Participants: Ranko Stefanovic
Series Code: RCK
Program Code: RCK000021
00:21 Welcome again to our program
00:23 that we have titled as "Revelation of the Coming King." 00:30 I'm so excited to be with you here. 00:32 And I'm Ranko Stefanovic, Professor of the New Testament 00:37 at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, 00:40 Andrews University. 00:42 The classes that I teach there in the seminary 00:46 are usually on the New Testament. 00:48 And I never had opportunity to introduce myself 00:52 that, you know, who I am. 00:54 Actually as you see my heavy accent indicates 00:56 that even though I'm US citizen today 01:00 that I was not born in North America, okay. 01:03 My heavy accent reveals that I'm from overseas. 01:06 I'm from what used to be Yugoslavia country 01:09 that had about 27, 28 million populations. 01:13 Now we have seven different countries there. 01:16 And for me, it's very hard to understand, 01:18 very hard to explain, but I live here, 01:22 I worked for 18 years 01:24 as a pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 01:27 And actually those credentials 01:29 are the most precious in my life. 01:31 I believe this reflects the call that God gave me 01:34 to serve my people 01:36 and to proclaim the everlasting gospel 01:38 just at the time as we believe 01:40 there's time prior to the second coming of Christ. 01:43 But the Lord is leading me there to Andrews University. 01:47 Prior to that, I worked at Canadian University College, 01:51 very nice small college there in Canada. 01:54 And I chaired the college there. 01:55 I chaired the Department of Religion 01:57 at Andrews University. 01:59 And I just completed my three years of teaching there 02:02 at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, 02:05 Andrews University. 02:06 And I'm so excited to be here at 3ABN. 02:09 I want to express my deep gratitude 02:12 to the administration of 3ABN for inviting me 02:15 and making this series possible here. 02:19 And we believe that 02:20 we are trying to learn something. 02:22 We're struggling with those biblical texts 02:24 and those messages that God wants to direct to our hearts, 02:28 to draw us closer to Himself, 02:31 so that we can prepare ourselves 02:33 for the soon coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. 02:36 Let me remind you one more time that what we are doing here, 02:40 we just really want to get a glimpse 02:42 and the insights into the difficult text 02:45 of the Book--of the Book of Revelation. 02:48 It is not possible to cover everything. 02:50 But once this program is over, 02:53 I would like to encourage all of you 02:55 that you go and to continue to study 02:57 the Book of Revelation for yourselves. 03:00 The best way to do it 03:01 is to find several other Christians 03:04 that you can sit together and really dig the word of God 03:08 and try to understand God's will for us--for us today. 03:12 Of course, to do it we need good tools. 03:16 And I'd like to recommend to you the best possible tool 03:21 that we can have a source book, okay. 03:25 For, for--that provides all those insight 03:29 and interpretations-- providing to us 03:32 the interpretive tools for understanding of those 03:36 or that symbolic language of the Book of Revelation. 03:39 So please stick to our Bible. 03:40 This is the infallible tool. 03:42 This is the tool number one, okay. 03:45 But evidently, we need-- we need some other tools. 03:50 When you deal with the symbolism of the Book of Revelation, 03:56 you remember the first step is to go to the Old Testament 04:00 and then the New Testament. 04:02 And to find the background, okay, of many motives and seals 04:08 of those images in the Book of Revelation. 04:11 And I hope that most of you 04:15 have already provided for yourself 04:18 this book titled "A Revelation of Jesus Christ," 04:21 which is a verse-by-verse commentary 04:25 on the Book of Revelation. 04:27 The purpose of this commentary, 04:28 it goes verse-by-verse, okay, 04:30 is to give you all those Old Testament 04:33 and the New Treatment background texts. 04:37 So you don't need to invest too much time 04:39 as other people did. 04:41 So that it can be a great, great help, okay, 04:45 to each one of you as you're studying the Book of Revelation. 04:49 But keep in mind, this is not the infallible guide, 04:53 this is the best what we have today providing to insight. 04:57 But you need also some other books 04:59 written by excellent scholars. 05:02 And it is my strong desirer that the Holy Sprit leads you 05:06 as you study the word of God. 05:08 And that's what we would like to do now. 05:09 We would like to ask God's presence 05:12 and the help of the Holy Sprit as we're trying to understand 05:16 this very, very important book to God's people 05:18 who live at the time prior to the second coming of Christ. 05:22 Our Heavenly Father, 05:24 thank you for giving us another opportunity 05:28 to come before You with all humility, 05:31 with the humble hearts and grateful hearts 05:37 for the Book of Revelation given to us 05:40 and also for all the help that You have promised to us 05:42 from the Holy Sprit, as we are studying this book. 05:46 So, Father, we are asking for Your presence, 05:48 we are asking for the help of the Holy Sprit, 05:50 and please be with us and we pray all of this 05:54 in the precious name of our Savior Jesus Christ, amen. 05:59 As you know every time in order to help you 06:04 that you would follow the study of this program 06:10 of the certain sections of the Book of Revelation 06:13 that today's presentation 06:16 you can get much more material, okay. 06:19 This "Revelation of Jesus Christ," 06:21 from page 445, okay. 06:24 From page 445, 06:26 going all up to-- up to page 476. 06:32 So 445 to page 476. 06:37 You can see we have many pages. 06:38 We're trying to put in one hour, okay. 06:41 So we'll just get here some insights 06:45 and general information. 06:47 And please you are encouraged that you go 06:49 and that you continue to study-- to study for yourselves. 06:53 So please, let us take this infallible tool, okay. 06:57 Let us take our Bible. 06:58 Let's turn to the page, to the Book of Revelation 14. 07:07 Okay, in order to understand what is here in Chapter 14. 07:14 We have just a briefly to summarize 07:17 what we're talking last time. 07:20 We saw that the Satan is preparing himself 07:24 for that final battle, the battle of Armageddon. 07:26 And we will see very soon what this battle is all about. 07:30 Okay, he has two associates. 07:32 They form that unholy counterfeit trinity, okay. 07:37 So those two associates are the beast from the sea 07:41 and the beast from the earth. 07:45 While the sea beast was the only actor 07:49 associated to Satan during the medieval period, 07:51 the prophetic period of 1,260 days, 07:54 we saw in that final events. 07:56 Actually the role is switched. 07:58 It's the earth beast that will play 08:00 the key role together with the sea beast. 08:04 Together with Satan, they formed the trinity 08:07 which is actually in the Book of Revelation, 08:09 named Babylon. 08:11 So Babylon is a union of these three-entity. 08:14 And we will come very soon to those texts 08:18 that deal with Babylon 08:20 and we will see what the Book of Revelation 08:21 is telling us about that. 08:24 And we saw that end time scenario 08:29 as it is portrayed in Revelation 13 08:32 in those--in those final verses is, 08:34 that all inhabitants of this world 08:36 as God is sealing His people, okay, the rest will be forced 08:42 to accept the so called the Mark of the Beast. 08:45 Mark of the Beast, as we saw is the antithesis, 08:49 okay, of the Seal of God. 08:53 But we saw also what Revelation 13 indicates 08:57 that actually those who received the Mark of the Beast, 09:00 on the forehead, on the right hand 09:02 which is antithesis of God's instruction 09:05 from the Book of Deuteronomy. 09:06 Do you remember? 09:08 Chapter 6 is, when God instructed the people of Israel 09:11 to put the law of God on their forehead 09:13 and on their right hand, okay. 09:15 So this is antithesis. This is the imitation. 09:17 This is the counterfeit, okay, to obedience-- 09:20 obedience to God. 09:22 But see, this Mark of the Beast 09:24 consist of the name of the beast, 09:28 which is actually symbolically presented 09:30 with the number that human number 09:32 that points to their fallen humanity, 09:34 fallen humanity that tries to be equal to God. 09:38 Are you still with me? 09:40 So all those who received the Mark of the Beast, 09:43 they put up on themselves the title of the beast, 09:46 the name of the beast. 09:47 The name is actually symbol for a character, okay. 09:51 So they side--they side with that--with that system. 09:55 Please, let us keep in mind two things. 09:57 Number one is, 09:58 the Mark of the Beast is not the reality yet. 10:03 It's still the matter of the future. 10:05 We cannot label any Christian today in the world 10:09 that has the Mark of the Beast. 10:11 If you try to do it, we are doing contrary 10:14 to what Book of Revelation is teaching us. 10:17 So the Mark of the Beast is still the future reality. 10:22 Second thing is, the Mark of the Beast 10:25 is not any visible sign. 10:29 Friends, the Book of Revelation does not talk about a tattoo 10:33 or some chips that we put under our skin, 10:36 so you go there to the superstore to buy something 10:39 before you put cabbage under the skin 10:41 or you put your head there under skin. 10:43 Friends, if you just go to internet, 10:45 you can see million and million product of imagination 10:50 what people are doing with the Mark of the Beast. 10:53 And I believe that this is really 10:54 the destruction of Satan himself, 10:57 who is trying to hide that great rule from the Bible, 11:00 to receive the Mark of the Beast. 11:02 It means to identify ourselves with the Satan, 11:06 with his character, okay, 11:09 with his desire to become equal to God. 11:12 It means--it means to belong to the system 11:15 that stands in the opposition to God. 11:18 This is not a visible mark, okay. 11:21 Now, there is something that amazes me. 11:26 Let's read the Revelation 13. 11:28 It says, and all the world follows the beast. 11:32 What does it mean? 11:36 That most of the people in this world, 11:39 they received the Mark of the Beast. 11:41 Beside, evidently that end time deception can be so great. 11:46 No wonder that Apostle Paul as we read yesterday 11:49 in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 is telling us 11:53 that all those who do not love the truth 11:57 they will be deceived by that great deceptions. 12:01 But there is a question. 12:04 I'd like to remind you one more time. 12:07 John the Revelator did not divide his book into chapters. 12:13 Unfortunately, when we read Revelation 13, 12:15 we come to this end and we think we know everything, but no, no. 12:19 The vision goes on. 12:22 Don't be confused with Chapter 14:1, 12:26 that's not a new vision, it's still the same vision, why? 12:29 Because the Book of Revelation written by John 12:33 who was inspired by God, 12:35 tried to give us the answer to the question. 12:39 The question is, "If the whole world 12:41 will follow the beast, if that deception will be so great, 12:44 is there anybody who will remain faithful to God?" 12:49 By the way, we already got that answer 12:52 when we were in Chapter 7. We have. 12:55 The majority of the people in the world 12:58 will be side with the beast 12:59 and receive the Mark of the Beast, 13:02 the Mark of the Beast. 13:03 But according to Revelation 7, God is sealing His people 13:06 and we saw that God will have His people. 13:10 Yeah, yeah. 13:12 When we compare Revelations 7, Revelation 9, 13:15 you remember that those who are on that other side 13:20 that the great majority 13:21 that portrayed in terms of 200 million 13:24 while God's people are portrayed 13:28 which are symbolic number, okay. 13:31 Now John is going back to that group. 13:33 He's telling us, yes. 13:35 While the most of the people in the world 13:37 will side with the beast 13:38 and receive the Mark of the Beast, 13:39 God will have His people. 13:43 And, friends, praise God, 13:45 this is the purpose of Revelation. 13:47 The purpose of the Book of Revelation 13:49 is not to tell us how powerful Satan is. 13:51 It's not to tell us how great deception will be? 13:55 All of these are true. 13:57 The Book of Revelation does not diminish the end time deception 14:02 and the power and the mighty work of Satan. 14:06 No, the Book of Revelation, 14:08 but this is not the purpose of the book. 14:10 The purpose of the book is to tell us, 14:12 this is what will happen, but praise God, 14:15 God is more powerful. Amen. 14:18 And God, yeah, there are people who will worship, 14:22 the people who'll be so loyal and faithful to Satan, 14:25 but praise God, He will have His people 14:28 who will be loyal and faithful to Him. 14:31 And by the way, it is with those thoughts 14:33 we are now moving to Chapter 14. 14:35 This is very important that we understand. 14:37 So keep in mind, the vision goes on. 14:40 John does not stop interrupt to division chapters, okay. 14:44 "Then I looked," Chapter 14:1, 14:48 "And behold, the lamb was standing on Mount Zion, 14:52 and with him one hundred and forty-four thousand 14:57 having his name and the name of his father 15:01 written on their heads." 15:03 You see, this is almost repetition of Revelation 7. 15:08 The whole world--you remember in the Revelation 6, 15:11 the whole world is filled with fear that Jesus is coming, 15:16 but Revelation 7 says, "What about God's people?" 15:19 God will have them at the time of the end. 15:21 Well, Praise God. 15:22 I want to be friends in that group. 15:23 I don't know what about you. 15:25 I want to be in that group. Keep in mind. 15:30 When people read the Book of Revelation, they say, "Boy, 15:33 the Book of Revelation is so unorganized, disorganized. 15:36 There is no order." Why? 15:39 Because so many times we try to read our-- 15:41 and put our ideas in the book because the people read here 15:45 and they think that this is the second coming of Christ. 15:48 This is not the case. 15:50 This is not the second coming of Christ. 15:52 John wants to tell us 15:53 at the time of the greater deception is, 15:56 God's people-- do you remember? 15:58 Sealing means protection. 15:59 God's people during the time are protected 16:02 from that greater deception. 16:03 Amen. Amen. Okay. 16:07 You see, the sealed people of God are protected. 16:09 Do you remember what we talked? 16:11 While those who turn their back to God 16:17 and those who stand in a position to God, 16:19 they're always in the Book of Revelation referred to 16:22 as the inhabitants of this earth, 16:24 the people who live on this earth. 16:26 God's people in the Book of Revelation 16:29 are the ones who are in the heavenly places. 16:33 Please, please, some questions 16:37 asked--prompted me to illustrate this. 16:39 You know, I'm--as I mentioned, 16:41 I'm coming from country what used to be Yugoslavia. 16:44 And after the Second World War, 16:47 there are several countries in Europe 16:49 like, Germany, France, Scandinavian countries, 16:52 they opened the door for many people 16:54 from former Yugoslavia and other countries 16:56 to come and to work there. 16:58 Those people would go there. 17:00 They lived in those countries for 20-30 and more years. 17:06 And they lived in those countries, 17:08 but when you ask them, "Where are you from?" 17:10 They'll always say, "I'm from Yugoslavia." 17:13 But Yugoslavia was the place where they lived the least. 17:18 But they were born there, they belong there, 17:20 they had their family there, they had their houses there, 17:24 so all the money that they were making 17:26 they would send back to Yugoslavia 17:28 because they belong there. 17:29 They're just waiting for the day of their retirement 17:32 and go there and to live there. 17:33 So you see, they work there in those countries, 17:36 but they did not belong to there. 17:37 Actually, they belong there to another country 17:40 where they came from. 17:41 This is the same in the Book of Revelation. 17:43 God's people, even though they live here on the earth, 17:46 they belong there. 17:48 The investment is there. 17:49 The heart is there. 17:51 The thoughts are there. 17:52 The inspiration is there. 17:54 The same is as Apostle Paul talks in Ephesians Chapter-- 17:57 Abraham, do your remember that? 17:58 Isaac, Jacob, all--Enoch, 18:02 all those people they are listed there. 18:04 They said--they know where they came from. 18:08 And they recognized they just were 18:11 soujourners in this world 18:13 because they were waiting for the city 18:18 which of the builder-- the founder 18:21 and the builder was God Himself. Amen. 18:23 God's people never belonged to this world. 18:26 Now they tried to contribute to the places where they lived, 18:30 but their hearts, their thoughts, 18:32 their desires are there where they're waiting 18:34 Jesus--Jesus Christ to come from. 18:36 This is the situation is here, 144,000. 18:41 They're protected from the last deception. Why? 18:44 Because their hearts, their thoughts are there, 18:47 but they're waiting for Jesus Christ to come from. 18:50 By the way, I cannot wait until Chapter 19 that we talk about 18:53 that wedding supper of the lamb. 18:55 There's this climax chapter of the Book of Revelation for me. 18:58 But John wants one more time to tell us, 19:02 what is so special about this group, 144,000? 19:05 If you remember when we start the Revelation 7, 19:08 I told you that we will come to this section. 19:11 One more time to be reminded about 144,000. 19:14 Please, in my commentary, you have several pages, 19:17 you will notice there on page 446, 447 and 8 19:21 and after some other pages talking about this subject. 19:24 Let me just give you every summary 19:26 that we understand what are the characteristics of 144,000. 19:30 Why that group is so special 19:32 and why that group does not side with the rest of the world 19:35 that will accept the Mark of the Beast? 19:37 Let's read it, it says in verse 2, 19:39 "And I heard a voice from heaven like the sound of many waters 19:43 and like the sound of loud thunder, 19:46 and voice which I heard was 19:47 like sound of harpists playing on one harp. 19:50 And they sang a new song before the throne 19:54 and before the four living creatures and the elders. 19:57 And one could learn the song except the 144,000 20:03 who had been purchased from the earth." 20:04 Friends, the concept of the new song 20:08 is a well-known concept in the Bible. 20:10 Do you know which book of the Bible 20:12 actually contains the most expressions of new song? 20:17 It's the Book of Psalms. 20:18 Why the Book of Psalms? 20:21 Have you ever thought about that? 20:22 What is that new song about? 20:24 Actually, that expression used mainly by David 20:27 because David went from one trouble to another trouble, 20:30 from one trouble to another trouble, 20:31 from one difficulty to another difficulty, 20:33 and Lord was always with him. 20:35 That's why new difficulty always makes a new song. 20:39 Unfortunately, I meet the Christians 20:42 who are singing the song that their parents were singing, 20:45 You know, what I mean. 20:48 They don't have any particular experience with God. 20:50 They're just lethargic in their religion. 20:53 They're repeating those songs that even I say, 20:55 parrots are singing there 20:57 and they learned there on the trees. 20:59 You know, what I'm trying to say is. 21:01 They have nothing new experience with God 21:03 that new song we have to learn now to sing 21:10 How close God is to us? 21:12 So when we come to those final events when it happened, 21:15 144,000, we'll use to sing that new song. And why? 21:20 Because no generation before them 21:24 is actually able to sing that song. 21:27 Actually neither angels are able to sing that song 21:31 because that's the song 21:33 of the special experience with God 21:36 as they're preparing themselves for those final events 21:40 and they will go through that time of the great tribulation. 21:42 No other generation in history is able to sing that song. 21:46 Does not mean that the previous generation 21:47 did not have their new song? 21:49 Are you still with me? 21:52 But this new song of 144,000 is a song of their experience, 21:57 as the entire world will side in that rebellion 22:01 with Satan against God. Now loyalty of 144,00 22:03 will be so evident, 22:09 will be so evident and God comes to intervene on their behalf. 22:14 And finally, they are singing that new song, 22:17 the song of their experience with God. 22:20 Now going to verse 4, 22:22 John wants one more time to tell us about 144,000. 22:28 And please, sometimes I see that people are reading these texts, 22:32 they're taking these--these statements out of the context. 22:35 Boy, how it's so easy to take different expressions 22:38 from the Book of Revelation and makes a strange theology 22:40 that you ask yourself a question. 22:42 Where does this theology come from? Amen. 22:45 Please, please, I want to be cynical. 22:47 I will maybe sometimes with brief observation 22:50 make some theologies that people are making over this. 22:54 Okay, with all humbleness of heart 22:56 just that you understand 22:58 how it's very important to stick to those landmarks 23:01 Set in the Book of Revelation 23:02 to understand really what the text means. 23:05 We read in verse 4. 23:07 "These are the ones who have not been defiled with women, 23:12 for they have kept themselves chaste." 23:14 I told I'll make sometimes some observations. 23:17 In different parts of world I met people coming to me 23:20 to boast how decided-- they decided to be holy. 23:23 They want to be among 144,000. 23:26 They decided not to get married 23:29 or to get divorce from the spouse 23:31 in order to be traced to be there. Friends. 23:37 The entire concept comes from that the sexual relationships 23:40 and marriage is evil. I wonder if it is evil. 23:43 Why God before coming of sin created such evil things. 23:50 Actually, marriage is the gift from God that God made. 23:53 So what are these women? 23:55 You have to keep in mind one more time 23:57 that the Book of Revelation is a symbolic book. Amen. 24:00 And woman is a symbol for the church. 24:05 Okay, in the Book of Revelation this is not just a church, 24:09 it's the apostate church of the time of the end. 24:12 We will come to Revelation 17, 24:15 where it talks about the Babylon, okay. 24:19 We saw what Babylon is, 24:20 but says that Babylon has the daughters. 24:23 It means all those different Christian organizations 24:27 that will come under the umbrella of Babylon. 24:30 This is why the women are in plural here. 24:32 God's people-- do you remember that? 24:33 The whole world reside with the beast. 24:35 What about God's people? They--we are chaste. 24:38 They are there with Jesus Christ. 24:40 They did not defy themselves with the corrupting influence 24:43 and the doctrines of Babylon. 24:45 Are you still with me? 24:46 They remain faithful to Christ. Amen. 24:49 Then it says, "Why they are not defied themselves with women?" 24:54 The next statement is--is clarifies, 24:57 that says, "These are the one who followed the lamb 25:00 wherever he goes." Amen. 25:04 Friends, you can only follow the lamb. Okay. 25:09 And be faithful to Him 25:12 or you can go and commit the spiritual adultery, 25:16 which means to side with Babylon. 25:19 Okay, this is what the text means. 25:21 So 144,000, you have to understand it. 25:23 Why 144,000 mentioned? 25:26 Telling us at the time of the end, 25:27 God will have His faithful people. 25:29 Then it says, "These have been purchased from among men 25:33 as first fruits to God and to the lamb." 25:37 One more time, I told you 25:39 I would like to make some observations 25:41 I need also very good Christians. 25:44 They believe that they have to be so holy. 25:46 They decided to separate themselves 25:49 from the body of Christians for preparing themselves 25:51 for the second coming of Christ 25:52 because they want to be the first fruits. 25:55 They want to be a remnant within the remnant. 25:59 When you started doing that, 26:00 finally you realize that you are the only one. 26:04 Everybody else is not okay. 26:08 This is actually misrepresentation of this-- 26:10 of the interpretation of these texts. 26:13 If you go to Jeremiah, the Book of Jeremiah, okay, 26:18 Chapter 2:3. 26:20 Jeremiah 2:3, zyou will read that 26:23 actually Jeremiah calls all the people of Israel, 26:28 holy to the Lord the first fruits of his harvest, 26:32 all who devoured her were guilty, 26:34 and disaster overtook them. 26:36 Keep in mind, according to Jeremiah, 26:38 not one special group in Israel was the first fruits? 26:42 All the people of Israel were first fruit. 26:45 Are you still with me? 26:46 By the way, you will see the same concept 26:49 in the Book of James 1:18. 26:52 The Book of James 1:18. 26:56 James calls all the Christians of his time 27:00 to be the first fruits among his creatures. 27:03 Keep in mind, James does not talk about 27:06 one small group of Christians 27:08 who separated themselves from other Christians 27:10 to be holy to God to be the first fruits. 27:13 So when we talk here about 144,000 27:18 to be the first fruits to God and to the Lamb. 27:20 Actually the text does not talk about one group 27:24 who like to separate themselves from other Christians 27:26 who are preparing themselves for the second coming of Christ. 27:28 He's talking about all the faithful group of people 27:32 who are remaining faithful to God 27:34 at the timeof this final crisis. 27:36 Does it make sense to you? 27:38 Because they're so special to God, okay. 27:41 Like the first fruit in ancient Israel 27:43 during the time of harvest. 27:45 So these God's people are on the side of God. 27:50 Let's go to verse 5. 27:52 It says, "And no lie was found in their mouth. 27:56 No lie was found in their mouth, for they are blameless." 28:02 Oh, another thing is, I sometimes find people 28:05 who are so much involved 28:07 with more than Christian Protestant ethics. 28:10 And if you really want to be faithful to God, 28:14 you will not even say that white lie. 28:17 You know, what I'm talking. 28:18 People dividing black lies, white lies, a lies. 28:22 And when you are-- You have your child there. 28:25 You see your child is not doing very in school 28:28 because he doesn't have that capacity, 28:30 you know, but you want to say the truth, 28:33 you tell your child, you are stupid 28:36 because you want to say the truth. 28:38 Your wife asked your boy, "Would you like my dress?" 28:41 You know, you want to be the person who's speaking truth. 28:43 You know, this is the worst dress that you have. 28:45 Friends, what are you doing with the Bible? 28:47 Please, having said that, 28:49 it does not mean that God's people 28:50 are supposed to lie. 28:52 God people will talk the truth. 28:55 But please, let's not read in the text 28:56 something that does not say, when said that 144,000 29:00 and their mouth was not to find lie. 29:01 What kind of lie, is the lie of antichrist? 29:05 Do you remember that the end time deception 29:08 is based on deceiving people and the lies 29:12 that Babylon will create at the time of the end. 29:15 Do you remember we read in 2 Thessalonians 2, 29:19 that all those who did not love the truth will be deceived? 29:22 See, God's people will not be deceived 29:25 because God's people will love the truth. 29:31 Do you see how it's so easy to go to the text? 29:33 You have to put this text in the context because 29:36 the Book of Revelation lie and the truth is the constant. 29:40 And who is the truth according to the New Testament? 29:42 Both Book of Revelation is Jesus Christ. 29:45 You see, when you're in Jesus Christ, 29:46 you have nothing to do with the lie of antichrist. 29:49 And the last thing is, for they are blameless. 29:56 Unfortunately even there at Andrews University, 29:59 they have number of students 30:02 who've developed the entire theology 30:05 which is called "Last Generation Theology," 30:08 that before Jesus comes. 30:10 There will be people who actually 30:12 reach complete perfections 30:16 that they were not be able even with the their thoughts 30:21 to make any sin. 30:23 Friends, should God's people be perfect? 30:27 It's beside any discussion, yes. 30:29 The Bible urges, Christians and telling them 30:34 that God's people pray to the second coming of Christ. 30:38 They'll strive to that character that Jesus Christ had. 30:43 It's their loyalty to God-- you'll be unswerving. 30:47 their loyalty. 30:50 But the Bible is telling us that 144,000 30:54 will not enter the Kingdom of God 30:56 because they were able to become perfect. 30:58 Do you remember in the Revelation 7, 30:59 "They will be there because they washed their hopes 31:03 in the blood of the lamb." 31:06 Do you remember Revelation 7:9-10? 31:09 "When they stand before the Throne of God, 31:11 they will not shout. 31:12 We are here because we were able to become perfect." 31:15 No, they will shout, 31:16 "Salvation to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb." 31:20 Because the word blameless that is used here, 31:23 which is actually the Greek word amomos. 31:26 Amen. Okay. 31:28 It's--if you go to the Old Testament 31:31 translated in Greek that we know as the Septuagint 31:34 the same word blameless was used for Abraham, 31:38 was used for Noah, 31:41 was used for greatest character. 31:43 Please, how perfect those people were. 31:46 Oh, yeah. They walked with God. 31:48 They were perfect, but does not mean 31:51 that sometimes they couldn't experience for. 31:54 Oh, friends, the Book of Revelation 31:56 is not to tell us something that we have something 31:58 that we cannot ever reach in our lives, no. 32:02 The Book of Revelation is telling us we're simply humans. 32:05 And 144,000 at the time of the end 32:08 is not to rely up on themselves on their abilities, 32:12 what they can do for themselves. 32:13 No, that's not the purpose of relation. 32:16 The purpose of Book of Revelation 32:17 is telling us that 144,000 are just humans 32:20 like Abraham, like Noah, 32:22 like all those people in the past. 32:23 That's why the time of the end. 32:25 During that greater deception, they have to rely like 32:28 no human being before in history on the blood of the lamb. 32:32 Because in Chapter 19-- Chapter 19, 32:35 when they meet Jesus Christ, they'll meet in the special robe 32:40 which is the righteous acts of the saints. 32:43 Not because what they did for themselves, 32:46 but because of what Jesus Christ did for them. 32:49 Boy, I really want to belong to that group. 32:51 And please, keep me in your prayers. 32:53 I will keep you in my prayers. Let's pray for each other. 32:58 What we need at the time of the end 33:02 is the same what people need before, 33:04 but we needed much more is that grace of God. 33:07 Amen. And praise God. 33:09 What he said to Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:9, 33:13 "My grace is sufficient." 33:17 Friends, I'm not sufficient. I want to be. 33:20 Everyday I want to be similar to Christ, 33:22 but His grace is sufficient and His grace can do to me. 33:25 And that's what makes 144,000 a special group. 33:29 Now the time is flying, okay. 33:34 I would like us now to go to the next sections. 33:39 There is a question. 33:41 As the whole world is preparing itself for that final crisis? 33:47 What is God doing? 33:50 And the Book of Revelation is so clear telling us 33:54 that during those time--times 33:56 God is warning the inhabitants of this world, 34:00 telling them about His coming and urging them-- 34:04 urging them to love the truth and to side with God. 34:08 Actually, this final warning to the world 34:11 is portrayed in the Book of Revelation 34:13 in terms of Three Angels. 34:16 We call this section the "Three Angels Messages." 34:23 Please, we'll just have a brief insight 34:26 into these three messages. 34:27 They're very significant. Here we have a nutshell. 34:30 Here we have a nutshell what actually this gospel, 34:34 end time gospel is all about? 34:36 Please, there is so much to be said 34:37 and I'm tempted just to stay to one of the text 34:40 because everything is important. 34:42 But I hope that you will find the time 34:44 once this program is over 34:46 to continue to study for yourself. 34:47 It says, "Then another angel a third one." 34:50 Oh, sorry, sorry. Should be in verse in 6. 34:56 You see, we're just humans making mistakes, okay. 34:59 Verse 6, "And I saw another angel flying in heaven, 35:05 having an eternal gospel 35:08 to preach to those who live on the earth." 35:12 Can you help me? 35:13 "To preach those who live on the earth." 35:16 Who are those who live on the earth 35:18 in the Book of Revelation? 35:19 They're always those who're wicked, 35:22 those who're opposing to God. 35:25 Boy, friends, this is the gospel. 35:27 Those people are standing in the position to God 35:31 and God is still trying to save them. 35:36 Is the Book of Revelation, a beautiful book. 35:39 Many people think the Book of Revelation 35:40 is just about the judgment? 35:42 No, it's about salvation. 35:43 God is trying to save those people and says, 35:47 "To preach to those who live on the earth, 35:49 and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people." 35:53 And He said with loud voice. 35:56 "Fear God, and he-- and give him glory 36:01 because the hour of his judgment has come. 36:04 And worship him who made the heaven and the earth 36:07 and the sea and the springs of water." 36:11 Oh, boy, this text is loaded. 36:12 Really, we need a lot of time just to stay with this text. 36:16 But I hope you will find much more material 36:18 as you study for yourself. 36:19 Let me just mention here. 36:21 There are two things, fear God and give Him glory. 36:25 This phrase is very, very significant, 36:28 because it occurs very often, 36:31 very often in the Old Testament. 36:37 By the way, John substitutes 36:41 the well-known Old Testament phrase, 36:44 "Keep God's commandment with giving glory to God." 36:47 Do you remember what Jesus says? 36:48 By this, My Father will be glorified, 36:51 when you obey His commandments and you love each other. 36:55 Okay. 36:57 I know my children, 36:58 they're always giving glory to me when they behaved 37:01 according to what they learn in our home. 37:04 So you see, fear God does not mean to be afraid of God 37:07 to tremble to come before God. 37:09 But you have to show reverence to God. 37:13 Friends, today we live in the world 37:16 when there is that slogan "God is my friend." 37:18 Of course, God is my friend. 37:20 But, you know, how usually we behave toward friends. 37:24 Yeah, God is my friend. 37:26 But let's be reminded of Isaiah 6, 37:29 He's still a God. Amen. 37:30 The heavenly beings-- sinless heavenly beings 37:33 when they come before God, how they relate to Him? 37:36 Okay, so fear God. 37:38 When you fear God, when you know who God is, 37:41 you'll be obedient to Him. 37:44 Usually, if we've friends, we try to use our friends, 37:47 to impose our personality on him? 37:48 Friends, this is not what God is. 37:51 By the way, this phrase brings to mind--brings to mind 37:56 that very, very special text from Ecclesiastics 12:13-14. 38:04 "When Solomon at the end of his life 38:09 made that conclusion 38:10 that the main thing of everything that was said, 38:12 what was that?" 38:14 Fear God and keep his commandments 38:17 because this is all 38:19 what human beings are supposed to do. 38:21 Fear God and keep His commandments. 38:24 Ecclesiastics 12:13-14, but keep in mind something. 38:28 Usually people do not pay attention 38:31 to the following statement. 38:32 "For God will bring every person to judgment 38:38 and judge every thought whether good or evil." 38:41 You know this text. 38:42 By the way, you will see now how this first angel message 38:46 is actually based on this text that Solomon wrote 38:51 because this is exactly what follows. 38:53 Fear God and give Him glory 38:56 because the hour of His judgment has come. 39:00 Are you with me? 39:01 According to Solomon, 39:03 fear God and keep His commandments 39:04 because God will judge on people. 39:06 However, in the Book of Revelation, 39:08 there is no God who will judge? 39:09 The judgment has come already. 39:11 Friends, we talked already about that. 39:13 We refer to these texts already so many times. 39:16 Yeah, there is in the Book of Revelation, 39:17 the judgment that will take place after 1,000 years. 39:21 We will talk about that. 39:22 But according to the Bible 39:24 and Book of Revelation is in line with that. 39:27 This judgment has already begun. 39:29 Keep in mind. This is not the future reality. 39:31 As the message is proclaimed, the judgment has begun already. 39:35 We're talking about the pre-Advent judgment 39:37 there in the heavenly places, but the decision has to be made. 39:41 Who will enter the kingdom and who will be left out? 39:45 Decision has to be made. 39:46 God wants to be a righteous 39:49 and judge before the entire universe. 39:52 And decision and the verdict have to be fair. 39:55 You see, okay, it says, 39:58 "And worship him who made the heaven and the earth 40:02 and sea and springs of water." 40:04 You remember, we talked already 40:06 that the main issue in the final crisis 40:08 is the issue of worship-- is the issue of worship. 40:13 So that worshippers of God, 40:15 they're worshippers of the beast. 40:17 There is a counterfeit trinity, you remember that. 40:20 But that counterfeit trinity can try to counterfeit God, 40:23 but cannot counterfeit what God has done? 40:26 And what is that God has done? 40:28 Who is the one according to this 40:30 first angel message to be worshipped? 40:32 Is the one who created the heaven and the earth 40:36 and the sea and the springs of water? 40:39 I would like to invite all the viewers 40:41 and all of you here, 40:43 if you are able to handle the Greek, 40:46 just Greek alphabet-- 40:48 By the way, you don't need to know Greek at all. 40:50 If you can just to find, Greek New Testament 40:55 published by American Bible Society. 40:59 And if you go to the Old Testament 41:03 in your Bibles there, is that Exodus 20:11. 41:10 You'll see that the Greek New Testament 41:12 is telling you clearly which is actually a scholarly Bible, 41:16 telling you there in the margin 41:18 that this phrase that we read here, 41:21 and worship him who made the heaven and the earth 41:23 and the sea and the springs of waters. 41:26 Is identical phrase that occurs in Exodus 20:11, 41:31 in the context of the fourth commandment. 41:34 Friends, they don't have any agenda, 41:36 but they're telling you that this phrase 41:38 is almost cut and pasted here from the fourth commandments, 41:43 here to the Book of Revelation 14:7. 41:47 What do you learn here is? 41:49 That this fear God-- to fear God, 41:52 give him glory because the hour of His judgment has come. 41:56 Is actually called to worship God the Creator, 41:59 but in the context of the fourth commandment 42:02 which is actually the Sabbath commandment. 42:03 Because the Sabbath is the constant reminder 42:07 to God's people that God has created us 42:11 and that God also provided salvation to us. 42:15 So, friends, what is this everlasting gospel? 42:18 By the way, this is not a different gospel 42:21 than the gospel that has been preached throughout centuries. 42:25 But it has special significance 42:27 and special meaning within that final crisis. 42:31 Now, let's go to verse 8. 42:34 "And another angel, a second one, 42:37 followed, saying, 42:39 "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, 42:42 He who has made all the nations drink 42:46 of the wine of the passion of her immorality." 42:49 We already mentioned that this Three Angel Messages 42:53 given in the context of the final crisis, 42:58 as we live in the time of the preparation 43:00 for the battle of Armageddon. 43:02 When Babylon is made up of those three-entity the dragon, 43:07 the first beast and the second beast. 43:10 But the message of the second angel is, 43:12 now that Babylon will fall one day, 43:15 that Babylon has fallen already. 43:18 Are you still, friends, with me? 43:20 You see, the everlasting gospel 43:21 is not about some future utopia that we're waiting for. 43:24 It's about the reality that this entity 43:26 that stands in the position to God 43:29 is already under the judgment of God. 43:32 God is powerful. 43:34 Do you remember, it is God who allows? 43:36 And God says, 43:38 "You can go so far and you can go any further." 43:41 Second angel message is to brought us assurance, 43:44 "Don't be afraid of Babylon 43:45 because Babylon together with Satan 43:48 already defeated enemies." 43:50 Now we're going to the third angel message. 43:53 "Then another angel, a third one followed them, 43:58 saying with a loud voice, 44:00 "If any one worships the beast and his image 44:04 and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand. 44:09 He also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, 44:12 which is mixed in full strength in the cup of his anger, 44:17 and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone 44:21 in the presence of the holy angels 44:23 and the presence of the lamb. 44:25 And the smoke of that torment goes up forever and ever. 44:30 And they have no rest day and night 44:33 those who worship the beast and his image. 44:38 And whoever receives the mark of his name." 44:42 This is another problematic text of the Book of Revelation. 44:47 And many good Christians they invented 44:48 all kind of teachings and doctrines 44:50 or to support their beliefs by this text. 44:55 But you will notice that here is a warning 44:59 to the people who have to decide to what side to belong, 45:06 to telling them-- to telling them 45:09 on the consequences of their action. 45:11 Let me just use one illustration. 45:13 I meet many good Christians and they really believe 45:17 that this is Revelation of Jesus Christ. 45:20 And they come to me, they're asking me, 45:22 "How can such a threat come out of this book 45:28 that is titled to be the Revelation of Jesus Christ?" 45:31 We're talking about loving God. 45:32 And so many times when you're talking about God 45:35 with the big God as a sugar who is melting in his love. 45:38 Friends, we have to keep in mind 45:40 that the gospel message is a good news, 45:43 but also contains the aspect of judgment, 45:45 telling people about the consequences of their action. 45:48 I remember when we got our son. 45:52 Hey, he was my boy. 45:54 And then he was four and five, I will never forget. 45:58 You know, my wife, she loved the children so much. 46:01 I mean, like every mother. 46:05 I remember, one we had an oven 46:08 and my wife always try, you know, 46:10 to talk gently to children always, always. 46:14 I remember one day I heard my wife screaming 46:19 that almost the house was shaking, 46:23 screaming on my son. 46:26 I ran there in the room there and see actually it was my son 46:30 approaching the oven that was so hot 46:33 trying to put his a little hand there in oven. 46:39 Just think, could my wife stand there and say, 46:42 seeing our son trying to put his hand in the oven. 46:45 "Sam? 46:47 Sweetie, don't do it." Is that what she did? 46:53 No. She started screaming. 46:55 Why did she? Because, she wanted to make our son scare. 46:57 To--she was angry with him. 46:59 No, friends, because greater the danger is 47:03 the voice is louder and the warning is stronger. 47:06 Amen. Amen. Why this language? 47:10 Keep in mind-- keep in mind, 47:13 that the beast is using all the kind of threats 47:17 and fear to persuade the people of the earth 47:22 to receive the Mark of the Beast. 47:24 Are you--are you still, friends, with me? 47:26 So God has with His gospel 47:29 with His message of the third angel 47:31 to respond with the fear to the fear of the beast. 47:34 Telling people, "Don't be afraid of what 47:38 the beast is telling that will happen to you." 47:40 The beast is threatening to you that you will be killed, 47:43 that you will suffer persecution." 47:44 God said, "Be more afraid and concerned 47:48 about those far reaching the consequences." 47:51 Because the beast can kill you, the beast can make you suffer, 47:56 but this is just for a time. 47:58 You have to be afraid of those terrible consequences 48:03 is that eternal death that will happen 48:06 your future without any hope through all eternity. 48:09 This is exactly what Jesus said, 48:11 "Don't be afraid of those who're trying to kill 48:15 to take your body, to kill your body." Jesus said. 48:18 Jesus said, "Be more afraid of the one 48:22 who can kill both your body and your soul 48:25 and put it there in the hell." 48:26 It means, you're lost forever through all eternity. 48:29 Amen. Are you still with me? 48:30 Friends, we have to understand-- we have to understand this. 48:33 What God is doing here? 48:35 He is the loving God, but like a loving mother 48:37 He is screaming, He is screaming 48:40 to the inhabitants of this world. 48:43 Keep in mind that these angels who're proclaiming message, 48:45 they said, they're proclaiming this message with a loud voice 48:49 is the voice of my wife, screaming to the child. 48:53 For which purpose? 48:54 Not to make people afraid, but to make people think. 49:00 And to warn them of their action that they have to make, 49:02 but what a loving God, friends. 49:04 Amen. Amen. What a loving God. 49:06 Who want to save all human beings. 49:09 By the way, I'm just here 49:11 like to point to one special 49:17 phrase that is used here in the text, 49:20 and that's why people cannot reconcile 49:22 with the concept of a loving God there. 49:24 It says, "That people will experience the wrath of God." 49:30 We don't have a time to talk about that, 49:31 but in the Bible regularly, 49:33 the wrath of God is not God's anger 49:36 who's trying really to kill people 49:38 and after that to enjoy trampling over them, 49:41 watching them suffering through all eternity. 49:43 Actually, in the Bible the wrath of God is 49:46 when God respect the decision of the people 49:49 and let them go their ways. 49:51 In the Bible, when God gives up to the people 49:53 to the decisions that they have made. 49:57 It means that God respects the decision, our decisions. 50:00 But it says, "That all those--all those 50:03 who side with the beast receives the Mark of the Beast." 50:06 It says, "They will be put there in fire and brimstone 50:12 and the smoke of the torment goes up forever and ever 50:15 and they have no rest day and night. 50:18 Those who worship the beast and his image 50:20 and whoever receives the mark, the mark of his name." 50:28 There is a large body of Christians who believe 50:32 that God will punish human beings 50:34 who were against him. 50:36 Put them in that so called eternal hell 50:40 when people will be tormented in fire 50:42 through all eternity. 50:44 Dear, viewers, I just want to tell you 50:46 there is only one being in the entire universe 50:48 who invest--invent such theology, 50:51 its Satan himself. 50:54 Yum, there're other Christians 50:56 who tried to react to that concept, 50:57 they go to another one. 50:59 Finally, everybody will get in God's Kingdom. 51:01 There is no judgment. Friends, these are two extremes. 51:06 The Bible is telling us 51:08 that people according to Book of Revelation 51:10 will receive according to what they have done? 51:13 But the Bible does not teach of the concept 51:16 of that eternal torment 51:18 through all eternity that people will suffer. 51:20 So now you will ask me a questions, 51:21 how to understand about the smoke 51:26 coming out of that--okay, of that hell, 51:30 okay, for ever and ever. 51:33 I want you to understand one biblical concept is. 51:36 We have to go for instance 51:38 to the Old Testament and the New Testament. 51:39 If you go to the Book of Jude, for instance, Jude. 51:42 It's a small book. 51:43 Just prior to the Book of Revelation there, 51:47 just before the Book of Revelation. 51:49 Jude talks about Sodom and Gomorrah 51:54 and the cities around them. 51:56 Jude verse 7. 51:58 It says, "Since they in the same way 52:01 as these indulged in gross immorality 52:04 and went after strange flesh are exhibited 52:08 as an example in undergoing 52:10 the punishment of the eternal fire." 52:12 We know about Sodom and Gomorrah. 52:13 Do you remember when that fire came down from heaven 52:16 and destroyed two cities? 52:17 According to Jude, 52:19 those people were destroyed eternal fire. 52:25 I was several times in Israel. 52:27 By the way, in two weeks I'll be again there. 52:29 I'll be there on the place where Sodom and Gomorrah, 52:32 according to the tradition they're located. 52:34 I didn't see any fire. 52:37 I did not see any smoke arising there. 52:40 By the way, you can also find 52:42 in the Book of Isaiah 34:8-10, 52:46 with reference to Edom that was destroyed. 52:48 The same concept is found there. 52:51 About smoke coming from ever from ever 52:54 because of that destruction is. 52:56 Just briefly to say, we have to understand 52:58 that ancient Semitic concept 53:00 that is found there in the Bible. 53:02 When you are talking about eternal fire, 53:04 it's not the fire that is eternal, 53:07 it's the destruction that is eternal. 53:11 That war forever it means, 53:13 that the fire a last as long as 53:16 there is the material to be burnt. 53:19 This is that eternal. 53:20 Eternal does not mean through all eternity okay. 53:25 It means, it last as long as 53:27 it has to last to provide the complete explanation, 53:33 the complete destruction, and that's the end. 53:36 There is no, there is no recover, 53:39 okay after that. 53:41 You see, yeah, according to the Bible, 53:44 there is that eternal destruction is. 53:46 There is that eternal fire, but that fire does not mean that 53:50 people would suffer through all eternity. 53:53 It means that people will receive 53:54 that eternal destruction. 53:56 By the way, please allow me. 53:58 There is one text I have to point to this. 54:01 It really parallel the statement. 54:02 It's actually one of the last verses 54:05 of the Old Testament. 54:07 It's the Book of Malachi. 54:11 The Book of Malachi. 54:19 It's in Chapter 4:1. 54:22 It's the last chapter of the Old Testament. 54:26 It says, "For behold the day is coming 54:32 burning like a furnace. 54:35 And all the arrogant 54:36 and every evil doer will be chafed. 54:40 And the day that is coming will be set them ablaze 54:43 says, the Lord of hosts, 54:45 so it will believe them neither a root or branch." 54:49 This is actually what is eternal fire is. 54:53 The destruction is eternal. 54:56 Friends, according to the Bible, 54:58 God will destroy the sin and everything 55:00 what was with that sin. 55:02 So the sin will not rise up anymore in the universe. 55:07 When we say that this destruction 55:11 will be--will be eternal, 55:13 it means that Satan will be destroyed 55:15 as the originator of sin. 55:18 The sin will be destroyed. 55:19 Unfortunately, God will have also 55:22 to give the judgment, that right to judgment 55:26 all those people who made that choice, 55:28 willing choice--willing choice to side with Satan. 55:33 Friends, keep in mind. 55:35 What is that we're talking here about? 55:37 So we're not talking about the people 55:39 who just in ignorance were doing something. 55:41 They did not know something better. 55:44 According to the Book of Revelation, 55:46 these Three Angel Message-- Messages will be worldwide. 55:51 There is a special expression that is used here. 55:54 It says, "And I saw another angel flying in heaven 55:57 having the eternal gospel 55:59 to preach those who live on the earth 56:01 and to every nation-- to every nation 56:04 and to every tribe and tongue and the people 56:07 and he was saying it with a loud voice in Greek, 56:12 its megaphone there." 56:15 Can you imagine? 56:17 The two expressions are important 56:18 to every human being on the earth with a loud voice. 56:24 We're talking about the time 56:25 when nobody will be left in ignorance and say, 56:29 "I did not know." 56:31 We're talking about the time when every human being 56:34 will have to make that decision whether for God 56:39 or against God-- or against God. 56:42 By the way, in our next presentation, 56:45 we will have to conclude the Chapter 14. 56:49 You will see what will be the consequences of that 56:52 because God wants to be a just God. 56:56 He loves the human beings, 56:59 but God wants also to respect our decision. 57:02 What are the consequences of that decision? 57:05 We have to wait for our next presentations. 57:07 But if you go to verse 12, the statement is clear there. 57:12 This is one more time 57:13 the repetition of the Book of Revelation, 57:16 as this message is going throughout the world. 57:19 It says "Here is the perseverance of the saints 57:23 who keep the commandments of God 57:26 and their faith in Jesus." 57:28 Yes, God will have His people in those perilous times. |
Revised 2014-12-17