Rd 2 Romance

Conflict Resolution

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dr. John Jacob (Host), Jameela & Jason, Jennifer, Kisha, Kory & Kimberly


Series Code: RDR

Program Code: RDR000011

00:24 Welcome to "Road to Romance"
00:25 I'm your host, Dr. John Jacob.
00:27 Jennifer, Kory, Kimberly, welcome! Thank you
00:30 Today we will be discussing "conflict resolution,"
00:33 a very, very important topic for couples, as you know.
00:36 Some of the latest research is showing that you
00:39 can look at just how couples resolve conflict
00:42 to determine whether or not the marriage, the relationship
00:45 has a chance at all.
00:47 So I asked you to fill out some forms for me
00:51 that would give me some information.
00:53 I know you had no idea what you were filling out except that
00:56 some of the questions looked familiar, right? Um hum
00:58 But I kind of sneaked in two extra questions to give me
01:01 some extra information without alerting you,
01:03 you know, to what I was doing.
01:04 But basically, you answered two questions that will tell me
01:07 how you resolve conflict, and also, whether or not
01:11 you are comfortable with adapting or adopting
01:15 in a relationship and we'll explain that.
01:18 So, Jennifer, let's start with you. Okay!
01:20 All right, the first question was:
01:22 "If you're upset about something,
01:24 would you prefer to talk about it immediately
01:27 until the problem was resolved? Yes
01:29 And you resoundingly said "yes" to that. Absolutely!
01:33 Okay, you're an XX and that's very typical.
01:36 Chances are that your husband,
01:38 being a YY - might not feel exactly the same way.
01:41 Can tell me how that works?
01:44 Absolutely so and as you rightly said, I, most of the times,
01:49 would want to resolve it or talk about it. Right
01:52 While my spouse, he prefers to, "I'm not going to deal with this
01:58 right now, I'm going to just let it settle a little bit,
02:02 and I'm going to come back to the table with this,"
02:05 and I'm like, "No, no, no, no, no, let's get this out
02:07 and deal with it and done with it," so, yeah, absolutely so.
02:11 Okay, so that is true with you. Yeah
02:13 The other question we asked:
02:14 "Would you prefer to adapt much or adjust
02:17 to someone in a relationship?"
02:18 And you said, "For us, which means that you have no problem
02:22 adjusting." Correct
02:23 Relationships obviously thrive when two people
02:27 are willing to make the adjustments
02:28 because no two people are exactly alike. Absolutely!
02:31 So, I'll explain to you why you have that difference
02:36 between you and your husband with regard to the
02:38 conflict as we go along.
02:40 Let's turn to Kimberly!
02:42 Kimberly, let's see what you said.
02:45 If you're upset about something, you would prefer to
02:48 talk about it immediately, and he said, "No,"
02:50 and Kory is shaking his head which means
02:52 he completely totally agrees with you.
02:55 So Kory, I should just ask you - that's a no?
02:58 She would prefer not to, yeah? No? Probably not.
03:01 Yeah? Okay.
03:03 And as far as adapting, you said that you would
03:06 prefer not to adapt if you could help it.
03:09 I mean, we all know that we have to adapt in a relationship,
03:12 but you prefer NOT TO.
03:14 Change is not really my best friend, but it's something
03:19 you know, you do because you know that in order to make
03:22 things work, you have to give and take.
03:24 So if I had a preference, you know, I would
03:30 keep things as they are, but because it's not all about
03:33 my preference, then you have to adjust.
03:36 Remember on a previous program, we had the list and stasis
03:41 or sameness was on the list.
03:43 Remember you are borderline in terms of your personality
03:47 which means that, more than Kory, you would prefer
03:50 to, as you said, maintain the status quo as much as possible,
03:53 and Kory, you need to know that that is her MO most of the time.
03:58 Right? Well, let's take a look at Kory's case.
04:00 Kory, you said, "Yes, you prefer to resolve the conflict
04:05 right away and you agree with that, right? Um hm
04:07 Okay, let's see what you said for "adapting."
04:12 You prefer to not have to adapt too much.
04:16 No, no, I don't mind adapting. You don't mind adapting.
04:19 I think I circled "no" by accident.
04:20 Oh, all right, okay. Yes
04:22 So okay, so you don't mind adapting.
04:24 Again, Xs have a much easier time with adjusting
04:27 and making, you know, adaptations.
04:30 So, what we need to do next is explain
04:33 why we have this difference.
04:35 As you know, Xs are comfortable with words,
04:40 using words for everything...
04:41 whereas Y-types or low Xs are not.
04:45 So XY couples usually have difficulty with the whole
04:48 conflict resolution problem.
04:50 Just because of that, words are not your currency,
04:54 so you would prefer not to use words to solve problems.
04:57 Of course, Kory, the problem is how do you solve a problem
04:59 that you can't talk about, you know... Right
05:03 That is a big problem.
05:04 Now you guys are both Xs, if you recall in your results.
05:07 But what we've noticed is, you don't have to be an
05:09 XY couple per se to have this problem.
05:13 All you need is to have one person that is more
05:15 of an X communicator than the other
05:17 which is what you guys have right now.
05:19 So what we'll do is, we'll turn to the slide
05:21 so I can show you what's going on with the conflict resolution.
05:25 So this is called a pursuer and distancer problem,
05:32 and now it has a more technical name and the name that
05:34 scientists and therapists would use is called,
05:38 "a negative feedback loop." Okay
05:41 You'll understand where the negativity
05:42 comes in, in just a minute.
05:44 So what actually happens is, and I'm going to use you guys
05:47 as an example...
05:49 Kory, you would like to talk about something to resolve it.
05:52 Now the reason why you need resolution is because
05:55 if you don't have it, it raises your anxiety level.
05:58 They've actually tested couples and actually drawn blood
06:02 and found that your cortisol levels rise when there's a
06:06 conflict that isn't being resolved. Um hm
06:08 So then you go to Kimberly and you say "Let's talk about this."
06:12 So we have anxiety first in the feedback loop
06:15 and then you go to her and she feels a little provoked
06:20 because she would prefer to sweep it under the rug.
06:24 Now we have two types of distancers.
06:27 We have distancers who would sweep it under the rug,
06:29 think about it, you know, just turn it around
06:32 in their minds and then come back with a solution,
06:35 but we have a lot of distancers who just want it to go away.
06:40 So they would sweep that as far away and hope that you
06:42 never remember - that's the trick, that's the plan.
06:45 Hopefully, you will forget and that's their resolution,
06:48 anything that's out of sight is out of mind and resolved,
06:51 but not for you.
06:52 So she would feel like you are provoking and then
06:55 you're maintaining the behavior of the other person
06:57 if you go along with it.
06:59 So here is what this says...
07:00 Ys experience anxiety when approached to resolve conflict.
07:03 They've actually found that when Kory approaches you
07:06 to resolve something you would like to sweep away,
07:09 then your anxiety level rises., and so you withdraw.
07:15 You might withdraw by freezing up and not answering.
07:19 You might withdraw by going into another room.
07:22 You might change the topic of conversation
07:24 to something entirely different, something that you hope
07:27 will be more interesting to him, but you do anything
07:30 other than talk about it because
07:32 that would raise your anxiety level.
07:33 So what do you think happens next?
07:36 We both go crazy. Yeah! Laughter
07:40 Well, before that, what happens next is you don't give up
07:44 because now your anxiety level is rising over the fact that
07:48 she is not resolving...
07:50 So you push a little further and there is where she begins to
07:53 feel provoked...
07:55 You push, her anxiety level rises.
07:58 So it keeps going in a loop where it's escalating.
08:01 It's going, it's getting higher and higher,
08:03 and if you keep pushing, she keeps feeling more
08:05 pressured and we go in a loop until...
08:08 what do you think happens?
08:09 Maybe not with Kimberly, but with a lot of distancers
08:13 they get to the point where they explode.
08:15 They explode because you are not reading the signals
08:19 that say "stop," i.e., "I'm feeling a lot of
08:21 pressure, I'm having a lot of anxiety,
08:23 could we talk about this another time,"
08:25 and you're not stopping because your anxiety
08:27 level is also rising.
08:28 You know, it's interesting, I've tried to stop,
08:31 and I'll walk away, I'll leave the room,
08:34 and I can feel my blood pressure rise and I have to turn back,
08:37 and go back and try again, honestly...
08:39 Because I know she has a problem, you know,
08:41 dealing with it right away, but I cannot walk away.
08:44 I've tried, but it doesn't last more than 5 or 6 seconds.
08:47 Laughter... Okay. Wow.
08:50 Well you guys definitely understand
08:52 what this loop is all about.
08:53 So does it mean, for instance, because as much as I don't
08:57 prefer to talk about something right away,
09:01 we do end up dealing with... I mean, lately we do end up
09:04 dealing with the situation then.
09:07 Does it mean that his X is more dominant?
09:12 In other words, why is it that, for instance,
09:15 in our case, we don't just leave it as my preference
09:19 would be, but we deal with it right away
09:22 as his preference is, does that make sense?
09:24 Oh... so you're asking why is it resolved in his way. Yes
09:29 Well, if I can leave you most of the time, it would be 70-75%.
09:34 Probably higher than that.
09:35 Well chances are... Okay, remember we have
09:37 we call it "pursuer and distancer," but let me give
09:40 you some of the other terms that are used more frequently...
09:43 "engager, demand and withdrawal,"
09:47 to describe the same cycle, "confronter and ignorer,"
09:53 and, of course, "pursuer and distancer."
09:55 So, depending on your personalities and just the
09:59 strength of your personality, he can come across more as
10:03 demanding that it gets resolved than you are.
10:07 So the person that is more demanding that the thing be
10:09 resolved in their way, well that's pretty much
10:12 how it's going to go... Okay
10:13 Also the person that is experiencing the high anxiety
10:16 Because if you listen to what Kory said, "He tries,
10:19 and 5 or 6 seconds and he has to turn around, right?
10:22 and he has to come back to you because the anxiety
10:24 is pushing him a lot more than your anxiety. Um hm
10:28 Now as it turns out, especially for you, but also for Kory
10:31 because he actually feels that anxiety...
10:33 If you guys decided to leave it alone and just drop it,
10:36 after the anxiety is felt, it takes about 20 minutes
10:41 for your body levels, in terms of anxiety and cortisol levels,
10:45 it takes about 20 minutes for it to go back to baseline,
10:47 for it to go back to normal, 20 minutes!
10:50 Even if you dropped it.
10:52 So this is just to give you a sense of how strong
10:54 this emotion is and what it's doing hormonally in your body.
10:58 Now, I want to say that I know how you feel,
11:01 you don't want that push every time,
11:04 but Kory, this one is going to surprise you...
11:07 What the science is saying is that the distancers
11:10 actually have sometimes a better chance of arriving at
11:14 a better solution because when you push something under the
11:19 rug, your brain - the subconscious in your brain
11:21 actually has a chance to work on the problem,
11:24 and arrive at a better solution than X-types would come up with
11:29 because you want to resolve it right away,
11:30 but maybe you haven't thought about it - thought it through
11:32 enough to really come up with the best solution.
11:35 So, we can't knock wives too hard because wives
11:38 actually have a system that allows them to have their
11:42 brain do some of the heavy lifting. Okay?
11:45 Also keep in mind that a lot of people find themselves
11:48 in that loop, especially X- types.
11:51 They're in that loop because there is no other way for them
11:56 to actually get conversation from their partners.
11:59 You ask a lot of Xs - why do you keep going like this
12:03 if you know that it's causing anxiety and they say,
12:05 "You know, I have no other way to get my husband to talk to me.
12:07 We have to start a fight, there's no other way."
12:10 But this is vitally important, you guys have to keep
12:12 working at finding a compromise.
12:14 Kory maybe 5 seconds... yeah, maybe you could
12:18 stretch it a little bit to 20 minutes. Yeah
12:20 So she has a little extra time and it's something that
12:23 is going to take a lot of practice from the two of you,
12:27 but you have to keep trying.
12:29 You have to keep trying because if you do the withdrawing,
12:31 and you do the avoiding, it actually reinforces in your
12:34 mind that this is the way you need to resolve a conflict,
12:37 and it's not healthy, not going to get anything accomplished.
12:39 There's something you said in a previous program
12:41 to us, that I thought about just now too,
12:43 but knowing how much time she needs because there are
12:45 times where we're with the whole day and it's still not
12:48 enough time, but to me, I'm thinking,
12:49 it's the end of the day, you know,
12:51 and at least we should be able to talk about it now,
12:53 so maybe I need to find out how much time is needed as well.
12:55 Very often, they need to sleep on it. Um hm
12:58 So if you try to give her a night,
13:01 if you can hold out that long, you give her a night,
13:04 and then you come the next day.
13:06 I have a question... how do you avoid the loop
13:09 altogether or is that possible? It's not possible.
13:11 Oh man... But next time, we'll talk about
13:13 ways to resolve the issue.
13:19 Kisha, Jason, Jameelah, welcome! Thank you
13:23 Today we will be discussing "conflict resolution."
13:26 You've filled out a form for me and I'm going to
13:29 share the results with you.
13:31 We asked a few questions, I'll start with Kisha.
13:38 If you're upset about something, would you prefer
13:42 to talk about it immediately until the problem is resolved,
13:46 and you said, "yes," is that correct?
13:48 Yeah for the most part, I just want to get it resolved.
13:53 You know, I don't want to sit on it, if we are there
13:56 having the conversation, I would hate for the other
13:59 person to walk away if we are in the middle talking,
14:01 so I want to be able to talk it out right there and then.
14:05 Right, the reason why I asked this question is simply because
14:08 most of our married couples have a difficult time with
14:13 conflict resolution.
14:14 The belief that used to be that a good marriage has
14:18 no conflict whatsoever...
14:19 Well, the latest research is showing that that is
14:22 absolutely not true.
14:23 We have a lot of marriages with conflict
14:25 and they're doing just fine.
14:26 The problem is, you've got to be willing to resolve
14:29 the conflict in the same way and about the same time.
14:33 So some folks want to resolve it immediately,
14:36 and others want to wait maybe a day or two.
14:39 You want to make sure that you could come in the middle
14:41 and resolve it at the same time.
14:42 But what the science is showing is that that pattern
14:45 starts before you get married.
14:47 So while you're looking for someone,
14:49 you need to be keeping your eyes open to whether or not
14:52 you guys have the same idea that you're on the same page
14:56 with regard to how you resolve conflict.
14:58 If you should meet a guy and he says to you up front,
15:02 "You know I don't want to talk about that,"
15:04 and every day you approach him, "I don't want to
15:06 talk about that, that's too much confrontation,"
15:08 then you need to think twice. Yeah
15:10 So that's how that was because you know that
15:11 you are the type of person you need to resolve it right away.
15:14 Yeah definitely, it just gets too burdensome
15:18 if we're not able to talk about it.
15:20 And I understand if we're both upset in the moment,
15:24 but if we can agree that we'll talk about it at a future time,
15:27 then yeah, that's fine.
15:29 So, I mean, it's important to find out.
15:31 Jason, let's see what you said...
15:34 If you're upset about something, you said you would want
15:36 to talk about it right away as well.
15:38 Yes, it's kind of a 50/50 thing though because
15:41 like if we're really upset, then we don't need to talk
15:45 about it right then, we need to go cool off
15:47 and then talk about it, but I want to get back to
15:49 being happy - so I want to talk about it as soon as possible.
15:53 And Jameelah, you also said that you would like to talk
15:57 about it pretty much right away?
15:59 Right, I mean, I agree with what Kisha and Jason have said
16:01 because I think that sometimes, depending on what you're
16:04 upset about, it's better to have a cool off period
16:06 and then talk about it because things get said
16:09 and some things may get thrown and then it's
16:12 a whole nother situation that doesn't need to be. Right
16:14 So I think it's always best to kind of gauge that,
16:18 but I do like to talk about it in that moment
16:20 to get it over with, get it done and let's keep moving forward.
16:23 Now you remember that you guys are all XX-type personalities,
16:29 and X-type personalities tend to have more of an inclination
16:36 to want to resolve things right away.
16:38 If you try to date a Y-type,
16:39 you're more likely to run into someone that says,
16:42 "I don't want to talk about this, let's push it under the
16:44 rug, let's just wait, let's talk about it tomorrow."
16:47 Hoping, of course, that you'll completely forget about it
16:49 and that's how they get things resolved because it's
16:52 out of sight, out of mind.
16:53 So again, this is another reason why you should try to date
16:56 as closely a personality type as possible.
16:59 But, you guys mentioned that you all were all single
17:02 which means that your real conflict that you're trying
17:04 to resolve right now has nothing to do with this,
17:07 but has to do with the fact that you need to figure out
17:09 how to find someone that is a good match for you,
17:12 someone that you could live with for the rest of your lives
17:14 and be happy.
17:15 So what I want to ask, starting from Kisha...
17:18 I would like to ask you to share with us a little bit about
17:20 your dating... I mean, how has this been going for you?
17:24 Well I'm 24, so I'm still young.
17:28 So I haven't dated a lot of men, but the experiences I have had
17:34 haven't been the best.
17:37 I've spent a lot of time giving a lot of myself
17:40 my time, my energy my money, and it just hasn't
17:46 worked out. All right.
17:48 And that's very typical, X- types are givers.
17:51 You guys are all givers, you will be inclined to give,
17:53 give, give and it's so perfect if you met someone that
17:56 gave you as much as you gave them,
17:57 then you have nothing to worry about,
17:59 but very often we are attracted to the opposite.
18:02 By the way, even in an XY world, opposites attract!
18:06 So you're likely to go after the Y-type folks who seem
18:10 very strong and very quiet, and very mysterious.
18:12 Jason, mysterious women tend to be very, very alluring,
18:15 very attractive until, of course, you get into the
18:18 relationship 2-3 months down the road and then when functional
18:21 spacing is gone and all of a sudden
18:23 you're wondering, "What did I do, how did I miss this one?"
18:25 Discover that mystery. Right
18:26 Tell us a little bit about your dating.
18:29 What has it been like for you?
18:31 Well it hasn't been going that well
18:32 because I'm single now. That's all right.
18:37 Like Kisha was saying, I'm a giver, I'm a caring
18:44 person, affectionate, loving, all of that stuff,
18:48 so, you know, sometimes kindness gets taken advantage of,
18:51 and then it gets taken for weakness.
18:53 That's what I've encountered and at the same time,
18:57 that I'm nice, I'm a nice guy, I'm not one to be walked over
19:01 or taken advantage of.
19:03 Do you have a strategy moving forward?
19:06 Yes... if they don't take this test, I'm not talking to them.
19:11 Laughter... That's a good idea! Right! Right!
19:15 Well said, well said! What about you Jameelah?
19:17 My experience actually has been different from Kisha and Jason.
19:20 I've had wonderful relationships, but a lot of them
19:23 have ended because of spiritual reasons.
19:26 I've never dated an Adventist before, and so,
19:29 I know I want to marry an Adventist man,
19:32 so that has always kind of been the issue and we've
19:36 always been very giving and very kind, but the spirituality,
19:41 I think, has always been the issue because then I
19:44 find myself explaining why I don't do things,
19:46 why I'm not going to do this or they ask me the same
19:48 question every Friday night...
19:50 "Well what are you doing tomorrow?" I'm going to church.
19:52 "Are you a Jehovah Witness?"
19:54 "I told you I'm Seventh-day Adventist,
19:55 I told you I'd be at church." "What time does it end?"
19:57 It's an all-day thing, you know,
20:00 so I'll talk to you later type-of-thing.
20:02 But I find myself having to explain that or having to
20:05 help them with the understanding of why I don't eat
20:09 certain things, why I don't wear certain things,
20:11 why I don't watch certain things...
20:13 And it's so much easier, I feel like to just have
20:15 somebody that is a match so an XX, but an Adventist XX,
20:20 I think, would be phenomenal.
20:21 And so that's kind of how dating has been for me.
20:27 So here's a difficult question...
20:28 How do you think you might go about finding
20:31 that Adventist XX guy, how?
20:34 Obviously, I go to church, clearly, but I think
20:39 that getting involved in different ministries,
20:42 as my friend, Kisha, suggested and doing things like that,
20:47 and kind of going to different churches and not staying
20:50 so siloed in my one church.
20:52 And really getting to know different people
20:54 and going to conferences, so I'm going to,
20:56 I think it's called "GYC?"
20:58 I've never been before, excited about it,
21:00 and so doing things like that, I think, will give me
21:03 more exposure to other Adventist people
21:07 in different churches, and even going to different
21:09 culture-type churches, like Samoan churches,
21:11 Asian churches, Spanish churches, those kind of things.
21:14 I think that's interesting as well.
21:17 Well that will be great, I'm going too.
21:19 Right, so we'll be there together!
21:21 Hopefully we'll come back and we're not saying...
21:22 Hi! We'll see. We gotta get through
21:26 that test first though, you gotta take the test.
21:28 I think I need to go to GYC and just get a shot of you guys
21:30 and see what's going on!
21:31 Yeah, but I definitely agree with what Jameelah said,
21:34 I think it's part of our mission,
21:37 part of the things that God has called us to do to just be
21:40 in ministry with other young adults
21:42 with other people serving others...
21:44 And, you know, when we're doing that,
21:46 God is going to add so much more to our life.
21:49 So that's when we can meet our man when we're out there
21:53 on a mission trip. Yeah... or a woman.
21:55 Yes or a woman. Laughter
21:57 You know, so it is about getting out there and giving to God
22:01 everything that we do - our time,
22:03 our money, our energy, all of that.
22:04 I think sincerity is the key with that too. Yeah
22:07 Because I think some people will join in and, obviously,
22:10 is to find a man and then they don't find one,
22:11 they're mad and they leave and it's like forget the
22:13 homeless people, forget people in jail, you know what you
22:16 were actually doing this for.
22:18 So I think that along with finding our match
22:20 and figuring out our personality type, we should also find our
22:23 gifts that the Lord has given us.
22:24 So I have the gift of service, so I'm good at doing that,
22:27 I like to do that, so I know that.
22:29 So that's the kind of things I should get involved with,
22:32 and then I think that also when you're not looking for something
22:34 is usually when you find it.
22:36 So if I'm enjoying what I'm doing, I'm not really looking
22:39 for a guy is usually when he'll show up. Yeah
22:41 And so I think that having that sincerity about
22:44 whatever it is you're doing for the Lord and in church,
22:47 I think, will also help.
22:51 And it's just about doing God's business,
22:53 taking care of God's people. Exactly!
22:54 And knowing that He'll take care of your business.
22:56 Yes, He said, "Seek Him first and all these things
22:58 shall be added unto you," if we are seeking Him
23:00 and focusing on Him, then everything else will
23:02 come to us and it won't be like us trying to find something
23:06 or seeking something... "Can you take this test?"
23:08 It will come - he will be the XX you need and that's it.
23:11 Absolutely, absolutely.
23:14 I met one young lady at a college and she said,
23:16 I said, "Well, you seem very hopeful" because she's single
23:19 and I said, "How is it going?"
23:22 She said, "You know, I'm very hopeful."
23:24 She said, "I don't think that God ever teases." Hmmm
23:27 And so I said, "Well, what does that mean?"
23:29 She said, "Well, I've always wanted a family,
23:30 and I've always wanted a significant other,
23:32 and I think that God put that within my heart
23:35 because some people don't, but I do and I don't think
23:37 He would tease me," and I like that.
23:39 I think that sounded pretty be good.
23:42 I have another question: How do you feel about
23:45 visiting churches because a lot of folks know that they
23:48 probably need to visit other churches so that they could
23:50 meet other young people, but feel that
23:52 it compromises the whole idea of going to church for worship.
23:56 How do you guys feel about that?
23:57 I don't know, I feel like I love the church that I go to.
24:03 I love the community, I love the service,
24:06 I love being of service to others at that specific church.
24:11 So, I don't know how I feel,
24:13 I don't know, I don't really have an opinion on it.
24:17 Because after some time, I'm thinking you know
24:19 all the guys at your church and they know you,
24:21 so, you know, after some time, if something doesn't happen
24:23 there, then the pool has been exhausted so to speak.
24:26 I wouldn't mind doing like ministries at different churches
24:29 like extending the ministry at our church to a different church
24:33 but I always have the belief that, you know you're a
24:36 member of a certain church and you give most of your time
24:39 and energy there, so spreading it to every other church
24:43 just to find a man at that point kind of doesn't make sense.
24:48 I mean, I agree with what Kisha is saying.
24:50 I think that visiting other churches is fine,
24:53 but once again, your reason you're visiting.
24:56 It's probably not because the word is so great,
24:58 and your pastor is just not that great and so
25:00 you're going to this church.
25:01 You're going there to find a man and if that's your
25:05 intention, then everything around that is going to
25:08 just to foster that belief.
25:10 So I do think extending the ministry is the best way
25:12 to do it - the best way to go about it.
25:15 It sounds like this could be very frustrating for you guys
25:19 being single, so let's continue this conversation the next time.
25:29 Today we learned that it isn't whether or not you
25:32 have conflict in your relationship that determines
25:35 the outcome, but whether you use completely different
25:39 approaches to resolve it.
25:40 Studies show that personality types, parental role models
25:45 and your past experiences are factors in how you
25:48 choose to resolve conflict.
25:49 In fact, conflict arises from individual differences
25:53 and most often occur as a signal that two people
25:56 have different ideas, desires, drives, even needs,
26:00 but when tempers flare and emotions run high,
26:03 it's usually an indication of conflicting needs.
26:06 Unresolved needs lead to distancing and breakups,
26:10 but the Bible isn't silent on the topic either.
26:12 Ephesians 4:26 says, "Let not the sun go down on your wrath."
26:17 If you're in an XY relationship, then this could change
26:20 especially for you.
26:22 There may be vast differences in how you problem-solve.
26:25 Naturally, the Y-type communicator is less
26:28 likely to want to sit at the dining table to have
26:31 an extended conversation on how to resolve an issue.
26:34 Chances are that one of you can sleep just fine
26:37 after an argument even with the matter unresolved.
26:41 The other partner - not so much.
26:43 So Ephesians 4:26 makes sense for two reasons...
26:46 One of you will suffer quite a bit of emotional
26:49 distress which will last for some time rather than
26:53 lessen with the passage of time.
26:55 You, the Y partner, should seriously consider
26:58 a compromise that relieves your partner of his burden
27:01 and stress.
27:02 The other reason is that studies show that when left unchecked,
27:06 anger and discomfort turn into their more dangerous
27:09 cousins - bitterness and resentment
27:11 the precursors to the breakdown of many relationships.
27:16 It's helpful to also point out that Ephesians is
27:18 focusing on wrath and not resolution.
27:21 There are ways and techniques to let the hot air out of
27:25 the conflict without arriving at a grand resolution.
27:29 Join us next time on "Road to Romance"


Revised 2017-04-04