and I thanked them by backing into one of their trees, so...
01:59 Audience: Laughter.
02:01 But this is the kind of day that the Lord is going to bless
02:04 and we're just looking forward...
02:06 last night was fantastic.
02:07 It was a fantastic evening, you know Jim,
02:09 there are a couple of people
02:10 that we need to say "thank you" to...
02:12 one is the First Elder of this church, Elder James,
02:14 and the Pastor... Pastor Vincent...
02:16 and also the Zephyrhills Hospital
02:19 who has fulfilled every pastor's fantasy.
02:21 Pastor Gilley: That's right.
02:23 They have made lunches for everybody
02:24 which allows us to keep this congregation here
02:26 for the whole day... that's every pastor's fantasy.
02:29 Pastor Gilley: That's right, so if you're still home watching
02:31 my television and you're hungry...
02:33 you come on and join us... we have...
02:35 we have a nice lunch for you and you will enjoy it.
02:38 Well, listen... we got some good things on today
02:42 and right now, we're going to meet somebody
02:45 that I haven't met before, would you like to introduce her?
02:48 We're going to call Dr. Joan Francis up
02:49 to give us our official welcome and she is one of our Presenters
02:54 and we'll hear a little bit more about her a later on
02:56 but just now she has been assigned the task
02:58 to welcome us officially to this very auspicious gathering.
03:01 And right after that, we'll hear from
03:03 Sweet A-Chord musical group.
03:06 Good morning Saints, Happy Sabbath...
03:10 Audience: Good morning... Happy Sabbath.
03:11 Welcome to the second segment of our Conference,
03:14 we join the prophetic map,
03:15 "Global Footprint of Adventism and the Sabbath"
03:19 we welcome you to this,
03:21 we want you to continue to rethink,
03:23 revise and renew your commitment to the Lord of the Sabbath
03:27 and to all His children who need to know about the Sabbath.
03:30 Our focus today is on
03:32 Africa as a historical cultural center
03:35 of Christian faith and a place where Sabbath observance
03:39 has been preserved.
03:41 We hope as you listen,
03:42 you will understand what it means when it says
03:45 in Psalm 68:31 that Ethiopia will reach out her hands to God.
03:50 We want you to relate this
03:52 to the proclamation of the gospel of the Kingdom
03:55 and want to welcome you to this service,
03:57 we want to hope that you enjoy all the blessings
04:00 that God has prepared for you, welcome again.
04:03 Piano playing...
04:12 more piano music...
04:16 more music...
04:21 I'm so glad I'm a part of the Family of God,
04:28 I've been washed in the fountain,
04:33 cleansed by His blood!
04:37 Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod,
04:44 For I'm part of the family,
04:48 The Family of God.
04:53 You will notice we say "brother and sister" 'round here
05:02 'cause we're part of a family and those oh so near,
05:10 When one has a heartache, we all shed a tear,
05:19 And rejoice in the victory of the family so dear.
05:28 I'm so glad I'm a part of the Family of God,
05:38 I've been washed in the fountain,
05:42 cleansed by His blood!
05:47 Joint heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod,
05:57 For I'm part of the family, The Family of God.
06:06 For I'm part of the family,
06:12 The Family of God...
06:17 God...
06:20 Yes we're part of the family,
06:26 The Family of...
06:31 God.
06:38 Audience: "Amen. "
06:41 Walking off the stage...
06:45 The first speaker this morning is Dr. Keith Burton,
06:49 Dr. Burton is a Religion Professor...
06:52 he's part of our group,
06:53 he's also the President of Life Heritage Ministries
06:57 and he has recently authored a book,
06:59 "The Blessings of Africa:
07:01 The Bible and African Christianity"
07:03 today, his topic is, "The Family of God. "
07:06 Join me in welcoming Dr. Burton.
07:09 Audience: Clapping...
07:17 Thank you Joan,
07:19 aren't you glad to be a part of the family of God?
07:23 Audience: "Amen. "
07:24 If you're happy to be a part of the family,
07:26 why don't you turn to your neighbor and let them know
07:28 how much you appreciate them.
07:32 Audience: Greeting each other.
07:36 You must excuse me, I'm still in "Crusade Mode"
07:39 I just finished a three-week meeting in New York
07:42 there in Huntington,
07:44 and by the grace of God
07:46 we saw the Holy Spirit working in mighty ways
07:49 but this morning we'll be speaking about the family of God
07:55 and those who were here last night
07:58 would have been exposed to
08:01 unique aspects of the global footprints of Adventism
08:06 and the Sabbath.
08:07 Bertram Melbourne, we saw... from India...
08:10 took us on a journey from Jerusalem to Johannesburg,
08:14 on this detailed excursion,
08:17 we learned about the concentric growth of the gospel message
08:22 we discovered that even as the gospel was being preached
08:27 in the northern regions of Galatia,
08:29 Philippi, Corinth and Thessalonica,
08:31 the all-efficient God ensured that the good news
08:36 also made the trip down south to Ethiopia,
08:40 Kenya, Ghana, and Azadi ou
08:44 we were also exposed
08:47 to an oft-forgotten chapter in history,
08:49 as Dr. Emory Tolbert detailed the fight for Sabbath fidelity,
08:54 during an exciting period in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church,
08:59 you know as Adventists,
09:02 we like to celebrate our pioneers
09:05 James and Ellen White, Joseph Bates,
09:09 Josiah Fitch, John Loughborough, Uriah Smith and others
09:12 however, as we saw last night, there are many other pioneers
09:18 who held the message of the Sabbath and the Advent down
09:22 and in Abyssinian Ethiopia,
09:25 surrounded by the forces of Muhammad
09:28 and assaulted by the arrows of Rome,
09:31 God had reserved for Himself
09:34 a remnant who had not bowed to Baal...
09:37 Audience: "Amen. "
09:39 And so as we reflect on the stories of faith
09:41 through persecution from last night,
09:43 I'm sure you will agree that surely, Ezana
09:47 and Wastatius and Felicitas...
09:49 will be counted among those who keep
09:53 the commandments of God
09:54 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ
09:57 although they died centuries before
10:00 the birth of our Movement, but surely I say,
10:04 they can be considered "Seventh-day Adventists"
10:07 in the most classic sense of the term.
10:10 While preparing for this presentation,
10:14 my thoughts took an involuntary detour
10:19 as I considered the meaning of the name,
10:22 Seventh-day Adventist,
10:24 subconsciously my mind strayed to the image of
10:30 Janus... the two-faced Roman god
10:34 who had the ability
10:36 to look in opposite directions at the same time,
10:38 hopefully, none would think it sacrilege
10:42 if I use this symbol to illustrate our mission
10:46 and identity,
10:48 indeed, as a people, we are serious about the past,
10:53 we honor the God of history who created in six days
10:58 and rested on the seventh,
11:00 we celebrate the God of grace
11:02 who showed mercy on our common parents, Adam and Eve,
11:07 and yes, Shem, Ham and Japheth and their unnamed wives,
11:12 we marvel at the God of power
11:15 who liberated Israel from Egyptian bondage,
11:19 and relieved the Jews from Persian oppression,
11:22 we base our salvation so definitely attained
11:26 by the one whose throne is forever and ever,
11:30 like Janus, we look back...
11:32 but even as we look back,
11:35 even as we celebrate our rich history,
11:38 even as we honor those who laid down their lives for the faith
11:43 we refuse to be prisoners of the past,
11:47 you see, we are a people of destiny
11:50 we stride in God's providence
11:54 we look for those waymarks, those great prophetic waymarks
11:59 we don't allow ourselves to be stuck in time...
12:03 we are not tenaciously tethered to treasured traditions,
12:08 we refuse to allow molded mistakes of yesteryear
12:12 to steal our hope of a better tomorrow,
12:15 like Paul in the 2nd letter to the Corinthians,
12:19 we are a forward-looking people
12:22 who don't always see things how they are
12:25 but picture them... how they will be
12:29 we focus our energies on the glorious vision of redemption
12:34 and restoration as we await the time
12:38 when the kingdoms of this world
12:40 become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Messiah,
12:44 like Janus... we look forward...
12:47 today, we are afforded another opportunity
12:52 for retrospection and anticipation
12:56 as we celebrate the global footprint
13:00 of Adventism and the Sabbath.
13:03 Now, "footprint" is a term used by the media
13:09 to define the extent of their transmitting power.
13:13 3ABN we learn has a footprint... a footprint...
13:17 that extends beyond North America,
13:20 to every continent on the globe.
13:22 This footprint mirrors the expanse of the gospel message
13:27 which continues to gain ground as we rapidly approach
13:31 the time of Christ's appearing
13:33 but even, as we reflect on the massive footprint...
13:40 I invite you to follow some smaller footprints
13:46 that remind us of our mission
13:48 and where do these footprints take us, you may ask,
13:53 well, they take us beyond this mighty Adventist Movement
13:58 which sees the additions of
14:00 thousands of precious souls every day,
14:02 they take us beyond the churches of Ethiopia and Armenia
14:07 who held on to the Sabbath truth
14:09 while their brethren in other parts of the globe
14:12 danced to Mithra's pipe,
14:14 they take us beyond the Lemba, the Akan, the Yoruba, Igbo,
14:20 the Kalenjin and other African tribes
14:23 that lived their lives to the weekly rhythm of seven,
14:27 they take us beyond the dispersed offspring of Israel
14:32 who have pitched their tents on all of earth's continents.
14:36 Where do these footprints take us?
14:38 They take us to the very beginning
14:41 when God created the heavens and the earth
14:45 the very beginning,
14:47 when the Father of Creation breathed life
14:50 into the parents of humanity
14:52 and placed them in the majestically manicured Eden.
14:55 This very weekend as I stand before you
15:00 my wife's family is holding a reunion in Atlanta, Georgia,
15:05 the scattered clans from Jamaica, Panama, Costa Rica,
15:10 California, Florida, New York, Maryland, Tennessee and Alabama
15:14 will assemble together
15:16 as they greet newly-discovered relatives
15:18 and rehearse the family history,
15:22 but even as the Henry family meets
15:25 they are mindful of the fact that their roots are deeper
15:31 than any genealogical software can dig,
15:35 like others involved in ancestral research,
15:39 their genealogical spade
15:42 may not be strong enough to uncover the roots
15:45 that lie beneath the coal mines of Scotland
15:48 or the diamond fields of Mozambique,
15:50 however, even as their quest for family identity is obstructed,
15:57 they are mindful that their roots go deeper
16:01 than human inquisitiveness,
16:03 although there may be many missing generations
16:08 and although these generations may be permanently untraceable,
16:12 they can find solace in the reality
16:15 that the roots of all of us are firmly planted
16:19 in that common homestead
16:21 from which every human being has sprung,
16:25 when we go to Eden my brothers and sisters,
16:28 even the orphan can claim to have a knowledge of her roots.
16:34 As tribal temptations tug at our loyalties
16:39 every now and then, it is good for the global Adventist family
16:44 to reflect on our common ancestry,
16:48 hence the trip to Eden this morning,
16:52 you will find that when we travel to Eden,
16:55 we are reminded that all members of the human family
17:00 share the same DNA...
17:03 Audience: "Amen. "
17:05 Oh, we may exhibit different human characteristics
17:08 but we are all from the same source,
17:11 the God of diversity who created culture,
17:15 may have scattered unique genetic markers
17:18 across the planet,
17:19 our hair textures, our lip densities,
17:22 our skin hues, our nasal dimensions
17:25 and eye angles may be noticeably different
17:28 but as God's Word has established
17:31 and Science... yes Science has confirmed
17:36 we all originated from the same loins...
17:40 Audience: "Amen. "
17:42 Some Christians get a little uncomfortable
17:46 when we talk about Science,
17:47 when certain reports come to the fray
17:51 for some reason they fear
17:54 that new discoveries may destroy fragile faith,
17:57 however, like Paul,
18:00 I am persuaded that we can do nothing against the truth
18:08 and if authentic Science is a quest for truth,
18:12 it can only confirm God's revealed Word,
18:16 indeed, we have reason to shout...
18:20 when I believed geneticists announce that mitochondrial
18:25 and Y chromosomal DNA, verify what the book of Genesis
18:31 has established for three millennia,
18:33 we all have common parents in Adam and Eve,
18:38 we are emboldened when anthropologists declare
18:43 that the oldest human fossils
18:45 are located in the Biblical region of Ham
18:49 after all Genesis chapter 2 verses 10 through 14
18:53 informs us that all four rivers of Eden were situated
19:00 in the territory of Cush,
19:01 when you have time, look it up,
19:04 it speaks about the first river the Gihon
19:07 that encircles the land of Havilah where there is gold
19:10 and the Pishon that encircled the land of Cush
19:12 and then the Tigris... and the Euphrates
19:15 well when you look at Genesis chapter 10,
19:17 you will see that Cush or Ethiopia
19:22 fathered several children.
19:24 One of them was Havilah...
19:26 the same place where there was gold
19:29 where one of the rivers of Eden surrounds it,
19:31 another one of his children was Nimrod
19:34 who founded Assyria and Babylon... modern-day Iraq
19:37 where the Tigris and the Euphrates are located
19:40 and so we see from very early on in the Book of Genesis
19:45 the Bible lets us know that God located Eden
19:50 in the Biblical land of Ham and so, if indeed, this is so...
19:57 why should archeology give a contrary testimony?
20:01 As the very skeptics who decry the miraculous discover facts
20:08 that buttress our faith,
20:10 the people of God ought to be rejoicing
20:13 with jubilant affirmation
20:15 as the people anchored in divine providence
20:18 we ought to be a sentiment of the psalmist,
20:21 "the heavens declare the glory of God
20:23 and the firmament shows His handiwork. "
20:25 Audience: "That's right, amen. "
20:27 This ode to the Creator, evokes the joy of heaven,
20:31 as Cherubim and Seraphim lend their symphonic chords
20:36 to the grand chorus, however, even as we worship
20:40 we must be mindful that there are demonic forces
20:45 for which praise is cacophony...
20:47 for which rejoicing is bedlam
20:50 for which joyous jubilation is tantamount
20:54 to assiduously tormenting temper tantrum,
20:57 the enemy of souls is disturbed
21:00 when the scattered tribes of Adam
21:02 sing in harmonious accord,
21:06 already in the garden... that old serpent had orchestrated
21:11 the fragmentation of the first family.
21:13 When he had finished his devious work of deception,
21:17 those who had been created in the very image of God
21:20 were so confused and ashamed
21:23 that they ran and hid from their loving Father,
21:27 God had created humans for unity and companionship
21:30 and the one who had brought division to the heavenly courts
21:35 was set on sowing his seeds of discord
21:39 among the human family.
21:40 He did not stop with Adam and Eve
21:43 but injected the virus of prejudice
21:46 into the heart of Cain who despised his brother so much
21:50 that he murdered him with his own hands,
21:52 energized by his warm success,
21:55 the great dragon continued his divided revolt strategy
22:00 with the antediluvians
22:02 with these he organized the race dubbed the daughters of men
22:07 which opposed and eventually subsumed the sons of God.
22:11 His plan was temporarily halted
22:14 when Yahweh saved a remnant through Noah
22:18 and bade the favored family to repopulate the earth.
22:22 However, it did not take long for the scientist of doom
22:26 to set another plan in motion,
22:29 a plan that he knew was destined to divide the earth...
22:34 divide the earth once more...
22:36 Yahweh, I'm sure had hoped that after the lessons of the flood,
22:42 humans would unite in doing good and bring glory to His name
22:47 but they were subsumed by an evil agenda
22:51 and as they built Babel... in another act of grace,
22:56 Yahweh confounded the speech of those who built...
23:00 and as a result, earth's inhabitants
23:03 were geographically separated
23:05 according to language and ethnicity.
23:08 Not one to miss an opportunity, the great deceiver
23:13 began to plant seeds of discord
23:16 among the linguistically separated groups,
23:19 he had them create new religions
23:22 and the world we find that was born from Babel
23:26 was one that was divided by difference
23:29 and peppered with prejudice...
23:31 a world not too different than the world that we inherited
23:36 now, the casual reader of Scripture
23:40 may think that Yahweh endorsed the difference
23:43 wasn't He the one who overlooked Ham and Japheth
23:47 and placed His mantle on Shem?
23:49 Wasn't it He who separated the liberated Israelites
23:53 for a holy use?
23:55 Wasn't it He who enacted a covenant with Jacob's sons
23:59 and endowed them with irrevocable blessings?
24:01 Yes, while it is true that God had His special relationship
24:06 with a certain line of Shem's family tree,
24:09 don't be deceived,
24:12 God does not condone ethnic, cultural, national
24:18 or any other type of supremacy,
24:21 those who are tempted to use race or religion
24:25 as a platform to belittle others,
24:27 must be warned that they're not doing the work of God...
24:31 an enemy has done this.
24:33 Audience: "True... "
24:35 While it is true that Yahweh
24:39 forged a special relationship with Abraham's descendants,
24:42 let's not forget the true purpose of His election
24:47 when He called Abraham,
24:49 He made no secret of His ultimate plan
24:53 I will make you a great nation, He says,
24:57 "I will bless you and make your name great
25:01 and you shall be a blessing.
25:04 I will bless those who bless you
25:07 and I will curse those who curse you,
25:10 and in you... " He says,
25:11 "all the families of the earth shall be blessed. "
25:15 Did you hear that? Audience: "Amen. "
25:17 "All families of the earth shall be blessed. "
25:21 Abraham's descendants we're not elected to establish
25:27 an exclusive country club for members only,
25:30 they were to be the vehicle
25:33 through whom God's blessings
25:35 would flow to all of earth's families.
25:38 We should not be surprised then
25:41 to read Yahweh's commission and statement
25:44 to the Israelite multitude
25:45 before He revealed the Ten Commandments to them.
25:48 He says, "You shall be to me
25:51 a kingdom of priests and a Holy Nation"
25:55 With this declaration, every Israelite was
25:59 automatically installed into a priestly order.
26:03 The task of ministry was not just the responsibility
26:07 of the sons of Levi, but every member of the covenant
26:11 was to be an agent of reconciliation
26:14 as they pointed to the Lamb of God,
26:17 who takes away the sins of the world.
26:19 Audience: "Amen. "
26:21 God's reconciling plan is evident throughout Scripture.
26:25 It is not an exclusive plan
26:28 available only to those who can pay the premium,
26:32 it's not an elitist plan for those who are a part
26:35 of the right organization,
26:38 It's a comprehensive plan
26:40 that provides universal assurance to all...
26:44 who is it that says,
26:46 "You're in good hands with AllState"
26:49 let me tell you something with my God...
26:52 He got the whole world in His hand...
26:54 it's not just about the descendants of Abraham
26:58 but all the dispersed offspring of Shem, Ham and Japheth
27:03 have a role to play in the grand drama,
27:07 my brothers and sisters,
27:09 this was God's plan from the very beginning
27:14 Genesis informs us that although it was a son of Shem
27:18 who inherited the promise,
27:20 it was Melchizedek, a Jebusite,
27:24 a person of Ham who received his tithes
27:29 and blessed him
27:31 and it was the hermetic Canaanites... Tamar and Rahab
27:35 and the Moabitess, Ruth,
27:37 who were conjugates of Messiah's earthly ancestors.
27:41 Generations later...
27:43 when David was being prepared for the throne,
27:47 he had the faithful allegiance
27:50 of warriors from Philistia and Canaan
27:53 who were an essential part of his fighting force.
27:57 Indeed, when we look at 2nd Samuel chapter 18,
28:01 we find that Ittai the Gittite, Ittai the man of Gath...
28:06 Ittai the man of Philistia which came from the Caslahites
28:11 which came from Mizraim which is Egypt,
28:14 Ittai was one of his three trusted Generals
28:18 and how can we forget the fate of the loyal Uriah
28:22 an offspring of Ham's grandson, Heth,
28:26 or we can recall the warning that the Egyptian Pharaoh Necho
28:32 gave to King Josiah, the boy reformer,
28:34 in 2nd Chronicles chapter 35
28:37 when Josiah came out against this African king,
28:40 the African King sent him this message, listen very carefully,
28:43 "What have I to do with you, King of Judah?
28:47 I have not come against you this day,
28:51 for God commanded me... " the African king says,
28:55 "God commanded me to make haste:
28:57 refrain from meddling with God,
29:00 who was with me, lest He destroy you. "
29:04 If you remember the story,
29:07 Josiah did not listen to this message of God
29:09 and was indeed destroyed,
29:11 and there's more...
29:12 although not from Terah's line,
29:15 it was Ahasuerus, the Semitic king of Persia
29:18 who prevented the genocide of God's remnant
29:22 in his far-flung provinces,
29:24 and according to Ezra
29:26 wasn't it the Lord who stirred the spirit
29:29 of Cyrus and Darius
29:31 to use Government money to reconstruct the temple of God.
29:35 Further, it was not only Shem and Ham
29:39 who provided willing servants for Yahweh,
29:43 but Japheth's descendants have also featured prominently
29:48 in the divine drama,
29:49 indeed as our Savior hung on the cruel cross
29:53 it was a member of Caesar's army who declared,
29:56 "Surely, this man is the Son of God"
30:00 and the righteous Cornelius, another Roman centurion
30:04 was so sincere in his walk with God,
30:07 that he was one of the few worthies in Scripture
30:11 who was blessed with an angelic appearance
30:14 or I could talk about Phebe who Paul commends...
30:19 in Romans chapter 16, verses 1 through 2,
30:22 Phebe, he says, who was a deacon...
30:26 not a deaconess...
30:27 she held the office of deacon
30:29 in the church of Cenchrea right there in Corinth,
30:32 as we see... when we look at the Biblical record,
30:36 all of Ham's...
30:37 all of Adam's descendants were included in God's plan.
30:44 Audience: "Amen. "
30:46 Given the global breath of God's redemptive net,
30:50 we should not be surprised then, by the universal promises
30:54 that echo throughout Scripture,
30:56 lest Israel be puffed up by her election,
30:59 Yahweh poses the rhetorical question
31:02 through His prophet Amos,
31:04 "Are you not like the Ethiopians to me?"
31:08 And again in Psalm 87 verse 4, He proclaims,
31:11 "Among those who know me, I mentioned Rahab and Babylon
31:16 Philistia too and Tyre... and Ethiopia:
31:20 this man was born here, they say... "
31:24 and at the inauguration of God's kingdom,
31:27 He promises to deliver the remnant from Assyria
31:32 from Egypt, from Pathros,
31:35 from Ethiopia, from Elam,
31:37 from Shinar, from Hamath,
31:40 and from the islands of the sea,
31:43 on this great day of restoration He declares,
31:47 "from beyond the Rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants...
31:51 my scattered ones... shall bring my offering"
31:55 and then a powerful prophecy about the kings of the earth
31:59 bringing offerings to the temple of God.
32:01 The Psalmist writes, "Let princes come out of Egypt,
32:06 Ethiopia will quickly stretch out her hands unto God... "
32:11 this glorious vision of unity among the family of nations
32:16 is depicted beautifully in Isaiah,
32:19 he writes in chapter 19 verses 23 and following...
32:23 "In that day, there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria
32:28 and the Assyrian will come to Egypt
32:31 and the Egyptian into Assyria
32:33 and the Egyptians will serve with the Assyrians
32:36 in that day... " he says,
32:37 "Israel shall be one of three with Egypt and Assyria
32:43 a blessing in the midst of the Lord,
32:46 whom the Lord of Hosts shall bless saying,
32:49 'blest is Egypt my people and Assyria the work of my hands
32:56 and Israel... my inheritance'"
32:59 what a wonderful prophecy my brothers and sisters
33:03 in no uncertain terms,
33:05 God is letting us know that He is in the "blessing business. "
33:09 Audience: "Amen. "
33:11 This is the same God who does not wish for any to perish
33:13 but for all to come to repentance,
33:15 this is the same God who has enabled salvation
33:19 for everyone having faith
33:20 to the Jew first and also the Gentile,
33:23 this is the same God who promised
33:25 that all who believe in His Son
33:28 shall not perish but shall receive eternal life,
33:31 this is the same God
33:33 who grants us a glimpse of the great multitude
33:36 of the redeemed comprised of members
33:39 from every nation, kindred, tongue and people.
33:43 As the remnant of God anticipates that grand reunion,
33:49 I pray that we have been challenged by the prophetic word
33:54 we are excited about marching to Zion,
33:57 but let me tell you something,
33:59 if we are going to the same place,
34:02 we must march as a united people.
34:05 Audience: "Amen. "
34:06 We may define ourselves by our places of birth
34:08 or our places of domicile,
34:10 but we must never forget that we are all God's people
34:15 we are all the works of His hands,
34:18 we are all His inheritance,
34:21 the Assyrians, the Egyptians, the Israelites,
34:25 the Americans, the Trinidadians or the Cambodians,
34:29 the Yazidis, the Russians, the Ghanaians,
34:32 the Sri Lankans, the Chinese, the French,
34:36 we are all His children, we are one nation,
34:40 we are family.
34:42 Audience: " Amen, thank you, thank you, thank you thank you"
34:47 audience clapping...
34:49 Many Christian writers... in closing,
34:52 have received inspiration from Jesus' promise
34:55 of a gigantic Passover meal
34:57 at the inauguration of the Kingdom,
35:00 they invite all to come on in where the table is spread
35:04 and the feast of the Lord is going on,
35:06 they pledge, "I'm going to sit at the welcome table,
35:11 I'm going to feast on milk and honey... "
35:14 they're excited about the grand banquet
35:17 that welcomes all who transition from mortality to immortality,
35:22 I have not seen the menu for that day
35:25 however, I do believe
35:27 that the wholesome food that have been gathered
35:30 from the heavenly farm
35:32 that is nourished from water from a very special river,
35:35 in John's apocalyptic vision of the renewed Jerusalem,
35:39 he tells of a river flowing
35:42 from the throne of God and the Lamb,
35:45 this river nurtures the therapeutic tree
35:48 whose leaves bring healing to the fractured nations,
35:51 the force of this river breaks every curse
35:55 that has plagued humanity,
35:57 it is to this river that the Spirit and the Bride
36:01 offers an open invitation,
36:03 "Come, and let him who hears, come...
36:07 and let him who thirsts,
36:09 come and drink from the water of life freely... "
36:14 sons and daughters of Adam and Eve,
36:17 members of God's family,
36:19 my brothers and sisters in Christ,
36:22 that water is available today...
36:26 that water that comes from the river
36:29 that flows from the throne of God
36:32 and the almighty God
36:34 who calls every nation, kindred, tongue and people,
36:37 says, "drink... drink... drink from the water of life freely. "
36:43 Audience: "Amen. " Clapping.
36:46 At this time, we're going to hear from Joan Francis,
36:49 Dr. Francis, is the Chair of History and Political Science
36:55 at Columbia Union College
36:57 and is also the Dean of the Institution.
36:59 Audience: "All right. "
37:01 Children are part of God's family too.
37:05 Audience: "Amen. "
37:06 An African proverb states
37:08 "When an elder dies... a library is burnt"
37:11 this saying implies and rightly so,
37:13 that elders are the repository of great wisdom
37:17 and knowledge and of our heritage,
37:19 when they die, in too many cases,
37:22 that knowledge is lost,
37:24 we want to change that and so all the information
37:27 about the role of the Sabbath and Christianity
37:29 in the world and in Africa,
37:31 we want to be able to pass on to our children now,
37:35 in fact, we have Biblical evidence for this,
37:38 turn with me to Deuteronomy chapter 6 verses 7 to 9,
37:43 I might not be reading from your version but look at that text
37:46 I'm going to read part of it, and the Lord is saying here,
37:50 "These commandments that I give you today,
37:53 are to be upon your heart: impress them on your children,
37:58 talk about them when you sit at home,
38:01 and when you walk along the road,
38:04 and when you lie down and when you get up.
38:07 Tie them as symbols on your hands,
38:10 and bind them on your forehead.
38:13 Write them on the doorframe of your houses,
38:16 and on your gates. "
38:17 Now, that was that time and that society
38:20 if we were saying it today, we might say,
38:23 "Talk to your children when you sit at home,
38:26 when you text-message them on the road,
38:29 when you call them up on your cell phone,
38:32 when you e-mail them,
38:34 when you sit down to eat with them,
38:37 when you take them out to the restaurant,
38:39 when you wake them up,
38:41 put them as symbols on your computer,
38:44 put them as illustrations on your refrigerator,
38:47 write them in their Facebook or whatever book it is,
38:50 and put it on YouTube
38:52 and all the other communication areas,
38:55 in fact, we need to pass on our heritage to our kids. "


Revised 2017-02-13