Rd 2 Romance

Silent Sufferers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dr. John Jacob (Host), Jameela & Jason, Jennifer, Kisha, Kory & Kimberly


Series Code: RDR

Program Code: RDR000012

00:24 Hello and welcome to "Road to Romance"
00:27 I'm your host, Dr. John Jacob.
00:29 Jennifer, Kory, Kimberly, welcome back! Thank you
00:33 Today we're going to talk about "silent suffers."
00:36 It's a new concept, but an old concept. Okay
00:40 So, I would like to start with a personal story of my own
00:45 that would help you to understand how I came about
00:48 discovering this whole "XY Theory" thing.
00:50 I'd love to take all of the credit for it,
00:54 but I can't - it really has a lot to do with my
00:57 upbringing and my own parents, let's take a look at the slides.
01:00 So I grew up in a Catholic home, and, of course, we converted
01:06 to Adventism when I was about 19-20.
01:09 Prior to that, my parents had a very, very difficult
01:13 conflicted marriage.
01:15 So we got baptized and we felt or we were told
01:19 that everything would be okay now and the problems
01:23 that we had and the problems that they had
01:24 would just disappear.
01:26 Well they did for a year and then they came back with a
01:30 vengeance and my parents started fighting again.
01:33 Well my parents loved each other a lot,
01:36 and they also loved God a lot.
01:39 I went into the ministry right away.
01:41 I did a degree in theology and when I was done, it occurred
01:46 to me that my parents were not getting any better,
01:48 things were getting worse.
01:50 So I concluded that it wasn't spirituality.
01:53 My mom, I call her "the fastor."
01:56 She can fast for 3, 4, 5 days,
01:59 I've never seen anything like it,
02:01 I could hardly make a good day,
02:03 but she can fast for as long as she wants it seems.
02:05 So they really tried very hard, on a spiritual level,
02:09 to fix things and things just didn't get any better.
02:12 So I moved beyond theology and started looking into psychology
02:16 because I'm looking for reasons why is it that my parents
02:19 who love each other and love God equally,
02:21 could not make this work.
02:23 By doing that, I stumbled on this theory by observing them,
02:27 and seeing what they were going through,
02:28 I stumbled on this theory.
02:29 More importantly, however, they were moving up in
02:32 the church - my dad had become first elder,
02:34 my mom had become head superintendent,
02:36 and now, they had no chance whatsoever of sharing
02:40 what they were going through in their marriage
02:42 with anyone else in the church.
02:44 In fact, the young people in the church,
02:46 whenever they were getting ready to get married,
02:49 they would go up to the rostrum and say,
02:51 "May God bless us to be as happy as Brother and Sister Jacob."
02:54 My brother and I would sit in our seats and squirm
02:57 because we knew the truth and we knew that by the time
03:01 the service was over and we got into the car to get home,
03:05 before we got home, there would be an argument,
03:07 so we knew that this was a facade,
03:10 but one that they had no choice.
03:12 They felt that they had no choice
03:13 in dealing with it any other way.
03:15 But I wondered, how many other Seventh-day Adventist
03:19 couples are going through the exact same thing - afraid
03:24 to say anything to anyone for fear
03:27 that someone questions their spirituality. Absolutely!
03:29 Or questions their integrity or wonders if they have
03:33 someone on the outside or any other foolish thing that has
03:35 nothing to do with the reality.
03:37 Now my father is a very stubborn man,
03:39 so when I got into psychology and I came up with this test,
03:42 the "XY Theory Test," I said, "Dad, I've got it,
03:45 I've figured it out, I know exactly what's wrong
03:47 with you and mom."
03:48 Years, I could not get this man to budge, I mean come on,
03:52 we're from the Caribbean, old school,
03:54 he's not even going to the doctor when he's sick
03:56 let alone taking a test from his little psychologist son...
03:59 so that wasn't happening at all.
04:00 And it wasn't until he was on his dying bed
04:04 that I said, "Grant me one wish, please just take this test,
04:09 I'm begging you," so he took the test.
04:12 At that time, the test was scored from zero to 100,
04:15 and as you see there, when he took the test,
04:18 his scores were in the vicinity of 25 in both communication
04:22 and intimacy, a T1 was 15 and the other was 25.
04:25 He was an extremely low Y.
04:28 My mom, who tends to be a little competitive,
04:31 then she wanted to take her test and found out that
04:34 her scores were 95 out of 100, extremely high X.
04:39 It was exactly what I thought.
04:41 They were complaining about a lot of things that have nothing
04:44 to do with what they were complaining about.
04:46 Her problem was - by complaining, by engaging,
04:49 by confronting - like we talked about with the conflict,
04:52 that was her opportunity to get to hear his voice,
04:54 to get some kind of interaction and she would take
04:57 negative interaction over none at all.
05:00 But I went back to the hospital and I told dad the results,
05:03 and with a tear in his eye he said,
05:05 "So you're telling me that this marriage and the failure
05:10 of the marriage didn't have anything to do with me,
05:13 it wasn't my fault... like I thought all these years,
05:15 for 51 years?"
05:18 I said, "No dad, it wasn't you, it was just that you guys
05:22 were different, that was all."
05:25 And he died peacefully and I was quite satisfied. Wow
05:30 This is the genesis of XY Theory.
05:33 This is why I'm so passionate about this.
05:35 This is why I feel that there are millions of people out there
05:39 that are in the same situation and some stay together
05:41 for other reasons... sometimes it's the children;
05:44 sometimes it's financial reasons,
05:46 and they should stay together, but the point I try to make
05:48 with my parents is... if they had known this
05:50 earlier, they could have fixed the problem. Wow
05:54 Very, very simple little tweak, as long as you know
05:57 what it is - my father had no idea that my mother just
06:00 needed some casual conversation, nothing deep, nothing deep,
06:03 just - "Hello, how are you, how was your day?"
06:05 That was all - he had no idea whatsoever.
06:10 So I wanted to ask you guys, I know that you're in an
06:12 XY relationship - have you had anything similar happen?
06:15 You know, I think what you have just said is so
06:19 very significant because from time to time,
06:21 I would get the calls also with folks who were saying
06:24 "Listen, what should I do, I'm in this relationship,
06:28 whether it's 30 years, 20 years, whatever and I can't
06:33 speak to anyone, I don't know who to talk to,
06:36 I don't want people to know my business,
06:38 I don't want to have this conversation hearing about it
06:43 next week - you know, because people are talking about it."
06:46 So the fear is very, very, very real to a lot of people,
06:51 and so the question is, as you mentioned,
06:54 "What do I do about it?" because for most people
06:56 not only is it real, but it's been going on
06:59 so long, it's like people have gotten accustomed...
07:02 it's become a way of life. Acceptable
07:05 You know, so it's like I tell people, it's like a cancer
07:08 that's there and it's getting worse and worse,
07:11 and you don't know what to do about it.
07:14 And, of course, as we know, family is at the core
07:17 of everything - all right, and so this is where the enemy
07:20 is hitting - if he can get our family so disconnected,
07:24 the church is made up of families that he has us
07:27 exactly where he wants us and so our objective
07:31 I would say, is to really reach and help people to understand
07:36 and that's why I was so thankful for having read
07:39 when someone gave me the "XY Theory Book,"
07:42 reading about it because when I first got it,
07:45 I said, "Oh another self-help book,
07:48 I don't want to read that," you know,
07:49 but then I thought the person took the time to give it to me,
07:52 you know, why not read it and really reading it
07:55 helped me to understand personalities
07:58 because I've always been interested for my own personal
08:01 reasons - why do people do what they do? You know?
08:05 What's the reason behind it?
08:07 What's the rationale behind it?
08:09 And the book helped me to understand that...
08:11 Why people do what they do and the personality differences,
08:15 that it's not always - "Well you know, that person
08:18 is just, you know, really and truly repulsive,"
08:22 there's a reason and there's a rationale and many times
08:26 most of these things, with assistance and with help,
08:29 can be changed - if they're willing to.
08:32 You know and whereby having a more productive relationship
08:37 and something that's more... you know,
08:39 "I'm not coming home to like, ohh - I'm going home
08:41 to him or her again," but, you know, you're in a
08:44 place where you want to be, where you enjoy.
08:46 And yes, conflict is going to come up,
08:48 but I'm able to work through it because now I have
08:50 the means and the mechanism and the tools
08:53 to do what has to be done. Yes
08:56 Pastor, I wanted to ask you... I have several ministers
08:59 and more so their wives that would contact me and
09:04 tell me, "Hey, you know what, this "silent-sufferer" thing
09:07 is real, happening to me," and if you think other people
09:10 in the church have no one to talk to,
09:12 you should try talking to a pastor's wife is what they said.
09:16 And, they always pulled me aside because, of course,
09:18 their minister-husband cannot see them, you know complaining
09:22 about something that is supposed to be
09:24 private and secret.
09:25 You're in the ministry - is there anything that you can
09:28 suggest or offer to help?
09:30 What I can tell you is real, my wife can speak more to the
09:33 pastor's wife struggle.
09:34 I can tell you as a pastor, it's very difficult.
09:37 Most pastors are silent
09:38 sufferers, there's nowhere to go.
09:40 Especially within Adventism, this may not sound good,
09:43 but sometimes it can be very political and so you don't
09:46 want to expose your weaknesses because, you know,
09:49 for fear of people taking advantage of that.
09:51 But pastors are put on a pedestal;
09:53 we're expected to be the most godly. Yes
09:56 You know, we're counselors, I guess by nature some of us
09:58 are expected not to have problems and so when people
10:03 know we have problems, it's almost like a weakness.
10:05 People respect us less, they don't want to hear from
10:09 you when you're preaching because... "Well, he's going
10:10 through this and he has that struggle...
10:12 So many pastors naturally put up a front and it's something
10:17 that then really started ministry.
10:18 If you study for ministry, it really starts even in school.
10:21 You know, trying to have that persona that says,
10:24 "Well, you know, I'm a pastor, so I've kind of made it."
10:27 But it's a real struggle.
10:29 But what I do personally is... I surround myself
10:31 with other pastor-friends who I know are humans,
10:34 you know, who have tendencies to just have a bad day,
10:38 and, you know, we hold each other accountable...
10:41 But we're also there to help each other vent, we talk,
10:44 we do things that are not necessarily Bible-related.
10:47 You know, we may study together, but other days, who knows,
10:49 we may play a video game together.
10:51 We may just go out and play basketball, maybe at the gym.
10:53 You know, may just talk and it kind of helps us to relieve
10:56 some of that anxiety and stress. Yeah
10:59 Thank you, and there's another aspect of this...
11:04 The research is showing that the loneliness people
11:06 in the world are not people who are alone,
11:09 but people who are lonely within the marriage. Right
11:13 And so the science is saying that you shorten your life
11:17 by about 3.5 years if you find yourself in a marriage
11:22 where your needs are not being met and you're suffering
11:26 silently.
11:28 I've actually sold some of the books to folks at "Hope Cares"
11:32 who have come to me, after they understood how it works,
11:34 and said, "You know what, now that I understand it,
11:36 I think I may have contributed
11:38 to the early demise of my partner."
11:40 One guy in particular and he was crying.
11:41 He said, "I didn't know, I didn't know how this worked
11:43 with the oxytocin and the need to have these needs met.
11:47 I had no idea and now my loved one is gone
11:49 and I don't know what to do about it."
11:51 Of course, he needed some coaching or some counseling.
11:54 So this is real when we consider the impact we can have
11:58 from a health standpoint. Yes
12:00 I just wanted to quickly ask you...
12:01 Did you have anything that you...
12:04 Well, I'm pretty much new to this pastor's wife game,
12:09 but one thing I have noticed is that it's very difficult
12:13 for people who are not in pastor families to understand
12:17 the struggles of a pastor family and when you are
12:21 the pastor family, who are you going to go to...
12:23 a church member to talk about your problems?
12:25 It doesn't work that way, you know, so it's just like
12:29 Kory said, you know, surrounding yourself with other people
12:32 who have been there, people who you can talk to
12:35 and be real with - it does help a lot, but there are people who
12:40 are going through some things.
12:44 I want to thank you guys for sharing, so tenderly,
12:48 your personal stories.
12:49 I know this could not be easy, but you've done it
12:54 and I'm certain that you will help some souls out there,
12:58 and I want to thank you for that. You're welcome.
13:01 So until we meet again next time,
13:05 keep doing everything that you can do to bring out
13:07 some of those silent sufferers and offer them
13:09 and opportunity to vent.
13:11 Thank you. You're welcome.
13:17 I'd like to welcome back our singles,
13:19 Kisha, Jason, Jameelah. Thank you!
13:23 Today we are talking about "silent suffering."
13:25 I know this sounds like a topic more geared toward couples,
13:30 but the fact of the matter is, I've heard from so many singles,
13:33 that I know for a fact that you guys sometimes suffer more
13:37 than couples do.
13:39 You're looking for someone and especially the ladies,
13:43 we will talk in a minute about the ratio between
13:48 women and men, single females and single males in the church.
13:53 It's not encouraging and it can create a lot of frustration.
13:57 But I wanted to share a story with you about something
13:59 that happened to me in New York.
14:02 I'm not going to call the church, naturally,
14:04 or the young lady's name, but I was doing some recruiting
14:07 for this very program and trying to get, participants,
14:10 guests to come on the show, and this young lady was
14:12 was very interested, so at the end of the service,
14:15 she came up to me and she said, "Can I be on the show?"
14:18 Well, I thought she looked like a good candidate, you know,
14:21 so I figured I would spend the potluck hours with her
14:26 like 2 hours because I want to make sure that she's a little
14:28 extrovert, she can talk.
14:30 So we went down to the basement for potluck.
14:32 She was very attractive; she was from the east coast;
14:36 she had her degree; she had everything
14:39 that you would want, Jason, in a young lady.
14:42 And as I said, I could not find any flaw in her.
14:47 But this is what she said to me, we sat down and she said,
14:50 "Dr. Jacob, I want you to sit with me, I want you to see
14:53 something... this is my first time visiting this church,
14:56 but it happens to me every time in every church."
15:00 "There's going to be at least one young man here that is
15:02 attracted to me - I'm going to catch him staring,
15:06 from off on the side, kind of like a satellite,
15:11 but never comes in... He'll circle, he'll watch me.
15:15 He'll check me out, but never develops enough courage
15:18 to step up to me and say, "Hey, I've been noticing you,
15:21 what's your name, I'd like to meet you."
15:24 And I said to her, "If this is your first time,
15:26 you couldn't possibly predict that this would happen."
15:28 She said, "But this happens every single time."
15:29 I said, "Okay, well let's check it out."
15:31 I sat with her - within 5 minutes...
15:33 She said, "Look to your right." I looked to my right,
15:37 and way off in the distance, there was this young man
15:39 that was looking at her through the corner of his eyes.
15:42 I thought it was just, you know, coincidental until she moved,
15:47 he moved; she went to another table, he changes position.
15:51 He actually was checking her out for about an hour,
15:54 never, ever stepping up and she said, "You know what?
15:57 If he steps up to me, we'd be going on a date
16:00 because I think he's attractive, he looks like a good guy!
16:02 I'd give him a chance, but it never happened."
16:05 So I said, "So you're right about this."
16:07 She said, "But I'm not finished, before I leave here,
16:10 there will be another guy that's a little more interested,
16:12 a little more brave... He's going to step up to me,
16:15 he's going to come and have conversation,
16:17 but he's not going to ask for my number."
16:20 I kept thinking... did she stage this because she couldn't
16:23 possibly be so correct, but she said, "This is exactly
16:25 how it happens every single time."
16:26 And lo and behold, within about 10 minutes,
16:29 there's this brother... He comes up, he did look a
16:31 little more - he had a little bit more swag,
16:33 a little bit more confidence and he came up and he said,
16:35 "Hi, how are you doing? My name is so and so,
16:38 what's your name? Where are you from?"
16:40 He exchanged a lot of information.
16:41 I sat there eating, pretending I'm not minding their business
16:45 for about 15 minutes... He clearly liked her!
16:50 But didn't ask for her number and she left that day
16:53 never to return to that church.
16:55 Why does this happen?
16:58 The ratio is already... of course... laughter
17:04 Why do guys do this?
17:06 I keep hearing... and this is across the country,
17:08 I'm from California, but this was New York.
17:10 California it's the same complaint.
17:11 Guys would be interested, the girls will know
17:14 they're interested, but the guys would not
17:16 step up and do something about it.
17:19 What is your wisdom?
17:20 Well first of all, I'm going to have to get on a flight
17:22 and go to New York show these brothers how it's done,
17:24 and second of all, you know, sometimes it can be a
17:30 number of things... it can be the young lady,
17:34 is she approachable?
17:35 Some people have a face and a demeanor about themselves
17:40 and they may not realize it.
17:42 It's just like when people think about something,
17:45 and it shows up on their face.
17:47 You know, it's just not something they can really
17:49 control, but sometimes they have a demeanor that makes a guy
17:54 kind of stand offish.
17:56 Then there are some guys that, I guess they just lack
17:59 confidence or they don't go after what they want.
18:03 You know and I mean, if you see a young lady
18:05 and you're interested in pursuing her,
18:07 then you gotta go get it.
18:09 You know, you gotta go get her
18:11 and try and display your interest.
18:16 And, as a woman, hopefully she will display that
18:20 interest back and let you know that she is interested
18:23 so you don't feel like an idiot. Right
18:26 So, basically, what I hear you saying is that guys
18:28 are concerned about their image and how they would look
18:31 if they get shot down.
18:32 Yes, some people are afraid of rejection.
18:35 Um, I mean, me personally, rejection...
18:39 If you reject me, there's a whole bunch of
18:42 people in the world... Okay?
18:44 One rejection is not going to hurt my feelings like that.
18:49 I'd rather be rejected than know that I'd never even tried.
18:55 But I hear that you're in the minority.
18:58 I hear that guys like you, standup guys, you know,
19:01 that have some backbone and some confidence
19:04 in our church - what I'm hearing from the young ladies
19:06 is that you are a rare gem. You are? Yeah
19:09 Generally guys don't, you know, step up and take care of... yeah
19:14 Well I just... I might have found a new business
19:16 to get into - maybe I can start offering workshop,
19:19 in some of these churches for some money, you never know.
19:23 But I'm also an XX though and how many people are XX's
19:28 that are guys - like what percentage, it's very rare.
19:32 Well yeah, XX is about 25% of guys are X-types,
19:36 so you are definitely a rare gem,
19:38 but about 70% of women are,
19:40 so really, you're the guy to find.
19:43 He's in Marion, see, we had to come all the way over
19:45 here to meet him, it's not making sense, it's ridiculous!
19:49 And they keep him up here at 3ABN,
19:50 I mean, this is not helping the pool. Right? Right
19:53 Yeah, this is not helping us at all.
19:55 And I think, another part of it like...
19:57 because guys don't have to try that hard.
19:59 You know, so the guy who went up to her and have the
20:04 conversation with her... he doesn't have to try
20:06 to get her number, he's probably go so many
20:08 other women's numbers in his phone.
20:10 So it's like "why," like you're going to leave,
20:12 I can just toss you up for right now and then
20:15 you'll be gone, so why do I need to get your number?
20:19 Kind of a supply and demand kind of thing. Um hm
20:21 Another thing I've heard though from a lot of guys is
20:23 there's always been, I guess what I call the "click factor."
20:26 A lot of girls hang out in clicks and there would be
20:28 like five girls and then you'd find 2 or 3 of them attractive,
20:31 and then if they talk to one and it doesn't work out,
20:33 they can't talk to any of the rest of them in the group.
20:35 So then it's like... so, right, okay...
20:41 Have you experienced that?
20:42 I mean that ruins it, like if I come and try and talk
20:45 to you and she's right here and then I try and talk to her...
20:49 ... Yeah, then you don't look like you ever were interested
20:52 in her, you just look like you're interested in anyone.
20:54 But you don't do that, keep strategy, you gotta seize it.
20:56 What is the strategy?
20:57 First of all, if you talk to me separately one-on right,
21:00 and I deny you, nobody knows that but you and I,
21:03 and if you act accordingly and act correct,
21:05 and don't act a fool, then I won't have to go back
21:07 and tell everybody - "Don't talk to him, girl,
21:10 he's a player or whatever."
21:11 It all depends on how you approach me and when you do it.
21:14 But some men don't think and they'll wait until you're
21:17 at a party with 800 of your girlfriends and want to come in
21:19 the middle of the circle to talk you and that's just crazy.
21:22 But I do have a question... What if you guys were at a
21:25 potluck and I know that you guys do potlucks back in California,
21:28 and you are all in a room, pretty much like this,
21:31 so there are 50 of you there and maybe 35 of you are
21:34 women - let's just say, and 15 are guys...
21:37 How does a guy thin the herd here?
21:40 How does a guy get you off to the side so that
21:43 he could avoid that scenario
21:45 that you described because you guys are all
21:47 together, you know what I'm saying, he's not going to
21:49 ask you, "Excuse me, do you mind stepping aside?"
21:50 I mean, we have to go to the bathroom...
21:53 that's the first thing, right?
21:54 Which is in a group! That was not a group! Laughter
22:02 Women go to the bathroom as if they need each other.
22:05 No! Like they own each other, they are holding the mirror...
22:08 No, there's only one bathroom and you go by yourself.
22:12 So why do you go together if there's one bathroom?
22:13 But we don't go together at potlucks like that
22:16 when there's one bathroom.
22:17 We go together at events, but not at a potluck.
22:19 I don't know, Jason, I think I've seen that crowd effect.
22:22 There's plenty of opportunity for you to do that
22:25 or for you to approach me by myself.
22:28 I gotta go to my car, I have to go outside...
22:30 I mean there are a lot of different things and ways
22:32 that you can do it... it's really all about how you
22:35 approach it, but the confidence,
22:36 I think, is what we're lacking, in a lot of our Adventist men.
22:40 It's the confidence and the intention and aggression
22:44 in and all of that because if I go to another church,
22:47 I get talked to 5 or 6 times before I even get
22:49 to the pew to sit down.
22:51 I was just like - "Oh, it's crazy."
22:54 If a brother follows you to the car, that might be a little...
22:57 and he might be looking at you, yeah
22:59 No, it doesn't have to happen that way though.
23:03 And it doesn't have to be that way though,
23:04 It all depends on how you do it.
23:05 I mean, I'm just walking that way and they're like,
23:07 "Oh, how are you doing? or "Did you like the potluck?"
23:09 or whatever - just casual conversation and then from that
23:12 conversation, it could lead to other ones.
23:14 Or, "Okay, what are you doing after the potluck?"
23:18 Which most of the time it's the same thing
23:20 we always usually do...
23:21 So I'll tell you what I'm doing, "Oh okay, we're doing this too,
23:24 Do you want to come?" or whatever.
23:25 It could just be very intentional, but I think that
23:28 people are playful.
23:29 Yeah, I think what I've seen is, that guys really do lack
23:33 the intention of being serious about wanting to be in a
23:37 relationship - so they want to date, they want to mess around,
23:40 they want to do whatever, but to say that, "Hey, I'm going
23:44 to intentionally talk to this girl and make her my girlfriend,
23:48 go further - it's not something that happens.
23:52 So it's like they end up do talking to the same girl
23:56 in the same group, but the girls don't know it. Right!
23:58 You know, so it's like they go under the underground
24:03 and try talking to everybody which isn't fair because,
24:06 you know, I'm thinking, "Oh wow, he really cares about me,"
24:08 but at the same time, he really cares about my friend. Right
24:11 I hadn't heard that.
24:13 Right, but somebody told me that all the cute girls hang out
24:16 together - that isn't helpful, you know.
24:19 I don't know about that one.
24:21 If you guys were spreading it around a little bit, you know,
24:23 then... We would have to go find
24:24 ugly friends so we could get a man?
24:29 Yeah... I think that's a terrible...
24:31 Don't be scattered. Very deplorable.
24:33 So Jason, one of these young ladies, I won't say who,
24:37 wanted me to ask you - what signals does a guy give off
24:42 when he's interested because they're thinking that
24:44 maybe they're missing the signals somehow.
24:46 Well, I mean, I guess it varies for each guy.
24:51 I mean if, clearly, somebody is looking at you wanting
24:56 to interact with you, talk to you and make eye contact...
25:03 Well if they don't have confidence, they're not going
25:05 to make eye contact. Clearly, we know that one.
25:07 But, you know, if you're interested in that person,
25:10 you look at them a certain way, there's a certain look,
25:13 like I can't - I don't even know how to explain it.
25:16 It's just a feeling and then a look that you give off
25:20 and display that and by just constantly you want to be
25:24 around that person, you just got to step up
25:27 to the plate and I don't know what these guys are doing!
25:30 Why can't you just be like, "Hey, I like you,"
25:33 why is that not the statement?
25:36 Why is it, I have to look for eye contact?
25:38 I have to look for these cues that I could miss.
25:41 Why isn't it just - straight to the point.
25:43 See, that's a whole nother conversation
25:44 and we ain't got time to get to that - you already know.
25:46 You all had good contributions and I want to thank you.
25:48 We will talk next time about speaking intelligently.
25:54 I cannot tell you how many times a wife has pulled me aside
25:58 to disclose to me how much neglect she is suffering
26:00 in the relationship and her suffering is nothing new.
26:04 Even centuries ago, Peter addressed the same issues
26:07 in the early church.
26:08 The Bible states in 1 Peter 3:7, "Husbands in the same way
26:12 be considerate with your wives, being thoughtful of their needs,
26:15 and honoring them as the weaker partner and as heirs with
26:19 you of the gracious gift of life so that nothing will
26:22 hinder your prayers."
26:24 Religious leaders are particularly vulnerable
26:26 as are workers in the church.
26:28 We have seen that men were conditioned from the days of
26:31 Adam to derive self-esteem from their day job, their careers.
26:35 When God told Adam he would be assigned the job of
26:39 finding food for the family outside of the home,
26:42 this changed his new anatomy.
26:44 It changed his brain, it reshaped his personality.
26:47 He became Y-like, he did not need conversation
26:51 to hunt game or to fish or to garden.
26:53 In fact, silence was preferred if not required.
26:57 And once home with the family, he struggled to adjust
27:00 to Eve's more social, conversant personality.
27:03 In anticipation of this, God told Eve
27:05 immediately after the fall that her desire would be
27:09 toward or in excess of Adam's.
27:11 This set up at least two things, the mismatch in personality
27:15 and needs we see today in 85% of couples and an
27:19 unwillingness on the part of the less communicating partner
27:23 to acknowledge the problem or to seek help.
27:26 In fact, Y-types take privacy about their relationship
27:29 very seriously.
27:31 The naturally X-type partner unable to access the
27:34 relief that comes from sharing his or her distress
27:38 suffers silently and considerably.
27:40 This is the fate of all XY couples in ministry
27:44 or church leadership.
27:46 Moreover, what will members think of a minister
27:48 with marital problems that he was unable to pray away?
27:51 Join us next time on "Road to Romance"


Revised 2017-04-10