Revelation of the Coming King

The Seven Last Plagues

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000023

00:24 Welcome again to our program,
00:26 "Revelation of The Coming King."
00:30 I'm Ranko Stefanovic, Professor of New Testament
00:33 at the Seventh-day Adventist
00:35 Theological Seminary, Andrews University.
00:38 And I'm so glad to be with you
00:41 and be active participant in the production of this program.
00:47 There is something special about the Book of Revelation,
00:50 is the Book of Revelation, it points to the future.
00:56 It's telling us what will happen,
00:58 so that we are not surprised.
01:01 But the purpose of the book
01:03 is to make us better Christians today.
01:07 You know, as I travel I find many good Christians.
01:10 They're so much obsessed about the future,
01:13 but the problem with them is you regularly conclude,
01:16 they don't know how to live today.
01:18 So the purpose of the Book of Revelation
01:20 is to point to the future,
01:22 but to make us to be better people today.
01:26 But much more than that,
01:29 the Book of Revelation always points to the past,
01:32 because it is the language of the past used to describe--
01:37 used to describe the future,
01:40 telling us that history will repeat itself in the future
01:44 and the same God who was with His people in the past
01:48 to protect them is also the--
01:51 that God will be with His people in the future
01:54 when that future comes to its realization.
01:57 What a wonderful book,
01:59 The Revelation of The Coming-- of The Coming King.
02:04 I'd like to remind you one more time
02:07 that once this program is over,
02:10 I really like to urge you that you go and that you study
02:14 the Book of Revelation for yourself.
02:18 You can do it alone, but it's always better
02:21 to have few people, especially people who disagree with you
02:25 that you study, that you agitate, okay,
02:29 that you struggle it with the text,
02:30 exchange the opinions.
02:32 And, boy, what the message will speak,
02:35 stick to our heart and how you'll be fulfilled
02:39 and filled with that strong desire
02:41 to come much closer to God
02:43 in your relationship with Him.
02:45 So this is the textbook we will use today
02:48 as well as we have done in all the previous programs.
02:53 But you'll always say, "Hey, I need something more.
02:56 I need--I need something that will really help me."
03:00 How to find the key
03:03 to the symbolical language of the Book of Revelation?
03:06 Well, some of you have done it already,
03:09 some of you--of you would like to provide for yourself
03:14 this book titled "Revelation of Jesus Christ,"
03:18 which is verse-by-verse commentary.
03:20 And the entire purpose of this commentary
03:22 not to provide interpretation in yourself.
03:25 You are supposed to do it, okay.
03:27 But the purpose of this commentary is to give you
03:31 all these Old Testament and New Testament text
03:34 and many other backgrounds, okay.
03:37 For the symbolic language of the Book of Revelation
03:39 to help you as you're struggling with the text
03:44 to find that interpretation based on all those tools.
03:48 So our presentation today will actually
03:52 follow the pages that are here from 492.
03:57 So from page 492,
04:00 and let's see how far we will go today
04:02 in today's program, okay.
04:06 As every time, so today we want to ask God
04:09 because the final analysis, everything is about Him.
04:13 He inspired the John the Revelator
04:15 to write this book and He promised to us.
04:18 Do you remember Revelation 1:3?
04:20 "Blessed is the one who reads," in this--in this context.
04:24 This is what I'm doing. I'm reading.
04:26 But blessed are those who are listening.
04:29 But who are actually blessed?
04:31 Both you and me.
04:32 If we keep the words of prophecy of this book.
04:35 And it is only the God who can enable us
04:38 and help us, okay, in that.
04:40 So let us--let us ask Him for His presence and His help.
04:44 Our heavenly Father, thank you
04:47 for a promise given to us
04:49 that when we read the messages of the Book of Revelation
04:53 that You will be with us
04:55 and Your Holy Spirit will direct us
04:57 in understanding of these messages,
04:59 that sometimes are not easy to understand.
05:03 So please be with us, Father.
05:05 Give us Your Holy Spirit.
05:06 We'd like to experience Your presence in our midst,
05:09 and we pray all of this
05:10 in the precious name of our savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
05:15 Lets be reminded what we have been talking so far.
05:19 We saw the time of the end.
05:22 And Satan will make every effort to distract us from God
05:27 and try to pull out the whole world for himself,
05:31 and against God, okay.
05:34 And as a result that the people will receive
05:38 the Mark of the Beast, okay.
05:40 In Chapter 14, we read that God's faithful followers,
05:44 they will be protected.
05:45 At the same time, God is not happy
05:48 that there are people who are faithful to Him.
05:50 He would like to have more of them.
05:52 So God is sending to the inhabitants of this world,
05:55 He is sending His everlasting gospel.
05:58 As the result of that everlasting gospel,
06:02 there are some people who will make a decision
06:06 to side with God, okay.
06:09 So finally, as the preaching of the gospel is concluded.
06:13 There will be two groups of people
06:14 those who are for God and those who are against God.
06:20 This is the conclusion of Chapter 14,
06:23 described in terms of those two harvests, okay.
06:26 Once the decision of every person
06:28 is concluded and made, okay.
06:32 Now there is a something
06:33 because God want to show to the rebellious world
06:36 the consequences of their decision that they made.
06:41 Remember the expressions?
06:43 Knowingly and willingly, it was their decision what they made.
06:47 God wants to show them
06:49 the consequences of their decision
06:51 because at the final judgment,
06:53 God does not want to leave any person in doubt
06:57 about the fairness of His dealing with people.
07:00 Are you still with me?
07:02 By the way, we'll come to Chapter 19
07:04 and you will see how Chapter 19 begins.
07:06 Once the Great Controversy is concluded
07:08 and the end is right there, okay.
07:12 And just before that final judgment,
07:14 you will see the key concept
07:16 over the beginning of the Chapter 19
07:18 is almost an anthem that spreads throughout universe.
07:22 Yes, Lord, indeed, You are judge.
07:28 Just and You are fair because Your judgments are right.
07:34 You see, everything, friends, is about the fairness of God.
07:37 You who know little bit more about the Bible,
07:40 you know, that actually the key issue
07:44 at the beginning of the Great Controversy
07:47 that actually the Lucifer accused God,
07:51 it was--God was not fair that God was not just,
07:54 that He did not treat, okay.
07:56 His--His creation in the right way.
08:01 But actually the purpose of the Great Controversy
08:03 and the Book of Revelation is in line
08:06 with the biblical theologies that God is indeed fair,
08:09 and this is exactly what the conclusion
08:11 of this world's history will demonstrate. Okay.
08:15 So the seven last plagues,
08:18 we saw that the purpose of the seven last plagues,
08:21 their purpose is indeed--
08:23 is indeed to show to the people
08:26 about the consequences of their action.
08:28 So that at the end time, the sinners themselves
08:30 will recognize that the problem was not with God,
08:33 that the problem was with them.
08:34 And you remember?
08:36 The first four plagues probably are literal.
08:43 Any symbolic meaning doesn't-- doesn't make sense.
08:47 This is our current understanding that we have.
08:49 Maybe in the future we'll have to change our mind.
08:51 But the Revelation 7 suggests it clearly to us.
08:56 But we saw that when we come to the fifth plague,
09:01 that the literal meaning does not make too much sense.
09:05 It's a symbolic there.
09:06 And we saw that in the fifth plague.
09:11 Actually it's the throne of the beast,
09:15 the very Seat of Babylon, it's visited there.
09:20 And there is something that happens
09:23 in the eyes of the inhabitants of the world
09:26 who trusted Babylon so much,
09:28 they decided to follow the beast
09:30 and receive the Mark of the Beast.
09:33 This is exactly where we stopped last time.
09:35 So please, I'd like one more time
09:37 to invite you to turn to Revelation Chapter 16
09:42 and it says, "The sixth angel poured out
09:46 his bowl on the great river, the Euphrates,
09:48 and its river was dried up,
09:51 so that the way would be prepared
09:53 for the kings from the east."
09:54 Please let's be reminded one more time, okay.
09:59 We are dealing here with the symbolic language.
10:02 The symbolic language as any other
10:05 in the Book of Revelation is based on the historical reality.
10:08 Keep in mind that the end time enemy power
10:12 that will be the key actor in the final crises.
10:15 It's named Babylon.
10:17 And we have to keep in mind
10:19 that this concept of a Babylon in the Book of Revelation
10:22 is rooted in the concept of the historical Babylon
10:26 that is mentioned in the Old Testament, okay.
10:31 So let's put it here as--
10:33 I'm repeating what we stated last time.
10:37 Ancient Babylon was a square, okay,
10:41 in the form of square, okay.
10:44 But there was a River Euphrates running through the city.
10:51 We mentioned last time, do you remember that?
10:53 Without the River Euphrates there would not be Babylon.
10:57 Babylon holds its own existence, okay,
11:02 to the River Euphrates for nourishment,
11:04 for the existence and for the survival, okay.
11:09 The enemy forces could come and surround Babylon
11:13 and be there month and years they spent there,
11:18 but Babylon could survive.
11:20 It's because of River Euphrates.
11:23 Now let's go back here to this text.
11:26 These Old Testament concepts about historical Babylon
11:30 is very important for the understanding
11:32 what's going on here with the end time Babylon.
11:34 And it says, "That the sixth plague
11:37 hits the River Euphrates."
11:41 In what way?
11:43 It says, "That the waters--
11:46 that the waters of Euphrates were dried up."
11:51 What does it mean?
11:53 Okay, let's go back to the historical Babylon.
11:56 What would happen if the waters
11:59 of the River Euphrates were dried up?
12:03 It would mark the end of Babylon
12:06 to now read the question how long the Babylon can last?
12:11 And very soon Babylon would come to its end.
12:13 By the way, but just wait, very soon we'll come to that.
12:17 We will see that the drying up of the River Euphrates
12:19 indeed brought the end of the historical Babylon.
12:22 But we--we want here to be in the Book of Revelation,
12:25 first to find out if the River Euphrates is symbolic?
12:30 Are you still with me? Keep in mind.
12:32 We are dealing here with the symbol,
12:33 rooted in the historical reality, okay.
12:37 If the River Euphrates here mentioned
12:39 that's rooted in the historical Babylon,
12:41 the question is, what does the River Euphrates
12:47 signify and stand for with the reference
12:50 to the end time Babylon? Praise God.
12:54 This symbol should not be difficult to interpret
12:57 because the Book of Revelation explained it to us.
13:00 These are one of the rare symbols
13:02 that are very clearly identified
13:05 and explained in the Book of Revelation.
13:07 Please, I'd like to invite you
13:09 to go to the next chapter of the Book of Revelation,
13:12 where we have the judgment of their Babylon.
13:17 Let's see how the Book of Revelation explained to us
13:21 actually what Babylon is about, okay.
13:25 It says, in the Revelation 17:1,
13:32 "Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls--"
13:37 See the same angel that execute seven--seven last plagues.
13:41 "Spoke with me, saying, 'Come here.'
13:44 I will show you the judgment of the great harlot
13:49 who sits on many waters."
13:52 Please, can you help me now?
13:55 What is the name of this harlot? It's Babylon.
13:59 By the way, if you go in the following verses
14:00 we will come to that.
14:02 You will see in verse 5, it's a Babylon, okay.
14:06 So this enemy power is called Babylon.
14:08 But since the Babylon sits on many waters--
14:12 I don't want you to be confused.
14:14 If you go--if you go to Jeremiah 51:13,
14:18 you will see that Jeremiah talks about that historical Babylon,
14:23 stating that Babylon was sitting on many waters.
14:28 So the expression that John the Revelator
14:31 is using in Revelation 17:1, that sits on many waters.
14:36 Actually it's taken from the Old Testament
14:37 from the Book of Jeremiah 51:13.
14:41 Are you still with me?
14:42 So let me tell you, if Jeremiah referred
14:45 to Babylon as sitting on many waters.
14:48 What do the seven-- the many waters
14:53 actually stands for in the Book of Jeremiah?
14:56 Is the River Euphrates, okay?
14:59 It's different expression for the River Euphrates.
15:02 So now there is a question. We did not get the answer yet.
15:07 If a Babylon according to 17:1, sits on many waters,
15:11 what do many waters or the River Euphrates actually represent?
15:17 It's in verse 15. The same chapter verse 15.
15:20 Praise God that this is the clear--
15:23 The angel explains to John,
15:25 the meaning of many waters or River Euphrates.
15:28 No, revelation 17:15, in the same chapter we are.
15:32 It says, "And He said to me,
15:35 'The waters which you saw where the harlot sits,
15:40 are peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues.'
15:47 " I expect one hallelujah and amen.
15:50 We don't need to wonder about this.
15:52 Please, what does the symbol of Euphrates
15:56 or many waters stand for
15:59 in the Book of Revelation? Let me put.
16:01 I don't want simply to repeat it, boy.
16:03 For secular and political powers of this world.
16:09 Let--let put it one more time when we come to
16:14 we will see it. Revelation 17,
16:19 Actually Babylon-- proceed to Babylon
16:22 does not sits just on the waters.
16:24 It also sits on the beast because we will see that
16:26 that waters and the beast is one--the same reality.
16:31 Two different symbols for one reality.
16:34 As ancient Babylon were sitting on the River Euphrates
16:38 and dependant on the River Euphrates for its existence,
16:41 the end time Babylon sits on Euphrates
16:44 and what the River Euphrates or many waters are all about?
16:48 It's a secular and the political power
16:51 of this world that supported Babylon.
16:53 You see, Babylon is a religious reality.
16:57 Euphrates stands for political reality.
17:00 See, Babylon was located on the River Euphrates.
17:04 The women-- prostitute women,
17:07 Revelation 17 which is Babylon were sitting on the beast
17:10 which actually signified political powers.
17:12 What does it telling us?
17:13 That the time of the end we will see
17:16 that the religious entities
17:20 that will be actively involved in the final crises.
17:23 For their survival and for their existence,
17:26 we'll be supported by that political
17:30 and secular powers of this world.
17:32 Are you still with me? Amen.
17:35 Without those political and the religious,
17:38 and political and secular powers in the world,
17:41 the end time Babylon cannot exist.
17:44 Are you still with me? It's different.
17:47 We will talk about that during the medieval period.
17:51 One entity, one beast incorporated
17:55 both religious and political aspect.
17:58 But at the time of the end,
18:00 we have two aspects with two realities,
18:03 two entities is that the Babylon
18:06 which is religious entity depends on the political support
18:12 of religious and political powers of this world for its--
18:17 for its existence.
18:20 That's why how the Mark of the Beast is able to be imposed.
18:24 That's why everybody who does not--
18:27 who does not receive the Mark of the Beast had to be killed.
18:30 Because we have a political powers of this world
18:33 are involved-- are involved in that.
18:36 Now let's go back to our text in Revelation 16.
18:42 Please now I need your help
18:44 and the help of the viewers there.
18:47 Of course, they cannot talk to us,
18:51 but try to think.
18:52 It says verse 12, "That the sixth angel
18:56 poured out his bowl on the great river, the Euphrates,
19:00 and its water was dried up."
19:04 What does it mean that the water of Euphrates was dried up?
19:11 It means that there is something that will happen,
19:16 that the political and the secular powers of this world
19:21 will withdraw the popular support to Babylon.
19:27 They'll not support the Babylon any longer.
19:30 Now there is a question, why?
19:31 Why suddenly the fifth plague?
19:35 Those who supported Babylon,
19:37 those political and secular powers of this world,
19:39 why they do not support Babylon any longer? Why not?
19:48 The answer was in the fifth plaque.
19:50 Do you remember that?
19:52 When the people of this world,
19:55 they noticed that actually Babylon itself
19:58 is hit by the seven last plagues.
20:01 And the Babylon cannot rescue and save itself.
20:04 Then how can Babylon help the people in the world?
20:08 Are you still with me?
20:09 And they'll make people to think about decision that they made.
20:14 Keep in mind.
20:16 They decide not to side with Babylon any longer,
20:20 but it doesn't make them to side with God.
20:22 Are you still with me?
20:23 Actually they become even more rebellious against God.
20:27 Read the seven last plagues.
20:30 The more severe seven plagues are,
20:33 make them to regret and to suffer,
20:36 but doesn't make them to come back to God.
20:38 Actually makes them to blasphemy more against God.
20:40 It's very interesting is when Satan messes up in this world,
20:44 people do not blame Satan. People blame always God.
20:50 But we have to understand something
20:51 about this drying up of the River Euphrates.
20:55 It says, "To prepare the way for the kings from the east."
21:00 Oh, friends, we can have here a very, very long discussion now
21:05 there so many elements here, please.
21:07 I would like to encourage you that as I mentioned
21:10 once this program is over to study
21:12 because you'll have all informations here,
21:15 but let me just provide here to you the framework
21:18 because the first century Christians
21:20 do not have a problem to understand what was going on
21:24 in the Book of Revelation in the light
21:26 of what happened to the historical Babylon.
21:29 By the way, Babylon was on the peak of its power.
21:35 The King Nebuchadnezzar who repented, you remember that?
21:38 Repented, and finally he was accepted by God. He died.
21:41 After him there are three other kings
21:44 and there was finally the fourth king,
21:46 but he decided to leave Babylon.
21:49 And he left his son, Belshazzar
21:54 there in Babylon to rule instead of him.
21:57 You're now familiar.
21:58 We are referring to the-- to the Book of Daniel.
22:01 However, the time Medo-Persians, they came,
22:04 they surrounded the city.
22:07 Holding the city under the siege for a long time,
22:10 but why would Babylon surrender?
22:14 Babylon is surrounded by the triple wall.
22:16 There is River Euphrates providing so much water there.
22:18 They can live there for many, many years without any fear.
22:22 Nobody can harm them.
22:24 And now there is something--
22:26 there is something that that happened.
22:29 I'd like to invite you to turn
22:32 to the Book of Isaiah 50--41. Isaiah 41.
22:39 There is one name that is-- that is very prominent here
22:47 with regard to ancient Babylon
22:53 in the prophecies of Isaiah about Babylon.
22:56 It's Chapter 45:1, where it says,
23:00 "Thus says the Lord to Cyrus His anointed,
23:05 whom I have taken by the right hand,
23:09 to subdue nations before him and to loose the loins of the king."
23:16 Verse 4, "For the sake of Jacob My servant,
23:20 and Israel My chosen one, I have also called you name
23:24 I have given you a title of honor
23:27 though you have not known Me."
23:30 Verse 5, "I am the Lord, there is no other,
23:33 besides Me, there is no other God."
23:36 What is the king name here mentioned by Isaiah?
23:40 It's the King Cyrus.
23:42 The King Cyrus was actually the commander of chief
23:46 of the Medo-Persian army that, that surrender--
23:49 surrender Babylon. Okay.
23:52 Actually this ancient king, pagan king,
23:56 he had nothing to do with God, okay.
23:59 Actually it's called in the Book of Isaiah, "My anointed one."
24:05 Do you know what Hebrew word
24:07 stands here for 'my anointed one?'
24:09 Is the word of Messiah.
24:11 Actually the King Cyrus, he stands
24:14 as the prototype of the messiah, pagan king. Why?
24:18 Because he was the one according to the prophecy of Isaiah.
24:23 The one who was supposed to destroy Babylon.
24:27 And somehow he functions here
24:29 as the prototype of the real messiah who will one day come
24:33 and to destroy the end time Babylon.
24:34 Are you still with me?
24:36 But you'll need to understand
24:37 how the end time Babylon will be destroyed.
24:40 We have to understand
24:41 how ancient Babylon was destroyed by Cyrus.
24:44 In the same way, because Cyrus stands
24:46 as a prototype for the messiah.
24:48 How he will destroy it?
24:49 I'd like you just to look in the two texts
24:52 that come before Chapter 25.
24:54 It's verse 27 and 28.
24:57 Chapter 44 of the Book of Isaiah, okay.
25:00 Chapter 44 of Book of Isaiah, verses 27 and 28.
25:03 "It is I who say to the depth of the sea, 'Be dried up.'
25:08 And I will make your rivers dry."
25:10 Are you still with me?
25:12 I will make your river dry.
25:15 "It is I who say to Cyrus, 'He is My shepherd.
25:18 And he will perform all My desire.'
25:20 And he declares to Jerusalem,
25:22 'She will be built,' and of the temple,
25:25 'Your foundation will be laid.'"
25:26 The Book of Isaiah points here that Cyrus will destroy Babylon.
25:31 How will he destroy Babylon? By drying up the river?
25:35 By the way, we don't have the historical records too much
25:38 about what happened to the ancient Babylon.
25:41 The only record that we find in the Bible,
25:43 it's in the Book of Daniel. Do you remember that?
25:46 It's in Chapter 5, telling us that that night
25:50 when the King Belshazzar was celebrating--
25:54 probably the anniversary of Babylon,
25:56 but at the same time blaspheming against the God of Israel.
25:59 He brought those vessels from the temple,
26:01 do you remember that? What are they doing?
26:03 They're drinking from those vessels,
26:04 shouting to the Jews. "Who is your God?
26:06 You see, your holy vessels are here.
26:09 We are drinking from them wine and celebrating our gods
26:12 because they're more powerful."
26:13 And the Bible said, "That that night,
26:15 Belshazzar was killed
26:17 and Medo-Persians took over the city.
26:20 Are you still with me?
26:21 We don't know what happened.
26:23 But in the first century, the people in the Roman Empire,
26:30 they understood only one way how Babylon was destroyed
26:33 because the two Greek historians,
26:36 I have documentations there-- there in my commentary.
26:39 You can read for them.
26:41 One was Herodotus another one was Xenophon.
26:44 Two of them, they're providing more information
26:47 and they're saying us
26:49 that the Cyrus with the Medo-Persian army,
26:52 he realized that he couldn't conquer Babylon.
26:55 And he took his counselors. They were talking together.
26:58 How? What shall we do?
26:59 Shall we give up? And finally the idea came.
27:03 There was here a huge valley.
27:06 They say, "Why don't we dig a canal here,
27:12 and divert the river bed
27:17 and the flow of the water into this valley?"
27:20 And according to those historians,
27:22 this is indeed what had happened.
27:24 And the night, when the King Belshazzar
27:25 was celebrating his victory,
27:29 they prevented the flow of the river here,
27:32 diverted the water into this valley
27:36 and that night they went.
27:43 This way they marched here into city.
27:45 Of course, the walls here
27:47 and they were able to bribe the gatekeepers there.
27:52 And that night when Belshazzar,
27:53 who was not loved by the people in Babylon at all.
27:55 That's why they opened the door to the Medo-Persians
27:58 enter there King Belshazzar and they occupied Babylon.
28:01 For a long time, I even see today
28:04 that some scholars are laughing in this report.
28:07 They say, it's just the product of imagination.
28:10 But those number of years ago
28:12 in ancient Babylon, territory ancient Babylon,
28:15 Cyrus so called Cyrus Cylinder was discovered.
28:20 In which Cyrus celebrates
28:23 and praises all the victory that he has done.
28:27 And there is one sentence he said,
28:29 "And my forces-- Actually it's "With my forces,
28:31 it's so much ego in those people," he said.
28:34 And I conquered Babylon without loosing a single soldier.
28:41 It fits very nicely, whether these are true or not,
28:44 but because of these two Greek historians.
28:49 This is what people knew in the first century
28:51 about the fall of Babylon.
28:55 So, when the Revelator, John the Revelator
28:58 saw in the vision that the River Euphrates dried up.
29:05 And when he put it in the Book of Revelation,
29:07 people did not have any difficulty to understand
29:10 what was actually going on.
29:13 As the ancient Babylon fell
29:16 because of the drying up of the River Euphrates,
29:19 the prophecy of the Book of Revelation is
29:21 that the same will happened to the end time Babylon.
29:25 But keep in mind that this time we are dealing with the symbol
29:30 because River Euphrates, many waters,
29:33 they stand for political and secular powers of this world
29:37 who will somehow withdraw their popular support to Babylon
29:42 and it will cause the fall of Babylon.
29:44 Are you still with me?
29:47 For which purpose? It says, "To prepare--
29:54 So that the way would be prepare."
29:56 Verse 12, "For the kings from the east."
30:00 Let's go back to ancient Babylon.
30:02 You see, you have to locate the map.
30:07 This is Babylon. Where is the east?
30:09 It's here. Medo-Persia is in the east.
30:12 So who are the kings from the east?
30:14 Keep in mind we are dealing with Media and Persia,
30:18 different kings there. Okay.
30:21 This specially has taken from ancient Babylon,
30:24 but who are those, who are the kings from the east
30:28 in the New Testament here in the Book of Revelation?
30:30 Of course, number one, Jesus Christ is the King.
30:33 When you read in the Gospel of Matthew 24,
30:37 "Jesus will come from the east."
30:40 He will come from the sunrise
30:43 because the east in the Bible is always--
30:47 is always the point from which Jesus will come,
30:50 it's the place where God-- where God dwells.
30:53 Do you remember Revelation 7,
30:55 "The sealing of God's people is done by the angel
30:57 who came from the east."
30:59 It's always the east there. But why the plural kings?
31:03 Friends, there is only one explanation is
31:05 because at the time of the end,
31:08 we have two military sides.
31:12 Those who belong to Satan, those are in with the beast,
31:18 those religious, political
31:21 and secular powers of this world.
31:24 On another side, we have Jesus Christ
31:27 and we have His faithful people.
31:30 Please let me remind you Revelation 1:6, 5:10,
31:34 God's people in the Book of Revelation
31:36 are mentioned as the 'Royal priesthood,'
31:39 as the kings who are sitting on the throne
31:41 and Jesus Christ promised to them
31:43 everybody who overcomes will sit with Me on My throne.
31:48 How do you call people who are sitting on the throne?
31:50 You call them the kings.
31:52 By the way, I'd like you to turn with me--
31:55 with me, okay, the Revelation--
31:59 the Revelation 17, it's verse 14.
32:07 Please keep in mind all these chapters
32:08 are talking about the battle of Armageddon.
32:10 So we have somehow to jump to some of those verses.
32:12 It says, "These will wage war against the Lamb,
32:16 and the Lamb will overcome them,
32:18 because He is the Lord of lords and King of kings."
32:22 If Jesus is the King of king, who are those kings?
32:25 It says, "And those who are with Him
32:28 are called and chosen and faithful."
32:32 When you're having the Book of Revelation,
32:35 those who are called chosen and faithful, who are they?
32:38 They're not angels.
32:40 Angels are not chosen, they are there.
32:41 It's the faithful people of God.
32:44 Amen. Okay.
32:45 So we are dealing here with two parties.
32:48 Let me now ask you. Why the destruction of Babylon?
32:53 You see, usually people are just talking about the judgment,
32:55 but judgment always has the purpose.
32:57 The destruction of ancient Babylon happened,
33:00 so to make possible for the people of Israel
33:03 to go back to their land there and to rebuild Jerusalem.
33:07 Why the fall of the end time Babylon?
33:10 In order to provide
33:12 the redemption salvation for God's people?
33:15 This is actually-- this is actually
33:17 what we are-- what we are talking about.
33:19 Now the flow of the Book of Revelation is very unclear,
33:23 but I'd like to suggest all of you and our viewers,
33:28 for more detailed description of these events,
33:30 I'd like to suggest to you to go to the last three chapters
33:34 of the book written by Ellen White,
33:36 titled "The Great Controversy."
33:39 It's one of the best description that interpreted these texts
33:45 that is found here in the Book of Revelation.
33:47 But please, I simply want to follow here the text is.
33:52 So the people will become disillusioned.
33:54 They don't want to support Babylon any longer.
33:57 At that moment, there is something
33:59 one of the greatest deception
34:01 that ever happens in the history of this world
34:03 that will happen at the time of the end.
34:05 Let's keep on reading from verse 13.
34:10 It says, "And I saw--and I saw
34:13 coming out of the mouth of the dragon
34:18 and out of the mouth of the beast
34:21 and out of the mouth of the false prophet."
34:23 How do we call them?
34:25 The counterfeit trinity, you remember that?
34:28 What is another name for them? Babylon, okay.
34:31 So you see, Babylon does not surrender.
34:35 There is no River Euphrates to support Babylon any longer,
34:40 but Babylon wants to survive.
34:42 "So now we have out of the mouth of the dragon
34:44 and out of the mouth of the beast,
34:46 out of the mouth of false prophet,
34:48 three unclean spirits like frogs.
34:52 For they are spirits of demons, performing signs,
34:56 which go out to the kings of the whole world,
34:59 to gather them together for the war
35:01 of the great day of God, the Almighty."
35:04 Let's skip verse 15, "And they gathered them together
35:07 to the place which in Hebrew is called Har-Magedon."
35:13 Are you confused here?
35:15 And I know wherever I go
35:16 people like to know something about these three frogs.
35:20 And, boy, and I hear so many different interpretations.
35:22 Some are very, very interesting.
35:25 And if you ask me,
35:27 I'm struggling with understanding of these frogs.
35:30 But if go to the Old Testament,
35:32 it seems some of the things become much, much clear.
35:35 In order to try to explain every detail of the symbol,
35:38 we want to find out what is the general picture of that.
35:41 And there is something is that at that moment
35:43 when the River Euphrates
35:47 does not support Babylon any longer.
35:50 Out of Babylon comes the greatest deception.
35:53 And what is deception?
35:55 This deception is portrayed here
35:57 in terms of the three unclean spirit like frogs.
36:03 And it says, "That these actually spirit,
36:06 these frogs are the spirit of demons."
36:10 Keep in mind, what else? "Performing signs."
36:13 What are the signs? "Miracles."
36:15 Keep in mind, we're dealing with great deception.
36:17 Do you remember we talked about the miracles
36:19 that will happen at the time of the end?
36:20 There is greater deception that perception is so persuasive,
36:26 inviting the kings of the whole world
36:29 to gather them together for the war
36:31 of the great day of God, Almighty.
36:33 What is the name of this war?
36:35 Because of the place of that war,
36:37 Har-Magedon, we call this battle,
36:39 the battle of Armageddon. Are you still with me?
36:42 But we did not get the answer yet.
36:45 What is this deception all about?
36:47 What are these frogs?
36:49 End with these three frogs is the symbolic expression
36:53 for these there demons.
36:54 Are you still with me?
36:56 But does it come a surprise to you?
37:00 Every time in the Book of Revelation,
37:02 when demons are mentioned they're always demons.
37:08 Never symbolic language is used for them.
37:09 Are you still with me? Yes.
37:12 This is the only exception in the Book of Revelation
37:15 where they're not just demons,
37:18 they're symbolized by frogs. Why frogs?
37:21 Oh, boy, when they go to different Bible commentaries,
37:24 people have such great imagination to describe.
37:28 You know frogs and ox? Friends, that's not the issue.
37:33 When we find the symbol of the Book of Revelation,
37:36 what is the first step that we're supposed to make?
37:39 Let's go to the Old Testament.
37:40 So now I want that you see that you can make,
37:44 you can study the Book of Revelation for yourself.
37:46 Where in the Bible we have plagues?
37:51 Where water turns into blood,
37:54 when people become hungry,
37:56 when the sun scorches the people,
37:59 when there is such dense dark--darkness
38:02 and also a part of those plagues are frogs.
38:05 What do you have it? You see that.
38:07 Friends, you don't need to have a PhD
38:10 to understand the Book of Revelation.
38:12 Just go to the Old Testament.
38:14 Actually, yeah, you are completely right.
38:17 We're talking about the plagues of Egypt
38:20 that happened at the exodus of the people of Israel.
38:24 Please, I'd like you now to be with me
38:27 because there is something very interesting is that
38:29 you can observe as we're studying all these plagues.
38:34 Are you with me? Amen.
38:35 Do you remember Mosses comes before Pharaoh,
38:40 and says to him, "If you don't obey God,
38:44 this is the plague that will come up on Egypt?"
38:47 And Pharaoh said, "No, I don't want
38:49 to obey God. That's okay."
38:52 Moses lifts up his stick there, you remember that?
38:55 And the plague came, but at the same time
38:58 there is something that happened.
39:02 The Egyptian magicians, they counterfeit the same thing,
39:07 the same plague and pharaoh said,
39:09 "Yeah, good trick, Moses,
39:13 but you're nothing better than my magicians." People suffer.
39:17 And then Pharaoh realizes, these are the fingers of God.
39:21 So he just prayed to God, okay.
39:23 Of course, the plague is removed.
39:26 Pharaoh is again unbeliever.
39:30 And Mosses said, "Another plague will come."
39:35 And Pharaoh does not believe it.
39:38 Another plague hits the land. What happens?
39:42 The magicians, they do the same thing.
39:45 And Pharaoh says, "Another good trick."
39:49 And it happened how many times?
39:52 Several times, okay. I'm not sure now.
39:54 Is it three or four times it happens?
39:57 And then finally Moses said before Pharaoh,
40:01 and he said, "There will be another plague."
40:03 What plagues? "There will be frogs."
40:07 Pharaoh said, "Oh, good attempt."
40:08 Where do you-- where can you find?
40:10 Of course, locust they can come, okay.
40:12 But frogs--and frogs they filled the earth
40:16 but the problem was that magicians they did the same
40:19 and Pharaoh said I don't understand how it happened,
40:22 so many frogs.
40:24 But you see it's another trick that my magicians they can do.
40:27 Friends, magician plagues,
40:30 the frogs were the last deception
40:34 and last counterfeit
40:36 that Pharaoh's magicians were able to do.
40:40 Because after that another plague come
40:43 and Pharaoh look into his magicians
40:44 they--they tried to do all those things nothing happened
40:48 finally those magicians they came to Pharaoh
40:51 and says we cannot do anything, this is the finger of God.
40:57 Our best understanding that we can reach
40:59 with regard to these frogs at this moment is
41:03 that actually the inspiration wants to tell us
41:07 that with this deception of these three unclean spirit
41:12 symbolized by frogs,
41:14 this is the last greatest deception
41:18 that Satan will be able to do,
41:20 that Babylon will be able to perform
41:22 before the second coming of Christ.
41:26 How successful will be this deception?
41:31 Please read in verse 16
41:34 say "They gathered them together to the place
41:38 which in Hebrew is called Har-Magedon."
41:42 Evidently the entire world falls in to that deception.
41:47 By the way in a Great Controversy
41:51 I like what Ellen White saw there in the vision is.
41:55 She says at that time
41:57 when people will not trust Babylon any longer,
42:00 it is Satan himself who'll step on the scene
42:03 imitating the second coming of Christ,
42:06 performing different miracles around
42:09 and people will come to him pleading for help
42:13 and he will tell them, he will tell them,
42:15 yeah, you suffer because of these plagues,
42:18 but these plagues are not because
42:20 I wanted them to put you,
42:22 it's-they're caused by the people
42:24 who did not want to side with us and to support this system.
42:28 Friends, this is what the battle of Armageddon is all about.
42:33 I would like now to invite you to turn here to this verse 16
42:39 because among the Christians,
42:41 the concept of the battle of Armageddon
42:47 One more time I want to remind you here in my commentary,
42:50 if you go from page 493 to page going all to 497
42:57 in that small print you have in detail,
42:59 you have so many information that you really need a lot,
43:02 a lot of time to go through each one of these details,
43:05 but I want to give to you broad picture of that
43:09 what you can study for ourself
43:11 and try to find-- to find in the details.
43:14 Because many, many good Christians today,
43:17 they believe that there is some hidden place known Har-Mageddon.
43:21 And they tried to establish where that place is built.
43:24 So most Christians they believe
43:26 that Har-Mageddon is actually Palestine.
43:28 When political leaders of these world
43:30 will meet between a south or north
43:33 or east and the west based on the Book of Daniel
43:36 people have different interpretations,
43:38 where actually we'll have the military conflict there
43:41 in Middle East because of the situation in Jerusalem.
43:45 Friends, you have to understand that the Book of Revelation
43:47 never supports such idea.
43:50 You see friends, the Book of Revelation
43:52 is not about the military invasion in Palestine.
43:55 It's not the battle because of oil.
44:00 God does not care about oil.
44:02 Yeah, He cares, He'll like us that we can drive a car,
44:05 without that oil I would not be able to come here
44:07 to have this seminar.
44:09 But keep in mind that the primary concern
44:11 of the Book of Revelation
44:12 is the conclusion of the plan of salvation
44:14 and salvation people to have them
44:16 one day in God's kingdom. Amen.
44:19 Now that there is a question, then what is Har-Mageddon?
44:23 By the way the word Har-Mageddon
44:26 that we have here which is rightly.
44:29 In King James Bible we have Armageddon
44:31 because of the Septuagint that drops that sign
44:34 so instead of Har we have Ar, okay, doesn't matter.
44:38 The concept is a-- the question is what is it?
44:43 By the way you will notice here
44:46 that the John the Revelator makes very clear.
44:48 He said that all the people will be gather together
44:51 in to the place of the final battle,
44:54 is called in Hebrew Har-Magedon.
44:57 Did you notice it?
45:00 So he wants to tell us don't look for a literal place,
45:04 you have to understand Hebrew
45:05 in order to understand what this name means.
45:08 And in Hebrew Har or Hor means a mountain
45:16 and Magedon occurs in the Old Testament
45:23 a number, number of times.
45:26 Actually which is one of the variant names
45:31 for the ancient city Megiddo.
45:35 Let me explain to you-- to you here something.
45:41 If you have any study Bible.
45:44 At the end of the Bible you have the map,
45:46 you can go there and see for our self.
45:48 I just want to remind you how Palestine looks like, okay.
45:51 You have the shore here is the Mediterranean sea,
45:53 okay, or the great sea according to the Bible.
45:57 So Palestine, this is the territory River Jordan, okay.
46:01 River Jordan.
46:02 Where are the Babylonians and the Persians
46:05 and the Syrians of all nations?
46:07 You see, they are here.
46:10 They are here.
46:12 But you'll notice that
46:13 in the Bible that the enemy powers
46:15 who come against Israel they never come from the east
46:20 to invade Palestine, they always go around
46:24 and invasion is done from the north.
46:28 Now there is a question, why?
46:30 Because we have here that huge Arabic wilderness
46:37 and any attempt for a huge army to travel this territory
46:44 would mean really a suicide.
46:46 No water, not food and anything.
46:50 So all the enemies of God's people
46:51 who invade Palestine
46:53 they would go here and invade from the north.
46:56 But then there is something that you have to understand.
46:59 This is the mountain area.
47:04 It's almost impossible to enter here, this territory.
47:08 There're only two places that you can invade Palestine,
47:12 to go here down the River Jordan
47:14 which was very, very hard for military to enter,
47:17 but there was here through this mountain ridge
47:20 there was a safe pass to go here
47:23 and usually there're roads here made for--for merchants
47:28 who-- and travelers here-- and the army would go this pass
47:33 therefore even before Israelites came to Palestine
47:38 there was here a fortress that was located.
47:43 If you go to the Bible this is known
47:45 as the Jezreel Valley, this is Galilee, okay.
47:48 Jezreel valley here, it is.
47:50 They established a fortress.
47:51 The name of that fortress was Megiddo
47:54 from ancient time, ancient Canaanites.
47:57 When the people of Israel occupied Palestine,
48:01 they fortified this fortress.
48:05 And they have at the time of Solomon,
48:07 the Solomon here had many horses.
48:10 He put many soldiers here, why?
48:13 When the enemies attack Palestine,
48:17 if you're able to prevent them here,
48:20 then Palestine is free.
48:23 Are you still with me?
48:24 If those enemy forces are able to defeat Israelites here,
48:27 what happens?
48:29 The way is open to occupy-- to occupy Palestine.
48:32 By the way in the history of the Jewish people
48:36 Megiddo was the place of the most famous
48:40 and even notorious battles
48:43 that God's people ever waged against their enemies.
48:46 Let me just remind you that was the place where the Barak
48:51 and the Bora, Do you remember fought against their enemies.
48:55 I can say more because of the time I try to shorten it.
48:58 Actually this is the place
49:00 where the young king Josiah was killed.
49:04 And by the way if you read chapter 12
49:07 of the Book of Zechariah, the Book of Zechariah
49:10 because what happened to the king of Josiah here at Megiddo.
49:14 Actually Megiddo became the prophecies of Zechariah
49:17 in other prophetic books as symbol of the place
49:21 of the final battle between God and his people and the enemies.
49:26 So in the history-- in the history of Israel people,
49:29 Megiddo was the place--
49:31 was the place of those famous battles
49:33 and became a symbol of the final eschatological battle
49:39 that God will lead in behalf of his people.
49:41 But let me tell you something else.
49:43 Megiddo was not just a place of those great battles,
49:46 it was actually the place known where God so many times
49:50 intervened in the miraculous way on behalf of His people.
49:55 But now there is one problem is,
49:59 and I struggle with that problem about 15 years ago.
50:03 As I was student of the Book of Revelation,
50:06 people asked me to lecture on the Book of Revelation,
50:09 but there was one problem that I confronted,
50:11 I heard from other people the answer,
50:13 I do not believe it, The problem is,
50:15 when you come here to Megiddo this is the plain,
50:19 Jezreel plain,
50:21 here so many people would have killed in battles.
50:23 Are you still with me?
50:24 But there is no mountain.
50:27 But here you talk about the Mount of Megiddo.
50:32 And I will never forget.
50:34 It was exactly 17 years ago I was with Dr. Jon Pauline
50:40 and with 30 students,
50:41 MD students for the theological seminary
50:43 we were there at Megiddo.
50:46 And students came to me they said
50:47 because I lectured to them the Book of Revelation,
50:49 they said where is the Mount of Megiddo?
50:52 This was for the first time I was in Israel,
50:54 I was completely lost.
50:55 I said I don't know.
50:57 The problem is Megiddo is on the elevated position, why?
51:01 Because Megiddo was so many times destroyed
51:04 and on the ruins of the previous city,
51:06 a new city was build. Are you still with me?
51:08 And always, always so-- but this is not mountain.
51:12 And I will never forget a tourist guy,
51:16 lady she came, she actually was working her PhD
51:20 in ancient antiquity.
51:21 She was very much familiar with history
51:24 and she came to me and she did like this
51:27 and she started laughing
51:29 and said I know what you are talking about?
51:30 I said what are we talking about?
51:32 She said like every Christian who comes here.
51:34 I said what?
51:35 Everybody asking where is-- where is the Mount of Megiddo?
51:40 I said do you have the answer.
51:42 She said you see there?
51:44 I said yes.
51:45 It's so clear you can see it.
51:47 She said this is the Mount of Megiddo.
51:49 And something clicked to me, oh, yeah.
51:51 I grew up in a small town in Bosnia,
51:54 in former Yugoslavia there.
51:56 And we have a mountain about 20 miles far away from our town
52:00 and everybody knows that that mountain belong to our city.
52:04 The problem is you just look at the mountain
52:05 that is in the city no, friends.
52:07 So it was about 15, 20 miles far away that mountain
52:10 it's clear, it's huge mountain.
52:12 I said so-- she said do you know the name of that mountain,
52:17 which is Mount of Megiddo. I said no.
52:20 She said this is the Mount of Carmel.
52:25 And then suddenly everything becomes clear.
52:30 It was actually that event changed my preaching.
52:32 I was last year there, I will be in few months again there.
52:35 And I showed to the students,
52:37 by the way last year when we were there
52:39 I lectured my students about Megiddo there
52:41 on the side to the Megiddo, showed them Mount Carmel
52:44 and the tourist guy, lady came again
52:46 she has PhD in the Old Testament
52:49 and she said yeah, you are right,
52:51 this is the Mount of Megiddo, the Mount of Carmel.
52:54 Now everything becomes now clear.
52:56 What the battle of Armageddon is all about? Amen.
53:00 The battle of Armageddon is very similar to the event
53:05 that had happened somewhere in the past in the Old Testament.
53:08 When the Prophet Elijah, you remember that.
53:11 According to the 1 Kings 17 and 18 when the king of Elijah--
53:16 when the prophet Elijah had to confront the king of Ahab
53:21 and all those Baal's prophets.
53:23 When he stood in front of the old people
53:27 and confronted them with one question.
53:30 Would you want this children? Yes.
53:33 If God is God then follow Him,
53:37 if a Baal is God then follow him.
53:42 It was at that time that God manifested his power
53:47 in front of all the people of Israel
53:49 and show his glory, you remember that.
53:51 And the fire came down from heaven
53:55 and devoured those sacrifices.
53:57 That is something very interesting
53:58 if you remember that we talked
54:00 that one of the greatest deception
54:01 that the counterfeit trinity will do,
54:03 bring the fire down from heaven
54:05 actually to imitate the Elijah event on the Mount of Carmel.
54:10 Satan is always trying to prevent the plan of God.
54:13 And friends this is just to stimulate your appetite
54:17 for studying of this subject.
54:19 Just to show to you
54:20 that actually the battle of Armageddon
54:23 is not the political event, it's not a military action,
54:28 it's not a military war because of oil
54:30 or Palestine or confrontation between the Jews and Palestine.
54:36 Actually the battle of Armageddon is battle
54:38 for the mind of the people when God,
54:42 whom the world rejected completely
54:45 at certain point of history he will have to manifest himself
54:49 and to show the people about decision
54:53 that they failed to make and that a crucial
54:58 and that crucial decision actually that they made actually
55:03 is by rejecting God and siding with the wrong side.
55:09 This is actually what the battle of Armageddon is all about.
55:14 By the way in our next session
55:17 we will see a little bit
55:19 the outcome of this battle of Armageddon.
55:21 But you don't need to go too far
55:23 because this is exactly what the seventh plague is all about.
55:29 Do you have the text there, etcetera?
55:31 You will see the outcome of the battle of Armageddon.
55:34 It says then the seventh angle poured out his bowl
55:37 up on the air and a loud voice came out of the temple
55:41 from the throne saying it is done
55:44 and there are flashes and lightening and sounds
55:47 and peals of thunder
55:48 and there was a great earthquake
55:50 such as there had not been since man came to be up on the earth,
55:54 so great an earthquake it was and so mighty.
55:57 And the great city was split into three parts
56:01 and the cities of the nations fell
56:03 and Babylon great was remembered
56:05 before God to give her the cup
56:08 of the wine of his fierce wrath.
56:10 Please, can you now help me?
56:16 What is the significance of this wrath.
56:19 that outcome of the battle of Armageddon
56:21 refers to the fall of Babylon
56:22 but says that Babylon was split into three parts.
56:28 Why the fall of Babylon is portrayed
56:30 in terms of splitting to three parts, why?
56:33 Because, remember Babylon is made of three parts.
56:37 It means that the outcome of the battle of Armageddon
56:40 will be total destruction of the counterfeit trinity. Amen.
56:45 We'll see it in Chapter 19
56:47 where we have the conclusion to battle of Armageddon
56:49 that the first beast and the second beast
56:51 will be destroyed in that lake of fire
56:53 before the second coming of Christ.
56:56 But there is only one entity that will be left is the dragon,
56:59 is the Satan himself
57:01 actually who will receive the right to judgment,
57:04 after the second coming of Christ
57:06 and after the millennium.
57:09 Friends, there is one beautiful message
57:12 that is given here and inserted here
57:15 in the midst of the description of the preparation
57:17 for the battle of Armageddon.
57:19 I don't want to tell you what that message is all about.
57:22 I will like with that message to begin our next presentations,
57:25 so I hope you'll come and join us
57:27 for our next study of the Bible,
57:29 because God wants to reveal to us
57:32 what will happen in the future.


Revised 2014-12-17