Rd 2 Romance

The Five Dimensions

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dr. John Jacob (Host), Yvette Mingo, Miles Rashad, Bianca Acosta, Jeremiah Dieujuste, Vania Dieujuste


Series Code: RDR

Program Code: RDR000015A

00:23 Hello and welcome to "Road to Romance"
00:25 I'm your host Dr. John Jacob
00:27 With us today are Yvette, Miles and Bianca
00:30 Welcome! Good to be back!
00:32 I am sure you had sleepless moments, sleepless nights
00:36 worrying about the results of your test. Yeah. Slightly.
00:41 So we are going to share those results with you today,
00:44 but before we do, I'd like to explain how these tests work,
00:48 and also explain the different personality types
00:51 so that when I show you your results,
00:53 they will be really clear to you. Okay.
00:55 So there are four relationship types.
01:00 There's the XX, XY, YY and YX.
01:05 Everybody that you will ever meet, single or married
01:09 falls into one of those four categories which makes it
01:13 really simple.
01:15 So if you're an XX, it means that you have a
01:18 high need for communication and a high emotional need.
01:23 That's what X really means.
01:25 Some people ask, is this X and Y chromosomes? No it's not.
01:28 It just, coincidentally, happened, you know,
01:31 to be X and Y, but X really means high,
01:35 and Y really means low.
01:36 So no matter what the category is, that's how it works.
01:39 So the second one is XY, and if you're an
01:42 XY personality type, you are an X communicator...
01:46 meaning that you have high communication needs
01:49 and you prefer to communicate a lot rather than a little.
01:53 And the Y means that you are fairly unemotional
01:57 or you have low emotional needs.
02:00 I see Miles is already smiling at me which tells me that
02:03 he's already sensing his results, but you have to wait.
02:07 Very emotional person. Emotional? Okay, okay.
02:10 So YY is the third relationship type and it means
02:14 you're a Y communicator which means you don't have a lot of
02:17 communication needs - you could get by with a little,
02:20 in fact, you prefer it.
02:22 The second Y means that you're fairly unemotional.
02:26 So put those two together...
02:27 You don't talk very much, you don't share very much,
02:31 you don't feel very much.
02:33 That's what you're looking at in terms of
02:35 personality type, keep that in mind.
02:36 And then the last one is YX.
02:38 It means that you are a Y communicator again,
02:41 low need for communication, but this time,
02:43 you have a high emotional need, so those are your four types.
02:48 Do you guys have any questions on those?
02:51 No. Not yet. No.
02:52 Not yet...Okay. I have an idea what I am but...
02:55 You have an idea? Yeah. All right.
02:57 So we'll go to our next slide and take a look at some of the
03:00 tests that are available.
03:04 So the test that you guys took is this first test.
03:07 It's the South Test, The XY Personality Test,
03:11 and I believe the version that you took
03:13 was the expanded version.
03:14 I usually encourage folks to take the expanded version
03:17 because it tells you everything that you need to know
03:19 about yourself and it asks about 30 to 40 questions
03:23 to make sure it captures every aspect of your personality.
03:26 So the test that you took, Miles,
03:30 I believe was the first one.
03:32 If you had a partner and you were wondering like...
03:34 say you just started dating someone,
03:36 and you were wondering, you were thinking to yourself...
03:38 Dr. Jacob told me that 90% of folks dating out there
03:44 will never make it to the altar,
03:45 and I don't want to be in that 90%,
03:47 so I need to test my partner or have my partner take the test.
03:51 Now first I have to tell you... You cannot go to the
03:53 young lady, Miles, and say, "Hey, you need to take this
03:56 test because if you don't take this test, we're finished,
03:59 we're not going to be going forward." Gotcha
04:00 And you also cannot make it sound like it's a deal breaker.
04:04 You know, you want to just be somewhere having dinner
04:06 and say, "Hey, you know what, we are fifth in line,
04:08 we have a little extra time, why don't you take this test?"
04:11 "I have this nice, fun test on my phone right here,
04:14 we could just take it online and just do this
04:16 to pass the time away."
04:17 So you want to make sure that you down play it
04:19 because you don't want to raise her anxiety level
04:22 and put her on guard, right Miles? Okay
04:24 Okay, and then the third test is the "XY Perception Test."
04:28 Now this test is for a host of partners who are
04:32 absolutely reluctant to taking this test or any test.
04:35 They do not like tests, especially personality tests
04:38 that could tell you about them. Okay
04:42 They are private, they are guarded.
04:44 Nothing is wrong with that, but I had to create a test
04:47 to get you around that little problem because
04:50 you, Miles, need to know what kind of a personality
04:53 you're getting involved with potentially
04:54 for the rest of your life. Amen!
04:57 So it's the "Reluctant Partner Test" or, in this case,
05:02 we also call it the "XY Perception Test"
05:04 because it's your perception of this other individual.
05:07 And then the fourth test, we call it "Tag-Your-X Test."
05:10 If you were previously married or you were in a previous
05:14 relationship that did not end well, guess what?
05:19 You're not getting closure.
05:21 You're making those calls, they're not being returned,
05:23 the texts are not being returned...
05:25 She virtually disappeared from the face of the earth,
05:27 and never said, "Miles, you know what it was?
05:30 It was your dog, I don't like dogs - I'm allergic."
05:33 She never said anything, so there was no closure.
05:35 Well that test will allow you, Miles, if you know her
05:38 well enough, to take it and find out what her personality
05:40 was and compare that to yours and have some closure. Okay
05:44 Does that make sense? Makes a lot of sense!
05:46 Okay, are you guys ready for your results?
05:48 We're ready. Absolutely!
05:49 All right, let's take a look at the results.
05:54 Starting with Bianca... What? Okay Miles,
06:00 we're allowed a little bit of shock and surprise
06:02 on this program, but we're going to come to you
06:05 after we look at Bianca.
06:07 So Bianca, it says in communication,
06:09 you are a Y - which means that you have a low need
06:13 for communication - it probably means that you don't mind
06:15 being alone.
06:17 Sounds about right. Does this sound correct?
06:19 Definitely! Yeah?
06:20 Yeah, I love my alone time, need to recharge
06:24 before I spend time with people. Yeah? Yeah.
06:27 Okay, so if someone wanted to date you and they didn't
06:31 know this, they would get an ugly surprise
06:33 if this person wanted to be as close to you
06:36 as the clothes that you wear.
06:40 It would not work, it would be difficult.
06:42 You'd find them smothering and this test would have saved you
06:46 or saved them from, you know, years and years and years of
06:49 trying to figure this out.
06:51 So in intimacy, however, it says that you have a moderate
06:53 need for intimacy - which means you don't mind probably
06:58 romance and you don't mind someone that's
07:00 affectionate. Right.
07:01 Okay, so that sounds correct to you?
07:04 It also says that you have a high adaptability and
07:07 with adaptability you're either high or low.
07:10 And basically what that means is...
07:11 You're the type of person that will be willing to
07:14 make adjustments in the relationship.
07:15 I want you guys to think about this...
07:17 Unless you're dating your twin, identical twin,
07:21 not even fraternal twin, identical twin
07:23 with the same personality, you are going to
07:25 need to make adjustments in the relationship...
07:29 Which means adaptability becomes very, very, very
07:32 important because you'll always find someone that does things
07:34 a little different from how you do,
07:36 and it will make you uncomfortable,
07:37 and unless you prepare, in your mind,
07:40 to make adjustments, you'll find yourself in trouble.
07:44 Now what this science is showing us is that you can know
07:47 if somebody is adaptable before you get into the relationship,
07:50 before you get too deep,
07:52 so deep that you don't want to back out.
07:54 Can you give us an example?
07:56 Easy - Miles, can you take me to... and they call the name of
08:03 a restaurant - their favorite restaurant.
08:04 And you say, "Well that's about a hundred miles away."
08:08 "How about we go to this other restaurant 20 miles away?"
08:13 "No, absolutely not."
08:15 What did you not understand, Miles?
08:18 "I want to go to this restaurant,
08:19 this is my favorite restaurant." Okay
08:21 "And if you care about me, you would take me there?"
08:23 See, that's the problem!
08:25 Normally, like if I'm with somebody and she has a
08:29 favorite restaurant... I'm all for like,
08:32 you know, treating you and taking you to the place
08:34 where you want to go because it makes you happy,
08:36 and 100 miles to me is not that big of a distance to make
08:39 somebody who I'm with happy, but if you're...
08:42 Wow ladies, are we hearing this? Yes
08:44 Let's hear this again, let's hear this again.
08:46 Yes, so what I'm saying is...
08:48 A hundred miles is like 2 miles to you. It's okay. For now.
08:51 If that makes you happy, then if I have the transportation,
08:54 or the means, whatever, to get there, we can make it happen,
08:57 but then if I make a suggestion like, okay, let's go
09:00 to this one," but you're still like stuck on...
09:03 "No, we have to go there," then, "No, you're
09:06 never going there after all."
09:07 So there's a question of flexibility. Exactly.
09:09 And, if you're with someone who is inflexible,
09:11 that goes over into the marriage. Right.
09:14 Because people tend to, you know, carry their
09:17 personalities with them.
09:18 Okay, Bianca you are also high in interactivity,
09:22 and interactivity has a lot of components,
09:25 but in the interest of time, we'll just focus on one. Alright
09:28 And the one we'll focus on is... Your need for resolution.
09:34 When there's conflict, how fast do you want this
09:37 conflict to be resolved?
09:38 This has been a problem in relationships...
09:41 It's almost been the cause for a lot of breakups.
09:45 So the question is... How fast do you want it
09:48 to happen to you?
09:50 I can give an example...
09:51 As a child, if my sister and I fought or if we
09:55 argued about something and one of us was upset,
09:57 before bedtime I'd be like, "Okay I'm sorry."
10:00 Like I took that verse to heart that said, "Do not let the sun
10:04 go down on your anger," so I was like,
10:06 "I want to take care of this, you know, before tomorrow,
10:09 let's deal with this." Absolutely, absolutely,
10:11 Absolutely, so okay, so you understand that.
10:14 Quality time is exactly what it says.
10:16 It says you have a high amount of quality time available,
10:20 and it's sort of a flip on the high and low.
10:23 Yeah, it's like interesting.
10:25 When you took the test, the test said "high,"
10:28 but what this means is that the amount of time
10:30 that you spend on your devices is low - so you have
10:34 a high amount of quality time available
10:36 for a relationship. Does that make sense?
10:38 Okay, let's go to Miles, we'll go a little faster.
10:40 Miles, you are borderline; borderline in communication,
10:45 in your need for communication;
10:47 and borderline in intimacy.
10:49 Does that sound about right? Yeah, for the most part.
10:52 All right, so adaptability, you're also high,
10:55 and we already know that because you're going to
10:56 drive 100 miles to take your lady to her favorite restaurant.
10:59 Interactivity - Also high, you like to resolve conflicts
11:03 sooner rather than later. Right
11:04 Because that really does a number on relationships.
11:07 Quality time - you also have a lot of quality time available
11:10 for the person that you're interested in.
11:11 Is that correct? Um hm.
11:13 Okay, Yvette, let's take a look at you.
11:17 Your communication needs are high, fairly high,
11:22 and it doesn't mean that you don't have a few Y traits
11:24 in there, a things that it might be low,
11:26 but overall, you prefer someone that's a communicator
11:29 as opposed to someone that you have to text 100 times to
11:32 get one reply back or call 50 times to no replies back.
11:36 Yeah, so you're a high communicator.
11:39 Intimacy - you're moderate, so it's still up there,
11:44 still high - you have a need, but you are neither neurotic
11:48 nor obsessive about that need for affection,
11:50 you know, you're not extreme.
11:52 Because extreme high is also a category.
11:54 It also shows that, like the others, you have a high need
11:58 for interactivity - which means you're a resolver,
12:01 you want to resolve your conflict exactly when it happens
12:06 or at least within that day. Correct
12:08 Quality time - you also have a lot of time
12:11 available for someone, right?
12:14 So how do you guys feel about your results?
12:16 Hmm, pretty accurate overall I'd say. Yeah
12:20 Actually, intimacy, I'm surprised.
12:23 I do like a lot of attention.
12:26 Oh "moderate" is high enough. Moderate is high?
12:28 Oh moderate is high enough because if you're not a Y,
12:30 and you're an X, because it's a moderate X,
12:33 it's high enough.
12:34 When I saw that, myself, like as far as intimacy,
12:37 I think one of the ways that I communicate or express
12:41 my feelings to my significant other is through
12:44 touch or hugging or just words of affection
12:49 and things like that, so I thought it would be
12:51 a little bit higher, but I guess
12:54 borders, you know, somewhat accurate, I guess.
12:57 So I just wanted to talk about social bonding
13:02 today before we close and I wanted to remind you guys
13:04 that when you date, you date with your
13:07 social personality - that's very important.
13:10 That's the personality that is very goal-oriented.
13:13 That's the personality that will make sure that you
13:16 do what you need to do to win the person,
13:20 and it has the person doing the same thing.
13:22 But that's the personality that is hormone-driven
13:24 and disappears once you get into the relationship,
13:28 and then your relationship personality is what emerges.
13:31 But you don't have to worry, you have a worried look
13:33 there, Miles - you don't need to worry.
13:35 I'm processing everything.
13:36 That test that we just took, that test - the results,
13:38 that actually would be the results of your
13:41 relationship personality, what people will
13:44 see on the inside years into the relationship,
13:48 something that you'll never be able to find out
13:49 any other way, so there's no real need to worry because
13:52 you could always test your intended, right? Gotcha.
13:55 Okay. Well, I wanted to thank you guys
13:58 for, you know, being so willing to take the test
14:01 and be brave enough to find out who you guys are.
14:04 Well thank you for giving us the opportunity
14:06 to learn more about ourselves.
14:07 You're welcome, I'll see you guys next time.
14:09 All right. Thank you!
14:17 Welcome back to "Road to Romance"
14:19 Today, we are joined again by Vania and Jeremiah.
14:22 Welcome! Thanks for having us again.
14:24 I am sure that you guys would love to hear your scores,
14:29 and the results of your personality testing?
14:31 Yes. Can't wait. I can't wait either!
14:33 Okay, so today we will also talk a little bit about
14:36 social bonding and how it might
14:38 affect you as a young, married couple.
14:40 Before we do that, however, let's take a look at
14:42 your test results - I don't want to keep you waiting
14:44 any longer, okay?
14:46 Jeremiah - so you in communication are high
14:51 which is probably what I would have expect.
14:55 Would you agree with that?
14:56 As a communications major, I would agree. Yeah
15:00 Communications major, right!
15:02 That makes sense - I didn't know that.
15:03 Okay, I'm going to do this a little differently...
15:06 I will go across instead of all the way down, you know.
15:10 So let's compare it across...
15:12 So "communication," Jeremiah you're high, Vania you're high.
15:15 I suppose this is the reason why every time I
15:17 see you guys, you're in a corner coddling away,
15:21 talking like you haven't seen each other in years.
15:26 It's a beautiful thing, it's a beautiful thing.
15:28 When you are matched in any area, especially communication,
15:31 it's a wonderful thing.
15:33 You don't have to feel like she is not talking enough,
15:36 and she doesn't have to wonder when she's going to get
15:37 the next conversation out of you.
15:39 True, she can't get me to stop talking
15:41 because I'm always talking to her. Yeah!
15:42 Wow, wow! Very nice! Yeah, we're always talking.
15:45 It's like, like best friends, you know, it's like always
15:49 something to share and, yes, it's beautiful.
15:52 It's like every day is a party,
15:54 like we want to talk about everything. That's true!
15:56 Could you imagine if he was the strong, silent type?
15:58 No, I can't. Laughter... That wouldn't work.
16:03 That wouldn't work very well. No.
16:04 Okay, "intimacy," Jeremiah has a high need for intimacy,
16:08 and Vania, your need is moderate.
16:11 Now, anything within one level of each other is okay.
16:14 In fact, it will be kind of boring if you guys were
16:16 exactly the same right across.
16:18 So just having a slight difference, I think it shouldn't
16:21 create much of a problem, but does that sound
16:22 about right though for you guys?
16:24 It sounds about right for me.
16:26 Yes, because I know why I scored moderate because like
16:32 when I have to focus to get something done,
16:36 I usually want some alone time so I can focus and like
16:41 he doesn't need that, he can be doing everything
16:43 and then talking to me, but when I really want to work
16:47 on something, I need to focus and then I want to talk less,
16:50 so, yeah. Okay
16:52 So for adaptability, I have something
16:54 that I need to explain...
16:55 Usually we report adaptability as high or low,
16:59 but the test is an aggregate and is quite capable of
17:03 being more specific.
17:05 So because you guys were so matched in the other areas,
17:09 we thought, "Well, let's see what they are like
17:12 in detail on the adaptability and low and behold,
17:16 Jeremiah, you get borderline for adaptability. Yeah
17:20 So before you tell me, what this is saying to me
17:22 is that you're not always the most adaptable.
17:26 It says to me that when you make up your mind about
17:28 something, you might not be so willing to change.
17:31 Does that sound anything towards this?
17:32 Yeah, that sounds about right.
17:34 If I were to come in from a long day,
17:37 if I decide in my mind that I'm going to
17:39 retire for the night - that's usually how it's going to go.
17:41 It has been an area of growth for me where she's going
17:45 to say, "Okay, you gotta be more flexible,"
17:47 and things like that, so I think that's still a work
17:49 in progress, but I think we're getting there.
17:50 So borderline, so you're to try to
17:52 inch that up a little bit? About a millimeter or a little more.
17:54 All right, but this is what is wonderful about this,
17:56 it's so good to know what specific
17:59 areas you need to work in because if you don't,
18:01 you're just shooting in the dark.
18:02 You know, you have a partner that's unhappy...
18:04 She's not sure what it is, you're not sure how to fix it,
18:07 and this helps you to pinpoint - this is exactly what I
18:11 need to adjust and I don't have to change my whole personality,
18:13 just a minor adjustment. Exactly.
18:16 So adaptability, Tania, for you, however was extreme,
18:21 as in extremely high.
18:24 Would you say this is correct?
18:26 Yeah it's correct and I think the fact that I do have a
18:31 Master's degree in coach organization management
18:35 with a concentration in change management and organization,
18:38 and when I saw it, I'm like "yes," like I'm all about
18:42 change and organization being flexible like adjusting and
18:48 so when I saw it I'm like, "Yeah."
18:51 What I can actually say to that too, I've noticed firsthand
18:54 with her is - she's willing to help others in situations
18:57 where it's like - even if it might not mean
19:01 like the most to someone else, but for her it's like,
19:04 "This is important to that person." Wow
19:05 "I want to be there, I'll go to a party,
19:08 I'll go to something for a person's kid
19:10 because it's important to them."
19:12 So to be able to have that kind of adaptability,
19:15 I think is awesome, so she inspires me in that regard.
19:17 Well you are a lucky man.
19:20 Because to have to be extremely adaptable,
19:22 it means that where you have a shortcoming,
19:24 a short fall in adaptability,
19:26 she'll pick up the slack. Definitely.
19:28 If you don't want to budge, she will. Definitely
19:32 And you won't even be able to tell that there's a problem
19:35 because she probably won't always complain about it,
19:38 if at all. That's true.
19:39 So that's perfect.
19:42 Interactivity - you both got high
19:44 on interactivity and remember what that means?
19:46 That means that when you have a conflict,
19:49 you would prefer - is what we call a
19:51 "high resolution individual."
19:52 You would prefer to have that conflict resolved immediately,
19:58 today not tomorrow, not next week. Today.
20:02 If you had a low score for that, you'd be one of those people
20:04 that would try to sweep the problem under the rug
20:08 and hope that it goes away and hope that Vania doesn't
20:11 see the bump under the carpet. Yes. Exactly.
20:13 That's how people operate when they have low interactivity,
20:15 but neither of you do, so that's also a really good thing.
20:19 Quality time - neither of you spend excessive amount of time
20:22 on devices.
20:24 If you did, that would have been a low score.
20:26 Quality time just means you have a high amount
20:28 of quality time to give to your partner.
20:32 If he were into video games, Vania, as you know,
20:34 thousands of men are today... men I say,
20:38 not boys, but men, adults now, thousands and I know
20:43 several of them are my clients and they sneak out of their
20:48 bedroom at night and 3 o'clock in the morning they are on
20:53 a device or they are on the computer and they're gaming...
20:57 And this is a huge problem in this country.
21:00 You guys don't have to worry about that,
21:02 so this is really excellent.
21:04 Now I'm going to push you a little harder,
21:06 a little step further here.
21:08 I'm going to ask you guys when we're finished
21:10 to do another test - it's called "The Perception Test."
21:14 What that does is it will, for you Vania,
21:17 you will take the test and you will think about what you
21:21 think Jeremiah's highs and lows are,
21:24 what his needs are and, Jeremiah, you will take the
21:26 Perception Test for Vania. Okay
21:28 And it will tell you... here's the thing,
21:30 a lot of couples feel that they know their partner
21:33 and then when this test comes back, the partner is like,
21:36 "But I don't like that at all, whatever gave you that
21:38 impression... have you been doing this all the time
21:40 because you thought I liked it? I don't."
21:43 And this is what the Perception Test does,
21:44 it clears up any discrepancy, so you guys look really good.
21:48 test-wise and that, I think, is the last test
21:50 that you would need to take so that we could be sure that
21:52 there's clarity in what you guys want out of this relationship.
21:56 Does that make sense? That makes sense. Yes
21:58 Okay, so let's turn our attention now to bonding.
22:03 I mentioned that we have two personalities...
22:05 We have a social personality
22:07 and we have a relational personality.
22:09 Now you guys were very fortunate...
22:12 Before you heard about XY Theory, you found each other,
22:14 and, of course, I know you prayed and I know God helped
22:17 you and you feel very confident and comfortable with
22:20 your relationship, but you were fortunate
22:24 because only 25% of couples who have no knowledge of
22:30 XY Theory are able to be fortunate enough
22:33 to find a match.
22:35 So 75% of those who just go out and say, you know,
22:38 Let me go here, let me go there, let me go to this function
22:42 and see if I find someone, they have a 1 in 4 chance
22:45 of finding someone that they have a match with. Okay
22:47 So you guys got fortunate.
22:49 Again, the reason for that is "social bonding."
22:52 Your social personality is intent on...
22:55 remember it's goal-oriented, and I know if it were a person
22:59 you would say, "Aww social personality is trying to help,"
23:02 but it's not being helpful,
23:04 it's goal-oriented, so think about this...
23:06 When you go on the job, you don't get fired because
23:11 you know what the boss wants and you do it.
23:14 You get there on time, the boss may say something
23:18 really, really crazy to you; you don't answer back
23:20 because you're trying to keep your job...
23:22 And what helps you to do that is your social personality.
23:25 Everywhere you go, whether it's the workplace,
23:28 whether it's church, wherever you go, your social
23:30 personality is at work.
23:32 Unfortunately also with dating.
23:34 So it makes you into whatever you need to be
23:38 so that she can fall in love with you and vice versa
23:41 even if that's not who you really are.
23:44 So some of us call this the "social persona"
23:46 instead of personality meaning a "mask."
23:48 So a mask goes on and then she doesn't know really
23:51 who you are until you take it off.
23:52 You guys don't have to worry about this. That's right.
23:54 The tests showed that you were very fortunate.
23:55 But here's the thing... it's such a big problem that
23:58 researchers and scientists actually gave it a name.
24:00 They call it "The Newness Principle,"
24:02 and how it works is this:
24:03 When you get inside of the relationship,
24:05 inside of the marriage, we have a lot of wives who
24:08 complain that their husbands are nicer to people
24:11 on the outside than they are to them at home,
24:14 and it's happening - it's epidemic.
24:17 So here are some things: 50% of lovers show more
24:21 courtesy to coworkers and colleagues, 50%.
24:24 Intimates - People who are intimate with each other...
24:27 Intimates complain that they get more criticism,
24:29 more harsh tones and less appreciation.
24:31 So there are a lot of wives who are complaining
24:33 that their husbands actually raise their voice with them
24:36 way, way, way more than they
24:37 would at anybody else on the outside. Wow
24:40 They credit this to fatigue from dealing
24:44 with the same family member for years.
24:47 This is their excuse... "I've been dealing with you
24:49 for 50 years and I'm tired and this is the reason I have to
24:51 raise my voice sometimes because you're doing the same thing
24:53 and I just have to raise my voice,
24:54 there's nothing else I can do, and I'm blunt,
24:56 you know I'm blunt - I tell you like it is."
24:58 This is the complaint.
25:00 Well, as it turns out, it sounds a little weird to me...
25:04 Why? Consider how long some of us stay on our jobs.
25:07 Some people stay 15, 30, 40 years on their jobs,
25:11 and how is it that they don't get tired and fatigued
25:15 of the person that they are employed by?
25:18 If fatigue is the actual factor, but it's not because, you see,
25:23 nobody does.
25:25 So here's the thing... There's one thing I want
25:30 you guys to guard against because everything here
25:32 looks good and it's the effect of pain.
25:36 So what they found is that pain reorganizes your brain.
25:40 It actually reorganizes, rewires your brain cells.
25:45 Now if you're single, that works fine.
25:49 If you're single, what that means is...
25:51 You get your neurons rearranged so that you could actually
25:55 leave the person that you're with that you shouldn't be with.
25:57 So it's like a reorganization, like a cleansing to prepare you
26:01 for the next person. Okay
26:03 But the problem is.. If you stay in the relationship
26:06 too long, the rewiring is extreme and instead of
26:11 being prepared to leave... you now have what they call
26:13 PTSD - posttraumatic stress disorder relationally,
26:18 so now you're now prepared to leave to go to anyone
26:21 because now you need 2, 3, 4 years of healing
26:24 because you waited too long and the pain was too severe.
26:28 So I'm encouraging you both if you find yourself having
26:32 any problems - don't wait! Exactly
26:35 Don't wait until you're at stage 5,
26:37 you know the last stage in an XY relationship - seek some help.
26:41 You know, get a professional that could help you.
26:43 Okay, I would like to turn our attention quickly to
26:47 a spiritual application and I have a question for you,
26:49 and here's the question... "Why is the divorce rate
26:53 for ministers so much higher than their own members?"
26:56 It's a fact and I'm not just saying the church that
26:59 you guys attend, globally the divorce rate is higher
27:02 for ministers and members.
27:04 Why do you think that is?
27:06 I think ministers tend to take their job very seriously,
27:10 and because it's about God, they justify everything...
27:15 Like they justify the fact that they're not home enough,
27:18 they don't spend enough time with the wife and the kids,
27:22 and so the priority is too high and because of that
27:28 maybe they assume that the wife should understand
27:31 because they're working for God.
27:33 So it's basically not balanced and, yeah, the family needs to
27:39 understand and at some point...
27:41 So work for God trumps working for the family. Um hm. I agree.
27:45 All right, this has been wonderful, so you guys
27:48 are going to take this Perception Test. We will. Yes.
27:50 And, I'm very excited to see what those results will be
27:54 when we meet again. Me too. Awesome!
27:56 Thank you! All right, thank you!


Revised 2017-05-01