Rd 2 Romance

Control Issues and Compromise

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dr. John Jacob (Host), Sean Brereton, Miles Rashad, Bianca Acosta, Jeremiah Dieujuste, Vania Dieujuste


Series Code: RDR

Program Code: RDR000025A

00:23 Hello and welcome to "Road to Romance"
00:26 I'm your host Dr. John Jacob.
00:28 Today, we have with us Bianca, Sean and Miles.
00:32 Welcome! Hi! Hello!
00:33 So today, we are going to cover
00:35 control and controlling behavior.
00:38 I'm going to try to see if I could help you guys
00:40 to identify when you are getting ready to get
00:43 into a relationship with someone who might be a
00:46 controller. All right. Okay!
00:48 So people control out of fear mostly.
00:51 They want to be in control of the environment.
00:53 They want to be control of the outcome and they're afraid
00:57 that if they leave everything up to you,
00:59 you're probably going to mess things up.
01:02 So a wife who is a controller in that case
01:05 would perhaps want to choose your jacket.
01:09 You look pretty sharp today, but if you had a
01:12 controlling partner, she might not think that
01:14 that jacket matched that shirt.
01:16 Oh, that's... okay, that's like an example of someone who...
01:20 It's an example of someone who, yes...
01:22 and so she would ask you to change your jacket. Okay
01:25 What is she's just watching out for you?
01:27 What if she's just watching out for you?
01:29 How do you tell the difference between someone who is
01:31 just looking out for your best interest,
01:34 and someone who is a controller?
01:35 We have a few ways.
01:37 So let me just define what controlling is first,
01:39 and then we'll take a look at that.
01:41 So control is the power to directly influence
01:44 another person's actions, behavior or choices,
01:47 but a lot of us do that without controlling.
01:51 But here's the difference...
01:52 If exercising this power is unwelcomed or unwanted,
01:58 sometimes unrequested, then there's a chance that
02:02 you are a controller.
02:04 So even in an example where someone wants to be
02:08 controlled, that person controlling them is not
02:12 a typical controlling situation?
02:14 It's interesting that you ask that because
02:16 that was my next question, that's my next question.
02:19 I have three questions for you guys and this question
02:21 that you just asked is very, very close to it.
02:24 Here it is... Are you a controller if the
02:27 person being controlled wants to be controlled
02:31 or likes to be controlled?
02:32 I think so because it's called "mind control."
02:34 But are you controlling - the person wants it? I think so.
02:38 So based on our previous definition... Manipulation.
02:41 So what is our previous definition of control, remember?
02:43 That they don't want it. Yeah. If it's unwanted.
02:46 It is not controlling them. Yeah
02:47 If it's unwanted, but if the person wants it...
02:49 And let me qualify some terms...
02:52 Sometimes we mistake control for the need for structure
02:57 or the need for leadership.
02:59 So very often guys get with a lady and find out that
03:05 she wants them to make the decisions.
03:08 You know, she does not want you to ask her repeatedly,
03:11 "Well which restaurant are we going to go to tonight, honey?"
03:13 "Which restaurant," you know, over and over and over.
03:15 She wants you and she will say, "Can you make
03:17 that decision, Sean, you know I trust you,
03:19 whatever decision you make, wherever you decide
03:22 you would like to eat tonight, that's fine with me."
03:24 Isn't that like being a leader though?
03:26 Right - so you're taking the leadership role
03:28 because she is giving it to you.
03:29 And then you're not controlling Yeah, I agree.
03:33 because that's what she wants. Right?
03:35 But here's another scenario...
03:37 If you are refusing to let your partner tell you what to eat
03:42 or how to dress, or what to read or who to talk to,
03:47 does that make you a controller?
03:50 I think it would - even if the person ended up coming
03:53 to accept that... like if that's what you're making the
03:58 person do - like you're controlling all these aspects,
04:01 maybe they'd end up becoming rather submissive to it,
04:04 they accept it like, "Oh it's just part of life.
04:07 this is just what he does, I'm okay with it."
04:10 But then you're trying to make them in exactly
04:15 what you want them to be, and that's a problem.
04:17 Let me personalize that question for you...
04:20 If as we are sitting here right now,
04:22 you thought that Sean was sitting too close to you
04:26 and you said, "Sean, (she did not say,)
04:33 and you said, "Sean, can you scoot over, like a foot.
04:38 I need some more personal space."
04:42 "And also, while you're doing that,
04:44 could you stop talking to me."
04:47 Please. No, we're not talking about
04:48 whether she's too blunt now, we're just talking about
04:50 controlling people.
04:51 I know, he has some history there, right? Right?
04:54 Too much.
04:55 Would that make you a controller - if you were
04:57 trying to secure your own boundaries?
05:00 I don't think so in that case.
05:02 It would be, I guess, controlling my own space
05:06 not trying to control who he is as a person. Right
05:09 Like I'm controlling my own space, huh, like that? Exactly.
05:12 You're allowed to control your own space.
05:15 You're allowed to control your own life.
05:17 You're allowed to decide what you will eat,
05:21 what you will wear, which job you will hold,
05:26 who is allowed to talk to you, and, as a young lady,
05:30 I know you know how important that is. Yeah
05:32 You don't want any and everybody coming up to you,
05:35 stepping up to you thinking that they could
05:37 carry on a major conversation, you know, trying to be slick
05:39 perhaps, you know, get a conversation in.
05:42 Trying to be slick, but they're not that slick.
05:44 They're not that slick, right?
05:45 So it's important to realize that when it comes to
05:48 boundaries, you guys have the right to establish your
05:52 boundaries without feeling that you are being controlling. Amen!
05:56 Okay, that's very, very important because a lot of
05:58 people will try to violate those boundaries and tell you
06:01 what you need to do with you. Okay
06:05 Now on the other hand, if someone is refusing
06:09 to let you decide what you want to eat, how you want to dress,
06:13 what you should read, how you should talk,
06:17 what you should say, is that person a controller?
06:20 Yeah. Yes.
06:23 I notice that Sean had to think about it.
06:25 Yeah, I am trying to give it some thought.
06:27 Okay, we have two "yeses," so...
06:30 I'm going to lean towards "yes."
06:32 You're going to lean towards "yes,"
06:33 but you're not quite sure.
06:36 You think there's a possibility that someone can dictate
06:38 your every move without being controlling?
06:41 And I'm not talking about a parent or a child,
06:45 but I'm talking about equal partners.
06:47 Yeah, I don't think so. Yeah
06:48 So it's very, very important for you to keep that in mind. Okay
06:51 No one is allowed to do that to you.
06:53 When you're going out on dates, what the research is showing is
06:57 that controllers show their hand
06:59 long before they get to the altar. Hmm
07:02 This is as far as like dictating where they are
07:04 going to eat, what type of activity. Yeah
07:07 So what could be the difference between a man initiating
07:10 or making suggestions to mean okay your women would say,
07:14 you know, "You let us know where we want to eat,
07:17 you make that decision," how can you
07:19 make that different in someone who is just
07:22 controlling the whole situation throughout the whole thing.
07:24 I'll give you an example... Okay
07:25 Sometimes you could test things to find out
07:27 if you're dealing with a controlling situation.
07:29 If you went to dinner and you decided to pick the restaurant,
07:33 and she said, "Oh I would love to have you pick
07:35 the restaurant," so you pick the restaurant. Right
07:37 And you get there and then you decided to order for her.
07:43 "This is what you're going to eat."
07:44 There are some guys that would do that. Right
07:46 Now, you didn't ask or you didn't say,
07:49 "Can I order you the..."
07:50 Right, you're not giving her the option.
07:52 You're not giving her the option, you just
07:54 ... you never even looked in her direction.
07:55 You got the menu... Oh it happens...
07:57 It happens a lot. Yeah, it does. Yeah
07:59 And some women are okay with it because it's, you know,
08:03 in terms of class... Soundbites?
08:05 yeah, well in terms of class in certain circles,
08:08 it's allowed and sometimes they don't even
08:10 think it's submission, it's a class thing sometimes.
08:12 But here's the rub, what if she says,
08:15 "Oh I don't think I want that," and you said,
08:17 "No, you will eat this."
08:19 Okay, that's controlling.
08:20 You see where you cross the line? Um hm
08:22 So that could be the difference between
08:25 being a leader and a dictator.
08:27 Ahhh - perfect, I love that!
08:29 I love that and you guys don't want to be dictators
08:31 and you do not want to be dictated to. Right!
08:34 As a Y-type female, I am not even worried about Bianca.
08:38 The rebel. Not either. Laughter
08:41 Y- types are exceptional at stating where their boundary is,
08:46 and they can tell you where that boundary is from a mile off.
08:48 They don't wait until you step on the toe to say,
08:51 "Step off," no, they're telling you that while you're
08:53 coming toward them 10 feet away. Right
08:55 I'll say it nicely, but I'll say it.
08:56 And I'm glad that she'll say it nicely
08:58 because they don't, you know, always say it nicely.
09:01 So basically, so you guys think you have an idea of
09:04 what the difference is? Yes. Um hm.
09:05 Okay, so in a relationship, if you feel that you must
09:08 always have your way, you're a controller. Okay
09:12 If you're with someone who feels that she must always
09:14 have her way, she's a controller.
09:18 That takes a little while to figure out.
09:21 You're not going to find that out on a first date
09:23 because, you know, the first date you want to please her,
09:24 the second date you want to please her.
09:25 If you get to the 10th date and you still haven't
09:27 seen your restaurant, I'm guessing...
09:31 What happened in the first couple of dates,
09:32 but I think you have not too long after that
09:34 you can kind of tell... Okay, if I making suggestions
09:38 and she's not reciprocating or going along with that,
09:42 then that's when it's time when... Okay, something is up.
09:45 Yeah and some controllers have a tone, a voice, that they use
09:50 that you know, Sort of dismissive...
09:52 Dismissive, condescending, "I'm in charge, I'll tell you what
09:54 to do and some are very subtle, very sweet... "Oh Sean, can you
09:59 do this for me please," but you better not say no.
10:03 You know, you better not say no.
10:05 Okay, here are a couple of things that you're not
10:09 allowed control over...
10:11 If you're in a relationship, you do not get to decide,
10:14 by yourself, the pace of that relationship.
10:20 True, that's true. I like that.
10:21 Is that fair? Yes. Um hm.
10:23 And you shouldn't let someone else decide that either.
10:25 Bianca, you don't want a guy coming up and saying,
10:27 "You know, we've been dating for 6 months,
10:28 I just decided you're going to be my girlfriend from today."
10:31 "You're my girlfriend." Use you?
10:33 Exactly, but people do this.
10:35 People actually do this.
10:36 They say, "Hey, we're boyfriend and girlfriend."
10:39 But that generally would have a negative effect on that
10:41 person who is being, you know, controlled I guess
10:45 because they're going to push back.
10:46 They're going to like... they might say, "Okay
10:48 I'll be your girlfriend" or whatever the case is,
10:50 but in their mind, a red flag is going to pop up,
10:53 and that's not really going to progress the relationship.
10:55 Absolutely. Oh sorry, um.
10:57 What were you going to say? I was just going to say...
10:58 For some people, it might be... you know what,
11:00 "God is telling me this," that's a big thing.
11:05 You know and all of a sudden it's like... hmm
11:08 They may be using religion,
11:10 but if someone says something to me and they use religion,
11:13 I would prefer to err on the side of caution. Okay
11:16 If you tell me, "Hey, I really don't kiss before marriage,"
11:21 even if I think that's outdated, even if I thought, you know,
11:25 "Hey wow, that's antiquated," I have to respect that because
11:28 you are telling me that this is your moral boundary,
11:31 and you guys have to expect the flip side of that too.
11:35 If you tell someone, "I'm not comfortable with this,
11:37 I'm not going to do that," they need to respect that. Yeah
11:42 And you don't have to give him a thousand reasons...
11:43 You can just say, "Well this is my moral boundary." Yeah. Right.
11:45 I guess what I was speaking to was like, you know,
11:48 "I just feel like God is telling me we should be in
11:50 a relationship," that kind of idea.
11:52 Right, oh, I am so glad that you mentioned that.
11:54 You've heard that, right? I've heard that so much.
11:56 "God gave me a sign and He told me."
11:58 He didn't give me the sign.
11:59 The first person to walk through this door tonight
12:02 is the one and low and behold,
12:05 you walked in, you're the one Sean!
12:07 I'm sorry... the pace of a relationship needs to be
12:11 decided by two.
12:13 You need to say to the lady, "Listen, you said that
12:16 God said?" He needs to talk to me. Right
12:19 He needs to confirm this with me because I didn't
12:22 see and I didn't hear, so don't fall for that
12:25 trap or trick because a lot of people use it...
12:28 that needs to go both ways. Okay?
12:30 All right, you also do not get to decide whether the
12:35 relationship continues or not.
12:39 I cannot tell you how many people I've heard from
12:43 who have said, "Oh, I tried to break up with my boyfriend,
12:47 but he told me that he wasn't letting me break up with him."
12:49 That's crazy! Oh, it happens!
12:51 I've heard that a lot. It' happens!
12:53 And if she says, "Oh I'm breaking up anyway,"
12:55 and then it's followed by a threat, "Oh really?"
12:59 "Really? I don't think so."
13:00 "You're not breaking up with me."
13:03 So, anyone that sounds like either because of use of force,
13:08 you know, control or using some kind of manipulative technique
13:15 like crying or begging or fainting or "I'm going to die."
13:21 Can't live without you. Yeah, all of that.
13:22 You want to make sure that you don't fall for that.
13:25 Now I have to say, some people get so neurotic
13:28 and so emotional about it that they have said
13:32 threatened, "You know, I'm going to take my life
13:35 if you leave me," and that has happened
13:37 more often than you would think.
13:39 Now for something like that, you would want to pause,
13:41 it doesn't mean that you're staying in the relationship,
13:42 but you want to stay around to make sure that
13:44 she is not serious.
13:46 You know, you don't want to off with a
13:48 guilty conscience because you tried to establish
13:52 your boundaries and didn't give a care
13:53 for whether or not she was serious.
13:54 She might need some kind of help,
13:57 in terms of psychiatric help, psychological help,
13:59 and you want to be there for that,
14:01 but once that is done, you're taking off, right?
14:07 Okay, so those are some ideas I wanted to share with
14:10 you guys with regard to control and I think if you keep
14:13 those simple things in mind,
14:15 I think you guys will do just fine.
14:16 Okay, thank you! All right?
14:18 So I'll see you next time. Thanks!
14:28 Hello and welcome back to "Road to Romance"
14:30 We're joined again by Vania and Jeremiah.
14:33 Welcome! Thank you.
14:35 I thought today we could cover
14:36 control and controlling behavior.
14:39 So, let me start by defining what controlling behavior
14:42 looks like in a relationship.
14:44 So controlling behavior is the power to directly
14:48 influence another person's actions behavioral choices,
14:53 but not just influence, but influence to someone
14:57 who doesn't want to be influenced...
15:00 So it's an unwanted influence, Okay
15:02 and when it unwanted, it's control, okay?
15:06 So I'm going to do this a little different with you guys,
15:09 and I'd like to start by sharing examples of control...
15:12 And the reason why I want to do that is because I've
15:14 run into a lot of couples, I have a lot of wives that
15:18 come to me and they were complaining about the husband's
15:20 controlling behavior or the other way around.
15:23 It's no longer just the man that's controlling,
15:25 we're having a lot of complaints from men who feel
15:28 that there're being totally run over and then I would
15:33 talk to the wife about it and she would say,
15:35 "Control? I've never controlled my husband, never."
15:38 You would have no idea. No idea!
15:41 It's so natural. Right, it's natural and it's
15:43 very subtle, so I'd thought I would take a look
15:46 at some of the behaviors that were being reported to me
15:50 and share some with you.
15:52 So, #1- Lecturing your partner about what should be done...
15:58 is controlling behavior - you're not a lecturer,
16:01 you're a husband.
16:03 You're not allowed to keep the broken record going
16:06 over and over - you're allowed to ask, you know,
16:09 but you know what the posture of lecturing looks like.
16:12 It's a bit condescending. Okay?
16:15 Hacking the conversation with your interruptions.
16:19 That's controlling.
16:21 So, Vania is trying to make a point - she's trying to
16:24 explain something to you and the way you control
16:27 the outcome of this conversation is by constant
16:29 interruption and speaking above her,
16:32 a couple of decibels, you know, above you louder,
16:36 and trying to shut her down that way.
16:40 Okay and what about if someone is talking and then
16:45 you start saying something else - so it's like
16:47 you change the conversation.
16:50 That's a good point, deflection!
16:53 So you're trying to get them away from talking
16:55 about what they're talking about and that is also
16:57 a form of control.
16:59 Some people use what they call "piggybacking."
17:01 So Jeremiah comes to you with a complaint and you don't
17:04 even address it - you jump in with something he did
17:08 two weeks ago that you thought was something you should
17:13 have complained about but didn't. Okay
17:14 So that's another form of control - you're trying to
17:18 make sure that he doesn't get his point across,
17:20 so that it's not going to be dealt with.
17:22 Now "serial talking" which is making sure that you keep
17:27 talking and talking and talking and talking so that
17:31 your partner has no time left to insert their concerns...
17:36 So it happens especially when you have like 10 minutes
17:38 left or maybe you guys have gone to the doctor...
17:41 So you have a doctor's appointment and you know
17:42 he is going to call you and in 5 minutes and that's
17:44 when you drop the bomb and you keep talking and talking
17:47 so that you run out the clock,
17:49 like a football game. Exactly Right?
17:52 That's not allowed! That's controlling behavior.
17:55 Now insisting that anything or something is done,
17:59 only when you say it should be done and should be done
18:04 exactly how you want it to be done, immediately
18:08 rather than some other time. That's controlling behavior.
18:13 So there has to be some flexibility there
18:15 to where if you have a need to talk right at that moment,
18:18 but the other person, for whatever reason may
18:21 say, "You know what, maybe it's best if we postpone
18:24 this conversation until maybe later today or something
18:27 like that which is still fairly quickly to resolve the matter.
18:29 But you're respecting their right to say, "I'm choosing
18:32 to remove myself from this conversation at this time.
18:35 So the person has to be allowed to have that time
18:38 to say, "We need to break from this conversation." Yeah
18:40 And not just conversation... What if Vania asked you to
18:44 take your shoes from the living room and put them back
18:48 in the closet?
18:50 If Vania expects you to do it 10 seconds before the words
18:55 drop from her lips, that's controlling behavior.
18:58 This is the way we grew up... our parents expected
19:01 immediate obedience. Right
19:04 If what you have to do to comply with your partner feels like
19:07 immediate obedience is required, it's controlling.
19:11 And what about if he asks me to put away my shoes,
19:17 and he expects me to do it in 2 hours and I find it
19:21 okay to do it in 10 hours?
19:24 Ah, that's a good one. That's a good one! Laughter
19:29 That's a good one because now you guys are going to have to
19:31 compromise on what exactly is reasonable
19:35 because 2 hours might not be a problem,
19:38 but 10 hours would be a horrible thing if you had
19:41 some guests coming over in 5 hours...
19:43 So this is something that you guys would have to decide,
19:45 but that's a good point.
19:46 I think the controlling is really when you want
19:48 it to be done now for now. Okay
19:51 But I would try to not be too rigid on the exact time,
19:55 like I would try to not say, "Okay, 2 hours and I'm watching
19:57 my clock... let me see, he has 5 minutes
19:59 to move those shoes or there's trouble," you know.
20:01 I would try not to do that, but that's a good question.
20:05 Thinking you're always right! That is controlling.
20:10 Mostly because you're not. I was going to say...
20:13 it's more than controlling, it's dangerous.
20:15 It's dangerous. You're not always right.
20:16 Even if you are the man of the house, you're not always right.
20:20 If you were always right, you probably
20:21 wouldn't need a partner. Exactly
20:23 You could just do all the thinking, do all the planning...
20:27 do you live your life?
20:29 You wouldn't need Vania. Exactly
20:31 So if you find yourself thinking, even most of the time,
20:35 that you're always right... I was say that is controlling
20:37 behavior. Okay?
20:39 "Overreacting to little things."
20:43 We have more X-types that do that than Y-types
20:47 because X-types are more reactive and they're more
20:50 emotional - so reacting to every little thing
20:54 it's a form of manipulation and manipulation
20:57 can easily be controlled.
20:59 So you want to make sure that you choose
21:02 what you're going to react to and not everything
21:05 needs a reaction.
21:06 You're always quick to point out how your partner
21:09 is doing something wrong... if that is your style,
21:13 then you're affecting your partner's self-esteem.
21:16 If the only thing that comes out of your mouth is,
21:19 "You broke this again, you broke another glass,"
21:22 you know what I'm saying, and even if it's true,
21:25 the point is if you are doing this repeatedly,
21:28 then you're affecting the person's self-esteem.
21:31 One of our most notable scientists on the West Coast
21:37 that studies marital satisfaction has found
21:41 that the ratio of criticism, even constructive criticism,
21:45 the compliments, the ratio should be what?
21:50 It should really be 1:5, in other words,
21:53 you should complement five times more than you're criticized,
21:59 and this is scientific, he has measured it.
22:01 What he has found is... When the ratio of compliments
22:05 to criticism gets down to 1:1, they are just about ready
22:12 to start talking about going their separate ways. Wow
22:16 You would have thought 1:1, a lot of people think
22:19 "Come on now, give her a compliment for every time
22:21 I give her a criticism, I'm doing good."
22:22 Not according to the research.
22:25 If you're not 5:1, you are on dangerous ground.
22:30 Yeah... I was going to say, that's one
22:31 of the things that I actually try to do with her is
22:34 you know, I try to be as complimentary as I can
22:37 with just about everything, you know, whenever I notice
22:39 something that maybe most people
22:41 wouldn't give a thought to...
22:43 I'm like, "Oh, I see that this is what you're doing,"
22:45 I encourage her, I like to feel like - I'm helping make a
22:49 difference positively in bringing her down. Yeah
22:52 I like that about you! I bet you do, I bet you do.
22:56 You probably do the same thing too. Yes, yes.
22:58 The reason why I'm guessing is because, again, it's hormonal.
23:02 They found that oxytocin actually causes
23:04 people to be more attentive.
23:06 They've actually done experiments where they've
23:08 offered nasal spray to men who were inattentive and then
23:12 once the men got the nasal oxytocin spray,
23:15 they would go to their wives and say, "Oh my gosh,
23:18 your eyes are blue and when did you cut your hair,
23:21 I really like that."
23:23 That was the first time that they had seen this,
23:24 and the wife said, "Well, I had this like 6 months ago."
23:27 But that is the power of oxytocin, so those of you that
23:29 are naturally high in oxytocin, it's easier for you to be
23:33 attentive that way, but it's absolutely essential.
23:36 We found that people who cannot bring aspects of their own
23:40 lives under control - so that it relieves their stress,
23:44 tend to want to control someone else's.
23:49 If I have a whole lot of things in my life that I just,
23:52 I'm trying but I'm not getting anywhere with them,
23:55 then sometimes I might think it's easier for me to try
23:58 with your life - I can get you to comply quicker than
24:02 I can get myself to comply with the very things that
24:04 I need to fix.
24:06 How aware are they that they're...
24:09 They're not, oh they're not.
24:11 I was going to ask the same thing. No, not at all.
24:12 They'll be aware now when they view the program,
24:15 they'll be aware when you share with them,
24:17 they'll be aware, but most times they are
24:18 not aware at all.
24:21 If you keep overthrowing your partner's plans in favor of
24:24 yours, you are controlling.
24:31 There has to be a time when you are going to let her plans
24:33 stand and you're going to say, "You know what,
24:35 honey, let's just do what you want us to do tonight."
24:39 It does not always have to be about you.
24:43 Let me ask you a question to that end...
24:45 So if, because you were talking about control,
24:48 and in a previous segment I recall you saying that
24:51 you have the right to establish your boundaries, it's okay,
24:56 "I want to wear this, I don't want to
24:58 wear this and things like that.
25:00 So if you say to your partner, "I want to stay in,"
25:03 but then she wants to go out... you're not
25:04 stopping her from going out, but she insists that you go out
25:07 with her, so how do you draw that line right there.
25:09 Same rule... if every time she wants to go out or often
25:14 that she wants to go out, you want to stay at home,
25:17 that's controlling behavior, mostly because
25:21 she wants to go out with you. Okay
25:23 Now if she said, "I want to go out, but you don't
25:26 have to come, it's okay, I'll go with my girlfriends,"
25:30 that's different, but you know that she probably doesn't
25:33 have a bunch of girlfriends, she does not too many friends
25:35 out here and so she's relying on you to go,
25:38 but you're always tired or you're
25:39 a homebody and you want to stay home...
25:41 It's okay to do that, but not most of the time
25:44 or that becomes controlling behavior or selfish behavior.
25:50 Also, no backhanded compliments, backhanded compliments
25:54 you cannot say to your wife, "Of course, you know you're not
25:57 as fat as you used to be." Laughter
26:00 I know what you're trying to say, but where are you
26:03 going to sleep tonight - I mean on the sofa probably. Right?
26:06 Yeah, if you're not already there.
26:09 Before we go to our spiritual application,
26:11 I wanted to share one point, I have spoken to many women
26:15 who said they could not turn over the leadership
26:19 to their men because they didn't trust his judgment
26:23 and that's a difficult place to be - because the Bible
26:27 does imply that the husband has the leadership role.
26:30 But if you don't trust His judgment to do the right
26:34 thing for the family, why would you want to
26:36 turn it over?
26:38 So before we go, I wanted to talk about freedom.
26:40 You know the Bible says, "Where the Spirit of the Lord
26:43 is, there is liberty," 2 Corinthians 3:17
26:46 Freedom - wherever the Spirit of the Lord is...
26:49 If you think the Spirit of the Lord is in your home,
26:52 then guess what? Your wife will tell her
26:56 friends, "I feel pretty free."
26:58 "My husband allows me to be who I am." Right
27:01 If she says anything else, then something is wrong with
27:04 your spirit walk.
27:06 Remember why Christ died.
27:08 Remember what happened with Adam and Eve.
27:11 Remember Christ thought so much about freedom
27:12 that He put that tree in the Garden of Eden,
27:15 He didn't have to.
27:17 We wouldn't be here today if he didn't,
27:19 but He did that because of the value that He
27:22 places on freedom and it's an affront to God, I think,
27:26 for anyone to feel that they have a right
27:28 to control another human being even if it's your wife. Right
27:33 It's not right, then Christ died in vain because He
27:37 died so that she could be free. Does that make sense?
27:40 It makes perfect sense. And God doesn't even
27:42 force us to choose for Him.
27:44 No, He does not... He doesn't even for us
27:47 to choose Him - even that He allows up to us.
27:52 Even though He wants that, but He gives us the free choice.
27:55 Absolutely.
27:56 So I would like to thank you guys for being on
27:59 the program today and I am going to see you both next time.


Revised 2017-08-02