Participants: Pr. Jac Colon
Series Code: RN
Program Code: RN000002
01:05 Let's pray together before we begin this evening.
01:13 Our father in heaven, once again we've come 01:19 together in this place to open your word and lord 01:25 we dare not, we dare not open your word without 01:29 first asking for your holy spirit. 01:32 To open our minds, open our eyes, open our hearts 01:36 so we can see and believe and understand your truth 01:41 for these days as we look at angel warfare. 01:47 We ask in Jesus name. Amen! 01:57 Betty Fetters had decided one afternoon that 02:02 she would explore some of the back acreage in the, 02:05 in the property that she and her husband 02:07 had just purchased out in the country. 02:09 While she was out, walking through the wilderness, 02:13 she fell into an abandoned well. 02:18 As she found and felt herself hurling down into the 02:22 darkness, bracing herself expecting to impact 02:26 on those rocks below at any moment, she saw a white 02:29 being of lights swooping down into the well, she nestled 02:34 into its arms and the next thing she knew, she was 02:37 standing on the ground beside the empty hovel. 02:43 You would have a hard time convincing Betty Fetters that 02:47 there are no such thing as angels. 02:52 Little Joanna, she was only 8 years old, 02:59 and after her mother had said the prayers together tucked her 03:03 in the bed, kissed her good night, shut off the light, 03:05 closed the door. Joanna suddenly saw a 03:10 white being of light appear right in the center of her 03:13 bedroom, it was an angel saying, 03:15 "Hello Joanna, I'm an angel sent from Jesus. " 03:21 Even though Joanna had been raised in a Christian Home, 03:24 she was scared. And she looked at the angel 03:30 and she said, "You are not from Jesus. " 03:33 The angel says, "How do you know?" 03:37 Because every place in the Bible where an angel appeared 03:41 and the people were scared, the angel said fear not. 03:44 I'm scared and you didn't say fear not, 03:46 you can't be from Jesus. 03:50 Right on! Instantly the angel turned into a hideous demonic 04:00 looking being that swooped down on her and said, 04:04 "Would you rather see me me looking like this and 04:06 vanished away into darkness. " 04:10 It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do 04:14 in order to please God. 04:20 Sharon Lee Halstead told her pastor as she sat across 04:24 table from him, in the women's pentitentiary in Sale, Oregon. 04:29 She said, as I left the Greene's home with the gun 04:34 still smoking in my hand, I realized that I had only 04:39 half way finished the assignment that God have given me to do. 04:43 Lynn Greene was dead, her three-year old boy 04:46 Nathaniel was shot, but her husband David 04:49 had managed to escape, will God ever forgive me 04:53 for having done the job so poorly. 04:58 You see Sharon Lee Halstead had become convinced by 05:02 by an angel of light, that it was God's plan 05:06 to destroy the Greene family. 05:13 Obviously a bad angel, but here is the question. 05:23 That angel, that angel that swooped down into the well 05:27 and lifted up Betty Fetters and brought her back out 05:32 to the surface before she could be dashed to death 05:35 on the rocks below, that angel that saved her 05:37 life was it a good angel or a bad angel. 05:47 How do you know? 2 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 14, 05:57 "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light," 06:02 is it not surprising then, that if his servants 06:07 masquerade as servants of righteousness. 06:13 Tell me, many ask, why would the devil save someone's life. 06:23 Do you think that Satan would save a life, if he thought 06:29 that by doing so he could win a soul? 06:37 You see that's the way he works. 06:41 Don't believe that the devil runs around dressed in his 06:44 little red jump suit with two horns on his head, 06:46 a long tail with an arrow on its end and 06:48 a pitch fork in his hand, don't believe him. 06:52 He appears masqueraded as an angel of light, even willing 06:58 to do good in order to win souls for himself. 07:03 Angel Warfare, Revelation chapter 1 verse 1, 07:10 in Revelation, the first chapter, the first verse, 07:13 "The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show his 07:18 servants what must soon take place, he made it known 07:22 by sending his angel to his servant John," 07:28 who testified to everything that he saw. 07:30 The word of God, the Book of Revelation was delivered 07:34 to us from God by an angel, a good angel. Amen. Amen. 07:46 Verse 13, "I saw, I turned to see the one standing among 07:50 the who was speaking and I saw someone like a son of man, 07:53 his eyes were like blazing fire, in his hand was seven stars. " 07:58 Verse 20, "The mystery of the seven stars that you saw 08:02 in my right hand, and of the seven golden lamp stands 08:05 is this the seven stars are the seven angels of the seven 08:09 churches, good angels. " In fact he said 08:14 in chapter 2 verse 1, 2, "The angel of the church in 08:17 Ephesus write these words to the angel of the church in Smyrna, 08:21 to the angel of the church in Pergamon, 08:24 to the angel of the church in Thyatira, to the angel of 08:27 the church in Sardis, in Philadelphia, in Laodicea, 08:31 write these words, angels are God's messengers, 08:34 in fact the word angel means in Greek angelos means messenger 08:38 and good angels are God's messengers. 08:42 They bring messages to earth from God. 08:47 And we turn to Revelation chapter 12 in verse 7, 08:51 "There was war in Heaven, Michael and his angels, 08:56 good angels fought against the dragon and his angel's, 09:00 bad angels, but there were not strong enough and they lost 09:06 their place in heaven, the great dragon was hurled down 09:09 that ancient serpent called the devil or Satan 09:11 who leads the whole world astray, he was hurled 09:14 to the earth and his angels with him, 09:16 bad angels on the earth, bad news. 09:22 Good angels on the earth good news. 09:25 Better news I'll show you tomorrow night, 09:28 that for every bad angel on this earth, 09:29 God has two good angels. 09:34 chapter 14 verse 6, "I saw another angel flying 09:38 in the mid air and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim 09:41 to those who live on the earth, every tribe, every language, 09:44 every people, a good angel. " Chapter 14 verse 8, 09:49 " a second angel followed him and said in a loud voice, 09:51 fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great that made all the 09:54 nations drink the maddening wine of her adultery," 09:57 is a good angel, scary message but a good angel. 10:00 And then chapter 14 verse 9, "a third angel followed them 10:06 and said in a loud voice, if anyone worships 10:08 the beast and his image and takes his mark on the 10:11 forehead or on the hand, he will also drink the wine of 10:14 God's fury, fury poured full strength 10:16 into the cup of his indignation," 10:18 another good angel, scary message but a good angel. 10:26 Chapter 16, "Heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the 10:31 seven angels go and pour the seven bowls 10:34 of God's wrath on the earth. " 10:38 Chapter 16 verse 12, "The sixth angel poured out his bowl 10:41 on the great river Euphrates, as water was dried up to 10:44 prepare the way for the kings from the east and I saw 10:47 three evil spirits, they look like frogs coming 10:51 out of the mouth of the Dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, 10:53 out of the mouth of the false prophet, they are the spirits 10:56 of demons and they go out to the kings of the whole of the world 10:59 performing miracles and signs to gather them for the 11:03 battle on the great day of God Almighty. " 11:06 We are gonna take a look at that battle on the great day of 11:09 God Almighty, the Battle of Armageddon 11:11 coming upon another night. 11:12 We are gonna take a look at the Dragon, the beast, 11:15 the false prophet, tomorrow night we will identify 11:18 the Dragon for you, on another night we will identify 11:20 the beast and that number 666, you know exactly who 11:24 the beast is, you know exactly what the number means, 11:26 God doesn't warn us against taking the mark and then let it 11:31 get so confused that you can't know what the mark is. 11:35 We are gonna show you comparing scripture with scripture, 11:37 letting the Bible interpret itself, you will discover 11:40 for yourself what the mark is on the right hand or the forehead 11:43 but not tonight we are not ready for that yet, we have to be 11:46 able to crawl before we can walk, we have to walk 11:49 before we can run. The problem everybody wants 11:51 to hit the ground running. 11:55 For tonight, it's enough for us to just recognize this, 11:58 that a prophet is one who has a message from God. 12:02 A false prophet then must be one who claims to have a 12:07 message from God, but actually it comes from someone else. 12:16 And in the book of Revelation, it shows that the false 12:18 prophet performs miracles, signs and wonders in order to 12:23 deceive people into believing that he speaks in fact for God. 12:29 Don't be surprised, even the devil himself appears 12:32 masqueraded as an angel of light. 12:34 I'm gonna show you on another night, he even quotes 12:36 scripture probably knows it better that you do. 12:40 The false prophet in order to deceive anyone must appear 12:45 as though he were a true prophet, and he must be so 12:50 convincing because he deceives almost the 12:53 whole world, the book of Revelation says. 13:03 In other words, three unclean spirits coming out of the 13:06 mouth of the Dragon, the beast, the false prophet, shows us 13:09 that in the last days, there will be a massive revival, 13:14 an explosion of interest in supernatural 13:17 psychic phenomenon. And I don't know if you have 13:23 been paying attention lately, but it's happening 13:27 all around us today. 13:30 Paul even predicted it, Paul tells us 13:33 in First Timothy chapter 4 verse 1, 13:37 "The spirit clearly says that in the last days, some will abandon 13:44 the faith and follow deceiving spirits 13:47 and things taught by demons. " 13:52 So here is the Apostle Paul, and he is looking forward 13:57 to the last days. And if you are not convinced yet you will be 14:02 in just a few more nights folks that we are in fact living 14:06 in the last days. So the Apostle Paul is looking forward to 14:13 our time, and he says in these last days many will depart 14:19 the faith following the doctrines of demons. 14:24 Now listen to me, in order for someone to depart 14:27 the faith that means they will have at one time must have 14:31 been a part of the faith, you cannot depart 14:34 something you've never been a part of. 14:39 Many will depart the faith, why? Because they follow the 14:43 doctrines of demons and remember the demons are going around 14:47 performing miracles, signs and wonders, the devil loves 14:52 to counterfeit everything that God does. 14:56 And think about it for a second. If the false prophet does 15:04 miracles in order to gain credibility, in order to gain 15:10 confidence, in order to deceive people into thinking 15:15 that he is a true prophet. 15:17 If the false prophet as the Bible says does miracles 15:20 then miracles can never be the test that God is at work. 15:30 In the last days, there will be an explosion 15:34 of interest in the occult, witch crafts, psychic phenomenon. 15:37 Just walk past when I call the grocery store scandal sheets 15:45 at the checkout stands of every grocery store and 15:48 look at the headlines in those little newspapers there, 15:51 almost every time you're gonna to see something dealing with 15:54 supernatural psychic phenomenon why? 15:57 Because that's what people are interested in 15:59 and that's what sells newspapers. 16:02 I just for fun the other day I did a search on the Internet 16:06 looking for witchcraft, occult, psychic phenomenon 16:14 and I found over 4 million hits. 16:21 Folks it wouldn't be out there if no one was interested in it. 16:25 And the fact that it's there means that there is in 16:29 fact an explosion of interest in the supernatural. 16:33 Hundreds of people spend thousands of dollars to make 16:36 the journey to Yelm, Washington, a little town just 50 miles 16:40 from where we live. 16:43 In order to receive guidance and council from Ramtha, 16:47 a warrior who supposedly died 3500 years ago and speaks 16:52 through his channel JZ Knights. Channeling is one of the most 16:58 popular phenomenons happening in the spirit world today. 17:02 June 14th in the year 2000, John Edwards stood center stage 17:08 inaugurating his new program crossing over. 17:14 And in his program crossing over, John Edward first 17:19 of all welcomes his spirit guides. 17:24 And he says, I am John Edward, I talk to dead people. 17:28 And John Edward begins to reveal information to the families 17:34 eagerly waiting for information from the other side. 17:37 And he flawlessly delivers information that only 17:41 the deceased person could possibly have known. 17:47 You can watch it on your own television set. 17:49 I am not suggesting you do in fact I'm saying don't. 17:54 But that's where it is and why it's so popular today. 17:59 Movies, dealing with the occult, supernatural, with the dead, 18:05 the sixth sense, crossing over, dragon fly, even 18:11 our good friend Harry Porter. 18:13 Oh! What's wrong with Harry Porter 18:16 nice little children story, but the idea is that 18:22 those things are popular because that's what 18:24 people are interested in today. 18:26 Montel Williams was writing an endorsement for 18:31 Sylvia Brown's book and Sylvia Brown he described 18:34 as listen psychic, medium, clairvoyant, channel, 18:41 these are all words to describe Sylvia Brown's unique powers. 18:47 Montel Williams said, I have personally witnessed 18:50 Sylvia Brown bringing closure to distract families, helping 18:55 the police close cases and open people's hearts to help 18:59 them see the good in themselves. 19:01 What could be more harmless? Who wouldn't want to help 19:07 others in these ways? Sylvia Brown herself said 19:11 this book is about you, it's about your God given 19:15 powers and how to reconnect with it 19:18 and how to put it to good use. 19:21 I mean that should settle it, shouldn't it? 19:23 If it's about our God given powers and how to put it 19:26 to good use, we should all want that and if 19:29 Montel Williams endorses it, it's got to be right. Amen. 19:39 Mr. Williams chooses words psychic, medium, clairvoyant, 19:44 channel that should raise red flags in our minds. 19:51 You see a channel is one who claims to communicate 19:55 with the dead. John Edward says that he is a channel. 20:00 JZ Knight claims to be a channel, Shirley MacLaine 20:03 claims to be a channel; because they think 20:07 they can communicate with the dead. 20:10 But another seer who wrote 100s of years before Jesus was 20:15 even born said that when men tell you to consult mediums 20:20 and spirits, that's channels who whisper and mutter 20:23 should not a person inquire of God, why consult the dead 20:27 on behalf of the living Isaiah 8:19. 20:30 God says, don't communicate with the dead, communicate 20:34 with me. I am alive, I am here. 20:37 And I want to help you. 20:45 What's wrong with Harry Potter, the title of the first movie 20:50 was the sorcerer's stone. What's a sorcerer? 20:56 A sorcerer is a channel, one who communicates with 21:02 the dead and can't you see how subtly and silently the old 21:09 Dragon introduces his warfare into the minds of 21:13 children making it seem like it's harmless and fun. 21:18 The old devil plays the keeps folks and never forget it. 21:26 The question we have to ask ourselves is who is it on the 21:33 other side that the John Edwards, JZ Knights, 21:38 Shirley Maclaine's, who is it that these channels are 21:44 communicating with on the other side. 21:49 One time a lady came up to me, we were in Oklahoma City 21:51 doing Revelation now meeting and the, one night after that 21:55 first sermon, the lady came up and she said you know pastor, 21:59 I just want to introduce myself. Chatting with her a little bit 22:03 and talked about, the issue came up about how can we know 22:07 that we're saved and I asked her, I said do you have 22:09 eternal life, do you know without a doubt that 22:11 you're saved and you have internal life and she said 22:13 oh yes praise the Lord I do, I said praise God 22:15 we have to have that kind of assurance. Amen. 22:18 Are you with me tonight. Amen. Okay, just wanted to make sure. 22:24 And then I asked her, how do you know that you're saved, 22:27 you know what she told me, she said Oh, because 22:31 my husband died 4 years ago and just shortly after he died 22:34 he came back and he told me that he had been to heaven, 22:37 he saw God, he saw Jesus and they told him to come, 22:40 told me to come back and to tell you that everything is fine 22:44 you just go on living the way that you are and 22:46 you will be in heaven too soon with me. 22:48 You see she had her assurance from the spirit. 22:52 The tragedy was that she said she was wasn't really 22:56 interested in studying the Bible any more because 22:59 she got her assurance from the spirit. 23:01 Now folks, if the spirit leads you in any direction other than 23:06 the word of God you are following the wrong spirit. 23:09 Because this book was given to us by God through his 23:13 Holy Spirit and God will never lead you in any direction 23:16 other than what is written here in this book, this is the 23:19 safety, this is the guide that we have. 23:24 So, the question we need to ask ourselves and 23:26 the answer ought to be obvious, is it safe for a Christian 23:30 to indiscriminately involve ourselves in any kind and 23:34 all kind of supernatural phenomenon. Is it safe 23:37 or should we as Christians distinguish between the spirits. 23:41 In First John the fourth chapter, First John chapter 23:44 4 verse 1. John wrote, "dear friends do not 23:48 believe every spirit. But test the spirits to see 23:54 whether they are from God. " Why? Because so many 23:57 false prophets have gone out into the world. 24:00 Don't believe every spirit, test the spirit first see if he 24:03 comes from God because there are false prophets in the world, 24:07 in fact he goes on to say this is the spirit of the Antichrist 24:10 which you ever heard is coming even now, he is already in the 24:14 world, well how can that be practically the whole Christian 24:17 world is looking for the Antichrist to appear and 24:21 the Bible says even now the spirit of the Antichrist 24:23 is present that's saved for another night. 24:26 I wouldn't miss that one for anything if I were you. 24:30 But the fact that John tells us to test the spirit, 24:35 to see if it's from God because false prophets are in the world 24:41 tells us that we should distinguish between the spirits, 24:45 First Timothy or First Thessalonians in chapter 5, 24:48 First Thessalonians chapter 5, verse19 says, 24:56 "do not put out the spirit's fire. Do not treat prophecies 25:00 with contempt. Test everything hold on to the good, 25:04 avoid every kind of evil," you see these verses are telling 25:08 us even one the gifts of the spirit is to, the ability to 25:12 distinguish between the spirits, can't you see these versus 25:15 are telling us that we must test the spirit because there are 25:19 two spirit realms, a realm of good spirits, a realm of evil 25:24 demon spirits and we must distinguish between the two? 25:29 Well, how do you do it? How can you test the spirit? 25:35 You can't test it by miracles. Because demon spirits 25:40 and bad angels do miracles. You can't test it by doing good 25:44 things, because the angel that saved Betty Feathers may have 25:49 been doing it in order to gain confidence. 25:51 How do you test the spirit? Folks there is only way to test 25:57 the spirit. And that's why this book Isaiah tells us. 26:03 Isaiah chapter 8 verse 20, to the law and the Testimony, 26:06 that's the word of God if they speak not according to 26:09 these words there is no light in them. 26:13 Test the spirit with the word of God, don't test it by 26:17 how nice a person is, somebody told me, oh I know that 26:22 what I'm hearing is the truth because he is 26:23 such a wonderful nice man. 26:27 The false prophet is a wonderful nice appearing man. 26:32 The false prophet knows how to say the right things, 26:35 the false prophet knows the Bible better than you do. 26:38 The false prophet quotes the Bible, he could even be a 26:40 pastor, he could even be a popular Evangelist, 26:43 he could even be an Evangelist that travels around the world 26:46 and does revelation now meetings. 26:53 You smile, how do you know that you are not listening to the 26:59 false prophet right now. How do you know, you don't know. 27:08 You see that's the point, the only way you can know is 27:12 to test what I say by the word of God. 27:15 And I am not afraid for you to test me by the word of God. 27:18 That's why I give you the print out every night, take it, 27:22 go home. This isn't just for you to have something to throw on 27:25 your coffee table or your book case, this is for you to test 27:28 the spirit, to see if in fact what you're hearing 27:31 night after night is true. If it measures up to the 27:33 word of God then whole fast, if it contradicts the word 27:36 of God then don't come back, is that fair enough? 27:39 I am not afraid to put my face to the acid test of the 27:43 word God and you shouldn't be either. 27:49 Ephesians, in Ephesians the 6th chapter, goes a step 27:54 further in verse 12, Paul writes, our struggle is not 27:57 against flesh and blood, it's not against flesh and blood, 28:01 things that we can see and watch and see it coming no, he says, 28:05 our struggle is against the rules of the authorities, 28:07 against the powers of this dark world, against spiritual forces 28:11 of evil in heavenly realms. The battle, the angel warfare 28:17 is not something that you can see. It's not a gun pointing 28:21 at your head, it's not a fist that can dodge a blow, 28:25 it's spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms, 28:29 it suddenly and secretly sneaks into your life 28:32 and grabs hold before you now it's even there. 28:37 Somebody told me one time, she said pastor, 28:39 I don't want be in that war. I am sorry you are, 28:44 you have no choice about that. The only choice you have is 28:49 which side are you on and we want to be sure 28:53 we are on the side of good angels. Amen. 28:55 And the only way that you can know that is to test it by 28:58 the word of God. That's angel warfare. 29:03 That's what John saw in Revelation chapter 16, 29:06 that's what Jesus saw as he cast out demons 29:09 in his ministry when he was here on this earth, 29:11 it was angel warfare. Bible tells us in 29:15 Deuteronomy chapter 18th, Deuteronomy the 18th 29:20 chapter in verse 10, "let no one be found among 29:25 you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire. 29:31 " Now you say, well that's back in the olden days, 29:33 they don't do that any more, just hold on to that thought 29:35 for a moment, I'm gonna come back to it. 29:37 Let no one be found among you who practices divination, 29:40 sorcery or interprets omens, that's astrology. 29:46 Oh, what's wrong with astrology? I know, a lot of people 29:49 who never leave their home until they check the 29:51 horoscope in the morning. Leo, Sagittarius or 29:56 whatever it is, what's wrong with that? I tell you what's 30:02 wrong with it, astrology is based on the basic idea 30:08 that your fate, your destiny is fixed by the position 30:13 of the stars at the moment of your birth. 30:17 But we know, don't we? We know, that we're born sinful that 30:26 we're born with a fate, with a destiny of destruction, 30:30 but the moment we accept Jesus Christ as our savior 30:34 we're born again and our destiny changes. Amen. 30:38 I've never heard an astrology ask, when were you born again, 30:41 have you? You see, when you look to the stars 30:47 for guidance and direction, you're turning your back on 30:50 the God who made those stars, who wants to lead you 30:53 and guide you. Let no one be found among you who 30:58 engages in witchcraft or cast spells, who is a medium, 31:03 a spirit or so who consults the death, that's a channel. 31:07 That's what's wrong with John Edward, 31:10 that's what's wrong with JZ Knight. 31:12 They consult the death instead of consulting God 31:15 then I'm gonna show you on another night why it's so wrong. 31:22 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord. 31:27 Ruth Montgomery who was a spirit medium, wrote in 31:33 her book a search for truth. A chapter entitled 31:38 the Doubter's Dilemma. And, the Doubter's Dilemma 31:44 goes like this. If the spirits that we're communicating 31:53 with on the other side are truly the spirits of departed 31:59 loved ones, then why all the lies, why the cruelty, 32:08 why the gross immorality involved in witchcraft, 32:17 channeling, spirit mediums, why all the lies, 32:22 why the cruelty? Bishop Pike, a medium and his secretary, 32:29 who also communicated with the spirits explained how she 32:34 would constantly be awakened in the middle of the night 32:39 with terrible nightmares, dreaming that someone was 32:44 driving sharp instruments under her finger nails only to 32:48 wake up finding her hands drenched in blood. 32:56 She would have nightmares dreaming that her hair 32:59 was on fire and wake up with her hairs of singed, burned 33:06 and gone. Why the cruelty, if these are in fact the spirits 33:14 of departed love ones. The Doubter's Dilemma, 33:20 why the lies. A young lady, whose husband was off to war, 33:28 was faithfully writing to her husband everyday and his 33:34 letters came in return not so much, but she understood that. 33:38 And, she just lived for that time when the mailman came. 33:42 She could run to the mailbox and get those letters and 33:45 be in touch with her husband she missed so desperately and 33:48 so much. But the time went by and there were no letters. 33:55 The days turned into weeks, no letter. 34:02 After a month, she was really getting worried. 34:07 No one had any answers for her. So, some friends of her said, 34:12 why don't we go visit a spirit medium or a channel and 34:18 they can find out what happened, she was a little nervous, 34:23 but she was getting desperate. So, she decided to go. 34:28 They went to the Sayons and she saw what appeared 34:34 to be her husband. He told her how he had been 34:38 killed in the war, but that he was okay, 34:42 safe on the other side and that some day she would 34:47 be joined together with him. She left their feeling 34:51 a little relief that at least now she knew what 34:55 had happened. And, just a few days later, she heard 35:01 a knock on the door. She knew what it was. It was gonna be 35:05 someone from the military with a news about her husband. 35:09 She already knew. She went and opened the door and 35:14 there was her husband, unharmed, hadn't been killed at all, 35:21 he was just missing in action. Why the lies, if they're 35:28 communicating with the spirits of loved ones, why the lying? 35:31 Why the cruelty, why the hatred, why the lies. 35:40 JZ Knight wrote in her book, "a state of mind, my story. " 35:45 She wrote about a conversation that she had with Ramtha 35:54 3500 year old warrior that had died. And, she was 35:58 channeling for Ramtha. Hi Ramtha am the enlightened 36:04 one he said, and I know, that I'm God and you do not know 36:10 that you're God, but I know what you know, 36:13 that's interesting. JZ Knight said, okay, but I'm going 36:21 to have to Safeway. Ramtha says, what Safeway? JZ Knight, 36:30 that's a market where you buy groceries. Groceries? 36:35 what's groceries? Some God isn't he? 36:40 Doesn't even know what groceries are, why the lies, 36:46 why the cruelty, why the deceptions, 36:51 why the immorality, if these are the spirits of loved ones. 36:58 My wife and I saw a gospel film one time, was about 37:01 two young ladies that have been involved in witchcraft 37:03 and praised God he had delivered them and they gave 37:07 their testimony. One of the girls said that she okay, 37:11 always will remember vividly how she and all of her 37:16 friends stood it in the big circle, nude, joining hands, 37:21 singing spirit of the living God for all the fresh only. 37:28 She said, she was filled with overwhelming feelings 37:32 of love and compassion while she watched her 18-month-old 37:38 baby boy being consumed in the flames as a living sacrifice 37:42 and the other girl said that the only thought that possessed 37:46 her mind at that time was that she wished that she 37:48 had a baby that she could offer as a sacrifice too. 37:51 It's almost too gruesome to be told, but it needs 37:55 to be told because that's where spiritism ends, 37:58 that's where channeling leads, that's where the occult 38:01 takes you, that's what witchcraft is all about. 38:05 Well how could people ever do that, how? I wanna show you, in 38:13 the book of Isaiah. In Isaiah, the 9th chapter, verse 15, 38:20 "the elders and prominent men of the head, prophets 38:23 who teach lies are the tail, those who guide those 38:25 people mislead them and those who are guided by them 38:28 are led astray," notice now the people are being mislead 38:32 and guided by false teachers, false leaders, 38:37 false preachers, false prophets. Now, what's the result of 38:42 following these false men, verse 20, 38:46 "each one will feed on the flesh of his own offspring. " 38:51 The problem is that they're following men instead of 38:54 following God and it scares me to see how many people today 38:58 are following men instead of following God. 39:06 Christine Cobb left her, a young steel worker's wife, 39:12 left her neighborhood Baptist church and joined with the 39:17 Peoples Temple in Indianapolis, Indiana because she 39:20 liked the dynamic on fire young pastor who was there, 39:27 Archie I. James, Black Methodist pastor, left his Methodist 39:31 Church, joined the Peoples Temple impressed with 39:34 the way that they went after and helped minorities. 39:38 Ross Case, 32-year-old attorney left his church joined 39:42 the Peoples Temple impressed with their civil rights and 39:48 the work that they did for civil rights in the 39:49 community and then there was little 16-year-old 39:53 Loretta Stuart, on her way to a high school dance 39:56 and raptured by the sounds, the joyful sounds of the 39:59 music coming from the Peoples Temple and she joined 40:03 that church. The Peoples Temple was a comfortable church, 40:06 a warm friendly church, mainline protestant 40:10 denomination in the Indianapolis chapter of the disciples 40:12 of Christ, a respected church, a safe church. 40:15 The pastor was warm, compassionate, a loving man, 40:21 dynamic and young, he had been received, he had received 40:26 recommendation from Presidents, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, 40:30 Columnist Jack Anderson, Drew Peterson, Jay Edgar Hoover, 40:33 director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 40:36 he was appointed by the Mayor of Indianapolis, Indiana, 40:39 as the Director of the Human Rights Commission in 40:43 Indianapolis. Archie I. James, Ross Case, Loretta Stuart, 40:49 Christine Cobb all loved their pastor and they followed 40:55 their pastor. The Reverend James Jones, all the way to Guyana and 41:03 were numbered among the 900 plus who drank poisoned Kool-Aid 41:07 at their pastor's command. And the reason I'm telling 41:11 you that story tonight, is that Archie I. James, Loretta Stuart, 41:16 Ross Case, Christine Cobb were not weirdos, 41:18 in fact exactly a year ago from right now were 41:22 doing a revelation now in Portland, Oregon and after 41:25 this particular message a lady came up to me and 41:28 she said, pastor, I'm Christine Cobb's cousin. 41:32 I said tell me what was she like, was she weird, 41:35 what was she like, she said no, she was just like us, 41:37 in fact I almost went with her except my Godly 41:40 grandmother wouldn't let me go. She was just like you and I, 41:43 they were not weird people, they were not some moronic 41:47 segment of the population, they were people just 41:50 like you and I here tonight, the difference was 41:53 they made one mistake, they followed a man instead 41:58 of following God. And it wasn't as though 42:02 they had no warning. Because they were times 42:06 when he would preach warm compassionate loving sermons, 42:09 but they would contradict something in scripture and 42:12 they would go to him and say what about it, 42:13 you know the Bible says here and you said that, 42:15 and he said don't worry about doctrines, it's people 42:18 that are important, not doctrines, we need to 42:21 love one another. That's what important, and it 42:27 cost them their lives. People are making the 42:31 same mistake may be even some of you here tonight, 42:34 a lady came up to me one night she said pastor what 42:36 should I do, I wanna be a Christian, I wanna be 42:38 saved and, but yet I have a job that makes me do 42:42 things that the Bible says I shouldn't do, 42:44 pastor what should I do tell me. I said what does the Bible 42:49 say to do, she said, well the Bible says 42:52 I shouldn't do that anymore, I said well do that. 42:55 Don't ask me what to do when God is already telling you, 43:01 don't rely on me, don't rely on pastor, 43:03 don't rely on evangelic, don't rely on elder, 43:06 don't rely on friend, rely on God. Amen. 43:14 I want to shift gears for a last few minutes here tonight. 43:18 That's enough of the negative stuff, 43:20 I want to talk about positive stuff. I want to talk about 43:24 the spirit communion that God has planned for us. 43:28 Did you know that, God wants us to have communion, 43:33 spirit communion with a spirit realm, 43:36 even with angels. In Psalm 34, verse 7 the Bible says, 43:40 "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him. " 43:45 In Hebrews, chapter 1 verse 14, towards the back of the 43:49 New Testament, Hebrews, the first chapter verse 14, 43:55 "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve 43:58 those who will inherit salvation. " 44:00 Now the Bible says the angel of lord encamps around 44:03 them, he stays there, he is with us, if you are one 44:06 who fears God, he is with you, he is around you. 44:09 In Bible times they saw their angels, I believe today 44:15 we are too busy, we are running around here and there 44:18 having two three cars and television sets and 44:21 everything else keeping up with the Jones as we 44:23 are just so busy trying to earn a living that we don't have 44:26 time to look for angels. Maybe we should take time, 44:31 maybe we should be more in touch with the spirit, may be 44:35 we'll see those angels and have experiences like 44:37 they did in Bible times. If you're as great as the 44:41 angels are God has something even better planned for us. 44:45 In John the 16 chapter, Jesus makes a curious statement. 44:49 Jesus said in verse 6, he said "it is for your good that 44:54 I'm going away. " Now that doesn't seem like the truth 44:58 to me, I mean what could be better than to have 45:01 Jesus here with us in person. Amen. 45:04 We would have this place so packed would have to go 45:06 to a football stadium, if Jesus was here in person, 45:10 but he says it's for our good that he goes away, 45:14 unless I go away the councilor that's the Holy Spirit 45:19 will not come to you, but if I go I'll send him to you. 45:21 Jesus said it is better for us, for him to go and to send 45:25 the Holy Spirit to be with us then for him to be here himself 45:29 if that's true and it has to be true, that's in here, 45:31 if that's true then we have not begun to understand or 45:34 grasp the significance of what God's wants to do through 45:38 us today, for us today through his Holy Spirit. 45:41 And so, for this the last part I just marked down a 45:44 few things in my Bible, benefits that we can 45:46 experience right now as a result of the Holy Spirit of God 45:50 and the first one is right here in the same chapter, verse 13, 45:53 "when he the spirit of truth comes, he will guide 45:56 you into all truth," do you want to know the truth. 46:00 I believe you do, you wouldn't be here, 46:02 if you weren't seeking truth, but do you want to know if 46:06 what you're hearing is true, here at Revelation now, 46:09 of course you do. How can you know, 46:13 the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. 46:18 Now remember the Bible was given, by the Holy Spirit, 46:22 and so the spirit, it takes the spirit to open our minds 46:28 to understand what's written on the printed page. 46:31 This is not like any other book, you can't pick it up, 46:34 and while you are jogging read this book and get it all, 46:40 you need to say God, give me the meaning of what 46:44 you're saying by the Holy Spirit and he will guide you 46:48 into all truth. Another thing the Bible 46:51 says right here, he says he will tell you what is 46:55 yet to come, now we saw last night that the Bible 46:59 through the Holy Spirit predicts the future, through prophesies, 47:05 the rise and fall of the nations, we saw that, 47:07 but I believe that this is even more personal than that. 47:12 If you ever had to make a decision and you thought 47:15 something like this, if only I knew what 47:17 was going to happen tomorrow. You ever thought that, 47:20 if only I knew what was going to happen next week, 47:22 man if I knew what's gonna happen next month 47:23 it would be so easy for us, if you ever thought that 47:25 way or am I the only one. Listen to this, 47:30 "he, the Spirit will tell you what is yet to come," 47:34 you know one of my very favorite verses, 47:37 Isaiah 30, verse 21 says, "You'll hear a still small 47:40 of voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it 47:44 whether to the right or to the left. " 47:46 But you see we have to be listening to the still small 47:51 voice of God in order to hear it and he will lead you, 47:55 he will guide you, we've had to make some 47:58 tremendously difficult decisions, but when we 48:01 learned to listen to the Spirit, it's all, it's both, 48:04 it's better than astrology charts, it's better than 48:08 crystal balls, it's better than Weegee boards, 48:13 because God alone knows the truth. And that isn't all, 48:18 in Romans the 8th chapter there are a lot of things that we 48:22 can see here of the benefits of the Holy Spirit. 48:25 In Romans chapter 8 verse 11, have you ever been lonely, 48:28 ever been lonely listen to this verse 11, 48:33 "The spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead 48:35 is living in you," your body, he says it's the temple 48:39 of the Holy Spirit, God's spirit wants to live in you, 48:42 Jesus wants to live in you through his spirit, 48:44 that close folks. That's closer than any husband 48:48 or any wife could ever be that's closer than any son 48:50 or daughter any mother or father, God's spirit wants 48:53 to live in you, you never need be alone anymore 48:56 ever again because the spirit of God is in you, 48:59 that's close. You are never alone, and not only that, the 49:04 "same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you" 49:09 and he'll give life to your mortal bodies, if by 49:12 the spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body 49:14 you lived, he lives in us what us he do in us, 49:17 he gives you by the same power that lifted Jesus from 49:20 the death, that power can be in you and put to death 49:24 the misdeeds of the body. You do not need to be 49:27 enslaved by alcohol, drugs, tobacco, you don not 49:31 to be enslaved by habits like pornography or other things 49:35 that destroy the mind, you do not need to be enslaved 49:38 by gossip if you think you don't have any of 49:40 those other problems, something there for everybody. 49:44 Amen. The spirit of God is here to put to death the misdeeds 49:50 of the body and I see men and women over and over 49:53 again 100s and 1000s of times claiming the power of 49:57 this spirit and set free the shackles that had destroyed 50:00 their minds and bodies and God can do that for you, 50:02 through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, 50:04 that's good news tonight. Amen. That isn't all, 50:09 one lady said you know pastor I wish I didn't come tonight, 50:11 why? Because I didn't know about all of demons spirits, 50:15 now I know about them and I'm scared. 50:16 Well, you don't have to be scared of the demons spirits. 50:21 For every bad angel God has two good ones, 50:24 I'm gonna show you that tomorrow and besides 50:26 that just the Holy Spirit by himself is more powerful 50:31 than all of the demons spirits put together. 50:33 You don't have to be scared. Look verse 15 says, 50:38 "You do not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again 50:41 to fear, but you received the spirit of sonship and by him 50:47 we cry father," the spirit himself testifies 50:50 with our spirit that we are God's children. 50:55 When our boys were little, my wife and I had 50:58 two little boys now they're big and grown up, 51:02 but when they were little, they used to always amaze me. 51:05 They'd be standing in a high place I be down below 51:08 just put my arms out and they would jump right into 51:10 my arms without hesitating. They knew their father 51:14 was not gonna let him down. Something about having 51:19 a father isn't it, that gives us a sense of security; 51:24 well listen to me, your father is the King of Kings. 51:29 The Heavenly Father, the Lord God Almighty, 51:35 and that means that if your father is a king 51:37 then you are a prince, you are a princess, 51:40 you are somebody in this world, you can walk with 51:44 your head held high because you are a child of the king, 51:47 and that makes you important. Sometimes people ask me pastor, 51:55 you keep saying we need to pray, I don't know how to pray, 51:57 you don't have to know how to pray. 52:00 You can talk to God like you talk to a friend, 52:03 you don't have to know how to say all the we's and though's 52:06 and woofs and cuffs, can't even say on myself. 52:13 You can say God, man, I need you, I really blew it 52:19 big time today, you know what I did. I'm ashamed, 52:23 I'm embarrassed I don't want to do things like, 52:25 God help me never do this again. See you can talk to God 52:29 like a friend, that's all you need to do, 52:32 but you know sometimes there are things that 52:34 we might want to say and we just can't think of 52:35 the words to say, you know what I mean. And listen to this, 52:40 in verse 26 in the same way the Spirit helps us, 52:44 "the spirit helps us in our own weakness, 52:48 we do not know what we ought to pray for, but the spirit 52:50 himself intercedes with groans that words could never express," 52:54 don't you like that, you don't even need to know 52:56 what to ask for,you could say God, whatever you 52:58 want me to have, give it to me, you know that he is going to 53:00 give you the best thing for you. What a God we serve. Amen. 53:04 And then the fruits of the Spirit, Galatians 5:20, 53:07 the fruit of the spirit the Bible says, is love, 53:10 could the world use a little more that today, 53:12 "Love, joy, patience," oh I could use a lot more 53:16 that one, peace, doesn't the world need the presence 53:20 of God's Holy Spirit, we can have peace, 53:23 do you want to know the solution to the problems in Iraq, 53:26 here it's the Spirit of God, just submit to him 53:29 if the world would summit to him. We'd be in heaven 53:32 folks, that's the solution to the problem. 53:38 King, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, 53:43 self control. Those are the things that the spirit 53:51 wants to do for you right now, do you want them? 53:55 It's simple, spend time in God's world, 53:59 spend time meditating on the Spirit. John Edward in 54:06 his book crossing over said, "I never do anything without 54:13 consulting my guides from the other side. 54:17 "To him his guides are the spirits of dead people. 54:24 He spends time everyday meditating on his guides, 54:28 and he says if you have spent time everyday meditating 54:33 on your guides you can have spirit guides too. 54:37 Well I hope that no one here tonight wants to be a channel. 54:43 At least that kind of channel, I want to be a channel 54:47 for the Spirit of God, don't you. 54:50 Spend time day after day in God's word meditating 54:54 on his Spirit and he'll lead you into the truth, 54:58 and you will be blessed. How can you tell the 55:03 difference between a true angel and a bad angel, 55:07 test it by the word of God, test it. And sometimes 55:14 I don't know how to test it, a lady said you know 55:19 God told me that I should go over and visit this 55:22 particular person at a certain time on a certain day. 55:25 Was that a good angel or a bad angel, I said you know, 55:30 I don't know. The Bible doesn't say anything about going 55:34 to visit that person at a certain time on a certain day. 55:37 So go, but sooner or later if it's a bad angel he is gonna 55:46 lead you in a direction other than the word of God 55:48 and then you'll know. That's all, spend time in the 55:54 word of God, fix your mind on the Spirit of God 55:59 and he'll do great and wonderful things in you. 56:01 Pray with me tonight. Oh! Lord God, 56:12 we have looked at a lot of things tonight and yes some 56:16 of it could be frightening, were it not for you and 56:19 your power and your spirit and so Lord, we do need 56:24 to be aware of the tactics of the enemy, he's there, 56:26 he is alive and well and he's working hard in this 56:29 whole world, but even more than that we need to be aware of your 56:34 Spirit in touch with your Spirit sensitive to the promptings 56:38 of your spirit and your word. And Lord let us never separate 56:43 the two, tonight while every head is bowed and every eye 56:46 closed in pray, if want to be lead by God's spirit and 56:51 feel the fruits and the benefits of the spirit in this whole 56:53 world in your life right now you just raise your hand 56:55 with me would you do that, just raise your hand, 56:58 every hand ought to go up, I can't imagine anyone 57:00 not wanting God's spirit to lead and guide, Oh Lord, 57:04 we thank you and we praise you in Jesus name. Amen. |
Revised 2014-12-17