Revelation of the Coming King

The Beast From The Earth - Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000019

00:24 Welcome again to our program that we've titled
00:29 "Revelation of the Coming King."
00:33 I hope that you are excited
00:35 about studying the Book of Revelation.
00:37 There is something, there is something very special
00:40 about when we started the Bible.
00:42 It's when our hearts are open to the word of God
00:46 where the Holy Spirit speaks to us
00:49 through the pages of this Book.
00:51 There is something that happens inside.
00:53 It cannot be explained, it can only be felt.
00:57 As you know that this program is a part of that long series
01:02 in which we try to cover
01:04 all the chapters of the Book of Revelation.
01:07 Not every detail, not every passage
01:11 because it is impossible but we try--
01:13 we're trying to understand
01:15 what is that so special about the Book of Revelation?
01:19 Once again, I am Ranko Stefanovic,
01:21 professor at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary,
01:26 Andrews University.
01:27 I am professor of the New Testament.
01:30 But the most of the class that I teach
01:32 and more presentations that I make
01:35 as I travel are on the topics of the Book of Revelation
01:38 and the time of the end.
01:42 I am so glad to be with you here
01:44 and I hope that you have in you hands
01:47 our text book, infallible text book.
01:50 The best tool that we can have
01:55 that can help us all those difficult issues
01:59 and text of the Book of Revelation.
02:01 But as we mentioned it's almost impossible
02:04 in the time that is allotted to us to cover
02:07 everything that is in the Book of Revelation.
02:09 And the purpose of this program is not really
02:14 to present everything what is in the Book of Revelation,
02:16 it's rather to stimulate our appetite for the word of God.
02:20 So once this program is over that we can take different tools
02:24 and I recommended to you the tool
02:29 titled "Revelation of Jesus Christ"
02:31 which is verse by verse commentary
02:34 on the Book of Revelation.
02:38 I hope that you've provided the copy for yourself.
02:42 If you have done it, I'd like one more time to remind you
02:46 that we are still in the pages that were indicated last time.
02:49 We are from the page 409, 409 and going on.
02:57 We are in Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation.
03:00 So from page 409, okay.
03:05 You see all these tools are great
03:10 and somehow they really present our limitations.
03:15 By the way, they show what at the present time
03:19 we understand about the Book of Revelation
03:20 and believe me, tomorrow I'll learn something new
03:24 and day after tomorrow I am learning something new
03:26 and there is never end of that.
03:28 And that's the reason why I had to revise my commentary,
03:31 and probably in few years you'll see another revisions
03:33 because there are so many new e-sites
03:36 there at Andrews University
03:38 I am sharing several doctoral dissertations
03:40 of the Book of Revelation.
03:42 So there will be new e-site in few years that will come.
03:45 But what is most important is
03:48 that we always ask God for His guidance.
03:52 That we ask the Holy Spirit to give us that discernment,
03:56 to give us that understanding, okay.
03:58 And I know there are some things from the Book of Revelation
04:03 that probably we'll never be able to understand
04:05 until the events are fulfilled.
04:07 We are doing our best to understand with God's help.
04:10 But there's one thing is that the Holy Spirit is teaching us
04:14 how those messages, they can apply to our personal lives
04:18 to make me to be better Christian, okay,
04:21 to be better husband, to be a better friend,
04:24 to be a better colleague, okay.
04:28 But what is the most important to come much closer to God.
04:33 And one day that I see myself,
04:36 my family and all of you one day in God's Kingdom.
04:39 That's what the purpose of the Book of Revelation is all about.
04:41 That's the reason why we would like to ask God for His guidance
04:45 as we are trying to understand
04:47 Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation.
04:52 Our heavenly father, here we are again coming to You
04:57 and humbly asking You to give us Your Holy Spirit
05:02 because You promised to us
05:03 when we come with open mind and sincere hearts
05:07 that the Holy Spirit will guide us
05:09 and instruct us into all the truth.
05:11 So, Father, please be with us
05:14 and help us if we can understand these messages
05:17 of the Book of Revelation
05:18 and to apply them to our daily lives.
05:20 Father, we pray all of these
05:22 in the precious name of our Savior Jesus Christ.
05:25 Amen.
05:28 Okay, as you know we are
05:32 in Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation
05:35 and let me remind you once again
05:38 what we tried to understand last time.
05:41 We saw how the Book of Revelation
05:44 is amazingly structured.
05:47 When you understand how the structure
05:49 of the Book of Revelation work
05:52 you can observe many things from the pages of this book.
05:56 One of those things that we tried to learn last time is
06:00 that actually chapter 12, more particularly, okay.
06:05 Revelation 11:19.
06:07 Okay, divides the Book of Revelation into two parts.
06:12 We call it the historical part
06:15 and the eschatological part, okay.
06:18 Eschatology is Greek.
06:21 It comes from the word eschaton,
06:24 which means the last thing and logos,
06:27 we have theology, astrology, you know all those things.
06:31 Logos, simply means teaching doctrine
06:34 but the basic meaning with the word is the word, okay.
06:38 So it simply means,
06:39 eschatology means a teaching about the last thing.
06:43 So when you say
06:44 the eschatological portion of the Book of Revelation,
06:47 we mean the section of the Book of Revelation,
06:49 the last 11 chapters.
06:51 They talk and focus exclusively,
06:53 exclusively on the time of the end. Okay.
06:59 And we saw how the Book of Revelation is organized
07:01 that shows that actually it is in Chapter 12
07:05 as he's preparing himself for the final events.
07:09 Satan switches, okay, in his tactic
07:15 from what he was doing against God's faithful people
07:19 throughout history by using force and persecution, coercion.
07:22 But the time of the end there is one single word
07:26 or maybe if you want two words
07:28 that really describes the activities
07:30 end time activities of Satan is the word "deception"
07:35 or the word "counterfeit." Okay.
07:39 This is very, very important to help us to understand
07:42 what we can find in the last portion
07:44 of the Book of Revelation.
07:47 So we saw that according to Revelation 13:1
07:53 that if Satan decides to prepare himself for that decisive event,
07:58 final battle that is known from the Book of Revelation,
08:02 the Battle of Armageddon.
08:04 He's there on the seashore.
08:06 Please keep in mind the symbolic language
08:09 of the Book of Revelation.
08:11 And He's calling out of the sea the first of his associates,
08:17 that we will refer to as the sea beast
08:20 because these beast, these political power,
08:23 the beast is the symbol of political power
08:25 actually comes out of the sea
08:29 and steps, and steps on the scene.
08:34 There is one more thing I would like us to pay attention
08:39 as we are dealing with Revelation 13 and 14.
08:43 You see, in dealing with first 11 chapters of the Book
08:49 we really dealt with the prophecies
08:51 that were fulfilled in the past.
08:54 Even though among the interpreters of the Bible
08:57 there are some slight disagreements.
09:00 You know, if that event or that event, okay,
09:04 fits the fulfillment of certain prophecies
09:07 of the Book of Revelation.
09:09 Generally people agree, okay.
09:12 Okay, who believe in the Prophecy of Revelation
09:14 they feel--so it was not too much difficult really
09:18 to find out how the prophecy was fulfilled in the past.
09:23 But the question that is necessary now.
09:26 You see, as we are dealing here
09:28 with this section of the Revelation,
09:30 we are dealing with not yet fulfilled prophecies.
09:36 The prophecies, they are not fulfilled yet.
09:38 We are waiting for their fulfillment,okay,
09:41 to happen in the future.
09:44 So do you understand the difficulty is that?
09:47 We have to keep in mind
09:50 that we know exactly as we mentioned already several times.
09:54 According to the Book of Revelation
09:56 what will happen at the time of the end?
09:58 We will see that the Book of Revelation
10:00 seems to me very, very clear about that.
10:03 But what is the problem is
10:06 that in dealing with these future prophecies
10:10 that sometimes people are using too much imagination.
10:13 Their personal opinions in the way how they think
10:17 that those prophecies will be fulfilled.
10:20 Friends, you have to understand,
10:22 many of the prophecies will be clear to us
10:24 at the time of their fulfillment.
10:28 So we have to take,
10:29 you remember, there are some things
10:31 that God did not disclose to us.
10:34 Do you remember that,
10:35 that small book in the Revelation Chapter 10,
10:37 John was not allowed to write everything?
10:41 Only what God found for good to us to reveal,
10:44 it was revealed to us
10:46 and we know, we know what will happen.
10:48 But how the things will happen,
10:50 we have to wait for the time of their fulfillment.
10:53 There is one thing that I will like to--
10:59 I want to all of us, there are people in the past,
11:04 were a great experts in biblical prophecies.
11:08 They knew everything about the Messiah.
11:11 They knew when the Messiah would come, they knew the date.
11:15 They knew where the Messiah will be born.
11:19 They knew how the Messiah would be born.
11:22 But you see so many times their private agenda
11:24 prevented them from understanding really
11:28 what the biblical prophecies are meant.
11:30 They put their ideas in those prophecies,
11:33 so the Messiah came, they did not recognize Him. Why?
11:39 Because they didn't follow
11:41 the clear instruction of the word of God.
11:44 They follow their instincts, their desires,
11:47 their plans and their views
11:49 how the prophecies should look like.
11:51 So I will like also to speak to our viewers.
11:56 This is the warning to all of us.
11:59 I would like to suggest to you that we stick there
12:01 to the clear text of the Bible.
12:05 But those are things how the prophecies will be fulfilled.
12:08 Yeah, the Book of Revelation telling us enough,
12:10 how that they will be fulfilled, but let's not go beyond that.
12:16 Let's stay to the clear indication there,
12:18 there in the Book of Revelation.
12:20 Keep in mind, keep in mind,
12:23 that the future fulfillment of biblical prophecies
12:27 will bring us to many, many surprises.
12:30 So let's not repeat the history of the Jewish people.
12:34 Let's be faithful to the word of God
12:37 and try to find out what the Bible teaches us clearly.
12:40 One more time, let's be reminded.
12:43 We're dealing with the first of Satan's associates.
12:49 We call it, okay, the sea beast, okay, the first one.
12:54 But you have to understand something
12:56 about the biblical prophecies.
12:58 The last time we wanted to make the survey of that
13:01 in order to prepare the ground for what we are talking about,
13:06 every time, every time, when the Book of Revelation
13:11 introduces a new actor on the scene, okay.
13:16 The 1 John wants to identify that actor,
13:20 to describe that actor.
13:23 Once the actor is identified
13:27 then he describes the activities what the actor is doing,
13:31 you'll notice, we saw it, just to mention few things.
13:36 In Revelation Chapter 5 and 6, John wants to tell us,
13:41 that the history will be unfolded
13:43 because Jesus is doing that.
13:46 But you need to tell us why Jesus is qualified
13:48 to unfold the future by breaking the seals.
13:50 First in Chapter 5, he wants to identify Jesus.
13:53 Okay, you see in this section, who is a new actor here
13:59 in the steps of the scene in Revelation, its Satan himself.
14:04 But before John is telling us
14:06 what Satan will be doing at the time of the end,
14:08 what does he do in Revelation Chapter 12.
14:10 He wants to identify Satan,
14:12 to tell us he is the one who deceived
14:14 the number of angels there in heaven.
14:16 He was the one who was cast out from heaven.
14:19 He was the one in the history of the Christian church
14:21 persecuted God's people
14:23 and this is the power, this is that arch enemy
14:26 that you will be involved in the final events
14:29 and he will play the key role there.
14:32 Are you still with me?
14:33 Now the same principle must be applied
14:35 with reference to the first of two associates of Satan.
14:39 We call it the sea beast.
14:41 Please friends, this is very, very important
14:44 because there are some people
14:46 who really do not know this principle,
14:48 they're sometimes confused.
14:50 And I will tell you where the confusion comes from,
14:53 you have to keep in mind.
14:55 This is the focus of the first section of chapter 13.
15:01 John wants to tell us about the first of Satan's associates,
15:06 the activities that characterize
15:08 and these activities will be repeated also
15:11 at the time of the end.
15:12 Are you still with me?
15:13 But before explaining about the activities of the sea beast,
15:18 John first wants to identify the sea beast.
15:23 Why is this so much important, please,
15:25 I would like you to turn to Revelation Chapter 13.
15:30 I'm using more opportunity that we get information
15:32 how to interpreter the Book of Revelation,
15:34 once we know how to do it, we can do the rest by ourselves.
15:38 Are you there? Let me now ask you a question.
15:40 I want little bit to confuse you.
15:42 He says, in verse 3,
15:45 "And I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain,
15:49 and his fatal wound was healed.
15:52 And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast."
15:56 What do you have here?
15:57 The beast received mortal wound.
15:59 What happened next? The mortal wound was healed.
16:02 What happened next?
16:04 It provoked the admiration of the entire world.
16:07 What happened to the beast?
16:08 Because the beast was killed, now the beast came back to life.
16:12 Now please, would you go with me to verse 5,
16:17 "There was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words
16:21 and blasphemies, and authority to act
16:24 for forty-two months was given to him."
16:26 Do you see the problem here?
16:30 At these forty-two months, before the mortal wound
16:34 or after the healing of the mortal wound.
16:38 Are you with me? Are you lost?
16:42 You see, if you do not know these principles and by the way
16:46 I'm explaining about these principles in the very beginning
16:48 of my commentary. It's very important.
16:50 If you don't understand this principle
16:52 then it appears that forty-two months
16:54 come after the healing of their mortal wound.
16:58 That's why many people that we called them,
17:00 futurists as we explained it before.
17:02 Without understanding this principle,
17:03 they speculate and they believe that those forty months
17:06 they come after the healing of their mortal wound
17:08 but it's not so.
17:10 Keep in mind those these first four verses,
17:14 John first want to identify the beast to tell us
17:17 who actually this political power is
17:21 and what this political power is.
17:23 So what do we learn
17:24 about this political power, what is that?
17:26 That this political power
17:28 is the same as the one portrayed where,
17:30 in Daniel Chapter 7.
17:33 That there is so difference between the two.
17:35 This power in the Book of Daniel is identified as a little horn,
17:40 you remember we talked about.
17:41 It was not really the little horn,
17:44 it grew up, very powerful, okay and great horn.
17:50 In verse 2, we learn here,
17:53 also reflecting in the Book of the Daniel is,
17:57 that actually this beast is the successor
18:01 of the previous political powers
18:04 that appeared, that appeared in history.
18:07 Second thing John is wants to tell us and what is that.
18:12 That this political power at the certain point in history
18:17 will be killed and we'll cease to be active.
18:22 However eventually that mortal wound will be healed
18:28 that will provoke the admiration of the entire world,
18:31 please, can you keep in mind something?
18:34 We are dealing with the eschatological.
18:36 We are dealing with the eschatological
18:38 part of the Book of Revelation.
18:41 Really, John is not interested too much to tell us about
18:45 what this political power did during the prophetic period
18:48 or 1260 days of the medieval period.
18:52 You see, he's providing the background to tell us
18:55 about the power that will play a significant role
18:59 and function at the time of the end.
19:03 But he's telling us that this power
19:05 that will really works so powerfully
19:08 at the time of the end, is not really a new power.
19:12 Is the power that was active in history
19:15 more than 1000 years during the medieval period,
19:19 that controlled the human minds. Are you still with me?
19:22 Imposing one religion and controlling
19:24 what people will believe how it will believe.
19:26 Are you still with me?
19:28 This is the point that he is trying to make
19:31 that actually this is not a new power
19:33 that will appear at the time of the end,
19:35 that this power has a long history,
19:38 persecuting God's people and fighting against God
19:40 and trying to take the place of Jesus Christ and His word.
19:43 Are you still with me?
19:45 Once he identified this power, now he wants to tell us,
19:50 what this power was doing in the past
19:54 and what this power will be doing
19:56 at the time of the end?
19:57 That's why it's so much important
19:58 to understand the principle of identification
20:01 of a new actor and then what comes in the next,
20:04 the description of the activities of this actor.
20:07 If you don't understand that,
20:09 then you can go off the road completely
20:12 and bring some interpretation and finally you'll wonder
20:15 that something that only you believe
20:17 but nobody can see it in the text
20:19 because that does not fit in the context.
20:21 So what are the activities of this beast?
20:23 Okay, let's see now about the description of the,
20:28 of the activities of this beast.
20:29 It says verse 5, "There was given to him
20:32 a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority
20:39 to act for forty-two months was given to him."
20:43 Let's stop here for a moment.
20:46 I'd like to mention to you one feature
20:49 that is so frequently found in the New Testament.
20:53 You'll notice that this feature
20:55 is not too much represented in the Old Testament
20:59 for one simple reason. What is the feature?
21:02 You'll notice here it says that it was given to him,
21:07 to this political power a mouth and to do all these activities.
21:11 Okay, it was given. It was given. Who gave?
21:16 By the way you have to understand
21:17 something where the Jewish people
21:20 came out off the Babylonian exile,
21:23 came to Palestine.
21:24 They decided to be so faithful to the law of God,
21:27 so not to repeat the mistakes of their fathers
21:29 and go back to another exile.
21:31 He said, we want now to be
21:33 so faithful to the, to the law of God.
21:36 So they went to the Ten Commandments,
21:37 they came to the Commandment of the Sabbath.
21:40 They made about 413 commandments of that.
21:42 So they wanted, they prescribed every detail
21:45 of the observance of the Sabbath.
21:46 They came to that Second Commandment.
21:49 And Second Commandment, no sorry, the Third Commandment.
21:51 The Third Commandment said,
21:53 "you shall not take the name of God in vain."
21:57 But what else they are doing in vain.
21:58 They said, so any taking the name of God
22:02 in out of mouth is in vain. We can be without that.
22:05 So they would come to statement God spoke.
22:10 Now they would make statement
22:12 it was spoken implying that actually God spoke, okay.
22:16 Or people who were saved implying
22:19 that actually God saved them.
22:21 They used passive instead of active.
22:24 Are you still with me?
22:26 Today we call it the divine passive.
22:29 So when you have a passive,
22:31 it implies that actually God did it.
22:34 By the way in English we use it so often,
22:36 I'm saved. What does it mean?
22:40 It means that God saved me.
22:41 I'm forgiven. It means God forgave me.
22:44 We're using that passive because it comes,
22:46 it comes from the New Testament.
22:47 It occurs very, very often in the New Testament.
22:50 So in the light of this information
22:52 when said, that the beast was given a mouth.
22:56 What does it actually mean?
22:58 That it was actually God who allowed this political power
23:03 a certain period to exercise the authority
23:08 and to do all these activities against God
23:12 and to persecute God's people.
23:13 You see, friends, these effect
23:18 can really provide us with assurance
23:21 that nothing in this world
23:23 happens without God's approval.
23:26 Please, I cannot always explain
23:30 why God allows certain things to happen
23:33 but I've the assurance is that God is still in control.
23:37 So many times we don't understand,
23:39 so many times we have a question why?
23:42 But we have a strong assurance that actually it is God
23:46 and He has the final word in everything.
23:50 He says, it was given to him a mouth to speak arrogant words.
23:56 By the way, the number of biblical commentators
24:00 who actually observed
24:02 something that has been overlooked
24:05 by many as they read the Book of Revelation
24:07 that in the Old Testament
24:10 when prophets were given the mouth to speak.
24:16 It always refers to a speech that person,
24:19 that person delivers.
24:21 It's not simply that person casually speaks.
24:23 It's an order, the person opens the mouth
24:26 and gives direction and everybody,
24:28 everybody has to follow it.
24:30 So talking here about the political power,
24:32 you remember what we saw that,
24:34 that is political power was enthroned by Satan,
24:37 authorized by Satan
24:39 and now this power was given actually
24:41 to exercise the authority--
24:43 was given a mouth to speak arrogant words and blasphemies
24:49 and receive the authority to act for 42 months.
24:53 It was, it was, it was given to him.
24:57 Let me remind you one more time
25:00 what we spoke last time in our last presentations.
25:03 How Revelation 13 actually reflects Daniel Chapter 7.
25:09 And I have here in front of me, I have here a chart
25:13 and you can see that all these activities,
25:17 okay, of the sea beast actually mirrors
25:21 the activities of little horn of Daniel Chapter 7.
25:24 Let me just point to few verses.
25:27 In Daniel Chapter 7, we have the little word,
25:32 horn has the mouth speaking great things.
25:36 You go here to Revelation 13.
25:38 The sea beast has the mouth speaking great things.
25:42 Going to Daniel Chapter 7.
25:45 The little horn speaks blasphemies against God.
25:48 Here we heard the sea beasts
25:50 speaks of blasphemies against God.
25:52 I'm referring to Chapter 7 verse 25.
25:55 All these informations are found there.
25:57 And then in verse 21 of chapter 7 of Daniel we have,
26:02 "That the little horn wages war with the saints
26:06 and overcomes them."
26:07 And you have here in 37, that the sea beasts wages war
26:12 with the saints and overcome them.
26:13 You can see actually that the little horn
26:18 and this sea beast that is,
26:20 that is mentioned here actually refers to one
26:23 in the same historical reality of the power,
26:27 okay, that control the minds of people for long time.
26:31 But we'd like really to find out
26:33 what those activities are all about, okay.
26:36 Let's go back one more, one more time.
26:38 It says, "Mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies."
26:43 In Greek it can mean that, that mouth
26:48 was speaking arrogant words, namely blasphemies.
26:54 Why is that so?
26:56 Because if you go to the Old Testament
26:57 there is only one entity that was speaking great words
27:01 and that's Lucifer himself.
27:03 If you go to the Book of Isaiah chapter 14,
27:05 Ezekiel Chapter 28, great things,
27:08 what, it's not great things
27:10 that the person make great speeches.
27:12 It means great things that pertain to God there.
27:15 This power claims the quality with God.
27:19 By the way, it showed here in this blasphemies.
27:23 The question is, what are the blasphemies?
27:26 Of course today we can use our imaginations
27:29 and we can, each one of us
27:31 can have different interpretations
27:33 but we have to go to the New Testament
27:36 and to find out really what blasphemy meant at the time
27:41 when the New Testament was written.
27:44 The similar text I'd like to remind you.
27:46 The first text is in Gospel of John 10:33.
27:51 Please, I'd like to go and to read this text
27:53 because this is very important for the identification of this,
27:58 of this political power, okay.
28:00 So the Gospel of John 10:33, let's read what we have there,
28:07 let's see what blasphemy meant, okay.
28:10 Chapter 10 verse 33,
28:12 and Jesus said, okay, to the Jewish readers,
28:17 okay, for a good work. No, sorry, sorry.
28:21 The Jews actually said to Jesus,
28:24 okay, who ask Him why do you hate me?
28:27 Why do you want to destroy me?
28:28 And the Jews said to Jesus,
28:30 "For a good work we do not stone You,
28:33 but for blasphemy,
28:35 because You, being a man make yourself to be God."
28:41 We're not dealing here with the theology of this text.
28:44 Was Jesus God? Did He do blasphemy?
28:47 He did not do blasphemy
28:49 but Jews, they considered Jesus to be mere man, okay.
28:55 And they said, "You're a man and you claim to be God,"
28:59 that's a blasphemy. Are you still with me?
29:01 Let's go to another text
29:03 which is the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 26.
29:07 The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 26.
29:12 okay, The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 26.
29:15 Let's read verse, okay, 33 to 35.
29:21 Keep in mind that Jesus is there
29:23 on the trial before His crucifixion, okay.
29:27 He's before the high priest in the trial.
29:30 But Jesus kept silent and the high priest said to Jesus,
29:34 "I adjure you by the living God, that you tell us
29:37 whether you are the Christ the Son of God."
29:40 Are you still with me?
29:41 Because Jesus claimed so many times
29:43 to be Son of God during His ministry.
29:45 And Jesus said, "You have said it yourself.
29:48 Nevertheless, I'm telling you, you will see the Son of Man
29:52 sitting at the right hand of Power,
29:54 and coming on the clouds of the heaven."
29:56 You don't see anything significant here.
29:58 Actually in Greek its identical quotation
30:02 from Daniel Chapter 7 about the Son of Man,
30:04 you remember that coming before the ancient of the day.
30:07 It's their actuations
30:09 and for Jews this statement was very, very important
30:12 with reference to the Messiah.
30:14 When the high priest heard that, he tore his robes and he said,
30:18 he has blasphemed.
30:19 What further need do we witnesses,
30:22 behold you have heard though blasphemy.
30:24 What was the blasphemy?
30:25 That Jesus claimed to be God, the Son of God.
30:28 So we, we get now the first key.
30:31 When this beast is speaking blasphemies,
30:34 what does it mean?
30:37 Claiming to be God, to take the place of God.
30:40 But there is also another aspect
30:42 of blasphemy in, in the New Testament.
30:46 I'd like you to turn to the Gospel of Mark 2:7.
30:50 The Gospel of Mark 2:7.
30:54 Again the Pharisees,
30:57 okay, they're talking about the Jesus and they said,
31:00 "Why does this men speak that way?
31:03 He's blaspheming!
31:04 Who can forgive sins but God alone?"
31:08 What is another aspect of blasphemy
31:10 in the New Testament?
31:12 When the person claims the prerogatives of God
31:15 specially to forgive sins that only God can forgive.
31:20 Do we get to know little bit closer picture of what
31:24 or who this political power or the sea beast is all about?
31:30 Okay, one more time.
31:33 This power is the successor of the Roman Empire.
31:36 Are you still with me?
31:38 It's a political power.
31:40 At certain point of history, this political power is killed.
31:47 Does not have a power in the world.
31:49 But at the time of the end,
31:51 this political power will comeback to life.
31:55 But in describing the activities of this beast
31:57 is that this political power has the same,
32:02 the same desire, the same inspiration
32:05 as the Satan in the Old Testament
32:07 to be equal to God.
32:08 And actually it is expressed,
32:10 it is expressed in terms of the blasphemy
32:13 that this power claimed to be God,
32:17 okay, and claim that it was given to that power,
32:23 the prerogatives of God like to forgive,
32:27 to forgive the sins.
32:28 But there is much more, there is much more, okay.
32:32 Verse 6, verse 6, "And he opened his mouth
32:36 in blasphemies against God," against God.
32:40 We saw what is blasphemy against God.
32:43 Okay, to claim equality, equality to God.
32:47 But says, "To blaspheme his name,
32:50 and his tabernacle."
32:52 So this power trying to take
32:55 the name of God upon itself, okay.
32:59 But second thing is that this power
33:01 somehow try to mess up
33:04 what Jesus Christ is doing in the heavenly sanctuary.
33:07 What is Jesus doing here--
33:09 there in the heavenly sanctuary?
33:11 Providing for him the sin for us,
33:13 but this power says, I can forgive sins.
33:15 This is what blasphemy is all about.
33:17 I can forgive sins.
33:18 You don't need that sanctuary there in heaven.
33:21 And says also blasphemies
33:23 against those who dwell in heaven.
33:27 Who are those who dwell in heaven?
33:28 Let me remind you one more time,
33:30 in the Book of Revelation,
33:32 God's people are the heaven dwellers. Amen.
33:36 That always goes who dwell there in the heavenly,
33:40 in the heavenly places.
33:42 Actually in the Revelation 14:1, we'll see as this beast
33:48 is forcing the inhabitants of this world
33:50 to accept the Mark of the Beast.
33:51 God's people are on the Mount of Zion
33:55 there before the throne of God.
33:57 Apostle Paul talks in Ephesians 2:6 and 19
34:01 that God's people because they are redeemed by Christ.
34:04 They are already there in the heavenly places,
34:08 that they're reigning with Jesus Christ
34:11 there on His throne.
34:14 That salvation is secured there before God.
34:17 So this beast, this political power
34:21 also tries to mess up with God's people.
34:25 By the way in the light of what,
34:28 we have the description there of the power of the little horn.
34:31 It means, it persecute God's people
34:34 because this people have chosen
34:36 to follow God and His commandments.
34:38 And what God is asking them actually to do.
34:41 By the way let me remind you one more time.
34:45 If you really want to understand little bit
34:47 about this power, this is the same power.
34:49 And please I would like to allow you to go back
34:51 one more time to 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.
34:55 Apostle Paul, the Book of Revelation
34:58 is not only a book dealing with that.
35:00 Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2--
35:04 actually he talks about the same power,
35:07 the same activities.
35:08 So please would you, would you, would you go with me.
35:10 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2, Paul said in verse 3.
35:15 "Let no one in any way deceive you,
35:18 for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first,
35:21 and the man of lawlessness is revealed,
35:24 the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself
35:29 above every so-called God or object of worship,
35:32 so that he takes his seat in the temple of God,
35:36 displaying himself as being God."
35:39 And then Paul said, "Do not remember
35:41 that while I was still with you,
35:42 I was telling you these things."
35:44 And you know what restrains him now,
35:46 so that in his time he will be revealed.
35:50 What is that that was restraining
35:52 this apostasy to appear in the Christian church
35:54 is the Roman Empire.
35:57 It's actually the fall of the Roman Empire
35:59 that opened the door that this political power
36:03 that that is mentioned here in Revelation 13
36:05 now could come to that political power.
36:08 And then Paul says in verse 7,
36:09 "For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work,
36:13 only he who now restrains will do so
36:15 until he is taken out of the way."
36:17 And then he says, "Then the lawless one
36:20 will be revealed whom the Lord will slay
36:22 with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end
36:26 by the appearance of His coming."
36:31 Okay friends, for we now comes
36:37 the most difficult portion of this.
36:41 Because I know that there are many faithful Christians
36:44 they're are watching this program.
36:46 And we live today in the 21 century
36:50 when people try to forget the past.
36:55 And many bad things have happened in the past
36:57 now to beautify and nothing happened.
37:00 It happened so with the Holocaust.
37:01 It happens with everything.
37:03 But I'm sorry this has nothing to do with the good Christians
37:07 who really sincerely and they want to server God.
37:10 But we really simply want to find out
37:12 how this prophecy was fulfilled in the past.
37:17 So there are few things that we have to keep in mind.
37:19 We're dealing here with the political power, okay,
37:23 that dominated the western world
37:26 after the fall of the Roman Empire.
37:30 How long, how long
37:34 did this political power exercise its authority?
37:39 By the way I have now to mention something else.
37:43 This is the political power.
37:44 This is what the beast is all about.
37:47 But when you read the clear description
37:49 of these beasts in the Revelation 13,
37:51 you'll see that this political power is really--
37:56 also a religious power as much.
38:02 It tried to take the place of God
38:06 to provide the forgiveness of sin
38:08 that only God can do.
38:10 It wants to mess up with heavenly sanctuary there.
38:13 Are you still with me?
38:14 And persecuted God's people.
38:16 For how long?
38:18 For the period of 42 months or 1260 days
38:24 or time to times and half of time.
38:27 We already saw that this three time designations
38:31 in the Book of Daniel and in the Book of Revelation
38:34 are the only places where they are mentioned
38:38 and always with reference to one and the same thing is,
38:41 is the antichrist power that dominated the secular world
38:48 during the medieval period and persecuted God's people.
38:52 And please let me deal a little bit
38:55 with the principles of biblical prophecies.
38:59 Do remember when we started the series at the very beginning
39:03 I think it was our second or third presentations
39:06 please I forgot when it was.
39:08 Remember what we discovered that in the Book of Revelation
39:11 the things that John saw in the vision
39:14 all those things were shown to him by means of symbol.
39:17 Do you remember that?
39:19 So we see here, please I need now really your attentions.
39:23 We saw that the beast is not the real beast
39:25 that will come out of the real sea.
39:29 The sea signifies the human society, okay.
39:34 The beast is the symbol of the political power.
39:38 Even the description of the beast,
39:39 everything is symbolic based on the base of Daniel
39:42 and many Christians they'll recognize it
39:45 except in one point.
39:47 When they come to this time designation of 42 months
39:50 and they say this is literal.
39:52 Friends, you've to understand that in the Book of Revelation
39:56 even that the time designation is symbolic.
40:01 Let me explain it in more details.
40:04 You know, today we live in the modern world,
40:07 we try to be literalistic as much as we can.
40:11 But in the Old Testament when people spoke in symbol
40:16 very often they used one day as a symbol for a year.
40:23 I know, I lived,
40:25 actually I was born and I grew up eating some culture.
40:29 People never talk about how many years they have to live.
40:32 They always talk about how many days they have to live.
40:34 People move to another place they ask
40:36 how many days do you plan to spend there
40:38 and he said 20 years.
40:40 Are you still with me?
40:41 People always referred to years in terms of days.
40:45 By the way now there are many texts
40:48 in the Old Testament that I can refer to.
40:50 If you go Psalms 90, David said,
40:55 "Our days are counted before God."
40:58 He meant actually years.
41:00 So, especially in biblical prophecy,
41:02 in biblical prophecies a day is used
41:07 as the symbol for a year, okay.
41:12 This is very, very important that we keep in mind here.
41:17 So when we're dealing here
41:20 with a power, okay,
41:25 that will do all this things, messing up with God's plan.
41:29 We have a 42 months
41:33 or we have a period of 1260 days
41:39 and there is that third expression, okay,
41:43 which goes in this way, okay,
41:46 One plus, two times
41:52 and plus in half, okay.
41:57 Okay, which really means two years,
42:00 one year, two years and half the year.
42:03 If you put it into days
42:05 you get the same number of days, 1260 days.
42:10 So now there is questions.
42:12 This is very important for understanding
42:14 of this, of this power.
42:16 So what are we talking here about?
42:18 Prophet Daniel in Chapter 7.
42:20 He talks about the same thing,
42:22 talking about the same power,
42:23 the same time designation what we're talking about.
42:28 Well, the histories interpreters,
42:32 they concluded on the base of all those informations
42:36 that we have here that after the fall of the Roman Empire
42:40 there was only one religious political power
42:43 that nominated the western world.
42:45 It was the Christian church.
42:48 I call it in my, in my commentary
42:51 the Ecclesiastical Christianity. What do we mean?
42:54 The Christianity that became an institution.
42:57 But that power, okay, that dominated
43:01 the Christian world had the leader, okay,
43:05 in the form of the Roman papacy,okay
43:09 that dominated the Christian world.
43:11 Friends, it is not my purpose now
43:14 that I provide to you all the evidences for that.
43:17 Actually any history book, any history book
43:21 so clearly talks about what was going on
43:23 during the medieval period.
43:24 Keep in mind I'm European. You see my heavy accent.
43:28 If you go there it's still so fresh in the minds of people
43:31 what was going on during the medieval period.
43:34 You who live in Asia you don't know about dark middle ages
43:39 because in Asia they don't have dark middle ages,
43:42 they have the medieval period
43:44 when science flourished, when civilization flourished.
43:47 But in Europe that was the dark middle ages, okay.
43:51 So the Christians they concluded,
43:52 they had hard time to locate, okay, these days.
43:56 So they concluded that this power came,
43:58 rightly they concluded, in the year 1798
44:02 with Napoleons commander in chief of that year
44:06 took the Pope from Vatican and put him in the exile
44:09 and marking the end of the dominion of these
44:13 religious political power during medieval period.
44:15 So if you now take this date deduct 1260 years
44:21 what date do you get?
44:22 The year 538.
44:25 And really people have a problem
44:26 what really happened in the year 538.
44:28 I don't want to go, I'm leaving that to historians
44:30 but we have at Andrews University
44:33 a doctoral dissertation written that shows
44:35 that by the year 538 the stage was set.
44:42 The Pope by that time was fully established
44:45 and recognized as the political leader in Europe.
44:49 Are you still with me?
44:51 So that the year 538 really can take rightly
44:55 and consider rightly as the beginning
44:57 of this prophetic period of 1260 days.
45:01 Are you still with me?
45:03 So we're dealing with the period
45:05 from the year 538 AD to the year 1798, okay,
45:11 of the paper dominium
45:15 over the western world there in Europe.
45:18 When this prophecy from Revelation Chapter 13
45:21 was accurately fulfilled almost in all, in all details.
45:26 So what happened in 1798,
45:29 actually this religious political power
45:33 received the mortal wound was killed, okay.
45:39 Actually the papacy did not owned Vatican any longer.
45:44 There was no any influence in the world.
45:47 By the way that ancient tendency of the papacy
45:53 as the governing body of the Christian church
45:55 during all those centuries was the best expressed
45:59 in modern times by the Pope Leo XIII
46:02 that's he understand the Book of Revelation says,
46:04 "We the pope hold up on this earth
46:07 the place of God, the almighty."
46:10 I believe, we don't need to go.
46:12 I don't want now to go about negative things about anybody
46:15 but we cannot deny
46:16 the historical reality what happened.
46:19 Are you still with me?
46:21 This is what, what indeed happened, okay.
46:24 But, friends, this is not the most important
46:26 in the Book of Revelation.
46:27 Why we're talking about this?
46:30 Is because what will happen in the future.
46:33 And according to the Book of Revelation
46:37 the time is coming.
46:39 That these beast that is killed, it's still killed.
46:42 We live in the time and this beast is killed.
46:43 We do not have persecution by Roman papacy
46:47 or by the Christian church in any Christian country.
46:48 We don't have it.
46:50 But according to the Book of Revelation
46:52 the time is coming when this system,
46:56 this institution will comeback to life again
47:02 and what happened during the medieval period,
47:05 it will happen again at the time of the end.
47:09 But please I'd like you to pay
47:11 something now in Revelation Chapter 13.
47:15 What will happen, what will happen
47:19 when these oppressive religious political rule, okay,
47:25 finally comes back, back, back to life.
47:29 You see, this rule was killed
47:31 with events of French Revolution.
47:33 When the traditional God centered theology
47:35 that dominated the western world for more than 1000 years
47:39 was replaced by the human center
47:41 and not the realistic outlook
47:42 that dominated the western world for those centuries.
47:46 But the Book of Revelation is telling us
47:48 something will happen at the time of the end.
47:51 Please, will you go with me to verse 8,
47:58 "And all those who dwell on the earth will worship him,
48:04 everyone whose name has not been written
48:07 from the foundation of the world
48:10 in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain."
48:17 I'd like you that you pay attention
48:19 something here in the text.
48:22 Can you go with me?
48:23 Just to make a little bit put into the fifth gear.
48:26 I'll travel through Revelation 13,
48:28 I want you and I hope that our viewers
48:31 who will also try to observe something important.
48:35 I like you that you see about the usage of the tenses.
48:39 You know tenses? Past, present or future.
48:42 Let's go from Revelation 13:2, it says,
48:47 "And the beast which I saw was like the leopard.
48:52 The dragon gave him power and the throne and authority.
48:55 Verse 3, "I saw one of the heads
48:58 as if they had been slain," okay.
49:00 "And the mortal wound was healed.
49:03 The whole earth was amazed.
49:05 They worshipped the dragon
49:07 that was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words."
49:10 He open mouth, verse 6 blasphemies against God.
49:15 Verse 7, "It was given to him
49:16 to make war with the saints to overcome them,
49:19 and authority over every tribe
49:20 and people and tongue and nation was given to him."
49:23 They're talking about the medieval period
49:25 of the great persecution of God's people.
49:27 What tense is used here?
49:29 It's always past.
49:31 They call it the prophetic past.
49:33 For John what he saw it was still in the future
49:36 but when his in the vision, okay,
49:39 because he is in the mood,
49:41 he's in the state of the time of the end,
49:43 so all of these activities are in the past.
49:45 Are you still with me?
49:46 But now I'll like you to notice something
49:48 that happens in verse 8.
49:51 "And all those could dwell on the earth"
49:55 what do you have there,
49:56 "Will worship him, all those whose names
50:00 are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain
50:04 from the foundation of the world."
50:06 Can you see the difference?
50:08 Suddenly from the past John moves to the future.
50:14 He's telling us, do you see that all this previous verses,
50:18 verse 7 are talking about the activities of the beast
50:21 during which period.
50:22 By the way we'll try to illustrate on the blackboard
50:25 in our, our next presentation.
50:27 The activities of the beast that are presented
50:29 here in first seven verses are activities
50:31 during the prophetic 1260 day period.
50:35 Are you still with me?
50:37 At the end of this period
50:39 the beast will receive the mortal wound.
50:40 Are you still with me?
50:43 The beast will be killed.
50:44 But then what will happen?
50:46 The mortal wound will be healed.
50:48 And the mortal wound will be healed what happens?
50:52 It will provoke the admiration of all the people on the earth.
50:56 Are you still with me?
50:58 Now at this point the description
51:03 of these religious political power is concluded,
51:05 so now people will say, what's the big deal.
51:09 The mortal would will be healed.
51:12 But you know what is the question
51:13 that our readers of the Book of Revelation are asking?
51:19 How will the mortal wound be healed?
51:24 What will cause the healing of this mortal wound?
51:28 Why suddenly the healing of the mortal wound
51:30 would provoke such a great amazement,
51:33 admiration of inhabitants of this world?
51:38 You see, friends, praise God
51:39 that we have the second part of Revelation Chapter13.
51:44 Because without that our understanding
51:47 of the biblical prophecies would be very, very weak.
51:50 So there is a question, let me go back
51:52 one more time to the question.
51:54 How will the mortal wound be healed?
51:56 Now John is using the future tense.
51:58 He's moving now to the future, okay,
52:00 to the very time of the end.
52:02 How will the mortal wound be healed?
52:05 What will provoke the healing of the mortal wound?
52:09 What is that that will provoke
52:10 the amazement of the entire world?
52:14 And John is giving us the answer that the time of the end
52:20 there is another political entity
52:24 that will appear on the scene.
52:28 You see, this beast is powerless.
52:31 It received the mortal wound. It's dead.
52:33 Does not have too much influence in the world.
52:36 Yeah, it has big mouth but short hands.
52:39 Are you still with me?
52:41 And no power and authority--
52:43 but the Book of Revelation is telling us
52:46 that the time of the end another political power
52:50 will step on the scene and that power
52:53 will cause the healing of that mortal wound.
52:57 That power will make the sea beast
53:01 with the same authority that the beast had
53:04 during the medieval period.
53:05 Are you still with me?
53:06 And that this new power actually will be responsible
53:11 and we'll be the key actor in the end time scenario.
53:16 So since we have two, three minutes,
53:17 I'd like to make a good introduction to that.
53:20 Please would you turn with me to Revelation Chapter 13?
53:25 We're still in Chapter 13,
53:27 it's in verse 11, okay. In verse 11.
53:32 "Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth,
53:38 and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke as a dragon."
53:45 Hey, I now, I must find out how good is my audience here.
53:53 Okay, do you remember we already tried to understand
53:58 the meaning of the symbol of the beast.
54:01 It's a political power.
54:02 We don't have a problem with that.
54:04 But it says, did you notice,
54:06 that's why the first beast came out of the sea
54:11 coming out of the disturbed human society so, okay,
54:15 from the turmoil of the human society.
54:18 You'll notice that this second beast came out of the earth.
54:25 This is your final exam.
54:29 What is the fact, the meaning of this fact
54:33 that this beast arises, comes out of the earth.
54:44 Actually it's definite article, the earth,
54:46 because John wants to tell us.
54:48 Do you remember in the Revelation Chapter 12.
54:51 When Satan almost destroyed the church
54:54 that the new entity appear on the world stage.
54:59 A friendly earth that actually provides a refuge to the church,
55:04 save the church from Satan's effort to destroy it, okay.
55:12 That earth that is so friendly from the church
55:14 and save the church from Satan.
55:16 It is actually out of this friendly earth,
55:20 I mean the earth friendly to the church.
55:22 Are you still with me?
55:24 Now this second beast comes out.
55:33 Can you say, wow?
55:37 That's something that we did not expect.
55:40 But not only that how they described this beast.
55:45 It says that this beast,
55:46 this beast has two horns like a lamb.
55:51 In the Book of Revelation the lamb,
55:54 are you still with me, lamb
55:56 is used exclusively for Jesus Christ
55:59 except in this case.
56:00 Twenty seven times the word lamb is used.
56:03 It's always with reference to Jesus Christ.
56:07 So when John says that this beast
56:09 had the two little horns like a lamb.
56:13 It's another way is that this political entity
56:17 is in the Christian robe.
56:19 Somehow it resembles the authority
56:21 and power of Jesus Christ.
56:24 Are you still with me?
56:27 The question is what entity in history
56:32 fits the description of the earth beast?
56:35 There is one thing you'll notice.
56:38 When we're talking about the first beast,
56:40 this first beast has a long history of activities.
56:45 Minimum 1260 days.
56:49 Are you still with me?
56:50 But about this second power,
56:54 this power does not have any historical pedigree.
56:57 It's a brand new power
56:59 that appear at the time of the end.
57:01 When, when?
57:03 At the time after the first beast
57:08 received the mortal wound.
57:10 Oh, boy, we're now coming to very interesting subject.
57:14 You see God knew what will happen in the future
57:18 and that's why we're studying these biblical prophecies.
57:21 The purpose of these prophecies is to tell us
57:24 that we have to study them, not to be surprised
57:27 because God in His care for us.
57:29 He wanted to reveal us, to us,
57:31 to bring us closer to Himself
57:34 and tell us don't be deceived.


Revised 2014-12-17