Revelation of the Coming King

The Beast From The Earth - Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000020

00:21 Welcome again to our program that we have titled
00:25 as "Revelation of the Coming King."
00:29 I'm Ranko Stefanovic, Professor of the New Testament
00:34 at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary,
00:37 Andrews University. As I mentioned,
00:39 I'm professor of the New Testament,
00:41 but also the Old Testament.
00:44 I'm student of the Bible,
00:46 but my focus of my teaching, my research and my presentations
00:52 that I make across the globe,
00:56 it's about the Book of Revelation
00:58 and the final events.
00:59 So I feel privileged and honored to have
01:01 a wonderful group of my audience here
01:04 and this crew that they're making this program possible
01:07 that we can open the word of God
01:09 and to study the Book of Revelation.
01:13 I don't know how you feel, but you can see more and more
01:17 we're going through the Book of Revelation
01:19 that this is indeed on one side a difficult book,
01:22 on the other side that we have a many, many help
01:26 from the Bible itself.
01:28 How to understand these messages
01:30 of the last book of the Bible?
01:32 So I'd like to urge you
01:35 that you put in front of yourself.
01:38 This is the best commentary on the Book of Revelation
01:40 that is my hand is the Bible itself
01:43 because really this is an excellent tool.
01:45 When you follow the instructions here in this book,
01:48 you cannot be far away from the truth.
01:51 It's there, it's there, but we have to know
01:54 how to interpret and how to study this text.
01:57 Okay, as we mentioned already so many times says,
02:00 it is impossible in the time that is allotted to us to cover
02:05 most what is there in the last book of the Bible.
02:08 But the purpose of this program
02:09 is not really to give us explanations of every thing.
02:13 It's simply to give provide us the guidance--guidelines.
02:17 Okay, second thing is somehow that we learn
02:20 how to interpret the text, so once these program is over
02:23 that you can go and to continue to study for yourself.
02:28 And I would like to urge our viewers,
02:30 you can do it by yourself, but the best way
02:34 is to find the group of devoted Christians.
02:38 Sit together, open the word of God
02:41 and study together and we have an excellent tools.
02:45 Actually I'd like to purge you, if you have not done it yet
02:49 to provide for yourself this tool which is titled
02:54 "Revelation of Jesus Christ."
02:56 I'm the author, Ranko Stefanovic which is the author, okay.
02:59 It's verse-by-verse commentary on the Book of Revelation.
03:03 Keep in mind, this is jus a tool.
03:05 This is the real thing, okay.
03:09 But maybe you'll ask your self a question.
03:13 What is the purpose of this commentary?
03:15 The purpose of this commentary is number one,
03:17 to stimulate your appetite.
03:19 Second one is, to give you those hundred
03:22 and even thousand and thousand Old Testament references
03:27 that then help you to understand
03:29 the text of the Book of the Revelation.
03:30 And we need each other.
03:32 I have my friends there at Andrews University.
03:34 And sometimes I like to pay per do research.
03:37 The first thing I do,
03:39 I give to those people to read it.
03:41 As I say, "Please, be as much critical as you can."
03:46 And then once they give me suggestions
03:50 and they write it then I give to the people
03:52 who disagree with me.
03:54 I'd like to-- I would like to see,
03:56 what's the problem that they find in that?
03:58 Friends, we need it.
03:59 The best to study the Book of Revelation
04:01 is to do it in the group as we're doing here.
04:03 I would really like to urge you-urge you
04:06 to continue to study the Book of Revelation.
04:08 And what a precious truth.
04:11 Okay, and thus you'll find--
04:13 you'll find here on the pages of this book.
04:17 But above all, we need the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
04:21 As we have done it always, we will do it again.
04:23 We'd like to ask God for the guidance of the wisdom
04:26 as we're trying to understand the Book of Revelation.
04:29 Our Heavenly Father, we're coming again to You
04:35 and humbly asking You that You be with us,
04:38 that You will give us Your Holy Spirit to open our minds,
04:42 to give us open mind, Father, and to thrive to discernment
04:47 that we can understand these beautiful messages
04:49 that are coming from the pages of the last book of the Bible,
04:53 the Book of Revelation,
04:54 which is actually the Revelation of Jesus Christ
04:57 that we can recognize how great Savior we have in Him.
05:01 Thank you, Father, for the blessings.
05:03 Please, be with us and help us
05:05 that they understand these messages
05:07 and apply to our daily lives.
05:08 We pray all of this into His precious name, amen.
05:13 Let me remind you one more time
05:16 that that the section of the Book of Revelation
05:21 that we're covering now,
05:23 actually it's written extensively in this commentary
05:26 and from page 4 to 1. So from page 4 to 1.
05:31 And I don't know where we will stop.
05:33 Okay. So one more time please,
05:38 would you turn with me to Revelation 13?
05:42 Okay, let me remind you what we talked so far.
05:46 We saw that the Book of Revelation
05:49 introduces the two allies of Satan.
05:53 Okay, two of his associates that will play the key role
06:00 at the time of the end prior to the second coming of Christ.
06:02 And I know we have Christians
06:05 coming from different denominations,
06:07 but I don't believe that that anyone of us
06:10 did not hear about the battle of Armageddon?
06:13 That final scenario that is found there
06:15 in the Book of Revelation.
06:17 And this is actually what we have to understand,
06:18 Revelation 13 actually describes the preparation
06:23 for that end time scenario.
06:25 And we saw that the first of the two associates
06:29 is known as the sea beast
06:30 or the beast coming out of the sea.
06:33 Actually received the mortal wound.
06:35 So that totalitarian and religious pressure
06:38 that lasted during the medieval period
06:40 was brought to the end of the French
06:43 by the events of French Revolution, okay.
06:45 When human reason, okay, and everything
06:50 what is man centered actually replace the God
06:54 centered theology that people believe.
06:57 You see, sometimes people have the problem with institution
07:00 and the systems and they claim God
07:02 and they reject the God and the biblical teaching.
07:05 That's not the right way to do?
07:08 You see, it was the events of French Revolution
07:11 is that the totalitarian medieval system was killed.
07:16 So we do not have any religious pressure
07:20 any longer since the time of the French Revolution.
07:22 We enjoy great freedom,
07:24 but that freedom brought many negative things
07:28 to the mother world.
07:30 But according to the Book of Revelation
07:31 as we studied it, the time is coming
07:35 when this mortal wound will be healed.
07:37 And please, allow me again to use our blackboard.
07:42 Okay.
07:47 We saw that Revelation 13 introduces the first beast,
07:53 and that beast, okay that first beast,
07:56 the sea beast will have the history of the activities
07:59 during the prophetic period of 1,260 days or 42 months
08:04 or time two times and half a time, okay.
08:07 Let's put it here.
08:09 Historically, the activities of these beasts
08:12 as religious political power started in, okay,
08:17 AD 538.
08:22 Okay.
08:25 When is the conclusion of this prophetic period?
08:29 Events of French Revolution in the year
08:31 that is rightly taken is the year 1798.
08:37 So we're dealing here with the period of 1,260 days.
08:43 Do you see that?
08:45 Now let me put here something is.
08:49 The section of the Book of Revelation that portrays
08:51 the activities of these beasts.
08:53 It's actually a Revelation, let's put it here.
08:56 It's Revelation 13:1-7.
09:02 Keep in mind, that this section of the book,
09:05 the first seven verses of chapter 13
09:07 they do not deal with the end time
09:09 activities of the beast.
09:13 These are the activities of the beast during this period.
09:17 After this date,
09:19 after the events of French Revolution,
09:22 this system has been killed.
09:26 So they are now dealing with the period
09:31 when the beast is not.
09:33 By the way, I cannot wait
09:35 to come to Revelation Chapter 17.
09:37 You see, Revelation 17 will summarize everything
09:40 what we're talking now and making
09:42 much more sense of that, okay.
09:44 But then here, we have Revelation, okay,
09:49 Revelation now again 13,
09:52 but we're dealing with the verses, okay, 8 to 18.
10:00 Okay, he's telling us that eventually
10:04 somewhere in the future this mortal wound
10:07 of the beast will be healed
10:09 and the beast will come back to life.
10:11 What does it mean?
10:12 That would happen before during this period,
10:16 that will also happen again at the time of the end.
10:19 Are you still with me?
10:22 You see, if we're living
10:25 somewhere between these two period,
10:27 I want to address here one issue.
10:30 There are some Christians
10:33 who are using some papers
10:34 that were published before the Second World War
10:39 when Mussolini, the great dictator in Italy
10:44 actually gave back Vatican to the papacy.
10:48 And they're using this as the evidence
10:50 that actually the mortal wound was healed in the year 1929.
10:58 Friends, I just want to tell you,
11:00 we have to be very careful.
11:02 Has the mortal wound being healed or not?
11:05 If the mortal wound has been healed,
11:07 we will not have 3ABN to proclaim this message.
11:11 You see, when the mortal wound is healed,
11:14 it means what happened during the medieval period
11:17 will also happen at the time of the end.
11:19 Are you still with me?
11:22 of course, there're some of my dear friends
11:25 they're asking me, but can we take the year 1928
11:28 when pope got the Vatican back,
11:30 as the beginning of the healing of the mortal wound.
11:32 Oh, yes.
11:34 There are many events today in the world
11:38 that indicates that the mortal wound is being healed.
11:42 And then your religious leaders would like to have,
11:46 something very similar
11:48 what happened in the past history.
11:50 But the mortal wound has not been healed yet.
11:54 The only text that refers to the future is verse 8,
11:57 and we read it.
11:59 It says, "When the mortal wound is healed,
12:01 the whole world will be amazed and worship the beast."
12:07 But there is a question, how the mortal wound be healed?
12:11 And according to Revelation 13, what we're reading here it says,
12:15 "That there's another entity,
12:17 political entity that will appear on the scene,
12:21 and that entity is referred
12:22 to as the beast coming out of the earth.
12:26 We saw already that the same earth in Revelation 12
12:30 they saved the church from Satan to be destroyed.
12:35 The entity that was very friendly to the church,
12:38 okay in Revelation 12.
12:40 Actually it is out of that friendly territory
12:43 and political power will come.
12:47 That political power will look friendly
12:51 with two little horns of a lamb with a Christian robe,
12:56 but then John notices something that this friendly power
13:02 coming out of the friendly territory to the church
13:06 will start speaking as a dragon.
13:11 We have here a great riddle.
13:14 What does it mean to speaking like a dragon?
13:17 What was the dragon speaking?
13:19 I want to be like God.
13:21 I want to make my throne to be equal to God.
13:26 So somehow those tendencies
13:29 that were so evident in the past history
13:33 that Satan work from the political powers
13:36 will also become a prominent feature
13:39 that will characterize the final events.
13:41 This is what we learn here-- here from the text.
13:44 Now let us go to verse 12 and it says,
13:50 He, who is that He?
13:57 I would like you that we watch out actually
13:59 who is the key player in the end time drama?
14:06 Usually when Christians are talking,
14:07 they're focusing on the first beast,
14:10 but I'd like you to notice.
14:12 John here provides the answer--answer.
14:15 How is that the mortal wound will be healed?
14:18 And the answer is that this new power which is a new,
14:22 does not have a historical-- strong historical background.
14:26 It's completely new on the war scene,
14:28 that actually will be the key player,
14:30 it's making possible the healing of the mortal wound.
14:34 Are you still with me?
14:35 And it says, "He the second beast,
14:38 the earth beast exercises all the authority
14:42 of the first beast in His presence."
14:44 Please, please, can you help me to understand the text?
14:52 If you have a president of country,
14:56 he has the authority in power to exercise
14:59 and he chooses a certain person
15:01 who does not have any power and telling him,
15:05 "Please, take my order to there.
15:07 You're sent by me. You see, this is your ID.
15:11 This is the authority that provided to you."
15:13 When that person goes there to make that order work,
15:17 people look in that person the president himself
15:21 because that person exercises the authority or the president.
15:24 Are you still with me?
15:26 So when the text says here that this earth beast exercises
15:30 all the authority of the first beast in his presence.
15:33 What does it mean?
15:36 What the first beast was doing here,
15:40 the earth beast will be doing here.
15:43 Amen.
15:44 Okay. Do you remember what--
15:46 when we made comparison who sees me,
15:49 He sees the Father. Amen.
15:51 As the Holy Spirit,
15:53 thus under instruction of Christ representing Christ,
15:57 so these beasts represents the first beast.
16:00 It says, "And he makes the earth
16:02 and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast
16:06 whose fatal wound was healed."
16:09 Who will make the possible of the healing
16:12 of this mortal wound of the first beast?
16:15 Now to understand the purpose here on this text.
16:18 And it says, "He performs great signs,
16:23 so that even makes fire that's come down
16:26 of heaven to the earth in the presence of men.
16:31 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth
16:34 because of the signs which was given him
16:37 to perform in the presence of the beast.
16:40 Telling those who dwell on the earth
16:43 to make an image to the beast
16:46 who had the wound of the sword and has come to life."
16:51 I have to stay here-- here now with this text.
16:53 What do we have here in this text?
16:55 What does it say? Number one,
16:57 what will be the main tool of Satan in the final events?
17:01 Deception. You remember we talked about that?
17:05 Actually the text says here, "That the time of the end,
17:09 we will have a great signs and miracles
17:14 that even this power will make even fire that comes down
17:21 from the heaven to the earthy in the presence of men."
17:27 What would you say to me,
17:29 if I'm able to bring a fire and to destroy certain city
17:32 or certain group of people?
17:35 Would you say that this is a miracle?
17:37 But actually if you take any Bible Commentary,
17:39 you will see that they say,
17:41 "What we have here is the counterfeit
17:43 of the Day of the Pentecost.
17:46 You remember when the Holy Spirit
17:48 came in fire on the Day of the Pentecost?
17:51 Actually there is something--
17:53 you remember that actually the first beast
17:56 is the counterfeit of Jesus Christ,
17:58 trying to take His place in this world.
18:00 Are you still with me? What about this power?
18:03 What about these beasts?
18:05 These beasts actually takes the place of the Holy Spirit,
18:08 imitating what happened on the Day of the Pentecost?
18:11 Friends, I don't want to be specific.
18:16 But every Christian can see today
18:18 what's going today in the world.
18:20 Religion based on emotions. When you have thousand,
18:23 thousand people gathering at one place,
18:25 "miracles" are taking place.
18:27 By the way, we can talk about this miracle
18:29 and please I don't want to put people down.
18:31 But many TV program were made.
18:33 What people can believe everything?
18:36 The Bible does not talk here about real miracles,
18:38 He talks about force miracles.
18:40 Imitation of the miracles of God.
18:43 It says even there will be something at the time of the end
18:46 that will imitate and to remind the Day of Pentecost.
18:50 Okay, according to Apostle Paul,
18:52 it will lack the real godliness.
18:55 And, friends, we are not talking here about sincere Christians
18:58 who are looking for God.
19:00 We're talking about something that will happen in the future.
19:01 I'm not even referring now what's taking place around us.
19:05 There is something that will happen in the future.
19:07 How it would be realized?
19:08 Please, I would like to advise you to wait,
19:12 but to study for our self, to fall in love with God.
19:16 Amen. To come unto the Christ.
19:19 Don't point to other people around you and say,
19:21 "This is what they're doing."
19:24 This is not the purpose of Revelation.
19:26 The purpose of the Book of Revelation
19:27 is not to point to other people,
19:29 is to point to ourselves and say,
19:31 "This is what will happen in the future."
19:33 Now it's the time for me
19:35 to settle my relationship with God.
19:38 See, when your friends
19:40 are talking about these final events,
19:41 we already mentioned that the key word
19:46 for Satan's end time activities it's counterfeit.
19:49 What is counterfeit?
19:52 Just look in Revelation 13,
19:56 everything that is said. Are you with me?
19:59 Everything that was said about the earth beast
20:02 could be said about Jesus Christ.
20:06 What the language that describes the first beast?
20:08 Is the language of Jesus Christ?
20:10 What about the second beast?
20:12 Is the language of the Holy Spirit?
20:15 It's the same language?
20:17 Do you know what counterfeit is?
20:19 Counterfeit something that looks like real.
20:22 And you can hardly recognize that it is not the real.
20:30 But I'd like to invite the viewers and all of us.
20:33 If you want really to understand what counterfeit is,
20:38 what are you supposed to do?
20:40 To study the original.
20:43 You know the stories. I read about the person
20:47 who brought that genuine picture of Picasso,
20:51 and he was so proud of that he invested
20:53 a lot of money and after he died,
20:55 his son wanted to sell that picture.
20:57 Finally, they discovered it was counterfeit.
21:00 How did they discover it was counterfeit?
21:02 Because an artist came
21:03 who really new the original picture of Picasso.
21:08 Friends, I see Christians today who are trying to study Satan,
21:10 everything about Satan, what he will be doing?
21:13 Everything they're doing writing books about Satan,
21:15 about history, etcetera.
21:17 Friends, this is not what you're supposed to do.
21:20 Remember the reference to Revelation 12,
21:22 we have to study the original. We have to study the truth.
21:25 Amen. Amen.
21:27 So when the counterfeit comes,
21:29 we will know that this is counterfeit.
21:33 But according to the Book of Revelation
21:34 something strange will happen in the world.
21:37 Please, you can put me in the spot
21:39 and ask me to go into more details.
21:40 I can simply tell you, I don't know.
21:44 I know what will happen.
21:45 I know that the Day of Pentecost will be repeated.
21:49 The entire world will be deceived
21:50 and go there and shout to God,
21:53 there will be many miracles that were taking place
21:55 like in the Book of Acts.
21:57 And believe me your and my faith will be tested at that time.
22:02 I do study about this,
22:04 not to point fingers to other people.
22:08 But to spend more time in prayer--
22:10 Amen. Study of the Bible.
22:12 To come much closer to Christ that I know that original.
22:16 Amen.
22:17 So when the counterfeit comes,
22:20 I'll be stable,
22:24 I will remain in my royalty to God,
22:27 but the time is coming according to the Book of Rev--
22:29 When? I don't know.
22:31 But it will happen prior to the second coming of Christ.
22:34 So now the Book of Revelation is more specific.
22:37 What is that that will happen?
22:40 Do you want to read with me?
22:41 It says, "What will this second beast do?"
22:46 It says, "That the beast will tell to the people
22:49 to make an image to the beast."
22:52 Which beast?
22:54 It says, "The beast that received the mortal wound."
22:57 Are you still with me?
22:59 Now, when I go among Christians,
23:03 I hear big discussions about the image of the beast.
23:05 What is the image of the beast?
23:08 Okay. Let's do something very practical.
23:15 This is my driver's license.
23:18 Did you see here picture?
23:19 What is this picture?
23:22 I remember several times it happened
23:24 in my travel experience.
23:26 For instance in New Zealand few years ago
23:28 I went there. They did not know me,
23:30 but they wanted to wait for me at the airport.
23:32 So they went there to Google, they found my picture.
23:35 And I saw people are-- several people walking around.
23:39 I don't know what they were doing
23:41 because I didn't see that was actually my picture.
23:42 They tried to see the picture
23:44 and recognized the person who is there.
23:46 Of course, the picture that they found in Google
23:49 was completely different
23:50 and how I looked today in the reality.
23:53 So finally but they found me. See, this is the image.
23:56 So we'll say that the second beast
23:59 will impose the people of the world
24:03 to make the image of the beast.
24:05 What does it mean?
24:08 You see, what is the image? This is the image.
24:10 Is the image of the reality?
24:11 So it means there is something at the end
24:13 that these beasts will make the image of this
24:19 that happened during the medieval period.
24:21 Are you still with me? What is that?
24:25 By the way, I meet many good Christians.
24:29 They say, "Boy, do you remember those old times
24:32 when everybody went to the church.
24:36 Do you remember those times when we all believed in God,
24:40 on certain day of the week when we all have the rest.
24:44 Enjoy the blessing of the Lord. But do you see now?
24:47 Do you see now in this word?
24:49 Do you see now in United States of America?
24:50 We need to save America and bring back to God.
24:53 Do you see what's taking-- If all people believe in God,
24:56 we will not see all those wickedness
24:58 and bare things around us. It will be sincere desire.
25:02 The religious people would like to do something.
25:04 The desire we want to come back to God,
25:06 but they will do it in their own way.
25:09 Friends, you cannot impose our religion
25:10 to anybody because he said,
25:14 that the second beast will create, what will do?
25:16 Create the image. We saw what image is.
25:20 But tell me, what is the characteristic of image?
25:23 Hey, I'm sorry.
25:24 You can take this image, you can spit on it.
25:28 You can do it. No harm done.
25:32 Why? Because this image according to the Old Testament,
25:34 the image of those gods. They don't hear.
25:37 They don't see-- they don't see anything.
25:39 But these beasts will ask people to create the image.
25:43 The image will be created. Institution will be created,
25:46 but what is the problem that this institution does not work?
25:49 And then we read in verse 15,
25:51 "And it was given to Him to this beast,
25:55 to give the breath to the image of the beast,
25:58 so that the image of the beast would even speak
26:01 and cause as many as do not worship
26:04 the image of the beast and be killed."
26:06 Are you still with me? What do we have here?
26:08 What is the image here?
26:09 Remember when God created Adam in His image.
26:13 Adam was there. He had mouth, could not speak.
26:16 He had eyes, he could not see.
26:17 He had ears, could not hear anything.
26:19 And God did, He put the breath of life in Adam.
26:23 And Adam, that image suddenly started talking.
26:26 This is what we have here is.
26:28 This image of the beast that we created
26:30 of this institution of the medieval period,
26:32 the time of the end will be repeated,
26:35 but this time the second beast
26:37 will make that institution works,
26:39 the system works at the time of the end.
26:41 Are you still with me?
26:42 In which way? In which way?
26:45 First, it will be done with persuasiveness,
26:50 but if persuasiveness does not work,
26:52 what is the next one?
26:54 Let's read it. Let's read it.
26:56 It says, "It was given to him to give
26:58 the breath to the image of the beast.
27:00 So that the image of the beast would even speak
27:03 and cause as many as do not worship
27:06 the image of the beast to be killed."
27:08 Now again comes to the force.
27:10 But friends, we're dealing here with the time
27:12 strictly prior to the second coming of Christ.
27:15 Short time, prior to the second coming of Christ, okay.
27:19 There will be again corrosion.
27:21 There will be again force. In verse 16 it says,
27:24 "And He causes all the small and the great,
27:27 and the rich and the poor, and the free man and the slaves,
27:33 to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,
27:37 and he makes that no one will be able to buy or to sell,
27:42 except the one who has the mark,
27:45 either the name of the beast or the number of his name."
27:51 Okay. What do you have here
27:54 that happens in the final scenario?
27:58 According to the Book of Revelation,
27:59 the system will be created that will repeat the history
28:03 what happened during the medieval period.
28:05 And the inhabitants of this world will have only one option
28:10 and what is the option?
28:13 Either to accept the system
28:16 or reject it and remain faithful to the Bible.
28:19 What will happen to those who reject that system?
28:24 The same. You remember
28:25 what the image of the beast is? What that system is all about?
28:28 They will be subject to the same treatment
28:31 as the followers of Christ are subjected
28:35 during the medieval period. Okay.
28:39 Friends, you saw what we know from the prophecies.
28:43 How it will realize let us just to wait,
28:45 but I'd like to urge our viewers,
28:48 if you want to see more in details
28:49 more explanation on that,
28:51 to read few last chapters of the book called
28:54 "The Great Controversy."
28:56 It's fantastic description of this end time scenario.
28:59 I'm here sticking to the Book of Revelation,
29:03 but I don't want to say something
29:05 that you can read for yourself.
29:06 It's the last few chapters. It's a fantastic book.
29:09 The author is Ellen White.
29:11 The title of the book is the "Great Controversy."
29:13 The last few chapters.
29:15 By the way, please read the entire book.
29:18 It's a great book.
29:21 But there is one entity here that is very important
29:23 that we have to explain and what is notice.
29:25 It's the Mark of the Beast.
29:28 All those who side with that system
29:31 will receive the Mark of the Beast.
29:33 We already explained that actually
29:35 the Mark of the Beast is antithesis of the seal of God.
29:41 You see, as God is marking His people,
29:44 so the beast is marking his followers.
29:49 As God is putting the seal,
29:52 His seal, the seal of God on His worshippers.
29:57 Now the beast is putting the mark on His worshippers.
30:03 By the way, the key issue in the final crisis is worship.
30:11 So, friends, we are not dealing here simply
30:14 with the political issues.
30:17 In the Bible-- and sometimes
30:19 I see very good Christians.
30:22 Everything that they read the Book of Revelation
30:24 is about political issues.
30:26 Everything that we read.
30:28 Friends, the Book of Revelation
30:29 is not interested in politics.
30:34 If politics is refer to in the Book of Revelation
30:37 is only in the context of the conclusion
30:39 of the Plan of Salvation.
30:42 The politics that Satan will use at the time of the end
30:45 to prevent the accomplishments of God's plan
30:50 to establish His kingdom on this earth.
30:52 Are you still with me?
30:54 This is so far I can go interpretation
30:56 of the biblical prophecies.
30:58 But Mark of the Beast, what is Mark of the Beast?
31:02 It's related to worship.
31:04 The worshippers of God, they receive the seal of God.
31:08 The worshippers of the beast,
31:10 they receive the Mark of the Beast.
31:12 Please, I'd like now that you help me.
31:18 You will need to wonder around
31:21 because the Bible is telling us
31:22 exactly what the Mark of the Beast is.
31:26 And maybe some viewers they hear
31:28 about this for the first time.
31:30 And I just want to tell you
31:32 when you take the Bible to interpret itself.
31:34 You don't need to be far away.
31:36 Please, would you go with me one more time?
31:39 Are you there?
31:42 As we read this text, can you do me a favor?
31:46 Viewers, you are included here.
31:48 Can you put yourself in the position
31:52 of the Christians who lived in the first century?
31:54 What was the Bible that they read?
31:58 The Old Testament, they did not have New Testament.
32:02 For Jewish Christians,
32:03 what was the most important part of the Old Testament?
32:08 The Torah, the five books of Moses.
32:11 What was the most important part of the Torah?
32:16 Actually it's the Book of the Deuteronomy Chapter 6.
32:20 So called Shema.
32:22 When God instructed the people,
32:24 we will read this text in few more minutes,
32:26 to take the law of God and what to do with it,
32:32 to bind on their forehead, to put on their arms,
32:38 to put even on the doorpost of their house,
32:41 to be a constant reminder to them they belong to God.
32:45 Can you keep that in mind?
32:46 Can you put yourself in the position
32:47 of those people who lived in the first century?
32:50 And ask yourself how could they understand these texts?
32:53 Are you with me? Let's go there.
32:55 It says one more time, one more time, verse 16.
32:59 "And he, the earth beast causes all,
33:04 the small and the great, and the rich and the poor,
33:08 and the free man and the slaves."
33:11 Are you with me?
33:13 "To be given a mark on their right hand
33:17 or on their forehead."
33:20 If you're the first century reader,
33:22 when you read that the mark
33:24 had to be put on their forehead or right hand,
33:27 what would suddenly come to our mind?
33:30 The instruction that God gave for Moses
33:32 to the people of Israel in Deuteronomy Chapter 6.
33:36 I'd like you to turn here to this passage.
33:41 Deuteronomy Chapter 6.
33:52 I'd like that we read, for instance verse 8
33:56 and maybe--maybe let's read from verse 4.
33:59 Let's read from verse 4, okay, to verse 8.
34:05 Are you there?
34:07 "Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God,
34:10 the Lord is one." This is Shema.
34:13 Hebrew means here, okay, here Israel.
34:16 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart
34:21 and with all your soul with all your might.
34:25 These words, which I am commanding to you
34:27 shall be on your heart.
34:29 You shall teach them diligently to your sons
34:32 and shall talk of them when you sit in your house,
34:35 when you walk by the way,
34:37 when you lay down and when you rise up."
34:40 Now please, pay attention to verse 8.
34:42 "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand
34:47 and they shall be as frontals on your forehead." Amen.
34:51 If you are the first century Christians
34:54 knowing the Old Testament very well.
34:56 When you read Revelation 13 that this beast will force
34:59 people to receive the Mark of the Beast
35:01 on their foreheads or the right hand,
35:03 what will suddenly come to our mind?
35:05 What is this beast trying to do?
35:09 Trying to counterfeit the clear instruction of God,
35:13 what to do with his law. Amen.
35:19 As you said, amen, we can conclude the section
35:23 because this is very, very clear
35:25 what will actually happen at the time of the end.
35:29 Because the Mark of the Beast that is actually
35:31 the counterfeit of the seal of God.
35:34 It's related somehow to the obedience to God
35:37 in keeping His commandments.
35:41 God's faithful people, of course--
35:43 of course, you will understand.
35:45 When Moses said to the people of Israel,
35:47 you shall write God's law, okay, on your hand,
35:53 put on your hand and put on your forehead,
35:57 Moses did not mean it literally.
35:59 Actually the Jews during medieval period
36:02 they put it in the form of filacterias and put it there.
36:05 Even-even today all those Jews are doing that,
36:08 but Moses never intended to tell people
36:10 they have to do it in literal way.
36:11 It is very symbolic telling people
36:13 that they accepted the law of God
36:15 with their mind and right hand
36:18 is the-- actually right hand
36:21 is the symbol of an action of works.
36:23 So it means, believe and do it.
36:27 This is actually what Moses meant, okay.
36:31 But what do we have in Revelation 13
36:34 that actually this beast at the time of the end
36:37 will try to do away with God's commandments.
36:42 And to enforce the human institutions
36:46 and the human commandments
36:48 as the substitute for God's commandment.
36:51 Are you still with me?
36:52 Because the Mark of the Beast is a counterfeit
36:54 to the seal of God and we saw
36:55 that the seal of God is related to the obedience of God.
36:59 Actually substitute for the obedience of God,
37:05 forcing people to obey the human institutions
37:08 and the human laws instead of God laws
37:12 and show true obedience to Him.
37:13 Are you still me? This is the best explanation.
37:17 And, friends, this suggested to us
37:22 that at the time of the end, at the time of the end,
37:26 the key issue in the final crisis
37:30 will be obedience to God
37:33 or obedience to human institution.
37:36 By the way, do you remember that?
37:39 I told you we'll come to that. We read in Revelation 12:17.
37:46 That though the Satan wants to destroy the time of the end
37:49 are characterized by, what?
37:51 Those who keep the Commandments of God.
37:54 Now we'll listened why. What is the issue?
37:58 Also, if you go to Revelation 14:12,
38:02 we'll come to that text.
38:03 It says, "Here is the perseverance of the saints
38:07 who keep the Commandments of God and they have--
38:10 they have the faith of Jesus."
38:13 What is the issue--what is the issue in the final crisis?
38:18 It's worship, but keep in mind,
38:21 when Christians are talking about worship,
38:22 we always have our idea what worship is.
38:26 According to the Bible,
38:28 the people who worship God they obey God.
38:32 You remember in the gospels, the Pharisees,
38:35 they worship God, but they did not obey God
38:38 and that's why Jesus criticized them,
38:41 telling them of the consequences,
38:43 we'll come to that.
38:44 Friends, the issue in the final crisis
38:46 are God's Commandments.
38:48 But let me tell you something else.
38:51 Not any commandment,
38:53 it appears that when you read the Book of Revelation
38:57 very clearly that the first four commandments
39:03 are the test of the loyalty to God in the final crisis.
39:07 What are you talking about?
39:09 First four commandments are the commandments
39:10 that are talking about our relationship with God.
39:13 Note those six commandments
39:14 they're talking about our relationship
39:16 with fellow human beings.
39:18 Keep in mind.
39:20 The six commandments are the test of loyalty to God today.
39:24 We have to be loving Christians,
39:26 but we're talking here about this final moments
39:29 of this earth history and the test of our loyalty to God
39:32 and faithfulness to God
39:33 will be the first four commandments.
39:35 By the way, if you go to my commentary page 453,
39:40 I put here that appears
39:41 that the first four commandments of Decalogue in particular.
39:45 "You shall not have other gods before Me.
39:48 You shall not make for yourself idol."
39:50 Do you remember the image of the beast--
39:51 the image of the beast? Okay, okay.
39:56 "Or any likeness or what is in heaven
39:58 above or the earth beneath or in the water
40:01 under the earth in order to wash it them.
40:04 You shall not take the name of the Lord,
40:06 your God in vain."
40:07 Do you remember what the beast is doing?
40:08 Blasphemy against God's name.
40:11 Do you remember that?
40:13 And finally they said, it says,
40:16 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
40:20 See, these four commandments, they'll be the test
40:23 of our loyalty to God in the final crisis.
40:26 And it appears that Sabbath in particular
40:29 will be the test of our loyalty to God.
40:31 We dealt with that subject in the Revelation Chapter 7
40:35 with reference to the seal of God.
40:37 Is the seal of God is related to our test of loyalty to God
40:40 in the final crisis with reference
40:42 to the Seventh-day Sabbath
40:44 than really the Mark of the Beast?
40:48 Okay, characterizes the worshippers of the beast
40:51 in obeying today and institution in the final crisis
40:55 that the beast will actually establish in this world, okay.
41:01 So you can see we can talk so much about this,
41:05 but I know that my viewers are very impatient,
41:11 and I did it intentionally I reserved
41:12 only the last 15 minutes for that.
41:16 We really need 3-4 hours to talk about that.
41:20 It's Revelation 13:18.
41:22 And I know some of you are so eager to hear
41:24 what I will say.
41:26 But I have to say what is in the Bible, okay.
41:29 Let's go--let's go here to this text.
41:31 Chapter 13 verse 18.
41:35 Now this is the conclusion of the entire section.
41:39 It says, "Here is the wisdom."
41:42 Let me stop here for a while.
41:45 I meet many good Christians and they come here to this text
41:49 and they think that these it's call
41:51 for a wisdom of mathematical calculations.
41:55 Better mathematician you are, better you can understand
41:58 what is in chapter 13:18.
42:00 Friends, this is not a call for human,
42:03 artistic wisdom or skills.
42:08 If you go to the Bible, we have even
42:10 so called wisdom literature.
42:13 In the Book of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,
42:18 it says, "That the beginning of the wisdom
42:21 is actually the fear of the Lord."
42:24 In the Book of James, letter of James in Chapter 1,
42:29 he's telling us, "If anyone of us lacks the wisdom."
42:33 James does not say, go and study mathematics.
42:37 He is telling us ask God and He will give you
42:42 the insight and that wisdom
42:44 because God will not discriminate anybody.
42:47 So when we have here a call for wisdom,
42:50 what kind of wisdom is here?
42:52 It's the wisdom that only the Holy Spirit
42:55 can impart to their faithful at the time of the end,
42:59 to really have discernment of the true nature of the beast.
43:02 Are you still with me?
43:04 So here is the call for wisdom.
43:07 "Let him who had understanding
43:10 calculate the number of the beast,
43:15 for the number is that of a man."
43:19 In my translation that says.
43:22 "And his number is six hundred and sixty-six."
43:25 By the way, if you want to study more on this subject
43:27 I have a lot, just to read it we need one good hour, okay.
43:31 It's found from page 425 and on, okay.
43:35 You have about 4-5 pages here in the commentary,
43:39 from page 425, okay.
43:44 So what is a great enigma here?
43:47 What is the great enigma is here?
43:49 It's the number that is expressed here at 666.
43:57 Friends, in the history of the interpretation
43:58 of the Book of Revelation literally,
44:00 thousand and thousand names were calculated
44:06 and people try to find the meaning of number 666.
44:11 And the normal method that people
44:14 are using is the so called Gematria.
44:18 I don't know if you're familiar with the--
44:20 with the word Gematria, but Gematria is the word
44:23 from which the word geometry comes.
44:26 Gematria is the Greek expression.
44:29 If you want to translate into English,
44:30 it simply means playing with the numbers.
44:34 By the way, after the time of the Book of Revelation,
44:37 you know, today how do we have numbers?
44:39 We express them with Arabic signs.
44:43 That's how we have the numbers.
44:45 But in ancient world and in the time
44:47 when the New Testament was written
44:48 whether in Hebrew or Greek or Latin,
44:52 people wrote number in terms of the letters of the alphabet.
44:58 Let's put it in English to be very practical.
45:00 It means--it means, using our alphabet to do it if we can.
45:06 A would be number 1, okay. B would be number 2.
45:13 C, number 3.
45:16 So the 11 letter you would make it to be 100,
45:20 the 12 letter would be 500, et cetera.
45:22 Are you still with me?
45:24 So it means that the numbers were expressed
45:26 by means of Gematria
45:27 and we have in the 2nd century,
45:30 the person would go for a long trip
45:32 and after that he will send a letter to his wife and say,
45:35 "I'm writing this letter to my dear one
45:37 whose name is 52,857."
45:42 What did he do?
45:43 By playing Gematria, he would replace the letters
45:47 of her name into the number, okay.
45:51 Unfortunately, many Christians
45:55 and this is the majority of usage of this.
45:57 They're using Gematria in order to find different names,
46:04 in order to calculate the number 666.
46:07 Please, I don't want here to refer
46:09 to any particular practice.
46:14 I don't want to offend anybody, but I'd like to stimulate
46:17 your passion for study with the Book of Revelation
46:19 and do it for our self.
46:21 And I would like to ask you several questions, please.
46:26 I'm talking about very good Christians
46:30 who are really using Gematria
46:31 and they don't know what they're doing.
46:34 Number 1, it says for wisdom.
46:38 People who practice Gematria, they think they must be
46:40 a good mathematician in order to do it.
46:44 This is not what the text talks about.
46:46 Second thing is it says,
46:47 "Let him who has understanding
46:49 calculate the number of the beast."
46:53 Calculate, and that's how people think
46:55 that Gematria should be put
46:57 because we have to calculate the number.
46:58 Unfortunately the word calculate here
47:01 is very, very confusing.
47:03 Since I see that I have only
47:04 10 minutes to finish today's lecture.
47:08 Please, you have in my commentary
47:09 all the information is there.
47:11 The word calculate that is used here is used
47:13 only several times in the New Testament.
47:16 Actually it does not mean calculate.
47:18 It means, figure out.
47:21 Actually, Jesus used that word when He said,
47:24 "When the person decides to build a city
47:27 or decide to go to the war,
47:29 he first have to figure out the cause.
47:33 It's not about calculation to figure out the cause.
47:37 And after that to decide whether he will go
47:39 to the war or decide to build the city or the house."
47:43 Are you still with me?
47:44 This is not really about calculation.
47:46 It means about to decide,
47:48 to find out what comes out there.
47:51 The proper word in English is to figure out.
47:55 Let him who has understanding
47:57 empowered by the Holy Spirit
47:59 figure out the number of the beast.
48:02 And John mentions here that this is the number
48:06 of a man according to New American Standard Version.
48:10 By the way, let me put here on the blackboard.
48:14 And please, I don't want to put in Greek now,
48:17 let me put in Latin alphabet,
48:19 that we know what we're talking about.
48:21 It's the Greek word, Anthropos,
48:28 which is used here.
48:29 Sometimes--sometimes in Greek language,
48:32 it can refer to particular man as we're doing that in English.
48:37 But the word Anthropos, the true meaning of this word,
48:40 it means a humanity or a human being, okay.
48:45 Actually the Greek word Aner,
48:47 means a man as distinguished from a woman.
48:51 Like in Hebrew you have Ish and Isha.
48:56 Ish means man. Isha means woman.
48:59 But the first man that God created was not Ish.
49:02 It was Adam,
49:03 which actually is equivalent to the Greek, Anthropos.
49:07 Are you still with me? It means humanity.
49:10 And Anthropos can be either man or a woman.
49:15 You see many good Protestant Christians,
49:17 they like this expression man and many translation
49:20 of the Bible are misleading. Why?
49:22 Because they're translated by the people
49:24 who believe that antichrist, this power is a man
49:27 one single person who'll appear in Europe as antichrist,
49:31 that's why they put the word a man.
49:34 But this is not about one particular man.
49:36 Keep in mind, that the Book of Revelation
49:38 does not deal with individuals.
49:41 The Book of Revelation deals with the systems,
49:46 with the human beings.
49:48 So the antichrist of Revelation 17
49:50 is not one particular individual.
49:52 Are you still with me?
49:55 It's with the system, of course,
49:56 that will involve the human beings.
49:59 So let's make right translation.
50:01 "For this is the number of the humanity."
50:04 And what is the number of the humanity?
50:08 In Hebrew mind-- in Hebrew mind,
50:11 number 7 is the number of God.
50:16 It's a number of perfection, okay.
50:18 The number of completeness.
50:21 But in Hebrew mind,
50:22 the human beings were created on the sixth day, okay.
50:28 But if human beings want to enter
50:30 into fellowship with divine,
50:31 they have to enter into the number 7,
50:33 that's the significance of the 7 in the Bible.
50:37 So the number of 6 is the number of the humanity,
50:41 but not here any humanity is the humanity
50:44 that wants to become equal to God.
50:47 But the message is here that this power,
50:50 the system that wants,
50:52 that claims the prerogatives of God.
50:53 Do you remember we saw it?
50:55 This power that claim equality to God.
50:58 Actually the message to this power
51:00 that this is just a fallen humanity.
51:04 This power cannot be divine.
51:06 This power cannot claim equality with God.
51:10 And now John concludes and says,
51:13 "That the number of this humanity is the number 666."
51:21 Oh, boy, what is this now?
51:24 6 number and 66. Okay.
51:32 I hear many people are providing
51:35 different interpretation of this text.
51:39 And please, oh, boy, I don't have here
51:42 now eraser and we have only five minutes.
51:44 Please, I will use this blackboard as much as I can.
51:47 I'd like that you see how define--
51:50 that's okay now. I will use it here.
51:52 I hope even our viewers will be able to see
51:55 what we have here.
51:57 Actually in Greek, it looks like this.
52:02 I'm putting in Latin alphabet.
52:10 Okay, accessory is.
52:24 Okay.
52:26 I know it's foreign language to you,
52:29 but try to notice something.
52:31 How is John writing this number?
52:34 You see, hexacosi, it means 600,
52:41 hexaconta, it means 60, and hex, it means 6.
52:48 This is not normal way of writing in Greek.
52:53 If you want to write 666, what do you do?
52:56 You write the three letters of the alphabet.
52:58 Do you remember what I told you?
53:01 A means 1, B means 2,
53:04 the 11th number actually means 100
53:08 and you have 500.
53:11 So this is not the way.
53:13 In Greek, if you want to write 666,
53:15 you'll put simply three letters of the alphabet.
53:19 But then, John is doing completely is the same today.
53:22 Instead of writing 666, you put in a sentence
53:27 six hundred and sixty-six.
53:29 This is what he is doing?
53:30 This is not a normal to writing. Why?
53:34 Because he wanted to tell us something.
53:41 What is hex? It's a 6.
53:45 To point clearly to the readers about three sixes.
53:49 Why three sixes?
53:52 I know I have to bring my lecture to the conclusions.
53:56 Actually, it's to telling us, we're dealing
53:58 with the humanity that claimed to be equal to God.
54:01 Do you remember the parody of God?
54:04 The parody of the trinity?
54:06 You're talking about three persons of the unholy,
54:10 the trinity that counterfeits God.
54:13 They take--they tried to take the place of God.
54:17 We're talking about counterfeit trinity.
54:19 That's why we have here three hexes.
54:23 One hex one 6 for each member
54:28 of the counter-- of the counterfeit trinity.
54:31 I know it means something to you.
54:36 We are dealing here with a number
54:38 that really pertains to the end time power.
54:42 Please, keep in mind.
54:45 I know my, friends and Christians,
54:48 even my own denominations that I belong to I--
54:52 we love each other so much, but many people
54:57 try to apply the number 666 to the papacy.
55:01 And, friends, papacy is included there.
55:04 This is not denial of the papacy.
55:05 Are you still with me?
55:07 It's there, but when they try to calculate number 666,
55:10 they try to take one certain title
55:13 that will several times use to papacy
55:15 during the medieval period.
55:18 But keep in mind, Revelation 11--
55:21 13:18 is not about the medieval period,
55:24 it's about the time of the end.
55:25 What time of the end?
55:27 When Satan, the first beast
55:30 and the second beast will work together,
55:32 the second beast will make the Mark of the Beast and enforce.
55:35 Are you still with me?
55:37 We're dealing with the time of the end.
55:38 Not about the medieval period?
55:40 So the number of 666 has to be applied
55:44 to the time of the end
55:45 when we have the collision of Babylon
55:49 of this anti divine power at the time of the end.
55:55 They will draw all the people into the final deception.
55:58 And by the way, why Babylon?
56:01 Because the number of 6 was the basic number
56:06 and the measuring system in ancient Babylon.
56:11 By the way, everything in ancient Babylon
56:14 was about number 6.
56:16 However that measuring system was lost.
56:19 By the way, you have in my commentary.
56:21 You have all those information there.
56:23 The only thing that we got
56:24 from ancient Babylon that measures 6.
56:27 Any idea what is that?
56:28 Is the measure for time? 60 seconds?
56:33 3600--okay. What else?
56:36 And the measure for the angle.
56:38 That's the only time that we got from up.
56:40 Everything was about 6.
56:41 We call, so called hexadecimal system.
56:44 By the way, do you remember about the measure of the statue
56:50 that the King Nebuchadnezzar created in Daniel Chapter 6?
56:56 What was the height of that statue?
57:00 It was 60 cubic.
57:02 How wide was the statue? 6 cubic.
57:04 Because number 6 was the sacred number
57:07 of ancient Babylon.
57:08 That's why John is using number 6 to tell us
57:11 that this is number of the fallen humanity
57:13 of the enemy power that want to be equal to God, okay.
57:18 But God's people do not need to be deceived.
57:21 That's why we need the divine understanding.
57:24 We need that wisdom.
57:26 And praise God, we have the Holy Spirit
57:28 who can really enable us to understand the truth forever.


Revised 2014-12-17