Participants: Taj Pacleb
Series Code: ROHB
Program Code: ROHB000014
00:38 Our message this morning is entitled
00:40 "Movement of Destiny." 00:44 Friends, when you think about that word destiny, 00:47 it's a very powerful and thought provoking word. 00:51 But this word destiny, talking about our future, 00:55 even though it's thought provoking, 00:58 its seldom thought of at all in our world today, 01:02 because most people in our fast pace society 01:06 are too busy with the here and now 01:09 that they have no time to give thought to the hereafter, 01:13 to their future, to their destiny. 01:16 And so we want to pause to understand 01:19 what is it that God has called us to do 01:21 and where is He calling us to go and what is the purpose 01:25 for our existence here in this last days. 01:29 But the first question I want to answer is 01:31 what is God's desire for us? 01:34 As Jesus looks upon us this morning in church, 01:37 as He looks upon the world. 01:39 What does Jesus want the human race to experience? 01:42 We don't have to guess, 01:43 because Jesus made it clear in the Book of John 17:24. 01:47 Notice what He says, as we lay the foundation 01:49 for our study today. 01:50 John 17:24, Jesus was praying in Gethsemane 01:53 and He said, "Father, 01:54 I desire that they also whom You gave Me may," what? 02:01 "Be with Me where I am, 02:02 that they may behold My glory which You have given Me." 02:05 What is the desire of Jesus according to this passage? 02:08 He desires for us to simply be with Him. 02:13 Can you say, amen? Friends, listen very carefully. 02:15 The God of the universe has no needs, 02:17 because He's God. 02:19 He is the source of life. He is the source of a blessing. 02:22 He is the source of every good thing. 02:24 And so God by nature has no needs, 02:27 but He does have some desires. 02:29 And the greatest desire of the Lord, 02:32 the King of the universe is simply for us, 02:34 the fallen human race to be with Him 02:37 where He is that we might behold His glory. 02:40 Friends, it's amazing when you really think about it, 02:42 the great God of the universe, His primary desire, 02:46 His one great desire is simply to be with you 02:51 and to be with me. 02:53 Friends think about that 02:54 who are you and who am I, 02:58 that the great God of the universe 02:59 would want to have anything to do with us, 03:02 after all we've done against Him, 03:05 after how many times we have spit in His face 03:08 by our sins and ignored His voice 03:10 and if the Lord still desires us. 03:12 He doesn't need us, friends, but He wants us. 03:15 Recognize in your heart, friends, that God desires you 03:20 more than anything else in the universe. 03:24 You are the apple of His eye. You are His treasure. 03:27 And He prays in Gethsemane, 03:29 "Father, I desire that these would be with Me, please Lord." 03:32 Jesus was praying for us. 03:34 And here's the next question, 03:35 "When will His desire be fulfilled?" 03:37 When will the desire of Jesus of us being with Him be fulfilled? 03:41 It's gonna happen when He comes the second time. 03:43 Can you say, amen? 03:44 When we are with Him in a very real literal way. 03:47 In fact Jesus gave us the promise 03:48 in the Book of John 14:1-3, 03:51 let's read this together, shall we? 03:52 This is the promise of Christ, the Bible says. 03:55 "Let not your heart be troubled." 03:57 Altogether, "You believe in God, believe also in Me. 04:02 In My Father's house are many mansions, 04:05 if it were not so, I would have told you. 04:08 I go to prepare a place for you. 04:11 And if I go and prepare a place for you, 04:14 I will come again, and receive you unto myself, 04:18 that where I am, there you may be also." 04:21 Here is the most beautiful promise, 04:23 Jesus promise that He's gonna come back to take us home. 04:25 Can you say amen? 04:26 And when He comes to take us home 04:28 where He is there we are going to be 04:30 and thus the desire of Jesus will be fulfilled. 04:33 He will be with His beloved bride, the church, 04:36 you and I throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity. 04:39 It will happen when He comes the second time in the clouds. 04:42 And friends, if the desire of Jesus 04:46 is only gonna be fulfilled when He comes 04:50 why isn't He coming? 04:52 If He has-- if the Sovereign God can come back 04:54 whenever He wants to, why don't He come back? 04:57 What prevents Him? What's He waiting for? 05:00 He's not waiting for a date, friends, 05:02 but He's waiting for God's people 05:05 to understand three main things. 05:08 How many things? 05:10 He is waiting for God's people to understand 05:12 and experience the answers 05:14 to the most important questions of life. 05:17 Questions like, who are we? 05:19 Why are we here? And where are we going? 05:22 And friends listen, we're gonna see this morning 05:23 that when God's people understand the answer 05:25 and experience the answer to those questions, 05:28 it's then that Jesus will return. 05:30 You see the first question about, 05:31 who are we, has to do with our identity. 05:34 Who are we? Your identity. 05:36 Why are we here? 05:37 That is referring to our purpose for our existence. 05:41 And where are we going? 05:42 That's our destination, our destiny. 05:44 And friends listen, before we can reach our destiny, 05:47 number three. 05:48 We first must understand, 05:49 number one and two about who we are 05:52 and why in the world we are, here our purpose for existence. 05:56 And so we're gonna see friends, 05:58 before we can reach our destiny, 06:00 we must first know our identity 06:03 and our purpose for existence. 06:05 And so that's what we're gonna study this morning. 06:08 Who are we? Why are we here? 06:10 First, we're gonna look at our corporate identity 06:13 as a church, but then our individual identity 06:17 as children of God. 06:20 Why are we here as a church? 06:22 And why am I here as a child of God? 06:26 And God covers and answers all of these questions 06:29 in the Book of Revelation. 06:30 Can you say, amen? 06:32 And so I invite you to take your Bible 06:33 and turn with me to Book of Revelation Chapter 10. 06:36 And we're gonna remain in this chapter. 06:38 We're gonna study and we're gonna 06:39 look upon this chapter in our presentation this morning. 06:42 Revelation Chapter 10, 06:44 God answers the questions about our identity, 06:47 our purpose and our destiny, because friends in this chapter, 06:51 we actually read the birth 06:53 and the history of the early Adventist movement, 06:57 God's final remnant church here in these last days. 07:01 It reveals to us who we are, 07:03 why we're here and where exactly we are going. 07:07 So notice with me in Revelation Chapter 10, 07:09 beginning with verse 1, if you're there 07:12 and if you're ready to study the Bible, 07:14 would you please say, amen? 07:16 The Bible says in Revelation 10:1, 07:18 "And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, 07:21 clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head, 07:23 and his face was as it were the sun, 07:25 and his feet as pillars of fire. 07:27 And he had in his hand a," what? 07:29 What kind of book? 07:31 And what was the position of the book? 07:33 "A little book open: 07:35 and he set his right foot upon the sea, 07:37 and his left foot upon the earth. 07:38 And he cry with a loud voice, 07:40 as when a lion roars and when he cried, 07:42 the seven thunders uttered their voices." 07:44 Here we find, John the Revelator 07:46 in prophetic vision. 07:47 He sees a mighty angel come down from heaven, 07:50 the word angels, the word angelus 07:52 simply denotes a messenger. 07:53 Here's a mighty messenger of the Lord. 07:56 The Bible tells us his face was shining like the sun. 07:59 He was clothed with a cloud, 08:01 rainbow around his head, feet like pillars of fire 08:04 and he has a little book open in his hand 08:06 and he cries with a loud lion's voice. 08:10 And friends every one of those characteristics, 08:13 there's a gospel message. 08:16 The face shining like the sun, 08:17 the rainbow around his head, feet like pillars of fire. 08:19 Every one of them teaches a very beautiful gospel truth 08:24 about God's plan for our lives. 08:27 And friends, I wish we have the time 08:28 to study this morning. 08:30 But that's another study for another time. 08:32 I'm gonna let you folks study it for yourself. 08:34 What we want to focus on this morning 08:36 is the verbal message of the messenger? 08:41 And by the way, it is his visible characteristics 08:45 that actually gives power to his verbal message. 08:49 I want you to notice what his verbal message is. 08:51 In verse 5, the Bible says, 08:55 "And the Angel which I saw stand upon the sea, 08:57 and upon the earth, lifted up his hand to heaven, 09:01 and swore by him that lives for ever and ever, 09:03 who created heaven, and the things that there in, 09:05 the earth, and the things that therein are, 09:06 and the sea, and the things that are therein, 09:08 that there should be." 09:10 What are the next three words? 09:11 "Time no longer." 09:14 Friends, we find the messenger come down from heaven. 09:18 And he lifts up his hand to the creator God 09:21 and he gives a verbal loud cry message 09:26 that's only three words, time no longer. 09:30 And by the way, one foot upon the earth, 09:33 the other foot upon the sea, 09:34 it represents that this message is a worldwide message. 09:38 What kind of message? 09:40 It's gonna go throughout the whole world. 09:42 And this message is a message about time. 09:44 It's a message that says, "Time no longer." 09:48 It's a very urgent message that deals with time. 09:51 And friends, it is of utmost importance 09:54 for us to understand exactly what time no longer means. 10:00 Because listen, if we don't know 10:02 what time no longer means then we're gonna-- 10:05 we're not gonna know who we are. 10:08 And if we don't know who we are, 10:09 we're not gonna know why we're here. 10:11 And if we don't know why we're here, 10:13 we're not gonna know where exactly we are to be going. 10:15 But friends, this morning 10:16 as we understand what time no longer means, 10:19 we're gonna know our identity and our purpose 10:21 that will enable us to make it to our destiny. 10:23 And so friends, I don't know about you, 10:25 but I want to know what it means. 10:26 Can you say, amen? 10:27 What it is time no longer mean? 10:29 Well, friends, in order for us 10:30 to understand this message, 10:33 we first must ask where did the message come from, 10:37 where is this angel getting this message about time from. 10:40 Well, friends think about it. 10:42 What does he have in his hand? 10:44 He has a little book 10:46 and what position is the book, it's open. 10:49 So one hand, now visual in your mind. 10:51 One hand is a little book open, the other hand, 10:54 he swearing by the Creator God in heaven 10:56 and he preaches time no longer. 10:58 Friends, where he's getting the message from? 11:00 He's getting it from the little book 11:02 that is open in his hand. 11:03 In order words, this little book 11:04 is the source of this time message. 11:08 Are you with me, yes or no? 11:09 So in order for us to understand 11:10 what the message time no longer means, 11:13 we first have to identify 11:15 what exactly is this little book 11:19 that is open in his hand. 11:21 And friends, listen, when we can understand 11:22 what the little book is then we'll know exactly 11:25 what time no longer really means. 11:29 And if that make sense, would you please say, amen? 11:31 And so now I want you notice there are 11:32 three specific characteristics of this little book. 11:36 The first thing we know is that it is a what kind of book? 11:39 A little book, amen. 11:41 In another words, it's small in comparison 11:43 to the other books of God. 11:44 It is a little book. 11:47 And the Bible says that this little book was opened 11:51 which is our second characteristic, 11:52 its open which implies to us 11:55 that this little book was once closed. 11:59 Are you with me? 12:00 It's open, which implies that it once was closed. 12:05 And then notice the next characteristic, 12:07 Revelation 10 now looks with me in verse 9. 12:12 Revelation 10:9, the Bible says, 12:15 "And I went unto the Angel, and he said unto me, 12:17 Give me the little book. 12:18 And he said unto me, take it, and what? 12:21 Eat it up, and it shall make thy belly, 12:24 what, bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth, 12:28 what, sweet as honey. 12:31 And I took the little book out of the Angel's hand, 12:33 and ate it up, as soon as-- 12:36 And it was in my mouth sweet as honey 12:39 and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter." 12:43 So notice the third characteristic 12:44 is that when John ate this little book. 12:48 When he studied it, when he masticated, 12:49 when he contemplated and cogitated 12:51 upon the contents of this little book, 12:54 at first it was a sweet taste in his mouth. 12:58 But then after that, later on, 13:00 it gave him a stomach ache. 13:03 It was bitter in the belly. 13:06 So notice three characteristics, note them carefully. 13:08 Number one, it is a little book. 13:10 Number two, it is a open book, 13:12 which implies that it once was closed. 13:14 And number three, this little book, 13:17 when the person understood or studied it at first, 13:20 it caused a sweet and then a bitter experience. 13:26 And now I want you to notice, 13:27 the next question is this. 13:28 Have we seen this before in the Bible? 13:31 Where else in the Bible do we find 13:33 a small book that is closed 13:36 but then will be reopened at the end of time? 13:38 Who and it was studied, it would cause 13:42 a sweet and bitter experience. 13:44 Friends, where do we see this in the Bible? 13:46 We actually see it in the Book of Daniel. 13:49 In the Old Testament, remember, 13:50 Revelation and Daniel goes together 13:52 like a hand in the glove. 13:53 And friends, as we read about 13:55 this little book open that caused 13:56 a sweet and then bitter experience. 13:58 The Bible is actually pointing us back 14:00 to the Old Testament, Book of Daniel, 14:02 in order to understand, 14:04 what time no longer really means. 14:07 And so notice with me in Daniel 12:4, 14:09 the Bible tells us, 14:10 "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, 14:13 and seal the book, even to, when, 14:17 the time of the end." 14:18 Why, because at the time of the end, 14:19 this book is gonna be opened. 14:22 "Seal the book to the time of the end, 14:23 many shall run to and fro, 14:25 and knowledge shall be increased." 14:27 What kind of knowledge? 14:28 Knowledge about the contents of the little book. 14:32 So we find God telling Daniel the prophet very clearly 14:34 to shutup the book, the one that he had written, 14:38 it is gonna be closed, it's gonna be shut 14:40 onto the time of the end. 14:41 And at the time of the end, 14:42 knowledge of this book is going to be increased. 14:45 And so we find that the little book 14:46 that is open in Revelation 10 14:48 is none other than the Book of Daniel. 14:50 Are you with me, yes or no? 14:51 In fact, notice it repeats it in verse 9 and 10. 14:55 It says, "And he said, Go thy way, Daniel, 14:58 for the words are closed up and sealed 15:01 till the time of the end. 15:03 Many shall be purified, and made white and tried, 15:05 and the wicked shall do wickedly, 15:06 and none of the wicked shall understand, 15:08 but the wise shall understand." 15:12 Understand what? 15:13 Understand exactly what time no longer means. 15:18 Friends, I don't want to be wicked, 15:19 I want to be wise. How about you? 15:21 And so the wise, the Bible tells us, 15:23 the wise are gonna understand. 15:25 And if we are wise that means 15:26 we have wisdom, isn't that right? 15:29 And how do we get wisdom? 15:31 The Bible says, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of. 15:35 So the one that is gonna understand 15:37 the contents of this little book, 15:38 they are the ones that fear God and give God glory 15:42 therefore they're gonna understand 15:43 the hour of God's judgment. 15:47 The wise, who fear God are gonna understand. 15:52 And so we find very clearly 15:54 that the little book that is open in Revelation 10 15:56 is none other than the Old Testament book of Daniel. 15:58 But here's the next question, was it the entire Book of Daniel 16:01 that was closed and sealed to the time of the end? 16:05 I mean, Daniel is a little book. 16:07 But friends, it wasn't the entire Book of Daniel 16:10 that was closed, because every generation understood 16:13 some of the things of the Book of Daniel. 16:15 I mean, Daniel in the lion's den 16:16 is not a hard story to understand. 16:18 Can you say, amen? 16:20 So those parts of the book was not sealed and closed up, 16:22 it was only a specific part of the Book of Daniel 16:25 that was closed. 16:26 Which part is this, we don't have to guess 16:28 because God tells us very plainly 16:30 what part or what vision it was. 16:32 Notice with me in Daniel 8:26. 16:35 The Bible says, "And the vision of the--" 16:38 Which vision? 16:39 "The evenings and the mornings which was told is true. 16:43 Therefore seal up the vision, 16:46 For it refers to many days in the-- " 16:48 So we find that it was 16:49 the specific vision of the evenings and the mornings 16:52 that was sealed up and closed, 16:54 because this was something 16:56 that was to be understood in the future. 16:59 Now friends, what vision is this? 17:01 The vision of the evenings and the mornings. 17:03 Well, friends, contextually, 17:04 it's the vision that God gave Daniel in Daniel 8:14. 17:09 Notice what it says, "And he said unto me, 17:11 Unto two thousand and three hundred," 17:13 what is that next word? 17:15 "Days, then shall the sanctuary be," what? 17:20 Now friends, this is the vision of the evenings and mornings. 17:23 Twenty three hundred days. 17:24 And friends, what is the day comprised of? 17:27 Evenings and mornings, isn't that right? 17:30 If we're to look into the margin. 17:31 That word days, it literally means 17:34 evenings and mornings. 17:36 In other words twenty three hundred evening-- 17:37 this is the vision that was sealed and closed up, 17:40 not the entire Book of Daniel, 17:42 but specifically the prophecy of the 2,300 days 17:47 that points us to the cleansing of the sanctuary. 17:50 You see, Daniel did not understand this prophecy. 17:53 Many people did not understand this prophecy, 17:55 because it was a prophecy that would refer to the future. 17:58 It would be an end time prophecy, 18:01 a prophecy dealing with time no longer. 18:06 And so here's the next question. 18:10 When did this little book, when was it open? 18:15 In other words, when you read about 18:16 the opening of it in Revelation Chapter 10. 18:18 In what year did this take place? 18:22 In other words, when was that people 18:24 began to understand the 2,300 days prophecy, 18:27 because whenever they began to understand it, 18:29 that's when the angel was opening the book 18:31 and saying time no longer. 18:34 And so friends, in what year 18:35 was did the angel opened this little book, 18:38 it happened at the fulfillment of the 2,300 days prophecy 18:41 that came to an end in the year 1844, 18:46 in the early and mid 1800s. 18:48 We find that there was a movement 18:50 that was centered in the study of Bible prophecy. 18:53 And this specific prophecy of Daniel 8:14 18:56 was open to the minds of many individuals. 18:59 This was a prophecy that pointed to the year 1844 19:03 as the cleansing of the sanctuary. 19:06 Now we study this before, 19:07 so I'm assuming that you're already familiar with this, 19:10 but if not let me just give you the quick overview. 19:12 2,300 Day Prophecy, in prophecy one day 19:15 equals a year, according to Ezekiel 4:6. 19:19 And according to the prophecy, this time period began in 457 BC 19:24 when Artaxerxes gave permission to the Jews 19:27 to go back to rebuild Jerusalem, 19:30 their city, their temple and the streets and the walls. 19:32 Now all you have to do is counts from 457 BC, 2,300 years later 19:38 and it brings us to the year 1844, 19:41 where the Bible tells us 19:42 then shall the sanctuary be what? 19:46 And so as people in the mid 1800s here in America 19:49 began to study this prophecy, 19:51 they realize that something significant 19:53 was going to take place in the year 1844 19:56 according to the Bible. 19:57 They said that Jesus is gonna come 19:59 in that year to cleanse the sanctuary. 20:03 To do what? 20:05 But here's the thing, they believed 20:08 that the sanctuary was the earth. 20:12 And that the only way the earth could be cleansed 20:15 was by fire that will take place at the second coming of Christ. 20:21 And so this is what happened. 20:23 As they realize that this prophecy was fulfilled, 20:25 it was gonna be fulfilled in 1844. 20:27 They began to teach and preach, 20:28 Jesus is coming back to the earth in 1844, 20:31 the Second Advent is going to take place. 20:34 And when they heard it and preached it, 20:36 it was sweet in their mouth. 20:39 They're like, yes, God is coming to take us home, 20:42 it was a sweet experience, Jesus is coming. 20:45 And friends, this message went throughout the whole world. 20:48 People were excited. You see, they thought. 20:51 Listen, they thought that time 20:53 no longer meant the end of time in the second coming of Christ, 20:57 that's what they believed. 20:59 Why, because they assumed that the sanctuary 21:03 was the earth, but then when Jesus 21:06 did not come in 1844, 21:09 that which was at first sweet in the mouth 21:11 became bitter in the belly. 21:14 They suffered a bitter, a terrible disappointment. 21:19 Many of those people who thought 21:20 that Jesus was gonna come in that year. 21:22 Many of them lost faith in God completely. 21:24 Some of them became atheists and infidels and skeptics. 21:27 It was a bitter experience too bitter for them to endure. 21:31 But friends, 21:33 there was a small group of people. 21:36 We can say a remnant 21:37 though their faith was dramatically shaken, 21:40 they got together after the disappointment in 1844 21:43 and they went to prayer, they went to Bible study. 21:47 And friends, this small group of people 21:49 that was made up of individuals 21:50 from many different types of denominations, 21:52 they got together and they poured all the scriptures, 21:55 trying to find where they had got it wrong. 21:57 Perhaps they miscalculated the time prophecy, 22:00 but when they went back to look at the 2,300 days, 22:02 they saw that 1844 22:03 was a solid date, confirm by history. 22:06 They knew that something indeed happened in that year. 22:11 And by the way, they would spend entire nights 22:15 in prayer and Bible study. 22:17 And they realized that they have the right date, 22:21 but they have the wrong event. 22:23 They thought that the sanctuary was the earth, 22:25 but when they went back to study, 22:26 they realize that there was not one verse in the Bible 22:28 that said that the sanctuary was the earth. 22:30 They had assumed it, but they were wrong 22:31 in that assumption. 22:33 And so they began to see that 22:36 God has another sanctuary in the heavens. 22:40 And that in that year it was the heavenly sanctuary 22:43 that was gonna be cleansed. 22:44 And the Bible tells us in Proverbs 27:7, 22:47 "To a hungry soul every bitter thing is," what? 22:52 You see, friends, it was a bitter disappointment. 22:55 But that bitterness started to turn sweet again, 22:58 as now the Lord was helping them 22:59 to have a deeper understanding 23:02 of that which they did not understand to begin with. 23:04 God led them through the spirit to the Book of Hebrews. 23:07 And they learn that there was a sanctuary in heaven. 23:10 And that Jesus is our heavenly high priest. 23:13 And they realize that in 1844, 23:15 instead of Jesus coming back 23:17 to cleanse the sanctuary of the earth 23:19 that rather He would step 23:20 into the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary 23:23 beginning a special cleansing work, 23:26 a blotting out of sin in the investigative judgment. 23:29 And friends, out of this discovery 23:34 began a movement that would sweep across the whole world. 23:38 You see this is what they understood. 23:40 And looking back in that 2,300 day prophecy 23:43 that was fulfilled in 1844. 23:46 They realize that in 1844, it wasn't time 23:49 no longer in the sense of the end of time, 23:51 in the end of the world, but they understood 23:53 that it refer to prophetic time no longer. 23:57 What kind of time? 23:59 In other words, the last time prophecy is fulfilled. 24:05 And now Jesus is cleansing the heavenly sanctuary. 24:08 And we don't know when He's gonna 24:10 step out of the sanctuary and probation will close 24:12 and the seven last plagues will be poured. 24:13 No man knows the exact day or hour of His coming. 24:17 You see, this early group of people, 24:19 they began to realize 24:20 that it was not referring to time itself 24:22 but it's referring to prophetic time was no longer. 24:25 And friends, out of this discovery 24:28 as I mention was born a prophetic 24:32 worldwide movement that would sweep across the whole world 24:36 bringing a message of healing to every nation 24:40 and kindred and tongue and people. 24:43 This is how the Seventh-day Adventist Church 24:46 was born brothers and sisters. 24:47 It was born out of the discovery of Bible prophecy. 24:52 But some might be asking, 24:54 well, how could this movement really be of God, 24:59 when this movement began and was born 25:01 out of a disappointment that was rooted in a misunderstanding 25:05 and misinterpretation of Bible prophecy. 25:09 How can this movement really be of God, 25:11 if it began with the mistake, a misunderstanding? 25:15 Well, friends, you see God uses trials 25:19 in order to sift His church, 25:23 but also to strengthen His church. 25:25 You see when the great disappointment 25:27 took place in 1844. 25:29 There were thousands of people that believed in it, 25:32 but many of them were shaken out, 25:33 they were sifted. 25:34 It was God's way of cleansing the church, 25:37 of sifting out all those surface seekers 25:40 that were not truly converted. 25:43 But it was also way of solidifying 25:46 the faith of those who are truly sincere. 25:49 And friends, we see this example in the Bible, 25:50 you remember Gideon and his army. 25:53 There was too much, right? 25:54 And so God had to shake and sift it. Why? 25:58 Because just like Gideon's army, 26:00 God eliminated those who are not 26:01 completely committed to Him in His cause, 26:04 because God is not dependent upon the multitudes, friends. 26:07 God can do more with less. 26:11 A people, who are truly committed. 26:14 God can do more with one man, 26:16 that is fully consecrated, committed to Him 26:19 than He can with the thousand men 26:21 that are halfhearted and vacillating and compromising. 26:24 God is not dependent on the majority, friends. 26:26 Just upon one who is willing, not able, 26:30 but who is just willing to let God be able in His life 26:34 and through His life. Can you say, amen? 26:36 And so this is how that the remnant, that church, 26:39 the seventh Adventist movements actually began. 26:41 And friends, this shouldn't be a surprise, 26:43 because did you know, that this is actually 26:44 the same way how the early Apostolic Church began. 26:48 You remember the early apostles. 26:51 They too suffered a great disappointment 26:55 when Jesus died on the cross. 26:57 Their faith was dramatically shaken to the core. 27:02 They said those disciples on the road to Emmaus. 27:05 They said, "We thought that this was the one. 27:08 But now He has been dead." 27:10 You see, their faith was shaken. 27:13 They experienced a bitter disappointment, 27:16 but friends why was the disappointment, 27:19 why was the cross such a bitter disappointment to the disciples? 27:23 You see, the cross was the foundation 27:26 of the hope of all of humanity. 27:29 And yet they looked upon the cross 27:31 as a source of disappointment. 27:32 And here's the reason why is because those disciples, 27:35 they misunderstood and misapplied Bible prophecy. 27:39 You see, the disciples, the early Apostolic Church, 27:42 they have the 70 week prophecy in Daniel Chapter 9 27:45 that pointed forward to the exact date 27:48 of when the Messiah would be cut off. 27:50 They had a time prophecy that pointed to this event, 27:53 but because they misunderstood and misapplied it, 27:55 they experienced a bitter disappointment 27:58 and God allowed this to happen. 28:00 Why? To sift the church. 28:04 Because friends, when that happen 28:05 what happen to Judas, he was shaken out. 28:08 God was able to purify the church 28:10 and allowing the disciples to be disappointed. 28:12 And not only was the betrayer Judas shaken out, 28:15 but the faith of Peter the denier was settled. 28:19 Peter was converted through that experience. 28:22 And after this, they then went to the upper room 28:25 and they prayed like they never prayed before. 28:27 And as a result the fire began to fall, 28:29 revival and reformation took place 28:32 as a result of two things. 28:33 How many things? Prayer and prophetic study. 28:38 What kind of study? 28:40 You see those early apostolic-- early Apostolic Church. 28:43 They prayed and they studied Bible prophecy. 28:46 And out of this experience, they understood 28:50 that Jesus was in heaven interceding for them. 28:53 They understood that Jesus was their great high priest. 28:56 And as a result, revival and reformation took place 28:58 and it began to spread the gospel 28:59 throughout the whole world like wild fire. 29:01 And friends, the remnant is just like the original. 29:06 And friends, if this is how the original church began, 29:10 so too the remnant would began in the exact same way. 29:14 You see the people in the mid 1800s, 29:18 they experienced the bitter disappointment 29:20 for the same reason why the apostles 29:21 were disappointment at the cross 29:23 is because they misunderstood and misapplied 29:25 the 2,300 day prophecy of Daniel Chapter 8. 29:28 They had a time prophecy pointing to this event, 29:30 but because they did not understand it, 29:32 they were shaken. 29:33 But then after that in the upper room of prayer 29:37 and prophetic study revival took place 29:41 that brought reformation that grew a movement 29:44 that is the fastest growing 29:46 Protestant church movement in the world today. 29:50 And friends, you realize that this movement called 29:54 Seven-day Adventism is actually rooted 29:55 in the Book of Revelation. 29:57 God has called this movement 29:59 into existence in His holy prophetic word. 30:02 We're not just another church or another domination 30:05 but a movement of destiny to restore all truth 30:08 to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. 30:10 And friends you have to be excited about that. 30:14 Because we have purpose, friends. 30:17 We have an identity 30:19 that is rooted in Bible prophecy. 30:22 And friends, I am so glad that God caught me 30:25 into this movement about 13 years ago, 30:28 that He helped me to understand 30:29 the truth of prophecy in His word 30:32 and realize that there is a mission 30:34 and a message to be given healing to the nations 30:38 is what God is calling us to do. 30:41 Can you say amen? 30:42 And so now going back to the prophecy, 30:43 when the angel said, time no longer, 30:46 what does he mean by that? 30:49 It simply means that, that little book, 30:51 the 2300 day prophecy is now fulfilled 30:54 and prophetic time is no more. 30:59 Jesus is coming soon. 31:02 And in light of this prophecy 31:03 the Bible tells us in Romans 13:11, 31:05 "And that, knowing the time, that now it is," 31:08 what kind of time? 31:10 "A high time to awake out of sleep 31:12 for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed." 31:16 Oh friends, time is almost finished, 31:19 prophetic time is finish 31:21 and time as we know it is almost finish. 31:23 Jesus is coming again. 31:25 And right now it's not a time to sleep in spiritual slumber 31:30 nor to be comfortable in Christian complacency. 31:33 Right now it's time for us to allow the Holy Spirit 31:35 to arouse us, to awaken us, to revive us, 31:38 to get us off the pews on our feet in the world 31:41 to give this message so that the world can be warned, 31:44 so that Jesus can come 31:46 and so that we can finish the work and go home. 31:48 Can you say amen? Amen. 31:49 Now is the time, friends. It's not a time to be sleeping. 31:52 You see the disciples were sleeping in Gethsemane 31:56 and that's the reason why they were shaken 31:58 when the crisis hit. 32:00 In the same way many of God's people 32:02 are sleeping in the church today. 32:05 And when the crisis comes they are going to be shaken up. 32:08 Friends, I don't want to be shaken up, 32:09 I want to be shaken up. Can you say amen? 32:12 And so if you see someone tired next to you right now 32:14 falling asleep, shake them up right now. Amen. 32:18 And if you feel sleepy, shake yourself. 32:20 Just shake yourself. 32:22 Say, Lord, help me to wake up because now is the time 32:25 our salvation is nearer when we first believed. 32:27 Can you say amen? 32:29 Now friends, I want to notice the second coming of Christ 32:31 is not dependant on a time prophecy. 32:33 In 1844, time no longer, 32:37 Jesus is now waiting for time prophecy to come, 32:40 to be finished before He comes. 32:43 Well, then what is Jesus waiting for? 32:45 What is He waiting for? 32:47 Christ is waiting for the bride 32:52 to understand some important things. 32:55 What stops Jesus from being with His bride, His church? 32:59 What prevents or hinders the coming of our Lord? 33:03 What is Jesus waiting for? 33:05 He's waiting for us, the bride to understand, 33:07 number one, our identify, 33:09 number two, our purpose and number three, our destiny. 33:15 And friends, only as we understand who we are 33:18 that our identity is rooted in Revelation, 33:20 we'll then be able to fulfill the purpose of our existence, 33:23 we will know what our message is and our mission is 33:26 and we can fulfill it to the word. 33:27 And only as we do this, we will then reach 33:30 the final heavenly destiny 33:32 entering into the Promised Land with Jesus Christ. 33:35 Can you say amen? 33:37 But friends, listen, you know, sometimes 33:41 trying to find out who we are, our identity, 33:44 trying to figure out our purpose and our destiny. 33:47 Sometimes, finding the answers to these questions 33:50 can be as confusing as solving a mystery. 33:55 But friends, this mystery is going to be solved. 34:00 I want you to notice now, it's interesting, 34:02 right after the angel says, time no longer, 34:06 right after the bitter-sweet experience 34:08 that happened in what year again? 34:10 1844, notice immediately what happens next in verse 7. 34:15 "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, 34:18 when he shall begin to sound, 34:20 the mystery of God should be," what? 34:24 "Finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets." 34:27 The Bible tells us that this mystery 34:30 is going to be finished. 34:32 After time no longer, after 1844 God tells us 34:36 that the mystery is going to be finish. 34:39 And friends, it is this mystery that is not yet finished 34:43 that prevents Jesus from being with His bride right now. 34:46 It is this mystery unsolved 34:49 that delays the coming of Christ. 34:53 Friends, before Jesus comes, the mystery must be finished. 34:57 How many want Jesus to come? 34:59 If you want Jesus to come that means we have to find out 35:04 what the mystery is, so that the mystery can be finished. 35:08 Can you say amen? What is the mystery of God? 35:12 Notice with me, Bible tells us in Romans 16:25-26, 35:17 it defines the mystery of God. 35:19 Notice what it says, 35:20 "Now to him who is able to establish you 35:24 according to my," what? 35:27 "My gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ 35:31 according to the revelation of the mystery." 35:35 So friends, according to this, what's the mystery? 35:36 It's the gospel, the preaching of the gospel of Christ. 35:40 It's according to the Revelation of the mystery 35:43 kept secret since the world began 35:45 but now made manifest. 35:47 How is it made manifest? 35:48 And by the, what kind of scriptures? 35:50 The prophetic scriptures made known to how many nations? 35:54 So friends, according to this passage 35:56 what is the mystery of God that is yet to be finished? 35:59 It is the revealing, the making known of Jesus Christ 36:02 and the gospel that is found in the prophetic scriptures. 36:07 In other words, Jesus in Bible prophecy 36:11 is the mystery that must be reviewed to all nations 36:16 and once it's reviewed, it's finished 36:19 and then Jesus will come back to take us home with Him. 36:23 Can you say amen? 36:24 And by the way friends, this matches with 36:25 what Jesus said in Matthew 24:14. 36:28 Notice what it says, "And this gospel of the kingdom 36:30 shall be preached in," how much of the world? 36:33 "All the world for a witness to all nations and then," 36:36 what's going to happen? "And then shall the end come." 36:39 Which shows clearly that the end will not come 36:42 until this gospel of Christ in the prophetic scriptures 36:47 is made known as a witness, as a what? 36:50 Notice, not as a testimony but as a witness. 36:53 Friends, do you know what the difference is 36:55 between a witness and a testimony? 36:59 Friends, the testimony is something that you hear audibly. 37:03 When you testify, you are speaking, friends. 37:06 A testimony is something you listen to, 37:07 it goes to your ears 37:09 but a witness is more than a testimony. 37:11 A witness is something that you see visibly with your eyes. 37:15 You see friends, the gospel must go 37:17 not only as a audible proclamation 37:19 but it must go throughout the whole world 37:20 as a visible demonstration. 37:24 And when people in the world see the gospel, 37:27 lived out in the lives of the bride of Christ, 37:31 the church of God you and I it's then that, 37:33 they will see the witness and then the end will come 37:37 and Jesus will come back to be with His bride 37:40 to take us to our heavenly mansion. 37:41 Can you say amen? 37:43 And so here's the next question as we go little bit deeper. 37:45 Who is going to take this gospel? 37:47 This specific gospel of Christ, 37:50 that is in the prophetic scriptures, 37:52 who is God going to use 37:54 to take this gospel throughout the whole world? 37:57 Let's go back now to Revelation Chapter 10, 37:59 notice with me in verse 11, notice. 38:01 The mystery of God must be finished. 38:03 The proclamation and the demonstration of the gospel 38:06 through the whole world, who's going to do it? 38:08 Revelation 10, now notice with me in verse 11. 38:11 And by the way verses 9 and 10 38:14 talks about the bitter and sweet experience. 38:18 And in what year did this take place? 1844. 38:22 So friends, you look at verse 9 and 10, 38:23 put your finger there and write there that's 1844. 38:25 That's when it was fulfilled. 38:27 That's when the bitter-sweet experience took place. 38:29 So right after verse 10 it's verse 11, 38:33 this show us that verse 11 will take place, when? 38:37 After the bitter-sweet experience in 1844, 38:41 so notice what happens. 38:43 And friends, now it's time to, 38:44 for you to start getting excited. 38:46 Notice verse 11, 38:47 "And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy," 38:51 what is the next word? 38:52 "Again before many peoples, and nations, 38:55 and tongues, and kings." 38:57 So now we find after 1844, the Bible tells 39:01 that the angel says to John 39:02 representing this early Adventist people 39:04 that were bitterly disappointed. 39:06 He says, you must now prophesy but I want you to do it, how? 39:10 Again, prophesy, again, now friends, 39:12 what does that mean, prophesy again? 39:13 I need two volunteers to come over right here right now. 39:17 Don't all jump up at once, please. 39:19 One and two. Beautiful, thank you. 39:24 Aunty Dawn, Pastor Won, that rhymes wonderful. 39:28 Now I am going to give you a little illustration. 39:30 I want you to look at this, 39:31 so that we can understand what is it mean 39:33 when the angel says, prophesy again. 39:36 I have the prophetic scriptures in my hand, 39:38 the word of God, amen. 39:40 Now I'm going to give a command, a commission. 39:45 Would you please pick up the book? 39:48 Who did it first? Let's try it again. 39:52 Would you please pick up the book? 39:55 Aunty Dawn is quick. 39:58 Now give back to me. All right. 40:00 Here's the command now, 40:02 and I want you to tell me whom am I talking to 40:05 in what I am about to say. 40:07 Would you please pick up the book again? 40:09 Whom am I talking to? 40:12 When I say again, am I talking to Pastor Won? 40:15 No. Why? 40:16 Because he didn't pick it up the first time. 40:18 He can't do it again if he didn't do it the first time. 40:21 Are you with me? 40:22 I must be apply, I must be talking about 40:24 Aunty Dawn because she is the one who did it 40:26 the first time, therefore, 40:28 she is intelligent in doing it again. 40:33 Thank you very much. Do you understand that? 40:36 When the angel says, "Thou must prophesy again," 40:41 who is the angel talking to? 40:43 He's talking to the ones that prophesied 40:46 the first time but they did not 40:48 fully understand it the first time. 40:51 In other words, those Adventists that, 40:54 that Advent moment that experienced 40:56 the great disappointment 40:57 God was not through with them yet. 41:01 God had a plan and a purpose for them. 41:03 And He allow the disappointment to take place, 41:06 to shake the church from all the unconverted surface secrets 41:09 and to strengthen their church, the church in the beginning 41:12 for movement that will spread throughout the whole world. 41:16 So God was not finished, He said, 41:17 "Thou must prophesy and do it again." 41:20 But here's the question, how can they do it again 41:22 and be successful at this time? 41:23 Now notice Revelation 11, 41:25 the very next verse, following the context. 41:30 After the angel said, you must prophecy again, 41:32 notice what he then tell the people in verse 11, 41:34 excuse me Revelation 11:1-2, 41:37 "And there was given me a reed like unto a rod 41:40 and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the," what? 41:44 "The temple of God, and the altar 41:46 and them that worship therein." 41:48 And so the Lord says, you must prophecy again 41:51 but first, rise, get up out of that disappointment 41:54 and now I want you to measure the-- 41:57 what is the temple? The sanctuary. 42:00 And why do you suppose the command was given 42:03 to measure or to study the sanctuary? 42:07 Because which part of the 2,300 day prophecy 42:11 did they not understand? 42:13 The part about the sanctuary being cleansed. 42:17 They understood 1844, that was solid 42:19 but they misunderstood the part about the sanctuary. 42:22 So if they are going to prophecy again, 42:24 they first must understand what the Bible means 42:28 when it refers to the sanctuary being cleansed. 42:31 And that's exactly what took place after 1844, 42:34 God, the Holy Spirit lead the people 42:36 to an understanding of the sanctuary message. 42:40 And by the way do you realize 42:42 that the all the truth of God is found in the sanctuary. 42:48 Every doctrine that points us to Jesus 42:50 is found right there in the sanctuary. 42:53 You see in the sanctuary is combined 42:57 all the beliefs of all the different denominations 42:59 that came before, it's right there in one package, 43:02 the whole truth friends. 43:05 And so as this movement understood the sanctuary, 43:07 God restored all truth unto them. 43:11 And now he told them, now that you understand, 43:12 now that you've measured the temple of God, 43:14 I want you to go and prophecy again 43:17 and this time you will give the right understanding 43:20 of the sanctuary that is centered in the blessed Jesus 43:24 and the grace of God and the power of Christ 43:26 to save us from sin. 43:27 Can you say amen? 43:28 You see brothers and sisters, 43:30 this was a final prophetic movement of destiny 43:35 called to prophesy again. 43:38 And friends, since 1844 that's exactly 43:40 what the movement has been doing. 43:41 But friends, here's the thing, Jesus is still not here. 43:45 What's the problem? 43:46 We have been prophesying again since 1844, 43:49 where is the coming of our Lord? What still hinders His coming? 43:54 The mystery of the gospel is being proclaimed, yes. 43:58 But friends, we are proclaiming it 44:02 as a straight testimony but not as a sweet witness. 44:07 We're proclaiming it but it's the demonstrating of it 44:12 that will actually finish the mystery. 44:14 Can you say amen? 44:15 It's not just what we say with our words 44:17 but its how we living our lives. 44:19 People will need to see that the gospel, 44:21 the good news actually works. 44:23 It brings about a change in our lives. 44:27 And that's the reason why the mystery of God 44:29 is more than just proclamation. 44:31 Notice how else the Bible defines the mystery of God. 44:33 Colossians 1:27, "To whom God would make known 44:37 what is the riches of the glory of this mystery 44:40 among the Gentiles, amongst the world which is," 44:43 what is the mystery? 44:44 "Christ in you, the hope of-- " 44:48 Friends, the mystery of God must be finished. 44:50 What is it? 44:51 It's Christ, not just in our lips and in our mind, 44:55 but Jesus Christ living His life in us and through us. 45:00 We've been preaching it as a straight testimony, 45:04 but the world has yet to see a sweet witness. 45:08 Do you know why? 45:09 Listen friends, people will believe 45:11 more in what the church lives than what the preacher preaches. 45:17 The world is going to believe, they are going to be convinced 45:19 not by what I say on the pew behind the pulpit, 45:21 they are going to look upon you the church, the movement. 45:25 And by our lives, by our love they shall know 45:31 that we are His disciples. Can you say amen? 45:34 Over insistence this straight testimony. 45:37 You see, demonstration must come before our proclamation 45:41 and then glorification is going to come. 45:43 Can you say amen? 45:44 And so we need to allow the Lord to finish the mystery 45:48 not through us but first in us, 45:52 so that it can be finished through us. 45:56 And of the seven churches in Revelation, 45:58 tell me, there are seven churches 46:00 representing seven church ages. 46:02 Of the seven which one is going to finish the mystery of God? 46:05 Which one is going to finish the work, which one? 46:07 The seventh, right? 46:08 The last church and that church is called 46:11 the church of Laodicea. 46:13 And, friends, do you know who the church of Laodicea is? 46:17 Do you know what the word Laodicea means? 46:20 The word Laodicea, literally means a people being judged. 46:25 Friends, when did the judgment begin? 1844. 46:28 Who is the church of Laodicea? 46:29 It's that movement that began in 1844 46:31 that will continue to the end of time, that's us, friends. 46:34 The Seventh-day Adventist 46:35 prophetic movement of destiny is the Laodicea church. 46:38 And friends, when you look at Laodicea, 46:41 what is the main problem of Laodicea? 46:47 What is the main problem of Laodicea? 46:49 Friends, one of the problems of Laodicea is 46:51 they know exactly what the physical time is, 46:53 but they don't know what the prophetic time is. 46:57 What is the main problem though with Laodicea? 47:01 They are sleeping, that's not the problem, 47:03 that's not the main problem. 47:04 That is the symptom of the main problem. 47:07 What is the main problem? Somebody else. 47:09 They lost their first love, that's a problem 47:11 but that's just the symptom of the main problem. 47:13 What is the main problem? They're lukewarm. 47:17 That's a problem, friends, 47:18 but that's just a symptom of the main problem. 47:20 What is the main problem? 47:22 They are wretched, that's a problem, 47:23 they are miserable, that's a problem. 47:24 They are poor, blind and naked, that's a problem. 47:26 They have-- they don't see their need, 47:28 these are all problems 47:29 but these are just symptoms of the main problem. 47:33 What is the main problem with Laodicea? 47:38 Oh, for the sake of time. 47:42 The main problem is found in verse 20, Revelation 3:20. 47:46 Oh, friends, this is a terrible problem. 47:48 The main problem is that Jesus is on the outside, 47:51 trying to get in. 47:53 Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock, 47:57 if any man hear my voice and open the door, 48:00 I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me." 48:06 The main problem of Laodicea is Christ is not in them, 48:11 the hope of glory and therefore 48:14 the mystery is still unsolved, it's not finished. 48:19 And that is what prevents the heavenly husband 48:23 from being with the earthly bride. 48:26 Oh, friends, this morning we need to open our hearts 48:29 a little bit wider and say, Jesus come in. 48:34 And don't just let him into the living room of your life, 48:37 let Him go into the kitchen and the bedroom. 48:40 Clean out the cobwebs in the closets of your heart, 48:44 all the baggage you've been carrying, all the bitterness 48:47 and the unforgiving spirits and all the pride. 48:49 Let Jesus permeate every single room of your house. 48:53 Make him the Lord of your life 48:55 and then the mystery will be solved 48:57 and then He will come back to claim us as His own. Why? 49:01 Because the world is going to see 49:02 not just an audible testimony, 49:05 they are going to see a visible demonstration, a witness. 49:10 Jesus Christ walking on earth 49:12 in the lives of His church, the bride of Christ. 49:17 Friends, I want to open my heart little wider 49:19 this Monday, how about you? 49:21 Don't let Jesus be a passing guest. 49:23 Make Him the permanent resident of your heart 49:26 because in only, only in Jesus 49:27 do we have security and salvation. 49:30 And by the way, do you know why Jesus is knocking? 49:33 Do you know what He wants to bring when He comes in? 49:35 Not only does He want to bring Himself but notice, 49:37 Jesus is knocking at the door of Laodicea 49:40 and He wants to bring some goods into our house, 49:42 goods that will truly make us rich. 49:45 Notice what Jesus said in verse 18, 49:46 "I counsel thee to buy of me," what? 49:49 "Gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich, 49:53 and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, 49:57 and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear, 49:59 and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that they may see." 50:02 Notice, three things Jesus wants to give us, 50:05 gold, so that we will be rich, 50:08 raiment, so that we can be clothed 50:09 and eyesalve so that we can see. Why? 50:11 Because we are not rich, we are poor. 50:14 We don't see, we are blind 50:16 and we are not covered, we are naked. 50:17 And so these are the things 50:18 that Jesus wants to give to the church of Laodicea 50:21 so that the mystery could be finish. 50:23 And friends, that eyesalve, 50:24 it represents the penetrating discernment 50:26 and knowledge of the Holy Spirit 50:28 that helps us to see our true condition. 50:31 And friends, when we see our true condition, 50:33 it's then that we'll buy the gold and the raiment. 50:35 Friends, do you know what gold represents in the Bible? 50:37 Gold represents faith. What does it represent? 50:42 You know what raiment represents in the Bible? 50:45 Righteousness. What does it represent? 50:48 So friends, if we have Jesus' gold and righteousness. 50:51 Excuse me, if we have Jesus' gold and raiment 50:53 that means the Jesus will make us righteous by faith. 50:59 And it comes by the indwelling 51:00 eyesalve of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 51:03 This is what Jesus wants to do for His church. 51:07 He wants to make us righteous not by works 51:10 but righteous by faith. 51:13 Can you say amen? 51:15 And then what will happen if we let Jesus come fully in? 51:18 Is then He's going to come back friends. 51:20 The mystery is finished. And we can now all go home. 51:23 Let's read in the Book of Revelation Chapter 19. 51:26 Please turn there with me, Revelation 19, 51:29 just few more points. 51:31 Revelation Chapter 19, we find the return 51:33 of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. 51:36 And notice, it tells us here, 51:38 what enables Him to come back to take us home. 51:41 Revelation 19:7, If you are there 51:42 would you please say amen. 51:44 Oh, friends, are you enjoying 51:45 the study of God's word today? Amen. 51:49 Bible says, Revelation 19:7, 51:51 "Let us be glad and rejoice, 51:54 and give honor to Him for the marriage of the Lamb is come, 51:59 and His wife hath made herself-- " 52:03 Friends, why is the marriage of the Lamb come? 52:05 Why can't now Jesus come to be one with His bride face to face? 52:09 Is because now the wife is ready for Him to come. 52:13 But what makes the wife, the church ready? 52:16 Verse 8, "To her was granted, 52:19 given that she should be arrayed in fine linen, 52:22 clean and white for the fine linen is the," what? 52:26 "Righteousness of the saints." 52:28 You see friends, the thing that makes 52:29 the bride ready for her wedding 52:32 is that she has her wedding dress. 52:34 Isn't that right? She has the right attire. 52:38 And this is what makes it possible for Jesus to come 52:41 is because now the bride of Christ, 52:42 the church has put on the wedding dress 52:45 which is the righteousness of Jesus Christ. 52:48 Jesus can't get married without the bride 52:50 and the bride can't get married without the wedding dress. 52:54 And friends those of you who have been married, 52:57 are married you know that, 52:59 that wedding dress is special dress, amen. 53:02 I mean some people spend up to $40,000, 53:05 I heard on the wedding dress. 53:08 A dress that they are going to wear 53:09 one time on one day, $40,000. 53:12 Can you imagine that? 53:14 And now in light of that how many of are thankful 53:15 that the heavenly wedding dress is free? 53:17 That's good news. Amen. 53:19 You see friends, the Book of revelation 53:21 is a love story between Jesus and His bride. 53:25 And I remember when I first gave my life to Jesus, 53:28 I found the love of my life Jesus Christ, he found me. 53:34 And because I found contentment and love in Christ first. 53:38 It was then that He allowed my paths to cross with another 53:40 that was so lovely and so beautiful. 53:44 She was born in Fiji but raised in Mali. 53:49 And I call her my sweet malimalian. 53:52 And this is pictures of us, we were in high school. 53:56 High school sweet hearts. 53:58 As time went on as we got to know each other 54:01 more and more we then came to the realization that wow, 54:04 we want to spend the rest of our lives together. 54:07 And so we got engaged and this is 54:08 one of our engagement pictures, we are so happy, 54:10 we're just so happy. 54:11 We wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. 54:15 And so what happened, when we got engaged 54:17 we set a date on appointed time that our vows would be exchanged 54:22 and we would become one in a very real way. 54:25 And so in preparation for the appointed time 54:27 for the specific date the invitations went out, 54:31 inviting all our love ones, our family and our friends. 54:34 Not only that but, we got some people to, 54:35 begin to prepare the food and the decorations 54:38 and all other things that go along with the wedding 54:41 and everything was set and finally the day came, 54:44 the appointed time, 54:45 the time that I would be one with my bride. 54:48 And friends, when that day came 54:50 everything was prepared. 54:51 It was beautiful, It was Eden wedding, 54:54 out there in nature. 54:56 It was a Garden of Eden wedding. 54:58 And friends, we decided that 55:00 we're going to get married on September 4th 2005, 55:05 a specific year, a specific month, 55:09 a specific date and a specific hour, 55:11 2 o'clock in the afternoon. 55:14 And as the time approach the people came. 55:18 Our loved ones was there, the food was ready, 55:21 invitations were out and people began to show up. 55:23 The decorations were set, I was there in my tuxedo 55:27 and bridesmaid and the groomsmen, 55:30 they were all dressed and ready 55:31 and the appointed time 2 o'clock came. 55:35 But I did not get married at 2 o'clock. 55:39 Everything was ready for the wedding and I was there. 55:41 I was ready, I was anxious. 55:43 But friends, we did not get married at 2 o'clock. 55:47 We got married at 2:45, 45 minutes late. 55:53 And friends, the reason why 55:55 it did not happen on the appointed time, 55:57 the reason why it was late 55:58 is not because the food wasn't ready, it was ready. 56:01 Not because we were waiting for the guests, 56:02 they were all there. 56:03 Well the pastor was there, I was there. 56:04 The only reason why we did not get married 56:07 at the appointed time is because the wife was not yet ready. 56:18 The wife was not yet ready, folks. 56:21 And so everything can be ready but if the wife is not ready 56:23 there's no marriage going to take place. 56:26 But finally after 45 minutes, 56:30 there she was, dressed in white. 56:35 And you know what they say, better late than never, amen. 56:41 And it was a happy, happy day. 56:45 Friends, in the same way your lives 56:47 that the groom is ready to get married. 56:50 The gospel invitations have gone out to the world. 56:54 The food is ready at the marriage supper of the lamb. 56:57 The angles are ready. 56:59 Everything is set but friends the reason why the wedding 57:02 has not taken place 57:04 is because Jesus can't get married without the bride. 57:08 And the bride can't get married without the dress. 57:12 And friends that dress comes from the groom. 57:16 You see the groom is the one that provides the attire. 57:22 All though bride has do is receive it 57:26 by faith and put it on. 57:30 Friends, today Jesus wants to give you His righteousness, 57:35 so that the mystery could be finish. 57:37 He's not waiting for time prophecy. 57:39 Time no longer in 1844. Now He is waiting for the bride. 57:44 And friends, will God have a bride, 57:46 a movement in the last days that will have 57:48 the right attire for the wedding. 57:50 She is described in Ephesians 5:25-27, 57:54 few more verses. 57:55 Bible says, it tells us, "Husbands, love your wives, 57:58 even as Christ also loved the church, 58:01 and gave himself for it that he might," 58:04 what is that word? 58:05 "Sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water 58:09 by the word, that he might present it to himself," 58:12 a what kind of church? 58:13 "A glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, 58:17 or any such thing that it should be holy 58:20 and without blemish." 58:21 Would Jesus have a bride like this? Yes. 58:26 And the Bible tells us in Ephesians 5:30-32, 58:29 "For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 58:32 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, 58:35 and shall be joined unto his wife, 58:36 and they two shall be one flesh. 58:40 This is a great mystery, 58:45 but I speak concerning Christ and the church." 58:50 Friends, we are movement of destiny. 58:52 Not just the church, not just another denomination. 58:56 A movement whose identity is rooted in revelation 59:00 and God is calling us to stand up 59:02 and not be ashamed of our message 59:05 and stop trying to copy all the other churches 59:07 and water things down and cut corners, no friends. 59:10 We are prophetic movement of destiny 59:12 and God is calling us to stand up and be counted, 59:15 open our hearts so that Jesus can finish the mystery in us, 59:20 so that He can then finish the mystery through us. |
Revised 2020-03-31