Revelation of Hope (Pacleb)

Antichrist's Greatest Deception

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Taj Pacleb


Series Code: ROHB

Program Code: ROHB000009

00:39 Our message tonight is entitled "Antichrist Greatest Deception."
00:44 I want to begin by sharing the same quotation
00:46 I shared last night from Winston Churchill.
00:50 He said something very, very powerful.
00:53 He said, "Some people, sometime in their lives,
00:56 stumble across truth.
00:59 Most jump up, brush themselves off,
01:04 and hurry about their business as if nothing had happened."
01:08 And so tonight let's pick up the truth,
01:11 lets' embrace it, lets' believe it,
01:13 let's follow it
01:15 because the truth will make us free
01:18 from the confusing counterfeits of the antichrist.
01:22 Who is the antichrist?
01:24 As the allegory suggests it's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
01:28 Well, lies in the garments of truth.
01:30 In fact, I want you notice the apostle Paul warned us
01:33 that deception would creep within the Christian church.
01:37 Notice, what it says in Acts 20:29, 30.
01:40 Please write it down.
01:41 Acts 20:29, 30 the Bible says
01:43 "For I know this, that after my departing
01:46 shall grievous wolves enter in" Where?
01:49 "Among you, not sparing the flock.
01:52 And also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking"
01:56 What kind of things?
01:58 "Perverse things, to draw away disciples after them."
02:01 Here the apostle Paul made it clear
02:02 that deception would creep within the church.
02:06 That within the Christian community
02:08 the people would rise up speaking perverse things.
02:11 They look like disciples
02:13 but really they're wolves in sheep's clothing.
02:15 They are just lies in the garments of truth.
02:18 You see, friends, we have to careful
02:20 of what is been creeping
02:22 within the Christian world today.
02:23 And friends, this is the very nature
02:26 of the antichrist.
02:27 I want you notice the definition of the word antichrist.
02:31 That anti most people think means against Christ.
02:36 But friends, the real and deeper definition of the word anti
02:39 is not so much someone that is opposed or against Christ
02:42 but the word anti means
02:44 instead of or in the place of Christ.
02:47 You see, antichrist is not so much
02:50 an open political opposer of Christ
02:53 but he is a subtle religious imposter of Christ.
02:59 Wolf in sheep's clothing
03:01 lies clothed with the garments of the truth.
03:04 This is his essential nature,
03:07 creeping within the church looking, like a disciple,
03:10 sounding like a disciple
03:12 but not a disciple in the least.
03:14 And friends, when you think about the antichrist
03:16 tell me who is the real antichrist
03:19 that wanted to put himself
03:20 instead of or in the place of Christ?
03:23 Who is the real antichrist?
03:25 We know that it's Satan himself, we studied that this morning.
03:27 In Isaiah Chapter 14, the Bible tells us
03:29 that Lucifer who became Satan
03:31 want to sit above the stars of God.
03:34 He wanted to sit at the mount of the congregation.
03:36 He wanted to be like God.
03:38 He wanted to put himself
03:40 instead of or in the place of Christ.
03:44 And so he is the real antichrist.
03:47 But friends, listen anyone that puts himself
03:49 ahead of God has the spirit of antichrist.
03:52 Anyone of us can have that spirit.
03:54 The spirit that wants to do their thing
03:55 ahead of what God says.
03:57 That is the spirit of antichrist that John wrote about
04:00 when he said that many antichrists
04:01 are coming to the world
04:02 people who put themselves
04:04 instead of or in the place of God
04:06 those who just chose to do their own thing
04:08 and live their lives however they want to live
04:10 that's the spirit of antichrist, friends.
04:12 But tonight, we're not gonna focus
04:13 on the spirit of antichrist
04:15 we want to study the system of antichrist.
04:18 The what? System.
04:19 You see, Satan is gonna work
04:21 through an organized system called the antichrist
04:24 in these last days to deceive
04:26 many of God's people into believing lies
04:30 that are covered in the garments of truth.
04:33 In fact, I want you to notice the antichrist kingdom,
04:36 the system of antichrist
04:37 is spoken of in four main places in prophecy,
04:41 tonight we're gonna look at two of the four
04:42 and on future now we're gonna look at the other two.
04:44 But notice one of the four places
04:46 that the antichrist power is described
04:48 in the Book of 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4.
04:51 Would you please write it down?
04:53 "Let no man deceive you by any means,
04:55 for that day shall not come,
04:57 except there come" What?
04:59 "A falling away first."
05:01 That expression falling away
05:02 first in the Greek is the great apostasy.
05:04 In other words Paul is prophesying
05:06 that a great apostacy would creep
05:08 within the Christian church.
05:11 And then it says,
05:12 "And that man of sin be revealed,
05:16 the son of perdition."
05:17 That's the antichrist, friends.
05:19 He has called the what?
05:20 Man of sin and the son of perdition.
05:23 The man of sin that means
05:24 the lawless one another version says
05:27 and he is called the son of perdition.
05:29 And I want you to notice his characteristics.
05:30 He continues to say
05:32 "Who opposes and exalts himself
05:34 above all that is called God, or that is worshipped,
05:36 so that he" What? "As God."
05:39 Sits" where?
05:40 "In the temple of God,
05:42 showing himself that he is" against God,
05:44 is that what it says?
05:45 "Showing himself that he is God."
05:49 Once again friends, antichrist
05:50 is not an open political opposer of Christ
05:55 but a subtle religious imposter,
05:57 one that puts himself
05:59 instead of or in the place of Christ.
06:02 He sits in the temple of God
06:04 showing and claiming to be God on earth.
06:09 It's lie with the garments of truth.
06:12 It's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
06:14 This is the very nature of antichrist
06:16 and the reason why I am emphasizing
06:17 this is majority of the Christian world
06:20 because of the false doctrines of the left behind series
06:22 believe that antichrist is gonna be
06:25 an open political secular opposer of Christ.
06:28 Not true, friends.
06:29 Antichrist is a religious imposter
06:33 one that claims to be God on earth
06:36 that sits in the temple of God.
06:38 Are you with me, yes or no?
06:39 And when the Bible tells us
06:40 that he sits in the temple of God
06:42 is that referring to a literal rebuilt
06:46 temple in Jerusalem?
06:47 Not at all.
06:48 We learned before that the temple of God
06:49 according to New Testament theology
06:50 is none other than the Christian church.
06:52 1 Corinthians 3:16, the apostle wrote,
06:54 "Do you not know that you are the temple of God,
06:57 and the Spirit of God dwells in you?"
06:59 According, to New Testament theology
07:01 the temple of God is not a literal beauty
07:03 but it's the New Testament church.
07:05 So in the Bible says that antichrist
07:06 was sit in the temple of God, it simply means
07:08 that he would creep within the Christian church
07:13 bringing his doctrines and his dogmas and deceptions
07:17 in claiming to be God on earth.
07:22 And the Bible says that he is called the man of sin
07:24 that means the lawless one.
07:26 And he is also called the son of perdition.
07:29 The son of what? Perdition.
07:31 Friends, you realize that there is only one
07:32 at the time in the New Testament
07:33 where it uses that expression son of perdition
07:36 and guess who it's referring to.
07:38 In John 17:12 Jesus called Judas the son of perdition.
07:45 In other words, Judas is a type of the antichrist.
07:49 Now when you look at the characteristic of Judas
07:51 tell me did Judas vitally oppose Christ from with out
07:57 or did he subtly betray Christ from within?
08:02 From within, friends.
08:04 That's the nature of antichrist.
08:05 Not a political opposer but a religious imposter.
08:09 Now when Judas betrayed Christ
08:11 did he betrayed Christ with the punch or with a kiss?
08:16 In the same way the antichrist kingdom
08:19 is one that is just like Judas.
08:21 Outwardly looking and sounding like a disciple
08:26 but in reality in the heart betraying Jesus Christ.
08:31 And friends, tonight we don't have to be deceived
08:35 because, the Bible makes it clear
08:37 in the Book of Daniel,
08:38 Daniel is going to unmask antichrist
08:41 and his greatest deception in these last days.
08:44 And friends, the greatest deception of antichrist
08:47 is what we read last night in Daniel 7:25
08:50 that he would "think to change" what?
08:54 "Times and laws."
08:55 His greatest deception is that
08:56 he would creep within the church
08:58 claiming to change God's times and God's laws.
09:02 And friends, remind me
09:03 what is the only law in the Ten Commandments
09:05 that has to do with time?
09:06 The fourth commandment,
09:08 the commandment that says,
09:09 remember the Seventh-day Sabbath to keep it holy.
09:13 In Exodus 20:8-11
09:15 the Bible says in the fourth commandment.
09:16 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
09:18 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work,
09:20 But" what?
09:21 "The seventh day is the Sabbath of" who?
09:24 "The Lord thy God."
09:25 It's not a Jewish day friends, it's the Lord 's day.
09:28 And it says thus seven days the Sabbath.
09:30 And so God's said specifically, remember the special day.
09:34 The only commandment in the ten that God
09:37 He starts with the word remember
09:39 and friends, we're gonna see tonight
09:40 that this was the time law
09:42 that the antichrist kingdom sought to change,
09:45 changing the Sabbath from Saturday,
09:47 the seventh day of the week to Sunday
09:50 the first day of the week.
09:51 And almost the entire Christian world
09:53 has fallen into this deception.
09:56 Oh, friends, we need to ask the question.
09:57 Did God change His law and His Sabbath?
10:00 Notice what the Bible says in Psalms 89:34
10:04 the Bible tells us "My covenant I will I not break,
10:07 nor alter" no what?
10:09 Alter.
10:10 What is another word for alter? Change.
10:13 "My covenant I will I not break, nor alter or change
10:16 the word that has gone out of My lips."
10:18 God says when He speaks something
10:20 He is not gonna alter it,
10:21 He is not gonna change it
10:22 because when God's said at the first time
10:25 He gets it right the first time.
10:26 Can you say, amen?
10:28 Now I want you to notice
10:29 what exactly did God speak.
10:31 Write it down, Exodus 20:1-3 the Bible says
10:35 "And God spoke all these words,
10:38 saying thou shalt have no other gods before Me."
10:42 So God speaks his law friends,
10:44 before He writes it with His finger.
10:46 He speaks it and God says what I have spoken
10:48 I am not gonna alter it or I am not gonna change it.
10:50 You see, the law of God is doesn't need to be changed
10:54 because it's perfect to begin with.
10:56 Can you say, amen? Amen.
10:57 And so we find that God did not change the law,
11:00 He did not change the Sabbath.
11:02 He wrote it with His own finger on tablets of stone
11:04 and when people say it's written on stone
11:06 what do they mean that?
11:08 They mean its permanent and it's unchanging
11:10 and so to the Sabbath it was never changed.
11:12 Some people think that Jesus came to change the Sabbath.
11:15 But we saw from Matthew 5:17 Jesus said
11:18 "Think not that I am come
11:19 to destroy the law, or the prophets.
11:20 I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."
11:22 That word fulfill means to establish,
11:24 to live it out, to give us an example
11:26 of how to keep the Sabbath in the right way.
11:30 And so now that we have done
11:31 that quick review, the question remains
11:33 if it's true that the Sabbath is on
11:35 the seventh day of the week Saturday
11:38 then why does majority of the Christian world
11:40 keeps Sunday the first day of the week.
11:42 How did this happen?
11:45 Now we see why last nights topic
11:47 is so important in prophecy.
11:49 Because prophecy reveals that Satan attempted to change
11:53 God's times and laws through the antichrist power
11:56 here in these last days.
11:59 And friends, remember,
12:00 as we take a look at the antichrist tonight
12:03 and the change of the Sabbath I want us to remember
12:05 that as much more than just choosing a day
12:07 that we want to worship on.
12:09 You see, we should worship God every single day of the week.
12:11 Can you say, amen?
12:13 But we can't keep everyday or any day of the week holy
12:16 because not every day is holy to begin with.
12:19 Only a holy God can make a holy day
12:22 and He said this seventh day
12:24 is the one that I sanctified and set apart.
12:27 So why we can't worship God everyday
12:29 we can't keep everyday holy.
12:31 The only day we can keep holy
12:32 is the one that is holy to begin with.
12:34 Are you with me, yes or no?
12:35 And so it's much more
12:36 than just choosing a day of worship
12:38 when you study it deeply
12:39 it's about choosing who your master is.
12:42 Because, remember the Sabbath is a sign between us and God.
12:48 A sign to remind us
12:49 that He is the one that created us.
12:51 That He is the one that sanctifies us.
12:53 That He is one that redeemed us.
12:55 It's a sign of His lordship over our lives.
13:00 It's a special sign of a special relationship
13:02 but friends remember
13:03 for every truth that God has Satan has a counterfeit.
13:09 You see, if the Sabbath is a sign
13:11 that God is the true God that true Creator
13:14 we also see the Satan wants to be God.
13:17 He wants to be worshipped
13:18 and because God's set aside
13:20 a specific day to remind us that He is God
13:22 Satan has set aside his own day
13:26 because he wants to be God.
13:27 So as much more
13:28 than just choosing a day of worship
13:30 it's about choosing who you're master is friends,
13:33 and that's why it's so important.
13:36 Now I want you to notice
13:37 in order to distinguish
13:39 between the truth and the counterfeit
13:41 we have to go
13:42 not by what popular theologians are saying,
13:45 not by what their popular
13:46 Christian churches of the day are saying
13:48 but we have to go straight to the source
13:50 we have to go to the Bible.
13:51 Can you say, amen?
13:52 And friends, in prophecy in the Book of Daniel Chapter 7,
13:55 God reviewed and exposed the antichrist kingdom
13:59 and his attempt to change God's times and laws.
14:02 Now friends, we study Daniel Chapter 7 before
14:04 I let you return there with me
14:06 beginning with verse 1,
14:07 "In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon
14:10 Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed,
14:13 and, he wrote the dream, and told the sum of the matters.
14:16 Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night,
14:18 and, behold, the four winds of the heaven
14:20 strove upon the great sea.
14:22 And four great beasts came up from the sea,
14:25 diverse one from another."
14:27 We have seen this we have studied this before
14:29 and so I am just gonna review it very briefly tonight.
14:31 Daniel sees a windy seascape
14:34 and from the sea that is being blown by the wind
14:37 he sees four beast raised upon.
14:40 The first was a lion,
14:41 the second a bear, the third leopard,
14:43 then the fourth a terrible looking beast with ten horns.
14:47 And through this prophecy God was revealing
14:50 the history and the future of the super powers of prophecy.
14:54 You remember we studied the in Bible prophecy
14:56 a beast represents a what? A kingdom.
14:59 Do you remember that?
15:00 In fact we can read it in verse 17.
15:01 Notice verse 17, "These great beasts,
15:04 which are four, are four kings,
15:05 which shall arise out of the earth."
15:07 Then notice verse 23
15:08 "He said, the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom."
15:11 So these four beasts represent four kingdoms
15:13 and these kingdoms are parallel
15:16 with the Medo man of Daniel Chapter 2.
15:19 Do you remember that?
15:21 Four beasts, four Medo's four kingdoms.
15:24 The first was the kingdom of Babylon,
15:28 the lion with eagle's wings.
15:29 It reined from 605 to 539 BC.
15:32 That after that was the bear
15:34 raised upon one side with three ribs
15:35 in his mouth that represents what?
15:37 The Medo-Persian Empire that reign from 539 to 331 BC.
15:41 Then the third beast the leopard with the four wings
15:44 and the four heads represents the Grecian empire,
15:47 that reign from 331 to 168 BC and then the fourth beast,
15:51 the terrible beast with ten horns
15:52 represents the Roman Empire
15:55 that ruled the longest out the four
15:57 from 168 BC to 476 AD.
16:02 So Daniel sees these four beasts these four empires of prophecy.
16:07 And then from the fourth beast
16:09 which represents which kingdom again?
16:10 The Roman.
16:11 Which represents the Roman Empire
16:13 the pagan Roman Empire,
16:15 Daniel saw that this beast had ten horns.
16:19 How many horns? Ten.
16:21 And what do these horns represent.
16:24 We saw in verse 24 that the Bible says
16:27 that "The ten horns out of this kingdom"
16:30 Out of which kingdom?
16:31 "Out of Rome are ten" what" "Kings that shall arise."
16:36 So prophecy in history make it clear
16:39 that Rome was not conquered by a fifth super power
16:42 or world empire
16:43 but Rome was divided into ten different kingdoms
16:46 symbolized by ten horns.
16:49 History tell us that barbarians tribes came from the north
16:52 and begin to conquer different territories
16:54 of the vast Roman Empire
16:56 and these are the nations that make up modern day
16:58 Europe today.
17:00 The ten kingdoms or divisions Rome,
17:02 the Alamanni, who were the modern Germans.
17:04 The Burgundians were the Swiss.
17:06 The Franks were the French.
17:07 The Lombards were the Italians.
17:09 The Anglo Saxons were the English.
17:10 The Suevi who are the Portuguese
17:12 and then the Visigoths were the Spanish
17:14 and then you have on the bottom here the Heruli,
17:16 Vandals and Ostrogoths
17:18 nations that existed amongst the original ten
17:21 during the break up of Rome
17:23 but are no longer in existence today
17:25 and we are gonna find out why in just a moment.
17:28 And so we find that these ten horns
17:31 or the divisions of Rome divided Europe
17:34 is came into existence in the year 476 AD.
17:39 In what year? 476.
17:41 It was in that year that history tells us
17:44 that these ten horns rouse to power.
17:48 Now, after the ten horns are described in Daniels vision.
17:52 Daniel then sees amongst the horns the division of Rome.
17:57 He seized a little horn rising, a little kingdom.
18:03 And friends, this little kingdom
18:05 is the antichrist kingdom of prophecy.
18:08 I want us to notice its characteristics
18:11 and through these ten finger prints
18:14 that we are gonna look at tonight
18:15 we are gonna know without a shadow of a doubt
18:18 the unavoidable, unmistakable,
18:20 irrefutable identity of who this antichrist kingdom really is.
18:27 Are you ready? Yes.
18:28 Some of you are not ready. Yes.
18:30 Are you ready? Yes.
18:32 All right, let's go.
18:33 Daniel Chapter 8, excuse me Daniel 7:8.
18:36 You can look in your Bible it's also on the screen.
18:39 Daniel 7:8 describes this
18:41 little horn antichrist kingdom in these words.
18:43 "I considered the horns,
18:45 and, behold, there came up" Where?
18:47 "Among them another" What kind of horn?
18:51 "Little horn,
18:52 before whom there were three of the first horns
18:55 plucked up by the roots."
18:58 So here we find our first four characteristics
19:02 of this antichrist kingdom.
19:04 Number one, it comes up out of pagan Rome.
19:08 The fourth beast is the pagan Roman Empire.
19:11 This horn comes up out of that beast
19:13 which shows that the this kingdom
19:15 comes out a pagan Rome.
19:18 Are you with me, yes or no?
19:20 The second characteristic Daniel says
19:22 that it came up among them.
19:24 In other words, among the other ten horns.
19:27 So this gives us a geographical location
19:30 of where this kingdom would rise.
19:32 The ten horns represent divided Europe.
19:35 So this would be a little horn kingdom
19:38 that would rise up somewhere there in Western Europe.
19:41 It rises up among the other ten horns.
19:45 Are you with me, yes or no? Yes.
19:47 And the Bible says that it came up after them.
19:50 We found through history that the ten horns
19:54 what came into existence in 476 AD.
19:57 Therefore, this kingdom must rise to power
20:01 some time after that specific year.
20:04 Which shows us very clearly
20:05 the Antiochus Epiphanes cannot be the antichrist friends,
20:10 because he lived way before these horns were in existents.
20:14 This little horn king the antichrist
20:16 must come to power after the 476 AD
20:20 and as it rises to power the Bible says
20:22 three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots.
20:26 In other words, this kingdom would destroy
20:29 three other kingdoms in order for it to arise to power.
20:35 So far so good? Yes.
20:36 All right, let's take a look at more characteristics now.
20:39 The verse-- the verse 8 says,
20:41 "And, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man,
20:46 and a mouth speaking great things."
20:48 Another place it says, "The mouth speaking
20:50 blasphemy against God."
20:53 And so we find that this little horn kingdom
20:55 has a man at its head.
20:57 It has the eyes like the eyes of a man
20:59 and a mouth speaking great things.
21:01 Well, what does that mean?
21:02 Write it down.
21:03 In 1 Samuel 9:9.
21:06 "In the Bible a prophets was called a seer."
21:10 A prophet was called what? Seer.
21:12 Because they would see
21:14 with the eyes of God with heavenly vision.
21:17 But this kingdom does not see with the eyes of God,
21:20 it has the eyes like the eyes of man.
21:23 Why because this is a false prophet kingdom.
21:26 When they claims to speak for God
21:28 but in reality are speaking by their own human vision,
21:32 their own human understanding.
21:35 Remember, it was-- they were called the man of sin,
21:39 the son of perdition.
21:40 And so we find our next two characteristics,
21:42 write it down characteristic number five.
21:44 There would be a man at the head of this kingdom
21:47 that would lead by his own human vision,
21:51 his own human wisdom.
21:53 Eyes, like the eyes of a man.
21:55 And then he would have a mouth speaking great things,
21:57 a mouth speaking blasphemy against God.
22:02 Are you with me, yes or no? Yes.
22:03 Now let's take a look at some more characteristics,
22:06 verse 24 gives us some additional details.
22:09 The Bible says, "Another shall arise after them,
22:12 and he shall be diverse" or different "from the first,
22:17 and he shall subdue three kings."
22:20 So this little horn that Daniel saw
22:23 he said it was a different horn
22:25 compared to the rest of the ten horns.
22:27 It was diverse from the first.
22:29 And we are gonna see tonight
22:30 that this kingdom characteristic number seven
22:33 is different in the sense that its not just a political kingdom
22:37 but it's a religious kingdom.
22:39 It's not just a state but it's also a church.
22:43 You see, all the ten horns are states,
22:45 they are political powers
22:46 but this one is more than just a kingdom it is a church,
22:49 state union together.
22:52 That's how it's different.
22:54 Now, we take a look another characteristic in verse 25.
22:57 "And he shall speak great words against the most high,
23:01 and shall wear out the saints of the most high,
23:03 and think to change times and laws
23:06 and they shall be given into his hand
23:08 until a time and times" in the plural
23:12 "and dividing of time."
23:14 And there we find our last three characteristics.
23:17 Characteristic number eight,
23:18 it says that it would wear out the saints of the most high.
23:21 In other words, it's a kingdom on earth
23:23 that would persecute God's people.
23:26 It would be a persecuting power.
23:28 Characteristic Number nine,
23:30 it would think to change God's times and laws
23:32 claiming to have more authority than God's law
23:35 and God's word,
23:36 saying that we are gonna change the law of God.
23:39 And then finally characteristic 10.
23:41 God even tells us just how long
23:44 this kingdom would reign for.
23:46 It said "It would reign for a time,
23:48 times and the dividing of the half of time."
23:52 Now friends, how long is time times and half a time.
23:56 When you study carefully you will notice in the Bible
23:58 that time represents one year.
24:01 How long? One year.
24:03 And according to the Hebrew calendar
24:06 there are 360 days in one Hebrew year.
24:10 Times in the plural would be two years that 720 days.
24:14 Half a time will be half a year, that's 180 days.
24:17 If you add all the days up,
24:19 it equals to 1,260 prophetic days
24:25 is how long the kingdom would reign for.
24:27 Now, these are not literal days, they are prophetic days
24:31 because it's in our prophetic context.
24:33 And we learn the other night
24:34 that when we study Bible prophecy
24:36 one prophetic day equals what?
24:39 One literal year according to Ezekiel 4:6
24:44 as well as Numbers 14:34.
24:47 And many scholars of many denominations
24:48 agree that in Bible prophecy one prophetic day
24:52 represents one literal year.
24:54 In other words this would be a kingdom
24:56 that would reign for exactly 1,260 years.
25:01 Prophetic days but literal years.
25:03 And so we find ten identifying fingerprints
25:07 of this antichrist kingdom that changed the Sabbath
25:10 from Saturday to Sunday.
25:12 Let's review together.
25:13 They're on the screen if you missed it write it down
25:15 very quickly, friends.
25:16 Characteristic number one,
25:18 it comes up out of the fourth beast.
25:20 And the fourth beast is the which empire?
25:22 The pagan Roman Empire.
25:23 So this would be a kingdom
25:25 that would be a continuation of Rome.
25:27 Number two, its a little horn,
25:28 a small kingdom that rises up among the ten horns
25:32 the geographical location is somewhere in Western Europe.
25:36 It arises after the ten horns already in existence
25:39 and they came into existence in 476 AD.
25:42 So it must come to power sometime after that.
25:45 As it rises to power it would destroy
25:47 three other kingdoms.
25:48 Number five, it's led by the human wisdom and of man.
25:52 Number six, it will speak blasphemy against God.
25:55 Number seven, it would be different
25:56 because its not only political it's also religious.
26:00 Number eight, it would persecute God's people.
26:03 Number nine, it would claim to change
26:04 God's times and laws.
26:05 And number ten, it would reign for exactly
26:07 1,260 years.
26:10 Now tell me friends, where do we get these
26:12 characteristics from.
26:14 Did I just pull it out of the air somewhere
26:16 or did we get it straight from the Bible?
26:18 Friends, all we did was we let the Bible
26:22 interpret itself.
26:24 Can you say, amen? Amen.
26:25 And as we consider these ten fingerprints,
26:28 it is abundantly clear who this power is.
26:33 Now friends, if there is a kingdom that matches
26:35 five of the ten characteristics could it be the one?
26:38 Yes or no? Absolutely not.
26:41 In order to be the fulfillment of prophecy
26:43 it has to match how many of the biblical characteristics?
26:45 All ten of them, friends.
26:47 And as we consider these characteristics
26:49 there is only one kingdom on earth
26:52 that fits each and every one of them
26:54 to the T only one power
26:57 that fits the characteristics of the Bible.
26:58 And friends, do you want to know which power this is?
27:02 Some of you don't want to know.
27:04 Do you want to know? Yes.
27:06 Friends, before we reveal it tonight--
27:10 don't worry, I won't make you wait till tomorrow.
27:15 First thing I want to say, is what you're about to hear
27:18 if you've never heard it before is gonna blow you away.
27:22 It's a shocking message. It's a starling message.
27:26 But I want us to remember
27:27 and keep in the forefront of our mind
27:29 that whenever God reveals truth to us
27:32 He does it because He loves us.
27:35 Amen. Amen.
27:36 You see, there perhaps, might be people here tonight
27:39 they're gonna learn that they have been
27:41 a part of this church, states system
27:45 that is known in the Bible as the antichrist.
27:48 God send this message not to condemn but to save us.
27:52 Because friends, let me tell you
27:54 God still has many of His people
27:56 in this system that love the Lord.
28:00 They're sincere, they're living up
28:02 the all the light they know and God looks upon them
28:05 and recognizes them as His children
28:08 and many of them are gonna be saved in the Kingdom of God.
28:10 Can you say, amen? Amen.
28:11 You see in exposing the identity of the antichrist
28:14 God is never against people, He loves all people.
28:18 God so loved the world
28:20 that He gave His only begotten Son.
28:23 And because He loves the people in this system
28:25 He exposes the system because this is a manmade system
28:29 that claims to be God on earth.
28:33 A manmade system, that mixes truth.
28:35 And ever together and offers us
28:38 a confusing counterfeit of the truth.
28:42 And so friends, as we share who this power is,
28:45 no one needs to be offended tonight.
28:48 We are not talking about people.
28:49 It's the system itself that God is exposing
28:52 because God loves the people that are in this system.
28:54 Friends, I have family members that are part of this system,
28:57 I love them and God loves them
28:59 and so no one needs feel attacked
29:01 or offended tonight because God loves everyone of us.
29:04 Can you say, amen? Amen.
29:05 Oh, friends, I don't have the words
29:06 to express this clearly but God has His people.
29:11 He recognizes them as His children
29:14 and so none need to feel offended
29:16 or feel like they've to leave.
29:17 No friends, it not people it's the system itself.
29:21 If that's clear, would you please say amen?
29:22 Amen.
29:23 And by the way what you're about to hear tonight is nothing new.
29:25 Almost every single church believe
29:29 what you're about to hear tonight.
29:31 But what happened through history
29:32 is that antichrist came into the temple of God
29:35 the New Testament church and gave a false method
29:38 of interpretations called futurism
29:40 that majority of Christian world believes
29:42 and has been deceived by.
29:44 And so now the question is this,
29:45 who is this little horn kingdom
29:48 that arose in Western Europe,
29:49 that it is not only political but also religious,
29:52 that destroyed all that opposed to her in history,
29:55 that replaced God's words with its own traditions,
29:58 who is this little horn power that sprung up
30:01 out of the fourth beast the pagan Roman Empire?
30:04 Who is this antichrist kingdom?
30:06 Oh, friends, I am not gonna give my opinion
30:08 I am gonna let history tell us
30:10 what happened when the fourth beast
30:12 the pagan Roman Empire fell apart.
30:15 Notice, what history says and we're gonna get
30:16 all these historical quotations
30:18 on a hand out on your way tonight.
30:21 Listen very carefully.
30:22 Out of the ruins of the Roman Empire
30:24 there gradually arose a new order of states."
30:27 What were these new order of states?
30:28 That's the ten horns, you remember?
30:30 The divided kingdoms of Rome.
30:31 "A new order of state who is central point
30:34 was the Papal See.
30:38 Therefore inevitably, resulted a position
30:41 not only new, but very" What?
30:44 "Very different from the former."
30:46 And the reason why the papacy was different
30:48 is because there was not just a political kingdom
30:51 it was also religious kingdom.
30:53 Friends, make no mistake about it.
30:54 The Roman church state system is the power
30:58 that prophecy is revealing tonight.
31:01 The papacy brothers and sisters,
31:02 is a continuation of Rome.
31:04 Right there at the very headquarters
31:06 the Vatican City there in the heart
31:08 of the former pagan Roman Empire.
31:11 Not only that but it's a small horn.
31:14 If you notice the papacy the Vatican City
31:15 is the smallest country in the world.
31:18 It's a little kingdom located right there
31:20 in Western Europe.
31:22 And friends, when you study history
31:24 you will discover that as the papacy
31:26 roused the power it uprooted three other kingdoms.
31:29 It's different because its not only
31:30 political it's religious.
31:32 It's led by the human wisdom of priest and popes
31:34 who speak blasphemy against God.
31:36 It was a persecuting power in history
31:38 and this kingdom reign for exactly 1,260 years.
31:44 Well, let's find out it in Matthews.
31:46 When did the papacy rise the power and for how long?
31:49 Friends, do you remember amongst the ten horns
31:51 that came up out of the Roman Empire,
31:53 three of them the Heruli, Vandals and Ostrogoths
31:56 no longer exist today.
31:58 Do you know why?
31:59 Because those where the kingdoms
32:00 that resisted and rejected papal authority.
32:04 And so in order for the papacy to reign
32:06 they had to totally uproot these three horns.
32:09 And this is exactly what history tells us took place.
32:12 The Heruli kingdom met their faith
32:15 with the Catholic Emperor Zeno in the year 493 AD.
32:19 And then another emperor by the name of Justinian
32:21 exterminated the Vandals in 534 AD
32:25 and then finally broke the power of Ostrogoths
32:27 in the year 538 AD.
32:30 Now friends, you will not find traces
32:32 of these three kingdoms in-- there Western Europe.
32:35 In fact, I was just there in Western Europe
32:37 just this past April and I actually
32:40 went on a tour to see the ancient ruins
32:43 of the Ostrogoths kingdom and the only thing
32:46 that remains from the Ostrogoths kingdom
32:49 is this building the mausoleum of king Theodoric,
32:52 the last king of the Ostrogoths.
32:54 Everything else of the kingdom and their people
32:55 are totally wiped out, totally uprooted completely.
33:00 And it happened in the year-- excuse me, 538 AD.
33:04 And it was in that year that history tells us
33:07 that Justinian made a decree
33:09 that established the Bishop of Rome
33:11 as the political and religious leader
33:14 of Western Rome.
33:16 And so we find history tells us
33:18 that the papacy came into being in the year 538 AD.
33:23 Then it would reign for exactly 1,260 years
33:27 culminating in the year 1798.
33:30 And friends, this period in history
33:32 is known as the dark ages.
33:36 And do you know why it was so dark?
33:37 Because, during this time period
33:38 the church made it illegal to read or own the Bible.
33:43 In fact, if you were found with portions of the Bible
33:46 you could be burnt alive by the hands of the church.
33:50 And friends, what happens when you take away
33:52 the light of the word you have as a result the Dark Ages.
33:57 This was the time of papal supremacy.
34:00 And friends, let me remind you
34:01 we're not talking about the people, amen.
34:03 We are not talking about those who have been
34:04 brought up in this system.
34:06 Many of them are God's people and they are sincere
34:07 and they are beautiful people, amen.
34:09 I met many of them, I have family members,
34:11 beautiful people it's not the people
34:13 it's the system that God is talking about tonight.
34:16 What happened in 1798, notice what history says.
34:20 The Encyclopedia Americana tells us very clearly
34:23 that "In 1798" that is he that is the French General
34:27 "Bethier made his entrance into Rome,
34:29 and abolished the papal government
34:31 and established a secular one."
34:33 It was in that year that the papacy
34:35 was stripped from its political power
34:37 in Western Europe and in fact,
34:39 I was in the Vatican museum just this past April
34:42 and in the Vatican museum they actually have a painting
34:45 of this event when Bethier came to dethrone Pope Pius the VI.
34:49 And under the painting in roman numerals
34:52 is the year 1798.
34:55 It came to power in 538,
34:57 you count 1,260 years later 1798.
35:00 The exact time the Bible said that this power would reign.
35:04 Friends, it's clear that the antichrist
35:07 of Bible prophecy not the people,
35:09 its the system the Roman church state system
35:13 here is a kingdom in Western Europe
35:15 that has set themselves up as God on earth.
35:20 Anti meaning putting themselves instead of
35:23 or in the place of Christ looking like a disciple of Jesus
35:27 but teaching things that are betraying
35:29 the words of Jesus.
35:31 In fact, if you don't believe me let me just read to you
35:33 from their very own writings
35:36 and you will see what they say concerning themselves.
35:38 Pope Leo XIII said "We hold upon this earth
35:42 the place of God Almighty."
35:46 In fact notice what else, the Catholic national said.
35:49 "The pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ,
35:52 but he is Jesus Christ Himself,
35:56 hidden under the veil of flesh."
35:58 This is an antichrist statement friend,
36:00 putting yourself instead of on the place of Christ.
36:03 Notice, another one Pope Pius V said,
36:06 "The Pope and God are the same,
36:09 so he has all power in Heaven and earth."
36:13 In fact notice another one.
36:15 I told you it's gonna be shocking,
36:16 its gonna blow you away but friends,
36:17 this is what they themselves say.
36:20 "The Pope is of so great dignity,
36:22 and so exalted that he is not a mere man,
36:26 but as it were God, and the vicar of God."
36:30 This is what they say concerning themselves
36:32 and no wonder why the protestant reformers
36:34 claim and looked upon the papacy
36:37 as the fulfillment of this prophecy.
36:39 I want you to notice what John Wycliffe said.
36:41 He was the Morning star of the Reformation.
36:43 John Wycliffe was the first one that translated the Bible
36:45 into the English language and he believed
36:47 that the pope was the antichrist here on earth
36:50 because they claim to put themselves
36:53 instead of on the place of Christ.
36:55 Even Martin Luther believed it.
36:56 Notice what the Lutherans believed
36:58 "O, how much pain it has caused me,
37:00 though I had the Scripture on my side
37:02 that I should dare to make a stand against the pope,
37:05 and hold him forth as antichrist.
37:07 'Twas so I fought with myself and with Satan,
37:10 till Christ, by his own infallible word,
37:12 fortified my heart against these doubts.'"
37:14 You see, friends,
37:15 all the protestant reformers of the past
37:17 they started all the churches we have today.
37:19 They believe that exactly what we are seeing here tonight
37:22 from the word of God.
37:23 But what happened?
37:24 Antichrist crept within the Christian church of today
37:27 and gave to the Christian world
37:29 a new method of Biblical interpretation called futurism
37:32 which is the foundation of the left behind series.
37:34 It was invented by a Jesuit priest
37:38 by the name of Francisco Ribera,
37:39 we talked about it before at the Council of Trent
37:42 he invented this method of interpreting the Bible
37:44 that steered attention away from the papacy
37:47 and put everything in the future
37:49 after the rapture.
37:50 That's exactly what the Christian world believes.
37:52 But it came from the antichrist himself.
37:55 If I notice another book by a Baptist professor
37:58 he wrote.
38:00 That "Many of the great Christians
38:01 of the Reformation and post-Reformation times
38:04 shared this view of prophetic truth
38:05 and identified anti-christ with the Roman Papacy.
38:08 Among adherents of this interpretation
38:10 were the Waldenses, The Hussites,
38:11 Wycliffe, Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Melanchthon,
38:14 Tyndale, Latimare, and Ridley."
38:17 And so friends, what you're hearing
38:18 tonight it is nothing new.
38:20 This is always been the belief
38:21 of the protestant reformers of the past.
38:24 And friends, it was this kingdom the Roman church kingdom
38:27 and the Bible said we think to change what?
38:31 God's times and God's laws.
38:34 Well, now the next question is this.
38:36 Did the papacy claim to have changed
38:39 God's times and laws?
38:41 Now I want to read you a few more quotations
38:43 from their own writings.
38:45 Notice what it said concerning the man
38:46 at his head.
38:48 They say, "That the Pope has power to change times,
38:52 to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things,
38:55 even the precepts of Christ.
38:57 The Pope has the authority and often exercised it,
39:00 to dispense with the" what?
39:02 "Command of Christ."
39:04 Almost quoting the exact words of prophecy
39:06 claiming to change God's times and laws.
39:09 In fact, notice another one it blows us away even more.
39:12 Notice what they say.
39:13 "To believe that our Lord God the Pope
39:16 has not the power to decree as he is decreed
39:19 is to be deemed heretical."
39:21 In other words, if we say the Pope
39:22 doesn't have the power to change times and laws
39:24 they call that state heretical.
39:27 In other words, its heresy that must be uprooted.
39:30 In fact, notice what else it is said.
39:32 In the Faith of our Fathers, famous catholic author
39:34 James Cardinal Gibbons.
39:36 "You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation,
39:38 and you will not find a single line
39:41 authorizing the sanctification of Sunday."
39:43 And friends, that's true.
39:44 "The scripture enforce the religious observance
39:46 of Saturday."
39:47 They acknowledge, that the Bible teaches
39:48 that the seventh day is the Sabbath.
39:50 Well, why do they believe that Sunday
39:53 is the day to be worshipped?
39:54 Now I want you to notice from the Convert's Catechism
39:56 of Catholic Doctrine and I have this book
39:58 right here in my hand if you want to see it you may.
40:00 But on page 50 of this book the question is asked.
40:03 "Which Day is the Sabbath day?"
40:05 Their answer, "Saturday is the Sabbath Day."
40:08 Question, "Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?"
40:12 Their answer, "Because the Catholic Church
40:14 transferred solemnity from Saturday to Sunday."
40:18 Claiming to change God's times and God's law.
40:21 The catholic encyclopedia says,
40:24 "The church after changing the day of rest
40:26 from the Jewish Sabbath or the Seventh-day of the week
40:29 made the third commandment."
40:31 The what number commandment? Third.
40:32 "Third commandment referred to Sunday
40:35 as the day to be kept as the Lord's day."
40:36 They say we're the ones that change
40:38 the Sabbath to Sunday.
40:39 But they say it's the third commandment.
40:41 But friends, in the Bible what commandment
40:42 is the Sabbath commandment?
40:44 And friends, what did they say
40:45 it's the third commandment because in the catechism
40:47 the church not only changes the Sabbath
40:49 but they totally deleted the second commandment
40:52 that has to do with bowing down and worshipping idols.
40:55 It totally gone from the catechism
40:58 that's the only way they could bring in
40:59 idols into the church.
41:01 And so, what they did was number one,
41:03 they did away with the second commandment.
41:05 That's why the fourth now became the third.
41:07 Not only that but they shortened the fourth commandment
41:09 from 94 words to eight words.
41:12 And then in order to still have Ten Commandments
41:14 they split the tenth commandment into two.
41:17 Commandment number nine in the catechism says,
41:20 "Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife."
41:22 And commandment 10 "Thou shalt not covet
41:24 thy neighbors goods."
41:25 Claiming to change Gods times and God's laws.
41:30 Friends, its clear isn't it?
41:32 But let me remind once again
41:33 we are not talking about people, amen.
41:35 No one needs feel offended or attacked.
41:37 God loves all the people in this system.
41:40 God is exposing the system because He loves the people
41:43 that are in the system and He does not want us to be
41:46 let strayed by kingdom that claims to have
41:48 more power than Jesus himself.
41:52 I want to notice they even make even
41:53 bolder statements than this.
41:55 They challenge Protestants
41:57 who keep Sunday as the Sabbath.
41:59 Notice what Karl Keating had to say in the book.
42:01 Catholicism and Fundamentalism, he said,
42:04 "Fundamentalists meet for worship on Sunday,
42:07 yet there is no evidence in the Bible
42:08 that corporate worship was to be made on Sundays."
42:10 And that's true, there is no evidence not even one verse.
42:13 And then he says, "The Jewish Sabbath,
42:16 or day of rest, was of course" what?
42:19 Now he calls it the Jewish Sabbath
42:20 but we know that it's not a Jewish day
42:22 it is the Lord's Day.
42:24 Can you say, amen? Amen.
42:25 But he says the Jewish Sabbath
42:26 or the day of rest was of course Saturday,
42:28 it was the Catholic Church that decided Sunday
42:30 should be the day of worship for Christians,
42:33 in honor of the" What?
42:34 Resurrection.
42:35 So they say we are the ones that changed it to Sunday
42:37 because that's the day that Jesus
42:39 resurrected from the grave.
42:40 And friends, it's a nice thing
42:42 to want to honor the resurrection of Christ
42:44 but we don't honor the resurrection
42:46 by dishonoring the law,
42:48 we don't honor His resurrection by changing
42:50 some thing that God wrote with His own finger
42:52 on tablets of stone.
42:54 Friends, how do we honor the resurrection of Christ?
42:56 The Bible tells us in Romans Chapter 6,
42:59 that it's a honor the resurrection of Christ
43:00 is to baptized.
43:02 And as they were baptized were baptized into the death
43:05 burial and resurrection for Christ, of Christ.
43:08 Friends, I have problem honoring the resurrection
43:10 but we don't do it by trying to change God's law,
43:13 we do it like how the Bible tells us to do it.
43:15 Can you say, amen? Amen.
43:17 I want to notice another catechism,
43:18 Controversial Catechism.
43:20 On page 53, the question is asked,
43:23 "When Protestants do profane work upon Saturday,
43:25 or the seventh day of the week,
43:26 do they follow the Scripture as their only rule of faith?"
43:30 They are challenging Protestants because as Protestants
43:33 they believe that the Bible and the Bible
43:35 alone is the sola of faith.
43:37 That was Protestants claim.
43:39 Sola scriptura that's the Protestant crying.
43:41 Bible and the Babylon and so they are challenging
43:43 if you keep Sunday do you really follow the Bible alone.
43:46 Answer, "On the contrary
43:49 they have only the authority of" what?
43:52 "Tradition for this practice.
43:54 In profaning Saturday they violate one of
43:57 God's commandments, which on their principles,
43:59 has never been abrogated.
44:00 'Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.'"
44:03 And friends, that's true
44:05 the only authority for Sunday worship
44:06 is the tradition that comes from the church.
44:09 That the Bible identifies as antichrist
44:11 the one that has placed themselves
44:13 instead of or in the place of Christ.
44:18 Now friends, here's the next question.
44:20 What is this church?
44:21 What is this kingdom claim to have the power
44:24 to change God's times and laws?
44:26 Because friends, their authority is not the Bible.
44:28 Notice what they themselves say.
44:30 "The doctrines of the Catholic Church
44:32 are entirely independent of Holy Scripture."
44:36 In other words they will believe
44:38 that the Bible is the soul of authority.
44:40 Notice another one.
44:41 "The belief in the Bible as the sole source of faith"
44:45 they say "is unhistorical, illogical,"
44:48 and "fatal to the virtue of faith,
44:50 and destructive of unity."
44:53 And so they say the Bible is not to be
44:55 to be trusted as the soul of faith.
44:58 And that's the reason why the church feels like
45:00 it can change things.
45:01 So what there is the authority
45:04 of the faith of their system.
45:06 Notice, what they say in Catholic Belief page 33.
45:09 "Like two sacred rivers flowing from paradise,
45:11 the Bible and" What?
45:14 "Divine Tradition contain the word of God.
45:18 Though these two divine streams
45:19 are of equal sacredness still, of the two
45:22 Tradition is to us more clear and safe."
45:28 Now friends, listen there is nothing wrong with traditions
45:30 as long as traditions don't violate
45:33 or go against the word of God.
45:35 If any tradition in this world
45:36 if any custom of the world goes against the word of God
45:39 we need to put God's word first.
45:41 Can you say, amen? Amen.
45:42 In fact, Jesus challenges those
45:45 who obey tradition above His law.
45:47 Jesus asked the question.
45:49 "Why do you also transgress the commandment of God
45:51 by your tradition?
45:52 Thus you've made the commandment of God
45:54 of none effect by your tradition."
45:57 Friends, in keeping Sunday as the Sabbath
45:59 we are essentially doing exactly what Jesus said
46:01 that it is not good.
46:03 We are making God's law of none effect
46:05 by holding to a tradition that comes from the church.
46:10 And then in verses 8 and 9 Jesus talks says--
46:13 Jesus says, "These people draw near to Me with their mouth,
46:17 and honor Me with their lips,
46:18 but their heart is far from Me.
46:21 And in vain they worship Me,
46:24 teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."
46:29 Friends, the Bible Jesus said that when we teach for
46:31 doctrines the commandments of men
46:32 instead of commandments of God.
46:34 Then in vain are we worshipping God.
46:36 Friends, I don't want to worship God in vain.
46:39 I want to worship God in spirit and in truth.
46:41 Can you say, amen? Amen.
46:43 With their lips they're saying yes,
46:44 I am disciple but in their hearts
46:45 their teaching and practicing things
46:47 that go directly against the word of God.
46:50 And so the question comes to us tonight
46:51 who is your master, friends?
46:54 Who you're gonna follow?
46:55 Who is your sole of authority?
46:57 Is it Jesus Christ or that the antichrist?
47:00 Is it the commandment of God or tradition of man?
47:03 Tonight friends, we need to choose
47:05 who we're going to follow.
47:07 Can you say, amen?
47:09 In fact I want you to notice a few more quotations.
47:11 Canon and Tradition, page 263.
47:13 They say that "The authority of the church
47:16 could therefore not be bound to the authority
47:18 of the Scriptures, because the Church
47:20 had changed the Sabbath to Sunday,
47:23 not by command of Christ, but by its own authority."
47:27 Friends, this is an antichrist way of thinking
47:29 putting themselves instead of or in the place of God.
47:33 This kingdom claim to do something
47:35 that not even God himself would do.
47:37 Bible says in Malachi 3:6 for I am the Lord,
47:41 and I always change.
47:43 Is what God says? Does God change?
47:45 He said, "I am the Lord, I change not."
47:48 Friends, God does not need changing
47:50 because He is perfect.
47:52 He does not need changing, His law doesn't changing
47:54 we need changing, friends.
47:57 God says, "I am the Lord, I change not."
48:01 We see that Adam and Eve kept the Sabbath
48:03 way back there in the Garden of Eden
48:05 before Jew ever existed, before sin came into existence.
48:07 We see, that the Sabbath
48:09 is the part of the Ten Commandments.
48:10 Jesus kept the Sabbath.
48:12 The disciples after the resurrection
48:13 kept the Sabbath.
48:14 God's end time people will keep it.
48:15 And we're gonna continue to keep the Sabbath
48:17 in heaven throughout the ceaseless age of eternity.
48:20 But here we find man tried to change it
48:22 and now it's about time to ask you
48:24 a very important question.
48:25 Tell me friends,
48:26 why the first day of the week specifically
48:28 and how did the church get the entire
48:30 Christian world to receive it?
48:32 Let me tell you where Sunday worship came from.
48:35 It came from the worship of the sun god.
48:37 You see, ancient pagan religions
48:39 worship the sun the s-u-n in the heavens.
48:42 The Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Romans,
48:44 they would bow down and worship it
48:46 as it rouse from the east every single day.
48:48 Sun worship is strictly a pagan practice.
48:52 Now I want you to notice this Bible Encyclopedia.
48:54 "Sabbath, is Hebrew word signifying rest.
48:58 But Sunday was a name given by the heathens
49:00 to the first day of the week,
49:02 because it was the day on which they worshipped" Who?
49:05 "The sun."
49:06 You see, thus pagans they worship,
49:09 when they worship the sun god was Sunday
49:12 that's the first day of the week.
49:13 This was the pagans Sabbath in other words,
49:15 when they worship the false god of the sun.
49:17 And so, we see that this pagan they worship
49:20 crept within the Christian church.
49:23 In fact, even the church acknowledges
49:24 that this is where Sunday worship came from,
49:26 from the worship of the sun.
49:28 The Catholic World in 1994, they said,
49:30 "The sun was a foremost god with heathendom.
49:33 The sun has worshippers at this hour in Persia and other lands.
49:36 There is, in truth, something royal,
49:37 kingly about the sun making it a fit emblem of Jesus,
49:40 the Sun of Justice.
49:41 Hence the Church in these countries
49:43 would seem to have said, 'Keep that old pagan name.
49:47 It shall remain consecrated and sanctified.
49:49 And thus the pagan Sunday dedicated to Balder,
49:52 a pagan God became the Christian Sunday
49:55 sacred to Jesus.'"
49:57 Oh, friends, how did this change occur?
50:01 It happened gradually.
50:04 How did it happen?
50:05 You see it happened not overnight friends,
50:09 but it happened gradually
50:10 over centuries of compromise and persecution.
50:15 Now let me explain to you the historical setting
50:17 that called for this change from Sabbath
50:20 the seventh day of the week to Sunday
50:22 the first day of the week the pagans day of worship.
50:24 You see, during the days of Constantine
50:26 the pagan Roman Empire that worshipped the sun,
50:29 on the first day of the week
50:31 pagan Rome the fourth beast was falling apart.
50:34 And there was a major problem
50:36 not only from without the armies that were invading Rome
50:39 but even within the Roman Empire itself
50:41 it was disintegrated and fragmented.
50:45 You see, during the days of Constantine
50:46 there were two major religions fighting for supremacy.
50:49 Now, the main religion of Rome was paganism
50:52 worshipping the sun on the first of the week.
50:54 And the pagans hated the Christians
50:57 that worshipped Jesus the sun on the seventh day
50:59 and so we find that the Christians
51:01 were being persecuted by the pagan Romans.
51:04 But the more the pagans persecuted the Christians
51:06 the more the Christians grew in number.
51:08 And so Constantine realized,
51:10 that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.
51:14 If you have a divided kingdom its not gonna last long
51:17 and so in order to save the Roman Empire
51:19 what he have to do?
51:21 He had to unite the two fractions of religion.
51:24 Hence he unite paganism and Christianity together
51:27 because divided we fall but united we stand was the mindset.
51:30 And so in order to merge paganism
51:33 and Christianity together
51:34 Constantine introduced a compromise
51:38 within the church.
51:39 And this is what the Bible prophesied
51:41 as the great apostasy, the falling away first.
51:44 What happened was this,
51:46 Constantine made Christianity
51:48 the state religion of the Roman Empire.
51:50 No longer was it gonna be pagan Rome
51:53 now it was gonna be papal Rome.
51:55 He said, now we are all gonna become Christians
51:57 we're no longer gonna worship the sun god.
52:00 Now we're gonna worship Jesus the Son of God.
52:04 And friends, the compromise was made
52:05 but here is the question how would he get the pagans
52:08 to convert to Christianity?
52:09 Because friends, it's hard to get somebody convert religions.
52:12 So how would he convince the pagans
52:13 to embrace Christianities?
52:15 He told the church that they have to compromise.
52:18 And the pagan converts brought pagan practices into the church.
52:23 And many of the church leaders
52:24 embraced these pagan practices
52:27 to avoid persecution from the pagans.
52:29 They said okay, you're gonna become Christians.
52:32 Okay, so to help be more comfortable in the transition
52:36 you can bring your pagan idols into the church.
52:39 And instead of calling it by the pagan sun god names
52:42 we will call it instead Peter and Paul
52:45 and the Virgin Mary and Jesus.
52:47 And instead of worshipping pagan gods
52:49 we're just pray to these Christian saints,
52:51 that's were these this came from.
52:54 And not only that but they also allowed the pagans
52:58 to bring their day of worship it within the church.
53:01 And at first, they started keeping both days,
53:03 Sabbath, as well as, Sunday.
53:06 Constantine introduced this compromise
53:09 to save the Roman Empire and the Christians accepted it.
53:12 Many of them did to avoid persecution.
53:15 And then to establish unity more fully in the year 321 AD.
53:20 What year?
53:21 Friends, write that year down 3-2-1,
53:23 321 AD Constantine passed the first Sunday law
53:28 to unite the Roman Empire.
53:32 He basically said now we have to worship
53:35 on the pagans day Sunday the first day of the week
53:37 but we're gonna do it in honor of the resurrection.
53:40 And friends, here we find paganism
53:42 walked right within the church wearing a Christian robe
53:46 antichrist sitting in the temple of God,
53:49 lies with garments to truth,
53:51 a wolf in sheep's clothing, friends.
53:54 And then finally in the year 336 AD.
53:57 What year?
53:58 336 AD the church completely outlaw the Sabbath completely
54:03 in the Council of Laodicea.
54:05 The church said Christian shall not Judaize
54:07 and be idle on Saturday, but shall work on that day.
54:11 But the Lord's day" they are referring to as Sunday.
54:13 "They shall especially honor
54:15 and as being Christian shall possible
54:17 to do not work on that day.
54:19 If, however, there're found Juadizing,"
54:21 or keeping the Sabbath,
54:22 "they shall be shut out from Christ."
54:24 So at first they were keeping both Sabbath and Sunday
54:26 but finally in the Council of Laodicea
54:28 they said we can no longer rest on Sabbath
54:30 you must work on the Sabbath
54:32 and you cannot work on Sunday
54:34 forcing the conscience of individuals
54:36 and all those who fell in line
54:38 with the requirements of the church
54:39 had peace and safety.
54:41 But those who stood up for God,
54:43 those who wanted to remain faithful to Lord Jesus
54:45 were hunted down like animals and they were persecuted,
54:48 burnt alive at the state.
54:50 And history states that during the Dark Ages
54:52 not less than 100 million Christians died.
54:58 And their only crime was that they wanted to remain faithful
55:01 to Bible and faithful to Jesus and Jesus alone.
55:07 Friends, and after generations of cruel persecution
55:12 Sabbath gradually was forgotten
55:15 and Sunday became embraced by the church.
55:18 And then during the Protestant Reformation
55:19 of the 16th century the Protestant
55:21 broke away from the catholic church
55:23 and they protested against the many of the errors
55:25 the idolatry but they kept with them
55:28 the pagans they worshipped Sunday
55:31 the first day of the week.
55:32 And there you have it friends,
55:33 the Bible is laid aside for tradition,
55:37 a tradition of man antichrist, sitting in the temple of God.
55:41 Friends, if this makes sense,
55:43 if this is clear would you please say, amen? Amen.
55:46 Now there's a lot more we can say
55:47 but we're gonna save it for another night.
55:49 As we begin to close we see friends,
55:51 that Satan is a terrible deceiver.
55:54 He deceived one-third of the angels in heaven.
55:57 He deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
56:00 and he has been deceiving men and women
56:02 and boys and girls through various ways
56:05 down throughout the centuries but Jesus said
56:08 "You shall know the truth
56:10 and the truth shall set you free."
56:14 It's a shocking truth, it's a startling truth.
56:17 But friends, listen it may sound strange
56:20 but truth always sounds strange.
56:24 In a world of universal deceit with so many lives
56:27 that are been spread and so many half truths being told
56:32 when you finally hear the naked truth it's shocking,
56:36 it's surprising.
56:37 But friends, this truth will free us
56:40 from the deceptions of the devil
56:42 and the counterfeits of the antichrist.
56:45 Are you thankful for it tonight?
56:49 But friends, listen, it is not the knowledge of truth
56:52 that will save, it's what we do with it.
56:57 Well, friends, what you're gonna do
56:59 with a truth that God has revealed to you?
57:03 God has not just wanting inform our minds,
57:06 He is wanting to transform our hearts,
57:09 He wants to lead us into an experience
57:12 with the truth not just an understanding of it.
57:15 Tonight, friends, we need to make a decision
57:19 and I believe that God brought you and I here
57:21 to lead us to a point to decide where we are going to stand.
57:25 And friends, let me ask you a question,
57:26 how are you gonna stand in the judgment,
57:29 when God asks you
57:31 why did you keep Sunday as the Sabbath?
57:35 What are you gonna say, friends?
57:37 What verse are you going to point to?
57:40 Let me tell you what I am gonna ask,
57:42 what I am gonna tell God.
57:44 If God asks me Taj, why did you keep the Sabbath?
57:47 Here's what I will say, Lord what do you mean?
57:50 You are the one that made the Sabbath, it's Your day.
57:53 Adam and Eve kept the Sabbath right here in the Genesis.
57:57 Lord, the Sabbath is the part of the Ten Commandments,
57:58 You wrote it within Your own fingers.
58:00 Lord, your Son Jesus kept the Sabbath,
58:03 the disciples after the resurrection kept it.
58:06 We're gonna keeping the Sabbath in heaven.
58:08 What do You mean why I kept the Sabbath?
58:09 You see, friends, I will have a lot of scripture
58:11 and lot of examples of why I kept the Sabbath.
58:15 But if God asked you my son, my daughter,
58:18 why did you keep Sunday?
58:21 What do you gonna say, friends?
58:23 There is no verse to point to.
58:25 No biblical example to give.
58:28 Lord, I kept this-- I kept Sunday
58:30 because that's what everyone else did.
58:33 But most people didn't get onboard the Ark.
58:36 You followed the crowd instead of My word?
58:40 But Lord, I kept Sunday because my pastor said it was okay.
58:43 So you believed your pastor above My word?
58:48 But Lord, if I kept the Sabbath my friends,
58:51 would have thought I was weird?
58:53 You cared more about what your friends thought
58:58 But Lord, if I kept the Sabbath I might have lost my job.
59:02 Oh yeah, but My Son lost his life for you.
59:08 Friends, it's decision time
59:12 what are you gonna do?
59:14 Well, God has revealed to you.


Revised 2014-12-17