Participants: Pr. Taj Pacleb
Series Code: ROHB
Program Code: ROHB000016
00:39 Our message tonight,
00:41 the Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God. 00:46 This topic, my friends, 00:47 is one of the most shocking topics all of the Bible. 00:53 And friends, I believe that the reason 00:55 why God has this particular message in His word 00:59 even thought it's a strolling and shocking message. 01:03 It's because He realizes that sometimes the only way 01:06 He could get our attention is to shock us into reality 01:11 and so this is one of those messages. 01:12 I'm just saying that to warn you to prepare you tonight 01:16 but I want us to be very clear that this message 01:20 about the mark of the beast 01:21 is given by a God who is so gracious and kind. 01:26 His heart is filled with love with for all of His children. 01:30 Can you say, amen? 01:31 I want us to notice how the love of God 01:34 is demonstrated towards us. 01:36 In the Book of Revelation 3:19 01:39 Jesus said, "As many as I love, I" do what? 01:44 "Rebuke and chasten, be zealous therefore" 01:47 and do what? "Repent." 01:50 So here we find that the love of Jesus 01:53 is not only demonstrated in His compassion, 01:55 in His pity and His kindness and His patience 01:58 but according to the passage 02:00 it's also demonstrated in strong rebuke and chastening. 02:03 And friends, rebuke means correction. 02:05 It's to correct us from our erring way of thinking. 02:10 And so friends without foundation 02:11 I want you to consider with me what is the mark of the beast. 02:16 Many people have fancified years and opinions 02:18 and speculations about what it could be. 02:21 Most people think that mark of the beast 02:22 is some type of micro computer chip 02:25 implanted in the forehead or some people say 02:28 it's some type of biometrics devise 02:30 or barcode with the number 666 02:32 or some type of universal identification number 02:34 or smart card or some type of tattoo with the number 666. 02:39 Well, friends, you need to know that those ideas are false. 02:43 The mark of the beast is not a computer chip. 02:45 The mark of the beast has nothing to do 02:46 with technology, friends. 02:48 Satan is a lot more crafty and subtle than that. 02:52 We are gonna see tonight friends, 02:53 that the mark of the beast is a moral issue 02:57 that has to do with the frontal lobe of your brain 03:00 which is the seat of your reason and your conscience 03:03 and your morality you see the forehead 03:05 the frontal lobe the cerebral cortex 03:07 that's where you make your decisions. 03:08 That's where your belief system is stored. 03:11 And that's what it's all about, friends. 03:12 It's about your belief system 03:14 it's about the decisions that you make. 03:17 And friends I want us to be clear on something tonight 03:19 and that is that, what the mark of the beast is, 03:22 is a totally separate issue 03:25 from how the mark is going to be enforced upon the world. 03:30 Friends, the Bible doesn't leave us to guess. 03:34 God makes it abundantly clear what the mark of the beast is. 03:36 And so now--why don't you turn with me in your Bible 03:39 to the Book of Revelation 14: 6 03:42 "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, 03:45 having the everlasting" 03:46 what is that word? "Gospel." 03:48 And friends, that word gospel means? Good news. 03:50 So keep that in mind friends, even though it's a shocking 03:53 starling rebuke and cutting message 03:55 it's a good news message, Amen. 03:58 It says, "Having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them 04:00 that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, 04:02 and kindred, and tongue, and people." 04:04 So how much of the world is gonna have 04:06 an opportunity to hear this message? 04:08 The whole world friends, and the reason why 04:09 its because God so loved the world 04:11 He is not willing that any should perish in these last days 04:13 before He comes the second time 04:15 everyone is gonna have an opportunity to hear 04:18 what you are about the hear tonight, 04:20 the everlasting gospel. 04:22 And it says in verse 7, 04:23 "Saying with a" what kind of voice? 04:25 "A loud voice," a shouting a strong voice 04:28 "fear God and give glory to him, 04:31 for the hour of his judgment is come, and" do what? 04:34 "Worship Him that made heaven, and earth, 04:36 and the fountains of waters." 04:37 So we find that apart of this worldwide everlasting 04:40 gospel message is a call to worship the Creator, 04:44 worship the one that made heaven 04:46 and earth the sea and all that in the midst. 04:48 But not only is there an invitation to true worship 04:51 apart of the same everlasting gospel is a strong warning 04:54 against false worship 04:55 the warning against the mark of beast. 04:57 Notice now, in verse 9, it says, 05:00 "And the third angel followed them, saying with a" 05:01 what kind of voice? "a loud voice." 05:04 And by the way in the Greek the word-- 05:05 the expression loud voice it means megaphone. 05:08 A very strong shout to get out attention. 05:13 "Saying with a loud voice, if any man do" what? 05:18 "Worship the beast and his image, 05:20 and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 05:24 the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, 05:26 which is poured out without mixture 05:27 into the cup of his indignation, 05:29 and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone 05:32 in the presence of the holy angels, 05:33 and in the presence of the Lamb. 05:35 And the smoke of their torment ascended up for ever and ever 05:37 and they have no" what is the next word? "Rest." 05:42 Friends, I want you to notice very carefully 05:44 that those who receive the mark of the beast 05:47 the Bible says, they have no rest. 05:52 And friends we are gonna see the reason why tonight. 05:54 These who receive the mark of the beast have no rest 05:56 because they have rejected the rest of God. 06:02 We are gonna come back to that, notice, 06:03 "They have no rest day nor night, 06:05 who worship the beast and his image, 06:08 and whosoever receives the mark of his name." 06:12 Here we find friends 06:13 God gives His most strongest warning in all of scripture. 06:18 He reserves it for the mark of the beast issue. 06:20 Friends, what we just read is the most solemn 06:22 and serious warning from God to His children in this world. 06:26 The most urgent warning friends, 06:28 is about worshipping the beast 06:29 and receive the mark of that beast. 06:32 And friends, if God gives such a strong warning 06:35 against it surly He would make it clear 06:38 what it is so that we can know for sure 06:41 what we need to avoid, isn't that right? 06:43 Tonight, we are going to discover four characteristics. 06:46 How many? 06:48 Four characteristics of the mark of the beast 06:51 and we are also gonna look at eight characteristics 06:53 of the beast itself. 06:55 And friends, by God's grace tonight it will be so clear 06:58 that even a little child will be able to understand it. 07:00 But I want us to notice one of the first things 07:02 we see in this worldwide everlasting 07:04 gospel message is a contrast in -- 07:07 of two distinct types of worshippers. 07:10 Worshippers of the true creator God that was found in verse 7, 07:13 but then we find worshippers of the counterfeit 07:16 antichrist beast system in verse 9 through 11. 07:19 And friends, the reason why the word worship is mentioned 07:22 in three times in this passage 07:24 is because the central issue regarding the mark of the beast 07:28 is the issue of worship that is false worship. 07:32 So here we find our first characteristic 07:36 about what the mark of the beast is. 07:39 I want you to notice write it down, 07:40 number one, the mark of the beast involves 07:43 counterfeit worship or false worship. 07:47 And if that's clear would you please say, amen? 07:49 I want you notice another characteristic. 07:51 Notice we just read from Revelation 14:9-11 07:56 that the mark of the beast is placed 07:58 on either one of two places. 08:00 Either in the hand or in the, what? 08:03 In the forehead. 08:05 Now friends, whenever the Bible tells us 08:07 that the mark of the beast is placed on the-- 08:09 either the forehead or in the hand, 08:11 what Satan is doing he is basically 08:13 counterfeiting something else 08:16 that God wants to put in the forehead 08:18 or in the hand of His people. 08:20 And friends, do you know 08:21 what God wants to place in the forehead 08:22 or in the hand of His people? 08:23 Notice what is says in the Book of Exodus 13:9 08:27 because the mark of the beast is simply a counterfeit 08:30 of what God is wanting to put in our forehead or hand. 08:32 And so in Exodus 13:9 it tells us, 08:34 "And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine" 08:37 what? "Hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes," 08:42 what is between your eyes? 08:43 Your mind, your forehead, friends. 08:45 And it says, "that the Lord's" what? 08:47 "Law may be in thy mouth." 08:49 So what is God want to place in the hand 08:52 and in the minds of His people? 08:54 Bible says His law. 08:56 Now friends, that doesn't mean that we literally attach 08:59 that the write the law of God on our forehead 09:01 or right it on our hand, its not our literally friends, 09:04 because you see the forehead is where you believe. 09:07 That's your mind where you think, 09:10 where you make decisions. 09:11 And in the Bible, a person's hand 09:13 is a symbol of their works or their actions. 09:17 And so when God says He wants to put His law between our eyes 09:20 and in our hand it simply means 09:22 that God desires our thoughts our mind 09:25 and our actions or a hand to be governed 09:28 and guided by His holy law of love. 09:32 Could you say, amen? 09:33 And so we find our second characteristic 09:35 of what the mark of the beast is 09:37 because the mark of the beast is also placed 09:38 either in the forehead or hand 09:40 because the mark of the beast is a counterfeit law 09:43 that actually opposes God's law. 09:47 Are you with me, yes or no? Some of you are not with me? 09:53 Because the mark of the beast is placed 09:54 in the forehead or in the hand 09:56 and because that's what God's law 09:58 what God wants to put His law that shows 10:00 that the mark of the beast has to be a counterfeit law 10:02 that apposes the law of God. 10:03 Now, notice the next characteristic. 10:05 The Bible says in Revelation 13:16, 17 10:07 it talks about this earth beast and it says, 10:10 "And he causes all, both small and great, 10:13 rich and poor, free and bond, 10:14 to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads." 10:19 And so we find that the mark of the beast 10:21 whatever it is it must be enforced 10:25 by the beast the earth beast specifically. 10:28 And we learn before that in Bible prophecy 10:31 a beast represents a, what? 10:33 A kingdom or a political power 10:36 or a form of government, secular government. 10:40 And so we find that it's this beast that causes-- 10:43 another word for cause is to force. 10:46 It's this kingdom this beast is political power 10:49 that forces people to receive the mark 10:51 because friends, the mark of the beast 10:53 must be enforced by a political power. 10:57 With out political power behind it, 10:59 it has no power at all. 11:01 Which gives us our third identifying characteristic 11:03 of what the mark of the beast is 11:04 and that is number three, 11:06 it requires government enforcement. 11:10 And if that makes sense would you please say, amen? 11:13 Now, I want you notice another characteristic 11:14 of the mark of the beast. 11:16 The mark of the beast, 11:17 is simply the counterfeit of the Seal of God. 11:21 You see friends, for every truth there is a, what? 11:24 There is a counterfeit. 11:26 And so whatever this mark is we know that 11:27 it's just a counterfeit of something that is real, 11:30 something that is genuine, something that God wants to put 11:34 in the forehead in the minds of His people. 11:37 And so friends, before we identify what the counterfeit is 11:40 let's first understand what the genuine is. 11:43 What is the seal of the living God. 11:45 We talked little about it last night 11:47 and how we needed that seal. 11:48 And noted that make it through the tribulation. 11:50 Now, let's find out what exactly it is. 11:52 Revelation 7:2, 3 tells us 11:56 about the seal of the living God. 11:57 Notice what it says, Revelation 7:2, 3 12:00 "I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the" what? 12:04 "Seal of the living God, and he cried with a loud voice 12:07 to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt 12:09 the earth and the sea, saying, hurt not the earth, 12:12 neither the sea, nor the trees, 12:14 till we have sealed the servants of our God" where? 12:19 "In their foreheads of His people." 12:21 Now friends, I want you to remember notice 12:23 where was the mark of the beast placed? 12:25 The mark of the beast could either be placed 12:26 in the forehead or in the hand. 12:28 You know why? 12:29 Because friends, listen, they are gonna be many people 12:32 who are going to believe in the mark of the beast in their mind. 12:34 They are gonna believe that this is right the right thing to do. 12:37 They are going to be deceived in their mind thinking 12:40 that this is something that they should be a part of 12:43 they are gonna receive it in their foreheads. 12:45 Others may not believe it in their minds, 12:47 other may know that this is not God's will 12:50 but because of convince, because they want to maintain 12:54 their right to buy or sell 12:56 they are gonna accept it in their hand. 12:58 In other words, their works or their actions 13:00 are gonna support whatever the mark of the beast is 13:04 because they know that if they don't receive it 13:05 they are gonna be cut off they will not be able to buy or sell. 13:08 And so because they want to maintain 13:10 their right to buy and sell 13:12 they may not believe it in their minds 13:13 but because of convince they will say 13:15 oh, just give it to me and they will receive it in their hands. 13:18 But friends, when it comes to the Seal of God 13:20 you can't receive it in the hand. 13:22 You can only receive it, where? In the forehead. 13:25 You know why? 13:26 Because friends, we by the works of our hands 13:28 can never work our way to heaven. 13:30 We cannot save ourselves friends we can only believe in God 13:34 by faith in our mind. 13:36 Can you say, amen? 13:37 We must believe the truth in our mind friends, 13:40 it's by faith in Gods grace and truth 13:42 that we are saved and so we can't receive 13:45 this seal in our-- in ours hand. 13:47 We must believe it in our hearts and in our minds. 13:50 And so now what exactly is this seal 13:52 that God places in the mind or in the forehead of His people 13:55 that preserves them during trouble? 13:57 Oh, friends, we don't have to guess 13:58 all we need to do is compare scripture with scripture 14:00 and we discover that the Bible interprets itself. 14:03 Notice what else God wants to place in the forehead 14:05 or in the mind of His people. 14:07 In Hebrews 8:10 write it down, 14:09 this is the new covenant promise where God says, 14:12 "I will put my" what? 14:14 "Laws into their mind, 14:17 and I will write them in their hearts, 14:20 and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people." 14:23 So God says, He wants to write His law 14:25 in our foreheads in our minds 14:26 and in our hearts so that we won't forget His law. 14:30 Because friends, when you write something down-- 14:31 why do you write things down? 14:32 So that you do not forget in the same way 14:35 God doesn't want us to forget His law. 14:37 So His new covenant promise doesn't do away with the law 14:40 but rather puts it in our minds and in our hearts 14:43 so that we do not forget it so that we remember His law. 14:48 So here we find the both God's seal and God's law 14:53 are placed in the minds of His people 14:55 which shows us friends, that the Seal of God 14:57 and the law of God are connected somehow. 15:00 Are you with me, yes or no? 15:02 And that's exactly what the Bible tells us 15:04 in Isaiah 8:16 write it down. 15:07 The bible says, "Bind up the testimony 15:09 and seal the law among my disciples." 15:14 So we see very clearly friends comparing 15:15 scripture with scripture that God's seal 15:18 and God's law are both placed in the forehead. 15:20 They are both connected together. 15:21 The reason why is because God's seal 15:25 is actually in the heart of God's holy law. 15:30 Now friends, what exactly is the Seal of God 15:34 and which law contains it? 15:36 Well, friends, I want you to notice that the-- 15:38 a seal is not only a preserving agent 15:42 but a seal is also a sign of authenticity, 15:45 it's a stamp of approval 15:47 and every official government on the earth 15:50 has an official seal including the government of God. 15:54 For example, if you see the seal of the United States of America. 15:57 You can see it right there on the screen and friends, 15:59 every official seal if it's legit 16:02 it will have three main components. 16:04 How many components? 16:06 An official seal that is on an official document 16:09 will have the name of the governing power, 16:13 the title of the governing power and the territory. 16:17 So the name would be 16:19 the name of whoever is ruling, Barack Obama. 16:23 The title, president. 16:25 The territory over which they govern 16:27 the United States of America. 16:31 And so these three things are contained 16:33 in an official government seal so to in the Seal of Gods law. 16:38 And so here is the next question. 16:40 What commandment in the Ten Commandments 16:43 contains those three components? 16:45 What commandment contains God's name, 16:47 God's title and God's territory? 16:50 Friends, its none other than the forth commandment 16:53 the one that says remember the Seventh-day Sabbath. 16:55 I want to notice with me, in Exodus 20:8-11, 16:59 notice if we can find God's name, 17:01 title and territory in the fourth commandment. 17:03 The Bible says, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 17:06 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work, 17:07 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of" who? 17:10 "The Lord thy God." 17:12 That's His name, brothers and sisters. 17:14 The Lord, Jehovah, thy God Eloheenu 17:17 there His name right there in the commandment. 17:19 "In it thou shalt not do any work" and then it says, 17:22 "for in six days the Lord" did what? 17:26 That's His title friends, He made. 17:28 He is the maker or the creator that's His title 17:32 and what is His territory "He made heaven and earth, 17:36 the sea, and all that in them is." 17:38 So there we find in the fourth commandment God seal, 17:41 His name the Lord thy God. 17:43 the title He is the maker or the creator 17:46 and His territory the heavens and the earth 17:48 and the sea and all that in them is. 17:51 And so it's very clear friends, that God seal 17:54 is none other than the seventh day Sabbath. 17:57 And friends, when you think about it, it makes sense. 17:59 It's in the fourth commandment that God shows us 18:02 by what authority He has to even give us any commandment at all. 18:07 He is worthy to give us commandments 18:09 because He is the one that made us. 18:11 He is our maker and our creator 18:12 and because He gave us life He is worthy of our worship, 18:16 our trust and our obedience to His law. 18:20 And friends, if that make senses would you please say, amen? 18:23 Thus we see that the Seal of God's law 18:24 is the seventh day Sabbath. 18:25 But friends, God makes it even clearer. 18:28 I want you notice why did God give the Sabbath. 18:30 Ezekiel 20:12 the Bible says, 18:32 "Moreover also I gave them my Sabbaths, to be a" what? 18:36 To be a what? 18:37 "A sign between Me and them, that they might know 18:40 that I am the Lord that" does what? 18:42 So the Bible tells us that God gave the Sabbath 18:45 to be a sign to be a what? 18:48 A sign of what though? 18:49 A sign for us to know that the Lord 18:52 is the one that sanctifies us. 18:54 You see when we rest on the seventh day Sabbath 18:57 we are acknowledging to God that we believe 18:59 that Lord you are the only one that can sanctify. 19:02 That word sanctify means set apart for holiness. 19:05 God, I can't make myself holy with my own good works. 19:09 I can work seven days a week but I can't work my way to heaven. 19:12 All my righteousness are like filthy rags 19:15 and so because of that I'm going to rest in your completed work 19:19 resting on the seventh day Sabbath as an outward sign 19:22 acknowledging that the Lord is the one 19:24 that does the work in us and through us 19:26 and for us thus the seventh day Sabbath 19:28 is a sing of the true experience of salvation, 19:31 salvation by grace and the work that God is doing for us 19:35 not the work that we do for God. 19:37 Can you say, amen? 19:39 And friends, I want you to notice the Sabbath is a sign 19:41 but I want you notice another word for sign is seal. 19:45 Notice what it says in Romans 4:11 19:48 "And he received the sign of circumcision, a" what? 19:53 "Seal of the righteousness of the faith." 19:56 And just as circumcision was an outward sign 19:58 of the inward experience of righteousness by faith, 20:01 so to the seventh day Sabbath friends, 20:03 is an outward sign of the inward seal 20:07 of being sanctified by the Lord our God. 20:11 The Sabbath is a sign of God's authority 20:14 and the seal of God's law. 20:16 And friends if that is clear would you please say, amen? 20:19 Now friends, this truth gives us our next characteristic 20:23 of what the mark of the beast is because remember 20:25 the mark of the beast is just the counterfeit. 20:28 It is the what? 20:29 The counterfeit of the Seal of God. 20:31 So this shows us characteristic number four, 20:33 that whatever the mark of the beast is, 20:35 it is a counterfeit to God's sign, 20:37 God's seal or God's Sabbath. 20:40 Now, friends with this just these four characteristics 20:43 we can partly already guess what the mark of the beast is. 20:45 But we are not gonna guess friends, 20:46 we want to know without a shot of a doubt what exactly it is. 20:50 And so let's continue, let's go a little bit deeper tonight 20:53 because here is the thing friends, 20:55 is it possible to keep every single Sabbath 20:59 and still be lost? 21:01 The answer is yes, because Sabbath keeping doesn't save us. 21:05 Nothing that we do by our own work saves us. 21:07 It's the work of God in our lives that saves us. 21:10 Could you say, amen? 21:11 So we can keep every Sabbath and still be lost, 21:14 you know why because the Sabbath is just the outward sign 21:18 of the inward experience, the inward seal. 21:21 And so here is the next question as we go a little bit deeper 21:23 about what the Seal of God is. 21:25 The question is how does the Lord seal His people? 21:29 We know that the Sabbath is connected to it, 21:32 the Sabbath is the outward sign 21:33 but what is the inward experience? 21:35 How does God seal us? 21:36 Notice what it says, Ephesians 4:30 the Bible says, 21:39 "And grieve not the" who? 21:42 "The Holy Spirit of God, 21:44 by whom you were sealed unto the day of redemption." 21:47 So tell me friends, who seals us according to this passage? 21:50 You don't seal yourself friends, you can't save yourself 21:53 by your Sabbath keeping or your good works. 21:56 The Sabbath is just an outward sign 21:58 of what the Holy Spirit is doing in our hearts. 22:02 It's the Holy Spirits job to seal us 22:05 but the question is how does the Holy Spirit seal a person? 22:10 Notice what it says in 2 Thessalonians 2:13 22:13 we simply let the Bible answer the question. 22:16 It says, "God from the beginning chose you for salvation" 22:20 but how does He choose us how does He save us? 22:22 "Through what is that word? Sanctification by" who? 22:27 "The Spirit and belief in the truth." 22:31 So friends, how does the Holy Spirit 22:33 seal us or save us? 22:36 It says by sanctification. 22:38 And friends, the sanctification comes as result of believing 22:41 in the truth not in traditions or opinions 22:45 or in what a man says or what a church teaches. 22:49 You see the Holy Spirits job is to lead us 22:51 and guide us into all truth. 22:53 And friends when we understand that truth in our minds 22:56 that truth begins to sanctify the forehead 23:00 and the sanctifying the whole life. 23:03 In other words, the same God that sanctified 23:05 the seventh day of the week begins to do 23:06 that same work in our hearts making us holy 23:10 and making us just like Jesus. 23:12 You see brothers and sisters, to believe in the truth 23:14 is much more than intellectual. 23:16 It's experiential as our head knowledge of truth 23:20 becomes a heart experience. 23:22 Becomes a what? 23:24 When the head knowledge becomes a heart experience 23:27 by personal application we then become sanctified change 23:31 and transformed by the truth 23:33 that we know in our foreheads in our minds 23:36 and so then it becomes more than head knowledge 23:38 it becomes more than just lip service 23:40 we are now serving God both in spirit and in truth. 23:44 And friends, when we worship the Lord in spirit and in truth 23:47 we become a true worshipper. 23:49 And friends, when we are a true worshipper 23:51 it's then the God can place His seal upon us 23:53 because the seal is the sign of authenticity. 23:57 It shows that we have a real experience. 23:59 Its not just head knowledge, its not just lip service 24:02 that not the truth we believe in our mind 24:05 has worked about a change in our lives. 24:07 We have the real deal friends, Jesus is living in our hearts 24:11 and thus God places His stamp of approval, 24:14 the sign of authenticity, the seal of the living God. 24:18 That's what it is friends, it's the sanctifying experience 24:21 that comes from the Holy Spirit. 24:23 The Sabbath is simply the outward sign 24:26 of the inward sanctifying experience. 24:29 We rest on the Sabbath acknowledging outwardly, 24:32 God, you are the one that sanctifying me. 24:34 I'm not saving myself I can't change my heart it's impossible. 24:37 I'm resting in Your work and not my own. 24:41 And Satan hates the Sabbath for that reason 24:43 because Satan knows that the Sabbath 24:45 is the seal of God's law, it's the basis of all true worship 24:50 and it's the outward sign 24:51 of the true experience of salivation 24:54 the sanctifying life that comes through the Holy Spirit. 24:57 This is the reason why the Sabbath has been so attacked. 25:00 You thought that the Sabbath was attacked 25:02 just because-- just because. 25:04 Well, friends, here is the reason 25:05 because of what it represents that shows us 25:08 that friends its much more than just choosing 25:10 which day we want to worship. 25:12 When you understand the significance of it 25:15 and then you realize that Sunday worship 25:17 is the counterfeit of it then you are not gonna want to try 25:20 and do both because you are not gonna want to try 25:22 and serve two maters. 25:25 It's either one or the other. 25:27 You see brother and sisters, the mark of the beast issue 25:29 is not a technological issue. 25:31 Friends, its all about the forehead the belief system, 25:34 wherever you have your mind, 25:35 has your actions will make your habits 25:37 or form your character will determine your density 25:40 and that's why Satan wants to put something in your forehead 25:43 that will cause you to be lost where as God wants to put 25:45 His seal in our foreheads in our believe system 25:48 that will bring about an eternal destiny with Jesus Christ. 25:51 Could you say, amen? 25:53 And so what else Satan does in these last days? 25:56 He has invented a system of counterfeit believes 26:02 that has been propagated preached and pushed 26:04 by the antichrist kingdom. 26:07 Believes that will prepare individuals minds 26:09 and hands for the mark of the beast. 26:12 And so now with this foundation we proceed 26:14 to answer the question 26:16 what exactly is the mark of the beast? 26:20 And friends in order for us to find out 26:22 what it is specifically, what the mark of the beast is 26:24 we first have to ask, who is the beast? 26:28 Many people are trying to find out what the mark is 26:30 when they don't even have a clue who the beast is. 26:33 Well, friends, its impossible to know 26:35 what the mark of the beast is 26:37 without knowing first who the beast is. Why? 26:41 Because the mark of the beast is the mark of the beast. 26:46 Are you with me, yes or no? 26:48 And so once we can find out the identity of who the beast is-- 26:52 when we know who the beast is then all we have to do is ask 26:55 the beast, hey beast, what's your mark? 26:58 And the beast will tell us what his mark is. 27:02 That's very simple, isn't it? 27:03 And no one needs to be offended by the word beast 27:06 its not meant to be the derogatory term 27:08 because we understand that in prophecy of beast 27:10 represents a, what? A kingdom. 27:12 So this is the antichrist beast kingdom. 27:14 Who is this beast and then after that we will find out 27:18 we will ask him what's your mark and they will tell us clearly. 27:20 So notice with me 27:22 if you are there would you please say amen? 27:24 The Bible says, "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, 27:27 and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, 27:29 having seven heads and ten horns, 27:30 and upon his horns ten crowns, 27:32 and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 27:34 And the beast which I saw was like unto a" what? 27:37 "A leopard, the feet was the feet of a bear, 27:39 the mouth as a mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him 27:43 his power, and his seat, and great authority." 27:46 Friends, if you ever see something like this 27:47 don't run just pray, amen. 27:49 Obviously this is symbolic. Well, what does it mean? 27:53 Write it down very quickly. 27:54 This is review, we have gone through this before 27:56 and so we are not gonna spend lot of time 27:57 going through it again. 27:58 We learn that a beast represents a kingdom according Daniel 7:23 28:03 this beast comes up out of the water representing 28:04 a populated area of people, people who speak many languages. 28:08 In Revelation 17:15 this beast has seven heads representing 28:11 seven mountains according to Revelation 17:9 28:14 and it has ten horns representing ten kings 28:16 according to Daniel 7:24. 28:18 In other words, it's a beast kingdom that overrules 28:22 and its above ten divided kingdoms there in the earth. 28:28 And friends, the Bible tells us 28:30 that this beast had specific characteristics. 28:33 It have the mouth of a lion, feet of a bear 28:36 and the body of a leopard and it had ten horns. 28:39 And friends, we have seen these characteristics before, 28:41 haven't we? We have, haven't we? 28:44 Ten horns, body of a leopard, feet of a bear, mouth of lion. 28:49 Where have we seen this before, in Daniel Chapter 7, 28:52 we find the lion, the bear the leopard 28:54 and the terrible beast with ten horns 28:56 we remember that these four beast 28:58 represent the four kingdoms 29:00 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. 29:03 And friends, this antichrist piece in Revelation 13 29:06 has the same characteristics of those kingdoms 29:09 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, how so? 29:12 Let's review. 29:13 This antichrist beast demonstrates the emperor worship 29:17 of the terrible beast which is Rome. 29:19 It demonstrates the pagan philosophies 29:21 of the leopard beast Greece. 29:23 It also demonstrates the persecuting laws 29:25 of the bear the Medo-Persian Empire 29:28 and it also demonstrates the pride and riches 29:31 of the lion which is Babylon. 29:33 And so, in other words, here is the kingdom 29:35 that the man at the head is worshipped, 29:39 it is lead by pagan philosophies, 29:41 it has persecuting laws and it's a very proud 29:44 and a very rich kingdom indeed. 29:47 And friends, if that make sense would you please say, amen? 29:50 Now, the next question is this, 29:52 who gave the beast its power, seat and great authority? 29:57 In other words, who is the one that was backing this kingdom? 30:01 Oh, friends, the Bible tells us that it was the dragon that did. 30:03 In fact, notice the last part of verse 2, 30:06 the last part of verse 2 of Revelation 13 it says, 30:08 "And the dragon gave him his power, 30:10 and his seat, and great authority." 30:12 And friends, who is the dragon 30:14 based on what we learned before? 30:15 The dragon is none other than Satan, right. 30:18 But notice Satan always works through human instruments. 30:23 Notice how the dragon is described in Revelation 12:4. 30:27 It says, "And the dragon stood before the woman 30:28 which was ready to be delivered, 30:30 for to devour her child as soon as it was born." 30:33 Remember this prophecy we studied the other night, 30:35 how Satan the dragon tried to destroy baby Jesus 30:38 as soon as Jesus was to come into the world. 30:40 You remember that, yes or no? 30:41 But who did Satan the dragon use 30:44 to try to destroy baby Jesus? 30:46 He used Herod of the pagan Roman Empire. 30:51 Herod issued decree to kill all male children 30:53 under the age of two in the little town of Bethlehem. 30:56 You can find that in Matthew 2:16. 30:58 And so the dragon, brother and sisters, 31:00 does represent Satan but more specifically 31:03 it represents Satan working through the pagan Roman Empire. 31:07 You see friends, it was a Roman official 31:09 that tried to killed Jesus, baby Jesus. 31:11 It was a Roman governor Pilate that condemned Him. 31:13 A Roman executioner crucified Him. 31:15 A Roman emblem sealed the tomb of Jesus 31:17 and it was Roman guards that watched His tomb. 31:20 And so we find according to the Bible 31:22 that the dragon is Satan but more specifically 31:24 it Satan working through who, the pagan Roman Empire. 31:31 It was the pagan Roman Empire that transferred His power, 31:34 seat and authority to this antichrist beast system 31:37 that we are studying tonight. 31:38 And so, here is the question then. 31:40 What happened when the pagan Roman Empire fell apart? 31:44 And to whom did they give their power, seat and authority to? 31:48 Because friends, listen whoever Rome, 31:50 pagan Rome gave their power to 31:52 is this beast of Revelation 13. 31:54 And who is it, friends? 31:55 I'm not going to give my opinion lets allow history to tell us. 31:58 Notice what history says, 31:59 "To the succession of the Caesar's 32:02 came the succession of the Pontiffs in Rome. 32:05 When Constantine left Rome he gave his seat to" Who? 32:10 "To the Pontiff." The bishop of Rome. 32:13 And so friends, the exact word the Bible uses 32:15 when the pagan Roman Empire gave their seat to the papacy. 32:18 In fact, notice Stanley's History it makes it clear that, 32:21 "The popes filled the place of the vacant emperors at Rome, 32:24 inheriting their power, prestige and titles from Paganism. 32:29 The papacy is but the ghost of the deceased Roman Empire, 32:32 sitting crowned upon its grave." 32:36 When the Pagan Roman Empire fell apart 32:38 it transferred its power to Papal Rome. 32:40 And friends, by the way no one is to be offended tonight 32:43 this is the matter of history, 32:44 history that the Bible said was gonna happen before it did. 32:48 We are not talking about the members of the church, 32:50 it's the system we are talking about itself. 32:52 In fact, notice another one, history makes it clear 32:55 that she talking about the Vatican City. 32:58 "She received her capital city and power from" where? 33:02 "From pagan Rome." 33:03 The dragon, pagan Rome gave its power, his seat 33:07 and great authority which shows characteristic number one 33:10 that this beast would be a Roman power. 33:13 Write it down, it's a continuation 33:16 of the roman the pagan Roman Empire. 33:19 Now, notice a few more characteristics Revelation 13:8 33:23 "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, 33:25 whose names are not written in the book of life 33:28 of the Lamb slain from" where? 33:31 The foundation of the world." 33:32 And so here we find this beast kingdom 33:34 receives worship which shows that 33:36 it's not just a political kingdom 33:38 but it's also a church, it's a religious power. 33:40 And friends, the papacy is just that. 33:43 It's a universal system of worship. 33:45 It's not only a state but it's also a church. 33:48 Characteristic number two, 33:49 it would be a worldwide religious power. 33:53 Now notice some of the characteristic in verse 7, 33:56 it says, "The power was given him 33:58 over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." 34:01 In other words, the papacy would rule 34:03 over all the different nations there in Europe. 34:06 Remember those ten horns that the beast had that 34:08 represents divided Europe and during the time that 34:10 Europe was divided the ruler over them all was the papacy. 34:15 In fact notice history tells it very clearly, 34:18 notice what the history says, "Under him" 34:19 talking about the pope "was very nearly made good 34:21 the papal claim that all earthly sovereigns 34:24 were merely vassals of the Roman pontiff. 34:27 Almost all the kings and princesses of Europe 34:30 swore fealty to him as their" what? "Overlord. 34:33 Rome was once more the mistress of the world." 34:36 The pope was the over load of all the kings of Europe 34:40 during this time period. 34:41 Whatever he said they would do 34:43 in faithful obedience which shows us friends, 34:46 that the beast is not so much one single person 34:50 but rather a succession of persons. A what? 34:55 Not one person but most so an office you can say. 34:58 A secession of persons a religious political system 35:02 that is ruled by man and not by God. 35:05 Now let's take a look 35:06 characteristic number three, write it down. 35:08 It would be a religious power that would dominate 35:11 and control other civil powers. 35:15 Now, notice another characteristic. 35:16 Friends, it gets even more serious. 35:18 Bible tells us that this beast the antichrist, 35:21 "He opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, 35:24 to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, 35:26 and then that dwell in heaven." 35:27 So this power would speak blasphemy against God. 35:30 But the question is what's blasphemy? 35:32 How does the Bible define blasphemy? 35:35 It gives us two definitions. How many? 35:38 Notice the first one in John 10:33, 35:41 the Bible tells us that "The Jews answered him 35:43 talking about Christ, saying for a good work we stone thee not, 35:46 but for blasphemy, and because that thou, 35:50 being a man, makest thyself." 35:53 Here the Jews were accusing Christ for blasphemy 35:56 because as a man He was claiming to be God. 35:58 But was Jesus guilty of blasphemy, yes or no? 36:00 No, why because he is God. 36:02 Could you say, amen? 36:03 But none the less the first definition of the word blasphemy 36:06 is when a man claims to be God on earth. 36:09 Does this power claim to have that right? 36:12 Notice what Pope Leo XIII said, he said, 36:14 "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty." 36:19 The Bible defines that as blasphemy. 36:21 Catholic national says, "The Pope is not only the 36:24 representative of Jesus Christ, but He is Jesus Christ himself, 36:28 hidden under the veil of the flesh." 36:30 Claiming to be God on earth. 36:31 Notice another one, "The Pope and God are the same, 36:35 so he has all power in Heaven and earth." 36:37 Friends, the Bible calls that blasphemy 36:39 when a man claims to be God on earth. 36:41 Now, notice the second definition of blasphemy. 36:44 I told you it's gonna be shocking didn't I? 36:46 Notice the second definition of blasphemy in Luke 5:21 36:49 "And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, 36:51 saying, who is this which speaks blasphemies? 36:54 Who can forgive sins, but God alone?" 36:56 Here the Pharisees were accusing Christ of blasphemy 36:59 because as a man He was claming to forgive sins. 37:02 But was He guilty, yes or no? 37:05 No, why because he is God and He does have 37:07 the power to forgive sins. 37:08 Can you say, amen? 37:09 Notice what the church claims to have the power to do. 37:12 "There is a man on the earth who can forgive sins, 37:15 and that man is the catholic priest. 37:17 Yes, beloved brethren, the priest not only declares 37:19 that the sinner is forgiven, but he really forgives him." 37:21 And then other one, the Dignity and Duty of the Priest, 37:23 volume 12 page 2 this is a book that priest 37:27 are still being trained up for the priesthood today 37:29 and notice what it says, "God Himself is obliged to abide 37:32 by the judgment of His priest, and either not to pardon 37:35 or to pardon, according as they refuse or give absolution... 37:39 The sentence of the priest precedes, 37:41 and God subscribes to it." 37:43 But here's a good question friends, how can a sinner 37:46 forgive another sinner of sin? 37:50 Right, I mean the Bible says that we have all sin 37:53 and fallen short of glory of God. 37:56 Only the sinless God can forgive us of sin. 37:59 Can you say, amen? 38:00 And that's why we should 38:01 confess our sins to God and God alone. 38:03 We can confess our faults one to another 38:06 but our sins we confess to God. 38:08 In fact, I want you to notice Pope John Paul II said. 38:11 "Don't go to God for forgiveness of sins" 38:13 he said "come to me." 38:15 And friends, the Bible says that this is blasphemy. 38:17 And why is it blasphemy? 38:19 Because 1 Timothy 2:5 that, "There is one God 38:23 and one mediator between God and men, 38:26 the man Christ Jesus." 38:28 Could you say, amen? 38:30 So we find characteristic number four 38:32 about this antichrist beast. 38:33 It would speak blasphemy against God. 38:36 In that he will claim to be God on earth 38:38 and claim to have the power to forgive sins. 38:40 And then the Bible even tells us how long 38:42 the power would reign for. 38:43 Notice in verse 5, it says, "And he was given a mouth 38:47 speaking great things and blasphemies, 38:49 and he was given authority to continue" for how long? 38:52 "Forty-two months." 38:53 But these are prophetic months 38:55 because it's in a prophetic context. 38:57 And friends, 42 prophetic months 38:59 is the same as three and half prophetic years, 39:02 is the same as 1,260 prophetic days. 39:06 This time period is mentioned seven times in the Bible. 39:09 It talking about the same time period 42 months, 39:11 three and half prophetic years, 1,260 prophetic days. 39:14 We learn that in prophecy 39:16 one prophetic day equal one literal year. 39:19 According to Ezekiel 4:6 39:22 which basically is saying that, that antichrist beast power 39:26 would reign for a total of 1,260 prophetic days or literal years. 39:33 Was this how long the power reign for? 39:35 Let's notice what history says. 39:37 History tells us that, "Vigilius ascended the 39:40 papal chair" in what year? "538 A.D. 39:44 under the military protection of Belisarius." 39:46 That's the beginning of the papal supremacy 39:49 when they had authority over the kings of Europe. 39:52 It began in 538 AD according to history 39:55 and then you just add 42 prophetic months or 39:58 1,260 years later and it brings us to the year 1798 40:03 when the power would receive a deadly wound 40:06 or it's a secular authority would be strip from here. 40:10 Friends, this period is known in history 40:12 as the dark ages. 40:14 It was the reign of the medieval church and notice 40:17 what the church would do during this time period. 40:19 It says in verse 7 "And it was given unto him 40:22 to make war with" who? 40:24 "The saints, and to overcome them." 40:26 So during this 1,260 years reign they would prosecute 40:30 the people of God. 40:31 And notice what Public Ecclesiastical Law had to say. 40:34 This was church law. 40:36 They said, "The church may by divine right confiscate 40:39 the property of heretics, imprison their person, 40:41 and condemn them to flames. 40:43 In our age, the right to inflict the severest penalties, 40:46 even death, belongs to the church. 40:49 There is no graver offense than heresy, 40:51 therefore it must be rooted out." 40:54 But friends the way they define heresy 40:56 was believing in the Bible. 40:59 And so those who believe in the Bible were hunted down 41:00 they made war with the saints. 41:02 This is a matter of history friends, 41:04 no one needs to be offended by this. 41:05 And so we find our next characteristic number five, 41:08 it would be a persecuting power 41:10 which would reign for 1,260 years. 41:14 If that's clear would you please say, amen? 41:16 Now, notice the next characteristic it says, 41:18 "And I saw one of its heads 41:21 as it had been wounded to death." 41:22 That's verse 3. 41:24 So this beast the antichrist would receive a deadly wound. 41:27 In another words its power would be stripped from him. 41:31 Oh, when did this happen? 41:32 The Encyclopedia Americana tells us, that "In 1798 41:37 he" that is the French general" Berthier 41:39 made his entrance into Rome, abolishing the Papal government 41:42 and established a secular one." 41:45 Exactly 1,260 years is how long the papacy reign 41:51 until it received a deadly would. 41:53 And so characteristic number six, it would be 41:55 stripped from its power after its 1,260 years reign. 42:00 Now notice would this be the end of the papacy? 42:03 Not at all. 42:04 The bible prophecies that that wound 42:06 that was inflicted in 1798 one day would be healed. 42:10 Notice what it says, the rest of verse 3, 42:12 "And I saw one of his heads as it had been wounded to death 42:15 and his deadly wound was healed" 42:18 and then what will happen when the wound is healed? 42:20 "And all the world wondered after the beast." 42:26 In other words, the papacy the Bible is saying that the papacy 42:29 would regain worldwide influence prestige and prominence. 42:34 And friends, this coming Saturday when we talk about 42:36 United States and prophecy we will give some more concrete 42:39 evidence on how we are seeing prophecy being fulfilled. 42:43 But I want you notice friends, characteristic number seven, 42:46 it would regain worldwide prominence 42:48 at the very end of time. 42:50 Now friends, let me make something clear at this point. 42:52 We don't know people's hearts only God does, 42:54 only God can judge the heart. 42:57 The only thing we can judge is the fruit. 42:58 Jesus said you shall know them by their-- 43:01 so we are not looking at the root friends the heart 43:03 we are looking at the fruit. 43:05 The outward evidence what they say themselves 43:07 we can judge theology, friends. 43:09 God wants us to do this 43:11 because He has reviewed it to us in His word. 43:14 So no one needs to be offended tonight. 43:15 We are not talking about people. 43:16 It's the system that the Bible is exposing to night. 43:20 Can you say, amen? 43:21 Now friends, some people ask what about the number 666. 43:26 Is this the mark of the beast? 43:28 Many people think that 666 is the mark of the beast 43:30 but friends, 666 is not the mark of the beast. 43:33 666 is just another identifying characteristic 43:38 of who the beast is and it's the eight identifying 43:41 characteristic we look at tonight. 43:43 Notice what it says in Revelation 13:18 43:46 about the number 666. 43:49 The Bible says, "Here is wisdom. 43:52 Let him that hath understanding" do what? 43:55 "Count" another word for count is calculate 43:58 "count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man 44:03 and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." 44:08 Friends, listen, 666 is not 666 its six hundred and sixty six. 44:15 And the Bible says that this number 666 44:18 is the number of the beast or the number of a man 44:22 and we need to count or calculate the number. 44:26 And so friends, here is the question. 44:29 What is the official title of the man 44:32 at the head of this beast system? 44:34 What is the official title of the papacy? 44:37 Notice what they themselves say, 44:38 "The official title of the papacy is Vicarius Fili Dei" 44:43 which is Latin and it means is "Vicar of the Son of God." 44:47 And friends, if you are to take this title Vicarius Filii Dei 44:51 and translate it to a Roman numerical value 44:55 and you add up all the numbers guess how much it adds up to. 45:00 Vicarius Filii Dei equals 666. 45:07 The Bible tells us, count the number of the beast. 45:10 It is the number of a man, his number is 666. 45:14 So friends, God didn't want us to guess. 45:15 Could you say, amen? 45:16 He made it absolutely abundantly clear 45:19 who this beast is. 45:21 And so now we know who the beast is. 45:24 It's the Roman church state system 45:26 it's the papacy not the people. 45:28 God has many people in this system, amen? 45:30 I have family member I love with all my heart 45:32 friends in this system. 45:34 God loves everyone in every system in the world. 45:36 God loves individuals who are worshipping Satan right now. 45:39 He loves the whole world friends, He died for all. 45:42 So no one is been attacked tonight. 45:45 Can you say, amen? It's the system. 45:47 So we know that the beast is none other than 45:49 the Roman church state system. 45:51 Now we have to ask them what is your mark of authority? 45:55 And friends, many people think it's a literal marker 45:57 number of 666 or some type of outward sign 46:01 but friends, it can't be a literal mark you know why 46:03 because everything else in the passage was symbolic. 46:06 It's a symbolic beast, image, name, 46:08 number, seal it's all symbolic. 46:09 And so to the mark of the beast is symbolic as what 46:13 not so much an outward sign it's a symbolic mark. 46:17 And so what exactly is the mark of the beast? 46:20 Well, let's review the four characteristics of the beast. 46:24 Remember, the mark of the beast 46:26 involves counterfeit what? Worship. 46:30 So whatever the mark is it involves 46:31 false counterfeit worship. 46:33 Number two, the mark of the beast is a counterfeit law 46:37 that will actually oppose who's law? God's law. 46:40 Number three, the mark of the beast whatever it is 46:42 this law it will require government to enforce this law. 46:48 And number five, the mark of the beast 46:49 is the counterfeit to God's seal which is God's special sign 46:53 which is none other than God's seventh day Sabbath. 46:56 Friends, what is the mark of the beast? 46:58 Well, friends, I want you to notice 47:00 when you look at the Ten Commandments, 47:02 which commandment would match 47:04 Satan's mark of the beast counterfeit. 47:07 Which of the Ten Commandments would match 47:09 the counterfeit mark of the beast? 47:12 Friends, the only one that could match 47:14 is the fourth commandment. 47:15 The Sabbath commandment is the only law that Satan 47:19 could counterfeit that would require government enforcement 47:24 and that involves false counterfeit worship. 47:27 Is the fourth commandment friends, that's the genuine 47:31 and the mark is the counterfeit of this. 47:33 And so friends, what exactly is it then? 47:36 If the Roman Catholic Church the Roman papacy 47:38 is the beast then the question is 47:40 what does the Roman Catholic Church 47:42 claim is their mark of authority? 47:46 What is their mark? 47:48 Well, friends, you want to know? 47:50 This is heavy folks, its shocking. 47:54 Do you want to know this? Are you ready for this? 47:56 If you want to know, let me hear you say amen. 47:58 Amen. 47:59 Well, let us pray, friends. 48:01 Father in heaven, please fill this room with Your spirit. 48:05 Remove every distracting demonic spirits 48:08 and we ask Lord, that You please 48:11 give us an open mind and as we hear this 48:14 very starling and shocking truth 48:17 I pray that your spirit will help us 48:19 to think clearly tonight. 48:22 That we will put us our own personal opinions and feelings 48:26 and that we would see what you are saying in your word. 48:30 Bless us now Lord, as we revile what the mark of the beast is. 48:34 In Christ name we pray, amen. 48:37 If the beast is the Roman papacy then we ask them 48:40 what is your mark of authority? 48:44 And here is their answer, this is what they say, 48:48 "The Church is above the Bible, 48:51 and this transference of the Sabbath observance 48:54 is proof of that fact." 48:57 You see the church claims have more authority than God's word 49:00 and the mark that they have that authority 49:02 is the fact that they change the Sabbath 49:04 from Saturday the seventh day of the week 49:06 to Sunday the first day of the week. 49:08 They say we changed our Sabbath to Sunday 49:11 and all the world accepts our change and that is proof 49:14 that we have more authority than the Bible. 49:17 In other words, that is our mark of authority. 49:20 Notice another one, 49:21 from a letter from a catholic official 49:23 the Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons 49:25 ''Of course the Catholic Church claims that 49:27 the change was her act." 49:29 The change from Saturday to Sunday. 49:30 "And the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical power 49:36 and authority in religious matters.' 49:39 'They say we change to Saturday to Sunday 49:40 that's the mark of our authority that's the mark of the beast. 49:43 In fact notice another one, protestant they 49:46 challenge those who claim to believe in the Bible alone 49:48 and they say, "Protestants accept Sunday 49:51 rather than Saturday as the day for public worship 49:53 after the Catholic Church made the change. 49:56 But the Protestants mind doesn't seem to realize 49:58 that in observing Sunday, they are accepting the 50:03 authority of the spokesman for the church, the Pope." 50:06 Friends, what is the mark of the beast? 50:09 Is the fact that they change the Sabbath to Sunday 50:12 and all the world has accepted this unbiblical change. 50:16 Notice another one, I can read you quote after quote tonight. 50:19 "The observance of Sunday by the Protestants 50:22 is homage they pay, in spite of themselves, 50:26 to the authority of the Catholic Church." 50:30 In fact, notice one more, Rome's challenge. 50:32 "Most Christians assume that Sunday is 50:35 the biblically approved day of worship. 50:38 The Catholic Church protests 50:41 that it transferred Christian worship from the biblical 50:44 Sabbath Saturday to Sunday. 50:47 And that to try to argue that the change was made in the Bible 50:51 is both dishonest and a denial of Catholic authority. 50:57 If Protestantism wants to base its teachings only on the Bible, 51:01 it should worship on Saturday." Why? 51:04 Friends, in case you missed it 51:05 what we don't know who the beast is, 51:07 and we ask the beast what is your mark? 51:09 And friends, in case you missed it, let me just say 51:11 it very clearly the mark of the beast is Sunday worship. 51:16 And friends, I know that, that sounds completely shocking 51:19 but friends, listen truth sounds strange 51:22 in a world of universal deceit. 51:25 It does, doesn't it? 51:27 When we hear so many lies and so many opinions 51:29 when you finally hear the truth it sounds so strange 51:32 but friends, let's put aside our personal feelings tonight 51:35 and think clearly it makes logical sense 51:40 because what is the seal of God its the Sabbath, friends. 51:44 It's been sanctified by the Lord, 51:46 the mark of the beast is just the opposite 51:48 its Sunday worship and trying to save yourself 51:51 by your own good works. 51:52 Friends, let's go a little deeper tonight because 51:55 "If the Sabbath is the outward sing of the inward seal, 52:00 then Sunday would just be the outward sign 52:03 of the inward," what? 52:06 "Inward deception." What deception? 52:08 The deception thinking that you can make any day your Sabbath. 52:11 The deception thinking that you can choose 52:13 whatever is convenient for you despite what God says. 52:16 The deception thinking that you can follow 52:18 the majority of the Christian world and think that 52:20 that's going to be okay in the eyes of God. 52:23 The deception thinking that God doesn't really care, 52:26 that He doesn't mind just choose one day out of seven. 52:28 Thinking that you can break God's law and still be saved. 52:32 Remember last night, we talked about the abomination 52:34 of desolation those who committed the abomination 52:36 had that mind set. 52:38 God doesn't care, God doesn't see us, 52:40 we are not doing evil. 52:41 But friends, it was evil in the eyes of God. 52:44 And so remember the days are simply a sign, 52:47 an outward sign of the inward experience. 52:50 So what is the sign of specifically, I want you notice. 52:52 Let's think for a moment. 52:54 The Sabbath is an outward sign of God's finished work. 52:59 Isn't that right? 53:00 God created the world in six days. 53:02 He finished it and then the seventh day He rested 53:04 so the Sabbath is a sign of God's finished work. 53:08 Sunday the first day of the week, 53:10 is the sign of the beginning of man's incomplete work 53:14 because on the first day of the week 53:15 that was the day in which man was to begin the work week. 53:19 So, the Sabbath a sign of God's finished work, 53:21 Sunday the opposite is the sign of the 53:23 beginning of man's incomplete work. 53:25 A work that is not finished. 53:27 And so friends the seal of God then 53:29 would represent salvation by grace 53:33 resting in the work that God is doing in us. 53:37 And the mark of the beast is the opposite, 53:39 its salvation by works thinking that we can work 53:42 all way to heaven, just choose your own work day 53:45 and that's based upon the authority of man 53:48 and not the authority of God. 53:49 You see friends, this is why the Sabbath 53:51 is such a big deal to God. 53:53 Its more than just a day of worship. 53:56 It's about who your master is, who in your authority to 54:00 and your obedience to and this is the reason 54:02 why we can't keep both days friends. 54:04 Somebody will think I just keep both days. 54:06 Well friends, you are not gonna do that when you recognize 54:08 what the day represents because Jesus said, 54:10 no man serve two masters. 54:12 The Sabbath is a sign that God is our God our creator 54:15 but Satan wants to be God so he set up his own sing 54:18 his own counterfeit belief system and Sunday 54:21 is an outward sign of that system. 54:24 So we are not gonna say I'm just gonna keep both days. 54:26 No, no man can serve two masters. 54:29 Either you love the one or hate the other. 54:31 Be loyal to the one or despise the other 54:33 there is no neutral grounds, friends. 54:34 God is calling us to take a stand on the side of truth. 54:37 And friends, I want to take my stand 54:39 on the side of truth, how about you? 54:41 Therefore we must make a decision tonight. 54:43 I want you to notice a few more quotations 54:45 and I want to clarify few more things before we close. 54:48 I want you notice what the church says, 54:50 "Perhaps the boldest thing, the most revolutionary change 54:53 the Church ever did, happened in the first century. 54:56 The holy day, the Sabbath was changed 54:58 from Saturday to Sunday. 55:01 Not from any directions noted in the Scriptures, 55:03 but from the Church's sense of its own power." 55:06 We have the power to do it. 55:08 This is our mark of authority. 55:09 And then notice what they say, 55:11 "People who think that the Scriptures 55:13 should be the sole rule of authority." 55:15 Friends, how many believe that the scriptures 55:17 should be sole of authority? 55:18 Do you believe that the Bible is the sole of authority? 55:20 If so let me hear you say, amen. 55:22 Well, the church says that people just like you 55:24 who think that the scriptures should be the sole of authority 55:27 they say "should logically become 7th Day Adventists, 55:31 and keep Saturday holy." 55:33 And friends, that's true. 55:35 If we want to be consisted by living 55:38 by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God 55:40 this is what the church recommends for us to do 55:44 if we really want to live by the Bible. 55:46 In fact, I want you to notice what else 55:47 they said, even more above. 55:50 "We also say that of all Protestants, 55:52 the Seventh-day Adventists are the only group that reason 55:55 correctly and are consistent with their teachings. 55:58 It is always somewhat laughable to see the Protestant Churches, 56:01 in pulpit and legislature, demand the observance of Sunday, 56:05 of which there is nothing in the Bible." 56:09 And so friends, I know you have heard 56:10 some shocking things tonight. 56:12 And I know that there are perhaps still some 56:13 questions in your minds and so let me answer 56:15 those questions right now. 56:16 One last question needs to be answered 56:17 and that is this, 56:19 "Does anyone have the mark of the beast today?" 56:22 Friends, we are gonna study in detail another night 56:24 but let me give you the short answer tonight 56:25 before we close. 56:27 Here it is. 56:28 "Only when political legislation is passed 56:31 enforcing Sunday worship as a law of the state 56:36 will individuals receive the mark of the beast." 56:39 And the fact is, that political legislation has not yet passed 56:43 and Sunday worship is not a law yet here in the world. 56:47 But once it becomes a law its then the people had to decide 56:50 whether they are gonna receive the mark of the beast 56:52 or the Seal of God, whether they want to follow Jesus 56:54 and the word of God or a tradition 56:56 that is based upon the mother church. 56:59 So no one has the mark of the beast now. 57:01 Many people who are worshiping on Sunday are sincere 57:03 wonderful loving Christians, many of them are gonna be saved 57:06 but at the last days they are gonna have to make their choice 57:08 just as tonight we are about face to face with the choice. 57:12 Now, the next question is this, 57:15 how will the state be able to enforce a Sunday law? 57:18 How could this be-- how could this happen? 57:21 Because we have religious freedom and so 57:22 how can a political government power enforce a Sunday law? 57:26 This is how they can do it. 57:27 Notice it says in Revelation 13:17 57:30 "And that no one may" do what? 57:33 "Buy or sell, except one who has the mark, 57:36 or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." 57:38 In other words, those refuse the mark of the beast, 57:41 those who refuse to go along with the national Sunday law 57:43 will be cut off economically. 57:45 They will not be able to buy or sell. 57:47 And friends, we all want to buy and sell, right. 57:49 We all want to have the privilege of going 57:51 to the grocery store and buying food 57:53 and selling and making a living. 57:54 And so most of the world they're gonna say, 57:56 oh, no problem I want to keep Sunday 57:57 I will go along with the Sunday law 57:59 so that I can maintain my right to buy and sell. 58:02 But friends the only way a government could regulate 58:05 the buying and selling is if they have the power 58:08 over large financial institutions. 58:10 Isn't that right? 58:11 And friends, you realized in this recent economic crises 58:14 around the world that what happen was this. 58:18 "The recent financial crisis around the world 58:21 are giving political power more authority 58:24 to actually regulate the buying and selling." 58:28 When the government bails out large financial institutions, 58:31 who has the power now? 58:33 And friends, when Sunday worship becomes law 58:36 and is enforced by government power 58:38 its then that the world will have to decide 58:41 who they are gonna follow, Jesus Christ or the antichrist? 58:45 They gonna have to choose whether they are gonna receive 58:46 the seal of God or the mark of the beast, 58:48 Sabbath or Sunday, traditions of the word of God, 58:50 obedience or compromise, truth or error, Christ or Satan. 58:54 And friends, listen while no one tonight 58:56 has the mark of the beast yet 58:58 by our daily choices each and everyone of us 59:00 are preparing to receive either the mark or the Seal of God. 59:04 If we are allowing the Lord to put His love in our hearts 59:06 that enables us to trust Him right now 59:08 then we are gonna trust Him when man cuts us off 59:11 and we are not able to buy or sell 59:13 and prosecution as we can do it 59:14 and a great time of trouble ensues 59:16 we are gonna trust God as long as 59:19 we are learning to trust Him now. 59:21 So, right now it's preparation time. 59:22 No one has the mark yet but we are preparing for 59:24 either the mark or the Seal of God. 59:26 And friends, if we are faithful to the Lord Jesus 59:29 we may be cut off from man 59:31 but we will not be cut off from God. |
Revised 2014-12-17