Revelation of the Coming King

The Judgment On Babylon

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000024

00:23 Welcome again to our program,
00:26 "Revelation of The Coming King."
00:30 Boy, we're already deep in the Book of Revelation
00:33 dealing with the final events
00:35 and I see in your reactions on one side
00:39 it's so frightening about what happened,
00:41 on other side it telling us praise God,
00:43 we have God who cares about us.
00:47 As you know that this program is a part
00:50 of a long series in which we are covering
00:53 22 chapters of the Book of Revelation.
00:56 And this is one complete series
00:58 that I don't do very, very often is,
01:01 and I'm so excited about that.
01:02 By the way, I'm Ranko Stefanovic,
01:05 Professor of New Testament
01:07 at the Seventh-day Adventist
01:09 Theological Seminary of Andrews University.
01:13 And I'm so glad to be here at 3ABN.
01:16 And I really appreciate each one of you
01:20 who are supporting this broadcasting,
01:24 both with your prayers and your money.
01:26 Keep in mind, keep in mind
01:28 that money cannot replace the prayers.
01:32 And the prayer cannot replace money.
01:35 We have to do both because in order
01:37 that we are able to proclaim this everlasting gospel
01:41 to the world before Jesus comes.
01:44 We would like to encourage you to remind you once again
01:47 that the purpose of this series
01:50 is not to provide the answers to all the questions
01:53 that you have about the Book of Revelation.
01:55 As you noticed already there are some things\
01:58 I'd like to learn and I'm still studying
02:01 and trying-- and trying to understand,
02:03 but the purpose of this program
02:04 is to give you in a nutshell, okay.
02:09 What are the contents of the Book of Revelation is all about
02:12 and to tell you about the right way
02:14 how to interpret the biblical prophecies.
02:17 So once this program is over,
02:19 we would like to encourage you that you go
02:21 and to find a number of your fellow Christians
02:25 that you sit together and study
02:27 the Book of Revelation in much deeper, deeper way.
02:31 If you want to do it, you need some tools.
02:35 And I would like one more time to remind you
02:37 that we have a perfect tool.
02:39 I'm holding it in my hand
02:41 because the Bible itself explain itself.
02:44 And this is what you shared with me
02:47 how you realized more and more,
02:48 how it's important to allow the Bible
02:50 to interpret the symbols of the Book of Revelation.
02:53 But I'm also glad to remind you
02:59 that when the program is over
03:01 that you can turn to certain pages
03:05 that the entire subject is actually covered here
03:09 in this commentary that is named
03:11 that's titled "Revelation of Jesus Christ,"
03:16 which is actually verse-by-verse
03:18 commentary on the Book-- on the Book of Revelation.
03:20 The purpose of this commentary
03:21 actually is to give you both, the Old Testament
03:25 and the New Testament, that ground text
03:29 which you can use to unlock
03:31 the symbolic language of the Book of Revelation.
03:33 So one more time the subject that we will cover today,
03:36 oh boy, it's very exciting subject.
03:39 There is no place in this world under the sun that I went,
03:42 that I had those short series on the Book of Revelation
03:45 that somebody would not raise a hand and say,
03:49 "Please, can you take sometime
03:51 and tell us about the Revelation 17?
03:54 And that's the reason what we are trying now to do.
03:56 And please, I'd like to encourage you to study
03:59 more for yourself and the pages
04:01 in the commentary are from page--
04:03 from 511, and go on, okay.
04:08 From page 511.
04:13 Okay, but the most important thing
04:17 is what we are supposed to do
04:19 is really to ask God for the guidance
04:23 as we are studying this difficult subject.
04:26 So I'd like to ask you to bow your heads,
04:29 so that we can ask God for His guidance
04:32 and for His presence here in our midst.
04:34 Our Heavenly Father, thank you so much
04:38 for all the promises given to us that we are not left alone.
04:42 As we think so much about the future,
04:44 You told us, don't be afraid,
04:46 I will be with you in the future there.
04:49 But thank you also for the promise that You--
04:52 that Your Holy Spirit will help us in understanding.
04:55 Sometimes difficult to understand for us
04:59 passages of the Book of Revelation.
05:02 So we're asking You humbly,
05:04 sincerity of our hearts that Your Holy Spirit
05:08 will come here and be present in our midst
05:10 and help us to understand this text.
05:12 Father, and we pray all of this
05:14 in the precious name of the one
05:15 who died on the cross of Calvary.
05:17 Jesus Christ who is the main subject
05:19 of the Book of Revelation.
05:21 We pray all of this in His precious name, amen.
05:28 So I would like to remind you just in few--
05:33 in few moments what we talk so far.
05:36 Last time we discussed about the biblical concept
05:40 that almost every Christian is familiar with,
05:44 is the concept of the battle of Armageddon.
05:47 We understood last time few things.
05:49 Let me just mention them.
05:51 Number one is that the battle of Armageddon
05:53 is not a literal military battle in near east,
05:58 for different reasons including oil
06:01 or to settle Israeli
06:05 and Palestinian relationships there in Palestine.
06:08 That's not--that's not about that, okay.
06:10 That's--that's the first thing, okay.
06:12 Second thing is the battle of Armageddon
06:16 involves God's people
06:18 who'll be the target of that battle, okay.
06:23 The outcome of the battle of Armageddon results
06:26 in the fall of the end time Babylon.
06:30 Are you still with me?
06:31 Now the fall of the Babylon
06:33 is not because the judgment of a Babylon,
06:36 just because of the judgment.
06:38 It's like, what happened with the ancient Babylon,
06:40 you remember that.
06:42 Why the ancient Babylon had to experience the fall?
06:47 In order to make possible for God's people
06:50 to go back to their land and to rebuild Jerusalem,
06:53 to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.
06:57 So the same situation is with the end time Babylon.
07:02 Why the fall of Babylon?
07:06 What is the outcome of the fall of Babylon
07:08 that the Michael according to the Book of Daniel 12:1,
07:12 that the Michael great prince,
07:13 Jesus Christ Himself can come,
07:15 He will defend His people,
07:17 and finally He will establish His kingdom here on this earth.
07:21 So keep in mind, what is the outcome
07:24 of the battle of Armageddon is the fall of Babylon.
07:28 And resulting in the second coming
07:30 of Jesus Christ one more time,
07:32 it results in the second coming of Jesus Christ.
07:37 Okay, this concept is very important
07:41 to keep here, you know.
07:43 Let me--let me mention few things.
07:46 And please, I will try to go very slowly
07:48 because I see that you are writing.
07:51 I'd like you to give little bit the outline
07:53 of what we have here
07:54 with reference from the battle of Armageddon.
07:56 Revelation 16, one more time, Revelation 16.
08:00 What verses? 12-16.
08:03 Those verses they do not portray
08:05 the very battle of Armageddon.
08:09 Are you with me? Yes.
08:11 There is no battle, portrayal of the battle,
08:13 description of the battle there in those verses.
08:16 Those verses they only portray
08:18 the preparation for the battle of Armageddon.
08:22 Now please, I have to say something to you
08:26 what usually I hate to do,
08:27 but in this case we have to do it.
08:30 The battle of Armageddon,
08:32 it's in many different ways, okay, one more time.
08:36 The battle of Armageddon
08:38 is portrayed in many different ways,
08:41 in different parts of the Book of Revelation, okay.
08:45 You see, the very outcome of the battle of Armageddon,
08:50 it's the seventh plague that we have the fall of Babylon.
08:56 What will happen when the Babylon is fallen?
09:00 You have to go to Revelation 18.
09:03 Are you still with me?
09:04 We're dealing with the conclusion of chapter 16,
09:07 Fall of Babylon.
09:08 By chapter 18, we have the lamentation
09:10 of all those who cooperated with Babylon.
09:13 Keep in mind, they invested so much in Babylon.
09:17 They believed Babylon.
09:18 They hoped that Babylon will provide for them in the future.
09:22 What now the experience there is the fall of Babylon.
09:26 They understand finally that they were building
09:30 on the stand-- on the sand.
09:33 So all their hopes are now crushed.
09:36 That's in chapter 18, okay.
09:40 But what does come between chapter 16 and the chapter 18?
09:45 Comes chapter 17.
09:48 Chapter 17, the purpose of
09:50 this chapter is a kind of interlude.
09:53 It wants to tell us actually,
09:54 why Babylon is judged before God?
10:00 Want to tell us actually what Babylon is all about.
10:04 And this is the focus of our study.
10:06 Chapter 19, the following chapter of chapter 18
10:08 actually describes the conclusion
10:10 of the battle of Armageddon
10:12 and the fall of Babylon when Jesus Christ Himself
10:15 will come to defend His people,
10:18 to take them to Himself and to establish His kingdom.
10:21 Are you still with me?
10:22 But there is also another place in the Book of Revelation
10:27 that portrays the battle of Armageddon.
10:29 Probably you haven't thought too much about that.
10:33 By the way, we studied about the six trumpet,
10:35 which also describes preparation for the battle of Armageddon,
10:38 but there is one chapter
10:40 in the Book of Revelation that really talks about
10:43 the battle of Armageddon without mentioning it.
10:45 It's actually a Revelation 13, the last verses.
10:49 Do you remember the Mark of the Beast?
10:52 Do you remember all those who don't remember--
10:54 Actually, this is the part of the battle of Armageddon.
10:57 Just want to confuse you a little bit.
10:59 So to stimulate you and motivate you
11:02 to go and to study the subject for yourself, that's enough.
11:06 Please, I'd like now to invite you to go to chapter 17.
11:09 Keep in mind, what is the purpose of chapter 17?
11:13 It's a kind of interlude.
11:16 The purpose of chapter 17 is to tell us
11:20 who and what Babylon is,
11:22 and why Babylon has a such dramatic end?
11:27 And then going to chapter 18,
11:29 actually telling us about the situation of the world.
11:33 All that lamentations that the fall of Babylon will cause.
11:37 So now, oh boy, we have some-- some very interesting text here.
11:40 I have to write something there
11:42 on the blackboard, okay.
11:44 Are you with me?
11:46 It's green board, okay.
11:48 Chapter 17:1, "Then one of the seven angels
11:53 who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me,
11:57 saying, "come here, and I will show you
12:00 the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters."
12:05 I thought to write there, but I'll not write.
12:08 Now you have to be with me.
12:10 The angel said to John, I want to show you the judgment.
12:15 The judgment is described in chapter 18, and says,
12:19 one great harlot, the name of that harlot
12:21 is Babylon and that harlot sits where?
12:26 On many waters. Are you sure about that?
12:32 Are you--are you ready for surprises?
12:34 This is what the Book of Revelation is all about.
12:36 Let's go to verse 2, "With whom
12:38 the kings of the earth committed acts of immorality."
12:42 Friends, this is not a literal immorality,
12:43 this is spiritual immoral--
12:45 Symbol for that illicit relationships,
12:48 when people who are faithful to God,
12:50 abandoned God.
12:51 Do you remember that 144,000
12:55 will not associate themselves
12:59 with those women, you remember that?
13:01 This is what we are talking here about.
13:03 "And those who dwell on the earth
13:05 were made drunk with the wine of her immorality."
13:08 Now, are you with me?
13:10 "And he carried me away in the spirit into a wilderness,
13:14 and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast,
13:17 full of blasphemous names,
13:19 having seven heads and ten horns."
13:22 Do you notice anything interesting in verse 3?
13:28 Okay, let me go back.
13:29 The angel said to John, "Come here,
13:32 I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute
13:34 who sits on many waters."
13:35 Where is prostitute sitting on?
13:37 Waters. Waters.
13:38 Let's go to verse 3.
13:40 "And he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness,
13:42 and I saw the woman sitting on many waters."
13:47 Now look into text.
13:48 "The woman sitting on the scarlet beast."
13:50 Tell me, where is the woman sitting on?
13:52 Beast.
13:53 Is it on the waters or on the beast?
13:55 The beast. It's the both.
13:58 Okay.
13:59 Because the waters they stand for what?
14:01 Verse 15, we read it-we read it.
14:04 Verse 15, "The waters which you saw
14:06 where the harlot sits, are peoples and multitudes
14:09 and nations and tongues."
14:11 Secular and political powers of this world.
14:14 What does the beast stand for?
14:17 Political powers.
14:19 You see, you have two different symbols.
14:21 Let me remind you something.
14:22 Do you remember when we talk about 144,000?
14:25 John hears something.
14:29 But when he turns to see, he sees something else,
14:33 but the something else is the same thing
14:35 that he heard about.
14:36 So here John hears that the prostitute
14:39 sits on many waters,
14:41 when he actually sees the prostitute,
14:43 the prostitute does not sit on the waters.
14:45 The prostitute is sitting on the beast.
14:48 You see that that part in the Book of Revelation?
14:52 If you are shocked now, I have another surprise for you.
14:58 Viewers, are you ready?
15:00 Let's go there. It's verse 9.
15:06 "Here is the mind." It's Chapter 17:9.
15:11 "Here is the mind which has wisdom.
15:15 The seven heads are seven mountains
15:17 on which the woman sits."
15:23 Where is the woman sitting on-- up on in verse 9?
15:26 Mountains. It sits on the mountains.
15:31 Does the woman Babylon sit on waters
15:36 or on the beast or on the mountains?
15:39 And the answer is, yes. Yes.
15:42 Why the mountains? We'll come to that.
15:44 Mountains in the Bible
15:46 stand as a symbol for the world empires.
15:50 So you see, we are-- you are dealing
15:51 with the same reality, but three different symbols
15:55 are used in the Book of Revelation.
15:56 Just to show you a little bit
15:58 how complex the Book of Revelation is all about.
16:01 So what about this woman? Who is this woman?
16:04 Let's go to verse 4, John sees now the woman.
16:07 She is sitting on the scarlet beast.
16:10 She said, "She is a full of blasphemous names."
16:13 Friends, you now have to help me.
16:15 Have you read somewhere in the Book of Revelation
16:17 about the blasphemous names?
16:22 The Revelation 13.
16:25 Do you remember, it's the first beast.
16:29 That has blasphemous names
16:31 and that beast also speaks blasphemy.
16:35 What is the blasphemy in the New Testament, okay?
16:40 When the person, when the man
16:43 seeks equality with God
16:45 and claims the prerogatives of God.
16:50 By the way, evidently the beast
16:54 up on which the woman is sitting here
16:57 is related to the beast of chapter what--
17:00 of Revelation 13, the first beast there.
17:03 How do you know that?
17:04 It says, "It has a seven heads and ten horns."
17:08 Have you read somewhere about seven heads and ten horns?
17:12 Yeah, we read in Revelation 12.
17:14 It's the dragon with seven heads and ten horns,
17:17 but also the first beast in Revelation 13.
17:22 Are you still with me?
17:24 But keep in mind, this beast this time
17:26 is not a religious entity any longer,
17:29 it's certainly the political entity
17:32 carrying the religious entity
17:34 which is actually the woman sitting on the beast.
17:36 Are you still with me?
17:39 Like as the Babylon is right on the River Euphrates,
17:41 so these woman is laying on the beast.
17:44 It's the beast that carries this woman.
17:47 Okay, verse 4, "The woman was closed
17:50 in purple and scarlet and adorn with gold
17:54 and precious stones and pearls,
17:57 having in her hand a gold cup full up of abominations
18:02 and of the unclean things of her immorality."
18:05 How is these women here portrayed as a prostitute?
18:10 When you go to the ancient world to the first century,
18:13 you can see the language that is used here.
18:17 Number one, she is closed in purple and scarlet.
18:21 Friends, sometimes I see good Christians,
18:24 they're showing some pictures
18:25 in order to interpret this beast
18:27 of certain church leaders who are dressed in red.
18:31 This is completely opposite
18:32 to the intention of the Book of Revelation.
18:34 The Book of Revelation is not here to tell us,
18:37 look for the people who are dressed in red
18:39 because sometimes-- look, I have a shirt almost red.
18:44 Please, this is not the-- and you have red as well.
18:47 This is not purpose of the Book of Revelation
18:49 to point to certain people who are dressed in red.
18:51 Actually because scarlet...
18:56 in the Bible it's the symbol of blood.
19:00 Talking about entity that is responsible
19:02 for shedding blood of many followers of Christ,
19:05 but is dressed in the purple.
19:07 Why the purple?
19:08 Because the purple is the royal color.
19:10 Are you still with me?
19:12 You're dealing here with the religious entity
19:14 that claims the royal prerogatives,
19:17 but it is responsible for the persecution
19:19 of many God's people there, etcetera.
19:22 And it's covered with the golden precious stones.
19:25 By the way, let me stop here for a while.
19:27 Do you remember that that these women
19:29 stands as antithesis of New Jerusalem
19:32 covered with many precious stones
19:35 and with a lot of gold here, okay?
19:40 And says, "In her hand
19:42 was the gold cup full of abominations
19:44 of the unclean things of her immorality."
19:47 So talking here about the symbol of
19:50 a prostitute woman, prostitute woman.
19:53 And her goal is to go to deceive people
19:56 to side with her immorality.
19:58 It's a symbol of prostitute, okay.
20:00 Let's move on.
20:02 "And on her forehead a name was written, a mystery."
20:07 By the way, if you go to my commentary there,
20:09 you'll find even the text from the Book of Jeremiah,
20:12 it's telling us that actually a custom of having
20:15 the name written there was a custom
20:17 developed in nation Israel among prostitutes.
20:21 So the people could easily recognize
20:23 actually who the woman-- who the woman prostitute
20:28 actually is, and what is that-- what is that all about.
20:31 Okay, let's go on.
20:33 He said, "And I saw the woman
20:34 drunk with the blood of the saints."
20:37 It's interesting is.
20:38 Person is drunk of alcohol.
20:41 These woman is drunk of the blood,
20:42 and that's why the color, the scarlet color very much
20:46 corresponds to the true character of this woman,
20:49 and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus.
20:52 "When I saw her I wonder greatly."
20:54 And please, allow me now--
20:56 now I'm tempted now to talk a lot about that.
20:58 In Greek, it looks like this.
21:01 John said-- are you with me?
21:03 It says, John said,
21:04 "When I saw her I was amazed with the great amazement."
21:11 Why? That's how literal Greek.
21:13 He put here nice English.
21:14 Actually talks like that.
21:16 When John saw this woman he-- how did he react?
21:22 Look the next text-- the next text.
21:29 It's verse 7, "And the angel told me,
21:33 why are you so much amazed?"
21:36 Why is John amazed
21:40 at seeing this woman?
21:45 Let me ask you, what will happen to you,
21:48 if you know one person
21:50 and you know that person is honest,
21:51 that person-- Let's a lady,
21:54 that lady has the family,
21:55 has the children and that lady
21:58 is even in your church, etcetera.
22:00 And one day you're walking in the street
22:02 and you see prostitute sitting there at the corner,
22:06 you look little bit closer into the face of that prostitute,
22:10 how do you react?
22:13 Is it possible, why?
22:15 Because that prostitute is exactly that lady that,
22:17 you know, that has a family
22:18 and that she is there in your church there.
22:22 You know that person, but in the business
22:25 it's very strange to you.
22:26 Why is John reacting so much?
22:28 Because evidently this woman looks very familiar
22:33 to him because he saw that woman earlier in Revelation 12,
22:38 that pure woman that brought the Messiah to this world.
22:44 It was that woman that was subject
22:46 of the hatred of Satan Himself, persecuted by the Satan.
22:52 But then, John suddenly in the Revelation 12
22:55 changes that at the time of the end,
22:58 Satan is determined to go to wage the war,
23:00 not against the woman any longer.
23:03 Satan suddenly starts hating the offspring
23:08 of the remnant of the woman, but not the woman any longer.
23:12 Why not? Because at the time of the end,
23:15 this woman, pure woman, the church of Christ
23:19 turns into the prostitute woman.
23:23 That's why Revelation 17 portrays here
23:26 the apostate Christianity.
23:28 When you say the apostate Christianity, what does it mean?
23:31 We talk about Christianity that in the past was faithful to God.
23:34 Thus, when John sees this woman, he is so much amazed,
23:38 he cannot believe it that this is the woman
23:40 that he saw earlier.
23:41 Now this woman who was so faithful to God
23:43 now turns into the prostitute.
23:46 Are you still, friends, with me?
23:49 And the angel is trying to tell him,
23:51 "John, don't be amazed so much.
23:54 Let me explain to you the secret of this woman.
23:58 What actually happened to this woman?"
24:01 Why does she turn into prostitute?
24:04 And he said, "I will tell you the mystery of this woman."
24:08 What does it mean mystery? Secret.
24:10 Why this woman turned into the prostitute?
24:13 Keep in mind, friends, at the time of the end,
24:15 God will have His remnants,
24:16 while the majority of the Christians
24:18 evidently will be on the wrong side,
24:20 it's very hard for me to say it,
24:22 but this is what the Book of Revelation
24:23 is trying to tell us.
24:25 And it says, okay.
24:29 "And of the beast that carries her,
24:32 which has the seven heads and the ten horns."
24:37 But now where it's very interesting
24:38 is that the angel says to John,
24:40 "I will show you the mystery of the woman
24:42 and on the beast."
24:43 But when you read the rest of the chapter,
24:45 the angel does not talk about the woman any longer.
24:48 He talks only about the beast. Why?
24:51 Because the woman and the beast are inseparable.
24:55 You look the beast, you see the woman.
24:57 You see the woman, you see the beast,
24:59 because is this the beast that carries
25:02 that woman to do her activities.
25:03 Are you still with me? That's why it's said,
25:06 "And the name of this woman is Babylon."
25:08 You remember?
25:09 Because the purpose is here to tell us,
25:11 what and who is Babylon,
25:13 and why Babylon is to be destroyed? Okay.
25:17 Now we are coming to the funny section of Revelation 17.
25:20 Are you with me?
25:22 Please, now we have to sweat, okay.
25:25 Verse 8 says, "The beast that you saw."
25:29 Which beast?
25:31 "The beast that carries the prostitute was,
25:37 and is not and is about to come up out
25:43 of the abyss and go to the destruction."
25:47 Are you with me?
25:48 It says, "And those who dwell on the earth,
25:54 whose names had not been
25:56 written in the Book of Life from the foundation
25:58 of the world will wonder."
26:01 And now we have repetition.
26:03 "When they see the beast
26:06 that he was and is not and it will come."
26:13 Please, I'd like you to pay attention
26:16 to one small detail.
26:18 For you maybe it does not look as a big detail,
26:21 but it's very, very important for the subject
26:24 that we are studying here.
26:25 It says-- it's the middle of verse 8.
26:30 "And those who dwell on the earth,
26:33 whose name has not been written
26:35 in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world,
26:38 will wonder or worship the beast
26:42 that was is not and it will come."
26:44 Do these words look familiar to you?
26:46 Amen. Where did we-
26:48 where did you read those words?
26:49 In Revelation 13:8.
26:51 Do you remember in the Revelation 13:1-7,
26:55 when John describes, portrays the beast
26:57 in terms of the past tense.
26:59 Do you remember that by using the past?
27:00 And then suddenly in verse 8,
27:02 he is switching to what tense?
27:04 The future tense.
27:06 And he stops there.
27:08 Now he repeats the same words here in Chapter 18 to tell us.
27:11 Now I'm continuing the subject
27:13 that I stopped in chapter 13.
27:17 Because Chapter 13:8,
27:19 he stopped describing the first beast.
27:22 Now he is continuing to tell us.
27:24 How does he call the beast?
27:27 Two times. He calls the beast how?
27:30 The beast that was is not--
27:36 I'd like you to pay attention
27:39 here to one very important thing is.
27:41 When you read this text, the beast that was,
27:45 the beast that is not, and the beast will come.
27:49 What does suddenly come to our mind?
27:53 Several times, it occurs in
27:55 the Book of Revelation, the one who was, who is,
28:01 and who is to come, who is that?
28:03 It's God Himself, it's Jesus Christ Himself.
28:06 So what can you say about this beast?
28:08 Do you remember that we read already
28:10 that actually these beasts' functions
28:11 as the counterfeit of Jesus Christ?
28:14 Okay, that's one thing is.
28:16 But what is the meaning that the beast was?
28:20 It's not and is to come.
28:22 Please, you have now to be with me.
28:25 This is a funny.
28:27 Okay, part of the Book of Revelation.
28:31 You see, this beast thatJohn
28:35 is talk about has three phases of the existence.
28:39 First, the beast was when was the beast?
28:45 Revelation 13--13.
28:49 From the year when? 538.
28:55 Okay, you see the Book of Revelation
28:57 is not as difficult as it appears.
29:00 Until the year 1798, the beast was.
29:07 Then what happened with events of French Revolution?
29:11 The beast received the mortal wound and the beast was killed,
29:14 so the beast is-- this is not phase of the beast.
29:22 Are you still with me? Amen.
29:24 Then what is the third phase?
29:27 The time is coming.
29:31 When the mortal wound will be healed,
29:36 so the beast will come to life again.
29:40 So now we will have the beast will come.
29:46 Friends, can I ask you one frank question
29:49 and also our viewers?
29:50 Is the Book of Revelation indeed so difficult?
29:54 You see, instead of copying somebody's else ideas,
29:57 if you really go and study the text for yourself,
30:00 you see that's not as much as difficult, okay.
30:04 So keep in mind, Revelation 13.
30:08 Let's put Revelation 13,
30:11 portrays this phase of the beast,
30:15 when the beast was during
30:16 the prophetic period of 1,260 days.
30:19 Are you with me?
30:21 Now here, Revelation 17 portrays the phase of the beast
30:27 after the healing of the mortal wound.
30:30 Now, can you help me in what time period do we live?
30:35 We live today this period is not phase of the beast.
30:40 Because we are waiting for the future event
30:42 of the healing of the mortal wound.
30:44 Are you with me?
30:46 Now so difficult.
30:48 Let's go to little bit more difficult part.
30:51 And this is what our viewers would like now to see it.
30:55 Verse 9, it says, "Here is the mind
30:59 who has the wisdom."
31:01 Are you familiar with this phrase?
31:03 Where that we find somewhere else in the Book of Revelation?
31:07 "Here is the mind who has the wisdom."
31:09 With reference to the number 666,
31:12 Revelation 13:18. One more time, this is not the call
31:16 for human wisdom for some mental and mathematical calculations,
31:22 it's for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit,
31:24 only those people who fear God,
31:25 who want to find the truth they will understand it.
31:28 So let's now we'll head into this text.
31:32 "The seven heads are seven mountains
31:35 on which the woman sits.
31:39 And there are seven kings, five have fallen,
31:43 one is, the other has not yet come
31:48 and when he comes he must remain a little while."
31:53 And the beast which was and is not,
31:58 is himself also an eighth and is one of the seven
32:03 and he goes to the destruction."
32:06 Welcome to the club
32:08 of the great riddles of the Book of Revelation.
32:11 Are you excited now about this?
32:13 Friends, let me tell you is,
32:17 those apparently problematic text of the Book of Revelation
32:22 are problematic, not because
32:24 the problem is in the Book of Revelation,
32:27 it's because give an opportunity to many people
32:31 to make many different speculations
32:34 about that to support their ideas what they have.
32:36 And I just want to tell you among the Christians,
32:38 even among my brothers and sisters
32:40 of my own denominations, there is no text
32:43 of the Book of Revelation that cause so many speculations
32:47 among people to support any kind of ideas
32:49 that people can invent.
32:51 But I just want to show you, not just to interpret this,
32:55 I would like you to interpret, but just for sure
32:57 how really the difficulty is not with the Book of Revelation.
33:01 When you with open mind just read
33:03 what the Book of Revelation is telling us.
33:06 So I would like now that we interpret
33:08 these texts together. Amen.
33:11 Okay, are you ready?
33:12 Now let's go here.
33:13 Let's start with verse 9.
33:16 We decided to take enough time
33:17 because I know how many Christians
33:19 would like really to see the meaning of these texts.
33:23 It says, "Here is the wisdom."
33:24 Now we saw that the beasts has seven heads,
33:29 but John is telling us, actually the angel says to John,
33:33 "Keep in mind, John, these heads are not literal,
33:37 they stand as symbol for what?
33:40 For mountains."
33:41 Boy, boy, boy, boy.
33:43 But John is evidently more confused
33:44 and that's why many Christians,
33:46 they're going to certain city of this world to show
33:49 seven mountains are located at.
33:51 Friends, this is not what the Revelation is telling us.
33:53 Look, look, look in the text.
33:55 It says, "The seven heads
33:57 are seven mountains on which the woman sits."
34:00 It's the same symbol as waters,
34:02 but the angel goes immediately telling them
34:04 that these mountains are actually seven kings.
34:09 Not literal mountains supporting the City of Rome.
34:13 Are you still with me?
34:14 It's a symbol of seven kings.
34:18 Before we go into any discussion,
34:21 we have to understand one thing
34:23 because we would like now to do something special
34:26 and to keep in mind about what this vision is all about.
34:29 So please, are you with me?
34:30 Keep in mind.
34:32 John is in the vision.
34:34 It's very, friends, important.
34:35 John is in the vision.
34:38 He sees the woman, he is amazed there
34:42 and after that comes a conversation
34:44 between him and the angel.
34:46 And now the angel, please keep this in mind.
34:50 Now the angel is explaining the vision to whom?
34:56 To John, because John was confused.
35:00 So he is trying to make a sense of this woman to John,
35:06 so when we now see the interpretation
35:08 that the angel is making to John,
35:10 we have to keep in mind to whom the angel was explaining,
35:15 because the Christians today when they read
35:18 these interpretation of the angles,
35:20 they put themselves in the position
35:21 that the angel is explaining to them.
35:27 And that's why you have all those different ways
35:30 of interpreting what-- Can you keep this in mind?
35:35 Okay. So now, let us now try to do something
35:41 and to see what we have here.
35:44 Now you have to be with me.
35:46 Let me first remove
35:48 this from the blackboard, okay. Okay.
35:57 Let us make it-- let us make it very, very clear.
36:00 The angel is explaining to John and telling him,
36:02 "John, let me talk about the beast
36:05 because the characteristic of the beast
36:07 is that has seven heads."
36:10 But he is telling him, "Keep in mind,
36:11 those seven heads are not literal,
36:13 they stand as symbol for the mountains.
36:15 Actually even those mountains are not literal.
36:17 They stand as a symbol of kings."
36:21 Oh, now this gives an opportunity,
36:24 chance to many people to interpret who are those kings.
36:29 Preterist are interpreting seven Roman emperors.
36:33 Today futurists Christians are interpreting
36:35 seven different popes or different leaders
36:38 that fit this picture.
36:41 Friends, this is contrary to the Bible,
36:43 because you have to understand something that the Bible--
36:47 Are you with me?
36:48 The Bible, the Book of Revelation
36:50 never deals with individual persons.
36:55 It deals either with the kingdoms or the systems.
36:59 So these kings here are not individual kings,
37:03 they are kingdoms or now you'll will say,
37:09 "Brother Stefanovic, are you using now
37:10 your imagination to make an impression."
37:13 No, that's biblical.
37:14 Please, would you turn with me?
37:16 Can you turn to the Book of Daniel 12?
37:18 The Book of Daniel 12. Friends, we have to understand
37:24 how the Bible treats the subject,
37:26 not what we would like to make of the subject, okay.
37:30 It's Daniel 2.
37:33 Do you remember what we have in Daniel 2?
37:36 Do you remember what we have there?
37:39 The King of the Nebuchadnezzar.
37:41 Do you remember the King Nebuchadnezzar
37:42 saw that statue, the head of gold, do you remember?
37:46 Then it leads to the silver, then to bronze
37:50 and to the iron there.
37:52 But the King Nebuchadnezzar did not understand
37:54 what was going on, so God revealed to Daniel.
37:57 And now Daniel explains to the King Nebuchadnezzar,
38:00 the meaning of the statue that dream.
38:02 So please, would go with me Daniel 2:37.
38:07 So verses 37-39.
38:10 Daniel is explaining to the King Nebuchadnezzar
38:12 and he said--Let's read from verse 36 here.
38:15 It says, "This was the dream
38:18 now we will tell the king its interpretation before the king.
38:21 You, O, king, are the king of the kings
38:24 to whom the God of heaven has given
38:27 the kingdom the power, the strength and the glory.
38:31 And wherever the sons of man
38:34 dwell or the beast of the field or the birds of the sky,
38:38 he has given them in to your hand
38:41 and has cause you to rule over them all,
38:44 you are the head of gold."
38:47 Oh, no, no, you have to be with me.
38:51 Who is represented by that head of gold on the statue?
38:57 Babylon, we know that clearly.
39:00 But what is that t Daniel said to the king?
39:03 You are that head.
39:04 Please, please, look--look something else.
39:06 Let's go to the following text.
39:09 Verse 39, "After you there will be--
39:14 there will arise another kingdom."
39:16 What is that kingdom?
39:18 Medo-Persia. Please, please,
39:20 we also--already mentioned the fall of ancient Babylon.
39:24 Did Medo-Persia come after the King Nebuchadnezzar?
39:28 No. No. It came after the King Belshazzar
39:34 and between the King Nebuchadnezzar
39:36 and Belshazzar, there are three other kings.
39:40 So Medo-Persia really did not come
39:42 after the King Nebuchadnezzar.
39:46 So when Daniel said to the king,
39:47 "You are the head of gold."
39:49 He wanted to tell him actually,
39:51 Babylon because the King Nebuchadnezzar
39:54 was the ruler of Babylon.
39:56 And keep in mind we're dealing with ancient concept.
39:58 The king is the kingdom, the kingdom is the king.
40:01 Don't confuse with our modern concept
40:03 when president and a country, they are two completely
40:05 different entities because the president
40:07 is just for few years.
40:09 We're dealing with ancient concept.
40:10 Let's see something else-- let's see something else.
40:12 Daniel 7:17, what do we have in Chapter 7?
40:19 Do you remember when Daniel saw the same--
40:22 the same word empires, but this time
40:24 in terms of four beasts?
40:27 And Daniel was confused.
40:28 He did not know the meaning of those four beasts.
40:31 Now the angel explains to John in verse 17.
40:35 So Revelation 7:17 telling him, "These great beasts,
40:41 which are four in number, are four kings."
40:45 One more time. "Are four--"
40:48 Kings. "Kings, which will arise from the earth."
40:51 Which four kings?
40:58 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome,
41:03 so they're not really kings, they are kingdoms.
41:06 Are you, friends, with me?
41:08 So when in the Bible there is a talk about kings,
41:12 it actually means, what?
41:15 Kingdoms. Are you persuaded?
41:17 I can give you many more evidences.
41:18 You have there in my commentary,
41:19 but just if you see that.
41:21 So when you go to Revelation 17,
41:25 when the angel explains to John that those seven heads
41:30 are seven mountains that they are actually seven kings,
41:33 actually means seven kingdoms.
41:36 Keep in mind that Book of Revelation
41:37 does not deal with individuals.
41:41 It deals with systems and kingdoms.
41:44 Now John is thinking, what are those seven kingdoms?
41:52 And the angel is telling him.
41:54 Oh, boy, "There are seven kingdoms,
41:57 five have fallen, one is the other has not come yet,
42:03 when he comes he must remain a little while.
42:06 But the beast which was and is not is himself
42:09 also the eighth and is one of the seven
42:12 and goes to destruction."
42:14 Are you confused?
42:15 That's good if you're confused, then we can now go and talk.
42:18 So please allow me now.
42:19 I will use my artistic skills to see how I can draw here, okay?
42:42 Am I an artist? Amen.
42:44 Okay. This is the beast.
42:50 How many heads does the beast have?
42:54 Seven. Is it seven or eight?
42:56 Eight, yeah. Read verse 11.
43:01 I think it has eight.
43:02 Okay, but originally it has seven.
43:04 Let's put it here.
43:11 Boy, this is terrible beast?
43:12 More terrible than it's in the Book of Revelation.
43:14 One, two, four, three, okay.
43:19 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Okay.
43:26 Now let's work together. Keep in mind.
43:30 To whom does is the angel explaining the vision?
43:35 To John. To John, not to us, to John.
43:38 And John wrote what was explained to him.
43:42 So the angel said to John,
43:44 five of these kingdoms have fallen, they are the past.
43:51 Are you still me?
43:53 So you see, five of them are fallen, okay.
43:58 What about the sixth one?
44:01 This one is, is.
44:05 They are past.
44:09 And what about the seventh one?
44:13 Will still come. Now let me ask you.
44:16 I want to do for yourself and the viewers,
44:18 when you look at these I have two illustrations.
44:21 Where is the key to the understanding
44:23 of these seven kingdoms?
44:29 Where would you start with which head?
44:36 No, the angel doesn't talk about Babylon here.
44:39 Babylon is not mentioned here.
44:43 Let me ask you, to whom did the angel explained the vision?
44:47 John. To John.
44:50 So when the angel said to John,
44:52 the sixth one is, is from whose perspective, time perspective.
44:58 John's. From John.
45:00 Is the Book of Revelation difficult? No.
45:02 And tell me what was the kingdom
45:05 and the empire at the time of John?
45:07 Rome. Rome.
45:08 Is it difficult? No, it's not.
45:10 It's the sixth one.
45:12 You see the sixth one.
45:13 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
45:16 So it's Rome. So does it mean?
45:23 What about five others?
45:26 Are the kingdoms they were in existence
45:30 prior to the time of John, prior to Rome?
45:33 Now there is question, what are those kingdoms?
45:37 That's why you have to go to the Old Testament.
45:39 What is the characteristic of these kingdoms?
45:41 They all unite the religion and politics
45:43 and they were involved in persecuting God's people.
45:45 Tell me in the Old Testament, what was the first kingdom
45:50 that persecuted the church of God?
45:52 Babylon. Really?
45:55 Is the beginning with church of God with Babylon?
45:58 Actually it's Egypt. Egypt, yeah.
46:01 The first kingdom that persecuted the church
46:03 of the Old Testament which was actually Israel was Egypt.
46:07 You see that.
46:11 What was the next kingdom
46:13 that was involved in persecuting God's people?
46:15 Actually destroyed the ten tribes,
46:18 removed them from the world scene completely.
46:20 What was that?
46:21 Assyria. Okay, it's Assyria.
46:27 I put here abbreviation Assyria.
46:30 You remember took ten tribes, dispersed them there.
46:33 We don't have ten tribes.
46:34 We talk about in Revelation 7 about that.
46:36 What was the next kingdom
46:37 that was involved in persecuting God's people?
46:40 It's a Babylon.
46:43 What the next one?
46:45 Now it's easy. It's Medo-Persia.
46:46 What next one? Greece.
46:48 It's Greece.
46:54 See, they were all the empires that Satan used,
46:57 trying to prevent God's plans with reference to His people.
47:01 Now Rome was the empire at the time of John,
47:07 but what do we have next?
47:09 He says, "But the seventh one is not yet."
47:16 It was supposed to be the future from John's perspective.
47:21 After--after when?
47:23 After the Roman Empire.
47:25 And what was the power that ruled for more than 1,000 years
47:30 controlling the people, persecuting God's people
47:34 during the 1,260 prophetic days or years.
47:37 It's Papal Rome.
47:48 Now you'll see that very difficult text,
47:50 it's not so difficult.
47:51 Let's go Revelation 1-- Revelation 17:11, it says,
47:57 "The beast which was and is not."
48:02 This beast that we just talk.
48:04 He says, "Is the eight."
48:07 Did you see that?
48:09 Okay, let's put it here.
48:12 Okay, six, seven.
48:15 Now let me put here just to distinguish.
48:18 There is the eighth head.
48:22 But the angel said to John,
48:25 "But actually these eighth is one of the seven."
48:32 Now you have to be with me.
48:34 Let me go here.
48:36 He says that these eight, the beast has actually seven,
48:40 there is no eighth head, but he says actually
48:43 if there is the eighth head, this is not the eighth head,
48:46 it's actually one of the seven.
48:50 Which one of the seven?
48:55 Let me suggest to you, it's the seventh one.
49:00 Please, I need your attention now. Why?
49:02 Because the seventh head received the mortal wound.
49:08 And what will happen to the mortal wound of that head?
49:11 It'll be healed.
49:13 And this head will come to the existence
49:16 again and revive the beast.
49:19 It will be new power, carried by the beast.
49:23 But actually that's not a new power.
49:27 It's actually this power that received the mortal wound
49:30 that was killed and comes again.
49:35 So the beast-- the beast that John saw
49:39 in the vision actually worked now through this eighth head.
49:44 That's why this beast is called the beast that was,
49:49 the beast that is not and the beast to come.
49:53 But please, I'd like you now to notice something in verse 11.
49:57 It says, "The beast which was and is not."
50:00 What is lacking here?
50:04 To come is lacking. Why?
50:06 Because the beast has come already,
50:10 as angel is explaining to him, because this beast,
50:13 it says, it's the eighth one.
50:14 It's actually-- it's actually the seventh head
50:19 that received the mortal wound,
50:21 the mortal wound is healed.
50:24 And now the beast is active again.
50:27 Friends, are you confused?
50:30 You can see the Book of Revelation
50:32 actually was not--
50:33 You see, when you forget
50:35 that actually the angel is explaining to John
50:38 to the meaning of the beast,
50:40 then you cannot be confused with what this six head
50:46 is all about because there is only one head,
50:49 one empire that was active and in existence
50:53 at the time of John, and it was Rome.
50:56 This is the key to the understanding.
50:59 The power that comes after Rome was Papal Rome.
51:02 The power that dominated the Christian world
51:05 for 1,260 years of the medieval period.
51:10 But this power have received the mortal wound
51:12 with the French revolution, you remember that.
51:15 However, the mortal wound will heal,
51:17 that's why this beast here.
51:18 It's the beast that was the beast
51:21 that was not it was killed and actually the beast
51:24 that finally came because the mortal wound was healed?
51:28 Are you with me? Amen.
51:30 Are you excited about the Book of Revelation?
51:32 See, it's not as difficult as many people think that it is.
51:37 The problem is, it's difficult when we have our own ideas
51:39 and then we have to dig to justify those ideas.
51:43 Now let's move on, we have just more than 5 minutes left.
51:47 It says in verse 12.
51:50 "And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings
51:54 who have not yet received a kingdom,
51:57 but they receive authority as kings
52:00 with the beast for one hour.
52:03 These have one purpose,
52:04 and they give their power and authority to the beast."
52:08 Friends, this is another very difficult
52:09 text of the Book of Revelation.
52:12 The problem is we do not know
52:15 who and what these ten kings are.
52:19 Many Christians are trying to go
52:20 and to find solution in the Book of Daniel Chapter 7
52:23 where we have ten kings.
52:25 Unfortunately, it doesn't help
52:27 because according to the Book of Daniel,
52:29 three of those ten kings were exterminated,
52:33 removed from history, only seven are left.
52:36 So they are not, it cannot--it cannot be.
52:38 I'd like to suggest to you.
52:39 We are talking here about number ten,
52:42 is the number of their fullness of the divided kingdoms.
52:46 That's what happened in the Daniel,
52:47 that's what we have here.
52:48 Who are they actually?
52:50 Some people suggest that they are
52:51 economic powers of this world.
52:53 Some people have different.
52:54 I'd like to suggest to you, let's avoid speculations.
52:59 Let's admit with humility of our hearts,
53:01 we do not know.
53:03 Let us wait and the future will reveal to us
53:06 and tell us exactly who they are.
53:10 If you speculate, it will not help you spiritually at all.
53:15 Only if you're wrong
53:17 can give wrong information to other people.
53:21 And your information, you don't help others
53:24 spiritually either, okay.
53:26 Let us wait.
53:29 But what we're talking here about that the beast
53:32 will be associated with the worldwide confederacy
53:34 of political and secular powers of this world.
53:39 They will unite themselves together because
53:42 we have here now the climax of the battle of Armageddon.
53:45 It says, "These they have one purpose,
53:49 they give the power and authority to the beast.
53:53 These will wage war against the Lamb
53:55 and the Lamb will overcome them because He is the Lord of lords
53:59 and King of kings, and those who are with Him
54:03 are the called and chosen and faithful.
54:05 And he said to me, 'The waters which you saw
54:08 where the harlot sits
54:10 are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues.
54:13 And the ten horns which you saw,
54:15 and the beast, these will hate the harlot.'"
54:19 We have now the fall of Babylon. Are you still with me?
54:21 We have now the fall of Babylon.
54:22 "Harlot will make her desolate."
54:25 That's what happened to prostitute.
54:26 "And naked, and will eat her flesh
54:30 and will burn her up with fire."
54:33 All this language is taken from the Old Testament
54:35 what people did for prostitute and a faithful women, okay?
54:39 These are the language of the Old Testament.
54:41 "For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose
54:46 by having a common purpose,
54:48 and by giving their kingdom to the beast,
54:50 until the words of God will be fulfilled.
54:52 And the woman who you saw is the great city,
54:56 which reigns over the kings of the earth."
54:58 One more time.
55:00 "The woman which you saw is the great city."
55:03 Preterist, they say, "This great city was Rome."
55:05 Futurist, they call it different way.
55:08 In the Book of Revelation, which entity is the great city?
55:12 It's Babylon.
55:14 So this woman is equivalent to Babylon.
55:16 Do you see that?
55:17 That's why this woman is called Babylon.
55:20 Friends, here in Chapter 17,
55:23 we have all the rational wider destruction of the Babylon
55:27 because the Babylon, this great city
55:31 has filled the judgment for herself.
55:37 Let us go and when you go now to Chapter 18,
55:40 we see the consequences of destruction of the Babylon.
55:43 This is what we talked already about before is,
55:47 that the fall of Babylon will cause a chaos in this world.
55:53 All those people who believed and trusted Babylon
55:55 so much resided with the Babylon,
55:58 trusted Babylon, believe in the promises of Babylon.
56:01 Now with destruction of the Babylon,
56:02 all their hopes are shattered.
56:08 All their plans for their better future
56:11 are found on that sinking sand.
56:15 And now those people see the consequences
56:19 of their choice and the result of what they have done.
56:23 Unfortunately, this does not change them,
56:29 because at that moment as they're trying
56:30 to destroy God's people, they're faithful.
56:32 You remember, we have the battle of Armageddon,
56:34 they organize themselves.
56:35 They see what Babylon did,
56:37 but they don't turn against Babylon now,
56:39 they turn against God's people blaming them
56:42 and this gives the occasion for the second coming of Christ.
56:45 This is decisive moment of the Book of Revelation.
56:48 And please, I'd like to invite the viewers
56:51 to join us for my favorite chapter
56:54 which is actually Chapter 19.
56:57 Boy, I cannot wait that we deal with this chapter.
57:00 This is beautiful.
57:01 Actually it's telling us about
57:03 the very purpose of the Book of Revelation.
57:06 Yes, this is indeed
57:07 the revelation of the Jesus Christ.
57:09 It deals with those terrifying things.
57:13 These are the things that will happen in the future,
57:16 but you can see what is there between the lines,
57:18 telling us that God is warning us,
57:21 telling us about what the future will bring,
57:24 so that we can be ready and not to be surprise
57:27 to find ourselves on God's side and eventually in His kingdom.
57:31 May God bless you. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17