Rd 2 Romance

The Social Personality

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dr. John Jacob (Host), Robert & Tangela, Don & Elaine, Kerissa


Series Code: RDR

Program Code: RDR000004

00:25 Hello, welcome to "Road to Romance"
00:27 I'm your host, Dr. John Jacob
00:29 Today, we are going to examine
00:31 social versus relational personality,
00:34 and explain how it complicates dating and marriage.
00:38 Let's welcome Robert and Tangela.
00:40 Welcome! Hi, welcome!
00:42 So how are you guys adjusting to the news
00:45 from the last program?
00:47 Very well, very well. Yes
00:49 Happy about it? Yes. Very happy.
00:51 And as I said, you guys are one in a million. Um hm
00:55 Well it's really good news, but, you know,
00:57 here starts the real work.
01:01 Relational personality is just one aspect of a relationship
01:05 or one aspect of a marriage. Right
01:07 So today, we will look at some other aspects so that you guys
01:10 can be really prepared.
01:12 If it's possible to make a perfect match even more perfect,
01:15 that's what we're going to try to do here. Oh
01:18 Okay? So Robert, do you remember your
01:22 personality type?
01:23 X borderline, X moderately high.
01:26 And you... The same match,
01:29 X borderline, X moderately high.
01:32 Okay and that's very good, so me tell you...
01:34 Let's recap a little... We said that you have
01:40 two personalities, social which we'll get to
01:44 in a minute and relational.
01:46 But in a relational personality, you have 2 letters,
01:49 that stand for two dimensions; one being communication
01:52 and the other being intimacy. Right?
01:56 So your results suggests that you are borderline
02:00 with communication which means you don't need
02:03 that much communication.
02:04 It also means you won't give that much communication.
02:07 So some folks communicate too much. Right
02:11 And some communicate too little. Um hm
02:12 You guys won't have to worry about that.
02:15 Now what you might be concerned about a little is the fact
02:18 that neither of you are probably going to
02:23 forward or put forth enough conversation sometimes
02:28 to get certain problems resolved. Okay. Right.
02:31 Your personality is the type of personality that
02:33 would prefer to sweep a problem under the carpet,
02:36 than talk it to death. Right. Right.
02:39 Okay? It's a good thing, you guys shouldn't be
02:42 in any heated arguments. Right
02:44 But the flip side of that is...
02:46 How do you solve a problem that you don't talk about?
02:49 So keep that in mind.
02:51 Also the intimacy is pretty high.
02:54 I don't expect that you guys will have a problem with that.
02:58 But just to address Tangela for a little bit...
03:00 So your personality is borderline,
03:03 and I'm talking to you, but I'm really referring to
03:07 Robert. Okay
03:08 So, your borderline personality means that you are
03:12 a female that would prefer a guy who would take charge.
03:17 You would prefer the guy to make some decisions.
03:21 Borderline females usually have a low tolerance for
03:25 males that take an excessively
03:28 long time to get their acts together.
03:30 You are usually attracted to males that have
03:32 a certain amount of testosterone.
03:36 So, in your history, if you check your past,
03:38 you would see in your past, you would have made choices
03:40 for alpha males.
03:43 Today, I would say, you made the right choice.
03:46 Why? Let me show you something about alpha males...
03:49 Alpha males have a lot of high testosterone.
03:51 So they come across as cocky, they come across as confident,
03:54 and, yes, they are "take charge." Yeah
03:57 But, the testosterone also gives them an increase
04:02 in tendencies to be reckless, to be interested in extreme
04:09 sports, to be low on commitment and also to be the kind of
04:17 guys that when they make a decision for fatherhood,
04:21 sometimes you're not very happy with their focus,
04:24 with their priority because sometimes the priority
04:25 is on whatever they're into.
04:29 Whether it be motorbikes or fishing,
04:31 or whatever they're doing.
04:34 So I think this is a good choice, but you guys just
04:36 need to know still what you have to tweak.
04:39 Of course, you'd have to make sure that you
04:41 communicate with her...
04:43 Okay, this is what I'm doing, this is my plan,
04:44 this is my career goal... because borderline women
04:47 tend to very career-driven, career-oriented and they
04:51 want their men to be as well. Right
04:53 Okay? So as far as the personalities go,
04:55 you guys are fine, but here is the thing,
04:57 you guys just got started, every relationship goes through
05:02 certain specific stages, very specific stages and right now
05:05 you guys are in the romance stage. Okay
05:08 I mentioned to you before that you guys have a lot
05:12 of hormones that are making this very easy for you.
05:15 You're not seeing each other's faults because you're
05:18 being blinded. Right?
05:20 You won't stay in this stage forever.
05:23 Before long, you would need to move to the next stage,
05:25 and then the next stage and eventually,
05:27 who knows, maybe within a year, within 2 years,
05:30 it depends on how fast this goes...
05:32 you guys will find yourself in the stage that
05:34 everybody dreads... the power struggle stage.
05:38 In that stage, you each would be vying for who is going to
05:42 control the relationship.
05:44 The reason why I'm telling you this is because at this stage
05:47 many relationships die a premature death.
05:50 So you have to be prepared... What are you going to do
05:54 to prevent that. Right
05:56 And the best way to prepare for it is to talk about it
05:59 ahead of time.
06:01 I have some ideas on how you could divide that need
06:07 to lead which is another segment we have
06:10 for a future program.
06:11 But your you guys right now, I have to say
06:14 if you would share the power or plan to share the power,
06:19 it would be probably a good start. Oh okay.
06:22 Okay? Let's turn to the monitor...
06:24 Okay. Compartmentalization.
06:29 Remember we talked about the relationship
06:31 of personality pieces... so just to go back a little,
06:35 we believe that at the fall of Adam and Eve,
06:40 the breakage began.
06:42 Adam and Eve were whole.
06:43 They were spiritual beings, they were
06:45 physical beings, but after the fall, she and he were broken up,
06:52 sort of segmented. Okay
06:56 So the fall caused breakage and damage to the whole being,
06:59 and new dimensions were formed. Oh
07:01 I mean, think about it, the reason why we
07:03 have to be concerned about financial differences
07:06 is because of where we are today compared to where they were.
07:10 Yes, that's true. Okay?
07:12 Or social, there was no such thing as a division between
07:15 social and relational. Right
07:17 So the relational quotient was broken into two dimensions
07:21 which surfaced every time
07:23 scientists attempted to find a cause for marital distress
07:27 which is interesting.
07:28 Any time any study is done to find why people go their
07:32 separate ways, communication and intimacy always
07:36 surface as primary reasons.
07:39 Let's look at the next slide...
07:40 So here are just six of the compartments, there are others,
07:45 but we've just considered these six.
07:46 On the top, of course, we have Spiritual.
07:50 It's something that you guys would need to
07:52 be concerned about.
07:54 A lot of studies show that spiritual intimacy
07:56 is actually one of the most pivotal pieces in terms of
08:01 having a long-term relationship.
08:05 You've got to be on the same page spiritually
08:07 even if it doesn't seem that way now,
08:09 again because of the hormones that are swirling and telling
08:12 you, "It's okay, you're okay, I'm okay, we're okay." Right
08:15 Well, at some point, you're going to have to pay
08:18 attention to the fact that you guys need to be
08:20 on the same page spiritually, and it's not an easy dimension.
08:24 There are a lot of pieces to it.
08:26 How often are you going to go to church?
08:29 Are you going to raise the kids a certain way?
08:31 Right? Right.
08:34 How strictly will you follow the diet?
08:37 How strictly will you follow the rules?
08:39 How strictly do you want to adhere to the beliefs?
08:43 Do you want a real committed relationship with God
08:46 or do you want something that is more liberal
08:49 as opposed to conservative?
08:51 I mean it's very, very tricky. Yes
08:53 And you were surprised when I told you that atheists
08:55 have the lowest divorce rate worldwide. Yes
08:59 Well one reason for that is... they have what we call,
09:01 "spiritual intimacy." Hmm
09:04 I know, it seems like a misnomer.
09:06 Why would you have an atheist and be talking
09:08 about spiritual intimacy?
09:09 Spiritual intimacy doesn't have anything to do with the fact
09:12 that you go to church.
09:13 What it has to do with is the fact that you could
09:15 be intimate because there's no difference in your spirituality
09:18 that's preventing it. Okay? Yes
09:21 So in that respect, they have none of the things that we
09:24 have to deal with. Right
09:25 So they're good, you know. Yes
09:27 So you pay attention to that
09:29 and you make sure that you're on the same page.
09:32 Physical - That is more important to Y-types.
09:35 Robert - She's not a Y, but she is a borderline X
09:41 which is as close to a Y-type as you could be.
09:43 She will be concerned that you stay fit and healthy. Okay
09:49 Social - Very important, but we'll talk about that
09:53 in a minute.
09:54 Cultural, financial and relational...
09:57 Financial is very important and this shows up as #2
10:00 in most of the studies that we've looked at
10:04 with regard to compatibility. Right
10:08 Now, I'm going to give you guys a bit of homework. Okay
10:11 I want you guys to take a look at expectations.
10:15 Everyone goes into a relationship with different
10:17 expectations... You expect certain things
10:19 from her as a girlfriend and then finally, eventually a wife,
10:22 and she expects different things from you.
10:25 I want you guys to take some time, write it down,
10:30 make a list, don't collaborate, do it separately,
10:34 and we'll see you guys again, right here,
10:38 on "Road to Romance" when you'll share
10:40 that list with us. Okay. Okay?
10:48 Welcome back to "Road to Romance."
10:50 The last time Don and Elaine were on the program,
10:53 we gave them a special assignment.
10:55 Welcome Don and Elaine. Thank you. Thank you
10:59 So you had some challenges to work on.
11:01 How did that go? Elaine?
11:04 Well they were challenges.
11:07 I, for one, was not to say anything to Don
11:12 about moving his things to where they needed
11:16 to be in the house or either to just say something one time
11:21 and then I was not to say anything anymore.
11:24 I was supposed to leave it up to you to say something to him
11:26 if it needed to be said.
11:28 That was a challenge for me.
11:30 But it was getting off of the controlling mode which is
11:33 one of Elaine's more favorite modes usually...
11:37 And so, I did things about the house to help to clean up
11:41 those things that have been upsetting to her,
11:43 putting away newspapers; you know, get this and that
11:47 off the floor and do some straightening
11:50 up around the house.
11:51 And I did that and then I would see if she would
11:56 compliment me on... "Well husband, you did this,"
12:01 and it took a couple of days to get to that point,
12:05 but she finally came across. Not bad.
12:09 Let me give the audience a little bit of background...
12:13 What you guys are doing are called "challenges."
12:18 Now as we pointed out at the very beginning,
12:21 we are not doing counseling, and we're not doing therapy.
12:25 You guys are familiar with that process. Yes
12:27 What we're doing is coaching, relationship coaching,
12:32 and what that allows us to do is to go directly
12:34 to the formation of goals.
12:36 You guys can form your own goals and we work together
12:39 to make sure that those goals are accomplished.
12:42 It also allows me to work with you guys separately.
12:45 From the very beginning, I felt the need
12:47 to separate you so that we could make some progress,
12:52 and you guys wouldn't cross talk or escalate into anything.
12:57 A lot of what you were working on, individually,
13:01 really still stemmed from the X Y difference.
13:04 Remember we talked about that?
13:06 So, for instance, Don - you mentioned the word "controlling"
13:10 and I know for you, that sounds like,
13:12 "Well, it's a personal choice."
13:14 Someone is either controlling or they're not controlling.
13:17 Well, what actually happens after all these decades?
13:20 For instance, that you guys have been married...
13:23 If Elaine has a need for conversation,
13:27 for communication and she's not getting it from you,
13:31 what happens is you develop what we call a "loop."
13:34 I think I mentioned that during our coaching sessions.
13:37 It's called a "negative feedback loop,"
13:40 And the way it works is, if she asks for something
13:44 or asks to have something done, and doesn't get a response
13:48 from you, then she asks again. Yes
13:52 No response? She asks a little louder, a little more demanding.
13:58 So eventually, it becomes what is called,
14:01 "A demand withdrawal loop."
14:04 She escalates, you withdraw.
14:07 So she escalates some more hoping that the high escalation
14:10 would bring you around but it does not. Um hm
14:13 Has it? Not usually.
14:16 Not usually... And if it does, of course, that will set up
14:20 another pattern that will cause her to continue
14:23 with the escalation.
14:25 So this negative feedback loop, what we were trying to do is
14:29 two things - I was giving her the assignment
14:33 to bring down the vocal interaction which is why
14:38 the last time you had to mode-switch,
14:41 so if you had something to say, something you were angry about,
14:44 you had to write it in a text or you could email it...
14:48 And that had really two effects, #1 the anger that you felt,
14:51 the intensity that you felt wasn't directed toward Don
14:56 immediately and sometimes I felt like maybe you
14:59 didn't even want to bother to go through the trouble of
15:02 finding another mode, so you just bottled it up,
15:04 and you kept it to yourself.
15:06 So mode-switch sort of contained it,
15:08 but didn't really solve the problem.
15:11 So this week, I think what you are saying is
15:14 that you were asked to...
15:16 To ask him one time to do something. Right
15:21 She would ask you one time, and then, on the other hand,
15:26 I asked you to make sure that you did at least one thing
15:30 something visible that she can see and compliment you for. Yes
15:35 The nice thing about coaching is
15:36 you can go directly to the goals.
15:38 We don't have to go back to the last 50 years
15:42 of your past, go back to your childhood.
15:44 We could go straight to what you want.
15:46 If it is that you want to have him clean a certain area
15:50 of the house because you guys are in the process of
15:52 selling it to move, then you make that your goal,
15:55 and he works on that immediately.
15:57 And then we assess and appraise whether or not that was
16:00 an achievable goal for him.
16:01 Should we have shrunk the goal?
16:04 Should we expand the goal?
16:05 Maybe he needed to do two rooms instead of one room.
16:08 So, Don, tell us what exactly did you accomplish
16:11 with that particular goal in terms of
16:12 prioritizing the cleaning.
16:13 How did that work for you?
16:15 It worked well... we have a large island
16:19 countertop which has always been a nice collecting point
16:23 and that has been cleaned up. Good
16:28 One of our bedrooms that we don't use,
16:31 that the children now that they're gone from the home
16:33 are no longer in there, that had been collecting things,
16:37 has been straightened out and cleaned up and I
16:40 still have two more to go, but...
16:42 You made a little progress.
16:44 I made progress, yes. Okay
16:46 Elaine? I see that he is supposed to have been
16:51 getting into files and is throwing away things. Okay
16:58 And that has come out of those rooms that have had things
17:01 stacked in them for years. Very good
17:04 And so, I'm glad to see that and because I am seeing
17:09 some progress, my anxiety level is lessened. Excellent.
17:15 Excellent, that's exactly what we want...
17:19 And so every week, we give you two new goals
17:23 or two new challenges and the idea is that you
17:27 don't share these challenges with each other.
17:30 We test the effectiveness of these challenges by whether
17:33 or not your partner was able to see a difference,
17:36 and sometimes you were able to see the difference
17:39 even without Don saying anything and that's exactly how
17:42 we would like this to work.
17:43 So, of course, next week, we will give you two
17:46 more challenges, individually, no collaboration,
17:50 don't share, don't say anything beyond what you
17:54 have been asked to communicate.
17:57 I know some of this is difficult,
17:58 just keep in mind we have to be patient.
18:00 It has been 42 years of building to this point. Yes
18:05 And it's not going to be done in 42 days...
18:10 It's going to take a little time.
18:12 So, I want to encourage you to stick with it,
18:16 stick with the coaching, stick with the program,
18:18 and I'm pretty sure that, on the other side,
18:21 we will see some progress.
18:23 I just wanted to share with the audience some information
18:27 about you guys on this cleaning project...
18:30 You're cleaning because you're
18:31 moving to a new home. Am I right? Yes
18:35 That's the immediate goal.
18:37 And by cleaning, I mean tidying up, sorting through,
18:40 going through papers and all of that. Yes
18:42 Okay, well one thing a lot of couples forget to do
18:46 is to look for some practical solutions.
18:48 Sometimes we get so caught up in having someone do
18:50 exactly what we want, that we forget the practical solutions.
18:54 When you are back on "Road to Romance,"
18:57 We will share exactly how you guys solved this problem
19:00 with the cleanup and the move to the new place.
19:04 Is that okay? Yes
19:16 Welcome back to "Road to Romance"
19:18 Today we have Kerissa with us.
19:20 You will remember the last time Kerissa joined us,
19:23 she was curious to know about a secret admirer of hers,
19:27 whether or not he was a perfect match.
19:30 Well, during that time, Kerissa took a test,
19:34 a "reluctant partner" test that gave us some results.
19:38 We'll learn about those results today.
19:40 Kerissa, welcome! Thank you for having me back.
19:43 So you have some exciting news.
19:45 You look like you have something you really want to share there.
19:48 Well I honestly like the fact that there was actually
19:52 a "reluctant partner" test.
19:53 I may not be with this person, but I'm happy that
19:58 because I've known the person for a couple of years,
20:01 that I can actually take a test because I know him pretty well.
20:06 Um, yeah, I like that.
20:08 And that's exactly what the test was designed to do.
20:11 You have no idea how many girlfriends I meet,
20:16 how many wives I meet, who have husbands
20:19 and significant others, partners that have no intention
20:22 no desire whatsoever to take a test that could tell their
20:25 partner who they really are...
20:27 So we had to create a version of the test that was
20:30 accurate that a wife, a girlfriend, a friend can take,
20:35 on behalf of their interest, their partner, that could tell
20:40 them whether or not they were a match and whether or not
20:44 they had some things to work on to make their relationship
20:48 stronger.
20:50 This is the reason why you were able to do this with your friend
20:52 and I'm really anxious to see the results as are our viewers.
20:57 Let's take a look at the monitor...
20:58 Wow... So, your secret admirer is an XX like you are.
21:06 You are also an XX, but there's a slight difference
21:09 that we need to talk about.
21:11 The first X is communication, we've said that
21:14 several times on the program.
21:17 He is a moderate X in communication,
21:22 and you are moderately high.
21:25 So you are at least one level above him in terms
21:28 of communication and that won't create much of a problem.
21:31 I think relationships can handle a difference of one level.
21:35 Of course, it's nice to be perfect like other guests
21:39 that we've had on our program, but, if not,
21:42 the next best thing is to be one level away.
21:45 In fact, some people even prefer that.
21:47 I know some women that I know actually
21:50 bought new houses with their partners and they told me
21:55 that they actually wanted a 2- story house because
21:58 he yapped too much and they wanted to be
22:01 upstairs while he was downstairs.
22:02 Some people actually prefer a little difference.
22:05 But let's look at your intimacy score... look at that.
22:08 You are moderately high, again with intimacy,
22:12 and he is X borderline.
22:15 That means he is as close to being a Y-type as possible.
22:19 That kind of a profile usually suggests that you guys
22:22 would have to work really, really hard on intimacy.
22:26 If you got together, he is just a secret admirer
22:28 at this stage, but if you guys got together, at some point
22:31 you'd be concerned about the
22:33 fact that you were not getting enough affection.
22:35 You were not sure that you were feeling loved
22:37 in the relationship, you weren't getting
22:38 enough attention and it's likely to cause problems,
22:43 significant problems even, down the road.
22:46 Now how do you feel about that?
22:50 Well I like the fact that we are both Xs.
22:54 I think that's one good thing.
22:57 The fact that our communication level is pretty close,
23:01 I think that's really good. Yeah
23:03 The intimacy level is farther apart than I
23:09 would probably like, but I think it's workable
23:13 if I chose to actually go down that road with that person.
23:18 But I know that even in a match XX relationship where there are
23:24 different levels, I feel that work would have to be done
23:29 regardless and I don't know, I think it can work
23:33 if I'm up for it. Okay
23:35 So this secret admirer is just a friend? Right
23:38 He's just a friend. Okay there are thousands of
23:39 women viewing right now that have a friend
23:45 that they would like to know, "Well, is this going to be a
23:48 match," but let me point something out.
23:50 What I did in my research, I found that we had two
23:53 personalities - the social personality,
23:56 and the relational personality.
23:58 Now the social personality is more like what we call a
24:00 "persona" which is a mask.
24:05 So, when you're dating, unfortunately,
24:08 you date with a social personality.
24:11 You've heard people talk about a "dating representative,"
24:13 have you heard that term before? Not really.
24:16 Probably a little generation ahead of yours perhaps... Okay
24:20 But, you know, middle age folk talk about a dating
24:23 representative which means... the guy that shows up
24:26 is nothing like the guy that they have or that they get
24:30 when they get inside of the relationship.
24:32 Social personality is the same personality your parents
24:35 would take with them to church.
24:36 The same personality you would take with you to your job
24:39 or to school - you said you went to Andrew's University,
24:42 that's a personality that you use to navigate
24:47 anything that is outside of a relationship.
24:50 Let's look at another slide...
24:52 So we have two personalities and there's a split.
24:55 Each of us has two social and relational to match our society.
24:59 The social personality job is to present you in the best
25:03 light, whether it be on your job, at work or dating,
25:08 or in church or at the store, wherever it is,
25:12 even if it means pretending that you are generous, kind,
25:15 interested, understanding, affectionate - things that
25:18 you might not be - is the reason why thousands of women
25:21 make a mistake about who they date because
25:23 everyone dates in the social personality,
25:26 not the relationship personality.
25:28 So the test actually allows a woman to jump over
25:32 that social pretense and find out exactly who the guy is.
25:39 Well, we have a surprise for you today...
25:42 Okay, what is it about? We actually have your
25:44 secret admirer on the phone. Okay...
25:48 Would you like to talk to him?
25:50 Umm, are you sure he's on the phone?
25:53 I'm sure he's on the phone. Okay...
25:56 Kerissa - I'm just kidding, but we would seriously
25:58 like you to contact your friend and have him take the test
26:01 and share the results with us on the "Road to Romance."
26:04 Okay, I guess I'll try to do that.
26:14 So what does the Bible say about the social personality
26:17 and how it differs from the relational personality,
26:20 and more importantly, how does this affect us
26:22 in the church?
26:24 About 2 years ago, my dad passed away and my mom
26:27 grieved for a few weeks and then admitted to me and
26:31 to my brother that she was not happy in the marriage.
26:34 Now we already knew that, but we were a little surprised
26:37 when she said in 52 years of marriage,
26:39 she was only happy one of those years.
26:41 The problem was that no one in church was
26:44 allowed to know of their troubled marriage.
26:46 They were officers in the church.
26:48 My dad was a first elder, my mom was the
26:50 head superintendent.
26:52 They had a lot of young people that were looking up to them
26:54 as a role model for marriage.
26:56 So they decided, instead to suffer silently.
26:59 They couldn't tell the pastor.
27:00 They couldn't confide in a sister,
27:02 and they surely wouldn't seek professional help.
27:06 Well, I have to tell you...
27:07 We continued like that for a few decades,
27:11 and it was pretty damaging or disturbing to my brother and I.
27:15 It's not okay for a parent to save their best behavior
27:20 for outsiders or for folks at church.
27:23 It's not okay to save the jokes for people that you don't know
27:27 while you neglect your family and give them instead a frown.
27:31 It's not okay to get so lost in your work for God
27:34 that you forget the work you need to do at home
27:37 with your family.
27:38 Thanks for joining us today.
27:40 Tune in next time to find out how genetics
27:43 and hormones play a vital role
27:46 in the law of attraction and bonding.


Revised 2017-02-15