Revelation of the Coming King

The Conclusion Of The Battle Of Armageddon / The Millennium

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000025

00:26 Welcome again to our program, "Revelation of The Coming King."
00:33 Actually our series on the Book of Revelation
00:36 that is covering all 22 chapters,
00:39 it's coming to, it's close.
00:43 So far we dealt with the battle of Armageddon.
00:46 Now we want to see the outcome
00:47 and the conclusion of the battle of Armageddon.
00:50 And finally we'd like to see about that eternal kingdom
00:53 that God is preparing for all those who love them.
00:57 So welcome again to our program.
01:00 And I'm Ranko Stefanovic, Professor of the New Testament
01:04 at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary,
01:07 Andrews University.
01:09 So my area of research is the New Testament,
01:13 of course also the Old Testament
01:16 because we cannot understand
01:17 as you can see New Testament without the Old Testament,
01:20 especially the Book of Revelation, okay.
01:22 But my topic that usually I go and preach about
01:26 it's the Book of Revelation.
01:28 Probably, 80% of all calls
01:30 that I have involves study with the Book of Revelation.
01:33 So I'm so excited to be with you here.
01:35 I had the best, the best audience during the series.
01:38 The best crew, not only that they are taping the series,
01:42 but they are providing such a great support and their smile,
01:45 their enthusiasm is great motivation to me.
01:49 And all you viewers, I hope that one day
01:52 when we meet in the Kingdom of God,
01:54 maybe if you'll say, "How some of the insights
01:57 in the Book of Revelation
01:58 prompted you to come in to a relationship with God
02:01 much, much closer, closer to Him."
02:04 But we'd like to encourage you
02:05 that once this program is over that you continuing
02:08 and to study the Book of Revelation for yourself.
02:13 Don't take anybody's word for certain, including myself.
02:20 This is just to stimulate your appetite
02:22 for the word of God.
02:24 Please take the word of God,
02:25 this Bible because this is the best interpretation
02:29 of the Book of Revelation.
02:30 This is the best commentary on the Book of Revelation.
02:33 But also we'd like to encourage you
02:36 that you also refer to the pages of this book that is titled,
02:41 "Revelation of Jesus Christ,"
02:43 which is verse-by-verse commentary
02:46 on the Book of Revelation.
02:47 The purpose of this book is not really to give you
02:50 interpretations of everything, but to give you the tools,
02:54 to point to those texts in the Old Testament,
02:58 in the New Testament and many other background texts
03:01 outside of the Bible that can help you
03:04 that you get to that insight
03:05 in understanding of this problematic
03:08 and sometimes confusing passages
03:10 of the-- of the Book of Revelation.
03:12 So today our presentations,
03:14 if you want to study for yourself,
03:17 the pages are here from 551 and on, okay.
03:22 The next two chapters of the Book of Revelation.
03:26 So from page 551, you can go here
03:29 and you will see how many texts,
03:32 how many information you can find here.
03:35 But don't forget, everything that we are doing
03:39 it's nothing if the Holy Spirit does not instruct us,
03:44 okay, into the word of God.
03:46 So please pray to God, pray to God earnestly.
03:50 Let me tell you how I do it.
03:52 I kneel down on my knees and I say,
03:54 "Lord, empty my mind of all understandings
04:00 about the Book of Revelation that I had.
04:03 Give me that open mind that I can really understand
04:07 Your will not to support my ideas
04:10 and try to justify my ideas in the Book of Revelation."
04:13 I'd like to suggest to one of you
04:16 that you do it in that way.
04:18 Once you do it, boy,
04:23 what a golden mine of information
04:25 you'll get from this wonderful book, okay.
04:28 Let us ask God--God for guidance for this presentation.
04:32 Our Heavenly Father, we are asking You again
04:37 for Your presence here in our midst.
04:41 Thank You for being with us so far.
04:43 We're grateful to You for any insights
04:46 that we are able to get from this wonderful book.
04:50 And please help us that our understanding
04:53 of the Book of Revelation help us
04:55 that we can come much closer to each other,
04:58 but it is most important to come much closer to You.
05:02 Father, thank You for Your guidance.
05:04 Thank You for Your help.
05:06 Thank You for all Your love given to us.
05:08 And, Father, we are praying all of this
05:10 in the precious name ofour Savior Jesus Christ, amen.
05:17 Please, would you now turn with me?
05:20 We are now in the Revelation Chapter 20--Chapter 19.
05:23 Boy, I cannot-- I cannot believe
05:25 that we are already in chapter 19 here.
05:29 Okay, let me remind you about
05:31 what we studied in Chapter 17 and 18, okay.
05:37 We saw about the judgment of Babylon
05:40 that is really the outcome of the battle of Armageddon.
05:44 This is the part of the battle of Armageddon, okay.
05:47 And we saw as result of the--of the fall of Babylon,
05:52 that religious and political leaders of this world
05:55 will unite together against Christ
05:57 and His chosen people here on this earth.
06:00 Keep that in mind.
06:02 On one side people will become dissolution.
06:07 They will see that they have lost any hope
06:10 what they had about the future.
06:12 Babylon promise to them too much,
06:14 but nothing what was promised is realized
06:17 because the Babylon itself is crushed and comes to its end.
06:22 Praise God.
06:24 That's what biblical teaching is.
06:26 The kingdoms they come and they are gone.
06:30 Human beings are born,
06:33 they claim to be great personalities and they're gone.
06:37 But there are two things that remain,
06:39 it's our powerful and mighty God and His word that is true,
06:45 and He's promised that one day He will establish His kingdom.
06:49 That's actually what the Book of Daniel Chapter 2 is teaching us.
06:53 Everything will belong to the past in this world,
06:57 but when God establishes His kingdom
06:59 see His kingdom will last forever and ever.
07:03 And please with these thoughts in mind
07:05 let us now move to Chapter 19.
07:08 And I'd like to ask you that you be with me
07:13 as we are reading the following verses.
07:15 It says, "After these things." Which things?
07:20 "After the fall of Babylon
07:22 as secular and political powers of this world
07:26 are now united to destroy God's people."
07:28 What happens?
07:30 After these things John said,
07:32 "I heard something like a loud voice
07:34 of a great multitude in heaven, saying, 'Hallelujah!'"
07:39 Which means glory to God. Praise God.
07:43 "Salvation and glory and power belong to our God."
07:49 Are you familiar with this--this expression?
07:52 Where did we find it?
07:54 In the Revelation Chapters 4 and 5,
07:56 at the enthronement of Christ.
07:58 Now they--the time has come that finally Jesus Christ comes
08:02 and takes His kingdom.
08:05 There is no rebellion against Him any longer.
08:08 He says, "Because His judgments are true and righteous,
08:13 for He has judged the great harlot."
08:17 What is the name of that harlot? Babylon.
08:21 "Who was--" In my text says,
08:23 "Corrupting the earth with her immorality."
08:27 In Greek it says, "Destroying the earth with her immorality."
08:33 "And he has avenged the blood of his servants on her."
08:38 Do you remember that we read in Revelation 11:18
08:42 that the time will come
08:44 that those who are destroying the earth will be destroyed?
08:50 Who was the one or what was the entity
08:52 that was destroying the earth?
08:54 Babylon with her immorality.
08:56 And now the time has come for Babylon
08:58 to be completely destroyed, including Satan himself.
09:03 "And the second time they said, 'Hallelujah!
09:08 Her smoke arises up forever and ever.'"
09:13 This does not talk about eternal hell,
09:14 it talks about eternal destruction.
09:16 You remember we talked about that
09:18 with the reference to Chapter 14?
09:20 "And the twenty four elders and the four living creatures
09:25 fell down and they worship God
09:27 who sits on the throne saying 'Amen. Hallelujah!'
09:33 And a voice came from the throne, saying,
09:36 'Give praise to our God and all you His servants,
09:40 you who fear Him, the small and the great.'
09:44 Then I heard something like the voice of a great multitude
09:47 and like the sound of many waters
09:50 and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder,
09:53 saying, 'Hallelujah!
09:55 For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.'"
09:59 This verse are the key--
10:02 is the key sentence in Handel's Hallelujah.
10:05 Do you remember that chorus?
10:07 This is actually the text,
10:09 but actually the same expression occurs
10:11 in the Book of Revelation 5,
10:13 when Jesus was enthroned at the right hand of the Father.
10:17 But throughout the history of the Christian church,
10:20 there was a Satan who still control the planet earth.
10:23 Now the time has come finally for Jesus Christ to reign.
10:30 But there is something else.
10:32 The time has come finally for Jesus Christ
10:37 to unite Himself with His people.
10:42 And please, I cannot, I'm tempted to preach
10:47 and I have to do it now
10:48 because this is my favorite text.
10:50 I already announced it before, because this,
10:53 a long-awaited union between Christ and His people
10:59 is portrayed here in the Book of Revelation
11:01 in the terms of a wedding ceremony.
11:05 Please, allow me to read this text, okay.
11:09 Our verses-- our verses 7-10, okay.
11:14 Verses 7-10, we read, it says,
11:20 "Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him,
11:27 for the marriage of the Lamb has come
11:30 and His bride has made herself ready.
11:35 It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen,
11:40 bright and clean, for the fine linen
11:44 is the righteous acts of the saints.
11:47 Then he said to me, 'Write, blessed are those
11:52 who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb."'
11:56 And he said to me,
11:58 'These are the true words of God.'"
12:04 Please, help me now something to understand.
12:08 You see, we are talking here about that long-awaited
12:12 union between Christ and His people.
12:14 Are the God's people the bride
12:20 or the guest at the wedding?
12:24 The answer is yes.
12:26 Actually this is another anomaly in the Book of Revelation.
12:30 Sometimes two different symbols refer to one and the same thing.
12:35 Yes, the church.
12:36 God's people, they are the bride.
12:40 But at the same time, they are the guests.
12:43 You have two different aspects to tell us about something,
12:46 why the guest?
12:48 Because evidently John who was the Apostle of Jesus.
12:50 He remembered all those parables
12:52 that Jesus talks about the guests
12:53 that are invited there
12:55 to the wedding of the king's son.
12:57 Do you remember that-- do you remember that person
12:59 who came there and he was not dressed
13:02 in that wedding dress that was there?
13:04 So he had all these things in mind
13:06 to telling us many things about that wedding.
13:09 Number one, we are invited to be there,
13:12 but we must at the same time be ready to be found there.
13:17 You will notice here-- you will notice here
13:20 that it says, "Let us Rejoice."
13:22 Verse 7, "And be glad and give glory to Him,
13:25 for the marriage of the Lamb has come
13:27 and His bride has made herself ready."
13:31 How did she make herself ready
13:34 because it was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen?
13:38 Do you see here another anomaly?
13:42 The bride, she has made herself ready,
13:46 but when you read the following text
13:48 it was not actually she that make herself ready,
13:51 it was given to her to make herself ready.
13:53 Why? Why?
13:56 I can quote many texts from the Book of Revelation,
13:59 but probably one of the most significant
14:01 when God's people find themselves
14:03 before the throne of God, they will be ready,
14:05 wide ready
14:07 because they washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb.
14:13 They're there not because they have done it,
14:18 it's rather because what God has did for them.
14:22 But keep in mind, they have to do their part,
14:25 it was given to them.
14:27 Can I ask you something?
14:29 I can--oh, boy, I don't have my valet here.
14:30 I cannot take my valet and give to you
14:32 and stretch to you, does not mean anything.
14:35 It's only 50% of the deal done.
14:39 The second part is to you.
14:41 You have to stretch your hand and to accept that gift.
14:45 So talking about-- about God's people
14:49 who are waiting for His coming
14:52 and finally they prepare themselves
14:54 and they are ready for that-- for that coming.
14:57 By the way, we can talk a lot about the wedding.
14:59 I know what I did
15:01 because when they wanted to bring the bride here,
15:04 she was just 18.
15:06 I was a pastor in a small church and the building was so awful.
15:11 I had to take those buckets
15:13 because during the rainy season, etcetera,
15:14 but I wanted when my wife comes there,
15:19 it's a beautiful home in ugly building.
15:21 And believe me, I worked for two months.
15:24 Finally, for the day of wedding I was so slim
15:26 that you could count all my ribs there.
15:29 I did not care about that
15:31 because I wanted to make everything ready.
15:34 Boy, readiness.
15:36 I told you I cannot, but preach here.
15:39 Of course, so many times I wonder
15:42 when we read that this text,
15:43 what this text really means to us?
15:46 But let me tell you that this text meant a lot
15:48 to the first century readers, especially the Jewish readers
15:52 because what you have here
15:54 reflects a typical first century Jewish wedding.
16:00 So please now allow me to share with you
16:02 how the Jewish actually wedding look like?
16:06 You know, there is a young man and he comes to his parents.
16:10 Keep in mind, we're talking about not wedding like today.
16:14 What do I mean?
16:16 I remember, when my daughter started dating,
16:21 she fell in love with that young man.
16:23 I told my wife, I cannot wait
16:25 when my daughter will come to me and say,
16:27 "Mom and dad, I'd like to be engaged.
16:30 He asked me. What do you think, etcetera?"
16:33 And I--we told we're waiting for the day.
16:35 And one day, my daughter came with her boyfriend.
16:37 They said, "I'd like to talk to you."
16:39 I said, "What?"
16:40 And we sat there and she said, "We are engaged."
16:44 My wife almost fainted down to the floor.
16:47 It was completely opposite to what we expected to happen.
16:51 And so many times I wonder if younger generation understand
16:55 what actually text is all about, because they don't understand
16:58 what happened in the typical biblical times
17:00 in order to get to the full significance of that message.
17:02 You see, in the first century,
17:05 the wedding was a family arrangement.
17:08 So the young man--by the way, how I got engaged.
17:12 The two families gathered together.
17:15 My today's wife, okay, her parents,
17:18 they prepare a lot of food, two families met together.
17:22 We talked together, I remember.
17:24 I put that ring there. We kiss each other.
17:28 The two families started talking about
17:30 preparation for the wedding.
17:31 It was a family--family occasion.
17:34 But in the first century it was little bit different,
17:36 that boy would say to his father,
17:38 "You know, father, I really like that girl."
17:41 The first question the father would ask,
17:43 "Would she be good for our house?
17:44 It means, can she work?"
17:48 She said, "Oh, yeah. She's okay."
17:51 I said, "Yeah, we like the girl. Let us go to their house."
17:56 And they will announce they're coming
17:58 and they will sit there
18:01 and the father of that young boy, he will say,
18:05 "Do you know why we are here."
18:06 We don't know. Yeah, they did not know.
18:09 Said, "We are here because our son,
18:13 he likes your daughter."
18:17 The first thing that the father of the girl would ask,
18:20 "How much do you offer?"
18:26 And then negotiation starts.
18:29 Finally, they make a deal, okay.
18:33 This is how much we are offering for your daughter.
18:36 It's a family affairs.
18:37 Finally they realized, there was no ring--ring,
18:42 there is nothing and simply the deal is made.
18:46 The hands are shaken,
18:48 and it means that betrothal is done.
18:53 It meant that these two young people
18:58 are now engaged
18:59 and they are pronounced to be husband and wife.
19:01 I know, it looks very strange to us.
19:05 But keep in mind, that act
19:07 what happened there in that house actually was binding.
19:12 They were legally in front of all people they were married,
19:16 even though they could not have sexual relationship yet.
19:20 Now if you go to the Gospel of Matthew 1,
19:23 now you'll understand, when the angel talked to Joseph
19:27 and he--and the text said, "And the Joseph her husband."
19:35 Do you remember that?
19:37 He did not want to break
19:39 with marriage because he was honest man.
19:41 Now you understand why because in the Jewish mind,
19:46 if you're legally bound, why?
19:48 Because a dowry was paid
19:51 and the wedding have to be taken place.
19:53 Now, when the ceremony is done, they will eat and drink.
19:57 At that moment the young man would stand up
20:02 and to say to everybody, especially to his bride.
20:05 He says, "Now I'm going back to my father's house.
20:10 I have to prepare the place where we will live.
20:13 You have to make preparation for yourself.
20:16 Once I prepare the place where we will live,
20:19 I will come back and I will take you to my father's house."
20:24 Do those words look familiar to you?
20:27 Of course, please, I'd like to invite all of you
20:30 that we turn to the Gospel of John 14:1-3.
20:38 Revelation Chapter--Revelation-- Gospel of John 14.
20:42 Gospel of John 14:1-3.
20:48 "Do not let your heart be troubled,
20:51 believe in God, believe also in Me.
20:54 'In My Father's house are many dwelling places,
20:57 if it were not so, I would have told you,
21:01 for I go to prepare a place for you.'
21:04 'If I go and prepare a place for you,
21:06 I will come again, I'll receive you to Myself,
21:10 that where I am, there also you may be.'"
21:17 Friends, you have to understand these words of Jesus
21:20 against that Jewish concept of the wedding.
21:23 It was 2,000 years ago that our Savior Jesus Christ
21:28 came down to this world.
21:31 It is on the cross of Calvary that He paid the dowry for us.
21:37 And after that He told to all of us
21:42 as He was talking to the disciples.
21:45 "Don't be afraid, I'm leaving
21:47 because I'm leaving for one simple reason is."
21:51 There are many rooms in My Father's house.
21:55 Keep in mind.
21:56 Many Christians are waiting one day to live there in heaven.
22:00 Jesus said, "In my father's house
22:03 there are many rooms there."
22:04 But Jesus' intention is not that the Christians
22:06 live there in heaven.
22:08 The earth is our future where we're living.
22:10 Amen. Amen.
22:12 Jesus said, "I am going to prepare the place for you
22:17 and when I prepare the place, I will come back
22:23 and I will take you and you will be there, where I am."
22:28 By the way, when you read Revelation 22, we will see.
22:31 It says, "That this earth will be the place
22:34 where God Jesus Christ Himself will dwell with His people."
22:39 And Revelation 19, the text that we just read,
22:44 portrays the fulfillment of this promise that Jesus made.
22:49 Now you understand why this symbol is used,
22:53 symbol of the Jewish wedding.
22:55 Because it is in the best way describes
22:59 the fulfillment of Jesus' promises.
23:02 Finally, that long-awaited union
23:06 between Jesus and His people is realized.
23:10 The time has come and all people are invited
23:14 to participate in the wedding supper of the Lamb.
23:18 I just want to tell you,
23:20 I'm waiting for that event to take place.
23:23 Jesus spoke to His disciples, He told them,
23:26 "Don't rejoice about what you see now,
23:28 rejoice about the time because the time is coming
23:31 when you will see yourself
23:32 sitting there at that great table
23:34 with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, you will sit there."
23:39 Oh, boy, I cannot wait for that day to participate and to eat.
23:45 It's about eating.
23:47 Eating about at that great supper of the Lamb, eating.
23:55 We are all invited to participate
23:59 at that wedding supper of the Lamb and eat.
24:02 If not?
24:04 If we turn down that invitation,
24:06 there is only one other chance that is left for us
24:10 to be eaten because the Revelation 19
24:14 portrays two possibilities to eat or to be eaten,
24:19 to eat at the wedding supper of the Lamb
24:22 or to be eaten at the great supper of God.
24:24 Please, the text moves on.
24:27 And this text actually provides the conclusion
24:29 of the battle of Armageddon.
24:33 You see, prior to that the Book of Revelation wants to tell us,
24:38 what is the outcome of our choice for God, okay.
24:41 Now there is a conclusion its verse 11, Chapter 19.
24:45 "And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse,
24:50 and He who sat on horse
24:57 is called Faithful and True,
25:01 and in righteousness He wages the war.
25:05 His eyes are like a flame of fire,
25:09 and on His head are many diadems,
25:12 and He has a name written on Him
25:14 which no one knows except Himself.
25:17 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood,
25:20 and His name is called The Word of God."
25:23 What is His name here? The Word of God.
25:25 Why the Word of God?
25:26 Friends, the battle of Armageddon
25:28 is not about the military war.
25:33 The weapons that Jesus will conclude
25:35 the battle of Armageddon
25:37 is the Word of God coming out of His mouth,
25:41 is the battle for the minds of people
25:42 for their souls and their hearts.
25:45 Are you still with me?
25:46 And then it says in verse 14,
25:49 "And the armies which are in heaven,
25:51 clothed in fine linen, white and clean,
25:54 were following Him on white horses."
25:58 It's a symbol of ancient conquest.
26:00 "From His mouth comes a sharp sword."
26:02 Do you see that now?
26:04 So that with it, with what?
26:06 With the sword coming out of His mouth,
26:08 what is that sword?
26:09 We already got His pleasure, is the Word of God, okay.
26:13 "He will strike down the nations,
26:15 and He will rule them with a rod of iron,
26:19 and He treads with the wine press
26:22 of the fierce wrath of God Almighty."
26:25 By the way, what you have here,
26:27 it's almost the quotation from Isaiah 11:4.
26:30 Those about--those about messianic proficiencies,
26:33 what the Messiah will do in order to save His people
26:36 from the enemy nations.
26:39 It says verse 16, "And on His robe
26:42 and on His thigh, He has a name written,
26:46 'King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords.'"
26:50 And now it's coming a very drastic picture here,
26:54 is the picture very foreign to us,
26:56 but well-known to the people lived in the first century
26:59 is the scene that people could watch after decisive battle.
27:05 What happens after the battle on the battlefield?
27:08 There are so many dead bodies, nobody could burry them
27:12 and you have all those scavengers and vultures
27:15 coming to feed themselves.
27:17 Friends, we have to understand the purpose of this vision here
27:20 and it says, "And I saw an angel standing in the sun,
27:25 and he cried out with a loud voice,
27:28 saying to all the birds which fly in Midheaven,
27:32 'Come, assemble for the great supper of God,
27:35 so that you may eat the flesh of the kings
27:39 and the flesh of the commanders and the flesh of a mighty men
27:43 and the flesh of the horses
27:45 and of those who sit on them and the flesh of all men,
27:49 both free men and slaves, and small and great.'
27:53 And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth
27:57 and their armies assembled to make the war against Him
28:01 who sat on the horse and against His army--army."
28:04 Keep in mind that the language here is highly symbolic.
28:09 The language is based on the historical reality
28:12 of ancient battles, but in symbolic.
28:15 Keep in mind that John makes very clear
28:17 that this is not a physical war.
28:20 You don't wage with the Word of God that war.
28:23 You don't fight with people against it.
28:24 Keep in mind.
28:26 It's a spiritual battle that brings
28:28 the history of this war to its conclusion.
28:31 But then why John is mentioning
28:33 those scavengers and the birds
28:35 that are called to feed themselves
28:37 because he wants to make a point
28:38 based on this symbolic language,
28:40 telling us in verse 20.
28:42 By the way, is there any other text
28:46 that comes to your mind as we're reading
28:49 here at the conclusion of the battle of Armageddon?
28:51 Please, I don't want to create trouble to you, is Daniel 12:1.
28:57 At that time Michael the great prince,
29:01 the one who defend his people he will come to defend them,
29:05 because there will be time like never before in history,
29:10 at that time everybody will be delivered
29:12 whose name is written in the book.
29:18 Why God's people do not need to worry
29:20 because their names are written in the Book of Life.
29:23 Their future is the wedding supper of the Lamb, okay.
29:29 But it says in verse 20. Praise God.
29:33 "And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet
29:39 who performed the signs in his presence,
29:42 by which he deceived those who had received
29:45 the Mark of the Beast
29:47 and those who worshiped his image,
29:51 these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire
29:57 which burns with a brimstone.
30:01 And the rest were killed with the sword
30:04 which came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse,
30:09 and all the birds were filled with their flesh."
30:19 This is the conclusion of the battle of Armageddon.
30:23 Keep in mind one more time
30:24 that the language is highly symbolic.
30:27 Apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 1,
30:30 he describes it in different--
30:32 In also 2 Thessalonians 2,
30:34 he repeats the same concept, he says,
30:36 "That all those wicked who are rebellious against God
30:40 will be killed by the glory of the coming of the Christ."
30:43 There is no sword that Jesus will fight and kill people,
30:46 as many people are trying to find it in the Bible.
30:48 Keep in mind the symbolic language
30:50 is taken from ancient battles.
30:52 We have here the conclusion of the battle of Armageddon.
30:55 Jesus will come to defend His people.
30:57 Are you still with me?
30:58 What will happen with all those who are rebellious,
31:01 who turned their back to God?
31:02 What will happen to them?
31:04 According to Apostle Paul,
31:05 "The glory of Jesus coming will kill them." Why?
31:10 Because the sinners they cannot stand in the presence of God.
31:18 Do you remember what Apostle Paul says?
31:20 "That the glory of God to the sinners
31:22 is the fire that consumes."
31:25 Why will God's people at that time be able to stand?
31:28 Boy, we're coming now to completely different theology
31:31 because according to Apostle Paul
31:33 at the moment of Jesus coming,
31:35 we will have the resurrection of the dead.
31:37 What will happen to those who resurrect?
31:39 They will resurrect into transformed body.
31:42 What will happen to those who are alive?
31:44 According to 1 Corinthians 15,
31:46 "They will be transformed in the moment."
31:48 According to Apostle Paul, "In the twinkle of the eye."
31:50 That's why God's people will not be killed
31:53 by the glory of the second coming of Christ,
31:55 but the sinners will be
31:57 because they cannot stand
31:58 in the presence of God and be alive.
32:01 Keep in mind, symbolic language.
32:02 This is very important to keep in mind, okay.
32:05 But it's taken from those ancient motives
32:07 and what is the message here is.
32:10 What will happen to all those who refuse the call
32:15 for the wedding supper of the Lamb.
32:18 You see, the call is coming
32:20 to the wedding supper of the Lamb and you will eat.
32:24 If you refuse, turn down that call, you will be eaten,
32:30 because you read here verse 21,
32:34 "And the rest were killed with the sword
32:36 which came from the mouth of Him who sat on the throne,
32:39 and all the birds were filled with their flesh."
32:45 In a drastic language that is today very foreign to us,
32:50 because the modern people
32:52 will probably use different expressions,
32:54 but this is the way how the Bible was written.
32:58 Spiritual writer Ellen White is making very clear to us.
33:02 The Bible was written in human language
33:05 that probably God will never used to describe any things.
33:09 But people who are inspired by God,
33:12 they are portraying human language
33:13 what they saw in the vision.
33:15 They used the concept that are familiar to them
33:18 and they were familiar also to their readers.
33:21 God does not like that language,
33:23 but we have to find out
33:25 what comes out of that language and the languages.
33:28 We really have only two choices that are available to us,
33:34 either be with God and to enjoy all those blessings
33:39 that God has promised to all of those
33:42 who are waiting for His second coming of Christ.
33:45 This is the message to participate
33:47 at the wedding supper of the Lamb and eat.
33:49 You know, the wedding is about eating.
33:51 Everyone talks about the food at the wedding, okay.
33:55 But if you turn your back to God
33:58 and you spurn His call to repentance
34:00 and come closer to Him.
34:02 There's only one choice that you have,
34:04 you will be consumed.
34:07 This is actually the conclusion of the battle of Armageddon.
34:09 There's no other choice.
34:11 Friends, the Book of Revelation
34:12 does not teach about the second chance.
34:17 Because that's why the Christians do not understand
34:21 what seven last plagues are all about?
34:23 The seven last plagues,
34:25 their purpose is to tell us today
34:29 that all those who reject God's call to repentance
34:33 and they refuse to side with God.
34:36 Even if God gives them 1,000 years,
34:41 they will not change their mind,
34:43 it will only reveal their characters.
34:45 You will notice in seven last plagues,
34:49 the more people suffer, more rebellious they become
34:52 and they blasphemy against God.
34:54 By the way, we are now coming--
34:56 going to the to the next section of the Book of Revelation
34:59 and we'll tell us that those are same people
35:03 who refused to repent
35:06 and their character is revealed during the seven last plagues
35:09 even after the millennium when they resurrect again.
35:12 In them there will be the same spirit of rebellion.
35:15 Friends, there is no second chance.
35:18 I just want to tell you.
35:20 Don't misunderstand me.
35:22 If God believes and God knows in His wisdom
35:26 that people would repent,
35:27 God would give people not second chance,
35:30 He would give them more than third chance,
35:31 the fourth and the fifth.
35:33 Amen. Amen.
35:34 When I read the Book of Daniel,
35:36 how many chances did God give to the King Nebuchadnezzar?
35:41 And after 20 years, finally the King Nebuchadnezzar repented.
35:45 This is the picture of God in the Bible.
35:48 It's not that God does not want to give the second chance
35:51 because the preaching of the everlasting gospel
35:54 will be so clear, will be so direct
35:57 and if people decide not to accept that gospel
36:01 and they knowingly and willingly rejected gospel
36:05 and side with the beast even if God gives them 100 chances,
36:12 they will not be changed.
36:14 This is the message.
36:16 That's why such a drastic conclusion of this vision
36:19 and the conclusion of the battle of Armageddon.
36:23 Finally, the first beast
36:27 and the second beast find its end.
36:31 All the rebellious people are killed
36:33 by the glory of the second coming of Christ,
36:34 I'm showing smile not rejoicing over that,
36:36 but rejoicing that the end finally will come.
36:42 But there is one question.
36:44 And what is that question?
36:45 Keep in mind.
36:47 The first beast, the second beast they're destroyed,
36:51 but what about Satan?
36:54 Because everything is about him here.
36:56 That's why we have to go to Revelation 20.
36:58 So please, I would like to invite you
37:01 to go with me to Revelation 20.
37:04 I'd like to see what we have here.
37:07 Read Chapter 20, John said,
37:12 "Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven."
37:16 Keep in mind.
37:17 This is after the conclusion of the battle of Armageddon.
37:21 Okay, okay.
37:23 "I saw an angel coming down from heaven,
37:27 holding the key of the abyss
37:30 and the great chain in his hand.
37:34 And he laid hold of the dragon,
37:39 the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan,
37:44 and bound him for a thousand years,
37:48 and he threw him into the abyss."
37:50 What is the keyword here?
37:51 "The abyss.
37:53 And shut it and sealed it over him,
37:57 so that he would not deceive the nations any longer,
38:01 until the thousand years were completed,
38:05 after these things he must be released for a short time."
38:09 Please, allow me to take few minutes,
38:11 so that we understand what we have here is.
38:14 John see an angel.
38:16 What is angel holding in his hands?
38:18 Chains, okay, shackles putting there.
38:24 And he said, he comes and he takes the hold.
38:28 Can we say, he arrest,
38:31 Satan himself with the dragon and what does he do with him.
38:36 He puts him into the chain and puts him into the abyss
38:41 and that abyss Satan has to be, for how long?
38:44 It says, "For 1,000 years."
38:48 And he says, "Once 1,000 years are completed
38:52 then Satan will be release from the chains, for how long?
38:57 For a short--for a short--short time."
39:00 The Greek word for short here,
39:03 it means quantitatively very short, very short time.
39:06 Okay, few things.
39:08 Where is Satan going to be confined for 1,000 years?
39:13 It's in the abyss.
39:16 This is the problematic things that what we have is here.
39:19 What is the meaning of the word abyss?
39:21 Do you know where the word abyss
39:23 for the first time occurs in the Bible?
39:25 It's in Genesis 1 in the Greek translation
39:28 of the Old Testament into Greek for the first time, it's used.
39:32 It says that,
39:34 "In the beginning god created the heaven and the earth.
39:37 And the Spirit of God was above the abyss."
39:42 Okay. What is abyss?
39:45 Abyss is the reference to the chaotic condition of earth.
39:50 When the earth is not arranged,
39:52 is not created, it's not formed.
39:55 What are we talking about?
39:56 Why the earth is here referred to as abyss?
40:00 Friends, after the seven last plagues,
40:05 by the way, we did not really deal with every detail.
40:07 We'll see the seven last plagues
40:09 that talks about hell that will come
40:11 from the sky of a huge size.
40:16 The earth will be completely destroyed
40:20 by the impact of those seven last plagues.
40:25 You remember the Book of Revelation also talks
40:27 seven last plagues of the terrible earthquake
40:33 that will shatter the earth
40:35 and destroy the building, etcetera?
40:37 So we're talking about the earth
40:38 that will be in very chaotic condition.
40:40 What will happen with those who are against God?
40:43 They will be killed with the glory of Jesus coming there.
40:46 What will happen with the righteous?
40:49 And we now have to go to some other places
40:51 with the Bible like, for instance,
40:54 it's 2 Thessalonians 4:16 were telling us
40:59 that the righteous will be taken to meet Jesus there in the sky
41:03 and they will spend sometime with Jesus Christ.
41:07 We will not live through all eternity there in heaven,
41:09 but evidently God's people will live
41:11 for certain period of time in heaven.
41:13 Why, why, why?
41:15 Let's come to that. Let's come to that.
41:18 It says now verse 4,
41:22 "Then I saw thrones and they sat on them,
41:25 and judgment was given to them.
41:28 And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded."
41:32 Who are those?
41:33 Do you remember in the scene of the fifth seal?
41:37 Those martyrs crying to God for the vindication.
41:40 All of these are now here.
41:42 "And those who had not received
41:45 did not worship the beast or his image,
41:47 cannot receive the mark on their foreheads
41:50 and on their hand, they came to life
41:53 and they reigned with Christ for a thousand years."
41:58 Here comes the fulfillment of the promise that Jesus made.
42:02 Everybody whoever come will sit with me on my throne
42:06 as I overcame and sat with my father on his throne.
42:10 Finally, we have here the fulfillment
42:12 of the promise of Jesus here.
42:15 Friends, we are not sure
42:17 according to the Book of Revelation,
42:18 if 1,000 years it's a literal number of 1,000 years
42:24 or it is symbolic number.
42:26 The literal number would hardly fit to the symbolism
42:31 of everything here in the Book of Revelation.
42:33 But I don't have a problem.
42:34 We're talking about very long time.
42:37 If you believe that it is literally 1,000 years,
42:40 that's okay, it's one--it's long period,
42:43 it's beyond the question,
42:45 but the thing is that God's people will spend there
42:48 with Jesus on His throne, okay,
42:51 for a long time there in the heavenly places.
42:56 What will they be doing there in the heavenly places?
42:59 First, they said they will reign with Christ.
43:02 Second thing is, they say, what will they do the rest?
43:08 What will-- what will be they?
43:10 They will reign with Christ, okay.
43:13 And it says the rest of the dead will not come to life
43:17 until the 1,000 years were completed.
43:19 It says, if God's people will now they judge the people.
43:24 What does it mean? What will be they doing?
43:26 Okay, we have to use imagination actually
43:28 what will happen is, what is judgment?
43:31 Actually, if you open 1 Corinthians 6:2,
43:38 Apostle talk--Apostle Paul urges the Christians in Corinth,
43:44 not to go to the court, okay, against each other.
43:49 He says, "Do you know that one day we will judge the world.
43:53 We will judge even the angels."
43:57 Apostle Paul talks about the future event,
43:59 event that will take place.
44:01 Now we have the fulfillment of these words of Apostle Paul.
44:05 What will God's people will be doing during the millennium?
44:14 Friends, please,
44:16 for me this is very, very emotionalc moment
44:18 when I'm talking about this,
44:21 because I know whenever we talk
44:24 about the second coming of Christ,
44:26 we're talking about the great rejoicing
44:28 that God's people will experience.
44:31 The truth. God's people will shout, "Here is our God.
44:35 We have been waiting for Him."
44:37 The wedding supper, at the wedding everybody rejoices.
44:41 But I don't see Christians so many times
44:43 they're talking about what the Bible says
44:45 that the second coming of Christ will be equally
44:48 the day of warning and lamentations.
44:53 Why?
44:56 Do you imagine about parents
45:00 as Jesus is coming they're resurrected,
45:02 their bodies are transformed and their children
45:06 are killed by the glory of Jesus coming
45:08 and they're not in that group.
45:11 What about children and their parents?
45:15 What about friends? What about relatives?
45:19 Can I whisper something what you resurrect
45:21 and you don't see Professor Stefanovic,
45:23 who is lecturing about the Book of Revelation?
45:29 Have you ever thought about that?
45:33 When I don't see my father
45:36 because of him I am what I am today and he's left there.
45:41 What will be my question?
45:42 Lord, why?
45:47 Have you ever thought of that, friends?
45:50 Friends, I just want to tell you
45:53 the second coming of Christ will bring the end of all suffering,
45:56 but will not bring the end of all our questions
46:00 that we have before God.
46:02 Lord, why?
46:07 But there is something more,
46:09 but to another side when I see in God's kingdom,
46:13 some people that I've never expected to see there.
46:17 Is it possible that he is there?
46:20 I wonder how many people in Palestine
46:23 who accepted the preaching of Peter in their Pentecost,
46:26 will be surprised in Kingdom of God
46:28 when they see one of those crucified criminals
46:30 with Jesus on the cross,
46:31 they never heard his repentance there on the cross.
46:36 When they see him there and maybe that criminal killed
46:39 some of their relatives so many from them.
46:41 Are you still with me? We will have many questions.
46:44 This is what God's people will judge.
46:47 God allows one long period, 1,000 years for God's people
46:53 to get the answer to all their questions that they have.
46:58 That's what Apostle Paul meant.
47:00 That finally all the secrets will be revealed.
47:05 Can I say something, friends?
47:07 It is at that moment that the sealed Book of Revelation 5
47:12 will be finally opened
47:15 and all secrets will be revealed.
47:19 We will get the question to all--
47:21 We will get the answer to all the questions
47:24 that we have-- that we had in our lives.
47:28 We will understand why certain people
47:29 are not there in the kingdom
47:31 because God will show to us why not.
47:37 We will say to God, yes, these people
47:39 should be in Your kingdom
47:40 because finally we'll realize
47:42 that maybe that person repented at that time
47:44 when nobody watched.
47:46 There are many things we will have to settle before God,
47:48 that's why the millennium.
47:50 Millennium comes after the second coming of Christ.
47:56 Are you still with me?
47:58 What will happen with us when suddenly
48:00 we go driving in car, using computers
48:02 and we know about this life?
48:03 Suddenly God puts us in his kingdom.
48:07 You see, we need the time of transition,
48:10 a time for adjustment.
48:12 That's why we have to live there among the holy angels
48:14 to see that better glory, better life
48:17 that does not need computers, does not need cell phone.
48:20 Are you still with me?
48:22 Does not need gasoline to drive the car.
48:23 We have to live there.
48:26 It's the time of transition for us.
48:28 We have to live there
48:33 because God has decided in that wisdom.
48:35 He knows that is good for us.
48:37 We will reign with Christ probably during that time,
48:39 we will go travel to other planets
48:41 to share with those people because they'll ask,
48:45 "Tell us what does it mean to suffer
48:47 because of the gospel message."
48:49 Boy, we'll tell them stories.
48:51 We'll tell about God how much patience He had with me,
48:54 how much time I was lying, I was stealing, I had anger.
48:58 How much I was unloving person in this life?
49:00 How God had a great patience with me?
49:02 How God saved me?
49:04 But the stories we will share with other
49:06 and they'll say, "Wow."
49:07 Because keep in mind, that song
49:09 nobody can sing except 144,000.
49:12 Are you still with me? Amen.
49:14 This is the need for the millennium.
49:18 And I believe that there is somebody in this world,
49:20 dear viewers who try to distort this message
49:24 of the millennium telling you
49:25 that prior to the second coming of Christ,
49:27 there will be time and Christians
49:29 will have prosperity and enjoyed.
49:31 Some people when they see the nuances of those teachings,
49:35 they simply go and they believe in so called amillennialism,
49:40 it means that it's a symbol of something
49:42 that never exist and never will be realized.
49:46 But I'm thankful to God
49:49 that I belong to a group of people
49:52 who call themselves postmillennialist.
49:56 It means that we believe
49:58 what is very justifiable in the Book of Revelation
50:01 and this book shows clearly
50:03 that actually the millennium follows
50:07 the second coming of Christ.
50:10 So let us go back here to the text
50:13 and to see what will happen at the end of the millennium.
50:16 Keep in mind that Satan was bound
50:20 by the chains during the millennium.
50:22 What does it mean?
50:23 Keep in mind, we're dealing with symbol,
50:25 it does not mean literal binding of Satan,
50:28 it means that Satan is on the earth
50:30 which looks like abyss, chaotic condition of the earth.
50:34 How many people are on the earth during the millennium?
50:37 Nobody.
50:38 So it means that Satan is bound by the circumstances.
50:41 He cannot go and to deceive anybody any longer.
50:45 He is alone.
50:47 By the way, as God's people are there judging,
50:49 Satan has opportunity to judge his actions
50:53 and to think about those thousand, thousand of years
50:56 of his rebellion against God
50:58 and how many people he pulled into destruction.
51:01 So now let's go here to verse 5,
51:04 "The rest of the dead did not come to life
51:08 until the thousand years were completed.
51:11 This is the first resurrection."
51:12 Keep in mind, there are two resurrections,
51:14 the first and the second.
51:16 "Blessed and holy is the one
51:18 who has a part in the first resurrection,
51:21 over these the second death has no power,
51:26 but they will be priests of God and Christ
51:29 and they will reign with him for one thousand years."
51:35 So, what happens at the end of one thousand years?
51:39 There is the second resurrection.
51:42 Keep in mind. There are two resurrections.
51:44 Who will resurrect in the first resurrection?
51:47 We saw, blessed is the one
51:49 who's resurrecting the first resurrection.
51:53 They will not die with the second death,
51:55 but those who will participate in the second resurrection,
51:59 they will die again.
52:00 Did you notice it here? Okay.
52:03 Now verse 7.
52:05 When the thousand years are completed,
52:08 Satan will be released from the prison. Praise God.
52:14 The following verse explained to us
52:16 how Satan is released from this prison.
52:19 What actually the meaning of this symbol is about?
52:23 It says, okay.
52:26 "And he will come out to deceive the nations
52:30 which are in the four corners of the earth."
52:33 Who are the people that Satan is now allowed to deceive again?
52:40 Those who are resurrected in the second resurrection.
52:44 Are you still with me?
52:45 John is talking now that there is a second resurrection
52:48 who will resurrect in those second resurrections?
52:52 Who is the first person that you can begin with evidently Cain.
52:58 Okay, all those people from Adam
53:01 who were rebellious against God,
53:02 all those people finally will resurrect and be in one place.
53:07 Oh, boy, drastic picture.
53:09 But Satan will come among them to deceive them.
53:14 It says, "Which are in the four corners of the earth?
53:17 Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war,
53:23 the number of them is like the sand of the seashore.
53:27 And they came up to the broad plain of the earth
53:31 and they surrounded the camp of the saint
53:33 and the beloved city and fire came down
53:37 from heaven and devour them."
53:39 What will happen in meantime?
53:40 Please, the Book of Revelation does not provide all details.
53:44 Evidently, as the wicked are resurrected
53:46 in the second resurrection.
53:48 The New Jerusalem is coming from heaven there
53:50 with God's people there, okay.
53:54 And now the wicked prompted by Satan
53:57 are now surrounding the city.
53:59 What is that that Satan is deceiving them?
54:01 Evidently telling them.
54:02 Now it's our chance, let's conquer the city.
54:05 This is the city actually that they wanted
54:08 to promise to you and they come--
54:11 And the Bible says, please, I'm not going anything
54:13 what is beyond the text, okay.
54:15 They surround the city and they said,
54:17 "The fire came down from heaven devours them.
54:20 And the devil who deceived them
54:22 was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone,
54:26 where the beast and the false prophet are also,
54:29 they will be tormented day and night
54:31 for ever and ever."
54:35 And with this, the chapter concludes.
54:37 We know what happens.
54:39 But note John wants to provide more, more details
54:43 about what indeed happens.
54:45 So keep in mind that the verses 11-15,
54:49 it's actually deliberation of the statement,
54:51 giving us more details about really
54:54 how did final destruction of Satan will take place.
54:57 Verse 11, it's telling us that there is now the final judgment.
55:02 This final judgment must be distinguished
55:04 from the pre-advent judgment.
55:07 In the pre-advent judgment, God's people are judged.
55:10 Here are those who are the enemies of God
55:15 and His people and said,
55:17 "Then I saw a great white throne
55:20 and Him who sat upon it,
55:22 from whose presence earth and heaven fled away,
55:26 and no place were found for them.
55:28 And I saw the dead, the great and the small,
55:33 standing before the throne, and books were opened:
55:38 and another book was opened, which is the book of life."
55:41 Let me stop here for a while.
55:43 Do you remember that all those
55:46 whose names are not written in the book of life?
55:48 They are the worshippers of the beast.
55:49 Do you remember that?
55:51 So to have the name in the book of life,
55:52 it means to belong to God
55:55 and the dead were judged from the things
55:57 which are written in the books according to their deeds.
56:01 "And the sea gave up the dead which were in it,
56:06 and Death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them,
56:11 and they were judged every one of them
56:14 according to their deeds."
56:18 And now conclusion.
56:20 "Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire.
56:26 This is the second death, the lake of fire.
56:32 And if anyone's name was not found in the book of life,
56:37 he was thrown into the lake of fire."
56:41 Friends, this section of the Book of Revelation
56:45 is the final judgment that will actually conclude
56:50 the rebellion against God.
56:52 This section of the Book of Revelation concludes
56:54 this world history and brings us into the next section,
56:59 with the establishment of God's kingdom here on this earth.
57:03 Remember, who will be judged?
57:05 All those whose names are not written
57:09 in the book of life, okay.
57:12 Actually Jesus said to His disciples,
57:15 "Don't rejoice that's even Satan and the demons
57:19 have to be subjected to you,
57:21 but rejoice that your name is written in the book of life."
57:26 Praise God for that great opportunity.
57:28 If your name is not there yet,
57:30 now is the chance respond to God's call
57:33 and He will accept you and He will save you.


Revised 2014-12-17