Revelation Now

The Rapture

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Jac Colon


Series Code: RN

Program Code: RN000016

01:04 Let's pray together. Dear Lord,
01:07 we are here tonight because we want to
01:10 once again open your word and hear your voice
01:13 speaking to us of that beautiful promise
01:17 that Jesus made, I'm coming soon.
01:22 Lord help us to understand the return of Christ.
01:27 We ask in Jesus name, Amen.
01:40 About 4 or 5 years ago, but I can still see
01:44 it clear and plain, as it was when it happened
01:50 I was standing in the Water at a beach
01:55 Called Playa De Amarilla, the yellow beach,
02:00 just on the outskirts of Havana, Cuba.
02:02 We were there to baptize about 300 people
02:08 that day and there were a number of us in
02:12 the water baptizing people, but I'll never forget
02:17 a little Cuban lady, short and elderly came
02:22 up to me and it was her turn to be baptized
02:26 and I showed her how to, to put her hand on my arm
02:31 and to hold tight when I was baptizing her
02:35 and she just kind laid her arm across my arm
02:40 and I said no you need to open your hand
02:45 and hold tight, and she just put her arm
02:50 across my arm and I told her once again,
02:54 I said open your hand and hold on tight,
03:00 and she looked up at me with tears streaming down
03:05 her cheek and she said Pastor I can't,
03:14 I can't open my hand.
03:22 I said, you know, one day Jesus is gonna come
03:27 soon and you're gonna have a new hand,
03:31 you're gonna have a new body,
03:35 and you're gonna be with him forever.
03:40 She said, do you think he is gonna come to Cuba,
03:47 did you know, I think this might be
03:50 the first place that he comes, where his people
03:54 have been hurting and oppressed for so long.
03:59 You ever been discouraged, ever seemed like
04:03 everything is just going wrong,
04:06 your life is falling apart, my favorite promise,
04:09 one of my favorite promises, I've a lot of favorites,
04:13 John 14:1, don't let your heart be troubled,
04:19 trust in God, trust also in me
04:23 Jesus said, in my father's house are many rooms.
04:27 Now, the King James Says mansions,
04:29 I like that better, in my father's house
04:33 there are many mansions and if they were not
04:36 so I would have told you, I'm going there to prepare
04:43 a place for you. And, if I go
04:47 I will come back to take you to be with me,
04:51 so that you maybe where I'm.
04:55 I don't know anyway to understand
04:57 that except that Jesus is promising you and Jesus
05:00 is promising me that he has gone to heaven,
05:04 to his father's house to prepare a place for us
05:07 and just as surely as he went
05:10 we can know that he is going to come back
05:12 again to take us to be with him there,
05:16 that's the good news. Amen.
05:19 The good news is Jesus is coming again,
05:22 no matter how bad it gets,
05:24 no matter how difficult it is for you?
05:26 you can always rest in the promise
05:28 that Jesus is coming again. That's the good news,
05:36 the bad news, Matthew, chapter 5 or Matthew 24,
05:42 verse 5. Jesus said, watch out that no one deceives
05:50 you, for many will come in my name claiming
05:55 I am the Christ and they'll deceive many.
06:01 The good news, Jesus is coming again.
06:04 The bad news is many are going to be deceived
06:10 concerning the return of Christ.
06:13 Many will be deceived and I want you to
06:19 notice carefully, the deception is not over
06:24 the question of whether or not Jesus is gonna come,
06:29 that isn't the deception. They're expecting Jesus
06:35 to come, they're waiting for Jesus to come,
06:38 many come in his name claiming I'm the Christ
06:41 and they're deceived, they're deceived
06:42 not in whether or not Jesus is coming
06:45 the deception is the manner of the return of Christ.
06:49 The manner of the return of Christ leads them to go
06:52 after the wrong Christ. That's the deception
06:57 and today the stage is set, the world is being setup
07:02 for the greatest deception concerning the
07:04 return of Jesus Christ. You've read it in the books,
07:09 you've seen the movies, Left Behind.
07:12 In the Left Behind books over the last time
07:16 I saw it was like 80 million copies have been sold.
07:19 And, in the book Rayford Steele airline
07:23 pilot is plotting in his mind,
07:24 how to take the first steps to initiate an affair with his
07:28 drop dead gorgeous airline stewardess Hattie Durham
07:30 when just when he is ready
07:32 to try to take that first step,
07:33 she comes dashing into the cockpit with the news
07:36 that half the people in the airplane have disappeared
07:39 and the cameras sweep down the aisle and
07:41 there are seats with close folded,
07:43 neatly on the seat, there is hearing aids
07:47 and eyeglasses and wedding rings
07:48 and pacemakers sitting there and the person has
07:50 just gone disappeared and everybody is wondering,
07:52 where did they all go.
07:58 Left Behind, it's just a novel
08:02 that's what it says on the back cover.
08:07 The problem is how can you tell
08:10 when the novel ends and the truth begins.
08:19 Many will come in my name claiming I am the Christ
08:23 And they'll deceive many, we're having a Revelation
08:25 Now meeting in the Southern part of Virginia.
08:29 And, on a Friday evening
08:31 we just had Wednesday and Thursday off.
08:32 Friday evening, a man came back
08:33 and he said, hey how did your days go.
08:35 How did your day off go, I said, Oh! Just fine,
08:37 how about yours, he said, you would never believe
08:39 what happened. I said tell me about it
08:40 what happened, said I went to some little town,
08:43 I can't remember where it was in North Carolina
08:45 and he said I saw Jesus there.
08:48 I said, you did, you said yeah,
08:50 it was wonderful man, he was working miracles,
08:53 he was healing people and
08:54 he was just So filled with love,
08:56 it just flowed out to everyone Oh!
08:59 You need to go and see him.
09:00 I said, no I don't think so, I'm not gonna go.
09:06 Why not? Because it isn't Jesus.
09:11 Oh! Yes, it is, yes it is,
09:14 if you went you would know that it's Jesus.
09:18 I said, that's why I'm not gonna go.
09:25 I'm not gonna put my foot on the devil's ground.
09:33 And, how do I know it wasn't Jesus.
09:37 Because the Bible tells me.
09:39 Matthew chapter 24, verse 23, at that time
09:43 if anyone says to you look here is the Christ
09:46 or there he is then don't believe it.
09:49 Now, that's not hard to understand is it?
09:52 If somebody comes to you and says
09:53 Jesus is in North Carolina, don't believe it,
09:59 don't go where the devil is. If someone says to you
10:05 Jesus is in a temple in Jerusalem don't believe it,
10:09 if someone says he is in the inner room
10:11 in a secret chamber, don't listen.
10:13 In fact he says if someone says there he is
10:16 don't believe it for false Christ and false prophets
10:18 will appear and perform great signs and miracles
10:21 and deceive even the elect if that were possible.
10:24 So if anyone tells you there he is out in the desert.
10:29 Do not go out.
10:33 That's not hard to understand is it?
10:35 Don't go, here he is in the inner room,
10:38 don't believe it, well why not because,
10:41 because he tells us in verse 27,
10:44 as lightening flashes from
10:46 the East and is visible even in the West.
10:49 So, will the coming of the son of man be.
10:56 You can see lightening, did you know that,
11:01 you can see it. You can see lightening
11:05 even with your eyes closed.
11:08 When Jesus comes he is gonna come like lightening,
11:13 flashing from the East to the West.
11:16 You're gonna see Jesus when he comes,
11:19 you won't need somebody to tell you
11:21 he's in North Carolina, South Carolina,
11:23 you won't need somebody to tell you he is in Israel,
11:25 you won't need somebody to tell you
11:26 he is out in the desert, when Jesus comes
11:29 you're gonna see him, in fact he is not coming
11:32 anywhere on this earth at all.
11:36 He comes like lightening
11:37 flashing from the East to the West.
11:39 A visible return of Christ is what Jesus said to look for,
11:46 so once again tonight like we did last night.
11:50 We're going to lineup some fence posts,
11:54 we're gonna look at every text in the Bible
11:56 in the New Testament that talks about
11:57 the return of Christ and you're gonna discover
12:00 that they all point in the same direction.
12:05 Once again it might be helpful for us to forget
12:07 that we ever read the books or anything else about the
12:12 return of Christ and let's just let God speak to us.
12:16 Isn't that the safest way to do it, let God speak.
12:19 So, the first fence post we have is that it's gonna be
12:22 like lightening flashing from the East to the West,
12:24 it's gonna be a visible return of Jesus.
12:26 Revelation chapter 1 verse 4,
12:29 says John to the churches in the province of Asia,
12:33 so who is John actually Jesus,
12:36 John is writing for Jesus
12:37 because this is a letter from Jesus.
12:39 John writes it to the churches in Asia,
12:42 who is it written to, the church,
12:43 who does it apply to, the church,
12:45 so what does he say to the church about his return,
12:48 he says to the church look, verse 7,
12:51 he is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him,
12:56 even those who pierced him
12:58 and all of the people on the earth will mourn
13:01 because of him, So shall it be, Amen.
13:05 Do you know, what Amen means,
13:07 it mean so shall it be, so what he is saying,
13:10 so shall it be, so shall it be,
13:13 doubly be. I don't know
13:15 if that's correct grammatically or not,
13:17 but he is making his point. What's it gonna be like,
13:20 it's gonna be like lightening
13:22 flashing from the East to the West.
13:24 He is going to be visible, every eye sees it,
13:27 even the wicked are gonna see him
13:28 and mourn because of him.
13:31 I don't need anybody to tell me Jesus is in a temple,
13:35 I don't need anybody to tell me Jesus is in the desert,
13:37 I don't need anybody to tell me he is in North Carolina,
13:40 anywhere else, I'm gonna see him when he comes.
13:44 And so will you, somebody asked me,
13:45 how is everybody gonna see him?
13:46 may be the people in China
13:48 are not gonna able to see him
13:49 because they're on the other end of the world.
13:52 Well, I got a feeling that if God can say the word world
13:57 and create the world then he can figure out
13:59 how everybody can see him? when he comes, Amen.
14:02 Someone else said, well blind people
14:04 aren't going to be able to see him,
14:05 hey, if he could heal the blind when he was here,
14:08 I don't think he's forgotten how to do it yet.
14:11 Every eye will see him, what does it mean,
14:13 it means just what it says, every eye will see him
14:16 when he comes a visible return of Christ.
14:19 Let's take a look at another one Acts chapter 1,
14:21 notice our fence posts
14:22 all lining up pointing in the same direction.
14:24 Acts chapter 1, verse 9, after he said this,
14:27 he was taken up before their very eyes
14:30 and a cloud hid him from their side.
14:31 Now, here are the Very last words
14:34 that Jesus spoke to the church
14:36 where the disciples record it by Luke,
14:38 Luke wrote the Book of Acts and
14:40 So, Jesus just finished speaking his last words
14:43 and after he did that, he was taken up before
14:46 their eyes and a cloud hid him from their sight.
14:49 So what happened he goes up,
14:50 they see him go up and you can imagine,
14:53 they're standing around there looking up.
14:55 Wow! What's this? And an angel appears.
14:59 And, the angel says while they were looking
15:03 intently up into the heaven, suddenly two,
15:05 I'm sorry two angels appear, two men dressed in whites
15:09 stood beside them, Men of Galilee, they said,
15:11 why do you stand here? looking up into the sky,
15:14 this same Jesus who has been taken
15:17 from you up into heaven,
15:19 he will come back in the same way
15:22 that you've seen him go into heaven.
15:26 Now, that's pretty plain isn't it?
15:27 How is he gonna go, same way he left,
15:29 how do you leave, he went up into the clouds,
15:33 they saw him go into the clouds,
15:36 so how does he comeback? every eye sees him
15:39 like lightening flashing from the East to the West,
15:42 you'll see Jesus coming on the clouds,
15:45 you won't need anybody to tell you
15:47 that Jesus is some place on this earth
15:50 because he is not coming anyplace on this earth,
15:53 he is coming in the clouds of glory,
15:56 the Bible says. And, again all of our texts
15:59 that are lining up, every fence post
16:01 pointing in exactly the same direction.
16:03 What happens then, he comes on the clouds,
16:05 from the clouds of glory, every eye sees him,
16:07 even though wicked folk see him by the way they mourn
16:10 Oh! Look we missed.
16:13 So, then what, what happens next,
16:16 I think all Bible Scholars would agree with me
16:19 that the clearest sequence of events
16:22 that take place at the Rapture,
16:23 when I use the word Rapture
16:24 understand it is not found in the Bible anywhere,
16:27 it's not there, it's just a phrase
16:29 that we use to talk about the return of Christ.
16:33 And, so I think all scholars would agree with me
16:36 the clearest delineation of the sequence of events
16:39 that take place at the Rapture is found in
16:41 First Thessalonians, the fourth chapter.
16:44 Now, we read this one last night,
16:46 we are gonna read it again, this time from just
16:48 a little different perspective, this time
16:51 from the point of view of the return of Christ.
16:53 So, let's read it. Verse 13, First Corinthians 4,
16:57 verse 13, brothers we do not
16:59 want you to be ignorant about those
17:01 who fall asleep or to grieve
17:03 like the rest of men.
17:06 Now, we learned that last Night
17:07 that when people die, they are asleep in the grave
17:11 the Bible says and then Jesus comes back and
17:14 raises us up and that's what we're about to read,
17:17 you know, by the way
17:18 I just thought of something, I should have said to you
17:20 last night is that, if as most people teach
17:24 that when you die, you go right
17:26 straight to heaven to be with Jesus,
17:28 if that were true then Paul really blew it,
17:32 he missed his chance
17:34 because here these people grieving over their lost ones,
17:38 grieving over the ones that are dead
17:40 and he says hey, you don't need to grieve
17:42 like the rest of the men. Well, he should have said,
17:45 they're not really dead,
17:46 they are in heaven with Jesus now,
17:47 you should be celebrating, but he didn't, did he,
17:49 he said no that, he said no
17:52 according to Lord's own words I tell you
17:53 that we were still alive and are left until
17:55 the coming of the Lord will not perceive
17:58 those who have fallen asleep,
17:59 we're not gonna go to heaven before they do,
18:01 and they not gonna go to heaven before we do,
18:02 why not? Verse 16, here it is,
18:05 for the Lord himself will come down from heaven
18:08 with a loud command with the voice of the Archangel,
18:12 with the trumpet call of God, it's gonna be loud
18:15 when Jesus comes. Not only visible
18:18 Like lightening, it's gonna be loud,
18:21 it's gonna be audible, a loud command,
18:23 trumpet call of God,
18:25 and then the dead in Christ will rise first,
18:29 there will be a resurrection of the death,
18:31 there is life after death through the resurrection.
18:36 So, the dead in Christ rise first
18:39 After that we who are still alive and left will be caught
18:43 up together with them to meet the Lord in the air,
18:46 in the clouds, that is the Rapture of the church,
18:50 that's when Jesus comes. First he raises the death,
18:53 but first loud command, trumpet call of God,
18:55 then the dead in Christ are raised
18:58 and then we are caught up together,
19:00 sounds like a lot of commotion going on,
19:02 on this planet when Jesus comes and it is visible,
19:09 glorious, audible return of Jesus Christ.
19:15 The dead are awakened, rise out of their dusty beds.
19:22 I've often thought, it would be a kind of fun
19:24 to be near cemetery
19:27 when Jesus comes, watch the saints spring forth
19:32 from their dusty beds, imagine.
19:36 I love to think of that day and to, you know,
19:40 I was in a cemetery every once in a while,
19:44 I will just kind of walk through one,
19:46 you look there and you wonder what,
19:48 what happened in the lives of these people
19:51 and then, this one particular time,
19:54 there was just a little tiny grave,
19:57 little tiny grave and you know that
20:01 it was an infant there because of the sign
20:03 showed that it wasn't even alive for a day,
20:07 wouldn't you love to be there
20:09 and watch an angel take that little baby out
20:13 of his sleeping bed and put him in the arms
20:16 of his mother to send up to me, Oh!
20:20 What a great day when Jesus comes.
20:22 Don't you just long for that day,
20:26 comes with a loud command, trumpet call of God,
20:29 you won't need anybody to tell you
20:31 Jesus is in the secret place, he is not coming
20:35 anywhere on this earth, he comes in the clouds and
20:37 we're caught up to meet him. He won't be walking
20:41 in the streets of Jerusalem, he won't be out
20:43 in the desert, he won't be in the inner chamber,
20:45 he's gonna be on the clouds of the glory
20:47 and we are going up to meet him,
20:49 we are going on a space trip with him
20:52 and no shuttle is gonna blow up on that trip,
20:54 we're gonna make it.
21:04 The problem is that most people today are being
21:07 taught something entirely different from what
21:09 we've just read.
21:12 Most people are being taught that when Jesus comes
21:17 Church is going to be snatched away,
21:20 just vanish into midair, leaving behind their cloths
21:24 and their hearing aids and their pacemakers
21:26 and their wedding bands
21:29 and the wicked, well, they are gonna just be running
21:33 around wondering where did they go and then
21:36 they left, he tells us in the novel to do battle
21:43 during the great tribulation against the Antichrist.
21:50 Where did this come from just casually reading the Bible,
21:54 it's as plain as it can be, where did it come from,
21:58 you'll be surprised to know where it came from.
22:03 During the reformation, our good friend
22:07 Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic priest
22:09 teaching that the Bible is the only rule of faith
22:11 and practice for the Christian and the church said
22:14 no remember Bible plus the traditions of the church,
22:17 Luther said not me, it's the Bible and the Bible
22:19 alone and many began to protest Rome's stand
22:22 on tradition, leaving the church, protesting Rome
22:26 and they were called Protestants because
22:28 they believed that all truth found in scripture alone
22:32 So many were leaving that the chruch met at the council
22:35 of Trent for over 18 years trying to deliberate,
22:38 how can we stop this massive outflow from the church
22:41 and they came up with several different kinds of tactics,
22:45 but one of them was developed by a Jesuit scholar
22:49 called Francisco Ribera and Ribera had developed
22:56 a whole new system for for interpreting prophecy
22:57 that put the Book of Revelation all off into
23:00 into the future, everything in Revelation
23:02 is way off ahead in the distant future
23:06 then we the church have been here for 1500 years,
23:09 so, if the Antichrist comes off in the future
23:12 then how can we be the Antichrist.
23:16 You see because Luther and all the others were calling
23:18 church of Rome the Antichrist, well if the antichrist
23:22 doesn't come to way off in the distant future,
23:25 we have been here 1500 years,
23:27 how can we be Antichrist, you see it was a device
23:32 designed to deflect the blow of the reformation
23:36 to divert people's minds away from Luther
23:40 and from the Wesley's and Calvin, and all
23:44 the others that were pointing to Rome saying
23:46 you're the Antichrist.
23:48 Then in the year 1812, another Jesuit scholar
23:52 in South America named Manuel Lacunza wrote a
23:56 a book on prophecy and he took Ribera's principles,
24:00 he wrote a big book on Revelation and there
24:02 he projected the Antichrist off into the future
24:06 but he couldn't get around that text,
24:08 he couldn't get around that text,
24:10 in Second Thessalonians said the Antichrist would
24:13 set himself up in God's temple
24:15 proclaiming himself to be God, because every good
24:18 Catholic taught that the temple was the church.
24:21 So here is the Antichrist setting himself
24:22 up in the church, Lacunza couldn't get around that,
24:25 so, he said at sometime in the distant future
24:28 using Ribera's futuristic approach,
24:30 said in the distant future there will be a falling away
24:33 of the papacy and just to be sure he was protected,
24:37 he signed it, Rabbi Ben Ezra.
24:43 Now what does that sound like to you?
24:48 Edward Irving, protestant scholar in England got a hold
24:55 of Lacunza's book and translated it from Spanish
24:59 into English, he was so impressed
25:01 because he saw Rabbi Ben Ezra,
25:03 he thought he was a converted Jew not realizing
25:08 he was translating the works of a Roman Catholic
25:10 Jesuit scholar and he began to teach the futuristic
25:14 approach of the Antichrist being off in the distant.
25:19 Edward Irving was also called the Father of
25:21 Modern Pentecostal movement because his main interest
25:25 was in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and
25:28 the prophesy described in the Bible as the Latter Rain,
25:31 the great massive outpouring of the last days and he would
25:35 study the HolySpirit along with the prophecies,
25:38 trying to put it all together.
25:40 And one of the things that he did,
25:41 he started little cottage meetings
25:43 people meetings in various places all around in their
25:47 own homes praying for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
25:50 and one of the rules in their cottage prayer meeting
25:52 was no Bible study, just prayer for the Holy Spirit.
25:58 Now folks we need to pray for the Holy Spirit,
26:01 we should be praying for the Holy Spirit everyday. Amen.
26:04 But it is dangerous to pray
26:07 that the Holy Spirit leads you apart from the word of God
26:15 and in one of these meetings, where they were praying for
26:16 the Holy Spirit with no Bible study
26:17 a Margaret MacDonald had a vision
26:20 and an ecstatic utterance in tongues
26:22 and she spoke for the very first time that
26:25 the Antichrist would appear in the distant future
26:29 after the Rapture of the church
26:33 and that's where the whole idea came from.
26:36 So Edward Irving and John Darby who later formed
26:43 the Plymouth Brethren were at a Bible conference meeting at
26:46 the time in 1831 and they heard this discussion
26:49 and they heard about Margaret MacDonald's utterance
26:52 and visions that the Rapture would come first
26:55 and then the Antichrist after the Rapture
26:57 and they began to teach it,
26:58 John Darby brought it to America with the Plymouth Brethren
27:01 which he established here and Scofield took it
27:05 and began to publish it in his Scofield
27:07 Reference Bible and all the footnotes,
27:09 the futuristic approach to the Rapture first and then
27:13 the Antichrist and then John Walvoord became a believer
27:17 and he taught it at his Dallas Baptist Theological Seminary,
27:20 one of his star students was none other than Hal Lindsey,
27:25 who published it and made it popular
27:27 in the Late Great Planet Earth in 1970
27:30 and then they were others like The Dake Study Bible,
27:33 the Ryrie Study Bible and finally in the last few years
27:37 we find the Left Behind series with Tim LaHaye
27:40 and Jerry Jenkins over 80 million people have read
27:43 about this approach to prophecy that was developed
27:47 by a Jesuit scholar trying to deflect the blow
27:51 of the Protestants pointing to Rome
27:53 saying that they were the Antichrist
27:57 and now the Protestant churches have
27:59 pretty well bought it hook,
28:01 line and sinker, and that's where the idea came from.
28:07 But the Bible's clear to visible return,
28:11 glorious return of Jesus Christ,
28:14 every eye sees him, even the wicked,
28:21 then what about the text in the Bible that says he
28:24 comes like a thief in the night.
28:26 You've seen the Gospel movie,
28:29 my wife and I saw it, its entitled
28:31 the thief in the night, any of you seen that movie,
28:34 sure some hands are going up and it starts off with a lady
28:37 talking to her husband, who was in the bathroom shaving,
28:39 she was in the bedroom talking through the door
28:40 and he is shaving with his electric razor
28:42 and then he doesn't answer her,
28:43 and she says why don't you answer me
28:48 and she goes and looks in there,
28:49 there is a razor just bouncing up and down
28:50 on the counter top and he's gone.
28:51 Turns on the television set.
28:53 And oh! Millions of people have just mysteriously
28:55 vanished and nobody knows where they went,
28:58 she calls her friend, hey my husband is missing,
29:00 yeah my wife is missing, what's going around here,
29:03 he came like a thief in the night and the ideas
29:10 that a thief comes silently and secretly and
29:11 you wake up in the morning and everything is gone
29:14 and you don't know where it went.
29:16 Well may be that's one way a thief can come,
29:20 but you see that's the danger of taking one text and
29:22 like putting one fence post in the floor you can
29:25 make it point anywhere you want it to point.
29:27 Let's look at that text that talks about
29:31 the thief in the night, because there is
29:33 another way that Jesus can come as a thief.
29:35 Look chapter 5, verse 1,
29:37 brothers about the times and days,
29:39 we don't need to write to you,
29:40 I'm in 1st Thessalonians still right after the Rapture.
29:43 The very next verse in fact you remember the bible was
29:46 written in Greek not in English, and they were no
29:47 chapters and verses, it all ran together.
29:50 So, right after that, here we are brothers
29:54 about time and days we don't need to write to you,
29:56 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come
29:59 like a thief in the night you see there it is,
30:01 comes like a thief, he steals them away
30:03 and they don't know where he went,
30:04 you wake up in the morning,
30:05 you are down your television set's gone
30:06 and everything else, and you don't know where it went,
30:08 see it came like a thief,
30:12 but read on, the Lord will come,
30:16 the day of the Lord will come like a thief
30:17 in the night while people are saying peace and safety,
30:21 destruction comes on them,
30:24 suddenly as labor pains on a pregnant
30:26 woman and they will not escape.
30:27 See there are two ways to come like a thief
30:31 in the night one is to silently, secretly,
30:34 steal away your stuff, you wake up in the morning
30:35 it's all gone, the other way is to come unexpectedly
30:38 and that's what he is talking about here.
30:41 By the way if when he comes like a thief in the night,
30:45 the people are saying peace and safety,
30:47 you see they are not expecting him to come.
30:49 Oh! everything is going, but we haves big homes,
30:51 we have big cars, we got boats, we got money in the
30:53 bank, we have everything and here comes peace
31:00 and safety, destruction comes on them suddenly.
31:04 Now if the wicked are destroyed when Jesus comes
31:09 like a thief in the night then you tell me
31:12 how many wicked people are going to be running
31:14 around this earth wondering where did they go.
31:21 In fact in the next chapter, another fence post lined up
31:25 here, in second, the next,
31:27 in Second Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 6,
31:31 God is just, God is fair, You can always trust God
31:37 to do the right thing. Amen!
31:39 Now listen to this, he will payback trouble
31:44 to those who trouble you and give relief to you
31:49 who are troubled and to us as well
31:51 have you ever had somebody do you wrong
31:55 and you thought, well, wait till I get my hands on him.
32:01 Have you ever thought naughty thoughts like that
32:04 and then later found out that,
32:06 that wasn't the person did you wrong to began with,
32:08 has it ever happened to you. Look, God is just and
32:16 he will payback trouble to those trouble you,
32:18 it's not your job, it's His
32:21 and he will give relief to you
32:23 who are troubled and to us as well.
32:24 When is he gonna do it then, when?
32:28 Look at the Next verse,
32:30 this will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed
32:34 from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels,
32:39 so that's another look at Jesus coming
32:42 visibly in blazing fire with his powerful angels.
32:46 Verse 8, he will punish those who do not know God
32:50 and do not obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus,
32:53 they will be punished with everlasting destruction
32:57 and shut out from the presence of the Lord
33:01 and from the majesty of his power,
33:03 when? On the day that he comes
33:06 to be glorified in his holy people and to be
33:08 marveled at among all those
33:10 who have believed and that includes you.
33:12 Because you have believed, so here he is telling
33:15 the church, hang on, I know that
33:18 bad things happen to good people
33:20 and I know that you are getting battered around
33:23 and I know that you're starting to feel like
33:25 you can't take anymore. Hang on
33:27 because God is gonna make it right,
33:29 when? When he comes
33:31 in blazing fire to be glorified in his people,
33:36 so at the same time he comes to take us,
33:39 the wicked will be punished,
33:41 the Bible says with everlasting destruction
33:43 and God makes no mistakes, leave it up to him not you,
33:49 but the point is that when Jesus comes
33:53 to take his church and to be glorified in his church,
33:57 which means you at that time,
34:00 the wicked are going to be destroyed.
34:06 So, how many wicked people are gonna be
34:08 running around on the airplanes
34:09 and driving their cars wondering
34:10 where did they go, none.
34:14 Because they are destroyed now folks.
34:18 And I'm gonna say something,
34:19 I know some of you don't want to hear
34:20 but the truth will set you free. Amen!
34:24 And it's better to know the truth then not to know it.
34:27 If the wicked are destroyed when Jesus comes
34:30 and we are caught up to meet him in heaven,
34:32 in the clouds and go to heaven with him,
34:35 then we are gonna be on this earth
34:38 all the way through until the end
34:42 and it means that the church is going
34:44 to be here for the great tribulation.
34:47 Now you say, well I've just heard
34:49 all my life that's not true,
34:50 I know we're not gonna be here,
34:51 I read it right here in the books,
34:54 but this is a novel and this is the word of God
34:59 and the truth that was left behind
35:01 in these books is the fact that after chapter 1
35:06 when Jesus comes for his church,
35:08 the rest of the whole thing is a novel
35:11 because no one is gonna be left on this earth
35:14 to join the tribulation force after Jesus comes.
35:20 Well, don't he love me enough
35:23 to keep me from the tribulation,
35:24 he promised he'd keep us from the tribulation,
35:26 but he didn't promise he take us away
35:29 before the tribulation, he doesn't have to take us
35:33 out of the world to protect us through the tribulation.
35:36 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
35:38 were thrown into the fiery furnace,
35:40 God could have struck them all dead
35:42 before they threw them in, but he
35:44 let them throw them in and he protected them
35:46 within the mist of their fiery trail.
35:50 That's why you better know God and trust Him.
35:53 In Psalms, the Book of Psalms
35:54 we'll see 10,000 fall at our right, 10,000 at our left,
35:58 we will see the wicked and the plagues falling upon
36:01 them, but it won't come near you.
36:04 He doesn't have to take us out to protect us from it,
36:06 but we better have faith in God to be able to do that.
36:11 Well then, the second danger,
36:15 even worse danger of the Left Behind series and
36:22 the futuristic approach to the Rapture is that there is,
36:27 if the wicked are destroyed when we are caught up to meet
36:30 Jesus then there is no second chance after the Rapture.
36:35 If you gonna get right with God you need to do it now,
36:39 don't wait until the Rapture.
36:42 Well, what about that verses,
36:43 that says two people be in the field
36:45 and one will be taken and other left,
36:47 I mean there it is as plain as you can read it,
36:49 there are two grinding at the mill
36:51 one taken Raptured up, the other left.
36:53 Well, why don't you help me grind?
36:57 Well, it does say two would be taken,
37:01 one will be taken and the other left.
37:02 Matthew Chapter 24, turn with me back to
37:05 Matthew, chapter 24, so now we got
37:08 a fence post out of line, one taken
37:11 Raptured away, the other one left.
37:13 Oh! Man, I'm having to do all this by myself not fair;
37:17 Is that what he's saying Here? Read it with me.
37:22 Verse 30, well I don't want to read that one first,
37:26 that's not the one I intended to read,
37:27 but let me read it for you right now because
37:29 I missed one of our fence posts here,
37:30 it's a good one in Matthew chapter 24 verse 30,
37:34 'at that time sign of the son of man will appear in
37:37 the sky and all the nations of the earth will mourn,
37:39 they will see the son of man coming on the clouds
37:41 of the sky with great power and great glory,
37:43 and he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call
37:46 and they will gather his elect from the four winds.'
37:48 So, there is another one, isn't it?
37:50 Visible glorious return of Christ.
37:52 Now, what about these two in the field?
37:54 Matthew chapter 24, this time verse 40,
37:57 two men will be in the field
37:58 one would be taken and the other left,
38:00 two women would be grinding grain
38:02 with a hand mill, one will be taken and other left.
38:05 You see, we're told that taken off to heaven,
38:07 Raptured away and the other one's left there
38:09 grinding and working in the field.
38:11 Let's look at what it really says
38:15 and look in the context of the passage,
38:17 follow with me, I'm gonna start in verse,
38:19 well look at verse 36, that's important,
38:22 nobody knows the day or hour, not even the angels in
38:24 heaven nor the son, only the father, don't let anybody
38:27 tell you when Jesus is coming, nobody knows.
38:30 But, then he goes on to say, as it was in the days of Noah,
38:34 so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
38:37 So, what is it gonna be like when Jesus comes.
38:40 how will it be? It's gonna be like
38:43 it was in the days of Noah, right,
38:45 everybody with me so far, as it wasn't the days of Noah,
38:49 that's the way it's gonna be.
38:50 So, it's gonna be just like it was in the days of Noah.
38:53 Well, what was it like in the days of Noah?
38:56 Verse 38, for in the days before the flood
38:59 people were eating, drinking, marrying,
39:02 giving in marriage up until the day Noah entered the Ark
39:07 and they knew nothing about what were to happen
39:10 until the flood came and took them all away.
39:19 That is how it will be at the coming
39:22 of the son of man, how it's gonna be?
39:25 Like it was in the days of Noah.
39:26 What was it like in the days?
39:27 Oh! They were eating, drinking, marrying,
39:28 giving in marriage, nobody knew anything
39:30 about what was gonna happen until
39:33 the flood came and took them all away
39:39 that's exactly what Paul said while they're
39:41 saying peace and safety, what happened?
39:44 Destruction will come on them suddenly.
39:48 Now, like it was in Noah, they were eating, drinking,
39:50 oh! peace, safety, man we got everything and
39:52 then what? The flood came and took them all away,
39:55 that is how it would be at the coming
39:57 of the son of man, two men will be working
39:58 in the field, one will be taken and the other left.
40:02 Now tell me in the days of Noah,
40:04 the flood came and took them all away,
40:07 Where were they taken to?
40:11 To their destruction, right!
40:14 They were taken to their destruction,
40:15 everybody with me on that, raise your hand,
40:16 nod your head, say Amen or something so I'll know.
40:18 They were taken to their destruction
40:21 that is how it will be at the coming of
40:23 the son of man, two men will be working
40:25 in the field, one will be taken, where?
40:28 Same place they were taken
40:30 in the days in Noah. Where was that?
40:31 To their destruction and one will be left.
40:36 He is not talking about Rapturing us
40:39 up to heaven at all, of course we get caught
40:42 up to heaven, we have already seen that,
40:43 but that's not what he is talking about in Matthew.
40:46 In Matthew, he is simply saying
40:48 on that day there are going to be
40:50 two groups of people when Jesus comes,
40:52 the wicked are going to be taken away to their
40:55 destruction, those who are alive are going to be left.
40:59 And those who are righteous are going to be left,
41:01 that's why Paul said, notice and this is important
41:05 Paul said in the passage that we read just a few
41:07 minutes ago in First Thessalonians, chapter 4.
41:14 Come on Paul, I found you a minute ago.
41:17 First Thessalonians, chapter 4,
41:18 look, for the Lord Himself will come down from heaven
41:21 with a loud command, voice of the Archangel,
41:23 trumpet call of God and the dead in Christ
41:26 will rise first, after that we who are still alive
41:29 and are left will be caught up together with them.
41:33 That's the way its gonna be
41:34 at the coming of the son of man.
41:35 Two men will be working in the field,
41:36 one will be taken away to his destruction and
41:39 the other is left alive to be Raptured up to meet Jesus
41:43 in the clouds and all our fence posts line up again.
41:47 This verse says just the opposite of what they
41:53 tried to tell you it really means.
41:55 Now, just in case somebody's being a
41:57 little skeptical out there and it's okay,
41:59 you shouldn't believe everything I say
42:01 just 'cause I say it, you need to
42:02 believe what he says. Amen.
42:03 So, while we are really getting this right?
42:07 Well, let's double check.
42:08 In Luke chapter 17, in Luke the 17th chapter,
42:13 Jesus tells the same story.
42:15 Now, I'm not going to read the whole thing,
42:17 let's just start with verse 34,
42:18 'I tell you on that night two people will be in one bed,
42:20 one will be taken and the other left.
42:22 Two women will be grinding grain together
42:24 and one will be taken and the other left.'
42:27 Verse 37, where Lord they asked,
42:30 now tell me he just said that two men, two women
42:33 will be grinding grain, one will be taken
42:36 and the other left and they say, where?
42:40 Which one are they asking about?
42:42 The one that's left; no they know where that one is.
42:48 The one that's taken, where are you
42:51 taking them Lord? Isn't that right?
42:55 And what's the answer Jesus gave, where there is
42:58 a dead body there the vultures will gather.
43:03 They are taken to their destruction folks,
43:05 there is no second chance after the Rapture,
43:08 now is the time, today is the day
43:11 to respond to Jesus Christ.
43:15 Well then, if the wicked are destroyed
43:17 and we are caught up to meet Jesus then
43:20 what's here, what's going on in the earth?
43:23 And now we are ready to put it all together in the
43:26 20th Chapter of Revelation, but actually I am going
43:28 to start, we will start in Revelation chapter 19
43:31 to make sure we got those fence posts lined-up
43:34 and we are not taking anything out of context.
43:36 So, in Revelation chapter 19 verse 11,
43:38 I saw heaven standing open and there before me
43:42 was a white horse whose rider is called faithful
43:45 and true with justice he judges and makes war.
43:48 Now, who is the rider on the white horse?
43:51 Verse 16 says on his robe and on his thigh
43:53 he has his name written, King of Kings and
43:56 Lord of Lords, that's Jesus, Amen.
43:58 Now watch this, verse 15,
44:00 out of his mouth comes a sharp sword
44:04 with which to strike down the nations
44:07 and he will rule them with an iron scepter.
44:09 So, what happens to the wicked nations
44:11 when Jesus comes riding on a white horse
44:14 to make war against them.
44:17 They're slain with a sword coming out of his mouth,
44:19 the iron rode he smashes them to
44:22 pieces, we have already read.
44:24 Verse 19, I saw the beast
44:25 and the armies and the Kings of the Earth
44:27 and their armies gathered together
44:29 to make war against the rider on the horse
44:31 and his army, but the beast was captured
44:33 with him the false prophet who had performed
44:35 the miraculous signs on his behalf
44:38 and with these signs he diluted those who had
44:40 taken the mark of the beast that two of them
44:42 were thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur,
44:44 the rest of them were killed with the sword
44:47 that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse.
44:51 And all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
44:57 When Jesus comes, he comes to make war
45:00 against the wicked, but to deliver the righteous, why?
45:05 Because the wicked are persecuting his people when
45:07 he comes to make things right and to deliver us.
45:12 Now what happens next and here you go, follow
45:14 carefully, what happens next when Jesus comes?
45:19 I saw an angel coming down out of heaven,
45:21 having the key to the abyss,
45:23 now the King James says bottomless pit and
45:27 holding in his hand a great chain
45:28 he seized the dragon, an ancient serpent,
45:30 who is the devil or Satan and bound him for a 1000 years.
45:33 He threw him into the bottomless pit,
45:36 locked and sealed it over him to keep him
45:38 from deceiving the nations anymore
45:40 until the 1000 years were ended after that
45:43 he would be set free for a short time.
45:45 So, 1000 years he is in that bottomless pit.
45:49 Now that's not folks, that's not really a
45:51 a good translation of the word.
45:54 My translation says that abyss and that's better.
45:58 The Greek there is Abussos and the interesting
46:00 thing to me is if the Greek word Abussos is the word
46:04 that's used in the Greek Old Testament.
46:07 Now the Old Testament was written in Hebrew,
46:09 but by the time Jesus came it had been translated
46:12 into Greek and he was using the Greek Old Testament.
46:15 And in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1,
46:18 in the Greek Bible where it says
46:20 'in the beginning God created the heavens
46:21 and the earth and the earth was without form
46:23 and void and darkness was on the surface of the deep.'
46:26 The Greek word for deep is Abussos,
46:32 In other words, the abyss or the wild chaotic
46:36 nothing that this earth was before
46:38 God began to bring order and that's the way
46:43 it's going to be and that's exactly
46:44 what we have seen so far,
46:46 because when Jesus comes, we are caught
46:48 up to meet him in the air, the died in Christ
46:50 are raised up, together we go to meet him.
46:52 The wicked are destroyed,
46:54 who is left here? The beast is gone,
46:56 the false prophet gone, only the devil left
47:00 on this earth nothing, wild, chaotic nothing,
47:03 a wilderness of nothing.
47:07 There are no nations for him to tempt for a 1000 years,
47:13 that's why he is bound in this pit,
47:15 it is not a bottomless pit, if it was he'd get out
47:18 down in China somewhere.
47:21 No, it's the world with nothing on it,
47:24 he can't deceive the nations for a 1000 years
47:26 because there are no nations,
47:28 but after that he would be set free for short time.
47:33 So, when is this 1000 years and how does it all unfold.
47:36 That's the millennium, even though the Bible
47:38 doesn't use the word millennium,
47:40 1000 years means a millennium
47:42 and a millennium means a 1000 year period,
47:44 so when is this? Alright, let's take a look
47:46 in the middle of verse 4, we'll comeback to the
47:48 first part in a minute and I saw the souls of those
47:51 who had been beheaded because of their testimony
47:53 to Jesus and the word of God they had not worshiped
47:56 the beast or his image, they had not received
47:58 his mark on their foreheads or their hands.
48:00 They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
48:06 So, there is a resurrection.
48:08 Now tell me who is resurrected here,
48:10 the righteous or the wicked?
48:13 The righteous right, that's the righteous,
48:15 so if we can figure out when the righteous are
48:17 raised up then we will know when the 1000 years begins.
48:21 Well, we have already seen the resurrection
48:24 of the righteous takes place, when Jesus comes to
48:26 Rapture the church because they're raised up,
48:29 we are changed and then together we are caught
48:32 up to meet Jesus in the clouds,
48:34 so the dead in Christ rise and that's the point
48:38 that the 1000 years begins.
48:41 So here it says, let's just look out it again.
48:44 I saw a resurrection he said those who had not,
48:47 those who refused the words of beast,
48:48 this is the righteous, they are resurrected,
48:50 they came to life and they reigned
48:52 with Christ a 1000 years.
48:53 Verse 5, the rest of the dead, whose that?
48:57 It's got to be the wicked.
48:58 The righteous are raised up,
48:59 it has to be the wicked, right?
49:01 So, the rest of the dead did not come to the life
49:04 until the 1000 years were ended.
49:09 So, now we have the 1000 years that
49:11 are separated by two resurrections.
49:12 Look, verse 6, blessed and holy are
49:14 those who have a part in the first resurrection.
49:16 Now understand, this is not the first resurrection ever.
49:21 Jesus was resurrected, Lazarus was resurrected,
49:24 many were resurrected when Jesus came forth.
49:26 So, it's not the first resurrection ever,
49:28 but in the terms of these two resurrections
49:30 it's the first one that takes place
49:32 when Jesus comes, he says blessed are
49:34 those who have a part in the first resurrection,
49:36 second death has no power over them,
49:38 but they will be priests of God in Christ
49:40 and reign with him a thousand years.
49:42 So, we're raised up, we go to heaven with Jesus
49:45 and we reign with him for a thousand years
49:50 and what we are going to be
49:51 doing up there for a thousand years?
49:52 Says, we will be priests of God,
49:56 we're going to be missionaries,
49:58 we're going to be the only people
49:59 in this whole universe that ever sinned
50:00 and we're restored and brought back to God.
50:04 We can have a story to tell, but there is more
50:06 because verse, chapter 4, the first part says
50:09 they were thrones in which were seated
50:11 those who have been given authority to judge.
50:13 The Bible even says we are going to judge
50:14 the angels, well what do we need a judge for,
50:18 you know, there can be a lot of surprises on that day.
50:20 Did you know that? There are going to be
50:22 a lot of surprises, I know,
50:24 just the other day somebody told me a friend of mine
50:27 that I had gone to college with years and years ago.
50:30 And when they told him what I was doing,
50:33 I was a pastor, you now doing Revelation Now
50:36 meetings, Jac Colon! No way.
50:39 I can't wait to get to heaven.
50:41 I am going to see people there
50:42 and they are going to say Colon,
50:43 how did you get here?
50:45 Boy, I am going to be the biggest surprise
50:46 they ever saw, they are going to be surprised,
50:49 people we thought would never make
50:51 are going to be walking those streets of gold.
50:52 Surprised. Amen. Good news,
50:56 but there are also going to be some people
50:59 missing that we thought surely they should be there.
51:05 My favorite Pastor, where is he?
51:08 my favorite Evangelist, not here,
51:10 my favorite Bible school teacher is gone,
51:13 my favorite deacon, my favorite next door neighbor,
51:16 they just prayed all the time and worshiped God;
51:18 Are not here? What's wrong.
51:20 An angel comes walking by,
51:22 angel, tell me why aren't they here?
51:27 And the angel says shut up,
51:31 we don't ask questions up here.
51:35 Think, is it going to be like that?
51:37 No. The angel says here the books,
51:42 the books are opened, his whole life,
51:45 here it is and you say, wow! I didn't know,
51:51 what's he doing here? Next page,
51:54 wow! I didn't know.
51:57 You see every question is going to be answered.
52:01 God leaves no stone unturned when the wicked
52:05 are finally destroyed, everybody knows that
52:09 as hard as it is for God to even allow this to happen,
52:13 he has done the right thing.
52:18 Well then, why does he resurrect
52:20 the wicked at the end of the the 1000 years?
52:22 Verse 7, when the 1000 years were over,
52:26 Satan will be released from his prison,
52:28 how's he released? Because, the wicked
52:30 are raised up again.
52:32 Now, he's got nations to deceive
52:34 and he'll go out to deceive the nations
52:36 in the four corners of the earth,
52:37 they were gone, now they're here.
52:40 He says to gather them for battle,
52:41 in number they're like sand
52:43 on the sea shore and they march across
52:45 the breath of the earth, surround the camp of God,
52:48 the camp of God's people, the city that he loves.
52:51 So, at the end of the resurrection,
52:53 I mean at the end of the 1000 years,
52:54 we've been in heaven with Jesus a 1000 years,
52:56 what happens after that?
52:58 We come back down in the city,
53:01 another space trip, that shall won't blow either.
53:05 We come back down to this earth
53:08 and the wicked are raised up
53:10 and Satan deceives them one more time.
53:12 Look at how many, we're like sand on the sea.
53:14 Oh! look out just a handful in there,
53:16 let's go take the city and then we will have it
53:19 forever and will be over with this battle,
53:21 so they go to surround the city and to capture the city,
53:25 but fire comes down from heaven.
53:30 Fire comes down from heaven
53:33 and the devil who deceived them
53:35 was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur,
53:37 where the beast and false prophet had been thrown
53:39 and they will be tormented
53:40 day and night, forever and ever.
53:41 We will talk about that on another night.
53:46 Verse 11, why does God raise them up?
53:50 Why has He raised them up and let them attack the city
53:54 and then destroys them with the fire from heaven.
53:59 Why didn't he just let them stay dead
54:00 and let us get on with life here?
54:03 Good question and here is the answer.
54:05 Verse 11, I saw the great white throne
54:08 and him who was seated on it,
54:09 earth and sky fled from his presence,
54:10 there was no place for them.
54:12 I saw the dead, great and small standing before
54:14 the throne and the books were opened,
54:16 and then another book was opened,
54:17 which is the book of life and the dead were judged
54:19 according to what they have done as recorded in the books.
54:22 The sea gave up the dead that were in it,
54:24 death and Hades gave up the dead
54:26 that were in them and each person
54:28 was judged according to what he has done
54:30 and then death and Hades were thrown into the lake
54:34 of fire and the lake of fire is the second death.
54:37 If anyone's name was not found written
54:38 in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
54:42 Another judgment, the great white throne judgment.
54:45 Why? Why didn't God just let them stay dead?
54:49 Why does He raise them up to judge them again
54:50 and then cast them into the lake of fire.
54:53 Because the Bible says that the time is coming
54:57 when every knee will bow and every tongue
55:02 confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, even the wicked,
55:09 even the old devil before they're destroyed
55:13 not out of repentance, not because they want
55:17 to live a Godly life with God forever,
55:21 but out of the realization that they were wrong
55:24 and that the punishment that's about to be poured out
55:27 upon them is just and fair and they deserve it.
55:30 And that's how the final question is answered and
55:33 God can finally destroy sin and because they have
55:38 chosen to sin they'll be destroyed along with it
55:41 and everyone will know that it was an act of love.
55:48 God's strange act, the Bible says,
55:50 with tears streaming down his cheek,
55:54 but he can't let the wicked go on forever
55:58 beating up on his people somewhere he has to say
56:02 I have done everything that I can do,
56:04 it is over and I am coming soon.
56:10 It's an infinite heart of infinite love,
56:13 besides that there will be the most
56:15 miserable people in eternity because
56:17 sinners would not have one thing to do forever.
56:22 So, it's a gracious thing that God does.
56:25 Now, listen on that day every living soul that has
56:30 ever walked on this planet is going to be there.
56:34 You and I, we are going to be there.
56:38 You have no choice in that matter, everyone
56:42 is going to be there, you do have a choice
56:46 as to where you will be, inside the city with the lamb
56:53 or on the outside wishing you were on the inside.
56:59 But, you are going to be there,
57:00 I'm going to be there, everyone will be there
57:04 from Adam to the last baby born, everyone will be there.
57:10 Where will you be? Follow the lamb
57:18 and join me inside the city.


Revised 2014-12-17