Rd 2 Romance

How Close Do We Have to Be?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dr. John Jacob (Host), Jameela & Jason, Jennifer, Kisha, Kory & Kimberly


Series Code: RDR

Program Code: RDR000009

00:24 Hello and welcome to "Road to Romance"
00:26 I'm your host, Dr. John Jacob
00:28 Kisha, Jason, Jamela, welcome back. Thank you!
00:34 So the last time we met you, Kisha, had given us an idea
00:39 of what you wanted in a partner. Um hm
00:42 And now, Jason, I'd like to hear from you and Jamela
00:45 before we bring out your test results.
00:46 I'm sure you're excited to see what the results are. Yeah!
00:49 Okay, Jason, can we start with you?
00:51 So basically what I'm looking for is...
00:53 I'm looking for my best friend.
00:54 You know, you're going to be spending a lot of time
00:57 with this person; you want to have somebody
01:00 that you get along with; you enjoy spending time with;
01:03 you can do fun things with, as well as grow spiritually.
01:09 I want someone... we're going to be a team, you know,
01:12 I need somebody who has that mentality - the team mentality.
01:17 It's not what can she do for me or what I can do for her,
01:21 it's what can we do for each other.
01:23 If you're going to grow and build together,
01:24 you have to have that and I think today's culture
01:27 and with the music and all that stuff,
01:30 I think it's really throwing people's perception off
01:33 as far as, you know, a lot of these women want
01:36 ballers, I want a baller, I want somebody who is going to
01:39 just spend their money on me and whatever,
01:42 and they don't want to do anything
01:43 at home, they don't want to do anything.
01:45 They just want to get paid and get some, I don't need that.
01:51 Well you know, we have the opposite happening on our team
01:54 We have a lot of women complaining that guys
01:56 will take them nowhere beyond "Starbucks."
01:58 I mean, it's a Starbucks date or it's nothing.
02:02 So it goes both ways.
02:05 It does go both ways, and I'm glad that you said that
02:08 because a good guy needs to be appreciated at the same time.
02:16 There are some women that get a good guy,
02:19 and they go beyond the Starbucks...
02:22 They take them and "Martinelli's" dine them.
02:26 I won't say wine and dine, but they use that. Grape juice.
02:31 And you know, take really good care of them,
02:33 but they are not appreciative, they take it for granted,
02:36 and then they complain that they don't have a good guy.
02:40 That's a good point.
02:41 Jamela? I definitely agree with
02:44 what Jason said.
02:45 I want somebody who is a spiritual leader.
02:47 I want somebody who passionate and exciting.
02:49 I like to do a lot of different things
02:51 with somebody who is cultured,
02:52 not somebody who is kind of stuck in his box or siloed.
02:55 I want somebody who is kind of spontaneous as well,
02:59 and wants to travel and go places and do other things,
03:02 who knows how to read more than one book...
03:05 I like these kind of things and we can have conversation.
03:09 I like to talk with you, like he was saying...
03:10 If you're going to spend a lot of time with this person,
03:12 you have to be able to get along and laugh and joke.
03:15 I'm very goofy, so I want somebody with a sense of humor,
03:17 not who is serious all the time,
03:19 but who can play both ends of that, I like that.
03:21 Can I change my answer to her answer and his? Sorry. Laughter!
03:26 Right!
03:27 So, but I don't like somebody who is too physical,
03:30 who is too touchy-feely, I'm not that kind of person.
03:34 So, after a while, I'll be like, "Okay, that's enough,
03:38 those hands for two days now, let's try now no hands."
03:42 Okay after a while, it's going to be irritating.
03:44 But, you know, initially I think that's a good thing,
03:48 it's kind of a way that people show how they feel about you.
03:53 What about communication, how important is that to you?
03:55 Very important! Clearly, I talk a lot,
03:58 and so I want somebody who we can communicate
04:01 and talk back and forth because I'm not going to
04:04 read your mind, I don't have time for that.
04:05 I don't real well between the lines...
04:07 So it's either going to be you tell me or "Okay."
04:10 So I just need you to say something to me so I know!
04:14 Because I think that anything can be talked through
04:16 or anything can be talked about.
04:17 It's all about the way you talk, the tone in which you
04:20 say things... things like that.
04:21 But communication, I feel like is key in any relationship,
04:23 not just husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend,
04:26 but mother-daughter, parents-children, all of that.
04:30 So, it's very important to me.
04:32 So for you, no games!
04:34 No, I don't have time for that, yeah, kind of too old for that.
04:39 Laughter... You know, we happen to know
04:41 how old you are... Yes you do, right, 25.
04:45 And you're already done with the games - that's it.
04:47 Exactly! Laughter
04:48 And I'm the old man on this program.
04:50 A smidge, but it's okay. Laughter
04:54 So, Kisha, are you ready to get your results?
04:58 Yes, I guess so, bring them on out.
05:01 All right, let's take a look at the screen
05:03 and take a look at Kisha's results.
05:08 Okay, there you go... you're an XX which means
05:12 that you have high needs, well moderately high needs
05:15 for communication, oh, moderate needs for
05:19 communication and moderately high needs for intimacy.
05:22 So you are probably the opposite of Jamela in that respect,
05:26 you probably like a little more affection than she does.
05:30 Tell me a little bit about that.
05:32 Umm, I don't know... Like for the most part,
05:35 I agree with what she says, like I don't like
05:39 to, I guess, have my space invaded,
05:43 but if I'm giving the person permission to be close to me,
05:48 then I like to feel close to a person,
05:50 I like to be affectionate towards the ones that I love.
05:54 But if I don't really know you, if I'm not comfortable
05:59 around you, please don't touch me.
06:03 And you know, you guys need to keep in mind that
06:06 our culture, in terms of spiritual culture,
06:08 also plays a role whether or not we feel comfortable
06:12 with that kind of closeness because, I mean,
06:14 we're saving ourselves for marriage. Right
06:17 And a sure way to kill that little project is to get
06:22 too close where you are uncomfortable
06:23 or too used to someone being in that proximity.
06:27 So that is factoring in...
06:29 So possibly when you guys are happily married,
06:32 you'll do this again and... Possibly?
06:34 Hopefully, right? Right... Laughter
06:38 Oh, not the marriage, not the marriage.
06:40 Maybe you guys might be so happily married,
06:42 you'll want to come back to Dr. Jacob and have a test done.
06:45 You might be just thinking, "Oh, good luck, Dr. Jacob."
06:47 We gotta get to the marriage first.
06:50 Before we even say something. Yeah, there you go...
06:52 That first Starbucks thing... Exactly!
06:54 There you go. Ask a couple of questions.
06:55 So let's move on to Jason's.
06:57 Jason, let's look at your screen.
07:00 Wow, so you are moderately high in your need for communication
07:05 which explains why you're looking for a best friend.
07:08 Now I have to tell you, Jason, it might be a little tricky.
07:13 I believe it. Yes, it might be.
07:17 In 2010, they did a longitudinal study that actually
07:20 started in 2000 and they went across college campuses
07:25 across the United States and
07:27 they actually measured the empathy of young women.
07:31 So they started in 2000 and they checked to see what the
07:34 empathy was in 2000 compared to 2010 and guess what happened?
07:39 It dropped by 50% across the United States.
07:43 Women are 50% less empathetic within the last 10 years alone.
07:47 I believe it.
07:50 Empathy has a lot to do with what you are looking for.
07:53 I believe it. Because you want the kindness,
07:55 you want the sensitivity, you want the willingness
07:58 to compromise and all of that, affection, all of that
08:02 is tied in to empathy, so that's something to keep in mind.
08:04 It might make your search a little more difficult,
08:07 but, you're on "Road to Romance," anything could happen.
08:10 Or if you can make a time machine,
08:13 I could go back in time, maybe I could find her.
08:17 We'll be working on that, we'll be working on that.
08:19 What did they attribute, though, to the reason why it dropped?
08:21 This is one of the rare times that sociologists
08:24 said they did not have an explanation.
08:26 They couldn't explain it, the drop is so stark,
08:28 it is so deep - they couldn't explain what
08:31 could possibly have happened.
08:32 Now I have some ideas...
08:34 That's what happened...
08:35 What, what? She said, "men." That's what happened!
08:39 Well, it will take a little more than...
08:41 I mean either they're locked up, they're shot, they're gone,
08:44 they don't care or they're gay.
08:46 I mean, so...
08:47 And so you're thinking that that caused
08:48 the empathy to drop? YES!
08:50 What about the good brothers?
08:51 Tell me where they're at?
08:53 Right here, right here in the middle of the couch! Exactly!
08:56 There's only one of him, see what I'm saying...
08:58 There are two of us, we can't both have Jason.
09:00 Maybe we can alternate? Laughter!
09:03 Laughter... Sorry
09:06 Think about this...
09:07 Women have entered the workforce...
09:09 Yes we have because we have to.
09:11 A lot more within those 10 years than ever before.
09:14 In fact, 2009 was the first year that women were
09:18 employed in higher numbers than men.
09:20 For the first time in U.S. history, 2009.
09:23 Now we've found that when a woman enters the workforce,
09:26 her testosterone level rises. Um hm
09:29 Well whenever testosterone levels go up,
09:31 oxytocin levels go down and oxytocin
09:34 is connected to empathy.
09:36 So the more we push women into the workforce,
09:39 and, by the way, they've discovered that
09:41 the higher up they go in the rank,
09:42 all the way up to a manager and all the way up to CEO,
09:46 the higher their testosterone levels. Hmm, that make sense.
09:49 So, we may have a hormonal reason, an explanation,
09:54 for what is happening with women and, of course,
09:56 I agree things are changing; women are single parents.
09:59 That's another thing - a woman has to be both man and woman
10:03 to her child - so that's another factor.
10:05 And it also goes back to what I was saying earlier too about
10:10 media and music and all that it's changing the values.
10:15 It's reshaping people's values. Absolutely
10:18 It's making them think, "Okay I gotta act like this,"
10:20 or this is what you should have, this is what you want.
10:24 You know, and it's telling them, filling their head
10:26 with all the wrong things for both men and women.
10:29 Let's take a look at Jamela's results...
10:33 You guys are all moderates, a bunch of moderates
10:37 here we have.
10:38 This is very good, lots of balance.
10:40 The same thing that I've told the others...
10:42 You have a high need for communication,
10:44 and you have, well when I say high, moderately high need,
10:48 and you have also a moderate need for intimacy.
10:51 You said you don't like guys to be too close,
10:52 but I'm sure there are other aspects of affection
10:55 that you probably enjoy if your score is going to be this high.
10:59 Okay, how is this going to influence
11:02 how you look for someone else?
11:04 Well, as a female, I choose not to look
11:07 since a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing
11:11 so I choose to just continue to be moderate, I guess,
11:16 and I think I already kind of knew what I was,
11:20 so kind of how I felt about certain things,
11:22 but I think my challenge is finding this other person,
11:25 because I don't know if you're X moderate or X moderate
11:27 or what you are, unless you take the test
11:30 then I have to wait 58 dates, then to figure this out
11:34 that you are really a YY or something,
11:38 and then it's not working so...
11:39 Let's go back to that last line, we will end on this.
11:44 I want you to take a look at this couple and tell me
11:48 whether you think that these two people are happy.
11:53 If they're not, I also want you to tell me how early
11:56 do you think they could have figured that out in the process?
12:00 So the next time we meet, be thinking about
12:04 those answers and we'll pick it up from right here.
12:11 Welcome back Jennifer, Kory, Kim. Thank you
12:15 I am certain that you are excited about finding out
12:19 your results. Absolutely. Oh yes.
12:21 So let's start with Jennifer, let's take a look at the screen.
12:24 Okay, Jennifer you're an XX, an X moderate,
12:29 and X moderately high.
12:31 Remember we're measuring two things here...
12:33 Your need for communication which is the first X and a
12:37 slightly higher need for intimacy
12:39 which is the second X. Right
12:40 This goes both ways, it means this is what you expect
12:44 from your partner and this is what you will
12:46 give to your partner. Right
12:47 Even if your partner has lower needs,
12:49 you will be inclined to give this,
12:51 and that might result in some resentment.
12:54 Okay? Let's look at the next slide...
12:59 So Kimberly, is this what you expected?
13:05 I honestly don't know what I expected.
13:07 All right, so let me explain...
13:09 We actually have seven levels of both communication and intimacy.
13:15 Moderate is right in the middle of the high end,
13:20 but borderline is just borderline, right in-between.
13:25 Borderline actually explains a lot of what we
13:28 were talking about which is, you have a bit of a lower need
13:34 for intimacy which would mean at times, you would feel the
13:38 need for some space, some solitude,
13:42 some alone time... This much is true. Laughter
13:47 Your husband confirms... and it's hard to tell when
13:52 you're going to need these things.
13:54 He's just going to have to continue to, you know,
13:56 be aware that sometimes you need it and sometimes you don't.
14:00 And the way a lot of husbands do that is to leave it
14:02 up to you to reach out for it, to ask for it, to initiate it.
14:07 Because it's impossible to tell when you're really feeling that.
14:11 So borderline is borderline, it means that on some days
14:15 you will feel like, "Okay, I need some attention."
14:18 On other days, you'll feel like, "I just need to be left alone
14:22 in my shell, not coming out, I just need some "me" time." Ok
14:27 So the trick to getting closer; however, is really to
14:31 finding out how much space you need.
14:35 It seems like a little contradiction,
14:36 but you can actually get closer to someone
14:38 by giving them more space because if you don't,
14:42 what you caused is resentment
14:45 and that is the enemy of closeness.
14:47 So, yeah, but a little bit of a contradiction,
14:51 but it's something that Kory looks like he is
14:54 quite capable of performing.
14:57 Moderate in terms of communication,
14:59 so you are a communicator, that's not borderline at all.
15:02 You like Kory to communicate with you and you want
15:06 that level of communication as well.
15:08 Remember we talked about oxytocin,
15:11 both of these produce oxytocin, but with borderline
15:15 intimacy need, means that Kory has to be careful to not
15:19 overwhelm you because what you might do that would
15:23 naturally produce oxytocin in someone else,
15:25 would have the opposite effect with Kim.
15:30 Okay, let's take a look at you, Kory, and your slide.
15:34 When I saw "borderline" still, I thought that was
15:36 interesting, something's wrong.
15:37 Okay, so you are X moderate, X moderate which is,
15:41 you know, balanced.
15:43 But here's the thing, you are a little distance
15:46 away from Kimberly in terms of affection and intimacy
15:51 which means Kim would have to make some effort at times
15:57 to produce and provide the affection that you need.
16:00 Now there was a time that we thought that this was an
16:03 optional thing - you know, "Oh my wife needs for me to
16:07 talk to her, you know, she has this need to chat"
16:10 or whatever, or my husband is always touchy-feely
16:13 and I'm not in the mood for it.
16:14 Well that was before the new science came out.
16:18 The new science is showing that this is strongly hormonal
16:22 and marriages and relationships depend on it. Mercy
16:27 If your hormones drop too low, you will begin to feel
16:32 detached as opposed to attached.
16:35 It's not something that happens overnight. Okay
16:37 But if it's left unattended for months and years,
16:42 one day someone can wake up and feel,
16:45 "What do we have in common?"
16:47 "I don't feel the attachment anymore, it's gone."
16:50 And at point, it's very difficult to get it back. Hmm
16:54 So both of you, and I'm sure that you're probably already
16:57 doing this, but you would need to always stay cognizant
17:01 of the fact that the intimacy part...
17:03 you're going to have to monitor it and that simply means
17:06 you would make an effort to give more. Yes
17:09 More than you feel to give and, Kory, you would make an
17:13 effort to be willing to accept a little less than you would like.
17:18 So that kind of causes you guys
17:20 to meet in the middle, the communication is fine.
17:22 You all are on the same page with that.
17:24 I wouldn't really worry about that,
17:25 just the intimacy piece needs to have a bit of a monitoring.
17:31 Okay, you want to say something...
17:33 I was going to say, it's actually kind of interesting
17:35 because I think we kind already knew somewhat,
17:38 but it's interesting to actually see it proven, I guess,
17:43 scientifically - kind of makes you feel like you're not crazy.
17:45 Before, at least we knew that we were kind of on the right track.
17:49 And what we were talking about earlier is...
17:52 this could have been discovered
17:56 when you guys were 2 years old.
18:01 You know, the science just came out, unfortunately,
18:03 but for the young people ahead of us, I envy them because
18:07 they can actually, on day one,
18:10 before they go on that first date,
18:12 they can find out - "Okay, you need more intimacy than I do,"
18:15 And then, here's the next decision...
18:18 And the next decision is this...
18:19 Remember we were talking about closeness?
18:22 But closeness is not the same as oneness.
18:24 Closeness is where you start,
18:26 and if you're lucky, you achieve it.
18:29 Oneness is the goal that we have.
18:32 You have to get to the place where, if someone asks
18:35 you a question, she can answer. Um hm
18:38 You guys are just one.
18:40 Now, the only way to go from closeness to oneness
18:43 is by adjusting and adapting.
18:46 This is the reason why a lot of people get into marriage
18:49 and they're very disappointed and they're very discouraged
18:52 usually because the changes that they were willing to make
18:56 in the dating phase is stopped.
18:59 It's not entirely their fault.
19:02 The fact is - our bodies naturally produce a whole
19:06 flush of hormones during the dating phase that do all kinds
19:10 of little tricks to help us to fall in love,
19:12 from blinding us to the faults of the person
19:15 you are falling in love with, you don't want to eat,
19:19 you want to spend all your time.
19:20 Think about it, you're actually preoccupied with this person.
19:23 This person is your priority.
19:25 You would do anything for them and you make changes.
19:28 You do things that you would never have done.
19:30 Maybe you never bought a rose in your life,
19:32 but you're buying roses now.
19:34 Two dozen... Exactly
19:35 Exactly. Two dozen, there you go...
19:37 Two dozen. You've never been to the beach,
19:39 but you're going to the beach now.
19:40 Maybe you hate the mountains or you hate the cold,
19:42 but you're willing. Yeah
19:44 And you also make a lot of promises...
19:46 Who ever is the stronger X- type among you
19:49 will make the most promises.
19:52 For X-types, words - that's their currency.
19:55 So you make these quick promises and, again,
19:57 the hormones facilitate all of this.
20:00 Unfortunately, hormones have a reaction,
20:03 have an impact and impression on your brain cells.
20:06 It actually changes the shape of your brain.
20:08 When people date, it changes the brain,
20:11 and so now your brain has changed in such a way
20:14 so that you expect to date forever
20:16 your brain doesn't have a concept of
20:18 "now you have a ring on your finger."
20:19 All your brain knows, "I really like this,
20:23 this was great, this was fun, this was play,"
20:26 and then the ring hits the finger and the kids come along,
20:29 and the play is gone and it's work!
20:32 And the brain doesn't get that.
20:35 To compound the situation, the hormones are withdrawn
20:38 because they served their purpose.
20:39 Their purpose was only to get you to this point. Yeah
20:41 And now with serotonin and all of the other hormones
20:46 retreating, your scales on your eyes are completely
20:50 removed and you see every single fault in the person that
20:54 you were overlooking - things with before. Right
20:57 So as a result, we try to tell people, "Okay this is what
21:01 you need to do - you need to know who you are
21:04 interested in who you getting with on this side of
21:07 the equation, so the test that we created,
21:09 the XY-Personality Test, it does something
21:11 very remarkable that no other test does - it actually measures
21:15 what we call "the relationship personality,"
21:17 not the social personality because that's useless.
21:20 This is not what someone is going to be able to keep up
21:22 with for the rest of their lives.
21:24 What they can keep up with is relationship personality,
21:28 and we call that "the default setting."
21:31 So it's the setting that the person reverts back to
21:33 when they're comfortable, when they no longer have
21:35 to impress you when you've been married for a while,
21:38 you know each other for a while and you're not going anywhere.
21:40 You will get married to the default setting,
21:43 but you don't know it because during that dating period
21:46 you are mesmerized and blinded and this happens to everyone.
21:51 So as a result, when we test couples, 85% of all couples
21:54 are mismatched. Wow
21:57 Eighty-five percent, but you have no way of knowing.
21:59 We have teenagers that don't want to listen
22:02 to their parents' advice and that is a huge mistake, why?
22:05 The same hormones, they impact what you call your
22:09 prefrontal cortex and actually shut them down to the
22:13 point where judgment is impaired.
22:16 You cannot tell that the person that you're so
22:18 mesmerized by is the person that is
22:20 the one you can spend the rest of your life with
22:21 because the part of your brain that is responsible
22:23 for decision-making and reasoning shuts off.
22:27 So I'm guessing that we're in the 15%, I'm praying that we're
22:29 in the 15%. Laughter
22:32 I'm here thinking, "Lord, don't let me be in the 85."
22:34 No, no, no, not now. No, you guys are good. Okay
22:38 Oh you guys are in the 15%, but the 85%,
22:40 they have a wider margin.
22:41 You guys are just like one level apart from each other
22:43 which is why we're sitting here and laughing about it. Okay
22:46 Okay, yeah that's good. Yes that's why we're doing that.
22:50 Okay, so now I think you guys all did what we call
22:53 "A Reluctant Partner Test." Right. Yes.
22:55 And the reason for that is to see if you know your
22:58 partner as well as you think you do.
23:01 So let's start with Jennifer's slide. Okay
23:04 Let's look at the screen.
23:06 Anthony - so if you recall Jennifer's,
23:10 what was her profile, what was her...
23:13 personality type - do you guys remember? XX
23:15 So XX and Anthony is a YY.
23:20 There's no way to spin this. Completely opposite - yeah.
23:24 I'm one end of the pendulum to the other. Wooo
23:27 Yeah, yeah - can you put a good spin on this? Yeah
23:30 Absolutely. Here's the pendulum here.
23:33 Absolutely. Moderately high.
23:34 Could be like borderline like you.
23:37 So correct. And she's here.
23:39 I'm all the way over there. Yeah
23:41 Just in a little few minutes, could you just tell us
23:45 a little bit of what that disparity is like for you?
23:48 I think it's really interesting, I mean the love of my life,
23:53 absolutely, after 16 years, you know,
23:55 and I find it to be quite interesting indeed.
23:59 I think one of the things that came out while you
24:02 were speaking is that need for space because Y's
24:06 usually need that type of space.
24:09 And what I have noticed in our dynamics is that
24:13 being an X, here it is I'm like, "Well maybe something
24:16 is wrong with you honey? Are you okay?
24:19 You're so quiet?"
24:20 It's like, "Well everything is just fine."
24:23 And I'm like, you know, "No."
24:25 I'm beginning to diagnose now.
24:27 Nothing, no. You're not fine.
24:29 Something, so that need for space and what I have come
24:32 to recognize - it doesn't mean the person doesn't care.
24:36 But the wives really like that alone-time, that me-time.
24:41 And something you said that was really, I thought,
24:44 very important earlier on is that giving that space
24:49 actually creates that closeness and most of the times
24:52 we look at it as quite the opposite...
24:54 Well if I give that person that space,
24:56 the space is going to get wider. Right
24:58 But I think it is interesting to note that it's
25:00 quite the opposite that takes place. Yeah
25:03 The next time we meet, we will talk more about
25:07 that conundrum that you're describing. Right
25:11 And we'll take a look at your "Reluctant Partner" results.
25:21 There isn't a realization more sobering than the
25:24 realization that the one person you thought would be
25:27 your soul mate is anything but.
25:29 The sudden awareness that other things matter more to him
25:33 or her - anything, any other person.
25:37 This isn't about infidelity, but indifference.
25:39 You convince yourself that you're not the one,
25:42 just one because if you were, your partner would
25:46 be interested in oneness, the way you are,
25:48 the way you know God is.
25:50 In John 10:30, God said, "I and the Father are one."
25:55 And Genesis 1:26 says, "But God created Adam and Eve
25:58 in His own image." The image of oneness.
26:02 One takes the concept of closeness
26:04 entirely to another level.
26:06 There are achievements God has planned for a couple
26:09 that will never be realized without oneness.
26:12 This is a pretty big deal to God.
26:14 On one occasion Jesus even explained that a house
26:17 divided against itself cannot stand.
26:20 How many of us feel oneness with our partners?
26:23 How many of us can say our partners feel that way about us?
26:27 We've added a question in our test that asks
26:30 a person if they're willing to adapt to someone else
26:34 to make a relationship work.
26:35 At least 50% of test-takers said "no, they would rather not."
26:40 Some of them "Christians."
26:42 I said to one gentleman, "So you would like to be in
26:45 a relationship, but you have no desire to change?"
26:47 "Yep," he said, "that's correct, I am who I am."
26:50 To be one with someone, you can do this in several ways.
26:56 Be one in purpose - can two walk together except they agree?
27:01 You've got to be on the same page,
27:03 heading in the same direction,
27:04 wanting the same things out of life,
27:07 have the same values.
27:08 Don't choose someone with whom you have nothing in common.
27:12 Lastly, and this is for both singles and couples...
27:16 If you are already in a relationship,
27:19 make sure that the one you're with is someone who
27:22 is willing to change, willing to grow to adapt
27:25 or adjust.
27:26 Join us next time on "Road to Romance"


Revised 2017-03-22